“mam“ i A It. “runni—Wo lélin ’ on UN Shiymburg Mm that sum ahead; ng gen uunu ohjm. plan have formed sycom'pny _lor mjurpow ar «mm min; a minufn‘ctory‘ otghngmugko'xbnry, lawn-Influx éoumy. The New hing—“The: have purchaled ’s _.lsrgv nu; orhpd upon which in found llmosl en:- l'! allay! Timmy. for flu mnuulncmring of glut. Tinbulm Hut community in übundnnt which will qfl'ord «help run! with the nddltio n« a! Idvanugc of übel u u. pub-tip“ for pot: uh. The Illcr powtru excellenl. . But wk“ 1. of primsry uunsmefilion is (lag [nub-ammo quantity of nuperlor und- “‘an upon the lu'd' purchased. These uni: h‘ore Peel) and; :94 find pronounced so be upon; the‘bc-l in Penn 'lylvpnh. The 'cumplny prbfiom I]. In eurly d-y‘ Input into operniuu tinge ruruncu upon tho prank" and idnpl uiouco the latest ,fm pmuflunu'kuuwn w ug‘iflhhweuu or my. and" ' , 3 * --—~‘~—— -0. pk ”1" T 1: 76- 'l‘n.—A certain Mr. Robert. Th‘otp u, relidlng aomewhere in the wenorn rec. Ilon of um Slatedbnvin" ndvertlred His wife Babeccs n “la-wing bin ' bed and; bond with pul jun cutie,” cautioning the public, M the “me lime, “not to trust her 'on. his uccount." Nu. Thom-I, eviiently not pleased :9 be no muddlud, segue» luck at her IpOUle‘ up lol lovn: ' ‘ , v“ . “‘ Inuit justily mylell’ by mtifig that had M‘reuonr larlmvlng. n he was so t-rosu an no one could do nnything 1.0 please him. BU turned us out to the muleuiem-i' ofihe wes thor sud 'rugo-d Ind stormed and threntcned null Iv” nfruid he would kill me. Ilznd'to work out in the fi: lrls for £3: Julie 0! keeping pence, qulill could not, an ,rgm’ler than fight vlth him I left his bed end bénrd. A; for the boat-6t Wu my own before mgrrylng him, and u tor lhc‘rourd it. fun po‘ur grub; but my tbonrdlng n all l got lor vigrL in doors and out. I caution 11l persons llolu buying any chum-bold property Imm him,»n lhe‘most In' Mr house I took lhrre.‘ As for trusting me on bl: account I dml‘t thank ‘qny one lot- to doing {or 1 uvuyl lmul good t'rt‘dlt nun-11. I ueVer llnd well a life ,nsl l hp'te [or tlm lnsl: frw pontln und 3,: ~l have defiant relations to live among, [ thougllt I would better mynlt‘thun I'm: with him, and ull tll‘ls I"an prove. Hr: mlde' lair other wife bu‘hoatfer, and burrow sup go to mill wilh art nth us and everything pl men's vy’orkyundl Btu llpooltl lonutll work.” ,Bunn or Bump «The circulation in the ”lien: is in: unlike the 139»? of rivers to the nu, which 3mm: 11110911th gum they are club 3051 or oburuckd. But. when drift wgod of al depoli! damn them up, lhe'u comes the “I aevuuuon 11ml. folldws‘ the übafiuc (“on of I force which "quot. lug stand.’ So she blood circulates‘inlchlihly Lhruugh the ”gum until it {meme} glowed by diaeu‘e; ,gheu burn} out a}: ulcerl, 56:9» and disorders .\vhlcb follow that ~ondntiou. i‘uke Aycr's Sn}- upsmln ax'ah ppnfy 50m: 'lood. to anvoyouf ul! {rum thafiloodg, {Fanhe and danger; which Iwoep unnul byred mum! des out. upon xthgt liorelou ugh hlxich ‘swul ma nil mankind.— Lauaulrr (Finn) liq/Sour. . A .e-Johu‘ Kline died .‘w Walker 1066 mm, Juni-ln count’y, Pm, aged 101 years 9 months :ml ,lan”. - , ‘ , - Nbah Walker 8c ‘OO., - CLOTMIBR-s'. : -' _ VX'ASHIXGTOS BUILDIXG, pa an M] gunman: 31:11:sz, leap coplmitly on hlamg a. luggud wal u. ”runway: in w king. 91 good. 33. moderate Eli= They ”app.” mule‘i-u Pox-Mu finest. to the 90"!" prinefi'la-niole, eithcr' ready made qr mud. to mcaifurf‘fi? vulny pm 06111.? counuy. They keep Enla‘é “L extensive flock a! FURN- gSHING (AQGD§, ei‘fi'mmcing e‘vgry article of hentlenxen‘s:Unfit-lye“. Also, MHJTARY' mama und‘v. 'cry anxiety of mum; .Trim phage, ns welllv if an I‘uQrth chk of READ)? ' ‘ \-‘ awn MILITARY GOODS BnllimoreflFeb. 22, 186:1 Great Attraécgmn ‘ T J'BI'NKBRHUF‘F’S 0 EA? CLOTHING} ANDFURNISBING STORE. at ihe North“ at Corner 6f Hm Diamond. The subscriber 5n conntantly in receibt of fresh goods from the tum-n cities. Bis nook of . READY-MADE CLOTH-INC: T in one of the largest and most attractive, as .well a: the cheapest establishment of the kind 5n the country. You‘ will there find COATS, PA TS AND VESTS, made up’ ‘in the 'most 1:: ionmhlo styles, sud of the best mlteriala, pf lsizer ind prices, for men and buyer. 'jflontlomrn’s iurniohiug good: of nvnry descrip aion, Wool ‘Bhiru, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino, {Wool and button Drawers” Hosiery ofevcry description, fuck-Ikifl. Merino nnd‘ Cotton Gloves, Hand erchieis. Neck ma, Grunts, Linen ‘nnd Paper Delhi's, Ban, ps, Boom and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks. anicea, Carpet Bags, Clethea And She: Bryshes, Hair and Tootli Brushes, 18h” Blanking, PocketAand Drelsing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, ,Gunl,‘ Pistols, Violin: and Violin 'Stringa, Sonpl nnd Phflnmey‘es, Stationery of all kinds, I’ocket Kuivei, Smoking nndAChewing Tuhuc co, Pipes, nn c'xtra quality of Sagan. In fact, hil Itock embraces everything usually found in hfirst clau furnishing store. I invite the sttentlnn ofnll to come and sec for themselfles, u lam determined to~sell goods lower t an any other estnmishmentin the country. Don’t [orget the place. Corner of York street and fill Diamond. JACOB BRINKEBUUFF. ' July 6, last. Herbst’s Lina. . ’ r- f . -. n- -. ~.- ‘~;'!,;K»,I-::,r._5;=:,‘;:: ft: 88 pndenigned would inform the {inhlic £1“ he in still running I line of FREIGHT, , _ (tom Geuysbnrg to Bullirfiore every , pick. He in prepared to convey Freighteither Filth my quantity. He mllnund. nfdeuired, _lo )3)! making of purchase: in the city, ud‘dg. ivrzing the good: promptly ,nt Gellyshurg.— $3O (in: run m the Warehouse 04.]. H. Bosley 30} S9M strut, Bulfimprr. Ha ‘luvnes the “union of mo pubfic rm his line, assuring than that. he will nip-re uu efl‘orl lo “mumm ’ls}. :11 who may putmaiu him. ‘ _ 1 . . spmu 1:531:31: BAY W‘kNTED. yo highfit prick paid ‘ [argued Tingnthy, . _\ ‘ s 11.». I‘. 186-4. ss* 1 , New Bakery 1 fiWPORT 0 1156588, Xecluuiaal 381;. «9. South Wunhiugton urea, mm square 90 ,Efigll Hotel, GETTYSBURG. Pu..— ufinnfly bu ‘hund, the but at BREAD, BEACHES} CAKES, FRETZELS, ac. Pur yon'o winhi fresh Brady“! hegvnud even} ‘ ‘ 1: guy”; «bait mum and fedtjcncf-a m. in” “ion undo to please 9‘” 93 8 call} [April 20, ‘63. _n Give Him a can 1. ' to bu” f tPh t h b 11333 ffianadpiirnfie $353511; a 1%” “fig gnaw, {in Kiddlv strpeit. . ‘ ' 03°“! 9? .Oloninz. I new supp! “ My»); 9.43.5253 0,0,5 Elma, EDE Row _& Woods, GETTYSBURG. ‘ ' ' WAR AaAmsr 11le mess: b Whén we Lu, wo'wlll all good: u. - REDUCED Pawns we mun vb-t w; In] Ind um! db 1:. ' We hep conlunt‘ly on has n Ergo luau menu of ‘ ‘ which 'wm be sold him-pey- ‘lhin \I.; can' b: bought. alsewh‘r re. - Qur usorfmanl of “ ‘ . x \ " BOQTS AND SHOES ‘ for men, women {and childnn, in nude “1‘ ol the but qualitiu’nnd Itylu, 3nd lold chap. . Our uwckylulsli in put 0! . - HATS. \ SEGABS, CAPS, L TUB who. BOUTS. , IHVDKERCIHEFS, HHUES. STUCK .\'GS, Tamxx, ,GLUVES. CA KPH? SACKS, WINDOW PAPER, GUI” SHOES, ~ WHIPS. _. BUFFALO SHOES, CURSETS, ‘ UNDEBSIHRTSK POCKET fiOOKS,’ VIOLINS, “711538, ; VIOLIN BOWS, . IuZORS, ’ , “ HTRINGS, ’ STRA PS, ACCORDEUNSy .. PUUKE’I‘KMVES, COLLARS, SI‘SPENDERS,‘ hMJK-TIER, CORK SULES, UMBRELLAS, £41., am, #2., 42.“ ac ’ ‘ \ mm {a \quS. Jan. 2, H 385. ‘ ‘ ' FE Humbug. HAMBERSBURG ST. ALWAYS "ABEL-I). C —THIS WA‘Y FUR BARGAINS.—JOH L. HOLTZWORI'H has just returned from tha C-ily wflh the iurgsat nnd most complete ausortf went m HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, that has been brought. to,“ this luwu since (hr war. Hi 3 stock i~ not onb' aompleté, but is (£OOO and CHEAP embracing every \arivly (jf Boots nnd Shoes tor Men and ’Buys. “his! :hr Lndicavwm find Her) thing: in their line, from thv finest Guile: In Ihr I‘m-mien, Shoe. Children‘s Shoe-i 0! every deatnpnou, in great \ariely. Also, Ln dlrs'flnts, fine qnu-hu‘, and Children‘s Huts, ‘ol'ull slylrs sud prim-a. .\‘lsu, Trunks, Cur pet Bags; \uiiucs. l‘mlm-hus, Gloves. Stat-Iv lags, ’l‘obncce, Uigus,an§ Nations 0: any description. , p , fies-Dunk. Telnet IL: yluue. Chnmbrraburg street, opposit'é Uu‘ Lutheran Uhun’u, Geuys~ burg, Pa. ' JOHN-L. HQUI'Z\\'URTH? . .\ov.21;1884. u ‘ . , Universal [Clothes Wrmger. ELF~A DJUSTINH AND A DJUB‘TABLK’, S Wl'l‘ll PUG-WHEEL;REGULATOR run‘sur. n = ‘ SHE'ADbf A: BUBBLER, . Gur'rysamm. PA. LiFrom innumerable rewmme'udafions, we, Esther Ihgfollowmg: -' : A LelLqr from Hrs. Henry Ward Beecher. in mm. I nm‘musl happv x" spank in the very luigfi est itrms of the “ Univcmul Clothes Wringer." Tlghnrdeu part of “naming-day" work is, in my opmiun, the wringing; and the‘invenlor of this machine may have the autxsfnction of l'reXing that. M hnsdmnged one of the most toilsommpnru of woman's work into n vary summits guuuielnvm. The lunndress looks upon it an: gram. Meisiqg. i look upon it an among the most. unet'u-l articles in the, house. BrnokLLn, October, 13:51. .5 _ Price—J 00. f [311; 2, 1864.“ New Goods l-rLagge Stock! EBCIIANT TAILURING.' ~ I JACOBS 8t BRO; ave-just. rem-iwd from the‘ cirjcs a largéksfinck or goods {:1- GSnLIemL-u's Near; _euthcing 3 vunely o ' ' _‘ . JCX.U%IS, .‘, .- A 4 , mssmanss, 2, ‘ - » _ ' ~ .\‘ESTmzs, Cusqincts, Jehns, &c.. with many other good; for sprmg nn_d bummer wenr. M They are prepared to make up garments at the ahnnesl notice, and in the very best man: MT. The Fashion: are regularly received, and clothing nude in any deified stj'le. Tin-y nl. wayxmuke {mic fits, wlnlslthcir sewing is sure to be subsfnmial. BAJ‘TIMORE, They and: a continuance of lh'e pnhlic’s pa tronage, resolved by goud work upd moderate churges to earn it. ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Gettysburg, ~3er 7, 1862. o _ .__, _ . ”km E. 8: IL T. Authonyfiz 00.," ANL’FAUTURERS 0F PIICTUGRAPHIC DI MATERIALS. WHOLESALE mu RETAIL. 50! BRUiDWAY,‘ N. Y.~—lu addition to our main bus“ as; of Photographic Materials, we are Headquarters for the followizig, viz: STEREOSCUPES A: STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS QlMLheae we [mm an immense assortment, including War Swims, American nut}. Foreign Cilia: ‘un-I LandnwluespGr-uupfl. Statuary, dun, to. Alan, 111-whim; Stereoscopea, fur public or mingle exhibilion. Ulir Catalogue will be sent. to any nddrass on revfipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPH]: AL‘BUMSu—We were the' first to introduce these into’ the L'l'litrd Slules, and we manufmture, im‘mense quantitiu in great. uriety, rau‘ging‘ in price from 50 cents Lo $5O euch. Our ALBUMS have the; reputa tion ofbeing superior in benuty and dur'ubili (3' to any others. They will bef sent. by mail, “:09, cu receipr oHu‘ice. ‘\ . wl’ine Albums made to orders“ ' (‘ABD PHUTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue pow embrnqei over‘l-‘IVE THUUSANILdifl'eI-ent subjects ([0 which ad. ditious are continunlly being made) of PM. traits M‘Eminent Americans, km, vu: nbout 100 Masor-Ge'hergsla, 550 Salesman, 20b Brim-Generals, napkin”, ‘ 275 Colnnela, ' . 125 Authors,‘_ 100 Lieut.-Cclonels, , 4o Arlisurf 250 Othe: (Mficers, . , [25 Stage, _ 75 Navy Ofiicers, 50 Prominent Women ‘ 15’} Prom} xent Foreign Peru-nits. ’ 3,000 copie‘s of Works of Art, including re productions of the-nos! celebrated Engraving, Paintings. Statues, sm. Cumiogues sent .01 n-gelpt of Slump. 'An order for One Dozen Fianna frow‘our Cumlogue will be filled on the receipt. of $l.BO, and sent by mail, Free. Photographers and‘otherl ordering goods 0. U. D. will plousmnmit. twenty-five per cent. of the amount with their order. \ , E. J: H. T. ANTHONY & GO,, .\{anufacturers of Photographic Halerinls, ‘ V 501 Broadway, New York. lls-The prices _nnd quality of our good: canny: fail to suisfy. [.\'ov. 14, 1864. 6a , - 3 .7: A ‘ " __ __ - Lancaster Book Bmdery. HUN-GE “HART, A ' A ,r BOOK suvmm. Rub nun: BOOK nxuucruna, . ‘ ' ‘ “ ' LANCASTER, ‘PA. 2"“ and Omamz'ntal Binding, of .every de rlnription, executed in the moat. substantial uni approved styles. - ' _ . wunuwn. - E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lsucuur W. L. Pen er, Esq., Ltucuter County Bgnk Samuel slook, 15qu Columbia Bunk. ‘ SsmnelAVaguer, Esq., York Bank. . William Wagner, Esg.. York County Bub. . T. D. Cnruon, Esq” Bank of Gettysburg, Pm: Martin, 3311., Protb'y oJ'Lnncaster co., Pl Gen. 0. Haithoru, Esq., Refine: “ “ Geo. I\'hitson,‘an., Recomer “ “ Aprills.lB6l W. FLEHSHNG continues the basin” A. of SALE (IRVING. and sulicits (bacon. tiuuvd patronage of the public. It is hie can. aunt egndeevor to give eetiet‘nction. Cbfirgu. moderate. Residence in Breck‘mr'dge street, Gettysburg. \ , P.‘S.—-He is a “vented Auctioneer, under the. Tux Law of the omm; «Sm-c 3. , Nor. n, 1863. ‘ . HILADELPHIA. PA..—— Diuuea of the P humus, Seminal, Urinary aud‘Sezunl Mutants-new ‘nnd rqlinbie Hellman-Gm rs poris of ,lb! HOWARD ASSOCIATIOH—uu: by mail j: unlgd latter enultapes, {m g! ehnrgi. Addre'ss, Dr. J. SKILLIN ROUGH. TON, noun-d Auncinxion, KO. 2 South Ninth 3mm, Phflndelphb, Pu. \ ‘ *‘ Aug. 8,1824. 1] . ‘ unjs yum-anon Inm' nu Pamesrm mac. 9; xxx-.3, gbfiiwfi Jug Sfim- ‘ 4 ‘' , unis OF ALL STYLES, +. Sale Crying. Howard Association, CM FOUTZ’S A CELEBRATE!) 5 1 gum; and Game 3.ode ’ , These Powder! will strungth _ mxheSwmnch ‘ ’ , and Intestines, ‘, cleanse than 3‘ . , {mm oflensire 4 1 matter, And ; ~ I bring them to ~. ‘_’: .5 "2.33;: _., aheflllhyatnte. ’ _ ' Thm‘ Ire 9 Int: preventive of Lung Fever. and n vermin remedy in d 1 Diseases iucilwk w the Hum:l Inch u Glu den, fallow Wster. Dis -1 e m p o r, ronn d o r , H“. n v a I , Sluvering, Caught} FL» van, Lou udf A 'w an V 321“: Encr- KL «M- . . . . In poor, low-apxrxtcd annuals, It has tho mt beneficinl (fleet. _Tho nae ufthem improvm Ibo wind. strength en: the Appeliw, and gins-to the Home a fine, smooth and gION‘V skin—thus improv ing the appegranue, vigor and spirit of this noble animal The propertv 11m Pfflnh'x‘ “pomsses in hr ending -the qunnmy of Mum in Cons, gin. it. an importance uml \alue'Mxieh should place it in the ban-ls of every person keeping I Cow. By actual experiment itlms proven 11nd h win incrvwo the quanm) ct Milk and Cream twenty per cent, and umke the Butter fifm Ind sweet. In fatu'uiug (.‘uulr. it gift: them an appetite, loom»: their hide and make-1 them thrive muvh fuslur. ‘ ’ HOG S . In all Dimsnf _v - . ~ me Swine. Inch «1 ‘ @Fija’kfiWE-‘ii‘ .1 Coughs, Diners in 'l‘ “,. ~;;f§:;‘2s_ ‘ tho Lungs, Liver, ' ‘ 233* . :c. By putting \ ‘A‘fiw- ‘ pom half a paper 'i , - \ ml. paper of those , -.l—J‘gfis-b) Powders in a bar- r’.‘ : 2;.“1-3‘34 g ml of gum, the 95:" Afix‘ *1 above Diseased can be run-d or ('ulixrly pro vonled. . By‘ using (hose Pu“ ders {in} lidg Cholera an: be prevented. ' files 25 on. per Paper. or 5 Papers for $l. w mummy In' S. A. FOUTZ & BBQ, WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 118 Prankliu'St., Baltimore. Md. Fo‘r Sale by szgistn and Slurckmpefl throughou: the United Sums. FOP sale by A. D. Enabler, Gettysburg; Laughlin k Bushfield, Wheeling, Va; 0. C. Bender £OO.. Pmsbmg; Juhnsun, Huilqwuy & Cowdedfl’lliludclphia. Nov. ’lB, 1864. 1y ‘ . ~ GlObe Inn, you 31., um: TUE mu'wrm, ETTXSB U [lO, PA -—-Thu undersigned G would'most rcspcutl‘iilly imurm his nu merous friends and the public generally, ill.” be has purchased lhAt Inns: fislniuilslled and well known hotel, the “(llube Jun," in York sweet, Gettysburg, nml will sunre no efi'un to conduct it in.“ wanucr vlmL \ull not ‘dctrnrt from ils’ l'urmer high reputuion. His table “-1111 an the best Ihe market can Allard—his chamhtrs are spacious ulhl commxmblL-nnnd be has Aid in lor his bar :1 lull stack ul.‘ wines and liqunra. There is large stubllu; numbed to the Holt-l, Which Will be amended by atten tive hosders. It Will be In: unusual ”Memo! to render the lullesc satisfiwtigm Lo hi; gnosls, making his house as near a home to than: as possible. He asks n. shun: of the yublic’s pa tronage, determined as he is to deservca large part of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn" is in York street, but new the Diamond, in' Public Square. SASJL'EL WOLF. April 4, 1861. if ‘ Provision Store THE undersigned has opened,“ PROVISION. STORE at George Linlc's olnl stunt], in West Mlddlé elm-ct, vaahurg vellum he will always keep on hanwl. lur snlo, V BEEFZLMUTTUN, VEAL. l‘pliK. - . ’goumky, Awwcs; SWEET AND ‘ IRISH POTATOES, 0315 mm)“ BEETS, TURNIPS, wnh everything else in‘ the provigiu‘m line. . . i He will sell at small profits, and spare pa efl‘on {a piense. A ‘ 1"»: Callie, Hogs, Sheep. Calves, kc, wanted; for which the highest prices MIX he )‘lid. . ' JUEN LUIIIBECK. 1 0c!.g.17,1864. 1r New Tailoring Shams,“ remncm F. ECKENRODE FKSHIUNABLE TAILOR. n opt: =this method of informing 1145 friends and the public gene'mlly. that he bu opened n Nloring, establishment in Baltimore street Gettycburg. (lute Post Office.) near tbe‘Dim mond, where he is prepared to do all work in his line in the best manner, and to the satis faction of customers. He employs nuns but first class hands, and receiving THE FASHIONS REGULAELY, ‘ he on warrant fashionable fits and neat and substantial sewing. 'He asks a sham of the public’l patronage, promising to' spare no ef fort to deserve it. His chm-gas will always be found as moderate as thé times will allow. ' Cutting and Repairing done M the wanes"! notice. [Gettysburg April 7,1862. New Goods. EORGE ARNOLD has just (aceiverl from the city a large supply of CLOTHING, Man’s 3nd BoysJ wear,‘consisung of all kinds of COATS, PANTS,‘YESTB, SHIRTS, mesns, CRAVATS, - NECK TIES, GLOVES, HUSIEBY,‘&G. -•• & i 8 0 A large stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GASSINETS, JEANS, DRILLINGS, km, km, I“ of which will be sold as cheap as can be had elsewhere. Give us a call, and if We cari not plms you in a. suit remly inada we will take four measqre and muli‘e you up o‘ne in ‘ hon. notice. . [May 30, 1?“. Everhart's RANKLIN HOUSE, A conn or novnnn: rmxxmx snail, Burnout, mi This House is on a dxrect liue between the Northun Cantu] and Baltimore and Ohio Run road Depots; 1! [ma br'en refitted and cam.- {orubly nmnged for the convenience and ,1!» entertainment arguests. MQEsvfiww- - A V _ i - sun at Work. 1 mudenigned continues the ‘ T. CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, 1 in all its branches, 3: his oldvlund, in Eu! Middle all-eel, Gauyaburg. . 5 NEW Wonk made to order, And' , 1 . aEPAI n x N o ‘ done promptly and at low‘est prices. ‘ Two first)“. srmw “'AGONS :nd & SLEIGH for me. ‘ JACOB TRUXEL. Dec. 7. 1803 A . j ' Somstmng'for Everybody U BUY A'l‘ DB. R. 808-NEWS , DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— Just opened a fine uranium at . . Dmgs And Medicines, 0 Patent Medicine-l, ' summery; ‘~ ‘) Fancy Dr] Qoqdl, Confécgionnh. A , , Z‘Grocerién. ‘ _ ' 4 Notion, TOBACCO, SE‘GARS, tO. ‘ “In. 18, 1864. _ FIRST-RATE Eighhdny, Thlrf ihour Ind Alum Cinch. cheap]: ' PIEKJNQ’BJ gnornmm 0507 mm I—P‘xomyor a? good: jun opened. “in local. Slices ”I, sc. Rumpus? it yummy” -_,~` Mil AT THE"! new the system to , ll into disorder sud decay. The rcrot‘ulous contamination is \l— caused by Jllt‘rcul'lxl disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure nir, filth and filthy habits, the deprening vices, and, above I“, by the venereal infection. Whatever be it! origin. it is hcmlitury in the constitution, descending “from purenu to children unto the third and fourth generation;’.' indeed, it seems to he the rod of Him wllowuyl, “Iwill \lblt the iniquitiea of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates take various names, according to the orgnns it attaclm In the lungs. Scrofula produces whet-deg. and finally Consumption; tn the glands, swelling: which suppurate end he come ulcerous acres; in the stomach and bowels, derangement; which produce ludi gestitfi, dylpcpsia, and liver complaints; on the I n. eruptive and cutaneous atlectious. These, all luwing the smile origin. require the lame remedy,‘ viz‘., puriticntion and invigorn tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous dim‘mpcrs lt.‘B\e you. With feeble, foul, or corrupts-d blood. you cannot have health; with that "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot lune scrofulous ditease. ijer’s Smaparilla er is compounded from the most. efiectual anti dotes that. meilicnl science lnu discovered for this nfliictingl distemper, and for the cure of the diaprderslit entails. That it is far supe rior to any .other remedy yet devised. in known by all who have given itatrinl. . That it does- colul ine virtues truly extraordinary in their efim t upon this class of complaints, in indiqmutullly proven by the grout multitude of publicly known nnd renmrltable cure: it huntnt'le of the following tli~casest King's Em, or Ginndnlar Swellings, Tumors, Eruption Pimples. Blotches and Sores, Eryufielas, Rose or St. Anthony’s Fire , Salt ileum. Soaid Head. Cough: from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swelhngn, Deblhty, Drapsy. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphili; and Syphi 'tic Infections, Mercurial Dineuen, Female Weaknesgec, and. indeed. the whole aeriel of complaint: Illut lll'li‘t.‘ l'mm impurity of the blood. Minute rcportz of individual cust‘l nmy he found in Arm‘s .\mzmcur Auunc. which is t'nrnlzhcd to the druggists for gratuitous dittrxhutiou. wherein may be learned the directions for its are. and some of the remarkable curt-. 5 which it has made when all other remedies had failed to ufl'ord rclict‘. Those cast-s are purpuacly taken t'ru'm all sections of the countly. in order that emery reader may have access to some one who can Speak lo him of its benefits from personal experience. _ Scrut‘ula dcprcs‘ues the Vital energies, and thus lctwt-s its \icttuns far Kmart: subject, to diuuae and its fun: results thnn are healthy constitutions. Hence it tendsxo shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of there consideration. has led up to Epl’ nd yours in perfecting a remedy uhich is adequate to its lul’t‘. Thin we now offer tu the public under the name of Arm's fimsarantnu. nltlmugh it is unopened u" ingfedianu. tonne of which ext-out the heat of Sanaparilla in nltcrntiw lltlltt'r. By its I'llll you‘ may protect .\ ourrelt’ trum the sulfur lng and danger of lllCn‘ :llhtll‘lltl’N. Pnrgg out the foul torrnptium that rm and foster m the blood. purge out the manic.- ot'discaac, and vigorous hcnlth \ull folio“. lly its turn— liar vinucs this remedy >timnl.\n-~ the \ital functions, and thus expel. the distemper: which link wuhln the .‘):[ng or burst out on any pun of it. 0 We know the public lulu‘ ld'L‘l‘l dcccivtd by many compound: of .\irxazmrilla, thnt promised much null dill nothing; but they will neither he deceived nor lllMll'lMlllllhl in this. Its \irthm lune llt‘t‘ll prim-ll by alum daut trial, and there rcnmins no question of its surpussin: excellence for the cure of the lfllicting di.~caso~ it ii intended to reach. Although under the sumo name. it is a very tlifl'crcnt medicine from any olht‘r which hit; heen before the people. and 'i» lin‘ more ef ticctuul than any otheswhith it.» ever been tivuiluble to them. , , ‘ AYER’S CHERRY I’ECTORAL. The World’s Great Remegyf for Coughs,‘Colds, Incigient . on sumgtxon, and for t ‘e rehef of onsumptive patients ‘ in advanced stages of the disease. . ' Thin has been so long mod and so Imi- YorSally knuwn. thutwru need do no' more than nssurothe public that its quality is kept up tu the bmt iv. vu-r has Let-n. and that it may be Tl'lil'l‘ on to do an it has ever done. Prepared ln' Du. J. C. M ER 5; Ca. Practical and Anulyliml (Wen-int, . Luwcll, Mus. Sold hy all=druggibt§ every where, ' gas-For sum b) A. D. Buckner, Gettysburg, and dealers gei‘h “My. Aug. 8. mug. cowly . ‘ Good Thmgs from the CIW! ‘ E nre receiving twice a week from the city; vuriv-ty 0! articles suited to the van" of this community, viz; Fresh and Salt FlSI), Hanna, p‘houldera and Sidei; Hominy, Beans, Salt, Apples. Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons. Confections, ’l‘obuccos, Segurs,‘ ‘ufith‘ many other articles in this line—nil receifed in the but Otdqrhflud sold at the lowest prints. Give us a call, in Baltimore street, IMMI' y oppmite Fahnestocks’ stpre. ' . WAN'l‘l-lD.—l}ulter, Eggs. Lard, and all other country produce—for which the highest cash price “ill be paid. SWEET POTATOES~hesI quality, It low est. living mama—amnis on. hand. Also, OYSTERS, flue /n.nd fresh—in the Ih‘ell' ox shpckfid. Rastnnmnts and families sup lied. STEICKHQUSRR 3; WISOTZIEEY. ’ Gettysburg. May lg, 1863. Sheads & Buehler, DEALEIIS m - COAL AND LUMBE s r o v E s, 3' TEN-WARE, HULLOWcWARE, ac. ' \x Auo ’ WTTERS, BLINDS, BASH. ETC. ‘A orner of Gariisle u‘nl Railroad Streets, oppo~ sine Rnikondfiwm, GETTYSBURG, PA. May 9, ii“, , h . ‘ ' z flew Goods. AHNES'POGK BROTHERS Are const’nntly waiving chain and de simlgle goods-Iron: New Yoxk', Phflsdclphls And Bdlimorcnnd Ire prepared to 059: . ' GREAT mnwnmmm to than than: pnrchpsing. 'aning lokcced with great. eure,;fromxhs three leadingmnrketa, we public will lookto their own intereus by enmiuing ma stock before buying ellewhore. Qull u FAHXESTOCKS‘ May 9, 1864' * Bed Front. $lO a Day ! GENTS WANTED.-_—To all the “25 CENT A LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK AQE." Etch Package cuntnim 35 Songl, 2 pages of Music,‘lB sheets of Piper. 18 Enn lopes, 1 Kill“, 1 Pen, 1 Pen Holder. 1 Lead Pencil, 1 lkasgn tor Undersleens, l for Child‘s Apron, l tor Embroidered Cullar, 1 for Gluin tening Robe, ‘1 for marking Letters, 13 Secrets liner before published, worth nanny Dollars; and other intumntion. Also, one beluliml ankle of wanm’. Liberal inducements no Agents. Spud Sump for Circular. _ , SA MUEL BOTT. 41 SomhiThlrd BL, Philadelphia, P 3. but”; 5864;". 1} John W. Tipton, ASEIOfiAELE BARBER, North-cut cor ~ 'ne'r of thq Diamond, (nut door to Ic dfiu’l Hatch) Gettysburg, P 0... where h: M, All timas’be found ready” “tend to :1) human in his fine. He has ulna _axcellentu: finishes Ind will ensure ufisfsqllon. Givi [in I. all. j A [13266. 3, 3,80. mug Wuofitsijugfréew‘T-T‘ ‘ Hymns: may n: peculiar taint or lfemiun which Ira |ll Sunny“ hug; the ”amnion bf uhu iof men. It. alm- pruducBi or is. mum-ed by an en -rblc§ vitiaued mu 1' (he Mum]. wherein In! fluid become. in- Umpclem to sunnin re vim! runes in'tbeir igumui action, And OF DR. SCHKNCK'S OWN CASE, "In Lnlomxa Ulnln concur-nor, And Imp hi: I’uluom‘v Syrup, Scanned Wichita-Id Mandrake I'dla act an (A: Syum iii .. Cur-mg (hat Diana, and (he emf SUCCESS Amiemm IT M\/ ~ ‘ \ y , ” vgp -. 2m ' > ‘_> w. ; ‘ ' “I. ' . I.- ~ .‘V; .V . , ‘v ,- ». >5“ ‘\_‘:": The-hove is n correctiikenoss ofDr. Schenck taken many years ago, after he bud recovered from , Consumption; by a course of his “ Sénncx’s Pomona Snap." The likeness, although it does not~ represent him anything like as bad as he was at the wow, yet. It. in in strong contrast, with the hale and vigorous looks of the Portrait beiow, Wbifl is 'he true likenesa of him a: the present time. The con trast between these two portruily is so great. thntmnny would not believe them to be the same person. Yet there are hundreds of' per sons,,,in and around l’hiludelphia, who will recognize hath portraits to be true “Indenta tinny, When the first was taken be weighed 107 pounds; at. lnepresent time his Wright is 220 pounds. » ‘ Tbi‘rty yeni-s ago I was in the Init stages of Pulmonary Conzumption, und gx\‘ell up to die. I resided in Philudelphiu. nnd Dr. Joseph Pur rish, ‘huu of this_ city, m‘dured me to Mares town, N. J., a distance of nine miles, which took me two days to get there'. On my arrival I was put. to bed, and (‘thcre land [or many weeks. This was my untjve plnce, Whele all my family lived and hwd died of fionsumpfion. Dr. Thornton, who attended my feather in his last illueh, was milled, and gave. me one week to fix up my afi‘nirs. He had seen ll” my fqm ily go that way, and thoughtl was to go, too. The" I heard u! the remediesl nowlofier so the public. whh‘h ClllPd me. It seemed to me: thut. I could feel Lhum penetrating my whole system. ‘ They soon ,ripcned the matter on my lungs, and I would SP” utf mo're than a pint ot‘ofl'en sive yellow mutter'evpiy morning. As soon~ as that began to suhside, my cough,feru, pain, mght sweats—ml] hegun to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it wza with dif ficulty I could. keep from eating too much. I soon gained my strengthnntfil have been grow ing: in flesh e\;er since. For manyyeursl have elnjoyfed uninterrupted good health, keeping the hvcr flllll stomggh healthy with the Sea weed Tunic 21nd Mandrake Pills, as I am of a bilious temprmmeut. My Weight is two hun dred‘ and twr-nty pounds. 011 my recovery people would sefid tor me. Mr and near, to see ifthcir cases were like mine. For this pur po'se I pay professional nuts in the large ci ties. Tug consumptives wish to see the one that makes these medicinesi and who was cured of.¢unsumptiou by then". To make new lungs, is impossible; but gt‘u‘itn’s in the lung: and chronic ulcerations uftlxe bronvL-inl lulu-s can be hoalcd. Sud) uses are dying houtly under the ordinary treatment of physic'iuns, and just such are cured by the proper use of Schenck's Pulmoniu Syrup, Sumrmd Tank, and Mnndrzikv Pills. ’ I lam now u heslthygusn, with a lame cnvny in the middle lqbe‘of the right lung, the lower: Ilohe very much hchntined nnd complete “(l-i lhesion of tho pleurn.~ The left lung is sound, I land the upper lobe of the right lung is ii. iii tolerably healthy condition. The 'grent rea son why physicians-do not cure consumption I is they try to do too much: they give medi riues,to stop the rough, to stop chill, to stopl 'night sweats, hectic fever, and, by So doing: they deruhge the whole digestive power, lock- l ing up the secretions and eventually the 113-; tient sinks and dies. After I make a careful; examination ofthe patient with the Respirom-‘ eter, and find lungs enough left to nine, l.di-' 'rect the patient how to use the three remedies. IRemove the cause and Uiey will all stop of I their own accord. No one can be cured of Iconsumption, liver complaint. dyspepsia, 1.3-; I tnrrh, canker, ulcerntcd throat, unless the. E liver and stomach are made heulthy. in New I i Ediland this csnker, chronic outnrrh. ulcerstfi ed throat, elongation or uvula, is more prom-Q I lent then in any other section of the country. . I This is frequently caused by a foul stomach—i You ‘may burn it out with caustic time and, I again, and all they will get is temporary reliel.l Correct the stomach and liver, and they willl heal up themselves. I Good nutrition is the remedy. If you have: any disease in any part of 'the body, it will remain there and decay more and more until you mget the stumachxin the condition to digest food and make new tlood to take the place of diseased matter. This is the only way to heal cavities in the lungs and ulcerated, bronchial tubes. Correct the stomach .and' liver, and nature will do the healing. Mnnyl persons have an idea that certain medicines, are great purifiers of the blood. When blood is once diseased it cannot be purified,- it is dis-‘ eased the some as the disefled matter in the, sy'stem;but get the apparatus in order,,.the livernnd stomach, and give it plenty of nour ishing food it will make new blood, which will take the place of that which is diseased. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup is one of the best preperations ot irony‘n use, it is n pDWerful .tonic of itself, and when the Seaweed Tonic dissolves the mucus in the stomach, and it isl curried off by the aid of the Mandrake Pilla,l ,the Pulmonic Syrup is made into blood. Thill ill the only way to core consumption. If I‘ ,csnnot get a good appetite, and food does not! , digest, 1 cannot cure the patient. Never mind, the cough i remove the cnuse and it willvstop of itself. This is the most trouble 1 have with my patients It myrooms. They say, “Doc tor. I feel stronger; lcnn eat; my nightswents ,are better, and lfeel better every way; but' my cough is so bud yet;" tlud they are astoorl lished to hesrvme' any that does not matterw - remove the cause and tie cough will stop at _ itself. Schenck‘s Seaweed creates a good “P‘! ,petite in about-nine guys, when there is no lung disesfie, unless the liver is so congested, [that the sndrake Pills cannot unlock .; ,ductsgt‘ the sell bladder in that short spsco‘, of time, in order to allow the stale bile to pass ‘otl‘.- Keep the liver and stomach healthy and 'th'sre is less danger.“ consumption or anyl other diocese. his hard to take cold when! these organs are healthy. Those that are bili- I oul, low spirited, drwgteeling‘stupid, ““ng tongue, poo; eppetite, nervous, stomach ll‘ 'ofwind, everything that is eaten lies heavy, 10% ot memo , try onerbottle of RHESCK’S . BEAWEED Tame andona ho: ofSCHENCK'S iIANDIi-AKE PILLS. It is only a cost of one i—dollsr end twenty-five cents, with tulltdirec-I ‘tions. This ,is sndiolent, lumen? cues, to Intlstyjhet the medicines are. Frequently. ‘one bottlegmakes t gout change in the s FI tent. Any’penon that enjoys ordinn hul’th, by using thlynwesdr'l'onic medium“; l Pillsoeoqsio mutant “hi: digestive orpns ,l is inch 9591 e wringing that they been" An mtereafihsmswr! Nsw YORK, Wednesday, March 30, ’64 ‘ F TO THE PUBLIC. s°“! .1_ cm produce e number om, ,qldi ‘ ' Wt: flyiwlpn"Prionllnowenjoyinggood health} ’ l 18 Ilng'nur y 200 pounde. I will concludol ' “ , ,_ 210:3“? tlhroe curul hove mode in MiA CURE WARM'TED' ~ tuu w ieh are "ell difl'erent on will: T?“ uy'one who feels eny interest in ihe .i‘nntter. Dy Mn“ ”hill 3"?‘04" t to Vlsll them. First is Mrs. Furlow, residing. -‘ then It No. 101 Houston street. Her husband‘ I" A content PM“ "mun”!!! tt thin : “He‘l‘upon me it my rooms, 32 Bond street, 0' thoetomch. ' ' . end melted the to c!“ and .9, her. B. said M. Flntulenco and Acidity. I could do no good; that he had had all the; 3d' Coniveneu ”6 Loan 01 AP "i"; but meriictlmttemlance, “d all “id 5,” was. 4th. Gloom Ind Depression of gplrlu. ‘°° “‘l’ mm with Consumption to be cured; 5“" WNW": WWI grlping- ‘ ’ but she hm hem} or some gm“ cures i had 6th. Pelnln rill pet-ts of the System. mode, and he desired to gratify her wislieeT— . 'lth. Cousumptive Symptom! Ind Palpito. I “”de anfound her lying confined to her ' tron of ‘1" Heart. ' ’ bed In the last stag. of bronchial congumpfl , Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat; ‘ tion' and without doubt mun have died 300 m? 9th. Nervous Affection, Ind mutt of Sleep I elomined her lungs, found both bronchinlb" night. . ‘ my“ very much Inflected, but no chilies hndi loth. Loss 0‘“! Appetite And Vomiting. l formed, her cough was Ye" “Ye” we “pi,”- 11th. Dilliuou, Dimueu of Vinlun odd' box was half full of lhicir pus. ,Pulse 140 rI‘OS‘ ufSight. i I I legs ”we“ very much : und war" than “I” 12th. Hendecho Ind Stlggerlng in nlkln‘ she hmi chronic diurrhwn. Her bowels had. with 5"“ Wexthneu. ‘t’ been move-1 eleVen times that day: I told her' 0"" of ‘he thouslndo of ““l °f ””999“. that she had lungs enough to be cured, but‘ that have used Dr. Wishtrt'l Greet Mutt-neon 2:331:13 ‘dinrrhino had beer; of long standing, l. gill)??? Pills, act (:18 of them he: gelled o! ere omac wesrn 5;” M, l- . 9 per e cure. 'e errant a cure I: ova' dsigion that! was afraid nothing :ohifiulizddhtit'h. ":1: 3" “if?" U 0‘ "7°“, Wm" “IndinZ-z e insirted I lhould tr and do whntl '0 y I ru ' iota erer where‘nnd It Dr. for her, obeervingthet gym, could not “53:11:, Wirhart’s _Ul‘licil,z No. lo git. Seéond street, in the condition she true in, and I could not Pb.'l“}°ll>hltl, Pm All examinltlont and con mtlke her no] worse: I gave her first a do“ eultnttons lreo of charge. Send forooircuinr, gl..:‘:r3:s';""lt.f‘il:laa 3:23;.entail-3:23” °‘ . . son nee gun I ~‘ ¢- ' . the next Sunduy the diurrhom was carried 03:; , ‘ . her appetite had returned and she could sit up l —— I L tn bed and out her dinner. She is‘ now "Uri “ ‘ \ ‘ i ragltfzzege Botfiigcenificnte, certified to by‘ DYSPEPSM, DYSPEPSIA, ”YSPEPSIAq cnitittfththmomew' ‘B3! West Forty-fig}. "if“: folhf:lyA;F;?dl&N:°K' Bf lKr'ndndywlne, Dell, yrootnew a tumor on er i\' . - . 95 er 0- oee tll' She was low-spirited, Ikin sallow‘ tongue coztfilor one year and It hulf’l Infilored ..iexitiiiz‘g' fdy bowels coetive, no appetite, and feet sink- I b“ 59““ "m“ “I“ IWM disease called Dyn -128 lntojhegrare. The‘mid tumor bud been l 5:93:8- My thaleeyatem wits'prortrnted wit: gutting ot'er fourteen years. I gore her. d' 3 3°” 1““ .“,“"°“' “2‘1"“ 1 could “0 Fug, Tome and s. and told _her to take. '3'”: “‘1 00d .!” Me on; - cracker or the $211!! Jsstkss the our Were printed. She I :2"? :°B:!')‘m°‘:l"}t 9: ’30": It would return 5““ e. er tom . a 3'ZBond‘ntrt-el inlw -" 0"“ 1, i flame to costiv n m weekt somewhat “mi. her ton “e h’nd 0 fl bowels that l would not have n [thorn {in l I ’ . ' K ° lumn ir r d r g "F it?“ tohoiean Idililtie nouns lilht: edge: her, this imsg‘nsew' if“ , ° ten "Sh'zdflflvi slider to» w, tter an or ees rig ter, u tl e' . _ I“ enng “I! “1| be? ' 9 en‘- tumor diaehnrgiug \ery gut-naive runtteaifmuclh i “"F’} ‘0 3""? “”3" 1 '1'“! dream] Mgr" and faster thnn it had ever done before. She kopt'» "'1 fll"~’-t‘""’”‘l§‘- thonght L'Vfl'ybody hum] gradually improving, and in uhhut two months ' ""31"“: “led everybody; 1 child R3Ol MM {the omne to my moms very much irigirteued,i my I” “of my 0"“ ”bikini": Wrytlting saying that the tumor hud nearly stopped ruu-‘ “Pl’eme “'9 “0“” “"i‘k'm *0 "W“ 1 bad fling, nud‘wuu healing up, and that every doe-J no umhilion to do anything ; i lost all in; lotto tor had told her that ifit ever hedled it would 0' {“F‘lly “"1 “°m*i1“"“"l rumhlound Wall enuse her death. I told her that the disease 'd" “0‘" NM" to l“““’- m" 17’1”} not be ('“ll‘ hud a” left her system, and nature would hen] i lanted; l lvlt thnt l “'lls rionlur- _to lit-11, mid the ult'er up. They are now heuled,und hu‘re th‘“ the“ ““3 “0 "NF“ “fr.""ri'md s'" o’- heen for nbuut a year, and she is ns'henrty‘ ten tempted '0 “"“m” 3“""dl‘ts‘o 111‘“! “'4' and Nb“; a womnn n 5 yoirfiill find in a day”: 1 my whole nervous system destroj edfund ulao W-llk. She is glad for “I": gm” '9’ call on h”, i try nit‘nd, lr'nrvrrthnt mtfol t-oulplniut. Dr'p‘?‘ and when great pains to t'mt any one that the . ““v " 1“," m‘ “'_’.”3‘“ _“llfn‘gl'l belt to how my hears has anything like her one. and tries to ‘ l‘hced .m Dr‘ ”“3"”? “ "”3l'mfl- Wall HI“- get them to come nnd see me. unlelphm; l ronmum tlu-rc nine \\ colts, and .The next cure is Miss; Scoheld, from Stum- ‘ thought] “mg n little better, but in n t-ey liq! ford. Conn. Mrs. Bartholomcwgot her down "‘y'dwmu‘”, compl'ml'n“ “3 “11-'51!!! M bud at! to see me. and 'she hn‘s been ever since at he! i ever. dilleußng“3fhtho' wbntrdor‘t‘q] ‘curu per house. When she first came to tnerums.shel ””1132 ’.-V r. '5, “r” In“! nmrimn DI.“- \trts niuuh emucmted with (at dislreaaing cough, ‘- pep’m PM" “"‘I h” ”mm’cflt for D.‘ ‘l‘l'P-‘iw‘p spitting lnrge qunntitiea 0! blood. Irxurniued ‘my hushxttltliyeullmilon Ddri “its?“ ““1 “M“! her lungsxwiththe respironieter‘nud In all tn “‘5" “‘5" ° um. e "‘i W ' no “0““ I” practice never found one with oité lung so mi‘ “‘“M “"w ."W- S” l" ““0 ‘L‘Y’ 3“" I cull gone and the other lung s‘, sound. Icould not ed and [aligned myselfnnderthe Doctor. trout give muuh encouragement. I thought she - '“en‘xm'df” two WW“) begun to dim“ my would die; but to my nstouishment the Pul- I food, ““‘I “‘l‘ “Wm” d“°“” “’“s “'s‘ 8"“? monic Syrup, Seuweed Tunic, und .\iundmhe l why, ““1 I continued to ”COVE”- for “bf"!“h'x'e Pills nil‘ecemed to go right to work; the luuglmomm’ and at the preterit time i enjoy pet. is all healed over, leuving n cuvity as large us i to” “with "f hady “6" ""“d’ ""d.‘ "N" ”m‘ n. goose egg; good appetite, fine spirits. n'ndi cere‘ly‘rerutn‘rny lilnllL-S to it tut-ruful God and has gained some thirtrfive pounds in weight. i Dr. Vishnu, mud to, lttn‘urt-txt Auterimtu' oqu She has some cough )‘et, .Which I do not think Pups} PH}: ““1 PIN" '1 ”A" 1“"- Cordial tlmt will leave her before June. I should think it 1 5“” ““3 rout un usnue ‘ s-V. urn “m! ”"1"" would be ot’grétttintsrest to some unpl‘t‘jfldicedi lure-From. A'll personneuih-rmg wuh Dye. physician to visit these uses, pnicutmly Mia! ,l’”?;“; 131?"? th'fifiil‘fiyfll 0“ :nle or w'nun larr Scofield or nu)’ of them who havebeen cured ' V .0 -0 ...“ guoc can "r so ' by my ritedicines. They are numerous in .\ew : teriut: lzlumuntty.‘ . i‘.l.iz.\ltL‘Tll ““3“”? York; but the above three ull differ lr‘om each D In“? “hum" I'd" ”mm" ol _Uld Lh”‘i"r' other; and if my medicrnes ure doing “hut-l ' 0913““:6: lumnt), Ff" w , ' . repre<eut they are, they should hurt; the t-rediti :r' Jim!“ U ““3 ""' N M’m‘ Stcuud out the uflliutefl know where and how the; latrecl, ] “'hdcll'hw \ i may be cured. * < J. H. SCHEALK. .\l. l). Dr. J. H. Schonck cnnhe found nt his prin. cipn‘i other, No. 39 North 6th Street, Philadel phitt, "(I's Saturday! lrom_ QA. hi. until 5 l’. M.,110 giw udvice, free ofcharge; but. for u thorough examination he ulmrge: Ih?ce do]: lnrs. Price cf the Pulmonic Syrup and Sen. weed Tonic each $1.25 pgr bottle,ox so me ha“ dozen. Mundmke’l’ills-‘lb ccms pe_r box, and are tor sale by all Druggifld nud Deilen June 6, 1864. Lm ' Dissolution v F PARTNERSHIR—The (To-partnership O exin'mg between the subscribers, has been dissolved this day by mums} cement.— We return thanks to our lriends and the public for. the “bowl support exlended to us. Our bouksmill be It“ at the store; and we Hung“. 1y request those indebted to us to cull and nmke uumediate payment. as we are desirous Lu settle on: DUaiDESS wixhout delay. ‘ ALEXANDER CUBEAX, Jun.30,18‘74'. JOHN CULP. . A Card: T HE subscriber having dimmed ofbis in- T wrest in the Store of Q‘obc- n k ()qu to John 5. Crawford. l-I~q., rcs‘pecttu ly nsks the coulinua‘nce of his h‘irudu and quslounera u pmronize his Successor—where Bin-gains may be had. JUUN CL’LP. Feb. 8, 1864 ‘Another Change N THE HAT AND SHOE II_USL\'ESS.—A. Cohean having associated wiéh him in business John S.‘ Crawford, who purchased the interest of John Culp, resyumuully n1:- nonnces to 'he citizens ofGettysburg and the public generally, that the husincss will be con tinued M. the 01d Bland on Chnmberaburg street. by A. COM-lAN k 00., who will con stantly keep on hand a huge stock of Goudl, in lheline 6f - SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CAMP? BA us, UMBRELLAS, Ml, and lbey will a so continue the‘uumfucture ut Sbues. ‘ ‘ ¢ From their long experience in all (We shore branches, they-flan“ themselves (but they can please the public, und will sell cheap lur cash. ‘A. COBEAN, ~ J. S. CRAWFORD. Doing bualuega under the name and firm. of A. Cubeun & Cp. [Felt 8, 1864. Estabhshed 1850. OTICE OF REMOVAL. ’ LAWRENCE D. DIETZ A: 00., respectfully beg leave to notify their friends, customers and: the public generally, lhnt may have removed from No. lal'Fmrlklin street, to the commddioas four-story Warehouse, NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard arid Liberty, wheré they will for magnum conduct the Wholesale Busi ness, solely in ‘ Hosiery. Trimmings, - Furnishingfioodl. Perfumery, Notionl, Stationery, Uuilery, I. To”, km, kc. to which they ixivite the attention of city and counny purchase", feeling confident of their ability to ofer inducement: in priccl and quality of Goods. , Orders by mail will receive prom' Inga fion. Addrcu LAWRENCE D. DIETZ t 00.. 308 Bnltimoro ureet, Bulfimore. Mnrch 14, 1884.. Th; Popular 7-30 Load. HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01" GET- T TYSBURG bu been designned wDeposi tury and Financial Agent of the United Sum, sud will furnish the populu 1-30 Coupon Notes, free from all taxes, and convertible at maturity into 5-20 six per cent. gold intern: Bonds. Will also furnish 5-20 and 10-40 Bonds, one year Cerhficntes 3nd All other GOV ernment securities. Will buy Gold and Silver, cash Goupaun, and make collagfion' promptly on an accessible points. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Dec. 26, 1864. t! _.1._.._- ‘_‘—o'. .._...____-—-—-‘~'—"_' Albums 1 L B U M S I! ALBUI S I I 1 us: roceived I 11m Ind buntifnl men. men: of Photogrlpllic Album, which we of” below city priccl. TYSON BROTHIRS, D». u, 1863._~__ , ' 031.50 n ! , ucznsro Elx 3 EXOELSIOBH‘ ‘ The Excelsior Waking [whine is fibp hon in the World. Oil! 99d cumin. it u 9-,“... Once a fillrlxpohio; Sky—light.&;u . . ' . Tyson rfins. o'' ' 1 DYSi'l-IPSI.\!~ DYSPN’SM il l Dr. Wistlz—l have her In conslam +5l!- lercr with Dyspepsia fur 1e- hm. flglll‘l'tr .wara. during whix h In"? cannot “.\- thfu. ‘1 ever elijoycd u perm-fly wvi’l dny. Then- “for. times whun the A; mplmns wrro more :Iggrmn- - ted than in others. um] then it seemed it )ruul‘l he a great mlief to die. I had at. all times nu qupleasanliccling in my head, but‘auerly, my sufl‘erings no much incrn-n-nl llhu llzecnmj :1- most nufitq'ur business ot'nny kind ;my ind was wntlnunlly filjul with gloomy [hon Inn and iotebnlliuus. (uni ii I utlcmpled to cllgnflb their curreul~lby raiding. zit once A sensation of icy coldness in céllnrtfiun with a fiend weight. u: it were, re-‘ted "ng1)? brain; win. a ken-ling ofsicknesa wuuld m-cur m Line at m ach, and gnu-13min in my ryes, nu ounpmfiul “ill! which “is the cominuul it‘ll! ol 102L111]; my reinsnn. I Rial) exiu-rienced men In, 51- lnrh, dohility and ncrmucxmu, which mndc il diflicult to Wnik b‘r'dny or slum}! night; I lit-camp GVUTM""I3~HCIQI.', Md diagnosm‘l only ll secluimu, nnd inning mu! the skill of n Minx. r be? oft-minem Musicians ul' mxinus srhoiml: finally can)» In the couclmiou “in, lot this disetue at my present um: (4!: nuts) the” in: no cure in existence. But, through the inler fcieucc ul' Dinne Providence, to whom I Be wuuy (Afar my thanks, I 1: last found a solve reign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and TM Cordial, which ’scem to haw mortally lembv ed almost. "ILLISI trace of my )ung listoi i“)- meuu xmd bad feelizggs, and in their phi” health. pleasure nnd com ennm m are in? neg:- duy cnmlmnir‘ms. JAN” 3!. wanzu, ‘ A flu. 453 North Secund SL, I’hilndelphk, ‘ _ Former!) of Woodbury, N, J A Posinvs cum: l-‘OR 013?:an nun. win: IRJUEN I. name: fin, No. 1023 0‘11” Suwt,’ ' PbihdelphigltJhflz22],lssl. ' Dr. Wishmt——Sir z—lt‘ is with muzh plzy lure that I am now able to inform you that, 's} the use of your great Americnn Dyipepia Pills, l have been entirely cured of that mm? distressing complaint, Dylpepsin. ] hnd'heen firicwouuly afllicted for the last~twenty-eight years, and for ten yénrl of that time have not been tree from its pain one week nt n time. I hue had it in it: worst form nnd hm’e dragged on a most miserable exiutence—in pain, ay and night. Every Shirl of food that l nte filt ad me With wind nn' pn’m, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A coutlnned ,‘ belching WM luroJo follow. I hnd_no appe tite for nny kinds of meats whatever, and my distreu Hal .0 great for seven] months before I hcnrd ofyour t’ills, that l {rtquently wished tor death. 1 had taken everything that I had heard oi for Dyspepsia, without receiving in], benefit; buton 'uuf Pills being recommendtd to me by on who had been cured by that concludéd to give them a trial, nlthough l bud no tuith in them. To log astonishment, I (and thyself getting better efon l had taken one-fourth ofa box, Ind, after taking hull I box, I am a well may QM] can to! mylbmg I with, and enjoy a henFty-menl three tines A day. without inconvenience from anything I cut or drink! I! you think propenyon ore nt libertrv to nuke thil public Ind refer to me. l V” cheerfully give all desirnble informntion‘to In) one who mty call on me. - ‘ . Yours, respectfully, Jon! 5. Bacon- For‘ sale at Dr. Winhnrt’l man-Imm. NO 10 North Set-am! wen. Philadelphh, PL" Price One Dollar per box: Sent by wall, 9" of charge, on recelpt ofpnce. ‘ ‘ ‘ 'rho then up n. few yuan; tbi the-und- . which this grant *x'emedj~ hu “"5 {[93:9l} untimely true. A ‘ We luv- hound! d lotun‘lron mu. clans Ind dvnhglau who but proactibod pad ”Hi this. Madman, hylnzjhu they. hiya nova: used or sold: nedicin’oiwhi‘ch gxsve'ni'cft universal uflnflétiol.’ Prop-39d only‘ 3)] the Préprtcgor. fin. L. Q. chmmrthi 30. 10 Soul Sound Bum, r i%lMehMs, Sold by‘ W in! Miri muffin; ‘ _ . N _ a. ' A '. » July 19. mm; It Il ma MI ‘- l s I , .V J .3 =1 TM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers