Fertmss. Th'o Gain“: in pubiisb’ed eyery Monday morning. by Hum J. Snnu, at 82 00 per ,mnum if paid strictly m “Inset—32 50 per Innum' if not paid in udvxmée. No pubscription discontinued, unleu It the option of the publisher, until $ll3 ur'gnrges ire paid., ' - ' Advnnsuzx‘rs inser‘ed M. the usualntu. Jon Pkmuso donp with 4nestmasl and‘ dispatch. , ‘ Ornc: in South Baltimore stree‘t. nearly ‘ opposite Wamplers' Tjnning Establishment i ~—“Coumun annxo Ornc: ” on thesign. l l 0" Pmmgamm QEABES. , J. G. Neely, ‘ TTORNEY AT LAW.—Purlicul:r atten tion paid to collection of Peuaiona, ouuty, Ind Back-pay. och2 in the S. H. goruer of the Diamond. Gettysburg, April 6, IBM. 1r Wm. A. Duncan, TTORNEY AT LAW.—Oflice.in the North: west corner ut‘antre Squat-'63 Gettysburg, n. ‘ [UcL 3. 1555;. M D. McConaughy, » TTO RNEY AT LAW, (ofli‘c‘e one (foor wesl A o! Buelller'a drug and back Itqre,Clmm hamburg Mrseh) A Tumsin' Ax!) Soucx‘ron ron Pun" AND Pnseluifik Bounty Land War rxnta, Buck-pity suppefllledEClnims, and all richer clnims Iguinst the Go_ tnmtntnt Wuh lhg'on. D. (I,4lls?)AmericnnClnhns in England. Lzuirl Warrants leaflet! and sold,or'bongllt,nnd highest prices given. Agents engugetfiln lo cating warrnuu in lows, Illinois an other westernSlxueJ. WApply to him personally or Ly letter. . Uoitysburg,_.\'ov.2l, '53. A. J. Cover, TTORYEY .\'l‘ I..\\V,wxll promptly attend A 10 Collections and all other huunc'ts en— {muted lb him. Uffim bcle-en Falmc’dlm'ka’ nun! [Lulurr & Zioglur': Stores, Baltimore street (it-IL 3 abul'g, I‘4. [s‘ch 5, 15.79. Edward B. Buohler, TTOIL‘IEY,AT LAW, will fulllllully nnd A promfnly Atom] go 11!! business enyusted to lmn. llc rpmks the Gernmu language:— Ulliue at the sumo. place, in South Bultimore utter, nenr Fornny‘a drug store, and nearly oppos‘tc Dunner & Zicgler's store. A Gettysburg, jlurch 2t]. ' ‘ Dr. D. S. Pqfl‘er, _ BROTTSTUWN’, Adnml énun y. confinues lho p MliLc 6? hi: lulnllqigiyu in n}! no 1;r..u.h,(-a. null v.ould- resprcll’ull‘r imile nH p~~anl nmlcml WIHI any old Shlfldillg dis-‘ (um-«I tn CH“ nnxl consult lmu. , «M. J, 1505+: xf ‘ . Doetor - 2,. GULNSHU’RUVG“; C. '~ LAI‘Z‘- '}‘ MTHRICOV UNITED STATES A JH', v? Inn pun‘nuueufiv lurme-l in HAHI"I'4J.\, Adams ('nnnlv, I’n. “is anon-ave vqu-riuu-e in [IN \ nte .m-l In «M! II Mamie", nth-H every‘xu'tluven uu-ul in lh we ‘zylmlcled wuh (Arr/Inc dilczucs to umrh lnr nmumnt. * l‘rrmm M A. disl‘nnuvwis hing trcnlmenl or ' s‘h'icc un- n-unf—leul t-rmldr ess lum by lrltor‘ 0r 1n pmwn :nl‘ his (unite, us his film: vull uqt ndmit hf long rides uxt‘Ppl in surgiygl or ex xxcxm- mics. Hun. ZJ‘ “”55.“ If ' DE. J. W. C.~o’Neal’s ; N'll'l‘: .lml [Mn-Hing. .\'. H. mum‘rpl Bal lmmrn and .Hizh wir-iuwlucnr [‘rcahg, l‘ mu (‘hu H'IIJH-Hyrhv'n'l. l’zL _\m. .m, hm J. Lawrence Hill, M, D. {{AS his ollim- one _ 6‘\% ‘ der was: of the " W ’ Lmhernh church in ‘ Chambers! grgmtreu, and opposite Phkiag’s Slut, \rh ru [how Whhing to )mvr uny Dontnl Uper 1' iun lu-"i‘ormnl .\n‘lcqu Hull; invivlt-d {0 (mm linum-zh'cm‘ UH. Hurm‘r. NW. C. I'. Kr uh. I). II Minx. II L. B nuhur. D'. 1)., lief. Plof. \[ Jzu‘ahx, frul. .\l. 11. Stwwr. (chllylilmr’gV Aprll H,';‘.3. ' Ad‘éms County / (”TITALFHH‘)INSURANCEI"U.\IPANY. b Incorporated .\Xuxcl; 1:5, [B5l. . rlergb. Prnnlml—Gcorzc Swapp. " I'm I'rnu'llcul—H. n. lumen. . Secrrluru—l). A. Buelalarl" ' . r ‘ Tr'avu'rr--D;will M'Cir-gnry. Hzrruléw (Jimmilm—Roborl .‘lcCurJy, Ja'cob Kin:,-An«lruw lleinUelmnn. 1 ‘ ' .llumprv —(leor2e Swolnc, 11. A. Buehler, R. M'Uurdy, Jacob King, A. Ileintzrlmun,‘D. .\[Cfl Cre-trv, 3‘. [l. “use”. J. IL: derail, Szfinllél. Hui-him v, i}. (l. FJlllleSlOCk, Wm. 11. Wilson, H. .\. l’iudu‘L Wm. 11. .\lcCchnn, Jblxn Wol fnrxl, R... G. llL‘Crc:i‘r.\‘,Johu Picking‘ AbelT. “Wight, John Cunningham, Abdiel ‘F. Gill, I.lmm 11. \luslmll, .\l.' Eithclberger. krl‘liis Company is limited in its open ‘.ions to the county of Adams. I: Ila been in successful ofiemtion l'or mure .llmn six years, and in that period has pnid all losées and ex penses, without! any autumnal, having also a large lurplus capital in the Treasury. The Com ;nny employs an Agents—nlllhusinesa being done by the Hunagcrs, who are annually elect ed by the Stavkholders. Any perion desiring An insurance can apply to any of the above namo'ul \lnnnqers for further information. , -..- ne-The Execuiive Committee meals at the office ofche Company on the last Wednesday inherery month, a; 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. ‘ Removals. HEnndersignchmingthe authorized person T to ma e removals iutu Exer Green‘Ceme toga hopes-that such a; contemplate the re vul oflhe remains of dot-eased relatives or frmda will avnil'thémacives of this season ofthe‘yehi- to have it done. Removals made with prompfine‘sg —lerms low, and no effort. spared to please. ° PETER THORN,‘ Keeper of the Qemotery. March 12, ’6O The Great Discovery . .1? THE AGE.—infl:\mmutdry and Chrpnic Q Rheumat‘um can be cured by using 11. E. 11 LLER’S CELEBRA\TED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Mimy‘ prominent citizeus of this, arid the adjoining counties, have testified t its great utility. Its success in ‘Rlieumntic afiéc lions, has been‘ hitherto unparalleled hymn): specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by nll-"druggistsiand lmnkeepers. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER, Wholesaleonnd Retail Draggist, East Berlin, Admins county, Pm, dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits}, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot cied Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass. Perfumery, Patent Medicines, km, kc. WA. D. Enabler is the Agent in Gettys burg for “ H. L.-Miller’s Celebrated Rheumntic Hixturef” [June 3, 1861. if Gram and Produce. AVING taken the large am} commodlo‘u§ fl Warehouse recently occupied: by Frank I ereh', Esq., _ \‘ Pub] i > I N N‘E W 0 $12.03 0l , f iON MONDAY, the 333,??? )IARCh ml, 3a. ler est rices LUMBER COAL nnld GROCERIES" el at Publlc _Snle, nl. lus residence, m Ger of 6:611 éescription.’ “ ’ :31, oloiiigfiigloégmizg o::ltg',ath‘;€;e “1311;: A. p. nmms a wmalum. . game. mm ' - ‘ . Nu'v oxford,'Allg. 10,‘1883. If {*l __ ltyyvin‘ 11, e lollowmg ""7““ ”0p" ' 41:. I 4 WORJL HORSESFI TwoLyeat old Colt. 4 ,COWB. ‘Brood Sow; n w Four-horse Wagon, Slcne Bed, Hay Laddlu-s, Reaper and Mower, Grain Drill, Winnowing Mill, Cutting Box, Land Roller, dorse Rake, PJoughs and Hur m:,’UulLi\'alor, Double and Single Shovel Plough, Corn Forks, Wheel-barrow, Grind Scone, Sinfile snd Double-trees, Snatchers, and» large lot of Horse ._Geers, lncluding a new set of Breechbands. Front. Gears, Collars, A | , l Bridles, Saddles, lei, Gui: Qfldlelzhloyiug ; ' -., . S ylhes, Forks, RI ".3“! m 9”! 0 9" arm Bale-m" , MM» a A the mule-semi“‘Mysbtifgfrormoa ”m." 9‘ “h" “we“ “°°»""m’°us m ‘ enéld m for the Bella 3. "15195th e: “CW” 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ . ’ 3.5 mm can be seen séltfieynrcellim' Inez-y. ‘ 3;?“ ”fault“: 1t I:fl%cg2c§;;‘§}:}i i‘f'“l'Ysox BROTHERS Ge‘tt‘pgurg. '°“°“l ‘9’" e“ “ " “9‘3. ”rug - w... __ g mm made known by . 2' . Will”. in!“ united e no! ”Meat. . . ’, 031 V!!! SWY “Game,- ta wpieh we Mi 1...“ Juoh’Klan. Agefiogecg. {J E?" enneuion of‘bnyege: ssBooll} t SON; :.' Feb. 31, 1,185. 13" ’‘ "’ Young Men , _ ND OLD MEN. do not allow your motherl‘ A gnd your wjves to wear, out their precious liven nrer the old Wash-tub longer, but like mid then and benefactors, {ll-esent them with ' tn EXCELSIOR WASH ER, and m'stead of , {rdwns And cross words on wash days, depend upon it, chqerful‘fnces will gtget‘you‘ TYSON BROTHERS, Geytyabnrg, Pu. Dec. 14, 1863. J _ ‘ -....-,......... ..... . . . , .. ..... , . ~ , / . : -..., j. 4 .. , . . - I ' ' • ,I 3 L • / '..:i . --; , t,, ••, „/ ii•o. .;11° •... 4 4 ,../ , . 4 . .. ,e•••,r -„el , .... ...d, , -o b :. / .., • ~., ori ,ii, .. t ~,,., ~,,,,„4 . ..... , '<„,.../ ... _ j ... \ ~.. , ~, 4 . / . _. . . . . f . A @EMQGRATm/AND FAMULV J©URNAL>§ .’ ‘ Br H. J. STABLE 47111; Year- Sherifi’s Sale. .\' pursuance of a. writ of Venditioui Ex- I ponns, issued out o! the (36m1! of Common l‘lcus of Adams county, Pu” and to me directed, will be fxposed to Public Sale. at the Court House, m Gettysburg, on SATUR- DAY: _ the llnh dny ,of MARCH next, at 1 o’clock, P. 31., the following described Real Estate, viz: ‘ ‘ ‘- A HALF LOT OF GROUND, situnte in the borough of Gettysburg, Adonis county, Pm, adjoining lot at Jacob Brinhrrhofi' on the cut, lot of Harvey D. Wattles on the west, floating on York street on the north, Ind running back to an alley on‘the south. improved with ~ x a two-,story Wentherbonrdtid Dwelling. HOFSE, n one~story Kitchen gttuched, I Wood Shed, also it two-story Coachmaker's Shop, with a one-story Trimmer'é Shop I“. inched, hog p: 11, kc. Seized and taken in ex ecntion as the property, of ”may (i. Cun.’ , , .\tu‘gt REHEIIT, Sheriff. SherifiT’uroflice, Gettflhnrg,‘ Mar. 20, ‘55. Wl‘vn per comfof the purchase In?!” upon all SJ‘IQS hy the Sheriff must he paidgve} imnunlgm-ly nftcr the property is struck down or upnnfuilure to comply therewith the proper ty will be ngnin put up tor sole. .] ‘Publio Sale F \'.\Ll".\llLl-Z PERSONAJL PROPERTY. 0 ‘_Oh TlH‘R‘l).\Y, thé 91h Gay of MARCH next, the suhsuriner, intending to quit‘ farming, will sell «t Public Sale, at his residence, in (lernmny township, Admuexounty, 2 miles north at Littlestown, on the road leading fi-om Littlestown‘m' lionaughtown, and 'rmilea west of ltebert'xi Hill, the following valuable per. ‘sonnl property, viz: » 3 heud’ot he”) WURK HORSES, 5 liilch (Vin's, '.' llcut'crs, 6 Steers, 1': Sheep, 5 lot of Shows, 1 Broad-trend Four-horse Wagon, 1 ,Nnrrow-treud Two and Three-horse Wagon, .Spring \Yn‘gun, will: toy-,Atlne-horsc Wagon, Wed 'l‘rongh, Log Slt‘d, (nun) Winnowing . .\hll. l’aucnt Uzi)" Rahal} ‘pnir llny Ladders, ‘(aa good as new.) Jt-rsey‘l’lenper and flower, .Threshxng Klm-hine, Grnih Dtill, Stone Bed, Lune Bed, 2 sets or Breechlmnda, 4 sets of Almad (lcnru, s,Huuslngs, Wagon Sad e. Colo liars, lh'idlru, Hnllurs «\nd Cow , ns, 4 . l‘luughs, ‘3 llnrrowfi, large, Shovel [l Irrow, 4 (‘nru lv‘drl’ts, Z Shovel Planghs, Roller, Jack Screwfi Log Chains, Fitthlllhnin, Butt. Clinins, lirensl Chants, Spreaders, Douple and Single trt-rs, Grnln Cradle. Grain lhfgs, .Mnul nnd’ Wvdgt-s, browlmr, Forks, Dnng Hooks and 'Rnkcs, “'lth many other furgu articles; n lot of Bacon" hy the pound, ‘l‘otuloes by the hushel,‘ Seine, Beds, Store umlPipe, Sink, Tubs, Bnr-' rvls, Iron Kettle, nnd n variety of other arti cles, 'ot)l||llnt"'o\ls to mention. _. , mE'SJIe to «oiumcuee nt 9 o'clock, A:.\[., on mid day, when ‘nttondn‘nee will be given and “fins made known by ‘ 103 nm RIDER. I x . ' s Jan.3o, 1865. {s* ,l Public Sale, - { .\’ TUESDAY, ihc 7th duy of MARCH} 0 next, ‘he suhsvxihcr-wiuicnnliug to quiti inrrning, will sell ut l'uhliq Sale. in his rusi- ' , den- r. in Germany iownsh‘ip, Adams county,‘ about [no uulci mil-_lh of Liplleuown. the fol lo\\ing v-ilunhle [u-rsomil properly, \iz: l t a hood of wow; nonsmsx (one is a very‘, ‘ fine mid-lh- horse, number a firsbrntc lender, , Imu] two are more: heavy with loAl.) 1 three. 'ycar old Cult, 7 first-rule ,Milch Cows, (4 of; ‘ ilu-m will aim be fresh.) 4 Boilers. 1 larze fat , 18ml, (3 yen s old.) 1 Yewrling Bull, l Breed-v ing Sow,4 head thogs, l l‘lroud-lrood Wagon l and Stone Bed; One—horse Wagorv, 3 Plough.“ 2 llnrrows, 2 Shovel. liloughs’, 2 Corn Forks,‘ / Double undlSingle—irecs, Two-hogs; Streicher,l illenper and .\lower, (Dorsey’s Patent. Self .flhiken) Four-horse Threshing Machine, in ”good ordrr. Wiuuowin‘g Mill, (nearly new;,) Clover lluller, Clover Stripper, (hem) Wheel burrOW, 5 BNS 0! Horse Gents, 2 pair 0! Short ,gTrnces, 2 Breast Chains, aßidin’g Bridle, 4, Bl~nd ‘Brhfleh 4 Collars, Wagon Saddle, 4‘ Housmgs, 5 Halters, 2 Plough Lines. Four-I horsi} Line, Wagon Whip, Idorse Dung Fork, . , Forks, Hakefi, .\lnmmkg, Gmin Shovel, 2Axes, ,3 lo! nf Cow Chains, RollerfGr’indnone, Log' 'Chnin. 3 Threshing Machine Rode yilh fix lul‘os, Half Bushel, kc, , ‘ ' I , l , Also, Household and Kjtchen'l’urnitnreniz: , 4 h'idsleads nnd Bedding, :3 Tables, Cornerl touphmd, large Kitchen Tublqkz Sinks, 1 l dozen of good Chairs, Rocking Chair, Carpet-l ~ ing, 2 Dough-trays, 2 Ten-plate Stoves, l l , Cooking Store imd Pipe, Drum, .\lnntle Clock,.<, Benches, Tubs and Barrels; large Copper Kel , gtle, Iron Keule,i:lot of lrpu Pots, Crocke,{ ~ , huge quantity offipplebumr, Lard, Smoked _ _ . Hams, Shoulders and Sides,,Spin'ning Wheel, l . , Wool Wheel, Barrel ofCidl-r,jVinegar, Feather: by the pound,. tr‘nd jnuny other Articles, too' numerous to mention. ‘ l @Sule to commenre at 10 o‘clock, A. M., ‘on sold day, when attenduucvwlll be given and ten»: nude known by x l . = , FRANCIS GOLDEN; l Jacob Kluuk, Auctioneer. , , 3 Jan. 23,1863. LS“ .- ‘ l l Pubhc Salefi _ . N' WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of MARCH nextftlae subscriber will sell at Public Snle, at his residence, on Baltimore street, Get— tyahnrg, the follon in]: personal property, viz: 4 Puttnt IRON BEDSTEADS, l Cotlngedo., 1 Sol: (10., 1 common do.,#TJn:ec Palm Leaf :llntt asses. pair Dragge'tffl yards Matting, l Looking Glass, ‘l)re'ss‘ing Bureau, pairhlahog nny Pier Tables; Breakfast 'l‘uhle, Walnut Ex tension Table, Centre dol, Study do., Book Case, set Cnne-bottomed’ Chuirs, set Windsor ido.. Cane—seated RoekingChair, Sewing do., i‘WiiSdsor Arm. [hiking do., Rocking Cradle, ‘Lounge, WritingLDfifig’fi Wash Stands, Sink, (Dough-though, 12 Patent Iron School Desks, {Black Board, Recitation Benches, Waverly Cook Stove, Ten-piste Stove, Axe, Garden ‘; Fork, Tubs, Crbckery and Quiensware, a quan tity ot-Bacon; a Good Horse.’Falllng-top Bug , say and Harness, and many other artxclesutoo v numerous to mention. [ @Sule to commence at 10 o’clock, A. .\l., . on said day, wh‘é‘n attendance will be given and ‘terms made known by ' - I ~ J. s. woonnmm. . A. W. Flemming Auctioneer. .‘ ,r‘ebxs, 1865. ta GETTYS'BURG, PAS, MONDAY, MAR. 6, 1865- Public 8316. N FRIDAY and SATURDAY, the 10th and 0 11th days ofMARCH next, the subscriber, inlending to, quit farming, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Latimore township, Adams county, two miles east of York Spring‘s, the following valuable personal property, viz: 3 head of WORK HORSES, 2 three year old Horse Colts, 5 Cows, 1 Heller, 2 Young Bulls, 2 Calves, 7 Sheep, 5 Shozes, 2 Wagons, (l brand-trend, with bed, bows and ,cover', 1 nor now-tread four-horse,l Rockaway Buggy,’2 Log Sleds, Stone Sled, 3 Sleight, Corn Sheller, Grain 'Drill, .\lsnny’o Reaper and Mower, Horse Power nnd Threshing Machine, Winnowmg llill. Rolling Screen, 3 Horse Rakes, one s wire moth ruke no good as new ’2 pair of Hay Lad ders, pair of Hay Carri-igL/s, 3 Long Ploughs, 2 Hurro’ws, Single and D üble-Shovel Plougbs, 2.Corn'l-‘orks, Com Co erer, Land Roller, one and two-horse Sprea era, Double and Single lreea, 2 Three-horse rees, Bug Wagon, Cut ting Box, Feed Tr ughs, Grindstones, Axee, buttocks, Mnnl u Wedges, 8 gels of Horse Gears, 5 Housings, 3 Leather Fly Nets, set of Buggy Home”, Fifth Line, 2 Plough Lines, Wagon Saddle, Collars, Bridles, Holler Chains, Cow Clmins, 2 Log Chains, Filth Chain, 2 pair of Bull Chains, Breast Clauins,3 Grain Cradles, Clover Crndle,‘ Scythee and Sancho, Dung Hooks, Hsy and Manure Forks, Hoes, Spade, Rakes, Scutching Mill, B'uggy Pole, Sleigh Tongue, Stone Drill, Stone Sledge, 3 Seep: of Bees, Potatoes by the bushel, Cloverleed S.éve, Wire Screen, Holfébushsl, Buckets, a lot of “old Iron, he. ‘ \, CARPENTER TOOLS;suchaaPlanes,Augers, Chisels, Sq‘uares, Gages,nnd_Workßeuch. BLACKSMITH 'TOOLS, sick as ' Bellows, ku‘vil and Vise, 53 good as new, Screw-plate, Tongs, Hummers, Sledges, Punches, sets, Shoe lug Box and Tools, 81c. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Bureau, Bed sleads, Tables, Chain, Wood Box, Desk, Cook Store, Iron Kettle, Patent Wash Machine, 3 Flu lluckles,Pot Rack, Wool Wheel, Spinning Wheel, 3 Chums, Meat Vessels, Tubs, Barrels, Benches, [did many other articlel, too numer ouq to mention. @8215 to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said diays‘ when aneuJanuu mll be given. and terms mnde known by ~ .‘ “n . JOHN HENRY MYERS. Feb. 13, was. t: Public \Sale. OMONDAY\ , tbe 13th tdayof MARCH next, the subscriber, inteuding , to quit farming aril moving to tla Factory, wilf*ll at Publ c Sale,at lie residence, in Huntingt9n.township, Adonis enmity, one \mile from Peters rg, ou the turapike leadtng.do Carlisle, the fol 'Wing described property: \ 3 head of WORK HORSES, (one lend mare, two horses, one lone years old, time other three years old ) (3 bead of Nlilch Cows, 2 head of Young Cattle. 7 head of Sheep, I ‘ Dishley breed, ) 1 Ti ree-horse Broltd-tread Wagon, neatly new, Wagon Pied, Hay Ckrriag (~ new Plank Plough, with shifting beam, foe two or three horses, i Shovel l'loughs and- Fotks,Miarrow, Motion ing Mill, Cutting Box, 4 set of Horse Gears, nearly new, 3 Collars, lei lug Saddle and Bridle', Bliml, Bridles, Halters, Cow Chains, Hay Rake, Rake/4'ol kinds of. Forks, Wheel harrow, 2 Scaps of Bees and 11 Boxes, Ten p.ate More, Grain and Clover eed Cr idles, Scythes and Snaths, half-interei in a Scutch ing Mill, Hay by the ton, Potttoes by the bushel, and a great many other- Articles, too numerous to mention. . \ ‘ WSule to commence M‘IO o'gldpk, A. 31., on said dny, when atlendnnce‘will "{Je given ‘and terms made known by \ . JACOB c. SIIRRYEP. Feb. 13, 1865, w x , “”hi‘A ’ “"‘T‘f" A" “ T '“‘ Public Sale. \ f N FRIDAY, the 10th day of MARCH next, I O the subscriber will sell at Public~Snle\ in' Mouuljoy township, Adams courity, about one, mile south of the Two Taverns, the followihg ' personal property, viz : t l 3 HORSES, 6 head ofllorned Cattle, four 0X! which are Milch Cattle, lßrood Sow, 4 SiOlßß,‘ three-inch-trend Four-horse Wagon, Spring _Wugon, Hay Carriages, St'one Bed; Horse ! Rake, new Plough, Herrow,2 Shovel I’loughs, 2 Uorn Forks, Wheat F , set. of Dung Boards, i Cutting Box, Clod Rfier, Spreader, Single and Double-trees, Butt Traces, Breast Chgins. 4 sets of Horse Gears, collars, bridles, halter: arid chains, wagon saddle, cow elm-ins, log chains, rakes, lorkn, shovels, wheelbarrow; Bedstoada, Table, ten-plate Stove, Pork by the pound, Appe-butter, tuba, barrels", buckets, , 'nnd many other articles, too numerous to mention. [G‘Snle to commence at 10 o’clock, A. St, on said day, when attendance: will be given and terms made knqwn b_ >. , , , , _ ANDREW GERRICB Feb. :7, 1863. :s* ~- Piago Fortes. . HARLES M. S lEFF, lANUIACTUEII 0 QBAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Hnnuflclory 103, 105 65 N 27 Franklin street » Wareroom, No. 7 North Liberty street. . Constantly h large‘number of PIANOS of my own Manufacture on hand, with the Full Iron Frame and Over-strung. Every Instru~ ment wax-taunted {or five years, ,with the privi lege of exchange within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory. ,7 , fi-Second-hand Pianos always on hand at pricks from $5044} $2OO. >Bnltimore, sin. 5, 1864. 1y 3111* ' New Warehouse. BUSEELS 0F GRAIN 100.000 WANTED,M4he new Grain and Produce House, in Carlisle street, adjoin ing Sheada b Buehler’s establishment. The highest. market price will always be paid in cash for GRAIN, ofhll kinds, , FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. _ Always on hand I_nd lor sale,“ the mulled profits, 1 ' _ GUANOS, ‘ [A SALT, FISH, ‘ \ ‘ GRQCERIES, Bc., “ \ , Wholesale and retail. TR! US! We shall do our best to gin satisfahfion in :11 cues. é. “K A McCURDY 8 DIEHL. Rushing, May 11, 1863; 1y ' New Bakery! awron'r swam}. Mechanical Bak ers, South WM ingxon Izreet, ha.“ square from‘lhe Eagle Heed; GETTYSBURG, Pa.“ Conslknuy on ‘hund’, Ebb besr‘él BREAD, CRACKEBS, CAKES, PBETZELS, he. Per sons fiishi'ng fresh Bread will be seived ev'ery morning. by leaimg their names and‘residences at the Bakery. Every efl'or't made to please Give us a 0,311! ‘ [April '3O, ’63. 1! Give Him a. Call! HE place to abiaifia. perfeét Pbptogmph or T Ambrotype, exécutedin the beat manner, is m MUMPEE'S GALLERY, in Rigid“ street. Jam. 9, 18875: ' ' A First-racism OR SALE OR fink—Enquiry at ibis ofiice. [Dec. 19, 1864.' (f NEW-FALL & Wlfifl‘deOODß 'Eotdd“ “sermon; of M 111 r.‘ I ”my apathy- Would. u m C SQN “nun! I! mean um 'wm. Plural." PIETRY. Loririm AGO. When It "a I I“ Idem, ”Making 9! the put and gum- Wham um clock In“: ten] lug", .Huh how long the minus ungu— And In. unben dimly burning, Toll o! 111’. to :Ith ramming . ‘ Than, my hull étnh- Hound, ‘ With 1 qniat mnrnlul loud, K W“): I murmur lon and low Come the than: of long ago. On. by on. I con! than 0'", Voim, that an heard no no", Tau-I am. loving chub luv. "9, Wod- whou mule liner 1», Holy gun, I)th and Mr, sumo}, loch o( "mg hm, Happy ugh: mt! whinpen dur, Songs forgotten mu; I you, Lip. of dewy Impact, on: nnghter, bluor than tho Iklol, Oder: bnuhod (tom Pundlu. And the mu. Ihlflowl glide Softly mnmurinz u my lidn, ’l' fill an long unfrlandod a”, A“ forgotten, {lda II“. Thu whcn I In: All HOBO, Dnnmlng of tho Pu: Ind Gone, A“ around mo. Ind Ind Ilow, Como the [but of long ago. MESBELLGANYO From the Boston Sum-day Gazette. fA. Reminiscence-wfiow the News of Peace wasteceived m 1815. Years ago the oflice of the old Game was in Hanover square, Jnear the corner of Pearl street. It was a place of resort for news and conversation, especially in/the evening. The evening of February 15, 1815, was cold, and at a late hour only Alder man Sebra and another gentleman were left with father Lang, the genius of the yluce. The office wahbout being closed, when: pilot rushed in and stood for a mo~ ment so entirely exhausted as to be unable to speak. ‘ “He has got good news,” exclaimed Mr. Lang. ’ Presently the pilot.: gasping for Sheath, whispered intelligibly—“Peaoel Peace 1” The gentleman lost. their breath as fast as the pilot gained his. Directly the pilot was able to say— . F ‘ "An English sloop is below' with nGWs of atreJty ol'pezice l" 4 They say that Mr. Lang: exclaimed greater words than ever he used butore—atnl all hands rushed into Hanover square exclaim ing—“ Peace! Peace!" The windows flew up—l‘or families lived there then. No sooner were the inmates sure of the sweet sound ofpoace. than the. Window‘s began to glow With hrilliantillu initiations. V'l‘he cry of “Peace, Pence !” spread through the city at the top of their voices. No one stopped to inquire about “ire; trade or sailors’ rights.” No onefim quired whether ev‘on National honor had been presctvod. The matters by which the politicians hml irritated the nation into war. had lost all their importance. It was enough that the ruinous war was .over. An old man on Broadway, attrdcted by the noise to the door. was seen topull down a placard "To Let,” whit-h had been long posted up. Never was there such joy in the city. A few evenings after there was a general illumination, and although ‘ute snow was a foot deep and soaked with rain, yet the streets were crowded with men and omen eager to see and partake of every- Xnng which hat/i in it the sight or'taste of peaee. , . “ Hard and Soft , “’alrr for Glol'ingauThe ef fects of hard and soft water on difl‘esent vegetables differs very materially. Peas add beans cooked in hard water,contsining li .e or gypsum, will not boil tender, be— can ‘ these substances harden vegetable case \ . ln soft water they boil tender. and lose A\ certsinvmnk hm" taste which they retaimin hard wa’ter. Many vegetables (as oniousx boil nearly tasteless in soft water because\all the flavor is dissolved out. The addition\ of salt often checks this. (as in case of ohions,) causing the vegetables to retainjheg ’culisr flavoring principles, be sides mac? nutritious ulstte‘r which might be lost in soft water. Thus it appears that salt burdens the water to adegree. For ex trscting thejuices oflmeat to make broth or soup, soft water, unsalted and cold at first, is best, for it much more resdilj pene< trstes the tissues; but for boiling meat where thejuicet should be retained, hard water or soft“ water salted isptefersble, and the meet should be put in while it is boil ing so as to seal up the pores at once. A Just C'omplaml.— When the Rebels made their raid through this section of the country last July, and took from our far mers their best horses, they left in their Lteud many which were broken down by ard usage and would have died of starva tion if those Jar-mere had not fed and treat ed them with the utmost kindness. After these discarded horses were rendered servi cible to their humane benefactors. along comes the Agent of the U. S. Government and takes them away without atlowing‘the farmers a single cent for all their expendi ture'of time, trouble and food.‘.’l‘he Valley Register veryjustly complains of this ungen erous treatment by the Government. or the farmers in. Middletown Valley and every right thinkingmnn wiliwndgmn the course of th; Government in this hitters—Fide rick nion. -——.*<l..>———-*~‘—‘ . Something to Thin}: Ofi—An eminentslntSs man has said : “Compromise is the first law of combiia~ tion—l had almost said of nature: It is the law of sodiety~sll government—All uni ted action. Partners in business compro mise—members of church societies—mem bers of political, religious, charitable and useful societies compromise: ' Kings comv promise with each other—they compromise with their subjects or lose thEm. Wars end by compromise—the familycircle is a compromise. Husbands compp/lmise With their wives—fathers compromise with their disobedient children—and if our holy re]:- gion is true, God Almighty compromised with manswhen he accepted in his behalf the atonement of his Son; and shall we refuse to do-what nature; reason, religion and history all command;J ~ ‘ . fii’en‘mylyanh contains more mile‘s of nflrold £313 guy bther State in the Union. .811: ha .4 ~ of which 3,610 ne‘completed, , to cost. of remand and eqnjplfilént. $168,- _1- 6%; 91316 Hulda next, en _lllinqia, ”xrgxnnhtfien Tenpesaeo, men _qu _ :32.“ Wisconsin. , 4 A .7 "g, SPELLING SCHOOL. Have you forgotten them? When, from 1 all the region about they gathered to the log school-house. with its huge fire-place. ‘ which yawned like the main entrance of Averul. How the sleigh bells—the old , fashioned bells, big in the middle of the string, and growing small by degrees and ‘ beautifully ‘leee toward the broad brass buckles—chimed in every direqtion long‘ before night—the gathering of the clans.— There came to our school, “the Master”— give him npapital for he is entitled to it— ‘ faster, and all bundled into one hugeaed, 1 cable—sleigh, strewn with an abundance of straw, and tucked up like a Christmas pie,‘ with half a core of buffalo robes. l‘hore were half I: gazen cutters, each with a young man and a maiden, they‘two and no moren'And then again Lpnir ofjump efl,'mo.uiting it great outlandish looking bin,‘heeped up, pressed down,and running over, Scripturemeasure, with a small col. 1061 th of huma‘nity packed up 'en route, from a dozen homes, and all as merry as kittens in a basket of wool. And the bright eyes, ripe, red lips, that once caught a. §limpse of, beneath those pink-lined quited hoods. and the silvery laugh that escaped the mufflers and fur tippets they' wore then—who does not remember? Who canlever forget them i . The school-house, destined to be the are na of the conflict, has been swapt and gur nished; boughs ot‘ ever-green adorn the smokestained and'hattered walls. The pellets of chewed paper have‘ all been swept from the ceiling, and _two pails of water been brpugl‘lt from the spring. and set on a bench in the entry, with an imme morinl tirf cup—a wise provision, indeed, for worm is that spelling room ! The big boys have tanned and replenish ed the tire, till the old chimney fuirlyj'irs with the roaring flunels, and the sparks fly out of the top, like a furnace, the oriflumme ofthe battle. ‘ ‘ The two “Masters" are there ;.the two schools are there, and such 'a hum, and such. a moving {0 and fro!— Will they swarm? , The ferule comes down upon the desk with'emphnsis. What the roll of the drum is to armies that the "‘rule” is to this whispering, laughing young company. Th'é clmllengers’hre on one side of the house; the challenged on the other. Back seats, middle seats, low, from seats. all fill ed. Some of the fathers and grandfathers, who couldmo doubt, upon occasion, “ Shoulder the crutch ondshow how fields were j “.on," ' ‘ occupy the bench of honor near the desk. Now the preliminaries ; the reputed best speller 'on each side choose. “Susan Brown!” 0111 comm: a round ryed little cr'entulo. blushing'like a peony. Such a little thing All-l chosen first. ‘ “Moms Jones!" Out comes MOSH, rm awkward lellow, w'ggh a shark nl ch‘hmr, shockingly halves ed. Hunn-unting his brohd lirow. The gm: lnuuh nt him; but. who) he don’t know in the "Elementary” isn't worth knowing. ”June Murray 1" Out trips Jane, flutter ed 95 a bird. and takes her place next to the caller. She’s a pretty girl. 'but. a sorry speller. Don’t you hoar tho whispers around the house? “Why that's John's sweetheart.” John is the leader, and a battle lost with J2me by his side, would be sweeter than 5 victor)? won without her. And so they go, “calling names,” until fivel or six champions stund forth to do baL-' [l9, and the contest is fairly begun. , Down goes one after another, as words of three syllables are followed by those of four. and‘these again by words of similar pronunciation and divers significhtions, un ‘ til Moses and Susan remain. ‘ The spelling book has been exhausted, yet‘ thus! they gmnd. Dictionaries ,nre ‘turned over. me‘mories are ransacked {or f‘Worda oflenrned length and‘sonndfl until, by and by. Moses comes down like a treo,‘and Susan flutters them still, a liule lea! aloft, that the forest and the fall have forfmtten. Polysyllables follow.'ancl by and by Susan hesitatesjust a breath or twd, and twer‘zty tongues are working their_way through the labyrinth of letters- in a twinkling. Little Susan sinks into the 'chink le‘ft for her on the‘crowlled seatiand there ism lull in the battle. ‘ . "then they a}! stand'in solid phalanx by 50110019, and the struggle is, to spelleach olbe'T down. And down they goflikeleaves in winter weather, and the victory is do clnred {or our district” and the schoolis dismissed. - Then comes the hurrying and bundling. the whispering and glancing, the pairing ofl'pnd tumbling in. There are hearts that flutter and ,hearts that ache: “mittens" that can not be worn;_hopn that are not realizedmnd fond looks thatare uoh‘emrn ell: There is jmgling among the bells at. the door. one nfter another ofthe sleighs dash up, receive their nestling freight. and are gone. "Our Master” covers the.flre, and snufl‘? out. the candles, (don’t ybu r'emember how he need to pinch the smoking wick wuh forefinger and thumb, and than thrust each helpless luminary head first in the socket 1') and we wait for hini. ‘ The bells ring faintiy in the woobnover the‘ hill, in the vaHey. They are gone. The school-house is dark, and tenamless, and we alone with ch? night. Merry, caxe-fi'ee company! Someof them are sorruwing. some are dead, and all, we fear, are changed! SPELL! Ah ! the “spell” that has come over that crowd of young dre‘amers—over you, over us—will it ever, ever be dissolved I Yes. In “tha whité ranance of eternity."——B. F. Tn‘wn. @3Oll. Benjamin Eggleslon, a member of the (gala Senate, has inuoduced a prop— o‘sition that body to tax the real estate one peré cent. ad valorem for revenue for the General Government, and to levy a tax of Ybfity-three and one third cents on each acm over one hundred arms held by any one‘ person. ‘Hnrmh for E ton, he's the “loyal" lad to Open the ‘of the fiuckeye farmers. Thirty three. and one third cents tax on each acre over‘ a hum dred held by a singla person. Won’c the ow‘n‘of big farms reallze, under :hgt ur mugemeul, .what it casts to support the “best govemment ou enrlh ‘1" , An Army q/‘lnvab‘da—The whola number of slck and wounded m the dxflerem. mrli~ Vary hospitals. throughout the comm on the 3139. of January last, was a hula over setenlyqiine thousand. - ' A -.- .._1» a ~uo>~-—-—'~——- ' mhhmnner 6f ad verfiaidgior I hus ba'nd in Java is by placing an empty fiawer pol, on the who tool“, which in amuch n twang. “Q what“, is in. tho W. Hun-bu: flunk?» , 2 . \ 'rwo Down}: A-YEAR WASHINGTO S BIRTHDAY. The Philadelphia Blr tin, in speaking of this annivpmuy, myfi th. “in the present crisis of our histnry we uhn “I [my more re swmt than ever to tha' menu-1.5:, nf'lhv great men who flounrled (hm ltvlnuhliu.” This in Well. to: thaw nu-muxies . a worthy of all proper respect and venému‘nn. But when that jpumul rg-oomnwnrlsrlhht the State House bell and me church bulk should be rung “in honor ol the mlopliun of thy axnéudznwms to the Cnhstllution’f aboliahing slavery, and says that “the‘ morning thr 22” of February ,kould be a fit Occasion lur doing this.” we beg leafs to dill‘l-r WLth it; It is not [ha day upon which to ‘-‘lmve a merry peal","lu honor“ of the nbnlitimv of sluwery. ’l'he 2249 f February is the anniversary nflho hirm‘ofGl-orge Washington, the flaw [milhrl (Jan wn rupee! the memory of George Washington—4M Father of his Cumilyy—by placing him in a false poni- Lion? Would he respect uw could he'know ofaur'aluemptby such pettymeana to com mit, his memory to a policy he never ml vocated while living? Sluveholder‘ns he was: would his hpll‘lt thunk us for trans forming his h6np~x~whivh for so many 39an have lain (‘llllnly‘ in their sacred tom'b—inbo those of, a rcslleas, uliacluel' making Abolitionifll? I“Mull! 119,.” alive, feel honqrcd by having his; mmo :Ill'l lm' natal day assoeiated With [ll-1w abominable negro equality hetermloxioa which .havé brought civil war, with all its hormrs. up on th Government. he helygd l 0 luuwl and dauged the “sacred soil' of his native State with the blood of his klnsman.‘c-Vcn' to the very gate of his tomb and lo the quarters that sheltered his own negro slaves 1 ’ But most pertinent question of all. would it be honoring the memory of Washington to select his birthday upon which to cele brate the disruption of that glorims Con stitution which bears his signature, and for the esmblisment and perpetuity-f which he pledged “his life. his fortune Ind his sacred honor I" Take any day in the cal 'ender for these negro orgies. but let Wash ington’s birthday alone. Wsshington, the slaveholder, the signer and co-founder of the Federal Constitution, and first Presi dent under it, could not if livmg, sanction the destruction of that: instrument .which. for eight years he laboredlto secure to the American people.— Patriot and Union. A REMARKABLE PROPHECY. Not long ago was found at Toledo. in Spain. in a monastery, is paper containing the following prophecy z—ln tllclfll’ West, beyond thé ocean, wxll rise a nation which will be great in power and wealth, and SA tnn, in one of his walks to and tro in the earth, will observe this nation, lld deter~ mine to_ destroy their happiness. will there send two monsters. ond to th North and the other to the‘South. and it! will give, thom strawberries, and they will eat them; and, nt‘tenthey have eaten. they will feel a great thirst not to be quenched with uny thing else But blood. They will, therefore, cause the brother to slay the brother, the father to slay the son, arid the son the father, and they Will drink the blood of the slain, nnd'it Will bring in mentation and wailing throughout the land. And, when the time II lulfilled, them will rise a strong iiinn in the North WHO‘thl take the monsters and bind them and draw them into the sea, where it is the deepest, and peace ‘ and happiness will again prevail throughout, and life people Wlll prnise the Lord. it is said the monks in said monastery maintain that this prophecy was written be iore the discovery of America by Christo pher Columbus; that Ferdinand and Isa len were, in the main, induced by it totit out the ship for Columbus, and that the first part will soon come to pass. Swam- Richmond friends." as bk. Semud called the rebel commissioners in his despatch to the President from Fortress Monroe, are called “insurgents” in one place and “Richmond triendsgi the oth er. The good time and good a enjoyed at the meeting in llzmpton Roads showed that these diplomats could be very jolly to gether for tour hours and morn-and then separate as in the case of Mr. Hunter, up on the one side, and the President’s friends upon the other, to swear terribly over the necessity of more blood and more war. This ‘is Both tragedy and comedy of the worst kind. .Thu President and his Secre ~tan-y begins the week by hobnobbjng with his Richmond friends, and ends it with a t‘rolis on Saturday night, at the theatre." And Congress in‘ the meantime, is froscp— ing the new dome of the Capitol, at an ex pense of $30,000. and buying a picture of Powell, a very good one, no doubt, at an ex pense of $25,000. These-are but drops in the ocean ot expenditure, we know; but with five months pay due. the soldiers, or about $25,000,000 in 2}], they remind s of some of the worst sys of the Fresnel: vaolntion. The administration is stark mad, but. with the apology that tons and Imm of thousands .of the people are mad enough to uphold it m all that it chooses to say, or to tllink.‘-—New I'ork Lit-fleas. -—~ —~-o-o—- A - 3Tb? Qlearfiald Reputhcan thank: that @Gen. Butler and Gen. Grunt mlt “enough is now known from the temper 'oulu The tunnel“ itis reported “baibe evinced by tbve Confederates to convince‘ muk'lng ”"ng 'revelattons o'f “undue: all men‘ that,d hFIUGen. McClellan lbeen hem”, Patersbnrg.” :lan the War Commw 91%.!“ "In” 0 "I°le theta "0“ dbe tee has subpoenaed Gen. Grant tofolloé up my insurmountable dlfhculty “"26 "aYl‘PStlie textimuny. _ In this matter It it hard nn‘liunorable peace, as among tl}? rstql ll tom where the "Uuyperllead “an ”6JO ofllcinl acts. If the war continues, It is come in . . _ agreed upon all hands. that the next six , ' ' __.__,.;_ ...,” __;:____ ' months mu exliibxt' the indst' llerculeah‘ 6.1% “upping of the. “an”. a.» 61323 on both sides, and mightiest and commenced in England on the 19m?“ bl iest battles ever witness‘d. The Jmuary, and Will continue without inter country can therefore readily calculate mmwn um.“ um end or May, fine“. .n We what it has lost by tailing to elec‘ McClel- cable will be called on board the Great Inn : or rather by permitting him to be Eastern. The London 'l'lmu {eel- nonfi cheated outof ”19 election,” dent that the enterprise Will this time-fie ' " -..- '_‘" I successful. ' , ,= 5%" zerTheßoston Cuuricr publishes the oflix —~~ -~-:~«-7y f——“-‘ v 3 cialdocumentslshowmg ting Joseph McDon- fi'l‘lie New ‘1 ork_lnl,mtehasgoneov :- aid, who was. one ohthe gunners of the to the paper mnnngmlisw, and. fly: it does )lonitur in the memonble ii ht with the not Want the gluties redueed. ll hupl'o- Mernmao and luvtj leg in mi action, has/ bflbl)’ become interested m a PM)“ 911“" .b'een..deryed emfiloyment in the Charleyl like 1131118 members of Congress. N“ lon Navy Yard byfiom. Stringham, ul- " though recommended by Assigtant Secre~ tary Fox nnd'lhe Chief of Bureau of Yards and‘Dbcks. Stringbam nileges. over his own signature, as a principal fennqn‘ lur denying the maimed gunner employment. that, "1 am reliably informfll'thu‘ he vo ted ugainbt the prelent udminislmtion " ‘ _WM fi‘l‘he Cairo News, one of the hiding abolition paper-sin Illinois, holds mg fol lowing hm guago 2—? . A “Tu? Conuuuuon fig“ it. 3nd the Umon as .n em." a. w flames! ;c'oppemead «legal-{long napalm ,_|‘iflg mm $0 “ I ewhnu.’~ idea’s' an a; If“, x"I ‘ '1‘?!" 3.4:. 1.. fi IGNORLNOI As' film or mm“ The New York Daily Tribune nnncifuo‘ ce- iuelfu, being owed to Mluwing tho ignorant l 6 votefi he quoslmn then as once xvi-ea, who in‘ ignorant and win") in to decide the qua-Hon? it strikes‘us this} this rule woulddisfmnchise. first of all, Lincoln And Sew-rd, aml Ilwreuiter nearly' qvery member of the nbolitiun party. .1 ’ Just look nt thé {ucu jur n moment. and sou ii wefurn not. right. Lincoln [.llde his w-y to \Vstlungann 1861. that "there was "QUINN: the matter, nobody \vnshurl," and you we m-re on the ewe urn gigantic war, Hllh M- the world In: never lic-sore witnesagd. h not this n spoonmen of the dénseu ignornnce'! , Seward declared soon the: the warbagnn. time uud again. that. it. would be over in sixty days. Could Egypfinn duknei equu the density of thin ignormoof Why, any dun-key on a southern plantation his more intelligenca than this. On the ground of “ignorince” Sewn}! islands distrunohiud forever. , A "l‘hengtake the Ibolilion party. Didn't nearly evéry unmet the-m think that tho first 75,000 men called out. was a large: nuinber than wag. nocessury to whip the South? Some of them actually upbrlided Lmbolu for his extrnvugunce in this mm u‘l‘. ‘ No, 24. Watson \\'.~l»b, Lincoln’s minisler to Bra zll, said that. the 7m regiment of this city could march to {he Gulf. ’l‘hen oonsidur that. all nl‘llmn confidently expat-ted HIM .Vllm negroes would rise in imurrwlmn, {but the mouth would lm starvc-IQnuf, an” Ind we have a wuss of ngnnmncoll pretbmed to uuvlnch is fairly appalling. -We_ therefore inn-(l. Umti ignorance 43 lo deprive the peopl‘c' fwm v ing, the very ‘llrst Jmoplo'w bvdnlrmmluset nre lemem bers of the abolition party. '1 new nny be ,2: few e'xvem‘mns But they must Be rare.— .\'. I'. Buy Book. ' _Q‘»R —~-v-’~-—-r «I» -—--— -A l ¢ ‘ LETH’I‘KE DEMOCRACY STAISD FIRM. The Democracy éould not pqtuibiy he in a posmou Indie ihvurabieiioll'u’tqra success than that w ich it. ocrupiea. rSo‘ strung in numericni force, an to forbid I“ thought ’of abandoning its organi-Aulion, and Unre ibre.ufe from Lina dexunrnhziug influences Which pmy weakueu is apt. to generate; made up of me; whosdguuruge and integ i-ily iinva been *oqu pmqf ngniml line-tn and persecutions, as well u‘rxhniwa Ind bu:- ihhmcnts, and Hmreforu m bg relied on in any exumgcnf-y ui Li'ie [mun-{gum wilhal, [Mien-u! o‘l'uny_ responsibility l'nkthe axill m’g Male or the nnunnx, or for Rodney» urea which may he alloplql In tin- Neunt \ nwt'ui condition oi public niluxru, 4'l, Bund- ‘ on the Ingli mud‘ in victory, and if it 1196‘ nntmnhivva it, the inn“. Will be it. ow . and the “allure uuynrdonablen—Daywn 197 k pu’d. » . ' \ Luca! 12‘ lcrfwux.— Mflny man imam to regll’d the local elecxirnnwlncli occur annually in tlm bnrnug‘hq umi annnllips where they'rv side u: ole little impm-umce. Thus): an enlirelv wrong View to take of the matter. 'l‘he'oifices _m be fillml, il‘nf mnnparalively trifling magnitude, aw nevertheless; highly important. Much impends upon hnving the right kind fimen tor Justices of the Peace, for Coastal lea, {upb‘chool Directou. Supervisors, and {6l‘ elezlion (‘fiiuc-u. It in the duty of every good citizen to lake an interest and a part. in the selection and the election: of those who are to fill the“ com paratively humble positions. Ul‘o Democrat; We wopld any, nominno your very best men. and then make a VlgOv rous eil'urt. to secure theii' election; ‘ James S. Green,- of Micmuri;—Maat intelli'o gent Men recollect this singulnrly giMfi men. nnd like the writer. have wondered what had become of‘him for thelnst fouror‘ five years. "Muck." of the Cincinnati (Som mercial, tells the story: A - 81: year: ago, one of the leading men tn the United State; Senate. was JumelGreen, of Missouri. Every observer of pulling events in the history of the country, wit remember hiuigunl triumph in a bad emu, during the debate on the Lecompton qua tion. He won the only man who by com mon consent, got the upper hand of Douglas in that memorable discussion. and but for him the Southerners would have mode t poor showing, ' t then. There learned to be a bright {mg opening for him, but like too many others. similarly situated. he thought no man could rise in the world of politics, without passing a good dell of time in the bur-rooms of Washington; To day as I was walking down Pennsylnn'u Avenue, I passed a wretched lookin men. Blu idly drunk, his face horribly dlsflggured, as i¥he had just emerged ham 8 street‘flght‘; both his eyes blackened and swollen, his clothing covered mlh mud and dirk—the cynosure of 11" eyes, and the laughing stock of shoe-blacks. l mked who it wet, and was told it woe “Jim Green, ol'Miuou ri.” Aloe, how the mighty have fallen! @lll the United States Senaufl My. Shurmun, (R 0 übllcnn.) ul Uhiq, moved to amend the bill)‘_‘lo a emf the enrollment qcl'Lby inserting an Wetiod‘: x"'l‘hx_n no Ellen who has raided in the United States for five years continuously before the mm of April, 1861, shall lie nat ufnlized under the law: oi the United State. a ter the [int day 9f Apnl. 1865, anything in any act. to [be contrary notwithstandinfi. ’ g The Washington dxspnlch to the PM a.- delphiu Ledger, of the llth instant, up: "When the reconsiruetion bill all dil cussed, Judge' Kulley wxll propane an amendment extending the elecliye frin chis’é to all citizens of the rebellious Sule who may be able to read, without ‘diulnc don of color.” _ Comnwntcxmnot make Nils plain". Put down the whim man, mdrun up the negro. ~~A - <o..>"——‘** " ‘ fiThe House, at Wnlhington, on Wid ; nesdny. pinned u hilt providing that. .ith canal be constructed as a. military work. \ or the useof— she Government of tho Uni. Wed States, around the Imm or Mason, commencing at some convenient. point on the Niagara river above the falls, and _tor minatiug at tome convenient point below, upon the‘sume ‘u'lrmmmr uponflho above of Luke Onurio, whlch Hm“ not be len than one hundred and five lee! mdo on n the surtace, and ninety feel on the bottom, I with mnlve feet in the depth of must, with ‘ locks noble“ than two hundred and unn zy-five feet long and tony-five Wide. h ._‘- h— «on ——‘— ~—-—- , The Senatorjrpq .Delqwdrh-r-Hon. Willi!!! Saulpbuy. Senator) m Congress,-hal beqn re-elecLed ‘by the ,Legulmure d: fiehfiro for nix’ years from the 4th of 'Murah‘flfifii 'la-Won‘dell anipa, in Aireeaé’cfiiwh in New York; predated :11“th would have me ncxn Adwnugrlfiwafi (he puma: 1‘ your: allerwqrfl.~Not n h nylons profioy. by any mugs. ; ”$5 ‘ ‘ ~ - < - A: -..... — . nan-Mr. Pendrmn, law’u ‘ 155 E cguudee for the Vice “mmFgu ' \uiu by '3lloddy'letm vm‘wxn ufmk’ courteous, abm‘x‘n’fl‘nd my ' . ,fi’ra u; . f ‘1; figy,&“°§"’s:'fi;‘;s.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers