m 1: ' flatnp‘iligz. •-• OFRII'LAO.’ l- J. unmynox A3O PIOPIII‘YOR. GETTYBBUBG, PA. lIXDAY lORNXNG. MAE. 6, \865 ‘ mm editor is Ibsen: from home "Phe meeting of the Deuiocrntic Stine Contra Committee. which had been ulled for toginy, (finch 6:12.) It Harrisburg. IA: fun young» to Wednesdly. March 811:. -..”... « "...—NV“... ‘ @Hnjor' R. L Dodge, Prawn Mmbnl K Gonerg! of Peunsyluniu, hu beta rolieud \from duty by 1:; order frnm Washington. Ind Brigadier General B. W. ll’inkn, [ltaly in command, in New York. in unignedw dmy in plnée a! Major Dodge. This up poinkment is favorable, to th‘é Stqto Admin jpmfion. ‘ 7 Thu Governor ofDalmbgra—The dent}: 0! “Hon. William Cannon, oflDels'wu-e. win innouncad on Thursday. By the death of ”I? Cannon. tho Hon. G. inuhbnty, spllr In of [he Senate of um State. it called to fill the gnberniwrinl ahtir 6f (man! little Delano. Mr. Snulsbmy is 3 man at de» aided “may" ofhigh soaialfatlnding, 614m !mpuohnblo integrity; rMid hillmumption ‘ If “:5: time o! the ‘dutiu connected with? the highest civil offlcd in hf: nuin Slug, 1 ,1' In event full of interelrand hop'o fin»; worde- ,4 ‘_ . "Tho N. Y. ’l‘rtbuu than him 03' ‘59 Logan argmizntion “Hing itwlf the Sum of Virginin: “The Santa dog: not seem inclined us recognise the ‘Common Council 0! Almndrls,’ which all: inglf the State 9f Virginil find lends Mr. Sega-In Congress. By & vbto 0f29 £Ol3 his credentials were 3 kid on the table. and the queption, "it w nan‘ Igtin Inuit. be néttlcd by thqnext Con rail, and pfoyably on flifi'ersm grou’dds," . WMW__* lfi‘ln the BenaM on>Bulurdny week Mr. ‘ Bwfibury introduced Lfiz‘following femin hon, Mined oh‘ 3 recent. Exwech of Albert G. Brown. flats; member a! the U. S. Sen-u.) delivered ili’the_ _Rebel Co’np‘e‘sn, in which ficauuy Sthntnn is represented to have {laid to Mr. Brown, at the time be withdrew {from the U. S. Senatp. and after Missouri 4m} exuded. that "Yqu are light: ' Go gimme an'd urge your friends to stand Ly : what ihay ham done nfpd nll wfll be well. i Firmnepa néw will "mire yrsu‘nu ybu full. Any wanting and ym': are lost." The re»- olulion isu foflowu F "'llraoluad. That a committee of flve‘. mam .bers of the Senate be.- nppointed ‘bw the presiding officgr 0191-le ‘to finko inquiry Q Inference to‘ the min) or falsity of the o -‘ r 59. bueiqhefnre and afo’reanid recited ; and’m referem‘e to the puriotizm And 10y .35 ofthe said Edwin, M.’ Stanton, [inst n presong‘with leave to lakelte'stimony, 3nd,?) mlke ryeport mfriting to the Sen- Ite. ' ' ‘- " Mr, Saulajbury ofl'erejd to produce proof of tlie Negation: agaim’t Sauetary Stanton, 'M‘ lEorded an olgporiunity, but at tint point the Senato adjoumed, and the subject will 9°: on Mondiy :es'umed. " ‘ -———-—‘r—<¢o¢l>n— —-—— . lé‘A small “loyal";weekly amyflp 111 Bradford county—Um; IhporUr-aclzees I lengthy diaquiaici Vn oh the “algae: with she following ”lei? :. l ' ' "The writers on finiancea who figure in file Journal qf Comma-cs. the World. the flrmld. unleven lhelTi-ibum. mid all the minor sheen of the land. have imbihed Ithgii‘ noliona from Stale Bank theories.“ or Sale Rink intw’and are, therefore. untgutngnhy.” ' ‘ The next Secretary :of the Treasury will doubtless hail from Brndforrl county. So much financial acumen should not be al ia>led tdiud. blossom, die and rot unseen and unapprepilled. v, 03cm minoiiil ruled may be judged iron: the fact. flint out of twgnty~flve mem ber: of the Seam, not, one is : native of flutSute. ,F‘ive lire mtiie of Ohio, ywo of Indiana. Ind the mfiatity 2f the remaining aighuen in transplanted Yankees. Out Hfightyfivo membori qf the House. only data are nudge to the Scam! Ten are of: Itho. had A very large proportion oftho‘re mind” In from New Englnnd. II it An); Wadi! thlt the "infamous ~black Inns” hive [bean ropon‘ied and the black banner " of “mayo equality” tin been niudJn the 'Z-n'cke‘r State 2” \_ ‘"_ -——--.—-—«¢u—- fix"! York bus I tam—Governor. J—ymlwice‘lga has made I brilliant remark. yin big JetteMo the Senate transmiuing - who tbu Congress had lbrognted the brdoul‘ Ida"! Constitution, he said :—. "rho .dq in‘not fax-distant wben the Gm ;fimfim‘of .tho Unipd States an]! harmo min iith 4h. Declaration qf Independence.” Bow‘naiormnno that Mr. Penman did not 'liufitho imapheflonstilution was framed, m II M) 'hne infogmed those noodles, «Gear Wuhingtan and James Madison how finish their not. "harmonize 2” . ”The generality of Shoddy is we” mum-Med in the one of Com. Vandal-bi} V nho. liter miving shout $300,000 from Ibo 'Bovornmem Tor‘thrchuger of one of if. "I‘d! for 150 day! at 83,069 Idayflhag W the rotten old hulk so the annoy :u. ”finial" gift . '- 'anj value o!.“qu prqperty in Km» Inaugip Gov. Bramlette, héforo the wu: hem if: 2&0, as usémfld for zaxplion. \tu “97.494.527. Iq 1862 the value mu' rodu‘ cad to $57,511,770, and in 1‘8“ to $34,179.- 246. - _ l 'Thm Patel-abuts fzpru: sign that. dupiu the offen- MGen. Grant. a huge number“ hi. men are dtiEy deserxipg. and fig” (8* unnds nnd swamp. in the rem: of Ilia I'D” 8. laid to be filled WM: duhueu. w Wubh‘ton 3w bagging who ‘* my QM ior Inhlu'tflél and ‘Med an nil-3'B” are :1] “loyal” m “.3130: Illinois Wu . has purchav' ordinary nfhoe 0‘! hadlßrglhgo a zen-_m to W In! of the in: 85 Jun A. ”this at. lxa expintion o >Il term u not. flunfim . ’ . wfiw-ww ' u --|--——-vo ' _ -oa——-———— 3:.) {l' 1" “gr“ ""“M ‘ Mb; hum fire subs (Dim 51‘9““? 01500 I“ 319.990, Ind in cover“ (mm the count WOO, ~ a soda; while in {s6 n ’3‘;- },;”o ~ N. , . L 4 '7 ‘T 00 a Air h n . gagssrgofogxz '1 X] n o T l w mper‘u.fl' rum it; “md‘ 1‘13“? - I - try not P’n ° t M _ {2’ :5 “1M: ”1;:- fr“‘ih“' 3‘s - :02," 1:30;? ' 1:0”: "tlilu‘n‘he pl :24}! .1?“- “fer—odifi o‘ddPillf*.,;‘ru“.‘r‘:n;or ‘ -. ...g .x 1 ‘ . "7""sbj’cr'fl‘u' B:hn"9 ””1 mibilgn“; 57!: m‘__ ‘dam'hh: °;°°‘--=‘“ ”Karim- d" 3°"c ‘5 -—-—-~ n ed lan 9 S" pa.“ 5; yaw“ 01.5 9 seagrd. ”:5 jemmogm "6.“ lb}: ‘0 h“yfl3::£: Pm?“ n M‘m ' mr m- ”_fid ch‘ ! > Ami. 1' RN! t ~ ,9: V. II 11' u.noo.ul°nh. * x” “quin p? nl.‘°"s‘i°u.°-xn‘iumo -t ”1'“: 'o'B‘93 '01" :11 5 «« ,fioll JLZycgbfiio; par VP. 3‘c'; .zl-‘iletimgll: Lun‘é‘mlo “fismsrl‘iw I“; =01! Q m‘ld In" dd" ‘1 oth mimibo‘ ,- en I! P .70 ‘1 Iwena‘t p« a, r... m a: , Plomro d h°n in bL-lxmy_Y,m.tb.Y°m.u e orgapd (5' ref“; 3no '0 ’9' tho‘in. T'to’or Ins (2.7770 If nfi'ht‘t'n ! '0 0 {h 1 'LI'“ l "6"” In ery d 3‘!" b? n 8" behmud'lprel‘m’ Obs-y“ 0 I m” o .'h ‘ doll u 'mgaulethy l 0"? « In": ‘4 '1 I! ' 00 "h gto mg, gm°ll.y-’°F~ In arm? 3n‘ 1" «I‘ve.r , aflo‘ Jl'3l: Ii“! 1é "o i‘r ‘h ' 1301,70 wno by “u‘n 1c m" ‘t. ’ 'n-‘ry "hi “and m. ft‘l)‘ tow. 9! :‘Wfohetlp'rzrde w-fivlb‘lihia 3;.”th Inn Fe, “m“ ‘13": :7 0:1,. P.”r.,fl::. 9x09111490: grelshflfl :‘rf‘; PM! :1 my? cred‘fm day Pain ‘ u- hei, onr pery I", hairfjif‘m’i’e ‘30:)! H,f;‘i.;° xcgn‘ 4‘6 As, 't "mo" of ‘ flinging“ po' cano'goel ‘lio 1:21 i'aioi} 3 ma (19% erect 8]" \fr'o er ”I hmzade to ' fer" p.“ «Pct-“firm.“ Inga 0"; l'l“:" ““1," 39‘ "wroe “J‘fi bs‘ I ‘ nm' in'-"ad"; 'h °fBsl o "115 P d ”11:" lo , {G 80°31] u" on .y ‘- 9“ :“110” emo ‘l' 00-353 lxnfiu S“ v! I“ W ‘h- p” e d 9 th otl 0 " in" 3 bell) ndcm l‘ "wt!!!“ 1 e‘d-r‘t g: at, ‘11" ".1 mil 5‘ It'beThut In we "i mp“ 1 y_ .‘ Per 1n her ”NI-B" s ‘.d‘, 3,, km °u {a ceghfl h. inn“ U,"13853"nd a s“!!' l‘ 9f 5o .‘ 'mlu ha I' I“. Illre(a 1‘ lch neon t 0 ‘1 ' erfl ,re or‘ |‘ bu e iII t "0101,de ffohedd“ ‘ebe ! rv’ mt? fi’p'. ni-ppgz. gum-”gm «Mm ..an ”in ‘li fth 'e-‘sich: “11"}: ’4": 1’ See ’e'sl'rgm e§“lv’*:§l su'w?";‘ln' w...‘ a; 1° «bkexxao'he L lame? Magma: o’top‘in'hrd’u.‘ p w 1:: in tmtbu‘rg 3'” P" Led-Tibia???" i” dwe'ré o Meir: m° pf'gto‘w ki I" " but; . ‘in ‘ 9,9 am! aficin‘ef {Hey (”Joke mrga vev no InY« pillvt ’eh Vna In 12-“ MI. 1),. 311-5 In a, fy! lon r“. rn‘lgllce cpr if “a 1.. ‘11..“ "cp1...1|. 'h gyro ten.e o‘ll}, "mutt-gage Ilka it m 3“. {0 sll.s},e)‘!p 9‘ “pa .3 In! [Ol 0° y‘fo. [SnnLe . o'. 9111;:ch _ l'.‘ ‘t n .I}, Ir": em pn‘h'p“ n “d u Suledar‘fa re; 64 benm‘e,ln e 3b ‘ 'h‘me'chhefl ‘b-bl"d'hbl r,l's_g. ‘enfn «1‘ p”: 'u 5,. :. i- 'ch'ty lg 'c 9. f 0? z-anvi 1,," b. p 1,, chine {“1 “a 'e -'t Hr, "in oin"h m r l’ri"u (1 "E t. 1,. Mind" an w x-. 1 Ahasbeon 07 id f Q n_‘ AWIJI .19 .u “t he‘h 9" {bar} I. [I had u,y in‘ :1 era“ “perm" A '“i lxchbs. ban t 1 Uwh mfg few 9‘“? n.."iLl Ito J“: ngéanp ndFr feaexlhifieaohg‘ 1’: éct [lce an‘to hn ‘bé but ’O, min": : deebpedu" 0"! f‘h‘llu M 13'“ 53 " ".2111“ md 3" a" «’e cal“ :- mn w {2- p 9 ted 1’)!f "11 6‘, l‘e.[ff opt V’udr d s u’uf Off: l'e. [- ag. "e nc'n, r.'or , yr "0 h-°mun f 0 b‘agwmewqeg 'l"‘es‘d ‘n n; y °andl“’ th.ndßell'r. 1, qt," ti 'l. lure ..I ed a ill"h’uo{!i 1° 9 n tl' lln °f ln‘e bbe‘“: fed ‘l' bar)? are “o e “L c“: the “I. id 9|: gq Sryn sec!" In 3.0,. . for!" I; e. fl~mt (-1 t ‘ch'n 0011 ktiqo . b ‘nco-l"'b. hil'o u-Im V'e'r‘w’n 111%: ° pnh’ceyp'flnpndnoooluir‘o ee ya me 11 “=le ghw- °n'b‘c: "drmpelrey Wm a"d “z". 0r N 3: “r. o 'll yfi mp 6 ' B’o u. {lO ee, r“ ..." d Tl'nfl I. Y- fd belkn n er'oße'hva" dyearn lo'd Huh “chmin 0”" ‘e ‘in 1' 100")“ popbt' 0,- °w°‘°t :‘g cruf'g arp’o' 'I “d ‘ il='h 'll em ‘4. q pmn; nil enl'q Iv ' c 1:» inlnglnd -°x: co ”in“ béb;"re ‘bnlfur erc‘fuu‘ch en oth“ 11‘ ‘tm qxlfxupne' P..‘"e;"xiy ngmpfelgvicg atad fili» n Ibo. ghaonfiez‘nothé 1 inhuxwofit, gt“?! 3.1:)“; iitefz,;i,n:,f-, fenififiz gem In Cnati ”rim-in- "li'e'rn‘ “1' "Poo“s” 3"; I h“: "All. 'lll pgingnlegh‘; 1.; wgnm‘b, it ‘9 0" °n w: 3t ”n “l -'h rig-Pia vld Ln‘he‘fll "b ban-int,l 'so 0 °u°f bgnllto‘llmalon mnubeod‘hnlbo-en conurd 'O3. de' '1 me-GO pr‘ “gr“; a”icertfld- p 3 uoPluiul' 0 dead p; “Slit: it N, en 'a fen i'- w V °v lon toh-hee. ‘zanuiomc‘3 tifi ”on" He an “i (19 reg “c ‘l nd~ ce‘ltn' hi ”I: em __ 11‘ ml” {n smeqln -°rmirlpyo‘h r ‘e'chm‘ “‘5!“ PL ‘lt—l q o " m°n 9% [‘g‘yselv dgmw oay Finalsbl‘yl‘wr' inmcm 0“ f? a.- o .g‘m'e pa"re t . . i] d“el e :1 ti, Deni fii 4.91-6.91- ’- on‘nl’l pt ’1 :Ide NH!!! uClg'thn cle w m' ”‘3‘ °rde‘W'p'-" ““hlatio nei 1" I|l ”macaw £'l‘! mr'ap’o "h‘len mi~°u° a“t m “li' " 6 “h 37i- f“! ha "L'J' 3° he' n hu‘ .."1 "fpelrtt.“ed:' bad obe e" 0“: fart r ‘ll th" 3 50- f 0 ll'o (griszppl' rgulsh bé'ro hDmrvu' ’le ‘inubn -' i 8 ‘p the {ll"an “haunt" at ecm‘ugrwfl B: innit leclieslghlheal dgemt’hannge“ up y, “I he Bid Pr "is )“i n " "01- t mrd .16 ed '01; ‘o'- ‘l) m 1l “Ml'ml'eao v-‘B 93:0 h n m' 00“” of ad 'l‘nf- 8 on‘) ‘9 edmn n alel ‘i‘ rLi‘ [Bi ed 31 111' n“°"1 tl'l e Vbsh coca“; 1' b 9 r; tr’lnn‘v’" to. ““lon‘l h .6- 0, “‘l. 1°! tr f 9i 1 Lap! 1580 Peongh 0 a "sel armi o’9, Inpér 3"}l’ ”l hinl'aacf. ”Vorldweemu re:°id I:be noinelnofh‘l w-‘ror‘ Se es '1: "y s“n"“c‘Wv " o'er ‘h" “n" ”h'qe a “70:“! °i -cs ° “th ‘lu‘ol‘ e P t 'e- or f a 51“er 1!: n] n“y‘ ‘d~w‘lz I) Vol pa“: " 'W'w‘wa" bron'brk‘olcberm‘t‘; 'l~e:tpe 13%;“ drfflx‘hgb sullen-1111? 219 d ‘3 V‘Te '9; k 11') °r “511 ch xbe “r . ‘hu beruilfov 0 infill ft ‘ll 1; ep' Thi ' ’VH 'th m ”I. a 'o w‘s dot" P t al‘n 0" v 0 dip or'e“ mi a” "P . n n‘ d.v W 1 pl. n let no c B]. S! l’l'pO'lfi to “It l. bn'n‘av “u‘n i’b h‘OSOfie ‘d‘t" lmm'e‘n'elledO‘h a. I‘l ”I I?!“ M" taihnrma‘llom e h t t;‘ ASHE“) to tnl‘eurs. "r. Jutadfi . rthe nd "32“ if rt], m-h 9d me 01, 3,-“nd 1:58 ‘a d,- Pos“keb9l‘n|s“bu‘er'fi'. fvixe Iq‘ “('1 fiect‘lnlighthouseat {3' :‘i- üb'd-a eBBB oA’tath.‘Pon°fi"S‘-‘;t l‘ilgetfnc h m‘ - {musty n’ 11de f“uh“ “d VAL ch‘Peffiro F": e :f‘ 51;, heir‘apg £ll4 ,g. '{lCk inland d 3 upuubsecr:t :M A; $491)”. 302‘":- P 1 Isn . T, 19 pPr [in To ‘c Lind}; 11,! 9]. tb l’y_;- cram d 1r 58 obl (3 ex. 1- lt e. I“ e . LI. ‘6 n, Dmp'i in ‘nb .0“, q‘ he. lon 90 Fh—L— e i fa "g atedpro 'l'; 5c “tl“r L- chr ‘9 '—__ g 1 ‘lq “any" “h "Jae; “cullizodlerd‘bhv orflesl)ofall "°n Fa; "bplFs ' mP‘rnl‘th ' °fxiou"s"lo°l;,we “9° “deo' M .‘n ‘0 Bed- ‘lnupou’io 191 a ‘Bro‘h‘ 3c~“l,ddo“n “'9 “dc “I 80:8,“: sci“, , lpt'l’itgn thee. n 1.1:; “ed‘2olBgli‘r; :‘rculgr thguric (.0 nt ‘ne-dt “w: (I%?in :re‘lng t? f poi’y Jedi“: b 31315 {r q: ethcstége goite'qu‘ ord b’tter in is: of e to 43%, halo-[Mt c 812 m {prawns oat o}"‘49'l. 0]“ he n‘ mn ,1” :1? tea hie In huh re he dlyi'el’on or. 'f “a mi °o°k r, m. "t n led g, Bu h nd‘a ey ‘8“ 3L h N 'wedh “fin-eke? at :th e. Yof n o ry ‘h- ‘ “q hf xi '“thflv or, 1,001?” '30"! t) :1 °.ex° "‘a the“.- °m ‘0 ~"' .I 8956qu ”new?“ 'u "n,“‘a a,’ aul' p 9 f " °S ‘h “n.ldilh'ld Ve I: In .- ru :1 031:"! "d noua“ o enc, ae» n 26“ db] ‘n, a, 1e fo °b Tp‘ Ire u‘b‘ apps-[of e‘ “Vere‘tn 9 "*1 "lemi l"t? Trent‘p ‘ 60°10'o mlu- .Udgredi‘nbeed ,1" Pl yber" 9-}“9 L, a“! A" ywaderer nu.“ 1' "e 830 .n grnyd t le’ldh ‘ Inf." Im“d!p, o, '1 o W hen a*l 2d -le bl? a'l as To ‘3 f 0 '1 'fi"‘l°fii"h .510 ““0 g.‘ to djcug "1:0 {all 11]“ eve] Ke- bugeso ‘B9 m: l"in Jhed omhe'col nI . 0!“l|elli 3 nt 80 9' ei ‘o 1" 0r 9,6 ‘se ",9: "‘[so‘gd .‘himeguibe,3v:,~.;tsgk x ~. - 3 “9,31; te'“lobi:¢°‘i,“e 00“}: ' 915%th Pr ethond‘ f 0 51'. T ' cea on his bbyltio :- to If tho'whd. "a —~u“s . h“ {h 36 en ‘0! rho 1° \' e n a.“ 5e Ana 'l)y )pe be. as bogme the I)“ l‘ne 111.5 do: 30°10 “re _ n “ d ti 9 “3 ""3” h and mchers. and hundr‘ 'mmufgclmed qflicers. Ind anofiad to acquige imbitl of 5 learn (,9 depend upbn public Film)"~ honest indushz for theirsupport. ‘1 This is theewuy the moneyfigoes, and the too, says theTrit’hns, “whéh our heroes in the field n're vslhly asking for theirhsrd-eern-I ed pittsnoe to‘leed‘and‘ clothe their needy l wives Amlthildren—when some brigades"! have hsd no dollar for their last six months'j service. and ire becoming mutinous end unservicouble because unpnid—when no body desls with the govermnent who can find any other customer, because payment is withheld to the but moment. _nnd then “oftener mnde incerlificstesof indebtedness, which must ’be sold at s hnvy discount—l when everything lugs and drags tor want of, money..e’nd because the national credit is so dubious." This is a picture of‘ou‘r ns-i tinnsl countion from 's friendly pen; yetl what man‘in the Republlcsn party will "belll the ont"‘in Congress, snd‘dem‘snd that psr— ty purposes sud humsnitsrim schemes shell be sfibordinsted to patriotism and hom’ sat (sir dealing? The TriMa-de’cleres-thot the action or the domintnt party it this time 'with refer-J em» to the finances of the nstipn‘ is "a com-I pound of I‘Manity and praclical lrtason"—and I unit is. ‘ What no Well cslculsted to weak en my nation es the policy which sinks itd’ credit day by day at a time when it is 11- resdy staggering tinder 'l_ load of debt fall'y‘i up ‘ its reason; to best? We need econ-E rmrsnd retrenchment. the close inspec-l iofifgf ell finsncisl measures thst may be. p'rgiaoeed, and, th'e abandonment of sil'i schemes that seek to rob the treasury un-_ der the guise of humanity or other specious sndiraudulent pretenses. The white men! must work to support his family and pay; his taxes. Letthe negro work also. instesd l of being kept-e! government expense sad, thus become e hnriien to the nation. If. we no to escspe from" tinder the shadow of ' the cloud which now lowa-s over the land, snd begin sgsin the much toward pesoe| snd prosperity. we pmtldiscerd :11 more experiments" end not I: wise business men. mfgl of the mighty interests committed; to our charge: 4 If this be done. we may‘ drag om flnhncos out of the mire‘nto which they hhve been cast by the notion of the party in power. if not, then the end is ruin. a {i fi'l'be Mausehusetts plan of filllpg her quot-A from ogm‘de murces is not a new one.» 80 long use. much 1.7, 1778. Gen. Wubhingmqf mom _to ~ Jsmri ‘ Bowdoin, President o the Council 9! Emmet“. In follows : ¥ ; 1 "Sn: It gives no inexprusible'conwn to have repeated informlfiou‘ tron: the bent luthorily, [hat the oommxtwu or fine difief en: town, and district: in your Sun hue dwlrtm from Gen. Burgoyno's nnny. Ind einploy them. is subsuwles to excuse Ih. penonll service of tbcauhgbgtanu." - [Am-ml 3mm“ Denial—By decilion of the Commiujonerpf Intfrnal Revenue, an *Now York. ‘l-‘eb. 28. nm in now an am am. Bu): “Comma-e -nf hing deposited. “servants am! scavengers,”, why du they seek their elevfltion‘nbove such occupations by inspiring them with notions of perfect social and political equa‘lity with the white unfather newly {negroea are new and xd not race T To use a homely phrase. “they mn not have their plum cake and eat it. too." ’atriotd': Union. ‘ a. -—-——~—o-‘——r-——~ LL NEGROES VOTE? The A ‘tion leaders clsnior to have the black men n itted to all the privileges of'citilenship—to ote. bcu 'During the debut ; on the proposed amend l ry, the leader on the Abo I Mr. Speaker : The Senator ' \ me as to whether 1 would give th J franchise to the colon-d mun: la 1 man to dodge an issue when fairly pres t ed. And lam glnd the Serutor has In the interrogatory, because it fairly presents an occasion for me to unto my position on equestion that is soon to come up for the consideration and determination of the American people. Thil question is soon to enter into the politics.“ the country— it cannot be dodged or postponed. This} principle lies 1t the foundation 0! ourpo-| iitical system. This idea gave birth to the‘ Republic; it is organic and fundamental.‘ Standing upon this hush-principle, 1 mm free' to declare that I am in fever of giant-l ing the some political lranchises to the Hack man that I would bestow upon the‘ white man. i run opposed to making color‘ a test of citizenship. . i And lo In those genenlly who mould And direct the Opinion: held by the puty in power. Lowry tells us that. negxo equal ity "in soon to enter into the politics onho country.” Speaker 'l‘urrell chase him for chairman 0371“ Senate committee on Fed eral Rolntions‘; and he repreunls the View: of hi: pnrty,and the federal :dmiuislntion. in ad ranceé—vflonlrou Democrat. Illlti‘fcrfllCl with Ekctianr—The President bu signed and approved the no: to prevent oificenam' the army 3nd nnvy Ind other person? engaged in the military and naval agrvioe otthe United State: from interfer iniin eiectionl in the States. ‘0 troops or "med men are lobe brought. to the poll- unless it Ibo“ be neoaury to rape! Irmod enemies, or to keep the peace; nor nhtll it b. luwiul for any officer to pre sgribe or fix by proclamutmn or order. or otherwise, the qualifications of voters, or in any manner to interfere with the free right of sufi‘raga. Officers so oEendiug are liable to indictment for nngdameanor. and on oohvichou fined not. exoeedmg $3OOO and suffer rimprizonment in the penitentia ry not 19:: than three month: nor more than five yam; MlllO disombion of the mum, and. any person to oonwcted uholl. more over. he dlaquuhfiud from holdiuinny office of honor. pram or trust. under! «Govern ment ongnited Staten. Other guards no (bro Iquud tbc elvctive franchise. _elrnmey’a Prat, the organ of he Re pubhm [Ml’ly m tuxs Slate. declared the nun of the nun-ulnar, smenflent. to go "a lriumphfar Llul law: ,crty to thirty yun ago. declared the Louiiluwn to 65 a guy:- aunt ml]: 11411." L“ the people pond” and reflect, “ ”Antoni the cqrjai‘ie; magi-cod if: museum 1: s Who'- bud eon uiig'mg the muls ct manly-four gamma mant' conmuwra, ad the fun-lune. of Ind!" canon. hin nearly hAlNull. ‘ '7‘. Demand 11...“ me tomw nmfinu lan's.» ids-lay "an; um». ‘ luch' la, 3: Alex. W how, to uni» nut! I Ifi'fl!“ lick“, , ‘ 1 , _ . There i« every reason to believe that! General Beauregard or General Johnston [whichever wu in mtnmnd 01 the Confedvl ente troop: in South Corolina. lnlt week); bu opposed S 0 strong a front tn Sherman‘s: proper-I. that he has not advanced beyondi Winns'ooro'. thirty-eight miles north ofCo lumbil. By reinforcement; Imm Riel»; mond. Wilmington and Charleston, the. Confederates have gathered a force equal to} Sherman‘s. The Federal cavalry on lut‘ Wednesday had not ruched Florence, onel hundred miles Glut 'of Columbia; nor wasl it known what had become of Kilpstriok’s‘ raiding column, which named in that «li rection. Shermnn. therefore, had no linel of lupply by that route. either to Wilming-l ton or Charleston. The Confederates, on: lut Wednesday, still held Klngnville. on} the Branchvnlle and Columbia railroad; thirty miles cut 01 Columbia. all the FOdB-z rel troops being north and weatol‘this placed Sherman, therrlore. had no line of In plies. Iby that route to Charleston. He hmfonly-l the long wagon route through Columbill and Pocolallgo to Hilton Head. The jeopi‘ ardy of his supply llne and the strength of lthe Confederate army, has moat probably brought him to a atuml stilljust north of? lColumb’m. 4 l Sherman, when he paswd‘ Augmta, left behind hxm'a ntrnng Confederate gurrieon under General D. H. Hill. August: is sixty mile: :oulhwes: of Columbi . Itis report yd that thq Confederates frzm Augusta at tacked the Fedsml rear on February 1811:, capturing oigha hundred primners Ind 3 number of wagons. 0n Ihe 19th. the Fed eral cavalry ndvmcejyst south of Winns boro', in reported to have been attacked by the Confederates and driven back to Ridg way. thirty mil" north of Columbu. ,The advice: from Wilmington and City Point indicate that there in intense Inxiety tQ heir from Sherman. o'fhere is a report that Sherman’s and Schufield's Armies. the Inner from Wflmmgum. efi'emad ajnnction on Monday last. The pluck it not mm].— Such njunotinn. however; was impouible. There have been mm; details received of the condition of Charleston when cap tux-9d,, The city was nearly an burned. Many citizemi were left In the? town, Im'ong them «ex-Governor Aiken. of South Caroli na. Five hundred bales of cotton, partly burned. f 9“ into lhehands of the Eden] troops. Just after the Federal advnnca en tered the alty, th. Confederate: blew up their three imu-cladu, which lay in Cooper river, north of Ll]; city! They were the Palmetto State. the Chicura,ant_i the Charles ton. Several vessels that were building were burned. _ There is n ropnrt uhich comes from New York that Geneml Grunt I‘v- about to 'mnke an ndvnnce fruu] his left flunk and endeav— or to capture the Southsvie mill-0:31. Grant's plckl“ on Butcher's run are seven mnles from the null-cad. We have not yet received any intelligence from the Federal camp indwntmg {but this movement bu begun. ,' 'teJ. age, I he pas the A Confederate force. numbering one hundred and finy. on last Saturday night, attempted to destiny some lighthouses on Chesapeake Buy. "l‘noy were driven elf.— Agc rf chvmvluy. ' Tin-re is no longer any dnnbt Hut Sher man's max-ch has been checked. He did uol advance beyond \mebSrofisouth Car olina. Finding Im- Cnnft‘dernu’l in great force. be wzllulrew lowauls Columbia. It is uan-tmn win-[liar he is now. retreating lowur 3 Charleston or townril- Wilmington. lld is moving in an easterly direction, and All of his trOup-s have passed out of the railroad between Charlotte and Columbia. The Confederates have reoorupiod Colum bia. Very little damage mu done to the city during the Federal ocr-upu‘ion. Sher man is now on a relreut. His u-my fronts northwest, but marches east. The Confed~ eruteu 2m- noflh and Wrat n! Shermnn’s (room. Sherman mny'go to Cbnrlenon or to Wilmington. At Churn-Mon be can es iablish I new bane of supplieé. It is report ed that Sclwfield. who has about twenty thousand mv-n, has marched from \Viiming ton tojnin Sherman. Sherman may intend to form ajuncuon with (hm-P troopn, but it cannot be effected for several day: yet. On last. Thursday evening Gmmal Johnflon tool: command of the Conlcderate armies infiouth Carolina. All the) rumors that. have been coming to us of a gigantic invasion ol Alabama and Mississippi by Gem-ml Thnmu from East port, are falxehoodv. Thomas has no such intentions and his army Is too weak to ab tkmpt such a march. General Thomuil now in Nashville and from that. poin'. di rect: :ifliurs in the department. The Fed eru authorities have ranpmed the nib-om between Nashville and Huntsville} Ala: buma.‘ : in our State Senate, mt. Senator Low “io'n aide, Elid': J ‘wurrogapes t :lectlve I nofu] The Federal troops at Hm-nnndo, Missis sippi, are prvpnring for a raid towards Sen uobiu. Alabama. This is intended to cut the Confederate railroads connecting Gen eral 'l‘nylpr’u army at Corinth with Mobile. The Cdntexlemtes report luring captured several prisoners from a Federal raiding vwarty thnt recently mulched from Jackson "Ue, Floridn, to the intnrior of the State. wax-:1 Olllmore has sent. n despntoh to “Jon stating gnu ha has captured \bundredfind fifty ordinance u . l L_ Wash ~ _t over lou . CharlestOn. It is report- that Hancock in to com mand the depart: 'ofit of West Virginia, re cently commanded - gthe captured Gener al Crook. Generals Crook and . exam in Libby prison ,in Richmond. 1 -Forreu is reorganizing the Moderate onvniry in the Soutliweet.—-—A_9e Itundny. There is very little doubt/that I: not} the recept nun: prevented. General , nti would have made, on Sunday or Mood)“ last. e determined ell'ort to gel possession“ ol the Southsme railroad. He bu concert-i Rated at llutcher'u run a force of about for ty thousand men. All the other portions of hialong lineJluve been weekened to fur; uish n force for the contemplated expo-l dition. A large amount of artillery heel been sent to Hatcher’s nun, and the Feder-l ll cavalry at Renma’ station on the Weldon ‘ railroad. are m remlincss to move as soon' as it may be necessary lnr them to pro teetl the flanks of the advancing inlentry col-l umn. The henvynins however, hove deul leyed this expedition. and may cause its abandonment. The Conlederuten have 118 d lull notice of It. and have been busy prep». ring for the Federal edvmce. There in!. nothing doing on any portion of the line in‘ lront nl Petersburg. I On Sunday last General Johnston issued. In order in which he assumed commend all all the Confederate troops in Tenneuee,l Alebamn. Georgia, North and South Carolin m. Grueml Beauregard will rem-in with{ him as second in command. Hie hud quulcrs are at Cmirloua, North Carolinn.‘ (son. Sherman is .sull moving to the eut—‘ ward, but we have no definite intelli-L ’nce lrom him. It is reported that Columbia. SouLh Carolina, was burned by‘| the Fudcul troops in’ retaliation for about having been fired from some of theJiousel‘ at. the soldiers. . ' l There axe indications of I cavalry nid down the Shenandoah Vulley by 3 portion of Sheridan'u command. We h-ve not yet received any repofl of. the deyarmro of the ruiding party. The wwnundQ-h burnod or bonded noun American Vestal: in the South Atlantic. All of them new owned in New Bn‘hnd. A Bnlumore vowel mm. was flopped wu IL loved to go {nae-Ag: e," Diday. ‘ ‘ Th New l’ucc Munich-J“), 8113011.) In- Mliputm’ of PM” up: , . We hue reason to bghovo Hm Gen. Sin ‘ gluon/received uuthqm from our govern mgny’m pun to the 1:0. Jinn. Ind It“ In ban-gone. not upon pnnp When, I": m yum: mrrbum _by psflmul to mass» alt Ind Mr. Dun "mm um, 5-; , . .. mfihm will Mm. ’ .. a bone" Judah. so {ct in the Inn: «paucity. MWARXEWB. .- , II“! n: AGL‘I 1).le mam: IS= lobar) & Mott}- THE DBAFT.—Belowwt [lye \he name! of: thoneidnmd in the urersl nhodiurlcu nnm- l ed. it will he observed that no draft he! :68 been nude in 3 number oftewnlhlpn; this in} in coneeqnence of the vigoroun efloru making : by the citizens of those localltlel Io till their} respective qnougé, end, a long on thbu oforu' are likely to prove succelslul, no draft will kkn‘ place in web townehips : l I ECHTIKOTOX.-—JereminhvWillon, Jncoh F. l Cline, Samuel Kennedy, George flowers, Eli S. Myern, Samuel Fitzgernld, Wuhington Penner, John A. Dixon,J. A. R. licßride,Jnrnu Nickel, . Mr. Hammers. Jamel M. Sidesinger, Jacob B. . Mull, Wm. Jokes, Thoma G. Neely, Albert ._ Criu, A. Ronny-n, June! Div]: of E., Hirern Albert, Jeremiah Bum. Joneph Yohe, Daniel Cleaver, John 0. Gardner, John Snyder, Eli Gochenon r, George Slnyhlugh, Absalom Glen -2 Ver, Washington Myers, Stephen Duttern,.lohn ‘ H. Cnufl'mnn, Geo. W. Main, A. B. Dill, Emwe i uel Crllg,(colored) Snmuel Wolf, James Clark, i Adam A. Myers, George W. Wiremun, Wm. T. Brandon. Gem-go Fickes, W. Welsh. Obed Jar coho, John Yohe. Henry Wireman, Geo. Smick, Gilaon Meicnlf, David Aspen. Wm. A. l-‘ickle, :W. W. Rockey, John Denrdorfl', Geo. Reigle, 'J‘eter Grou, Wm. Dnltera, Peter Penner. I. W. 'Penrson, Alfred Albert, John W. McNew, Hi rnm Jnukins. Alfred Hummelbnugh, Daniel Miller, Wm. Brougher, Levi Smith, Geo. W. 'l'rofile, Adnm Asper, J. F.sl3ybnugh,C. H. iSimpson, Frnncis Mullen, John Stephem. in. Henry Junkins, Jacob Bream, C. G. Miller, B. F. Lishey, Joneph Galloway, Joseph Wiremnn, Philip Snyder, Wm. G. Fergnlon. John Shane mm, H. L. Wiremnn, John Weidner. Noll: Schriver, Hezekiah Golden,_Joscph Penner, I Lewis Myers, George W. Miller, H. A. Sheeler, Home: Howe, Ephraim Fickel, H. A. .\lcnle, H. lA. Wolf, W. B. Smyere, Jnmes J. Melcalf, Jamel , hlcElwee, Daniel Albert, Jamel Gardner of 3., ILevl .\lurnper, Jacob Miller of 8., David Howe, l Daniel .\lorklry. Joseph Shuru, Anthony Dear ! dorfl', Jacob Elicker, John C. hilller, Peter Fry, John C. Plank, Jnmel Gnufl‘nmn, Edwin-ll Du:- ‘ rem, Richard W. Sndler, Amos Little, lsuc iKen‘nedjt, Wm. E. Lishey, Snmnel Miller, jr., | David Beam, Alexnnder Heikee, Lewis Hamil ' ton, Duh; llyeu, Bore“ Smilh. Jeremiah Slay- Ibnngb, award W. Group, Henry Williams, ‘ Mania Spark, Daniel Hurst, John H. Zinn, Jonathon, Miller, Geo. H; Miller, Abraham ‘ Bream. —124. . IJATmoaH.——mi 3.. Group, Golhmllh w. Yang“, Jeane Luew, Gideon Smith, 000. W. Enders, John Deuer, George Deardorfi, Geo. l". Myer], Henry ‘Andcrlon, John Hofl'tmn, Geo. Donor, Adam Hollinger. Bound Snyder, John Hoopert, Jacob LZ‘ Conlmn. Dnvid H. Myers. Ephraim Winnnd, John Chronister, Fredhrlck Wiunad, David Arnold, thry'Hm-bold, John Kopp, Goo. A. Wolf, Petzr Erb, Jacob Leifeln berger. Geo. Smith, Nichol“ W. Bunlmy. Geo. Fickle, Adam Chronilter, And ew Mycu, How u-d Myers. John Goulion, Join: c. Hoffman, Albert Shufer, Wm.Brougher. Samuel Alber', Henry Burkholderfinmuol B.rCllronis!¢-r. John Hamilton, John lye", Hdwnd Miller. Amos Peters, Peter Brongb, Washington Hess, Frank lin Alba-[Jesse Blnuuer, Hiram Jncohl. Adam Brennemnn, Johiah Slammerl. Solomon Genu ler, Lewis P. Wnlker, John Albert. Andrnr L. Coulson, Adorn Bonner, David Hofi‘man, Dcvid P. Lurew, Chi-lulu: Cunfl‘mnn. Daniel W. Har bulii, Samar] A. Miller, “1111. Pickle, John W. Pickle, Jesse J. Chroninleancob Hmdn. Wur nchownlend, Jone Leathers, Eli Smith, .\li cbnel Ehersole, Amman Winnnd, John, W. La. raw, Jacob K. Plonk, lenioh King, Daniel My arm—'l2. FREEDOM.——Jobn H. Boasormnn, lame F. Hengy. Abraham V. Scott, James Smnh. Jqsinh W. Brown, Francis Cunningham, Charles Wol ford, John G. Herr, Ge’o’. “131:0“, Ju es Adnmr, Peter 0. Cool, Jnmes Bighavaamc-rl). lelon, Thomn A. Ferguson, Nellon Boyd, Calvin P. Krire, David Rhodes, Leander Cunningham. Wm. Linn. Frederick Rhodes, Geo. W. Linn, Ahm. Rhodes, Michael llandden, Abm. M. Waybright, Robert S. Lon, John A. Linn, Henry Myeru,.Roben C. McCleary.—2B. BERWICK BOROUGH.—-Chu. F. DAlb,Am blose Hair, Emanuel R. Wills. James Brown, Wm. Hair, Henry Nollilon, Charles Alexander, (col.), Rudolph Brown, Henry M. Huuxr, m. clmel Hellzel.-—lO. BERWICK TOWNSHIP.—SnmneI A. Worn. Amos Smruer, Peter Groin. Amoe thy, Wm. Null, John Richter, Abdiel MrConnelly, Nix-li olns Henry, Benjamin Lnnghmln, Emanuel Imughmarf, Abm. Sowerl. John Boeserman, David H. Hair, John-Groin, Daniel Lnughmsn, Jamel Felix, Henry Linehnrl, Jesse Kehlbuugh, Duniel B. Bare, John .\'nugle.—2o. , HENALLEX.—-John Hellar, Wm. N. Bloc-her, B. C. Momma, Henry Weigle,‘}leury Clll’lrt, John Epplemen, Amos thl, Howard 5. Ye'um, Noah D. Snyder, Thgd. Smith, Wm. Staruer, Arnold Rice, Lewis R. Taylor, Henry J. Mauls, Amos Crnm, John A. Miller, Elinknm Wall-e}, Jacob Crum, Augualue Curb-ugh, Peter Richel, Henry 0. Rice, Uornelinl Bender, Isaac H. Peters, 660. 11. Cook, Ami): Biujnger, Frauen; Cole, John Hofi'man, Edvard Brough. Wm. H. Heller, Jesse Peters, Theo. Jones, Emanuel Brown, John B. Cline, And. Brough, Charles Edwird, Henry Carhgngb, Baldwm Morrison, Daniel Crux-n, Edgar chlnn, AmorSchlaser, Gibnoh Ross, Amos finer,Absnlom Dull, Wm. M‘eidner, Jan, Canddy, (COL) David Cline, Jacob F. Knonse, Absalom Conrad, John B. Huffman, J. Kersey Cook, Edward W. .\lumma, Henry J. Bauer, Joh‘l’eterePJncoh A. Clem, Hex. Mullen, Elijnh "in, Edwnrd Warren, John erren, Solomon Beemor. Geo. Thomas, John Rexrond, chob Orner, Zechariah Uyler, Frank W. Cook, Thenpholis Eppleman, Geo. Bush, Jacob Hoffman, Daniel Urner, David Bel-aw, Jnmes Gnrlner, Geo. Adams. Chry lonum Epplem‘nn, Henry Sewers, Dmiel LlV ingstofl, Amos Yen-. 5, Edward Brown, Wm. Freed, Alex. DL Teflon—7B. . OXFORD TP.—John Gem, Aloysius Mar shall, Anron He'ngy, John L. Smith, Charles Shiller, Philip H. Slagle, Cornelius Mum, Israel Blnir, Juhn Stock, Josiah A. AnlAbnugh, Ed mund C. Gm, Jerome C. Smnll, Hen. W. Smith, S m. b‘iford, Hom’y Kohm, Wm. McClain, Philip A? Myers, Emanuel Reed, Jonas Mummen, Alex. Shruder, Andrew WOl9, Edward Slrnliy, John Meryl-9y, Humllton D. llemler, Francis nwrence, ‘John Hones, ha. 1". Bnpp, Sol. Bing, Abdlel F. Git, Wm. Unrbnngh, John F. YukekJohn Rickrode, John Bupp,Josepb R. Diehl, Edward T. Colgen, John'tlenl), Michael Colgen, Froncla' Weisenule, Cournd Nngle, Francis Breighner, Anthony Shnnebrook, Hen ry ngg. JMJL Robison, Jon. Shone, Dovid Palmer, Choc. F. Hines, Shula Holt: 0!, John 8. Brady, Henry W. You, John J. Fink, Allen Hersh, Henry 5. Lowréhco, Austin A. Snub, James R. Gin, Solomon B‘m John W. 'Her ahey, Amos Meckley, Ahmfli, Pour Tim mins, Emanuel A. Keel, Jucob eltzel, Adam Walt—62, ' \ ' TYRONE.-—John B. Hersh, Phil, Hen. Mummen, Jesse Weigle, Geo. Frank Sluuer, John Spongler, of?., John ). Jeremiuh Weigle, Jacob C. Pmenwrfi‘, Jun. Beret, Abm. Young, Levin Complain, Jens: R. Group, John‘ Splngler, Geo. Wilkison, John Willer, b‘ol.Sterner. And. Bruno, tunnel Sed ler,Jr. Geo. F. Wiuen, Jncob E. flex-man, John M. Plutentorfl', Charles Yam, Geo. R. Harman, Jocéb Bolen, Wash. Brenizex, Howard McUans, Jnmu WlHile, Alfrrd M. Werlz, Sun. Spangler, Levi Glue, Issue Kuos, anxel Dulrick, John Sharon, Levi Ruffeusberger, Petr: T'nmmvr, JICOb C. Neely, Daniel T. (‘OO - Etewan M. Netly, Emanuel l-‘issel, Peter Muller, Unid lluls, Dnnfel Chronisler, L"! B. Group, Wm. Wen, Wm. 8. Fine), Wm. Stor ner, D-mel G. Auburn, Michel Kcmper.—-50. HAMILTONRAN.—Duid B. Blytho. John‘ Cochrnn, Alfred Sal! ,Dnn. Ben-lion} John Watson, hm. Moral, Pour Epley, Ebenezer Mainly, John Wmuen, Wm. u'lsmn, Wm. Shin-“mock", Wu. Ito-Clary, Alex. Bomchofl, Jno. M. K. Bonn", David Net, Doom lau salmon, Geo. Cmr, Wm. Cnlp, Jecob Wood ring, R. Franci- loCluf, Jeeob lulelmnn, John W. Shaina, ham 8. Sudan, David ll.‘ lic-salmon, Wuh. Punt, Chm-100 Qnufl'mln, Btmthu H-nford, (col.) J. V, Dunner, John M. Human, Geo. senders, Ben. M. Ludll, J'no. W. 010““), I. Thom-(Rinehut, Uncu- Sprenkla,Geo. I. Fowler, John Kepperly, Wm. lam-He, Scan Wot-on, J. B. Bung-roux, In. Bum. Wu. low, John Saylor.—-42 “Bil“;iYS-ww gluing, 53mm! Cline, Same Ir, 3 .V aha A. Ki . Gab. W, Hardin", Then-13.00“, Ben. Slag:- hot, mama. ’l'ulor, Jon. E. Soon. ‘Bunnl Rae", Aland“ 3.,Hnntu, W... (I. Bitty, m uh, huh Tom. John 8. Lin. In» Page, 19-03 I. Tho-pun, lu- not». Pom biobl. Ich- mm, 3&9;- gnu-h“ O'Bxion, Jr., Ronbu'fihpvu, up. a. sum, John A. Podecord, Geo. Form, Jun Bow; ling. Sumo] Walnut, Annun- nonraddlc. Chm. Stunner, Wm. Sudan—32. Lnliqore will b. required to report ca Ibo Ulla, and Fmdom and Huntington call): 2131, Bern-ink borough and Berwigk townflhlp, Elmillonbnn. Liberty Ind Tflone will be re quired to report on the 22nd , sadlemlleu and Oxford on the 23rd. No further dnfl. for Ad nms will b. mule for the present. The din ulcls not included In the then are ofl'erlng bonnfie- of $5OO and no Iczively at Work >procurin¢ volunteers. ‘ , DEATH or raucxs a. sauna snail —Lient. anchor, of Co. B, flat Po. Cor-try, in e letter to hie wlfe, gives the following per tlculnnrin reggrd to the death of Francis R. Sbnnk Stable. I member of that oonpnny : ‘ On the 9th, our well known brother in erme, Francie R. S. Sinhle. wu killed by the enemy. After he had Ito‘od hln two hours and put on ‘ picket. he was relieved with the rut of hie re- ‘ lief, and wee ranking preparations to yo to the a reserve corponl. A. Stock-Inger imngirtedhe new e men stnnding in the timber. I ehort din. tunes from the picket line. He did In ‘hin d ity celled. He took Stel§ end three other: to let: whether it wee n mun—or only imagine tion. Be advanced end deployed lill line.—' No looner wen thin done then nix énne more discharged nt‘our boyn. All elceped (but From-in Stable. He won Itrock by two Snlll -—the one went through bl: cont nleere, but did no Injury; the other struck him through the body. He fell from hie hone intently, expiring. The feet was reported to me, when I took twenty men and went out, forming n line of nettle, to get his. body: It mu be tween our lliie end the enemy, but the enemy dared not to get- him. We could see hip plainly. Finally I ndvnnced with my men and getting withln filly yard; of the body. the robe ehowyered u lot of bulls into on. l ordered my men to fire, but could iee no one, on ac count 'bf the timbee. l etoppcd firing. and wont buck to the picket line and received more men—mid, dinmountcd, we went down and brought the body out ufely. I had no Ambulance brought and sent him to the hospi tal—bad him ‘ernbnlnied, and will leave for home try-marrow. He vrms agood soldier, and alwayn "NIT" (In-yr. The company regret his loss. It was quite by mrpriie and unexpected. We went ant nfierwatdl with I. ecouking party, but could see no enemy: l: mm but a squad, feeling our lines. We had fully determined the first one we could take would not be taken prisoner. We would lune mashed him. The boys yer: raving. AT HOME AGAerQir. George Pinter-on. *of our citizen prisoners in the hilndn of thr re els since the hnttlr oi Gettyshurg. nnexpccb edly returnefl on Tuesday. from Snliabnry, North Carolina. 110 is the only one of the pur ty thnt has carried off at that time. who‘hu been exchanged, or rather pnrnled. hiring. Guinn, Troltlu. Codgi, nnd tho 'two llnrpers, mu remnin in the bunch of the _re hell. Mr. Patterson informs us that Mr. Wm. ilnrper died at Salisbury A few weeks ago. lfqis it matter of linoero regret that they hiu'o not all returned. Mr. Putterton, although re joiced to meet old friend: and nrqunlntnncu mll find many Chung”, and much to Si‘dden his heart. Shortly after tho. bnttle hi'4 wife died nnd was buried during hi. nblence; and on the very day of hi: rg’tnrn friends were paying tht lust tlil-nte’of ripped to his agrd‘ mother, whonru bniied on that day. "is leeiiugs, returning under Inchxlrcnmltnnces, can be better imagined than dumbed: . A BAD PRACTXCE.——We with to cell the particulnr nttentitm offamiiiu who use limp; to the dengerona habit «hie-h elmnut all of them are nddivted to oftnrning: the wick down low, cithér to soften the light. of a, we the c3ll - of oil. When this in not theuir of the room soon becomel vilified}; the un consumed oil upon, by the gas produced‘hy the combustion, and aim by the minute parti cles of smoke Ind soot which ire thrown on} Ainthus poimned is deadly in its em-ctl. In, sick rooms thq practice In attended with the worst consequences, and the wonder is thnt more henlthy persons are not immediately and even fatally injured by br chilling“ Among its evil effect: are irritation end inflnnmtion oi the thront and lungs, h'end-nche, «iizzinesn, nausea, and sore eye‘s. We admonish all who use lamp» Iguimt lhe practice. * I :53":- cei] the “tuition 'of our readers to an edvertilement of'Arrandale & CO,, Enropr- ‘ an Jewelery Agents, of New York. The Brit- ‘ 1M Why, of Kingston, 0. “L, up ol‘xbem, .\'ur. ‘ 24. 1864: - 1 A short time sin’t'e an advertisement of Ar rnndnle & 00., IS! Brondirsy, New York, I1!- peared in the columns ol thit piper, bended Great Gift Distribution. by which the.puhlie were informed that n lnige quantity of Gold and Silver Watches and ornaments were to he disposed at by Lot, the total cost being only $l, nndfifiscin return rnlned from $3 toSba; also holding ont grent advantages to "gents.— A Indy subscriber ol the Hi itish ll liig bet-nine 3:: agent, and b: request brought tome tnenty srticies sent as prizes for her'sgency to this oilice for inspection, and witlmnt heaitntion ne can state that each Ind nll of'Jielrticles were worth treble the nmonnt of cost to the recipi ants, Ind somept' them six times. The New Yorhk Allu'on wrote ns follows : “We here jmt inspected, at the ollice of Ar rnndnle t Co.'l Agency {or European Monume turiug Jewelers, n lnrge assortment ot fashion slrle end valuable jewelry, conlieiing of gold nnd silver wntehes, chains, bracelets, lndin' ee’ts, rings. km, I“ of the new Ind most insh ionlble paterns. We else notice I large quan tity of silver plate, roneisting of golnlets and drinking cups. crnet stands, fruit-baskets, Ipoons, forks, te.’ We understand thnt the whole ofthete newly imported articles are to be disposed of on a novel pri‘neiple giving greet advantages to\,buyers, nnd nn'ortliug ex tensive employnent to Agents. Our readers will find sll pnrticnlm in our ndferliling rol xns; and we know the firm in queetion to be \- u respect-tale, and "thoroughly worthy of pnhm: confidence." 4 ' ' Cooley, ‘ her, \‘“"—‘ ”“ —'——‘ --*- A CARD T 0 INVALIDS. ‘ WIN-omit Mush-l Eystergius notice . A Cleflfnffly while mldinsin 30“” ‘9'" mm men v‘dko cnlifl am: my m drilled m :5: :geglrfvthhvbdiuomed n ”@333- . “ 0? E are 0 PIVOUI conudeved nsidfisjners from the drift, Ind m”). Decay, Dianna oflhu ”an", “d Sam: must be credne p “I“? enrollment plum, ml Organs, Ind the whole :m‘n of (11-order: no matter whether :15 receivedJoctl bouuzies brought on by bum-Tux and vicious human.— on their illegal enliltm ‘or m," . Oren nnmben luv: bun already cpl-ed bi llm .__ ...m ..-... . fl._ ...- noble remedy. hanged by A dlemilto den;- fl' W. B.“ l , , is the afflicted ind u orlunuc wi son I e V .Onffidfi‘v *M)d‘ l ,qu ’ afloat cip- ru: preparing And mina'lhin medicine; H 011) Spnngs, 'u re e o u "as of“ n unled envelope, to my one who need. it, hundred dollm, whlloin theCnnfiefllnd VAL F": or Canon. ‘ _ ; 1:; min, on mm for Humbug. 1“ mile” Pleuelrclou‘rdnnmped “Velopemdduned mu nburncted from Mr. XII pnnuloonl Rf Ino your” " A 3.3881’8 T “KAN ' at, ' A mypoctgd put] In urn-cued in Hari’klf Sntio'n D: Bible Elwyn, burg. but ‘lnluequemly dischuged, u thc mo- 1\ od. 2‘, 1864. New York Cay. . My could not be fully lamiseq. \< Ixrfixnmmss' 1 “km .__; ~V .“ "v" .-_ R '_John To “win Surnnu.-—A Gentlemn, ”In. Bowen, mdavr of ”.2: ea ‘ . “Indy Nervous Daimler, lncanpflnnq, Bowen, ol'flao )l. B. Conference. 0" ' ‘ Pram-tun y,nd Youthful Knox-metals“ If" “I! In. a: ‘f°"°“‘°"r ”Mm" by - denim ‘hlnefil mm. will be up” w canny, 51.1., And broke on of hot mu below (“Wi‘rwé‘lé‘ aizeed fit, ({rgiofchgmef) “i. ' "known . new,” no an arm [ml-lap. the “b." In. 30;” 3'13”“ In .3: In: [Mandy and in hit . Snfl’eflm withing to D! 0' "I? When" " '{9’ ' pm“ by Ipc. “tum I bulrxpdence, um tut thin pl-co some yam “‘53- ”um. pub snd ulna o "and? an d u by “Quaint him It once, MI 1) In of hali mu. ThßeeipOlgdfnlllfl “ion—oHs“! hummus-In; In chewfull egg by rel-{m ‘ max. Addteu,‘ ‘ 4ng . gpsx,: - , < No. 60 3..“ Ba.», Ru: York. . Egg-Rang» ”out! but ml 1:“! Wlm.=mubhn ' l , , mm, mm I. ~r, In g-aopkafi Hoop Sim, for Luis! ua (mum, ulv. in mi; iuuo. Cull uan Arch met, Pthtlpth, and cumin: anon-“n; lend to gdv. of Wu, .. ’in "was” ennui. uconn You: DllD&~l'Mmmxion of pmiu hoiding’ unrecorded Dude in directed w the provisions of the Act of Auemlfly, which require: thu— . “All deoda and marquee: for ml "the in (his Commonwealth, ghsll be recorded in 111. cure for Recording Deeds In the tummy when the Inngl ua. mlhm n‘: anon/Ia after the execution of web deeds and conveylnu ; end every Inch deed and couveylnce no‘ recorded In sforeufl, shall be Adjgdged FRAUDULEXI' AND VOID Iguimt lny uhuqnent perch-an fur evaluable ronnidenlion, nuke}! Inch dud! be recorded before the recording 0! the deed or conveyance under which HIT)! Inbuquenl pur cheur or mortgagee shell cln'un." a» This is a wry important notlcr, aid thou holding unrecordedfieuh will see “:0 import, tune. of having then recorded wixbou fmfiu. delay. .' fl'A Muicnn cmmpnmlem of lhe' London New any! Max-minim and the Empress. for the fin: three nights after their arrival at the capital. slept in In un furninhed room. on a mattress spread on the ground. Such was the nécomodncion they met with 9!. the end of their jourm-y pf 250 mile! from You Crumoyer roads which no unplnlleled for their infumous hadneu. SI’ECL-l L NO TlOl3- WHISKERS .’H Thole wishing a. fin! sekof whhkerl, I Moo mouunche, or a beautiful hem! of glouy hair, will plane read the card of THUS. FCCHAP. MAN, in another part of Ibis paw-t. 1.37.3 h EDITOR or Tm: mymsn. ‘ ' * ' Dun Sun—With your permissibn I will: Sb lay to flu render! ol‘yonr pnper thul I will send, by "him nail, in all who wish it (Km)- Rn; cript, lib full directions for making and us. In; I nimple Vegelrhle Balm, that will efecll null; remove, in ten am. Pimylu, Blah-hes}, Tun. Frecklvl, undmll lmpurltlol oftl-e Skin, lonlng tho umetuh,clenr. "sooth ud bul lilnl. I will also In“ fru to those Inning Bah! firndl. or BnmJ-‘nn-nuimwe dirrclionfllnd inL formaliqn that H]! enable them to um; fun growl]: oflmxnrinm Hair. Whiyhrl, or t .\loun turho in less lhnn thin-1r duyl. A]; nyplicmiunu nn'wrrcd by return In“ without charge. . Respcs‘cfnllyyourt, 11108. I’. (‘HAPMAPL (‘hemiaL ‘ 83} Broadway, Nc'\\'ork.‘ Feb. 27, 1865. 3111 x ' .- DR. MARSHA LljS CATARBB SNI‘FP Thig Snuff lu‘n thoroughly plo\'l'll iurlf to he 1b:- brn mm hzlnmwn fur curing Ihr (‘nt- nu, (‘nld in ”no He. -l and llmdnvho. ll lulu been fullnd nu urellrut roan-4y in ”my can" 01 Sore Eyes. Dnul'uosl, but been remand by in, and Hauling [ms ufln-b been gu’atly improved by in! use. r 4 _ll h frngrnn' and agrrmhlc, nnd any; nus. Inn-nu amu- lu Ihe dull lu-ny puhu YII‘JtJ by dm'mrs nt‘th’r Mild. ’l‘hv srmmiom nlm nfing it urn dbliglnfnl wad rimiunmling. It upt'nl nudpurge- out all charm-Imm,urenglh om Um «Junk. and “in‘: a healthy Action (0 Ike pnm nfl'n'h-11. More Hmu Thirty Yrvn' hf uh- nnd mg- a! “Dr. .\’.-«rshnll'q l‘nunh und "(Mm-he smm." has proud iu gnu Value «or All \I.: vomugm d'umuu .nf Ihc hem]. and at th‘u quluenl sumdu highrr-tbuu cu-rbolur‘e. ‘ ‘ Iv ‘u :ruOlntnrlnclrd by nnny of flu- lw-t pbg‘ sivimw. r M ii um! “uh great .\un‘t‘ln uyd nuisl'm I‘wn rm) wlwre. . . Bend the Cniific‘tu. of Who‘rsnle Drug. gin! in 1554.: The undcnigmd. Inning m: nn‘ny y-nn Men m-qnninhd will) “Dr. .\I r. IhuH'- (Yunurh and Umulm-Iu- Snufl’." nml sum it in our whnirsulw ”ml:- rhm rfully nimc, that wr believe it 20 Le Hum], infig-my lnpn-l, 10. the rrmmmofulnti-ms 3mm of n to: [he cur. of (‘mnrrlml A Url'linm. z'ntl Ibnf'n id derided- I)" Iho but nrlicle m- hm. I:\¢1 kmmn im- an} common (litmus of the Hand. Hurr & Perry, Roman: Rord, Annon A; 00.. Ihwtcn; Bra“. Liaison & (30., Boston; R «d, Guilt-r a: Cm. Boston; S-U‘l W. Fnyh, lioslun; Wilson, Fail-bunk k..(‘n.. Bolton; Hen‘lhnm‘, Edmund & L‘o., Hustm ;.H. H. [1.5. l’vmand, .\le.; Burnt-u & Park. .\’rw York; A. B. kl!‘ San-h, .\'rw Yurk; Su'phen Paul I: (‘3) . .\'ew York; I-rm-l .\linnr -! Co., New York; Molin mn & Rnhhinn. New York; A. L. chiil &I‘o.. New York; M. Ward, Hose 1 (10., New York; Bush & Gate, New York. . ~ For Sula by all Draggisll. Try fl. Nm. 14,1864. 'l}; THE m.“ ['II'INUMHH' Rmmnv Sm hum ('un‘u'rfnuunn Fni‘u Plus. f‘rcpnnd 11'qu n preqrrimmn 0! Mr J. l'lnrko, \I. 0.. Phpuirinu l-Ixtrnordfnnry 9‘, -‘v Quren. This inrnantlJle mum-mo is una failing in the cure M M! vhoue )minfu] and danger-nun di-ezim to which the lemma con nimliun ivrnhjrnn It. m’uderuxu ml enn jnd removes u" olmubcfiom, and a weed, cure my be‘leliud on. o R To Mmriod lmdirn‘h i - porulinll; luill‘dr— n will, in a shnr‘. time. bring on w; mommy period with roguiuruy. ‘ chh Imm... price 0m- Doll I*, bun Hr. Gofl-rnmuil- Stump u! {-n‘al lirihin, Io pn \'em cnnmerldrx. , UAqu—‘rlwfi- l‘illn Hwnhl am he lnkvn hy annlu duringrtlw run-1 mun lanlmof l’rrgmmry, «1 (In-3 'nrr lire :o Ming an .\lis -cnrrmgé.}-gt M any nthar time (he) no safe. a In nllcues ochrmus nml .\‘pinnl Mfeflimv, Psi". in the Back and Limbs. Fullmw on‘aliglu exertion, l’alpitulion of 1h: Heart, llynrrirp, and Wbi'on, tut-s: l’iilp‘will «It-ct a cure wlu-n all olhwr mum: loan hiltd; and although A powervul remedy. do not éomnln iron, culonml, , antimony, or unylhxngvhunful to the rpnllilui liom 4’ Full directions ln\thc pamphlet around n‘rh puck-go, which should he rnrelully pliruuwd. Sold by all Drupgisu. Sole Age for the Unlxcd Sums and Cunndn. . ' . JUB MUSHHJ‘F Cortland! St ,N. I'. ‘ .\'. B.—$l,00!In-l 6 yon-go lump! cnrloud to nh‘tmthorized Agent, will in'!" I bulllg, containing bu Pills, by ruurn mull. Sold by .A. D. Buchlcr. (Nov. )4, 1864. 1] _. . «on.» A. - . . IF YOU (An 10 now ," A; little of everythin'z [cl-ling to the human Iygtem, math and lemnle; the «use: and treat ment of diieues; the murlqgc cusmm of the world; how to run, well and n thontnnd thing: never published belorr, rend the re vised tnd enllrged edition of “Medical Com monflenac," l ,cnrioua boolr [of curious peo ple. and 4 good book fur every one. 400 pngea, looylllmlratinns. l’liL-e SI 50. Can'- teflls {Able sent he: to my address. nooks, may be had at the Book stores. or will ba’sent by may], post paid, on receipt of the prlce.-—- Addrm E. 3. room, :1. 1)., Jan. 30 6m 1130 Broadway, N. l'. . OLD “EYES MADE NEW. A Pamphlet directing how (01pudi1y1n store‘nigb: and gin: up speclncles, without lid of doctor or medicine. Sent by null, ft“. on receiplof 10 cents. Adan-n, E. B. FOOT“ M. 1).,l 1130 qundyuy, N. X. Jan. 30. 6m E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers