' 0-3:. as": an" by Rev. Dr. Schmidt”, XrJOfll HERBST. at Cumberland town-hip, to In. an.“ A. SALTZGIVEB, of flu untowl. ' ‘ 0a m 2!» nIL. 1: Rev. Jucob Secbler. Ir. DANIEL E. BUCKEé, o! Fnderld countyJQ Mill LOUISA O‘DUTTERA, or Admin county. On We 11“ m, by Rev. P. Schrur", “P -JOHN F. LBAHY to “in LEA NEPP, bothaof Adult county. - 7:111113a mbllvinry noun: 3 cent: per Una bf :11 our {our lines—cub to accompany notice. On the ad (nah, Mr. PETER KEITH-JR, o! Moundoy township, Aged 84 yem 2 molt]:- nnd bdeyl. . Near Malena", Adehe Juicy. on the 2M ‘ of Feb., cnunmxn ECKBRT, war. of Mn»; gun Eckertgaged 80 yea" lO'lnonlht end It} 3". I ‘ ‘ . ~ . 0n the eveningo! the 23d ult..' in Bncber‘e ‘ V-Iley, near A‘bbonetown, Adam: ’connty. , hem-2cm n. BAL'GHER, daughter M‘s-mud . end Lent Bnugher, aged 14 year. 9 month end a deyr. _ ~ ,' ‘ 0n the 16th of Feb, in Tyrone o,oll'us‘lip,l Adams county, Hr. ABRAHAM LISA“, eyed 82 year: 3 month" and! 22 dlyl. ‘ ' On the Huh uli , in flountpleuent téwnehip, ABRA! 'mwsm, Sr.. in the 7m: yeer of 1.:- age. . 0n the 27th nit. in Cumbeflnnd township, Mn. JULIANN PATTERSON, Iged 77 year: 10. month: end 4 an”. , . . . I In Conowlgo township. on the In filarch,’ Mn. ANNA DBARMEN, in the Sotlx year of‘heri 919. Hey the reel in pence. I ‘ 0n the art: 11".. in Adams county MARE" (‘K'I'HARINE ARTE“, eged 3 yenrli month! end I!) deyl. ’ . 0n the lamb uh , in Ad ml couinty, Mun ANXA MARY BLUM, Aged A yen" 10 monthl‘ and 19 deye. - e - I .' Unthe 10th ult, in Adll‘ll county.WILLIA)l H. BUYER. aged 10 monthl und 5 due. I On the 23d nllq‘iu Miami county, MARY E 5. DU'I‘TERA,‘ used _ll yc-u'l 1 month and 25 dujl. ‘ (in m m inst, momma; mums”, thinner «Joan: and Julian Umc'r, 'of But ler down-hip ugcd H you! 8 month! and 9 day]. 1 ' _ _ “Happy Inn]. lin dan‘re ended, ‘ ‘~ All llxy mourning duys below ; a Go by angel bnmll mumded, '_To thy blessrd Jews gO." 4 , 11r-zi nosdk.u..s.3Erpis. (WWTYSBI'RG—Snvnnn mum. . - ==-===.—=- ,__,.10 00 mm fly We, 1h; aubtcrihers, Auditors» «ale and ‘ ‘7 50 ldjusw‘tha I’uplic Accounts; do hereby mm; 2 5:, m c ’5O that. we hnvc examined the item! which can. 2 3d 10 2 35 pone the foregoing ucaungllnd ”In! they in , x ‘1 {.O currrch—beiug from the sth day of Jammy” , ' has A. 1).. um. w the 24 day at Jammy, A. 1)., . {ss‘ 11:65, bot): dnysincjnpirc. . > _ 1 23%" I J. H. SHIREMAN, , 1.". on mu mp \ ‘ JACOB HI‘LL, ‘ :4 I.» to 5 «0‘ « , JUS.BURKEE, ‘- 2 3:» m 2 so" . Auditomf Flour ...4...... ............. R 32 F1yur................... \\ hit: 1\th1|t............... Illa-l \\'hc.|1.................. (.‘urna Lye ..........'.. ......”W. 0 .15............. Nut-1m lic-M. . ....1...’. l‘luvvr >e‘ed................. 'l‘mmthy Seed... Hu 5UHL...{.....;.....'.,... l'lMU‘r (If Puri‘. l'liuh-r gr‘uuml’, par hag BA LT! \lO [Hl—rum” My? H0ur.............. \\ hem. ..........,., ...... Pu 9...... m ......... ....... l‘urn. .... um ~......... .‘ [iv-o! Cunlr, par Mun-L, Hugs. ['er lluudhm...“ HALL”... (‘iurrr-5rvd.............u. “Ex-" Mi. ...... \1 inmfln “054-11.. .'........ .. 5“ bisl-ry ,‘ ‘ Public 8:39 \ {(VUJ'ABLE l'HllFO.'.\L PROPERTY. \. —o.. m‘rlrnun, the 114.}: day of l-Ulu‘lfi inn; llu: .qu ihcr, intenulln‘g m qnn. fanning; WI” sell a! filrlir Sula Ht his {ni d-‘nrc. ih Studmn- tn“ narhip,‘ Admhp yount3,.l Mlle o:st 9:301e ”mm, on the mall lending Imm lh-figmrg‘ m llnnnnr. the folloniug fulumhlr lorraonnl prawn). Viz: I Funnly "I‘D-I‘d .\lAlll‘l, l hurling Volt. 5 lnnd or Miluh Cons\_(lnur 01-Lhcm null.) l Hull. Llltll‘l r, l ‘l‘nll‘f 4 good Shown .\'urruw» Inna; Two ur “nee-horse Wagon, \Vuosl Sled, b‘lonn Hui, He.) nt/yM'Jh Patent gun .\hll. (new) ”rind-long. ln‘ml Roller, \lnnurc Boards. 3 en lrrml (in-r». J "-15 Fly .\'.L-ln, Wagon Saddle,- lihliug Endnllq, 2 Ruling llnidlrl. Collars, liliml ”ml "‘3 Mullen unll (11131”, 4M 01‘ [lug u} Hume», (m “,3 (‘llprk Linea, good us new, hulgle Lima, (new) ‘blrigh and lit-lb, new lhruheur Plough, ‘S-H‘qhnrpoun, llnrmw, hhurol Plough, 2 (‘nru I’m-ks, [Sn-u! ('lminr, byreudrr, Douiule and Singleglreés, Uluin Cfndle, l-‘mkr, .\hnurc ‘llonl, Illkuuyiurnin Shawl, Mowing Sonia-sand .\'nnlhs ; Wheat. Rye, Corn, UM», nnd Pugmocs, by [he b thel; llucou “ml-Lard. b 3 the pound; Coukuklove and fixtures, ‘l‘uhla, (lhnire, Tuba. Buckets, ll rrels, ’l‘mlwnro, ('ldrr Vinegar, Apple-Lug. In by the truck, Lard Cans, Fxsh Some, Corn Urooxpn‘ Dliul lruuwund many other fll’liclel, hul ulelluuuéd. a ' , “'11”: Farm on which the subscriber '- sidrs it ofl'ot'ul for nl2 pr n-nt. ' ”$lllOlO éummen‘cc at 10 o'rlmjk. A. 3L, on said duhwheu attendance will begiven and terms mule Known by > _ MOSES C. BENNER. March 6, 1865. ‘1! Public Sale. \' THURSIMYEIM 23A day 0!) MARCH 0 inn“ the uulmcrih'er, Intending Lu temow, mu gel! at. Public Sale, at his residence, n! Seven Sure, (lleinuelmnn's lulu-Hi Munch) the following I'nluohlc pefiaonal property. viz: _ 1 IIUBSI-thlgoud “1'4"! Gown, '2. good Sheep. Sleigh and Is, sec of new Home“, Hridles, “one“, Cow Chains. Malloek. Hhovelfldcytfie, Ax”, Whgolbarrowpnndj small llnud-wn‘gou: :4 Bedstenda, Tnbles, ClNlrs, Corner Cupbooid,‘ wm Stand, set arcanehektcd omm, cone-- 59“:fd Rocking Chnir. lnrge main; lele, 2 lirukfast 'l‘nhlen. Pnrlor Table, urenu, Brass Clock, Looking Glasses. 2 acts of“ . den-bog. lom Chairs, 2 Rocking Chairs, Rockmg . r die, 2 Ten-plate Sun-u. good y(Jock Stove, L- 9, Carpeting, a lot of Whiskey Enroll, Meat. \'e "la. Ken, lton Kettle. Also Bar-room Fix lures, among which‘ are Boulez, Glasses, l’hchcra, n lurge Table, Chairs, Bench”, and a. great "rial; of other articles, not hen-la mentioned. . ‘L . . ”Sale lo confluence at 10 o'clock. A. .\l., on aid day, when alundnnce will 'be given and terms made known by .: FREDERICK D. SMITH. Mar. 6, 1865. (3* ' . V " Eleznon- Notice. BE Annual eating of lhe,Btockholden of ’ ghe Gettylhfirgfiiu Com luv. for he puTr. pure of electing I. Pletidant Jud Six Manger: to nerve lot We ensuing year, will be hold an MONDAY, thefilh dly 0! MARCH, It 7 o'clock, P. IL, in lhe Arbilnfion Room in the Court. House. M. JACOBS, Prefix. D. MoCozucauY, Bec'y. P In. 6, 1865. n 5 a ‘ ’ Notice. - BE books for Cumberland‘lown'nth Bonn ty Tux for 1864, no in file land. of tha‘ QIGC‘OY, Lewis A. Badman. Perm. u. urged who promplin the ply-lent at uni. tun. By order of the bond, \ ABRAHAM PLANE, Pres". N. Lian-run, Sec'y. ‘ ‘ ‘ Mach 6, loss. at ' . Notice. KNRY BREAH‘S ESTATE—Lute" of ndminisludon on Ih. mm of Henry Brena, kw o! thtington township, Adam: county, lining been gamed to the undersign ed, an int unwed residing in Gumberhnd tp. “d flu In: mud in Bnnfingwu tp.,they bomb, ‘in nofico m :1] persons indebted?“ nil elm ta nth immedilu paypent, “a thou buying cldm quinn flu lune to pg. rm than prowlyv-nwcydawl for mac. _mnt. ‘ ‘ Flt-wells snug, " . GEORGE BREAK. < Minimum limb c, mesh 6; '— Do You Wish _ To Me I soon liken-o! owl! ‘ you childhl, 1213.0“ Iricnh’i go I; are. H MIKE'S G 33?, Ith plan in thy can: to been: fim‘clwiet‘um, ._Jantfi * -3 ‘ - I Boar Home Accounts. l‘ Tacos snubs, 1.1% :rrmmr. ti .c. : 9 count with the Director'. of an Poor “a ot‘tho Bani. 9! Employment. of the County or I Adina—being (rot- thc sth day of Juniury, A ; D., 1864,“) any) hyDoN-nury, A. 0., 1355 , g R. . To order on Countr'l‘fnmm, P I! ll 1‘ li - I II If ti\\‘~\ “ }c; u. ) Btu-nee on meeting! of O. 3. Hum, Esq., Committee‘xgl Jacob but dorfl', Inuit, S x ’ Cub xeceiv‘ed (ram J. Ibfiolflugor, protect]: of person) often of Gd Vice, deéemd, (talcum) Cuh received from Jn‘o. Lilly, Kim, on settlement 0! tube": Gating} ‘ " $10,363 42 Bane: due Trpunrcr, 225‘}; ‘ “ Smgol 94 , cm a By balnnre dug Treuurct It Int “filament; ' A $374 80 Out-door pnupeu’ support, 814 50 Merck-Misc and groceriu, - 2,748 87 qu, hm and bacon, , 1,628 27 , Cowl, be’ef cattle, sheep t Itacklgogi, 1,117 64 Flour, grain Ind grinding, . ‘7B? 78 Mechanicl' work, 676 34 Brick, lumber Ind “on: coal, 896 29‘ Drugnqnd niedicinn, xO4 33 Wood chopping and linking fence, 270 -74_ Clown-sod, ' , 16 31' Freight, ‘ 15 4!)‘ Sundry unmet, . . . ‘ 43 00 Pulling im¥melflh . ‘ “9 60 Publishing I ,ounu, ‘ 77 15 Funcnl-gxpenaos, ‘ . 93 [5 Mod” reiunded, . ‘ > 25 00 Muie landings, r 233 50 Female‘hirelings, , 1 ‘10; 00 Put cent-ac Ind 't’eel on immune, 31 “ Directon’ luhry, 65 00 Colin»! trap SIC and com 350 29, 80 29 Phyaiciw's mini-y, - :00 00 Stcwprd'l ulnry, 250 00 Clerk's “19y, ' , 1o 00 Trcuuryy'lJ-lary, ' 4o 00 Communicated n 50 A 1 75.. f M'OB (If. Elli“ Steward, in account vulh thg Dire )n of the Poor and Home ol ‘Emglu; mam. of in omm; of Admin—be ling from [helm]: day of many. A. D., 1864, (O’Khe ZJ day of Jufiusry, D., 1865, both diyl xu'gimiu: xx“) a an _ «RR II 12101! 25 '2 (in to :5 70 1 7:} m 1 7'5 I m 10 I’6B . 9'.’ to. 95 IS 00 mu (‘0 19 00 102! 00 3‘: UU 103!) 00 15 751016 12 3 70 to 3 75 G 75 to 6 B'l '2. 33 ‘o 2 o DR To 9mm in hands at Stéward t: 12st settlement ‘ ' . Cnsh ol'suguuel émul, , "uh!" . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ David Neely, aher death, Jéhn Pfuulz. lor “I” logi, (.‘h‘urle: Cnlp, tor clock, ‘ , VDried beef, ‘ ’ - < Joseph McKeHip, ' Andrew Poll), inlet-eat, '1 Allow, . ‘ ”any Lettuce, _ ' Wm. Bonn-re. ' ‘ Jamal McCullough, for nhlnglel, ’Cow, ‘ 4 . Jacob Millér, ' .Cumngn, _ , ‘ Lnr'd, - , Iw. . = - Juhn Greu, for Ihinqu, —' Punt-mgr} f ‘_A T'U'uu, , a , f ' flue! tungues, " = By general expenses; \ ' ‘ 839 24 Cnsh pmd hirelmghhifl'elting. he , 103 50 Removmg paupeu, _ ' 4 35 Relief R) pnuprrl, ‘ \ B 05 Faun-u} Hyman, " ' ; ‘ ‘ 19 08 Frun and \egeublel, 12 12 Lime, A R Mechanhs; ‘ ‘ ‘ Herf‘, pork, Km, 5 I -_ Fish, ° ‘ . . Postngé niifl t'eleggaph'lc dupflchefi, Groceriesfkcu ‘ lelflnfl‘ in bulk 61‘Stewsrd, We; tbe'subscribers. Auditor: to nettle and ndjuu (be Public Accoum, do cortityj’lh-t. we have exnmined (be iténs which compo-e the. above account, and.dorteport'thn the name in correct—the 59mg embracing the account of Jtcub Culp,’§tewnrd,——lrom the 51h day of January, A‘. D.,1864. to the 7th day?! Jnnnuy, «A. D.,lB6s,bolh_ds§nincluiive. , ° ‘ ‘ J: H. SBXKREHAN, ‘ . ‘ ' JACOB HULL, ‘ _ JOS. BURKBE, ' Auditors. LIST OF PACPERS rcmain‘inz In the Alma House of Adnm] quuuly,‘ on the 3d day of Juuunry, X 805: 4 ’ . 3m», . ' ‘ . 53 Funnies, . *36’ Children, , 14 ‘ Color‘cdg » 8 Tom], , . » Ml Transienfplnperl. .' ’ 430 PRODUCE OF'FMW FOR 1864. ~ Wheat,‘ bushels, ‘ 352 , om. . u 7 "im . - AI ' ~. ' ’ 356 -Bu;: heat, “ ‘ . 15 Con. “’ in an, ' 400 Timothy: “ 3 Onion, » 10 Been; , “ ‘_ ‘ ‘ A 12 Puma», “ u 100 annips. ' " 5 Loads of Cornlodder, ‘ 8 Tom of I ' JOO grads offing, ‘ 500, dundl ofP k, v 2,674 Pounds,oTßeef, 48 l -, JACOB can), etch: March é; 136,5. 4!. .1 N SATURDAY, tho 25th any of “ARCHi imam, the nndenigned, intending to 11- i 1110': (tom the pines, will ofl‘er It Public Sale, . a. bin residence, in But York ”real, Gettyl-l hug, the following aniclra, viz : ‘ I , 2 'xgew SPRING WAGONS, second-bud , Spring Wagon, ~Sulky. net of haunt: Buggy v Harness, 1 lotlof Hickory Pinn‘k, I lot of Imm! kc. Also, Household nd Kitchen Furniture, 2 viz: Pulor StoverTQn-pllu Stove Ind Pipe, 2 m- of Chain, 2 Bedneadn, Tablet. Rocking. Chairs, flab Ind Clndle-lunds, Churn. Grindlwne, Barrels. I lot 01 Tin-wt“, and i many other nticlu, too unmet-on: to mention. 1 I ”Sue to commence at. 1 o’clock, P. l, on quid dty,wheu mundane will b. given nd terms made known by ‘ PHILIP Dawson. A. W. Flemming. Auctioneer. . Much 6, 1865.3: _ HE undersigned, Auditor. appointed by the Court. of-L‘onuon Plot! of Adam conn ty, to distribute “Joplin" o! fundn on u" .lhird acconnfi oi Jacob Ludhcojnniuu of the perm and was of Henry lady,- tunic, 2o Ind tho-‘99 patio- ”Hymn“ “new, hereby give! notice that he will ”and co m. dutiu of bin Aypoinl-lunt, It 10 o'clock, A. IL, on 113:8!”ng 2m day of lABUB, A. D., 1366, n his once, in the bmugh of Getty:- bm, yhu ud‘vhm snaffle: ipemud my gym; W. A. D 958, Agditor. km a, log. a 1 2 \ . 1. 863 th in b show my ’ MEI 3700 no 300 on coo 00 1200 go loo'oo boo 00 -600 00 «we 00 $OO 00 con 00 400 09 1200 00 1200 00‘ It !Ell IMMI ' 327 42 ‘lBOO $10,591 9g 36 00 H I 8% ‘45 30° ~66!) 360 45.00 100 $285 99 4 oo 25_ ea \3 1o 3 75 ‘1 as 41 69 $263 83 20 Id $285. 99 Public Sale. Notice. Important Announcement. Gan” SALE . _ o: I vo nears, cums, buxom) taxes, to i on lILLION DOLLARS woman TO II DIIPOIID 0' A! l O'NS’DOLLARIAOII! / ‘ Without tegnrd to Voluel Not. to he pnid (b: 3 until you know what you are to receive! H Splendid Lin of Arum.” All to be low/for ' One Dull}: Each I ll / 250 Genu’ Gold hunting-cue , / ‘ Watch", $5O lo slsoeach ' 250 Lodieu’ Gold and Enunell ‘ ed hunting-cue Witch”. 35 “ ' 500 Gents' hunting-cue Sil ver Wucbu, 35 “ Il’oo Diamond Ringl, 50 “ 5000 Gold Veal h Neck Chain, 4 " 3000 Gold Oulßand Bracelets, 4 “ 5000 Jet and Gold Brucelm. 0 “ zooo Chm-lain. China Ind ‘ ‘ Guard Chnlu. - ’5 “ i 7000 SoliuqutGold'Bl-oocbei, 0 fl ‘ 5000 Coral, 011;; Ind Emenld I Brooches, laooo Gold, Cameo, And Purl ‘ En Drops, ‘ sooo Manic, Jet, Lam, and Flr’ntine Eu Drops, 4 " 7500 Card, Opll, und'Emex-lld Eur Drop], . £OOO Cnllfomin Dlam’d Brent. pi-M, no“ 3000 Gold Fob t Yell Witch ,;ke_u, r 2.50 n 4000 Fob EYest Ribbon-nudes, 3 " ‘ 5000 net: Solitaire Sloan-bun -1 tons, Study} tn, 3 “ 9000 GoldThimblei.Penclb,&c., 4 “ l 1000 Minintnu Locke“, 2.50 “ 1 4000 llininmre Locketnllgic _ I Spring, 3 10 “ 30 “ 3000 Goll Toothpick, Crone")x z “ a “ 0000 Plain Gold Ringl, .1 “to U 3 5000 Chued Gold Ringl, 4“ \ l “ 1000 SloneSethSignet Rlnglfljt“ \lO “ , 1000 California. Dilmond mm, 2 u no .r 7500 lets Ladies’ Jewelry-Jot 18 08 } and Gold, x 6000 sets Lndiel’Jewelry—Olm i eo,Pnrl.opsl,& other Icon", 4 “ l 5 " £9OOO Gold. Penn, Silver Exten l lion holder! and Family, ' 1000 Gold Penn & Gold mount ; ed Holders, ' \ 6000 Gold Penn Ind Gold ex ' tenlion Holden, ' 15 ‘-' 15 ”' 5000 Lndies’Gjlt & Jet Buckles; 5 “ 16 “ ; 5061 Ladies’ Gilt and Jet Hzfir Burs Ind Bnlh, 5000 Silver Goblets and Drink. ing Cups, 6 “ 50 “ 300 Silver Canon, [5 “ 50 " 2000 Silver Fm“, Card, nud ane Buketl, 20 “ 50 “ 6000 dozen Silver?“ Spoon. lo “ 20 Fdoz 10000 dozen SilverT-blespoonl Ind Path, 20 “ 40 “ ARRAXDALE ‘_q 00., ’anuhctnun’ Anna, ' No. 167 BROADWAY. N 37 You, , Announce that all of the above list of good: will be sold for 0" Donna each. In éonsequeuce orthe great stagnation of trade in the manufacturing district! of Eng land, through the war having cut 06' the Inp ply of»,colton, allarga quantity ot. Valuable Je‘oiry, originally intended for the English market, haa been sent olf {pr aalo in thin conn- ‘ try. AND MUST BE SOLD AT ANY SACRI-; "GE! Under these circnmlances, ARRANW DALE It 00., acting an agent- for the princi- 3 finl European mnpufnrtnrera. have reaolred ‘ _upona GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION, sub-‘ ject to the following regulation: ‘ Certificnu‘e omhe -urionl artl'clea are first Nina; enrelopea, scaled up, and mixed ;and whenuprdered. an taken out without regard ‘lo clinic and lent by mail, time giving all a lair.chance. On receipt oi the certificate, you will tee whatyn are to have, and then itja at your ortion to M the dollar and taka the article or nor. Purchasers may thua obtain a 1 Gold Watch, Diamondfling. or any Set of Jewelry on our list for 0a DOLLAR. ' SEND 25 CENTS FOR CERTIFICATE ln ill transaction: by mail, we‘nhall chnrge for forwarding the Ceriifibnel, piylfiggoflnge, ‘ and doing the bulineu. 26 cenu uchfwlfich ; must be Enclosed when the Certificate In km : for. Five Certificuel will be sent. for Sir ehven for $2, thirty lor $5, sixty-five {gr $lO, . end A hundred for SD. , I AGENTS.—We wnnl agent: in every regi-; uncut, ~n'm'l in every town and -connty in the country, and Lhoze Acting as such will be al- i loved I 0 cents on every Cerlificnze ordered for them, provided‘their remittance amounts to I one dollar. Agents will collect: 25 cenll byl evbry Certificne, and remit 15» cent. to In. either in cash or poatnge'ehyrnpq l ’ ARRANDALE & 00., . 'l6? Bron way, N. Y. Her. e, 1865. u - . ‘ ' Wm. Blair 8; Son, . . ORNER OP, iIANOVERd SOUTH s'rs, C CARLISLE, PA. an Wnonsus AKD RITA". Gnocnr no \ anxswsu S'ronl. ‘ Just opened with fresh end good Goods. n l choice variety of every thing nsuslly kept in‘ .s. first-class store: ~ ‘ i Particular attention given in the selection of nice sets of ‘ CHINA A GRANITE WARE, CHOICE TEAS, l COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, Spices. Flavoring Extracts. Canned and-Pickled , \Fruils, Worcestershire, Cumberlsnd, end * other Sauces, Cheese, Crackers, sud ererything else in our line,_thntln dis " criminnting public any require. I Full nssortments 0! GOAL OIL LAMPS. ”Writing Papers, Qneenswnro, Willow, Cedar, ‘Stoue snd Earthen Weres, Ssl‘t, Fish, Oils, ; IRON sud NAILS, kept constantly on hsnd. 1 _Goods will be replenished frequently, kept cleen and nice, sold et the lowest possible 1 prices. on delivered at In, pert of the town. Please giv’e us I call. . WM: BLAIR k SON. Cnrlisie, March 6, 1866. lm ’ #091: paid for Country Produce. , 828. Hopkina’ 628. 00?, SKIRT “ANUFACTORY, No: 63.8.4130}! SL, allows 6th, PHILA Wsouuu no Run". The, most complete assortment and best ‘ qnslity snd styles of Lldies', Misses' and Chil- j dnn's Hoor Stuns, in the City. Those of "On. OWN Man,” are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of Fun Cuss Hum Tum, ; embrnfing all the new and desirnble styles, sizes, lengths and size waists, in trail and plsin SKIRTS, from 19 to 56 springs, from 33 to 44 lnrhes long, and 2}, 2}, 2i, 3, 3}, 3}, and 3} yards round the bottom; making more than a hundred varieties for Ladies; in Misses and Children's SKIRTS we are beyond all compe tition , all that era Innde by nthve ennui) on'the kid pad “Hopkins’ Hoop Skirt ‘Mnnn factory, No. 628 Arch Street, Philadn.,” undue warranted to give satisfaction. ”Agents for the .“NEW FLEXIBLE" SKIRT, the anst plisble Hoop Skirt made, qnel to Bradley’s-“ Duplex Eliptic” Skirt, nnd e - uch lower prices. A consuntly in receipt ofs full assort mento _ood Eastern made Skirts which one belné sold tvery low pricss.—Kid padded Ind metalic tuste- dlssprings 85 cents,2o springs 51 00, 22 lprin- $1 15', 30 springs $1 25 end 40 springs $1 50. KIRTS made to order, :11- tered _snd repaired. m Cask—One Price Only. ,For Circular cg ining Caulogne of styles, lengths, sizes and “on, cell at or ad firess by unit, lnclasing Stun for Postsge, “HOPKINS' HOOP SKIRT IA FACTORY, ‘ No. 628 ARCH Street, PEILAD PHLA." lhrch B, 1885. 3:: ‘ Assessment—Last Nouoe‘ 01103 is hereby given tbs: HENRY A. I PICKXNG,E|q., ha been lppoinud Agent ‘ onbe “Adam County Hutu-l Fire Imunnce ‘ Conway," with authority to receive nd Ogl- Ru an ASSESS)!!!” OF THREE PER CENT. ‘ which in leviedon Premium Not." on “to 19m ‘of Banach", .1864—ud immediate plymen‘ will in made to him ncootdingly, or to Dr. E: ‘ G. nun-roux. Trauma: of the Company. IXTMOT I'IOI THI 11-LA'E Section 19.-—Whonlvu in Anomment lhnfl bun been made upon the premium not“, and the Inn: deuminod which end! person Ihull pny on his note, if such Inn mu not be poid within rill." do" lflel‘ the «no Ibo)! bus Mp’dnnunded in bah-1! of a. Company, the Imogen Inn], u their opfioo. soul the policy of ionmnca upon one): was, and nail Mid note and collect mos-con Inch mm named. By order of flu Road of Imus, ' ' G3O. SWOPE, the“. D. A.Bcnun, Sec’y. , .: ~ finch 6,4166. 3: , ‘ 4 - ~--- - —»-~:_ .~-‘___..*._,__,,._., -,... . l ._ .. ‘0 . -._. .V , =- . l: rw- f » -r- i - :. new < ”.A.”? ' 'r' . , : :al and ‘Persofial Property I U. 8. 730 Loan! ‘ 1 Public Sale. ‘6 .l C Nothing?) a I ‘o‘ ’ 1‘ PUBLIC SAUL—On THURSDAY in. - . ' N MOXDAY the 20th do] of . ARCH B T.rieg-nt. we on a. M u at: us ‘ lcth dny of MARCH next, the sub-critter, :BY “thorny dmf Secretary at the Trem- 0 next, the s'nbscriber, Aseignee or Peter and Busincu'Coets. at Pit.‘i.i:~.u'n‘. , [tending to go Wm, willofl'er u PnblicSeie,’ "Iv “w “fitment“ '1“ “"1““ ii“ Urudoril' and Wife, will atom ruinous-lo.i m‘ ounsrm’ " nt his residence, in Sudan township, Adnnu Genernl Subscription Agency for the In)! of on the premisen, the following property, viz ; ,of Cloth, (‘ouimem Settinn, Sill”, Velvets, r county, on the old ehnmhershurg road, "0' mm“ SM" Trrnury Notes bearing Run AFA , eitunta in lionngoy township, ' Snttineta, Plush and Cotton V 013,"! the well {miles out of Hiddletown, three miles weet of and th tlh ‘ ‘nteriest er mum Adams cant]. on the Baltimore turnpike, 4 known stand of ‘ ‘ . i'ItJKJSG. ‘ -'Huntentown, and five mile: north of Getty. manl P" cm" I ' p ' miles south of GellJßbufß, adjoining lands of S),;VERTHRLITS-5 1m ; ’bnrg, the following person-l property, riz: ,H‘W'“ “ the We!" “cream Samunl Durbomw'! 59m; is?“ That Picking, in con- tiltlcmt' ut .nmiroaching », 1 Fund: Bny HORSE, l l‘wo-yenr old Bey; SEVENITHIRTY LOAN. Lightner, John Young, Ind others, containing ”innit in “up,“ ..n )1: lurLr nun-l: or Ulv‘Mh Colt, 2 Milch Cows, (one will be fresh about ; These notes .n iszued under due of August 152 Ame. more or lens, 20 more: of which are, u, Ua, m y,” N, nix-l yriéu. Unliwun. the tint of April and the other ehont the fimt ,5 h “I h , woodland and 15 one. nicndow. : h, \n x w t\'n-‘n ' ’or lay.) 1 large Breeding Bow, 4 fine Shotes,‘ ‘ ‘ 1884,rnd no pay! " ree y“?! rom improved with I one and 1 hell: ‘ t ~‘ amt-rl. m [55,,“ illnm'ltl e"M i not . .One-horle anon and Bed, I. set. of anon thet “ml: "1 currency, 0" "9 ”Newbie “ story HOUSE. part slont‘ and part 0 :1 ' ~ ~ outfit); {an on li-C‘ f, {a “l" 'Bows, Ind Tongue with chlins, shovel plough, the option ofthe hadcrinto £log, Barn, Wagon Shed, 0m '3""““" ,‘ 10,? ~ ‘l', l' “5.1:" s‘" ltnrrow fir-anali dfinble thovel plough frnme, : U_ 3_ 5-20 Six per cent, 'Crih, n good Apple Orchard and n \nriety or" em A 3"” ‘i‘,.M,' 'i‘l\tl-‘ “‘' ' -. lrrowl ¢ v 00 “my usgy, or one ortwo ' lother fruit trees. The farm is in n ood stntov " H ‘ " . ,‘ altar-n; II good as new, Sleigh and bells, 'l‘ GOLD ~ BEARING BONDP' Icicnitlvntion and under good Irnringg. | A Tow snore of [hufd'ip'u’dP‘flf‘f: giant butl'nlo robe, set of harness, pair of breech. 1"“ b°”d' mM" worth " P"""“’ M, Persona whiting lo tiew the property will l Tm" keeper! “3‘. * ‘ L‘‘C' 3" bends, Clllll', lend bridle, large housing, nine per cent., including gold interest from , rail on the subscriber, residing near the some. i FRET! ‘FEETI logger tightengliding] sods}; nndbhridle,l Aide Nova, which makes the octunl profit on the ' b fiAro:;§lih' some timelnnd rm?) “f“ 3'3; 21"“ Budalo "d, Gum figfaéggg'd n san rt e, pon me, n ines, ‘_ . - . eso ie 0 arm ersone pro or y, Viz: ‘ . [ergo cutting box. groin cr.dle engxrynowing 730 lonn, “ current rates, “dual" interest“ TWO-HORSE WAEBN. Patent flu-v Batu-,5 . ------' scythe, pair of short trues, breut chnins, shout ten P" "“- P" Innnm, besides “3 “HGultivntor. Land Hoilrr, Sit-d. Three horse-l holler! Ind cow chains, 2 large grindstonuiemptim (roll: 5“" end municipal llxflfion.'tree, Double-tree, llnrrow, Chain, Smooth-7 pith-org“, pli‘tch it": and (lung t’orlr[i :hnkbilng; which odds from one to three per cqpt. more, 59" ma?» he. ‘ l ‘ P M or . fl #l, I OV9 3, oes, sin ean on e- ' - ‘ fi’Snle to commence et 0": ocn, ~ trees nndfmiddie rings, wood Enw sud I hand , sccording to the rote levied on “her property. on said doy, when attendance vrxli bv 3n en sews, “gun.“ end wedges, grain shovel,hnlf' The interest ll pnynhle eemi-nnnnnlly by cou- . end term! made known ["- bnshsi measure, huahel basket. ac. Also, pone ntteched to mt: note, which me; be out HENRY BEITLEB, Astigrvcn. Buck-mitt 1'00“: 2 Anvils, 3 Vises, ‘ 800 d ofl'nnd told to my bank or banker. F°b- 33; “'65- to Bellows nndfrnme, large Drill and frame,ronnd Th . ‘ t w, . -—~ , v mnnvil nod block snvil, smith tongs, owédges, e m "u amounts to , . Pub‘hc 83.16. bolt tools, wrenches, riveting hammers, sledge, V 0“e COM per all on I 550 note. N TUESDA Y. the Hub any or lunch WWW?!“e "1d “Ply ‘ 10" 0f “'0“ “1d spring TWO cent] ” “ 31:00 " 0 next, the subscriber. intending to‘ qun steel. Alto I lot of Shoemaker's lasts and Ten u u ,u 5500‘ u inrmlng, 'l" sell at Public Sal», at his resi toolr, hammers, tongs nod peg-cutter, knives, 2 u u u. -“ dence, in Germ-ny mummy, Ad_.m;'ouuury,, owintc. Auzcflydl’lwiflg knife, ““0780” 0 $lOOO n , 2 miles west of Little-Flown mnl one mile imm 552'; ‘l,"B' Pair or “in” ‘0 “1'- 31"" in’”- $1 ” u “ 35°00 " Sternei's Hill. Lht‘ folio mg pPrlonnl property: 2 oßetélteod; “indrßten‘lzdlingifingew’t 681"!“ ctupl‘ ' Notes of oil the denomlnltions nomed will if head of Wm“ “(EIL‘ML 8f Ctr"; 18‘1"" 0‘ “y" u en 9' 1° "1 h 'n so 0 - _'t emwillbeireohh tetimeo sac t-e chnirs, 2 Frocking cradles, book cue, looking be promptly fnrnished upon receipkol “b 16 Shotes, l Brood Site, 4 Wagons, (tho Moog: 81"!) 3 ““11": 000 k “OVB and fixtures, ten- ""9“an Th" " trend, one ns good on new. one narrow-trend, iplnto store and pipe, carpet, iron kettle, brass THE ONLY LOAN 1N MARKET one two and three-horse, end one IWD-hhreehl‘ “mi? 33:1 bWhtehd' “Pkpeib '11:“: fiahknetr now offered hyithe Government, nnd it is con- #O5: Srltd.,T“o-horfie file‘s; WHEN?“ Splt'ikhil pent: -n, r y ocroc , nrres on 93!, ' ' . . . wo-ioree Currin r. ocuwny nu: . ntent "‘in turn] 0" vinegar, potatoes by “19 bushel, ”lea"! expecq “I“ It! superior "Voltages llny Nuke, sclf-diich irgrr, ‘ new. ‘Wifmowing boxes, ehnrn, tin-ware, esrthen-wnre,’qneens- WI“ moire i‘ “‘9 Hill, Cutting Box, Tlirenhing Machine, I ith wnrwel, jugs, iron penré with o nriety of other GREAT POPLLAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. double shaker, as good as new. Gn‘un DnllW‘ lrt' CI notment one . ' Hn Calrriq e 8 sets of Horse Genrs its good, RAN: the "me time and place, will he of- if" t:lsls2:o,9oo.oot;reimainbi;maid, which 1“ flow. 6 lfoheings, Wag-m Saddle: Collars.‘ “fed: the DESIRABLE HOME on "hid! the " pro “ y odispose ° 'l‘ n t e next 60 lBridlos. 58(‘(8 of Carriage llnr‘mss, 2 sets of snbscribe'rresides,sdjoiningh’rcholu Schriver, 01’ 9° 351'. yhen the notes F 3“ undoubtedly One-horse' Wagon Gent-5, Halters, 2!; Curr Henry Witmor and George Bye". being 10 command is premium, as' he uniiormly been lChnius. 3 i’luughs. 3 ilorrows, 1 large Shovel AU?" ’9‘?" °" 1°"! °f well-improved "“d! the one on closing the suhrcriptions to otherflhfl'ow. '1 001'“ Forks- 4 51‘0"”, I'lU‘lK’fiy, humg thereon nTwo-storwaoil- L . . Roller, Lick-screw, 3 Log Chains, Fifth Climn, ”mg HOUSE, with One-story Bnck- Mn" . 2 Stretchers, 4 sets of Butt Chains, t we of building, fDouble L9B BUD: Wi‘h In "d” that citizens of evorxtown “‘1 sfc- Breaet Clinins, 3 Two-horse Duuhle-trees, 2 threshing floor! CO“ Ql'ib: HOB tion of the sonntry mnyrbe nfl'ordcd facilities Three-horso-trees. Single-trees, Tumble Rnhe, Pen, Wood House, Spring House, a nerer-fnil- for tnking the 10“ the Notional Bonk: Stole lCndles, lottocks. Picks, Forks, Rakes. 2 ing well of water at the door with n pump in B k dPi ''B k h h ' h |Sledgea, Scythes nnd Sunnis, 2 Post hour, it, n thriving young Apple and Peach Orchard, nn 5' In r "‘9 an e" ‘ roug .W" "e ! Shovels; 2 Beduends nml Hedging, 2 Cooking and n Icksmith Shop. if not sold, the country have, «really agreed to receive lub- - Stem, Ten-plate Stove, Parlor Stove, van"; property ill be rented on lflid dB]. lcripllpnl' lg Pg}, Subicriber will .‘elec', l “'1"! Michine, I Eight-flay Clm'k, .\letll \ 9,. WM 3t the some time and ping-will!» ,é- ' _ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ '7o . 75 u 100 “ 30 ll 3 u 10 U 20 " 10 " 4u 8 gi 4 " t " MB 4u . 6 " 10 a e .. 10 I' a H 8 H to .. 5 41, 15 sg 4" 10 " 6" 18 II 5" 10 " ‘_ A pl‘h_;;w.., offered, _. TRACT OF WOODLAND, situate indienallbn townlhip, Adams county, Adjoin ing landsgof Philip Donahue, Paul Saucy, and othelfn, containing 8 Acres, more or 19“. well covéred with chennnt timber. It hu‘ upon it. a lnoverfnilinz spring. [Q‘s‘ie to commence at 9 o’clock, A. BL, on said dZy, when nttendnnce will be given'ind term: ma I: known by ’ l SINGLETON CHRONISTER. John Hnn'ns, Auctioneer. Feb. 27; 1865. u . . ; Public Sale. I X TUESDAY, the 28th day of MARCH i 5 next’, the subscriber, intendinz to quit ! housekeeping, will sell at, Public Sole, It Ills residence; in Frnnklin township, Adams coun |ty, on tho“ old Berlin road, 2 milerwesl of Anndtsrihl‘e, all his personal property, viz; i 1 FA}! Y MARE, 2 Cows, l Shotc, Spring Wagon, Buggy and Ramon, Sleigh and Bells, [One-hers Wagon Bed, I do. Hay Ladders, Bar.shenql’loughpne-horee Bar-shear Plough, l 2 Double iSbovel Ploughs, 2 Corn Forks, Slu gle Shovel Plough, Double and Single-trees, ‘ Forks, Relies, Winuowing Mill, 4 Moltocks, l j Shovels, spnde, a. lot of Horse Gears, such ll Colin”, Bridles. Harness, Truccs, ' Breech bnndn, 3 iding Bridles, fink—rate Riding Sad dlu,’ 2 Sid Saddles, 300 yards of Rope”, Grindl 1 stone, Wheelbarrow, 3 lot of Cooper Tools, a .lot at Cal-gents: Tools, such as Pluncl, Chisels, ; Argers, race and Hills, Work Bench and :Screw, n ot ofGrlfling Boxes. Also, his en ‘\y.ire Hour hold and Kitchcn Furniture, con :ikting 0 Beds and Bedding; 2 Bureaus, 3 :Tafikp, 2 Sinks. Corner Cupbourd, 2 sets of :Ghuirs In Bucking Choirs, l Desk, 2 Clocks , (one an ight-dny,) 2 Cinema» lot of Carpet, 5 Wood Bo ‘ , Cook Scurvc. nearly new, Tenopluo _Slove, Shrel lron Stove, Iron Kettle; Bacon, | Lard and Tullow, by the pound, Apple-boner iby the Jock, Potatoes and Turnipl by ihe , bushel, with a great many articles. 100 numer- ‘ j on: '0 m ntiou. Also, is large lot of FRUIT TREES, 912 M: will he sold in small lols, or 1 my entire stock of trees, as 'o'suit purchasers, 'ronsistin of Apple, Péach, Penr,‘ Cherry, ‘ Plum, Ap -icut. km, afithe choicest graftedfrull. 18.53 c to commencé at 9 o'clock,A. M., on said day, - hen attendance will be.given de terms mac knqwn by ‘ | John mm' Febr. ‘27l I bhc Sale. NFR DAY, be 24!]: duy 0! MARCH next, the nbscri er, {nleudingquit fanning, mu sell a Public Sale, at. his residence, on the vent. ban of Oren ConowMto, in Tyrone wwnlhipgdums county, the following person al proper , viz : - 2 good URK HORSES, 1 one year old colt, 4 Milch do", 6 Fat Steers, 8 Boga, Narrow. tread Wa on and bed, Hay Carriage, Renper Ind Mow r, Winnowiag Mill, Plough: and Hnnows,‘single and Double Shovel. Ploughs, Single arid Double-trees, all kinds of ngee Gears, Heller and CowChnins, Log Chains, Butt Tnccs, Breast Chnius, Rakes, Forks, kc. Corn-fodéér by the bundle, and Grain in the ground. i'hbles, Chairs, 2 Template Stoves nnd Pipe, Heat Vessels, Crout Standl, Wash Tuba, Bunla, Iron Kettles nud_ Pots, Bacon by the pppnd, Potatoes by the bulhol, Ind I variely of other uliclel, too numeroul to men tion. ‘ ‘Slle to commence at 10 o'clock, A. It, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ' ' ‘ . SAMUEL BOLLINGER. ' John Runes, Auctioneer. ’ ’ Feb. 27, 1865. m For Sale or Rent. C) ACRES, more or lan, of Lind, in Butler -, lovmalgippu the Hunteflmwnro-d, about 3 mile: from‘ Heidlersburg, near Di'ehl’a mill, with I new two-story Fume Home and Kitch en, Sable, well of water, orchard, kc. Here i! a fine chance for 3 small property. ' Imme diate poneuion' will be given. ‘ WM. MLEAN, Feb. 27,1865. 3!. Gettylburg. OTICE is hereby given to all parties in- ‘ terested in the Diltributinn of the estate In {onnd‘in the last md‘finsl account of Olivef Staley sud Jlmes J. smley, Admininnton of‘ the elmo of Mary Won, late of Germany township, decenled, will be damned, u per distribution filed in the Orphln’l Court of Adam! county. on the 16th dny or MARCH next, nnleu exceptions are filed or emu shown to the contrary. ‘ ‘ a JAMES J. PINK, ‘ Olen-k of the Orphan’l Court. Feb. :71, 1865. td EONARD DEW'S ESTATE—Letters Went", on the ante of Leann-d amp, ate a! Tymne wwnnbip, Adnml county, deceased, having been fluted to the under ligand, uni-ling in tho ulna tolnlhip, they eroby grin notiéo to sll pol-tong indebt e- to aid «at. to make immodjsu puyucm, and mu luring chin» min“ the ”my. Aprelun MI properly “mandated {9: nt fleman: JOHN DELAP, . 1 ~ DANIEL DELAP, Fab. $3186. 8‘ Execnlon. ABY KROUGH‘ idmininntion on brough,‘ Inc of Emma deceased, having had gnnm signed, residing in the nu- pl; by gives notice to d] pom” find». em“ to Ink. imadiun guy-mu, m having flim- I‘d-n the um. to pmem prop-r 1 nthcndupd for tunnel“. ' : ‘LIYI CB‘BONISTBR, Adm’r. 2,33. 9, was. a m-- . '. :————-——~ - —<~_—_; -: G by}!!! [nut mom-out of SEMI Sun-oi Clothing in‘ town. 1 ’ '.J. H. mnaxsmnasa s,Auctioneer. ‘ 1865. m Nobee. Notice. tics.” ESTATE—Latte" of {he «mo of flu, Adm county, 7 m the under :o, be here u! to aid \d “on film: their own egenu, in whom the, have confi dence, And who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the note: for which they re ceive orders. JAY COOKE, \ Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. S'uhscriptionl will be received by the First Notionnl Bank of Gettysburg, und’the Gettys burg Notional Bank. [Feb. 27, (65. 3oz Personal Property 'r PUBLIC \SALE.—On Tnosofifv, the A 215! day of MARCH next, the subscriber, intending to‘dccline‘iorming, will sell at Pub lic Sale, at his residence, in Butler *mvnship,‘ Adams county, one fourth of a mi e east of Loiver’s mill, the iollowiiii‘tnluoble personal property, viz: \\ 7 head of good HORSES, (two\of which are Brood Marco, and one of them with fool—one anily .\lnre,) 2 colts, (one two yenrxold, and the other one year,) 6 Milch Cows. (two will be fresh by the time ofeole,) l Heifer, I lot of Sheep and a lot of Slit-tea, one Four-horee Brood-trend Wagon, with looking machine; bed. bows nodside hoards, set of Dung Boards, Wood Loddeu, Hay Carriages, Horse Rake Winnowing Mill, Cutting Box, Ploughe and llarrows, Double and Single Shovel l’loughr, Corn Fork, Corn Coverer, Double and Single trees, Spreaders, 2 sets Butt Chains, 1 set Brcnet't‘huins, Log Chains, Halters and Hol -3r Choirs, Cow Chains, llorle Gedrs, 2 sets of cubic Strapped Breechbands and Side Plates, 2 sets Front Gears, 3 sets Plough Gears, 2 Plough. Lines, 1 five-horse Line, Bridle! nud Collars, anon Snddle, Wagon Whip, Hous ings, flax-ks, Rakes he. Also, Smoked Melt, Hathswny Cook Stove and Fixtures, Bedatend, lron Kettle; Spinning Wheel, Smoothing Irons, and I lnrge variety of other wales, too nn morons to mention. [fi'Snle to commence nt9 .p'clock, A. M., on aid day, when ittendnnce will be given and terms made known by. . DAVID R. P. DEARDORFF. ' John Hones, Auctioneer. Feb. 27,1865. m {NW—Es BOOTS AND SHUES.—Thd’snbscfiber r;- specuully announce: to the citizen; of *Qeuysburg and the public genenlly, that he hfimoyened a new 8001‘ AND SHOE (:51ng em, in Chnmbersburg strewn?“ Gettyab 3;, one door from the Drug Store 91' AXD‘. Buehler, where he is prepared to manufncmfifloots ”8.8%” of every de scriptioh. Gen lgtnen's Boot! nnd Shoes made in the mos! aubstiiminl manner. Lndies’wpr} ‘ done up neatly nnpron the shortest notice. All kind: of repairing‘promplly nlxcnded to. Our work will be found shqng,‘neatnnd cheap. We will gunrauue our wot to wear nud fit. I an: dete7mined to put. up hot and che’npcr ‘ work than aruy‘ other estublishmlqt in town, and wauld therefore iolicit n alum-em] public patronage. Call and examine our wink Ind gin us a trial. “ -. R. P. BEADEN. ' 3 Jun. 2, 1864. u ' §\ ‘ _ ’_‘ ,_ V ,___-___,,A 1 ' The Eye and Ear. I 0 THE PEOPLE! ' ’ ‘ 'NOW READY, A Work by Dr. "031 MOSCHZESKER, of No. l X 027 Walnut Street, l’bilndelphia,—emitled A BOOK FOE I'll! PEOPLE, on‘lha following Diseuelz EYE and EAR Disc-sew THROAT Diu’uel in General; Clergymep’n Ind Pubhc Spenken' SOHE TRBUATi Dianne: o! the AIR PASSAGES, (Larggitvh, Bwncbilis,) ASTHMA sud CA TAR H.‘ This Book ls tube had at. No. 606 Chestnut" fitreel, Philadelphia, And of All Buckwheat— rice SI-v-and from the uuthor. Dr. Von Mo:- chickenxho can‘be consulted on 111, thou maladien,-and all Nervoul Afl'ectionl, which he trons with the, surest. succeu. Office, No. 1027, Walnut Street, _Philadclphiu. 'Feb.13,1865. 3711 ‘ SAasignee’s Nance. HE undenigned, boring heel; unpainted Auignee, undet a. deed or gruujor the benefit of crediwn, of Pun Ouxnonrrfnnd Wm, of Honntjoy township, Adam: county, novice is hereby given to all personkbuowing ihemeiv'u indebted to said Auigno to make immediate payment. (0 the nnderaigned..reaid ing in the lame township, end then inning chime Igninst the name to prenm. wen properly numenticeted for uttiement. , ; HENRY BEITLER, Auigneo. Feb. 13, 1865., 6!. - a « . P ILADELPHIA 136°} PAPZHR HANGINGS. {"6“ - Ham->ll 8: Bourke, LIANUFAQTUREBS 0F w A L L P A r n n s, ‘ ‘Axn ' WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, ‘ Corner FOURTH and MARKET Strata, , PHILADELPHIA. , N. B.—A fine stock of LIVE! SHADES, constant}: C hand. (Feb. 20, 1865. . 3m Auctioneering. [CHARD TRIMIEB, of Bmm: town‘lbip, Adlml county, Pl", hu eon-ended SALE DRYING, And will be In py tout-u to 11l cull! thin. may be made. fit will do his but to render nzinaction in all can, Ind will be modgnu in his chug”. ,Thsnklul for the puronage olrudy uncured upon him, he uh that. the public generally give him 3 trial. ' Sept. 26. 8a: Revenue Stamps F It, denomiguion manually on bud sad for sale it the First Nation! Bank at denylbnrg. GEO. ARNOLD, Cuhier. Quay-burg, Nov. 14, 1864. ' oon CIDER—Jun received u Dr. R. G BOMIR’S Drug Slon, (he puts 811. ~ 1“ 0!" Din. for gunning CM". J‘- _, ‘eggnwvss min; and .vch mhw‘cbuy 9‘ , " 50H“. ’8; leis, Barrels, Hogshndu. find many uzher uni clel, too numerous to mention ”Sale to commencu at 9 a" lm-k. A. XL, on Hid dny. when ntzendnnce will hr Khan and term: made known by d ' SYLVES’I‘ER 11A KM-ZR. Jacob Klunk, Anciionter. Feb. 13, 1866. w Valuable Personal Property AT PUIiLIC SALE—On WEDNESDAY, the lbth‘ dny of MARCH nen, themnh scriher, intending lo quit farming. will sell at Public Sale, at his relidenee, in Freedom Lown!hip,Adnms county, about l 9 mile! north west or Greenmounl, nndM milel loolhweu of Gettysburg, the following personal property: 5 head or weak nonsus, (one 5 fine young Bay Senlllon,) 5 Milch Cows, 3 Fat Cat (le, 4 young Steam, 10 Shown, l Brcod Saw, 8 head of fine Sheep, 1 Three-horn Wagon, Wagon Bod, Hey Cnrringe, (nearly new,) Spring Wagon, Sleigh and Belle; Threshing Machine and Horse Power, Wire Horse Rake, Corn Planteri, [lay Forks, Wiunowmg Mill, Culling Box. Plough: end Huron, Double and Single hovel Plonghs, Corn Forkl, Corn Coveren, Single and Double-trees, Sprpndera, Jockq Slickg, 2 set: of Breechbnndi, 3 sets of Front Gears, 3 net: of Single Home”, Brent Strip. ‘ Single Emu, Check‘Linen, Wagon Saddle, 2 Riding Saddles nnd 3 Riding Bridles, 9 Head Iluliers, Cow Chains, Munocke, Picka, Shovelu, Forks, RakeefGrindswne, 4 Axes, Mnnl nnd Wedger, Crow-bee, kc. Aluo, 0m and Pom. toes by the bushel}! Bede end Bedamds, 3 Tables, CookingSlovexTen-plate Stove. Bureau, Desk, 2 set: oi Chairs, Stand, Eight-nil] Bras: Clock, Iron and Copper Kettles, Queenl-wnre, Tin-lure, Crockery-were; Qhutn, 400 lbs. of Home. Shoulders and Sides, nlot of Lard, and a variety of other articles, wmnumaroue to mention. . fifS-le to commence at. 9 o'clock. 'A. M., on said day, when attendance will be: given and term: made known by \ CALVIN P. RINSE. Jacob Mlckley. Auctioneer. _ \ Feb. 20, 1865. u! ‘ Public Sale. N THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1865, the undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Hamilton townlhlp, Adams county, about We miles from New Oxford, three miles from Hempton, antic-4 mile-from Green Ridge Poltomce, the following per usual property. riz : . IMARE, l Yearling Colt? Cow,l Heifer (heavy with calf;) 1 Fat Seer, 1 Sheep, 1 Bockawny, One-horse Wagon, Horse Gears, Saddle and Bridle, Hnlter end Uow Chains, llay by the ton. Alto, Household and Kllnhen Furniture, luck as BureaU!, Tables, Chairs, Chelte, Bedete-dl, Clock, Cook Stove Illd Pipe, Kitchen Cupbo-rd, Sink, Apple-butter, Vinegar and Barrels, Copper and Iron Kettles, 'l‘ubg, Stands, Spinning Wheel, Queenl' ind Earthen-were, Tin-ware, Buttock, Ans, Shov el, and many other articles. WSnle to commence at lo o’clock, A. I, on mid day, “hlen attendance ylll be given Inn by ' SAMUEL “BEAM“ :giom-erl. .uable Farm , ‘iALI-Z.—The subscribe”, xe last will nnd teal-Imam. , up, Brunei-infer at Private Sale, We following Real Butte of nid de cedent, Vin: A FARM. situate in Tyrone wnahip, Adams county, P... flaming landpdhwid YOIIP, Daniel Bruno, {udolph Doi rick, and others. containing 200 Acrenrvnore or vlesa, about. 50 acres of which are woodland and 30 acre: meadow. The improvement. are Q» Two-nary \Ventherbflnrded HOUSE, 2 Tenant. Houses. large ' 3 Log Barn with 2 Wagon Sheds nltached, Corn Crib, Smoke Home, bpilng Lianne, 2 good Orchnrdl, and a neverfalling spring non: the home. Then i. A stream of water running through me fa'rm. WPersonl wishing to View the proper} will In- .liown 'the sumo by cnlling on Daniel Deiap, residing thereon. . , 4 JOHN Dl-ILAP, ‘ ~ \ DANIEL DELAR, A Feb: 6, 1035. it ~ Execute". Come. Onch or 'l'll Sun Inn, 1 , No. 25 80ml: Fm: sue». muunul-am. J EB publicil mpocfiully informed 1b“ In ban-e Ippoiltld “Elan, BUYER t SON “ actual? Agent, for t c ale 6! ml our cele bmled brunt- of ~ ' SUPERIOR PREPARED COFFRRS, “all a Bio, Jun, Tutkey, Dadolion, French Brenkflm and ‘Dlnner Coley. The public in reipectfully solicited to if] it, u we no confident it in the bell article in ml. 1‘ H E T R A D I ~ supplied by “him. Boys; t Ban, M Mnnufnc turn-'3 prion. K. "MYERS & 00., Feb. 6, 1865. 2a“ "thissolntion. THE ptfieuhip heregofon existing 6:- Wm t 5. mdlrfigmd. under‘ the nuns and nyle of PAHBSTOCK BROTHERS, is mix dsy dimlved by mug-l cannot—June: F. Fnhnuuwk retiring. ’ JAMES F. nuufl'rocx, assay J. nugsroqx,‘ . EDW. G. FLEX TOOK. ' BB undenigud, nmlinining game" of the firm at FAHNRSTUCK B TREES, I! Ironuoin tho huninou M the urn: plug, Indu- the up. um. um! nyla of firm. HENRY J. FAHKES’I‘OUL. -L EDWARD u. FAHXESTOL‘K. ‘Jusnssn. W , C ~ ' 0 ‘ D} R.'f!oM‘&MgMn ” : Guifitsfimrzo cuwn- aux. “‘5 ‘f MUSIC . Pen-on: in van! on good Tlulin orA'K‘r‘rdcon 712 m be supplied at , HCMSG'D. . 2 . ' .\'OTIONS. ' ' ‘ S-upenJex-n. Comm, Hair mud Cluhv! 'mmhl'i. . lazurs nud Ruzm 5:: spa, Sup; :-m~r’nflyl,- I You Rum.“ Duxulnou, Viohn huings. km, a ' ’ l‘l“!\'l.\fi's. TRUNK“) Ican be had by «Hing m B xlzimdro cut-al. n: 9 BH‘KING'S. omm? suxs.‘ A (PW more I”: u: .HCKLVG'H H-lII‘ DRY ' IH. l'icLing's Flow um I :2 had Umhh‘nu nfull sizes. ‘ l P .1 C. K I N ' G , is selling his gnu-is M. We lmu-sx fixing! v [cm and would invite all LIH n" and up imgfi‘ M is determined to sell at the lune“. p-w 3.. ‘ Jul. 30, [61.5. ~ ‘ (101 d Pens «FOR THE MILLIUN! Fun; to Suit the “and. mu] Price! to Suit 1!» ‘l'o' ket. ' Tm: Bur Cow l’ms xx mt Womb! On receipt M’ the lollowmg flumc, we win und. by nmil, or M directed. a (.‘uld I’vn ..~r Pena, selerlirg (he same according to the de scription, mum-l 3 : _ ~‘ Gold Pans, in Silver Plum! Extension Pas", wf'h Pencils. Fo'r $1 No. 2 pen; lur’ $1 '_’s No. a pen; for $1.50 No. 4 you , lur :«2 551.5 page; , ‘ for $2 25 .\'o 5 pm. . Thwe pens are stamped. THE ”Wilma”. PE), and are well finished qua line wmmg Cold b‘en!,'wilh “cud nrimcm puma. Lllllh'llgll the)urc'uuwmrflmodmmlcmzuoLl-e"thump-J. “CHUCANTEII GUI.“ FEMS ()ur ImlM: (.\Jueriu.-n hum l'qupu 5.,Y.,) Uh aux-”p: d (m an um 12!. qu \lu) I'Plh, an] Ila: pawl»; Inc wuzmnlcd lor eix In'-nlu~‘, ext-tn. mgniuuucridcnl. Ufir human qmun‘ l’rnl gnru “amped (“H-l NATIONAL Hz), with aha finniuls m nur film (3L 0. If. ‘30..) and :uv unre- Ltull) made, In um; the amm- pmuu as our Mm. :qualil) I’ol”,th unly mun dim-loya- chng in the un‘n.) ul llvc “qu. ‘ —I Gull l'um, [-1 and A qnnhty in Solid Eiher Extension Univ», “in. l'cmils For $2 00 n .\u. lycu In qunluj, or n .\'o. 2 pen 2d qunli'3, ‘ ~ For $2 2?» :1 No 2 pm ls! qunm‘y, hr 5 .\'a. 3 pen 2d quaint). For $2 25- No. 41)”: lequnU-y.“ Is No. «I, yen 2d quality. 5 ’ ‘ For $3 no a No. .4 pen lnl qunlily, or a .\‘o. 5 per; 21) quality. . For $4 50 a Nor 5 pen in! quality, or a So. a pen’ 2d qunligy. For $5 50 SNO. 6 pen 153 quality. ‘ The name Gold Penn, in Solid Silver or Gull- Flu/2d Ebony Desk holden nnd Morocco Can-I. For $2 25 a No. 3 pen In. qu'anlity, or o No. 4 pen 2d qulily. ‘ For $1 50 A No. {pen 1n quality, or'oAN’o. b pen 2d qnniiry. ~ , For $3 20 a No. open In quality, or I. No. 6' pen 24 qnnlity. _ ' ‘ For‘SL on No. 8 pen lat qnul'fly. Fox 85 50 n No. 7 pen. For 5,6 75 A No. 8 pen. For $l2 00 a N 0.12 pen ; all first quhlity. Our peun rank throughout tho country In cqnil if not superior to my gold pcnl mnnu incurred. Not only for rheir writing qmilitiu~ but durability and elrgunl flninb.‘ ’l‘he grou en care is used in i: manufacture, and non are sold with tbi‘enz imperfeclian which skill m: fielect. .- ‘ ' ~ Parties m ordering rnnlt lpecily the muse, number tnd qunlity in up instances and with ther stifl' or “usher, acute or fine. . TO CLUBS—A dlrcountlofl2 per «2“.1e [3ollsong on sums of $l5, It gent to one lu dress, at onetime; M‘per cent. on 31.0; 20 yer cent. on $4O. \ ' » ._ All remittances by mail, Registered, are at our risk. To I“ who enclose 20 cents extra (“On registering, we guarantee the Info dulivery 70f the goods. * ‘ Cir‘hnlnrs ofnll our new styles, with Engrnv ingl 3P tact sizes, 9nd prices, sent u‘pnn re ceipt «)1:qu; if desired. Pens repainted for 50 cents, by mail. _ Stationers ‘lnd Jewelers are requested to carnspond with“ us we can offer them great. inducements. Addrcu, ' AMERICAN GEL!) PEN COHPANY, NOXZDO Broadway, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1865. 3m Gettysburg Railroad. ‘ INTER ARRANGEME'NQ—Un and um Mond-uy,o~mbor 3151, M 94, Pnuenznr Trams will lane and arrive on the \Geuynburg Railroad as follow: : . ‘* FIRST TRAIN will long Gen/fab“: at 8, A. it, with pufienzerl for York, Hgtrlxburg. Philadelphia and the North and West. “ Arrive at (lemming at 1.2,5. l’. M pnsenge's from Baltimore, York and ' burg. SECOND TRAIN will have Gettylburg M 1.40, P._ 3., ml: puscngen (or Butimore, York Ind Harrisburg. . . _ Arrive u‘.Genysbnrg It 6 P. IL. with pn sengerl {rum York, Hurripburgr Philddemhfl Ind Ihe Earth and West. 7 , 7 . ,’ R. “cCL'RDY, Pro-'2. Oct, 31, 1864. E ‘ l- Lands! ‘Lagds: APT." H. CHRITZMAN, Imvingjnu "turn- C (d from a trip to the West and .ll the ¢ LAND~ regions in God’s grenlllnbyrl'nthfiho would lflform the oilizenl o! Gellyiburg nnd its \‘ic‘inuy, that he 1; prepm‘ed, not any to offer 0”, LANDS, but. LAND-5 Ul'f EVEBY‘ DESCRIPTION. ‘Peruonl viiiung Harrisburg would do well 1.0 c3ll, n he will lnrnlfih I“ in lormutiun. H. CHBITZMAN. Jnn.2,1865. A! Fresh Arnval . F WISQ‘ER GOODS AT A. SCOTT t O SUN'S.—We invite the uttemion‘ojbuy er. so our stock of Winter Goody, which um. be sold cheap, confining ol _ ' mums- DRESS Goons, i Shawll, Cloaking Clams, Hun, etc. For In? and 8055‘ wenr we hmev Cloths, Cudmun, Uontlngl, \reqtinyu, with I vuiely o! Conou- - um, ha. 1:. Ctll and fee.- , , -. Mr. 28, X 864. A.~SCOTT & SON. Pictures! Pictures! . ‘ EV! MUMP‘SR having purchased 90mm). ‘ Weaul’l PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, fig, prepared at enema wen: i): in Hue canal to In} utnblhhmem in nu- SlMe. [Lyon damn a pod Rhine», finished according to the was, improvement: in the an, em :1. din above . long-elmbii‘hed Gallery, R West Middiu Itreet, Gen) slung. . [Jam 9, 1661:. I. K. Staufl’er, VVATCHMKER & JEWHLL‘R, No. 143‘ - North EECUNU hum, ‘ rornzeruirrj,HllLM)EL- ‘3 kg PIHA. An anorlmem , m WATCHES. JEWELRY, 3m . t PLATED WAKE, constantly un hand, , ’ SUITfiBLB‘LFUB HOLIDAY PnESEer» gai- epyiriug of Watch" on! J " promptly “PNJ” g | .1.” Im. 12,1“. "3 - -._..1....._‘.¢:.« ’_‘...T.—_ -_W‘ ‘ WM; 3;}. .. 3“ A: MARLLEJ' 9.4- '-s,‘ . * 2., Corner of Bulflmove an}! hi I ' n. 3, oypoaipeshc Court Bony, ÜBTTYSHCBUJ‘P‘ Every Inc‘fiptiou of yorkAueculod s.;an mam. uon'o! nu nuimfg “a "’1 Jnn.l6, 13hr}. tl waif-3‘“ we: ,: “WC-W __.v.;,_‘& . 75%;”; unmi'aum - 19: Sum: mum, 191‘ mg s! an; 1n... Dru‘Btm‘Ou x‘n art: t“: :m MIES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers