NM= "i Noah Walker's: 00;. CLUTHIEBS, ‘ gamma-0:3 ampqu, ‘35 AND E? 139 mm“: Stan-r, -‘ - 1 Jeep «Minn;- on. buy! n lugé and well n- name ‘uoak am! kind. at good. at moderate prices.' They simply brden (at me Hunt to th low”! when Iflic’iel, either randy mad. or .‘ , . ‘ ‘ ’ I .- . .111 an (o luau", (a any p"! cf the country. Tl"; keep‘nlso In cxtJens‘nu flock ofFURN- {SHISC C‘QODS, Embracing Heir] uliclo cl nguemrvn’l Under-vent. Also, HILITARY QLOTHS and every variety of Milky] Trim .‘. I ‘ ”APSE“ well n m ummd flock of REAPY MADE JILITARY GOODS lßshimoyeJch. 22, 186:4 Great Attraction T BRINKEREOFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FURXISIHXG WEE, at the Keith learner of Ihe Dinmo . The, oubu-rihefi -3| connsnfly in receipt or fresh goods from me Wm cilia. “is stock of . , ' I. READY-MADE 01.0 mm ‘ in one of the lanes: and' most. ntlfncti 'v, as ’1 ‘ll uthe chenpegr establishment of tilé‘ind \hffhe oonnlry. You will there find COATS, PANTS A‘XDNESTS, mudu uy in the giant fuhiomlde 313105. and of tin best maceriuln. ‘ In! all lilies and prices, for men and. 11031.:- ,(icnllemen’uytnrnishing goods or every dncrip tlon,"Wool Shiru, )luilin Shirts, Hickory Shins and \lt-rino Shins, Merino, Wool and Cbnou Drawers, Hosiexy ofevery ductiption. 'Buck-sklnxlluiuo and Cotton Gloves, Hand kgrckielsfleck Ties, Grunts, Linen Ind l’npel Collars, Huls,l‘:nps,-Booln um! Shoal. Um brgllu, Tru nka. Valices, Carpet Bun. Clothes ‘ 'nntl Shoe 'Bruahes, lLy‘r and Tnotb Bxunhcl,’ 'flhoe Hint-king, Pocket. and Dremng Comps, llrbry f‘ombs. Wan-lira; Cloths Ind Jewelry, "Guilt, Pilluls, l'iolinb and :l'ialln Strings,. Snaps nnd l‘erlumerieg, Stationery.“ all kinds, g Pocket. Knivcm'BMdkhianml Chewing Tobac ‘co. Pipe}, nn extra quill-thy ufSegars. ln incx. his stock embraces everything usually found 10 3‘5”: clues furnishing store. I imilc the Mlentlon of all to comenud seefor them-wives, u i am deteimined uracil goods lover ~11-au a in, 6thercsmblislmiemin the country. Don't forget the place. Corner of ank street and 'w» Diamond. JACUB BRISKERHOFI’. ‘ July 4,1864. 1 V r 100.000 bush. Grain Wangted YEW FIRM AT THE ' . h " "I. ‘ ULD “'AREHOUSE. _’ W3l. E. RIDDLE & (‘O. would inforgn tb‘e publii‘. lhnLllley 112 m; IL-nletl the Wagebmfsc‘ 'on "M! cornerfir b'lmuun street and the Rail— 'road"‘fix Hottyshurg', where theywill cur'ry'on mob Ah; AND PRODUCE BU‘SINESS, in ‘nll it? branch-a. 1 The highest pritea w!“ n!- WMalm'pnM‘llur " fl ‘K . ~ WHEAT, m 1), 1’ \ . ‘ ‘ wm‘. UATR, ' - CLUYER .u Tummy smns, ' - - “.AXSEI‘ZDKFUMXC, ‘ . HAY & "rmw; \ gfied Frui‘, Nujs, Soup, llnmfsbuuldcrs amx ides, Potatoes; w’ith everything else in the 'coumryprmlnceline. , ‘ ‘ 'L‘ “ UN HANU, FOR SALE, ,Cnfi'aespSugnrs, .‘luln:§s?es,Syrllp§,Tcnfl Spices ‘Snll,()hee.se,\'-inc .\.','Sodu,‘ .\xuamrdfb‘mcu. BHuoms, Buckcis, Blanking. l‘.rusheo,‘Suups, kc. "Alan COAL 0",, Fisb'Oil, Tar, kc._—— “FISH or a“ kin F; NAILS AND SPIRES; Snmking and Chewing Tobaccos. ' Thsy :ms niwfiyq able to supply a first rate Article of FLOUR, w ith the dill'ex‘ent kinds of 731-1130.: ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Mia, Gymnxn PLA‘S’NM: mums and qther' fertnlizers. GAL, by the bushel, lon, ‘or car loud. ‘ ’l'h'eir Cursmun to Bnltimoro and back twice,- a weak, nild they will be happy to carry goods tithe; way cc moderate charges. Mnrketmen, ‘rountry merchants, and others, will find it 19 their mgnnmge to patronize [his line, 4 7 They “I: a share oftheflublic's custom,snd Will lpM‘p no effort to tender sntist’adion ‘ u: all, seller: or buyers. ‘ - " \ WM. E. RIDDLE & CO. LA“. 23. 1864-. tf . ‘9. -‘ z o gardware and Groceries. BE nut-scribe“ have jifal. relurnofi from ithe cities with In 'tmmeuae supply at flABDWARE & URUCERIES, which they are 'ollering M. then old stand in Balumore‘sgrwl. 'al pgice: to suit the times. \Uur stock L‘ODSiSI! ‘in mm. of t.‘ _ ‘ . 'BL'ILDING MATERIALS.» ‘1 ' ' ’3 ’ OARPENTER’S TOOLS, ' 1 , BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS. , . COACR‘\FI.\DINQS‘ ‘SHOE FINDINGS. -’ ' ‘ \ ‘ ' ‘ " CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS“ . \ ‘ ' lIUUSEKEEPH'S FJXTURES ‘ ' ALL KINDS OF mow. a:\. page}: R} E s .1) F AI. I. K 1 mum 011.8, PAINTS, km, kc. This is no a‘ ids“ included in the several depamnents mentiflked hbove but. whne'cln be had at. this StoreA— Every clan of Mechanics can be accoupnodntei berry“): top]: and findinga,acd Housekeeper: "cu: find every brticle in their line. Give gs u '0", u we Ire Lprepared to sell as low for cash is my bones out of the city. ‘ * £ ‘ ‘ £0“; B. BANNER, , ' . AVID ZIEGLER. , (Gettysburg, MJyvlS, 1365 i. Herbst’s Line. fill undersigned would inform the public that he is still running a lune of FREIGHT tARS 7mm Gettysburg to- Baltimore every eek‘. He is prtpnred to convey Freight either hyfint‘nyquanu’ty. Hewillanendufdeaired, 3 \o the making of purchase: in the city, and de iivrring the good: promptly at Gettysburg.— 1m curs run to the Warehouse of J. H. Bosley jOB-Xorth street, Bahimore. Ha im‘iles the wagimbf clue public to his line,usuring Ihel‘bgth‘fl. he will spartan! cfi‘ortfillo accommo an: d] who any patronile him“: ‘ " SAMUEL‘ HERBST." ' BAY WANTED. Ths hiSheln price paid for good Timothy. ' " Oct. 24, $864. $5! . . Newr Spritig Goods. HALL YEOF'ITS & QUYCK SALES. ‘ _ :fl ', ‘J. L.-‘SQflICK _ on!!! mpeétfplly any to ‘he ciiizenn ol Gub fithurg‘ gnd Vitinity. thnt he is now rgcsiriug it hip “on u splendid _ P "‘ “STUCK DF,SPR_I.\'G GOODS. . {Fin truck consists in pan. of Fancy FM gm?) 01;? GOODS, of every descrip'tion; '. IL , ‘ ' . ' ' " SOZAWIQUEJ *‘ cmnuss, 7 ~ _ M ‘ _.DELAINES, g ' I BOMBAZINES, , , _ ’ ’ ALPACCAS, " DAVIES: . , ‘ ’ pmeoss, a!“ «tummy-d choicest styles, wbscu mu ' fluid I} P “ES T 0 DEFY COHPETI‘IUN. rgxmsumc cows I of in kinda, tucln'ding Silk, Lined and Cotton Wuohiqfu,fllovu, Stockings, Jz‘c. ’ - . 136. : lalplondidUnablzftuum. of RIBEONS, a dxingn m nun, and srasuls: _ moment Goons“: bffonmi run ind mm, Ind customers maS’ rely upon m in 3?“ goods at the lowest pom. 3, ” w-ulghnd iuothengdéo‘atgggic a)! find «who ’PJ’ stock of ' ' ." “ (~»- C J ‘r“ v' - V ‘ “I! ’c summits Mgd c‘2r. :~ ’4‘: '6'. "VFTIIfl, O! ‘3! MW in “goat It, ea. , ‘ " whim." ‘9 a," ' J'. L. SCB‘ICK. - a 2. 1. ; :mm on we: ‘ "ii." 2% he #98838 and mm '- ud‘ud ma out, ct'hii‘Dmt Sum: ' 1 {innflfis 1894. ‘ * ‘ "é -—‘ 1864. . «j ’ now 8; Woods, ' Gmtsnum. “ - WAFAGAINBT‘THGH rmczy W 13“: we My we _wiinefl good: u _ , ‘ B'ALT}MOBE) ‘ ' ' ' REDUCED PRICES » we mun yrbn! we ny Ind will Ido it. .-‘ ‘ 'We hog} cbnmnuy o; {mull large won mentor ' . a. fins-or Ann'snms. - ‘ {whiz-1231mm lold'cfielper Run they on be’ boughlxuei'hujr. ° ' Uur ”pigment of >33st ANDJSHOES _ for men, women mt! cbfldnn, in made up at the best qualitiu Ind nylel; nnd sold chelp. Our nquk comm iugqn 0! V ' HATS, EGARS, CAPS, ;_ 'runu'co. BOOTSJ? . HANDKERCHIEI-‘S, 880%,)” swocxzxas, ‘ Masks. GLOW-1% CARPET SACKS, wmbo ' PAPER, ,7 GI!" smmg, ~ wmps. . - Bm‘FALO SHOES, consms. - . cxoausuxms,’ POCKET BOOKS, morass, ' PURbESHZ vmmu BOWS? RAZORS, . mmms,~ STRAPS, gccommogs, POCKET szss, COLLARS, SUSPENDERS, ‘- MUK-nss, CORK aging, UMBRELQAS, m, Am, c., in, kc : ‘ RUW'J: “‘UUDS. Jun. 2, 1365 HAMBER’SBL‘IIO ST. ALWAYS AHEAD. 0 ——THIS WAY FUR BARGAINS—JOHN L, uUL'l‘Z’Sfl'Ull’l'll [run just returned from the City with the‘lurgest and most. complete unsan lnem ol HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SIIUES, that has been bruughlllo’w this lqwu since [be war. His stock i~ not only complr-te, but is GOOD uud CHEAP embracing ever}? Variety of Boots and Shaun for Mon and Boys. whilst the Lndiuu will find eveulhing in their liné, frum the fines: Gainer to the’ heuviest Shoe. Children‘s Shoes 0! every description, ip great \m'ivty. Also. Lu.- dwa’ llms, fine quality, and Cluldren’a Hats, o! 111 styles and prim. Also, Trunks, Cnr‘é peg Bags, Ynl‘xsel; Umbrellas. Gloves, Stock ings, Tobacco, Cigars, and.No!ionl oi every drecription. ‘ wharf! forgd the plfivr, Chambersburg street, opposite the Lutheran Church, Gettys burg, Pal . JOHN L. IIU'LTZ\\'URTII. N0v.21, {B6-1. ll - . . Umversal Clothes Wringer. mmmusnm AM) ADJUSTABLE, S ' \Vl’l‘l’l COG-WHEEL REGULATOR. \ gorg sum BY S<IIEADS & 13 um; 1.1111,. ’ ' Lnfyvsouuu. I’A.‘ ‘ From iianumeruhle recommendstions, we gather the fnllomng: Letter trom .\lru. Henry Wnnd Beecher, in tam. I am mast happv to spank in the very high est term: of the “ Uttiverntl €lothes Wringer." The hardest part of “mashing-day” work is, intmy opinion, the wringing; ahd the inventor of thii mitt-him may have the aatts‘fnction of feeling that he has ehnnged' one of the most toiluome parts of woman's work into a'vuy attractive nmusemt-ntu The latnndrcss looks upon itnsn. grant blessing. , I look upon it as among the most useful articles in the home. Bruoklym October,‘ “561. _ -' , \ Price—s 7 00. [May ’2, 1864. New Goods !--La.rge Stock! ERCHAXT TAILORING. . ’ ~ I " ‘ moons s: BRO. hue jun H‘OHVPJ from (I‘m citiw n lax-g? s-tock ot‘goods I‘qr fiexntlcmexp's 'wmr, embracing a variety“ of CLUTHS, _ u \ CASSNERES, : ‘ \ ~ " VESTYYGS, Cn=sinetq;\JM‘ns, kc.,.with many other goods for spring nod summrr‘ Wynn . They are prepared to make up garments at the shortest hhtice. and in the verybest mau aor. The P‘ashigns‘mgeregulnrly received, and éinthing made in, nv deeircd rtyie. ,Thry al, ways make nmt fit whilst their sewing is sure to be anbsfnntini. . Thev ask is continance of the public‘a pa.- tronnie‘, resolved by god work and moderate charms tn enrn it. , . u Gettfiburg, April 7, 18-2.‘ ‘ ' E. 8: H. T. Anth- ty 8: 00., ASUFACTCRERS 0.1? ' » L‘TOGRM’HIC M MATERIALS, warms“. up RETAIL, 5018R0.-\DWAY,‘N.Y.—in‘ndition to our main business or Photographic 5 -lerinis, w‘e are Headquarters for the following, viz: §TEREOSCOPES & STEREOSCOPI I VIEWS. 1 Of these we~hnve In immense {ins-rtment, including Wa‘ri‘cenes, American and ' reign Cities _nud Lnndscnjfib. Groups, Statuary 4m, 'ch. Also, Revolving Siereoacopes, torpu lic ‘ or privnlégxhihifin. Our Cntuiogne will, 99! sent to any address lon receiptpf Stamp. F. ‘ PHO'igKERAPHiC ALBI‘!LS.—We were the I first to, troduce these into the United States, and we'lmnnufnctlne imnienae quantities in great va iety, ranging in price from 50 crnts to $5O énrh. Our ALBUMS hgrve the reputa rion ofi’being superior in beauty 9nd d‘hrabiii ty to any others. They will be gent W nil Irer, mrreceipl at price. ' ' Wi‘ine Albums made Moran-fa - I Onrflntalouue now embnces over FIVE THQUSAND diflerent subject: (to which ud fiitigns are continually being made) of Por tkpits 91 Eminen‘ Americans, be, viz : about. We Major-Generals, 550 Statesman, 200‘Bng.-Genen)a, 130 Divhes, " 2'15 Colonels, '.l ‘ 125 Authors, 100 Hum-(201011615, '4O Artists, ’ 250 oth“ Utficerl, l 125 Stage, 75 Navy Qificcrs,_ ‘ sorrominenLWomen L 5? {fyomi Jen! Fordign Portraits. 3,000 cofii‘es of Works of Art, including re productions‘df*nost celebratedfingravinga, Paintings. sm ,: kc. Commute year on Realm. of Station. An order for OtaDoun Names from oxir Catalogue will be filled on the receipt. of smm, and sap: by mail, Free. Photographers “a! other! ordering good: 6. 0. D. will pleue 1- pm twenty-five per cent. of the manual with lhéir order. E. tH. T. ANTHONY & CO., . Manufacturers of‘Pbotgraphxc Muterinlx, ‘591 Roadway, Now York; [G‘Thqpn'cea and qngliiy of our goods clunoc fail to uthl‘y. [XO9 14, 1864. ~(3n ‘ ~ .‘Lancaétei' Book Bindery. ‘ 'anqfiswmx'r.‘ \ 2 BOOK BLNDEB, AND ILA'NK lOOK HANCIACU‘NIB, ‘ ' LANCASTER, PA. Plain uni Ornamental Bmdmg,'of ekery dc.- scrimion, executed in the moat aubstantigl Ind approved axles. ‘ . “\ * . ' “unsung. , \ E. W. Brown, Eat/Fume” Bank of Lam-"0g:- W& L. Paper, £341., Lancaster Conny Bank \ Samuel Shock, 15341., Columbia Bank. ‘. ‘ Samuel Wagner, Saga, York Bunk. ' ‘ 'William Wagner, Esq.. Ygrk County Bank. ‘l‘. D. Carson, Each Bank ‘of Gettysburg. Rater Martin, 3101., Prolh‘y of L‘nncpster co., Pl G 901). Hawthorn, Rn ~ Register “ “ Geo.,.Whitsori, Esq., laconic: “ fl ‘ Apri115,.1861 ‘ ° ' .W. PLEMMING continues the Supine” A. 0!" SALE CRYING, and solicit: mecca mum! patronage of the public. . It in his con stunt eudunvur to, give snlisfufio‘ ‘Chgrgep moderate: Residence in Brecidnudge street, Gettysburg;‘_ .. ‘ fl *K ‘ P. S.-—He is n licensed Auctioneer, undo:- {he Tax Law- of the United Sums. ‘ , Now-Ig, 1862- - ‘ Reward Associauon. ~ uymgwfiu, PAL—Diseases of the P- «new, Seminal, Crimry, .‘nd Sexual .‘yuems—ncw and reliable treatment—yin _rg orb of 'IhptfiOWARD ASSOCIATIOKJ—uyt 85' flail in t‘esl'ed‘lauer envelop", *fi-emo! Eh‘me. Htifr‘e's‘s,’ Dr. J. SKILLINBUUGH TONJIaw‘Ia Auocfation,’ No. 2 South Mm; Snug. Phi dphiyfu. ’ ént-G,=!§6¢.-'ly , ' ' ‘ . .' , EQEHWT «an . “W'frcnic,'n 0:53. . mgStone. ‘— ,‘ .- -'~ 4"» «1;. No Humbug. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Sale Crying. ECM F 0‘» i 3 Tz ’ s ‘ i ‘ _» clung» ; and @3ll}: gotcha. ; 8L ‘1" . In poor. low-spiriud uuimuld, it has the most beneficial effect. , Theme of'thrxu improves the wind.strenglb m the Appct'uo‘ and glue to the Horse 3. fine, Imoolh and glo‘g- =kin—lhus iuprov in! the uppearan-x, \ith sin! spirit of this noble animal. The properly this Po“th pmxm-‘os in in creasing the (pumliu of Milk In Cows, gi'vel it an impormuce nnd Value “13M: should place it in the hands or L'Vl‘r} person limping a Cow. By actual mpcrinwnt it has proven that it will incl-awe UK: qunntntpof Milk and Cram: twnnty per cum, and make the Bauer firm and meet. In fattening L'nule. it givm them an appetite, 10030113 their hide and makes them thrive mnrh faster. ‘ln an Diseases of: f we Swine, :uch u ‘ §§4£lsz§ 3/31“ Coughs, Ulcers in )gé—El‘J the Lungs, Liver, ' ‘3‘ gig-:4; 7 it. 'fyf putgiuxz ‘ xiv-i I from n 1 9. per '-'_ ~ -.‘ g: a Jmpcr of figure .A.”.ns} -awan In u ur— “2" t-. "’"v 7: rchf Swill, “13%; 21:23; ' -; nbovp Diseases can be cured or mlirel: pre vemad. By using lhrse Pcmders theflog (‘lmlem Gun be prevented. ~ ‘ Price 25 eta. parPnper. or 5 Papers for $1: S. A. FOUTZ 8:, BBQ, WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDiCINE DEPOT. HO. 116_ Franklin St, Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druxgisbl and' Storekaperl .throughout xhe United States. For snirby A. D. Hnehlcr, Gettysburg: Lauglljin £1 Burhlield, Wheeling, “'11: C. U. Benders: Cm, Pmshurg; Johnson, Holloway ’& Cowflen, lengL-lphia. ‘ N0v.’28.1864‘. 1y , . Globe “ Inn. you: nu, .\mn Tun: tmumxn, ‘ ETT VS 1} E RO, 1’ A\.——’l‘lte uttdcriignotl G wuuld musl. ro~pwtluliy inlortn his in memua friends and the ptthfic gcnrfmfly, that he has purchased that long mmhiished and well kuiwn Hotel. the “(Rube inn,” in York gtrect, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to toudnct. it in :t mamner th'tl will not detract from its farmer high reputation. “in table “‘1“ hme the hat the math c:\ufifiord—his_ chnmhery are “main": and cnmlurtahlc—nnd he has laid in for his bar a f|ll‘ls!\)ck of wines and ”mm”. Thpre isjdrge :tnblinq antic-hm] to the Hoicl, which will he tittt-ntledhy (utteri tive hustlers. It will be his constant rndenvor to render the fullest sntisfuctiutuo his were, making his houss- us nenr :1 home to them as poa‘stble. He *3 :1 share of the public’s pni twinge, deterzn ed as he is ttideserve a. [urge partlof it. Remember, ”ler'LG‘O'lC Inn" i: in York'street, hul’timr the D/itlnu) id, or Public Square. ‘ April 4, 1864. H Provmon‘ Store. J _ . HE undersigned has openrc‘ “PROVISION STORE at Geotge Little's old shunt, in West. Middle street, Glnysburg. when: he will always keep on lmnd, lor sale, ' > BEEF, MUTTOV, “EAL, PORK, ' POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET «AND IRISH POTATOES. C.{BBAGE, BEETS, TURNIPS, wnh tverylhiug else in Hue provision'llne. ’ 7 . He'will sell in snmll profits, and spare; no effort. to please. Fat Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Calves, kc” wanted, {or which tha higln-el prim-e will b? p-|i(l. cl. 17,1864. at ‘ New Tallorxng '» BLISHMI-ZNTn-CBOJ.ECKENRODE FASHIONABLE TAILOR, ‘V's method of informing his friends and i generally. that he'll“ opened a e tulnlishmeut in Bnltimore‘slreet 4:9 Post Office,) near the Oh» is prepared to do I“ work .in \ est. mn‘uner, Ind to the antis v era. He employs nunc ha! a d receiving . ‘ V SS REGULAELY, ‘l nsble fit; and neat and e asks a shnre of the 1 lsing to spare no ef ': rges will plways be 'mos will allow. 1 e at. the shortest ? April 7,1862. Di adopts t 1: the publi Tailoring e. Gettysburg, mond, where his line in the [action of canton first clgps hands, in ' THE FASHIL he can warrant fusiu lubstantial sewing. public’: patronage, prm fort. to deserve it. llis ct tonnd an moderate as the Cuiti'xrzrgjlnllrnepniring dL notice. [Gpttysburg *5: "”New Goods) , EORGE {KRNOLD has jnsrr ceired from G }be city a. lurke supply of OTHINGH Men‘auui Boys’ wear, consisting of u lkiuda of COATS, PANTS, vans, \PE 11 hl ' SHIRTS, DRAWERS, (TRAYAT. ' , § 8 A NECK ’i‘iEs,GLOVES, HOSIE film; M 13113 1135 87' Bu? er, . . - nle n —— ‘x D‘ ' ‘ - ..5 large stock of CLgTHS,ICA;§SI.\IERES,Lfi ; sT 0 $0? g“ “In“! CASSINETS, JEANS, RiLL KG . .&C., k , v ‘ ’ ‘ 11l of which willcbe sold as cheap as um 1:13.“ ARE, HUhEEW-WARE, 110' hnd’ahewhere. in: us a'cail. and if we can- ' _ _ _ not. please you in a suit rendy made We will SHUETCE‘RISITBLéngir SdAsS'll, :TC‘ take your measure Ind make .5113 up one I . {Bel-1:.) :disne “t fiégnYSßéfiG,lg§po shortnotice. [May 30,1864. ii; 4' '0 A 390 , G , , ‘ . , y 9, 1864. . \ New Goods. - ;Fsumrocx BROTHERS l Are‘gnnsnntil receiving choice end de lirnble goods, from New York, Philndelphia lend Hakim 9, and are prepared to ofl'er l . . , (:Bt‘A’l‘ iNDUCEMENTS 'in thcsok abou purchasing. Beving nele‘cted with ‘grent cnreXl-om the three leading markets, the public will look to theiqun interests by examining caramel; before. buying elsewhere. Cull n: \\ FA‘HNESTOC‘JKS’ A|. ‘ e _ I'}! .3“??? _ .~‘— 3‘.“___R”“__F'°EL slo a pay! GENTS WANTED.—‘i‘o [ell the.“2s CENT A ‘ LEGAL TENDER STXHONEEYPACK AGE.” _Ench Package cougniu 35 Songs, 2 page: afflusic, I 8 sheet: of fi’eper, 18 Envo lbw, i Rnler, l Pym 1 Pen ‘Holder, 1 Land Pencil, 1 Design for mammal, l for Child'- Apmn, 1 for Embroidered Conan! forChrh ming Robe, 2 for lurking Lenora 13 Secrets .never before published, worth many Dollus; end iolher information. Also, one benutifui article of Juan“. Libenl induceniem lo Agents. Send fitnmp for, Circular. ~ ,- ‘ » SAMUEL BOTT; 1 ‘3 Soon: Third St, Philadelphia, PA“ June 18. 1:864. 1y ‘ . Emhart’s ' BANKLIN 1101 mm ' can": or sown!) a PRAXKLIR Burs, . BALTIMORE, MD. } This House is on a direct. linebct can the Northern Central um} Baltimore and Ohio Rn‘il road Depots. It has been refined all} com. formbly arranged M the convenience and the entertmnmeut of guests. ‘ ‘ ‘ \ 02L 31.18“. t! ‘ ‘ , sun at Work, . E undersigned continues tth '3“ \ CARRIAGE-MAKING BMESS, in 311‘“ branchea, at his old imam East Middle ilreet. Gettysburg. \ ~\\ NEW WORK made to order, and ~ \ K ;. \“ REMI’xfiING done promp‘ily and at lowest prices. Two finfl‘ate :SPRIKG WAGONS and a swung for sue. JACOB TRUXEL.» ngz. 1863. a ‘ Sfimethmg forjvbrybody ’ 0 BUY AT DRVR. HORNBR'SE T DRUG 3‘ \D VARIETY STORE.— Just opened 1 flag nuqrtmeut or Drugs and Nediring. ; u ' Patent. Medicines, 5. :K - , sunlignery, \‘ [‘l‘,‘ * . ‘ , we, D . oodafi _ ’: Chablis. I ’ Rtfieeriu, :’ 3 _ f ' U \ ‘ Sodou, TOB’ACQO,‘B£GAKS, 10. ,”- _YJn. 18,1564. ‘ . ~\L . 8741818 mire-h], Thirt‘ in! Ind F Alia-m Clockfchup u PKKHG'SX. ~. LOTKIN : ‘cnomm'm Pup. (my 0 mini?“ oponei; Algmu,‘ho¢ ‘Rus, ta. km, :11 cheap 9! BRINKEBHO F'S El HOGS PREP) BED BY SAMUEL \mLF JOHN NORBECK ‘ ":3 Ayer’é ' 2 SARSAPABILL‘A ‘ nu WOIHH sun 55““ m Sci-emu .md Scrotulonn nil-cum. i from it‘ury mu. 1 weH—lfiiuian urchin! of“- ‘ ford, Maine, I ‘1 l one told ling..- quuxtitiss of your SAW!» : mm but met? at one bottle which Med 0! the dutyel'i em a and il“ mum-non tatlmc who took 1 it. Allfut as our ’01))“ try it. they agree there he! ; been no medicine Elm it butane in our community." l Eruptions. Pimple; matches, Pumice, Ulo i one, flares, and all Diseases of the Skin. I Fm- li'u'. lieu. “mum, Bridal, L‘ laud. . “ liluly do my duty to you llul the £5532th 1 odd n 3 testimony to thiit you publu of t 9 new ‘ alum] rtuel otmur S.\iis\iuuiLLA. lgduugh— l ten-sad «mind An flmld‘lufil humor in er an, eye-3,51“! hur for yem, w iir m- were tumble to If! ntii w trim! your SinsumxiLu. She liu -~ . well {or some mouthl." ‘ Pro 1 Mn. Jane 3. Rice. a WIN-now- and stud- ‘ 23! . dlxulgiflkuiiimflt’r. ('upc Mtg 00.. AZ]. “ Sly l- ugh r has Ellift'l’ed for it year put with I uroritlouu ni-tion. which was very tronblflom‘. ‘ Sothlhg in- « - nuf' relief until we tried ya: Mmuuuui. wlih i xoou completely cured her." Fran Chnrlu I’. Guy, EM] .of the widely-Imam- ‘ Gage. Murray if '1 . numufucturrrx afenamzual 1 patprn in Sudan. . ’ 11. “ .had for R 101?” ears ll wry :roubluom ‘ human) my flaw, nhic- grt-w constantly worse i until (Klingon-d my {cum . uinl became In intol- l enlilé tulu'tiun. i tried 31"“ st. m‘r-ry thing: nun couldlof both uh ire niid inedii-i . but without any i ' Pt‘lh-f n'hzitcl'cr. until l tool. you SAtLui-Amnu. ‘ lt lmhfldl:fl’l)’ made my nice war-c, -3 {cu told me it might fora tiiiir; but» in a few -* I the new skin gun to furinruuilcr the blotch Ind 0011- 1 flnurd until my five In nu smooth in 4 body‘s. 1 and l‘nm without any uymptflmfi of the di. -iu: thnt. i know of. l mdoy pt’l‘ll‘t‘t limith. and wit- mi! doubt am.- it to your SAIHAI‘A iiiLLA." ‘ Erynipeha-Generszfebmty—Purify th~ ‘ u d. 2 i O From Dr. Row. Sun-iii, lion-lan St, New York: ‘ “ lli:. A l‘l.ll. l .uhlom fail to remove Eruption: and £1 rafulmis burr « by the pct-flevbl'iflguseofmr 2‘ HI wuuuA. end I hate Jul-t. now cured»! in k or Malay-um! h’iv/‘ipeliu With it. No liter-Live we pone" equal. the SUHU’UEILLI you have lup piied to the profusion I: well as to t. ic people." From J. E. Juliiutun, £37.. Wakeman. OMO. “ Ear twcli r‘ yum-ii. l‘lml the yellow Egeificlu on my rah: Inmguring which time I tri e the «debut pll)'!lcl.lliu1 could rcimh, imd took huu drain of dollar-i wovh of mndlcincs. The uloorl Won: 50 bad that the cords became vlulble, end the doctors ili’t hit-ti th.it my arm must be nmfiutltcd. I began taking your '7‘ His“) \‘iiiLi. \. Too two hot“ tlcg. H'lil’aulllft of your l'iLl wi. Together they huvo cured in". l lin now u wrll and sound as my body. Being in a pubiiu plnfi‘, my mm: is known to every bfidy‘iu this community, and excite! the wonder of u .’ 1': am Hun. Henry Munro. M. P. P., of Newcadlc. C. It“, a leading uiL‘mbu‘ of Hit Canadian Perha- Yfltll . “ l, have used \'lilll‘ S.lniu-.\iiii.i.A in in; family. {or fiction! debiiaf, and mr purging l 1: blood, with Vt‘l‘g bflit'fluu riinnlin, and 1‘ ~ (”MW in commcu "1'; it to the afflicted." ‘ Bt. PL'iithoriy'a Fire, Rare, Salt Rheum, ‘ chld Head. Sore Eyeu. . From nun-i.” .\irlflrr, 111‘, the ablb editor o/ihe “ Ilmkhmmwl: brink-mt, l‘mudplrauid. “ Oui- unly'child. nhuut. three you» or ugennu lt;1:‘,t~!|:y yiuiplvu on his fun-howl. The npldly bprl‘itll until Lhi 1 formed a lniithsomn amighulont lon-Juhich (”Ol‘fl‘tx hi: fill‘l‘, und actually blinded In: iilyus tor tome daze. A Ikili‘iil physician npphml iihmi‘ uf lilu‘r an other mucous, Without my apimnuit min-t. l‘ur firm-n diiyii we guarded his hundl. 10st. With them lic .shouhl tong!) the {el- ~ firing illlll “ii-rum wound \\ lilcli nave hll whole time. liming trii-il ru-ry thin;r else we had any hose from; \n- u'gilu gin"? your S umuumLLA, . on applying the iodide o potiuli lotion. m yau dim. ’l‘ho MM'L' b 03411 to heal when we hut! given thi- iirat Dotti". nnll nun ni-li when we had iln uhcd the wound. le chlhl’fl ivyulailien, which iuui minis: out. w agnln, and M iii now u ht-nlthy and fair I: iifig'zthi-r. ’l'lic “IH-ilu unighborhoud predicted [hath AU child must dlt‘.” \ ; Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. 1“ ii l)r. llimui Slant, of M. Louis, .lli‘urmri‘. h imtimi your S,tks.w.ii:ii.ht a more i-il'wtunl untidy for the Iwoiidur{ syiiiptoim of Syphili‘: lud or uyphl‘lllir dism- t iununy other we [museum The roh Mon uni indebted to uni for some of the but iuuhcim-I wv hiii’c.” Fro A. J. Frtnrh, Jr. 1)., an eminent phi/tick» of L 4 irreiirs. Mum, who is u pruiuiimd number of lA. LFfli-vlflhh’? (gr illiiruii‘linwlu. , n bit. .\vizit. My dgr air: 1 him: found zoni- Rings \i-.\i:ii.i..\ 11l l-xu-lh-ut ri-nicdy for Syp ilil. liotunftho prim/rm tinil manual-311330, and CEM lualJiit numi- fill-4‘9 Iliiit m-ro- too obs inteto yk'ld to aMr ri-iimiiux. Ido iiui Luuw \tht we uni em ]iluy’with Illtitl' m'rlnlilh ”humus, It hurt: a power ful lorotiic in rt-uniii J." ' _l . (7mm S. 12m Li'i w, qr .\'rir Brunswick, .\'. 1., had li‘i-iiili'ul uhrrnmi ‘lli Inge, must-(l by the abuse or n orcury. of mi ri-iiri’ul lliifllfil’. which g-ww "lore and ‘lllfil'c aggmivatmi for )‘l'Jl’tl. In Illlw of etery remedy or trt-ntiui-nt that. could ho ami led, until the ‘ {tomb-tiring nst‘ of .h en’s 5 UN \PARILLA relieved iim l-‘mv raises can be found more lnwterntt‘end div-I ‘Bllllgt than this. and it. took several dozen bott‘t‘s to cure him ‘ Lopcorrhoae, Whites, Female Wenkneu, In: gonerully prmlucoil by internal Scrollilou: ('l—‘k «ration, aiul tlru n ry (illi‘ll min-d hy the altoratlva oil'uit of this s\l.\4\l' \im LA. home mixes r um'. lwu‘m'cr. in iii-1 or the .\uhAPAHILLA, tho finial application of loud rt'tnmlivl. Irvin tlic trrll hi nrn mid widely-celebrated Dr. Jnrnh ,llorn'll. 15f f'i'nriima“. “ have found your Sum” \IuLLA an excellent Mic he in (ii-cases of iriii’ulcu. Many cases of lrre ulnrity. h-iirorrhri-si, lntornul lilcerntlon. and Mr llPthlV' arising from tiw u-mt‘ulouu diatheels. Jun yirldwl to it. and tlii-ri- are.few that do not. \i hm lln cflcct is properly iuilml hy 100-l tri-atmiqit." A Rudy, «mailing to "Unit the publication of her , Imm: . irri'lu .- “ MJ‘ daughtt-r and myM-If have been cut-(fl of I very vhilitaiin; Lcueurrhon of long lumllugfliy tho boltlolxof your Sui“ I'AIIILLA." ’ Bhoumotiun, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dyes pepsin, Heart Disease, Neuralzle, when mum] by firm/uh: iii the system. no rapidly ell Nil by this Ext. SAmAi-Amm. ‘ AYE R ’ S CATHARTIC PILLS. possess so many advantages over the other purgntivcs in the market. and their superior vir me: are so universally known, that we need not: do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal m the best it ever Imsl beam-and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. , lfn-parcd by J. C. AYER, M. D., G: Co., Lovell. Muss" and suld‘by - neg-For sale by A. D. Buehler, Genyaburg, and eulers gem-rally.» Ail .8, 1864. eowvly ...“ -1... _.‘-_._ V .__,ww... ___._.___.... Geod Thmgs from the City! , E are receiving twice I week frpm the ‘ city A vhrit-ty of articles suited to the want: of this community, \iz: Fresh and $211! FISH, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, Apples. Potatoes, Orangu, Lemons, Confections. Tobaccos, Segue, with mmy other articles in this line—~3l] received in the, best 'rdor, and sold at the lowest profits. Give us elm, in Bnltixuore street, nearly apposite Fehnéstocks' store. _ ' WANTED—Butt”, Eggs, Lard,. and t 1! othemcountry ”Mucky-for which thn highs“ cash price will be paid. swam l’OjATOES—best quality, at low e‘ livfu p_ Inlwrys on hand. Also, OYSTHKgg-fiin 'hndilresh—fn the when or mun-We'd. Restaurants and families supplied. 3* STRICKIIOL’SER & WISOTZKEY. ’ Gefi‘yaburg. May 18, 1863. 13111: W. Timon, ASHIONABLB BA’lefioflh-eut cor f ‘nerv‘onhe Diamond,‘(aut door to Mc efim’a Hotel,) Getty-hing. PA,‘ whom. he innit all “not!!! found W tenuoud Md] bulineu in hi. lino: ‘ Hahn III» «cane-t u. that!“ uni .will unsure utilisation. Give him . cup * [0». 3, 1390. ~~—-~.——~--~.,. .. ‘ w. 23 \‘G'BALnonALs jut: new S L ' ”rmasm , . All Interestmg History F 0 DR. SCHWCK'S OWN CASE, "In! ulolxm axon coxsuxrnos, And Iwn' Airl‘ndmom‘c Syrup, Seward Tank. “‘1 Mandrake PHI: at! on the Ryder» in . During that Diuau, and the ami- sucazss Aumma n' 1 l! H ‘ . \ 4 , . ’\_ . ‘r ’4 V - I ~ ~ . 1’! k. The nhove is I correct likeness ofDr. Schenck taken many years ago, alter he had recovered from Consumption; by a course of his " Scnsxcx’s Puoxonxc SYRUP." The likeness, although iv. does 110'! represent him anything Jlke as bad as he was at the worst, yet it. is in strong contrast with the halo and vigorous ,looks of the Portrait. below, which is the true likeness ofhim m the present time. The con ‘be' H ortuiw is so gréx’ ‘an You, Wednesday, March 30, ’64.. 7 TO THE PUBLIC. , Thirty yenrs ngo I was in the lust stages of Pulmhnary Coneumption, and given up to die. I resided in Philudelphin, and Dr. Joseph Pnr< rishuthen of this city, ordered me to Morey town‘, N. J., A distance of nine miles, which took me two days to get there. On minim! Iwe put to bed, and there laid for many wee s. This was my,native place, whete all my filmin lived and had died of Consumption. Dr. Thornton, who attended my father in his lust ifllness, woe called; and gave me one week to fix, up,my nfl’uirs. He had seen all my fum ily gb glint way, and thought I was to go', too. Then I heard of the remedies I now offer to the public, which cured me. It seemed to me that‘ I could feel them penetrating my whole system. . . ' ,Tlgey noon ripened the mutter on my lungs, and it would spit off more than a pint. of offen~ siveiyellow matter every morning. As soon as that. began to subside, my cough,fever,pain, mgllt sweats—till begun to leave me, and my appetite became so great thné it was with dif ficulty I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my streugchnnd I hure been groin ing in flesh ever since. For muuy yearal have enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping the lrver. and stomach healthy with the Sea .\veoleonic and; Mandrake Pills, as I am of n inoos temperament. My weight is two hnn~ dred land twvnty pounds. ,On my” recovery people would send tor me, tar und nearhto see ”their cases were like mine. For this pur pose I pay professional visits in the large oi. ties. The consumptive; wish to see the one. that makes these medicines, and who was Eurod ofconsumption by them. To mnke new longs, is impossible; but. cavitiesin the lungs and chronic ulcerations of the hronchiul‘tubca cun‘be healed. Such cases are dying hourly under the ordinavdreatment of physicians", and just such are cured by the proper use of Schenck’a Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills. ~ 1 I am now a healthy men, with u l-i'rge entity in the middle lobevof the right lung, the lower lobe very much hebntized and complete ad hesion of the pleura. The left lung is sound, and the upper lobe of the right lung is in it tolereh‘ly healthy condition. The great rcn. son why physicians doenot cure consumption is they try to do too much; they give medic ciues to stop the cough, to stop chill, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and, by so doing, they derangethe whole digestive power,lock ing lop the secretions and ewntue‘lly the pa tient sinks and dies. After Imnke a careful examination of the patient with the Respirom et'er, and find lungs enough left to cure, 1 di r -ct the patienthow to use the three remedies. Remove the cnuss and they will all stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of consumption’, liver complaint, dyspepsia; ca tarrh, canker, ulcerated throat, unless the linu- atfd stomach are made heult‘hy. In New England this canker, chronic catarrh. ulcerat ed throat, elongation oi uvuln, is more preva lent than in any other section of the~country. This is frequently caused by a foul stomach.— Yon may bum it out with caustic time and again, and all they will get is temporary relief. Correct the stomach and liver, and they will heal up themselves. _ Good nutrition is the remedy. If you have any disease in any part of the body, it will remaintherc and decay more and more unfil you con get the stomach in the condition to digest food and make new blood to two the place of diseased matter. This is the only way to heal cavities in the lungs and ulcerated bronchial tubes. Correct the stomach and liver, snd nature will do the healing. Many persons have an' idea that certain mi‘dicines are great purifiers of the blood. When blood is once diseased it cannot be purified; it is dis eased the sense as the diseased matter in the system‘ibut get the apparatus in order, the liver and stomach, andgive it plenty of nour ishing food it will make new blood, which will take the place of that which is diseased. ‘ Schenck'e Pulmonic Syrng in one er the best preparations or iron in use, it is a powerful tonic of itself, and when the Seaween Tonic dissolve: the mucus in the ,stomach, pnd it is carried off by the aid of the ’Mundnke Pills, the PnlmoniorSyrnp is made into hlodd. This "is the only way to cure consumption. lfl ‘- cnnnot getu good appetite, 11nd food does not digest, I cannot cure an patient. Never mind ‘ the cough; remove the cause and it will stop ofitself. This is the most trouble 1 have with 1 my patients at my rooms. They no}, “Doc ter, I feel stronger; Icon out; my nightsweatl are better, and lfsel better every way; bu! my cough is so had yet," lid-Ahoy nre afloa iished to hear me any that does not matter, C remove the zoned and the cough will stop of itself. Schenck': See'we‘éd creates I good np 'petité in about nine days, when there is no ‘lung disease, unless the liver in so congelted :thnt the Inndrn‘ke Pill! cnnnot unlock the duct: 0: the‘gnll blndder in thnt short spage of time; in order to Allow the ntnle'bile to pen ' off. Keep the liver and Itomech healthy end _thero 1: Icon danger of consumption or any other dieenee. It in herd to tnke cold when those orgnnl m heelthy. Thole that are bili -nn, low spirited, agony, feeling etupid, canted tongue, poor oppetite, nervous, stomach full I of‘wlnd, everything th‘nt- in colon lien heavy, lon‘ at new, try one bottle of SCHENCK’S ‘sunvnnn inc undone box orsuunnox's i-ANDBAKE PILLS. It in only o coat of one doflnr and twenty-fivmmtlyyith lull dine tioni. ,Thll 1| nfieldnfi’ih loony com, (o untidy flat the medicine: are. Frequently one bettle make: I. greet change in the lye -1 tom. Any per-on that enjoys "(they hedth, gygtinf}? Seaweedfl'fgic and nah: i econ ,intut OWO , {9 Inch 9 2.5;?! 2054130th my ”I“ fluhl- i no produce s numbers! a} old conlupptivepstlenunow enjoying good heelth. 'M‘hlflg nearly 200 pounds. I will conclude ‘ by relating three cures I here made in New York, and which are all different, end will! any _one who leels my interest in the nutter to Visit them. First is Mrs. Farlow, residing then at No. 107 Houston street. Her husband called upon me at my rooms, 3‘: Bond sin-em Ind wished me to call and see her. He snidl ‘I could do no good; that he had hud all the: [heat medical attendance, and All said she was ‘; itoo far gone with Consumption to be cured;l ibut she hld heard 0| some grant cures i had , made, and. he desired to gratify her wishes.—-. I celled, sud found her lying confined to her lbed in the last stage of bronchial consump tion, end without doubt must have died soon. I examined her lungs, found both brouchisl‘ tubes very much ufi'ected, but no cavities hud formed, her cough was very severe, the spit [box wn half full of thick pus. Pulse 140, ,legl swollen very much; and worse than all, ‘sbe bud chronic dinrrhcert. Her bowels liu'dl \ been mover} eleven times that dsy. i told her 'lhul she had lungs enough to be cured, but; ‘that this disrrhmu haul been of long standing, and her stomach was in such on ulcersled con-' dition that I was afraid nothingcuuld he done.‘ She insisted I should try and do what I could ‘for her, observing that she could not last long ‘m the condition she was in, and! could not Hunks her any worse. I gave her first a dosel of my Mandrake Pills, and the Tonic and Syrup freely. That was on Tuesdsy, and by the nextSuudsy the dinrrhaés was curried 03, her appetite had returned and she could sittnp in bed s'nd out he.- diuner. She is now well, and gave me a long certificate, certified to by the Rev. Dr. Bowling. . Mrs Bartholomew, 83 West Forty-filth street, came to my rooms with n tumor on her liver. She was low-spirited, skin ssllow, tougud cost ed, bowels costive, no appetite, and fur link ing into the grave. The mid tumor had been running over fourteen years; I gave her Syrup, Tonic sud Pills. and told her to Mini them just as the direction) were printed. Shel came back to my rooms, 3'! Bond strutfiutwo weeka, somewhabbettbr; her loukue had DO" gun to clean a little uround tlie edges her skin whiter and her eyes Brighter, and the rumor discharging very otl'ensivelmmler, much faster thnn it had ever done before.‘ She kept gradually improving, and in übout two month! she came to my rooms very much frightened, saying that the tumor had nearly stopped run ning, and Wns healing up, and that every doc tor had told her'that iflt. ever healed it would cnnse her death. I told her that the disuse hurl all left her system, and nature would hcnl the ulcer up. They are now healed, and have been for about u year, and she is as hearty 7d robu" .. . . . . by my medicines. They are numerous in Net York; but the pbqve three all dim-r from enéb othr; and if my medicmcs are doing whui 1 represent they are, they shoulg haw the credit uni the uiflicted know where 3911 how the: may be cured. ; ' J. U. SUHEAGK, M. D. Dr‘ J. H. Schcpek can be found ahhis prin cipalomce, No. 39 North 6th Street. Philadel phia, every Saturday, from 9 A. 3. until 5 P. .\Ldo gin: adgice, free ofchurge; but (or .- thorough exumiuafion he charges th-ee dol» lnrs. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Sen weed Tonic each $1.25 per bottle,or $6 lhehnfl dozen. .\hiudrnke Pill! ‘35 cent: per box, and are for sale by all Druggisli Md Dealers. ‘ ’ June 6, 1854. :.m _ _ . Dissolution F P.\RT.\'ERSlllP.—The (To-partnership existing between the subsvribers,‘ has been dissoliud this Guy by mutuni cansmL— We return thanks m our friends and the public for the liberal support extended to us. Qur books will be left. at we store; and we earnesh ly request those indebted to as to call and make immediate payment. as we are desirous to settle our business without delay. ‘ ALEXANDER COBEAS, “11.30, ”364. JOHN L'ULP. . ; - A Card. HE subscriber having disposed of his in- T teres‘ in the Store of (‘obezln & Culp to John 3. Crawford, Eu}, :especuuiiy nnka ibe continuance of his friends and customers to patronize his successor—where Bargains may b‘e had. JUJJN CULP. Feb. 8,18“. . Another Change /‘ N THE HAT AND SHOE BUSINESS—A. I Cabana hsving ”anointed with him in business John S. Cruwford, who purcbnstd the interest of ,John Culp,. rcspputully In nonnces to the citizen. “Gettysburg and the public generally, um; we business \\ ill be con tinued at the Old Stand o_n Chambersburg street, by A. COBEAN a (70., who will con stantly keep on hand I. large stock of Goods, in theline of - saoss, HATS,-CXPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, ML, and (hey will also continue the .\lnnufntlure of Shoes. ' From their long experience in all the above branches, they 'flauer themselves that they can phase we public, and willaell chenp for cub. A. COPEAN. ‘ J. S. CRAWFORD. Doing business under the name and firm of A. gal-mu h Co. _ ‘ [Feb. 'B, 1864. ‘ Estabhshed 1850. OTICE OF REMOVAL. . LAWRENCE D. DIETZ it COI,‘ respectfully beg Java to notify their trienda, cuslomers and the public genenlly, that they have rcmved from No. 151 Franklin street, 10l the commodionu four-nury Wuehonse, NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and Liberty, where they will I {or the future ,conduct the Wholessle Buli nela, solely'in - . Hosiery. Trimmings, ‘ Furnishing Goods. .- ‘ Perfumery, Notions, l Sutionery, Cutlery, l Top, tc., ac.” to which they invite the Ittentiou of city mid, country purchasers, feeling confident of their ability to ofl'er inducements. in prices And' quality of Goods. _ , ‘ Order: by mail will receive prompt 1:!an ‘ Lion. Address \ 1 LAWRENCE D. DIRTZ & 00”; 'l 308 Bnltimore urea, Baltimore. ' l March 14, 1864. 1 The Popular 7-30 Loan. HE FIRST NATIONAL BARK OF GET. .. name ha been delignflod a Dopoai ”and nancigl Agent of the United Sam, and will furnish the populn 7-30 00an Not», free from all taxes, Ind eonvgniblo n mummy into 6-20 six per cent. gold interest Bondl. Will slso furnish 5-20 And 10-40 Bonds, one year Certificuu Ind Another Gov ernment ucnritiel. Will buy Gold sud Silver, ‘ cash Conpops, and Duke collection- prompt” on all accessible points. ' GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Dec. 26, 2864. t! . Album t LB ( ' 4 Egg” ALBUIIBHI u m "d. urge-mi bunt!“ mm mm a! 'Phelm‘nphic Albums, 3“ It 001' below cm" rice}. ‘l‘YflON OTHERS. Im. 14,!592.. : . iciifixog x A EXCELSIOB :1 v ' ' ' ‘ _ ¢A , f - EX‘ 1 ‘3” The Eicelnior Wuhing Muffin i $250". {.l " . Cull Ind enmm it u. pied—f A. Mot sky-"maul - ~ ‘ ' ‘FYBON: a bum: wxnnumb. v . . quzquia bu Me following huffing:- In. A constbnt path or anon-luau “ilfiifi‘ o! the item-cm ..~ . ‘ ‘ q 2d. Fintnlencc and Acidi-ty. ~ 3d. Continue-s Ind Lou of Appnt‘m. - 4th. Gloom nnd Depreuion 0! Bpm“. .. ~ mh. Dinrrhaa, with piping. 61h. Painln all parts of the Syneyn. 7th. Couxnmpfive Symptom! Ind Pupil:- libn of the Butt. 81h. Dough, with Phlegn in the Throat. 9th. Nervou- Ateuion, and int at Bicep n night. « ' ~ 10th. Long of A me and, Vomiting. lllh. Dizziness pgimno 5‘ ' ' ' Loss of Sight. , ‘ §g fl “flout/m4 13th. Headache nfia Sf- eriu in w m with great. Wenhneu. fl 3 a ”8‘ Out of the thousand: of cues of anopd. ‘ that have used Dr. Wish urt’l Great Amaricn ‘ Dyspepsia Pills, no‘ one of {ham has failed a a perfect. cure. We warrant: cure in "or: case, no matter if of tweugy years' standing-fir Sold by nil druggmu evrrywhel'e, And It Dr, Winhnrl‘: Uflice, No. 10 N. Second “not, Philadelphia, PA. All examinltiom and con-p aullntiom tree 0! charge. Send {or t circull ' Price $1 per box. Sent by Ind], {refit}; charge, on receipt of money. ‘ DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. ‘ l, Emzunu llruuon, of llrnndywlno, Delz,‘ formerly of Old Che-ter, De|., do certify thaw lor one yelr ind n half! tuba-ed everything, but death from‘tllnt awful disuse called Dye-l pepsin. My whole oystem was proatnted with: weakness and nervous dehlllty; lconld not‘ digest my food ; if l.’nle even I cracker or they rmullest unaunt of food, it would return jun an l'awallowedit;l became so coulve in my, huwels that I would not hnv'e a pour-go in léu‘ than from four and often eight days; under this Immense auflering,‘ my mind teamed cnq tirely to give way. I had dreadful'horror and evil forebodinga. l thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bar 'my hueband nor 'myl own children, everything appeared to in: horror stricken to me; I hlll no ambition to do anything :1 lootoll my lord ot filmily and home : I would rumble and wall dcr trom place to place, but could not be con tented; I fell. that l was doomed to hell, and thnt there was no heaven for rate, andon dip ton temrted to commit suicide, no near us l my who e’nrrvons system destroyed, and also l my mind, lrom that an l‘ul complaint. Dylpop l sin, that my friends thought best to hare mg 'plnced in Dr. Ki'rklrn'dc‘? llosllltnl, West Phlli adelphin; l remained there nine weeks, and thought I \m: a llltle better, but in a few day! my dreadful Lompluint wna raging. n! bud oi Iwrer; Hearing of the wonderful currn per— : lorrned by Dr. Wislmrt’a Grunt American DJ!- popain Pills and his treatment for lb‘rpopslrr', my, husband cnlled on Dr. Wlshurt undiluted ‘my case to him. He said he had no doubt he would cure m So ilLtllrt-e days alter I roll.- , ed'dnd plm ftlnysell'llndrr the Doctor)~ trcnll maul; nnd in two weeks l begun to digest my fund, and full. that my dincnsv mm lust giving .wny, and I continued lo recover for .llnmulmu ‘monthsynnd at the present time i mjuy pet lloot hurlth of hilly and lnindmnd l nrorl lint Score}; rélurn my thanks to n merciful God n34} iDr. Wish-at, fllhl .to his grout Allwrirnll Dyn pepsrin l‘llls and Pine Trotl an Cordial lllllt zsoled urc‘frum rm lnsnno Asylum and promo. l'ture'grnre. All rrons sulfur-lug d-ilh Dy). l épsin are at “beg; tot-11l on me or write, on "f nnl'willing to lib all the good I can tor Idl‘. Y - uyxday, \ 4p mg." began: Hen! m Mutiny, um! dispmgd only ll secllijion, and hlving flied the skill of n lulu ber of eminent ph; aiciluu of various schools finally came to the conclusion mu. {9: this disease at my present age (45 years) (hm If“: no cure in existence. But, through the inner fenucc of Divine Providence, to whom I dc; goully offer my “main, 1 at lust fonudn Doh rxign remedy in )our Dylpoplin Pills and Ta! Cordial, thick ircm to have effectually "mov ed nlmosl the hull trace of my lung 1m of nil manta and bad feelings, and in their plan-I hexmh. pleasure and cgntenunenl. are In) eltr’~ day comlmuious. JAIu M. Sumnnn, .\'o. 453 North Seqond Sh, Philudelpbiu, Formerly of Wuodbur)’, S. J V . \\/’ A POSITIVE CURE FOB DYSPEE’SIL lEAB HEATH]. JOHN I. ILILCJCI llil, No. 1028 021 w: Stud, Philadelphia, ha. 22:, 1263.} ‘ Dr. Wishmt—Slrz—lt is with much pm- Inre that I lII] nqw able to inform you taut, '3] the use of your great American Dyspepslt Pills, l have been entirely cued of that m 1! distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. i had been grievonaly nfllicted for the last Manly-eight ynurs, and for ten years of that time have not been tree from it? pain one week at n time. I have had it inits worst form and hue drugged on s most miserable existence—in pain dny and night.’ Every kind of loan that l ate till ed m‘e with'wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how smnllvthe quantity. A cantl‘nued belching was cure to follofi'. l had no npptk the for any kind: of meats whatever, and my distress us so great for several months betare I heard ofyonr Pilla, that l freq‘nenfl wished for death. I had taken everything that I had heard at for Mspepsin, without receiving any benefit; but on guur Pills being recommended to me by one 17 o hnd been cured by them, I concluded to give them. trial, although I but no ltith in them. To my ntonilhment, l found myself getting better before i had taken oße-fourth of: box, and, utter taking lull A box, l am a tell mm, and can «u anytbiavy Item, Ind enjoy a. hearty meal thromtlms I (Lay, Without inconvenience from anything l eat or drink. If you think propenyon Ire at liberty to make this public Ind refer to me. I will cheerfully give all desinblo infarmaxlon to any one who msytall on me. You"; rclpectl’ully, Jon 3. Bylaw! - For sale at Dr. Wiahu‘t’l ledlcsl Depot, an to North Second strut. PMW‘PMH, 1"” Price One Dollar per bu. Sent by mail, (:0. of chm-go, on receipt of price. I t 'nu than new In; non; chum-lug!- which zhia put remedy bu and {mum unu'mely gnu. , Q‘ Wo hue hounds)! lemn'from phjll. cm. nd danish who tum prnurlficd hm} 101 l than [dial-u, nyhg tint they Mu never hut! or laid n nedlchn which [sum 'ulnrul amnesia. .- _ f ’ 'f". . 9 a“; A 'JJA'.‘ PM 03. , by “CW ti!!! rm L. Q‘. o. mama ‘ . - no. lo Ndfl‘fiéfiafififig. ' :2 5:? ms. ‘ x , V v 1.; Ix,-, nt‘. y‘;r www-gy-QM , .43.. :4 L” ' T‘v ’szmc -: .* > 4 u “113‘- ‘imm. I! . v at"; '
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