L ’ PENNSYLVANIA 0. K. The Dvmocratic mainrity it} Pennsylva fiain on Tuesday. the Ith of October. on the Congressional vote. 1% 1.958, and the average Democratic majority cast on the county tickets. including the Congreuioml vote. is 9,868! This magnificent victory. achieved in the fine of the most unscrupu lous and determined opposition “(war be fore arrayed against them, has covered the Democracy of Pennsylvania. with glory. TLG Abolitionists never dreamed of such a crushing defeat. The Dcmocntl scarcely permitted themselves to hope for such a hmrtchvering reiult. But nu wont. outraged and insulted by Mr. Lincoln's de structive negro policy. rose in their ctl'englh, and won this great triumph of truth and juttice over fraud and despotism: Be of good cheer. freeman! On Tue-day next, the Old Keystone will give 30.000 majvtmity for McCLELLAN. PENDLE'I‘ON, and the UNION l—Plu‘la. Age. “THE PEOPLE ALIVE T 0 TR COUN TRY’B DANGER. MEETING AT HAMPTON " The McClellan Mass Meeting at Hamp (on on 'l‘uesd.xy evening was the largest held in that section of the eounty for years. Reading and the neighbbring townships turned out in handsome :slyle, whilst the enthusiasm for the Demecratic minute waq unbéunded. Before ilge organization pr the meeting. a long proceflsitin. with mu- Km and mmspnronolen, marched theatreels, cheer upon cheer goinpup from all part -0! the line. vaernl of the'lmuses were brilliantly illuminated. The meeting or ganized at Dicks’ hotel. I.- beautiful stand hunng been put up for the speaking. The .( ilicers were: i President, John Lynch, E-q. - hm Presidknts, Henry Myers, 1241 , ’l'hnmus N. Duckn. Emanuel .\'vidicthcob Mullvr. I-‘mncls J. 'Wllsnn, ‘Jphn Rlegle. .inhu Rutl'. Michael Alwino, Col. S. Blake. John llenly Myc-t'i. .\'lmurl Milieu. Semelurins, .\‘umuvl Man-ch, Joseph “’0”, :'~ vim-nun MAIL-r,- Jer. Slnytlmugh, John E. Mule, JeremiahiSchrm-r.‘ Wm. U. Beck, ('Ltrlus B mls. Ennunuel Hull. Spa-chm \\‘l-re Ina‘lohy J. C. Nonlv, 1:30.. J muh Lott. Dr. D. S. Pvfi'vr, Wm. A. Dun n”). I‘l~:l,C.npt. .\qulhnfl'. :gnd H. J. SluhlP, M‘nvn the nweting :ulj‘urnml With many u-l em: for MLCIeHuu, Pcndlylou and Lhe ifmou. ' ‘ W Wm. McCleun. Esq . éxldmuc}! the .\(N'lt'H‘m (Hub of Mun-”(il. nt Huh:- {AMEN} thrxol-Imuse, mg 'l‘hurédJy owning. ll J. .\‘xuhle ll‘hh‘l‘Na‘il [be Euuuxjoy Clubl m “Ill~ .\‘rhoolAhouw. on the same eve nng. Bulb good meetings. V. - -H A CARD, I nnlipo mv mmm llulthhPll as a Sow-em- I‘\' .u thv Almluiuu nit-Ming nu Sulunluy (HI-mug. I gave no Julhnrlly hr aut‘ll li. 4.: my numb. l 511“ :1 iiemncnn. nml WI“ \‘uxe, lur .\ldflellnn. as a nmnt‘r nt'cuurso. A. W. FLEMMISG. Cu ltysburg, Xu’v. ‘5. 1804. 2'3?“ is the mii<inn of Denim-ru-y In {‘l'mh tyrlnnv iu wary" ahapu w'l firm.- Boar m nnmi, Democrat-x, u is your miwioui In clu~h (nanny. i: unvmhnr tint on. 'l‘uuwiny nvxt. the: 81h tiny I)! Kuv , 1861, thi- mum! buttie'lnr liberty is to he fought. ltvmemhvr, I’t‘l:)n(‘|‘a!B. that if Abraham? 3‘ “DUI" i< Il‘ vim-1m! I’FPFillrnt hr four! _\. nu mun-e, (no mnnuclm of slavery wiflhe: hopelessly riviterl on us—thnt o‘m libPNy,3 our property and even ourlivea, will be’ vumpluteiy in the ham“ nl‘his minion ty rnnta. lwnring the Iftlc o! Prnvnst Marshals, li-‘lllt‘m'nl‘r .h‘vsn Irutha. Hemneruu. nuclgm to (he I nl‘um 'l’uvsdiy. every lover of his; cmnmy .unl of hh coumw': liberty. and by ynur united votes. hurl tint vmml *iy! trom m prawn”. power. place Gen. McClel lmx m the Prvsi-lentinl ('hui! ; and then the (loan ol the numerous bastiles that me nns, doubiy hnrred an thoumndq of our host, citiz-‘ns, WI” be thrown Me open. and nll confined in thaw ahm is of misery and wretchedness will be oveijnyed to find. tficmselves libemted from theae diemlful (lungeou<.‘and from their in most. souls. will Moss and thunk m for [raving worked their dniiveranco from their dark primm. As soon as McClPlluu is m lugurnted, and those prisoners s'et free. he Will my to the South : Fc|low~citizens, we have been: fighting faur long years. with great sacrifice of blood and treasure. Now let u; step fighting for a short space. talk the mutter coolly m‘nr nml me if something can't be done to restore the Union without the [urther amnion of blood. ‘ . i - Kinderhook. Nov. 2. 1804. Mom TynAxxv.—~S-Imuel' J. Bricker, the son—in-lnw of .\lr. Knepply, who lives on Mul-' imrry street nenr Second, Wus n member of lhe‘ 20kt regiment from this place, but on account of sickness was unable to perform duty and .wss brought home sick and attended by phy~ eicinnn who declared that he was notfit to leave ‘ his bed. A few dnys ngo. a. guard we: lent from Camp Curtin to the house, to demend the 1 body of Bricker as a deserter. The women plead in vein, and the physicianslemonstntvd in ninth" he was too sick to leave his bed. He Wu taken from the! sick bed and held up till his clothes were put on, and then he was tsken to Cnmp Curliu‘ He lived but, a. few dnyl. His wife, n beautiful, young and unin hla lady, who was in such condition as to run der her aid useless, receiveda manage from Camp Curtin that her husband was dying.— Before she could reach the scene of this mel ancholy truedy his light had gone out and his spirilhed gone to ajust God to ask for an sc qnittnl where justice still reigns. The cox-pa is now at home. He might have been still living and he might hue survived the trieli of disease, but the cruelties of this Administration were too much for him, end the poor, hmve,pnu-iotic soldier died in the bud: pf his tomentors. Freemen, how long will you sufi‘ex this clin to under every Lie of sympuhy and nfi'ection? Go to the polls, we implore you, and vote for your treedom and mine. your rights and mine. God forbid that such tyranny should triumph in a. free land E—llarrz'gburg Patriot ‘_s‘ Union. Q‘The Demon-nu contend for a. RESTO-‘ RATION OF THE UNION: the Republicans for the EMANCIPATION OF THE NEGRQES. It. in for the people to decide by ghpir bullots on ,the Bth of November which theyprefer—UNlON, PEACE AND THE SALVATION OF THE COUNTRY; or, PERPETUAL WA‘R IN A VAIN EFFORT 'I‘O EMANCXPATE SOUTHERN NE SIP-OEB. fi-Thoignomucc, incompeuncy, and cor. npuon of Mr. Lincoln's administration have can (he country all much in three yearn as (king! Wuhington and all the succeeding- Pres,- idenu, down to James Buchanan, were able to ”end in eighty-29TH years, although ‘be na fion paid for three postly wm during um pe pica. Cu 170 afford m perpcmue this mis rule.- ‘VU’I‘ERS! If you are in {not of the Unionuour forefathers nude it. sad as you hug enjoyed it. until Hue inage'umzion “Mr. Lincolnflolclhel).lfl‘qcmti*tlcket! El ON *Hi ALERT, DIMIOONATS t As the election for Pmidoot will take plnco on Tuelduy ngxl. we caution our lriends (0 be wide nuke! Reached. thal the Abolxlionilu will retort to any menu: to pin the election, and no man he may to meet them at all times. WORK ALTO GE'I‘I] ER, as before, and all will be well! Get all your votes out, and beware of hand and deception! mot Seymour. of New York, bu il sued a proclamation declaring lhaLmiliury interference It the poll: in thst Shae Mall not be allowed—and ordering {he sherifl's to prevent such interference by the full {orce of the law, if it should require the calling forth of the whole‘power of their districts. That has the ring of trud' metal. ‘ Gov. Bmmlelto, of Kentucky. has also is. sued a noble proclamation othe ume tenor. fi‘Abolitinn electioneererq must under atnnd that oflaring 1 barrel of flour or my other bribe, for n vote, is an indicuble of~ fence. They must Alw'undenhad that threnl‘ ening to stop the pencion of: disabled sol dier. simply because he Inhale vote for )(oClellnn, islindicuble likewise. These unprincipled demngoguel may have the (mo uttling round their can before they think of it. Wu there ever I set of (mice-holders or_ office-hunter- moro dea pento 2 Q'thilsc It. th nmp‘on meeting, on Tuesday evening. : relinble gentleman told an um he hndjuu read I letter from-n Abolition soldier in the army boasting-fin! he had voted SIX TIMES at “no late electiou‘. Such “o’ut mgen" the Sentinel has not A word to u, nbout. lgfl‘he Return Judges in Bedfdrd, Ful lon. Lycoming. [_ud other counties. rejected returns of soldidr votes. because not in ac cord-ncemth the lhw passed by the Legis— htue on the subject. fiWe are told that. the Reppblfcnns nt ngrisburg have stopped/betting on the State for Lincoln. ' “The La! llnpe."-—Ex-Prcsidont Fillmore. in his recent. letter of September ‘2B. says: “1100]: upon the (In-tion of General JlcC.’el/un as the LAST ”OPELIQI die mtorulmn qf (lu- L'uion. an honorable puck, and the “rarity qf pgraonal liberty.” ... ~_. -..... ‘_‘" “‘l‘ 16 National Delft is now morn than four (I‘m mad million: of (lullan ,- on whiéh there will be interest nmounling at six per bent to; lwo hundred and forty mi/lmna q,’ dol ,lartfiguully, and us our lurgest incomq, in peaceful times, was only about seventy mi!- lions. a sum not. mfl‘xciem for, orrlinury ex pensen, the enormous sum requil’ed must. be by taxation—more taxation l 1!. has grown gradually on us. as have all .llr. Lincoln's measure»? and will continue to grgw, for luke causes must product) like efl'ecls! Elect Mr. Llncoln, and we shall hue more debt, more drills. more taxes and _mbre war. Heed. Not Abolition Lies and Calumnies. W‘REMEHHER iTHE ELECTION .\'EXT ‘i‘l‘flSDA‘l‘, TUE 8‘1) DAY UFK NOVEMBER. @FQRTY THOUSAND FRAUDU LEN"? VQ'I‘I‘B were polled in Indiana to elect. Morton. (he Abdlitioc mmlidué ('o‘: Governor. ‘Wns am. an “outrage,” Mr. écnlinel, or: not! rm- (1:.- Cowl" I &K dispatch from Waflxingmn to n Nowl York jnurunl, ofthe 23m ult., snys: All funds? Ire huny nhcuv. me next draft, whiqh w." fullmv‘ glbe November election. R will be a draft for; ‘men, and no exemptions will be :olerutedl— . Gun: and Shermnuholh call for men, and five § ;hundrod thousand will he required $0 fill up film]: ranks. The [woman mush-11 is gelling randy nor. ', mThe l-Smtc Gunrd"i_s in 11 state ofnon fprogrestinn, nolwilhatnmling sen ml Guberna ; toriulprarlnmuionsynad will probably rennin so until nl'wr the election. the urgent. needof I :hr (:‘qvenor’s orntoriml power! m mad (be political prorpk‘x of Pennsylvania for Nessa Linkum, is presumed to be the nice of State drfcnce bring IO long and so wol‘ully mg'lccled. 'Tnn draft, (no, will come of, AFTER misma rms. u-iMouL any perudrmlure.’ “Vote for Cur tin and save the drum" Only rm“! Tlollfl .u'n mm are to be u’rrfltd [or the Slate Guard 1— - l’arn‘ol .5 Union. 1 1 —* - —*~ ~— . @Fremont lhineriflcoln a. failure. Li:- en'n thinks Fremont, a failure. The poorest. thinkers think right lomelimei. a.“ the great .\lcCLuLu mass naming held at Syracuse, .\'ew York, or. the 26th uh... all the hue Presidents, no in number, lmd formerly be en stifl' opponents of the Democrat ic party. Their voice is “give us a cha’ngelk 8“"1‘0 whom it. may concern ! ’_'l‘he peo ple propose to "up Aim for GEORGE. fi-VOTERS ! If you are “I favor of peace, happiness. national and individual prosperity, wore the Democmflc ticket! ‘. S‘VOTERSI ”you oppose taxation, Ind disapprove of corruption and despotism, volt the Democratic ticket! ~ fi-VOTERS ! If you have friends sud reh tives In the Army whole life you prize and w_hou sentimefiu you npprove, vote the Dem ountic ticket. fi-VOTERSI If you Ire opposed 16 n‘egro eqnnlity, and in favor ofthe rights of while men, rote ihe Demoqmfic ticket! fiYOTERSI If you are in fine: of your country, vote the Democratic ticket! S'VOTERS! If you revemnca the Constitution, which is the founhin-hnd of your igdividutl rights, vote the Democratic ticket. . fiWe issue this numberof thn Gmpilcr on Saturday, pub days earlier than usual. THE BANK OF GEEYSBURG.—Byn no tice in unothn column it will be seen that a meeting of the-stockholders of ‘the Bulk of Gettysburg will be held on the 16th of No vember, :o determino whether the Bank Ihnll continue as a Scene inltitndon or go into the Nation-. 1 system. ”Mrs. Dr. Smith, of Bath! unshipmre sum-d ul, the other (by, with the an“: basket of Apple: we have new this season. She hu the thanks of the household for the deficit)!" treat. We are under obliguions to ‘ Mr. George Hull, of Hamiltonban township, for a basket. of mammoth poutoea, some of them a: large u ‘in-cups. McClellan stock, and hurdle bun, fi-Hezekiah Tauey, son of John Tune}, of Mountjoy township, came to hit dean] du the 15th ult., near Front. Rnytl. He was t mem ber of the 22d Pa. Cavalry, nnd In Acciden tally killed by the dxschnrge of a cubine in the hnnda of a comrade. The bull pused through his brain and can!!! immmduth.— He was agui About 10 Ill". ‘ 3A. J. Cour, 2541., has been nppointed Commistsionln| for (hi: county by Gov. Curtin. to receive {he army vote, and his left for that rarro•L .".‘<u - -- . Publicflla 0" the 1“ ‘“"" na” "'”"“ of the, Yvirtue oltho tut will “duck-on ol midi-‘5 plfl‘llls. by Rev.W. 11. 11. Dentrickfilr. B Peter Difind‘" lot. of Frederick can -19”" F' "ANKR' of '"“'107 “’"“’“?! 1'" tv. deer-Jed, Ind in'pnrlnnee of In order 0! him} LIZZ‘IE, younger: dnughtcr of BMW—{l the Orphln'l Court of Frederick countr. the :33?" ’“‘i ' "r Cumberlnnd “’""'h‘l‘» ”“‘ suhlcriber, u Executor or said Peter l'nlcn-l u u» mumps she 2:12;,"3'333h'3a {ariztazi‘gam’ bride 3 parents, hylhe same, MLC. B. \ ULNG, BER 1864 n 2 o‘clock p. M the follow—in Clerk ll the lnterm-l Revenue Depnnment, Red‘Estnt’e viz . l ~ ‘ 3 Washington. D C" to “”' A 55”: LOUISA" TUE FAIIM. on which the lateulncensed re eld’" duughter of .J‘mt.’ Sther, E 59" 3' sided. CODlllnlng about 238 Acres 6f Lr.nd,. Cumberland 1011-" HM" m” county. mm: or lens. The farm is situate uhout {our on ll” 13”] ““' "3' Re“ ‘“‘“b s'rhl'“ mllP! Vorth-ent of Woodsboro' nn‘l hall‘a Mr. MELr'Hom SLUNGALHOFF to mu RE- m“, 5’0"“, erudiuburg The i , BECCA BARNITZ, mt: ofAdAms county. limpraremnta com,“ or 8’ WW . ‘01: the 315tnlt..by Rev. chob Zieghr, Mr. modious “”4“”, Stone Dwell— CHARLES A. MOORE, of New York. to ms; in“ HOFSE, Wm, 3mm“ Log ' I‘iéi‘léhz‘fifi niglggT‘Ehlel, so‘rnlilemkaerizcsp, Barn, Stable and Shedding, Wagon Shed, Corn H 0 FFhIAV ofCuniberlnnd town’lhi ‘lO ‘”“; Crib, Smoke llnuu, Spring House, and otherl S ARAB JXN'E TOOT of Strubnn toghuhi necessaryont-lnulldxngs. There is I fine spring ‘0“ the ”'ith ult n’t the recidence 0' a" of water netr the dwelling. This Firm [5 db“ Wl\blioht Zieglerqby Rev D} h“ her Mr. rided into convenienthsized fields, under good Cll—AltL’l-SS W BA'KER to 'm'; LOE'ISA I. | fencing, with running water in every field but' \lAli'l‘l‘l all aims. place - ‘itno. A portion of ”HS tract is in meadowl ‘ ‘ ' ' land, about 65 nrru ilnckly not with timber-m—E There is a fine Orchard of young treea. in beer-l ing condition, on this fum,nnd u Vlriety of! other fruit trees or. the.premiaes. A large! quantity 0! Lime hu been put upon this turn: nod it in now in I good lute ofcultiution And yield: excellent crops. , _ This farm is within five miles of Union Bridge. the terminal of the Western Meryland, Railroad, Ind within two milel of the con-l templated Railroad to Hngerstown. ' Pouenion will be given of the shore propor- , ty on the In. of April, 1865, end. penonl dew :ironl of porch-ling nrelnwited to cell on the , unhecriber, residing on the premisu, who will‘ take pleuure in showing them the property. l TERMS OF SALE.—One-thjrd of the pub. chm money to be pnid on’ the day of sale org the rltificnu'on thereof b} the Court; the re mnining two-thirds in one and two _veurs yith 5 Interest iron the day of ule, the purchaser or purchnsen giving their notes with good und lufiicient security, to be approved by the in- ‘ unsigned. 0n the pnyment of the whole of the purchase money n good Ind sufficient deed nill be executed. ‘ JOHN DIFFENDALL, Executor. Oct. 3|, 1864. tl ’ \ 13m. ' 80mm", notice: 3 cent- per line for I“ over four lines—nub to Lecqmpny notice. 0n the an: of September lan, M. Dnyton, Ohio, Mn. ANNA MARY— BELL, (widow of Wm. 8911,) formerly ofGeltylburg, aged About. 79 years. , 0n the 13m alt, Hr. DAVID _FORREST, son of James Lynn, Esq., of Frtnkl‘m towmhip, in the 24th year 0! bit Age. 11: In I member of Co. B, 215: PI. Cnnlry.. On Sept. 281.11. 1864, n Puluki, Team, from {ever contracted in the Amy, WM. E. SPANG LEE. 1011 of Henry Spengler, (formerly 0! (MI county.) a member or Co. 3,91 h 111 d. Cnulry, lged 22 years 7 manual and 25 dnyl. Of line 2911: of 861 m, ANNA MARGARET. ngex 3 yearn And 5 dayl. Ind on the 26th of October, MARTHA LOUISA, aged 1 year 3 month; nnd M dlyl—bqth children of John W. and Margaret Seltzer, at Gumbel-bud Ip. In Oxford townlbip, on the 27th um, LUCY ANN, infant diughter 0! 15nd and Ehzubelh Senh, aged . _yenr 6 month! Ind 221 a,". Large Sale P VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. ——Qu THURSDAY, the 18!. Guy of DE. C lllUl-JIL next, the subscriber, liming sold his Fin-m, will sell av. Public Salem: his residi nice, in Lnaimore township, Adnms county, all his Farm Stock end Implements, viz: 9 HEAD 01? Houses no nuns, (m; _of them excellent young Brood Mnros'with foal,) 3 .\lilch Cows, (woof lhem match twins.) 5 hen-l of Young Cnule,‘ n pkir 0! Goals; nn «1. cellent Four-horse Broado'lrend \V:ugou,.wnh new Bed and Feed Trough, One-horse Wazon, lluchere Renper and Mower, Grain Drill, Win nowmg “ill, 4 two and three-horse l’loughe, 2 ll irrovzk, Field Dug, Shovel Plonghs and Corn Forks. Single, Double nail Three-nurse 'l‘reen, Lug ”min, 3 sets of Butt Tmres nml a lot of other Chuine, I'3 Cow Chains, 3 Spreaders, (how le, .\lntlocLs, Picks, Stone,l\'edges, a lot of Uld (rO3, a first-rate Hay Cnrnugr, Uig Sled, Plough and llarrowSlofl, 2 sets 0! llreech ljlllldS, 4 sets of From. Gears, Bridles, (.‘ullars, llnllers, Lines, new Whip nnd Wagon Saddle, newlvmg nnd‘Drng Hay Rakes, Shovels nn-l Forks, .\lon'ing Scythes andSthi, Running pnrl. of llzuul Wagon, 2 Cutting Axes, il.:ml Saw, Work Bench and Screw, Grindslonc; llny by the lon, ll3e Straw and Corn r'adder by the bundle, Cloverseed, Timothy-seed and _Flnx-seet.’ bl [he bushel, 175 White Oak Posts, 1000 River White Pine Shingles, lot of Oak Shingles, Chennai. And Unk Bails, 000 Riur Pine Palings, Onk Plank, Pine and Unk Bands, anon Plank, l’ale Ind Board Gates, Bun-la nml Hooks, Wagon Bows, Ridge Pole, and a variety of other articles 100 iiumerou§Jo men “on. ’ WSale lo’tommonce at 10 o’l-luck’. A. 31., on sun] day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by , JACOB “(l-ICIIT. Lewis W. Iloikfi,‘ Auctioneer. Nov. 7,161“. 15* Public Sale F A VALI'ABLE MILL Pmmnm‘i— -0 On lhc 26th d.\y ofXUVEUUEH. 181:4,a. l o‘clock, P. if, b, virtue of an order abdu- Orplmu's Court of Adam: cnunty, the under signed, Trustee for llu: Slio oflhc Real Edna of vase Cook, deceased, late of .\lenallvu town ship, Adims county, Pr... will sail a: Public Sale, the following described pi’opcrty of said deceased, to wit: ‘ THE MILL PROPERTY, situate in said township, on Opossum creek, nml on the Sm e rand, about one mile north west of Bender»- ville. The mill is built of s'une, three atoriev higlu,nnd having‘one run of Burrs nml one pair of Chopping Stones. The water wheel is mer shot and the waver power good The mill contains the modern improvements, with good halting, elevators, and hoisling npp.ir.nus.— Tho gearing is all good and the will generally in fine running order. “is mill iiiocatcd in nu excellent grain growing: neighb )rhoml nnd commands a large run of country eustom. “k. is any of Man and convenient to ma rlrcls. There in also a Form contdining 173 Acres of land, on which is erected a good \VeatherbourdedtStoneHoUSE, I I two storie! high, with I goo-l :': Fri-Mann. There is alsonMill House, with n Stable. Spring-house, and mhcr out-buildings. The farm is in a good ntntc of tultivntion,with 1 large proportion of meadow and Timber-lend. There are three Orchards on the premius, two of them in a benring cou ditieu And the other young and thriving.— There its. large amount of excellent l'ine n Id Oak timber on tho property. This is a desiro ble property and will be sold on reasonable terms. H'Thil proPerty will either be sold entire, or divided to ui: purchuserg, Itcan be divid ed to advantage into Pnur Lots—muke one true! of good Timber-hind, and two tracts of good farming Lind. tith I fair proportion of timber, end: weii watered, and one—fining an Orchard on it. The otter trad contains the buildingl, with two good Orchards, and a suf ficient quantity 0! timber. Q’Persou wishing to View the property will call cm the nub-crib" raiding thereon.— Azbendenee will be given end terms nude known by J. KER-SKY COOK, Trustee. Nov. 5, 2864. ts ~ Mill and Farm 1‘ PRIVATE SALE—I will sell At Private 4 Stle that VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY - no" u McHhenny'l Mill—situate five miles west of Gettysburg, on Upper lush Creek. 'l'lur improvements are I Mer chnm Hill, Saw Mill. two DWELLING E HOUSES Ind 3 BABE. H The ann conning FIFTY-FIVE ACRES of choice Granite Land—anon “endow bottom. fil‘erms Accommodating. Nov. 7, 1884. tf GEO. ARNOLD. Bank of Gettysburg, Ocrosss 2S, 1864. GENERAL MEETING of the Stockhold ers of this Bank will be held at the Bank ing House, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16th, ntl o’cloek, P. 11., for the purpose of taking into consideration Inddecidingthequestionwhether the ssid Bank shall become an Association for csrrying on the business of Banking under the Luvs of the United States, and of exercising the powers conferred by the Act of the Gen eral Assembly of this Commnnweelth, entitled “An Act enabling the Banks of this Common wealth to become Associations for the pur pose of Banking under the laws of the United States, approved the 22d day of August, 1864, and to tske such action in regard thereto as may be necessary and proper. By order ofthe Board of Directors, T. D. CARSOH, Cashier. Nov. 5, 1864. td - Notice. ‘N 7 11. GILLILAN’D'S ESTATE—Loner: of ndminiuntion on the estate of Wm. Gillilund, in“: of Strnhnn township. Adam: ‘ county, deceased, hlving been mated to the ' undermgnod, residing in Tyrone township, be hereby give: notice to :1] person indebted to nid «tau: to make immediaw pnyment, Md than luring claim: ogainat the lame to prenm them properly authentic-fled for settle msnt. SAEUEL GILLILAND. ' N0'.7,1364. 6L Adminhtrator. Wlee the put. four years as security for the next four yearn, lad what. shall we have? What. bul- blood, dnfu, taxation find nnmhyf . Public Sale F CARgIIAGE WORK—On FRIDAY, the 0 4th day of NOVEMBER next, tlie Inb ncriber will offer at Public Sale, at GREEN MOUNT, midway between Gengaburg and Emminbnrg. ' 4 CARRIAGE BODIES, 2 Running Pnrts,.n lot of “'heelé, about 1,000 feet of Ash. Hickory and Poplar Lumber, (well seasoned,) a lot of Spokes, a good Bellows. In Anvil, 2 Vises, new and old hon, new and old Curringo Springs, Paints. Oils, 819. ‘ Also, on MONDAY, ihe 7th day ofNOVEM BER next, will be ofl'erad at Public Sale, in GETTYSBTRGL Ii) SEW BCGQY BODIES. 15 sets of Buggy nn'd Carriage Wheeh. with (he lume'nmnher of Running Parts, Ash, Hickory and Poplar Lumber, slot. of city Spokes. A act of Cur-lags Springs. “'in: other articles. @8316 to commence‘ut ”o‘clock, A. 11., on well day, when attendAnce will be given nndtcnns made known by ’ A ABRAHAM PLAXK. 0ct‘27,1864. ts .. . Assessmeth—Notice.‘ OTXCE is hereby given that in ASSESS MENT OF THREE PER CENT. has been levied by lhe.“.\duma Count) Mutual Fire insurnncc Cumpiny.” on the Premium Notes in force on the tow offinpcember, 1864, in accordance with h Resolution adopted by 'be Board of .“pnagm on that date, and that. the same is required to he paid on "or beloro [he fin! d Iy of DECEMBER next, to Dr. Ed'- wanl G“ Fahuesxoek, Trenurer of the Com puny. EXTRACT Fl“)! TIIE BY—l..\.\‘§ Sortinu lH—thnevrr An Assessment slmll lure been madt- upon the prpmium nulei, nml the sum- determim-il which rach person shall pay an his note, if sut'h sum shall not by paid within nun-v (lily: “tor the same shall have licen demanded in behalf of the Com'mtny, the .\lanngcra may, at their oplion, nnoul the poli cy (J i...-ninm~e upon such notice, nhd remin 5-“ note and collect Ihoreun such sums so assessed. By order oi the ch‘rd of )lumigerl, GEO. SWUl‘l-I, Prcs't. D. A. Brawn, Set-‘s'. Ucl. 31. ”164. 3t ,é ‘FSenLinel nml Snu- copy. Herbst’s Line. :64“ ‘ HE undersigned would inform the puhlir T Hun. lie is still rnnniaga line of FREIGHT (‘A [l3 iron: Gellysburg In B ultimore -gvery week. lie is prepared to convey'l’reighleilher “‘2lannnyquanmy. Hewillnnendnfdesired, l 0 Klu- making of purchases in the city, and the li\'- ring the goods promptly at Gettysburg.— llis curs run Io the Warehouse of J. H. Bosiey, 293 North street, Baltimore. Hv invites the aucmion of the pululic to his line, alluring them that he; will spare no efl'url. to ICCOWIIIOs date all who may p‘nlronize him. ' - SAMUEL HERBST. HAY WANTED. The highest price paid {or good Timothy. Oct. 24, 1864. 35* ~ Notlce, _ - DAMS COUNTY,‘ SS. A At In Orphan“: Conn hell] nt Gettysburg, in and for said county, on the 20th day of Sap-J tember, A. D., 1864, before the Honurnblel Ruben J. fisher, Ind Duid Ziegler and lane E. Wiemnn‘, EsquAuocinteJudgu, duly u~| ligned, kc. On motion a! W. A. Dunc-1m the Court. g'mnt a Rule upon the widow and llfil's in interest, on the estate of John Buchar,‘ late of Franklin town-hip, in laid county. de-' ceased, to wit: Snnn Bucherfyldow, Eliza-1 heth llummen and Snmnd Mummert, Nancy, Beu- Ind Joseph Buns-rah Rump and deid Kump, David Bucher, Lena Nirkley and Dnnielj Nicklej, Hui: Grofl’ and Adam Grol, (b bel and nppur n In Ornhan'a Court, to be held] at Geuysburg, on [be THIRD MONDAY 05" NOVEMBER null, the 213:, at 10 o‘clock, Au l. 1864, 3nd accept or refuse to accept the Real Estate of the decedent It the valuation, or show cause why the aid Real Eutnte,or any part thereof, should not be mld in can they or any of them Ihourd neglect. or refute to “kc and accept the same. By the Court. JAMES J‘ PINK, Clerk. Oct. 17, 1864. td 8 Teachers Wanted. HE School Dlmcton of Strnbnn township will meet u the public home of Jacob L. Gran, in Hunter-noun, on SATURDAY, NO VEXBER mm, 1864, M. 9 o'clock, A. LL, for the purpone of employing Touche" to tnke charge of the levers! School: in mid township. fi'The County Superintendent will be presem to cumin: applicant; By order of the Bond, MOSES C. BENNER, Sec‘y. Oct. 27, 1584. 2: ' Dundend. . (A Bun or GITTYBBURB, .\’ov. l, 1834. } HE Directors of the Bank of Gettysburg T have thh any declared I lomi-nnnunl di ndend of 5!: PER CENT., den of Sale And Nation! Taxel, and pnyzble on and that Monday nut, he 7th in“. . T. D. CARSON, Cuhier. Nov. 5, PB“. 3: Election. Bux or Gui-"nun. OTICE it hereby given to the Stockhold er: of the Bank of Gettysburg thnt In hloclion for Thirteen Directors to nerve one yen, will be hold at. the Banking Home, on MONDAY, NOV. 21, 1864. A gtuerd meeting of the Stockholder! will ‘be heldjt the tune time. ’l‘. D. CARSON, Cuhier Nov. 5,1864. td Stray Bull. TBAYED In, from the premises of Sam uel Sneexinger. in Conowtgo towulhipyon the loch of October Int, 5 large RED BULL, Inboulß years old, hnlng a chain on his neck. A libenl rewud will be ptld for his return, or {orinfornniou of his whereabouts. FRANCIS G. SNEERINGER. Nor. 5,1864. 3: - ”VOTERS! "you vplue the right of Laban: corpus, and are opposed to executive tyranny‘ngte the Democratic ticket! Valuable Tavern Stand, Shel-lin Sale. . 1' PUBLIC” BALL—OI SATURDAY, tho annnlnco'oh writ ofM Fuel”. lined ml: 4., oi NOVBXBER nan. the nb-, out of the (ioufl. ofCo-mon Plan of AM Icn er, Administrator, Ilth lhe will annexed. wonmy, Pm, and to me directed, will be u. of Mnry Hildebrand, deceased, will offer 11. posed to Public Sale, at the Court Hon-0,!“ Public Sole. on we premises, thu nimble Geiiyabnrg, on SATURDAY, lhe l9th day of TAVERN STAND, litunle in Paul-burg, (Y. NOVEMBER next, (1864,) M 1 o'clock. P. M., 5.,) Adnmn county. adjoining prop-flies of J. the following desrribe'd Real Estate, viz: A. Gnrdnpr. Arnold ”miner, and est-u- of ABOUT 3 ACRES OF LAND. in Lnu'more Jim-ob Gardner. Jr., consming of n township. Adams county. PL. adjoining land: Lot of Grnund, having thereon n of Polly Wiest. Howard Myen, anhnn Smith, Two-slor_rßrickTAVl'-3RNHUFSE, Bnd oxhrrx will: a 'l‘ws-«tnrv DWELLo ‘ .. With {rumr Bukl:»bull'llnp, large ING, part wentherboarded Ind put $1“ Smbling, Wood Shed. Slaughter Home, Hog plastered. will: - one-:tory Frame Pen, Fruit Trees, Well of Wuter, and other OuL'Kllcllen, n good Stable, a well of good conveniences. This is a long establi—hed and Walnut we leclu-n door. In Orclnrd of good} Well known stand, and has a profitable run of film, Ind other inrprofemcnlb- Seized nml | cuszom. To pelsous desiring lo invest, this taken in execuflm u the property of Alums} opportunity is a most fmornble one. ‘Lnu. A: the same nun and p'nce, Wlll be ofl‘ered, A LOT OF GROUND. Adjoining the above— allo very vnlunble. The“ propertiel Will be offered togeiher or separately, as may suit purchaser: [8'81]: to commence I! l o'clork, P. )l , on aid dny, when utendnnce will be given and tenn- mndo known by ‘ ISAAC E. WIERIAN, Adm’g. ”I! not. sold, the Ploperl, um be ranged (for one you) on Mid day. _ oa. 31', 1964. u Public Sale. Y SATURDAY. the 26th.dny of NOVEM BER next, the Ag‘ent for the Heir‘l of. Sunk l-‘oller, demand. will oler at Public Sole, on the premlm,the Rut Property of [lid decedent, viz: ’ . A LOT OF GROUND, conuining shout hall on ten, litunte in lountplelu .. hip, Adlml county, :djoining I“ng John Luv rence, Pins 8. Smith, and Se "than Wuver’l heirs, Ind our Lilly's mill road.— The improvement. are I one And fl ... half Itory Frame Wantharboardcd If: HOUSE,with cellnr under the whole, I Stable and Curing. Honsp, with other na ceunry outbuildings, all new ; a writ ornmr tailing water near the door, with new pump; nlao fruit trees. Should more Llnd be desired by the purchaser, it can be bought adjoining, on the same day and Inn conditions. ‘ @8112! to com’men e at ll o’clock, A. M.,on san May, when ’nttondfixce will be giren and em): made known by PIUS 8. SMITH, Agent for the Heirs . fix“ the anme time and place, the under signed, an Adminislmlor bflhe estate ofSnrnh Foller, deceased,.will tell 1 COW, Sheep, Cer ringe, Hay, Bonrdl, Minute, 3 Bed: Ind Bed ueada. Bureau; Table, Chljn, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe. Cooking Stove and Fixtures, Car peting, Chute, Iron Kellie and Pots, Tin-ware, Spinning Wheel. Barrels, Boxel, Axe, Unlock, and a variety of other “Links, too numerous ,to ‘mention. ~ ' , K Attendance will‘be given and term'l made knofin by PIL'S 8. SMITH, Adm’r. . Qct,31,186#. ts‘ < , . Register? Notlce. H NOTICE is hereby given to all Legateee and in other persons concerned, that the Arl miuietnltion Accounts hereinafter mentioned will ,be presented It. the Orphun‘e Court. of Adams county, for confirmation and nllownnre, an MONDAY, the 215?. day of NOVEMBER, 186.4, at 10 o'clock. A. il., viz: 81. The first and final account of Oliver Staly, one of the Executon of Philip Wolf, deceased. . 82. The first ,and final account of Oliver filaley. one of the Adminitlralon of “my Wolf, deceased. . . 83. The first and final account of James J. Staly. one of the Execalors of Philip Wolf. decent-ted. 84. The first and final account of James .T. Staley. one of the Administr'uton of Mary Wolf, deceased. : 85. First and final accountiol' Joseph F. Warner. Administrator with tho will an nexed. of George Struslmxgh, decenwl. 86. The first and final account of Joseph Smley. Adminislralor oflheestate of Duid Sunley. late of Mounljny township. deo'd. 87. This account of éamuel Ilerbst. one of the Exmulon of the estate of Peter Trmlle, (kmd. 88. The first and final account of Wm. B. Gardner. Esq" Administrator of the estate of Andrew B. M an. deceased. 89. The nocnunt of g. A. Gnlwicks, Ad'- min-Mmtorof G. F. Gulecks, deceased. 90. First account of Duniel Stallsmith‘. Executor of the will 0! P 919? Trestle. doc’il. 91. The first account ol Geo. W. Wunlz imd Samuel Swope, Execute” of Henry Wanlz. deceased. 92. Furs; and final nceountof J.C. Neely. Executor of Mary Uncut. Into of Strnban township, Adams county. deceased. 93. First. and final account of Robert McGnughry. Administrator of Thomas Orr. deceased. 94.31112 first and final ncoount of Henry Knouse. Administrator of John Weman, decenspd. 95. The second and final account ofJagob B. Spanglor and Dnniwl Bream, Adminis trators of the estate of Henry Sprn'gler, de ceased. 96. The first and final account of Dunlap Paxton, Executor of the will of Jane D. Paxton. «It-ceased. 97. Firs". and final account of James' Watson Ban-r. Administrator with the will annexed. of Nancy Barr, deceased. . 98. Second and final uccount of James Wauon Bart. Administrator with the» will annexed. of Sally Barr. dooeuéd. 99. First account of John Wolford, Ex ecutor of Hannah Penrose. dccoued. 100. The first and finalaccoum of John George Wolf. Executor of the last will and testament of Snunnnh Mealhofl', late of Germany township, deceuod. 101. The account of Robert G. McCreary,‘ Executor of the will of David McMillan, deceased. ’ t 102. The account of RabertG. McCrury, Exeputor of the will of Wm. B. McClellan, deceased. 103. First and final let-aunt of Dwid J. Eline, Administrator ofJohl Marshall, de~ ceased. 104.“ The first Iceount of G. Cornelius Hartzell. Administrator of tho ecute of Augustus Hutu", deénsed. 105. The Lccount of Peter Hoofnagle, Administrator de bonis non with the WI“ Innoxed. of Lawrence Ohler, deceased. 106. First and final account of George Spnngler, Eiecutor of the last will and tel~ lament. of Eve Catlurine Spanglnr, (lec’d. 107. The firqt and final account of Sn mnnnh Wolf, Execumx of John A. Wolf, Inleof Germany township, deceased. . 108. Second and final account. of Daniel K.Snyder. Administmmr with the will an nexed,-of Col. Banger Snyder, deceased. 109. Fin! account of Isaac Deardm-tf, Ad. ministrntor of Conrad Slaybaugh. deceased. 110. First account of Henry Benner, Ad ministrator de bonis non of Edwin Sandoe, deceased. 7 111. The first and final account of Jacob Wider, Administrator of theeuate of Mag dalena Wider, deceased. SAMUEL LILLY, Register. Begister’l Office, Gettysburg,l 00!. 24, 1864. xd“ J Notice. ZEPHANIAH HERBERT‘S ESTATE—Let ter: teetnmentery on the nuts of Zephn nmb Herbert, Inc of Fairfield, Adams county, decayed, having been granted to the under nigned, the first. named reaming in the name phce and the hat. nemed in Gettysburg, they hereby give notice to :11 person indebted to aid cattle to make immedinte payment, end thou bnflng claims Against. the ume to pre lent them properly authenticated hr settle ment. MARY HERBERT. Execulrix, .J.”. BANNER, Executor. Oct. 17, 1864. 6t Notice. BE third Icconnt. ostcob Lady, Commit.- m of the pence ind estate 0! Henry _v, (u Lutmtitfi Ins been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of All-Ina county, Ind will boconfirmed by the aid Court, on the 2m «1 of NOVEMBER next, unlasl cane he thorn to the contrary. ‘ JACUB BUSHEY, Proth’y. 013.24, 1864. wt LOTHING 1 CLOTHXNG I—Plenly of new good: just. opeuzd. Also Boots. Shoe: Hum, he: tc., 0.11 cheap at BBINKBMIOPF'S ADAM REBEBT, Ska-if . Sherifi": nice, Gettysbx'zrg. Oct. 3) ,‘B4. fi'l‘an pct cent. of the patch» money upon :1] ulo: by Ih. Sherifi‘muu be plid om» immedinggly tau-the preperty n :Lruck down or upon nilun to comply therewilh the proper ly will I): up“: put up for :31: Public Sale F YALUABLE REAL ESTATE—The na -9 derslgned. Assign-e of Silu Ficku Ind ife, wull sell All Public Ssle. on the premium, on THURSDAY, the 24m day of NOVEMBER next, It lo'clock, P. M.,lhe following "humble Rel] Estate, viz: ' A TRACT OF CLEARED LAND, sikute in Strabwn townahip, Adlml county, P... ad. joining lands of [we Mouton, Christi-n Thognu, Henry Thom-I,lnd olberl, containing 50 Acres. more or lul. The im pron-menu no A Inga-STONE HOUSE, with Buck-building 0 Smoke Home. Double Log Bun with Sheds Aluched, Corn Crib I 0g Pu. There in I well of neverfnlling water near the door, I goud spring n the barn yard. and a uretun pulling ihrongh the farm, nflordiug In Abundant supply of wan-r fur s! ck. The grater portion a! the lnnd has bern locenlly lined, and it in'n high Flute of culti lion.— Thne in :1 Young Apple Orrhxini, and varie ty ofouzpr fruit trees on ihe me is . Also, A TRACT OF 'IUHiE AND, con-_ taining 28 Acres, more or less, n In the above drscril-eri ,lnud. adjoining land: of Henry Thomas. Jacob b'hull, and others. ' The shon- Iru‘l or land wllhbe pold enliro, or the timber land will be divided into lou lo luit pnrclmlorl. fi‘Peuons deniring a larger tract can puf chnse nny desired quantity, not. PNMIDK 87 acres. orthe undersigned, Idjoiniug the more. [a-Anendanco will be given 3nd terms made known by ' ABRAHAIL FICKES, Aulgnec. 09:. 51, 1364. u . EMU», the undersigned offers Ii Privele Sale, HIS FARM, ndjoining the nbowe trncu. outlining 87 Acres. The impmvemenli‘ore n new COTTAGE HOUSE, 1 lugo double Stnble, and other out-bnfldin‘e, $l3; and I well of neverfniling water or the door. There Ire IGVEI'II good Springs end I nererfeiling lire-m running through the_ farm, n :hriving young Orchard of Apple and" Peach (rear, wnh n variety of other fruit. ‘ There is a large proportion of Timber' and Meadow, The land has been heavily limed re. contly and in in n. high Into 0! cultivation.— The above described Forum-(being originally one uncL,) would nuke one of the hen stock bum: in the county; And being convenient $6 Churchel, Schools, Mills. end Mnrkeu, the: present a rare chance for capimlim. Q‘Pcrsons wishing to View either of the above properties will cull on the undersigned, or on b‘ilu Fickes residing on the first de. scribed mu, ABRAHAM FICKES. Oct. 3!, 1854. u Public Sale F \‘ALUABLE FARM STOCK—lntend -0 ing to quit fuming, I will offer at Public Sale, on MONDAY, the [4th 0! NOVEMBER nut, nt Wiermeu’e )lill, nur Arenduvllle, the following personal property, viz: ‘ 4 HEAD OF HORSES, one In excellent brood more; with fool, I Four-year old More, a gentle leader, 1 Three-yen old Mare, 1 Two year old More. in of good lite; Horn Cattle, n Luge young purhem Bull, at for beef, Hog: and Shoots, several Son, l Three-inch~trend hear, WagonJ Four-inch-lreud-lighthgon, good Curt, Lime Spreeder, Groin Drill, Wire tooth Hone Rake, Buckeye R‘eaper oud low er. 1 Hubbard Mower, one at the belt in unr ket, Rockewny Carri-3e, Rocknway Buggy, Wood Sew end Fixturee, run by horse power, Straw and Fodder Cutter, to work by hand or horse power, Winn )wing Mill, Benover Threlher, with double Ihuker and horse pow. er, Two and Three-horse Plough, Shovel Plough: nndCultiutorl, Field Roller, Lime - Bed, Horrors. Stink-11, Forks, Single, Double [and Three-horu-treel, Stretcheu, 3 Log pChoinn, one unusually heavy and long, brie ‘Geau of every :leeeligtion, Sleigh, new Oak Sleigh Basket, Stone ledge, to. . @Snle to dommence nt lo 'elock, A. M. l A credit of lb months will be fixn. DANllil. D. GlT'l'. 014.31, 186;. u _ - ' Collectors, AKE NOTRJEI—The Collector! of Taxe - for 1863 3nd previous yearn, in the dlfo ferent to-yzshipa oi" Adnml county, Ire hereby notified that they will be required to settle up their duplicatu on or before the let doy oi NOVEMBER next.\ on which dly the Commis lioncrs will meet at their oflye to give the ne cesury exonerations, he. The Coilectore of the present you will be required to pay over to the County Treuurer All monies which may be collected by the No vemher Court. firm! the Collector: in the county are re quired to settle OH in full their miliury dupli cnta. A new luv bu been pulsed, mulling“B neceaury to clone up the old military uni.- ll‘ lhey fail to unl- M. LII“ time, lulu will be entered against delinquents. EPHRAIM MYERS, ~ JACOB EPPKLMAN, .SASIUEL MARCH, ommiuionen of Adlms county. Mm: .M. WALTII. Clerk. Oct. 2 , 1884. :d . Brooms! Brooms L. HE undersigned bu te-opcned bin BROOK FACTORY, opposite the Depot. on Cnrliale street, Gettysburg, and is now preplnd '.o u:- commodnte the public in his line. He '1” either make Brooml on the share: orto order, nu may bo desired. A uuck of Brooms will nlways be found on hand. Give him a call. Oct. 3!, X 864. 4: S. R. TIPTON. wales. AMUEL SADL . I's ESTATE—Letter: of S administration on the estate of Samuel Sndier, late of Tyrone wwnnhip, Adams coun ty, decelsed, having been granted to the un denigned, raiding in the nine township, be hereby given notice to l“ perlonl indebted to mid came to make immedinu payment, nnd those having claims against the name to pre sent them properly authentic-Jed for. uni.- ment. DANIEL S. DIEEL, Adm'r. Oct. 31, 186 i. ow V. Notice. ARAB FOLLER'S ESTATE—Lenin of S administration on the csute of Bush Fol. ler, late of )lonntpluun: township, Adam: county, deceued, having been gunned to the uuderngned, residing in the name townihip. be hereby gives notice to all person; indebted ‘0 said elmte to make immediate payment, Ind those hnvung clnima Against the gamete present them properly uutheutiukd for let !lement. PICS 3. SMITH, Adm’r. Oct. 24,1864. Notice. ARAB A. BATH’H ESTATE—Lotte" tes tamentary on 1110 estate of Snub A. anh, ha of Gettysburg, Adum canny, deceased, Inning been gamed to the undersigned, re siding in ‘be nine place, he hereby give: no ticoto lhpemnl indebted to um] ealile to make immediate payment, and than having claim: Against. the sun: to present them properly authenticated for lettlement. JOEL B. DANNER, Execuwr. Oct. 17, 1864. a: Notice. EFT the Inbscnber, on the 241 i inst, A bound boy (mm the A 1111: House, named but D. Baylor. The public in hcreby n - tiflod no! to harbor or trust him on I», meant», I: I wm pt! no dcbu 0! b 1: contacting, un— less cnnpelled by law. . WWS A. svsnum. Oct. 31, 1864. 3" ELECTORS. Robert L Johnston. Richard Vgnx, William Loughlin, Edward R. Holmbold, {kHz-d P. Dunn, 'l as McCullough, Edward T. lieu, , Philip B. Gerhard, George G‘. Leiper, Michael Seltzer, Patrick McEvoy, Thomas H. Walker, Oliver 8. Dimmick, ‘ Abmm .Bi Dunning, . _ Paul Luldy, ‘ Robert. Swiuofurd, John Ahl, George A. Smith, Thaddeus Banks, Hugh Montgo:n‘ory,. Julia M. Irvine, Jonbph .\I. Thomplon, Russuluu llrown, Jnmcx P. Burr, Wuliiuln J. Kountz, ‘ William Alonlgsomury. ELECTQRS. w Rolfiorg L. Johnston, ‘ \ Richard Vauxl * 1 William Loughlin, Edward R. Helmbdldh- ' Edward P. I)}:an ' ' - Thomas McCullough, Ell-ward T. Hose, ' * Philip S. Gerhard, . ' George G." Leiper, ‘ ‘ Michael Sollzor, Patrick McEvoy,‘ \ , «~. Thoma“! H: Walker; . ' *Oliver 8. Dimmick, . ’ ' Abram B. Dunning, V _ Puul Leidy, ‘ Robert Swinoford, - ‘ . John Mu, ' l George A. Smith, \ fillfldhdglils Banks; * no ‘ onl vomér Johcil M. Irvél’no, y, Joseph M. Thompson, Rassolas Brown, . Samoa P. Barr, William J. Kounu, , William MonLgomei-y'. Town Property 0R SALE—The snblcrlber alert It Prl. F vnte Sale, a HODSKAND LOT, in I.“ 'ork “reel, Gettysburg, adjoining proporuu of Jacob Brinkerhofi” Ind H. D. Wattlu. ‘ ‘ TheHOUSEisTwo-slory\Veuherbosrd- [E ed, a large Couch Shop and other hn- ‘ ‘ provements. a." not sold before WEDNESD‘QY, to 23d dny 0! NOVEMBER next, th‘e propon will,on that Ray be offered_ 1: Public Sale. fi-Mlo, at. the ume Ithne Ind place will be sold, 2 Carriages, l Sleigh,nnd hum. Hay Forks. @B3lO to commence at 1 o’clock, P. l, on said day, when attendance will be gins Ind term made known by” > > ABRAEAI KRISE, of P. 0ct.17,1864. a 7+ ' . A Desirable Farm 'l‘ PRIVATE SALE OR FOR TRADE.— A The nndenigned ofi'ers his FARM at Pri uue Silo, or in trpde for Town Property in Gettysburg, Hanover, York or Bultimore. The Form II located in Mountpleunnt townehlp, Adonu county, I’m, adjoining [lid] of John Sock], Wm. H. Lott, Enq., and other-I. end contnining “)4 ACRES, more or lon, improv ed with I new Two-story STONE HOUSE, Log Barn, Corn Crib Ind Wagon Shed, nlao I one and! half Itory Stone Tenant House, with I Stable, and other oat-buildings. ’l‘ are a I well of good water near the door, and lovers! epringl on the premises, with n fine young Apple Orchnrd. The lend has been llmed 3 twice, and in in excellent cultivation; T§ere are due proportion: of Woodland nnd Men. 0’ mm, churches and school homeoconvenient. Poreono whhing to View the property are re quened to cull on the owuer, in Gettxlbum. GEO. F. KALBFLEISOH. Sept. 12,1864. tf Provision Store. HE undonigned has opened IPROVISXON I 81ORE at George Lulle': old “and, In at Middle street, Gdlysburg, where he will nlwnyn keep on hand, for sale, BEEP, HUT’I‘ON, me, poax, POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AND fins“ POTATOES, CABBAGE, BEETS, TU ‘NIPS, mth everything also in the ptovislomline. ' Hcéqill "IT M. small pron", and Inn. no’ efl‘ort to please. ‘ Fnt Cnttle, Hogs, Sheep. Cnlvu, £15., wuhd, for which the highest prices will be paid. ~ JOHN NORBBOK. 00‘1865. 1f Hay. , ONFAINERSI—Tbe bi hen. mukot price " and tor HAY—OAS?! on delivery—n 0. Ltd of the “ Pennsylvan'm Benet Pun ‘ any," nanr the Fanndry, Gutysbnrg. , men would do well by culling boron gaging elsewhere. 0.111 to In the Born- Mer'flny-plcking Pun. J. W. SWAN, Age“. On. 10, 1864: 1.! ‘ . Auctioneering. ICHARD TRIMMER, of Strain towuhip, Adam county, Pm, has: commenced A E ORYING, and will be happy 105 mm all call] that may be made. Ho will do hi besf to render utilfaczlon In All can, ad will be moderate in bl) charges. “sum for the patronage already benawod npon Illa, he lbkllhat the public generally give him n. vial. ~ ‘ Sept. 26. 6xl: For Salo. VERY DESIRABLE FARM, confining“ A 72 Acre] bud npwardn, “man 1} mile: cut of Oxford, in Hamilton lownflip. known as the property of John Bupp, who now re sides on it, anJ will show it. to my person wishing to look at. it, together with 8 Aurel and 68 Perches Wood Land, in Jncksbn lawn sldp, near by. Terms Accommodltinj. GEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Oct. 10, 1864. M otice Bfijrconnt o 1 Carnelian B. Hun, Goa. mince of the person and ammo! hub cordon-E, (a lunatic,),,hu bun Mod lathe Conn of Cowman Pleas of Adam “VJ“ will boxonfirmed by lhgaaid Conn, “4:", 2m dty of NOVEMBER no“, unleu can. be shown to the contrary. ~ 'm ' , JACOB BUSEEY, fawn” 1m“, um. 1a" ; ~ . For Rent, . ~. KAT duh-“bib HOUSEJY: (1h mbda'b‘lft “mg, recently occupiaa by R“. D'- bchoufi'ex. Possession gun immedlnfili.— Apply to ‘W. “UNCLE, Aka" 092.. n, .1364. St a- \2 . /1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers