am . ~Tatuxi~=,. The (Jam-Int: H publhhed every Monday mnrni‘nq. h; Ham; J, >7 .:;i,z. at. $2 00 per lnnum if paid strivlly l\' wvncn~32 5“ psi nn‘m if not. paid in sdvunce. No‘ mbscripfion discontinunl. an)?” a: the opfinn of 3:5 publither, until ah urn-urges are paid. A nrmnszvtx‘fs inwrtz? at the usual mm; Jan ansrma done with neatness and dispatch. a - Oyrrt: in Snail: Baltimore street. nearly Oppmi Wamplers’l‘inning Establishment w—“ColfiZhg Panmxa Gnu-r." on (benign. PROFEESIQNAI. @Afifigo , x Q J. C. Neely, TTORNEY .\T LA\V.-l'urticnlar Atten- A lion [Hi-l to wllecfion of Pensions. ounly, and Buck—pay. Office in— the 3. E. corner of the Diamond. Ueuylburg,Aprik6,lB63. If , Win. A. Duncan, ‘TTORNEY AT hum—um» in the North west corner ofCenlrc Square, Gettysburg, a. [1)cz.3,)859. tr D. MoConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door west A of Buehler’a drug and book “armchair:- cubnrg ltreey) Arfuusuv no Somcnon yon Punks uh Putnam“. Bounty Lnnd Wur nnu, Back-pug suspended Claims, and all “her claims oatiusv. the Government at Wuh lnglon, D. C.;n]soAmericnuolnimsin England. Land Warrnntalocnmd and lold,_orboll;zhl,and highest prices given. Agents pnznged in lo éating Warrants 1n hwn, “linui'x and OUIH‘ western-Stun WAN”: tu him poroonully or by [cunt ~ Gangsbuzq, 3307. 22, '53. __ . A. J. Cover, TTORV‘EY A’I“LA\V.'-nh prnmpflv nncnt) A :0 {in'xections and numb»: busiucm en~ tune! I: hitn. Offica bf‘l‘n'fccn Fuhneit-,lks' v. 41) u.ner .‘sZicgk r': Stuns, lhhimnn' street (Eviysamg, l’.|.. [Sqm 5, hit/J. . Edward B. Buehler, ‘ TTOI NE! .\T LAW, will {.\hhi'uily and A pronlplU’A-Nl‘nd Ion” lmiiursacutrusted to him. He ~la('.|L'S lhv- German Inngll:l;_vr.«~ “than at Hm yum:- phlcv, in Suuth L’uliinm’ro Ilnel, nmr l“uru«)".-1drug "on, nml uenrly offpoull: Dnmwr k Zil-gkr‘x 51016. IL-nvuhmg. \lurcln 20 Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s ' FFH'I‘I 4041 'lhvvlling, .\'. H ('nrm-x of lin]: () limnm and High slrcl'ls, umr Plc:h_\ lc liall (Tn-m Ix, l-rhvdyurg, PM. _ - > So“ Lin, le'J. )lf - J. Lawrence mu, M. 1). AS his unim- ulm -’ II dour \\m‘l a! Ihr“ Wi'gé Lulhrmn rhurx h in C'mmht-rs' uru «(rm-I. uni! uppupih‘ [‘h-king's n.. 'r, n- tho."- W—iilllllfl lu hzu'r any Dt-ulnl Open-2m; purlormrkul- respectfully invited to rut In“ Mum-m fl)r~.llur:|l-r,l?m. (3. I’. Kr u! . l’ i) ,Hm H. L. ”Hum-r..“. KL, Hm. 9:4!" .1 in in. ‘rm. \l. I..s‘.u:wr. , ml. _,‘.-3:ur-;'. A‘Hvrll H, 3?». - ‘ Adams County ("rm Flzimxrn'fl\:x'<,'m‘u\vruxy.+ h ALA. u,- "*‘J‘Ji‘Jlh '.E,1~'31.' . (IVFICI‘R'H 1 1'0“ lug:- J). man- Hu‘ {.l - [Mun/u: I! “flu-:1? -;I. \. “u: ::l' 1' Vrtkl'lu l - 11.-{vi Hun-21" L‘n 'uluv ,Irull ruhr- V-lt-ilwrx ‘.lu l‘uril“ . Ju'ol Kink, .\-lEin- \' 111-inn! l.u.uL ‘ HIM/Ir! il‘uqr'Sn-upu. Hi .\. lliwhlrr. I}. .‘i".‘-:* if, in 0‘: ‘Kinj, A. lluirlt.:ulmnn. I). “I'- (gratrv, .1" ..‘. '1 NW". J. H. :lr‘nfl, .\'Hn'rul D U‘L. IN V. 1:. ‘i I"l'mv-alo-"u ‘.Ym. ll “'inn, H. L Put“ . , \\':l M \l.<)l~u..n.ldlm \an ['-"'l‘ J: l}, \i 'i‘ri-iuw luilu I’lcklug', .\brlT \‘Jiif-u, .l .'m CI.- ln2"_‘il -:n, .\lnlicl l‘. (illi‘ JI u‘ n ‘-l it‘-ii nil, \l. Eichclhnrgn-r ; whim I‘muwuy i 1 limiw-l in il= nlwl |- tiulib L-u lllf' tolmlj‘ of Atillzh‘. l 1 ll I: ’vll'" in nu w-rsshil opcrninn for mom (I: I" i\ \puw, anil‘iu thin period bun pain all lungs nnd ox pensu. mil/mu (my «nonunion, ihn'iug also a large enrplui rnpil-il in the ’l‘rensni’v~ The Com fm'y employs no .\.rentz—nll hu~iue=s being damn bv Lln- \l II) Izu‘i, who urn Emmmlly elr-rt. pl hr the .\ltm-kholleu. Any {when 'it-flung! nn lnmrmce can upph’lo any 91 mailbox-(- n uni-l \l-m l n-rs for lunlwr information. affine Elm-mire C(nmmtlev MM" :1? the (mice 03‘: the I) my mr on the Lxst WednesJAy in ew-ryhumuh, M. J, I‘, 3. Sept. {IH, 155:1. ( ‘ 'k‘ho Great/Discovery ‘ F THE AGE.—-Influmtualm_\' and (‘hrmxic 0 Rlu-nu-univu v m be curt-« 1 by min: H L. MILLEH'S CELEBRATE“ RHEUHJTK} .\HX TL'HH. iMJhy [lll-milieu! citizens of “HR, and [he adyhuing I'uumies, lure teflified to its grmt uthityf IH sum-c“ in Rhynnmlic ul‘t-r. fiuus, hip ‘bm‘u mun-no uuptrillelcd by an} bperifich inm-Juced to the pnlvlll. Price 50 run” pdr bOlllO. Fur “Kc hy all drngqi-h {lnd stun-keepcra. Preparedunh h} H. l,.'\llL].}3T‘L “'kuieule :In-f Reluil/Druggisthls.»! Berri", Adams ennui) , {n.. deulcr in Drugfi‘()hczuimls, Huh, Varnish, Spirits, I’Jinta, Dvc~s‘.ufl‘9, hot tlud (Jib, Eisencu‘ and Tiuclzhes, \\‘imlow (Blnsa, Perfumery, Patent Medicinca, 51:2,, .\‘c. 436‘). l). [Lu-Mm" i; the Agent in Gettys burg logL “ H. L. Miller's Culrbralcd Rheumatic Mixturq." , [June 3, 1861. :3' ,The Grocery Store . V THE HILL.—Thc ,nndcrsiguml would 0 retipemhmy iufurm the cifizons o! (amus burg an lix‘ini‘)" U‘JtJM; ins lnkcn the old “111:me 1‘1; HHL" 'm lhll‘man‘ struet, (‘.Lt lygbnrg, "~ler he ”wind; to Map «mam-Jul); us: band :1“. 121.11: bf HSUUERH‘IS—Sugdfl. xl‘all‘cwa, §:"‘:i’s 0." a}! 55:11:] Tubncrn. fish, 8.1!, km, Earthenwu‘c of .m kinds, Frxvitc, “in, 51.1“. in fact evelyt‘nin: nannny tound in a Hroccry. .\‘.‘so, 1* LOU!“- & [‘l-EED of all hands; M! of which he intends to sail low as the low ut. Country produce taken in exchange fur «cod: and the high-w: price given. 1h [hm-rs himstlf that, by swim. attention and an honest desire to plmrc, to merit u slmre of public pa homage.» TRY HIM. J. M. ROWE. l'eb. 23, 1363. M s ' ‘ Come to the Fair! ND DOX’TFORGBTTOVISIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NURSERIEQS.—Persons wishing to Plant Tree: will mm the stock in ‘.h_e ground remnrh-My fine. and ofi‘cred at reduced prices. The App‘n: amt-hers 150 Varieties, embracing fill the nprrsved sorta. N. B.~S<e 11;: index board near Flom Dale Post Office- ’l‘. E. COOK l SONS, Sept. 3, an. ‘ V Pmpriclors. Young Men RD OLD MEN, do not allow your mothers A and your wives lo wen-. - out weir precious , ins ore:- the old \VRS‘J~IUb 10n_ger,but like tr‘nc men 3% benefncton, present. them with tn EXCELSIOR WASHER, and mum: of frowns and cross wgglé on wash figs, depend upen i . cheerful fix will greet y . ‘_{fmsm BROTHERS, Gettysburg, Pu. cc. x 4, 1863. ,A Corn Wanted. OR)? I.\' THE BAR wanted at our Vare ‘_ house. 761‘ which the highest market price will be paid. MCCURDY & DIEHL. Gettysburg, April'ls, 1864. Grain and Produce. ' ' AVPXG taken the large and commodiona Warehouse recently Occupied by Funk mt an" V , IX NEW OXFORD, we no prepared to pay the highest prices for 3“ kinds of PRODUCE. Also, tell It ch. low “; priest, LUMBER, GOAL ud 030088188, of cm" description. _ A. P. MYERS & WIERIAN. Nu Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. H vxcswom ‘ _ EXCELSIORH EXCELSIOR ! ! 1 ' The Emilio: Waning Machiuo in the but In an Wot“. _, Gnu And cumin it M. Once...— omg n. uh. Escudo: Bil-"£53 ”'"'?- TYSOX 83013 9.3. ,Br 11. J. STABLE #7lll Year- Great Attraction T PRINKERHUFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FURXISMIN‘G STORE, n {he Noni: HAN. Corner Of the Diamond. The suhzrriber is command} ‘in receipt offresh‘goods from the Eastern cities. I“: stock of , READY-MADE CLOTHING: is one of the lflfgtsl and most. ntlri‘cli’ve, as will as we cheapest cstahliahment of the kind ‘in the country. Yrm will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fashionable Myles, and of lhc best mun-ids. of a“ sizes and prices, for men mu! boys»- ‘(lentltmrn's lurnL-hin; goods ofercry descrip. anion, Wool Slum, Muslin Shirts, Hirkory {Shirts and ”Nina Hhéna, Merino, Wool and ‘Couon Drawers, Hosimyof every description, *Bnclnskin. Marina and Hutton Gloves, "and [km-chiefs. Nerk Tied. Cravnla, Linen and Paper 1Com”, Hats, Caps, Bums um Shoes. Um ‘.bn-‘Hnn, ’l‘mdks. anices, Cup?! Bags. Cimhes gand Shoe I; mines, Hair and Tooth Rumbas, tfihoe Hackiri. Peck“ and Dredging Combs, {lvory Cumin, “’Muhcs, Clock. and Jen-airy, Guns, Pisznh, Violin! and Violin SLringn, [Soups "“4 Purumcxics, Stationery of all k_|lld.‘, ‘ Pocket Kuiu-s, Smoking and Chewing ‘t'obuc -I:o,l’ipos, an extra quality of 80:5an. ln tam. l'rhis Find embraces n‘rrylhing umhlly found Jin a first cltus furnishing «are. l infile Ihr Emlemiuu of 2H (0 come and see for them-91v”, {an l mu delenlninpd tn sell goo-k [own-p Huh! 9, «13y otherrstnblishmrmin the munu-y. Don" ', fonv’t lhe place. (‘urner of York meet and ‘ the “Lymand. JACOB BRINKERHUFI-‘. 1 July +, 1561. Q "*- ; 100.000 bush. Gram Wanted. X HW FIRM AT THE IN um WAREHOUSE. W“. E. RIDDLE I: ('Unumld inturm th! Epuhli‘: 11: .L Hwy In" loan-:1 HIP Wat-mouse Hm llw tumor of Mnmnn am-et and the Rail- Nuul, il.! “wily-" Hug! \\‘ln-n' Hu') ““1 tarry on alhe (SHUV AND PRUIHH‘E BUSINESS, in Eu” in brunt-hm. The highest privcs wall al -1 Wu.” hp Imm hvr ~ ‘ WHEAT, VRYE, ‘ mnx, uu‘s ‘1 CLUVH“ k TNQTHV SEEDS, { - FLAX‘H‘IKD, SUMAC, : HAY & srtuw; ’ in‘-in! Frui‘, .\'um, Snap. H ‘m;, Shoulders and ‘.SHes, Puma“, with evrrglhiug clac m the ‘rx uuuu') pm‘hu P ”DP. 1 UN “.\.Vh. FOR SALE. . 1 cum“ Fugurs. “Maxims,Syrup:.’l‘ms,Spice:, l‘hll. Clm’n-sr, Vim-gun $Oll3, Mustard, Smrrh, .Ilrm’mc. Ulllkl‘fs‘, Blah-. 12, [:rushei, Soups, ‘du'. Al Iy'('U.\L UxL, H»): (‘1). Tar, kc.— H'ISH bf n 1) Limb: .\ \‘in‘ 3X!) SPIKE-IS; Hunting .\zul ("l ““'ng Eubucos. They .uv uh: 3,7 ablc In mph]! :3 first roie 'urticle of “AMI“, with Lin: dm’cum kinds of . FRIED. ; ? Also, GROFHD PYRSTER, wil“ CFANDS ‘und other u-rrnlfzcrs. gm‘L‘HALV by du s husbehluu. or car loml. ) Their: (51:: ”In In lhln'num- and im 'kllriN: . . _ I \ . . fl \wekpmvl HIP) ml! or lump} In ‘.nr) '_rouds .l'wr “ ,o} a! tho-[rune .l: aux-4. )lufln 2mm. u-uulrg uwrnhamc. :m-l “thorn, win fill! it to l(Lt-iv ndmutagv to [mlrulli/t‘ thii lin». '; _'l‘lley :l‘lk .1 slmrenlllm;-lAhlil"e x-urmmmnd ‘u ii! mine nu (Itlurl lu rcmler =.lLi<h:umn lo ‘.|ll 9mm or buxom ' \\'.\l. E. [HON-.E & C 0 Aug. 22, 1364. It Gzolié? 11in rm": :1, .\'FAR Tll‘.‘. nvnmxn, HTT 1' >3l} L' R 9. PA ~The undersigned G Wuuill nm=t respectlully inlurm his 11 1- mcruus lnmul; nml Ibe [mlit gem-rally, that he hit pnrchnsod [lnt long eunblifled and well known how]. the "Globe lnn,‘ in York sln'ot. G‘ Uyzburg, nml \\ill spare no ('HOI'I to conduct. it w n. manner 11m, will n 0? detract from in former 112le ropumtlon. 131 table \nll have the has! the markvl can afford—his rhumbzrg are spucjrms nml romfurtflde—mnd [.O has laid in Mr Ins bun full flack of wine: nml liquors. There is 10er naming aunt-bed to 1111- Hotel, which will he nllouded‘hy nuan t'no lmstlerx. It will bmhls constant eurluu'm to reudl‘r llu- lullost uti‘hction to his gueala, milking lus home as m-nr a home to ,tlu-m as possxble. Ho nekq .1 share of the pnhlic's pa tronuc, drumming! us he is to deserw :- large {I'M of it. )lmm-mber,-ll:e “Globe hm" la in \‘urk'mretl, but LBJ? the Diamond, or Public Sanre. SAMUEL WOLF. Apli} 4, 1961. H One and All, VAKE .\’O'NCE.——The undersigned would '1 my to the [”lth that lie is receiving l large and splendid stock of GROCERIES, which he will sell as low as any other ‘honu in town—('nffees, Sugrrq. \lolusses. Syrup:x Ten!‘ Salt, Fish. Aux, with Potatoes. Beans, and Rice ; Wooden Ware, put up in the best man ner: Tohuccna, Srgnrs, .':c.. 311:. L FAINERS, TAKE .\'UTICEL—H you want to lay in your Kluors for harvest, now i; the time. I hue manyymuds of \Yhiskies, “ran dies, Wmesfand all ol‘nc. liquors, which I ma disponngu‘nt short profits. Give me I call I dun-55 try to please—«and bcl‘bm'e I very of ten eurcecd. Remember me place—southeast corner 51' the Diamond, Gettysbuxg. GEO. F. KALBFLFZISCH. 1 . May 25, 13:3 . New Taflormg _ STAEJSHMENT.--GEO.RECKENRODE FASHKUNABLB TAILOR, a‘dupls this method of informing his friends and the public generahy, that he has openeti a Tailoring establishment in Baltimore sure: Gauysburg, (lute Post Ofiicc,) near the Dis mond, where he is prowl-ed made all work in his line in the best manner, and to the satis— faction of customers. He employs none In“ first. clogs hands, and receiving TEE FASHKUNS REGULAELY, he can WMManuhionoble (it: and neat. and subslnnt'm! sewing. He oaks 1 slum: of the pnblic’s potmnnge, promising to spare no of fort to deserve it. His charges will nlnya be found as moderate no the film-.3 will nilqw. Cutting and Repniring done at the shorten amice. (Gettysburg, April 7: 1862. New Warehouse. BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 100. 090 WANTED.“ the new Grain and Produce can, in omm: street, adjoin i"Z Shanda & Buehler’a establishment. The high"- ‘Mflut price will nlways be paid in cash for GRAIN, of all kinds, . ‘ . FLOUR, SEEDS, he. “WIS 0n bind and lor pale,” the smallest profits. . GUARDS, SALT, FISH. GBOOERIES, to", Wholesale Ind retail. ‘ TRY US! We shim do (in: hen to give lamination in I“ cues. K _ McCUBDY & DXEHL. Gettysburg, by n, 1363. 15 GA 3 D P HOI’I‘OGRAPBS o distinguiubid indidd'nll. including "mm be: of our premium Omen-ah, 3nd ‘be old hero John L. Bum, fu- sale at the counter of the Excahior Gallery, Gettysburg. TYSON BROTHERS. ALL PAPER! WALL PAPEM~AL , new “fies, jun mini M Dr. 'B.) 50 NEWS Drug and "um; $9“: . A DEM©©RATH© AND FAMHLV wwmm, . GETTYSBURG, 13A,, MONDAY, OCT. 81, 1884. l \ A Valuable Farm 1 'l‘ PUBLIC SALE—On TUESDAY, the ‘ in day of NOVBHBER next, by Order of the Orphnn’s Court of Adams county. the sub ? scriher, Administrator ofJoeeph Riddlemouer, 'Br., deceased, will ofl‘er at Public Sale, on the premiseu, the following Rel! Estate oi laid de cedPnl. viz: A F.£[l.\i,situl.te in Liberty town-hidemu county, P 3,, odjoining lunch of Jncob Eiker. I heir: of Andrew White, David Harlin, John Welly, and others, conninlng 211 Acres, more or less, about 75 acre: of uhich are covered with, fine Timber. with About 40 Icrn of Men :lnw). The Farm in in I good state of cnltlrn l tiun. (pm hrving been llmed,) Ind undex good ' tenciug. h. in one of the vary but Farms in ‘ }um region. The improvements are :1 large Two~rtory Double Dwell- ‘ in”: HOUSE, Bulk Bun, Wagon , . Shed and Corn Crib, large Hay .’ Shed, Carriage Home, Hog Pen, Smoke House, ‘ Wash House with Ciiw, Log Tenant House, l and other building” ell of good water at , i we house and washer in the burn-yard, bnth , uererfmling, with a pump in ench; lwo (huh ‘ ing Apple Orchards, of choice fruit, with pcnr, peneh, cherry end other lruii. The Farm is 1 well watered, and is in every rupea I most } desir-nlflc property. ‘ » [ :‘fi-Persons wishing to'n’ew it are request.- ‘rd to call on w Dlugheuy, residing then-on. WS-ale to commence at 1 o‘clock, P. M , on said dny, when Attendance will be given and terms made known by JOSEPH RIDDLEMOSI-111, .13., Administrator. By the Court—J. J. WClerk. » A. W. Flo: ming, Auctioneer. ‘ ‘ om. 3, 1864. u l ‘ A Very Desirable Property; 'l‘ PUBLIC SALE.——!n pnrsuam-e or an A order of me Orphnn‘s Court of Anhms cuunly, will be ofl'ered at Public Sade, on the prrmiscs, on SATURDAY, me 51h why 01 .\'()\'l-2,.\XBER next. the real estate of George Yt‘ngy, (Ive-cased, consisting of ' . A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Latimofc towmbip, in mid county. containing 32 Act-n, more or less, adjoining Jpnd’s ofJnmel Gard ner. Jesse Johns. John D. Becket, -’ and others, improved with u'l'wo- _, . utoryl-‘mme and Roughcut HOUSE, 3:: Frame BTII, with Sheds, Corn Crib, &c.', Swim House, welLu! wntvr. am rut-Ikm: Spring, and a. good On 1:." d. The [.r‘opemjx within i of a mile 9! Paj‘erablyg, on 111'.- road leading from l‘nersburg w “'nllur-l'u min. £2l?th to. rommenve M 1 o'rlurk, I'. \(Z‘, on said any, \vhnn unendnnce \\in he gix'n. and term: made known by W“. LEAR, ‘ ' NOAH MILLER. Adnniniumtorl. Bv LLc Court-J. J. Fink, Clerk.- om. 3, law. is Public Sale F VALUMHJ.‘ REM. i’Ir‘TATE ~- OJ 0 HATYKUA Y, le {tilt da} nl .\‘H'l‘i‘llilifl, 18:21, at i u‘clovk, V. .\l., the uudrrrigtm-l, .\.-|- lzdltialrnlnf of the estate ul George t'lusl:muu_ lute of Sttnlmn tmrn-‘llip, Adam-I «..umy, l'nu drv‘onsed, will soil at l’uhlit' Sale, un lllu pn-vniws, the following]' \ulunhle Rrul ll.t.|tr of 3.1 M Ill'f'l’rlfll‘d, viz: - A V.U.L'.~llll.E l-‘.\l€_\l, situate in said Imm- Silip. about one and a fourth miles IIt)!lli-\\\'hl M llnnterstown and 5 miles uunlm-iut of Gettysburg, adjoining lands of John Did.- aon, John N. Grnl‘t, John Golden, and others, containing 103 Acres, mars or less.—-. Thu imrrovcments consist of a good a... (Wu-story i-‘rnme HOUSE, with Bark-.- huilding, Double Log Barn. with gnml Shedding attached, Wagon Slml. (‘nrn (uh, Carriage House, Hog Pen. and other out-[mim ipgs. There is also A good Shop on the [.rcnt ises, with two neverfuiling wells of watt-rue.” the door. There in o good Apple Orclmrd and a variety of all kind: at fruit. Thure is about 20 acres under timber, and n fair l’opnrliunol Meadow Laud. Put ofthe laudJlian been re cently timed and the whole in in a high state ofcnltivatinnknnd under good fcn'cing. It is locuwdinufine neighlwrbood,being convenient to Mills, .\lnrketa, Churches, Schools, kc. TLe farm lies close to the Harrisburg road nml is within 3 miles ol'thc Gettysburg railroad. Persons wishing to View the property will call on Amos Cnghman. raiding thereon. fl‘Attendance will be given and term: made known on day of sale by DANIEL CASHMAN, Adm'r. oth to, ten- u - Notice. DAMS COUNTY, SS. At an Orpbnn'e Court hold at Gettysburg, in end for said county, on the 20th dey of Sep tember, A. D., 1864, before the Hononble I‘dbf'tl J. Fisher. and Dnid Ziegler and lane 1'). “’in-man, Elqs., Auociete Judges, duly u signed, to. On motion of W. A. Duncan, the Court)“: I Rule nponltbe widow and heirs in image-t, on the estate of John Buchsr, into of Franklin township, in aid county, de ceased. to wit: Susan Bucher, widow. Elin bath Hummer: And Samuel Mummeyt, None] Beu- Ind Joseph Bear, Senh Komp and David 'mnp, David Buche‘r,Lenn Mickleynnd Daniel i Nickley, “Aria. Grofl' Ind Adun 01-03, to be ‘ a d Appear It. on Orphnn'e Court. to be held at Gettysburg, on the THIRD MONDAY 0? ‘NO EMBER next, the 2111., It. 10 o'clock, A. '51., 18,64, and accept or refuse to ncL‘l-pt the Real _mute of the decedent at the "lotion, or show muse why the laid Real Estefe, or any part. hereof, lhonld not be told in cue } they or on] of them thould negieet or refuse ‘to take end accept the same. By the Court, P . JAMES J. “xx, Clerk. [ Oct. :7, 1864. ed Notice. T In Orphan'l Court held in Gettylburg, in Ind to:- the county of Aden“, on needs}, the 20th any of September, 1864, the petition of Winiun B. Gnrdner, Esq., Admin istrator with the will nnnexed, of David John sun, lute oi Intimate towmhip, deceased, ,us preunted, for s decree of Court, {or the age of the real eaten of aid deceued. Wherenpon. npon motion oi I. t W. lcCleun, Eeqs., the Court Imm; MONDAY, the Zlit dsy of NO - next, for the partial in interest, legntees, km, to Appear Ind nwnit n citation dirt-gté’d to all the parties who hue not voinn‘ tnily appeared, waning them to appear on uid dny, for hearing in the matter of laid up plicuion. By the Com-f, ‘ J. J. PINK, Clerk. Oct. 17, 1504. M Eatray Bull. AXE to the premises obbe lublcribu‘, in Blmmon township, Adam county, on the 1w: (by of Angus“ hit, I. BRINDLE BULL, with I black head and I white spot an the {arc hend, the two hind legs white. The Bull is about 3 yum old, and weighs between five had nix hnndrod. The owner I: requestod to prove property, pny charge; nd take him may. REUBEN BRINGMAN. Oct. I'l, 1864. 31* LOTHING! CLOTHING l—Plenty of any 9 good- jun opened. All!) Boots, Shoal cu, in. #5., d 1 chat]: at BRIHK§RHOFF'S' DRE BRANDYJHNE AND WHISKEY, {on y medicinal yurpoae- only, “the New Drug km of Dr. B. BQESEB. “nor: 1: maxi-rm» nu. "nun.” DEWCMTIC NATIONAL $0)le \TIMS. For Pmidrul. _ MAJOR GENERAL G EO. BRIN'I‘ON M cCLELLAN, OF NEW 121:5le for Vice Pmidfll. GEORGE 11. I’ENDLETON, OR 01110 ELECTOBS. ROBERT L. JOIIXSTON, . '. . RICHARD VAUX‘ WILLH‘M LotuIILIN, ' EDWARD 11. XIELMBOhD, E wmm P. DUNN, «gums McCULLOUflII. lanwmm 'l‘. mass, PHILIP s unnumap, GEORGE G. LEIPER, MICHAEL SELTZBR, PATRICK .\II‘HVOY, THOMAS H. WALIfIER, I ‘ OLIVER s. DIMMICK, - ABRAM B. DUNNI‘SU, PAUL LEUJY. > ROBERT .sw [NI-1190!“), JOHN Ailh,_ ' . - GEORGE A. SMITH, ’I‘IIADDEUS BANG, J HUGH MUX'I‘Q‘U’AIERY, JOHN M. IRVINE. \ " JOSEPH J]. ’I‘HLHIPSHN, mssnms 151 mm, JAMES I’. mm. WILLIAM .IA IwuXl‘z. WILLu .\I .\n )S’l‘G} m H RY. "Gooh TIMES!" ‘ o The Rhlmhllcnu in 1350 pr-mnrml " 1:: od' (hum ” under Luna-In. “'0 ma Inning (ht-m. xuu‘ mmngh—--,“w I'Mr Mi "' [3‘s State 'l‘sfPs! _ v . gar Gummy Tans! W'l‘unuath 'l'uzet? ‘ my 11 trnugh Taxi-n! ' ‘ ‘2" I’, null}! Taxm! . :2? Inn-nml Revenue Tuna !' ”Tax on (‘ulffle I '~ @"l‘nx on Sugar; W'l‘ux um Tca Y m“ on Calico! - Q‘Tax on Maslin! nml in hm! yo nro lnxod on EVERYTHING YglU EAT! . EVERY l MING YUU DRINK !! EVERY [‘ll XNG YOU WEAR!!! Stamps for Deed-z! mumps for Mortgages! - Stamps for gates! - Stamps for Duvbilh! ‘ Stamps for Recap“! Stamps fnr Bills Lndmg! Stamp—R for Checkn! ‘ Stamps for Certificates! ,x Stamp-1 on Documents! Stamp: 01) Paper“l ! Fathen have to give up sons! Wives have to give up huzbnnds! Sisters glve up brothers! Children give up parems! And men give up home! lie-elect Lincoln and all these burdens will be continued. Honest Republican voter, don't yeti in your heart believe that you and the country would be better'by A change? Yea.welcnow youdo. Thenvhy not help to bring it about, by giving your voge' to that honest and patriotic man, the gull-n! MCCLELLANJJM hero of Antietlml FARMERS, LANDROLDERS, ATTEND! By act. of Coupe", psurd A'JRIIM 5, 1862. It. will be perceived that SEVENTY XILLION 'DOLLABS are to be raised nnnnnlly tron: LANDS, LOTS OF GROUND,WITH THEIR BUILDINGS, IHPROVEIENTS AND DWEL LING HOUSES. To the Sun of Penmylnnh is apportioned 31.946319 33 or NEARLY TWO lIILLION DOLLARS—I'O HE RAISED ANNUALLY BY TAX As ABOVE! 0n the first til] at April, 1865, thin by will go into force, and only then will {omen “d Inndhoiden begin to feel the burden. of the tug: made necessary And imperative by the pruent plundering Idminisu-nion. If they hope noon to escape from thin burden of bony luc- tbey mun vote for some pno who can clone up the var speedily, hononbly sud lin-l -I], so “an the heavy expenses now going on shall be stopped. . LINCOLN’B MORTGAGE 0!! LAND. The ovenhtdowing imporunce 6f the sub ject induces an spin to Iliad. to the mongqo which the Lincoln Admininntion in entering up ugninstt e Real Esau of Penny-Inuit It. in no: denied that the debt ofthe Unlkd States. It the clan OMLincoln‘l ~term on (he 4th oflhrch next, will be three lboßtnd million dallnrfl. Nor can it be dehlriilnlfl Mr. Lincoln should be re-eleclsd, and :15th curry on the tar {our more year: longer, tho dtb: u the and of hit lecond term would be a! least nix thauund million dollars. Diauibutiugtbil debt among theloynl Smut "cording to their popuiuion respectively, I 3 provided in the Consfitut-on, Pennsylvnoia’a share would be one hundred million dallnn. Apportiuniug Pennsylvania's 'hare among the noun! conmiu accordidg to the valuation fix ed by the Board of Revenue Uommiusionen in 1363, we have a. result that might we" cause (be but ofevcry farmer to land on end. w)”. Lincoln $35, “if slavery in not wmng man nothing in wrong." Snppou it In? Don um nuthoriu 3 var for It: suppreuiou? The whole Ptolesun: clam of the chantry will any, with unccion sud sincerity. Lhnlllho Romlsh church is no: wrong, then nothing is wrong. What then? An shot and shell the nucd’i—Harlfm Tim‘s. ' Ge‘n. McClellhn can make an Honorable Peace; From a great speech Recently made by that gallant old Clay Whig. Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, as New London. Connecti cut, we extract the following, sad commend it to the earnest consideration of all who desire an early mJ honorable peace. Mr. Winthrop said: LI fear, my friends. thntl have :ilrendy de t ined you too long. -My own utrength,‘ certainly, will hardly hold out longer. even if your indulgence and your patience be übt already exhausted, But I must not take { my leave of you without giving. you a little ‘ piece of testimony of the. highest interest and importance. Amongthe retugeeu from Atlanta. immediately after its capture, there 3 came within our line: not run] dnys ago a l person of the moat‘cstimable and excellent 1 character. who had enjoyed the best oppor- \ tuuities of understandin the southern 1 heart. Amrwhat said he, so you think, on ‘ being interrogated as to the prospects ofthe future? I can give you his remarks from the most lulhcnllo source. They were ‘ communicated to me by ngood friend of the Union in one 01 the border flutes.— “ UM»: Lincolnis TC'CIIC‘CIJ," said he, ”the peo ple oft/t: Soul/i will jig/Id [or thirty years, for (My ful Mat titty can do not/ting better,- 6ut if 71!:- Clellan it eluded. such an otia-wltelmingFt/nibn party will be formal inflie Soul/c that peace will tn the almost immedinli remit." (“ That's so.” Loud cheers.) " I (peat-fluid he. “the un limtna of the people. no! the (jficinlr. The lupin: of the rebellion are anxious for the rec elzclion qfl Mr. Lincoln, as giving moat Imp: of the Illtimalr mum of the rebel cause. But the pmple. It! adder], rurvct McClellan, and believe in his honest". capdcity.’ and patriotism ; and, be ing brawl/y tired o," the war, they will be willing to (rm! lu‘m." (Charm) Such is the latest and most authentic tegtimony from the very heart of the routhcrn ‘confederacy. It was communicated to me from a source entitled to the highest confidence, and it concurs, I need hardly any, with every 0 inion which I hsvo been able to form toxin". ‘ Ido firmly and honestly believe if by the aid of this good old State‘ of Connecticut, George Brinton McClellan shall be pro claimed President ot the l'nited States cl‘ Amerirn on the 4th day of Mnrch next. as I hope and trust he may be (cheers). another year wilt not lmrc expired without. witness in; the final termination ol the rehellion: and that the succeeding lili’. of July will find ue celebrating such :1 jubilee as hm not been'seen since that day was first hailed as the birthday of American independence.- {llnntinuml cheering.) Ido not forget the danger oi indulging in} these. ninety days, or even twelve month pmphesies.—- ("That's so, too.” Inughtvrn) 1 do nott’or~ gi‘l how many memorable warnings ire have had ot‘their t'nllucv. 1 run only say that in that hand. in that trust. in Hunt firm and unswerwhg contitlenoo. I shall give my vote to the candidate 0! tlnl Democratic party ; and whether that vote shall prove to have been cnst with the. many or with the few, l with majorities or with minorities, l shall i feel that l have ’ollmved the dictates of my 1 turn best judgment, of my own comm. ’ tiom convictious‘of duty. and of my own 1 unalterahle attachment and devotion to l the Constitution and the Union of my 1 country. (Loud cheering.) A ‘ The Administration has neither the will \ nor the power to rapture the Union by the ‘ only method that c‘hn evorsucceed ;. that is, by nursing into strength a/grent southern Unio'n party. The Republican: do not de sire such A party. MORE HELP! Conservative Men Everywhere Cutting Loose from Abolitionisml Ex Renalnr FISH. of New Kerk, has nbnndnned Lincoln, and is oul‘wtively for Mc-Clellun. ' Brig.Gen.GUITA R. ofSt. LouisJlu come out, ngnins! Lincoln and in favor of McClai hm. Several prnminent army officer- in the same city. are known to have expressed their preference for the Chicago nominae. Hon. JAMES LOOMIS,‘ who has been claimed u n Ropublicnn by the Lincoln pres-ea, presided at a Democratic meeting, in Bridgeport. Connecticut, Int week. Hon. JOHN P. COOK. of] lows, who hu always 11 o poeed to t. 9 Democracy, and repxmerf the Whig put, in the Leg islature and Coupe”, ha: come out Io; Mc- Clellnn, and, u a uumper, will do good ur— vico. - Gen. FRANK GRANGER. ex-Poatmu. tel- General, and l lifelong o ponent ofithé Democrats. comes out. for Ichiellan. He is one of the meal influential men in Can tral New York. Up toilhis time he he: never before noted with the Demoérecy. F. B. NORTHAK. of fluid-m. Connecti cu‘, an active and influentinl Republican. has joined and lddroued n McCl‘llan or, amiution. Four other Republicans cu note went with him. HonimelAM WILKINS, of Penmyl unis who won lust full I. supforwr of Car tin, has written nn able sad 9 oquenc letter in ("or or the Chicago nominees. J. H. STEWART, Esq.. Prosecuting Mv tome, for the Knoxville, lllinoii, district, an old Republic“, is om for McClellan. Hon. JAMES B. PARKER. of Manches ter. New Hnmgah'ire. formerly President of the _Semto of t 1!. State. in : recent speech lnnounebd that for the first time in hin life he felt it his duty to vote the Democratic ticket. in November. He hu been an chve Republican and is a prominent lawyer. C. E. HEWITT. a prominent lawyer. of New Londnn, Connecticut. who voted for Lincoln in “(Ramadan speech for McClell nu. Gen. IHRAM WALBRIDGPL of New York. has come out squarely tor Little Mm. LEWIS STEINROD. E‘q" of Hocking county. Ohioi Int. year Republican candi. date for Representative, is unit an ardent McClelkn man. rife-Mrs. NELSON and STUART. two influentinl Republicans of the sale county. have come out for Little Mac. \\ Maj. Gon.\lD¥E. who organized the Indiana Legion has made I speech mdnrs ing McClellan. had pledging him his most. earnest. support. ' Col. J.G. oufioronem. mum. N. Y.. . prominent Lincoln man in Ml6O and since. bu come out {or McClellan; « Hon. A. C. LIPPH'. of Now London. want-afloat, hu renounced L nmlu, and coma out {or KuClallnn. ”The-re N n (hurl Almiition 11a]. It Springfléld. 111. A muse- mucking was ac tet'npud, but mils-l for um. Many nudicncu. That's "Did Abe'i" hum. TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR S‘lf there be I single, mm gho thiukl that the rebel! do not regard Mr. Lincoln :5 the man of their choice for Pmidont of the United Sales, we ask him to read 'the following'uticle. which We reprint. from the Richmond Examinm 113.: paper we: the tint in thet. city 10. me out for mue ion. Ind thnn which nojournel u the South l‘f‘ more at hurt the independence of the scanned Confederate States. Men of the North, _will you vote for a man whom ma rebels long to see roe-elected. or will you vote for General McCtnllan. in Mime also tion they see the downfall of their confed erncy and the restoration ofthe-nld Union? This question is to-be decided [n XoVem ber: A. Lincoln the - South’s Bast Ally-.- The Independence of the South Beonr~ ed by his lie-election. ' [Fiona the Richmond Examiner, Oct. 17.] Some dcuht/ remsins so to the political complexion otfl’ennsylvsnis. The press of the United States hss hecomosoirsdically mendscmus that it is impossible to put trust in the first accounts even of an event so girlie and plsin es the result ot'an election. me days may yet. elapse before certltutle is attained. But we entertain strong hope thin. the Republicans have done what they seemed at first to have time. sod confess s deep desire that the present result may foreshodow the re-election of Abraham Lincoln. 'For Abraham Lincoln is the South’s but ally. This confedcrscy had I million and a quarter of men cspnhlo of hearing arms at the outset of the contest; a force sufficient to m. t sny invading power llnd defy the possi’ ility of subjugation. The only danger lay in the dificulty of bringing this force into he field. Abraham Lincoln removed that similarity by the chm-octet which he imported to the war. He made Goths snd Vandals at his troops, and proclaimed de vostotionmonfismuon an exterminatiOn as his purpose. «lit Was thus that _he invoked into the field those powerful southern or. mice which have so successfully resisted his assaults. It is scorcely possible to conceive how I conflict could have been rendered more envenomed than the present one'hu become through the trucu’iEnt policy of Mr. Lincoln. Yet this man found a means otintcnsit’ying its ferooity. Ho proclaimed insurrection to the slaves, and armed oil the blacks which he (would seduce into his service. sgsinst the whites who had been their masters. By this policy heefl‘ectually succeeded in calling ougand combinin ev ery element of resistance in the South-4 strong clement of that resistance is yet to ‘come. ss will Appear soon after the meeting of the Confederate Congress. The ‘eneny talk ofthc despotism which drags conscripts into the southern armies, and forces old men and children into the ditches. but the despotism whichficoenes tlreShuth is 'sested at Washington.and not st Richmond. The confederscy has proved lhstyit hsd nerve nml resolution to achieve an independent destiny: but. it. is indebted to Lincoln for forcing these quslities into scliou.’ The disrupti n or old political succis-I (ions is always] e hazardous experiment. The grant majo ity of minds in s vweolthrl and prosperous community are sverse tol change 'snd revolution. preferring to en-‘ dura great evils rather than resort to son-i guinnry mcssures for redress. No man ever 'l'elt the weight of this truth more for cibly than those who inaugurated ”the movement tlor secession. The whole don ger and risk ~ot' the experiment consisted in that conservstive aversion to change And convulsion which possesses the popular mosses. On this rock the secession came might have split. if it had not been safely pilot } ed past it by the pains of Abrahamjtiucoln. The cause was saved in 1862 by the conscrip l tion ; and Lincoln—not the Ermiurjpws paper—mny‘he sold to hove been the su thor of the conscription; bemuse except i fonthe ferocious po icy‘.whicls he planned. ’ it could never hove been enforced. He has rendered resistonco so sbsclute duty end necessity. and brought thst duty snd ne cestity home to every man's door: in so much. that no men in the South having any self-respect or regsrd for the opinions ‘ of his neighbors, dares to disobey the csil of his country to erase. But for’ the incentives supplied by Mr. Lincoln. theiSouth, by wsnt of union sud ' - energy. might hsve failed todeserve the ro spoct of mankind ; might hsve been unsble to levy greet srmies; and the forces in the field might hsve fought with little energy or resolution. The popnlsr majority might _havobeen disposed. at the first soft vrords from the enemy. to renounce the southern muse snd return to the enjoyment of re pose, prosperity. and dishonor. Ir. Lin coln has prevented such 3 contingency. and relieved the South oi sll these dangers by s course or policy whichgendercd recancilio tion impossible. @y’drivtng us in rxtrernily. It: has combined every element gfour strength. and l ensured our success. If the South could be‘ conquered at all, there is but one mode by ‘ which it could be done. It the armies of the North were entirely withdrawn. and so invitation proposed for e convention of nlle the states, for the purpose of devising terms 0! conciliation. then our independencej might be seriously eodmgered. Such would hove been the policy of Pierce. or Vellsndighsm; such possibly, though not probably, might became the the policy oi McClellan. But Mr. Lincoln relieves us of this only possible danger by napolicy which drives every mm to arms. an renders ro construction an oppmbrium throughout the land. ‘ While the South has much for which to thank Mr. Lincoln. the North has still more for which to curse him. His admin istration has cost the United States hell it million of men. eleven states with ten mil lions of papulation, embracing mony thou sand millions of wealth, and he entailed three thousand millions of public debt. He is the very genius of ruin and destruc tion to his country. and seems to have en» denred himself in its efi‘ections by the very loss and Woe he has inflicted upon'it. If the people or the United Ststes choose to ”heir-cl him, ”try thereby pronounce a dean establishing the independence of Ills Soul/i. We cm bring larger sgnies into the field to fight Lincoln than any other Northern President, sod his continuation in omco will inspire every Southern breast with the resolve to Win independence as the only slternstive to extermination. 1= S'Let it be rememberrd by the people that. all of then- money in not flqusnderud hy the flhoddy Arlmininu-qtion m buying Volt-I. Twnv: luuox nouns of tho» pub liclund only have ban sunk in the newly built monitor. which won't Hon 1 ' iii MOMS IITNUMOU('' Aupnu'e ml: wmw. May, 111., Omit city, 5 well hum china. mm! an: “n chums...“ old MM. “'l‘. Shawn, m to that um Inn :50 W of Andean, “kin; of SL: an explan tiou oftho "crying <7; :‘ufiliflz cf'l‘hoyndminin tnuon to McClellan un-J meir repealed mint. 5 to co-opcnu will his".l!r. Suntan r¢~ pliad in I mm- o! eighr’pqgen, “with, “I (116 W! Md ”gamma, McClcllcul, Md ’aeuptint \o JUST"? the «ct, by “10‘!“ u 1 won. um 11001011“: wu bécomlhg too pop. ulu with the may! and than tho "good of tho cult" (uh: n-electlon of Lincoln) "reqqlrd that hnbould be cmahod I" “I'th letter.”nld'ur. B. “I know uric 9" “finance." ‘ ' . ' ms “mun arm. Let Ponuylnainnl bear in gran-fig! rud leccion, thlt the glilnnt phcirlnin of tin Don. curvy. Gen. George B. McCleilnn. by hltlklll Ind proieu, saved his twin Commonwealth? from the daunting consequencu (it"ubd" - camp-tion, by his splendid Ind "er Indon blo victory our Grn. Lac upon the hiuody‘ field of Aptieum; Ind Run! the Victnr 11. Ga- Iylburg wu Inrgviy due—accoflmg to tho testimony or many ”idiom—to the report than current. and doubtleu purposely“ Momma“ IBoir bea‘ond commdu bad ban mum-d and VII directing their movements. This report IO luapiriled oar gallant mon than the] hurl-d themselves upon arm! arerwh‘elmed the camp. “We Are lgflm com-nadod by Little Mac," pnnd [tom mouth to month, And the cry vul equal to I nmlorceruen: gran, thou-ad vel erul. Thns wns Pcnuulunin and I. mond' time. Will our peopie now turn tin): luck! npon m noMe-hurted, chivairons, unnlflah and pn'riodc .\fuJiciida, and rum: upon (half country a military dupoLi m, unrestrained 5y conslizulinns, My! rminz ..Z'ho ‘.t hm}! NEVER nNEVEiL—VI'W ERk‘mOD L" JUST." 3nd .0 are ‘lhe Amman pcupiu.~.‘oiuzmrn Dar.»- mu. ' NO. 3. WAb‘nh'nm Liuccfin has been diction“.- ‘ly‘canvd by his Agoliliou lriendn, “110 nm OU. Abe.” Let u nee! In his Inmgunl Add” \ he skid I have no purpoue, dirzctly or indirectly, In 'inlerfev: with lb: imlimflon ofshvuy in‘lhd' State.- aha-ten uiuu.‘ I believe than.” 1:!“ {4! :Ma m do no, Ind! h‘nve nuiacliaugunvio do w. . . \ In My Emnncipuicn Practamnzl‘un he lull: I order and declare [but all pgmn! held“ line: in, the Mid designatedv Sync: ufl m of amen, In and hex-unu- nhtl} be (m. . On: the bone" votlerl «the country giro !heir “Inga to a nun who uubh-shinfly ill durtnkes to do tl‘nt which he solemnly in“! in had no lawful right to do? Anna—er, frwmcn,u_ the ballot-box 1 Mon Stunt—M the Fat.- Groundsl-l'ridly, ruys tho Hnnford Mu, {gentleman from: ‘ lieighboring WWII. ougof. cal-ionic, and a man who was rolling President“! pmnlta, "which cindidue be 1013 the non off? Tho mpn bundles! from unwillingnes: Io displeu. , {he pouible pofilicnlundmcnta of “aquatic!!- er, and "plied, "We“, 1 want to nell’cm A“. o‘.‘ both kindt." “I only naked,” “nuptial! quaint, ”on! of curiosity-an! I" you hlVO' sold l'gOOd many McClomn portraits." “Well," laid the margin 3 more 'renuuud tone, but Ipe'lking in a confidential undertone, “we", the fixer. is, I hve ilrendy salient-thew hun- a dud oi McCldhn'n picture» and not uni“ ' Lincoln'l.” So it gear—in vctcn, medallion, and pop!- lu' exprzuion: of an klndl. The peopl’o du" like (13:1 figurehend lhlt non- sdom(l)flu Whfite Faun, npeci-ll] fin vlew 01th. cold-- tion! Union doctrinal it gubodiu. DEHOGBATSI CONSEBYATWE. MEN! RememberJhu Hon. 1". P. Blair, Prefi dem Lincoln's right-hand man. 5 few weeks Igo waited on {Ganenl Wound and begged him not to In» I candidilo '0! the Prenidoncy, ulviued him to ask a con mnnd in (he Army, and at. tho mo (info making that pledge. main-ting the ho zhlu coula get_lny oolnmnnd ha wished. Do you not believe om Abe lons him. Ind thus tried to buy McClellan of tho Inch. General Nnglee openly chugu he did. This shows that Lincoln 3pm General M’Clellun'n military i_kill :nd'ibfl ity, and bu we fallen confidence in him ‘ u a commander. ' ' »- GA! nMcClellnn mm Insulin; in Hart fagd, on Tuesday. one of the Ipeakll'l, (a ll )nding-lo Hog. Lucius G. Pack. of New linen. ream-had that every menu sud—L umflco had been resorted to by the Lined: managed to induce that gynglemm 30$ to oomo out Igninll Lineoiq; and find!) 3 wealthy and nowrioul government commo tor «me to Mr. Peck, and pulling out} well-atufi'ed Inlet, aloud to ‘in him fin greenback. if he would ou‘i doubt. Kr. Peck only replied So thin insulting ‘0!" 03 s bub. by indigmutly night I Mind, (bra-ton in; to break the Lincoln mm: tor’n bad if he didn't lan tho maul -1 which the aid nontnctor did, Xxx-"dish“ L quick time. ' ‘ ' y Ilfl a Full—II: minor to the quelflol‘l fit il true “In. Premium Lincoln «had 1:! lb“ [union to ring him - rulpr long whil. whiting the field of Antieum jun do» the mm». the New York Woild up: “We have made the chug. reputedly. are messed of the proofs of it. add dnfy conundictiou from my source whatever.— Whenever n’gy Rapublican citizen or jour nal of standing venture: to deny the charge. it m“ be time t 9 produce witness“! War': Harvest—Sitter!) Northern nth menu and tho Pennaylyanjn Rescues. all I“er mount-ed out at the ma. ynn' nor vice, furnish the following slur-min; mm. ha. The aggregate of their original nunii her an 37,000 men. They rammedwltla 4,375. Their, lens amnion nmounu to 32;- 625! Does _not thlt Ihow In “ml nuts of life! One Holland Each Day—Tbs Richmond cormpondenz of the London Tmu [gum out. that the losnes on both sides, lines tho war commenced. coma up ’oo ch. shady avenge or one thou-and lives in «or, twenty-four hours! Surely this ought {o nppeue even the appetite: ohbo blood. thinly Abolitionim. who used tool-nor. with the New York Trams, (or "a. button day.” ' - when charge mm in and. by tho Repubhca‘n pres! again-t General vacuum. the Democratic candidate. meet: u ano- I in“. fair. cande reply, bued on ofllciul doo umenu m-J their :lubborn facts. ’ Nut. one Republican journal dare" under take I defense of Abraham Lincoln. Out of am: own nwmghey weld In “- damned itthay did. [huh-m Lincoln his no defenden. . ‘ #Linfmln having compelled-ftho poo ple to put I lump on oy-rygh'ix‘gg‘.‘ ih‘x hue concluded to pm . sump m 1114'} Novgmberw , \ > " ‘ ’ " ' Matias. fl‘x-Ptuldcgt Puma“ max-”g to of Aux-In. _ w I ‘ 7 , =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers