c; wfifia’m‘i ‘3 13 . U. 8, 730 Loan. ‘5 T" Secretary of the Trenury git" union; ~ , “at lublcriptioul Will be rescind (on Canyo- ‘buury Rom, pcy-Me ~u§éo yuu In. ‘l‘fl. Nth, 1884, with umi-nrmuu! (attr m It the nu of urea and three-Rut!" p‘e'r‘ nut. multim—pnudps'l Ind Wm“ ham 1 p) h. Jnid :1} [life] 13090;. 5 151-9 note: M“ In com-mime at uu‘opnon ‘ 91 Myider n maturity, Em}: six per cent" .9“ booting bonds, plylgbla 101. in: than the m lorqthn treaty you! from their date, an Ih. Oovlu'nment may that. The] will bé iI-T pad ‘ln thaomiu'ionl of $5O. $lOO, $500,: 11,000 In}! 85,000, and nli subur‘iplién: Imm )0 [at “y don-"V 6: some multipie of Im, 1101 M. ‘ ‘ 7 ~ Tin not" will be tnnsmincd to ‘be owner {kfl ofimuportnliou clung" an won utter llle‘. "nip! fillleoriginnl Cerliticun of Depom‘ p I», can be pnpued. Al-Iho non-I draw fixture“ from Augult l 5; .Wl’lfl kinking deposits uubuqucul to thatT dd. Incl} pay the Interest nccrued from data pi note to due of'degom. _ . . .Pmm depositing twenty-five thousand 331-; hr! and upwnrds tor ”new units at any'ono 3‘” will be allowed I commiesiun at ioneJ gum! of one per cent, which win be paid by.the Treasury Depnrtmeut upon the :eczip‘ r of: fill {or the amount, unified to by Ihr" ulcer 1N! Yhoin the drpolit was made. No “action: for commissions mun: he mnde from? ”0‘ depolits. . i ”SCI“: ABI'HTAGES (IF. THIS [0“. , 11 ll ANAnoxAL Sumo: linen. offering I tithe! nt- of interest nun ‘pr mher, snd 1):: but clarity. Any lm'iugl bank which pay: “I dcpolltorl in U. S. Nazca, common HIM. n. in laying in the but circulating mcdium ofuie ”any. Ind it cannot pny in anything better, {or in own unset-Tn either] in'guvnrnme'nl [warme- Ol’ in mic: or bonds pa) able in goi- mmcni paper. It ll equally confienient u a temporary or pom-Bent lnves‘tment. The note: can nlwnfl I). laid for within I trucfion‘of their face and pccumnlnted 'lnlerclf, and are the but. lecuri l] '1“: bank: a; collateral: for discounts. Convertible into a Six per cm: 5-30 Gold.Bund In addition to the very liberal interest on Oh. no!" for three ferns, this plirilcge of con nulon I: now wonh about three per ccnf. per Armin, {or the current'fite for 5-20 Bond: in pot lea \hnn m'm por eeumenmm, am; [grime [hey-f the premium on six-per cent. U. S. “och was over twenty pot cent. Irwin be ”on the: th'e aézual profit on_ this loan, at the present market r9lO, in not less than ten per \uns. yer nunum. _ 111 Knuptlol from SM: or Municipal Taxation. Bu uide from I" the Idvnnlngua we have numonteg, a special Act of Gunmen exvmpu 9“ bond: and Trefi‘nry fintogi‘rnm loral tun lion; 0n me m‘emgc, Hn‘q exem‘ption is worth )bout two per cent. per annum. nccordin: to in Title 6! tnxnlion in \‘miona pan: of Ile ‘ gantry. ' i 11. in believed that. no set‘urition ull‘rr unmet! / ‘nducelnenu to in'-tiers I! thuso issued by thc government. in all other forms of indehuai- \ pen. the faith or ability ofprivatc pnrtics, or ‘ flock compttmu, or separate communities, on“ I},“ pledged fur [Jayme-M, while the whole pray")- .of tho cou'ntry in hrld~ to "cure the ‘“’Chll‘g. oi till thé obligations of the United - ‘ $1.9.- , . . ‘ _ ' While the government offer: the moist liher~ A! term- ior its loans. it helm-u that the very ptrpugut nppcnl will he to the loyalty and pm nlotilntof be people. anlicn: c rtificltel will be issued for all Aoponill. e party- depositing mun t-ndnrlc ‘npgn the m‘yivyat certificims the‘ dcuominntion :9! note. rtquired, and whether they are to be Media blonk or pn‘yable‘to order. When In nndorud it must bé left with the officer rc uiying thin deposit, to be for‘wurde'd to the Irmnryvybepnrtment. . Strontium-toss mu II RICIIVID h}- the {hunt-u ofthe united States, I! Washington, ' Shilavo'rd‘AisistAntTreashrcrsnnddesignnttd ' Dcponitaries, and by the ' "EST NATIONAL BANK OF‘ GETTYSBCBQ, .gnd by’gll National Banks which are deposit J’sflu'of public money, and - . gm. nnsl’zcunm BANKS‘A‘SD 31335115 I I lhfllghoqt the country will give further in lomnionhnd >~ \ ,ntrouo EVERY FACILXTY I‘o sv‘tt’ SCRIBERS. _ Aug. 15, 1864. 3ni 4.... Don’t Ask_for Credit! UY AND SELL dNLY FOR ' u .4 .3 II ! Hyde-I Abolulai! , , . Cash Sylla- Adnptfd.’ ‘ he undersigned, Merehnms of the Borough dfietqsburg, would respectfully inform their airtime" the iron: and ufler this date, we ' ll be compelled TO SELL EXCLUSLVELY m CASH. We have adopted this course .~ booth” “in manufacturers nnd wholesale were in the cilia have resolved to sell good: on]: for the Cub, leaving us no alternative fim‘h‘ edoption of the CASH SYSTEM. The action of this change in our mode of do ”I business we believe will be to the inure". pf- hoth buyer Ind teller, n 5 indiscriminate Misha elw-ys operated injuriously to the wnpt pzying customer-l Alexeqdcr Spangler, {Fahneatock Brothers, mona- k Buehler, (J. L. Schick, ' ' Weed] C Diehl, Geo. Arnold, V. I. Biddle a 09., , iDnfler & Ziegler, I. s. Gillespie, 7;“- my“, main, Wu. Boyer-. 5; Sod; ’ .._; '5l-: ’ . ).—Brinkerhofl‘. _ , f dads, 0...}. gunmen, Jrgéfkung, 39 ‘. Paxton, ' IA. WM“; 3, I. Boys, ‘J. L. Roltzworth, I,S. Force}, . .EGeo. Jacobs 8: Brod; A. R’mer. ‘A. D. Bliehler, Aimun & 00., , ELI. Spengler. fl. Item-m, Andrew Polley, me XeOreery, [Mery H. Martin, 10mph Berni. ' Gemurg. July :5, HM. 3m -' ~ Blacksmlthmg. ‘ under-i” would most respectfully Wm the lie um he has commenced “ ', “EKSNITHI’N'G BUSINESS, m Dunner & Ziegler’t shop, in Ea“ .\llddle “inflatyaburg. where he will at all time- FOMtoh thksmithing work to Car fllnl, Buggiu, Wagons, kc. That he know )“ y do all jdhl ol the Lmd will not be ques- W by thou tho have A knowledge of NI ,olg experience at. the business. Come on via: your workmnd you will be satisfied when ,oqhko n sway—4nd for wliich he will re ..in Gish anonnw Produce. . ADAM BOLTZWORTE. he. c, 1554. t! Meat. ' tugggqpppsgg m 1 sums, of belt w. quilt], sud cheap, It. \ 95.11. 4 630. r. KA‘LBrLElscu's. \ r~'—"“"*“““-‘ Ema? GOODS, seams, Ribbon, ‘. ‘- bums, Sbnhn Ind Bonnet Frame: '1 “from Kew York, chub at film .“mmc 31531 or RED FRONT. 'G BALEORALS jun ucaiud n x V FAENBSTOCK BROS’ ' "It; be mtg-1.95: gedicinvm bio but ”a was In 5 ms nu Rec: min I , 9'9" ‘ ‘ Pr. 3. 1105338. New Spring Goods. .\IALL PROFITS t QUICK SALES. J. LJSCHXGK wouid rapeufnliy any to an eitiluu o: On. ty-burz and vicinity, tbs: In in now “cumin. 1! hiruoren spundid STOCK UP SPRIXG GOODS. The “act consist; In part 0! ancy nnd Staple DRY GOODS, of every descriyuon. sums, MOZAMBIQUE, ‘ CHALLJES, DELAINES,_ ~ BUMBAZINES, ALPAUCAS, ‘ f LAWNS, r. CALICOES, o! c‘l qnnlmn and choices! Ityley, wh‘ch will he told u PRICES To DMPV CUIPBTHIUN. ‘ FURNISHYNG GOODS of“ 1A" kinllq'including Silk, Linen and Cotton Hundkexchiefl, mores, Stockihgl, he. Alm, n Iplendld “acumen: of RIBBONS, Luca and Ealglngs. L'mbrellng and Parasol-n - My work of WHITE 6000.3 wil! be fonnd full Ind complete. ind cnstamen may rely upon nlvnys getting good good: u the lowest poul ble priLei. ‘ Gentlemen will fiml i! to then- Idunugu to all .nnd examine my Block of CLU‘I‘HS, CASSHIERES Ind _ _\ _ VESQ‘XNGS, or nll qnnhfies and choicest Itylu. 11.5734, [864. _ J. L. SCHICK. Hardware and Groceries. HE Auburiberl hive just returned from T lhefihivs with an Immense supply of HARDWARE & unucunnzs, which _they are offi'nnz at xheu- old “and in Baltimore nth-ct, at prices to suit. the tunes. Our pluck consists in pan of . ‘ BUILDING» MATERIALS. CARPENTERS TOOLS. BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. ' COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDING-S. - mmxm MAKERS TOOLS, ' HUUSI-IKI-Zl-J'ER‘S lerumas. ALL KINDS OF IRUX. Stu. GROCERIES 0|" ALL KINDS, OILS, PANTS, lc., kc. There in no entitle included in the several departments mentioned above but what can be hull at this Store‘— Evcr} class of Mechanic: can be accommodated here with main and findingsmnd Hou=ekccpcri can find every lrtivle in their line. Give uh I call, u we are prepared to yell In low for cash ii any house out of the city. ~ ‘ JUhL IL DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLI-ZR. Guttynbnrg, In, 16, 1864. Come to York Street! , HF. undersigned has boughloul the Grocery T and Provision more ot' W. B. Muir, in \urk street, I. Icw' daurl east of St. James Lutheran Church, And Will continue the busi neus at the name plnce. He h. 5 increased the Ite’ck, and is now prepared to ofl‘rr a most ex cellent Imam-linen! of goods in him linc, lurh an CUI’EEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, SAM, l-‘lrh, Brooms, Buckets. Brushes, Wuh ing Vnchinos, Blncking, Candles, Keedlel, l'iul, Combs. #O.. with a huge 101 of scam}? Axuvromccos.‘ Aho, Con! Oil and (‘oal Oil Lumpg. ’ Call and lee for yuurneln-I. His uuortmon! is not only full, but. he sells nl cheap u the chenpnt. - . Thu highest price paid {or old Lend. , DAVID TKOXLL, JR. GeHyIE-lurg, March 17, 1864. c. “'serqu Jon.‘ nunon. w CJVILII. Hanover Tobacco Manufactory. \V’I‘ZLSH, DEULUNH .1: (70., hue estab lished n Chewing Tobacco Mnnumutnry, in xhltimore svroet. Hanover, I‘m, wheré Mer chnnu. Shopkecpcn. and all other dealer: and consumer-x, mm at all limes he mpplied with nli kmdi of clu \VFn‘K—Tifimcco, such an . NAVY, Sl'N‘Y SIDE, LIGHT l’iH-ZSShD. NATURAL. \ PEACH LEAF. CAVENDISH, um! All olhtr kinds, usunlly put up in pound lymph Also, lmll younxls of every descrlplion put up in bun-s o! nll six-'5, containing in wrighl from fiHeeu to one hundred pounds.— Ah-a, Congress Tabm'unyrunniu: from eight. to ten to Hm pound. Alsu, Floumlcr Tolncco. running eighncn to the pound. . MlO. Coarse nml Fine Spun Tubncuo, and ,All other kinds sud qmllilics ffTohaccc‘nmr in use. The un. tin-signed have all the above named bmmls on hand and anL-r the sume for sale n: prices less tlmn can he bought in any of the [intern citicu. Their Tobacco is all mnnufacurml Aout of old Llismuri nnd Kentucky leM', and warranted to be of n tuperior quality. They are thankfully loliciling a. liberal shnre 0| custom. \\'E[.Sll, DELLONE & CO. June 27, 1964. 3111 1864. 186‘.' Summer Arrangement. SUMMER COATS, of all kinds. very cheap M. PICK‘ING’S. ‘(ASSHH‘IRE COATS, all Myles and All (J colors,remm-ksbly cheap,“ PICKINU’S. ARSEILLES, Frock And Suck Cantu. no -I‘l torion-ly cheap, at PICKIXG'S‘. LINEN DUSTERS, goof! math-in) nml well made, chenp n 5 dxrl, at PICKING'S. ASSIMERE PANTS. pla‘iix and fancy, a:- C tonishingly cheap, at. , PICKING'S. INEN, Duck, and CottonJ’snts, uncom- L monly cheap, at 1 PICKIXG'S. K BOYS’ Coats, Vests and Pants, unusually ‘ chenp, I: P‘ICKING’S. ATIN, Silk and Marseilles Vests. positively S very cheap, M. PICKING'S. (mums, Skim: Suspenders, Stocks. un j precedentedly cheap, It PICKL‘IG'S. VIOLIXS, Files, .Flutel And firearm-om, shockingly cheap, at. PICKJNG’S. CLOCKS Ind Jewelry of 11l kinds: con; foundedly cheap, It PICKING'S. FLY NETS, drivingly cheap, u PIGKING’S. GREAT many other things, chonper than the cheapest, at PICKING‘S. F conga everybody whowonu to my good GOO 3 Ind cheap, will please coll at. PICKI N G ’ 3 June 27,1864. Noap Walker as do. CLOTHIERS, WASHING'IpN BUXLDIXG, 105 An 16'! Batman; Snn‘r, keep constantly on hunks Inge Ind well u- sorted stock a! all kind. of goods at moderm prices They supply orders for the filled to the‘ lowest priced “ticks, either ready made or mtdc to Iheuureyto my put of the‘conntry. They keep 3‘” In extensive ltbck of FURN- [SEING GOODS, unbncing nary nude 0! Gentkmen“: Under-run Also, MILITARY CLOTBS And every un‘ety of Miliiuy Trin- wings, u we" :3 n ulopod stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS. Baltimoretl'ifil. 22. 1864 ‘ 8: Adair’s NEW MARBLE WORKS, Corner of Balli more 3nd Elujflddlo ”nets, oppolite “(Cont Home. Gettysburg, Pn.—We are prep'ued to furnish qunmeun. Tombs, Houd uonel, Max-bl; “nudes, Slabs tor Cahjnel Makers, tntlailothu- work upperuining to on business. We will guanine. uni-fiction both as to oxecnlion ind price. Call Ind no um design: and specimens of work. Feb. 2, 1363. n - L. scmcx bu jun magmatic! Q . chap Looking Glasses M.dwmsmsoormxo swam, M chilmg tf Dr- I?! HORNE-11:8 DI“! OTC' 0R RATS. RINSE‘ RUACHLS..ANTS. BED E BL‘HN. .\MTHS {N Hilts. “:UL'LENS, t ~ INSECTS UN PLANTS. FUWLS, ANI MALS, Aux—Put up in 25c. 50c. nut! 31 00 BOKI-l, Bonle'» and Flasks. $3 and $6 uzel for Houu. P: ILIC Iss'rrrc-nosu. ‘O. “Only infnlhhle remedies known." “ Free Irom Poisons ” “ No! daugeronl m the Human Family." “ Rn" c'ome om. of thcoholu to dne." fia‘old “'Hok'snl'! in all lnrze cities. WSIM b) all Druggiul and lieuilei’l every ’ whern. 38-7! mum-mi! 1 ! pfnll worthlessiminlinm. wSee um “ Cue-” R‘s" name is on each Bax, Home and Fink. bnfore you buy. WAMIHL HENRY R. COSTAR. [6’ ‘mhcuubbsqn 4d: Hnmuvuvnx. X. ”Son by all W’lnoieag‘le and lletnll Drug ?» gistnn Gemnbuxg, Pai ‘_ Frb. 29, mm. ‘ ‘ Univerml Clotnos Wringer. l-JLF-AILH'S‘A‘LV; .\VD ADJI'>TABLE. “'H‘il (hm-WHEEL I‘IIUUL'A’I‘UR SHEADS a. HUVEHLER, > ern'snt‘uo, ‘PA. From innumerable rccbmmeu-lalions, we » 4 gather the («Hun-mg: " Letter from Mutilo-nry Ward Beecher, inIBSI. I am moat lmppv to speak in the \ery high on terms of the “ UniVH‘B-Il Clothes \\‘ringcrfl,’ The lmrdgst part of “wushing-dny" work is, in my‘dpimou, (he wringing; and the inventor of this machine may have the snlxsmction of feeling that he has changed onc'of the most zoxlsozuc pans of Womun'i Workjnm a wry «tum-live umusvm-‘nt. ’l‘he hundress looks n'pon it 559 great hlezsing” I look upon it. a: Imung the most useful urticles in the 1104195.. Brooklyn, Urtober, 1861. ”“' Price—s 7 00. '. [May 2, 1864. Good News aud_True, 'l‘ THE CHEAP CORNER. A ' IN GETTYFBL'RG —- RUW t WOODS nrr openingyuul anbthur huge . nssuxllm-nt of Nl-w Hood‘s .1! their chonp corner,, wliich they will sell m. 1L: lowest. - ’ cushmrires. We l-ny nll for ‘ Cnsbrnl the: lowcd‘p‘ricvsmnd 9'." can. (Mn-fore. sr-‘H the some . Quality uf‘guonls In low n! “my can he bought M (my ' . "other Store in the $lll9. A lnrgv puztiun LY Ihr Shoes we sol! are made to unit-r, nfthe lust mun-rid. by good and experienced\\-n?knwu (hm ‘ ‘ “Pu-nu. I:(_)\\'.g\\'uovs. ’ ‘ ATSi HAN. v ‘3 H Hm: fur .\h-n, nm for Mint-s, Hum lur “‘LH‘ huukJr-i [Juli/l Hum (ur ("inhircm .\lqnv. H us. “.\lk fur Lmlles. .\llkiudml IL 15,; and Shakers, by IN“ A \L'L ODS.‘ Inn-‘3, BUOTS. S Show Inr (‘hifdrvm F‘mn- for \Hvos, Slim 5 fur IA Mb 5, , Shoes hr llm-s. ' Show ‘nr \lu-x, , (: .‘.hr< ufali Until, Slippoxb in \nnety, Shun-a nfnll killlll. - mm a: fitmmnu 5 NOTION AXD FI'RVISIIIXG G‘HODS FUR. (‘IHLURHX. LADIES & (:l-IN’l'l.E,\ll'l.\'.' Spun] Cullnn of nH‘kiurl: nml calm-I, ‘ ' Lisle (Hun-s forflhil:irch,l.:hlwszxndGemlcmen, 1 finger-n ~u u u I Litton ilnndkrrrhiefi, '4‘ » _ “ l'nllnra u‘nd .\’mk Tit-5. new Myles. Cuffs mid ('nrsLu of host fits npd latent nylon, and mnny other Ihingi in (h:- notion line. snld M ‘he Imrout prit‘tu‘i, M the come? of York slrcel. And the Dimnpud. by ‘RUW & WOODS. , mm, .\1 0310. ‘ . ’ D 1 Violins, Acrnrdcons, ViMinanws, Striuga & TuilpiccrsJor gnu: b; EGARS h TOBACCO. S , Tycnnns, El Perm. El “in Scum, L 1 ingruu'xdnds, Nam-Icons, Common, ' {fang-9.33. Plnnutmn, Hone)- Dow, Andersnn‘sSo‘nce, Fur ante retail or by the box, hy ROW & WOODS. RUXKQ, SACKS. '_l‘rnnks, Hr," ‘ ISCELLASEOUS. BI Ladies’ fluke", Lnrlies' Sntchcll, Pm: Monnnlcs, l’en KniveS. , Rama, _ RM.” Stmpi, Window Paper, Wall Paper, Pocket Books, Purses, ' Pulm ansflarge, Palm Fans, smnll, Umbrellas, Cnrrlnge Whips, tr. We are continunlly increasing‘lhe army and assortment of our stock. Pricu are higl} but we bought muny of our guuds helore the lite rise, and will sell them as near old low prices as poaible. IV. is our nudy to scllgoodl that. will wenr well, and give “Harm-tion to our customers. To enable us to do this, we hare efl‘ecled ummgemenu by which we can get the best Boots and Shoes that. are mnnu~ factnred. I! you want to buy trash in the shoe “119,20 to a Dry Goods Store. If you want your) Shoes buy them of now a; woobs, Cor. of_ York at. Ind Diamond, Gettysburg. May 9, 1864. __ NOW IT—4 '5 - CHAMBEBSBURG STREET AHEAD lming just returned from the city with l Iplendid nunrtment of , ' HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, without any disparagemeut to my neighbors or my other portion of the town of Gettysburg. Ihnve the pleasure of announcing thnt Chum bush-Ir; Itreet in ahead and that the place Io -buy Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, cheap, in At my new :txnd, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. . BALTIMORE, The Ittention of lye- Ladies in particularly invited to the splendld Anon-men! of Gniter's, Slippers, Morqchimi Boots, la, intended for Lndies‘ wur. ' Also, Trunks, Carpet Sucks, Umbrellas, To bloco, _Gizan tnd Notions, in endless vuiely. Hero is the place to buy goods cheap, as I In de‘ermined not to be nudenold by n; other establishment. in town. Thnnkful for past ft von, I um your: entirdy, March 28,1864 a New Bakery ! EWPORT & ZIEGLER, .\leclmnicnl Bak. ers, South Wnahington street. hull square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, I‘3. Constantly on hand, the heat 0! BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, (cc. Per lougwilhiug froth Bread will be sen-ed every 'morning. by learxng their names and rcsiduccs n the Hakery. Every effort. made to please Give as u call! VlApril 20, '63. if CQme on Wlth Your Jobs! BNRY HOOVER will do all kind. of E R E P A I R} N G to Carriages, Buggies, .ngons, &C., in I neat and uubs’mntiu! man ner, And M. We lowest. living: pricas. 511: stop in i 1 Wen. street. between Chambenbnrg‘ and Middle streets. Gottylburg. Bo practises to do good work, Ind Mk: I alnro of public pt tronnga. , [Aprjl 4, 1864. l, AGO, Arrow Roar, Corn Starch, Rice-floor S ungcnmm, far Illa IL: Dr. 30388113 vwxstom ‘* 1 " W FUR SAM: BY now a WOODS ME ..mm. ..\r;& and small, arp‘ mas, R. R. mm, Gothic Smks. Common Black Sacks, at the luvat prim-s, by ' RUW Jr \\"UODS. Let Everybody JOHN L. Bomzwonrn A CURE WARRANTKD. anqna’a bu (he faltering Synflm m. A constant pain or cumin-u “the {h}- of the Item-\ch. r - 2d. Think-no. tnd Addity. 3d. Cooeivenm and Lou ol Anpemo. 4th. Gloom and Depmalnn at Spin-in. ‘ 51h. Dian-boa. with griping. 6th. Pain in :11 para o! the Syuem. 7th. Coulnmplive Symptoms and Pnlpiu tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Threat. 91h. Nervous Afl'eceion, end went 0! Sleep n night. ' lo.h. Lon of_Appetite end Vomiting. . llth. Dizziness, Dimuil 3°! Villas, Ind Lou of Sight. " _ 12th. Headache and Steggeriug in walking, with great Weakness. ' Out of the thonunde of curl of Dyspepeie that here-med Dr. Wish u-t'l Greet Americen D; spepri‘n Pull, noeone of them bu railed ol 1 perfect. cure. We werrenl. a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty yem’ “ending.— Sold by all druggiul everywhere, Ind in. Dr. Wisherl'l Ufijge, No. 10 N. Secc Id ltreel, Philadelphia, P 3. All euminel'ior lend con sultation-1 free of charge. Send lore. circular. Price $1 per box. SAM by uni], free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYS\i’EPSIA l, ELIZABITH linuou, of Brnndywine, Del., fornitrly ot’Uld Cheater, 0121.. do t‘ertify that, for one your and a hnlfl shfl'ered everything i but death from that awful disease called Dyl pepiifl. ,My whole system was prostrated with ’ wuknesa and nervuul debility; I could not digest my food; ifl me even a cracker or thei smnllen amount of food, it would return‘jyet as I swallowed it; I became IO costive in myl bowels that l would not have a passage in less 4 Hum from’ four end often eight days; under I this immense suffering, my mind leemed en-l lirely to give way. I had dreadful horror nnd‘ evil forebo-liugs. Ithon‘ght everybodyvhnled me, and I hated everybody; i could not hear i my husband nor my own children, everything ' appeared to he horror stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything :1 lost all my love ot family nnd home; I would ramble and wan-e der from place to place, but could not be cou- i tented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and , that there wné no heaven for me, and was 01- I led tempted to commit suicide, so nenr was. my whole nervous system destroyed, and also my mind, lrom that awful complaint. Dyspep‘ sin, that my friegds thought best to have me placed in Dr, Kirhbridc‘s Hospital, West Phil‘ 1 Melphin; I remained tin-re nine weeks, andK thoughtl was a. little better, but in o few dtiye l my dreadful complaint wnzi ruging nu had us ever. Hearing of the wonrlerl‘ul‘qures per- i tormr-d by Dr. Wishnrt’a (irent American Dy!- popsi-i Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, ‘ my husband culled -on Dr. Wislmrt and stated my case to him. He said he hld no doubt he ‘ would cure me. So in three dnys alter l coll ed and placed myselfundur the Doctor’s treat ment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disense this first giving way, and I continued to recover‘i'or aboutthree months, and at the present time I enjoy per lecl health uflndy and mind, nndl uwit Sill: rarely relurn‘my tlmugs to a men-ifnl God and Dr. Wislmrtflmd to his great .\uicrirnu Dys pepsin l’xlls Mid Pinc Tree. Tar Corlliul that saved me from up Insane Amlmn nnd prema ture grove. All porzons suffering with Dr!- pepsin me nt liberty to cull on me or write, n: l mu willing to do all the goo-l l cnn for suf faring humanity. Emzutxru' lhux'sox. ltrnndywtnc, llel.. formerly of Uld- Cheater, Delaware cuunly, Pit. « Dr. Wishnrt’n Ullice, No. l 0 North Second ntrt'et, l'tulmlelphia. DYSFEPSIAL DYSFEPSIA! Dr. Wishnrt:—l'hnrc been a rnn<tunt Inf fercr with Dyspepsia for )he inst eighteen ye’nrs, during \rhirh time l csnnot my tint i ever enjoy-d n perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more mggrnva ted thnn m. nthen. nml then it set-med it would be u grout relirl‘ to die. lhnLl at All tintee nu unpleasant leelin: in my he ul, but 'atu-rly my sulfuring- :1) much inert-med tlmt [became al ntml unfit for business or nny.kind ; my mind ‘wns contmunlly filled with gloomy thouzhts and torehodingi, nud it] uttemplcd to change 'their currc-nt by reading. at once It sensation of icy ‘coldneta in eonnec'ion nith n dend weight. as it were, rectal upon mv brain; nl-o. n feeling of sirknrss would occur at the Mom nrh, and greatpnin to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fenr of losing my redeon. 1 also experienced great lr'ssi tu-lt, dehility and nervonstwrx, which made It difficult to wnlk bx dny -or llfi‘p at night. I become averse to society, and disposed only tc seclusion, nnd having tried the skilltof n num her of eminent phi sicinn: of within! schools finnlly cmne to the conclusion that, lor this disensefit my present. nge (45 years) there mu no cure in existence. 'But. through the inter: fluent-c of Dirtne Providence. to whom i ll!- voutly oil'er my thanks, l M. Int found it save reign remedy in your llyspep-in Pills and TM Curdinl, which Seem to have elTertunlly remnr. ed almost. the lust truce of my lung list of all menu._~nnd had feelings, and in their plnct henlth. pleanure and conten me it are my every day com‘finnionn. hunt-s .n. Sarsnxns, No. 453 North Second St" Philadelphin, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J I A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPE?3H HIAB WHAT XE. Jon! I. lABCOCK 2|?3, \ No. 1028 Olive StrM tJ‘ Philadelphia, Jan. 22d, 1563.} Dr. Wisant—Sir:—-lt is with much play sure that I am notable tn inform you that, by the use of your g‘rent American Dyspepsin Pills, l have been entirely cured of that most distressing cofiplaint, Dyspepsia. I had been grievously afflicted for the lust twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time hnve not been free from ite pnin one week at n time. I have bud it in its worst form and hue drugged» on a. most miserable existence—in pain dny end night. Every kind of food that latefill ed me with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A continued belching wu sure to.t'ollow. I had no unpe tite for any kind: of meats whateyer, and my distress was so great for several months hetero I heard of your Pills. thetl frequently wished {or deetb. I had taken everything that I had heard oi for Dyspepein. without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recommended to me by one who had been curt-d by them, l concluded to gire thema trial, alihaugh I had no laitb in them. To my astonishment, i lound myself getting better bsl‘ore l lmd taken one-fourth of: box. end, after taking half I box, I an- a mu nan, audeanm anyllung [win/I, and enjoy e. hearty meal three times A My. wuhont inconvenience from nnything I eat or drink. "you tliinkpr‘oper.you are It liberty to make this public nml refer to me. I will cheert'ully give ell desirable informntion teeny one who ins-y call on me. You“, Eesu’upecll, Joni! H. Bnoocx For we u Dr. Wishan’o Media! Pepot, No 10 North Second urea. l'hilnd-lphiu, Pun-A- Pricn Una Dollar pe‘r box. Sent by muil free of charge, on recoup: of prim. hi The .5070 no a few unong the Nuns-nth which this great. remedy hag saved from an untimely (an. ,We ban “Onalndi of letfen from phyl ciuu :nd draggin- who have prescribed Ind! lold than Ilcdhsinul 'lnying that thay [lane never used or cold I medicine which gave no}! univeml‘ Intitfaction. , Prepgnd only by the hammer. I ' 4 DR. L. Q. G. WISHART. ( No. 10 Numb Second Street, Bold by Dnnfih nd‘ begun acme). , 15- ‘in-ml“- ‘1: ‘ Ayer‘s ' SARSAPARILW’ n: mun {nut nun! vol - Scream. md Scrofulous Discuss Fm. Emery Eda. a "vitamin: merchant 1m: _lul‘d, .munw. “I Mr. wk! lmzu qllnuiitica nr ynur Sm: \1- \- lILu. but never vet nnc bond. which Nlm or the united em and full mizrxxmu xoxhow who mu: 1:. Au fut as our {work try n.lhcy wen Hum- hm Who medicine ‘.h‘ 11 bm'orc In our mmunlty." Eruptions.l’imples. matches, Pusmlea. UL magna- and n 1! stesscs of the Skin. HUT rr. mt .Q‘rntlnn, #743107, England. M I on rno my mm to yuu and 11w fiubuc. when 1 Add In" testimony m Hut. _\ uu punks of the 1134 dldmll virtuu ufwur ~ ~15 w \lex [.\. M daugh kr,l."ed ten, in'! m z-mmin-r humor In {or Pars. eyes. Ind hmr fur yu-arg \- hnjh we were umblc a: cure unul we tncd your .\\l‘.:L\l'.\KlLL.\. bl“: hu been well for some umufiu.” ' Prom Arm. Jane E. I?an INYI-hxmrn mu! unch esteem) lady of ”mud-rill». Cape May ob.. .\ . J. “ )q dungmcr hu mien-«I for n ym ms: vmh n «:qu on: em nth-'l. which “nu.- wry truuhluuomo. Nothing; nmmiwi an \' rdivf nm‘x’l we hit»! yuur SAIuAI‘AI'JLL \, \\ ugh lOUII comph-u 1y cured her." Fran Charla P. (mgr. Fir] , oft/m chly4mvm Gage, Jlln‘ruy 4- 1'»... m mtg/fixture" a/cmmelkd pa un Nashua. .\'. 11. - “I had for nun-ml year! .1 very mmuemm. humor in my furl‘. which grow munamly worm untll It disfigured my fl am?“ and bean“: un lumi— u'lble uflhcuuu. lum than“ every thing :1 man could of both a'h In: and mmlixhw, but Without any who! I‘lutcvcr, um)! I look your 8 \MSJI'AItIBLA. I! Immwllnu-ly made my face worm“ '01: mm me It mn-vht for‘nmc; hut in A row whal- the m-w lkiu ngnn to form nndrr the blofrhn. n‘ud cou uuued until my rm: “ u umqmluu my body'l. And I nu wnhuut my a) mpwnu of Lhe «Ilsensu put I know of. I unjuy p-rn-a lwnlth, and without I doubt owe It. to your EAR.)APAILILL.\." Mums—General Inability—Purify the From Dr. ROM. Smn‘n. Hominy; St. Nan Turk. .. UL Arm. 1 “Mom uul to mum-c En lion: Ind Scrofidrms Sure: by (he porn-vermguseofyour SAMAI‘MHI.LA, Ind I have just now cured an “wk or Mrllynmu L‘mdpehx with 11:. No aim-min we pollen eqnxll e SAIL: \PMHLL\ ou hue mp. plied to the profeuion as well u to 13x0 peoplv." From J. E. Johnston. anu H‘ulmmn. Ohio, “ For twelve you“. I lmd the {olan Eel-gum'lu on my right arm. during winch tmel at all the mutant; phyumnm I could marl]. md took hun dreds of doILu-u worth of medicines. Thmulazrl were no bad that the cord- bpcnmc vlslblc. :md tlm docwrl docuvd Hunt my arm mun be Am “tiled. I begm tilting your Suvu mlm.x.\. Tod? two hot tleu. Ind some of your PILLS. Together they have cured me. lammm an we“ and sound as my body. Being In u puhlic plum, my ('le I}: known to are; :08! In thin commuull)’. Ind exam: the wonder o 1m ”0‘”. Henry Mauro, M: P. h, qr fi'mmtlc. C. W.. a leadiua number of the Canadian I’m-lia- WM. 18! have used vour S\m \PARIHA In In funny. for gent-n] liability , mu! for purifying (KI Mom]. with vorgmbeucflclu], remit». And {ml confidence In common g 1! w the mummy. 8:. Anthony'- Fire. Bose, Salt Rhoum, Scam Head, Bore Eyes. - M Hui-(Mid'kr, £17., the «Mr amm- (3/00 _ flanklm mot-b Demon-“l. l'mmylmnia. “ Our only child, nbout three yum-l of Ag». \vu uurked by pimples an hi. {Urdu-ad. The? rapidly Ipread until they I'ande n lomhsomr mu vlmicnt mm, which cum-rod hil fiifl', and Initially blinded bu eye- i’ur some l,l¥l- A lkillui phyuivlun Applied hitnte of silver um other rum-(her. without uny uppnn-nt cfl’vqt. i-‘or iinccn dayl Wt' guru-dud in! hllldl, lost with Ihrm he should tem- T“ the fu ming and corrupt wuund which eon-n hm \vhoir (In. liming (nod every tinny; else we had In] imam n-om. We began plum; your maul-.\RIILA, In: applying 1h:- iodldu or palm-h lotion. I- you direct. Tho now human to ill-Ii \vht-u we hall “ivqn the lint bullir. umi \\ an \vt‘li whon “n had 1:13pm.! the second. ’Hlu rhihl'n ryvlnhhqluvhich ind mmn om. grvw Ignin. and hv l~ mm In: hullhy and fur 111 nut other. Tin: “hole uughborlluod [medium “I” ll: Child‘lllull- div." Syphilis and Met-raid Diaene. ' From Dr. llimm film-I, qflv'l. 1.0 m"). .‘L'Eulmri “ l‘flnd your SAIISAPAIHLI.‘ a more «Irwm‘l remedy for the secondnrfinsymploms of Syphilia and fut lyphllluc dlucucl nmy other we your“. The pmwnsiuu nro undublcd to you tor some or the but medlchu-u wc have." . «Econ J. J. Frrm-h, .‘I. n.. cm minrnt phyn‘a‘an 13f Lats-"urn Jlaus.,u ho is u prummuu member of I'M lxyulumrr rgr Mum“ hum‘lL " Du. .\‘r nu. My dmr Sir: 1 kn? found our Bum \mluu.‘ nu I’M‘vfllt m m-nmly Rn ngtzih'g both or (Inn prim my and urmndury lyxlv, an. effec tual in some (.Ih‘cu 1113: were we uhsmuh- l 0 yklll w oflwr rmm-Ilu-p, I (la nut know what \\l‘ can cm ploy with umn- wrt-niulf ul' success, when: a power ful altrrzllhe In}: quln'l ." Ma (Mu. .fi‘.’ 'lm [IE-1:, nf New annrirk, If. J.. Ind dreadful ulrurs nu hit 193:, causal by Um gun-e ql’um-rcury. ur mcrmu‘ml diam», whk h gn-w more Ind more aggrzuau-d fur Quart. n] lfrflp or every manly nr Inn-armvm that could ho app led. mm! the running use or Anal-Rs Salt“ \I‘AIHLLA‘ reflex-u: |hn. Few mum mu be fuund mun: luvo-u-nne and dinrruh-g n..-m this. and It. wok several dozen bottle. to cure lum Lemon-ham, Whites. Female Weakness. In l-rnll pmclumd by in‘rmnl Su‘rqhduus Ul nnfigl, align": wry nflvn cun~l by flu.- nun-ruin on'cgt or thin fiAnHr u:u.l..\. >011“: Cluu's rcquirp, howevrr. In AM or Ilm mum \l'AleL.\, tho nxih'nl Indication of local rDmL-dlci. M- the n'cll-l-wnrn mill vn‘drlgwcle’lrrucd Dr. Jm-nh Ilorrl'll, I" ( ‘inri'umli. “ F lure found your Sun \l’.\ IuLLA an excellent Altrmlvc In din-aw: of fi-malon. .\luly Mr." 0! lm' ulnrify. lpumrrlmm. llm‘rnal 1 lrvrnmm, and llnfdohllnr, Hiring (nu-n“:- uummloun :‘liatlu-‘ln, luveylvltlml m lt.nml thr‘rl‘ are {vw Hut do not. when It. elk-ell: properly sued by local ln‘ntmcnt." A lady, unwilling to allnu- the publication of Mr ‘ nmur, writ/'3 . “ Xv dang!!!" md mysclr have been curod of . wry dominating Imumrrhmn of Ion" standing, by two bottle: 91 your s.u-.su-.\nu.1..\)1 Bhoumnigm, Gout,Liver .Cognplsing. Dn- win-n «nml by firm/um In Hm within, an: rapidly outed by this Lx'r. Swan-“mu. "AYE R ' S \ CATIIAR'I IC - PILLS Tposacsa so many a-lvnntugm over the other pnrgnfivca in the market. and thcir mporiot virtues are so ttnirorsnllyknown,thm \n- need not do more than tn aunrt- the pnhlit‘ their quality is muhtminul (‘qunl to the be“ it over has been. nml that they may b 0 depended on to do all that they 'hm c cvor dnne. . Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., ‘7 Cg, I.ongl, 31:135.. and sold by ‘ . ' xvii-H.l- :41" In .\. U. Uuoficr, Geltvsburg, and duh-rs unmrnl‘y. ' . Aug. 8, HUM. oon‘ly _ Good Things from the Guy! ‘ E are recvhing ‘twicv a \vrek from the city» vurivtx m urticles snih‘d to the want: of this cummunitv. \iz: Vuwh und Salt FISH, Ham. Numhlors and SHIN. Mummy, Denna, Salt, .\ppl- (. l’utnlm =,Orungre. Lmnons. Coufcéliuns, Tolmcrm, new“, \\‘uh many ollwr unifies in this “HP—ll” reflux-d in the bt'sl qrtler, nml sold autu- Inu’xut pr fits. (in'! up A call, in B‘lziumrc :m-vz, murly opf'woszle Fnhnrstoekva' stare. > ‘ ' I A WANTED—Hunter, Eggs. Yard, an! :1!) other country produce-for whhh the highest cash price will he pm. ' SWEET POTATOES—hes; anlity, nt lon-- est living prufits—nlw lysv‘on hand. Alan, OYSTEHS, hug and trrsh—‘iy the shell' 'Ol shocked. Roglnnrufi‘! and flun‘lioe FIII'I"il d. STRXCKIKUI'SFR k \VISUTZKEY. Gettyubnrg, .\lny rs. 1353. HEnnlk-nizn'bd. beingthe nuthnrizod forum T to make removals into Ever GIN-n Utmo tery,hopeslhm such as cmflemplnm thr removal ofthe remains of deceased relatives «.r men-is will nvnil lhem-elven of thisacnsnn ufunoymr m luv: it done. kemovnl: made with prulnptneu —kema law, and no efl'urt spared to please. - PE ”ll: THUHN. ‘ March [2;’60., Kee’perol’ the (IL-moiety. .\HNESTO (‘K ‘BROTIIERS F Are commmly Tqreh‘inz (twice. and dc. nimble goods, from Ni-v York, l’llilndeiphin nnd Bullimorr, and are prepared tn olfer (”MAT INQUCEMENTS to these lbuul purchming. Having nth-bled with great care, from the three lendingmnrkeu, the public mll look (6 thuir own interests by unwitting our sun-k before hnyinz Mar-where. Gail It , FAHNESTOCKS' my 9, um. Rn! Front. Sheads Schgehler, mucus Ix ‘ ’ D ~ ‘ can. ASD 1.171333, 3TOVb' S , - I'm-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, kc. SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, ETC. Corner 0! Carli-lo and Rafirnfi‘j Streets, Opp lite Railroad Depot, GETTYSBURU, PA; In} 9, [864. ~ - $lO a Day!’ 7 r GENTS W;\NTED.—Twsr" the “ 2‘5 CENT 4“ LEGAL TENDER SPATIONERY PAGE- A ."‘ Ench Package contain: 35 Song” pigs: of .\{n-ic, 18 shat-u of Pth-r, 19 Eur . lopeg, [\RIIIIT' ! PM. I I'en 'Holder, 1 Ln Pu’wu, 1 Design hr’l'mlrn'crvos, l for Child Apron. 11Qr Embroidered Collar, l for (‘hth tcning “ohm-2.1m marking Long-rs, [3 Secrets our before published, wnrth many Dollars; and other infornmlion. AIAo, one bcnuufu‘ ankle of Jung". lights?! iwucemgnts :6 In. Band tam r rcn r. ‘ ‘”‘? ~ p: an 3mm. hon. . ‘ 41 South Third Sm, Philfiddylla, PI, 1‘ In. 13,1064. ir- - - - -- '3 PbUMlclpbis, Ps. mood. pepsi}. Heart. Duane. Neumlzib. Removals. New Goois. All!) 8. ,An Interesting History F {O DR. SI‘HENf‘K'S OW5v CASH, “mu anxlxu rump! LOXMMPTION. In] [mm In: Puhnnmc .\‘nvp. .\‘wu m 1 Tunic, and Mandrake PAIL: ar! an [jug Syd/rm m . 01’1"!) [ltal Pinyin, (”9d Ila: GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDXNG IT I !! Thu «haw is n 00'1"": h‘u-vn‘d IfDr.S¢-vhonck tnkz-n m.n¢)wr~ no), .I?er he h M rccm’errd hum Con-u'mplmm by n. (‘Ouril‘ of His h .\'l nmvx‘p P 1 Luuxu' .\xnn‘f’ '1 he hhmwss, nlxhnngh unions no! ropn-suu him nmLhing len I.» hm! .\s 'ho \\ u n! lhn- “Ufrl. yet. it is in strum; (-nnlrul With the hale nml Vignrbus luuk~ oi the Purlhit helm", which i~‘ the true “Rom-aw of him at \he preach! gxme. The win trust hereL‘l] thew lwo phi-(ruin i 4 m L'rL'lt [hut zmmv “on!!! DUI'DI‘HL‘YP them [0 hr the snme [WraUI'L Yl-t there ure numln-(h of [wr snne‘ in and around l’hllndrlphi», \\ ho WI” rcroguuv hnlh pnrumts tu Lu- Um- lv‘pH'xienln xinns. When th- first u‘n: who“ he urig’md AluT Ln)uml:;utllll'llfuscnllluie hxs \\‘(iglll is 220 pounds. ‘ Nry Y )9 'I'H 'lllli l'l'flH '. TE irrv ynlr< ugn l u I~ h lh!‘ lu=t song“ of Pulmonary (lumumpuun, and Lawn up l.) din. '- rt'si lwl II.) l‘hl! lelphiJ. .\n I. [ll-:luwg-h l'..r. Hash, tlwn uf lh': city, mun-rod mu '0 .\lnn‘a mun. S. 3,, u «liumnm- n! n‘nc milw,which mm; 1??? mm tln_\ : tn‘gvt llxl‘l‘l‘. On my nrrivnl I WIS [wt ['l hml. nml tlu-ro lni‘l tar nnmv wov‘u. 'l hi< “as my nntivt- plum. “here nl‘l my fumil‘. lin-"l nml an. dlwl M (.‘xmmmpiinn. Dr. Thornton, \\hn :ltlvntlvd my (.nunr m H: l.|~t illncu‘ um: rfxllml. .mgl L’wn- mu nm- weak mfix up In" uli‘xlrs. lle liJli sun all my fum- Ily :u HIM \\‘nv, nnrl though! I mu In urn, hm. Thu} I henrnl m' the ‘rv-n" licil nuwx'llor (a the public. \\‘h‘n‘h omovl mt‘ It wwnwl to me ih-xl ‘I could feel lhem pcnmxnling my “hole syslcm. ' _ ‘ . ’ ‘7 They snrm rimmed {he mnlt‘nr on thy ln‘nga, ttntl lwonLl spt‘. ufl'mnrr than 1! pint of ull‘t-n -site _tt-llntt' m tttt-r eu'ry morning. An soon n 5 that'hygan tn <nh=ir’:-, my t‘nucit, l‘l-vnc-ql tin, night swarm—till ling‘ttt tn loan-gnu, «‘ntl my appetite ln-u ltllt‘ <0 gtt- It that it “'2: with dit licnlty l L'onll hoop Imm (2mm; tm; much. I soon 1; tinm! 'uy strt‘nzthan-tl h We LN u “jaw in: inflcsh (HI-r since. Fur 11l .n_\ ‘wtri'l have‘ enjoyed nulntvrrnptt-Il mm“ ht-nltlt, kontning' tlu- ltwr and «mum h h withv \\‘lth the .\'vn “'f‘t'll TJlttC nml Mnmirtkr l'ills, as l tun of gt 1‘ ‘ _ .. ‘ . » hilions n-m rrnntcut. _.\l_v weight is two hun- i . . \lrml nml tlivnnty; ponntla. tun "l" rgvot‘ery‘lg l—~’ ~ ‘ 'PlNS‘SOlllllon‘ , . pimple would Smut (or mv, hr J” l n- :‘r, to see EOF P.\‘l.T.\l;:...~.lll’.—;ll‘ltc §2épnrtnnrzjhp if their cases wt‘t't‘ lth" nnue. For t. iunt - bar In: ’ ntw-cu u: an r n la", in. [rose I p'tV prrttt-ssionnl \':s.t- in tlu- lorry: oi. Esl'w‘“ ‘”““l‘l'l .Hli‘ ‘l‘." 1)! lilllltml cnu-vnt —— tivs. 'l‘nll (on=utnptivcs ni<h to sue the one 51"" “'“”'“ ”’"“'“ ‘””'” ”““‘” '""‘ ”“4““! that FHA-lit“: tln-st- nn‘diri:tu<’,‘:nml who was if” tho ’“"'“l “Vim” “'““’”! "l “- “"' curml of consumption by them. To make tlt‘w ghoul“ “i” he I'll “l ”t? 5‘0"; Mid “'0 'lrmutl huge. 15 impos‘ilylc: hut czttitirs in thv lung‘sly toq-xrst those “.\lt'ltlfd to us to cull null nnol rhrl-uiv ulcerxttnns ot‘ the iron hinlwho,§:““k';t'lt“l"°‘ltl:lle'tl[fining I‘l‘wic'T: desirutu (um l-c limit-11. Such cows are rlj'tng'finuurl } "3‘ eour “‘“”’ ‘ l '0" ‘9 .: l‘llttlt‘l‘ the ordinary trt‘ntnmnt of pttysit‘innij ~AI RYAXYWZR LUBEAN, _ nu-l just ent‘lt nro cured by the “mgr-r use «J; Lin. 30,124,._ JTJUBVKI L.— Stliv uclfls l’nlnmnic Syrup, Senwcrd ’l'unic,; .' , «A 01rd \ . n 11l 5 snvlmkc l’xlls., 4 " ,gl 5 ‘ ' ' _ Il mil now u hmltht- man. \iith n lnrgt‘. rzivity‘ rFHE .4.th'.-érilu-r hziting tilflm‘i'd, of his in. in tin-rm'uld‘u> lob» of the m: t lung. the luwurv - ‘f ”‘““‘ 1“ ““‘ 530”,“ (when: k ( uhvlo lnhc \t‘r)’ much helmuzml :tmt cmnttlvte ml- J‘Oll'l 5- (Il’tmlfurtl. Esq ,' rt‘rpcvtlu'lly asks the ltczio-n nt thr- t-lrnrn. Tim 1' ft. lll.ll'{’l§ mum}, ‘0llll“l‘“""§ ” .h" '“"" 1‘ "“'l ‘""”P"" ‘0 unvi tho 11;»;nr-lubc of lht‘ right .nnz ts inn. Pliftm'lll't‘blS‘BHCLCSSUF—thfl- Bnrgn‘tns .ny tulcrnhly lnnlttn (’(‘tlditi-in. Tlh- gnu: ”’l' be ;3H,i. ‘ JUll.\ LLLI’. Sun why ‘thyu-mns «lo nut turtcotxsu'wt'i‘oni I‘6" 8! ]§:)l'>/_:”___._-______..__ is turn IN to tlu too~n.nrh f thcv gin: mull-fl cinvt to ship the 60:11:11. to slut: t‘lllil.‘ to <tr.p‘. ~ : ‘ ADOt'h'er‘ Chang? niul-l “vaults, lleclic'flil‘tf, and, by 50‘: (ting, IN Tllh ”AT-AND .‘HQE IIUSINESS.—f\. thcy dt-rxmie the \vltnle diguntn‘r‘pnuu lock- i‘nhenn haunt: ‘nuovmted wtth hint tn ‘"“' '”‘- i‘°§°i'°t'-‘°"s “Cl" “i““i‘xl’ ”“' ”“1 s”“'l'72r3§£"‘3fioiA“Fsii£d‘r‘;h.3Kill??? tit-til. =tu “ n! ttcs. . lt‘r till 01l curt. m_ In ' . , , .r- - exntnintltton ot the patient \\ith the lhwpirmn; ltotlttt‘es to 'it? mum-mg!" Gnttynburg not] tho etcr, nml hnd lungat-nongh lt-‘tt to cure, l di‘ ltultlh'fl9‘ll't‘l't'y ”It‘ll , bu-"IPS‘! I'IIMECOII- I'l‘t'l the pztéent’how to -t.~ethc ltlfl‘cfl'nlEtllc“. hum-ll M the. Ultl .‘tmnd' on plmmhrnhnrg llt'ttlut-‘t; the '(‘lllse and they mil Sllhslup of stn-et, by .\. ( ()llh.\.\ k (10., who will con ttmr (mutant-mu. 310 one can LL' mired ot smotlyhevp on hand Alnrge sto‘ck of Goods, t‘ontnmptil-n. liVPl' complaint, d 3 spepsiat, in- Win tilt-_ltno of .‘ ' . tnrrh. cnnher, nlrcmtud throat, unlo~s the SHUI'IS,» ”ATE. 'r‘“PS-3 TRUNKS, ln'er null nomnt-h nre tnztdo healthy. In New, Chltl’iz'l BAGS, it'-“m“fiJL-‘RY *C-u Englan-l this canker; rhrnnic cutnrrh. nh-crnt- MN] “19." ‘"“ “150 continue the Manufacture 0! ml throat, elongation or main, is fitting pret'n- ’ Shot-s. . . ‘ ill-int than in nny other st-ction 0t thalcunntry: 1 Fritz“ 3‘";rjngtf‘fgflflcgrg :hh:2h:l:r:: Al 5 is frequently must-d by n foul stfimuch... ll'lnt Mk, I to, . er om . y You mny bum item, with L'uthttgjime and please the pquC, and Will as" cheap {or cash. tut-in, and all they will get u '.cmpornry‘reliehg A- (.UVBEJgL ‘ ('orrect the stomach and liver, nml they wul‘ D h _ d ‘rihshcrfr‘til‘nidogrt: 0‘ heal up tht'mq‘lt'L-s. . - oing nsmcss on c e n is Good nutrition is theleJrnmly. If you luw? A; CUM-“n 5‘ (30- [Fch. 3: 196‘- nny disc-«r in tin ' an. n the holy, it wit f ""' ’ , W ”7*“ "“‘—"‘— rt-uuin there and ’drjthty motto, nnd more nnttl‘ Estabh-Shed 1850' . A you chit grt’ thb' stomach in the condition tol, NOTICE OEA‘iVEa‘I-(‘h‘éilhb DIFTZ & CO di vest food nml [l|th new Hand to take the .. . . " pliice of disénsed matter. .This is the onlyi respectfully beg leave to notify their friends| wny‘to‘henl tnvities in the lungs and ulcerated: cnsto:ners_and thinpnbhc geEErn‘l‘ly, that titty hrom-hml tnhcs. QorreJt the stomach nod,hn.re removod fro .‘iguml run hn s_ree, 1; liver, and nature will d the healing. .Mnnyl the contmorlw'ts lpur-Btnry “.nrehongl,‘ persons hut-0.3:) idea th t certain modmugs‘ NO. 308 BALTIMORE 55111-46}, w'l‘ ; are greut purifiers of the loud._ Vi hen bluotl is! between Howard and Llhcrty, ‘.' era. l :13 . onm- dist-used it cannot e purified; it is aid-i for the future conduct the \\ holes.t c all, ‘ eased the some as th diseased matter in the L ness, solely in , , . lystnmibut ge't th sppntstos in order, tho Hosiery. Trimmings, lise‘r nnd stomach, and pro it plouty of nour- Furnishing Goods, . ‘ ishing toml it will rimke new blood, which will I‘crt’umcry,.Noltons‘, tutu: the [lnca at that whish i_s diseased. _ Stnltotwt‘y, buttery, Scheu. k‘e Pultnonit: 33 mp is one of the best . 't.h tt t‘wa' tic.y tea preparations ot min In instant is a powerfuli to wtuc they mntet eln en tan 0 cty In tonic of itself, and when tho Seaweed Tonic ‘ country porch-urn, (£9lm: togfident'of their dissolves the mucus in the sto'much, and it isinbihty to ofl‘er inducements is} prices and. crtrried oil? by the aid of the Mandrake Pillsfi qualifft‘ Goods“. ' . . the Putmonic Syrup is made into blood. This’ 0r es by mail will receive pmmpt'htte: - the only way to cute consumption. If I tion. Address 4 . c-tnnot get a good appetite, and food does not LAWRENQE D. DIETZ & 90., digest, I. cannot cure the patient. Never mind 308 Baltimore street, Baltimore. the cough ; remove the muse and it will stop Hard! 14, 1864. A A of itself. This is the most trouble l have with “ ‘ ’ my pmtients at my rooms. They say, “Doc tor, l he! stronger; [can eat; my nixbtswml! are better, nml [feel better every way; but my cough is so bad yetg" xnd they lIQ sstoth ished to hear me say that does not mutt"; remove the cause and the cough will stop 01 itself. Schenck’s Seaweed crates A good ap petite in about hind—“ll3’s, when there is no lung disuse, unless the liver is so congestr’fi that the Mandrake Pills cannot unlock the duc‘ts of the gall bladder in that short. gnace 0! time, in order to allow the stnlo bite to pus 0'» Keep the liver Ind stumurh healthy and where is Len danger of consumption or nnyl Olhrr disease. it is hurd to the cold when those rrgtins are ltulthy. Those that are bill-‘ nus, low spit-ital, tlrnnrvat-ling stnpnl, canted, ton-gun, poor npneti'n, ncnonr, stomach full! o'. “i"‘lq ptpr)lhlnfl tint it «nun. lies‘h'nat'y.” in" at mmnnry. try one bottle at built-AClytfl SEAWEEI TUMCnndnne box OISUHEXCh'hI MANllltAéli PILLS. It is only a cost of ode! dollar Ind t'vnnty-fivo cents, with lull dircc-l liens. This is sulllciont. in nanny ctsfs‘, to ntlttly “but thus magicians are. Frequently o‘no bottle malt" l| grout change to the sys tem‘ Any person t‘lmt enjoys ordtpnry health, by using the Scorned Tunic and Mnnkrnkc’ Pills occutonsllyflnnst get the digestise mfgan“ in ouch 5 healthy condition UK} they Mm ...oiL_.: fleshy. l mu produce l' number of my old ennnump lin patients now enjoying noonl‘h'rnlth, fipighinL nemlr 200 pounds» I will conclude ht- rclau’ g thrre cum l have mude in New York. nml which are all dilferont, Ind Irish in, one who feel! luv lntoreat in tho Justin to' visit them. Fnrut is .llra. Farlnn‘, [Bldlnfl then at .\'n 107 Houston sin-Pt. Her husband enllml. upon ml- at my rooms, 32 Bond street, and Wlillea me to cull nml see her. Fro mid l Could do no good; that he had hnd all the [st-at Effie“ attendance, null all sold she won . We 1’: zone with Consumption to be currd' but (the hunt hoard ot some grout cures! but! mnd:,nud 1w duslrcxl to truth} her wishea.—— lulled, ond found her lying confined to her bed in the lust stage of brunchlfll consump‘ ‘tion. and without doubt must. have died soon. I exmuinéd her lnnzs, found both bronchial tubes ve'ry much alTucted, but no cavities hm! hmned, her cough was very levere, tho spit: hnx_n‘as half full of thick pus. Pulse 150. 'll‘gi swollen very much: and wbrso thnn all, .' she hall chronic. diurrhwn. Her bOWVIS had [been moved eleven times that dxty. l told he; that she hnd lung: enough to be sored, but ‘thut lhii dinrrhum. had been of long mindingb inntl hor stonmvh’ him! in'suuh nquluernted con: ttlttmn tlmtl wns‘hfrnid nothing could be dono -1 She insisted I should try and do wlmt I could ‘ for her., observing that she douhL not hut long inrthe condition shomns in. nndl could not LmAkc her nny.worsc. I gave her first A dose Lot: my .\lnndmke Pills, and the Tonic and lSyrnp freely. That mu on Tuesday, Ind by i the no-xt Sunday the diarrhmt mu curriéd off. her apprtite had returned nnd she could oltu ,in bed nnd mt he:- d‘lnnari She in now wuli’. sud gave me a long certificate, certified to by the Rev. Dr. Bowling. . 1 Mrs Bartholome‘wflfi Watt flirty-filth street, ‘ c line to my room: with n tumor on her liver, She was lmv-aplritell, rkltrqnltow, tongue cont ; ml, hum-ls rmtlva, nohpperlte, hnd fut link- Jjng into the grave. The unit! tumm- hud been [running or‘t-r font-teen \yttan I gave her Strum, Tonit-Anml Pulls. and told her to lnho them just M the tum-mm; \\‘cl‘e printed. Rho» came ‘muk to my rnnm\a, 3‘! llnn-l street. in hm \rcok', snmt‘whnt‘hellel'; he-r touguehml ne guu to clean it livtle'nround the "d 3?! ht-r skin whiter and her efes Brighter, and the tumor‘dischurgiuq nu- attentive mutter, much faster than it hn‘d erc-r done bri‘ure. She kept" gradually improving, and in about No month: :ho came to my rnomn wry much‘ frightened, ‘myiug th u'tthe tumor hnri n‘tturly stoppml run ning, and WM hcxllmz np,xtnvl that every dor- Itor hm] to’nl her that ifit cv’er llcnlt‘ll it "will ; lama: ht-r dnuth. l told~ her tlmt the diren'u‘o lml nil left her system, and nature woultl heal ithe ulcer up. Ty nro nun— hen!ed,‘ontl have {been t'nr nhout tear, and she is M henrty ’nuvl roPuit rt \rom-m at you will find in .1 duy'l n-zrlk. She' is gl.t‘tl'mr nny one to cull an in r, i nml '.nkna grentipuns to vit‘tit any one thut she lhuruq h'n nnytnin; llkf hur cue. Anal trio: to ‘gt-t “IN“ to Come nml sue me. The next. rnsc in .\liu Scuffl‘ld, from Stum {ur-l, (‘unm .\lrs. “drlhulmflew; gm. hrr ultmu m see me. Ind she hug bven urer cipce at he! bnnw. Winn ~h(- liril mum to “Wigwam-amu “'.u my lm-Iu u mu || unh n dinm‘ifii’npcuugh, ”mung: Ivrgr quantum 5 nl' hlnml. lvmluinud l.I:r lung: with ”w rI-qnfinucler, and m nll my lvruclice nun r lmnml our will onc'lung to [M gmm nml the oxhcr lung m suuml. lcunld um gin: much enummmoxncm. I tlxougln who wuuld f:l{’;-hlll u; my urlonislmwul thu l’u‘- Innnic li\rup. St-m'rcd Tonic. nml \lmnlmku l’ills nll Marlyn-d to go rial”. to w‘ork. the lung I. all lrralo-l over, lunu‘ing‘n mun} as lnrgu M n gunsc rug; gnud nmu‘fltv, flur- lpiriand ltsu gained aunw llxirly-‘live pounds in, “rt-lulu. Ble- hns some dough yet, which I do nm \lnn‘i \villvlunu- hm: lml‘nre June‘. '-I thulll \hink I! lell-l be ol‘grc‘n mlcrc‘tlo smut llnlerJll'ln ud lull)>lt‘l m in \"iiit llnw- unit-4, mrlirulnrlv “HI 5! Nit-MRS! any (If lin-m “'hn lmré'bcen curvd 1:} un lnE'li4‘il|f‘R. ley‘nrc mum-yous iuNcw Yurk; lmt‘tln‘ Allow thfitl.‘ :u'l- Alum-'l' {rum v lull when; and if my mmlimnu :er doing \vlml l n-prcsud they urn. ”my sl-mulnl lmw Um crr-ht a?! ll]? ”film-tell know whvre nml huw they til-1}“ her-mm.- J. u. slrmzscx, M. u. g Dr. J. H. ficllv‘nr'k run‘hc fuunll M ln'u prxn spul UfllQO. N 5. 35 .\'nrth Ulll Street, l'anmlul— @2l3, may S .mrrluy, Imm 9 .\. M. unul : I’. 51,10 QM advice, free oh-hnrgr; hul tor a éhmuilgh oxuunnnliuu ho: clmxgrfl up!» Jul farm l’riLc (Willa Pulmnuic Syn]: and Son. iu-ml Tax is I'nll'll 51.2! per lmu‘e,nr $l5 the hall finm'n. .\lelrskr l'lll‘l 2!) rcn .I pnj hux, and in: lm‘ snlt‘ l); ull Drugg‘nza and Dcnlen. Junie U, 1864. Jim ..‘ ‘ in ‘ “'r‘nvh 'h); '64 ' , . FOR the use of ’ g Mtrchnnu, Drug , gian, Ind all business I \‘m' . Ind proleuion-l mrl "_ ‘vJ :' ".\ who vlv’i‘sh to Mimi" ‘_ - ‘ 1’ .1“! OWD inlin , ell! "‘ M and cheaply.g ~ Adup , ~ ' .-/ ted to Ihe printing,“ "‘ bandb'tlls, billheadly circnlnn, lnhels, cards and smnll newqpnpffl- Full instrucll‘ons accompanying ouch oflzce an. nbling a boy ten yenrs old to work them “I“ ccsafully. Circulars icnl free. Specimen sheets of Type, Cuts, ML, 6 cents. Address / ADAMS' PRESS C 0» 31 Park Row, )1. Y., and 35 Lincan ante" , Bottom 34:18- £433 January 35, 1864. - 1y ‘ Albums! Annuusn n . ALBU I! 3 HA“ Just. received a. huge nud‘be‘nulifnkujqn, meat. of Pilot-graphic Albuml, which to of” below city prion. TYSON» 8801‘!!!“ 3 Dec. 14,1863. - mg i Wbifihiap ...: 4991.3 an . \ {0! Ida by sauna: 13an , Eli Portable Printing omcea. . ‘ ¢ " 1 ‘ . , .A. t ‘ 7.; ufl‘dugmgAwJ‘ p.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers