w, Ter.rrx... The Comm." is published every Monday morning. by Hung. Sunu, at $2 00 per annum if paid strictly IN ADVANCE—S 2 50 per annum if not paid in advance. Io subscription discontinued, unless at the option of fthe publisher, until all crux-gen are paid. ADVIKTISIIINTS inserted“ the usual nus. Jon I’m-mm done ‘With neatueu sud dispatch. ‘ ' . Orncl in South Baltimore street, nearly opposite Wamplers' Tinning Establishment -“Coxrx'r.n ansflsa Orncx” on the sign. 4- 35'3817‘233330252117 @ARD3O A. J. Cover, TTORXEY AT LAW,wiIl promptly attend A m Collections and all other bmlness en 11’ NM to lxirn. Ulfim between Fullneatocks’ ud I) mner k Ziagler's Stores, Baltimore street‘ Gettyibu'rg, Pa. { . [Sept. 5, 18.39. Edward B. Buehler, TTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and A promptly attend to M! business Cntrusted to him. He 'spcnks thg Gefinnn language.— Ulfice at the same mace, in‘ South Baltimore stuet, nem- Forney’s drug store, and nanny opposite Dunner & Ziegler-‘5 note. I Gettysburg, March 20. ‘ ‘ J. C. Neely, TTORNEY AT LAW.——Pnrlicuhr ntten- A tion 94ml in collection of Pensions, . ouuty, Ind Buck-pay. Oflice in the S. E. 7‘ cvrncr of the Diamond. chtlyshn‘rgyApril 6, 1863. tf Wm. A. Duncan, TTOR‘S KY AT LAW.—ofiice in the North- V’vcsz corner o.’ Centre Sqnure, Gettyaburg, 11.. [Gun 3, 13.39. 11' D. McConaughy, . TTORNHY AT LAW, (oflice one door west of Buelxler's dnrraml buck itorgfilmm- hershu-g st;eet,) A'rrounv up Sou‘clmn you Pun-us un, l'n’zamxs. BouulyLanl W.”- ..nnts, Huck-pity suspended Claims, 3nd all other clnimq Against. the Government nl. Wnsll ing'on, l). 0.; ulsnAmerlcunQ’lnims in Englnugd. Lanll Wurrnnta lnculetlnudsqldmrhouglmnnd highest pru‘cs given. Agents engaged in lo caning warrants in lawn, Illinois and other westernSmles Ura‘dpply to him pcgsomlly or by letter. . Gcltysburg, Nb". 21, '53. Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s' FI’IUE and Dwelling. N. E. corner of BM: 0 tiuwxv gm; High a'x-ccts, near Prczh.) lvrian Cnulch, Unity-burg. Pu. SOLJO, 1353. u‘ 1,13 ' J. Lawrence Hill, M..D. AS his oflicv rme ! ~.\ ‘_’ I I Flour west. at the “‘ .‘fifih‘i‘géfv Luthornn churrh~ in V' Chamber's'urg street. nml Oppfliile Picking'i More, wh we thaw wishing tn have any Dental Operq'ion pe'formed are respectfully invited to cm Rm‘mnmcus. Drs. Humor, Rev. C. P. Kr uh. I). l) , Rev. Hill. “anchor, D. D.,'Rcv. qur. M. Jam u. Brat .\f. L. Shnxcr. hotlychurg, Aprll 11,53. Adams County - I'TU \L 1"! RE INSURANCE ()Ulll’.\.\'Y.— BI Incorporagml .\lu‘rh 18,.1551. “ ‘ - uyrwmts. ' ' I'rfairlrnl—GFOl‘QE Swupe. . Vice I’n'irlugl—n‘. [L’RuSseIL ‘ . Srrrrmrrl—h. A. ligu-lller. ' 72mmru~—D.I\i-l \l‘L‘g-eury. L'rrculil-t 0n Il'lll/ICF—Robcrt McCurdy, Jacob King, .\nnlrrw Heinlzelmnp. jenny/Erh—G‘Nrge Swope, U. A. Buohler,.R. M’Udr~l§,;DJ.wub King, A. llcinlulmun, D. .\lc flrurvfis. I’. {Ends-ell, J. ‘R.’ dr'rsh, Slmuel 51).:r‘ha: qv, l~‘.. 4}. E‘Alxugatoakl. Wm. B. “:ilsun, H. L 1'11: :sz .2 Wm. B. .\luCFeHan, Jul.l{\\'ol luri, 11. G. 'l-".r0.1qg,,,.10im l’nckilr‘z, AbulT. \\‘rig‘ll, John (‘runni-ni'h‘uu, Abdicl 1".,Gi11, 'Jamm‘ H. .\l uralmfl; .\I. Exclu-lbcrgur. pry-Th}: Compau‘y is limited in its opera tiom 1n the county 0! Admin. It has heonjn amen-53ml ape. uimx tor more (hun- ‘_.i\- .\e’nr‘g, mud in Nut pnriml has laid 2111105“;va of- ; -.\ I’éRM, sitlnnv in Frnn‘ lin Inwmhvp pensesmvzhuuhuw aurnfimzflmvingnisn aim-gs Aid-Jug countv. hulfn mile xrmn .\lummimmmg urplu; minim] in the Treasury. The Com- ‘nnd one mile from Llu-(Jhumbersbulg turnpihé, 11'1" employs no Agents—:l“ business being a-ljuinigfl lands: of E. W. fln'd ”- J- Slnllh’v dnno hr the .\l mngcri, who nre unnlmily Elerz- J‘lmes k. Wilgon. Chrirlinn Sh.lnk, and oLhurd. egi by the Sturk'ioi‘lcrg. Any pcr=un .I;an cuntnining 154 A: re<. more or lvss, wuh in“ An Insumviuu (m upplyfia an; of heahm-g pmpnruons of Woudlnml and .\lmmow. ‘2O n l-nv'd \l '.rnzcrs for turtherjnfnrn‘xzéon. Y’TT'uprnn-monw are n oné s'oxy Lug Wl‘he I‘chlifirc Committee . 9's nt 1116‘WWSI‘7'. “'.ish lipuso. Log $4l-11, ... . 01110: of the L‘minpiiiv on 3.123 lash \Veduesd4y .\‘.-Imm Shh}. Cum (,‘rih, ”qt; Pun. THE?" in every month. I“. 2, I" .\I. ‘ and allur out-hmhhngs; xt'iwil unflf . Sept. 27. 13.35..“ - ' lnn‘ef-fiiiling water zit UH; door of [LL-‘ilwcllr" ‘ ing, with a reliahh-stre‘iin throuzgh life larm. I Thr 15 on the promiuw A young Urchnrd of %s and Pcncheé. The land is 'in gum!V audition and .under goon} fencing. - I The Farm \\iilbeofl‘cred entire or in 101:. to suit purchasers: Persons desiring to View the [unperty are’ requested to on” on Mrs.’ lhrlzcl, Tending thereon, or‘on the Adminis irator, rcsidicg in Mnmmnshufgw i EFSale 'to commence at 1 o clock, P. My! on said day, when attendance “ill be given' nndJei-msnnnde known by ABRAHAM HART, JR, Adm'r. By the Conrt_—-J. J._Fink,'Clcrk. , » Sept.l2, 1864. ts* ‘ The Great Discovery F THE A".E.—lnflpnnmnury nml Chronic i O lilwugnulism can be cured hy‘naing H. L.-‘ ’MILLEIFS CELEBRATED RHI‘IUMAT ‘ MIX-. 1 TUBE, .\luny prumineut citizens of till, and : thy-Adjoining counties, have te<tilie to its great. utility. [is success i iliietimnlic rcc- l_ {ionm him been hiibcrio hnuallcled by ‘ spH-ific, inlmduccil to the public. Price 50—44 'ceuls per bottle. For sale by all I‘ruggists and ' storekeéliers. Prepared only by i‘. in. MILLER, i Wholesale and New“ Druggia EM! Berlin,i Admnacoumy, Pm, dealer in Drugs, Chemicnls. 3 “Oils, Vurni’sln Spirits, Paints, D)’L~’stufl's, {get- 3 Hell 01h, Ensenccs and Tinctures, Window i filings. Perfumery, Patent Medicines. Jun, &c\ i _ W.\. D. Buehler is the Agnnt in Gem‘s“ u mg for “ H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic i ixlfire." ’ ‘ [June 3, 1561. tf i ‘The Grocery Store V THE. llll.L.—The undersigned would 0 respectfully inform the citizens 0t Gettys- U’urg and vicinity, that he Inna—«taken the old stand “on the Hill,” in Baltimore Sheet, Got iyshurg, where he intends to keep constantly on bond' all kinds of 'GROUEIIII-IS—Sngnrs, Coffees, Syrups of fill kinds, Tobacco, Fish, ’SnWT‘y, Earthenware of all kinds, Frulls, Oils, Bnd in fuct'ovelytbing usually found in 3 Grocery. A 132), FLOUR 3: FEED of all lands; all of which he intends v.O selHow as the low est“ Country produce takenin exchange for godds and the highest price givén. He flamers himself that, by sfirigt ngtemion and an honest adesire to please, to merit a share of public pa -Ironnge. EEY HIM. J. M. ROWE. Feb. 23, 53. t! _ ,_ .._... -. .- a.. _ ‘ ___—___“ Come to t r", , Fair! ND DON’T FORGETTOVISITOPCLEASANT A RHIGE NURSERIES.—Pers s wishing to Plant Trees will find the flock in the ground remarkably fine, 3351 offered at reduced prices. The Apple number: 100 varietiesfembracing all the npproved‘sorts. ‘ a N. B.—See the index board near Flora Dale Yosxomce. T. E. COOK 3: sons, 1 Sept. 2,1861. - Propridon. Young Men ' Nll OLD MEN, do not ullpw your mother: ‘nd ’ fives gr mgir 7 IS rA Add your wi. 30 wear out ihcir precjou: iv’es over the old Wash-tub longer, but like true men and benefmmra, present. lhem with .n EXCELSIOB WASHER, and instead of frowns and cross words an wash days, depe 4 upon it. cheerful faces will'greet you. “ TYSON BROTHERS, Gen) Iburg, Pa. man, 1863. -- Corn Wanted. ORN IV THE EAR wanted It eur ‘.lnre .house. for which the highest. minke: price Filth-e paid. . HcCURDY & DIESEL. Gettysburg, April 18, we}. Queensware. E3Oll yank anylhing in the QUEENSWARE 1; line cull at A. SCOTT & SON’Q. where you {ill find the begiassortment in town. larch 24, 1862. . _ ‘ § Dr. R. uonwsn's Tonic-’ana- Anem— ative fowders, for HORSES inn! CATTLE. ymfidpnd sold only at his Drug Store. ‘ Ji‘npiry 2!» 1864. 10139 Cloth for Cloaking, a. new supply Lyiélraceued at FAHHESTOUK 3305'. Edit: 103'! « , ' ’—“ EXOELSIOR ll . a: EXOELSIORH! Tire hellish! Washing Machine is the best in the World. Call nn&%m‘inoét at oneo.-- a when u cumin Ilia.- - €th .11.”. A: ~ ’ 'nsbx 'snongs. ‘ By B: J. STABLE. 46th Year- Public Sale. .\' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1864», the O undersigned, Administrators of the eimt‘e of Eli Chronister, iate 'of Lnlimore township. Adams county,decensed, hy virtneéfjm Ortier of the Orphnn’s Court. of Adams county._will sell at Public Sale, out the prémisee, about a quarter of a mile from firngt‘agn, and five miles from Berlin. on the public road leading from Berlin to Duisburg, the following Real Estate, viz: mo. l.—A TRACT OF LAND. containing 20 Aer”, more or [O:5, huvmg thereon erecieJ n ,u Two-army Wenmerhourdcd '“"‘: HOUSE. Frame Barn. and other $4: a out-buildings,adjoininglands of "7, i'; Cornelius llukL-r, George Euders, ~;“ufv;-.-‘« and Gloria Detter. There is a nevcrlhiling Spring 0! Water neru' the door. Also, an‘ Ur clmrd of choice fruit trecs. No.'2.—-A ‘TRACT OF LAXD. containing 4 Acres. murc or less, adjoining No. 1. Boll: the above described tracts am in good farming order and undor good fenres. This [li-"party is conveniently situated as to Schouls, )lills, Stores, kc. 393‘A njnpenon wishing to View the proper 13' will call on lhe Widow of the deceased, re siding on .\'p. l, ortlie undersigned, residing in Washington township, York county. Sale to cummence~ an o’clock, P. .\I ,' on un'd day, when attendance will be given and tarps made known by ‘ , DANIEL CHRONISTER, SAMUEL KING. . . Sept. 5, 1864. ts __ Administrators. Real Estate AT PI'BIJC SALE—On SATURDAY, the lat duy of OCTOBER next. in purquu-r-c u! muhnriiy given; in the lust \\ 1H and h SLI - otfiohu J-ll’(.b Kct-kxuw‘r‘, dpcea-ml, “I” In- nfl'n-rcd In. Public Sale, on the premium. the Km! Err‘flt of nml dctt‘:écfl,‘on~isiiflg of A FAIUI, ~ilu_n'te in (‘umhrrlunul and I’m-(*- dum luwmhips, cuuminiug 1111 Acres, more or‘Alc‘sS, of I‘ntontcd Lnnd‘ ndjuimng hind: of Cnpl. Hubert .\ld‘m dy, John Big- » hum, (It-urge \Veikert. and others. Th:- imprnvementsarefi Two-story Log HUI'SH, Log Barn, with Sheds nll nionnd it, (_‘orn Crib. 'kc.: n “garland“; mall 01 water near the door. There i§ nu Owlmrd cn lire pincv. About 50 acres are iwcll set in limb'er nml about 30 H] inemlnw. l The [ruperLy will be sold, epiiro, ur in lots ‘fo “I“ lmhlers. ‘ Ptrsnns desirous 0f viewing the property will call upon Andrew Km~iau\'er. residing on thc plncn, or’ upon the subwriber, residing in lMUnnljoy tuwughip, nenr Homer’s .\lill.. ] 5&5“ Sale to commence at, 1 o'clock. P. .\l . 1 on min! day, when attendance will be given and f terms made known ty i JACOB KEIIFAL‘VER, I Aug. 22,1864. 1; I ,EALIuIO7 A Geigi .Farm \ 3’ T PI'BIJC SAFE-On SA'! I'RD KY. tt‘e A Xsth) 09'01'1'UlH7ifineu, u} lulflllLH‘] ofnn order of the (lrplmn's Cuurt of Avl uni county, the snl-scribr-r. Administrator of 11.9 ‘ostnte of Josnph Hartzel, deceased, \va I‘fl'vr nt Public Sale, on the firemiscs, the follouxng‘ dcsimhlt- Rv-al Edam, \iz: . The New York EEKLY HERALD. 7 ; ms CHEAPEST PAPER xx mnkwpnnn The oxtcnsiwe and comprehensive fficilitiea in its possession enables the l'r‘oprietor of the Wuxu’ HERALD to guarantee the latest. and most relinfileintormation possibly to be obtain ed,uut only from all parts of the United States, but fnm' all parts of the world. ~ Its home correspondents, engaged at heavy cost. and connected with each new naval and wlfitary expedition of the government, prove that it is determined to leave no spot uncov ered by its operations and no event can occur that shall not find inimediate report in its (olnmns.‘ It costs the proprietor over one hundred thousand dollars per year to mnintnin its corps ofcorrespondents in the field. H In its collation of Foreign News theHnun hns for yenrs held a high position, and it will endeavor in the future to maintain the stand it has assumed. lthae special correspondents stntioned in all of the principal cities of the world. 11l telegraphic arrangements extend- to wherever the electric wires are BUEIGDed.—- When the Allnmic cable is laid, wpich feat will “soon be accomplished. tell-grams will be received from Europe and Asia, as well as from the United States. Then our readersv‘vill have" Lbe events of the week in MI parts at the ciw ilized v‘vorld regularly and clearly‘laid before them. , ' ‘ The proprietor devote! «1 portion of the pa. per lo Lixerature, Fashion, n‘griculture, the Mechanic Arts, Sporting Matters, Business, Theatrical and Financial Reports, Cattle Mar kets, General News, and report: of all event; calculated to form an excellent. metropolitan newspaper-«n weekly pholdgraphic View of the arena of the world—and all M I very low price. ' _ The Winn Brandi in issued every Satan day morning, and furnished n the following rates:— ‘ One c0py.........‘...... Three capiea........... Five c0pie5............. Ten c0pie5............. Any large: number, addressed to names 0! subscribers, Sl 50 each. An" 9‘3 copy will be seht to every club of ten. Twentxwplesfio one Address, one year, $25, Km! any Inger nuryber n! same pnce. An air: copy will be sent to clubs at twenty. Advertisements to a limited number will be inser’ed in the WIIKLY Elana. The Dun Huun. three cum per copy,— Ten dollars per you lor three hundred Ind six!y-llnea issues. Five dollars vor lix mos. Two dollar: and fifty cent: for threelnonths. ‘ JAMES GORDON BENNETT; Edixor & Proprietor, Northwest col-. 0! Fulton t Nassau n.., ‘ New York city. N. Y. There no no trueling ngqnu for the Hemld 5epL13.1864. 3;, ‘. l _ . my um. i wm'rsn Goons Y—A oofl ‘ Want an“)! nu‘Whler Goodgi u Mu mo elmp‘ai 1. Al ma 8010's. 11:::MI A @EMCODGRATH’Q AND FAWMLV QD©URNALU MCCLELLAN CAMPAIG Y DONG Huk' he" ya the bugle (but (mum the per-pie, To save this great .\‘anun {mm mm and nlnmo ’ Wbme luud 111)ch are ringing o‘cr mu gm u‘er Valli], l‘mcllhmng ofir mm m McCl»Hu’n prom! ulmo Then up nth our banner 3' Qur gallant yaung lender ‘ 1| uur boa! Ind our bravest—hi: deeds are not time. fl . No juku from his Hp: when our whale [unlit Abddan u in: the blood mum bun: (rpm Nu lacuna! our brunt; When the [Ace of mu- eoulry ’nuth the' hot bruth'o! bun", ‘ . . Where om- horou In" Atrial-d, In. blistond to mus. Than Il'p'with our banner! kmbmon upon it, “We lull give u; out countrrjho mun [hull-h. cnvol." He will wry thc la; be halted on tab-ulc- Not I nu would he luv {mm ig'proud field a! blue; The flu; lb“ mun-owl, printinnl Inf! troubfu, O‘er lb: had: of our father: griuuuphnmly flew. Then up liLh our banner! Our how u»! alum-mu: Cnn oonqnor A" storm. that ran-tic e-n brew. We don’t libel Him “bone9t"—¢xporilm (alche- That trumpeung trade marks bntmur decell. Na "Mk: from his lip- of in: umlcu den-uteri, Hi- glodoul neon! dl fALsehood can meet. Then up with our banner '0! George B McClaH-n! Our hnpu uni our honors we throw It hit fem. Ba halls us an ntorieq to suit the necuion. “hell mm: of damnin- tun-nee the mnht " He set: like I ma uni he talks hke - mud-uh. Though I 1! borer yet. bend a! bun “spliunfix a fill." Then up mlh‘uur banner for George B. “Ewell“! “ 1m hlm as our lender, my, how an ua‘faul ’ S, C3-11Lz,z.n-r. ~'\:2 ‘s'} ' Ti {’“”' ‘45 ‘ TO REGULA’BE ELECTIONS BY SOL ‘ DIERS IN ACTUAL MILITARY SER- '1 VICE. ' . ~ - i SECTION 1. Be it (uncle/l In, flu: Snmte nml , Iluuse Qf Rt‘prwenlalivesg,’ (In: ('mnmnnwm/M { M. Pennsylvania, in G: nerul ASél‘ulll/j/ nu", «ml 1' is firmly cnat‘lfll by (Ire aulhnvly of (In! same, ;Thnt whenever ahy of the qunjuiud el‘ocloxs ibt'fixis cnmmnnwoallh' shall be in any :Ic-. tun] military servicp, under a wqui~i=ion ”mm the Presidemnf therUmlL-d Slatca or by the authority of this commonwealth. nml as such, absent from their [vim-en! resi ‘(l‘ncm an the din"! appointed by l-nv lnr . lmlding the general orprvsidn-miul (-let-tions , within [his S; .lo,m on theldoya ffir holding 'B}: cu! r kr‘tibm, 1}) {ill wwim'i‘ s, MIC}! L-Ivc tun ‘hnl‘. hr» t-nhtlrnl, In mrhcmnm, If: (-x -ll&|~‘(‘ l'm xiflu! of sufi'mguuns fully m H: lva ufiw hxu-c-nt an th-n- u~u ul pl um of (11mm m, in (he nmnm-r hen-linluu- luc s‘cx 'w'l. nix-I whether. at “W t mmfl \u-MLL'. ism 1» ohm far: :{mll be witlnn the limits of 'h:— dutufinr rut ; and tho Jul-t of vuliug 1~1..x'! 3)an L 0 «Hm-Nod In any u...nxwr, by line ‘ 12:01?”le vntur having bm-n creuhu-d {qqhy ' ntl'r-r load“): than (no place of his :K-tufl 1 With mm, Ly‘rozzsm) of {he [mum-m to lum 09' 10"»! in "WV by such other i'nmlivy. i 51“.? A poi! shall lie nitnml i'n mrh ‘ ('uiiipzny, rhinpnscil, in Wilfltv nt' in pin-l. of l P¢‘nll‘yl\'ullll‘.Mildlf‘l'Q.ntllleqllhl‘lt‘lstll thc‘ ic-Ilvtlin, or othci «flicvr thou-oi. nml nll 331 mm”. belonging to ‘cui'h‘ compiin), “ho' lslinll b 0 within one mile of rilt‘ll qu H‘T\‘l‘>. on tho d‘l_\' of election, :.n.l not tut-vented: , by Ol‘flt‘rs of lhoir cuminnndmc" m- proxiuv‘ I ity of the i'nr-niy" limn rt-luining to their company quartets, shall vote :it surh poll, nml :it no uthcr’Tlace; (trim-r 2, other than ‘ 'thosc 0f :1 cmiipmiy,’:intl other voters, Ile ‘ inched nml :ilvsi-nt tram their conipnnig-s, ir ‘ in any military or naval hnspiti-l, or in any! ! read, or navy yard. may rote at such other polls 'ns may lie FOHVPIIH‘III for tl.c:n; and ‘ when there shall Mien: or more. voters. at l any video, who shall be unable to attend any company poll, (it their prolier'iilnce of election. as alk-iosaid, the Zloctovs [-rrscnt' ni Iy open a poll, :it such phu-v'as thi-y may " select, and certiLy in the pull-book, which . shall be a record offitlic procemiings at and? election, substantially, 'in manner und' form, as hereinafter directed. ’ SEC. 3. The polls shall be opened as early as practicable on said‘day,‘and remain open I at least three hours. and, if [1009:511)’, in the opinion of the judges of election, in ‘ order to receive the votes of all theelectors, ithey may keep the-polls 6pm until séven 1 o’clock in the afternoon ofsuid day: procla matioii thereof shall be made at. or before, the opening of the polls, and one hour be ? fore closing them. ‘ SEC. 4. Before opéning the poll. on the; day of election. the electors present, at ' each of the places aforesiid, shall elect,i viva pace, three persons. present at the tune, and having the qualifications oi electors, for the judges of said electionyand the judges Bo elected, chalk. then uppomt two of the persons present. who chuli be quali fied, to act as clerks of will election ; and thcjudges shall prepare barges, or other re ceptacles, for the ballots. ’ SIC. 5. Before Iny Votes shall lie receiv ‘ ed, said judges and clerks shall each take : an oath, or ctliriuution, that he will pertorml the duties of judge or clcrk, as the easel i may be, of said clecLion. according to law,i and t 9 the best ofhis übilitips, and that he l will studiously'endeuvor to prevent fraud. deceit or abuse, in conducunc' the _mme. which oath, or afliriniitiuu. any at the snid‘ judges. or clerks. so electhLor nppOlnle, may administer to each other; and the same shall be in writing. or partly written unJ partly! printed, and signed by sawjudges and c erks, Ind certified to by the party ud ~ministering the same. and attached to, or entered in on, the poll hook, and there signed nml’certified, as aforesaid. 350- 6. 4“ elections shall be by ballot, Ind tho judges of elections may, and upon challenge of wy voter. shall examine, un der oath, or sfiiimation, the applicant to ‘ vote, (which oath, or Milil'mutfun. any_oi said judges may nilminister,) in respect to his right to vote, and his QUJllfichlona to vote in the particular waruJPrecinct. city. borough, township, or county of this state. in which he claims residence; and before réceiving any vote, the judges, or u mnjori- ‘ ty oi‘thein, shall be sathfird. that such up- i phenol is a qualified voter ot‘such place. SEC. 7. Separate poll-book; shall be kept, and Separate returns made, for the voters of each city, or county ; the poll-books shall name the company and regiment. and the place, pGSt, or hospiml. in which such elec tion is held; the county and township.city, borough, ward, 'precinct, or election district of.each voter shalt bs endorsed oppOsite his name on the 'poll-books; each clerk shall keep one of said poll-books, so there may be a double'lwt of voters. ' the. 8. Etch ticket shdt'tuve mittenm rmM,.or portly written nd partly yout- !El GETTYSBUZEKG, PA-, MONDAY, SEPT, 28, 186—12. POETRYO AN‘ ACT ‘ I :‘nuru Is mam-r AND mu. PRIVML.” ed lherpon. the names-of all the officers whivh may properly be vmed for, M: mid election, for which the will elector désires to vole. - ' Sec. 0. That the judges, tn Whom any ticket shall he doliwrml, shall. upon the receipt thereof, pronvuncc with an audible voim- the mm.- nl‘fltho electur. :Invl if no nh~ jvclinn is made tr! him. and th - iullges are mti-fiwl that saul elm-tor is it t-ltmcn of the United States. an" le—utlly rnti lul, :n-uxtd' ing to [he ('utlfillluli'lll and law‘ at thie State. to vote at exud elect:on,tslm|| ‘mme dmtely put said ticket in the Hex, or uther receptacle therefor, without inspecting the names of persons voted an; and the clerk: shall enter the name of tho elé-ctor on ,the' {Ell-book ofhis county. wax-«l, precinct, city, rough or township. and county of his residence, substantially. in purauance of the form hereinafter given. $20.10. At the clogse of the polls. the number of voters rh‘all be (ountcd and set down as the list of vnu-rs. untl certified nml signed by the judges. and attested by. the clerks. SEC. 11. After lhp pnll-hoqks are signed, the ballot-box shall be opened. and the] tickets, tht-rein contained. shall be taken ' oht,,pne at a time, by one of. the jungß,‘ who shall read distinctly, while the ticket remains in his hnml. the name. or names, there-m contained. lor_lhe several officers voted for. and then llehvcl’ it 10 the epcond judge. who shall examine the snme. and pass It to the thinljudgu; who shall string" the vote for each cuuuly updn a separate threnllnnml carelully preserve the animal the sumo methml *lmll he pursued. «a to each tirkot taken uut, until—all the votes ,aro cnunte-l. : ’ SEC. 12. Whonvvor hm or~mnre tickels slmll he lonml dvn-nfu'ly lohlml. or roiled ' Itngrtln-r, neilhur‘nl ~uch‘ tickets rhnll be! ’mumml ; nml ll" :1 tmknt shall contain hmm l tlmfi the proprr numbnr of n.mm.~, fur'tlm I anme ollive, it slnll be consider. ll fmq‘lu. ' h-nt, m U: all the names deal-c'nMAflJ lor‘ [hut o'l’ic‘P, luu‘. no further. l l 1 ’Su‘. 13. As a check in counting enchl clcxk shall keep“ lull) li\! fur Pm‘ll Juunly , ‘ fn-m which \‘ou-s fill-I“ hm‘é been roceivell, ' which tally list. shall constitute a part of}; the pnll'lmok, ‘ ~ 7 ‘ , SEC. ‘l4. Arler‘tho examination of the tickets .\hu'l“ be cnmplmenl, lln: number 0! "me-:1 for each [H'l‘flun in the county p 0“ books as nfm'v-ni'l, slum] he Inunecmlell. under the inapu-nun M the jllllgvs. and set down as lwn-inuflcr firnhulecl, m [he Imm of tho pull hank. . I A .\ru. 15. I'llan lmriug dm” ~uhstnmi‘nlly be lhv inrgn of [hp In!“ blink“. lo lu‘ kept hv tho juilgvs and vlrll‘s ml the clect.on, fiHIHL' in llm Munk‘ 0..r~-lu)§y: " Pt H lnmk ’hl. HM' (L-rhnn “(“11 on ”)9 sm nun}. Tuvmluv u-f Dumber, one Khoumml right hundred and ,3 (or other (-lm'linn any. n: the cue'e mJy 1:0.) by the q'mhfiul elm-(uh «It counly. (or cny.) sum of Pvnnfivlvunin, in comlumy , “I the re-gluwul of Pennsylvania vuluniverx‘. (ur 11¢ [ln-(:Lc may he.) held «n (numin; llu- plncu, [nu-l. or habpituw A B, (I D awn H F, bcim: dulv elected as )udges of sum (Arctic-n. nml J K ‘nwl L M. being duly appointed :u elm-k: of said elegtion. wm-o- aria-wily sworn, or affirmed. as per certifirncos herewith returned. ' Numbpl and mun/W ot'the electnh‘ voting. nml Lin-ir calmly, city, lmrouuh. tuwmhip. w ml, or precinct, of r9~itlencl-: ' .\'o. l. A B. cmmtynf ‘ , lnwnship of .\'l). 2, U 1). county of .. mwmhip of 11. LS hereby enhfied that (h:- number‘nf oleMoys . cuunly, Pt nnaylvuum, voting a! this dectiou amountutch ' I Atth, J K. ' LM, Clerks. . ‘ _. " Form of certificate of oath ofJudges and. clerks: , . We, A B, CD and E F. judges of this election, and J K and L M. cleik‘x thereof, do each severally s‘wenr, (or ntlirm.) that we will duly perlorm the duties of juagee and clerks of said election; severally acting as above set forth‘ according tn law, and to the best of our rhulities, antl that pve will studmusly entlewor to prevent fraud, de cent, or ‘ubuse, in conducting the same. A B, . C I). , . ‘ E F. ’ ' ‘ JK, J udges. . L M, Clerka. I hereby cvrlilv that C D, E F, judges, and J K and L )I. clerks, were. before pro ceeding to take any votes at said election. first duly sworn. " ,duy of . An'no Domini one thousand eight hundred'nnd ' A B, Judge of election. I certify‘that A B. judge aforesaid. was also so sworn, 6r affirmed, by me. Witness my hand the date burore written. ' . J. K, Clerk of election. Sac. 10. A return, to writing, shall be mude‘ in each poll-book. setting lorth in words, at length, the whole number ot’.bal lots can. for each otfice, (except ballots re jected.) the name of each pereon voted for, and the number of votes given to ouch per son. for each different office; which return shall be certified as correct, signed by the judges and attested by the olerka. Such return shall be substantially as follows: At an electinn held by the electors of company ,of the regiment. of Penn ‘sylvaniu soldzers, (naming the place where the election is held) there were (nhming this number in words at length) votes. cast. for the ofiice of governor, of which A 13 had votea.C D hnd votes; for 63mm tor, votes were any, of which E F had votea,‘G ll had votea; for represen tatives, votes were cashdf which J K had votes. L M bad votes, and in the same manner, u to any other officers voted Tor. , ' —’ A! ghe end of the return. thejudgu shun certify. in substance, u follows. giving. if officers, their rank and number of weir regiment, if privates, the number of their regiment. and company, viz: A true return of the election, he” as aforesaid,on the day of Anno Domini one thousand eighUnundred and A B.CapLlin company A: one hundred and thirty-first regiment. Pennsylvania. vol untoers. C D. company A. one hundred and “l?!- Iy-firsl regiment, Pennsylvnnm volunteen. E F. company A. one hundred and thir ty—fint regiment, Penmylvnniu volunleén. Mtest, ‘ Judge of election. J K. L M; Clerks. ‘ 83c. 17. After mnnningthe vote-.in man. He}- Ifgrelqid. the judges aha" put, in an envelope, one af‘the poll books; mm in tally Im, and relax-n to mob eiiy.or county, together with all! tickc-u, and Innsmil the same. :11,erme up, and. directed, Huang “6' aml'pns‘ofico or by ex. press. u «can an po<=ihlu thereafter. to the! prothnnotnry ot: the court. of common pleas offlte city. or county. in which such eleetnrs‘ would have voted, it“ notrm the milztnry nervice ufurrsnid. (being the city or county for which the polldnonk was kept.) and the other pull-hunk of said city. or county. en chm‘in nnlenvelope, and properlv tlttect ml, .l” he dellvwml to one ofthe culll 'miasium n, heteimtter provided tut. itauch uOlullllsslllllt‘r mlh for the mm» m tvndJys.) and it' not I" called tor. the Mum- shall hel lralllallllllell by mud. or by. express. an soon I as peasihle thereafter, to the (secretary, of the commonwealth. who shall carefully preserve the same. and on demand of the proper prothnnotnry. deliver to said pm thonotnry. under his hand nml otfiginl seal, a entitled copy of the'return ot' otes. so transmitted'to, and received by him. for said city. or county, of which the demand ant is‘prnthenhtm'y. ~ :SEC.,,Y9, The retuvnjudgesot‘ the severnl' counties, ebull. mljourn to meet at the places. how directed by lnv‘r. on the third Friday. after any general or yresidentml election. for ‘the purpose of counting the soldiers' vote; and when two or more counties are connected in the election. the meeting nfthejudges, for each eounty.xhnll be pautpnn MI, in such case, until the Fri day following. SEC. 20. The return judges. so met, shall i include, in their enumeration, the votes so retmned, and thereupon sht’tll proceed. in all respects, in the like manner as is providid by law. in cases where all the votes 8 tall have been given at the usual place of election. I‘rnuidal. That the sev ‘ ernl courts of thia (-omnmnwealth shall 1 have the same fmwer tun-l authority to in vestigate and dutermine nll ques‘lioni of 'frnud or illf-gnlity in relation to the voting lofthefsolrln-rv, mt ore. npw vested in Said icnurtd, with regard to) question: offmud lnnd iilegnlxty. urising ”“8! the voting of ”wrions. not in military ser’fce. under the ‘ pn-wnt law< relating tln‘hto. ( I Sec. ‘2l. in electtom for electors of pte=i ldent and woe president of the United ,Stutes, it shall he the duty of the secretary 'of'the commonwealth. to lay before the “governor all the returm received by him. [from any election. 11% abresni-l. who shall u-nnumrs- the Sfllllt' with the county rrturns, ,und add theretonll such returns as shall ap ;penr, on such cmnpuriw‘m. not. to he eon tnined in said county rettn‘ne. ivu-vety cnae, inhere Raid tntlltuty returm. for such coun {tiem shall lmve heen rw-eived hy said secre 'tary, at a period too late for transmitting nthom to the proper prnthonotnry. in time ifnr the action of the judges of‘ the said countiei. SEC. 22, All said elections shall he cub jpot to cnnlmt.‘ in the mum manner in i< [_mw pn-vith-(l hy luw: nml in all Gama hf canto-[od PlH‘llons, ull lngul [Mum-1‘ whifih ~hnll have len bow lii/e lmwarllml by mud judge-z. in thel mnnm-r hmchzbvlore prey-rib éxl, sh 11l becoun'ted :fnll Pstixmuvd. although tho sn‘mo may not hnve nrrivetl. or been re ceived by the prnper allies-rs, go be cnnnh-d 'aml osxlmnurl, in the. manm’r hr-rvinhel’ore (lira-Nu]. before insuing thv certificates of elm-(inn t 9 11m jiersnns appearing to have ‘a majority of the vates their rem-ivod, and {the said rpmrna shall b 6 sahjuct to all such nth-t‘lmrlv. u»; oxhor returns .nre liable to, when roomvml in duptimé. Sic. 23. it shall he the tugy oftho spe rnhrv uf the Connnouwmllll o (muse to bq printed n_sufli¢ient number of cnpies oftlnis not. with such extracts from llm {mm-ml elegtinn law. as shall hé dqemi‘d important. to accompany the same, and ,‘llllnk .forms of poll-lumks. with tally list: nml returns, so presvribcd in this an, whirli, Will) the npcowiry postage stampz, to dvfl'dy expon st-s nml posmge‘ on ruurm, shall in Sulli cient time, bcfnre 'nny such ochlinn. he forwn . ,by sail} urcrefary. at the» xponse ‘of' the.Co monwexnllh, by Cummisioners, or otherwi. e, as shall be: deemed moat cer tain to ins e delivery thereof, to the cup iain, or co mnnding officer. of odch com ‘rnny, or in c so of dvtachgd voters. to the officer hnvmg lmrge ol'the past, or hospital whc shall retain the same until the thy of Plf-ction, and then deliver the same to the iunlges 9191-1911. as provided in this not : I’rouitlal. That no elrnlion Ishnll be invali dutvd, by rénsnn of the neglect. or Lulure, of the said secretary to cause the delivery of said poll- books to the proper persons, as aforesaid. C l). - E F.. Judy-s of Election SEC. 24. That for the- purpose of more! (fl‘gctually carrying out the provisinm off this not. the governor shall have power to ‘ appoint n_nd commission, umlor the great! seal ofthe commonwealth, such number of' oommivoinners having the qualifications ofi an elector, in this state, as he shall deeml necessary. n)t exceeding One togesr‘h regi-z ment.of Pennsylvania wldiFrs, in the sor vice ofthisstutv, or'of the United States,‘ and shnll apportion the work among the commissioners. null supply such vacancies! as may occur in their number. Su com-i missinnprs, before they act. shell to and subscribe an oath or affirmation, and on se to be.filed with the secretary ot'the ‘ - monweullh. to the following; “ I———':lppointed beatnik-lion". un der the act to regulate elections by soldiers in actual military service,’ do solemnly swear. (or affirm.) that I will support the Constitution of the United Stntbs and ofthe' commonwealth of Pennsylvamfi. and im partiallyfiully _and without reference to pohticxtl prolerrnce, or rpsulls. perform. to thobestpf my~knowledge and ability. the duties imposed on me by the» said not ; and that I will studiously endeavoi to [revent fraud; de‘éeit and abuse, not only in the olebtions to beheld. antler the sumo. but in ‘the returns thereof.” ‘ And if any comv missioner, appointel by. or under. this act, shall knowingly violst‘e his duty. or know ingly omit. or fail to do his duty. under‘ this not. or violate any part of his oath. or i affirm-tion, he shall be liable to an Inxlicv menl. for perjury. in the proper county, and upon oonvtction. shall bv punished by a fine. not exceeding one thousand dollars. or Imprisonment in the penitentiary, at 100 1 bor, not exceeding one year, or both. in the 1 discretion of thtl court.“ ' i SIC. 25. It shell be the duty ofsuoh com. ~mission9rs to deliver. as far as pmcticnbte, it least four of the copies of thiiact. and ‘ other extracts otans, published is herein. j beforedu-ectrd, and at least two blank form: of poll books. tally lists and returns. en— trusted to them. as mentioned in the mew ty-third section ofthis not. to the command. ins; ofllcers of every company, or part of company. of Pennsylvania studio-s. in the noluul military, or naval service of the 1 United States, or at this state, and to make suitable arrangements nml pmviswn tor the bro-nun; of polio. «slider this: act; it "shall also be thmluty nfnuid oonnnmurim. in soon as pmctiuahle. alter the day of election. to call upon thejudges ofthe‘elgc' i tion. sud nrocum on poll book, consuming 'the returns»! the election, and solely to EN ’X‘WO DOLLARS A-YEAR froserve the same. nnt MIN from You, but from alteration. and deliver the sume with out delay; to the sech’tnry of the common-. wealth. A ‘ ' ( SEC. 26. Said commissioners éhnll receifie in full conpemation for their aerviceg un. der'this .\ct. ten rnnts per mile, in going to and reluming from tln-ir \‘g’mpPl'lhe rugi. lm-Izls. (Mnuutiné the lhfluucc ot’lln (-h—J ruula, nml it in hon-Ly :nudn- the duty of lhmuulitnr gvnvral zmd «li-w ervnxlm-r In nmlxt nml [my lhr nvqnumu‘lherrihr 111 the same manner as other claims are. now an dited and paid. by law; nll cmnmnnlljng and'ntlu'i' (-flim us are I" qua-d. .1 In aid Iho commininnvrx. hPréin nmunnh-I}, and to give lhr'm a” prflpt‘f I'w‘ililn-s. Iu unnhlp them to cmry out (he dmigu uud lutenunh' ofthia lu‘K. - ' Sac. 27. No morn informality in tho man ner olmtrvmg nut, or ‘f‘Xl-cuting. "my; of the prnr.~iun< o! thinnnt, shall invnhlluto nny elegtinmhalul unrtvr tlu- sumo, or mt lhnrize tho return tlmrvnl‘. to he Il‘th‘ll'tl or sot aside, nor shall any ftlltlft‘ on tho [nut of the commit-sienna In rmclmr \lth nny regiment or company or part nfn‘rcompuny or the- failure" of any company to vote.,in- Validate any“ election which may be held un‘der this act. 1% ’ - Sm; 28. The severnl 0 Mars. authorized to conduct. such election. shall have the like p‘owers, and thcy, as Well as other persons, who may attend, vote or offer to vote, at. such election._almll be subject, to the like penalties and restrictions as :.re d‘eclnred und provided in the case of the usual elec tion ; and all of the provisions of the gen eral election laws of this statemso fitr asap pllcuble, and not. inconsistent witltt the provisionsot‘this act. nor sum-lied‘therehy, shall apply to all elections held under this Itcl. ‘ Soc. 29. No compensation shall he nllow- . ed to any judge or C‘lolk. umlér this act. ( Sec. 30. When the slurill‘of any city or ‘ county slmll mue his'pmrlltniatinn forun election; tor avprcsinlentinl, congressional,’ d:~trict,cit«y. county or Stnte election, under the laws of this Mute, he shall transmit. imv l inedmtcly. copietht-renf, to the field nah} crrs and enior,cuptnins in the service” zlltvl't‘~:tl<l f m snid’ ciiv or c'ounty. ' } 50c. 3|, ‘helmm nt fifteen'thousnnrl dol lars or so: lit-ll thereof as may he neon“. l ry, is here iy npproprmted item the general » revenue, to he pmd upon the order oi thei “Harem”: at the. commonwealth, to curry ' thia law into r-m’rt. ‘ Sec. 32. When nny_ of the electors men tionml in the firet. section at this not, lemi llmn ten in numher, shall lae members of, ('Olllliflnlf" of [mother utnte or territory. or, 1 for :my sufiicient unfl legal \c.tu<e, .\hnll he _ in any hospital, navy yurnl, vesscl or on no ) crniting, provost or other duty, whether“ within or without this State, under such circumitdncck Its shall render it piohnble that he. or theyhrwill be unable to rejoin ' their proper company, or to he presmn at I hit: proper place of election, on or before . the day of ,elec'l'lon, then-(‘in,mentioned, i (will elector, or electors, 'Fllflll have a. right ‘ to vote in the lollowing manner. Sec. 33. 'l'h‘e,vpter aforesgtid is hereby nuthorizfi'd, Before the day of election, to ,depmlt his lvullut orhtllots, properly ful- ‘ ded, as rerfuired by the general ele‘ction lam at this state, or otherwise, as the~voter may choose; in a senied envelope. together ‘n‘ith :1 written or printed. or pnrlly written and partly printed statement, containing the name of the voter, the. county, totlrn ship, boroug‘h ortmrd, ofwhich he is n resi- l dent, and a written or printed authoritfltn i some qualifi/tflwoter in the election district. of which xfiill voter is n resident, to cost the ballots, 'contained in spill envelope, for" him. on the’dny of said election. Said statement und authority to be signed.hy the said voter, and attested by ”lip com mnnding, orsbme‘commiusiom‘tl o fi’r of the' compnny of which he is a member, in' the case ofs private, and 'of some commie; ioned oilicer of the regiment. in the cam 61': an officer, il‘any ol euch oflicet! are Conve- ‘ niently accessible, and it' otherwise, then i by some other witness; and there shall nl- , so ,nccompany said ballots.’an affidavit of snid voter, tnken before some one of the otlicein aforesaid, and in the nhsence of such Bthcers, before some otherJierson du ly authorized to administer oaths, by any hm of this stat; that he. is a' qualified vo ter in the election district in which he pro- ‘ [)OSeS to vote. that he is in the actual mili- , tary service of the United States, or of thiq state, describing the organiznton to which it belongs. that he his not *sent his ballot: to any other'person or persons, than the one in such authority nu-ntioucd. that he i, will not otter to vote at my poll, which 1 may be opened on acid election day, at any pfice whatsoever, and that he is not a dcserter, and has not been dishondrably dismissed from service, and that he is now stationed at. Ego the state of . Said settled envelop, containing the bill lots, statement, authority and‘ nfllduvit as i aforennid, who sent to the proper person, by mail or otherwise,‘ having written‘ or printed on the outside,- {across the sealed part thereof, the words “soldiers hallbt, for twp., (borough or unfit) _in the county at .” Sec. 3-1. The elector. to whom such [Sal lot shall be sent, shall on the day of elec tion, and whilst the polls of the proper dis trict nre open, deliver the envelope, so re ceived, unopened, to the proper election l oilicer, who shall open the same, in the} presence of the election board, and deposit the ballots therein centained, ta‘gether with t the envelope, and accompanying pagers, its other ballots are deposited. and all board l shell count and canvas the some in the! same manner as other votes cast ct. uid election; nml the person deltvenng the" same may, on the demand of any elector, . be compelled to testify, on oath, that the. envetope, so delivered by him. is in the same stats I: when received by. him, and that the same has not been opened, or the contents thereof changed or altered, in any way by him, or any other person. ‘ a Sec, é35. The right of any person, thus otfering to vote, at iny such election, may i, be ctullenged. tor the some causes, that it‘ could be challeflged. if he were personally present, and' for no other reas_dn or cause. ’ Sec. 36. Any oflieer of any gent-NI, or, lpeciul election in this state, who shall- re-l‘ lose to receive any such envelope, and de posit Iny such ballots, or to countund con-l vau the lame, and any elector who shall» receive such envelope, antl' neglect or re-l tuae to present the same, to‘the otficers of the election district. cndorséd on the solid envelope, chnll be guilty at it mindeneanor, and on co'nvictlon thereof, shall be punish ed ‘by imprisonment. in the state prison, , not exceeding one year, and by fine not ‘ exceeding five hundred dollars, or either, ‘ or both,- in the discretion ol the court. , Sec. 37. Any yet-son who shall wilfully l andwrruptly make, Ind aubo‘crihe any false “admit, or mks any can an), touching =I my mm: m.- thing pfévsded in m. at shall be damned guilty of mlful ind ooh rupt madam and upon gonviction “read, than puniabod‘by imprisonment in 11:. state Bonxtenflary, not. excaediugrfive yenn, and y fine not needing one thomnnd. dollars, or by either, or by. bulb, in the.“ oration of tho court. Sec. 38. "That iubnll be the duty of the secretary of 1116 commonwealth to prepare the necessary blank fonnh. to carry nut. the provisions of this uct, Ind to furnizh the name for the use of the person: so engaged in the military service aforesmid. Sec. 39. In case any qualified elector, in military service aforesaid, mny be in any hospital, military or naval, or in my vea sel. or; navy yard, the statements and :13— devits. in this act. mentioned, may be wit. neared by. and made before. any officer owe ve’m-l. navy yard or other [)ane, in w ch said voter is for the time being en gaged. , *T . - Sec. 40. Itshull be the duty of every“: aessormithin this commonwealth,annually: to assess and return; in the manner now’re» quired by law. a county tun of ten cent: upon each and every non-mmnninfiiflnedl officer and private. nml the unuul taxes up on every commissioned officer, known by them tribe in the military service of ‘the United States, or otthis state. in the army: ; und. when any omission shall occur, the omitted names ellnll he added. by such as sessors, to the asst-tsmenls and Hits of vo ters. on the um litr-tihn of any titiznt of the elu‘liun diam-i, or pt'N-im‘t, wherein such midi»: Ill::'il'.fll‘Mould‘lrlvl‘u right to vote. it [ml in rlltll winch. an :f‘llrnsuii‘l; ullll Mlvh non touiuiia-«imteil ulliccn, Quid [wig yarns, shull ha- exumpt from all other per; » ennui tax-u, during their continuunce in ~llt‘il s-‘rrn‘v-fnnzl mid nestssors shall, in each nml evvrv mum. of ixuch assessed eol~ (lit-ts, or I'lliin-rzl. willmut‘ ft‘t'. or reward tlierv'or, give u ('t‘rtii‘lt'uln of such regular or miuhtirnal nwosqnuhlfta any citizen of the election ,11-‘ll'il'i, or precinct, who may at {my time, dom-mvl the numb: End upplt pl‘l“~l’lll‘l1i0n tln-I‘ool’ m the tux collector nr‘xuid ilistVict. or the tro-nsurer of the mill Q-ilunty, it Fililii he‘lln- (int: '1! inch oflicer to i rl't'v-ivv sniil hey-"wed t u, of, and from. any I! I‘m”) all~ 1.": to pay themme. ior the 801‘ f‘tlii-r m- i-tiiui r tin-rpm named, and to en ‘(ltll‘b'tt upon such certificate, A receipt~tltefl-. for: and it shall :11-‘U be tlie.tlnty 'oi' said ‘cnttuctiir, or 001 th treasurer. to receive mid tI-s‘t'h‘otl tax,‘from any pe'ruon who may otl'er to pay the same. for any of said oli cars, or soldier, without. requiring a certifi ~catc nl‘ memsmont, when the li'nme of such ! perso‘ns shnll have bi-un duly eiitered upon" the msessement linoks, nml tux duplicates, iand give 8 receipt thereforfto such persons, specially suiting therein the name of the. fsolclier. or otliuer. whose tax is thus paid, {the yenr for which it was ussosseésed; and. ,the (late of the payment. thereof; which isnid certificate and receipt, or receipt only, sthJ be prmzufuriu ev:donce,,to any olec ' tion board, provided lor by this not, before , i which the sumo mny be oll‘emd, ofthe duo inssnssmnnt ol'sniil tnx. against. 111311 the pay ment thereof by. the soldier, tor btflccr, ‘ therein nomad. otl‘oring the same, no al'ure snid; but will electioutboartl shall notzlie thereby proclmled‘i‘rom requiring other proof, of the right to vote, ’ apemfied by ithis act, or the gniomL elect lnwa ol‘this loommonwculth, and it any 0 ' ussvssors, icollectors, hr tTeusumrs,’ shit , glect, or. }rvi'use, to comply with the rovmionsof Ulla section or to perform any ottho dutiel, Ltherrin enjulned uponJhom, or either of l than, he, or they, so ofl‘endin’g, shall be Ede" Hull-Jed guilty of n misdemeanor in office, dntl slmll on conviction, be fined, in any ‘mun not le~a than twenty, her more them two hundred dollars: Prowl/(I1, That tho iadrlitionul mse~suients required shall be ,mml» ‘3" nppliczitioniof any citizen of the ivlevfinn dls‘Llicl, or precinct, thereof, up ,0!) with or affirmation, of such citiiten, to )lu- iulniiniatored Ivy the 1180955023 tfi‘ntju‘ch iahwm soldier is a citizen of the election district, or pracincthwherein such lume mom is required, by such citizen, to be ' mmlc. ‘ _ ' I\7'cl. 50- Sec. 41. This sch shall not apply totho elncLinn of members of council. 01',qu and duviuioix officers, in thqoityd.) Thilu delphin. ~ ..‘, ‘ H ENRY 0. Jon NSON, ~ Speaker of the Home of liepresanmfivu. ~ JOHN P. PENI‘Y, .’ Speaker of the Senate. Arrnovzb.——Tlm twénty-fifth day of Au glm .\mm Domini (me thousand eight. hun dred and sixty-four. ‘ - ' ‘"'. 'SIIALI: ‘VB BIS TBCEIVED AGAIN. In 186‘) “19‘ Abolition diaunionisu do-' = ceived thg pimple hv promises ofgood timer. 'l‘hq’ domed that Lincoln was an Abolitioné i i.~t, and Concealed thoirpurpoao ofcivil war. ‘ The four years, which have followéd have lhowever unmasked thgm and they stand tn-lllry in. their true character. (f'orruption nn'l unhlu‘hing un‘l unhounr ed impu ‘ dance—usurpation M an unparalleled bold lnoss, antlwmr hr negro equality, gre the three princnpnl planks in their gntfmmw— ‘ Cam tho peoylehaflel this sham ul imposi-' tion, this ruin, thiywnntun violation of lu'w, honon. lllnoHy and right. keep them still in ‘ pom-nll lflhoy «in, all the horrors of war, ‘ the burdens'of conscriptiqn, anti‘onrwnnt and woe, must continue for another four 1 rem in an increasing ratio. Cm it:b’e that ‘ ‘ Heaven, the love offimmaaity. or evqn the love of self, will fail to. awaken that deep scum ofdnty in the hearts 'of the people whigli will conqtn’in them to oppose the wicked and lawless party now in wer 2 ' “'6 think nO9. The wonder ful ch’i‘i’ngas of l the la<t month are cheeringrand hopeful;— j Let ‘evexy christian pray to his God forfi rllpivl continuation of the good work begun, and may we not hope thgt November next will bring- wnh it a. change in the election of " Little Muc,’.’ and ythrough him a re-J'nq statement of the nation toall the happiness, fl grmmessand glory from which Lincoln and ' his pluntlereru have forced it. Give an a change and there Will be Inch reioicing ll .the'world has seldom witnessed.—Allatlowu Democrat. » ' . . Th 3 Nomination: in Uolliriayaburg.-Caplalil ‘ Murray’s company or three yearn manned ' volumes-rs of the Sixty-second Poumyl- -' vanni regiment, and other veternng who , fought. through» the Peninsular cam‘paign, South Mountain, Antietam and many other ' hgrd battles. wgh a large numbenof- cili zo‘ns, are tiring a salute 'ol thirty-four Kun this evening in honor ofthe nonfiflntion of .. General Geo‘rge‘B. McClellan for the Presi- ' dency. Gvneral joy and good feeling per vadtxour whole people. Many take part ' in' thejubnleqboth Democrats Ind Bepub- . “6127 M. v3O have her‘etofore never taken_ . much in real in political meetings. There ii but one feehng in this community, It“! . that isfbr Little Mu. the Union and the ( Caustituliom . ‘ v , Peace.—-The Washington Chronicle, ad. ministration paper, my: : "There me many reasons which induce us to think that it would be wise, as well” economical, on the panel the General Governtnrnt to go to the very verge of Rh erullty in its offm ofterms to the rebels." The Democratic platform, which so of fends some of the LincolniZes, does not propose to“ o to the “verge of libemlity in 115 offers cistern): to the rebels.” It mere ly says that "justice, humanity, liberty, and lhefiblxc welfare demand that, in:- ‘medinte‘tfl‘orts be made [or n cesmfion of hothlities, with a View to an unimfie conv vention of all the Staten, or other peaceab ble menu. to the end that, at. the earliest practicdble moment, pencP may be restored on the basis of the Federal Union of the Slatefi”-—Palrio¢p¢' Uuwn. ‘ . glut"; WAN Lincoln and the abomlonlath romised to whip the rebels before bani} ‘ gm. If the war don’t soon stomach” : mine wi_ll be fulfilled,th ' tim ”a geuing so what hard {orpoor pebpl ' their glance- for obtaining Marx becnmmg slimmer every day. r.. .‘g‘; 4 . \ 5"? “wiry-\nf. < - "\ . A. G; CUBTIN. ' x =I
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