SPECIAL NO 17038. TO CONSUMP‘HVES Consumptive mama vull rereinn uln bh- prescription for the Cure of Consumption, Autumn, Branching, Ind I" Heron Ind lung affections, (he: of churn.) by lending their address x 0 Bu. EDWARD A. WILSON, ' , Willhmsbnrg, King- county, ' Bier York. Sept. 28. 3g EDITOR OF THE CONPHLRR: ‘ Dun Sn z—Wilh youi )emlulon ! 'hh ‘0 any to the radar! of your paper that In"! send, by reurn Inn“, to All who tub is (free). n Recipe, with full direction! {or making And gluing : simple Vegeuble Bum, um In“ et fectunny remove,in ten day’, Pimplu, Blotchel, ’ ~ Frecklu, Ind m Impurities of the Skin, r. wing the lame no”, clear, mace“) and ben- Uful. I will Also mull free to those having Bald fiends, or B-re Faces, limplo direcfiéns Im} informatibn that will enable them to sun n full growth ol‘lmxuflnntllnlr, Whisken, or I llouszncbe. in less than thirty dlyu. All npplicatio‘m tnlwered by return mull without charge. Rupeclfully your}, mus. F. canny, Chemist, _ 831 Brandy-y, New York Aug. 1, 1864.‘ 3111 ”‘"‘”Eh t A CARD I'o "rm: scmmm. Swnllnw two or three hog-hands of“Buchu," “Tonic Bum-s,” “Snuapuilin,” “Nervoul An tidou I," am, Aux, n.. and nlter‘you are satia fm! Willl the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PlLLS—and be restored to benlth Ind vignt in lr-u than thirty dayu. They are purely veg otnhle,’ pleasant. 30 take, prompt nnd salutary in their effects on the broken-down and abut.- tL-red ccnsgilulion. Old and young can tnke lhem with advantage. Impofled ind sold in the Uuuud Stale: ly by A £B. 8. BUTLER, .\'o. 427 Broadway, New York, ”Agent for the United Slal‘l. P. 51,—A Box of the Pills, lecurely packed, wil) be mailed to run] Iddreu on receipt. of pfiLe, I'hlch is ONE DOLLAR, post paid—— money refunded by thc Agent if enq're untid {Aution in not given. [Ang. I, ’64. 3|: DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED‘.’ DR. IiUCIIAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, in less; tlmh 30 days, the worst cases :5 NEHVUITSNESS, lmpolency, Premature lat-ca Ecnnnnl Wrakness, lnmnily, Burl Urinnrx, SI xunl npd Nervous Afl'cclions, n mullerlrom wmu. enusé’pro’lnced. l‘rice, One Dollar per, box. Soul, post-paid, by mail, on receipt. of‘ In orliu. Um: Box will perfect the cure in" mus: Luses. Address ‘ V .' 71.3233 s. BUTLER, Grnwml Agiut, 42715rondwuy, New York Aug. 1,1804. 3:}: THE MARKETS. (‘.ETX‘YSHUKG—Suunbu LAIT. ...10 00 tom 50 9 00 'l 00 w 2 )0 1 90 to 2 03 l 50 I‘so Flour )lxc F‘mur.,... \\ iutu \Vhent RINK Whe'nt .. ('ufn ........... life ()n‘s ~,........ Hun k\vhc.|1......... (Hover 5euL................ ’l‘nuothy 5eed.............. Thu Need Y11HPr‘0f1'.1ri‘............ Planter ground, [mt hag BA I'll‘mO‘U-Z— 1““an mar Flour. \\thn‘ {i_‘v ' l'orn “All ‘ “at Paula, per huu'd Hugs. pm baud-......" 11¢} ....................... “huh-y................. ihm.zs.mt.i=iir.X:t. On the 2m). uh., by Rev. Jucbb Ziegler, Mr; (HCU. W. LADY, oH’mnklin township, (0 Mus ELIZA nunvonwflnugmer at Ben}...- m‘m Dcardorfl', of Franklin township. 0:! Thursdaynwrnin‘. Sept 29111, by Rev. s.3!.Mlckley. SMILFRANKLLV D. HUI'HORN, 87:!) lie-Kl2 )‘n. VOL, 10 Min SARAH C. UOKE, OI thljtblk‘b’. . ‘ DIED. gfiyfl‘ndhmry {tr-(ices 3 cell?“ line for all over [our lines—cash to acco puny notice. On thefl’ld “IL, in West Ihnheiln township, York (‘ountyl Mr. [LEXRY SHERMAN, at the n. vnuced age of 85 year-2 month: nudge days. ' ()u the 2131: "IL, JAWES Ol'.lVER,infnnt lap of Snmuel nud Snmh Bishop, neg Camcwn, ngcdfl mumps and 2 days. On the lath um. n: the residence of hit son m-lnw, Mr. Brough, llr. JACUB ARNOLD, of Reading township, aged 73 years 3 months and 3 day. :'D¢-nrest Father, thou hast left us, . Hrre my lons we deeply feel, But. 'lis God that bust perch us, He can nll our sorrows hell." c3ll. n Communicated. UPTON" KOONTZ dep‘rted this life a: Fair mount, nenr Emmitsburg, Sepl.‘ Nd: 1364. nved 47 years. A good man, sincere lrlénd, and true Christian, of conjugnl nfl'ection,lma, at. length, gone to rest in the hope of: blissful resurrection, Public’ Sale F VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. \ —On TUESDAY,&he gummy of OCTO- B 11l inn“, the subecriber,~int-nding to quit binning, will sell 11'; Public Sale. u bin resi dence‘, n: Bonnughlown, Mountplenennt town aliip, Adams county, the following valuable Ptl'son’ll Properly. viz: 2 WORK HORSES, (one three‘nnd the other five year: old,) 2 two-yen old Colts, 4 bend of Cows, (two .will be fresh about the Fondly-J _3 Heifers, 2 Fe! Hogs, Z Sow: and Pigs, n low ,of Sheep, 4 lclpl of Bees. Four-horn Nerrow _trend Wagon, Threshing Inehine, Keeper and I Mower, Winoomng Mill, Plonghe and Ear gown, Shovel Ploughn, Corn Fork-,oorn Cov grer, Clad Roller, Double end Single-trees, «’Jhree-horse-uee, Log Chain, Fifth Chain, flan Chains, Cow Chains, Wagon Saddle, and ,1” kinds of Bone Gears, Dong Hooks, Forks, ,Shovels, Rekee, and everything else that be long: to firming. Also, Bedatudn, Spinning Wheel, Wool Wheel, end n variety of, other articles, mo numeronl to mention. [Q‘Sale to commence at 19 o'cloek, A. IL, pn midday, when attendnnée will be given nnd terms mid: known by ~ ~ ALEXANDER SHORE. Oct. 3, 1864. ts , a Desirable Property ) 'l' PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY: the . 15th day of OCTOBER lam, the‘ln‘b fiber willofl'ent Public Sale, on tic-premises, A TRACT OF LAND, watching 6 Acm and 20 Perches, more or lesr, lining in Enn-' gington townlhip, Adams county, nbout I \ qnnrter of 1 mile from the York Spring! And 1 three qnlnerl of 1 mile lrom Pcterlbnrg, Id jolning lends of Dr. D. Shefl'er, Benjamin Shel ly, and others. The improvemnumre .u ; new Two-story Log Dwelling flOUSE, E3l” Frame Burn, and other out-buildings,n ‘ well of excellent water, and a splendid young Apple Orchard, with other choiqe fruit of ill lindl. ' - Persons wishing to View the property ore "queued to call on A. K. lye", midi-g neu b . ' ’“'-Salute commence nt 1 o'clock, P..H., on aid ds], when “condone: will begirenand ternil nude known by FREDERICK D. SMITH A. K. Myers. Auctioneer. Oct. 3, 1364. a J ‘ Dr. D. S. Pefi'er, = BiOTTSTOWN, Adsml county, ”mg“; A t e prlctice of tail profession in IH in r-nchu, Ind would mpeczfuuy inviu .11 person: unified with say old“ landing dig. ‘““: to can and consult. him. Oct. 3, 1854. t! Camus: warps Ayn LASHES, good _ And cbglp, for ulc by ROW 8 :JVOUDS. G 0...; iii x. 3011 mm Drug 3m. nun m, Momma-o comm on”. _ 1‘ PUBLIC SALE—On TUESDAY, the A In day of NOVEMBER mm, by Order of the Orphnn‘n Court cf Adam: conmy. the Inb luiber, Admininrntor of Jonph Riddlemour, Bn. deceued, will a!" n Public Sale, on the premium, the following Red BIL-u of said do cedenl. viz: - A FARI,-itnnle in Liberty town-hip, Adena: county, Pt. Idjoininx lends of Juob Eiker. heir: of Andrew White, Dnvid Innin, John Welt]. and “be", containing 11l Acne, morp or less, about 7‘ Mm of which are coveted with fine Timber, with nhout 40 Acres of lien dow. The Fem in in I. good new or cnitiu lion, (parthuing been limed,) and Index good fencing. it in one of the vet) hen Firm! in am region. The improvements Ne Merge Two-nor, Double Dwell ing HOI‘SE, Bank Bern. Wagon Shed Ind Coin Cribh‘brge Hay Shed, Carri-'0 noun, Hog Pen."Smohe House, Wuh Home with Ciuern, Log Tenant Home, end other buildings; A well of'good water It the bone end nnother in the buirnvyhrd, both nevermlin . with 3 pump in each; two thriv ing Apple grahndl, of choice fruit, with peer, peach. cherry end other itnit. The Farm in well wntered, and il in every respect I most desirable property. ”Persona wiihlng to View it ere reqnelt ed to cell on Mr. Daugherty, residing thereon. fiSale lo commence I: l o'clock, P. M , an laid dny, when nttendnnce will be given lld terms made known hy ’ \ JOSEPH BIDDLEMOSEB,JR., " Adminietntor. By the Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. A. W. Flemming, Auctioneer. ' Oct. 3, 1864. u , F‘VALL'ABLE REAL Ea'l‘ATE.—-Tbe nn-l dersigncd, Assignee oi Silas Ficke: nnd’ \ ife. Will all at Public Sale, on the premises, 1 on TiiURSDAY,.the cm (in; of ocmum,‘ 1364. at 1 o’rlock, P. IL, thg (allowing valua ble Raul Estnte, to wit: - f A TRACT OF CLEARED LAND, situate‘ in Strabnn townshif, Adam: county, 1%., ad- ' joining land: of use Monlort, Christi-n I Thomas, Henry Thomnfl, And others, contain-| ing 50 Acres. more or less. Theimprovements are a large Stune HOUSE, with Bnck- 1 building and Smoké-house, double Log'fl Barn with Sheds nttnched,Uorn Crihand " ‘ Hog Pen. There in a well of never-failing wa ter near the door, A gogd spring at the barn Aynrd, nnd A stream passing through the farm, nfl'onling an nbnndnnt‘supply or Inter for} stock. The greater portion of the hind has} been recentlylimt-d. I Also. A TRACT OF TIMBER LAND, con taining 22 acres, more or less, near the above dvscribed lnnd. ndjoining hum]: of chi‘yl Thomas. Jacob Shnlll and others. I The above tract of land will be sold together entire, or the timber land will he‘divided into . lots to suit pinchasers. . | ”Person: desiring 3 larger tract can i purchase nny desired quantity, nut exceeding: 81 ncri-s, of the undersigned, Adjoining the I nbuvc. '» WAuendnnce will be given and terms madc knonn‘oy , ABRAHAM FICKIES, Oct. 3, 1864. u A Very Desuable Property 1‘ PUIHJC SALH.—In pursuance of an A order of-lhe Orpimn's Court of Adams county, “ill be olTe-red M. Public Sale, on the premises, 071 SATURDAY, the 51.11 do, of NOVEMBER next, the real esmte at George Yeagy, dgrunsed. consisting of A TRACT OF L.-\.\‘D,siumte in Lntimore to“ nsbip. in said county. containing 32 Arr-vs, more qr less, adjoining Linda ofJumcs Gard ner, Jesse Julius, John D. Becker, , Ind olhers.izilproved ivith n Two- “° ”5 sloryFramc and Rouzhcnst HOFSE, @333 Frame Burn, wilh’bhenh,Curn Crib, J, ‘_‘ &c., Smoke House, We" of wan-r, an excellent Spring. and n good Orchm d. The property is within } 0! a. mile of Petersburg, oi; lhe road handing from Pelcraburg Lo \Vullurd's mill. f While lo commence nt 1 o'clock. P. .\L, 'on said day, When attendance will be given and term: made known by W“. LEAS. - NOAH SHLLER, Administrators. By the Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. 12 00 m 3 no 3,50 to 4‘oo 2 so to 2 75 - 11.50 1 75 9 7!: '.OlO (‘0 2 00 to 2 80 l 50 lo I (55 1 65) \d“ 85 88 to 90 9 00 to” 00 18 00 [.020 00 30 00 K 032 00 l 8:! to l 82 Oct. 3, 1864. u N pursuance of orders of the Orphnn's Court I of Adams and York coun‘ies, win be offer ed at Public Sale, upon the several premises, on MONDAY, the 24thdny of OCTOBER inst.. the Real Esute of‘Jacoh, Linart, deceased, consist-lug of No. 1. THE MANSION PLACE. situate-in Berwick township, Adams county, adjoining [gods of Jacob Sowera, Elias Linnrt, Peter Lgughmnn, ,nnd situate on the great road I: lingfrom the Hanover nml Berlin Turnpike tZEPring Forge, containing 10 Acres. more or' 1 s, improved‘wilh a Two-story Log HOUSE, Lug Barn, Straw u Shed, Hog Stable, Stone Spring :I: House, And other outbuildings.’ This tract. is in A good state of cultivation. having been limed; it is also under good fences. f .. Communicated .\‘o. 2. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Paradise township, York county, adjoining lands of “Afar & Bilt‘ngerJMOb Sowera,nnd ollle'a,cqatulning about 11. Acres, of which 2 acres or: clcnud and‘iu good fencing, the bal ance covereJ with good chesuut timber. Thu true: will be sold in Jou to suit purchasers. DANIEL 8. BABE, Adl'vr M'Jacob Linnn, dec’d. jQ‘Also, ‘he Reol Ewan of lax-gun: Lin nn, deceased, Vii: ' ’ ’ A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Berwick township, Adam! county, containing 3 Acres, more or less, adjoini lands ola'oseph Grimm, David K. Baeg Jncwmz, and others, on the public rand leading tom the Hanover and xßerlin Turnpike to Spring Forge. ‘A portion of this tract is clear nnd enclosed with good post. fence; bu'nnce in good timber. fi-Sale to commence It 10~o’clock, A. It, on the property first IbOVQ mentioned, when attendance .will be given Ind terms mnde known by DANIEL B. BAER, ‘ Adm'r of Inmate: Linn, dec’d By the Conn—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Oct. 3, 1864. u . AT PRIVATE SALE—The luhlcriber are" It. Private Sale, hie FARM, situate in} Myer“ District, Carroll county, Mi, ibont 2}i mile: from Littleatown, and i or e mile from firgen's Hill, adjoining lands of George Rina d lar, Jacob Troxel, nnd<9there. containing 48 Acres, more or less, with snfiicient propor tion: of Woodland arid leedow.— , The improvements e I one and a half story Stone HO‘USE, a good A Barn, Wighn Shed, Spring Home, I Smoke Home, und other out-buildings; an elegant Spring near the house, and I never fniling ltlenm through the tract, with a young Apple Orchu’d, beside other fruit, Inch u peaches, pea". plnnu, cherries, kc. There are indie-tion: of a. large deponit of rich IRON ORB on the premilel, which Iron' Manufacturers Ihonld examine. Pe'uou vilhing to View the property are teqnened to all on the sublcribex, residing thereon. Oct. 3,193} if - , Private Fale 0? A FARE—The subscriber ofl'ers It Prknu 811 e, Ml FARM, lifmte in Cum berl-‘nd township, Adan county, two miles from Getty-burg} sd§oining ind: ofAbnhnm PI-nk, Joseph Weible. Dr. S. E. Hnll, Ind Others, containing 100 Acres, more or leu— hnviug them In um of Woodland, Ind 10 are: of Inflow. The road to n'glglo’l mill pgnel ihrongh nu tract. The improvemenu If! a Two-"pry Frame HOUSE, Frame Ban, I good well at “uncut!" home, Ic. Inch of the fencing in new. Persona wishing to View ii us requeued to ml! on tho nubncribu, in Gmpbnrg. Oct. 3, 1364. 4" once i. lamb, given that an: booh of _ J. W. Ken hne bun glued in the bud: 0! - H, thg, BM}, {Ol- colleccion, nml psy meat must be made immediuely or wit will be htoughl, without regal to rel-nous. a. a. cum, Agent: Oct. 3, 1884. au \o’n‘ou GLOVES to: M and Boys. an _(J 59 M 4 the; u ’ $011161“. A Valuable Farm PubHc Sale Orphan’s Court Sale. Small Farm J AXES A. _BARN ER FREDERICK HERB Xsast Notice. Orphan’s Court Sale. N THURSDAY, the 20th d 1; of OCTOBER next. by order at the Orphnn’s Court of Adapt county, the undersigned. Adluimstrn— tor 6! the cattle of Jereminh Sheen. deceased, will sell the Inch 0! "id dccenud 3‘ Public bale, on the premises, viz: Nu. ): A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Freedom town-hip, Adnml county. Idjoining hands of Abrnhun Wilton, Cuper My n, Ind others, dad on the mod from Dubu' min to Gellytburg, continuing 17 Acres, more or lan, with I Log Wulherbonrded HOUSE, Frame Barn, and other buildingl there on. Alla 1 good Orchard, Iyd a spring of good water near the door. The llnd bu been limed, in in n good mm o! cultivaiion, Ind bu I good proportion of meadow. No. 2. A TRACT OF LAND, in Highinnd township, Adams county, adjoining land: of Abraham Wilson,'Jos¢pb lickley. and othon, containing 25 Acres, more or lan, part in mn ber Ind p 1" improved, - portion of it bning been limed. Per-om wishing to pnrchuo on view the had previoul to the dl] ofule. sB3k to commence It l‘o'clock, P. I , on land duy. when Attend-nee will be glnn mud um: mnde kno‘mn by ’ ’ WM. BOSS WHITE, Sept. 26, 1864. u Adminiuntor. Bhorifi": Sale. . _ N pursuance of e writ of Pieri Fuciu, I issued out of the Court of Common Hens of Adam: County, P... And to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court Home. in Gettysburg, on SATUR DAY, the 15m. dry of OCTOBER next, It 1 o’clock. P. l, the following ducfxbed Reel Eltate. viz : \ , A TRACT OF LAND. litnete in Latimore township, Adam] county, Pm, adjoining land. of Andrew Lerew on the south, Dunle} Henge. on then". And Isuc Worley on the north and vent, containing 10 Acrel, more or leu, 8 ncres of which are in timber. Seixed end taken in execution uthe property of Rana:- C. meonox. Sherifl": ofiice, Gettylburg, Sept. 26, '64. “7TH: per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheri! must be paid over immediately after the property is struck down or upon failure to comply therewith the proper ty will ho again put up for sale. =Orphan’s Court Sale F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE—On O SATURDAY, the 15th day‘of OCTOBER n’ext, in pursuance of an Order of the Orphnn'a Court of Adams county, the subscribers, Adl ministrators of the estate of Jacob ltex, dec'd., will offer at Public Snle, on the promises, ' THE FARM of “id deceased, situate iii But ler township, Adams county, adjoining lands of ‘Juhn Boyer, John Wisltr. John Louver, Daniel March, and Israel Brlckt-r, containing, 100 Acres, and the usual allowance. more or leu. The lnnd is in a good state of cultivation, hav ing all been limod—with due proportions of Wood-laud and Meadow. The buildings are: Twoei'ory Weatherbonrded Dwell- 'A, ~ ing llOUSß,Logßurn.with Wagon ”A: - ' Shed, Shop, Wood House, km— 'l3,in There ‘ia'o good Orchard on the ;r'-,;,__;‘ premisna, with; variety pf fruit; «not well of neverfailing water at the door or the dwell ing. The property is situate on the Slate road leading to Newrille. The Great Conowago creek runs through the farm, the crack being bridged where the Slate road crosses lhc same. ”Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when Attendance will be given and terms made known by IIURKIIART water, , - AMOS REX, . Administrators. By tli‘n Comb—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Assignee ‘B'" not. sold a,n said day, the Farm Will be RENTED at. public outcry. Sept. 26, 1864. is ' Desuable Farm 1‘ PRIVATE SALE—The undrrsigned A offer! for sale his FAR“, situate in Slountplcanut township. Adam: county. Pm, on the Bouaughtown ro-I-l, thtce miles north of Littlealown, adjoining lands of Joseph Sheely, Levi Schwartz, Jacob Pnrr, and others. con mining 75 Acres, more or less. The 'N improvements are all new. consisting o! @l3l a Two~strry BRICK HOUSE, with two story brick Back~bui|ding. bo'h well finished, a. Bank Barn. Wagon Shed. Corn Crib, (hurri nge House, Wash House. and other out.huil.l ings; two excellent wells of water—one at the house and the other is: llf'c ban ; tw‘o Young _Orchnrds of choice fruit, kc. Also it Temmt House and Stable, with an Urclmrd, Well. to, The land hns‘been limed, the greater part a second time; it is under good fencing and the very best cultivation. , IQPcrsons wishing to View the .property are rquested to call on the subscriber. 'n-sid ing thereon. , ELIAS MAYER. Sept. 26, 1864. tr ‘ Town Property on SALE—The‘hscriber offer: It Pri vate SAle, A LOT F GROUND, situate on the corner of West. Middle and Washington streets, Gettysburg, having thereon erected in _ ’_l, ; Two-story Brick DW E LL! .‘1 0 4'5“ HOUSE, a one and fill]! story J}. ”E Wentherbonrded Dwelling House, . ';_,Y "57 and I Blacksmith Shop. Also 3‘ well or water and fruigtrees on the lot. This is aco 'ner lot and very desirable Persons within} to View it are requested to cell on Capt. Wm. J. Martin, my lgEDt. filf not uold béfnre FRIDAY, the let of October next, the property will on that day be ofl‘ered It‘Puhlic‘Sale, on the premises, at 1 o’clock, P. I, when terms will be mode known, Sept. 26, 71364. In Desirable Property 'r PRIVATE SALE—The subscriber offers J_ at Private Sale, his PROPERTY, situate in Tyrone township. Adam! county, on the road leading from York Springs lo Oxford, 4 miles from the former and 6 from the lunar, Adjoining lands of George Mummert, Samuel Chronister, Levi Barren-parser, and others, containing about 48 Acm+about 10 Icru at good timber, and I. due proportion of meadow. A pan or tho loud bu been limed. The .9; improvement: are A Two-Itory Frame $1“: HOUSE, Prune Barn, Hog Pen. and other out-building; The building: are all new, having been put up within the last. five or six yenrs. There is a well (Hunter conve— nient. to the home with 3 pump in it; mnever failing spring on the pzopuly; 11w egocd Apple Orchu-d of choice fruit. with other {run trees, such he peach, peer, apricot, cherry, kc. Persons wishing to View the property ere re quested to call on we subscriber, ’nesiding “13:01:. SAMUEL THOHAS. pt, 26, 1864. 3: - Notice to Assessors. HE Aneuon elected a: the In! Spring Election In hereby notified to attend n the Commissioners" cam, in the borough of Gettypbnrg; to main hlnk Aneungenc Du pficntu Ind flu ‘neceunry lnurnctlo'nn, I: follow": _ . The Alleuor: of Union, Courage. Ber wick,’ Bar-rick borough; Oxford, Hamilton: Railing, lounlplenunt. Germany, Stub“, lonnljoy tnd Litumwn, will “tend on TUESDAY, the 18th do, of October next. * ‘And the Aucuorr of the borough of Getty-- burg, Cumberlnd, Highland, Freedom, Liber ty, Hamiltonian, anklin. Butler, lemllen, Tyrone, Huntingwn and Luimore, will stand on WEDNESDAY, aha 19“: of October next. 3] order of the Commiulouen. J. I. WALTER, Clerk. Sept. 28, 1864. td ‘ ARY. SNEERINGER’B ESTATE —Lo(- urn of administration on the am. 0! try Snufin er, late 0! Conowngo township, Adams conn‘ having been granted to the un dersigned, residing in Union touahip, be hereby given noliu to I]! penan- indeblved t 0 uh! unto to nuke immediate payment, and than having claims again“ the lame to prev lent dun properly nu‘henticued for unle mcnt. JOSEPH L, SHORE, Adm’r. 5epi.28,1884. 6t N the 26th, either in York or Cnrlinle street or on the Ncwville road within - mile of town, t Inge BLACK GRAPE VEIL. A um able rev-rd [ln I» given by luring it an the «WWI, « ‘ ’ ocm 3, JACOB BNXKIRBOH'. MAM REBER‘I‘, Shorifl'. MICHAEL DILLON Notioe. Lost, Valuable Farms 1‘ PUBLIC SAUL—On WEDNESDAY. 4 the 26m day‘af OCTOBER next. In pl". sum: of the Will of Peter Trestle, dccmsed, the following Real Estate will be ul’ercd far nle. on the premises, nz: No.l. THE HUME FARM, cantainiux 152 Acrn. more or less. in Strum: tdu nahip. .\‘l' nml county,oue mile Iron Geuylhurg,ndjoin. in; loud: aflouph Weible. Henry Brien, and others. with I new Two-nor] BRICK HOUSE. Bunk Burn, Ind other improvements; Ibundnncc 01 um Ind fruit on the premisn. The land bu been limed and in in A good unto o! cnltimtion, with 1. good prupmlfiun of Timber-land, and is very desirable. No. 2. A‘ FARM, containing 112 Acres,‘ note or lan, adjoining land: of John Rommel. Danie! Spongler, and others. in the mum. towuahip, about 2 miles from Gettysburg, [ith‘ nTwo-ntory Stone Dwelling HOUSE, ,1 ‘ Bunk Burn. and— other o,nt~buildmga-' ‘ then-yon. A- stream of utter runs thro' ' the form. _The [lnd bu been lirized And in in .i good not: of cnhiution. under good fence, 'nnd ha. About 30 Acre: of timber. x 4: , No. 3: A TRACT OF WOODLAND, nnr the Bonnughtovtfn road. on and I half mile; from Gettyzbuigndjoining lands of William' Spsngler, Ind \nhon. containing 11. Acres, more or mghvhh vnlunhle timner an it— ’X‘hia land m A be sold in several to", to luit purchasers. Also, at the some time and place. No. 4. A TRACT OF MOUNT“)! LAVD, containing 4} Acres, in Hnmiitonhau township, on the Cold Spring. rosd, ndioiniug lands of William Splngl'glgnd others, with goodyoung chesnut timberflaf easy Icceu. flPeraonl desirous of purchasing are in vited to on” on the Executor, residing in Sir-bin township. ' fi‘Su'e i 0 commence at 1 o'clock, P. M , on said day, when ntlendnnce “'1“ be given And terms nude known by DANIEL sunnsmm, Sept. 26, 1864. u Acting Executor Desirable Small Farm T PUBLIC SALE—Op SATL'RDA Y, {ha A 29.1. day of OCTOBER next, the sub scnbermll offer at Public Sule,on the prgmis’n, HIS FAIL“, sutunte in Monday ym'nship, Adams calmly, on me BJltimorfi turnpike, 3 miles south of Gettysburg, ndjuiuing lunulu of Anron Sheely. qu. Sniuuel B. Miller. E<q., William Cownovrr, .\lzlrks's leurch,nnd others, containing 69 Acrba and 17 Perches, more or less. The improvements nre’ n .. Two-story Blifl‘K HOUSE, (suit. fig _ able for two families.) Douhle Log fl; -. Burn, with Sheds, Wagon Shedv‘m‘v Cnru’ Crib. Carriage ‘House, Hog km, and other out-buildings ; also A newt-failing well of excellent water, and a young Apple (lr. chard, with mixer lrun. There is ul§o upon the premises a first rzitc SAW MILL, Wluu- >liun supplying the powur. Time an: almuv. 11 acres of’l‘imbumo the farm. The prupcrty is benutifully located, find very desir.il.!e. Po:- souswishingto View it nre requoslcd to null on the undersigned, ”siding Ihnreon. ‘ ”Sula: Lo cummem-c at l o'clork, P. .\l., on suid dziy, when nuunilance will be given and terms made known by ‘ 7 DAXIEL SHEATFJL Sept. 26. 1864. ts plendid Farm 'T PRIVATE SAUL—The undersigned. A Executnrs of the hut \\‘ill and Team ment of Daniel Polly, decelsed, offer «I. primate sale. the .\IANSIUN PLACE of mid deceased, udjmning Llnds of Clmrlcs Polly; Jm‘ob Lott. Abraham Plank, nnd ollu-rs eunl tnini'ng about. £3O .\crrs, about 25 ucr-é of which are in puod Timber, 35 acres in {mud .\lczlduw, nnd the human: in n [wol atue of cuhivntion.»\’!‘he snitl Farm is situMc in Cum berland townahip, Ad In: county, within three miles of Gemslmrz, and within one-eighth of nmile of the Gunyshur: mnlCh/nmlmrshnrg Turnpike. 'l‘heiulprmemenuare! .. u large Two-story \Vrutlu-rvvoard- if; : ed HOUSE. Bank Burn, quu Crib, §' fig Wagon Shed, sc. _ 1 _ '”'}. # narTerms easy. ' w” not sol-1 before the 15th day ofOuto be: next, it. will th be 1m Rent. J. n. DANNER, L‘. B. FULLY, Sept. 19, 1864. ts’ Exec-Egon. House and Lot T PRIVATE SALE—The nmlrrsiunml, A having joined 1170 army. ollé'rs his Iluune nn‘l Lm at. pnum- sulc, silu we in Moumjny township, Adnms county, mljoining'lnnds of Wm. Counovor and A '”Sp.nngler, nnd mar McAlisu-r'a mill. Tlu- Lot mnlaius "boy! 3 Aerué of well Improved hand, on whirl] a... are erecleJ a new one mu] 1! llnl! 510;; {gig SFONE fiUL‘SI—I, wixh Kitchen and out-buildingu. The Lot is under good fencing. Wnlny person wishinglo ace the pruprrly can call an .\lrs. Tuwncy, living in the soul'x and of Bulxiumre street, Ucllyaburg. S_hc Will give all necessary lntormnliun. Sept. 19, 1861‘ 3t Notlce. Pnsx'A Dzr'r or 0013103 Scuonts,‘ ‘ _ H;,nnunt:nc. Sept. 12..|u,u4. ) GENTLEHEN:—.\pplicntiun, having been mmle by the helm]: of Directors ofa ma jority of 8.11001 Districts in said ‘Couzty, Atutipg their desire to incrcaae the salary of the County Superintendent thereof, you are respectfully requested to meet in convention, It the Court House, in Gettysburg, on MUN DAY, the 10th day of OCTOBER, u 2 o’clock. P. BL, (or the purpose nbove stated, sceonlmz to the terms of the Bth section of the supple ment to the School Law, approved on the 3th day of May, 1855. 0.. R. COBURN. ‘ Sup’t Common Schools. To the School Directors of Aden: ea. Sept. 19, 1864. at H... Jacob Harley. (300633503 10 aucrnn a HARLEY.) 0. 6.32 iIARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA.— N Dealer in Fine Gold and Silrci' WATCFL ES; Fine Gold JEWELRY; Solld SILVER WARE.nnd the beat make of SILVER PLATED WARE. Constantly on hand I [urge nuan— ment of the above good: at lwyn'cu. , Watches and Fine Clocks Rnrunn, by nkilltul ’wm-lunen; also, Jewelry ‘repniring; Engraving and nlLkinds of Hair-work to order, at short notice. fl-Dou’: forget the on; mu, No. 622 fluke: Street. Philadelphia. . , Ang._lb, 1:64. 3111 Auctioneering. ICHA RD TRIMMER, of Stnban tutu-hip, Adams county, Pm, bu commenced 'ALK CRYING, and will be happy to attend to I" call: that may be made! He will do his best to render smilfnction in all can“, find will be moderate ‘in hls charges. Thtnktul for the pun-onnge alrudy butowcd upon him, he asks that lie public generally give hlm'n kid, A Sept. 26. 8a: Spring Goods A? A. SCOTT I SON'B.—We invite the It teution of buyer: to our uock at Spring Goods, which will be told cheap, confining oi , . LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Shlwll, Glosking Cloths, etc., etc. For Xen‘t Ind Boys; we" we jun Cloths, Culimuea, Comings, Vestlngs, m Anxiety of Cotton udel, to" kc. Cull Ind us. In: 18,1863. , A. SCOTT t SON. Notice. 11. JOSEP}! N. SMITH'S ESTATE.-Let ten of ndminietntiol on the estate of Dr. oteph N. Smith, lute of Butler twp.l Adam: county, deceued, hula; been granted to the undersigned. [aiding in the lame township, the hereby. give notice to m pet-tone indebted to aid nut: to nuke immedhte payment, end thou huh); chime Again". the lune to present them properly enthentirnud for nettle ment. LOU!” A. SMITH. (Widbw,) Sept. 26, 1864. a: Admini-tnmx. (2A R'D PHOTOGRAPHS o dininguilbedindixidudl, includingsnlm her of our prominent Geneull, 3nd the old hero John L. Burns, for sale at the counter of flu EXcelnior Gallery, Gettysburg. TYSON BROTHERS. 000 CIDER—Just received It Dr. R. q HORSER’S Drug Store. the pure Sul p ate of Line for preserving Cider. ‘ . XCKING ban the finest Insomnia-t of Spring ad Summer Clothing h to". AMES’ DRESS TBIIMDIOSJII (not 7:. lies}, “M IGHXCK'B. 'l' PRIVATB’SALE OR FOR TRADE.— A The uhdcnigned ofl‘brs l-io FAR)! at Pli uxe Sale, or in trade (or Town Property in Gfllythuvg, Hanover‘ York or Baltimore. The Flrm in Inc-led in Hountplrlsnut townzhip, Adam: connly. Pm, Adjoining lands of John Socks, Wm. H. Lou, Esq.. Ind others. and conlnimug 10‘ ACRES, more or less, Improv ed with a new Two-nary STONE HOUSE, Lug Bun, Cvrn Crib und Wagon Slnevl‘ nlwn oneumd n lndf nary Stone Tennnl ”oqu win: I ‘5 Stable, and other out-baldinzs. Thu-e IS A well of gum] wnler near ‘be door, and several spring: on the przmises, will: a fine young Apple Orchard. The land bu bcen hmed lime, nnd uin excellent cultivation. There are due proportion-0t Woodland and "endow Mills,cyurchea and school house: convenient l'erson: wilbing to View Ihr property nre re quulcd to call on theQNner. in Gettnbnrz. Sept. 12, 1864. tt ND LIME FACTORY: * AT PUBLIC BALE. 'he undersigned, inunding to move west, will all at Public Sue, on me premilel, on THURSDAY, the 20m dny of OCTOBER, 1864, his v‘nlunblu Lov. oi Luv! and Lime Factory, lituatod in Mount. Back, All”!!! county. Pm, onofinile west of llebvrrylloVn‘ and {hue q-mrtcu of: 111.12 from Couovmgo Chnpel, at ihe public rond lcwliug from McShei-ryuown to Hunttruown. The lot. in in the very best condition. cenminiug 2} Acres of ~ Lands Theimprovemenuthcreon tuned are I. large Two-story BRIG HOUSE and Kitchen, with 11. wel of “ale? :1 “To do”,- Bunk Bah), BlM: Imilh's Shop wilh mher (ml-buildings. Tl B LIME FACTORY consists of two ox cellnnl Kilns (cased with fire prouf bm~k)w‘rtll A huge lime _house attached and an nlenuive lime “one quurry close lo the lime kilna,nll in~tb9 best order. Tue bmldingl Ind all the impruvomenls at: new and pul up with the hen! luau-rink. P: rsons wishing m, View the propnly before the day of sale can do so by calling on the un dersigned resting on the premiscé. WSale to cum-neurc at 12 o'clock. IL, on said dny, when attendance will be girrn Ind terms made known by SAAIUEL WOLF. Sept. HI, 1364. 15* ' 0 be sold nt Puplic Sale, on the premises. on SATURDAY, the 15th,,01‘ OCTOBER next: Two new two and A half story BRICK " ,‘ HORSES, in Iliuh street, Gettysblug,@m with the right :0 n Well 6! excellent‘ water on adjnininz lot. A Also, a. corner building LOT, on High and Washington sum-ts, wizu.«'ell or excellent mun on it. ‘ _ Alan. a two story ’BRVYK HOUSE. with juint use ofa we‘ll ofrxwllcu: wu- Lila {( r, the lot. faring 3011:1011 Railroad strut. ' _ - L Aldo, the udjn’ninq LGT. (If-19 feet on Rnil road inner, wilh :\ s‘mull stable on it. . ‘Alao, lwo rev eliuiblc LUTS. ‘on West Clmm'mrslmrg szrcit. each 30 feet. lronl,‘ and one huvin: a large stable on it. . ‘ Also, nwuluublc TlLUJ'l' OF LAND, of 23 Arres. morn nr Iris, on the .\lilleralown road. adjoining the lmcrczidcnce of Dr, Scli‘mucknr. Tlmre is an orchard of about 50 apple nnd yem-hAln-es on it. The improvements '1 on i: are an cxcqllcnt m" nary Frame iii HUL'SE, Burn, and sevfiral Shell‘s—g; Then is on in. beautiful grow; at 5 acres. mid the. “met right lo a ucverluiliug well of go‘ml unler. > ‘WT-wms of Sale an dnedhird when pos scszion is given and the balance‘ i 1 two equal semi-annual payments. . The lots, and the house and land on Semi nary bill, cm be taken. possession-of imxm di- Mcly, and the houses in town on the 15!. of April next. ‘ ~ g Schrnl of these houses are small. will 'be sold ulneupmnd WOIHII suit Volunteers desirous of prowl-ling 11 home tor their lumilies. » harm not sold, “.4: propeniel will be I'll-li\ l‘lil) (maid day. For particulars npply to _ W. A. DUSCAN. . Srpt. 19, 1864. :s “ ___ Ixildren‘s wraninthe City. Aim, :1 (we assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. C. Z. TAWNE Y As my I-‘nrs Were all purchased when Gold Iva at 1! much lower plemium than a! present, I nin enabled )0 dispose of them At. very n-n -sonnble prices, And I would therefore solicit a (“in from my friends of Adam: county and vi~ cinily. I "Rt-"ember the ' no. Vhl ’ld street! Wflemember the/numb. number and urea - JOHN I‘AREIRA, 718 I|,RCH Street, above 7th. south ride. PHILADELPHIA. WI have no partner. nar connection with any other store jn l’hilldelphh. Semi 12,1864. 5m ' ‘ Howard Association. , HILA UELPHIA, PA.—— Disease: of the P Nervous, Serbian], Urinary und Sexual antenna—new and reliable treatment—in re ports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—km luy mail in sealed loner envelopfis, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIA BOUGH TUN, Howard Association, No. 2 South 5i Street. Philadelphia, Pl. ‘3‘ Aug. 8,1864. ly _ * W. FIIEMUIXG continues the bulinesl A. of SALE CBYING, and solicits the con tinued patronage ot the pnhlic. It in his con lmnt cndeavor to gift satisfaction. Chugel moderate. Residense in Breckinridge ”reel, Gettysburg. ‘ ' P. S.-—He i- n license-i Auctioneer, under the Tax Law of the United Sunni. Nov. 24, 1862. AXIEL SRYDER'S ESTATE—Letter: o! nduniniurntion on lhaestatc of Daniel ‘nyder, late of Hammonlmn tgyndxip, Aduma‘ county, deceased. having been’ granted to the 3 under-igued, residing in Waynelboro', ankfl lin county. Pumhe hereby given no'lce to. all persons indebted to laid estate to make' {mmediate payment, and than having claim: ! against the lame to preaent them properly! mchenfiuud (or settlement. @1312, 1364. 6L . Still at Work. HE undersigned continues the ,- T C.\BRIAGE-)IAKING BUSIHESS, in all in bunches, I; hi: old mail, in In! Biddle rlreet. Getlylbnrz. ' NEW WORK made to order, Ind ‘ ‘BEPA I R i N G done promptly and st lowest prices. Two fiat-mu SPRING WAGONS and I SLEIGH for rule. JACOB TRUXEL. Dec.l, 1863. r . For Sale or Exchange... $3? desirable (mm mugs“. ,; -. A 3 ACRES or LAND, in Gel-nanny ' g humbly. I will exchange for I Fun, , Ind pay the dm'eunce, if any. UEO. ARNOLD. Gettynbug, Oct. 5, 1863. t! VERY definable FAB“, “joining tho A Borough ot Gettysbur¢,eonlaiuing :. 124 ACRES—Building um Land good. E Will be laid on very accommodating .7" Notice. ' “ - Wanted, s’:l ESSE JOENSON'S ESTATB.—LetmI 0! A GOQD FARM‘in 442 ml county,!or 'NBL ndminintntiun on the «an of hue ! ‘1“ exchango_ '“' Q°§9,M§of )uhmou, lure or human ”'““”! Adam: chic. had in lowa, and pny‘ttuc duffel-face * 5?" county. deceased, having bren grnnsed to the I‘3"- 9g "‘33! ““0- ABQQLi :«a 7-.“ d S. 11, Id. ' H ' ’_‘T‘TT‘mMT—FJE W‘“ wax -u mam—u. :1: b°:,:£:;°m.::':.;3::"w3225:3234323 («ngst cwma mew . ' new styles, just teeth-ad it Dr. m In and "3..” to makeimmcdinu Plyfln'fluud‘ / goo-i, Just. opvmd. .1239 ,E‘E’Qi HORXEPJS Drug and Variety Sxorc. Ihnar 1.. \mg chums Bgfliult the saw:- to 9.1- Ham, kc" kc" all cheap at “lama“! ":5 OR’LADXES.-—All tins of Bnlup Over sent them propetly mandated fur 3pm.. UCUSIBER fiOKLEE-‘TT: l’ -‘ ‘ F Shoe: for sale u the corner ofi'ork street menu WM. B. GARDNER. Adm'r. . ‘““‘“ from the city: i: 5:5: 95 m “(I “I. Dismond by How i WOODS. l - Aug. 39, l 8“ 5! KALBI'LE ‘ term. ‘ G 80. ARNOLD Geltglhurg, Oct. 5. 1863. u' A Desirable Farm GEO. F. KALBFLEISCH Valuable Real Estate Valuable Property, Ladxes’ Fancy Furs Ls" " 'r Jonx FARE!- A “A" 0M l‘smh “died Fl'R MAXU .\(ITORY, NO. 718 RC“ Slrret. above h, PHILAD‘A.-——l ne now in More of ‘3' mm Importation \d Manufacture, one the LARGEST nud ms! 81-lAU'I IFULse~ \lions of FAXUY ‘l(.\‘, 'or Lndies'nnd Sale Crying. Notice. D. a. RUSSELL, 4am For Sale. Proclamatiou. g V ImßaAs, in and h, the Act onho new. . ernl Assembly 0?! this Sum, gunned “ An Act to regulate the Genenl Elections 0! ithis Comulouwefltb,” Enacted on' the 2d of lJuly, 183”, it in enjoined on me to givo Pub'ic (Notice of such Election to be held, and to ienuvnernte in ouch notice whet oflicers are to ’be elected: 1,-AUAI REBERT, Sheri! of the [County of Adams, do, therefore, hereby give this publxr notice to the Electors o! the said County of Adams, thu a Omani Election will be held in said County. on the~Sccond Tuesday of October next, (line ltd”) in the serernl Districts . composed of the following Townships, via: 1 In the First district, composed o.’ the Bar. ' of Gettysburgjtthe Uonrt-honsofin Gettysburg. in the Second district, composed of the? township of Germany, It the housc of Nuthaniel ‘ Emacs, in the town of Little-town, in the 3 township QfGexmarly. ln tll'e Third district, composed of the town- Aship of Oxford,” the house of E. .\ll‘Soglfin the town of New Oxford. 7‘ " In the Fourth diatrict, composed of the town‘ Ihipi o? Latimore In] Huntington, at tho house of G. W. Hildebrand, in tho township of Huntihgton. . In the Fifth diltrict._composed o! the town- Ibips of Hamiltonbnn Ind Liberty, at the Pub lic School-house in Millerslo'wn. In the Sixth disuict, composed of the town: ship of Hamilton. It the house now occupied by Dnniel Berker, in the town, of Ens: Berlm. In the Seventh district, composefgof the township of Memdlen,‘ in the Public} ‘ hool bouts iu the Imm of Bendersville. , In the Eighth district, composed of the town ship of Slrabun, at the house of Jncob L. Grass. in iiunierstown. fi/ , 1n the Ninth district, composed of the town ship of Franklin, at the house now occupiéd by JohmP. Butt, in said township. In the Tenth district. composed of the town ship of Conmvngo, at tho houle of Jeremiah Jo’nne, in .\lcSherrystmm. In thc Ell-rout}: distriC', composed of tho townshipnf Tyrone. at the, house of Allen .\l. Cook, in‘ nt-iilluralnmg. In [311: Tucmh- (fialricl, rompmed 0f the towndlip ol .\luumjuy. a! the lwuxc of Mrs. V. Huase, in mid mwx ship. ‘ . ‘ In the Thirteenth xlisn-h-r, vompnsc-l of'the township of .\ionniphxxsum. ut the public School—ham: ip midzlownfhip, simm- M. the cross mark, ‘be om: lmuhdg {rum Oxford m tho Two Taverns, the oth’qr from Hunterslowu to “.\norer. In me Fourteenth district, cnmposed n! the‘ township of Reading. u 'lhe housg of R. )l. Dicks, in Hampton. A , In 11:. mama: district, composed of the Borough of Rurwick, at the Public Schoolw house In Ahbntlstmvn. ‘ ' In the Sixteenth distrirt, compound of the township anreedom, at the house of Smnuel Moritz, in said tqwnship. ' in the Seventeenth district, composed of I'm township of Union, at the Imus. 01 Enoch Le l'es‘er, in said township. ln um Eightecuth district. composed of the tnwnihip of Butler. at the public School-huuse in‘ Mid iletowu, in said township. In the Nineteenth district, _composed of the township of Horwiuk. in. the l'igcou Hill School-house, in s:tid.township. , In the Tm-ntieth diatrictpcomposefl of the town~hip of Cumberland, ut the house of D. Blun‘lmugh. iu thé borough or Gettysburg. « in the ’i‘\€~t-nLy-first district,coxnposcrl oflho towmhip of Highland. at. the School House at Lower .\iurih Creek Preabytcrinu Church, in mid township. ,' ' In the Twenty-second district, composed of the borough of Lilllest’own, in the mod. Wen tchy School-home in said borough. At which tithe and plans will he elected One Member of Congress, to represent the Difitrict compmed of the Counties ol 'Adums, qukhn, 'Fulton, Bedfot‘d gnd Somerset ; i“ ‘ One Mvmber of,A<sembiy; 7“ One County Cuutmiwmner ; One Ditector oi the Poor; and Two County Auditors. - , ~ . . PJruculnr uttenhodis directed to em Afro! Ansumbly, passed the 271b.du_v of ‘cbruary, 1849, c‘mlud “ An net. rclmiw to voting at e lecfions in Adams, Dauphinl York. Imncuuer,’ Cumberland, Bradford, Ccnlre, Greene, and E riL," \ iz : Sncrmv 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ilepresentntitel of the Commonwealth 01 Pennsylvania iuGenerul chmbly met and it is hereby enacted by the_xtutitority of the same —th.xt~i-t»—stmll he law't'utfur the qualified )‘oters of the counties of Adding, Luncestcr, Dauphin, YJl’k‘ Frunklim Cun erlum}, Brudl‘orerL-ntre, Greene, nml Erie, from and Aftér the puss-ago of this not, to vote for all candidates ‘tor the various offices tube tilled ut an election on one clip or tlcket:~-i’rovided. That the oifice tar “hlcil every cauiligiufi is voted’ for, phall be designated, ".3 requirrd by the existiug'luws of this ('ummouweulth. ' , Snow.» 2. Tlmtun)‘ fraud committed by any person voting in the manner-above prescribed, i slmll be punl‘hcu by the existing laws of thin Commonwealth. .1: ALSO—In and by virtue of the Hill set-lion | of ”mint! uiuresui-l, every personmn-efimg Justices ol‘the‘l’ence, iwho nlmll hold any olliccy or appointment Offiprofit or ”us! under the Government of the UnitedflStn'tes, or ‘9: any city or incorporated district, whether it corn missioned oilicer 9! otherwise, 3 lubufdlnnte ‘ officer or agent, who in, ur llinll be employed under the legislatire, executive orjuilicinry de partment of thin Sun», or of the United States, i or of any city or ineorpornted district, Ind al- ‘ .0 (lat ei'crygmcmber of Congress and ot the SIM: Legislature, km! of the Select or Corn mOn Cunucd of my City, or Commissioner or any incorporated diunct, in by law incapable of holding or exercising at the rune time. the (shire or appointment of Judge,»hnpector, or Clerk of any election of thin Commonwealth, and that no Judge, lnspe~tsr, or‘ other oltlcer of any ruch election, slmil be eligible to my oflice to be then voted for. , - A 1 ro—Tlnt in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entitled "‘.hl éctrdnting to ex ecutions, and for other pnrpoau." Approved April 16th,1840. it is enncied'thnt the ni‘oreui'd lflth leétion “shall not be construed, u to pre vent :ny militia oflicer or borough oflicer, from serving on judge, inspector or clerk, at any generel or upeeiel election in thin Commom wealth." * _ And hand by In Act of the General Assem bly of thin State, passed the 2d day of July, 18.19, it is directed that the luspectorl and Judges be It the phloem or their districts on the day of the Gencnl Election Iforeuid, at 9 o'clock in the forenoondo do and perform the leveml duties re'quimdvand enjoined on them in And 0, the same act. ' And be it furtherdirected, in and by‘ the Act of the Genenl Aslembly of (hi! Sum, Ifore rufii, that one of the Judgel of each of the ditlcrent diztricu It‘oremid, who man have the charge of the certifies!” ol'th‘e number of votes whxch shall have been given; for each can did-to for the‘difi'erent office: then and there ruled for st their rupecun diatrictl, rhell meet the third day sfter the election, which Ihl” be on Friday, (It: HM day of October adore-lid, I! the Court-house, in life Borough or Gettysburg then find there tormke a. tsir Intern-at end certificate 0! the number of roles ,which Illa” hue been given at the different dim-Imin the rounty or Adam: {or Ind ageinu the proposed Amendmu. Ambush-r, sums. Shedl'l on“, Gettysburg, Supt. 19, '64. Piano Fortes. HARLES M. STIE£E - luau f on: at GRAND AYD SQUARE PIANOVFORTESL hnnhclory 103. 106 i 16'! Franklin street Wnrcroom, No. I North Emery-trod; Copuantly a lame nnmb‘e: of HANDS of my own l-nuttcture on hind, with the in“ Iron Fume and Dyer-Itnug. Every Instru ment wnrmnted for are yearn, with the with leg: of exchmgo Imhin twelve month; If not entirely uni-factory. _ n rP-Second-hand Piurios Alwnyl on hum! u p can lrom $5O to $2OO. Bummore, Sept. 5, 1884. I, 3|n' I 109.c00-busm Gram Wanted. 1 KW HIIM AT THE N OLD WAREHOUSE. ' 3 WII. E. BIDDLE t CD. would inlorm 111. public lb"! they In" Iclled lhl- Warehouu 'un the corner of a'luuon sin-ct und the Hulk road, in Gettysburg, where ”my mlerh‘ oh the GRAIN AND mummy: BUSINESS, W [all In brhuches. The Inglyeal pncu 3111 11-91”; 91”; I). paid (or J ( ‘ \vumfr, 1m), 1 CORN; OATS. I -cx.ovlm .e nuorm‘ 31:309. '6 _P FLAXSKED, sumo, I .. _ I uaY ysmaw; .. Dried Prul’l Nuts, Soup, Hams, Shoulder: and Sides} ?otfilues, with everylhlng else In ‘tho ,countryvprnduce lin». . 0N HAND, FOR SALE, , Cofl‘e’es. Sag-rs, Mulmns, Syrups. To", Spices. Sun, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard. Surcb‘, Broom-gs. Burke“, Nut-king. Brushes, Soups, ac. Abowoah UIL, Fish 011, Tux-“fines FISH of ill kinda; NAILS AND 88 ; Smoking nhd Chewing Tubnccol. ‘ ,They are alwap üble Io snfiply n first nl9 articleflof FLOUR, “ith the I‘Lm‘rcul kind! 0%" FEED. ‘ ' L Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOB. , and other fertilizers. ”COAL, w tho_ busbel, lon. or cfi load. Their CM: run to Ballimdn and Muir lulu.- a weegflnd they will beluppy In tarry goods . either way} It moderate charges. Murketmeu, \ countrxmerchwtm'und others, will find it-tu the” ndupuge to pglmnize this lino. They—ask a shuxe u! the public'n cuflommnd , will lpnre' nu «mm In lender Jntiét‘nction lo _ all, sellers or bu)('l3. ‘ l ‘ ’ \\"J. B. BIDDIJ‘.‘ 5: CO Aug. 22, 1,864. 1f Gettysburg Railroad. mum: TRAINS A l),\Y.——-Tx.lina ever u;- UL-nj'dburg llmlm ‘11.,"4’" run «3 follows; DEPA nT‘L Fina! lmin IEAVI-l (:elhflfllrg 318,1. 31., mm passengers for [ln-.griabmg and the Nollh, EML nml “ISA. ' ¢ ' - , Snafu} train leaves Cenwhurq at 11.37541. .\l , mlh ptlsselmms for B.nll||norc.' l’ns'ung gm (-nn ulso rem-h llnrrlsburg by‘lbii'tnjn. ’ Third (ruin lcnrrs Untyshurg'ilß. 151% will: p Isa-ugcrsh-‘r llnn'nu-r. ~ . g ARRIVALS Fnrsl‘lmin an imam Gettysburg at “.30, A 4 .\L, wzlh lussengus from Harrisburg. ' i Smuud main nrrivcf‘nt Gum'shurg at 1.15,; P/. 51., with pussnngers rrum “ultimorq. 1 Third train arrives n 2. Smut-g at. 6,1’, 31., wixh [mslcngera from “it, uh rg snd tho Nunh, Eur. and We“. R. McCURDY, Prda'ndent. June 6, 1864. lf Great:~ Attraction I , 'l‘ PR NKERVHUIv‘I-"S CHEAP CLOTHING E ”A AND FURNISIIING STDRE‘,‘ at. [he .\'orth :" Eusl'Corn ,r or the Diamond. The aubzrflber‘; is consmntly in receipt offresh goods from tho : . Eastern cities. His stock OI ‘ . ‘ REA DY—MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and nioslt’nllrmlive, M well as the cheapest eqlnblishmcnl ol' the kind in the runnlry. You wlll there fidd‘GOATS, . PANTS AND VESTS, mode up in the moat. . fnslxionnblq' styles, and of the beat ancriulglgv of all size! and prires, for men nml huyi.~‘-—' E 'Gcnllcvnuu’s furnishing znnds or every dosfl'ip tion, Wool Slums, .\luslm Shim, Hickory Shirts and Marina Hhizls; Merino. Wool Mid ; Cnllon Dunn-rs, lloaiclyol'uvcry(lnscription, _ Hutch-akin, Merino nml Uutwn Gloves, Hund- . l-len-hil ls. Neck Txcs, Urnvnu, Linen and Paper . Callus. Hula, (bps, Bums and Sh‘ocl. Um- i hrcllm, Trunks, anices, Cup -t "my, Clothes 3 Vand Shot: llruqhm. Huir nudhfouih Bruslwal Shoe Blanking, Pocket n'nd Dregsing Combo, 3, Ivory 'Upmlm, Wnuhés, Clocks and (Jewelry, § Guns, Pistols,, Viul'rns and -Violin SKI-loge, ‘ Soaps u‘nd Pcrl‘dm’cries, Stationery of allkiuds, l Pmket Knchsv‘Emoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quallly of Segors. ln fact, his stock emm-nces everymlng usually found [in u firgt clnss furnishing slurs. I invitn tho [attention of all {‘o come nod see for themselves, as I am de‘tcxmlnod t‘o sell good: lower than tony othercstnhlisllmenlin the coumry. Don’t ' Iforgcl [be place. Corner of York “rectum! . the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERUUFF. July ”1364. \, * ' One and All, ‘AKE NOTiCE.-—The undersigned would~ 1 'my to the public that he is receiving I large and splendid stock of GROCERIES, wh'vili he will sell as low as any other hon“ in loin—Coffees, Sug‘mri. Molnsaeu._Bympl, Tons, Hm, Fish, $O., with Potatoes, Beam, ind Rice ; Wooden \Vn're, {‘ut up in the bell. mun ner; Tolmcvos, chflri, Jun, kc. . FAIHIEBS. TAKE NOTICEI—I! you VIII to Liy in your liquurs for harvest, now ll QlO .; limc. I have many brand: of Whilkiel, Br“. dies, Wine], and all other liquors, which I I'm disposing oi'iu short profits. Give me a tall 1 alwuys Iry to please—and believe i very or-{‘ gag: snrceed. Remember the place—loushcuf corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. 5 ' i ‘ GEO. F. KALBI-‘LEISCH. ‘ May 25, 1853. . , ' ‘ New Tailoring STA BLISH)!E.\'T.-GEO.F. ECKENRODE, P‘ASIIIHSA-BLE TAILOR, I adopt: this method of informing hiuriendl And the public generally. tlmt lie hu opened I Tniloring‘lslnblishment’ in Baltimore Itreet; Gettysburg, (lute l’ost Officé,) nenr the Dh mond, where he is prepared to do all work in hll line in the best manner, Ind to the lull:- fxwtion of customer:. He employl none but fir“. class hands, Ind receiving ’ ‘ THE FASHXUNS LIEGULA’ELY, he can Win-ram fashionable fits and meat “I substantial sqwing. He nsks a shire of the public’l patronage, romisbg to spare no of fori‘to deserve it. Eh charge! will alway. be found as moderate a: the lin-m will lllow. ’ .Cutting and :Bep-iiring done u thc Ihorten notice. ' [Gettytburgfipril 7, “_63. New Warehouse BHSBBLS 0F GRAIN OO‘OOOWANTED,M. theueanina; and Produce Home. in Carlin]: street, adjoin-.- ing, Shana: t Buehler’s enablinhmont. The highest market price will “was be paid in cash for '1 A‘ ' ~ . GBAIX, o! I“ kinda, ' FLOUR, SEEDS. k. Alva}: on hind Ind 101- sale, at. the "idle" profits, _ f ‘ .GUANOS, , \ SALT, FISH. 'V‘ . ‘5 , , GROCBRIES, to" Wholeulo and null. ‘_' TRY US! We Ihall do but lion ‘0 W 0: ntinfwuon in :31 cues. ‘ IcCURDY t DIEEL. Gettysblfrg, Ila; 11, 1863. ly Qtaiéand Produce. A AVING “km on Inge 336 comioflou .Wnrehonn recently. occupied by Prat ~ cull, Esq, ‘ IN NEW‘OXFORDf ' we I," prepnrqd to pay the hlgheu price: for I“ had: of PRODUCE. “wig u 11:94.0 “1 on prices, LUIIBflR, cum, 0 808311123 "01‘ erery description. ‘ . “ ‘ ,7 A. 7. units a: “'ll:qu. " N 3! Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. L! ‘ ‘ Somathmg for Everybody , O BUY 51' DR. B. HORNER'B \ u . DRUG AND VARIETY m... Jul opened a fine nuorlment o! ‘ ~ » Drugs and Nedicinu, . ' Plum “client-p, " Stationery, , ~ ' Fancy Dry Gouda, 9 ' Confpctiom, . Croce-'in, ' ‘ murmur ~ TOBACCO, 8803113, #0 111. 18, 151 - '. . Mll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers