E .“EEV_ .- m‘ 'rmmsnunG—smmr um I mm?" 9‘ co um 00 1 Ry; ez:~...........;w“.J....“ “a... 9 00‘ mm: ‘Whuu........;...............,;a as to 2 50! Red “(‘”“ '2 20.40 2 4.) U0ru...................-0.....-...‘......... '~ 160 Ryan.........‘........1.....:.....;..... _ ~l s'). Un5...».......» .. Buck“ bent. Clour 5903...... Timothy Seed... "’u Séed...“ halter or Puris‘ "lulu-r ground, per bngqmm BALTIMORE—FamyTJr Floum .............. ...................12 001012 25 “but 2 as 1.0 a 07 n..! 10 .to 1 72 C0rn..........-...-.............,......... 1 78 to .1 80 ‘Mu............1...................m... ' 9G to ' 08 Hour 5icd.........,.................. 7 25 to 7 50 Timothy 5ud......,.........mm... I! 10 to 3 23 Btchuule,per bund........’....... 6 50 tom ()0 flags, per hund.......................16 00 to” {:0 “tuna”.....,...................-.......80 00 (035 00 Whinkcy...”...........................“1 89 to 'n £0 Guano, Permian, per t0n......... 60 .50 Notice. 71' 285 E JOIIXSON'S iiflTATEw-Lcflqn of 3 adminiurmiun on" he "mm éf‘ Jena - uhnsnn. 1.1“.- u! Latimore township, Adams county. deceased, hfiving Lrbn grnnlcd to the undenignad, rowidiug in Huntington lolnsMp, he htrzhy pin-s nofice’ lo a.” para-om: indebted to llld cnntc to make immediate pn;meut,and Ibo-e having claims against. the same to pre um them properly nmlmnzicued for lawn mem. WM. B. GARDNER,,§dm'r. Aug. :9, 1,664; 45: Estray Hexfer. . V A)”: ’lO the premium of the anblcribcr, one mile and a half north of New Guard, Adi-u county, on the 281 k ine:.,\~¢ ROAN lIEIFHR, with chat! hornmnnd about I} yen" old“ The owner in requested to prove proper ly; pl; chargu, and up her away. ' " LYDIA HEAGY. Aug.zr>,.lss4.‘ an 1 Wk..__....“. ”___ , ‘ Sheriff’s Sale. . Ih pursuance of sundry writs of Vcnditioniv Expouu. issued out of the Court of'Com. mtnrgg'lcu'of 111 nm: cuu'uty, PIL, mid. 19 me directed‘ viii be exposed tu l’ubiic‘ Sula. sit the (Juan “our, m Gettysburg, 6n SATURN . DAY, the 24 h duy of Shl'Tl-ZMHER nut, at' I u'ulock, P. X., the fuilowiug described Heal Hunt, viz: . ' i \_/ .\'c. l.—.\ TRACT OF LAND, situntefln , intimore towc‘ship. Adnm' county, [’ll.l ml-‘ ‘ .jnininz lnads’uf Altrcd Miller, John \\“tilt‘ardr' mu] David (‘mrdnrrfllml the lbubiit it'mtl lend,- inx ln'im I’etcruburgfl) Berlin, '1 milcl lrmn. l'ctenburg und4 mile from York Springs, cou- ‘ tainiug‘ I'} Acres, more ur 10:13}, having thereon ‘ Art-etuqu‘Ku-sn-ry Iloughcust HOUSE, ‘ , ‘ with unit: under it, n gounl Weather-firm ‘g boarded Hum, with Nae-ls ntuu:hcti.— ' - There Is ni‘q‘guu the ttuct :x youug'Urclxud of ‘hpirelruit trees, Iw. ‘ ‘ A No. '.‘.-.\ ITRACTT)!" LAND, situate in the llmp-to\=fi.i.ip, ndjuiniug lands 01' John Wol ‘ lord, Ddiid H. lies!“ and J. I‘. l’t-nningtqn, Avntnixfing 33 Acrcy, more urless—abuut lei m-rrs ! cing in timber, the b Ilnncc fnrm landd uu-irrlvnm‘. fiéizqd and tnken in execution; as Hu- proprrt) nr meux mum. AI ( .\l SH, - A . A anr m‘ LAND, situate in nonding' 0‘ vr‘tlruship, ‘.dun- l'tijlll': ,1 PA , .liJl'lli '2. mil“ {Y in Hmnpmu.mijninm; hutir nt Daniel \iycr: ' Hiéjxh M} on. Juhn liikrr‘ nml uthl'rlt‘ 4"liliilifl‘j, ing‘fll .\irra 'in-197 ‘t‘rviw'i, ul-Oui. I) iii-res! living ixin-niii)wv~‘.rn;xx'n\on! wit"! a Two- 2 a ~stu't‘y Log Dwt'll'yig INH'f‘l-X, «1301'! with {y , iniqk. n. miv—slt-ry Kitcln-u mmvhcd+ 1 Ly; Burn, :1 “’l‘ix of \\nirr umr. the dwrlling' “1.1.1! spring on ii”.- trm (, with fruit lrres, .\'v. I S ind iluti min-n in ourniius: n-s’lhrJ-xupcrtyl ofCAnuunu .‘inmfinnil .\xmunu \UEL. ' I I ALNJ, E A TR “‘l‘ “'7 LL“): :ituatc in Bntir‘r‘ , L -m.hip._.\dnm§ mung. Pm, on the public: xvi-i lt-ndi rg Drum the .\leuailrn rOl4l tn Hun-E ten-mun. mijnimng lnntk of Snmud’ “NHL; _ _l'iiré-‘Linu Huihugz-i, Jniih Hvilhenny': lid! 3.5 9W! mhrr“, mix-1.11M“: -.': Anna, more 01' It‘s.) \ linplul'l‘d will a. 'l un.;.tnr_\' i‘mmu 4:1“ J Vi tnLill’riNHlTdCd Home, a one-Murylfl'fl l‘ruub u'c-athv riumrdr II Kitrhon si t. _ uexl, mu: vL-Hur uqii. r .- mi home, :1 51:11:10. ‘ Hug I‘qn. “L“ n: “rut" Hour I‘m dour u!" the; “awning, and an Apple Uigcllurd um] (aliltr' iii-1". [rt-tN MI [in' U.“ i. kc. ‘ 51".cmlmu! taiwui . i'a newt‘un .14 the prul2é:i_\-'.|f.'u:.~ Dn,ut N \‘i ur. ‘ » E A I tin? .\ TRACT OF LA“), situate in Mennllen inunihip. .\vlnmr cwumy, I'm, adjoining Lumps ol' Sufi-hm»): Heamcr. Philip HeawW-E, [Unit )1 Dunne]. \‘ulugiim- “mun-r. Jacob Schloiu'r: rm] .lnruh qutr, routuuiug 26 Acres, more a} las, imprme-Il “uh :\ Tun uory Log ”in: lIUI'EI‘L \\ ilh (:n-qu undrr EL. :L Shno- lg'lia maker Nmp, will: “3.1-1: Huusc mulch- edhlh’y‘llmnc, n “c“ of n n((-|,lzc:1r the dunr, also 0. Double, Log Run, \Vlth .\'hcu‘s .xt'nrlmd, Uoml'eu, lwo _vnung Urulmrd~ walk :1 “may of choicu ‘truilw kc. 51-Iqu and taken in 4-w— -culum a! the woven; M (from-r: H, ll‘J, u an notice [q Hmur ,ch-r, lcqgc tenant. ’ ' . AHA“ RHHER'I'. the-rim Shel-M‘s onire, Gettysburg, .\ng. '_’". ”A. wl'cu per (ml. of the purclmsq mom-y upon all sales by the sheriff mun, be pu‘lid nvcr immcdmcb uflcr the pl:upcl‘l_y is'struck down or upon finilurc Lo ch'lva Ihruwizh me prnper ty )nl! bv'nguiu put up tor 5:110. ‘ ‘ ,: Valuable Real Estate : '- 'r pmmc S‘ALFL—Un summit the 4A. 2m. day of SEPTEMBER next‘ in‘pursu mm: of (tn Unix-r of the Uryhn‘h‘s Court 0! Adam: counly. _wlll he offered at I'nhlic Sale, on the premises. xhe rcnl'csmte of ancis Felix. (la-ceased cousiuiut; nf ‘- A TR‘Afl’l‘ OF PATENTHD L.\§D. single: in Oxford township, Adams county. contaiui 1g 48 Acrcsnn'nre or less. ndjoiniuglands ofJohn KlgnkJm-ob Smith, Nicholas Link. and others. Ibo improvements are uT» o-story at“ Log “'enlherboarded Dwelling __,:¥{ ~ HOUSE, One-story Stone Kitchen, s’} Emu. an Out-house of Stone, including ‘g'xggé Kin-hen, Smoke House, Dry Ilouso, Stone Bank Burn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attach- Ld, a nererl‘niling Spring of \vnter‘nenr the door, a large Orchard, containing u. variety of (rail trees; A sufficiency of good timber, also of excellent mrw. The land is in a good unto of cultir. on, having been thoroughly lined. ,Tbc property lies south of New ox lord, Ind within less than a mile 0T that. pllct. wl’cr‘sons desirous of vieuing the proper ty below the day of ale, will call on Anthony Iglix, raiding: thereon, or on the subscriber, li\-Int: uell' Bonnugitown, [Shade to commence M. 1 o‘clock, P. IL, on said day, when attendance vull'be given And terms made known by ’ ' JOHN FELIX, Adm'r, By the Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. F’Alg. 22, 1864. u ‘ ' Real Estate T BUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, the In day at OCTOBER um, in pursuance ut'luthnrity given in the lust will and testa ment. at John Jacob Ktefiurer, dcceased, will be oft-ted at Public Sale. on lhe premisearlhe xßeal Emu; of said decc.lsed.consisling of ‘ A FARM, situate in Cumberllnd And Free dpm townships, containing 161 Agres, mote or less. of'l’ulcuted Land, adjoining lands 6! Cspl. Robert )lcl‘mdy, John Big- it- . hum, Qeorge \\‘oikcrz,nnd others. .353: ” _ The improvementsne a Two-story 15"; [m 14,3805 t. Log Burn, with Sheds ~_,i_.;‘l - .11 around it, Com Crib. M; n neferlmung we“ 01 water: near \hc door. There in nn I)an (HI/the place. [bone 50 acres .arc fill 59!. in \imber and nbu 1 30 in meadow. Thotwopcrty “ill be 50:! entire, ur in lots ”mic. mums. f 'fgxpons‘ dtail'oul of viewing the property w [1 an upon Andrew Keefauver, residing on maybe“. or upon the snbscnber, refilling in [gnmjoy townshiprmout Homer's .\lill. fi-fiale to commence at 1 o'clock, B, 31., on aid dgxy, when attendance will be given d “mumps“ kuun‘n by . m - JACOBKEEFAUVER Aug. 22, 1864. ts ‘ E 1' ‘‘7 : Hay Wante . 7 “IBJIIGBEST PRICE I'. .’ 1 Txgm'u'r [HY r _‘ Aux- 51:54? ”__flfld- -m. .._ CIDER?- BSSES nit! APPLEPEALERS ' for ”£913! SWAN;I BCEBtEIL El T PUBLI%SALE.—‘On SATURDAY, the A: 171}: day SEPTKIBER next, in {annu nnce or an Urdol of the Orphun'a Cuun of Adum county, the undersigned, Admimllrn lou raffle estate of Andrew ”rough, hue of Rendxrg township, Adams count). (inc-mod. wm other I: I’uLlir 9.11%, on the premise“, :ha't valuable TRACT OF LAND, lately occuPied Ly an deceased, situated about one mile north of Hampton, 6n the old .\lennlll‘n road.contnining 1H Acre'a, more or less, with nutficient Timber nnd Meltdown—adjoining lands of Andrew Brough, Jr., heirs othmes Townsend, dcc'd., Jacob Miller, and others. The tract is well watered by a small stream passing through it: and a number of springs in the fieldl. The improvements are a Two-story RoughrnatHlJUSKVrith Buck-building, Bank Burn, Wagon Shed and Cam Crib, and other out-buildings; two good well: of water, one at the House and one at the Barn. with pnmps‘in them; with an Apple and Peach Q:r!mrd,:lnfl other innit.— Thu Fnrm is handsomely aitualed, and in of the Granite Sm]. It wiil be offered whcle or in ten-n] parts, as may but auit purghnscrs. Alan, A TRACT OF WOODLAND, adjoining the above, and lands of Jacob Smith, Jucbb Miller, anti Other), containing 2 one: and 56 perchei. [av-Vernon: winking to View the prop‘nrty are rcquutcd-to can on either of the Adminii'. tratou,‘the first named residing in Lntimcrc tuwmhib and the Int in Gettysburg. fiSulc to comment-,0; at l 0" lack, P. 31., on nid day, wlmi zittqndnnce will ‘be giteu and tum: make known by 6 00 to 6 56 .... 3 no to 4.00 2 50 10‘: 7:. n 50 1 75 ' JOHN H. MYERS, JEREUIAH DIHHL, , . Adminiuruton By \ba Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Ang.22,1864. ts .. . F J'ALUABLE REAL ESTATE—On Q SATURDAY, the 10“: day of SEPTEM- B '3 next. in pursuance of an Ordet of 3.119 ,Orphun'l Court at Adams cqunly, the» su'b ecribere, Adminielrntors of the estate of Jacob Rex, deceased, will 'ofl'eul. Public 81.12, on the premises, THE FARM ofsaid deceased, siinnte in But ler township, Adams county, adjoining land: of ,Juhn Boyer Jnhn Wisle’r, John Lnuvur, Daniel March. and Isrnel Drinker, containing 100 Acrca.nnd the nsunl allowance, more or less. ,Thc land is,in n 3061 state ofcultimtion, hav ;in;.,r ill hocn “med—with due proportions of ,“ uutL-hlud and .\iendow. The buildings are a Twodmry Wcfltln'lhuardEd Dwell iingJiUL'.‘E, Log Barn. \vnh “’“an ... l Shed, Shup. Wuod House, ku— Er: ,Thcre is a. good Unhnrd On the premises, with a variety oflruil; nl<o n wrll oi geverfauling water at thy door of Ihe dwell :invz. The- prism-Hy is situate on the Siulé rend ilcnding to ficwvillc. Tin.- (lreut (Jonmrugo ‘Crct'k runs through the gum, the creek being I bridged when-the btmc loud crosses the's'iune. ! WSJIC lo commence at l o'clnlck,l'. .\1.,. '(m snid tiny.l “hcn attendance will be ghen and termsumde knuwn by IIL'RKdART “'EILT, / - Anus mix, ; Administrhtors.’ ,By the (‘nurl—J. J. Fink, ('lerk. ‘ T PI’BHG SALE—On WEDNESDAYJbe Adm. dny of SEPTEMBER nut. in pur sunnve m an Urdu of the Urph-nn‘s Conn of AJums (-uunty, the suhscriher, Adminiurnwr n! (r‘ylhnr‘inc Mlimt, dcfcnliu}, ml] ufl'er at PuMic Sn‘v. on Ihv promises“; ”A LUT uf‘ (:le‘xn, in Unmptnu. Rgm ing township, Adams coflun‘ykflxh,‘ 1... A on Much me erected a Tw'o- it}? ag g . story Log Rnughonst “OLSE, and "35 3“ 5;. Log Stable. A ‘.nll ol‘ Mlw-L";‘iV-‘g;; water. Iruit tf‘e‘cs. M“, on the {lra-mists. ' wPersons wxshing to New flu; props-Hy. l-etinre the xl‘.._\"uf .1110. will be shown the sum-.- h} Mali-l Elliott. residing [hm-non. ”Sula to commem-e M l o'clockfl’. .\l., on snill (1.13 when mundancc wnj'be gin-n and turn», made known h} a ‘ 110 mm \1 'I:I.LmTT, .\dm‘r Ry tlm ('uurt—J. J. imk. (‘lerk. An'xg. ’."2. NM. 13 ‘ \TOTK‘E is hri-rhy givnu to all tin-heirs _L and Itgnl reprwonl'stivn of JOHN HUHH‘ZR. late of Frnnklin tnwnghip. .\dnms cuumy, I‘ecensed. nz: hmublmcbc r‘ his wid ‘ow, and tho flblluxrlng'hrotlu‘rs' unvi sisters :ind dxughler ofdoccnisod brother“. fi-Lliznhmly. in. terxn.xrried with .\'nmuol .\lummtrt: .\'nm-y. in lcrumrned \nth Jouph er: Sum]: murmur? He‘d will: [Laid (Jump: ILHH “usher; M-nn, ‘lm-rn‘lmrlvd wilh Dame) Tun-He; : :u'nl .\FuriJ, n..!) rUI‘VHinLl’ dnuphn-r anenry HIM-her. n lumhrr, dccouwd, illh'rn‘fllrlcd \\“Hh .\d m (Smirk—4ll% nn [\MH'EHI' will I)“. held on HH UA)" Ihc‘ [Mb (In; of .\'I'II’THQIBHR mxl. M .110 Late wwwnw 0! said d misc-l. on thu ibul Hume qf cu'u‘i dmzvdentflfiz: A True: uf Land, ‘suqnte in Fr-nklm township, ,Adnms mum). Pm, ndjoidiing lands of Petr-r .\lickley, Daniel lleigcs, Hamilton 51:11:, DJnic.’ Kuouw. and oflu-rs,;eox:luiniug 4'; Anres. more or less. on u hmh uru exerted n lwo-Mary Lug House. [H.lC}:slnil‘h Shop. [burn and olhur out—hulidmgs —!u mu‘ko PART] “ON 0: the [rt-nun» ,qu'T‘c mid m and amongst tlnerL-presvuwin'e-a of =nxd decedent, in alll‘h manner; and in such propor xionq n 5 bydxe Luvs 01 this Cummonwrnhh is directed, ifsuch pwrt‘ltion can he undo \\ithoin pn-judxce to or spoiling the whole; but ifsuch pnrtition rnnnot be made thereof,then ta value nml hmnuise the sum. .\ DA“ REBERT. Sheriff, SherifTerffice, Gotty'dmrg, Aug. 22, ’64. 3:. 100.000 bush. Grain Wanted. EW HRS! AT THE 1 . I” ’ _ _ _ _ ULD WAREHOUSE. ' “'3'. E. RIDDLE (.7 CO. would inform the puhlic that they bfive chscd the Warehouse on_;‘..e curuer of mrnnon street and the Rail nud. in ()cnyshurg, where the; will carry on the GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINX-ISS, in, all its branches, The highest prices will ul- ‘ wags he pxlid for coma. uns, ‘ CLOVER £2 TIMOTHY SEEDS, ‘ FLAXS‘EEDJ sumo, . HAY a: STRAW; , Dried Fruifi, Nuts, Soap, Hmm, Shoulders and ‘ Sides, Potatoes, with everything glsc in the counny pro-hue Hue. . ox mm», FOR SALE” Cofl‘eea, Sknrs, Mulns:es,Syrups,Te ne,Spices, 1 Suit, Chet 3e, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Bruoms, Buckczs, mucking, Brushes, Soaps, kc. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, an, kc.— l-‘ISU of all kinds; .\'.ULS AND SPIRES-J Smoking and Chewing Tobncco’s. ; They .\re alums nblg‘to supply :v first rme nrticlé of FLOUR, with the difl'ereut_kinds of FEED. - _ i Also eGROUXD PLASTER, with (‘.UAXOS and other fertilizers. ‘BQ'COAL, by the buubelfion. orkcar loud. __ Their Cnrs run to Baltimore 9nd bazk hi'ice a. week, and they will be happy to carry goods either way at moderate charges. Harketmcu, country merclmms, and others, will find it to their advantage to patronize this line. They ask a allure othe pnblic'spustomfind will spare no eflor: to render anisflcliou to all, seller: or buyori. ‘ v WM. E. BIDDLE a: (‘O. A 62. 2'3, 1864. xi ' X Election will be held M the office ON!” A “Adums County .\lutiml Fire lusutnnce Company," in Gettysburg, on SIONDAX, the lath day 0! SEPTEMBER next, between the hours of 1 o’clock uni 4 o'clock, P. 51.,1'01' ‘ll Managers, to acne lor‘lhe ensuing year. D, A. BUBBLER, Sec’y. Aug, 22, 1864. td Q‘Seutinel and Star copy. ARIEL SNYDER'S ESTATE—Letters 01 D :dnxim‘smtion on the estate 09 Daniel Snyder, late of Hmiltonban townchip, Adams county, kceued, having been granted to the' undvrde’uod, raiding in Wuynesboro’, Frank. lin county, Pi, be hereby gives no'ice :9 All persons indebtcd’to said e'stnte to make imméqme ‘pnyment, And (hole having claims ngainst’the guns to present them) properly authenticated for tetflament. 10 FOR coon E. BIDDLB a: co Amman warps, um mamas, good 0 Ind‘chesp, 5093:1913} BOW k‘WOODS. Valuable Real Estate Orphim’s Court Sale Au;.22,1a64. ts . House and Lot Notice of Inquest. \HJLAT, RYE, Elect n. Notibe. r n. B.RUSSELL;Adm'r Aug. 32, 1964. 8: ‘ i A Valuable Farm. ' 1 10 R S A brig—lbo luhlcriber ofl'erl a private sale, hi: FARI. situated in! 4 urroll county, Nd., 2 miles from ldtfleuownq Adjoining had- of Augustus Hum-r. decemdn George Runedonar, Morgop’l Mill property! , (Inrmcrh Arnold’l.) and others. containing: ’ 71.} ACRI'S, about a ncren at which are good liiii'.er.ard a due proportion of meadow. Th?! uni i~ red sand, and!- been lllmrd all men UH' second time; Inge: good teulluz. There 4 11.“: about 90 panel! 0! board fence. Pine; ‘ crv-uk runs through the tact. Tho fields are luld ofl‘ conveniently, no thtt “Elle cu: be left to water without I dl’h'el. The '1 improvemenzsmre I one and : half '7 islory LUG HUI'SE. Bonk Burn, 1 Wagon Shed. Corn Crib. large Shed for cattle Ind hay, Carringe Home, Hog‘ ,House. woke and Wash House, Spring Home," {with n nererfniflng well at ruler mil: 5' { pump in it, coda spring of writer close to the‘ gbviildingl; I good Uri-hard with fruit trees of Jnll kinds. It isiu every respect upon dcsin bie property. ' ' I he." not lold before SATURDAY, the my (in) of SEPJ'EIBER next. the Fun: \\in on that day be ofleted It public outcry, M 1 o’clock, P. M. f lay-Persona wishing tn View the property are requested to Cull on the subscriber, resid- i ing thereon. E. G. UEAGY. i Aug. 22, 1864. u Registrar’s 'Notice. .' TOTICE is hereby giten tonll Legato" and 4 1‘ other persons concerned, that the Ad ministration Accounts lwrcmnftcr mentioned‘ will be presented It. the Orphnn‘a Court of Adams county, for confirmation ind allowance, on TUESDAY, the 200.5 day of SEPTEMBLRL 1864, M. 10 o’clock, A. .\L, viz: l' 61. The guardianship account of John Henry Myen, Gugrdian 01 Adam Leukc, Qf leimnre tohnship. I 71. The first and final account of John, Burkbolder. Administrator,“ Jonas Epplu’ mun, deceased. , a ‘72. The account of Henry Kuuip. 'Ad mimstrator of the emu. 0] Joseph Fisher. deceasad. . , 73. The first account. of For" J. Greén ‘hohz, Admmistntor of Jacob. Greenhohz, late of Germany township, deceased. . g 74. Fm! and final account of John A.‘ Hofi‘lne'ms, Administrator of Rev. E. I]. llnfihems. deceased. ‘ ‘ Q 75. The account of Emanual Spangler, Admimatmtor of Susan Spunglcr. demsed. 76. Fn-st nocounl‘nf Samuel uml Emunuvl PJZPI‘, Executors of Emanuel Piuer, de mam-d. 77. Fix-st and final account of D. A‘ But-h -ler und John 'l‘rwde, Exccmors ul Geo. Trnsfle, deceased. ‘ 78. Guardmmhip account of Amm Lt‘fe \‘c-r, Gum‘dinn of Eniubeth BiPhl :ru-l David R. Blehl. nunor children ofAbrahum erhl, deceased. . 79. First. and final account of William Culp. Ext-cutor of the lust. \vxllfund team uwnl o! Julmna fluke, dvccqul. 81V. The account nf'W‘m. ”.-’L'lhsing¢‘r, Administrator of Jacob Lununger, de ceased. ,- - SAMI‘EL LILLY, Rrgisler. . Register‘s Offirn. (h-u_\=!.uxg, F J .\ug. :2, |SG4. m* . Publié Sale. \' SATURDAY. lhc 2m. duzobeIPTEM-I 0 BE]! “(in the unduughL-d, .\ésiguei‘ of Gem-12L- W. lilnrkvr. ufT} rung Unvuqulu, +dzuns r county, wnll sell nL Public 5 .le, on [he 'in-Ini :9s, About Hum-(nun: nortlrmsl u! Bowlers \iHu:. on the rum! lrudinz from [he Inner" lh-n -.Jolsvvlle mm] to [ho upper ng-lcrnillx :oml, Ihr following Red Edam, \"n : r . .\ TRACT HF LAND. siluulfipurlly in Ty— rmw, partly in Hunnnglnn. and ]‘-H[.') u; \I- n .lllen (ownships, Adams coumy, .I'UU‘XHIHL lands of George Hermmnsluvol: Human, and wheat containing 95 ACRES, mlmut 2n zuzn-x‘ of the same bring gand umber hum.) Inning then-m} menu! a 'l'“ u zluly gfig Wumlxrrlunl'icd i) I“ ELLIXU E :3"; HOP-‘l‘}, douhle {mum Manger ‘“’: :onnlcd I} urn, will: Wagon She! and L‘orn I Hi) "mu-hm]. Smukrolzuufir‘mriugr honsq, nuul ulln-r nut-buildings. Thur is n never-:mlmg ~prxng o! “nu-rumr the dam—f also'nn (HHJIEAIHJ of chhit-e iruil new. ‘I In uborc «11-scribed Iran i: 1;: gun-l running order,‘ hmmx been reurh‘ nH limcll. I .\|=u. :11. (he surm- lime un-i plan-n. Mill be WM, a I'm at WHEAT R\ i; .m-i U.\ F‘. by [he hush L-l. a In! 01 (‘hecnl-tfihiuglrs. l (Wu-u. .ty. A'xy porsnn “idling l» nun 'ho pruperly 1 Will all un‘WllliMu 8.‘.\(1!, Hui-Hag xhrv‘vnn. or 3n the nmierhgned. rmilmg In ch-liug\ ‘UWlh'hip, Adams cuunt). , ‘ Salt: to commence at '1 ‘u'r'mrk. T’. .\J . on said any. wlmu attendance ml: Igflgn'eu mud terms umdc known by - .\iH'HAHL 1‘». “I..\I'SER. Assume. W. T. “'”“:me And 1' Align»: 8. RCA. Notice to uTca-chers , A‘lfl‘lSrhool Directors or Hunmunhnn town ''l ship will mt‘el. .n lllr l’ublir Svhonl ”L we. in Failfivl'l, on; TUESDAY. SM’T. 3731!», for the pnriwse uf~cnzpiopug Tcmlu-r‘ x4O (Ike charge of the Schools in said mwmhip {for the ensuing term. The xucglxng ml! he_ 1‘ held at 10 o'clock, .\. 31.,prcclscly. By order 'of the Ronni, A , A. C. MESSELVAS, Sev'y. 1 Aug. 22,1864. ld ’ ' 7 Teach’ers Wanted. ' HE Board of Schoßl Director! of Uninn T township will "”11 n! Schil'lt‘s Srhobl House, on‘WEDNESDAY, {he 71h day (NSF)?- Tl'llllllill next, in? o'clock. l’. .\l., for [he pur pose Qflemploying 7 Teacher: to take charge of thfi'Schools pf snid township. The County Superintendent will be present to examine}!!!- plicanu. My order of the Board, JOSEPH L. .\.HURB, Sec'y. Aug. 15, 1804. t‘d ‘ Alexander -Prazer, . ' ATCII AND CLOCK-MAKER: has again ‘Y commenced business in Gettysburg, in Samson’s Building, northeast manner of the Diamond. Watch and Clock repairing done in the best manner, It short notice. and m. the lowesHiviug rates. From his long experience in the business, and a. co 15mm desire to please, he hopes to receive n liberal share or pntronage. He WI“ try to deserve it, by ‘gir ing qunsfaction in all cases. ~ Afig. 15, 1864, . . Notice. I LLEN M. STONESIFEIt'S ESTATE—Let- E tersofadminisltmion on fire-estate of Ellen M. Stonesifer,’ latter Germany um, Adam» nupnty, deceased, having; been granted to the Infidel-signed, [aiding in the sum! township, they hereby give none: to all persons indebted to said esmu: to make immediate payment. and those having claims against. the same to present. them properlv authenticated for aenle ment. . AMOS STONESIFER. ‘ ISAAC T. STUNESIFER‘ July 25, 1864. 60* Administration. Howard Assooxatlon. I I HILADELPHIA, PAP-Diseases. of the Nervous. Seminal, L'rintry and Sum b‘ysteml—nw and reliable Imminent-'in Ye ports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATIQK—srnt by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr.J. SKILLVIN ROUGH TON, Hmurd Association, Ho. 2 South Ninth Street, Philndelphin, Pl. - Aug. 8, 1864. 1y ’ . r-r*'~-—r———~-~~—-—'“-—r' “ Jacob Harley, 4 (Ecccxsson I'o sucnn a autumn) U. 622 MARKET ST.,‘PHILADE%’I-L\. Denigr in Fine Gold and Silver ATCH ES; Fine .Gold JEWELRY; Solid ‘SILVHH \VARE,nnd the best make ot'SILVER PLATED WARE. ’Conatantly on hand A lnrge‘ussou men: at the above goods n. lon- print. Watches and Fine Clocks RIPAtItD, by s‘kxllku! warkmen ; also, Jewelry repairing; Engraving and an kinds of Hair-workiw order, It shoanoticm ‘ . Wfi‘hrgct the on: sun} ‘No. 022 luket Street, Philadelphis. ‘ Aug. 15,h;64. 3m ’ CA‘BD PHOTOGRAPHS or distinguisl'ed indifiduh, lnclulihg I num ber atom- prouhuns (innards, and th‘e old icroJohn 1.. Burns, for uh it the colum- o} the Excelsior Gallon, Wll. . - ‘ * ‘ . ‘ ”11'3on BROTHERS. Whalinn‘fogod“! . BUY AND SW ONLY FOR / -c A s n .' Credit, Syflfl Abolulml.’ ’ ‘ z ‘ ’(‘mh Syllnn My,” 1‘ ~ The undersigned, Merrha‘nu oflm- Borough “Gettysburg. mud}! respectfully inlorn thcir cuutomrrl that tram nml nlu-r this date, we win he compclled I'o slink l-.X< LUSH'ELY FOR L'Af‘fl. We hu't- ndoplmi this course, hicauu . tha_nmuufuctnpas and wholenln‘ denier: in the. cities have ”solved to tell goods only forth. (Inn, Inning us no than-tire butthe ndoptiun or the CASH “st2l, The: introduction oftbis chnnge in our mud: odeo) ing business we buliete \uil be to the intent: ol bath buyer and seller, as imiiununitmwll credit has, ulna): oprrnled il.jmiousl:.' to the] promptpayin‘ customer” , Alexander Sp..ngler, Fulmestockerthers, E Shanda t Buehler, 1.14. Schiuk, [ .\lcCunly A: Did-l, Geo. Arnold. WE, Biddle & 00., 'llnunt‘r k. Ziegler, J. S. Gillespie. .\‘olLtck & Martin, Wm. 11039: & ion, ,3. G. Cook. _ J. Brinkerh-ufl'. Row & Woodu, Geo. F Knuth-tab, .F' B. Picking, ' J U. M Paxton, ‘.\.\ Scott & Son. ' . J,-fl. Rowe, U, E. llolunmth. K 5.8. Forney, Um. Jmobs k'llrp., ' 3 R. Huruuj, , ‘A. D. Dneltler, A. Cohcnn & (‘O., \L Spnnzlrr, M. )chlisu-r. ' ' Andrew Pulley, Hnmet .\lct‘rcary, .\lur) 11. Mani", Joécphjlt-Hm. . Gettysburg| Jul_\'2s, 1°64. 3m Supermtendent’s _Notlce. WILL examine Ten'r-hera M the folluwing I named linwu and Mac-as, to wit: Sifflhfln, lhtnlerstuwn. Aug. 2 ‘, 9 mum. Franklm. Hilltown, .\ug. 27,10 1. In. . Rutlcr, .\Hd-dletuwn. Aug. 2v. 9 n. In. Meluncn, Ucuvxrrsrtlle, .\ug 30.9 n. In. . Tyrone, Heidlersh-lu, Ag; 3], U n. m. ‘ Huntington, Putt-rahurg, 521.1. I, 9 .1. m. Imuumrhsmtr "nu-1 S. 11.. .\'( pt. 2.!) n. m. . , HJutiltou. HA" “I "fin, <0; I. 3, ’) n. In. _ Reading and Harm-tun. Hampluri. Sept 3,2f1.m. Hermck ban. .\lvhnltslruun, Sept. 5. It a m. Bernick tp., FMer's S. IL. Sept. 5. 2 p. m. Oxford, Nuw (Ninrd, Sopt. 0;. on. m. xMoqupleusnnl. Brush Run 5. "..Sept. 6, 2 {l.lll. Germany, Littlmtuwn,’ .\‘t-pt. '.’, (I :I. In. Union. Schildt's 8. IL, Sept. 7, 2‘ll. m. Conmvugo. )lt-Slwrr’tuown. Sept: H, 9 n. m. Freed-om. blunt/Rs S. 11.. .\ept. 9, u 0.3". ‘ Cumberland, Bluuhnugh's,7~‘tpt 10, 9 n. m. Hivhrnmt. Chnrvh S H . Sept. 12. 9 at. m. Humiltouban, Fuirfirl-L 31-11513. 9n. m ~ liberty, Gmywn'; S. 1!.,1~2rpz. H, 9 n. m. .\louutjoy. Two Taverns, Sept. 17 9 a. m. Directors are urged. nn-l the public genomi ly‘nrc inlitt-d, to nttend [hi-5c cxmnntntulnoun— EtJluinnfions \I'IH im’nrl’ .hh commence at the hnur spcuilitd, and no npplu'uh: :It'trru’urnl! admitted unlcSé smiqmctury unq- be shown for tulrduxcss. Tc nchcra (rill present them who: fur emminntiun 11l tho district In whinh 111-‘_Y intend lo tent-I|. Tumu- who hold t't-rlifi l ntvs granted List your “ill _blcnzc plcscnt tin-m. .\u [mute . mm |2.\l;nn~ “ill hn lnéd. unlnfls gum. cuusc be 1.110“ .1. and than applicant: mm! pun-sum, n \\rintu I‘nldt : lrwu at Emu faul xgumhcn oil. e “an”! ‘I Ihlc lurs who um} dun-1m: lo egapluy lhem. ‘S-n-h 1: urination.- “:11 be held only 1)» S-lur‘lays. .\'u xewhur can be cmplnyed m truvh mI-lm anv circum blnnn-s “‘izhmn . HEM (crulirnlr. nz’ucllrlhrec lvlu .v/muld ulna!” u! hrfmr (Murat/m]. .x\.\l{U.‘fi SHM‘HA’, ('o. Supt. (‘.ugysbnrg.a.-\ug.e.1.364. r:‘ ‘ . ‘ Good Thmgs frdm the Guy! f H :li'o rot-citing (ware a week from “'9“ - (“11; a mri- h or nruc'cs sunud lo the”, cmxnlry. ‘ “.1?” of_l1n: vn'mnumny.-\'n: ‘l-‘reell and s.nh‘ It is lu-Hr’x N) that rm ~cx'ulilk‘3 offer so nrcid. ”H" ”mm Humid?” ""'] huh." “Ululll_\‘,,. dnr mm: mI- lra th :- ' nut-‘1 hvlln 13mm S:x‘l,,\pplr-s. Pun-non,Unmgn'z,Lomuns, -I” en a” ' M . " I _' ‘ I p "w, C'lmz' 'l‘\.n,:xr'o:. .\og-ry. \\ith "m,” gnu-rmm-nl. In all ulhnturm-z of Innh-hlm]. uih’rrurzirlc: in lhie :ine—n!l u-cciu-d m the ‘n .u. “.9 mill. or uLIHIy ofpriule parlins..or ht‘"”"“”-"‘",'l""1'l"'n“""“v'.s'l'r‘hH‘ "'_‘i' stark rumpnuws or up Hum rum'minixies, on-; us a MN, m 4! hruuorc fircvl, m-urly omm‘ne“ ”‘_' . ‘ 1111 f‘ _ 11 l lW ' 'Fnh'wcmxh' :tarc, ‘ ,EJ. IM \v _- gm! \jr pfigmunl. \\ u e no “ Hul'l \\.\\"l‘i2lL—-Blneur, Ewe. Lunl, nn-! :1" i‘“'l"‘"~.‘ 0‘ ””' ""'“my L" held ‘0 “'”“” ”“’ mhm nmuln pro Sum-min: \\hix II (he lnghrsl dim-h ugh n! nll [he übligxuious of [he L'nitvd‘ 1‘ an !Dr.l'c will he paid. _— .1 .1 s§' '“‘: _ , ‘ b‘\ Ehl‘ l‘lv'l‘ \'!'U,r:.\‘—-lmsv q-I dity at ] :\\'- . ‘ .. 1' ‘ I _ ~_, Inin: ’,.,,:;,5_V1‘.w,y\ on ‘“”” .\hml \\ Lxle lhe gmcrnmenf om-r: ”1:30;! NW"; ()8 .\’l‘lilmi, fine' up} [rum—in :‘ht- alu-H m u) mm: [or in 10mm“ bum“?! UH! Very ‘,‘4‘M-'- ‘ _ . . ' . r :hul «N‘- . 1k"! |[llxlfi’;‘ ”H Ll“fh'rfrx‘l‘y'j'fi' ‘unmgrst n|npvnl \val halo the lnynlly .\nd 1.“. § >1!{:1‘!\lllll.~"l{ x “mu/Jun. l' mu mum” M", : , Gr! yimrg. Ma} ls, Hun. n ‘ I I_ t" . ‘. - ‘ Duplimw 1:: rum-Mes will be issue-I fur DH: A,.A_.. , ‘ ~ . Great Attraction ' _ T l'lll.\'\l‘i:l2(vl {S l'lll-I.\l' I'LOTHLVG j‘fun l-‘l‘ulenm: Hum; m nmlXth 1}..-: ('urm-r of alv- l‘i nmunl. The Kuhc. li‘n r i» rundnqllx in rI-cv-Igut 5! {well goo-ls him: the Huh-In Ilium, 111~ :l H"\ M I l m-z nus-" 1 nu: . CLOTHING ~ L mm 03 my lu_u'-l um! um“ attractive. as v. -ll ‘lw‘lh"l'lll'||vv~il‘~'l“.|")li-llllll‘nlllllllé‘lllbll l-x llu- m-uuny ‘x'mx will there llml NUTS, .»l'A.\"l‘n‘ AND \‘EQI‘S. mzhlr I”! in lhu must ‘fvulllnuuhll‘ sunk. nml nl tl-z‘ hx-st mutv-nnlv. ”of .11l zia ~ and prim-a. [or mm vud boys.— I “wilv-Iluu': lurnishim gum]; m out-r 5 «hm va~ illl'l], \\‘n :l Shins. .\lnslin Shir“. llu'korv -.\'lli'ls nml l-ln-xlno HUI”. .\lcriuu \\'.nul and Cotton Drum-ls, llus‘iqlfol cum} «11-scriplion. Buck—skin. \lor-no nnd l‘umm (52mm. llqinl lwrn'llL ls. Xl-ck 'l'ies,flrm:xt<, Linen and Paper (Julljngjlms. (“y-s, llnozs nml Shoes. Um brqlla-x, Trllnl-i. \'.|lit'u‘l. Czupcl ”lugs, (‘lolllt‘s nml Sl'oe ‘l;ruslu~.~. llfir mul Tooth llruslns. .Sl-uc m :clx'mg. l‘mlu-t and Dressing (‘mnbs, ,1\ my (”nml-s, Jvuhlw‘, (‘luck‘ nml Jewelry, {Gum}, l'lslnli. Vloluu :m-l Violin Stringl, [Snaps :uul l’rrfur‘nerles.Natinnory of all kinda, l'uJu-t Knh‘vs, Smoking nml Chen lug Tolmq. ‘2O, Pipes, nu (-xtru quail!) nI’SI-gnrs. In LIN, lug duck embraces efrxylhing usually feuud in n fin". clnss furnishing strum I ixililo the nuenliun ofull lo cnmé .md sve fur themselves, IR film den-.mim'd to sell noods lam-r than un'y’ullwrrsmhliallmwrin ll}: country. Don". forgvt lhe phce. Corner ot‘l'urk street and 'llxe Dinmun-l. = JACOB BRINKHIHIUFF. | July 4. lam. . _ _ One and All, .\KE .\'OTlCR—l'l‘he undersigned would My to the public that he is receiving a large nml splendid Sincl- of GRUB‘EMES, which be.- will sell as law as any other house in towu—(‘nlfccs,‘ Sign". Malayan. Syrups, Tons, Salt, Fish, he" With Potatoes, Beam, and Rice ; :uiooden Ware, put up in ttie but man ner; Thhnccos, Scam, Am, kc. 'I’AitMERS, TAKE NOTlCl'li—lt you went to lay in your liquors for harvest, now is the time. I hue uutnv brands of Wlnskics, Bren ilies. Wines. and all other liquors, y‘hich'l am dilposing. ofat short profits. Gitcgmi‘ a call I nlwnys try to plane—and believe I very of ten surcced. Remmher the place—southeast «corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. I GEO: F. KALBFLEISCH. nay 25,1823. ,: l New 'Goods. u-fi’sasro CK BROTHERS ; 1‘ Are constantly receiving (hoictl Indide simlvle goods; from New Yorkkl'hélndclbhin Ind Balzimorr, and nrepwpnred tn otfer ' GREAT [NUVUEMHNTS to the" About purchasing. llavinfg sale ltd with great care, from the three lending mute", the public will look to their own inure” by rxnmhing our nmk'beforcgpyina eluwl‘ere. C4ll at . F 8 .\ESTDCKS' Shy 9, 1834. . Bed Frodt. New Tallormg i ESTA ni.lSllllE.\'T.-GEO. l'-‘. HORIZNRODE, . 11-‘ASHIUNABLR‘ TAILOR. adopt: this methodof informing his ftiendl and the public generally. that he has opened a Tailoring establishment in Bummer» strut, Gcnysbnrg, (lute Pod. Ofiico,) pen tho Din mond. where he is prepsredvto do oll’éork in h'u line in the but mannu, and to the satin rnctian of containers. Ho employs none bun lint clan hands, and receiving ' * 1m: l-‘ASHIUNS REGULAEBY, he can warrant fashionable ms and nut nn_d lubslundal "wing. He Mk: :1 slmie oi me public-h patronage, promldng to spare no of fort. to deserve it. flll thing" will slimy. he luuml an medulla n the than will oilow. .\Hg. 3, WM. 1v! . _ ..-.» $lO a Day! 1 AGEVTS “'.\.\TED.—Tn|rl!lho “ESPEST' 7 . {- LEGALTEXDER STATIONERY P \UK-v N ' ‘ ‘ 3 , , ' . . .. . r ew Goods. - ‘ , Am" (Elm-l 12:23.: 2051?: ifii°“§;;f EORGE .xzzxow In“ just rccqnd'fiomi '“" “W‘é ma few wont, the thquund- F 555;: In“)? 1 Pure; Pun ;i:lder.l Lem G “W "“3“ * “”3" ”RN-‘“'" “""T.“"“--'“°“ '”"'“ “'““'"de h" ""‘ '”"" chi‘l; l Desvgn for ."ndin‘l‘eul'cn, l {’l2: Emma gsigrféflllyl’:£ifiwfigs¥zohung pf I“ had: ofi unlimc!l gnu. , - , t J'tArzii-ZE’RLLT E?o:r::2:::gl:le;ll;al, 1322,42} SHIRTS, fil:.\\\'l-ZR'S, EBAY/“53,; ‘5 We latr‘e thousand: of lellen. fromyhyd. “HOV" l3"‘l'o‘l‘ published, '”"?h “H“! bDollurs H ' NECK “fist-“fig" E”: ”‘”‘“?R‘ ,‘he. ‘ic'um: nnd_ (hugging filo hnvo pnlfirihcdglfil ‘nnd other inlomndon. A :0, one enntilu 4 "' “ _ .0” the“: Medicine! as ing that they ‘4" . . - k r LOTHS. cmsmmss ‘ . . v. 5 -. . . , :nidc $523.5?“ [£333.333o‘neuu ‘o' C&:¥E‘i§fi9:§B€ DRILLIAGS. in. 413.: "never and or snldu medicine which gavg (no! 1 Ken". ‘1: Map S,\.MEYI£L'HOT'B 111 of which will be laid nave-bug: as can be nnivaual Imiafnclion. . , . ‘ . ~ : . ‘li '1 ‘ . - \ . i 'J ‘3 3‘1"“). Third St., I "“{ddth’ P“ " 2331333352: if:::i’tnr::d§:3d‘n 73.2?” ; Prepared only by the Prdpneton .-.___.:_f_-V-,.__._ ”i” ‘— ‘"” I." 8““ 1’ :- - ' '“— I-f -ane your 'menmrc Ind m’uke flu! up one in} ' ‘ Spnng GOOdS -» 1 FOl 88.10 01‘ Exchange; {short notice. 1;: . a [15130, X 864. ' T 3.8001?“ SON'9-~“" ““'“MM #4 vzm-anxnblu;ms'ryn.x.,wnh .11- --...- ' ;~—~ - -- ———- —~~—-—,--—-. “‘““‘” °f ‘“"" ‘9 °'“' "“’“ °’. 31"“ as ACRES 0? LAND. in Gvnnln'y‘ kg N, unmagw Guvns. noanm, mum)“; Goods, “'“”“ will be 50” ”'"‘Pr cow-fins 9‘ mummy I “in urhlngefor a Farm, 1. ‘' J. Howrfi, Shakers and Bone: Fund" .; 1 LADIES’ 03553 GOOD-'4, ' Lug pa, [he dilereuce, ifamy. 'um recrived {rem Em York, cheap :1 FAM- I Sbnwli, Chafing C 1121“, egktehic-cyflf Mh’li . 1.80. ARSOLLL ieucuks‘. the rig..ol' , MED FIIUNT. ‘, and Ba 3' wear we an ,o a awn-era , t! h 0%,, 1583“ u‘ ‘ ‘ . ~H -m .7- .-._. .. -«. Comings, vamp, «m. ~ mm; or Com: . ff. 2??? _ - n..”: - - ..-_. .._ -_ : Gummy: victims, .u'hl'xe In. 15:43.” “194,486, 60. Cal! and net. , 1 mea BALMORALS gm ream-ed u . , wired Item the any, :11 [mag order,“ 1 In] IS, 1361‘ ' A. $0077 8 SDS. , , FAIXNEfiTnCK HRufl'. ‘ ‘ LyLansmcu's. cutting and Btpairin: done an. the them“ notice. ‘ {Gouyablrgq April 7,1862. ,E U. 8. 7-30 Loan. ' J ' THE Sterelary at khe Treuury git" nolicv‘ nun, nnbscripdons lill .be received for coupon ngury Eaten. .pn‘a’hh «hm. fen}: ‘ fro-lax. nth, 18“, with semiannual inter est 9km:- ate of sen-n and three-tenth: prr~ confirm- ailing-prim-ipnl And intern: both to be paid In Inl'fll monny. , flele non-g ii“ be convertible “the am; of the holder It. mummy, ‘nlo 1i: pg{o:ui.l golf! betting bonds, plylh]! not. has {in fil‘e~ ngnmore thui'tyeut, years from lhefr‘ {new}; the Government any elect. The, null be is-g sued in degqminu‘ionq of $5O, $lOO, $506,! SLOW and $5,000,1nd I“ subscriptions inut‘ be for fifty 'dollars or some multiple of filly ! dullnrs. ‘. " ' '- The note: will be tnnnmitced to the owner: free of trnnnpormlion charges an boon utter the receipt ,of Ill! originnl Ceililipuca'o! Jh‘pmit as they can be prepare-d. Al the naLx-s ill-Aw in'rwrt from Auzurt )5, person: making deposits aulm-qneul to that date ,muat éay the intei'czl Accrued from due of note to dine of deposit. Pulies depositing twenty-fire leounnd dol lar: and upwards lor Ilieu m aat any unr time‘will ba- allowed : commfidfi of aw qunrtcr of one per cent , which will be paid by the Treasury Dcpnrlmeut upon the rr-cpipt ofn bill (oi: 11m :Illlolglfl, unified to ‘éi lhe otfi'cer with whom 1}” {email I." Jun-iv. .\u deductions fui' commissions must llé unit: from (be qilhaiu. SPECIAL Anm'rms affirms Im. h- u A NAT-ox“. Snmaa flux. oa‘ering 11 higher ute oHnterest than any other, and the but necurity‘.“‘3uy pining: hank Iluch my in depufitorl in U. S. .\'otu, ‘considers that u is paying in the bvslcircuhm‘fig mediur‘n afflu coumry, mind it cannot puy‘m unfihuzg better, {or ils onzn Macks are rimcr] in government securities or in note; or>bonds payable ingov. ernmcut paprr.’ ‘ It is .z-qually convenient as n tompor‘ry or pumanént-int‘e-lmcnt. Thcdm'es can nlwflfi's Le mld fur \v'uhin n Iran-{ion of their I‘m-c and nccumllhltd intereir. nml are the but serum -15 with bnnkl M collutemls for disconnli. Cpnmtihlc in!“ Six prr ccnt, 5.30 Golll Béml. ‘ ‘.{uddilion m the \cry liberal intereal on n“ Hull's forlhree years, this priviltgp of con rex‘siou is now war-il‘xboun three prr cen‘. lwr nnlxum, for the current mile for 5-20 Bonds is "(11.7%): Ilmn mu [not ccul.‘ premmm, and lwlorc the war {he pruuium on .~'\x porch-[.12 S. \alorks was are; “yr-my py-r will. ll will be non mar lll" nulml prum on this ln:m.'.-«t [he prcsou't murket rat»: in nu! less than ten ya can}. per nunum. a ’ Its Lxcmption {mm Slatcor Municipal Taxation. liul aside Irom nil the ndmnmgu we hme culminated; 11 «pa in‘. .\ct‘uf Cnugrcsu cxcnwu all bonds nud|Trcnfiury mules from lotnl Lun- Fion. 0n the 'uvgmfje, :his ewmpti-m is worth about two per cgui‘f. per unnum. nrconhn: to the rule of tzlxuliofl’lnw:uiuus_["mts of the Jlbpuqls. The party d'epoflxig? must cullnru‘ upon the lull/digit tr’ifiv'ule‘! Ill}; druglninalu/n nfnou-s rtqu:rod. nml whether HAL-y are to he : ih‘ut :1 in Hunk or p'uyuhh- lu qrder. \\‘lzcn =0 5 cudurspd it mun! br lcn,with (he omccr rc~ inning lhe depoail, to be forwarded to 111: i Tumsury Department. ( i Sum run-nu»: mu. an kscmvnn by 'lxc Treasurer m [be l‘nited Slntrs, at \Vunlzinglou, min-mm! AsairuntTremure'rmnd desigumml Dr'finfihlfie‘. and by the . ‘FIRST NATIONAL ‘}.\.\'l{ o‘s CIZII‘TYSBI'RG, am] by r“ X.:|iuxa:ul 12:11st which are depusi luries of pn‘ulu: muncy, and ‘ ALL RESPECTJBLE MASKS AND BANKERS I thruufimux the Luuut‘ry wil) give funhm in lurmnlion and ' \ { AFFORD mam: ummn’ TO. SEE . svrimms.‘ . ', Aug. Ql5, 1964. 3m . . To the Public. “YER GREEN CEMETERY. _ l 1"; The nml'rrai-Jm-d bns been instruct“! by I rr<olulion or t l 8 lloxlr'} of Eur Gre‘on (‘Hne ler_\'.tu‘gl\‘e increased pnhlirily to those reg uhtions n‘hi‘uh it concerns the public to know, and 'l knu’wlcdge of which will pron-M dump. ‘ pulntmeuz to those deeming m rflnct inn-y. ments in our grounds. A; the Mutt-g] inmmcv oflhe' corporation is snnll, n rigl-l urllu-rwcu to the terms and :eguhuiuna errlulorc fixrd.i nmlslill in force, i: absolutely ncvessnry. I Tlnellu.lrdis mlking itéelt‘ acquainted nithl the, fin maid condition of the Ahocinujon. and. rxpccli to publish ere long an upn‘se ol’ lhel same, as vu-ll as M progositmu for the Surren der ol thr- stuck to the hot-huLh-rq, it the rc quiche sum can be obtained on loan. Price arm“: in tin: Cemetefy is $lO '_'s, with 20 rents addition! for the acknowlfdgmem of‘ the deed. by the Jnatice ot' the Peace. .\'o charge ii made for furnishing the dead. 1 BATEH‘ FOR GILH'EJHGGING For a ch'ild under six yen”, 31,50 From six to twelve yenrs, 2 00 ' Furpersuns over twelve yonrl, ’ ‘3 50 So permit fur digging n grave can be issued until both the 101. und ‘_pennil have been paid tor in Gish to the Treasurer. n . ‘ Application for permits it tn Ne mnrh- M Dr. ‘J. L. um, die Treuurcr, at. lus otficv, in Clum bersburg street. ‘ By order of “it: Board. - - - S. S. SCHMUCKER, Pres't. Aug. 8, 1861. . Teachers Wanted. HE 'Schoal Direc'ors of Oxford lownnbip T will meet u the Public Schoolououse in} Few Oxloul, on‘TUESDAY, the czh 111.5 of. Septembcr next, “'9 o'clock, A. 11., fur th purpose ofemplq'ying Teacher-1 to take xhargc: DI tln- Sglmoln in {Jill township. Thc'Cuunly Suprrintrmlrnl will be pro-”m. 3 ll) nr'll‘r n.‘ the Bum-l, ' - h.\\'lD .\I.’.\IYERS, Scc'y. SARSAPARILW m: woun‘. anur numb! m: Emmi: and Sex-0M0“ Dianna. Won squ [din]: [NI-1:; fay); merchant 1f 01‘ J‘nm', JIM-u “I have told Lxri'o qua-mm ‘ nf your SAMAPA‘ MW but mm W yet onn bonn- ullhh {mind of um denim} exec: um um ruler)“ lhm mum who took It. A! fut mu our pmplx- tr) $l. Ihr-v agree men- ha! been no mum-mo uke A: Mann: Lu our community." Eruptionl, Pimplcs, mowhen,-Plutulu. Uh eel-i, Batu, and All Discues of the Bkm. Fran Rrr. nubr. .~fmttm‘x. L‘n tol. Hugh-MI: “ X only do luv :‘mty lo yon and Hun )ufifiic, \zficn I Add mv tcstlmnm m Um: \‘ou midis!) n! the mo (llctml flnun or 'uur S\m \l’ mu |.\. )1!‘ thug):- tcr.md trn. hit? an nmmmz humnr m hr «in, cycs.and hair fur 3mm u‘m‘lfln \u'rc una‘ylu m cure uutll In: trl. .1 your mm umuug. 31m bu been well for some months)‘ Mm Mn. Jan! If. Hire, a INILL'HW'I and mac» . tnmedladyqfneuuixvll2li L upc Mn}; (11.. .\ .J. “)l{ dwger hu muffin .l {or n .\cu put will: I mm Cu! rrutsflnn. \flnv'u “at! ? -ry tmublomo.‘ Nothing Lm-r 3d nnv n-lIJ‘ “mu “‘0 mm your H um u- um L_\, “‘llth soon coumh-11-ly cam-l her." l'rom ("lm-LJ I‘. “‘"';C. 1.37 . Q ' Inc «(may know (lago. Mummy 4.‘ (‘o.. Wampum-{"1 channelled pulp": m .\unnmt. \..1/. ' / ‘ “ "had {or Fncml )clfl'l a very troublesome humor In my fn‘o. \zhu-h gruw mummy my: 0 um" It dlnllmxrcd mv fv xturu my] bee-me In Inml‘ truhle ninictlon. I filed slump: every max Imm could of bath nth-Ire and umln-mr‘, but without any nucr whntvrcr. until I look your SAIHAI'AHILLA. It inmmlmlgly urulc my hm “my, I" {on fold me n mkht {O&2 Hm"; hut in a few RM I the new uh: Tum 0 form umh-r ‘he blotch", and mu- Ilmm‘l umll my fmzw I: as smooth In any hod,’n. and 1 Jun \\nhuut any I-ympmm-I (If the Illa-MW that I know or, I enjoy peril-rt luulxh. and without. I doubt owe a In your sun H'AIJLLA." Eryalpclu-donenl Debilin—Puflb mo Blood. .. M Dr. Row. Sun-in‘ Ilamhm SL. .\'cu: Yurf'. “ Du. AYI-.l:. l nclrlum [all to, remove Eruoliopu and Srrqfulmu So". by tho ponevcrlnguseol your Sum \l'uuu. \, and l hun- jun now amid an new]; of Malignant I.ry~)prltu with 11. No nl enlivc we pout- a omm]! Nu.- mmu-uunr.‘ {an hum nup plk-d uu- pron-luau :- mu n_ lo 1 u.- maple." I‘ J. E. .Inluulon. Emu n‘aL-rman. OMO. “ Forllwclro ymrs l Ind the Follow Strip->1:- on my lighl nrm, durxu; which 1 mo l trlm Al! the «Ix-bra ~l pl!) ”chm I could rmch,und nml: [lnn‘- duds :' dulhv worth of mr-dlvlm-n.‘ ’l‘hv:'ul-nrl \n-m ) 1a.“! Um 2hr whisk-mum vulmv‘, um! thu do: rn «l ‘I h-l mlt my .urm mm! b mammmml. I 1 an lnH-v: yuur .\UNH'HZILI \. Tank u hot. 1", and »mm at )uur Hm x. 'l‘ugm’nur they lung cum! mu. I ..m :mw :m A :11 .qu mllhlll any hair. Being In H puhllv 1.!1w. my man la k'ldun to N"; max Lu uu. wmmmmy. uu'l cxcllu the u anger 0 From ”qr. I! my 110-u-o. .‘I. P. P.,(;/ .\'nr‘nallf, ('. "'l. (- [mzlmy put/MP: Q! (7:: (‘umnliaq I‘arliu- maul. ' - ‘ I-l hm. .- mm! war 5 gm \'.-,\un |.\ in m; famfly, for g‘l‘uurnl r.’:-.'uhl~r, Luzl for In 1 TIM”, tu’ Mind. with rrwvbcun-Innl mun . nul fwl couwluuoe 1n commending It to the mum." _ ‘ , St. Anthony: Fire; Bone, Bait Rheum, Scnld Head, Bore Eyes. - ,' \, P7om_l,'lf7:"]( .\h‘lflt'l“."£67.,‘fhenablc «I'dl'lor qflhl 7mm.y‘gg-“qangyggngm;;.;;,,z.-..,.-¢. “ Our only chlld, about thn-u yum ol‘ nge. mu ltlnvkud by plmph-q on Ms film-head. The rhpldly Rpm-ml umll "my «mm-ll .1 lu’lllmumn nulvlmleut more. \\IMI mycrvul lulu lam. nml nctuully [alluded hi: eye: l'lu‘ wuu- (In; x. A hMHu‘l phyult'Lm {lppllcd nltnlc of rlluvr um blhor rvuwdwu, wlthou! nuy apparent utl'wt. For “Mun-(lays we [:mu'dvgd In. handy. lest th them he would mar Dlh'ujhc {mg- L rlug nml corrupt wound \\luch mvcrml lulu uholu 1.10:2 llmlug tried (-n‘ry lhlng’vlr‘c \vc-‘h’ul :uy lmpv. from. m. lrgnn yinug your SAI‘.\.\I‘.\IHLLA. .lflll] applylug the lullulu ul potash lolluu. nu ”a! ullrwt. 'l m born begun to bond when we luv! uh m the first I file. and wnn m-ll when we haul fllllhllcd the mum . The cluhl'xl r) chain“, which hull coma uut. grow lgmu..lmd he in uJW nu hmlthy glad fair In lug other. 'l’hv whole uuglxborhood pmllctul that e chlld Inuit din." ’ Syphilis m: Me'rcnrm mums. From Dr. llimln Fluid, qr bl. Lam}. ”(clam-l. “ I find your b.\'u.‘s'.u'.\l:ll.l.\ a mom nfl'epmal I'flnrd)‘ fur the summary nml-Kg!“- of Syphilia and {tar lyphllnuc dim: um any (menu: many“. The [mun-dun are hndcbted w you {or [om of mo but Immune: m.- havo." . From A. J. Frtnrh, )I. 1)., an ”nine”! phyu'dan of Jawrnxcr. Jn'uxt. trim is a prnmineul maul/tr qr Ihr Leg/Mature lul'.‘lvlfiklt/HL¢CMJ. ' g . “Im, Avw. My dour .5": l have found K 763! SumAPAMLL'A nu cxt‘t'flvul mnoly for Syp m. hath of Ilu- prim-Ir” and secondary type, nml viii-n -!ugl m some e no; Hut were too übsmulc to field 10 other n-umdxcu. Ido nut L‘nuw \\ [ml we can (In ploy with more certain“ of new“, what: A pou- El“. ml alum-uh L- is xcqmml." A”. flat. F. Hm I.lm. nf.\‘vm ”Munich. .\'. J.. haul dreadful ulovrl on hn legs. mun-d by “In flung of mr‘rmry, or pacwurtal rllu‘un‘, which grew mom and mom aggravated far 3mm. m arm- of every remedy or Imatmom mm. Nullrl hr- app kd, mm] um renew-ring use or Arum mm U'.\llll.l.A unwed, um. Fx‘w mm: can be found mare lnvumlcund' diulrnnhg than this. and It took several. dom bottle! to Lure Mm ' Lemon-ham, Whitns, Female Wuhan. Inl gym'rnll produunl by im- nml ..S‘rnlfulnut Ll (nation. nlxifurv ury oh: :1 run-d hy fin- alvumtlvu rxroct n: ti: 3 Mn-u-Auu m. Nun: nml retinal-o. noun-en! and or 111-" B umr mum, the 5 ‘ 2n} auplwalln of lucni rumniics. l’rum the null lnmrn _rrml irfllvhprr/obmhd Dr. Jacob film‘rfll. qr (,‘a'minnall. 0‘ I lure foundS'our bum \l'\fll,l.LA an (“(111an nlln-rntiw- In film-aux of fvnm'n. .\lnny man 0! Irwculurny, meorrh-m. Intvnml l'lmraflon. and local {It‘hHII .‘nrillng from Ilm acrofulon: dwhclln. lune “Nth-(i, to it, and than: an: {c-w that do In)!l whun iu'cm'ct ls [trDl-fl'l)’ aided by local yum” .1 1.1.11]. unwilling [Q «How the Imblkatt'o'n 4! her \ ' 11mm. N‘Hlu .- “ “f 5:111:31!" nml u‘yu‘h' have been cunt! of: wry ‘ u-luilllnfln: Lennon-Mm m‘ long nuudmgmx mo bottles or your SAu-I \PMHLLA.” Rheumatism, Gout. Liver Comphint, Dn . pends, Benn DWennlzh. whcnnuwd hv Scrofllla In the n'uwn, In! npldly cured by m. Ext. SJRSAI‘MHLLA. ‘ V ‘AYER'S VCATHARTIC PILLS , pone" so many advantages over the other’ purgttivcs in the mquet. and m9}? superior virtues are an universally known. that we need not du more than to n=snre the public their quality is nmintnincd equal to the best it ever has been. and that they mny bé depended on to do all that they have ever done. ' rrcpamx by J. C. AYER, M. n.. a 00., Lowell, 51:155.. and sold by x .MFur me u, A. p. uueb‘er, Gettysburg. 3M d'nlrrs gem rnYly. . Aug. 3, 1864. cu“ Ky . _ -41: I I ‘ _ ' ' ' " “‘34. -..mmwx - J- \_. 0 Gettysburg Railroad. _ “REE TRAINS A {him—Trains over tho Gettysburg 3T!"_‘_’L‘!.‘lx_ run as follow: DEPAHTL'RES Fixsl Imin Icu’m; Gettysburg‘uu 8, A” LL, with puncngers for llnffiiburg undmheg‘bUh, Ev: and West. V . ' 7 Second train Mujea Geuvab‘ug M )l 30, A. 31:, with [lilifCQKl'rS for Hullimnm. Passe!)- gcn t-rn also ranch 11-Arxififiuxg by this traixk Third ‘rnin Iran-s chyiburg at. 3, P: 31., “'ljh p nsnlngcra for Hanan-r. ' ARRIYALS First tmin arrives at Genyshunz at 11220, A. 31., with- pmacngvn from Harri-04m.\_ Second train :lrlircs at] Gotzyrburg u: 1.45, P. .\i,,.\vixh passengers fromvllm'ilnurn. , Third train arrives m. (Mu; ~k-urg «L 6, P. 31.. wixh punch-gen Imm Ib‘rriwur‘ and the Soul), Bust and “'ch - - n. gammy. Pruidcnt. June 6. 1864. I." ‘ The First Natlonal‘ ~ .\VK 0F GETTS’SBURG has been desigg nutt‘d a Depository auJ fianncial Agent 0! the I'nited Stuu‘i. “'in buy (mm), SILVER, and COUPONS on Government Bands. “'in furnish 5-20 and 10-40 U. S. Bo’ndl. nml Olhfl‘ Government ucnririri. Cnllccliom I'm‘dc promptly on all ncccslible poinu. ‘ _ GEO. ARNOLDLCu-hier. July 4. 1864. , . . ‘ Sheads 8: Bughler, .DRALERS 1X con. Aw umncn, S T 0 I' E S .v , TIN-“"g‘m, ‘lmi,l.o\\'.\&' \m.‘ U 3. ---Als'»-~r ’ SHUTTERS, BLINIIS. SAX”, IZTP. Corner of Cnrlisle and Mum} Huron, unpo biu Knit-m! Dcpbt,‘ GLT'H SBUIUS, PA May 9, Law ' ‘ . 'pyspépslb. A CURE WARRASTED. , DJapzpn'a ha the following lymph”: 1:". A mutant pain ornncuinu'lfifii‘oupfl of the stomach. " 3 2d. Y‘mtu‘ence am} Acidity ‘ " :ld.’ (tontiveneufinnd Lou of Kama". - 4th. éilomu andpeprelnhm u! 531 M". , ‘ sth. _)iMlhm¢\. Wh‘; :flmug. _ ( I mix. Pain in .\H pans of the Syurm. ‘ 71h. Uouwmplho S: mptums Andy-Jpn... 3 Hun 01 HH‘ “(Nu-L ‘ gm. Cough, with Plzlwm in the Thrnnt. 1 91h. Nervous Adection. And ‘wnnt at 3]", flat night. ‘ . I I “Mr. Lou of ”petite nd'Volig. - 11th. Dizzineal, Dunc" ot Xi’lon, 11l {Lo‘s‘uf $3M... ‘ ‘ ' » :3 ; l'th. lienJaclnc and Staggering in uniting, kuh grout \\‘cul‘ueu. . flux of [be Illuusng‘ls of uses of 031150de Hut nave mod Dr. \ ish 'rL'a ,Great Amati”! U_\'p9p£ia l’nllo, not. one 2:! t‘nexmbus milrd o! .; pmlect cmo. \\‘e v..|rmm a cum in every one. m 7 umuer il at m only )uuru' uundinp—q hold by u“ druggisfia “fir; \rlwre‘ nl :u. 0:. \\‘ishu‘n’s Uflu-o, No. ~10 X. Hu- ad tuner. l’lnhdvlphln, [’n. All'exmuinnlio-I IQ N! ton‘ ultutiousflrce of charge. scm] turn virculnr Price sl_ per box, Sun by 7mm, fig. 9! charge, on remipt of mouEy. . _ DYSPEI'SIK, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPS'IL I, Euzmnu hms'imy, ..r Ilrudymne, DqL. 'urmu'l'r at UM Clutter, De}, do usrtil‘ydhnfi ‘. Mr one year .uri u hull'l su‘J‘crml evuyglunl I but dontu Pom Hut awful duease cnflcd Dji pcpim. My whole syslem was prom-fled will! Weakness nml imrvous dabilityfif could at!» “gas: my mos: If Lye even a cmcker or tho sm'nmr .xv‘m- .rn M fund. vrxwu‘d return jun 45 l «Inflynwi i: ,X lwvump 'hu uwiveln Ill! lumeln Hmwaould in)! Law 11¢“!!!in 1m Hum" from Vfuur mm filLeu ('igh' day}; IMO! the name .H‘ ~ufl'crlnp. nu‘m'ud qeemed on- DI [l5! e “...a. 11m) handful hurtorud mx: Inmhn’liug‘. I thought c-wryhody hated m--. 9’s! I llanlwrcrylpmly;‘ I muld not. be" mr ‘.u‘x-l :in'l nut my. pvu‘cxnl-er-n, everything ;;.;u\.xr. «I L'l‘l 1- Imrmr urn-LG'rvto me; I had I -) mu‘Mu I M 41.» um that}: : I lu~t nII my lové Inifx'mh‘HIIIInm":[.\‘UUIIIIIIHIIIIU and wan-J 'dvr r'r-nn '§,l.u (1101:1410, Inn cou'll go: be con ‘Lc'nlvd, I Ich Hut 1 {ms duanud tonhelhfiu‘l |lhul there was no hcnren liir me, uu-I was 9L ton lvmp'ori 'lo commit SUICIdE, so nevu- ml imy v. lullc u. nous :ysgem destroyed, and also ulny mind: 'm-m um awful complain, Dyspep- Isi 11, that m‘v l‘rim-h Inimxhc best to have _ma :plm'vd in Dr. Kthride :l Hogpihil, West Phil !mchphi-x; I n-mai‘ucd Hu-ru nine wee'u, and I . gtlmuphL I '.rls:|lnL|l~lnlu-(, but 1:) u'few days 'my drcalful cozu,:l xin‘! “’.rs raging us had a! IHer. Hearing of Ihv: \\andurlul cum per vljonnn d by Dr. Wlsiwrc s Grout American Dys-_ ‘yr‘u‘lJ I'm; and hi. "manual. for Dj‘spcpai ’"’-I huslmnd mlch on Dr. Wlslmrl nml state? ,m)’ L'll‘r' to Izim. He said ha In ad no ddnht hn' I'u‘ulfld wre- lnc. So in lhgge days all!" I unli cd and placed myscifumlur the Dbcmr'a treat man, :im! in {no wceli‘s‘k-hcgun to digest In: {our}. nnd fI-R Um! my dlsca’qc was fut giving ”my, n..d It'nnlinuod m rucurcr for ahputlhrn lmontixz. and ML Hu-‘pn-sv‘nl, lirmz I enfiy peh‘ fill-cl hmllh uflndy and mm I, and Ir mod aim 'm‘rcl} mum my {ln‘mkfi h} u merciful God‘und lIIr. \\'i~‘ll\rt, um! I.» M 4 lye-It Amerin'nn Dye.” {pllnaizl I‘illd and. Link 'l‘reHl 'l‘lr-«Chrvlhl that If \‘M mr- {rum nu Lucrmv .\iylnm' nml prnmh gturv gnu'm A?! g-mmn: su‘lfi'ering wivfi Db"- lpt-psm un- n! Inl‘u-rl" '0 "LI ml ml: or Wi‘llO‘, 4| Hum wvllmg in Io all 'lee' :: {a I 1 cu. Mr w!- 111-run? In"; um. i '34.. 'm Unast.‘ l Br;llllI}".\'li|1'.~I r 1 Runny at Old Illwslpl‘. ilh-lnwuru calmly, :‘a. ‘ ‘ ' \ g ‘ Lyn-“ 151.“: 5 Office, No. 10 North Second fureel, I'uilmlglyhh. .1 , Qwsmzpsn x DYSPEFSIAJ i Dr.‘ Wish It! ~——l have bean n.‘ cnnsmnt luf 'forur wilh (I) “NIL-3r: for flu)" Int eighteen iyen-J. during w‘lnun lime 1 mnnnl my that I luwr I-I'iuyt-d l [Mud-Ml; we” (Ix-s'. Th m I“! 1' mm . v. “I‘ll ‘.hr 3;, mpg» m in re more Agflww ,hnl lh IH :uioxhvrp. rlul (ht-Ii 1'! seemed it would :hn: 'l grml relief I.» ill‘._ I Ins-i_n! all limp: 3n “hm-Laid n. i: oiixu‘iu my lw ill, but 'ntflrimy -=-Ith run,“ :4 much {nun-nub] that [bemm Ill ;‘mnu nnln h’ri'hllléinf'? of any kind ; my mind .1“ is (I'DUDUEEJ) mm with glu’muv [haughty fund auwhmzu-p, nn-Z 9! I aucmpmi to change Hw‘n' c‘u‘rum Wt r 0 Hints. M :31ch a sedalfifin in." icy cumin-u in pmmocfiop with 3 deal i‘m-ughc, ax.- ic “err, rc-ze-l upon my bruin; than. in feeling nf Fitflun‘s w mH occur at the atom: 'm-h. and gum [min to my (‘_‘/('4. nccompnniad |\\.zh “"'iil Ii ‘wea- t'm Pumimml fear“ of lush“; :m} re mm. 1 nlzo‘ eqm’nencel grant Inn!- i; in 1:. lirmlity an!lH"\'ow:ncsa,which made 3‘ ’difliuuu. (-y walk hy'dnv nr sleep in. night. '1 ‘.lp-t‘UJnl'.‘ “verse t):-)Cirby, and dispmed onlyic 'suclu-ibn,"nnd having tried the bkill ofa _an‘ her ul'L-miucn' phisicims 4n" avian: Pchook. 'fi'mliy came to {hitcnncluaia-i that, for Ihll Unease a: m) pres age (45 para) more wu z-u curc'in . xiatence. But. through the inter ‘fEICIICQ of Dunne i'rovidcncr, to whom I dw ju'uptiy (ATE: my thanks, 1 ”Just found a love 'r.-i'gn ragged".- i'h ymr Dyspepsia l'l‘lla and TI! 'Curdiul, whim sum to hgnu ‘ctfccuuilly remor. 'l3:] almost the lib! Imco of my long iiubf til. 'mouts and bad helium, and in their plan health. 'ph-naui e and contentment, are immune}; any camp unionq. hum M. Swan”, ‘ No. 45:: North Socr»ud§sl., Philadelphia, ’ l-‘ormeijly‘of Woodbury, *1 A Posmyz crap: ma wsmzpsm. mun. «nu us. mm H. Mikael-nu, ’ , - . XO. {O2B Olive Bmg, ..‘ r Philadelphia, Jun. 226, 1963.} l Dr. Wislmlt—Slr an sewn}. mucfi pm. ‘mre lhnt i am now nbl’e tu inform you thu, by 1! Hit” me‘ of your are“ American Dyspepik Pills, l have bccn‘exmzbly cured of tha: no,“ 'diclreuing complaint, Dyspepiln. I had boon ,xiiwoully alflicied for we Lust '47:!“er Lien-n, and for lon yurxof that “In. buy my: . been free from in pain on{ week M. n um. .1 June lmll‘il in its worst form and have drugged or} 1; mm; misc-mule existence-4n paln- day was] night. El‘crj MW! of food UH". lute flll ‘wl me Wllh aim! and mm, it muzzcrcd not how .‘light, ur lmw small thl-quanrily. A contln‘ued [belching mu sure 10 tollosr.‘ [ had-no uppe. titular :Iny kinds of menu Whatever, and lii” idistress \\‘7}S_so great. for uuvernl mouthgbelo‘re Il heard ofyourfi'lw, (lnu I frtquenlly winked [for death. I hnd utkfmcverythipg Hm I ha! hcnrd 0! for ”_Vépkptil, without. receivinginy hem-6: ; but on your Pill. being recommo‘d Lu: me by one “houlmd been run-d by them. 1 :conrluded to give themn‘nfil, although I Imd {no faith in :helu. To my usionishmeqz, I 'l'ouml mysell gutting haw-r befure I had Inkeu tone-fourth of? )x, and, after taking half 3. box. lam a «'l'! n, and can (a! anyflliny Inf“, ’nnd enjoy a h rty meal three times. day, wnbout inconr nicnce from ngything‘l eat or drlq'k. ”you iinik prayer. you an n. Many to main- this p blir and ref" 10 Ila. 1 If]! ‘clnurully [rife ll duirable infotinnliowwn’ one who nmy (2%?“ on me. .'. « Tow...rcspntl‘u'ly, Jon! S. BAND“. 5 i ['«q- unit “I If". \\ 1.4.1”. 8 Sledlcnlllomflo. '2O Sum. Swami streeti Plnladelphin, Pu? .i’rire Una. Dollar per box. Sent. by mail, {rs-0 ,of charge, on ,recexpl in price. . ~ , , . ’ DR. 1,. Q. o. WxsnAm‘Hifijf; ~ - - ' . , ' -.-‘ i.l NO. 10 .\"orlh'Second sséesim ' L. ' , ‘ 3.;qu _- ’ sow: Druulm-nfi. puma-1&3 ‘ ’ gr >314. '* aw» lax-21]“. 1i , .{uly 15 3 .. .. Kg El ) t, V: ’J g r?!’ I»pn.‘ae‘xg.as‘;;‘?9°
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