1L . _ M .l I r 33!: ”@mim. 003 FLAGJ I. 3'. than, IDITOI up norsmuu IM2 GICTrYSBURG, PA Exp“ .\mnsvxa.f;woj 29, 1334 f . V . n ”In; Chicago Convrnuon meets to day. The-fule_of the country hung 4 uPOn it: deliberation... We have nu honest Le \ heftlmt. it'wil! not wisely-and if It does, I "mapping of horses" may with cfl’tninly be counted on in Nukmberr next. ‘ ‘.s-Tbo new 31mm bill passed by m Legislature ‘yroviael for}; loan of 53.000.0u0, Ind nutborim the organimtion of fifteen! "film chin to be called the Sum: (iuurd.eto becomposed of web proportiom of infantry, “tiller and cavalry «.may be deemed begt. £l9 men an to be mama-ed into ~¢hoiervlce ofthr State {or the. term oflhree‘ year; unleu sooner diilirrmd. .Tlu-y may I Lerolled upon at any Imm byline Governor wkpol 1!"an or Suppl“!!! innurrectiun. and may purcion of them deemed nocennry If: the_ ”fall, of the border may be kept pon duty all the lime wlnle the war 111535,; ugd the remainder hr the corps will has ‘ grand, equipped. drilled at Mined pexiodq, and ready for duty wlwnufcr called upon. ‘ They will be paid and rationed tlm mum ul volpulcéh iu the _Unized .\.‘lutex leniee ‘ when on actual duty. We I‘lxull find ruom’ for :11: bill lumw next issue. l [B'l bill nmuroprinling one hundred \? thousand dulhuq, far :1.» qufi‘vrerl by the late dutrufiion of Chambenburg, passed ,both Home- 01' the Leglsmtum. ‘ll ulna ali propriazu [our leunau-l do‘nluru towards the erection of lollo‘ul‘ houwz in mid Imin. " -a‘-35- —- «ow—*- \ ”Beatnik! A 111011] was born‘nt .\'e‘rwich, Connecticut,‘Jun‘uury 3, 1710. um! 11er in ‘Loudcn. Jul._.: H.1501.’ This is for the in formuymt of those loyal Longbmu who'hui/Ie nun-ted than that Ynnkke traitor mm born Ran the same day that. the Chicago‘ Demo ~ antic Convention mnou. . ' ‘lO‘Colonel‘ Moorobond'l egiment of Peuxziylmnia volunteer; reggélv rulurnrd home, their time having“ ‘pircd. The regimiut sent out over one thousand urong Ind comes buck wig: aixly~four um: and eight unisex-5. Where 3:9 the balance? Li-Lrthu smm: mum-pi Whncruin Ins issued tlm-e wnchn‘n (ion.- jnr cmxscriplinn sinve t'nu 15131 of Jan uary, Culhng 101' n midi-m of nun. AL lh‘is run we’ shut! have to give aimed anbthe; million before the year doses. , -! .... - v CO.»—"—_— ”ilk. L‘ncoln. in an mum-ion with Fenntor‘M‘nllory, at the commencement. of the war, In‘i-l if ye hhnuld discnwr’thu: there was no Union sentiment in LEleSuuth. then "(hil war isnnt only an trrnr, ix 1.! name.” ‘ fie bu ovidcnth.‘ (li-covered Lhm.l if our " that sentiment. Calfled, it is effi-uxually eradicated now—«martheraforovmufl b 0 hi! humble cpinmn of himseif for caxrymg on Q War that is " Mt only an (rrcr. hu 4: the I" What snyest thou, Abrnlmm?_ ' —-§'—-—-—~u.o>———;£-—-‘ Thu Changa.—Tn 1860 m- we§e hold (5: mm for Lincoln and-a chhagé. Cotton was thr-n ten cent; a pound. Thé peoyle vnled {ur ,Lincoln Ind the “gllungeffl Comm new is 31.64 I pound. , That‘ is, it requires a great gal of " change” :Ibe to buy anything. . Jufl Sun—The otbei- day we met an aid gum from the country wh'o' told us that in .1860 he has told that if he ’would vote for Lincoln the times would get much lwtter. fluid that he and his Loyd wnuld have “mo- nay enough." 119 says it restle turned out. 90. for seven] of his Mys had just "money “enough” to get oubof lhedrafr! Now they an as poor or poorer than they were three . yearn ago! ' ‘ ‘ Minion aft/u Dmocracy.-—The Age briefly and gnphicalb alleges it 19 136: To reatore the Union, the Constitution. and the law: to! their oflginul stenglh and beauty and pow. swam heal a bleeding and_ almost ruined obuntry; to bind up the broken hehru;_to pair oil sud wine mm the wounds, made by 13%; to rgctore gold and fiber to the pcck an of \be labeling man ; to reduce the price of the necessaries of life, bread, coffee, Hagar. flour, 'coal: to set. up t'he‘oivil mer' L- lhe militant Met; to Sting back the Aabms. was. his ~sfiéech, and the frué ballot; tn! put'lnbor «I. its usual nvocations; go «lure! “out the'thimea afiil robbers fxom the public irit', ' ‘ - l McCla‘l/m" ll'!mr.xr£v.m.-—Tbe W shington Star ”)1 that were is n‘gtruth in Wepofl ‘ that " the War Devan-{mom has nut mixed Geh. Mchllnn to I'.nise_‘lo9,ooo men in)- medingly fut special een‘iééundor his com ‘mnndd’ Of course there I; no truth in n. The mnliguanv. {martini-whip of the Admin letfltion would mu a'lf‘ow 1! lo reflex-e MG ‘Clcnln to his cnmmgmd. even were it. oer: min that act. wnuld'cndjha war in ten ‘ dnyl. ' Ruher fight. Q!) {Gr twenty years mow—th‘bbr gel. the pinion polish. than give Litfig Mac a chance to sent: his cuun wy—iszm stubborn determinmion of yLin. weak: and his adviECrsp—fleadwg Guava} . ”The“ reoenfconl’eranco u Ni-garn. in Which Mr. Lincoln’s ”own friend: «ere I‘ngugfid, shows clearly ”in. he will hfve > no peace. no Uuiotx,unul the "total glau \ doument of ..x.;m," uhall who place. We Inn his main word: for it. ‘h'o prenrica— . don ‘clnchauge the issue. I'mce and U- Dion but" been ofl'ered and termed. The join. u made up by Mr. Lincoln in Peace ud‘flubn.nr War And the Nigger, ‘ {he Democtacy ‘will acéopt. me iisu. flu» made by 1311'. Lincoln. and will plum it. before the peopigat the mmingslecfiom Thqvpté‘xrill decide whether they vn'll be ’mkiaeddr not. 'iqjar General Couch and sum 1: theii' old he‘dqunners in Chamben‘bxfléxgn Way It“. mad= m: we assured that be will nan. tracples! hereafter when dung" ’ ‘§mmmr, 7 ._v ' " lIEM fim flown-mt writer ‘from Ilium 35y; 1W m min; to “urng‘hofi‘esf‘a’ihcre. 3w. 91“, \ ‘iaif - ' nun-o: cbwu on 1.: 'AI'. 0n the 27th of Jun-q hut Hon. Edgar Cownn, Republican Senator from anuyi vqnlu. mrde some very tmthiul Ind happy remarks in his place in the U‘. 8. Senate.— Ha aid that "our course in "pr! to flu Southern people hns bird of 8311111331“ entiniy the re'virl-e of that which Would have_boen su‘écm'sful'in mpprnsiug (he re— bellidn." He said "we Muted out. with tax-- Inn-nml notion-I of our'own strength. and disdained toxin-it that uuocess depended upon the Wyn! ninn of the Souih." He said. funifer. that. eVeryth'mg had been done by our Government which Jefferson Davis would have pmde for to unite his people. Hai ouid have prayed for on!- age. 0041.3 an ppjudim'of the South ; fog gem-ml and indiscriminate con fiu‘uiinn ; foi' threatening both usurpers nnd thoir victims; for emancipation law? and pioclnmntions to the the Southern hocrt, in, just'us had' been done_ by our Government Aft" lhowing'lhut the Fed. om) Congreas and :idminislntion bud united 11m 301““. ha my): . “ And where does hi‘mry show the fail ure of an united penpln. numbering five 5r .svx miil‘tma, when they engaged in revo« intinn .’ Nowhvre; there is no such cane." This fiiiiowing are the concluding re mark:- of the honorable Senator: ; \Vlmt did we do int-ring this unity about ‘in the Smith? ‘VP forgot our tir-t resolve in July. 1861*. to restore the Union ulnar. {and m.- uent furthqt'. and gave out that We would ulna nholish S)-'lVe|‘y. Nor, that was; lju~t (-xzu-tly ‘the pmnt upon which ull‘ '[b'outhcrn men were most tender, and at. , which they wero most prone to be alarmed 'nnil nth-nilml. That was or all thing: the lone but culculnted to make them of one l‘mind against us; there was no other 0106-. inure, indeed. which could huve lost to the 3 Union came so many of them“ It its-not. a question either as to whether tlu-y were l right or wrong—that “I.” a matter for their .cnnaidvrntinn. not. ours; for if we wore'uol [druruus a union with them, “9. ought' not to lmi'e xpocted thnm to give up thrii" ’moxt Cllt‘rlsh‘l'li inutitution; in orrlvt' to of. foot it. Unions aré made hy people taking one nnntlmr as they arc; and l think it has ~nmmr j‘et ‘occurred to any man who was lunxiou: to [arm in partnership with another §tlmt he .hould- first attempt to force thatJ {other nithc r to change his religion or his; *pohtim. Is not the amwerohrious; wouldi not the other my to him. “ It you do not: ilike my pb‘lnctplvs, why do you widt to bc’ {partner with ma? Have I not as good ll: [right to m-k you to chungt- your: ad a con lilition prt-cwlentf” _ 1 So it “mi with the Southern people; they l mare all m favor ol‘sluwry. h‘ut one half of ' thvm Wure'still for union with nus before. i ‘ because they dul‘ not believe we were Aha. ilitjunista. The other ltulf were in ”I'D” re—i lbcllion bocgrhac they (lid believe it. Now, can any one CODCI‘IV9 of greater folly on o‘ur’ ‘ out than that we should destr‘uytthe faith ‘ of our fl‘ll'nd‘. and Mr”)! that of our one l mien? Could um anybody have foretold ‘we would hnvuVLo‘st. one-half by that, and ' .tltmi,vre would M 'e no‘one lcft to form a. lunion with? We drove that half over to} ' the n-hclu and thereby inert-mam! their‘ 'streuglh a thousand lohl. l I; not nil this history ‘tmw.’ The great; im't i. stoning n~ full intlm [MO tt‘Hlny; Wilt are continuing with n unit‘cd ponplizdcsq 'perah-ly in ennwst to rc~ist us Our nimt' gpnwcrlul drtuiws most. skillfully led have! ‘ hen-tufme, failed to Cottht-t‘ lemx mulll think “ill foil 3» long as we [untrue thi: l"- ‘ tnl policy. . . .\‘..m‘. Mr. Pi-Mitlent. lwmmnl to Sana .tms. whether it is not. limo to [mum and ihquire whetht‘t: that polity, which hascor-‘ thinly un'irvtl tlw Soutlwrn pvople In their‘ muw. and which quite as certainly has di—‘ I'llled the Northern peopln in their sup port of our“, ought not to be almndunrd ntl oncc? Why fxrsist in it lcnger? Cam we do nothing to‘ retrieve our forth“; by re- 1 tracing our :tnps? Can We not divzdg the. rebels and unite tlua loyal men of the ‘loyull Statt‘s by going b.tcl( to the tingle idea of. war forthr'lh'mon ; or ii it now too late 3-; [lave We lost iirecot'c—i'ably our hold on the; sti‘ecliom of our countrymen who Wfire' turn the Union in lSGlnevon in 1352? ,ls them no \\u}' h} which We could satisfy them that: we _t‘ct monn- Union. anrl not conquest and! zuljuiutinn? And what at‘ditl'ereuce in thc‘ mvanmg hi the?) two phi-uses: The first; ~.tl‘:~t:th-: mind of a brother, the secnnll threatens ti.-3 .\mkv of a master. ’3l are we] obliged now in exchange the hopes “e hzul | ol’Snuthei-n t'uion turn for that other nml ; miserable hope in the negio? Is he all; that. is left uiinynlty in the South, and the‘ only aliy \ 0 can roly npnn to mid us in ra-i stating o Uni-in? Ye gods! what. hnt'el we con to :It List? Either to yield to an unho rehrlhun. to diumemhernn e'mpir". ' hi to "0 into national companionship with ' the negro! ls this thealternativeto which our mmlnom hm bronght‘m? ‘ Mr. Prmident, these things are ennugii. to drive a tune man mnd_. l‘At’tr-r all our} pretension. all our boasti’ngihow absurd will ' we appear in the eyes of asill other mtion:l if we fail in this-struggle! Eipecinlly as al-l tut-stall the mPflSlltf'n' about which,we havai occupied ourselves for the lust thiee yearn| - avg, hfen based upon our success already Assigned as 1 fixed fact. We pronded for} can Matingfihe‘estateu of rebels before wet not. mbn;’wo'emnnci ated slaves he; tore we got them lrom tlzir masters; and' I'O provided for the dispositionmfcon quefltsl he have not made; we have disposed ofthe‘ t-kin of the begu- and the bear itself is yetl uncahght. All this weJmtgt-‘put upon this: record; the statute book ‘will bear Git-n; .3 against us in all coming tim'e ; and we cut not escape the consequences if we fail. ‘ Mr. Resident, our government was in tended to be one of laiv, pre—vminently‘ ot' lagr. There was to be nothing in the ad ministration of it. lento theprbitrarywill of an‘jndivxdual or individuals. This want its merits. or intended 50. par cxcéllcnce. 1 nm for preserving its_ character in that re spect strictly. Let no man. from the Piesidt‘nt down to the most petty officer, dare to do anything. whether to xfriend or ‘ aucmy, except as wart-inlet! by law. Let. ‘ us make war according to low, and let us “I“? peace according to law.‘\ lf'we fight a ‘belligercnt enemy, let on do itmccotding to hg law of nuticna. lt' w‘a punish or re stmin a refractory citizen, let us do it by the law of th land. "by due proceu of lnw.”—-‘ Had we aim in our Constitution and laws and our people. we had not been in our present condition. Had we made war and war clone. the loyal people North and lSouth to a man would halve been with us. The voice of faction. if not entirely hushed, would havé been harmless. The capital of thy demagogna would have been worthless. and the nation would this been in clistiblp. "Vi-11a Rebel Journal Say:.—The Mempfik, .hcksc-n. {Mi-ma Appml: one of the most. influential. nit inane of the most. Gutter. rebel jourmln in the sputb says: , “Tl"- amssion 051' conscrvntive Demo. cnt hke McClellan to the Presidency. who would conduct the war upoh more immune 'princuxles, wha would repeal the amancipa lion pruchmntion. and pmbnbly mukc- over tmfil to the South to return to the Union with I guarantee ofallconstilulional rights, wou2d_ do infinitely more to paruiyse the aouth and build up a reconstruqlion party in our midst—4. most mu! calamity—than the combined mum of the present party in power." 5 ‘ ‘ r WA nog‘i-n was pm up six auctiqn by his modal-i: Button. 8. Y.. rpcently.‘nd_ wu’ baud}! by tiliier for 81000. ‘ v ' RA weaponry can! the come» at gambit; an ‘“occasiomlvzrgiller; guns of if?!" purldri a; lozig L-m." > EN7771 Luau-01.x AlAmnzo I! 111 ’_AB‘I'I. l The“ Likutzrfllnylliymur uyl :~-The. —packed_ todvenuMofoflce—holden. which ' tuaemblml at Bani-sire in hetJum. do ht. lieu lhou'ht they Ind P‘l‘gnod their 59W ftinuuncc in posit-ion- 81 profit when they ”acceded in iOvnominhting Lincoln. 't‘hel :"Old Joker", ie reported to he!- bem in! imderl’ui glee n‘n thc termini,“ of theL Iperformnnce. .\‘m‘c‘r before, it [I did, wnx'f lhll nmutty vocabulary so completely tienti-l Elnted. hlfl stories being exhangtleu, and l ’ broad beyond even the pretence ofdeceiicy.{ ; Littlo did he or his parasites, who land been ‘ ltntknin'g on tbclpublic, drum_ of snob In» exhibition of chbngé in the sentiment of their own party as in now manifest. Notl Innly has the reriorriinntion of Lincoln failed . to elicit a single spark of popular enthusi lum, but. to-dny. the best and mmtinfluen litiul men of his party are rapidly duel-(in‘ : him. '0! course the oficc-holdersstill cling 'to him and-«0y to bolster up his joking cause, but all honest men see clearly the. hand-writing of prophecy on the wall. Thel campaign has now run one-haltiu 00!”th :lnd yet there has not been a reepectablei , popnlnr'nuemblngo anywhere in the coun-l ‘try to ratify the Baltimore nnminntiona.—“ ' The names of Lincoln and Johnson are iscarcely heard. or only mentioned to be icursed by the man". One a'fter another ’ of the lending men of the Republican party, 'hnvmg deserted the standard of the “le : Splitterflf ere openly denouncing him in iterms more hitter than any used even by "Copperhead-3’ In New York city there ‘is but. I single journal which Mil-ports him with any henrtinesl, Ind thnt hug mag! lub iqlunll'at reason: for doing ca. Greeley gave the ticket the cold rhoulder at the. ‘stntt. and I has boon more ”fun lulécwarin ever since. i Not a few of the country newspapers of thel :pnrty have backed square-out. and taken 5 [down the name: of Lincoln and Johnson, from the head of their columns. Every-y ?where the feeling of dissatisfaction is wide spread and complete. -. ‘3’” ’ l I Mnny ot‘ the more intelligentrleaders of! the party, and among them ThaddcuxlS'm'eu. qf . .Mt': rily, openly pronounce Lincoln "nn en itire failure." They admit that he cannotl ,p‘oasihly be elected. and are busy mhturin‘g :Nans for the calling_of a third Abolition! Cnnvcntion to nominate alnew man. This} ‘ will he. insisted upon and seriously attempt.- ed, as the only possible means of defentingl the Democratic nominee: 'i‘lmt-it will nvnilll tolrescuo tho falllng fortunes of Abolition ism t’mni irretri'ovuble ruin we do not for al 3 momma; innuine. l-‘rqrn all xii-peamnces l ‘ the elm-tint: ofthe noniinee ot'theChicngoj Com'l-ntion, by an overwhelming majority. l is a 1 well insured as any. futui'e event con i possibly be. Whether Lincoln he forced to rt-sign 41y hiq'own party. or he suffered toT remain as :1 candidate, only to be henten, by the liefnocmtic nominee. is now}: mat-l ter of pm‘at indiiierence. eince it is sure‘ that he infidestined tobe most ignoniiniouslyl defeated. h) the fourth of Mnrcliiiektvhei Mthuveheed of thatlong cloak undficotch : my, in which to 31:69]: buck intih’mfitwl 'nhscur‘ity, tieipined and ‘detested by every‘ right-thinking man in the nntion. ' ilis‘ plum in lnistmti Will be a mmt unenviahlel one. mnl ‘l'utnrv 'gcncrntion'fi mll he‘d; much I _pinzlegl n» the lrlr‘l‘nl todeterminp whether! to pronounce him most kna've or foul. Had} he not so utterly clisgrnced the Presidential ‘ chwfiflfi-inight Le regarded as an‘ohject of: peg .; n.- it is, llt' pn‘y deserves what he has: enrncd—-the detestuiwn of every American : citizen. " )‘ ‘ . LET ‘TIIIB PEOPLE SPEJ,“ OUT It is an undeniable fart. thatkwl-uring :he{ pn-t le-u years public; sentixuoht has been ton grmt. Hunt auppresud among thr pPOiJeL; the United Slum». Brfom I])i‘_ rnilihny (lrcpoiism at \Vnfihingfon, \\‘hiclL' nude izsclf felt throilgh its secret spies, its: government' delectiveé, and its ’treusqn smelling miniam everywhere. the voice of the freen/aen of this republic has been ‘ stifled. The press has feared to speak out, and {no/n lmveonly drum] to whisper to eachl othur (if their wrongs. I! is true this was 1 ot. the universal rule. There were some ‘ bald spirits which could not bécqwed, some manly voices which persistently refaéad to he silenced. but all men, felt in some way the lireuuie of the tyranny which lorded it over the people. That such a stale of affairs should have been allowed to Mint 1 for a single moment in a form of govern -1 menl. like ours. whoseoyery existence pre supposes entire freedom 9f llwughtmnd the most. I’m-entrained lreedom of public { discussion, is I lasting disgrace and A burn ; in: shame: ' I e Wo can. however,p,3ngntulnte ourselves that "the reign of tenor” is ended. Thel time when the press can be awed. and free epeech checked, line, we sinus-rely truxt, passed away from am-Bbg us forever. -The woplc are rodny lreoly convening the not: yol' thaw impower. as i; their unquestiona , hle riglfi undies they maydo without fear. are den uncing most bitterly the crimes, l the follies and the uriparalleled corruptione l of our prcrent miserably incompetent mien. I It is high time that thin should bedone, l unless we ere ready to see the republic 3 Med, While our rights perish. The lday has fully come when all men who dis ; Approve ol' the policy and condemn the acts ' of the party in power should say no openly, innd with that Igntir‘o freedom of speech luhich is the upda'hie'bl‘e right of freeman._ l The day \rhemvulgnrand lbusive epithets ‘ had any power to harm has gone by. The: l people see nml \im-l that those are the true ‘fnends of the républic who nature to re l main gjlbnt when liberty is nailed-rid the right! of the people destroyed. If some silly folks still persist in crying out " Cop . perhead," the" they X only earn deurved "comempt; but it' bl 'rin: bullies darefl [insult better men than themselves by using 'opprgbiom epitheu, they deserve to meet the prompt 'puni.huient their iuwlence' (he’s. ‘ . ‘ From this day Torn-rd let no conscrvn-l itire- man be backward in speaking out;— ELr-t every Democrat in' the country eu’md ‘ up boldly and fearlessly in ulvocacy of the hirinoiplu of hi: puly. It is the only pa! ; liticll organization ‘in‘the lend .rvhich can' l bring Ibout'n chmge in our public aflitfn.| ‘and restore peace and piospnity’lo this I distracted rind olmoot minetllmtion. . The 'dnyl‘of Abolition misrule we verily believe are fluuibered. All the signs of the time. ’ are propitious. Let-the voice of Democrflic {papery be heard in thunder tonel, dOmaudr-i Hug I change! Let them spook out ends ‘fou not! Let the would he despot. .rl Washington be taught that we the people: gr. mourn, and they, within! their upbri- 11201119=1111 «Hod iniolence. but unworthy sen-nu. serving of ‘be Feverm! pu‘nishgent wpwr} inflict! All (hit is needed nowh‘bqldnfl and unrutnined freedom 0! I-fiééchw baubld wé not claim a“: in clearly Kunm dontwd right? Let the people sponkoutf —Lanmt{rr Intellcgcm'tr. " Fu- llu-‘rhb-rg—ho num ‘ ’ "it uni-u u. ‘ Hummus. Augunt 20.1864. Emmxs Mzuccm‘ c—The Militury bill has pruned both Houses finally, and I presume hy this time has received executive sanc tion. Some of the femur-ea nre objectiona ble to the Democraln, and the member- of both noun-n persistently votod a hit them. ha} a“ to no‘purpooe.‘ Thl rho“ tionisli who a few days ago profesxwd to be no umpanlin luor of axlendmn ”20:5ng of suffrage to soldiers. refund. in’ thii’ll‘h glance. to permit. them to vote for lh’enr own officers. This patronage and powor is vested in the Govomor by the bill. and the manner in which he willy-e it. can emily be conjectured. ‘~ In (by, Home the Demncnlu yon-d for the bill under pmtvat, Ami the followmg eon-red upon the Journal:— Tha undersigned in miingfor House hill. .\'o. 1557. ‘enmled. “ A luppanlent to the act for the organization. discipfine and reg~ ulation of the militinof theUc-mmonwenlth of Pennsylvania. Ipp‘roved 312 st 4th, 1864.” bn-g leave to state that they ‘tfu so vote. for lll(‘ rmmn'thuuhey remgnize an imperative nPCOasity ibfithe organimtion of the militia M' the State. but at. the name time enlvr their solemn protest again". the following i'vntures oi the hill: ‘ l.’ The bill gives the Governor'the pawn in appoint the regimental otficei‘s of the militia, thus violating every precedent in lhh regard known in the organization of State troop: and‘robßin the people n! n {Erivilege which ought 0% right, belong :0 1 19m. . ~_ ~- 2. Thqbill rovides for a drum to He made in par-Iii)": (fifllatc. leaving other parts PX‘ empt. thus )pellmg the people of a sec tion of the State to defend the entire 09m monweulth while nt‘the same time the fact is obvious that. the new idea. of a draft. will tend gmntly to impair the efficiency and popularity of the law. 3. 'lth hill (it «oh ’ , .ue bill does not. pram"... into the United States service a 0. Agl m‘u; four k ' ' i I which w'.ll compose the fineenfiia‘hlSXfiiin:l3l:3l:ll;”ill-hirymipailugilvs'from to b 1: _‘ _ h.. . . : ' - ~M__ lH on :5 iHPII :- mnsanrm vide ng-xiwt the‘ (lilorwamzation find 'plo‘. P 9" 5 F“”‘y to " \lhnmepnrt. 'l'he (.2 mien!- hlet'e- iimtruclion oftheeforces which cum- emu“: nre very nut! ”18 “""'! film] It i! I'9- ..' ‘ _ . me au- )orled [he have neared onthe so th ' thoriz dto he raised, nml m etiovt Spend- 1! k ' y ' up. ' i u Prn lng three millions of 'the mnan of lllei':"l 2" llleeinluen.’ley has been given “"' State to furnish “OOPS for the Federal «ov- i ‘ up?! “(T anhend‘m a iroop'sh‘uve ”in“. ei'nmcnt infitfiurl of nPlylying that am; to 5? “t“‘hrd’throughSnpchersbnp. towards the Proper and legitimate purpose of nus- I 13er mg. thy mu try to grew“ 5 CO“- in.‘.' forces for Lhcdcfence of the Shit? - {if unite nrlv-unce ‘blf that. road towards 4. The bill authorizes the Unverhnr to gifhmgton.ironeismtended, ' I seize horses and other firivuee Properly Tor-l lie Lupfedemles have recogctchl ne the use qf the State which Sdllul‘t‘; 'will i “firms prisonexs of ‘“"‘ ’"‘d herenfwr-l'lpy n‘fcessm—ily .be made in sndh dish-ibis aisiw'l l efxchzmgcd on the game byis I“ mil be the theater of militnrv operations ' ’ “’(I'J‘I 0 p-“OIHQI‘D: ' hence in case. oi thllfliOl’l the); WI” be mail; :ll gnfil'nl bllm‘l'lfln‘ha‘ been reinforced bill in those counties IJ-ing along the border lf‘le' -\lv.ince of the .\liieteénth Army Corps! ,t'nus casting the burden of furnishing tin; l [Elm ‘ (mi (Means. lhe detachment. num-‘ Suite with cuvalrv horsmnnd other suppliesl RISK} iouannd. ~ ' upon these counties nlrendv impoverished i u l’nn‘m has been made A separate milita by ilie’l'nidfi of the enemy niid the iml'rws-l ry tl‘qncl‘ to ‘lm cummAnded by the notori nwntq made by the Suite and l-L-de'rul l ous Jflwml lily“. ' l "mm“. l ‘ [From the Age oflThursdny.] , I IS. F. .\fm'erfi. ‘John F. Sr‘an'gier > I ‘lt If?“ length dpfiniuil’ ascertained thnt J_ M. I).:3hnrpe, mum mm, L l”‘° “"“‘"m’m‘u “""' repaired the nul-' Wm. Heston, H. W. Wmili-v l \T’Jys lemhn: into the Shenandoah VJlluy. I ‘"- (3. Hoover, Francis M’Mn'n'ua. liqilmt now tin-y lmvc acwmpletc lino {ram 'l'. J, nirfit‘f. (icorge ArQ ”3"". Ailr‘l'lmunll lo .\'trns‘hurru. sixteen mile»: south‘ John W . Riddle" A. Futon. - Io! \\ inchenlvr. l’rv this means rhev nrv uLLe T‘. Claim-r, Snmuvl Jusclvhg ii" "‘”"" ””"PE with great 9‘49“”.- “'“‘?i‘: .lnhu liargm-lt. - Jumu‘s “3 Hopkins Ida" JIM been firiltlllflliyrlmflmd hat-k l’V 1': ”"‘ Jame! ll." Marshall, H. ”“ka ' Ily, ItnllLthl' his main body ishut three. miles! J_ D. lhwnuu, . .l_ Rnhinsnn. nut or ilnrper’n Ferry. The. Coiil'egimte ELKn-tm. . 1,0!”- Walsh, Iline 0h Monday stretched from a. pnim,. 3‘l. “'”“‘”. Wm. T. Alexander, Ifnnr miles irnm lhirper'n Furry, northwest: L. L. Pershing. 4] 1‘0"“ irtms‘burg.‘ Martinshurg‘is altérnnte— ? . fi‘ Munhlr )xmtest. will 2:2?“qu bv the; 3 m ll". lmsfe‘wm' ofhoth armies. fiverill‘ Se; ators. but of .courge. P texts urv'ol'uo I gn'n'ds the fouls new» the Pulnmncruhovel ni’all. The fifteen'l'c‘giniumi’ wili he miwd n""l““"‘ F 0173" an-l "4'osN3f‘mlllv “mini and SlH'y “..'“ he ‘lith‘l! lfltln‘ OM”. at H“: h Imis nl‘ tlu- enemy upfienrbn the mutheml nutmnftl ()nVPI‘IIYHD‘HI—flI il‘lhl, that u lhc limk' 11' '3 I'ummeti ””‘! 0n Tue‘d-‘i’ulu' conclusion I arrive at. ll 1 mavJudgc the lu- ‘ "”‘“lermf’s “‘"“"! ll“: ““’"! but “Oll‘ingl . - ~nmhcuuc I» kmm n. ' ~ I lure by tho yum. Whllounvler diwuwinn in.lhe “mm-. 1110 delum- wok .‘l [mlilicfli turu,nwl hr. Makes and Mr. Huldy excommd some nl Hu- Mm. lTlxontnts'unmermlulh. l’urdy ihyvxl ltinl blatum demngngue, lhyh-un. in such «nun nor :n to lem'e him nhuml hide-Ins. ‘ ’l'lw Damon-rub were never nml-e hopeful m‘in better spit-IN, whiia llm Abolition)“: m‘é cox-respnnvhnaiy depressed. Tuey we the hundivriung upon 1h:- w..H in Burning IPHHS, and dnpau‘ sits upuulmir counte nancca. —;_"_«.v;’. w _ ' Pennryn'mnia Del/_qllhakrfié (/1! (“'in-1:79 Cm vfnlmn.—The following is a h-t n! the drie gates ”69 tins State to the National Chu vention: , gem-go “7. "Ass, William Uigler. Aifl I’m-ken, “’m. V. MUGNUI: Firs! DzslncL—Edmuel 0. King. Dr. Geo W’. Nuhinpar, . Sc-cond Dletlict—Wm. M. Riley. G. W Irwin.“ ’ 'l‘hitd l’igriéflWm. Clnlis.‘3xmon .\r nold. Fourth I)istri¢t-IWm. “’. Burnell. l~nac S Castl». . th DmlricL—H. I’l R 055. Charles W. Cnrrignn. ' . ' Sixth District—J. D. Stilet, Perry M: Hunt-er. Sevunth District—John 11. Briuton, Jno C. Really. ' .. ‘ ‘ , Eighth. magma—.J. Gluncy Jonas, Wil Ham Rosentlml.’ r _ Ninth Dwain—George Sanderson, Hen ry A. \\Qule. - ‘ \ Tvmh Dietrictir-lencis W. Hugheo, Dr C. B. Gloningox. “ Eleventh Daniel—Philip Johnson, Carl lon Burnett. _V V . . Twelfth Districf-TfiChnrlea Dennison. A J. Gnrretson. 4 Thirteenth Di§tricL—John 1“. Means David Lowenbehg. Four: nth Dania—Hamilton All-inks Tlms. Bfier. Fifteenth District—Peter A. Keller, 11. D. Ego”, ‘ ‘l' '- . Sixteenth District—Henry J. Stable, 2'l F. ileyerl. . ' < SeVenteSnthDislript—R. BnucePelriken, Daniel M. Dull. ' lizghteeuth District—John 11. Ovvia, Ste:- phen Pierce. - Nineteenth District—C. L. Lalnberton, Jan. K. Kerr: - ' Twentieth District—T. B. Seal-fight, John LAMA; Twenty-first District—Wm. A. Gulbmith, Wm. A. Wallace. Twen‘ty-sucox Diltricb—Wh. D. Patter son. Samuel P. Ross. - 'J'wentyvthirdngrict—J. A. M'Cpllongh, F. H. Hutchinson. - Twenty-fourth District—R. W. Jones. S. B. Wilson. ’ STEVEN. AGAIIKH‘I' LINUOLN. Thaddeus Stevens has lately 'laken oc casion to declare, without disguisil. that “ if the Republic“ party desire to succegd th'cy must get Lincolnofl'the track, Ind nomi nate I new man." He regards " Old Abe ” u the we]! worst kind of‘a failure. Mr. Stevens, bad as his political Inn-oedema are, is chutir'ely too shrewd not. to reeogniw the fact that Lincoln is doomed to ineviu bla defeat. He. therefore. has openly de clared himself in favor of holding a third Abolition Convention. Show: show Ihich way the wind blows, and Thad. Stevens is one of tho biggest straws in the Abolition bun-ylrd .- Lukaukr Inmb'gmccr. 3'?!” "bays" conuécted with the Ten Ken (York artillery have pasted the fonmmgh accluualion: , 'Beaolcrj: That. we will clamp"! hug flu“? bubs gnd bud} gopubficam,” ' it the draftin ,rohil SEVATOSXAL DELEGATE. "Ihe Mai? 1!;th ‘ i , [Fror'l‘fix’i Age of Tutsdayi] I l ‘ The tmth of Gnuevgl Gnu’n kw matey Imm. iI at lenmh ‘eiplnmel‘ghn 1933]: ' 3? ohm James M has tmen pinged.— nren'n Corp, near; thi- \V‘vldon Railroad, if: surprised nml wierely‘hlndkd on Sat” unln‘y. and lust um thomnd winners and . nm- thousand killedM‘yhuudL-d.‘ It. was, {outed almost ,u milq down the Woldon ‘ Ruilroad. On Saturday; night the corp! in-j lreuvhod itself. and on Sun-lay was reinfor ced. mm! probably by a portion of Hun cock"! Corps. ()n tho .\'nrxh bank of the Jam". us yo reparted yv-Inrdny, lhrnev's! For u [can withdrawn to Deep Bnfiom. On ‘ 'Frhig night, however; Gunmen] Hancock” findinfiis outputs 9ndfixrgeregl. ahandqn- : ed all that portion of White O.lk Swamp which he _had lvld'nonh of "to-villus of , New ankrt. 0:1 Saturday he rPceived nr- ‘ (Jars to march to Hm mull: aide ol lhe‘ Jamu. New Market vma abandoned, and. Birney's Corps at Deep B..ttnm. WM l?“ W, hold the small amount. of'gmund north nf. Foslvr'u earthworks, whivh it was thnught, MIT 10 rchin. Hl‘ncook’l Corps? crossed to the math side of tho James, urlll it. is auppnwd was sent to nigl Wan 9n. 5‘ On: Sunday night, when our-intelligence clo'sPd,‘ everything wmquivt. Warren was in‘trench-l ed'on the Weldon Railroad, and. Birney Ml Deep Bottom. , r. l General Sherm‘an seen" to have given up any further attemyta either to reach the Macon; Ram-mu] or to get imn thanm. Hie hoops an idle. and remain in their works without risking an§ contests. The correspondent: of the n'ewspnpar- are fles pnndenc. Many havelpfl the camp._ Tlmy stnte that. Sherlnnn has ‘lrelchétl his linel om until he has reached twelve miles s'oulh east on Atlanta, and still he finds the enemy Inn the alert, and pralocleJ by strong work?! ‘IHe cannot oulfiank them.‘ Sherman is inow inlrenchlng the north. bank ol the‘ Clmllu‘hooohee. and it look as if he con mmplnled a retreat. to that. size of the river. ‘ Tuere is anything but exullntion In his‘ camp. The‘FeJeml cavalry have out the lrullrm (1 leading from Atlanta to Mcntgom lely' nhL‘Ul- twenty five miles lrnm Allmm. i'fney have withdrawn. however. and the {mad iq repaired. Slwrmnn's cqmmunim rim” with (he North were interrupted lnr übr ~ f \ (Luvs. They ure now reopened, [From the Age oth-idayj _ Timre h i? “#0“ vety little chance in the pu~illlln nrutt'hh on the Weldon Rtilinu-l. \\Vn run in 'still within hiuintrenr‘hml ,(mlnp. 'l'lm t-ni-mv in tk‘e no‘nttarke. (irniit, find- Ln;tlmt ill‘l lino in lrunt (\t‘ I'otbnhnrg was too \\‘t‘uk, ‘liat lumighv Btrney't Corps to ‘lhe ~outh >ldt‘ of the Jnmes tn reinlmcu it. l-‘mler's single tint/don. in hi~ e‘nrthwork Now to the ll\'l‘X‘ Imnk‘nt 11-a-paliuttnm, is now the only hotly of Federal troom north of the- .hme“. l'ne hues of Warren‘s Corps in tlte‘ recent. halting are nfl‘iciully‘ro lmrtetl Ila follows: killed, 14'); wounded. 3-33; mining. 23132. l’nrku’s Corps last about nine him-Led men. This nukes the total lots, 4,000, 'l'ht-re is a report that General} Sheridan’s flute mnvemonts have displt-asiéd «the Ad ministration. and that. he 111-* been remov ed trom camnmml, General Hooker being his sncveuor. There is no change in the 'in-tition of the Federal army 'on the Upper Potomac. 'l'lie ‘muin force h intreneiied it short dittanee in from of Harper’s Ferry nml the Confederate" are concentrated near Cunrlestuwn. mx ..iiles from Hiirper': Ferry. Gene“! l-‘m'rt‘xt made his mid upon Stem pln-i Last Smulny. He held posfiesnnn of the town for three hourshranucked the q’u'arters of :ill the Federal General» and pot ofi'safely, with two hundred nml eighty prisoners. ’ Shermnn i< quiet. On Friday inst, Gen eral Dodge, one of his corps commanderi, was shut‘ in the head by a Confederate sharpshooter. It is reported at Xiahvilie lltnt. Dbdge has died. There are nnw thirty-right thousand Fed eral prisoners confined utf4ndeuonville. in Georgia. t ‘ . Tue Baltimore Suit of Saturday says; The inteliigence receivrd from Gen. Sheri~ (Jim's army In at an interesting characters—r ‘ A considerable portion of Early}: forces'nre ‘ reported to have broken compo: Charles town. on 'l‘hnmlny morning. and marcherf in the direction 0! Leewwn. on the hunt to- Inrdu Mnrttnshnrg. A (letuéhmgnt of U nion ClVulry was sent out. to ascertain the design of llll.‘ movement;.nnd‘encnuntered ‘ their line ut'x-ElEmiahers about a mile be yond Keameysville. when I spirited en g‘ngement took luck. The Union troops are said to have lost in it I few killed and woundud unit to have tnkoh a number of prisoners. After four o’clock in the after- ‘ noon firing lgdln ‘broke out in the direc tion of Keumeysville. and st latest advice: the light was still in progress. A 'rnmor was curnnt in Washington yesterdny that n portion of the rebel nrmy had crossed the Potomac above Harper’s Ferry. Important Lam—An nctlf-yr the promo. tion of volunteers against Tmud in the pay ment of bounty money: A _. Szc-nox l. I); u unactrrl, d-c.. That any per son' who nm'y bu entrusted git!) any bounty money for any Ponnaylvnnjlwvolunteer-en wring the servnoeofthe Uiiiled Sate-orthls .State. who ulnll, With or mthout the con lent of luch volunteer, retain the him: or any part thereof or phallfnil to 'pay losuch volunteer. at the time of his being musl‘éred, the full mouutofx-uch hounlymoney, with ggt an; deduction or aunt-mom, shall ‘ deemed guilty ofumiademeanor. and on conviction‘mt-rmf, in any ‘oout-t of Oyét and Tel-miner or Quarter Sessions, shall be sen— tenccd'tn pay a fiué ol five hundred dollars. and to be imprls-mell nt hard labor in’the penitentiary fur the term cf six months. k ... .-«n—O->—-——~——-—- Hanan! Acmciudan. I’hibzdelpltfag-e-This well known benyolcnt X‘asocinllun Inn proved itself. by a ong course of honurnble doallng. to be I perfectly reliable and big!» Iy uselul lmtitulxon. We commend nu; 15° ntte‘nllén of ma public with much con fidence. ————— ~~—o-.—-—-—-—- “A Ind .in Berkshire undelivered of at: wm i wfiild : week. _ of); 1m!!! Jan’wfinsjcan'gr’enmcwa.” ' "5‘ ‘9 19“”? & 6mm}?- mimflowx mlacnosrrbg nml-Ipc; no: {or oflmcrl of the Borough of Link-31M!!! took plnce on Squryfihe 20th in“. Thougfi lho' Abolmoniul zine lure of carrying lhd duy wuh case. a, Demochu nnd Consent-r the. clocked I ”jerky of their ticket. - renull “high landmine “lcfnlilu” beyond neu surc. We lubjoiu the Hinton: Burgess, “‘lllinm F. Cronse Dr. R. S. Sci-1...... Town Council, Peter Lingenfe11er......‘.......... . Daniel Ur0une....................... John Duuen......................... Noah P. Weiktfl................... Gtorgo Heu0n..................... John 5ymnkT€r.............. ....2..'.' David 5chwnr1z.................. . John llcjluine . George 5t0nuifer..............._,.. Dr. J. S. Kemp.....;......,._:...... ' , Judg?_ ‘ Willinm Lmingn.........1:...... hue 5mub.:........................; Inspectors, George 5hee1y......-.........4... Rufus Duncan. ............-.4....... Asses-or, . , V Simon 8i5h0p..........£.................... Joseph Qanker......a. Assist-m Assure", Henry 85dd1n................ ............... John Spalding" ..........,................ Ephraim .\1yen...........................,. Snmuc} Wciknt,........g...........,»...'. .4 ‘ ’ Auditor, kflenry Rake-r....." * Nathaniel Elmes" Cos4talle r Jacob 5gndcri.....i.......................‘.....’... 43 William Yinglinguu...".-....u......'.....,..... 53 rzxxsnuxu COLLEGE—j. Conven tion of zyo friends of Ponnljivnnin Coilege is to be he i! In Buniiburg on the 3d Tuesday of October next, 16 tnké measures for .1 Permanent‘ endowment of the institution. A roaminee to arrange the prdnminnriehwns uppoimed al thé Iqu mending—Rev. (J. A. May. chnimnl. —— To int-ct the increased price of living, the galaxies of the Professors of the Cyllega have! been Incxcmed to $l,lOO. Henry E. Jacobsq son oi I’ro’sur Jncoha, is appointed Tutor in : the Prepnrudryynefilrlm‘ent, in toom uf (2. VJ S. Lew, who fakes R’puaiiiun us one of the! teachers in Ihe Alie‘ntonjn Collegiate ius'imte. ‘ - The [number of students in 'he College last Icssion was 115; irnflhe Theologiéul Semi nun} '_’3. 'l‘nkiug our Imtinnnl l‘myhlos into nectfiunt, the affairs of the College are deemed quitfe prosperous. ' ' . —t The Ahxmui Associnu‘on of Pennsylvania College held its regular meeting on the evening preceding Ithe L'Olnmcncrmepl—‘Dl'. (‘lmrlea Ilurnor wagging Tbo‘um'twri film‘ll‘d {o| the ensuing _vqm' firgfiflqnw Eda-MEI. McPherson, P 1 ESldoul . l‘rofi Swéver. Secretary; LIL-Hr} J. pfimcsguck, Treasurer. Thq orator chosen f." “‘O. next anniversary 3- Rev. .\l. \‘ndcntiue‘. of Reading“ A comnfittvo Away npfinin'tud to cd-opcrnte “31: n lixuilqif cuuxmiflm or the 303 m of 7mg”; of llm'Colleucfon flu- per m.lnont eudmvmcri-t Of the Jm-lituliuu. The {allowing is the Con. “um": _ “on. E Mel‘h'ersonfliL-r Drs. SlmLKrauth, Brown/and [’zxxmn, Pruf. .\"oo‘Tl’y J- L- ”““' ris. I%qu Rev. V. L. (.‘u’nx‘ntd ni‘d Hun. J. -. Smith.~—Smliml. . 4 l ' THE nunouru own my. novough' wzu, in nu probability. be n- and from ‘h'e present draft. A sum of man v, snifiriem to [my to such vpiuuterriis‘io, ha- been raised by me sulL-criplinns ol petsona uni-Let lo the dmlt and by an upprupriulion o! the Town Council. - _ _ ‘ _ In order that the matter may He cluwed up promptly, vh- lmre been rrquenlpd to notify suhscn’bc‘rs to pay up their eul‘mcnptiOl-s at once, and :hi‘ns (maim- [he (‘ommiilcr in nettle immediawly \\ith 'Uh: Volumorrs. _ ‘ {Q‘Cnph \Vnrrgn‘s (empiric of One Hun dred Us} Cnmh; left Ikm’ishnrz 3n Snmrdny neck. _ :X'lu-y “_ero mounted mud lullyoquhupwl. and upon to iwrfonn smm dug, 'lz‘ho-rnm puny is \umpnud of nbh-J-cdicd _roqng mm, 1130311} 15mins. who “in mn_Le— goud balding. r ' I I.lom. C. H. Fuhw‘ilcr hzx‘s hot-n nppoiuul coxxxmi:_s.xry ot'subsislencc and assistant quar ter-mzuu-r «If xhe uhm’c cmnnfand._ ‘ W". AIL-um. Wm. ‘Spnnglt‘r and .John Hnrmmn. are hanging t. rompAuy of infantry for one year's service. They n‘re gclfiug I,l:er men mostly from Franklin lou'nship. to which dislrifl, we undenlnud. they are bemgvrrdm-fl. 52"“;13 regret 1m learn that Rev, Robert Jolxnstnfi,-formcrly pasxor of the'l‘rcslvyfeuun Chnrcl/I of (:‘ablllk.'aied on' Friday M 201:, Md) sentcrfiflhis Hope in Peoria, 111. i ~ .v.__ri_'.__..__...__.. _‘ n-- i QUR TERXIIS.—From Ilic lsl day of August, 1 1864. our terms 01: subscripliéu \i‘ill be Taro 1 IJOLLARsif paid in minim-c, and Two Donuns A)" Flrn’ ("tars if not 50 paid. The” terms; .lmve bm‘n agreed upon hy all llle publishersli in mi: plncc. and will be strictly miller-d 10'. ,This is but I alight Advance upon old ”3:31 :nud by no megns in pvaporlion will}: gin-t: furlrance iai~lnhor, plpei and)“ olhzr kinds of :printing’ material. _ d I ' ”The Cumyiler will be furnished from this I . gum. until nl‘wr llié Presidential Election n MARRIED. 3! F ‘ F T Y CENTS' ““"‘ i" ““"‘“ 1.1-?\l\"l§h(e}‘ll2(lri-FTiig'lictyufigidfiogiigoykSi; L IQ’Single ”pi“ of the Con-plflwith (":3 FlSK‘ml Cumin-hand township. Adams county. ‘ wilhout wrnprers, five cents. ' , ‘On'lhe 71h inn" by Wm. Ron Wide, 3'9 . ~ "'_-, ,A— Mr. JAMS w.. SELLARS wmu SARAH 'J. LNIHTEFORDmoIhof Liberty lo“ unstimulanu county. ° ' ‘ ‘ —» ._*_, m~——'————— ‘ ‘ : The sen-.Tnmleu-vnm um um! g I We Irusi '.imtn lug:- portiun ufour raider: i ' ilnvev pander-rd the Appe-l oi )Ir. Fosseuden, 1 our new Secret-r)- of fin Treniury. The pen 3 ' pan of ii. in i_lgu the People of «be {dug ‘; Smut, acting as 1 body through gheir Igen?‘ idle Govcrnih 2m, wish individuals to lendihemz two hum! rcd millions oféoXizirx foa‘flu’ec yurs,‘ ‘ I.) seven and three-Lenin pcr cent. Innnlfl in-l . (crest, payable every six months. , Fonhiuheyl :ofl'er Treasury 'Noies—thn! in, in reality, hotel‘ ; drawn andtndorud by Her, mun in the gap: try. Tho [gun is wanted to]; t gran nagiomfi \ Qurpose. Io in‘ecl which ev'ery man, nalels he ‘ ; he s traitor at hum. if not in not, is solemniy ' pledgcd. . , 3 I The Appeal in nddreased not merely to {few I great capitalists, but-ho to lbe’mnny who": ug zregale means continuum mass of the wealth lof Ibo land. Th! notel upon whiéb thh‘lonn lin asked us from $5O upwud. Every man! who bné fin.)- dollars an ukepar: in min low. ’ Ap-rl from patriomm Ind the duly Ihich nil ow.» flair country, Lo inv'enmenl. is so dc 'lirxbio us this. ‘ ' i It is Iccnre. Every dqlllr at I mn’s’ 11mp-I en.)- in pledged for Ike 9135:}qu figment of". . the interest, nnd of [he dibi"whcln due, The l u-cnri ly II intro-sing in nine. For someyenu! hcrorc 1119 war We were earning I‘ooo mmionnn: Iyear more than: we spent. paling flu Ihrrc‘ ' gears ol we wnr, uwing lo the high prz’c’es and. I constant Jcmlnd for labor, we have Earned. ; more xhnn eru- before. X 9 man who could m-x ‘ wouldwork has beenidkfnfid ”up! far thq‘ war, we hang spent lea [lean before. Tle y»! ‘ Isl ulmtion of the property of the Canal 3 Shin, according to Ihe census of {B6O, was 5m,159,000,‘0p0 «Lunch x_0,957,443;055*wu in theLoyuskum‘a. Thia' Vllmfionfiecotfingu f to the uubmlcgit «malt, mum yam dun twoothird! of mm»: «drum ofifiho; ' yropmh fffiinghul 9! W] in' m Loy. fa) fink) Wiring “it‘lnt ma years' maru' § - _ I 1:6 per cent. or m Iver-goo! l 3 6-“ percent. g per «nouns. In Ibree jurors 9r the war we of “helium!“ have cerlniely out-nod 3000 :pillionl. more than we Ira-re Ipent apagt from Lthe'wnr: The con ofthe wgr maybe: eetdoyn 111. 2090‘ million!T Deductin‘f‘flthil from on! enet eerningr. the people who are securiu to: \ :‘thisiimm ure lwo million} rirhcr to-dny titted I ~ 4" the were when the war broke 0:3. 1" }' “bother investment cm be so entity convert |ibi‘e. The man who has a note f0r350,0e SID? I or $lOOO, gm turn it. into money mars mdfli} ! Ind uho'n better terms, thnnrth were invented npod' honj‘nnd mortgage, oeln nilmd new ~ The interelt altered in higher than,“ mlizedvfrou mthu late and com-able i investment. It u, moreover, readily collect-- ibie when due. To ent-h note ni-e ntflxed 6v! ‘ “gauponu,” or inter-cl! (trim, due at the exp}: 3 ration of'ench uucceuive half-your. The ho)!!- ' tier of» note has limply to cut. on one of t?" 5 coupons, preunt itnt the Letu‘el! bank or or {erntncnt Agency, and receive his interest; th(_ note itself need not he presented It all. Of ‘, ‘ coupon thus pnyultlewiil ewrywhere be up"- , elent. when duehto monq. Thus, while thil'hnm presents great adul tages to lug:- cipiteliatakit ofl'en epoch} in ducements to those who trick to make u Info Ind profitable investment of amnllsnvings. Jt ‘~ is in every «of the best Sevinge’ Bunk; {hr ‘every institution of this Uud must aomehoi ; invegt its deposits profitably in order to per i interest end expenus. They will ilrm inte ‘ I_y in this ion, a; the belt invest-en. int i from the gross interest yhieh they receive [they must. tjednct hugely hr the expert-cl at" E the Bank: Their usual ,rate of hum: alloy: I who depositors is 5 per cent. upon mun oft-r $5OO. ‘The person who inute directly €th iaotzernment will receive ‘nlnoet ‘5O per not. more. Time the mat- vh} fiepoliu $lOOO ip r prirue Suinge' Bank "chives 50 doth; 71 yen: interost ; if he i‘eyositl the some pl. i 't}ia N-tionnl Shrings' But he rot-tini- 13 l‘dollnrs. FnrJhoee who will: ti ind aide, 1 convenient“ and profitu‘ah: mun of inciting |'the surpl‘us earnings which the; hue mmed ‘lfor their oh] kg: or for the benefit of their ichildruu, there is notlixg' vlieh pest-u." f nun} n'dmntugrs is; this Nntionnl Lana. . i It is wuwrtible into . e'rx per cent. gell ‘hennnghwnl‘ Atthacxipiruliou ohhree’em I“ huldt-r '0! the Isles vi the 7.3"} h“! Lu 'o' option of m-erpting p‘symnt in M 1 or oft-3d }ing his nott-x in l six per event, no“ intend buml, the principal pay-«Me in no: leai thqn ‘ tixe nor more than twenty year!) Iron ibis/lo Tn! lhl Gorernmcnt mnyetect. For [it month ‘pnq, these builds have urged r. an arm” prominm of him": eight per err”. in the New , York mnrkct,und hardsold at lwto-iiug-(‘Angn il2th.) thu' milking: the In] rate 0! int-reel over ten plr vt-nt.; nml lll‘rilll'i. to (nah the ‘rimiucmnvnt even greater, (“ongn-Is by elm-'11) i nt-t'rtmnpts in Treasury notes from state nml mullit'lplli mxutiuu. L‘nnhi fihflock Mk nmr-- .’ ; \\‘zts patriotism ever so lihtmllynunnicd '.‘m I [lqu‘ltl‘fl Maj/"zine. buy... 59 ........'ls ..-..., 7: 41 2.4.3:“ IN .\'l’li'l I 11. JOHN‘S“ NWT!) R ’(IF THE (‘0 \H'] LHR Dun Sm .—~\\'illn _\our prrminio’n I wish in my toalrr renders ol' _ymu paper that I will send, by taurn hmil. to all 'lm will: il (hos). ‘n Rd‘pc. with full dirccliuns fut mlking Mu!» u-éfif‘u-ihnlfle Vegetable Balm. lint will’glv flu-nml!) n-more,ln ten dqs, l’implcn, Mug-huh 'l'. 0, Fr: \leS. and all lmpurlju of the Skin. lemlx‘gylhe mum) ‘ul', clear, pmoolh Ind bum. lifgl.’ . I M” 91.9 ms" free m than having Bull‘ ,BKL'HL‘, or 3:\!(' Fnrcs, aimplu dint-kin"! lan-J iufmmntiun [bill will with lhem to Mn‘r'l I W" growl: of Luxurinm Hair, “mum, or In .\lousfnrlw, in less Lhnn min; (1.133. 111 npplications Ingw'er‘rd by return mn‘l \viihoul charge. flu-prawn; yum-a, THUS. F. l'HAl'lLlX,Chtn-iu. 831 lirandway,.\'ew York Ang. I. -296(. Jun A ('.U I) TO 'llle N'H’ERINJI sun-nun“ two hr ILree 1.q,,v-ha_uls of“.’m« bu." “Tumc‘ mun-", 3 ' Snrmpnxilin,” ".\'rrrnui Au lilhm w.‘ 5: . M“ .112. ru-i alter _wu nrr sum fin? WM: (hr n-‘ul'x, ILL-n \r) mw lmx of “LB. 110("1‘HR IH'I'HAN'S £501,151! Sl‘FA‘lflC WILLS-and Ic nutond to hrnhhjnd ngtr in lus: than thirty day. The-51m.- I:4”er rag (111.10. pikJSvlll to in)». Jnrunpi nnd ulnlnly in [Lei] (flu-ls (1n Hm brokrn-cuun nnd :hnh ”red muslin-don. Uid nnd‘young rnu hke' lhem wilh- n duunngv. In); urud nml sold in [he l'niud Sum-t unl-y by ‘ K us. til BUTLER. NO. «11“. lircmdndy. New York, his-Agony, far {he l'niled Stnl‘l. P" $.—A Bu of the HHS, :ecurcly pucked, will be mailc'd In my :uldro'! on recripl of prjcé, which is USE DOLLAR. post. mid—- m‘onry’ rrmndcd |-,\ Uu: \genlif ntire util facficn is not given. RAW; l ’64. 3a I“) \‘Ol' \\‘lsli‘ ’lO BE. CFRED? I'll. Bl'CllAS’b‘ ENGLISH SI’KE‘IFIC PILLS cure. in In! than {:0 an”, lhc «Um cues of. .\l'ZRYUl'SSllSF,lmpolem-y,l'rL-umluxeDl-cny, Fe-minnl “‘enkncu, lnsnnily, Ind all Urinary, Sun!” and .\'orruus Aft'ctliuns. no nnallrrtrum what must producxd. l‘rim; (Ine'DoHur per box. scm. poll-paid, by mail, on retcipl of an nrdrr. um- Bu: “ill pnfecl the nu: in moat uses. Addrns . " JAMES S“ BUTLER, General Agent, 421 Brundnuy, Sew York. Aug. 1,1864‘ 31!: _ , woman", notices agents per line font-ll ofcr gnu lines—«uh lo ncr’ompnny notice. ‘ : On Thursdny‘lnn, Mr. WILLIAM GILLT. 1 LAND, of Strnbnn township, nged 80 y“?! '.3 - monllu gpd 1 day. . - ‘ I 011 [he 19m inst, at La Kur, Ohin. my ! HESRY S. MILLER, lormerly of this counly. 0n the 18d: of July. in McLean county. “L, inc! ignrlcz mar, LlZle-I, aged 6 year-. 3111: I MAGGIE, aged 18 mouths—children ofhnu. ,and Sarah Lindsay, and gland children of WiHimn Wilson, of Hamiltonbnn lowuihip, lAd-ms couniy. , I , ‘ A Small Farm . - 1‘ PUBLIC SALE—On HONDA}, the, A 19th day at SEFTEuBI-In next, by vii-tut ut an Order of the Orphan’s (‘our‘t _of Adam A county. the lindenigned, Administrator of the ‘ estate of Jacob Greenholu, den-used, will o'er at Public Sale, on the premiser, the {alloying ' ‘ [teal Estate, riz: J I A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Geri“, township. Adam: county, Pm, adjoining lend. ' oi Sylvester ”truer, Eduard Fisher Ind John A. Wall": heirs, couuining '23 Acres and 11) Port-hes, more or 108', about 2 Acres ofiz in timber. The India undrr good cultlntlon and good fencing. The improve ment: are a one M! u h tll‘ story Log Dwelling H(fiISE, with Stone " Kitchen, 3 Burn, Smoke House, and m: excellent wail-errata nml-t 9 dog: of the dwelling ; also. a thriving Orchard, with’ ill kinds of fruit. The tract ialocnted, on the road leading from the Gettysburg turnpike to , Not-gun's null. , , WPereon‘s wishing to vievi‘ the' properly or: requesld to call on John Steer, ren'diflk thereon, or onthe Administrator, residing 0“ the Tang-town road, one will: from Littles ‘o7:“. @Salc to commence at 1 o’clock, Pix." on um day, when. nttendnnce rill 5“ E § end term: male than by PLTKB J. GREEXBDLTZ, Adm?!“ Bythe Court—J. I. Fink, Clerk. , . ,1 3M5: . Aug. 3!, 13M. .1! m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers