l— ...... i , " . , ,Vfigznernis- ~ ' ‘ The Connlu in published ovary Monday ' morning. hy Huxnv J. Snnu, at $2 00 per i " annum-jl‘ paid strictly ix abuses—s 2 50 \ per annum if not paid in advance. ANo ' lubscrififlon discontinued, unless at the ‘ Option of the publisher, until all arranges . . w ' are paid. ‘ ‘ ’ , Avvnrxsuaxn inserted at thousuul mt“. - n PRINTING dime with neatnm Ind , ’~ ‘I dis tch. ‘ , 1 OH‘ICE in South Baltimore street, nearly oppOsite Wamplers' Tinning Establishment - . . ' ~“Coumun I’mxrixc OFFICE" on the sign. M.“ .# o » A 3 r l mm; ",h 15,. 4 . FREEEUMEHA§I efiafia. ‘ -_ "V ‘ "‘ "‘“" "_ " m I ‘ J. C. Neely, , 6* fionxnr A’l‘ LAW.—l’nrlicnlnr ntten- BY 11» 5- ”MILE. 5 flan paid to collection of Pensions, .—_;:;;T;::‘—‘-’_~__~__—_—- —~— 4—4 any and Brick-pity. Ollice in the S. E. :- i_ turner ’of the Divlmond. g'- 46th Year , Getlynburg, April 6, 1863. if . ’ "' '”’?T‘“' ‘ "' ~ “~“"—. W— ‘2,Wm. A. Duncan, '_’ 1, TTORNEY AT LAW.—Oflice in the North- . Globe Inn, - ~ westcorner otCentre Sqnnre, Gettysburg, yon‘ 51., x“: TullpiAyoxD’ 8- ' [”ci- 3,13“. "' [ ETTYSDURG, PA.—Tlie undersigned : rs» 7: k", "" 'l" ' 7-” ‘ V"— '“‘“— ‘ E would most respectfully inform his 113- n t // 13' McConaughy, line-mus lrienris and the public generally, that ' l TTORXEYAT LAW, (oflice one door We“ l he has purchased that long established and _ ‘of Bueliler's drug and heel;- storo,Clmm- iwcll known Hotel, the “Globe Inn," iry York “Sc'n'” 7“ ershurg “rec-L) Arron!" AND_SOLXCH'O]I son [sh-ed, Gettysburg, end will spare no efl'on to ”’"”'" ’”’ PATENTS up l’nsmss. 'lZount‘y Land “'ur- conduct it in a manner that will not detract. ”o.lmm nnts, ‘Bick-pny suspended Claims, and 1111 from ils former hi‘gh repntatidm llis table ‘ new!“ the tather clnimq nguinst the Government nt \\‘nsh- [will have the host the market. can nil‘urd—hisi mm mm” lng'on,D. 0.; nlsoAmericnnCluims in England. ,rhnmhors nre spucioua nnd comfortable—and I Since thlnt! Lnnd \anranlslnea -ditn«l sold,orbougrht,nnd l he has lnid in for his burn full stock of wines 1 Emu"! the I" highest price: given Agents engaged in lo- and liquor‘a. There is ln‘rge stablinz attached 'A“ .11“... outing warrants i _lown, Illinois and other lto the Hotel, which will be attended by ntten- No Muller \ western Stutes Apply to him,persunally "live hosllers. It willhe his constant‘endeavor From m, I". \ or by letter. i ‘ filo render the lullest satisfaction to his guests, l The pm”, Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ’53.: 'mnking his house as near nhome to them as The m, u, —--—*-~* "_, -——-——*- ‘possiblc. llc nsks a share of the public’s pn- l Tpeuietl wil : ’ 'A, J. COVCI‘, ' trouser, determined as he is to deser‘ve a large? 11,. “m“, ;;= 1103ng AT [,.‘l\‘f,will pmmpufaltcnd lpurl of it. Remember,.tlie "Globe Inn” is in { Anaciwm, .‘A to Gulluctiona and a“ nther buyinegg e“- Il’ork sueet, but near the Diamond, or Publi}: "hf-Imm , '- - A ~ , * ‘Sqnnre. s.“:an WOLF j sowing]. A I April 4, 1864. tf - Ofnimple r - ‘ ' ‘k’ ‘ I): I‘l . Cumberland House, * (in‘rrwwuc, I'A. truuer! to him. omm lmuwe}; Fnlmeetocks’ and Dunner it Zioglu's Slums, ”Allimox‘c ilrcetl Gettysburg, Rn. , [Sn-pt. 5,.1559. j, 1 Edward B. ‘Buehlcr, TTURNHY AT LAW, wnll fnithrully and A ‘promptly ..tlt'nv] to all businc-aa enlx ustL-d whim. Uc blur-Ha the German language.— ”(lice M. the same [wk-co, in Nnulll Baltimore “net, nmr‘Furnoy’s drug slow,- and nearly .oppositu Dunner k Zh '_'}cr's store. ~ Gettysburg, March 20. > ‘ _ 4 , m ‘ J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. AS his offirv nne :65?» K‘ 05': II door We“ of the H ‘va "'31”? f“; 5.237 ‘ - ”\le ‘ Luther-1n clufirvh In Uhnmhrrsi'urg “wet, and oppocile I’it‘kin‘g‘!’ llc‘e, wh We they: wishihg to have any Dental Opera-inn pe'furmcd nrc ré—‘pcvtfufl; invited (0 cm ILJ‘kunt'HL J)rs.Uu‘rnu-, lh-r. (‘. l'. Krvuh. I). I) , llcv. H. L. Humher, D. I).,‘KSV. ont' .\I. Jlc)‘i'. .’rut. “. L. Shu'er.‘ . hellysbnrmAiml 11,5;3.‘ ‘ ‘ Drs.. Cress 82 Eons—Tr, CLE"TIC AND II’I‘JIXH’ATIHI‘, PHYSH E (‘l \\‘s AV]; >xrx:r:::o.\‘>:.—.\H dismq-S, acute or chrdniu, =ll'('t'r‘-‘~IIIZX".' mu] Sl 'r'cuhfiml h chuth and um- ]. “3:011:21 two is pl-~<iiul(-. Uue M'llw {inn “ill be tmmd in the omm nll hunrn of ”In «My And muhtz uulr-‘=.= nh-‘r-nt M meals or on pz'ut'c=~ir,n.xl hhfim-se. (mice on (I'm-IM,- sum-t, n fuwdnm = north nt'thc Squaw. _ Géuys‘uurg, ‘lhy Im. 1312:. smi- , Dr. J. ‘W. C.’ O’l-leal‘s 'FI-‘hlli :m-I DWI-'ling X. H. (mlnrrof’ Bil- O limnre :uhl \Lg'n s'l.rl=, nv-n‘ Prom) 1; Huh (I: inch, (ix-Hy burg I‘a. - Nov. 30, 156.2. if . Dr. A. Hafiz, (\mmpfl'xwa or the 17niv21r~ny of Pen syl— I runin, ll.l>i.1: prrnflut'u'lv ln’vuwil :IL “A“?"I‘UV. .\ ' un< ('nuulv,‘ U~‘vn-v~tl‘ull_\' ()tf' rs hid 10rvius lo the [mhliv 'SA’hmean nml fiurgeon. [Apr-UL"), 1x424“ Sm Dr. Wm. Taylor infonnu‘a» iuh \hicaufs of Hctrydmrz and vi cinily that he NIH CuntJuw: Llu- prmth (nor his .profcuiuu m the UH M m l, m m acnr‘m the ('bmpilrr 0 Hr», (Mtg-dunk. l'u. Thnnkml Mr phi in' )~'=. he ‘lzch- In revolve n sl.lm of 1 future patrmnzc. [Swim ‘_’h', lasts. H Adams County . VTUAL FIRE INSURANCE (,‘().\IPANY.—~ 11‘m0xp0l‘dlcd .\L11~c)118,1551. ' orrxcmm. ‘ PresiJmf—‘itnrgc .‘lwopo. ' - I'icc I'm-.merl—h. it. [Ursa-11‘. Srcr'lfll‘y—~D. .\. Buvhlcr. Trmxurcc—[twhl .\l‘Creary Eta-ulirr Cmrurg-I/wr—Rnlmrt M‘Curd - ,'Jucob King, Andrew Heimfilumn. .ilvmnjrnv-ai‘morg'e- wope, D. A. Due Ilnr, R. M'Uurxly, Jacob King-SA. Heintzx-Imsw I). Mr:- (‘rc‘rVfi-‘in R. fi-rfiecil, I. R. rlcrsh, nnuel Durhumw, E. G. F:1I1:m,~tork. Wm. B’. Vii-lon, u. .\. Piux'iuz, m. 1;. \ncxonan, do! n “’0!- lnrd, R. G. “(firearm-John I’mkinz, {ADI-IT, \Vrighl, Jo‘ln Cunningham, Ali-lie! *9 Gin, James 11. .‘.l:lrsh.|ll, M. I-chhclhemer. gig-This Compnny is limited in it: Hops go the county of Adilms. It has_ luc\e&f§sfill opgmtinn for more than s'l find in that period has paid all losses pcfiics, [MY/Lou! tiny ({Jvmsmr'nf, hij‘i ng Ms surplus cnpitnl iri the Treasury. T [any (.plnys no Agents—all busine! done by.tlle .\fnnagcrsrwho arc annual! ed fly the Stockholders. .Any person ' Inflnsurance can appiyto nlny of th' named Managers for flu-the!- informntk ge-I‘he Executive Committee mu" office‘ of the Company on the last. We In every month.‘au,2, P. .\I. . S‘efit. 27, “$5B. ’ ‘ _,4.:,»*_‘-- Vng V_. 7‘; __._.',._.‘ -_ The Great blsccfvery _ F THE AGI-1.-lntl:lmmntory and Chronic Rheumatism can lie cured by using H. L. )l LLEK‘S CEILEBRATED RHEUMATIG .\IIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the ndjoining counlies, have teulified to its great utility. Its snrcess in Rheumatic affec tionsflms been hitherto’ unparalleled by any specific, intrpdnccxl to the public. Price 50 ceutypcr bottle. For sale by all druggists and ltorekL-epers. Prepared only by 11. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East. Berlin,’ Adamscounty, 13‘s., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot; Iled Oils, Essence: and Tinctu‘s, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent. Medicines, &c., &c. WA. D. Buehler is ch? Agent in Gettys burg for “ H. L. Miller’s" Ce ebrated Rheum-mic Mixture," . [June 3, 18151. if The Grocery Store ' ON THE/ HILL—The undersigned’ would ' respectfully inform the citiaens or Gettys burg and, vicinity, that. he has taken the old laud “on the Hill." in Baltimore street, Get #2 fishing. Where he intends to keep ronstanlly [..' pt hand all kind: or GROCERIES—Sugnrs, 'l Cafees, Syrups of all kinds, Tobacco. l-‘ish, Bm, to, Earthenware of 'all kinds, Fruits, Oill, find in fact, everything nsznlly found in 3. Grocery. Also, FLOUR & FEED of all kinds; I“ of which he intends to sell low as the low. at, Comm-y produce taken in exchange for loads and the highest price given. He flnzers himself 111-st, by strict attention and an honest desire to please, lo merit n.shnre of public pa .fiouget. TRY lint. J. M. ROWE. 4m». ~23, 1363. tf ‘ ALL PAPER! WALL PAPERI~AII ' new styles, jnat received at Dr. R. 1 , fl , NEWS Drug and Variefy Store} ‘ O to Dr. R. HORNE R'SAh-uz Store and get is MEDICATED GUUGH CANDY. i «m—W'A— >—-*~~---‘A—':—*----~—-—~-—V—— RELSIOR! 1 EXCELSIOR! I ‘ yEXCELSIOR!!! the Emelsior Washing uachiue is the best in the World. Call and examine it at enca— oflaa 5:. the Excelsio: Skylight qulery. . ‘ TYSU‘ BROTHERS. . ILADIESF-All sizes of Bnfl‘nlo Over E shoes for 3313 nt the_cqrncr onork awe: and um Dinner“! by ROW 3: WOODS. mtAa’E‘WHIPS AND LASHES, ‘good C’g‘ufd‘i‘gz‘p (ox: sale by ROW A: WOODS. - LL fife best Patent ‘Mcines can be had an“ an I‘mily Drug and Prescription “"0 of fig ’ Dr. K. 808-NER- HIS old (stnhlishcd ”Em-l, M the forks of T the Baltimore nml Ehlmitslmrg roads, in Ihc 5011”] part 'of Gettysburg, P. 1., is now kept h} the undr-rsigncd. llis table is ilhrays sup plitd with Ihe hen the market affords—his bu: “ilh the dim-run: kind of liquors—whilst his tlmmhcrs 'urc hpflt‘ill'ls and comfn‘rmhle.—— Tlnrc is Luge suhling :ntt ched to the Hutu]. ntuuulo} by it good hutlltr, nud‘the‘ynrd i: (allvulntl-d to m-commmlnlo nnr number of “inning. The Hotel is located “ixhin a short diqum-e of ‘thc Comatvriw, rendering it'wry (nliuuiunl ‘lor got-sum \isilintz UK: lmulc grnnnnl. No effort will be spared tn remit-r ruiismcliun, and keep up the old pnpul xi it)’ of we lluuse. ‘ DAV“) BLCEBALGH; ”my 15, 12564. 3111* ___ A V “ 7 . , New Vfarehous'o. BI‘SUELS UF GRAIN 100.0()0 “’.L\'T.‘il),n! 1h;- nan-Grain and l’finmce House, in Carlidv 31mm, ndjnmo ixig Sin-ads L' Buuhh-r's cambliahment. The 11'”;th unuchl price will ulxmys be paid in 0.1511 for ' K GRAIN, of nll kinds, FLOUR, SEEDS, Im. Ahvnfi on hand and [or sfilc, u& the smallest I‘T"(;,“'y » _ 3 t UL'AXOS, . SALT, FIFH. _ " GROCERIER, (nml \\‘hblcsule and remiL ‘ TRY US! We shall do our boat. to give saiim'dcliOll in all cum-x. ' .\LCI'IUH' & DIEEIL. ‘ Gettysburg, .\lny 11, 1563. 1y , Somathm; for Everyboiy 7 TJ LUY‘AT DH. 1!. HUHVEH'S ‘ 1 mm: .\M) \’.\H!Z'll‘Y STORE.— Ju:t opened: 11 film unoruucut ol Drug: :ull ML-diu'im-s, ‘ 4 PAH-m .\lcdxivu-s, ‘ b'udiuncry. * ‘ » ‘ \J‘uncy Dry Gonna, ‘ .Cuutlctm'mL TOY‘:_\CCO, SIIGARS, kC Jan. 18, 1:0}. New Goods lu-Large Stack! ‘ , 'r-znczmxr TAFLURIVG.‘ b 1 JACOBS k BRO. Imu- just rccrivr‘d from thchitics :2 Hugo stock 0! goods Ur chl‘lcmcu's we”, embmciug {a variety of 1 v ' CLOTHS, ’ > ‘ CASSIMERES, ;\ YESTINGS, C:rssinets,-Keans, &c., with many ether goods for spring ud summer wear. They are prepared to make up gnrmefits nt the shortest notice, and in the fiery best man ner. The Fashions nre regulnrlg' received, and clothing made in [my desired stylv. ’l'ht-y nl - make neat fits, whilst their sewing is sure to he suhflnntifl. ' They nck a continuance of the 'pnhlic‘s pp tron-me, resplved by good work and moderate chnrzes 19 earn it. Gettysburg, April 7, 18'62. ‘ ‘. Lapcaster Book ’Bmdery. (‘4 EORGB WIANT, ' J 1300 K BINDER, ,‘ AND nusx BOOK MANUFACTURER, ‘ LANCASTER, PA. I’l:th and gnmmmml Binding, of every de scription, exc med in the most substantial and approved styles. ! opera been in tyenrs, nd ex r Marge ‘e Com !s being _v elect " csiring - above at the ncsdny E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Hnuk of Lancaster W. L. Pciper, FBI}, Lancaster County Bank Snmncl :Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. Samuel )Vngner, Esq., York linnk. . WillinnfiWagder, Esq.. York County Bank. ‘ T. D. Carson, Each Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Proth‘y of Lauczxsle'r co., Pa Geo. C. Hawtth-n, qu., Regiéter “ “ Geo. \Vhitson, Esq., Recorder “. A“ "Am-1115, 1861 Last Nance. ,«2 LL 'pcrsons indeb‘ed to the te Firm of A Cubeim 8: Cnlp, are_ herebfiiotified to call and settle thlr accounts on or before the lst of.\pril',ns it is highly important that their busmess should he closed: . ‘ , COBEAN & CULP. Mgrch 14, 1864 Come to the Fair! ND DON’T FORGET TO VISIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NURSERIES.—-Persons wishing to Inn: Trees will find the stock in the ground remarkably fine, and offered at. reduced prices. The Apple numbers 100 varieties, embracing all the approved sorts. "N. B.—See the index board near Flora. Dale Post ofice. T. E. COOK & SONS, Sept. 2, PB6l. . Proprielm. Sale Crying. ‘ W. FLEMMING continues the business A. of SALE CRYING, and solicits the cc):- tiuued patronage of the public. It. is his can. smut endeavor tb give satisfaction. Charges moderate. nésidence in Breckinridge greet, Genysburg. . ‘ P. S.—-He is a licensed Anthea, under the Tax Luv of the United Staten. . Nov. 21, um. RY Dr. B. HORNER‘S Tonic an; Altern tive Powders, for HORSES and GATTLE. Prepared and sold only a: his Drug Store. ‘ January 26 1864. ARI) PHOTOGRAPHS mnde_lt the Ex. celsior Galley are always inmmted to give satisfaction“ TYSON BROTHERS. , OLLOCK’S LEVAIN—the purest. and _ lost baking powder in use—at Dr. 3 Hum: ER’S Drug Store. ‘ ‘VS have just received I new assortment V of Queenswnre, to which)" invite the attention of buyers. . A- SCOTT & SON. ‘ PRIN G BALMORALS just received at - ‘ FABNESTOOK‘ BROS’. LADIES’ (non: m‘ Cloaking. new suprfiy . just recured‘nt FAMESTOOK 8305'. ll' BE American Exoéls'io'i Colon 3nd Bonus, for talent Dy, 3: HORNEB'S Du; Story. , 35‘ - ' ‘s‘ ‘ ~ 5 :~ . 55.5,, . . g-.. SM, \ ¢ 5 ~/ mfl/i’axrf/Wf :5: M Q » a 5 <saéi§§€§ groceries, :Co ions, KEEPEREXCES A @Embccmflcé AND FAWLV, mmmu GETTYSBURG, PAquONDAY", AUG- 22. 188 - POETRY. , Promijho Phihdalphh Ag‘. 0 L IN E! X 350")!!! 70 nun: Luca“ m! an nocuumo: sI-rmm Ann Acorn-r 4m, IE“, 1: A cm or U n3l» zxc, urmunmx um ulna." ‘ flaw few the you: into I’uu thin penqle blast Wllh fruitful lnlyar and Irith hunk-«m rust; Since summ- wxn. "alpha the lana‘m payer, 8pm“: the wee! Atillnm at tho Sig-mun nir, And all our l-ordori’o’er. from year to yen, No Muller music broke ripen the “r.. From the [mud grain field: of the .\'nrtlurn plulnl The prm-peraun farmers draw their loaded valu— Tha I-ir unnnu of the Southern land ; Treme-l with the tnllage o! the nogru'q hund— The umpla negro. laboring nth the light, ' And cheering with‘thu dance 15in happy ni‘hp? lllwfnilhful hurt In to Mr murder bouu-I, .\'o though! ”and he beynnd lulu daily I'o6an (”simple dutlel—nll nnukllled (o knovi That h- Elm reared nml (ed him gnu his foe! Strangod‘o' our mull were [mule'd dmmlalarml, Only olQnan hnd heard the clash 01-min. , And ran in wnrn llntmde nml kept an {no What: I” the State! were One for Liberty. We wan-bed the peaceful Summon coma and van, The bursting fulneu a! the gnldcn grain— “ e marked the days. an! luld the pluing hour! , On din!» [gm-landed mm (ruin an! flutter-I. ' It!!! now. behold how changed the happy plain! The reaper falle chm-re Luce ha cut the grain— ~ Fumm I, once yellow whh the ripening hum], RM uilh lb» harrefl or the untimely deml— ' ~ The Htulden HIGH-Ill", rel] uilh :lLNtly Rtrire' (lure gnu-cs tn (lune In Wham I‘h')’ urn-e gnu Ilfo-a The Billlplfi shre, torn farm the flv‘l-ll he killed, h bought by crnven \‘Mkm to be killed— Sont In their Item! to filJ)’ 1h: warrinr'n part, Anildme t'w buxom-t to hiu Hunter'- hell!!! The unckcnol chimney, tntleriug tn the earth, Slums glnnfly [when of the mine-l hearth. ‘ Excll sun cues dnun upur‘n tame alone of death \\‘lwrc unmied mile-TN gup fur Lnilm; breath— Each murrmv semh the inexnr-hle Jut . \l lnchgm -Ik4 nml lulglntuuonm pd Awful. hwppy hurt; \\ Linn: \rhu n nil n! aw, at ulmn \wru w‘ne‘; l-Im-h hour I‘Lmn s hfllplcu h I'M‘K In nrph nun-d livel. Kn more “‘0 mm: the mnnllh by \ill'lt they mum; The human! ‘um-ner. nml the (infirm cl Spring— liy what they Tm: we mark the p-«iqz _vrnrs. ‘ 1h? gummy \fi.\l much “'l‘“ thrknmu gen“, ‘ Cnunt Inn-us~ by butchered fr ivmh—lhe'xbmve Ind good-' Aud‘ score our uleu lnr u: bruthet'n b 20031. . 4 0h! bnhlfling jener. whn, lith liar-mum talc! Can pmnt ajuke on \lherr'i I-He'hun \vsilu, _“ Im. Mien .\nticmm'< awful flnhl 11;: ”In-.ul . g “'Ill! groaning; wounded Inll mu. mumvn-«l dead, ‘ §lrelchenlnulnnln'ilhghllfllul'l} w :Hl'u. 5/0r xmvurth the gh'hll’y [uni-“'“‘ In Un-gflu‘fi; , E (Ln) 9 nut .l mm) of cheer nr friun Hy nwl, ' . ETo mow: the \Lfi'us (u Imus flirt-v g“), V ' I'm! :I:'u\\ux-\l {he mun-M vnu- t 1' 11mm" Rug \\ .:|. Hm cull‘t'ul ‘1 Imm: ul’ -~ All I‘I: m‘ ‘" ' In In u'): lea {n.s, of .mg I.~h .url dwpnr, You mm: 10 ~u.uu...n 1 ml'eltllcarh [n prayer! but" to inuzic [he beg; uL'd much In last “1...“ the yuur um“ znnw ML |u n in lm Ink! C,|"l Ind-nu and llfeir huhe~ to laws their and, 1“ hue he “in: mum-dd! den-1n m gtgunmrn duty) Tu gray Hut “0!! \\ill gnu-19 Inn] 0.?“ 1h; hand Tm: limugm (Lm‘mm on on. slnckcu‘ Lu“! Jed iryou will—let {1 I II: ant} [um-rm Amy-e the tenure “Ll cromml bum-nu; A. Lot punk an round—ht uul [ha hummer Fail \\ Inie fruxllv‘s p].|ugh‘er [411211 the Sumh‘i-rng‘lle; Em up your shambl-w, gone unit-zinm Imin: Tu bléel} .ml rut “IL-re lu-giom h-II bqure; Dmgwn fmxn another. hu-bml 19 w from wife. To inter on {he (it‘-l kuf ("gum "1.5:: ; > - Let xuught Lu: lean and gruam .ml uusnr] be, Till the km nrgru *Lu‘c is sinned ur free: But, uhile the bmkon Magi-its “maul-urea, him" not noted grief with’lulzn of you”; Jillian]: not bursting bomn'xswtu amp Air By 1. nrlng woun‘h that your :1 Ul] phi-Iw] there! l'roclaim unl ILI!‘ In nsr. but .1..." to run, . ‘ Tu Hume who sun’er from Derpehnl'. used, ~ Le: not 604'! temples be again pmhued 11y prayer turban-ls with daily nhughcer stunned 11y pardon nykéd rufsms of sedan-duh ~ Vi line grants urgyheliing fur to.lfi3rrow'u my 1 ’ .. 1 ‘ I-Hnw long! oh, Loud: bol- Inng 1" the mother criu, «inow lung! on, Lunl‘ hmv mgr" n.. mun mm, “J'atlcnpe I'l (3 mice bruthlu in hgr eu- who tarpon “Be still! God‘s nwfizljuuice only sleeps; “Be Mill ! a few nine mmxxhs of dark mi‘mlo “Will rid tbs mum: of this lhmned foul. “A pea'ple‘s flat, run; {mm m to sen, “Will hen.) his doom nnd make A {maple free. “Back to tho nub, purliem whedco hgcnm ' “Will Ikulk, disguzud, {hid wretched apawn n? nun: ; “Hated, despised, murgod by n unfold fall, “The worn at million! In} the curse erod 3’“ ' . ' , h». l'. Sunsx. York, Pa, Aug. “1:, 18“. MESG‘EJLILANYZ Seventy-In 'l‘than Ton of nun-an Blood. A‘Vriter in the Jefferson county (N. Y.) .C’nia». who has been making calculations relative to the numbol of man rkillmf thus far in this war, gives the following'sgnx-tling results: ‘ ‘. ‘ ' Thene‘have been enéugh already slain to. encircle our State. if ‘heir dead bodieswere laid in one continuous line. ” If they were placed in coffins and corded, they would count thirty-nine thousand (is. 0“! laid in a wall twenty-five feet thick and thirty feet high, it would be over one nnd one-fourth miles in length. If five feet thick and ten feetrhigh. the pile would teach acress the State. ’lf piled upon a. ten acre lot, they would be nearly two hundred feet. high. And if laid upon the ground, they would cover every foot of soil in Jefi'emn county. ' Semnty-flve thousand tons of hur’nnn blood have been spilt in Dixie’n soil—- enough to mm every spindle infinwell. find if the tears were added to the 00d, it would turn the machinery of the continént; and the unavailing sighs would {w fiery ocean sail. - Tbepne—half bx: rot yetbeen told. The millions of wounded and maimed (or lee muscbe taken into account in summing up the grand total of evils incident, to this bloody‘and fanatical war. And the end is not yet. ' ‘ E‘A witty gentleman, speaking of a friend who was prosimled by illness, re~ marked, that he could hardly recover. sin his constitution was all gone. “If hi 9 con etitalion is all gone,” said a bystander, “ I do not see how he lives at. all.” "0.” ‘B - thewng. “he lives on the by-iawa." That’s about the-way this government is living. - S‘A negro pic-nic was held in the grounds of the Whiuflibuse. at Washing ton, on the 4th of July. White folks de< airing admission. were charged one doll“. Nigger: allowed to feast and revel in the nation’s park on the nation’s holiday, and hill” ~men excluded! In it arcade:- that we are becoming Hie duyhod a all nations? “mum.“ nan-nil» rm. PBIYAI'L.” m n.. campiier. ‘ ’ “noun. Pownnnr ' Gov. can-"mg museum. "“"’u‘ MEN, REA” '”“‘3- 'When e‘xiPi-esident Pierce, in his-speechii "'— '. , Mn. _Snnta: Dear Sin—_Wlint we have lat the Democratic Convention, July Lil Totzfd::::::gulifie:;¥£::fkm9f seen since the 135‘ draft, m 0“? qounty, i 1863 in concord,ch Hampshire,declared" ‘ . l y I doubly convmces us tlmt.Abolitionists are; ~ ' , , . _ Gunners—l have called you together 3,, much opposed to lacing rebel bullets as i that ‘IHS hope for extr;cation from our in ndvnnc‘e of your adjourned mission I'.er um“ whom they Cali, “Copperhends."—ii present difficulties rested ; upon ‘tmriritl i the purpose of taking, some action for this Tlitfyhrte ciamorous against. us who send 3 power" and not upon “the aggressive in- i ;::"2°‘}fi:b° sum; 5;?" tiiscamn‘icncw‘ Bu stitu mi or it comniuuition. " .. i '- -, - - ~ h n o c prawn re ion cmy vomit we are lr.tllol{;.ySPces'SlOniibd and! 15h?! I'StrEII-nf‘ntflml” of Timmy poiver,d the Rb 1"” done s‘" whole duty to the “‘i'émr ‘ tliiL-rs with the South. 'i‘liQ’say Weoui'hti {in [out papersnni OMFONFWQ .own up- “mm" i _Lying in hcr‘ southern mudtir-n do to be I]Rllg(d, di’sl‘rnnchised. guillotjnzd, lon him in a terrible whirlwutil ofinvective 33in the Immediate Vicinity of-the border. putinntli: trolnt of the battle. that we might i and ridiculc. Their fierce and malignant i a": :4::;‘£2;T; ioagz“i:i'fig:::°:&:: e to. "lie vimi-sot ‘ ~'.‘ " ' i , - . " . ‘ ‘ . vengeance more ilUri'OUslyhzliitni‘if‘rthgi:i donur‘icintvnlms hat-bno bonus-s, no epithets i‘riillicicnt part other “Emu" force for her; 11101]th flgiilntt liign tit-1w“! um}, mesa: were m“ er “_° " “‘0 t°° '""' "0 ‘fni‘u' iifii'n iihfcnce. In‘so doing She would have Abolitionzsts 11. ch dune “gm,” the Demo-l L'ILIOHS upon his patrlotimi and honor too toiled in Il(‘1' duty to_tho whole country.— clati. "tiny 5,”! _iongs {or the Union. ‘l,“ malignant to be heaped upon him. The 75‘“ ““'Y “’““” h" ‘“i’fi‘imVe “6‘5“ ‘Fl‘h‘ ‘“‘“ [‘”'"Ui'h ““d ”'”’ 5“" SEW'L-‘ic‘l BJn-l paragraph in that speech which limited if“ from the field of 5'93”,“ ”Pentmm' MEAN” would cut any mm} throat “m“ ', . . _ i .. . . ' 1 .. Lat the loans and taxation which would would sing: Dixie‘ i ‘ tins herccdi nuncmipn was .13 Id iOWa. , ham became noomsnry would have, to a ‘ 11“.“. Oiirasiiiirhle withintense rage when ~Now fi-lloiv-‘citipemti,- after having said large cxlont. diminithri‘i theability other they look upon us. They’totim M thomouth i this much, it is right that you should ask pi‘ople to coniplv .Wllh the pecuniary do with spite, envy, mulice venizvancc ‘"“‘ mo, what would you do in thisifc‘irtul‘cfi mnnds of the United States: __bhe would mom; lilil‘siiness,au mndnien ohm, d 2)" hr; ti'emityf I reply. from the boguining ,hzive necessarily interfered min and ham-i liming under H m n; “mm link“, “may“, this struggle to. the. present moment. my I pared :ill the military :lt‘llOl'l ol the Govern. mu“; ““5 thirst for “003‘ this livllmvm-ri hope linihecn i_n moral power: 'l-liere it nient and made hem-If, to some extent, ”Must: us, ~th2s i. love for the Union ~ thi: , repose-i still. “i mm in the spring of 1801, rpipongible for any failure; ,and short-coin-l auppflmun of ”Huflmmoni this Finiing oil I had Oct-3.15"!“ to address my fellow-citinns ibis that may have occurred. In pursuance the government, what, do “I”, do almosti ofthis city. from the bnlcony of the hotel ‘0; the policy thus deliherntely ndoptcdrthe to 3 nun, when run.” Abl'flh'tlm 'culls “3!, i before us, I snidl had not believed, and did ifitue has readily devoted her inert to the five hundred thousand more? I¢av what not the" bgl‘le‘m’ aggression by “m“ "“‘ [gr-litu‘nl service. From “I" IVE-3mm“?! Sh“ (1.) they do, “hump,” d "m”? i'l‘i‘iciv'ciaim‘i either a. suitnlilo or possible remedy for has always been among the first to .I'Pfi‘pnntl'i. t‘xetnption. “my are Linic ha” deafflmd . cxtstincnvi'st ~Wlmt hmxsmceoccurredlins to the coils nfthe United States,” we’liownH Ml.“ l. ’l‘licy #0 m hand 'iuni‘lters '“‘”ml hut strengthened and confirmed my convic- by her lii<tomfrozn the three months than ”W,” in hum" and )f they c-innot lie'imm in this regard. I repeat; then. my and the reservoporps to‘ the present mo-_: umnng,‘ Quintin-v 1 w the mos”, We ‘_l nlumcnt. impnlq me to, rely upon .l‘nnrtli .mont. ‘j‘hus fiptlifully fulfilling all her“: km”, “M” m ”m,” “(‘_thmhoml .\VhOEéfl fnron' and not upon any at the CON‘CIVO in- ‘ own obligations; she has a. right to be tie-:11 "mun” have bot-n rod that with Flume-r}strurncritnhtir-s of milit-iry power. We fended by the national {arcane part 0U” “gums; us \mc‘. the “m, 119 nm who \iou‘d , linVo seen in thcfxporiencc oi'tlic last two ir‘ommon country: Any other View wouldi‘ lidt’i: m ”M! hum: uéfi>fuugcd us in ”‘m‘yeai-a, .hoiv futile are all our etlorts to he upsurd rind unJust. She ofcourse can-l iii-ik-liuiin'ui-inntnrzlit l.:i-l iiit‘ll'COWHl'illUGi nlilllliillli tho Ilnnm by. force of “m“; but not ouiplnin when she sufi‘cr- by the noises-g not ”MAN,“ ‘1 uufnh' “WV have ban 3 ci'r-n h.i< wir oven carried on by us siiccou- sary contingencies of war. The reflectiom‘g km i'iii: iiil ii minim-Lil C')llIlI*'1i-n and hit-' flill)','tht‘ “Him”. result «would exhibit. it: ”(hat have in’tno manv quarter! 9'l7"“in m vxciu-uii-nr i-mwn;~: u: ’unt.l ”in,“ “'_l uttor impracticabilitv {or the attainment of i upon the pooplo of her southern ounties [wrumcn A»: “Jib.” “f, Chu'l'l'lt mpmhu‘hmv ! the dmlrod and. Through peaceful ngen- {are nimt unfounded. They were minded su~juiiul.i.i, llti inii)’ ilin’iilll"~‘\'.'l[lrli out > lllil ‘ mos. and through ’“"'“ "‘”l’cjm “hm“ can ‘.i“ ”'33. Whena I'nion army much sui‘9','°rl w.tli il iilii ll the run - our?) -~ mi' tiiiiiii to‘ irn_lmpe _"tiidorr-n _n more perfect Union, “"’ any fr‘rrcc 0' the erME’ (and “in which ' 1,10“. tlwuiu-lvi» “HUN. UM,” men mm ‘('~Inhll‘Il_Jll‘il(‘P; insure dommtic tronquili- ' they had of course it right to rely.) was ly-I m. me, they do as “a do ,IN H, | in the. tv. provule tor the common (Infamy. pro- , in: in their immnriritc ricxnitynrid north diiflt. '‘ ‘ ‘ “ I Epin- the ppnerul welliii‘p,‘nntl selc re the {oftlléiid‘otfoinac}. Tip-y)??? "tit“?! ”Izn'lfil i ”d ..1 . _ | J ‘ , . . _- _, Nsinzs of RN‘riy to oureo Vex t'lni ourpos- in AT]. :i tor tin 0 out o Ill‘i ‘inion nrci‘s,‘ unit-hi {:t‘lji3‘3,rzrjifjh‘:(3:3lL'Rfifj‘rltlx‘lr Ik'l'il‘V,’.’ thc grout oliiects for“ which. nnd i iinrlrr Milroy tit Winolicstcr,.uni_l they have . mp,“ Hm lu'fl‘fi'll in ”w‘n_”m ‘“““ me for “inch iiloiin, thc Constitution was foi'm- Inmin sullen-«l in‘ IS“: l-, alter the doli-nt'of , (193.“ an ot’. ll “(’l' "'“Kwu “if, tum. hm oil. , i flu) Union forces under-Crook I|nl‘x\..\'cl'l“. I twins “‘4‘ ’ L. f " ’l‘l ~ i I 4, .i ‘“" 'l‘lioi“onlii.§htnn3n'v and touching oxperi- i.”"“’ 1‘0““ nhvagriculturai I'FOl'l“ m. “'"‘! '1 ..n- 1P” "‘”“ ."~’ iii" Ci) ”"7 ‘ n “' n ‘ it‘: ion cou trv bc expnctt-d torise suddenly , .L’L‘T, l aiil'yivinviid.” "I “ion. "Lincoln, ’ once 0‘ illi'fimat vmr, as llll‘ Ii”“i"in"'7”ll"‘ i p ’ t ' ~ 1' hh(l l I U 1 il “”' Um ,‘ .\‘L _. X l“ , “I“! ‘ 0 _~ 1- V '. _ it'llld Ilt‘ilt luck hm ‘.L' lorccn wno '3. .5 0.! .“' I ‘.V ‘ _" '- - 1' 1 xO. 1 .V' ‘lli'll would my, seLDH to‘hziie hrou_;nt the i {9310,} afamnfil Yeti-ran mm,” of the (10v -2.'.2;.;~;,:;;‘:i‘. .: .::. 21:12:;217‘33-Ixi: 33:21,: iiii minenim mm . .‘ til it ('H'd‘iutfilr, of \\iliL’l‘r' ho \Hiizi' il lii; itothc “me win" of a”: matter. At Newt It hof (‘l?qu oxPocu-‘d ”m?” the "umbi- i _\:..-I‘ti,,{, .h' in, g‘ ,1,.,,,,,,m. ,1 5“ ”(mm (‘hlmna rN‘cntly, n mfiupliincntnry Nipper .innts (.‘f {in invadcd country m" '1? “‘"‘!" H' / \\‘c “‘in oil {hint of th . 'l-ll‘ air 'l‘ l‘ . Wits "‘vo li- tl 'l' t f‘ i .- l; 1" ‘l-q ‘ln thou’powpr to “m“ tliemvailni‘sn‘ndthe.‘V ~,,, I, ;,~_ ”'““?” I ..'. m; g, ~ ‘f,;‘ I “ i.“ .“ -‘ 'f' "_ '“")“ i’ 3"“ ‘fucts licri-iiinfter stated will rim). 1 think , M. :2” g... .- n ,1 Mil flux! 3': “i"bLlil‘ ii‘)l.“:‘; ’_nnd MUM" ‘ “‘"‘l 1“ (”‘"' ’"'nk“ ’i‘pocii ”l" I i_hiit the hoopla of tlimo counties have no? ' mini." {Hit-(-,',,\‘,.,,.“”',ll‘M‘hfln hthhh 'on the occasion occurs the following ro—xtuiltd in‘this duty. I‘i' Penneylvflmfl. L‘Y'l .tl :‘HlV'iiil‘ :i .-~ l"'llt"l\\tliil he‘ll?" “no union l mark :17 . l'rmison hf he? gengmpiiiCanOSlEtOfl. has re". i \\‘llli ~l.;~.'iil.nl-i--i~ :" “liiv (\\ril’nll'y needs :13 I confess, sir. that I believe the that duty iilu‘r'ejlto‘bedden‘lf‘dlo3““:"‘“mndlf‘forces' ( J- ’i- ‘i l'. .. . n i-.. " . i, . :inf11,'.~..,0 V 9 7:» [0 .l. , WC}, “4533?; m ilt lianonly heenagiiinsA iccommon nemy. illi» iii‘ ' i- i :7 iw- —\ ’g‘ in“ M“ .‘ i" l." '“"" ’ “'f L 'l' llt has ncvor‘hcen necessary to weaken the ' :ir pln-i-‘i : :m- ... 1;)" l. [3.9lam] (In-ll' Ilt'li the (iii lot Imlue its success innydei‘nnnd, i , ‘ ~ . v l_i in lriii I'li‘ix lilitgil i; "‘lllli‘);‘h” 11‘” ll<| .1 ‘ n-iil xiii“ that (lie lat/.1713"! of 0114' ill/fictilrirs\im:my m the fink] b 3" “'"de h9‘“’,‘_" l Uni .11 Il““'(‘lh it .I" il‘ " u ‘3“ ' A iii/er w. frl’lt'f'ol’Kll'CVllo'u .wr-nl'tlis-nu m [t’lpliments of veterans to save her ‘”“‘)" A.) .. \ |f. vi). mm? uplml tritium“: I“ ..g 1‘ ~ 11.1) V .ihf‘ .-c[i J 1 ‘““‘!" being: «levnstntefiby smflu bands'of; iii [liabiliv ‘.izilsttiii. liiti Htllinll‘ulCl‘t-ttll gone I\\ llii i in grPler {ini tnmoqt 13303;:3 “li\“ rllnlilns,;(3on][lo§o'l oftheirownfinlmliltil-ms. i 58‘2",Tr'.”:;;‘;j‘,‘.‘.',‘133‘ :31er $5,533? :‘t'ff; iiiii'iiirfi'nimwiiii 135 w???“ ’Z’ninmfia iii? Nor hiiHiéniimriie terrifisvosgdfosw i ‘, '"‘ ‘ i “”‘, '. ‘ t'. .’ . ~ ' .‘ . - zit thexrrent missis‘ of the :LW 9. ii iii}; citr-i :2 i iii m, 2W“ 1 .1. .iI , i . u at". c" . ‘”« , , . ‘, ‘ - '. stinl, and now they :Ls’l: us. to figltlfflud i [lo’lliicflL on the .lirco of the earth. ~plihils:tipixr‘ijztniic'ii‘e)?i:ai::flazi'dli'egi?il32:ignetl‘h'vi-ifeysy: Lil-:V 5:13:11 linin’e. ' t ‘ t the same sentiment was uttered by other ”MW; our hard". and but,“ a. defencelcss l 3‘“: “my "43” ‘ fight, but {EWYFW force l‘spf‘flliOr-‘i—“IOyBI” supporters of the _Arl- town, this horrid harbnr‘ity, instead orfiring ' u: I" PM 1°". ”'"”" “1" ye hypocrites. ye i miniitrntiOn. Now we ask those who were the hearts oh” the people of our Common ' h m“. Wm ye‘tiiriifintors, yehusnfbfl-S' (ii ‘ so fiercr 'ind bitter in‘lheir denunci-ition of C0“”“‘Y- ‘5 actually in some quarters mode thi- pr-iice,}'e _trueloyn] "1"“, yo bui‘on [ r‘ , _ ~ . ‘ , mp occasion of mocks and gibes If the un tiiiiii, go when you tll‘edr‘d‘iieii, help to him Gen. liercn, ‘0 “’“" ”“5 “lenhml senti- fortunate sufferers thousands ofWhom have tori the tinion end your principles. We 1 ment ofGenx B_:lnk€, and tell us whether it bpnn rendered house-less, And these hearts.“ 5 'y‘ ‘4'" 1’ ”Ni“ r' “""‘s' 19"“ men. “m 1 "9'." i isnny loss “trensonitble” when proclaimed {loss men's proceiad from the very men who. :1”?! “he )Hl)‘liht‘i|:rolt Sf‘f’i‘ril’f‘;:lgl)‘r':ri 'lle by him 'in New Orleans than when uttered ’wlwn the State niitliorities. foresmcing the _:.;i ‘_‘il i. s '3..i ,' . ,n 4 ‘ ’. caste .Li ii u i.dd {or from it. [ii the “111.10 (it‘ll: >il. go. and . truth, which the country must soon adopt "er ”were” at‘ exertions to prepare| ’9 “‘“'s 10 3‘0“? P"E"°il’ vs,nn- i" ““’"an dno u n o irnetricvable rin will {Ol- k, ' . ‘ ‘ . m-d‘cd t we ex— . ‘ ‘ of lion-twin, we irill linvr_[-e:tce on .911th in.‘ :3". t, [:0 ’ l.- u,, . . it;fifieitfiairlfin’igfiiicecebmiogkfirmm, i'lilntomwa WARAFAISST GLAVIIYu diome. ,it ill you go? hh? I trnrliot. ' l _...___-- «n..—s. Thp‘e men are themselves morally respon: ham-nun 11118103“. Wmunmmx, July LOWE“ LSD. LET TIIE PEOPLE itanuunnn. sible for the calamity over which they now 18. IS'ily-l‘p. W horn it in” COME?" =- icliuckle and rub their minds. 1 a fingatpjgiiiaigmfl iii:§hsii’;iii?hg?hiii: It mi vlitlicve been ho ie -nay, we in AO. 0 M - . A right to expect—thin. {he people-of the "“15“.‘nn;1 THE ABANDONMENT 993:. loyal States engaged in n common ctl'ort t_o ”45‘7““; and Which comes ”I ”Id '5"! preserve their governmgm and "111 mm,! the authority that cin contro‘il the 3mm dear [o freemen' would have forgotten, at” now ntwiir :igiiiiist_tii_c Unite! Staten, It“ . least for the time, their wretched local ‘bf-‘i ”“”‘-“i "’1 COUSMCTI’; by “10 Execu jenlousios, and sympathizod with n 1 their .tIYC GOVPI‘M 0’13“” the Lmtcd States, "“1 loyal fellow citizens, herevcr residentwjup ‘ Will he met y liberal terms on substantial in the borders “g OUXCGMIQOR country, _[g and collateral ponitu; and the bearer there should be remembered that the original. 'of s}”l'” have 54”" conduct 53th ‘"”- ', i, source of the present rebellion wnajn such _ ,Am“ A“ “’“”": .iealousies encouraged for ’wickcd‘l‘mpnses Tlmeliore extraordinary docnmipt, "lbw! by unscrupulous politicians. Themon who 1"" by Mr: Lincoln. W3} {”"“MdL :17! the ; for any purpose now continue toencourr-gc hand "I 1113 Pn'fltle Sizcrctf'iry. arm? 5 h“!- thcm. ought to be held as public enemies—- splemnly commissionml 5 -r. Gréelcy ”"155 enemies of our Union and our peace, and If any persons duly authonzcd Ivy-tho lshould be treated as such. Common feel- “he“ “I“ ["9”er tqofler “Mb “an“ a! ' ‘ings—common sympathies—cueihonecessa- £9900 and rcconstnr‘tétionnsvyounset 191? - ry inundation: of a common ..fi-ee govern- ““"3 ’them ‘0 ; JSh'l‘yOfl- "5° imam. l ' terms. as Mr. Greeley . xct forth” I}: i I am proud to any thin the people ctr-3“ I“l,tcared couldho?’ he m:he%_ Pennsylvania feel every blow tit pny of he? 2 rec “Y 3 “MT“: ‘3 i 9 ‘éf’m' 1: ‘ Ox: sister States as an asfnult upon themselves. "11" Auiéfli‘fi] 11?” -) 9 c "S" - and give to them all that hearty good WI“, meo}? mm d‘ 9&3 attrtc‘voftemptdto P'E‘ the impression of which is sometimes more 797“ £11331??? 0 1:10 h 0458:“ beta“- important under the initiation of calamity “’““‘“ G 1,“; I,“- e y'the ‘P_ f . - v ,We charge Mr. Lincoln with o delib , than more material aid. ‘ d , l h , l I].; at the movements of the eterininei‘ purposeto uset c warp wer . [l‘ ‘° 1, t 9" , to secure his re-election. else all effort}! by i rebels up the Shenandoah valley, With all the “rebels" to open iiegotintions. m by of which our readers are familiar, is giveni’ Vice}. President Stephens and new; by. by the Governor; also, njoint letter sent M 935 5-01” “n3l He‘léomba, W 0)?“ 9.0;! be h himself and Governor Bradford of Ma- frustratedhy hm" - ccharge Lmeoln Y . _ . , ' . With an insane desire to carry on the war tryifind' 1° ”'9 President, “51"“! [0" power for the "abandonment ‘of ilavery.”-: We to make special provision to defect alli air: bgnrge Mr. Lincoln with ‘éusurpntian’.’ in . ' ‘ t is ur mweiocc it is in ircctzm "pen tempts 0.! theyrebels to cross the Potomac ‘violntfionpofthe Constitution of the United. ' by enlistingvolunteers for thntyservwe, for- tatcs, and the only meannttbnt “a be . tifying the fords of the Potom'ic, &c., to- (filthy-ed to destroy the Union and perent gethcr with the reply of the War Depart- i reconstruction and peace. We chergojllr. mmnrstatingflultheauthorily askedforcould lecoln withfaisehopil. deception "up! 5 ltd] treachery in his assertion, that e, ut o "a ‘ 9m" ' - ~ Government," seeks to suppress the rebui- In each of the three years—lBs2, 186 'on and restoreitho Union by war‘. Mid 1554‘“ '5 been- found “00335“? "0 i It is now plnihly to be seen how hr the ,call the State ilitii for the defence of the deeiptiun “ml trickery of My, Lincoln I,“ .. State, and “$9413: been done With the ne- led him. in hp, dmérminnfiun to 05.", on , soot And assi tiuice of the general goverm this war. wlél’r’gnd inhmtumty for his 01;? mPM- (From '““’ ‘""‘ 9f organization “,9 party objects and to éure‘his reelection" have been obliged t) rely exclusivrly on Tue hundreds of thiusands of lives lost,“ the volunteer militia, andhwithfew cxcep- flla'miuiong of monéy, squandered, the “Omv ‘0 organize them “net? ['9’ “Ch 09"” ‘ maimed nutrithe lame, the Widows with. . ‘ sion. This has caused con usibn sud alone orphans; the disbl‘CaS, the woe, the 8mm!" ‘Of Nimble time, and 1195 T?”’“‘“ in “mi rnphie, desolation, entrance and vinien‘co,“ Wilding ‘0 thetield of men ‘_"_“_ 3'93“ “‘““‘: which war has ”caused, ail :irc- nothing to sure undiecipiinrd. ‘Thc Militia hill HMS'EMr. Lincoln—they lmrofno influences”) ed at the last, session is. Ithink for ordinu-v him. ,No! “Carry on ’flm wnr till 1 my“ ry times, therbest militia _law we lmvceyer; rte-elected, and then‘l wilt hand over an, ‘ hint; but, under the extsting extrnordinary‘ miseriesot'ihepeople, theirdistreogengninh’, circumstances, it seems to require “194% bleeding hearts and desolate bower. ificntions. I Brigg-'it that the nesessorsi want, hufiger mi). dwpnirguinincdchnntry; .be directed to make an immediitto_enrol- 3 and its suffering people, In whom?! £55341“, meat. classifying the militia as my be: mngv Muir. nits ho the we at free “new! thought best, and that the officers bet inns-only to raglan A, Lincolni—v/lgc. appointed by the Governor. * *' Af, ' ,_ ‘ I also recommend that the GovernoLba authorized to lOX'Xn‘.(EiihPP by the amp-4 tance of voiunteon or by dmtt in such partei of thatch! as he may deem expedient) at epecial ms of Imm». goconsiat in due “proportions of cayalry, artillery and infant 3 FACTS Ana CT mmcg‘. The Late _conforehce nt‘Nltlgfll‘h Falls has 1 established two ixnpnrtanthliivts: 1 lat. That the South is willing and desir; am to trmt. for pmce. ~ 2d. 'l'luit. ligncoln has peremptorily i‘o-' fused to listen to :my propmtmm that do I not embrace the unqualified “abumlunmcnh of ~l.n-\'ery” by the slch. ‘ 'l‘he chamrted‘qgul position of .\lnws. [Clay and llnlt'nnfiv ‘mwe In. room tndonbt (that when they sought a satl- conduct to .‘\\'aahin;_vton, it. was for a M'l'ious purpose, land under authority, entitled at has! to rnsppct, to propose some sort oi terms of Ponce. Aml the remarkable doe‘u‘m‘eut.‘ ' addressed “ To all wlmm it‘nmy canrern,” gnd signr-d by Abinhnm Lincoln. clearly proves the fixed purpose of the present. Adminis tration to listen to no overtures that do nut. Lat the very outset, indicate a remlinnsa to 1 submit to terms of itsmm dictation. This. of cnurni. rrrccludes all hope of peace by‘ I nogntiation. k 7/ ' These being the facts. it beénmes tha' im l porntive duty ofthe peoyle to decide whether they will consent to continue in power ’ those who hat’o Abandoned the original and , only lawful and just object. of the war, and [ now defiantly proclaim their determination to prolong it for the destruction of slavery l—n. purpose_ for which there exists not. the [shadow of authority under the Constitu tion; or whether they will, by a. change of rulers. decide that the protier's of peace which the Soyth may be disposed to make, shall at least have a hearing. lf they be such an we can honorably accept, 'u'tLL; and why fight any longer? It' not, wnhall be no worse ofi‘ than we are today. WIIA’I' “AVE STE GAINRD I “’hnt lias the Nation gained by placbg the friends of Abolition in power 2 9A divi ded Union; a, debt. um wéiglis us down; the destruction ofa million of men ; calls for more every three months of the year; a pplicy that keeps erbry (rity.?)orough and township at work in the most earnest way. to find its "last man” andi‘last dollar," and the towns are fast approaching that. point. What. have we gained T Mourningnll over the land: acalamitv such as the world has never wilnessgd. What shall we gain by keeping those men in power? Utter, irre— tr'revable ruin. Freeman! For yourselva and your children you are called upon to net._—Pultwifv’e Standard.~ ‘ A Changc.—This cry is ringing constantly in our ears. Miner‘ mechanics and labor ing ms n are becoming clamorous for (flanga. They had it fou‘r ymrs ago. and are now willing to change back again.—Scran£on‘ Regit'ter. .L._..__.—._ . w‘“ i ’ , fi'The horrible slau'ghter of men in the attempt to take Bichménd, begins’to shock even the less blunted of the Republicans themselzec. They begin wank each other whgt uefiho Advantages of our buying Rich mend me: u“? ‘ ‘ That 'Abmliam ‘Lincnln recommended the repeal of the $3OO commutation clause, and prezsed the measure thraugh Congreui, man that. while the rich tan now procure substitutes for themixelves anllnhvir sons, the ponr nml middle dimes will be com -Iwl‘sml to go into lhe Armv when drafted. HIT THE PEOPLE REMEMBER, that after m arly four years of wanting, fruitless war, Abraham Lincoln refines to listen to any terms of pout-o which do not contain the abomlmamrnrofSlam‘y. and in his letter to whom it maymnccrn. in effect declaros that thPre shall benn peace xcept. on the con dition of the hill aboliiaimont of Slavery; thu‘i elm-12in; the war commenced for the restoration 0f the Union, on the basis of.tho Conatilution. into a crusade .against Slnvnrv and a suthrsinn nftheC-mititution. LET TH’T} PE'JPLE REHEMBER these thingafind when raham Lincoln asks fur‘tlmir vows for election {or four more weary years of r and ruin. Id [ltem animu lum at the no”: as becomes freeman and pa triots.—3 Tor]: Gazette. - ' a - o—— —— —_——- WHAT Till! DEMOCRATS MEAN T 0 Ell2l I: is often asked (says the 01:! Guard.) wlmb the Democrat: mean to (in? , They mean. ns n'fiml step. to fill the Ex ecutive chair with patriotism, and to' ban ish faction anll despotism. from the Admin istration of the Fede 1 Government. . What next they fill d 3, dependa'upon wha‘ghey can do to restore peace and pros perit to our country. ~ The Democrats are in the condition of a skillful'surgeon whois called to a man who [all into the hands of asmssins. If his wounds are not morml,he will restore him. if Abolition has not. killed the Union.-the Demoernte will restore it. But, at any rate, they will save Constitutional Liberty from $325: entirely down in we whirlpool of "Villaiuau: Wad of Maximum Oflcrr. —A letter from headquu‘rtars Army of the Potomac, July 23d.~says ‘an,oifiwr in a Massachusetts regiment. was reported that. day as having attempted to outrage acolored woman in presence of her‘husband. after having affirm! 3 lérga sum of money to gain their consent. and failing. thréatened to shuot, the husband if he interfered. and finally nmhrentedythe guard who came to the rescuag The oificer’s name «an appear as‘éoon as the case ,ifiexamiued into and Hie facts brought ourofi‘lcinlly: Many of these outrages are coming to light, daily. and the‘authnritiga are determined to show no mercy to this class of criminals.—-Boatan. Herald. ‘ '- Q’The Massachusetts papem boast. that cntlon millsure earning enormous prnfizs, inatancing~the James mills. at. Newbmy port, which on a capxtal 01‘5250.000 has ac tually divided 3377.500! ' Them prnfim point! from the bfloml and ten} of the country, so into the pockets of the “loyal” shoddyites. , TWO DOLLARS A-YEAB. No_ 47. by. to he kept up to the fqu uumha- air. (con "ginning. lobe styled ”mimnt; who aha" be sworn and muttered into lea-vice of the State for three yarn, who nun Mme for drill at such time! Ind places as be may dirmt 3 who shall be cloth -9‘l, armed Ind Pquippod by the SLIB9, and paid when ammbk‘d for drill or filled four mice, and who shun M. :1] “ma be linblo to be called into immefiinm service for the defence of the Sure, IMendenuy o! the reminder of the militia. ~ As this force Would be suhjecl to sudden mill. the larger pix-l. of it should be argui ud in the counties lying on' our extrema border; and as [ho pmphaof [hue counti lmvc more pexscmal inmrmt in their probo lion. the recommcnxluion in nude bl.- lhorixo the Governor to dmignuo tho M of tbe'.Blalo in which it should be 3‘“ :nd to save the time and expense elm porting troops from remote guru of tho State and ,lbc sub'ixtenco an in going _b and from the border. A body of men so orgnnlzwrl “ill. lib ho lined. be efl‘cctive to prevmt raid. and ‘in cutsi-ms. The expvmca of clothing. Irm ing and equipping such I force caynno‘ I). corrc‘clly mwcnuinml; but tho Qnaywnnu- , "(er _Gmwljal his been dimmed to make up prpximale estimates for your information; which will be independent ofpay and lube sistcncc. ‘. ' The Stale should provide! st [out six four guii batteries of field artillery, with I“ the mum-m imprnvomcn's. ‘ Thc Ab’blifinu mug l'puui:l!llfl atla- Th:- nJg‘Si‘Lln (,‘axnufluti'm 0r Loni-inn, which ml! b.» submitted to those aim,- whom the milimrfiaulhoritia will dirt to mte, has (or in first. ~chapuar these I. oar :iclm: I - ~ Artich 'l. Shcory an! invaluntu'ym viwdl-x exnept :H .1. runwhment for crime». whrrmf tho pmy 3M! Imm from duly eon victod. nre hereby forum: Abolish“! Ind prohibited thmu’glmut the Sum. Auinlv 2. The [mgishtaro shall nuke no law wcvguizing the right pfpropcrfiy in man. ' Luv The Cansfitutian constitutes a voter! . evvfi while male. 2L 3 nuts old. nresident of 4 lh9§mbe I'm- ““151: [lx-“mks. and of tho L: véfilfi"; ()1!!qu {Sn-w- month; but. Add. lhil ‘ sigmficaut n‘vgd fl-{xible provision: 5. The Lngishmxm shall have Math 'pzm laws extending sum-age to mohagbn poraoni, citizens of the Untied StaMuby military Al’fl'icl‘, 15y taxation to nufpdn’tha 1 Govcruman or by‘ intellecmn Macy may be deemed entitled lbemm. '1 \ 'l‘hg salary or the Governor is flied at $300», and Grille {,iwLenthovemior and heads of State Bu mun $5,500, and the y of members. of the lmgi‘la-luress Adi]. mt. '(he’ 525 mm or the Legislature are inflexi bly lunitovl to sixty. days-all leglslmion lhereafier is null and mu). 'l‘he (369 m m pmvhies for 0. police force for Nan Or- L'flllll. to be appointed by the Mayor. but. re movable only by n. Duard of Police Com— ' mie~ioners, ofwhich the Mayor is one. The minimum [my ofilhis police is slao estab li‘hnd in the Conflimtion. ranging {forum a month {ru- pr'wntes to $251) for the Chief. - The minimum (:3): nflnborera for tle to, ‘ nr coum'mq, or citiM. (on public workg ll nlm ~osl;).hlhhrvl, as follows: Foremafi'and cartnwn. 73"- 50 mluy; maclnni , $3; oom- . mnn lulmr'mg hawk, 9.2; and l. amnmbot of lmurs for a‘ (Lly's Work ififixl at nine; . The Constitution also prlrwldes, that The Legklatnm shall lngve lhq powerb linonue the selling ol'lnltory tickets And lulle‘ keeping 0f gambling homcq: said hobsd‘ in allpaees shall be on ‘the firnb floor and‘ key: with open than; but in all cue- nit lq-m than (an thousand. «lullars per annual .\hall be lrw'wtl n: :1 llqen‘se or lax on each Vl'nllN‘ pflom'ry livkels, and on,elchg&m-.\{ Min-1 lmuw, and fi‘vo lxuuvlrcd ,dollanon each it'omlmla. ‘ ' A good deal of fault la; found in mid qunru-rs at tho mama-up; and doings oflha (Lmvcntiun. It is slid ‘.ll'fla the members dnl not. reprosont the Sum; that my“ ‘ theni were nvvcr in the :liauV'ioß they pro,- tonderl to rI-pmsent. and mm: other: would ’ nnt, 'dnre return In their cdnclihmnk now , that the leoral forces are withdrawn (you . tiwm. The Convention is chuged with\- Hu-nding {lhuut $400901) of mg peale money, half of which Went to favorite twil puperu. yhila the Minor bill.of’lhe Conven tion ($90,004)) “'95 also paid‘but of die lun tional purs'e; and. to crown ‘all. the Con ventlon, instead of :Ldjgurning finally, Id jburncd subject to the all of the President. to awn]; the aclirm‘oflhe people. no Na“. K! 'the Comtitutinn is not accepted, tho-Img ‘ Convention may work it over again, the members“ 3.0 be paid $lO a day in Lhamoan- . ‘ limo. ‘ . ‘ l Ag lathe adoption of ththondltutiDu" suppose it is nf‘fixed fawt,”az nailing “1.10“ will nmnagettlfnt matter. as it has 5101101,]: ”Maryland and Pillar Sateen—Age. ‘ :W‘A conasfmndcm. of {in New York 9 Duly Xaws, states; [hit the defeat of giggly; Crook’s army a few, weeks ago.“ Kergstnmz. agar Winchester. by me rebels madam reigned in the 10¢ of 4.000 menfimtyga‘u ly 311 of (book’s “angry. ‘ ‘ a." ’l'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers