433 mm: “32%. «a » -‘ MC=2MMICI m MARKET... » GETTYSQURGv-SANIRDLY u". ' ~ Flour .. .....-. D 09 to 9 50 R5O F10ur............................... 7 30 White u'nm.......‘................... no 10 2 16 Red WheM...........,................. l 85 t 0.2 00 0vrn.................._..-.............. 1 40 Rye............ 1 50 U.m.............. ... 'l5 "uckwhcnt. ........u......... 75 , ,doi: r 89min”.................-...... 0 00 m 6 go I by 5ecd.................:....... 2 90 to 3 U “fifind............................... 2 00 w 2 40 1’13: or ol‘l’arls.... . A, H 50 Plaster ground, per bug...........z ‘ 75 BALTIMORE—Yum” “31}. .....H 6210“ 75 1 53 10 2 90 . l 70 to l 72 l 75 to l 82 ~: 80 to 93 , 7. 25 to 'l 50 , 3 10 to 3 25 8 00 to]? 00 H 00 1013 00 ‘3O 00 [035 00 l 79 to i 80 80 50 Ea= When! Rye Conn” (nu .. Clover Sx (d Timothy 5eed................ Beef Culllc, per hund...... Hogs, per hund.............. 11ny...............,..........,... Whiskey .‘ Guano, Perm mu, gn-r tun Public Sale. “Y SATUIGDA Y. the 27th day of AIiGUST 0 Ind,. Ibo suhncrlber win oflernl Public,| Sale, on the premium her FARM, containing 84 Acregmnre or less, situate in I-‘rAnMih town-hip; A:lum« county, übmn ‘l‘milu from CMlJ'own, ndjuinlug lands of Mrs. ”rough, Pe ter Kcztcmnn, Jacob Dmrdorfl‘ and Henry. Shuhz, with r large pmpaman of (flu-sum Tlmhvr li\nd. ”flu! improvement: '““; are a one and n hulfslory Dwelling :. Ag: ' 1 HOUSE, goo-l Burn, Spring House; s?}E—fl “uh twu exwllcnl Springs, am! ,‘i’l‘tv—u;,~.;i; two Orchnnh of grunt-d Fruit. Also, a Vine-1‘ yard at 150 \mes, in fine bearing dominion. ‘ nfif‘l'he truck will he sold in k)“ or (:h'dfe, to unit pnrclmsers. Sula poailive. Ten per cent. of lhv purchase mouty u) be paid on the day 0! 91d". , 56".“ the Mme time and pldt‘e will he sold, ) HORSE, l Uuw, Two-horse anon, l’luugh All“! H.lrroW,DnublEnnd Single th'el l’loughs, Wiununmg .\hll, llursc Gears, Grindsluuc; Bay by me ton, anloei by the bushel; 3 Hl-da, Tabla, GILHH, Cluck,,[}uuking Sx'om, Chen», Clothes Cupboard, linrruls‘ and n \n ficty ufoxh:rufiivle-,too numerous tu nit-Minn. WSul" to cummence nt lo o'clock, A. .\l., on mu'. any, when Ameuahuce will be given and terms magde known by HANNAH SIIULTZ Aug 8,1854. Ls” Public Sale. V SATURDAY, the Huh duy of SEPTEM -0 BB“: nut, Hw undersigned, .\smgnce of George W. Elu‘kt‘r. of’l‘) rune wwnship, Allnms Cullhl), wfll sell at I‘uhhc Sale, on the uremi sr-I, übom lhrer mules nor-thrust of melcrs \‘jllc, on the mom] ltululiug frum lbl' low-or Ben derndle maul to lht' upper Bendersvine rwd, tho {Mimi-in'; 11:: ll Edam, viz: .\ TRAUT 0F LAND, situate pnrt'iy Hi Ty- Jonc, partly in Huntingtun. nml [Lu-Hy in Men .\ll(-u hm-mhips, Adams county, :nlynniug Inn-ls uf Guurge lhgrmzxu, .Llcnb Heruun, «ml (flu-rs, conluimng {H Milli-IS, (.\hmu 2|) nrus of the same lguiug guud umber Jun-L) bm’mg _l' llxuruon creLu-d :I. Twu - story 2;»? T“; ‘s\\': n‘hu ”MHINIQ'J DWEL L I X G --; 5 g HULSE. duuhle fume Wcuthcr {Tys-‘gg-f; wmrdml lilrn, with \\‘agou Sh‘eyl and Com 1 uh Attached, Smuhc-lwusquring huua‘e, and other our-buildings. There is a Ir-vrahuhu «min: or “Iqu near the door— alno nnaHHCHAIIII of choice tuut ueu. The ulnn‘o 4104 mm Imm is in good [firming order, having been Pearly ull limul. . Alan, M 1m- same uuu: :in-I plave, will be fluid, :1 lot 01 WHEAT, in [‘2 nud U.\'l‘.~, by the 1:":th n. in'. 0! "NH-HUI Sllillfllt‘, 1 Um-ql, in. Any porsuu ms‘nng to new the property will wll .m H llhauu U. 51-”, rmidlnlg [ln-mm or an the ululehiglwd, residing in Reading. township, .\‘ldms county. ' Sale |o \mumuuu M 1 o'clock, P. .\l,on a -i-l day, “hr u .lflcn Luce mil be gn‘cu uud lcrm. ”|ch kuuwx; by ‘ ‘” muuhEL B. BLALESER, “'.T. Willhnw, Aucl'r. ’ Anignec. , Angus 5, mm. ' « ' ' ‘ To the Public. VER GREEN (‘I‘IMf-I'I'EIH'. ' 1‘ E ’l‘lu- undurxisnml ll‘luhecn inch-moth! by n fesoluximguhl.“ lluum uf li\-er Green (Tl-mew lery, lo gin: im‘rcnsml publicity to these rig;- | ul-Itions which It (‘onccrm the public tn know, I nml :kauuwA-Jge ul Which Will prevent; alisnpw pumtmcnt (0 Flint! desiring to elf'cct imcr-l lncnh‘ in our grounds. As the stulcd income! ofthe corporation is smxlll, n. rigid ndhcrv‘m e mule t-«rm- nn 1 rmuhmons hcrcwfurc fixed,‘ nnd‘sllll in fore", i: absullnuly moossury. ! The Bond 13 In nking im-Ir acquainted with the finzmci l cnn‘litiun o! the As~uci union, and kxlyccl: to publish rl': Ion; an up ’s‘“ lhc ‘ lame, us wvll as n. prupoflunn fur the surrL-n- ‘ dgr nf the slack to the tot-holders, it the re quisite ‘um mu he oht.lin_ed. on Imm. Brice ol‘lml: ill tht- Catheter; is SH) 25, with. \2O cents udelmnnl fur the acknowledgment of the deed by tho Jusxive of thc l’ruce. .\'u .cbarge is mm]: tor lurnishing the dead. 1 ’3' nmzs mu (mnmnuulsu: 1 ' ‘-Fnr a chit-L under sxx yuu-g’, , SL 50 From 511 t) t\vel“eye.|rs, 2 00 For pl'rsnlli over twuh’c gears, 2 50 - No permit for digging :l grave can be issued until bothflthc lot and pcrmit have been paid [or in cats!) to the Treaaurcr. Applxmnuu fur permits i: to be made to Dr. J. L. Hillhzhe Treaurgr, n! his olfice, inL‘lmm bershurg street. By ordn- ol‘ :he_noarr!, ' ‘S. S. SUUMUCKER, P Al‘lg. 3, 1864 Lpst, > N Gettysburg, on’ Fri-lily evening, [I I uh, a small Pan. Mommie, contuim‘ 55 not: and abuul 90 cents in curren ‘ailrer. The [index- will be suitably rev Lipon leaving the same at. this oflice. August 8,1801. ~3£ ___- _ .. -.f__-. .... Teachers Wanted. HE School Directors of Oxford township will meet at the Public School-house in Kev O'xlord. on TUESDAY, the cm clay of September next, at 9 o'clock, A. 11., {or the yurpoay “employing Teacher: to take charge, pl the Schools in said township.- The Coumy Superintendent will be present. By order ol the Hour-l, ‘ ’ DAV“) 11. MYERS, Sec’y. ’39:. 8, 1864. m ”2'- Mrs. Eyster’s ': MALE .INS'I'ITUTE.-—Tha next session of this Institution will commence, (Divine ‘ rormc permitting.) on the first Mondnyol next month, (Sometime: 15w.) Gettysburg, Aug. 8, 1864. ‘ Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS a: 3110., IN EAST YORK STREET GETI’YSBURG, [ML—Where they 111:: prcpnred to furnish all kinds of work in then Jine, such as MONUMEINTS, roams, HEAD STONES, MANTLES, kc" at we shortest no flex? Ind as cheap I“ the cheapeaz. Give us g u . RProducc when in Exchange for work. Gettysburg, June 2, 1362. It ~ ~ Albums 1 Lucas” AL3UM S 1 l I an meiredoa large xnd beautiful unort neut of Photogrpphio Albnmshavbfcb we olfer wow city prices. TYSON BROTHERSH Dec. 1,4, 1863. ‘ ABD PHOTOGRAPHS ghunguisl-ed, individuals, including a num- W of our premium: Generds,~um um old fire John L. Burns, {or sale In the counter a! ‘s‘ Excelsior Gallery, Gettysburg. ’ TYSON BROTHERS. Mean . ANS, SHOULDER?! and SIDES, of best H quality; and cheap, at. Aug. 34. 680. F. KALBFLEISCH'S. \' Wanted. { - GOOD FARM in Adam county, for which A I will uchnge one or more Farms 0! choice Ind in lawn, and pay the difi‘erencc. Nov. 9, 1863. GEO. ARNOLD. WEST-RATE Eighth!” Thirty-hour an Alarm Clocks, cheap :1 wamc's. " =ffsm ' s '_ (dw‘ Superintendent’s Notice. WILL examine Teacher: It the following J awed time] Ind places, to wit: ' trnbnn, Hunteritown, Aug. 20, 9 u. m. ,rmkun. nimown, Aug. 27, m n. m. l Bullet, llldnlletown. Aug. 29. 9 I. m. Hennllen, Bwnrlcrsfille, Aug 30,9 1:. m. [Ty-rune, lleldltbburg, Aug. 31, 9 a. m. . Huntington, l’etersburu, Sept. 1, 9 n. m. Latino", State [loud 5. IL, 8:91. 2, 9". m. gflnm'mon. Ens! Harlin, Sept. 3, 9 a. m. ‘ ”Reading and llnmpton, llnmpton, Sept. 3,2 p.lll. 2 Rex-wick hon, AbbottsLoWn, Sept. 5. 9 a. m. l Berwick Ip., Elder} S. IL, Sept. 5, 2 p. m. -oxlord, .\'ew Uxiord, Sept. 6, 9 n.. In. ’ilountp‘leuanut. Brnlh Run 3. It. Sept. 6, 2 p. 31. 1 Genny, Littlestown, Sept. 7, 99.. In. 5 Union. Schildl's 25. XL, Sept. 7, 2 p. m. ' , Conowngo, McSherrystowu, Sept. 8, 9 A. In. 3 Freedbm, Moritz‘l 8. IL, Sept. 9, 9 3.1!). .l Cumberland, ltluebuugh‘s, Sept. 10, 9 n. m; ' Highland, Church 8. IL, Sept. 12. 9 u. m. ‘ llnmiltonbnn, Fail-firm. Sept. 13, 9 5;. 11: Liberty. Gruysou’s 5. 11., Sun. 14. 9 a. m. .\luanu‘uy, Tao 'l‘nverns, Sept. )7. 9 a. (n.. 1 Directors are urged, and the public general ly are inritedflo attend thew examinations,— Examinations will invunubly commence at the [hour specified, and‘no applicant afterward: ndmitted unlus4 satisfactory cause be shown ‘ lur tardiness. Teacher: ‘M'ill present them aolvcs for examinltion in the district in which l they intend to tench. Those who hold certifi cate: granted last year will plane prenm. , “Lem. ' , . , t No private examinatiom‘will be held, unless .grmd cause hr- ~huwn, and then npplncants must ’ pit-cunt It wrilu'n ruluc-l from at least four [ncmhcrs o! “In" “mm! of Directors wtno may dam: to mnpluy them. Such mwminationd lwill be llcinl only on Sntunldys. No leuchef ‘clth be emphged to tuck unnler any circum. stances wnimut x valid ccrutirn'e. winch 211m:— ‘ [an :Inould always 1!? brfurc cunlruclmg. - A‘wufi aux-25w. co. Supt Gettysburg, Aug. 29, N 64. lllLAlfileLl’HlA, l’.\.el)iseaaea of’ the P Nerve”, Seminll, Urinary and Sexual b'fslt'l'ns~ cw wrl relmbh' ttczumnntuin re ports 01' ll HOWARD ASSUCMTIUN—senI by mail in Sealed laltvr envelnpl-s, free of charge. Address, Dr‘J. SKILLIN HUUGH 'I‘UN, llomird .\<soei.nlion, No. 2 Scull: Ninth Sued, Philadelphia, 1’“. Aug. 8,1015“. 1y Don’t Ask for Credltl 173‘ AND SELL ONLY Full B, l CASII 4' Cram Syatnll Abolislml I)“ ('in): s3llch Atlnplerl .' 'l'hc linnlnlzsigncd,:‘lchlmurs of the Borough offieuyshuigg. wuuld respectfully iniorm their cuszomcrs tliui‘irom and after this date, we will be compelled TU SELL EXCLUSIVELY FUR (‘ASIL We have ndoptcd {his course because lh': manui‘nclnrers and wholesale drillers in the cities have resolved to sell goods only {or the Push. lcnrin: us no alternative lmtlhendnplion of (he CASH SYSTEV. The introduction oflhis changc‘in uur mode of do ing‘hufiiness we believe will be m the interest of bull: buyi-r and seller, as indiscriminate cn-diz has always operated injul.\iously to the prom pt paying customer. Alexander Spanglcr, ,l-‘ahnvstock Brothers, Shem]! k lluclilcr, '.L Li Schirk, .\ld‘ur-ly k [)ilel, “00. Arnold, W. E. Biddle A: Go‘, ’D-Innvr J: Ziegler, .l. S. Gillespie, 'NorJu‘ck & Martin, Wm. Boyer-k Son, , {B. o*. Cook. J. llriukL-rhufl'. ‘Row .5: Woods, Gen. F. Knlnileisch, ‘F. 11. Picking, ' - H. ll Paxton, A. Scott k So u, I. M. Rowc. Ll. L. ilult‘zwmtli, S. S. Forneyl ‘ :(len. Jacobs 3: Kim, 11. llnrner, ‘A. D. l'lnehler,' ‘ A. ('ohonn k 00., IM. Slinngler, .\l. Ali-Alister, ' lAn«_}rew l’ollcy, , Harriet. liccrcnry, illnrfill. ll." liu, JJSQ-Pll li\-Min. chyslmrg, July'2s, 1864. 3m N pursuance of a writ of Ficri Fat-jail, is- I sued out. of the Court of Commonii‘lens of Adams county, Pan, but! to me liil‘lfifli‘ti, xvii) luc‘rxposcd to Public Sale. arthe Court Home, in Gettysburg, ml TUESDAY. the lO'h .m- an'Ul'S'l‘, mu, m 1 o’clock, P. n.. the fuiiouiuz dr-scriht-d ilcni Estatm 'in: A LOT CF GRUL‘XI), situate in the Borough of Ucruirk; Adams cuunty, Pm, ndjnining 1913 Wm. um, E<q., and Joseph “huff, fronting on an alluv, on whiuh i: ended a 'l‘wo- pgr story FRAME SIIUI'. Seized and “Ron. in oxeC-ntiuu as the properly of Eli S. Mollison.‘ ' Sheriff's office, Cellydmrg, Aug. 3, ‘O4. gas-Ton per mm. of the purchase money npun all‘snles by the Sherifl‘ must. be paid over irunwdimely after the property is strmk down or upun failure to comply therewith the proper (y will be again put up for 51112. " Baltimore St. Ahead! NICE glass of ALE, A .6001 home of POP, A with delightful WINES, can be bad at “N. CHRDMHR’S, next dnor to; t Pust Ulfice,in llnllimoreslreet. Also Sea. Smok lng and Chewing ’l‘obnccos, Con cclionary, Smps. erclsioi' Com-o, Th reads. and a. variety ofVanions; With Applvs. Pears, Peaches, &c., in their seasnn. She keeps none bn'. the best. articles, and hopes to receive, as she will try (a drum, a good share of the public’s pa tronnge, Gettysburg, Au’g. ], 1864. 3: _ - Notice. HE account of Isaac Knns, Assignees of ‘ Samuel delvr, has been filed in the hurt of Common [“1035 of Adams county, and Will be confirmed by the said Court, on the bi day arm next, un’less cause be shown to the conzr.-rv. 26t _JACOB BUSHEY, Proth'y. A’lljy‘, 1335. m Names; 0 t HE accounts! John L. Jenkins, gsaignee T of Wm. B.32nkina and Wife, has been filed in 1119 Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and"will be confirmed by tho_snid Court, on the lfilh dny ofAUGUST' next, In),- lesa cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB nusum, Proth’y. July 18, I’6B tc" Notice. ' \ HE second account of William Walter, lflichmmmee of Com-ad Walter, (lunatic) now ceased, has been filed in the Court. of Comm§n Hens of Adams county, and will be confirme}! by the “id Count on the Hub any of AUGUST next, unless cuuse be shown to the contrary. ‘ JACOB BUSHEY, Prcth’y July 18, 1864. tc'} . c For Sale or Exchange. VERY desirable GRIST MILD, with 751' A 38 ACRES OF LANDJII Germany. towuahip. I will exchange fora Farm, ’.th and pay the difl'erence, ifnny. OEO. ARNOLD Gettysburg, om. 5, 1863. H . TA. SCOTT & SONS—Wu invite the at tuntion of buyers to our slqck of Spring Goods, which will bgjold cheap, confining ot ; LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ‘ Shawls, Oloqiiing Cléxhs, em, etc. For Mcn'a and 8051' went we have Cloths, Ckgaimeren, Coatings, Vestinn, with h mriuy of Conan ades, hm, &c. on: uni see; - May w, 1863. A. w?! & SON. John W. Tipton, ASHIONABLE BA‘REER, North—cash cor ner of the Diamond, (next. door to Mc lellan’s Hotel) Gettyaburg, Pm, where he can at all times be found ready to attend to all business in bi! Woe. Ilcfins also excellent as liat'xco and will onsnre satisfaction. Gin" him I call. (Dec. 3, 1860. ND OLD MEN, do not. know your mother: A sad your wives to wear out their precious ives over the old “'aslhtnlr longer, but. like true men and benetsctora. present them whh an EXCELSIOR WASHER, ond Instead o! frowns and crdu words on Wllh day], depend upon B. cheerful Meryl)! greet you. TYSON BROTHERS; Gflflylburfi'Pl. Bu. :4, 1863. ‘PUBE GROUND SPICES, selected and ground expreuly for Dr. ROBERT 11011- NEB‘S .\‘nw Drug Stow. ' ~ Héward Association. Sheriff’s Sale. ADA.“ REBERT, Sherifl‘. Spring Goods Young Men _ ‘A _ age-ontamimtiun is us riously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air. filth and filthy hsbits, the depressing viees,‘l.nd, above all, by th? \‘enerenl infection. When-var be its or gin, it is hertdimry in the constil'ution, dcnccnding “from parents to children unto ‘the third 3nd fourth generation" indeed. it seems to E the rod of Him who says, “I will visit the i ‘ uities of the fathers upon their childrenfma'he diseases it‘ originates take various names, according to the organs it Attacks. In the lungs, Scrofuln produces :tubercles, and tinnlly Consumption; In ‘fhé iglands, swelling: uhich suplmmte and be come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangement: uhich produce indi- ‘ gestion, dyepepiu, and liver complaints; on _the skin. eruptive and cutaneous nflectiom. ' 'These. all hating the name origin, require the same remedy. ‘22.. purification and invigora tion of the blond. Purify the blood. nnd~ these dangerous di~tcmpt~rs leave you. With feeble. foul. or (-Ol'ruph‘ll blood, you cannot . have health; with that ”life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayor’a Sax-superfine t is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical rcicncc hits dthUVEl’L‘d for , this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the 'dinordcr‘s it cubuls. That it is far supe riur to ’uny other remedy yet devised. ‘in known by ull who have given itatrial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably provan by the great inultitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it ' has made ofjhe billowing diseases: King‘s Evil. 91' Glandular Swellings. "rumors, Eruptions. Pimples, Blotches mu! Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, nobility, Dropsy, fienmlgia. Dyspepsta or Indigestion. Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses and, indeed. the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity - of‘the bloo‘d. Minute reports of imliiidual case- may be found in Ann's AXERICAN Amuse, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be ‘ learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made' . when all otherlremedies had failed to nfl'ord relief. These cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader, may have flcCI'FS to some one who can speak to him ofits benefits from personal-experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its \ictinw far more subject to disease and its fatal rewlts than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, , the average durntinn of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adtqunte to its cure. This we 9"" ofl‘cr to the public under the name of A rui‘s SARSAPABILLA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Snfsnpara'lla in nlterative power. By its aid you may flrotet't yourself from the sutl‘er ing and danger of these disorders. —l’urgc out the foul corruption: that rot and inter in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its pccur liar virtues this remedy stimulates the \itul functions‘. and thus expels the distemper: 1 which lurk within the system or bunt out 1 on any part of it. A We know the public have been deceived l by many ‘cumpouuds of Narmparilln, that i promised much nml did nothing; but they 1 will neither be deceivul norvdlsnppo'lutml in this. lts virtues have’becn prove“ by film». i dnnt trial, nml there remains no question of ‘ its surpassing excellence for the cure of the unlit-ting diseases it is intended to reach. Altltough‘umler the smue name, it is u very different medicine frnm'nny other “hich has been before the people. mul is far more ef fectual than any other which has cwr been available to them. AYER’S CII ERRY PEC I‘ORAL. The World’s Great Remecéy for Coughs, _Colds, Inciilent . on ' sumxcmon, and fort erehef of ‘ onsumptive patients ~ 111 advanced stages _ , ' of the disease. This his been l 0 long used and so uni- Versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kl-pt up to the best it ever has been. and that it may be relied on to do all it hu~ever done. Prepared by DR. J. C. Ann; & Co., Practical and Analytical Clam-ah, Lowell. Mun. ' Sold by all druggiul every where. wb‘or sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg, and dealers gemmlly. Aug. 8, :864. cowly ‘ ‘ Auditor’s Notice. HE undersigned, appointed byflie Orphnn'a T Court of Adams county, Auditor lomake . rib lion of the bllance remaining in til; i? d; -f Isaac Brinksrhofl‘,z\dministrutur of 4) l 4 ,e , deceased, (settled by J. ~ I ' d Isaac F. Brlukerbofl‘, Ad ministr. of. Isaac Brinke‘rhoif, dcceaged) among the pnrties entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that he will sit for the purpose of his nppi)in'n‘ll‘n[, nt his office, in Gettysburg, on TUESDAY, the 9th day of A‘UGUST next, nt'lv O’clock. A. AL, when and where $ll per sons interested may-attend. _ ‘ . E. B. BUEHLERpAuditor. July 18, 1864. mi I { ‘ ‘- . v r rrtr ~ I “..‘ ....L'.__’.‘...~ ,- 3,- (8’1): wv :‘1 ~33: 11;.24 gndSF-‘F ‘mf‘hi E-uc-o-uufluo Gettysburg Railroad. unakmmxsx DAY.—Tmins over me Geltysburgxljgil‘rggggofi run as follows ' DEPARTURES Fix“ train leaves Gettysburg at 8, A. .\l., with passengers for Harrisburg and the North, East. and West. , Second trniu leaves Gettysburg at 11.30, A. .\l., with passengers for Baltimore. Passen gers tun also reach Harrisburg by this train. Third train leaves Gettysburg a; 3, P. l, with passengers for Hanover. ARRIVALS. Fm! lmin arrives at Gettysburg at 11.20, A. .\l., with passengers from Harrisburg. Second train arrives at Gettysburg at 1.15, P. 11., with passengers from Baltimore. 'i‘hxrd train urivea at Gettysburg at 6, P. M., with passenger: from Harrisburg Ind the North,,Eut and Welt. ‘ , B. KcGURDY, Prelident.» tunnels, 1864‘. xi” ‘ ' ”The Firs—t-fiitional ANK 0F GETTYSBURG‘JIM been deiig fluted I Depofltory and financiul Agen‘t of the Guinea States. “’11! buy GOLD. SILVER, and COUPONS on Governmem Bonds. Will furnish 5—20 and 10-40 U. S. Bonds, and other Gavernment securities. Collections nude promptly on All aceessib‘le points. GEO. ARNOLD, Cul'xier. July 4,1364. ' > Shade 81: BuehJer, DEALERS 1N ‘ " . COAL AND LUMBER, 1-5101'5‘3, . finmmns, nomewwmnhxw. . -- ALSO - sun-mans, swans, man. are. Corner of Carlisle Ind lhilrond Str'eeu, oppm my Railroad Depot, GErn'ssrmo, m.” Nay 9, 1864: For Sale. A VERY denirable FARM. gdjoiniug the Barongh ol Gettfiburgfiontflnfiflg . 124 ACRES—lßuildinp and Land goqd. [g Will be sold on :91, accommodating ‘ tel-ml. * GEO. ARRULD. Gettysburg, Oct. 5,.1863. l 8" I=Sil . ‘~,~_r-‘r-.’- . Kg. kw . 1 Public Sale - ‘ F A VALI'ABLH FARM—On SATUR ll peculiar tall! or ('rcu'on which we ll Senon'u lurk! the constitution”! annulus of men. It hur produces or 'u 'Udfl('vd by an em (-Mt-d. \itmtcd suite the mom], when-in a fluid becomes in npc-u-nt to sustain Jviml form-r. in their morons union, and wes ’the system to inm disorder and 0 DAY, the 3d day of bEi’TEUBEI’. next, the lubscri'bers, Execulora of me last will and Lesumm of Henry Wnllmun, deceased, will nth-1' at. Public Sula, on the premzm, the fol lowing Ila-ll Esme ul' said decedent, \iz: A FARM, simue in Gel-_in“; township, Adam: county, on the [Salli-non iurnpiko, 1 miles north or“ liitUeaKowa. adjoining land: of Henry Spaullmz, Vincent ‘U’llold. Edward Loug,nnd others, COM-lining [:9 Acres nml 15 Perches, on “hick are crecled n ! - huge new Two-story Bl: IL‘K‘ I ‘ HOUSE, with two-abory Brick 3': ' Back-building. {good BarmCorn Crib nml Wagon Shed attached. Carnage House, Smoke'ilouse, and other outbuildingu. ‘ A well of watereav. the dwelling find one at ihel barn. The fimn is well watered—water in ”neurly ull theifieldi. The land is in a good; sum of cultivation, having all been limed' twice. Two Apple Orchnhla, nml fruit of all. kinda, on the place, , fl-perlons wishing to view the property; will cell on the first-named Executor, relidingi on the farm. ' . l _fi'Snle to commence at 1 o’clock. P. 3L. on raid day, when attendance will be given and terms nude k‘now-z by . Aug. 1, 1884. u’ T FR-INKERHUFF'S CHEAP CLOUHXG A AND FURNISHING STORE, nt' the North East Corner oflhe Diamond. The auhsrrihnr i 4 conumnlly in receipt offresh 'goodsTrom the Eastern cities. His stock of READY-“ADE (‘l.o'l'lll.\'G t is one of the ingest-nml unuat .ittractivo, M well as the chénpcst estuhlidnnent ot'thc kind! -in tho rmtntry. You will tIH-re find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS. made up in the mast fuhimmhle styles. and of the I)th materials, of All aizes nnd pm-cshi'or'mt-n'nml buys.— (lentlemen‘s iurnhhing goods ot“erery descrip tinn, Wuul Shirts. .\luslin Shins, Ulickury Shirts and )lerino Shins, Merino, Wool nml Cotton‘ Drawers, llosim vnfmery dvscriplion, Buck-skin. Merino nml Ciitmn Glovcn, llnnd kurvhieis. Neck’l'ics. (lmvuts, Linen and l'nper Collars. Hats, Caps, Boa-s an-Jh‘hoos. Um brellus, Trunks. Valium, o.”ch lhus. Clothes iuid Shoe Brushes, llnir nml ’l‘uqth lhushes, Shoe Blucliiug, Pocket and Dresflng Combs, l\ ur_\' Combs, '“':IIL‘llt-B, (IloeiH and Jewelry. Guns, Pistols. Violin! and Viuljn Strings, Sunps nml Perl‘umeriei, Stationcr) of all kinds, I’m-hat Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extm quality ot'Segnrs. In tum, lis stock embraces everything usually found it a first class furnishing store. ‘I invite the attention of all to come and see forfiicmselves, as I am determined to sell gonda lower than any othepestahlishiuent in the country. Don’t forget the place. Corner of York street and the Diamond. JAL‘UB BRINKI-IRHUFF. July 4, 186-1. NOTICE is hereby gin-n to all chntees nnvf‘i , other persons concerns-l. that the All-‘ ministration Accounts hereinafter mentioned , will he presented ut. the ()rphan'm Court of ‘ Adams county, for cnnfirnriition nn-i allmvunrmi. on .\IUSDAY, the L 3”! duly ofAUGUb‘ I', 1564,? nt )0 o'clock, .\. .\l., Viz: ' I 59. The firut and fihnl account of Mielmcl i Dietrich nmi Samuel l-‘nulk, l‘lxecutors ON the Will of Leonard Yenfiy, decenwvl. i 60. The first and final amount of Jn'nea o Feeser. Executor ofthe last will and teats: ' men! nf'Jamb Feeser. tic-ceased, . 6L The Guardianship necount‘ol Jttlm Henry Myers. Guardian of Adam Lenkc, of Latiumm lnwnsliip. ‘ 62. The first account 6; Jacob Alentlt, Administrator of Jucnb Hummylute oi'Ux foul township. deceased. 63. The second account of Wm. Sterner,. Executor of John flirt, tlr'(:(‘:|st'(l. (34. The 513! account at Francis Mnrshali, i Adminixtrntnr, with the will annexed. ot‘l Innis-t llemler. deceacwl.’ . (35. 'l‘lmseooniluntl finnl'necnunt ofJa'cob Wisler, Administrator of the e'stuto of‘ Jowplt 'l':~llt‘lntnn. «hemmed: 66. The account of Ephraim Dranrilnrfl', Admini=tmtnr of the carafe ot' Mury M. Demuree, deceased. .t‘ . ‘ 67. Ftr'stt and final account of Anna: Margaret ‘99)“. Adltllllifll'ull‘lX of Peter I William iVn or, deceased. ; GB. Fist nml iltml vcmttut of Michael i Ri'llt'. Atlu‘tini-lrntor oi l‘nitl Wt-M-r. dec'tl. I 69. First and finllé‘nccount of Mtclm’el' Rv-nly. Executor of .\Tntl’uus 'l'nlzm, tlec’ll. '7O. The Recount of David Dull, Guardian of Mary Elizulteth Group, (now Jones.) minor clllld.of Jztt‘nb Group, late of Monol leu township, deceitwd. . , , SAMUEL LILLY, Register. Register’s (Mire, Gettysburg.) I - July 15, “364. m I . Notice ’“" " "' I Good Thmgs from the Clty! ... . . .'. . . ‘N 7 E are recon-in twice n week from the ( LLEN “' STU" EDI.“ h” " E‘T.\Tl-..—i.et-l city a vurietv‘hl articles luited to the < tors ofyulmintstrtttiuuon the e~tnte 0f hil’rn t wants of this (-nmmnnitr. \iz: Freclt ““15“", M' Stones‘ifer, m": 0': (isrnmny ””"' Ad'"“"FISH, Hume, Shoulder-s nml Sides. llominr,l «minty, deceased, harm}: been granted to the Benns.Snlt,‘.-\ppln-s. l’liultoelerungpg‘ Lemon}, : undersigned, residing in tlu- mm» township, Chnt‘eetinna, ~.n,"u_m_,' ,uus‘ with Imm i they lie-rehy give notice to nll perfuns ingleutetl other articles in this lino—nil received in the l to said estutu 'to mnke Huntetlmte payment, bestorder, and fioldatthelnwenpunts. "ire nml. those having claims ngnnst the sumo to us a cull m Bnltimore street nearly opposne 1 present then; properly anti-It‘llllf'tltt‘tl (or settle- ' Fulllnesto’eks’ stare. ’ - ‘ i “‘“"" “‘O5 *T‘Z’sE‘?‘i‘,”fg WANTI-Il).-—Bmter, Eggs. Lint, and an: ‘ . ISAAC 1“ STU).ETHW'R' other countrv [trainee—Jar which the highest i July 25, 1864. 8:." , Admmutrntors. cnsh l‘l'ii’e will he paid. . i - ' 1 ‘ SWEET POTATOES—hem ll'lliilt', nt low , "$lO 8' Day! ’ est' living profits—3lmin mil lmml. Also,‘ GENTS WANTED.-—’l‘o sell the “25 CENT" OYSTERS, fine and fruit—‘in the shell o,] LEG-“ 4 TENDER STATIUXERY PACK‘ i shocked. "on! :tlrnn's and families supplied. i AGE? Each Package conlniusm Songs, 2 Srim-Kuot'smt .e \\‘lo‘oTZKEY. . pages of Music, lß‘sheets ut l’..tpcr. ls Envc- Getlnburg,May 13’ 18615. ' i lopes,l Killer, chn, 1 Pen Holder, l thuli » - '~ _ ~———~— - -—. Pencil, 1 Design for l'ndersleet‘es,l fur Child'si New GCOdSJ' i Apron. l for Embroidered Collir, l for Chris“ ’ EORGE ARNOLD “a: in“ reroired from tening Robe, 2 (on mnrkqng Letters, 13 Secrets, G- m, (-in n '"ng mnph‘ 0f CLOTHING, never hetore publtatied, worth mnny Dollars; 3 “mi: nml “(My we“, consisting of rill-kinds of and other information. Also, one beautiful ‘ COATS pAS‘Ts \‘ESTS - article ofstwsLn'. léibeé-al inducements to sinn'rs, Ihtluvrzn'i. PR.\V.\TS,. A eats. end Stunt or ireulnr. -, . . . .. . .. . , E P SAMUEL BOTT, .\LLK 113*:,?;(3\ES,lit):thln‘,&e. 4‘ 50““ “‘"‘ 3“: Phindeivl‘“: h- A large Block or CLOTHS, CAssnmm‘zs. 1““ ‘3: “‘6" U . , ._ __,__‘ csssmms, JEANS, omnmxus. n.. km, all of which will be sold no cheni- as can be Jurors for August had elsewhere. Give 'us it call, and if an cnn . 03”” '"“‘"- not pleas-.- you in u suit reuly mode we will Rtnding—Leviflhrouister,(Foreman.) George take your measure and n‘mke you up one in Brown. Illort notice. - *‘ [May 30, 166-1. Franklin—Andrew Cluck, Peter Boblitz. -~— -- - »- » ~-~‘—~~~ - >7 -..‘_ Gettysburg—Wm. C. Stallsmith. . Noah Walker & C 0“ Bcrwit or.-—.\..J. Bowers. ' Tyrone—fining: Ehrebart. Mountple nt—Pcter K. Smith. Latimore—JoelGriéet. - Mountjoy—Jnmes .Wintrode: ‘ . Oxford—Francis “fireball. Menallen—ancis Cole. Union—John Spengler. Hnmilton—Samnel Hofi‘heinw Huntington—Jacob B. Chroniiitcr. Germany—Joseph Barker. Liberty—James O‘Brien. . Cumberland—Joseph Wnlker. Canowego—Nathaniel W. Gilt. Berwiek tp.——Joseplt Grim. - Strnbnn—Snmuel MeCrest-y. Hamiltonbnn—Joseph Bowling. , Butler—lsaac Boyer. ._ ‘ .Yreeuom—John Butt. ' , Grunt. Jeur. , Butlef—Wm. J. Peters, Jseob Bossennan. . Union—Enoch Let'ever. Berwick bor.—F'. J. Wilson. Hamilton-John Dellone. Christian Mart-h. Oxlord—Xieholns Ling. Shutting Natale: ‘ i ‘ nntin on—Dnniel Beitman, Thns. .in y. ‘ j genallegti‘ Noah D. Snyder, Enoch‘llonagnha. i Gentlemen I Unfit-Vent. German —-Geor e§tonesifer An. rev n . . _ _ , l Readingipghfxnfi'n, John 'Xttehgmg. : LOTHS snd every tenet] of 'lmmry Trim “ . efleuon! vrs A. . on . -- . giiiw’finifijiob Kinncnyrimi. 2 things, II we" nan snorted stock ofREADY Monutplenssnt—John Dowmnn,Jnmel _Devine. LnLimore—John C. Bmcht. o Frsnklin—Jscob Eicholtz, Henry Deardorlf. Mountjuy-sJamea W. lhrr, aneis Allison. . Liberty—Micheal Currey. , ilnmilton‘nnn—haac Robinson, J as. “lane, Ir. Tyrone—David Meals. Cumberland—Wm. Ross, David Shrirer. Strnbnn—llenry A. Picking, John 6. Gilbert. Counwago—Pmcis Kricuten. Freedom—Dunk! Sheets. July 18, 1864. AHNESTOCK BROTHHQS ‘ F Are cnnsmmly receivinv (hoice and de sirable goods, from New York, l’hilxlqnlphlu nml Bahimnw, and Mo propnrcd m offer ‘ . ‘ GREAT [.\'UUUI-ZMEXTSV « H to these about. purchasing. “aging. (elected WM 1» gresu curt-,fi'om Hue three lazulingnmrkfls, the public will look In llu-ir owndnlrrcsls by u-Imining our stock bci'nre \myinc eXsewherc. Call at FAKUSESTot‘KS' M Iy 9,'1864. , Red‘Front. STABL]SII)II‘:NT~--(;BU. RECKENRODE, ‘L‘ msnmmmm mum“. adopt~ this method of informing his friends and the public gvnemfly. that by hns opened I. Tailoring establishment in BAHunore all-rel, Gettysburg, (late Post Ofl‘lrv.) mun-Abe ‘Dia momi, where he is prepared to do nll \\ork in his lifi- in Hue bust. manner. and lo the “n. - f‘uction of customers. He employs nouu‘ bu: lint. class hands, nnd recoil in-z _ . .‘ THE FASHIONS IiIXH'IJI’JJ", he can warrant fashionalpli- [its and .nmg and subsmnlinl sewing. llc n<k< 21‘ shzye of the puh!ic_’s patronage, prumiciug to spur». no cf t'nyt ta deserve it. His 011 an aIM .nhrny; be fbund us moderate {l3 the tiuws \\ill allow. (‘lmiug and Repairing dam: nt {gm shortest notice. [(hnpburg, April 7,1302. UR following appliriuxiun m kvép 1L public T house or enterluimurut, has lmcn filull'in} my ofiicc, with [he requisilc uumhq of signers, and will he pre=cuteJ :n the I‘nurt u" Quanta?" Sections. on “'EDNI‘JSDAY, lhe.l7th day 0 .u‘ursT insf: , ~ AMOS PETERS, Lnfinmrc tnwnship. ' JAMES J. FINK, Clerk. ’Aug. 1,1864. td Corn Wanted. (YORK IN THE EAR. wnnled at our‘Jnre- J home. for wlalch the highest mun: price will be paid. .\tcCURDY i DIRHI. Getty-burg, Avril 18, 1864. ~ ‘ —‘ "flmlé mxn'rwx fim-naa, or me {fomcstead Tnuiv, it Din-R. "03533.5 Drug Store. 1' 1’ " w - 4,4 .W NATH'I. J. WALTXIAN,‘ ELIAS SLAGLE. Executon. Great, Attraction New Goods. ,' New Tailoring Tavern License ..^..,s,vs.r.—^ ,. Real Estate T PI'BLIC SALE—On TUESDA Y. AUGUST 9. 180“, the undonigued, Ad nun mum of the [blue of Eli Ithrunisxer, late of Lnlimore township. Adan“ counly, dc ‘ceued. by virtue of n ord” of the Urphlll'l Court of Aduus county, “’le nil :1! Publ‘u; Sale, on m premisea, About one-fourth mile from Bumwn.iad fin- m‘les from Berlin. un the publinfio-d hauling l‘rnm Berlin to bill:- burg, (ho {allowing Heal H3l:llef\i£ : ‘ Nu l: A TIL“: F 0}" LAND. containing 26 Jun, more or 10‘s, lmvmg tlmrcmf (tn-Med. n Two-story Wentherbonrded t” mee Burn, Dwelling HOUSE and mime} out-buildingsmdjoining Innde of Cornelius linker, George ‘i;:!" Euders and George Dexter. There is :1 Inner. failing Spring of Wu" near the door. Aha an Orcbnrd ofrhoice fruit trees. No. 2‘. A TRACT OF LAND, containing 4 Acqes, mare or less, Adjoining .\'o. l. Both (be above described tracts are infrmd farming ord_er. and under good (antes. 11?: properly is conveniently [innatedns to Schoo s, .\lilla.S:ores. M. Any person wishing to view the property win all on the widow of the demand, resid ing on No. l, or the undersigned. residing in Washington lownship, Yorll county. ‘ fiSale to commence at 1‘ o‘clock. P. IL, on snid day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by " numb r‘nnoxtsmn, - ‘ SAMUEL KHG, .7qu 11, 1864. ts AdmmispnMrs A Valuable Farm, T PRIVATE SALE—Thnuhseribor oll'L-trs A. at primte sulc, his FARM; situated in (anrnll county, .\M“ ‘2 milp': from Lilllestown, ndjoiuing land: ul‘ .\ngusms Harm-r, downswl,‘ George Him-dollar, Morgan's .\[lll pyipvrlv, (formerly Arnold's ) and others, 00111.“!!ng TU§KACRES, nbou't 8 acres or which are good‘ tim ‘er, um) 3x due proportion olsnmlow. The soil is red sand, and hug been llmml all over the second time; uude: good tracing. There uronbuul 90 panels of honrul l‘unre. Pillé)’ creek runs through the lmcl. The fields are l'aid ofi‘ coni’vuiemly, so [ll.ll cnnle can be left to‘wau-r without a driVez. The .4 N“ impruvamen‘s nre none-nml at half . __' story LOG HOUSE, Bunk Burn, :31}? : “...lgou She‘d. Corn Crib. Inn-:18 . .1 Shed for t‘utlle'hn l' lmv, Cnrringe House, Hog House, Smoke and Wash House. Swing llouae, with n norerfniling well of nym-r will: a pump ~in it, nnd‘n spring of water (lose to the buildings; ngood Urchin! with fun: tron-s of All kinds. It is in every rrspecl a most desira hlc properly. Wl’crwns wishing to'vicw the property age regulated to c.-ll 0n the snlm-riber. rt-iid in]: Ihcreonfi E. G. HEAUY. _ June 27,1864. 3:: ‘ ‘ Register’s Notice. CLolln n n s , ‘ « . WASHINGTON mwlxa, V 165 Asia 167 BAL-mwu' Shaft, BALTIMORE, keep constnnkfy on hand a large And well u- sorted stock of all kinds of good. at modeuto prices They supplflorden for th- fingn {lo the lowntmric‘ed Infidel, eilher randy made or made to" measure, to any part of the ’coumry They keep 1150 u exuntiu flock of FURN ISHISKGOODS‘, ‘cmbmci‘ng ‘every nrliclle o! MADE MILITARY uoobs Bultimore,?eb:22, 186*. ~ 001116 on With Your J obs! EVBY HOOVER will do 11l kind! of R R P A IR l N G to Cnrrinzcl. Buggies, Wagons, km, in. I neat and substantial man ‘ner, and u: Ike lowest living pricen. Hil-lhoy is In Wu: streez, hem-ecu Cllmnbenbur‘g Ind llddle sweets. Gettysburg. Ila promises to dopgd tort, and uh a rim" of public [m uonngo. [April is, ISM. ly UST re ire-l It PICK}. " Spring and Jsummercéblhfilk. Wumnlfl xlfl. ABlllAfißv WIHI’S AND LHHES, good and chap. fur 3.1!. brgoW t WOUDS. ADIES‘ Cloth for Cloaking. a new supply jun reugved n 1 lAHXESTUGK DBUS'. Universal Clothes Wringsr. VELI‘-.\l*.l«"n"l’l.\'(i _\.\'D HUI'NI‘ABLB, b \\‘ll‘ll CUG-Wm-2m.»yiut'bATuß SHEA)-S a BUEHL'ER, J GETTYHIL‘IUI, I'A. From inuumemblc lenumuxeullntionfi, “‘9 Miller the fullowxng: - ‘ Letter lrom .\lrs. Hcmy Ward ngcharJn 1861. I mu most hnmn' to spank in the very 'high on term ofythe “ Universal Clothes ernzer." Tye hardcil part of “washing-dub" work is, in my opinion. the wr'inging; and t§he inventor of this machine my have the smut-faction of frrlmg um he has changed one (if the most lqilsmuc parts of womnn'a work imo a very allmctne amusemrut. ‘The laundregs luoka upon il .h‘ll grunt Musing. I look‘upon it as nmnng: yhc most ugcfulrnniclcs in the beam . linmklvn, October, 1861 ‘ Pikes—s 7 00‘ ROCERIES CONTINUED. A G ’ - .\'UJIBECK 5: MARTIN, cnrner‘of‘r-nl'imdre null High strut-la, Gettys burg, I'.|., h we added th the Grocery business a large assortment onHOIUE LIQI'OI:S, our bracing nhunst mery kind, viz: Bruudics, Wines‘ (Hm. ans and \\‘hiskivi, nll walr runleJ to be what they are sold for in flavor and quality. Those liquor: an: ‘of vuriuus grndvs, ruumpg up to the highest, so that an (mica m\y be suited. ’ - . < sud!» “'IIUM-ZSALE .\xD namn.‘ - Euxe FrL'lltll Brandy nml old Rye Whiskey for medic-. 11 purpose.- win at all limjrg be bad. The above liquors lmvw been purclmsed ‘ar. tlle'luut kind, most reliable huusL-s and can tllt‘l‘nlul‘c he ,‘rcnnmxw-mlod mm sufvly,,'nnd will he sulvl It? the [quest priccs. [.nudlol‘ds 'l|n<) l‘uunln .\lm-uluu‘ns “All find it to their! in terivSt u) l .11l and “amine uursmck befurc pur chasing 0130“]lcl’0. Will: 1.1132521 ch we can svll n! mull profits. ‘_ , WThc Granary, Flour nml Feed and No'- t’mn llupllhfl‘s coutluucul——witll luH’nasornncnts in each dz-pulmum. - [\iay 30,186]. 3m One and All, . WAKE .\'OTICFL—JI‘hc undersigned would my}; to the pnh‘lid llmt_ he is: receiving a Luge nml splendid stock olf- GRIMERIES, wlfich he will sell as low as any Ollie: house in town—Cullen, .\‘ugm, Molasses. Syrufis, Toma, 5911, Fish, km, with Potatoes. Besns‘find [lice ; \\‘uudcn Ware, put up in the best man ner; ’l‘u‘mwl'm, Segrurs. km, 611-. FARMERS, TA Kl'} NUTlUßl—lf you want to lay in your llqum‘i for lmrvut, now is the time. Ih we many brands at Whiskies. Brun llieé, Wines. and all other l:qunrs, which I am disposing ofiu short profits. Give me a call l nlwny: In] to pchm—mul believe l very of. mm SuI‘CQEII. llomcmbvrlhe place‘soufihclsl corner chine Diamond, (legv'shnrgu ' ’ GM). I’. KAIHSFLEXSCH.’ May 25, 18:3. 1 .\ ME to flu! pn-mises of the anhscrihcg', In C liouutjov town~hip, Adams county, on the 12m 0! July, It large dark RUAN BI_ILL, uh m: 4 years old. The owner is requested to prure pupa-Hy. my chmam, and Lnku‘him uwny. ”V LM’I GULDHN. July 23, 1315. w my'rp-zcrick ('mzcn copy and charge thin OfllL'L' 51,25. ' '4 a ‘ ’ I , :1 \ , ,fl‘. ~!A. ' r , M x 43¢”: Wag? u r I.\'34;;ls.€£\l ,‘ J . S >‘jfi/4'34f31-‘l Ram; 3434?; , «,rggg‘gfiygffiagy ‘ ' ' =lé§ll£=.2.~‘efia~ha : mafi‘cqéew-zéz 12,7. . ‘ xrmcgiwwwww fi“"~\"“%§ 67172? ‘ _ (‘3‘: ‘ZJT-Jfl‘x‘q': .\ ‘..;w. .:, v. 11" 'n.’ ‘s%g\:§§§‘}&r ; 5;! vi,- ‘\’ L-i‘x’éiis». ‘~ :7 ,i;v- k -. 3::- “3*2l‘RJ'MV¢,*’W DYSE-NTERY DI XOA"S AROMATIU BLACKBERRY CARMINATIVE - Is the only safe and sure euro. 'lO. oeu lains in) opium or deleterious drugs, no min eral or other injurious compounds common to remedies generally sold for lhia clul oi digenec. It is so eficncioul ‘th. Physician! very generally use it in their practice in all chronic and dangerous cases, W Use no Chulcru mixture! or doubl— {ul compositions, (many of which under— mine and ruin the conulLution.) when you cuuobtuin an unfailing remedy in simple and nnfc as Blackberrlea themselves. . ‘ ‘ Auk for Dixos's Bucxnnar Cumu rn'z, and see that. the proprietor-‘3 name in written on the outside wnpper of out: bot;- Lle. Prepared only by ‘ i ' Sole mpmp, cmowu ii. For ule by I“ with dmgglsu. Price, (old Ityh. 35 cu.)..250., m. and SI, pullout. _ [Gth-mss, B mes & 00., WholesnleAgenu, New York. [May 30, 1864. )y flu Specific rnfom you _(oformcr health all without it ya» u: the «fun of dictate; SPECIFIC. 'lth- the gun: t sovereign Remedy gnaw-cg o EXTRACTS from lndlnn coun- nonunion-Indiana-ortlu Uri-"r and Sunni Org-nu, “In .1 13001:: menu: of the l‘rlnz, Inflgnnu Ila. oi the Builder, luflamm-uo- of flu Rhine‘s, mane In nus Bladder, Ilrlolure. r-vel. Gonorrhaip 8129!. “d In lanv-led by anything yet du covorul for curing the White. In wo< -.11 Also, MILITARY When and w‘cordln‘ to dirocuonl (hi. Remedy bu um»; um: nor "null, nnd m as. unnol 1;. dO - by nny one. I'th rrmedy in fluid ml 0 gains to Woman. ‘lxkh an mlcu ted to dun-01 Ind deuhn the (11-cued org-nu, but removal “egot lon from the nun, crating buoyncy and h.“ . II in 1:0ng ladlcine. but in nu nmbodlod ox- We: o u» Pkg-Mu mun: ”mum in curing All din-io- 0f um ulna. ”La: lona dogpair u (his romcdy em-clu tho non! utonhhlng our», 'ly'n .3! 011 mm an. his. only $l.OO per bux‘ or 6 box» for $5.100. 85:: b mu to any ware. on tmfiptof a prim. for-L by All Drunk“. 800 that lay up“!!! In "and uh box. #lll rAf 44 PtoprNtw, Wham”, Barnes} Cm. Wholemle Agents New York. , [Hay 30, 1364. d] ADIES‘ DRESS TRIMMINGB, in are»: \‘lk ‘ flay, u . SUHWK’S: Poll. SALE lIY [May 2, um New Liquor Store. Stray Bull. ——Axx>- ’ Diarrhoea. Dr. LUDLCJI’S “..‘, ...( ‘ ”“‘ , ~( . ‘ m» \ (Kg/tar T 74:. u “7 'Dy‘spapsh. A CURE “'3 RR.‘ X 139. Dagny“; bu Uu fuL’ocing Slhpfnu: \ lst. A constant pain oruneuiuou It tkl fl ohhr stomach. . " 2d. Flutnlencennd Acidity. " 3d. (‘uatir‘uesn and Loose! Aupetih. ~ . 4th. Ghmm 11. hi Repronsion of Syiritl‘. ' 6th. Diurrhz: 1. with wiping. .‘ ml». l’uinm «H [mm o! the System. - ‘ 7th. Consunnpln‘a_S)‘ul'ploml and I‘llplfi tion offlm "can. . 81h. Gnuzh. with Phlogm in the ThmM.‘ " 91h. Nervous Aficctiun. {lnd rant «M at night. , - 10m. LOIS of'Appetite nml Vomiting. ’ ‘ ch’. Dizziness, Dimncu of Vi-ion, 9“ Lou: of Sight. ‘ ' 13th. Brmlnchd and Stngzqrin‘ in rolling, with g ‘l, Weakness. Outsgthe thmimnds of uses of Dylpfifla that haVruafnd Dr. Wish irt's Ore-l. Ami!!!“ Dyspepsia PM}. not one of them ban “Bng '0! 3 perfect ell'u. We warrant. a cure in any cuss, no matter if ni‘ twenty yearl’ Summit’— Sold byall druggiul ovuryyhero, md a! Do. Wishm‘n Ufflre, Na. )0 N. Secgu-l mm... Philadelphia, Pa. All ammiuntioul an} cog. summons freq of chum. Seailfarn‘o'yewhi’. Price $1 per box. in! 4" mm, Walt! charge, on receipt of money; , DYSPEPSM, Dl'sl’liPSlA, fiYSPBI’SIL’ l, Euzwsru In: mans, nl' firmnlywinr, ”at, {ormvrly of mu Chum-r,- ncL. do mm; nml. ‘for one year uu.l a. hull' IA sumered uj'ulu'tblnu but tleulh lmxu'tlmt awful disuse called Dy” popsiu. My whulr‘ system was prostrat'ed with weakness and nervous liability; Icould‘not ' digest my food; if! ulo mien n cracker an the smallest «tumult 0.“ fund, It r‘vnul-l return jun us I SWNHOEK‘I} ix; l lu-vulmo :su coslivc in my bowels that l would no! lune n passage In In.“ than from fr ur and often eight d.u_\’a; under this immense rlld‘crillg, my mind refined ll lirely to give “my. I had dreadlul horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hMed me, and I hated averyhody ; l cuuld not hear my husband no:- my own children, ”fuming nppcure-d m be h-zrror strickm to me ;-l hm! no ambition (u do rim thingfl lost all my llwb d! family and home; [would rumble and smm.- der from Wake to pluco, but could not he cap.- tentcd; l felt that I was doomed to hell, And that there was no heaven for me, and] was 0!- ton lémpu-d to cmnmi‘tfsurcide, so near was my whole net-win system destroyed, and Ill!) my m‘igdrlrom lel llxi‘l'ul-cuinpluiut. Dy-peb sin, that my friend-i thought beat to huru e phwcd in Dr. Kirl‘bril'c's Howitul, \Vcsl. Pl!“- adclphinr; l rcnmined there niue_ \vl-elis, nml thought I wns «_little holler, bntin 'n-fow day. my dreulllul compl‘iint was raging ua'lmd «I ever. ”curing n!" the wmulcrlul nun-E pvt !ormrd by Dr'.‘ Wishzlrt’s (lrent Amorlrnu Dy!- pl‘psin Pills nud his treatment for Dyspepsi'l, my husha‘nd culled on Dr. Wislmrt and stated my case to‘him. He said he hnd no doubt he would cure me. So in three days Alter Icoll ed and placed mysqlfundcrtho Doctor'i treat-T mum, 11:31 in two weeks I begun to digest In)" foodl an felt that my disease. was full giving why, and 1 continued to recover for .Ihoutthrrp months, and at the present tune I enjoy pct lccl health of hady and mind, and I) mart ain cerely return my thanks ton merciful (10-l In!" Dr. Wishnrt, and In his grant Amt-firm: [lys . ‘psin Pills and Firm True Tar Curdlul that saved me from MI lusane Aiilnm and premq— ture grave. All pawns ruli'cring with D_\'l-' pepsin are at liberty to cull oq me nr write. 11. lam willing to do ull ‘the good I can tor turf ring humanity. Ehmncru linuwx. Brnndywlne, Dcl...!ormuly of Old Cheitel', Delaware county. Pu. ‘ . Dr. “'iihan’l Ulfice, Na. M‘North Scuba street, Philadelphia, , r . . DYSPRI‘SIA! ‘DYSPEPSIAI Dr. Whignrkw—l‘ have been 3 contain luf ferer will! Dytpepsin fer the hull tightul years, during whit-h time l :3":an any that I over enjoye'd u. pmfecgly‘wal day. A There werl times when xhe symptoms mm: more aggravni tcd than at others. nnd thvn it seem'e-l it. would: be 'l great relief to die. I had at all time! an unpienmnl feelinan myhen‘ but'ntwriy In] sniffing; so much incrraaed mt [became al most unfit for businesu whiny kind ; my mind~ was conunu lily filled with gloomy thought! and iorohodings, and ii] uncoupled wacblnu their current by reading, at once u. sensation of icy coldness in conncc'ion with A dead weight, as it were, rented upon my brain; also. a fearing ofsicknesn would occur at the nom s4l, and great. pain to my eyes, uccumptlied ilh which was we continual fear or losing my renson. I aim oxperienccd grant. lull lude, debility nml uerrolllnou, which nmde it dnfi ill to walk by day or sie’l’p on night. 1 ho nmc averse to 5m my. and disposed only to seclu‘ion, and having tried the kid" ofn num her of eminent physicinnu or various schooil, finziily came to the punginsion that. for _lhil diaense a: my present age (-1.3 years) there was no cure in existence. But, through the inter. fcxencc at: _Divme Providence, Io whom I de voutly .ofi'ex my ihnnks, l M, in“. found a love rt-ign named;- in your ilyspcprin I’ilis nn'd Tor Cordial, which seem to ham ofrcvtimliy rrmov ed almost (in.- has} truw of my lung list of AH— ments and bad l‘eeiingl, and in thejr pine. hvnilh. piensure nud cumming-pl art- my every. any cqmpnnious. Jun M. Banxutn, ‘ No. 453 .\'oth Second EL, Philnduiphio, ‘ ‘ Fgrancrly of Woodbury, N. J A POSITIVE CURE FOR. DYSPEPSIL . nun mu? 3m. max I. mncocx ”"‘, - ‘ No. 1028 Olive Street, ,' ' Philadelphia, Jnn. 22d, 1563.} ,' Dr. Wishnil—fifir—lt is with much plu mre that I am now able to infurni you that, by ”HE use of your- great, American Dyepaplia l‘iils, 'l have bven entirely caged of that. non distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. I lead he"; grinvously nlllicted for the Inn. twenty-eight y'enrs, and for ten years of that time here not been free from m pain can week at I time. I have had it in its worst form and have dragged , on a. most. miscrnble existence—in pain day n'ml night. Every kind of food that I eta; fill od me with windnud p 33”), il‘muered not boy li'ght, or how small the qufmnizy. ”A continual! belching was sure to follow. I‘lmd no afie tiie fur any kind: of meets whatever, end my distress was to great for several month. baton I heard ofyuur Pills, that I {rtquently in“. tor denlh. I.lmd (when everyliliu that I had hehrd at for Dyspepsia. without libeii'mg any benefit ; but on yonr Pills being 1' commandgd in me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to gin themn trial, nilhopgh I lied nd inirh in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting but“! before I had taken one-ruurtli oh. box, and, nl‘:cr taking huu“' box, I am 11 ml! man, and can eat anytfihg 119 M. . and enjoy a hearty meal Lhreo limua day, wuhouz inconrl-nicnce from anything I u! at: drink. If you “link proper. you; afe In libc'rfi to make lhin public nml refrr to me. I ‘ cheerfully give all desirable information,“ any one who muy cull on me. . ‘ . . Yours, Eelpcczmlly, Jon: {l. Bum For mle at Dr. Wishurt‘l Medical Deg-01.52. )4) North Second street} Philad-lphi-{me Pnce Una nounr per bom, S‘cnc by mail, In: or charge, on rccexpl ofpl'icn. ‘x’v K , The above an“ few. nmong‘lbe thcunmh which this great remedy has lured. {tan 5;. untimely gran. _ ‘ We Inn thonliudg of Jena: {mm Wiv cinns and drnggisu whojuin pgelcdbd’fis lold these Medicines, saying that {Hey In”? newer ugd or [old a mcdxcine which preach universal satisfaction. 5 Prepntnl only by'tbc Proprietot. . DR. L. Q, G. WISHAM',’ No. 10 Nora. smud Miss - - - swedetriéagufi-._ . -. V ,v'steiM-‘fi Sold by and”, nag} Dado" nun-int. July». “mm. n; CI ”Want.“ ' , -. a: - ,trv'v V" ~ ..w. II E C=3 EZI
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