WFF mvmm; 4 GIAN'I"! ARMY-«THE mun, g Several months since m-n. (irnntjleft‘ Wuhimrtbn city with an army flnm‘mring’ tome two hundrcd and fifty thousqml men. ‘ ”OVE} in iim \ionid's history wail“: battm' Army planed in the keepingol‘one mm. A large p'ortion of itzwnsmmynised of stain-on ‘ 'Q'FthSTUI9" who had. been drilled nnr!l made pulcct under McClvlhxrg and othvr, distinguished General: it Was inrlced n 7 Sou. grnny~ouc that .\'Jpoleonjn his pal-V Unfit day; muld have trastod in any cum-:5, mncy. Cnnstzgnt irinlorm-mcnts were uhu‘)‘l nut to “Fwy a: hi. “on to Richmond"! march prégimwd. ”‘ But. when, uks‘the Curiiiie Palmtur, is that immense army now? Ala, .11", it .hl fluted Ind dwindled away to less tlmn‘l on. in" in original nuinber. Richmond isl not taken. nud Petershurg, it. seems, can. opm 30,000 men‘ from its inlrfnchinonts‘ Ind ltill defy Grant. And now Mr. Lincolni alder- mother draft for 500,000 mom man !i '.Aud the “inn!” papers-“those vdliiclesmfi deception and lies—nil‘cct to rejoice at thisi and say they “are'giud it. has been mama-"i bocauu‘e “this will put a speedy anti to the] war," M. The old story. and 'containing‘ Mame fulsehood. Eva'y draft we imvm 'hM—vevery demand for mehL-hn; been fol lowed by alauruncus from the hired min’i Ion! of a shameless Abolition prPss thani Mat draft or t/cul‘cail would ccrtninly be the} hit, and would end the rebellion. ‘So is itl now—the Alinliticn journals bye telling us Mill. the draft just ordered is to be th'e but} and thy. the rebellion “is on its inst My!“ They know they falsify. ’l‘ht-y know tlmui a dqzen oftlrnfzs will lullow this one, should i jlupeoplmn their blindness and théir fully.. continue Lincoln in power. When the, \peopia rise in the mnjext'y of their strength I and turn Lincoln nnd‘his thieving admin-i htration out of Oiiicn, inn] put honest men ; Ind patriots in their plum-b. (lam we will bet relieved from uddaiuuul drafts, but. nml perm. ' ' .38 0F NIB. llyh'l'OLN‘l PIUIZDGES On'lhe Sunday befnm the day the extra nation of Congre-s of 1961 adjourned. Pron- Ident Lincoln said to Mr. Mallory, a “vine “native of Kentucky, in presence ofScun to: Crittendeh and others: _ Hr. Mullah, this war, so far as l have Anything to do with it. is can-ml on on 1110‘ ide- that therein a Union sentiment in them! States. whichset free Irom themntrol now. held oter it by the pretence of the ("unfed-I mteor label power. will bosufficienl to re-' place tho-e $1M“: in the Union. ”I um mhuken in this. if there is no such senti men: there. if [he prople oflhose mm» are datermined with nusuimiu. or with a furl ing qpproaching ul}:-n1mll)’. thM the-i Bum shall not be membersnf this Confed ency, it is beyond the power of {he pinple of the other States 10 force {hem to re min In Ib. Union ‘;'aml. said he. in that contin gency—in the conlmg-ncy (but there is not that sentiment thew-11m qgr u nolonly an m, but is ac/ n . ~ The contiiggiiy supposed by the great pledge-lyreakcr exists. and has exisled for many months. caused. in no small degree by thi: man’s own ucls.‘ Thé people of the Wing Slntes are determine-l, "with unan imity, or with n, fcéling approaching unani mity, that. their Stages shall not be members of ihis Confederacy." Spite oftho comlnnt 3nd pcrsistaut eflorts of habitual deceivers of the Northern yieople, the 111155 of the _Abolitionis the iselves know this to be true ~Lincoln x 5306“ il‘he b9llOl more stolid “up even we‘ pore him to be. Whose, then. in' the “arrow—who“: the “crime ?"* At. tbé grout trial before the Eternal Shareh er of All Hearts, this awful question must. find an answer.—-—.4Je. ' 31'th qqu’pcech and the Pram—H on. John Cochrane. ‘Atmrney Geneml of‘the Bmm of New York, in the cusé bf the air-oat of Gen. Dix for suppressing the Journalgof Commerce and erd newspapers, made in eloquent defence of the rights of the press, in which bi laid : ' ‘ "Thin gin'ml principle, transferred from IhO'living lines of {he Declaration of Inde pendence, was ehgrnfted on. the shining pa. sea of the Constitution 2 ‘No man shall be eprivcd of life. liberty or property, wilhoul due rl’ocess of luw.’ W'lzal will ma have quin— cd, t), while wppressing the rebellion qflhc Sent/t, an lose our liberties at (In: Karl/J" - A: Mr. Cochrune was elected by Republi— can votes, we hop} than; his views are a re flection oflu‘mny others, who hka him, have heretofore given the Adminisn'ation an un questioning éuxqvort in all its demands and conduct. @Ol6 Abe’s story about “swapping lam-see when crossing a stream,” is likely‘to were rather an unfortunate one for him.— The Fremont m'enr ridicule it without met: cy. At their recent monster demonstration ‘in St. Louis no less than a dozen of the em blems were devoted to the horse swafififig question. One of them, which. was pecu lnrly happy, "represented Lincoln as a worthless old horse! ridden by tho Goddess of Liberty, and crossing aslormy river, visi bly exhausted. At his !side, and a little chad; was a proud Ayfiuian horse, “Tim' min; with ease. '.Sre'ar the Goddess pros the Spirit of Ruin: crying out in as‘cn- Wfilfl voice, ‘Dou’t swap hofses.’ " ‘Bundting in the Babe! Slaté.—On Monday In: the Commissipners off Lehigh 'county oppinted Samuel D. Lehr; as theif agent. to weed to the fJ-eblel Sines, to mow“ quuhen‘to the credit of fin“. couuly, uu dfl' the new draft, _act. : » A PARAGRAPH vFORIBUSINESS MEX—‘l 06¢.th his coniejto bi pretty univgrsnll‘y mailed, viz: ll) . {ortégnes are not. range in and. 'thou son; totals of advertising.— m more fo tunes established in a 3‘3“ ‘ dicioul Iystem-"of kdvcrtising than in any thing elm, and knowing exactly how to. get In“: The-public have become accustomed to hlving the claimi of all finding oimblish menu presented to ihem in some form of ad ruin-mean E-ich innn lms h}: oyn wny of cxjiuulng himself, and endi trade bu its mm special wants. flare is the fact, of uurie,tht£ the absolute ncc<ssfiies of lile .m be bought somewhere, Ind in the long )1. mph will buy imam theybny‘lhe cheap .u; but. Inna: : aimp could. by 5700‘} ndvenis- I", gun: a. business in months which it mid otherrise be obliged to wall your: for: Everything should be advertised—every new (Minion, every luxury, every discovery ; nqq it. in how that, the grcalcat degree of mlem is misiWnd-mnnlfest. It a' min fails in Ml - depahments of his business, he will ‘ hiM-Wrcmom. . g mmthwenty-Gve cents a spool) Cm punish to be ”king” ninth Surya IM' $5l, >W~mfi°n 4%iniiwidh - nu: HATS, “ICE, Isz wan. “I‘s. ncu 3‘ was "MT”: I‘. Huh “Wu-25‘s, &C,, l.\si‘.li'lfl‘ Il'w l‘L.\\'l‘>'. IHWLS, .\.\l- MALS. rkr—i'vn up In .1.” 5m 1m! ,5] UU Box-L BUM.“ .un] Hui“. é: um] 85 an: tor Hanna. P» BI H. lxs'nu rmxa. Au. “(M1) inhihhlc rvxne‘iiu‘ Luumu " "' Pic-u lmm mena " > " .\'uL d mgewu! lu llu: “IlanH Family." “ [2 Ms (‘Olm- Ulll ul lhmr hulcu to the ' LEN“ sum \\ “HIP-”NIH In a“ Inna: ruin. W 51)” by EU Druggiala and Ilcluiivn every wher". . « k?1!1 anmv'H nfnllworlhlcsaimhnlionl. W5OO than “L‘nsrux's” name is on each Box, Hollic'uud Husk. before 'on bu). BEB‘Addru-s HENRY RQSTAB. W'ancu-u. Dunn- 4-“: ”no“; r, N. Y. W’fiuld by all Wholeule and Hum! Drug . gins m Gettysburg, Pa. “ . in-b. 23, 1304. Proclamation THEM-HQ the Hun. llomzu'r J. FlillEß, “ I’le_~ulz-nt of thy scvvrul Courts uf'l‘uin nmnkl'lmn-in the Cullnllt‘l composing the l'Jth higlllkt, nml .luzéce ut‘ the ('ourta 0t Uyer nml 'l‘ and General Jail [IL-“wry, for the trial Jf all capital und olhtr ull'umll-rs in the Midllistnct, nud lLH'm Ztr-u.m nml lsuc E. “'11; ’in, Em, Judge; at :hc Hunt; of Com mollll’lcnb. and Jmtiucs of the Cuum of 03m nnd Terminur nml Gemrnl Jail lhliwry, for the txiul n!“ all cupiinl nml other offenders in the Cnunty ot‘Adnms—havn iasund their prfi (rcpt, homing date ll)!- ZUlh tln‘y M‘Apnl. in lec )‘mr at UM Lump uni: Ihnusxmd Light huh. sin-d and Ant-tun, nml to am: dim-ml, t‘ur lmhlim; n. L‘qur! «7T Commun l'luats, und'Gq-nvral Quarlvr SD-xlolli ol Hm Frau"), Mid Gtm‘lnl Jnil Dollu‘r) nml (.‘uurt ut'Uycr nml 'l‘ermincr, m (.lctt_tsl)xlrg,- on .llmu/ny,. l/zc 131/; day a} .‘llng nut— ‘ ‘ .\'UTIL‘E YS' HEREBY GIVEX 10- all the Justit'cs oflhr- l’mufq. tln- (‘nronrrmnd Cumm nlvi within 11;? “Ll ('uunty of Atlami, lhut they ln- then nml, tlu rt: in thrir proptr pvrsons. will. rhcltj “uni. “l'l‘nl’kls, lnquuitiuns, Emm in txu'l3,:lnrl nth'm‘ 11l xm-mbr mun, tu do than thin-gs \vhh h tu Ihcir MUM-s ‘.mrl m that lwhnlt nmncrt ‘in [0 lm «lun». .xnvl also, 11.1-_\ \zho \\ill px'o‘sct utn .'\|:.Lln)l. the [meant-rs that are or thou Nll.'\ll‘l>t' in the ill! ul‘ the. said ('uun'y of Adam). an: to hr- vlu-n in’! there to luxowtute ugniustthcm'fid :lmll lu- just. .\ m m Max:3ll: Shorifl'. Flwnfl“: olficc, Gum sbuxg. de '.‘s, ‘64. FRENCH BREAKFAST AND DINNER ""' Coffee. - . WlX‘i o the wry high price of (’ufl've, 0 and. he grvnt nliflh-ulty in prurgxring n miud. uniform .mvl n-lmhle uxlnclc.m.r cm pmu-rs has» often exx‘ren-o-d s wish-(hut. rho}- cnuld be sunplicd txom hm lmnds. IL was (hr intention of THE GREAT .\“FJBH‘ILV TE\ COMPANY [0 do a sfihil;"Te.x_ h'hinl‘SS. but as \\e have bud aomr rmmmwa Win: at :1 dislunro {hm Inn- n-[iv-d ugmn u‘ to supply them exclusive ly wilh Tu and \‘vifce. 'xt bviuz incmn‘onmul for rh'ém to wane m .\'cw York. Tun Gun Tm no ['bnzr Hui-mun: ufllgis counLEy—nud us our Ten Tn<ler \\ns [mast-wed uf inf-er.|tion refining: 16' a [foifoc 11ml could he turuishr-d n". gmu‘lcrulc prium and give unircrml satisfac tion: and m lhusuum tun..- :Hl'ord theremiler a hznd€omo profit—wt; lmw h w-n mmpz-Hcd to Shy-{fly (1)040 purliv-s. Tlll3 CIUFFEE HAS BECUME EU I’UI’ULAR “1111 our Cll-IOHII‘rJ and {heir “in: Law lncrmhud m such nu u z'c-N hut we hm".- l'l‘rl‘. mmpth-d to m thLITgP mhldhuna to our '11:“ 'umrry. which \nll cmblv us 10' nupply nfn-w mum- cgutomers with it.— \\'sm‘ill lhclcfurc scud iv. to those “he may order. . ‘ K 11' Is FA‘IT Srnnsnnn‘nmu, n'rntx Conn-. 3. This Cofi'ce ha: horn med for more than a centuiy in Paris, and since it: inlroduclion in to axis country it has been in use by some 01' the lending French Reatnumnts here. The Parisian: are said to he the best. judges of mike; and lhc great fM'or in “ hich If is hold by them is thé host n‘commendatmn that. can he produjcc-l for its fine thum- nnd healthy ef fmms upnn thu- humnn syrlcln. We put up but. one [zrmlc uf this Com-e, nn-l thuis of» quality lhnt. our Ltustmncrs have found hum exprriem 1- will give perferv. satis faction ‘nnd meet all the demands of Illeir trade. It is the lowest price tllM‘Wc can re cummend. _ , We (16- all our bush-loss on the most tx‘vn alive scale, huy hy the cargo and sell at. only two cents per-pnu‘nd profit. A We put up thi~ Cnfl‘ee in Barre): only, ofl'ln Pounds cath. This method ofpuuing it up saves from 2 to 5 ccnts per pound In the con sumbr, and by its being in A Huge quantity it rgfinius its film fl.u‘ox much Innzor in this form than in [my ofher. We send wnh cnch barrel Show-Cnrds, ('vircnlurs and Posters, to assist ‘lhe- dealer to introduce it to his customers. We hope our clutomars wxll hike pains to hnve them well posted up and dislrxhulcd, as n'will be 16 their advantage to do so. . This Cufl‘oc'we wnrrnnt to give perfect saiis faction, nnd ifit doe: no: please,!hc purchaser hns'the privilege of returning the \\‘hole or any pmt of it “Main _6O d.\\'.-‘, and having his mom'y refunded, m‘gefllerwith all the expenses of (mnsporlnlmn‘hoth ways. \\‘p xssuo a Price Circuhr of our 122 A: and Cerium, which we are glad to send free to all who‘wish it. (‘onsumvrs of Coffee should er}- quire for the Fruit]: LrM/J'ua! and dmner Cafe: and he sure that it. \vns purchnsed oflhe - .G_llE.\T AMERICAS TEA COMPANY, . Ixruunas AND Jonnsns, 35 & 3? VESEYASTREET, XEW YORK July 18, 186-1. 3m . PHILADELPHIA W_q,ll Papeps. HOWELL s'. BOURKE, - N. E. Cor. Fourth and Market Street-s Manufacturers of PAPER lIANGINGS Window Curtain Papers, Linen Shades and Hollands, - Solid Greek and Bufl', Chocolate Grounds. ' Figured and Phil: Shades To which we invi'e the attention of‘STURE _ KEEPERs. Mar. 28, [864. 6m* Cabmut Furmture. T y. snznnfinxs a; SON, I ‘ u CABIXET WARE ROOMS No. 220 5. Second SL, below Dock, West side PHXLADELPHIA, [Tue constantly on hand a verylnrge as sortment of Rgscwood. Walnut, Oak and M 1.- hogunyFurnituremflatest dfigpsmndsuperiol worknmnslrip, which they 9 r'fur sale M. ren sunnhle prices, Beds and witnesses nude to order: [31.112 38,1864. 6m? r Queenswarex “‘4 ' I" you want. agylhinx in the QUEEXSWARE I_line calla: AJSCUTT & SOX‘Q, whereyou will find th best assortment in town. . March 24, 1862. AGO, Arro'w Root, Corn Burch, Rice-flour S and Gelatin, (or sale at. Dr. HORNE-JESS Drug Store. ARD‘I’IIOTOGRAPHS made at flu: ‘Ex. 0 echior Gallcry are always I'm-ranted to give imisfm-fian. TRON BROTHERS. i , OLLOCK‘S LEvufi—the purm una‘ ‘ Les: baking powder in use—at Dr. .R i NER'S'DTBK Storm . . . ‘E haverjult. received I naew nisortmeut ‘ 61'Qu‘eénevareft0 vhith i 9 inritrlhe anemia": of buyers, A; BCUTT & SOS. PRING BfiIUBALS just received a _. FAIIXESTQCK 8808‘. anmi ~ Summnr Arrafigement. "V 'MHER COATS .uf .11 To 1. \‘err r an by.“ ' dl-zcxiiugk, p 135313153” CGATS, "H tule! Elm! M! (J Lu’urs.reumrL-u:lg cheap,“ I‘ICKLVG'S. ‘IM‘JHILLES, Fruck and SJ"): Cuau. no ; humus!) Cheap, ut I’H‘KING'S. IN KS DUSTER“; gnud WWI“ nml will 11 Inn-IP. dump as duh, It. mama's. ‘ \‘ssmmé’ PANTS, plain mm Yum-y,“- C lonishingty clump, ut PICKING'S. X.\'E.\’,' Du'ck. And ('uuon I’nuu, Humm- L manly chc‘ap, at PICKISG'S. ()YS' (touts, Ye.“ Ind ['unu. unusual), B chap, .1: J’ICKISG'S.’ SATIN, am and Xaneillq hm. muse-£l, wry cheap. M. J’ICKINU'S. (NULLARH, .\'klr's. SumL-nd‘eri. Stocks. un / prwc-dcmedly chenn. M |‘l(‘KL\'G'S. TIULNS. File), Flutes Mld .\vcordeona, " chm-\kiuglychenth PIPK'IXG'S. CLOCKS ’nn‘! Ju’velry of all kinds. con / luundedly clu:ap,ul I’ICKING'S. WI‘Y SETS, driu‘ngh clump, at 1* ‘ 5 ‘ x-chxxa's. GREAT manyolher things, clump" than A the chtapest, If 'I’ICKISG S. F cgnrse even-body whom-m: to buy good 0 Goods Ind cill'dp, mll plwue cuil mt 'PX;C[KI'XG’S June ‘.‘7, 186-1. Hardware any Grocerles. HE aubanribcn Have just relurnel from T Hugeith-s will: an Immense supply cf 1 ARDWARE A: (:11(I(‘El:1!~is, which they are ufivrlng :ll their old slam! in Bnltxmnrc 51nd, nt prices to suit the tunes. Our stock consists in {nut 01 , . UHLDING MATERIALS. ' uuwsx'mms TOOLS. ' m..\cx<.~sun'n's mans. ’Cmcu “.\‘ms‘us, SHOE FINDIYGS. ‘ ' CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, llUUrfl-IKHEPKR‘S FIXI'URES, ALI. nuns 0F THUS. kn. unommlEsLm-‘E‘A LL KINDS, OILS, Y.\lN'l‘.\, & .. kr‘. Thcrx- ia no nigh-h; Inchuletl in the sud-ml dglmrhm-ms mrniioned "bun-abut “hm can be h u! ut‘ this Store.— Hvery' class of .\'u hunks cnn ht- um-mmnmlntcnl here with tools and finduxpamw! ”(lll‘ekcl‘pvrs can find (any article in llu-xr lino. Gin: “I u call. M “e are pro]: nrml to sell us low for rush us an} house um. 0f the qily. ' ‘ Jul-. 1. B. n.\.\'.\'F.R, ' ‘ I).\\'lU ZIEULHR. ‘ Gettysburg, May 16, 1561. . New Spring Goods. qmu. PRUHTS k, QUICK SALES. )_ ‘_.~ . J. L. SGIIICK Mould roaprctfully say lo Hue citizens at (ht lyalgurg and \‘n inity. that hu is now rt-cehing at his stores splendid ' ‘ STUCK Ul‘ SPRING GOOIN. The stock connisu in pint! of Fancy and St-gple DRY GOODS, ul' every descnption. ' SILKS. ‘ MUZAKllllQl'l-l, . L‘llA‘l.l.ll-2s. ' DLLAJXES, ' ‘ liUllllA'lllelS, ‘ nunvms, . l ‘ . LAWNS, ' CALICOES, of 3‘] qualities nml clinic-Mt st) lf‘l, which vnll be sold at WHO? TO DEFY (.‘(L\ll."lv.'l'l'l‘lU.\'. ' Fl'li l‘SlllNG GOODS ' of all kinds. incl Ming Silk, Linen and Canon lhunlkcn‘llich, Ulm’cs, SI wklngs, &t'. Also, a wlcnllld :x'iso lmenl of RIBBONS, Laces un‘l Ellghms. Umhr llns nml l’nrusnli.- - .\lyfitock of WHITE GOODS will be found full and complete, nml customers mny rely nimn always gwning good good: a! the luwcs'. puasi: hlc pncus. \ l . ' Gentlemen will find it to than advanlnge to call and Hnmine my .tock'el , ) ' CLUFUS: ‘ . CASSHIERES ant! \‘I'ZSTINGS, 0! all quhticsx and choice“. styles. , Mn) .11, 15:24. J. L. .\'(‘mr'm . Circular:- I I XSTORY Hi’ngllfi ‘ I‘l2‘.{,\‘v:.\‘\'L\'_\.\'LMlSEßVES. ELIAS KARI: & It‘ll. {viper y announce that tiny h.i\c in pmpamuon :1 History at the i‘vnnfilvnnia Reserves from their ()rgunizdtiun iii the expiration of their tr-rm ni' sertiye. Thin Hi<torv will to Haiti the nnntk-ea Qf Ml the ()fiicersjml Primtcs of the Curp's—thcir piomaliona, Cisunlrics nml dis:h.n;;»s—al_-o, fimphic di‘scriptiuna of their camp. life rind ltheir gallant achievements in the mnnylhnttlr; in \\‘hll'h they have talent pub—n” dutivcxl from Onll'i-ll and authentic noun-es. , J'lw llismi-y ol the l'vnnsylfnin Reserve: will he in HM! VULI‘IF. al' 60! pages-,iocmvo sizr, neatly printul on good pdpcr, and sub suutinlly bouml ‘in hlfll‘k clnlh, containing u steel engrming of [he lamented llvynolds, nnl one of Governor (‘urlim \u bu first recommenfl~ ed llnc formation of Ihl- l’cunsyhanin liuwnc t:orp.-,) and will hr: all only |-_\' sultaniphnh,‘ It \\ill be read) in August next. l’iice—Tluec Dollars per Hwy. 'u . The Publishers ‘fL-ol confident that. tln‘ just vride which ewry Pennsylvanian must emer min for; the brme men whose gallant. achieve munls n'ud patriotic self-devotion ‘it‘rccordn, will secure for “Tm: flIaTOIKY" a generous and appreciative Heeluicn. V ELIAS BARR k 00., I’uhlishers, ' ~ - .No 6, East King Street Lancaster; June 20, 186-}. G: A. U. Hofl'elhngcr, General .\gcm, York, PA. .103. DILLON] G. \r. wnsu Hanover Tobacco Mannfactory. ELSII, DELLUNE 6: CU., hive est:ih ‘V lished 3 Che“ ing Tobacco .\lnnnoaclory, in Baltimore street, Hnnover, Pm, where .\ler chants. Shopkeepers, and all other dealers and consumers, can at all time; he rupplicd with all kinds of chewing Tobacco, such in NAVY, SUNNY SIDE, . LIGHT PRESSED, NATURAL. PEACH LEAF, C.U'E.\'DlSl‘l, nnd all other kinds, usually put up in pound lumps. Also, half pounds of every description put up in boxes of all sizes, containing in weight from filleeu to one hundred poundi— Also, Congress Tl)blfl.‘Co, runningl‘rom eight. to ten to the pound. Also, Flounder Tobacco, running eighteen to the pound. Also, Coarse and Fine Spun Tuhncco, nod all other kinds and qunlivies of'l‘obncc: now in use. The un. dersxgned lune all the above named brands on hand and ofl'er the same for sale at prices less lhnn can he bought. in nny ofthe Enslcrn cities. Their Tobacco is all nmnnfacturml out. of old .\lissouri and lieuguclg' leaf, and wnrrnnted to he of n superior quality. They urethuukl‘ully soliciting n liberal share or custom: \, _- WELSH, DELLOSE 3: CO. June 27, 1864. 3ml 1’ , Come to York sweet! HEundersigne‘d has boughtom theGmccry T and Provisiqn Store or’ “'.‘E. mule, in York street, a ten- door! can of St. James Lutheran L‘burch, and will continue thq busi ness M the snme’pluce. He h’u increased HE stock, and is now prepare-I to offer I most. 2 - cement assortment of goods in his fine, such a: ‘ COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, T 1545, Salt, Fish, Brooms, Buckets,“ Brushes, ‘W nah ing Mnchinel, Blacking, Candler, .\'ccdles, Pins, Combs, &C., with I large lot of SEGARS AND TOBACCOS Mao, Coal Oil and Cir.“ Oil Ifimpl. Cnlland see for j-ourselres. Ilis assortment is not oulyfull, but he sells (u cheap :5 the cheapest. The highest price paid for old Le-d. , DAVID TROXEL, JR. Gellysburg‘. .\lnrch 7, 1864. * Jacob Harley. (SCCCNFIOR I'o smurf". A unit.) " U. fizz-.\IARKET ST.. PREADELVHIA,‘ N Denier in Fink Gold Mid Silrer WATCI-L ES; Fina Gold JEWELRY; thd S‘LVER. \\'ARE.nnd the'hen make of SILVER PLATED WARE. Constantly on hand alnrge “so". ment at tine above goods at low pricu. Witches and Fine Clacksp Runtun, by ‘skimul workweu‘; nlso, Jewelry repairing; Engnving find all kinds of Hair-work to order, at, short notice. . WDon’t .‘orget flu ow run, 1%. 62.! Market Street. Philadelphia. AprillB,b:64. amunglfiam ~ _ LL the Vs: Fasten! Nndicinn an be had It the my 17-I:in Drug and Prescription Store of_ Dr. R. HOBSER. "'" IRerifitinr and true, !!== AT Tm: CHEAP CORNER. ‘ > I.\' GETTYSBL'RU.— BOW & WOODS arc-opening out _nuozhcrln‘qga nuortmvm a! New Goods at their ('hhlp earner, which ' they will sell at. the lowest cash prires. We buy all for cash .12 the lmxe~t priceand V‘fi can. xherrfurc. sell the same - ‘. ~ quality of goods as low a. , they can 1.:- bqngbt n any other More in the Slate. A ' largu- portion 0! the Shots we 2 soil are mule tn ordx-r, of the but. malarial, by good and ‘ rxperiencniwn'kmen. G“. x L‘ _ usncnil. ROW &\\'UODS. ATS. HATS. lists for' Men, Hutu fo’r Misws. Han fur Bop-3'. llunkaril Hale, Hula Var (,‘hiidrl-n, Straw “W .Hm rm Ladies. .\llkiudc hm, ' and Shakers, by BUW'kWOODS. I, ROFS. BOOTS. ' Show fur Children, Shoes for Minus, Shops, for Ladil s, Shun ku- Boys, Shoo-a lur .\h-n, Guilt-rs yrs“ kinds, {Jilin-en in,\-anel_y, Slim-s uf all kiuiln. 7- . '. ‘ now & WOODS. .NOTION .\.\'n FL'RVISHING GUUDS FOR CHILDREN. LADIES t GENTLEMEN. ‘Spool Canon ot‘nl! L'iurla nml colnrg, . OLidaGlovosforChildrcnfladiuhnd Gentlemen, u, “a,“ 4 u u u Liurn Hundkcrchirfi, “ A [ “ dollars and .\'eck Tit“, new styles, ‘(Julia and L‘nrscts of hut [in and latest Myles, :nndynmy other things in’Lbe noliou linr. soltl I'ul. lht-lmvcsl mites. M. the turner nl York street mm] the Diamond, by now 8: \\ UUDS. ' 1 usw. .\iL'SIC. ~ , DI .\'inlina, Arcnrdoozia. Vinlin Boys, Strings .t Tuilpicci‘s, torisalo by ROW & WOODS. SEGARS 3: TOILKECU. I ‘ T'u'aunill, I El qulll, r . 111-Rio Sellas,\ La Ingenuidudl, Nap-Ileana; Common, l‘ullfin‘ii. I Pluntuliuu. , Ilmwy Dow. Anderanu's Solace, . . .lor sale null ur by ij hnx. by now it \YUUDS. RUSK“, S\CKS. ‘ T' Trunlyu. Luge nml snmll, (‘nrpct Bags, 11. B- Hugs. Gothic S‘u-ks. l'mnmon Black Sacks, a: the Imus! wires. by RUW .5: \\‘UUUS. ISCEI.I.A.\'EOY‘S. , , BI l.mln-<' llzxskott, [..'l-lir-z’ SJtclu-ls, I’m! \lumuies,’ l’eu Kniwl. lhzurs, Raur Strnps, Window l'.Lper, Wall l’niu-r, Pni~l~.el 11-mkq, l'llJ‘N'S‘ ' l'rlm Fans largo, l’ulm Fun“. small, L'mhrl-llai. Curing;-\\'ilips.&n‘. We are continually iuvrmsing the '.‘..rihly and msgrlmont nf um" 51' ck. l’ru'Cs are high but we bought nnny olréur gum]: before th l hie rho. nml will sell llu-m n~ nmruld low prim-s In pawn-ha It is our Ktuuly m scllgoods that will wear \rvll, and gnu: Hulisflu'l'nh to our t'llslnmz‘rs. 'an emhlv. Hi to ..«ln this, we Jun-u ell'x-clr-l urrungcmcms l-y “hi-ch \\‘o (1n no! the lust llwts nml Sh 1H llml nn- umnu - luctured. ll _\uu “um. In luny {null in the slum 1i“... L") lo a [LyWiuu‘ls SCUI‘U. ll‘ )ou “.\nl goon Short huy‘thcm nl' . ‘ - RHW J.- \\‘(ml)S, Cur. of York 5:. and Diamond, (Jen) sburg. May 9, 15:54.. Grain axid Produce. AVIS” mkcn the hrgo nnd x-ammodjnus Wurehuuac Icccnlly uu’upicd b) ank llcralnflfiq . > 'l.\' NEW OXFORD we are prepared lome li-o high“! [dices 'fnr all kinda of I’ENHH'CE. .\lw, s~ II M the low e<t priuvs._ LUMBER, COAL and UHUCEKIES, of every description. ‘ ‘ A. P. MYERS k \\‘IHRMAX. New ‘leogd, Aug. lIJ, 186.3. lf 'NOW I'lf , IX ('ll.\“l‘.lißS!‘.l‘RG STREET .\HEH) “mm: jml rrKulm ‘1 lrnm the Lil) uilh n splendid :lu-UI‘ZHINII of HATS. (‘.H'H. BOOTS k SKID! S, \\‘ithoul an} diqmmqu mum. to my ne'ghh us or any (.Ih'ugr lmn‘iun u: the man of (Emu-Jung “my; the pleasure of :Inununcing 11: It l'lmml herslml'j: sxrvel i~ :Ilumd nml 11ml [LL- [due lu buy ”us, ('.un, lhml: :unl Shyrs. Plump, is at my new slum}, nearly opposite 1.11: Lmhcrun Church. ‘ , The :monlinn of the Lulivs is plrtfrulni‘ly imitv'ltolhr»cplondidawnrzmrm 01‘ (min rl, Slippers, \luruuo LACE Bouts, km, inlL-mhd {or Lndius’ \\mr. \ Al-o, Trunks, (hrpot kaa. l'mhrclluc, To lmcco, Ui.:.lrs and Nations, in cndl‘wa \‘Jrimy. live-re is the pl-u-u to buy gauch rhm; , us I um dulvrmiued nut In be unvh-er lu_\' un_ min-r esmlfl‘shmo: tin tnwn. l'hnukful I'd: putt fa- Vors,[ um gums l-nnrcly. March 2.“, lé-Mr. Blacksmithing. ~ HE nnlor<igrml wuuld mm: ruspoc‘fully iulnrm (In: public that he has commenced BL \CKSMITIHNG IH'SLVES.a at Banner .t Zlcglcr's shop, jn East .\lill-ll» street, (.h‘ltsslmrg, “here he will Ml. ull limes lu: prolnrlul to do lllm-ksmltlllng work to Car ringes. lluugiuu. “'.‘gmzs, Sr. Tlmt he knows bow to do all jolts ul the kind will not In: ques tmnc-l lny thusq who have :\ lxumvlcdze'ol' his long expc'uivncc at my lnniness. lawns on' with yuur \\ rvrk. null _\'nl| will he s-ui-fi d \\‘ln-q )oxlt-ko n. mvny~nud for Wllichdlu will re ceire Udtll or Country l’ruducel ' ADA.“ IIUL'I‘ZWORTII. Jun. 4, 1364. 11' ‘ W. C. WELSH Isaac K. Stauffer, ATOM .\1 .\Km: AM) Jn-zwxzuan, V M»SL‘)‘AL:I’I!|IEI UP _ SILVER \\'.\ RF. 4'. [.\li‘OßThß 0F WATCHES, No. HS .\'oltll Second St" Corner Qually, I‘muuswuu, PA. Helms constantly on hand an assortment of Gold and Snl‘e} l’ulcnt Lever, Lt-pine and Main Wutches; Fine Gold Chnins, Seals'nnd Keys, Breast l’ins, Ear Rings, l-‘iqgcr‘lfings. ”NIL.- lets, .\lminluru Cue“, Medalliuue, Lockets, Pvncils, Thimbles, Spectacles. Silver Table, Dcaert,‘l‘ca, Sn]! and .\lusturd Spoons; Sugar Spoons, Cups, Nupkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields,Counba, Dmmond Pointed Pens, etc.,—-—nll of which will be sold low for cuah. 51. I. TUBMS & 0033 best. quali'" lull jew eled Intent. Lever Movements cuglxlully on hand; also other Makers of superior quflity. N. B.—ohl Gold and Silver baughl. for cash. Sept. 7,1863. ly - Cannon & 'Ada‘ir’s TEW MARBLEiwolil'iS, Corner of Balli more nnd East Middle streets, opppsilo the Court Hbuse. Gellysbm’g,.l’n.—\Vu are prcpnrcd to furniah Monuments. Tombs. Hend sloncs, .\larble Jlantles. Slap! 10l- Cnbiuel Makers, and all other work uppermining lqoux business. We will guarantee enlist-Him: both as to execnliun and price. Call and see om designs and specimens of work, Feb. 2, 1868. u - Another Car Load, RIXKERHOI-‘F keep: up wixh the times by B gcl’ing new good: almost every week.— He spams no effort. lonccommudute his numer ous customers. .“ Quick 511:: and small lztofitl," is his mono. Dec. 7. 1663. , , EWPORT & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bab' ers, Soulb \Yuaahington Itrcol, hull square from the Eagle lotel, GETTYSBURG. Pu.— Consznmly on! and, ,lha but at BREAD, CRACKEHS, CA ES, PIIETZELS. kc. Per lons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning. by lennng their names and residences u: the Bakery. s“er efl'urt made to plume Give us a call! [April,2o, ’63. 1f Battle-field VIOWS. 1 FULL set of our, Photographic View! of A the Battle-field of Grayshurg, form a' splendid gift for the Holidsys. The finest yet published can be seen Mlhe Exceéaior Gunny. ' ’I‘YSUX BROTHERS, cunt-um. I L. SCIIICK has just rewind s 10'. o! J . cheap Looking Glasses. I EW FALL t WINTER GOODSI—A good N “mum of Fall I'd Winter Good: n c up :33 m 9 sheave“ A, n SCOTT J: soars. Let- Everybody .| ”UN L. lIUL'I‘Z\\'OR'I‘H New Bakery ! 1: In fatereé‘tifig fiistoiy O? Im. SCHTM‘K‘S osz CASE, 7 wulLB “39leij [\Dll 04)\~I)LI_TION, AM Iww 1:4: I'ulmu m: .\'grly. Sum .«I- Tnmc, and JlundruLc I’l/[4 ur‘ rm (he .\'yxlcm In ('urmy (in! pun-ave, and the GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING 'IT ! l I Th» abryve in a correct ilkcnc~l of Dr. Fr'hcm-k takenmany _w-n-a up, Iliil‘r he lml reroverml from (lonmmguinn: by a cnursc of njs “Scnzflcx's i’vwmu- SYI‘J'I'.” ’l‘hc iikencq, nhhough i! (hr-i no: rui-rogcnt him nu,lLiug like as bad :1: he “as M lili‘ \\ ”I’M, ya. it is in strong commit with the imle umlvxgomus looks ohhe Puzlriil below, Much is ‘in: true likeness ofiliim M iii;‘ present time. The con ‘ti‘!“l9i\'{§t‘il these hm poi-Imus is 50 gnu». 11ml nuuy “l;“!tl uni lit-lime llxem’tu be the same person. Yet lhm- trl‘ Finn-Innis of per sons 7 in and :‘H‘Hlld l’iulmiclphiu, “in; will rccnguizv I.olhpmtr.ii(: lulu-hue H-prML-nm linni. When the iir~r \\ I: tnkru he \wigin-d 107 pound»; ut the prcscm time his weight is 220 pounds. . ’ .\'L“ Ynmr, ‘.‘. I'Vll :wixv, .\l'chll 110; ’6l. ' T‘l 'l‘lll: 'l’l'll’ll‘l“. ' Thirty vnma my) I “a: in the law? shun: of, Pulmonary (‘npdn-nplmn. nml ;_r‘\« u up in div. [resillvd xn Pllllllxli'lplllfl. and llr Jun-1m 1'..r.l rish, Him: 01 ‘lh-s lily. (lhll‘l‘Oll me tn .\lmcz-l lonn, X. J.. a «lenncc of ninu mil“, which” look me mm 'in): 10 gr: tllerv. ()n lllydrl'anll [ “'ns put 1;) bed, nml lllL'l'P l.wl lur manv; weeks. This was my nuliw plllm, whom all; mylfnmilr li\‘od nn'l thl Jim] at l,‘-m~umpl.ion.,‘ Ur. Tlmfnlmx, \vlm alh-mlml my'hllwr in lliil last illness, “11> mllcll. :lml unh- me one ueul'.‘ lo fix up my nllilirs. , llc lnui seen all my {um-l ily go llmt way, .md tlmug‘utl was to gu. lon. Then I heard ul‘ the it'mu lie: I now Killer {ml the public. whirl: o'nwl me. I! seemed to me' that l ruuld l'L-d llzcm pcuclr.xliug my \\hulci 5} Mom. - ‘ ' ' They soon ripened lhe anm' 911 my lungc. and Iwou‘ld spit mi' more llnn :\ pint ol'nll‘en sin yellow nutter evrry mmnmg. As mun as that brgun w snhsidv, my cuuglm'm r r, Imin. night 'schts—JH lwgaz: l-n'k-znc Inc. nml mv zlppetilo llcczlmc kn gin.” that n “:5 \\ ilh dir flrully I could kccp'umu wrung mu much. I soungnined my sin-1.3m All-l l lu‘VL‘ hcul grow ing in lleah mar—Emu. for In 11} mural have enjoyed lluiulurrliplcd gm)! Inc-.xlz‘u, I‘m-ping lhc ln‘rr nml .st-nnmah hmllh)’ With the Sea wcu-ll Tonic and .\lnnuruke I’ll-s, n 9 1 am of :1 bilious lemf-crnmcul. \ly \\(‘lilll i_- m’u lmn xlrml and hwnly [munlt (m mr rccovcrr people vniul'l :r‘ml for 'uu‘Aar mill nmr. to see if their case! \\‘l m l:k-.»1mnv Fur this pur pos [July pruh-ssin'ml rig”: in thn largo- (-i -tici? Tau « u-ntnmmiuw' Him to wr- the our that. make; ”1021' mdinnzd, nml \\ho was cuxedofvm:~unnp:ioul._rl.lmm. To nmlu- new lungs, is imposinlc; hu'. vnvitiw in ‘hc lung” and cllrmflc ulcerahuuw 11f lln- hrmr hiul lulu ¢ cm be hcnled. Such cwgex are dving luuuxly under the ordinary treatment ut‘ phyucium. and just such are ‘cured by the "rum-r; IL>(- (.1 Sclxenck's l’ulnmnic Sy'up, p‘enucul Tonic, and .\ldnrlruke Pulls. ‘ _ i am now :i llPfllllI" "inn, with a lirze (“\\in in the middle luln- oi the right lung, thc lt)‘.\('t‘ loin: very much liolmiiLL-il niid l'U.llillt'it‘, :iil llCrlOn ot the Mount. 'lhr li-tt lung: i~' Sound, nod the upper lulmol thi: right lnn;,r is in it tolernhly; health} condition. The grunt rmt son why [rhysirmns ilo not cure 'consninptiuiv is they try to do too much: lll“_\' zivc in'-di (‘llmi to stop tlit‘ tough, to “up Pin“, to strip night sweats, ltectiu fever, nml, by so doing, they derange the whole digestin- pimcr, lock~ in}; tip the surrctiuns and it‘vcntiially the pa tient sinks and dies. After I ll]~ll’\U -L careful examination of the patient \\ith the llt'Splrnlll cter, and find lung: enough left to cure, 1 din root the patient lion in we the lltl: e rciiictlics. ‘llemove the cause and they ni.l all stop of their own accord. No one Cilll lie ttiied of consumption, lii'er cainplnint, (i_isiit-g si.i, cu tnrrh, canker, ulcerated throat, unless the liver and stomach tll‘t‘ nindc healthy. lii’Ncw England this canker, yhrnnic uatari'li, fllccriit cd thront, elongation oi u’uiln, is gimc prem lent than inynny other section of the country. This is frequently mused by a foul stomach.— Yon may bout it out with L‘nlL‘llC tiiiie nod again, and all lll('_\' will get is tctnpurary “mu. Correct the stomnchmid liver, iiiid they '“‘iil henl up themselves. ‘ Good nutrition is the remedy. ll' you h-n-e.‘ any discuss in any part ot‘_ the body, it will remain there and decay more niid more uii ' you can'got the stomach in the tuiidition to digest food nud‘mnkc new Uood to take [lie plncolol' diseased matter. This is the only way to heal cavities in the lungs and ulcerated“ hronchinl tnbcs. Correct the stomach and livennnd nature will do the healing.- .\lany persons‘hiwe an idea that certiiin niodivines are great purifiers ofthe blood. When blood is once diseased it_enuliot be purified; it is uis: eased the same as the dist-used matter in the system ; but get the iii-piratus iii ordi-r, the liver and stomach, mid give it plclty of nour.’ ishing food it will make new blood, which will tnlte the plnce ol,th it which is dist-used. , Schem-k': l’ulmonic 33 mp is one of the best prep-rations or iron in use, it is n po‘wufuli tonic of itself, and when the Smm‘codfllonip dissolves the mucus in the stomach, and it is carried ad by the aid of the Mandrake l’ills,, the Pulmonicfiyrnp is made intu_blood. This: is the only way to cute consumption. It It cannot gets good'nppetite, and food does noti digest, l cnnuot cure the patient. Never mind] the cough ; remove .the curse and it will stop of itself. This is the most troane l have with my patients at my rooms. They sny, “Doc- __ tor, I feel stron or; Icah eat; my nightswents ’ m ' —‘— "'T ’"' ' “ arobetter, sndgl feel better every way; but! Removal—Tm watt-'9'. ‘ my cough is so bud yet; and they are utonw, HF. nudgnxmed hes removed his Tmntng inhed to henr me my that does not matter; estnhli ment neon-r the Diamondl in remove the cats: ssncl tier; cough will 31:]! "Ilkli’nmgerslgégwir;d’:lllinflté '2; Bug: itself. Schenr s are creates n no a - I “I I c n I iI “- petite in shout nine days, when thegre i 5 50- con‘tinnesto msnnfnctnre, ,nd koeps constnct. lung dime, unless the liver is so congested‘ I} on hand, every variety of . thiit the Mandrake Pills cannot unlm-k the ‘ ‘ TL\-“ ARE. i ducts of the gall hhvlder in that short space PRESSED AN? of time, in order to allow the stale bile to pass . ‘ JAI'AhED WARE. V ofl'. .Kcep the live: an: stomnch ht-itlihy sndl Ind ‘"“ “I:363:l3;"figl’sglodgnll‘kg‘unnc there is in: do or a consumption or any . . an ._ other disease. ligis hard to take cold when. “130 done "1 ”1° s‘" manner. Pric?’ moder— 'those organs are healthy. Those tlmt on: bill-‘ Menwd no “on ‘.pf‘fld to render tull utis ous, low spirited, drenry,fecliitg stupid, coated friction. The public 3 continued platens!” 1‘ tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach full|lollC|l¢¢lu ' A 1”. BALGHLK of wind, everything tluthésumtcnséilfiharygi Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. ~ . loss of memory, try 0M 10 0i ‘'' " “ ’_'—'””_‘—” “‘_’-‘”'“ smwsno TUNlCnndOnc hos orsciificx'si Removals. , e - MANDBAKE PILLS. It is only a cost of one HEnndersigned,heiugthe authorized person dollar and urenty-tivc cents. Wilh- ‘ull direc- i T to make removals into Ever Green Coinc tions. This is sullicicnt, in many cases, to tery,hopesthntsuclins contemplate the removal satisfy what the medicines “'o’ Frequently ofthe remains of decesifid relatives or friends one bottle makes a great change 'in the arr. willnrnilthemsehu on is season oftheyenrto tom. Any moon that enjoys ordinary health, have itdone. Removals made with pfomptuw by using‘ the Sauteed Tunic .nnd Mnnkr-iko. 7mm“ low}, nnd no odortlgmred to please, 5 Pillsqcmiotully,mnstgetthedigestive awaits] " P mt 'flIORN, is'such a health: condition th-u they became lurch 12,860. Keeper of ab: Cemetery, ~ t —fr “h “55-2 Tack im— Y £01157. 1 con produce it number of my old rousqutiropatient i pow enjoyinggoad henlth, weighing nearly 200 ponndn. ' i-will-‘conclu‘de by rglnting three cum! have made in chw York. and which are ‘nll dim-rent. And with! nny one who ieels nnv inter-eat in the mutter to tic”. them. First is ‘.\lrs. l-‘ariow, residing then at .\'o. 107 Houston street. ilor hulfnud lulled upon me at mv rooms, :'.2,80nd slreetfl nud wished-me to cull und see hjer. lie mid' l (‘ouhl do no good; that he had lmd all thel hut In:dwul attendance, and till said she wits too far gone with Consumption to be cured; hut she had heard or some grunt curry 1 had made, and he dwirt-d to mm; her wimp}.— l mlh-d. And found hvr lyifip confined to her bed in thelnst since of brunt-him conqump-l tion. and without doubt must have died noon. 1 txumined lit-r Inn-:0, found both hmnchinl lulu-l very much alerted, but no cavities hxidt {ohm-d, her cough was very agrere; the min. box was hnlf full of thick fins, l'nlse ”mt legs swoilen very much; nnd worse than all, she had chronic dinnhmn. lier both-ls hudi benn morell eleven times that day. 31 told herl llnll Illelhld lungs enough to baucured. hnt‘ lel this diarrhmu had been of long shading. and her alomnrh wnsin s’nch nu ulcerated con dition that [wns ni‘rnid nothing could he done. She insisted [should try And do whut I could: for her, ohxerringlhut she could not but long in the condition she was in, nud I could not mnke her any worse. I gave her first I done of my Mnndrnk‘e l'iils, and the Tonic and Svrup freely. 'i‘hM. mm on Tuesdny, qul by the next Sunday the diurrlm-i “um carried on, he: appetite hud returned and she could sit up» in bed and eat her dinner. She is now: well; and gum me a long certificatef'ccrtifiud to by the Rev. Dr. Howling. Mrs H IrtholomcwflliWuit Form-filth street, cime to my rflins with u ‘.nmor on her liver. She was lbw-spirited, skin millow, tongue rout ml. bowels costim, no appetite, nnd List gink iu: into‘the grave. The sM_ tumor had been running on-r fonrtm-n yenrs. i anv‘e.‘ her Sirnp, Tonic nml l’illi. nud told Mr to (.\lie tin-unjust us the direction; were printed. She came inirk‘to my rooms, 3 ! Bonl street, in‘twu \\‘ct‘k‘, somewhat better: her tongue hml lic guu to clean nililtle mound the edges. her skin whiter and her eyes brighter, nnd the tumor din-hurling very ollcukiie mutter. much Tush-r thun'it hnd ever done bt-fure. 'Sho kept gradually improving, and in nbout two months she ('ulue to my rooms \‘t-ry mu‘ch trightetu-d, muiug‘th A'. the tumor hnd nearly stopped run ning, and wns hmlmg up,ltud tlmt Nor}: doc. tor had told her that if‘it ‘cn-r healed it would ('.lu=l: her dumb. I told her thnt the lii‘lt'flfle h Id all left her ‘_V'HEm, und n‘nure ,wonl l hrul the ulcer up. Thr)‘ urc nnu’ lit-ult-dl nud have been for nliout it your, and she i»; u; hearty and robust it won) iii .\5 you u ill find iir—u day's \rnlk. She is gbd [or any one In cull nit hv-r, nnd '.alru‘s Imin? tu \ i<it unv one than sin.- Imus has unythiJig lth hex cuSe‘, and trio: to gr! than to com Stud SU: me. The no.“ mic is .\l-lin} Suufielxl, [m'n Stam ford, Conn. )lrs. linnhulmncw gut her duwn' to we we, and sln: has brcu ever since uL‘ bar‘s huu~r. Whrn 32mm“ mum to [l..\rnunufifiel \\‘lS Inudl emaciated “ill: a (lisHtvingL’tnlgh,l sunning large quantities of bluud. lt-x.uniufil_ lu-r lungs with the rcspirumclcr, and ixrnll luyl pracuu: nuur luund nnc will) one lung .lu‘ lnr gone and the otlu-r lung so ~oumlu lwnl n 1 gin: m'u'h cncuurugcxné:.t_.'—~l 'thbn’ght an. wunl-l Ilia; but to my nuanhhmcnl the Pug-l manic S) rap, Seaweed Tunic, mm .\lumlmic l’illu nll su-nml lo go mm tn work. the lung i: all healed uwr, lowing a cavity 1“ large n: n gunsc ‘wg: gnml um” rite, lluu spiritq, and lzns gained some lhirLy-liw [mum]: m weight. l She h[3 some cough _u-z, \hlch l Il“ not think. \\ill leave her ~bufurc Jn . I should lhink ll would beol'grenl inn-real imnc uuurrjudiccc ph_\ «in i.u| to via“. tin-m Ll.|~(‘S, particular]; Mi!!- bcuficld, or any of' lhun' who hue been cured by 'u} medicines. The): are nuxnuruus in chl York; hut rhe nhove lime nll dlll'cnlnnn em h ulhcr: nml if my lne‘lll‘llll's‘klrl: doing \\lml, l’ n-pn-‘cnt they um. they rhunhl lmv‘L- the crc-Jil an) Iho ullllclcd know when: pm] In.“ the, my be cnlcd‘. .l. n. Sl‘llli}«01{.)l.l). l Dr. J,. H. Schcmk can be Touuul .u-Ms prin cilml ullivr, .\'u. 3'o .\'mlh Ulh Slur", I'uilmltl ‘phmv en-Iy S Ilur-hy. {mm fl .\. .\l..unliL‘n i‘. .\l., [U giw (white, [red ol'rlnrn; but Mr a lho‘ough (-leilmliun he «Inn-gr} llx'vt- dul lurs. I'm-e M tlm Pulmumu .\'_\ my and Son.- ucr-d Tunirt-nrh $1.4: pm lmn.le,m in. ['Jc‘hfl“ dU/J‘ll. .\hmlrmkv: l‘i||s :5 (”CH-S pm (my, .u.u‘ .nrc lor suh- by All Druggxsls mud Dubs“. Juno 6, INN. '_m Dissolution F PSRTNHHSIHI'.—The f'n-pnlmmalfip 0 rzxsting herH'll the §l|"~\'r“mr<. lmq been nhsmlu-«l't‘hii ni.n_\' h‘v mulul'. cmzsrul.— We return Hunks In our lrimuls and [he puM‘ic fur the lihoml support extenvlvd to us. Our lmul‘a mum-1m at the Murv: and We mun-. - l_\' roqm-U. Hume in-‘lvlned In II) to Cu” null nLlkv Inl'ul-rlintc.p'nmum. M “o.:er dcsiloas In settle our husim-ss without duh)". ”‘- ' .\ Y,l'l\'.\\'"RR CUHEJN, JOHN ('l'lJ'. ' Jan. 30.1804 A Card Y 1”}? suxlitcriFtt-r h win: di<pn=cd oni: in l u-rcst in tho Sture of t‘dhmu k Cnlp In John S. ('mnfar-l, PM) , nml-m Hmbjjukr {he AUIAUHILHI L‘ uf his jncn‘h nml tuaxumrla In thmniLc lns.snccc::ur—n Ind“ “\rgJiHi may be. bad. Feb. 8, 1864 Another Change” NTUE HAT AND SHOE [{CSIXfiSi—A. I (lohcnn haying Munciulpd nixh him in lnljines“ John S. l‘mwfurd, \\h’n lulrEhJu-xl the inicrcd of John L’ulp, msm-cflully un nonm-es lo’lhe emu-us offing-«burg nml lhc public ficmrnlly, Ilml the buaifiqss \\ill IIL'CUH- Limml M. the (Nd smm! on (,‘hmubrrsburg street, ln‘ A. ('OUEAN & ”0., “1m “'illbum slnntly ken-p on hand a» Luge stock of, Goods, in lhehuc of‘ ' , . SHOES, HATS. CAPS. TRITNKK - ('.UZPET “.\(PS, IFXIIBIIRLLAS. .H‘... nn-I «hey “in also be linue the .\huuucmre o! Shut-a. w ' " From lhrirfinz oxfwriouct in n,” the abou brnnclu-s, lbe_ utter themielrcs that the; tun please 1h; public, and vnll so” g-heupfor c 4511. , A. ('gnw. \.\'. ‘ ' J. 'S‘ (.‘R.\\\'FORD. Doing business under lhh mum- nnd firm of A. Colman k (30. [FL-b. 8, [864. Established 1850. OTK‘H-UF “mush-n.. N l..\wmfxm: n. mmz a.- an”. respu‘tfnlly bog loan? to üblify lhuir friends, customers and the pgbliu gem-rqlly, that [hey have rnnovcd from .\'o. 151 anklin sure!l tu the cummodinns fonr-stury Warthuuse, A NO. 398 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard ur'n} Liberty, win-re they will’ for the future conduct “.0 \\‘holesulg Busi ness n-iely in ‘ ' hosiery.Trimmingy,/\*/ 4‘ , " '7 Furnishing floods. Perl/mew, Notions, ‘ Stationery. Unllory. ‘ - Toys, km, 81!. to which ghey invite the [Mention of city And country‘purclmscrs, feeling confi \nt of their ability to offer inducements i‘u prices um! qnnlili of Goods. . ' Orders by mail will receive prompt atten tion. Address - LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., V ‘ 308 Baltimore sheet, Baltimore March 14, 1864. . WEWJ‘Z‘P“ 'fizm' .7 a _ Bu)! at? Work. 4 finderxifinefl‘cnnflnfl'ea “w" ‘ _GA.BluquE-M.\I§LNQAH‘ISINEZBH‘ infill its brqmjhea. M hi: old stand, in '3‘" Middle slr‘ret. Gettysburg. . NEW WORK made to order, and R E .l' A I R I X (I done promprlxllypd nl lpwesl prices. Two first-lute SPRING \VAGON3 Am! a SLHIUH for sale. JACOB TRDXEL Dec. mums. ’ . _ ‘ _. , ,_ fish-"s V ’77,” ‘1 ‘ Lamp Heating! Apparai" 01LING—FRYIXG—STEW[.\'G—STSRPg B I'm—w: m THE FLAME THAT moms THE ROOM. ‘ r wen): we gimme of A! common lamp. 1;; lb. was: 9! A cent‘s worth of mi, a very comfy-L» : hle bu-rlkfnn um be cooked.—-.\'. I'. Tribune. WSimple in colistructiou; easily kept in order; rexd)’ for use in a moment. (-onreniont m lune un hun-L—lhugyul': ('Arruldf. fil-‘iah‘s Lamp is one of tho moat popukr novelties or the d‘uy. The nuL‘uy of it is rm qneafiannble, n gnu! tuning is made In hell-in' uud 'cuokingnnML articles, and “'.l‘ he nude lo cunk meals for a grcxnl ina‘ny pcranl,W'LiCh it actually t'lone on 1%: umlgulunco urn which carry [be sick sold”: .—Scimu}i: Amiga. gig-For I'.“tu use, husplml tum, bun-Icky picnics, fishing, nursery. or‘liuk mom, n. is an article of counter! beyond ull proportiun ‘0 it} cow—llull'n Jomnal Igf llmllh. WI Azure trir-d {he nllpurn'ml, and my wit.“ And 1 proclaim the “me a moat vulluhlé uni indispensable unit-In, mu} we now wonder how we could have no long done without il.—&'tl Coal (Ll L'lrrulur. . y—g‘An cw'mumiml conirirdnce for getting up hem! av shim lioticc for nursery and gener‘ll hunpchold purpusrs. Um: imporlum point 1! the sihin; in um over noal them—.\'. I’. Ems— ing Put: 1 mums me 'l'\\‘U To sxx Dom/Ans. CAI‘APITYr “INN (WI I‘o POUR QI‘AITI. Tlllujk mucus CUUKH) Al‘ on ‘Hfll 'Wl‘ll Oil Arranged fur Krrfi‘cnu orCoul Oil, or On. A Descriptive l'mnphlct of thirty page: furn iahfll gratis. .\lnu, TIIIZ U.\!U.\' ATTACHMENT, l'‘(.‘ruu. ' Tb be attached 10:! common Known. Lama 5r (lan Hurm'a'. by \\hirh Water may be * Built-d, um! Fund ('uokrd; also It. ' ‘ ranged lo support n shndu. ‘ EVERY FAMILY .\LEUS USE. ‘ kirkgcnu Wmuod. WILLIAM ~D.I£I'SSEL,Agm|, .\‘u‘ 2m; ['.uzl >z., New York. ApriLH, mm 5.0 ' - » 5/ 1 {57 fl] //:/‘// ( S I . " g ‘ T 15. Power 'lruth nml (,‘hmnut Sun“; 1 , I-nn._A:x:-'l.l-nLa, L. 1-‘ .\ 1 n n .\ N h .\. .\. 3L, for tho Lu! luur ye-N l‘rilu-ixml nud thwfi'l— siucw munNgcr MAMA.“ it 31 IA! lol'a Con— juch'inl ('uiiryo. .’ .\ HUUH. W'SINFIHS (‘ULLEGE' ~ (‘omlm-ted on n m-w Hymn-m a! AtlulLßlulinll’ Trainilu. thruhgll (he rattlnluhmcnl ofriogiu unn- “man and (fuuuxingtflnnun, rep nem .iu§,; diflvrcur d’l-‘IrUIIH-ls o? r’l‘rade Ind Gam ml-rcv. and n regular [hulk M Depot". and Il auc, gum: xlu- Mum-MI nll Hm ndnnkagu U! n- fun] pr-n‘iit 4-. Mn] dll]!h’)infi him i. no _shprlcst pqssihl- mm and mnu effective mu ncr fur Ihe “tilt“: Hum-3 nml employment: of Lunar-n life. Th‘é I'uur‘c uf‘in'l'rnrlhm in thr- 'l'hr-nrflienl Dénflrlm‘l-m Pmlzrix‘rl l,’.un'\‘-kocp’|ng. ('omm-r -vinH'nlculuthn. Lyrugrs on Ham‘xms: Affnirr. l’(~nln:\u.~hm.( mnuculH Law, [Wm-l Cann pundt uu'. Lt. ‘ " 1:) the H . . ' thesludrnlcnlx-x4'llpun—llhc(hadunling ('nnr'le, r-lzich inclunhw eruli‘vh‘uaul‘k' in HM Mao" ‘Ilhlilu.“i111Ihl-IHIILHZH‘II .Ippm'uliun 111 111 llxvir 111-Mild. “1: “j” in Hun‘lill gm [lll*leth uf_\r‘.mn.f:xnt and l‘ruprichn‘in tin: van-us In plum-m: at Whulmulé nnl “mail ’l'rndu, Falwmilng. Julphitfi: and Com‘mis‘inn Xiu-i -hers. Xiankuu. .\inuumef'nzg. .\llninz. Hlenm huulmg. .h- , mm finally‘nm In: 1|) (‘.uhm,’ “Feb-MTV” unth-llt-r n [11: Bank, in nu «v nllit'h. ll‘lflflllv'l! 11.: ‘prerinui know-Inigo “I“ hr puts.) {lw l||”|::‘i ['”‘ zu'd Int. This Insmnlmu (JD-r: to young men numrf mas sriuunugos not pmsvunl by any other umnur-x.\.i.1l w]h-,;c:u tlw Sin". 1: is th !lvh- :n r” in nmmizll‘ucnl! It is the only laajllnlion in I'm 8?..15 «moluctod on nrtunl hurim-se it'filul‘h-L The course of tut-Irm- Imn is uwurpmwd, and In.” he comllelnl I! uh mt u u: Il‘ll l'm- Hmc‘umnlly mm“ in Mb" illwl’llll'lols.if cuu-n-qlzcnce U! 44 rulirch’ new Eurmgm nl. ‘ml-l- lhe mluplnm of lL‘c new lugul‘u'nl rplum. ‘ . . 'lh‘p‘mm-u .m nub-. 1 upon. lhr- (‘ovngflrlion h! [lu- Uunhn-‘n ml 11. n n . I hit'h ~rrlhrnnm .1“ rxrf-pl liu- Ili‘JLL'r H 45 01 Balm“, :4”me iug. li‘hlrungnm. tr. ‘ \ JUAN L'L'Ll' Sand fur .fl'ouar. \' l‘cl).1, IR'H. luzn . f . ” fi/L r 712; fl/zsg Q/1 {Kc/j/JJJIMZ 5/. Q 3; .\'l‘l-Zl:.\'.\l‘lU.\'.\[. mun" 0F 1 ('uxmmmu. COLLEGES, Eblflbliahc'] in l' c I'nilowiug tiliu: r n l L‘A n HI. 1’ n I .\. S‘ E. I‘ol m r uf Scxcnlh and Chcsnnl Flu, Somj’urk. Bluoklyn, Mbnny, Trny. l’imi (iCll't'C, i’urllmd. lilinforri, ilnflmglnn,‘ ' .\'.-wnrk. Ron-hunter; Bum-10, ’l‘orqulo, Cicl oinnd, Detroit, (,‘uicngorhiil wnukee and St. LouiL, . Thorough theoretical uml prnciicnl iusiruc tiou in all branches [xx-ruining {on fiuihhud Bmineds Education. in ‘ Tin; Philadelphia College stands first in the Si'glfl’flmth in point of reput'ution and low) ndt'rurtages. The point. aimed All is. to plan ('mnugeniul Education (when! it belongs—l'! the. from rank of awful igxstruction. To this tudm Indst thorough course of business train ing is adopted und curt-fully cufurccdpuudu thug personal snpervinion of gompelcut l’ro -1 tenors in the various departments. Thé mun peril-cl system ut pmclicui truiuinz ever de nse-l has been put in operation, and u suc cmsllnly earth-(l out, ufi‘urdin: io stullcuthxs vantages such in hwe hithrrio lit-cu (-(rnsi , - r en} jiossibli: unly in'conncuion with the (:on‘ > ‘ ‘ ing-housu. Alter becoming; proliuir‘utlu Science of Accounts. Penman-hip. Commu cinl‘ UJit‘ulzvtiuui null Columrrci-ll MW, “10 ‘_studeut is 1111“"!!ch to the l’rnclh'ul “CW". 1 meat, where he becomes nnnctl |l Bunk-keep : erg-lid Merchant Missal-1+ througfil lh‘e difl’crenl “011598; acts in turn us Tell: . Cashier, kc. l 10:!an the duties nml rcs'ponsibilities of. each ‘ bflice, nml becomes tlwr‘uughly informed, not y 0111} in the forms which are in uuiv-visal npe. ‘ but in managing the ullhirs of businesglwlfih ‘ systrm am? dcspntch. . bcholurahiys issued nt one point. “'0 89°“! lor an unlimited period, in the eighteen Col lege! comprising the “chain.” - ' DINO!!!" are awarded td those ouinhb fulfill the pr‘escribcd course ol study, and 1m" the requisite cxnnuinntiun. ‘ For furthcr information send for a circular. Addreal: ' ‘ ' BRYANT, STRATTON & CO. Peb.8,1864. ly ‘ Philtdelph'in. Portable-Printing Oflices. ' ’ UR the hse of Merchnnls,Dlug glsls, and all busincu _. KNK and professional In?" .’_, J 's',» who wish, to do molar ‘ " ff; own primin‘ , neat _r ‘‘fi “‘5 uud'cheaplyfi Adar" “‘ ,zv ted to the priming of . handbills, hirlhcmlh ficixculnra, labels, cmds nml small newspupt'TE- Full instructions accomp‘lnying each office 911' übling a boy ten years old u: work them snc~ cesslully. Circulars sen: free. Specllflfll‘ meets of T3119Y Cuts, &c.,-6 cents. ‘ 'Addrcss ADAMS’J’RESS LU-p' ,3], Pnrk Row, N. 1., and aéilncoln slree‘f\ . . Boston, Mass. 1 Jnnu|rl2s,lB66. 31 _ -.. ‘_ . a,“ . [WING bu ilJfines! assortment 9f SQ; Indfi’nunmcr Clothing in “mm. ’ ,* ] llCll)hll ["511le THK MA.\U-'.-ML\T 03' IH'HI‘HI ‘fi' DEVIJHWHIVT a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers