filth 7; @umpilrr. 1101 OVA FL-4 I. I. STAIILE. EDITOI AVD PROPRIZTOR GETTYSBURG. PA: IDXDAY MORNING, Am. 8, Ipm gunman-w count comm-run. The Dixnocratlc County Committee; will Iheet git the public house of Samuel Wolf, Enq., in Gettylbhrg, onisuunmy. the ram dly 0! AUGUST insltt, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to fix III]! for the Delegnte Elections And the 'flonnty Cohvenuan, sud trnnsnct Inch other ’bulincu us may be presented. A full atten i‘dsnce of the members of the Committee is de aired. JACOB BEINKERHUFP, 1, Aug. 1, 1864. \ Chairman. Committee , Gauysburgflacob Brinkerhnfl', H. J. Stable; :Fflnklin, J. W. Lon- Huntington, Thomns 6. Ned]; Reading, Mb?“ N. Diciia; Tyrone; 'Johl Eckenmde; your ck bori, Francis Sfié‘ Huger; Borwick (1)., Samuel Brown; Oxfu , John F. McSherry;‘Hlm\9l, Ahm-r S. “iii: «brand; SLmb-m, John V 12; Lntimore,An draw Shnltz; Mounljny, Michael Fiscal; Cum berhnd, Cornelius angheny: Germany, Amos ‘ Dunn's; Union, Benj. F. Bollingeri Monm yieulnt; J. E, Smith; Frechm, J. Scott Wil- ‘ fun; Liberty-{Frederick Mclntirc; Conowngo,| ’Sunuel Sdbwnrlz; biennium, C. M. Swopc; flnmlltdnbnn, Benj.’ J. Reed; Butler, John Jacobs: ' i “or. Curtin hm‘iaaued a proc‘.nmation ,convau‘ng the Legislature tomorrow, two : weéka earlier than the time fixéd previnl‘m lo adjournment . ’l'h:e object is 16 provide {6: the protection of the State. “‘The Democratic National Convention trill meet. tat-Chicago on the 29th of August tut, A torn and blpeding muntry is look hg with hope to its deliberations. ‘fl'The Republicms of Butler counly, Ohioghave started ‘ll new and important Presidential nmvemeat. They px-opos‘é that Lincoln and Fremont be‘ invited to with draw, and thamome one else be nominated for the support of the party, by n, convex» lion téi be held at Buffalo, N. Y., on the 22d of Septenibor next. This movement. is very significant. It show-a that the. sup porter: of the Administration are tired of Libolp, and reqdy to revolt. in mass. But there is n 6 necessity for the Buffalo Convention. The Chicago Convention will‘ give the counlfy what it mums in 'the way Df a Presidential candxdate. , ‘ fiA large nu’mbor of Republican pa pa" in the West are taking down the name of Lincoln and raising that of Fremont. Amns ghn lnbki wn nuum: h ska Run.“ Rate Joui‘nal. u strence,lnd the Ilz-h-etian. nSwiss piper. published at Ten,’ Indiana. The “r 9519"! Republicans are going on the W path mqh the f‘PJthfiuder” very ripidly. _ ‘7“ is snged that “ Gen. Cameron. on behlll'of the Vigilance Committee of Um- fishing, addresmd the Presidénza letter. 1 liking the removal of Gen. Couch and the .nppointmenl 'of. Gen. Cadwalader to {he position of fine Department Comménder ;” Md the papers tell us that the change thus indiplted has been‘” virtually ” made. Amtegqporarz thinks that Gen. Couch is $0430. undo the scape-goat for the sins of pmifiion committed by the Ad'minisocations », pt Harrisburg and Washington, and a card {nbliahed byCol. McClure, in regard to the uming of Chamber-shrug, gives color to ‘ ‘be impression. ' Col. MOO. says :, Generals McCausland and Johnson had three thousand men here; two batteries \ planted to command the town and protect ’the five hundred who plundered and burn ed Chambersburg. Gen. Couch had just ‘ forty men within 'reach of Cliambersburg subject. to hisordors, his new troops having been ordered to Washington. Averill was ’ under orders from Hunter, gmd gthOugh urged Ky Gen. Couch to fall back from Greencutle to cover Cbambersburg, was unable to do so in time. Insult from pei‘Qual knowledge as to the isposition of ‘our people to defend. ’ xhemselves. had it. been possible, and Gen. ' Couch would have called on them could he have bgped to save the town. ' Our loss ib over two miliiohe ; nearly three thousand people‘nre homeless and every .my helpless, but we are éheered by gener ous friends on almost. every side. h‘From Aevery section of the éountry ”me such stern xebnkes of the Adminis- mtion for in sudden interruptién of nego tretioneiowerde peebe, that the longing: of ; the public heart are plaihly told. The _xnoet'earnest supporters aflthe Administra tion due not to defend the President in ‘ the lineal conduct he has seen fit to adopt. pm! hi: quite evident that even they be lieve that lie was too hasty in obtruding his . conditions and trampling upon the extend ‘ pd olive branch. How long fill it‘ be, after the insults he has put upon men evidently in earnest, before another such a golden ’ ppportunity shall prelent itself to bring the authorized ”bite" of the two belig punt- {we to face in reasonable confer moo! Gdfiag Friglalcntd.-—A number of newspa perp {hula support, Lincoln rand Johnson. prions men) the N. Y. Post and Ema. are culling-far the appointment. of General Mo Claflm u: the command of our armies. :fi'Ahrge Demooptic gain is noted in Hue city. of Columbus, Ohm, M. an election field {gr city officers on Lhe 30m uln. "‘5l "£th years soldier" colnpla'ms in {he Phih'delfihis Press thAt the Sauiuxy Mobfion’uwrrsnever reach the soldiers, Mn; exclusively appropriated by otfioers. h ..'-The N. Y. Pact can: upon the loyal Union leagueu to beam themselves and flute“. The advice is needed. ' 33-11:. Cincinnati Gama says the slaves [in have been enlmcd m Kentucky ’ _'_ go puke fine soldiers. Murat ‘mnye m wen- yams me beatwhite blood at the Sauefiyjm bmck blooq wougn )9 make sugm wmuaely by .u. Thin, man, comes squarely up to the Abouugn standard of “loyalty." A man pins) by fag; Inger to nuke [mg “iggepae- J] W“; “ w ‘ pnAnglu N POLITICAL lILN'I'I. ‘ FIRST. “ ‘l'lu:~ “’orll Gog. Invely o. 2” Republican! in all quarters nrc “coming out lrdm the foul party." rnd Joining thé Democncy. firmly con'yinced Hut only by in change in ‘the Administration can this once united and prouperous country by saved from total min. As tedeM'di’ the great change in popular sentimbnl that is now going on, we make the following ex tracts from exchanges on our table. A corre‘spondont of 1110 Patriot (f‘ Uninn, writing from ’l‘ownnda, in Bradford dounl y, says: ; “There is a wonderful political revolu tion in programs in this county. Republi cans are coming: over in scores to join the Itandnrd oi" Demm‘racy, and in addition to that there is: considerahlc number of the He‘pllbllt‘flns who have already come out in favor of Fremont. and strange to My they art-of the tnmt rudiml class of tlmt purty. The repeal of the $3OO exemption oleuse is very unpopular With the Republican-'.— Theirstump nmtors have all along advocated it on the atump Is a mensuro Idopwd for the benefit. 0! poor mm. and now say that no lmdy cm got a substitute for less than $l.- 000. «upwards. and tint the poor man not able to mine it wt]! have to go to the war. while the man of wealth can pay it and htny at homo. ~th the receipt at the new; 9.! «51mm: 232731.439. 51::‘.2::2‘,':§é‘3£,“t‘;.‘1 he'd be d—d‘ if he should ever get a vote rrom him ugmn; and threatened that it they should limit he would go to Canada.— Brmlford cottnty hue been rather noted for nudden and great political revolutions. and l nm‘sathficd she is on the eve ofnnother juvt now. Shr- was originally Federal in hi‘r proclu‘itiea. Under the nuxpicc- of the late General .\l'Keun she. became lurgfly Demo orntic. She then chuuged OWE to Free Soilism; then to Know Nothingiem. and th in to Abolitionism—und ifthere is a gen er: change cou-mpondmg with those in par ioulur luculities l have heard from, I would not he. nt nll- surprised ifflhe should change back to Dntnocmcy again. A relia~ lilo gentleman rmuding in one township told me he could count up twenty Republi cans in his neighborhood nh’o openli de clare tht‘irjntt-ntion to vote forthe Democra tic Prwdentinl candidate. and one of them WM n'very active and influential leader of that pmty. ' ‘ . C __ . @An Ohio exchange publishes the fol lowing:_ ' " Wq‘ nre r’nlinbly informed that. Hon. ThomnuCorwzn, since his return hnme, has indulged in bitter denunciations: of the Lin coln Admlnnslrnfion. We are not surprised at. it. but snm'e of his loyal neighbors are terribly shocked.” ‘ Mr. Corwiu is not the only man who sup< porte-l the Admin'mmliou three yeztrs ago, who has since becbmethoroughly disgusted with its mismanagement and corrugnlion. A Flu!/cring.—lt is reported in the streets that it gK-ntleman of this city. who has here tofore stand high in the runki of the Re publicans. and hm b'een compelled to bear ‘ the standard of the party against. his wishes, IaIS renounced the faith and declared that shencelorth he shall act with the Democracy. ‘ The statement. has cnu~etl some sensation in political circle<.-—lt’aclmsl.'r Daily Union. . We lionr ot‘similm conversions in high quarters. in this city, nnd in nearly every county in thefmte.’ 'l‘he recunt. proclama tion “ to‘whnm it. may concern " ha§ given concern to nearly all of Mr. Lincoln's old supporters. 'l‘lwy negunl it man a'vownl that. our armies nre in the lie-hi no longet to restore the l'ninn. but only to force on the bot)!" a uetuuvv ayatcm u: “:7ng equality. ~A’bdny 417:1‘43. ‘ There lire plenty of such conversions in this part pt the cpunlry. Among others in "high q'garters” in New England, we are well assurzetl 91 one lloi-nblimn nflivialhold ing it wrj‘ high po>itmu (mi! in this State) who openly prqclaims that we mtlst. get rid ofohl Alas and the rest of them. or the country is gone to ——-; and of another, occupying a na'tinnal position conspicu'tus ly in the public «yo, and prominently an Abolitionist. who says unheaitatingly that. he is nnw “for pmce on the basis nf the Constitution as It. is and the Union asit w:L~*."——Bu.smu '.nuner. Yes. n‘nd elsewhere than ' Rochester. Alhnny' mud ann'm, the goofimk spoke-n » of by mi: contemporaries is handsomely 1 progreasgng. in this city the moat sensible pbrtinn (it the Republican party are confess ing theEulter failure of the Abolition ex~ perimem. They have had enough, too much ofit. Throughout the interior also the conservative ranks are being recruited rapidly—not. tor nine months. or one, that or three years, but for the war—{m- the war for the’ iestoratinn of the old Union'. for cnnstitutionai libortv. and {or the preserva tion of our country Irnm utter bankruptcy and destruction. Bv battalions they are rallying around the flag of the Constitution. -Ayz. . IT/ze 1.Y;1/(.—“ I shallatever vote again for Abraham Lincoln," said a somewlml influ ential Republican in this city on Monday. ‘.' Herotnfore, when you Democrats have chargedthut he was more for Abolitionism than the Union. I denied it. Now—l can’t sny one word. lam for no man who insists upon Abolition as a condition even to the openingnf negotiations or the hearing ol propositions. For one, lum ready to have the ow UNION again, without conditions— witli slavery in .the South, or not, just as the South \hlemselvos choose to decide. for it. 'concerns hem most. Whatever else I do, vou may he sure I will never vote for Abraham Lincoln again. He has proyed himself, by his Niagara letter, to be tno Union man. , His disgraceful manners and obscene-jokes I could putup with, mortify ing as the fact' is, lather than vote with a party who I have believed (I begin to think perhaps unjustly) were not. for the Union; but I cannot givemy sanction to a. President who makes Abolition an absolute condition even to the hearing ofprapaxitimu from the rebels."—llurlfiard Tuna. w'l‘he New York Express says that the feclingds intense against. the war policy of the Administration since the President has shown his' hand. It is felt in every com munity of citizens, and among every class of~peopie. An opposition meeting will now call oub crowds of people,"aud among the mast. zealous in these crowds are those who one, two or three years since, gave their confidence to the Preaident. We Said &J.—We gutted, the‘olhcr day. Hunt phe Shoddy organ: would claim the i adoption of thernsLitutionn]tmendments as a shoddy victory, and count‘every Demo ‘ cratic vole cast for them as n bullot given by some loyal lenguer. A: we expected. thntnis just. what they are now doing.— Every dne~of those organs will now‘be trknuc to convince “16 soldiers that. they are the “soldier’s friends," exclusiv‘ely. and ihat the Democracy are entire!y apposed to allowing them to vote. Shoddy I! very sharp—always having I keen eye out for the late“ humbng.——P¢drio¢ ((7 Union. CM: fiThe‘printing-papermanufacturqamot content wnh doubling the price over last July. and tripling prices before theownr be gun, have made fresh demands altogether beyond the increased price of Chemlmls, rugs and straw. Already a. good many country and weekly journals have been suspended. nnd many more must go the same way. Some publishers am reducing the size of their pagns, and others are Lhrenwning to prim on half sheets as at the Sou‘h. [n this any the printing of fin pple ments has been stopped snowmen—JV, Y. L‘s-(wrest. 4 ‘ ntn’nu'flau All! "In": The Mayor of the city of New ank on ‘ Tuesday issued tfie subjnined official notice, calling attentioi‘w the prnclumation oftha Prenidont, letting apart. “hands, In a day of fasting, humiliation and pnyL-r. His suggestion to certain clerpynwn wan well timed and worthy nl' anemia. nd ohm vuce on the part of than who :prufcu 30 be s“"!th and {album-- of the meek and lowly Nnarino: . Mnou's Orncx. .\'cw You. Augu-t 2, IR'H.-In view of the protlnmfllon of the President of the United Rum-y, gutting, apart Thundny. the 4th insh, m a (luv of fasting. humiliation and pray Ir, 1 consider it to be my duty to will the nttentian of this community to the Obflfl’t’lllca 9! the same. ' To the ministers of the various churchns on whom will devolve the duty ntopening pruyvr in the [presence of their congrega tions. and esyvciully thnm miniwters who have inculcntul the doctrines of war and blnml. so much at vnrinnoe with the tench inps of thelr Divine Master. I would hum bly recommend that they with-on that unlomn occnsion. anan‘ the money of IlmvenJO hasten the relin'f of our _sufi'er ing people by tur’ning the hearts of'lhose in authority to the hleauwrl wnys of pence. L/C. Gonrnr Gts'run, Mnyor. SIGNIFICANT MOI. DIRB‘I LETTER h The following is from the late editor of the"! unklmnnock quUwun—n Republican sheet: _ Nam Pz-nznsm'na, Vn., July 3. IRGI.—- Ilmr ll'gfl : A great many want to know. I suppose, how Ihe lust battle went. My answer is, invariably. that we. have had but one. and that commenced on the filth (lay of May Inst. "l‘lm soldiers ull cnnmle them selves with the belief that. this Reason will end the war. and! believe so myself. If we can’t whip them by full. we never can. The anldlen will'utuml it no longer. They will go for 11 new Adminirtrntinn. In incl. 1 havn changed my View» cunsidernhly from whut they Were when I left hnme. There is ton much nigger in the present Administration, nnrl too many lies pubthell in newspapers. Itind iflwnnt to npproxmmtll anywhere nefir the truth. I have to take it. from Dum ocratic papers. ' - 11. A. Tin-.\xv. WThe Albany Slammer" begins to “ see the light ahead.” In no longer nrlicult-s the prospects of the Democrats. Nay, it boldly tells Mr. Lincoln that he must get out of the way, and permit. his party to put up u mare populnrman.or the oppwilion will carry the Presidential election in spite of the unequalled patronagehml power of the Administration at this time. fiPhysicinua tell us if eve; incurable maniacs recover their senses it is in the hour oftlissolution. We are strongly reminded nfthis by a \Vaehington special to the New York Herald, as follonva: “ A strong (-fl'urt. is making: by Rnpublican pollticiuns to induce the administration to gum McClellan command of the defences of “'nshington." Ifever the doom of shodd'y is foreshadow ed it must be now. when its ndhewnts are calling on the mrm of all others by them Ahmed—the most. @va. Dr. Chcever innde an midi-cw recently 11) the church of the Pun-Rani, in which he donnunoed Lincoln and praised Fremont._ An old adage might appropriate lv be chnJ L'Pd to rend thm: \Vlwn milling! pram/um Y{all out, honest. men may get their dues. { . ' —§————-7- uuo> ~r~ r~< f [S‘Divming thé “govornmont"'—tho Abolitionisls. by ”flowing “Hamlin over board nnd renominnling Lincoln. This is too budmworseithah “mmwrheudiam.” [@WDividiug the Nortli"—the Aboli tioni~ts by nominating two candidates {or Prosident. It. was cenali'ly \ngyriolic in L'incoin to be'come a candidate after Fre mont was nominated. . ' _ 38"“)? French (‘l’un-ivwri hm a cut rop resenting twanon leaning ngninsta guide 'post.- One has n telescope~ looking towards America. The, other aska ”Is [he Ameri can war ended yet 2" “No, I still see some inhabitants.” mMr. Vorhaes declared in Cbngress, that. Mr. Lincoln dare not receive prnpmi tinns for Union and peace. because lm’knmox (11%! his party cannot_ortllive the war, and Mal/H's powtr and (Ice restorétion of the Union are in compaublg. . ———.—— 40.0>- —— QfiGeQre Fi-anois Train. 3-341“ has been elected a delegate to the Chicago Conven tion from Nebraska Territory. ‘ Negro Refugem—The colored population of this city has received large accessions from Chambersburg and vicinity within a few days. and “the cry is still they come.” Many of these poor creatures were driVen from their homes without means of subsis tence, and th 'r condition, like that of thousands of its people in Chambers burg. is truly pi inble. What is to become of them, or be they are fixsubsist here in the midst ofetr ngers. Gatiwonly knows.— We visited th railroad y‘este‘rdny, and touml swarms of these poverty-stricken victims of “wnr’s desolation.” consisting of men. women and_ children. quarteredjn the depots. The probability is that most 91 them will remain here to swell our alrem large negro population. and lead liv'es‘ ~ magnum} and crime, or become paupe ‘ upon thepublic bounty—Jlarrixburg I‘atriol. fi‘loyol" organs. which are owned and controlled by office holders, contractors and speculators,who make immense nmountso money out of this wu,which is impoverishg ing the poor people with burdens and taxes, have 9m inhlus ing efi'rontery to my tli'nt “caliperlieads” (their term for Democrats) ‘rejoiced at the,destruction 'ofChsmbei-sburg. .\ow. it is well known thnta fellow who lies will steal; and the rule woxks quite as well the other way—a fellow who steals will lie. No truth can therefore be expected to oou'ie from those who live and flourish on the war. and who would perish should the war stop and the shoddy .‘dynasty go under. N 0 thinking man can believe that any Demo crat would rejoice ave‘i- A misfottune which visited alike the just and the unjust—the Democracy smiths loyal leagures—nt Chum bersburg. it not possible that if Demo crats could wish misfortune to leguers that they would also desire disaster to their fel low Democrats. Such stories only expose shoddy organs to contempt as nvsricious and mnlignsnt fulsifiers.- Patriot. d: Union. fiant does “ the Government” mean by sending engineers to fortify ‘along the Susquehanna and Pennsylvania Railroad wealward of this city? Is the theater of war to be transferml hither from theJamea River? Is lmlfof Pennsylvnnin to be given up as a sacrifice to the enemy in the fourth yea‘l' .ofa rebellion whose buuk was to have been broken in sixty days? Will'some body tell the people of Southem Pennsy. vania how it ia?—Pulriol 6 Union. fi-Tbe Rochester Democrat. a Republican journal. states that there is a. real deal of dimliafaclion in the army. am? that an 1m usual number of resignations if omens has been tendered, Imou - whom as five geno mls. ' The. Bastog: [lira-alw- 3150 allude; $0 minors it has heard In the sum; em}, lips 31sz Hans. Tllll BIKER W I'lC'l‘l‘lllfl-ÜBG ,Il- G |‘ IN RAHNRIT ISN'J’IDFIUN HI" ’1‘")? MINE I'NDER THE ENEMY”?! “’(HK‘I'S-TEILRIHLE ARTIL LERY HRH—THE REBEL wom Afi b'AI'LTHD—THH EVI'HLL' FIRST LINE 'cmuuw. . Your Mono]. Jul. 30. P. lit—The mm runny-r {nun City Point Inn just nrrlvml mm important nlws {mm Gen. Grant's army. 'l‘iu- ”logo (If l’nu-rdvurg opened in named this ‘murmng in daylight. We wrung the mine and blew up nne of their lurinmpfl‘ bunt-rigs in {mm of Po-lersburg, containing mum-n gum. and subsequent ly carrial' the entire line of works by Irnult. _ Fauna Maxim, July 30, P. M.—Jhn my the bout is hlmut leaving t'ul B \ltimoro, your (‘Ofl‘mlpnntk'ht gathers the [allowing tuldtlmml particulnrs: Thu uplnsinn tonk plnca shortly 3111:: four n’cbck this Kunming. It. was terrific. and destayed (meat the enehty'n “rouge-t tortificurions‘ which. ns berm-u stated, con tained s bnthywnt' oixceen gum. .The work wm rendcrml a mum; of nuns. lmmefinu-ly IN“! the explmlqn the Ir tillery owned with one simullnneons and cunlmuom tour along the entire lmo ofoyr army. Up to flu leaving nf the mail hnnt at ten o’clock, A. n.. lwo nlhc-r urthwnrkg bud Imm cni-rxedmnd who the enemy’s entire outer line at eulre-nvhmonu, and the battle. was progrezxslng WM: great fury. , 'I‘nI!AHIAULTJJNSI'CCEDVFUL.‘ THE GRUUNI) (LUKE!) (‘UMWANDED BY SEUUVD LIVE—“USP OF THE WORKS CAPTI'RED IS THE A>SAFLT RETAKEN BYTHE ENE“ Y——'l'HlH£E HUNDRED BEB ELS UAI’TL‘RI‘ID. . . Fon'rnrzss Moxmz. July 31. P. M.£—»’l‘he nssuult on Pvtordurg ynstoriluy mnffi’lnp, so auspicimuly imugumtod, was not. suc cesstul from the 'uct that. the works cap tured were found to be commanded by an inner line. and wewere compelled to abun don most. qf the pound gained. The ene: my reuccupied mat! of the captured works. The stemnr-r Andrew Harden. with 340 wounded officers and snldiors, arrchd this morning from Cxty I’lxiut. ‘_ General Grant nnd President Lincoln met here this morning at. [on o'clock. and hud an llltl‘rVit‘W'Jf some hnurs on luylrd the steamer Bdtinnro, which mvnnwhilo nude 1: trip lnwunts. Cape anu'y. At three o'clock lhn Premium returned to “'ush ington' and Gen. Grunt returned to City Point. A Ilmmi‘ \nl‘En‘l ARSIY or flu: Pn'rmtm, Ju~ 1y 3”, 9 P. 3[.-f-Alltn' the I-xplo‘inn this moming evetything betokcnwl h btilliant Victory. but scan after matters n~=umcd a different mpcct, part. ofthe ntlncking force having given “my, thus 6xpmmg the balance to an enfilmling fire from both artillery and inliintxy. 'l‘he’orilcr ortlw n‘ssnult was as follows : Mine‘to be exploded at three A. )I.: but teriqa to open ut (mre nlungthe omin: line ; the '.lll) (3011“! to charge the Wnrki, suppmt ed by the 3d (Ayre'u) division of the sth and the 3d (livi.~ion ol- lthe Ed. The gn-ntcr part of the arrangement was carriml nut as nrtlerml, although the cnuum-ncuuwnt wan lltm‘ nmn thn linur designated on account of the fuxu givui'g out ti'vico. 'l‘he (-xplo sion tnnk phco a: prorisvly 4.40 A. M . and the mar nt‘nrtillt-ry that. immediately fol lowed wag ulmo~t ‘denfmiing. At. half pzht 5 o'clock the (:llai'gr‘ was mzulo, and the tort With put of [hr line on nnch bltlt‘ was myrrietl in brilliant, style. the x-emml division, which was in thn qenlro, :llqulli‘Pd :mtl cirrii‘d :1 second line, :1 ~hnrt ll‘ililllt‘fl bc-yaml the fnrt. :xnrl h‘ere null-(l. holding tlicirlgiouml with the utmost determination. ' . . In. H 4:- at/ ”It: uull‘ tllr ununvll (li\‘l‘lnn' Brigullio'r tleneml White ' cnmmnnlliné. wore ”1“! th tanninlmul mdurwl to t‘lLllin‘ :md curfy thinnest ut‘ lllt‘ hill, which \\ould llzn'n ilvcitlml the route-st. 'l‘he tmalm mlmncwl in goo-l rmh-r m. hr as thr- fir:t litw. “hole lhvy {ecvit'ml u Lull ing fire. \\hich chm-kw! them, illlllu‘ll‘ull. quite a numhrr kt‘l‘l on. The greater put-- Lton hef-nlefl [u lwcnma nth‘rly tlvnm'ténlm-il, part. takin‘i: t-rl‘ugzc in the flat nnul rht‘ lul :ince running to the rt-zu- ukfzmt nu I»ns‘~il>le. They were t-‘tlliml, however. and pti~hml fortmrd fngtin. lgttt without, but'(‘('~~. 'the greater pm! of their éflivgri. bring killed or wounded. During thi< time they qooxnt’d to be mthout any one to manage- thvtn, and they finally h-ll back to the rear out, of range of the vollvyz nl'cnni~:or mu) musket ry that mm» plnmng lhmugh their ranks. Their losws are very heavy. particularly in ntlicers, as Will be seen by the iollu'wing figures: ‘ - - The ‘23‘h_Unilml Statholorcr] ‘rouim ‘u t“ I")‘ofl'lvurs‘lhllml and woumlvd and about." 400 men. in‘-Ending the lnh‘illg. The 23:}I‘jinited Stale» Cullll't‘ii regiment, 11 nflivi'rsnifl'l about 150 men killed, woun ded and mwimz. ‘ '““";th Uniml Slnleanlnrexl regiment. 8 omcvrs and about 175 men killed, wound ed and mi~sing. , ; The 31:! United States Colnrcxl reginiotit. 7 officers nnulubout BUU men kilied, wound ed and misaing. . > ‘ The 4.2:] Umtod States Colnrml'rogimeut, Goflicers and a large numberof men. ‘(l‘hn 39m regimént Ind. sevnml «mom and about 150 men. killed, Wounglcd and. missing. ' . _ . The loss in‘ the 2d division of the 9th corps, Gen. Ledlie commanding. was very severe. being estimated nt one thousand to twelve hundred, while many put the figures larger. " : ' , . Among those missing I regret lo‘annqnnce the mime of Gen. Bartlette, who reached the fort. with his command, and his cork leg being accidentally broken he was utm ble to get 03‘ the field. He. however. held possession of the ground for fi-veral hours. and-only surrendered whleu all hope of es cape was gone. Some two hundred men. both colored and while, were with him. it is believediat the ti_me,,a few of whom managed to get bnpk to our lines amidst a utorm of bullets. Neoerflen; B’s staff were "captuxed at the so a time. Ctfl. Marshall. command ing tho'Zd brigade of this division. was 130 taken prisoner, with several of his tafl'. . Col. Wild. oflhe 58th Mnssachuseus, is also reported a. prisoner.‘ Col. Gould. of the 50m Muss. lost. a leg. Major Barmn, of the 179th New York. also lost. a. leg. Lient. Col. Barney, of tho 2d Penna. regi ment. was wounded. Major Prescott, of the 315:. U. S. regxmenl, 'hu had his leg amputated. , ' Th in division, having been a. good deal in odvance ol'the rest of the line, held their position ior several home but were finnlly compelled to fall back, lililferiug heavily while doing so "3. The loss in has first and third divisions was also severe, the latter hhving some 400 in the hospital. ' . . The 181.): Corps occupied I part of the line on the ri ht. but. their loss was not. very grunt. Wge look about fiOmlisone’rs, most» 1y SouLh Curolininns, and’ilve b’aule flags. All is quiet this morning, sunday, July 31. ' goo thday'mo‘rning, Genérol Gnu! sent. tsflng to General Lee asking a truce to cure for thewoundedud bury the dead. It mu relused. in the afternoon General Butler sent a secgnd flag. It also was re l'used. On Monday morning. a third flag was sent. This the. Uonfiadeutea accepted, and at ten o'clock. when our intelligence cloaed, an armisuce prevailed. The dead and Wounded were being cared for. The lone: in the battle were principally in Burnside’s Corps. Mnrtindale and War ten lost. about a. thousand. Hancock lost very few. . fl-A court. of inquiry, it in mg, will be held at Wushiuglun to investigate the lute Attack on Petersburg. Burqude Ind Meade are the principal ~‘ofijcflrs whose conduct will be examined. The rumor; of leg’a removal are still prev-lent. The tall] has in the late attack is now reported .1. +940. Gvnrrnl Hooker. it is fumored. wil w: pexcwle Hunter, and lmvp cummnnd of the trm-pn defending \Vbbinglon, Maryland and Pennsylvania. There is nothing lute from Sherman. It is nut-Hod that a quarrel has mkon plnco lwluw-n Gena. Bunkund Canby. Ind :lmt one or the other must leave NewVOr cans. ' . ’ ’ MCOAUSLAND'S REBEL RAIDERS CO.“ I’LETBLY BUDTED W‘smsu'rns. August 3. V’l‘ho Rrpubliqun of this city, in an extra, ltys: Dispatches from leper’s Ferry. dntml at 9 o’clock.]nt evening. mite that Mc lelnd'l canlry Ind artillery, two tliou< sand strong. attucked Generals Averill and Kelley. at Cumberland, with great fury, evidently expecting to demolish them.— The rebels were prom tly met, repulsed. and completely routetl). General Averill cnpturod ueveral'uuissonl. Ind a large num ber of wagons, heavily laden with spoil. lu ken by thn raiders in Penncylvnniu. It was .lm reported that one piece nf artillery had been captured from the rebels. _ LATER. ANOTHER 111-Zn]: INVASION. [from the Baltimore Sun“ of Saturday] , “to most important news we publish this morning in received through the (\«m‘intml Press. and is cbntninod' in n provlumnlion issued by Gov. Curtin. of Pennuylvaniu. calling for thirty thousand volunteers tor the defence of that State, in Willt‘h he an nounres that the advance of the rebel :muy hM ugain crossed the Potoch and occu; pied lingerstown, Mil. A (li~pntch received from Harrisburg last night Mates that the occupation of H‘ugel's town is confirmed by official advices, and that the forca in and around the town consists of three regiments of cavalry and two of infantry. From the presence 0] the latter, it is inferred that they are the ad— vance of a large army. . A number of other dispatches were re ceivml at a very late hour last night, from which itlappoars that the _rebelsnre advanc ing in the direction of Chambersburg. nnl have entered~ Middleburg, elvren mile-is north of llngerstown. hut in what force is not kuown—suppésetl to be the live regi« men ts that were at Iltigorstnwn. Another column is reported as moving in the direc tion of Cumberland, Mil, Where Can. Av'vrill’n pickets are said to have been driven in. i An Associatbd Press telegram from Louis ville given an account of a mid mails by a fprcg‘dl Union cavftlry 3.200 strong. under the command of Uolcnel deard McCook. to the Macon (Georgia) Railroad, and of their subsequent capture by a strong force of the enemy commanded by General Rm sbm. Exghteen miles of the rnflrmd had been destroyed. and a Imin of 51M) wagons had been captured by Colonel Mchmk, which he burned, butWhllaL ha was rdurn ing With 500 prisoners and 3.000 mulqs that ballad taken, ho was overtaken by Uvnoml Rnnsum. and about 2.000 of his men cap tured. Col. Moo-30k succeeded in ranching Marietta, where 500‘ of his men had pre viously arrived. . l ' I’nrsntnu. I’m. Auguqlwl. The foilowing circular has jLlat been is sued by (:ehemi Couch: _ ‘ - ”EHIQI'ARTERS Damn-unfit 0!: TM.) SUte'alussA. l'nhqcna, PA.. Auzml 4.) Tu 11m I'eofi’r of (In: b’mlhern ticr Qf Cmntie: of .I'L’nnsylrdniu : Ynurnituation is such that a mid hv Hm Nanny 3% not impfissiblent any time during the summnr and cpming full. l llmréfam call up’m you to put your ri fle»: MRI shat-gum in gum! order. :Ilm mp ph‘in: youhehes with plvuu of ammuni tmn. ’- . , - Ynnr‘: corn fields, mnnn'nim, fort-eta, ivkvls, buildings. ha. furni~h f-n'nruhlq aces Im- ouvvr. and :1! {the same time (-uu- Mn vnu to kill the nun-under. Rnculibcl if ”my come it. is to plundcr, dénrny nml lmrn your propvlty. ' Signed, D .\'. Curr”. .\[ujnr-Ghnernl; Commanding Department. A_PPR:\L FIDRJIRLIEI’ CINE-BERN“ nu. July 31.——’l‘lne follmfing hnajugt been us~ucd by u committee ufcxti 20nd: . "Appeal to the Beneuoh‘nt Citizens of (In Nor/IL—O'n the morning of the 30th ofJuly, 1864. the Rebels under the comunitd Mc- Catwlnnd, with a force of about five hun dred men. ehtered Chambersburg. Penn<yl~ Vania, and demanded five [mm/m! (luau-mu! dollars from the citizs-ni under a threat of burning the tguvn. This requieition WIN in writing, and was signed Juhtd Early. [t is noiv established by indisputable proof that this demand was :v mere pretext. on the part of the mamuders to cover up a purpmn formed before they reached the town to burn it to the ground, without giving nny time to remove private property; and scarcely time ennuuh for tho citizens to remove their families. They fired the houses ofour citizens in per-Imp: fifty places. Upwards of two hundred and fifty hou se: in the h'enrt oftho town were-cumunied, including all the, public building". stores and, hotels. comprising about two-thinls of the town, containing about six thoumnd in habitants. Thus nlurge body Ql‘citizem are reduced from comparative wealth to abso~ lute poverty. Many families have lost, all their bedding and all their clothing.’ ex cept. such as they had on their [term nu.— The loss will be largely overtone Million (1.114 lan. Without. aid from abroad there will be great sutl‘ering in our community. Thel Riv. John R. Warner. of Gettysburg. pro-r videntially with us tit this time, is the ac~- credited agent of our citizens for receiving. subscriptionq and coutributionn for relief. ', (Signed) Ft ¥.Knnt:l., } " Dunn» Worn. * 1 and many others. l ; Chambersburg, August 2.——We are well supplied with provisions here at present, nml all nupplies should be of a kind that— will preserve: There is great want of cloth-i ing And bedding. ' A. K. Monns, . - J. A., Ersrn. . _Wx. McCLzLux. . v“... —- , Ania,” a Portion quvn-ill’s Cauchy.— Ahou wo hundred men belonging to Averill's cavalry command. who had their horses shot in the late fight near Winches ter. arrived here from Chamoersburg yes-. toxdqy afternoon and went to Camp Curtin. 'l‘ho reasori assigned lor sending them tothis city is the inability of the government to supply them with new horses. The men lookmlng‘if they had seen hsrd times.— Some of he‘m were eontless. others bare tiooted. and the ’holegurtysresented more the apt-runes of- ilapi sted “Johnny Reba" t n United States soldiers. ‘ What disposition is to be mule of them we did not nscnrtsin.‘ Most of the men belong to West Virginie anti Maryland regiments. ‘ About eight o'clock “in“ night, after the above was written, two or three hundred mounted csvulrymen. representing them selves as members of the’l'first Vir inin regiment. nrrivedizare over the Harrisfiurg ; bridge, and passed up Front street to‘ Camp Curtin. They are supnosed to be :1 portion of the force lately in charge ofl Avenll's wagon trsin. The men appeared. to be completely “played out.” as did also' {he horses-that wried them.—Hlrrisburg I Patriot and Union. ‘ 8'” the expose of the “ Northwestern Conspiracy ” is true, as detailed in “ loyal ” newspapers, than the Administration at Wuhhugkon'mighl a well say good-bye to powe‘r and plunder at once. ' Rebel Mining.—There Ire good reasons ior curs, and rgmoved to hit homo. ‘ He in sailing believing that the "‘13:: are mining one o!" .1“; u w.” n my. "WW we “ch our ummorlu in f r. of Petersburg.- ma - ‘ . ‘ Menum'luve been taken which will ran-1 ' - »-'- ~—~;—-————~.——~—-—-- ‘ (ler nimuom .of. ant sort [alum—N. 13", “‘””“ '“’ to ""1 1'39 5'5"” prenatal Tribune. ' on our first and (our!!! pages. I lotmy 8: qunfy. rift-rrf—Z. 2‘ 2:: 60mm!) Excnmmxr.—Dnring nu early pm of last. week oqr town wan lrre from animal", m ”I! farmers residing Welland soulhwen 0! pi W‘re returning home with their horses. 01: Friday morning, beta", *0 had rumors that the rebel: were nzflln Cronin] the Potomac M Williamsporl, and About upon an despatch mu received outing that they really had crossed,.and were at llngerslowa. This created considernhlo up ensiucss, which in the evening grew to I high pin-h by report: that. the enemy hxul advanced my farm Leimrshurg. A pucking‘uppl valurf hles to be lent of! by the cars, followed. A: we write, Saturday, 9 A. 11., the town I: quiet agnln. ' MONDAY “outwit—All quicthere. No rebel: reported nearer than Hugcratown. ‘ h. u'ms “id yenerdny \hp‘ 1 Iq'nnd of rebel! land made their Appearance 11l Caledonia Springs. in the “MB, in thin cyunly; but we vu-rc told lastmight tlml the party neon mu 3 gang of horse phieven. ' _. QUOTAS.—The following an the quam's for this district-3nd county under um recent call of President. Lincoln for 500,090 men men: OIIIILL QUOTA! Quotn of the Slate. Quota of the lath District, Quota of Adams county, Quota ol llcull'unl county, guum of l-‘rtnklin coumy, Quota of Fulton county, Quom of Somerset county, BCB- DISTRICT QCO‘l’AS—Ahlll CO Borwick uh, lljlmlimnre, ~ 19 Bantu-k bun, S'LihQrty, .11 Butler, zs‘filepnnen, 33 Cunowngn, ~ 19 \ld'unl'joy. 29 Cumberland, ' 27 .\loumplengngl, -, 35; Franklin, 3'! kaml, 39 Froulum,’ 23 Ila-"ling, 29 Germany, 3!; .\‘tmhnn, < 31 Unusburg bor., 47"l‘_\'mne, 21- llumiltun, 22 Union, . . 2.3 l_l.nui lunlmn, 2H ' . -—— Huminglup, ’ 43, Tom], 1 , _x 6L9 VOTE-p)’ THE L\.\lE.\'D.\lESTS.—\\'s Ml.- juin the cllloinl role of Animus county'nn the; proposed Amendments m the Constitution: of'l THAT run:.;l'no;rm light ln (ht- Cum- I'ennsglvnniu, m the election held on Tutu] [FI hrrhnd Lani-y uu “Trim-rd.»- night, .linincuy' lust. 'Nonebuk‘lfool would claim that the ru- l \‘i~ii,lc 4.”.3 “3...» (nu-ed by u“. burning ol a suit is any indication -of pugy strengths—‘bnw belonging to ('lu’lallhn Mullingcr sumo There wua no general interest manifested in distance ulunucuflm‘. the matter, and but for the abuse uml hullyingl indulged in by the murc unscrupulous of [Le Abolition lemlgrs, then- would probablynot h'nve liter. halting many voles cast ugmiust the Amendments as the figures now Ion! up. We printe-ltirlrets for the Ametrd'netrt‘s‘unnl agninz’t the Amen im'cmvinu'l thus left yutnrvz Eot either way of drinking on llwse importrtnt ‘ questions to the}: own choirc, ns‘unrn should ‘nlw t}: be Iqu in a country cluim‘ing to be free. | Dcmocnts divided on the Amendments, n 5 dill Republicans, the “ ml ti km” iutcmled for me weak -knecd «1:10ng the Inger not rhur ing the.efl‘ect desired in all gases—far from it. '_ 1:! Am't. 2.1 A‘m‘t. 3d .\m't. For Ag't. Fur Ag't. For Ag t. Gettysburg, 2'19 63 237 [:6 21m 57 ltlvrnmny, 103 103 11l 96 11l 96 lbw-pt. 7'4 85 .125 :4 11:. ;:4 York Springs, 292 9'l" 291‘ 91 L’UL 91 ‘ .\lillcraluy'u, 133 2 1:5 2 pr» 2 fllnnitllnn, s‘s‘ H 1 61 l3d til IJ.’ .\Il-nnllen, 152 46 157 3'9 '13:: 4‘40 ‘Stmlmn, 96 1".” NY I'o6 ’ I‘l3 107 }l“runl\lin, 117 92 1.37 s'.‘ 1.3.7 51 (‘nnutnrgd’ 77 50 7'5 50 ‘76 .50 T} rut-o,‘ '73 55 3'l!- 47 73 424 .\lutmlj-r}, H as 120‘ m 12:: tr» .‘lountplvnamt, 59 Ht} 6!) 13¢; 69 #136 'Rt-uhnz, 7x log 7:; lus at no" liermn-k bor., 37 G '37 6_ 37 ‘ 6 l l'rre-lum, 79 4 83 b'l ‘ 'l'ninn, 40 to: 4:; 97 47 as! liutlt‘r. 101 78 10'! 7.4 1"“ TJ. ; Ilt-ru'tck tp.. 13 5;. 2:; 55‘ 12 55' 1 (.‘u-nlwrl md, 94. 63 118 39 118 1:1» Highland, ‘, 43 15 43 Kl 5 44 n' K 2m” 1491 23(01‘3312173 1251 ~3‘hc .\mcn Inn-ms have no‘doib: ulrried by a large nmjurit'}: in the SLI2O TOWN MEE‘X‘IML—A meeting of the em". zens of Gctgsbnrg- was the Court.- llousc yesterday week, M which n. Cunllpanfi‘ for home protection “n 9 raised. to be com nmmh-d by Col. 0. H. Buehlér. ”.\'cufly 'one hundred persons cnrolh d themielvei, unfldrills lure been hm] every crcr‘ug s'uu-e. (‘ul. 0. 11. Buuhler is captain, Lt. (Jul. E. G. Palm-'5- tock first lieutenant, und'Cuptuwm. Lil-uni" secom'i lieutenant. , ‘A resolution was also adopted expressing sympathy with the sum-Per: nt Ciulnlbersbu‘rg, and tendering them the ho~pitnlity of our ton-n. Committees tn cullt-qt clothing and money for their relief were nppoinle l. H.lnnl ‘s'omc collections, we understand, have been mule in town, which will- no doubt be largely swelled by contributions from tlrc‘ coput-ry.——- Certainly no worthizr object ever nppcnled to the liberality otthe people of this region. WA Company of “why {orthe onchun dred day: service was organized M the Court House on Monday last, by Line election of 'be ‘fullowing officers: ‘. CJpluin, E. M. Wan-eh; lst IfeuL, C. 11. Fulweiler; 2d LienL, Dr. S. N. Ecker; Orderly Sergt.., W: R. Eyskor. - ‘ The Company lell. for H.nrrisburg on Friday “morning. ' , 67‘3 detachment of Philadelphia City Scout: have been operating in our county during the past week, with conside‘rnhle clficienct. A 'eon‘sltlernble number of rebeli have been captured, as also seveml deserterl from our ranks. They are all carefully at tended to by the Provost Marshal. Among those arrested n few days ago, wu‘ a brother of the celebrated Gen. Stgwart, of raid metho ry. He wu taken neer Emmitshurg by two or three of the Iconts from Philtidelphln, one of whom we- a physician, anti hm! been In the game Medical clan at Philadelphia with' the. rebel spy erreated (Dr. Stewart.) Henccosted Stewart Inmllinrly by name, when he enme up to hini. The lntter denied allJmovltdge of his cnptor, but finally confused that he mu the man. There were found on hil_perion 121sz of roads, diltnncee, statements of poai- ‘ ti :u and Itrength of the Union forces It dit- ‘ lerene pointl—showing him to be a confirmed nnd intelligent spy. He we: brought here to the Provost Mnrnhnl‘l, and nfler nomination, wu Itrongly’muecled. and neat o! to Hon is burg, to null his ”rind dean—Sentinel. HORSE 1513353 ARRESTED.-—A horn lbelonging to tho County Superintendent. o! I Common Schooli. Aaron Sheely, 3:11., rogid lin; in Hounljoy township, wpt stolen, or I'“preued," by several perilous in ‘U. Sr uni form, one «day week bolon last. The ’ thieves were punmd. and wen overtaken It, iUnilever, three m‘nnmber, ihore they were‘ Jsrrosted, and have since been lodged in _in", here. In tho nrrestfl'fi regret!» say, thu one I 5 of then shot Mr. SimOn liner, of New Salem) .tbin county, who won “aiming, inflicting a per, lever! wound in the thigh And cull ohhe l'leg; {in nu brough: up on Sunday'in the ‘ Wi‘«e‘i};9i’2i“‘r!ru ~:~ THE} GETTYBBUBG ‘GBXBTEBY.—Iho hecgnln Cadillac: Ippfllnted forth: puffing. s ddolcrmlnlbg upon plan: for lhe bllmifyiug ' and furnishing of the uncut. NationalCanuery, have tgrecd upon (he lolluwing (long-z Thu. 5 continuous coping cf Imrhle, eleven inchu high, should be plued upon the lie-J: of my grave- in tll'Jl section, mflid at the hand of the grave the aol‘dier'l nnmu.‘rugilnent uni “Rl. The workin to be started immediulcly, Io Ihn ’ the “Initiation will have ample time Min, ' the comlng winter to settle. A alyle o'fl'nd-l “ ling was nlaoxdopted for the from. and I do ilgh for the gummy and lndge. A npnn‘tfill min. of Liberty, sixty fuel. high, willie nito uu- gronlnd, a: the base of whicuwm an”. figures,.rcprncnling Wnr‘. llist'ory, Peace Mu! l’lemy, the whole to be 0! while grunfle, um! the best wrirlzmunship. \ _ ' g "RAIL STORE—On Snturdzxy evening '_él: n very dn-mfictivc hail storm passed over ‘the north-weak!" union of this county. h I“ espsthly severe in .\rendtsvillo and viclnl'y, where uni! fell as large nu he‘u'l exgl. doing much dn'mngejo the growing corn. the Hopi. windows, kc. The Morn-extended from Cnf'h toru m Bende'n'ille,,doing more or less drun uge flung 1&5 entire r..?uu. . COLLEGE CUMMKNCEHENT.—Th‘o (7m mcnccmcnl‘l‘lxercises‘uf Pennsylvania Cnll‘ogo fill be held on- Thurlsdufy next. On 3119 name occusiqp, immcdlntely after-Hm nddre gel of the rlaus, the llncculuurcule Mivcréd by the Dreailent. _Un um eyeniné prqt-oding the annual nddxus before llnc Alumni Aim ciutian will be dcliwch by Gerry: C. Mnuml, Esq., of l'hilndglphiu. \ ‘ 61,?00 2,915: 009 6:16 j .\i'oxm STO.’.l'l.\'.—-On Sunday. [he “mu “I]., whllmJuhu Huh}, (0! .\[ouuiplensnn‘ township.) with his family, consiuing, of his 1 wife, daughter. nnd eisier-in-lnw, Mm Cham ibcrs, were absent at. chuj'cii, dwimule was ‘ omen-31, and about five lnufnircd dull": in lil- Twr int-longing to' Miss (‘rlmmincrs blah-n. T3lO I nmn‘ry “us in u ('hcal, which seemed \u have :breu Limp-n with nu uxv. People in ténvn [laud conmiy shuuinl b’: Hum; HI Ln ever on their 'gu.n d ugi ‘llis'l luLbura all)! burgl ll’l. ' .' ' 383.130: the pruséul uf n basket of most de .licim‘u upplcs, .\hs. D. [L Klinglc, o! L'umlmh ‘hml towuihip, ha: our thanks. .\lny she live |to enjoy an hu‘mkcd uppic crpps. , ; ‘ 1 WWMJny'sufl'L-r lung Hiker hum let it b 0 “ kmmn Hun. \hey mu dismwg'unn. is'nno L grcnl r'n'w: of so many dvzulu. Thuse ufl‘lk}; 3951 will: disgase oi lhv nnnnry orgnnl would {immt‘diatc‘y use 1):. Luxgllun's Specific, as)“ i is u sun- curu. ~ ‘ m‘iThv Rev. Tina-ms? U. VMUIII'OG, of tho [Methodist I'}. C lurch, dlcdlu lhlnmure on {er :1 btisf illness, in the umlx ‘.Frinhy week, M ‘ycag ul his .\,:O. I . OL'l‘. TERMS. 13114, cm term Dom .uns il' [mi-l no l‘n'n' ('ax’ have hccil ugru in Ihis plus. Tui< is hul n r an t 1,!)- no me.l Lu haunt: in him , (min-r Aid 4“ utilcf kind- of primingmnturinlrl. - '. ' Wi‘hu L'umprlr/wv'fll bc‘furni‘lu-d frum {MI :timrc‘ until :mv-r lh': I'x‘l*~ilulti:ll HIWUUII ‘_'- }l’l r T Y max'rs, [an-1. in zulm‘ncu. _ I‘l‘pl‘nh/Imm nf.So/.l..'r.v‘l:s"4l'immlvn'mmv"R(l -lhrw‘a—Wo :uv «luzly In rucuipl. _UT m-mnluts of down-lulznm :m 1 won milrnum cmmfiitc ed an (Inn pnm'm- riliaqu nui‘ling nrmlutl lln- mhurhsul llu- mlv by llmmhlit-rs station ed M [in‘ frn'tzlimllyna. 'l‘hvy rum”: Ulrmuh lhu cmmlr {m luzlwnut. c-nlu-rxlu- grujm-k (If Hu- mmfilry y'u-~;-|<'n1u.-n-<. and hrmk inm tfn‘e milk lmuu-s, rub Um nruhanh. AWL“- ry nil chir'kr-m nnrl awn film-Pl) am} ML“, Hurmkenmg m ~lmot nuv mm who even ut— lelhpls to rmnnnsuqnm With, Hum. This has law-n thr- UA‘V: on L‘lnrlnfi siren! nvvnun, nn Hu- Y-nk rmul, :m-l Ilvfwkamwu road, and Ilnuhsfi’aa Ulhl'l‘ mula In an axtvnl lh It is no lnng’r hound-19. The mltlwr.l invg‘ I‘m-n lroulml with the mmmc Mndn‘vss' by the rwialonli. antlpmv lanv Ih-tl kin:llm‘ss by outrage and insuh.-- [fr/rm w .1 mmca». o’ll (Vain Jilin—l: h n‘ rmhn'rk 1M?! {3o‘ that [L9 mun :l lminrv Alhmtn lurmgh! 10~ uvllxer three nl-l (‘Llas mule? from We” Paint. (firm-ml U-md, BI -jur Gcneral Meg l'hermn u‘nd I’n-imIIMr Urnornl SLhofiehl WHO oh] "chum-z,” bozng mam-mules du ring llw hm ymrnf‘ their cudollefic. Mm Piwrson un~l [Fund wae psx‘rtlcuitlr‘friends, yet one fell by he [mull of the obhrr, - 817111.”, NOTICES. Emmrzjor Tim cmmr‘mn: ‘ ‘ _ Dun tn: :—-Willi your permission I wish to say to >the readers of. 39m paper that l mill send, by return mail, to All who wish it (free). a Ileéipc, with full directions for ranking sud using n simple Vegetable Balm, that Will ef- ' fucmnlly remove}, in ten days, l’implez, Blolchrl, Tan,,Frecklcs, and 3‘]! Impuriziu of the Skin} leaving the same soil, cléar, unooth and bean lifnl. i ‘ : ‘ I \vill'nlso mail/free to' those having B'al-i Hende, or Gare Faces, simple directions and lnfprmation lh I. will enableibeui [o.slqu a full growth oH.‘ guriunt Hair, Whifllerl, or :5 Mou'nnchr, in lest! th an thin; days. I ‘1 All “Px'liufitint nfigwered by, remrn uni-l: without charge. , capeelmily you”, " 71103.: P. CHAPMAN, Chemist, ‘ ' 3‘ 831 Broadway, New York‘ ' f . Aug. 1, 1864. 3m ' . ' ’ 4.0-.» - . k A CARD TO THE SUFFERISG- ‘ e ‘ Swallow Ito or three hogshend: of“BncBI,"u “Tonic Bitters," ‘.Slrsap‘unlin," "NerOlu A 1... tiduu i." n.. Ba., n.. and one: you age min _ficd with the resnlx, then try pne box of OLD ' DOCTOR MICHAN‘S ENGLISH SPECIFIO PlLLS—and be ‘rutorrd w health I-nd vi‘u in Ice: than thirty days. They are PM“! "8' cubic, plenum: to take. prompt and ulnar} ‘ in umi affects on the brokeaodown Ind ah-fi farmygcns'titution. Old and. young can take them with ludtnuuge. Imported Ind sold hp, thq United States only by . x , ms. 3? BUTLER, " No. .427 Broadway, New York, fi‘Agenl {or we United 3m». ‘ P. S.—A Box of the Pills, maul; puck“, will he nailed to x-ny nddreu op imam it priep, which Is ONE DDLtAR, 'post ”id—v money "funded by the Age I if anti" mi... ‘ (action in not given. [Aug. I, '64. an ' D 0 {lOO WISH TO uncannm.‘ DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC HM cure, in leu than 30 days, tha'worn amid unavousxnss, lmpomcg, Prkmmmnupy. Seminal Wukneps, Insanity, and I". Uringy,‘ Sexual nud Nervons Affections, no man." [mm what came produced. Brice, One Dollar per box. Sent; pusL-puid, by mail, on receipt-of gm order. (lac Box will perfect the cure’ in most cases. Address 3 JAMES S. BUTLER, { ,3 Genernl Agent, 427 Broadway, New Yogi” Aug. 1, 1864. 2m . ..‘ "' mnxmn. ' .3? In Harridbnrg Tannin] morning. Jul! 5, .‘ by senior“: winkerJucusonmr, ems; rig: srégbflmuo mu ”9!.1e 1 03m"; .52.? how oxucuyaigurg, Pu. ' ' $3; From lhe'Lst clay of August, if suh-(‘riplian will he an alum 't‘, turf Two Donut" 1! nut. :u p-nid. These tum: upon In} ull llu: publishers ll “I” bu «Ind/y «11/mm! 10. h: minim; upon old rnml', in' brglwrli m It) lhc grunt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers