'1 few den am. in Congresx, MLJ} Bark Wanted. , Public Sale Thlddfllfl Stevens boldly dealer-ed “ill" 9 " CORDS OF~GUOD Rm (MK p- VALUABLE TIIIBKR LAND on Flu " Gold was no longer currency, but on only oi l 0 BARK, for uhichll «m pity 37.50 0 DAY end SATURDAY. u“, 91", end 'lth €lB Qfdmmmoroe." A 1 he is the Adminir i per card, if delivered in good order, It ray-d.” ofIAY, [BBL—The "bu-fiber,“ Ale!" mum leader in the House. we mw M‘T-nnerr. ’ . lromho mm or Jncoh Lohr, m. or union well all woke up our minds to My. good bye, " M3O. 200 00353 0?. MACK (MK BARK. ' townehip, A nun coon”. deceased, trill oll'er Gold! lforyhich Milky-r 86.99%! cord. ifdoliver- or Public 521., the faltering Rea mm. or m ed In good order. 'JOHN 809?. inid decedent.‘ 0n FB DAY, the em ofllAY, gertysburg, April 111, 18“. ““0 o'clock“. A. If, ' ' A No. l: A FOUR ACRE LOT, Idjoiniog Mule (14ng nger, Peter Sell, and others. No. 2: FOUR ACRES, adjoining lend! of Michael 11. Kiumiller, Levi Mum, end othere. No. 3: FIVE ACRES, adjoining londl of Amos Leferer. John Gotwelt. end otherl. Thedmve three lots Ire situated within one mile of the Inte residence of said decedent, Ind nw‘Shildt'l School-lion”. end will be shown" to‘thoee dew-cu of viewing them by Jacob Lohr. 'Phe people will meet or. the house oi; decedent, end then proceed to 'the late, where the sale will take place. in thl Afternoon of then-me any, will be of fered, , No. 4: A LOT 01" Six ACRES, neer the Mnrylnnd Line, in said Union townlhip, and joining Geox‘Feeser, Henry Sterner, and othen, A quarter ofe mile from Burt's School-home. «It will be shown by Henry Sterner. All the ehore lots Ire well eetgrjlh Chesnut Timber, and mine Oak. On SATURDAY, the 7th do] of MAY, at 41 o’clock, P. LL, m: the premises, a _A HOUSE AND 2 BUILDING LOTS, in Hanover, York county,- PL, fronting on the Hanover nd Baltimore Turnpike, end. known on Lot No. 3 on Foruey’s plot of late. The house is a. new Two-story Frame, well finish ed, inside and outside, painted white; and I pump in {he yard. The property will be ehown by Mr. Bupp, residing thereon. Aim. at the some pluce, A TRACT OF LAND, about 3 mine: from Hanover, on the Black Rock road, adjoining John Hershey, John Lunz, and Krondler’e School—house, in lleidle berg t'ownship, fork county. It containl about 14 Acres, About 5 acres of which are goung Chesnut Timber—and will be shown by John Lunz. ,fi‘Attendnnce given and terms made known by JACOB .\l. BOLLIXGER, Agent for the Heirs of Jacob Lohr, due April 11, 1864. ts SPS CI.I I) N 0 TICES. The Singer Sewing Mnehines.—-our LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE in fau’gflning nworld-wide repuution. It is be yond doubt the heal. and cheapo“ nnd mou vbeuuliful of all anlly Sewing Machines yet Lolfered to the publi’c. Nb [her Fuguily Sew ing Machine bu no'mnny 11:31:] npplinnceu {or Hamming, B nding, Felling, Tuckizg, Gnther ins, Gauging, Bmiding, Embroidering. Cord ing, and so forth. No other {nmily sewing ml chine has so much cepncity {or n greet uriety of work. ltxwill eerv ell kinds ofcloth, end with nllklnds of thread. Greet Ind recent im provements make our anily Sewing Muhilfi no". reliable, and most durlhle, Illd most cer tain in action It 11l ratel'of Ipeed. It Innke (he interlocked stitch, which is the belt stitch known. Any one, even of the most ordinary capacity, can see. nt a glance, how to use the Letter A Family Sewing M-chine. Uur Family Sewing Machines are fifiiehed in chaste and ex— quisite style. ‘ ' The folding Case of the F-Imily Machine in A piece of cunning workmanship oi the; most unefuLku'nd. It protect! the machine when not/in use, and when about to be operated nmy be opened a! n Ipeciouu and subsuntinl table to lulmin lh‘a wogk.‘ While tome of the'énui, mnde out o! the chuicest woods, .5” finished In the 'nimplqal Ind chute". manner poisiblc. other: are adorned Ind embelliab‘ed in the most con]; ugd-auperb manner. hin nblolulely necessary to no the Family Mnehipg in operation, :0 as tojudge 01in: grr-at cnpacity and beauty. Itis_ hm. becoming.“ popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing Machines are for manufacturing purposu. x 'l‘lm Branch Ollie“ are We“ supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, Jun, 01' we wry but qunlixy. Semi for n [’AIPIILIT. 'l‘llE i_INUER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, \ 4.38 Broadway} New York. ”PHILADELPHIA, 810 Chen-mu: St: ”*O. JACOBS 5: mm, Local Agents ".1 Gruysburg. l" [Affgz.l7. 1363. "3231] ~ Employment. [51% AGENTS WAN'I‘EI)Z——\Ve “in {my lrmn $25 to $73 per month, uni] all emu-meg, U) m:- ine Agcnu, or gin: a Commission. Partin inrs sen! {rt-c. Adda-:5 Em: Shame Mum." (Mann, 1:. JAMESfaI-mml Agent, mm; [May 18. 1853. I_\' ME! THE MARKETS. GETTYS BU RG-a‘n x: nun mun F10ur........... like Flour”... White Wheat Rod When": Cum Rye.............. Unu ............ ankwheu.... .............. (‘rloverSecd -................ .Timocny 5eed.............. Flux 5e9L................. l’lnse‘r of l'nris “.....u... Hunter ground, per- hm: BA L‘l‘lHUflK—4’umu' LAHT Flour IBE When“. Rye Corn... Unls .. Clover scedff...... ........ Timothy and Bet-l Cattle, per buuu1...... “up, per 1mun1............ . HA]... Whiskeyw .............. Guano: ”Wining. per ton , MARE-IE1). , 0n the 17th 11“.. at ‘Marlinzhurg. Wei! “L, In the Ger. “1“. Chum-11, by Re\'. .\lr..H.An~un. \irJUSI-H‘H .\l. MILLER to Mia: CHARLOTTE -L. \\ ERTZthIII Viurmerly of'AdJms ummy. ' \lvlrrh 21th. ill the recinlvuce u! l‘xu- hri Iv't lather, by RH", W. V. Golwuld, “r. J. H VFITZI-IR to MT“ HHTTUI WALTER, both of Avhuan ('uunly.» ‘ ‘ “ 0n the Tlh 'm=l‘.. n! l—"nunlnin IM‘P. by ”I"; “Inc. \lr. 'I'IUMPEIL 1‘.F.11.Y to M»: LINN”? hI’RENKLE. [mill ol‘ Allun: ('uuuh'. l ()n erhn‘adny ew-ninz last. by Rev. Mr“; (‘nnson Rev. D. A. ISFNUERG. m‘ the “.16: (Church, to Muss JENSE BCCKINGHAH, uf' ‘hia plnre. ' 1 _ Al the Lutheran parmnngo,Ahbothtown. on V Ihe 10m inst; by Rev. Dr. ILmer, “L (”3“. P. SPAXGLEH, of East Botlin, tu Mis‘ \iARIA' F.\. l-IICHrILBERGER, of l'nrndiic- luwnship, : York County. 2' DIED. K fi‘mdhgnr} nntict-P 3 rpm: per “us for all over four Hill‘s—mull to accompany Hutu-e. o‘n Fridnylnsttl in um barougll. \{r. ARM STRONG TA 7GHINBAUGH. aged 57 your: 7 ‘months and; days; laud ye<ternlny morning, Mn. JANE AUGHINBAUGII. aged Mmut 51 years. Funeral thi-I morning st 10 o’clock. Yesterdnj, in this place, SARAH WILDERS, aged about 70 years. ' 0n Wednesdny last, reryJuddenlr. offipn piety, at Littleslown, JAMES RHNSIIAW, Esq.. in the 75th )ear of his age. 0n Hondn’ym‘euing 19L)”. HENRY CHRIS; HER. of this pla'ce, aged about 27 yeurs. In Peoria, Illinois, on the morning ‘of thotth inet., ofconsmnptiou, .\ir. JACOB R:TIII).\I.\.\', in the 35th year 0! his age. He leaves a wife ,tmd two children to mourn his death. The deceased was n_ native of this county. [Hun over pepers please copy] 0:: the 11th in“, Mrs. MARGARET SHIL LENS, of‘this pince, aged 73 years 1 month =and :2 dose. ‘ At But Berlin, on the 3d inst, JACOB “EITZEL, Aged 73 yenrs. 0n the 4th inst, .\lrs. NANCY, wife of Eph ‘rejm Rice, of Butler township, of‘ pneumonia, pgedl3 yurs 8 months and 8 days. _ _On the Bth inet., Mr. JOHN CALVIN HUM IE3, aged 21 you-s a months and 1 day. ‘ 0n the 23d"of Kerch, nenr Decatur, Ht, ‘IALEXANDEB BABMAN, son of Damiel Har gnan, formeriy of thin county, aged 17 years. On the 21th of March, inConmngo tow’nahip, _Aduns county, Mrs. ELIZABETH, wile of pep!» Jacob Ademe,in the 65th year of her 258°- : . ‘On the 6th inst., In Gettysburg, CHARLIE SCOTT, eon of Martin and Cuoline Krlse, aged .3 ,gin {mouths end 22 days. ' \ Communicated- . 0n the Bth inst, Mr. JACOB BOBLITZ, of Argydurille, nged 23 jun 10 months mg 24 mn- ‘ We'fl stink pf hi 9; at evenzide, And when it 100 k a the vacant chair With'longiug hurt, we'll sumo oelieve I'll“ me It not. there. We’ll think of Mn in MB fiction“ home, gun. gloriou home to (Lii, L ‘ - ' Aid wovill trust, with 3 hopeful nun; {Dunn my meet. him there. If]. Communicated. . g! a» Hill luL, HENRY HOFFMAN, lon pl _ oh! Helm. o! Menellen township, aged ’ypnlmouth ad 15 days. _ ‘ The [pith in not dead, ’ , Though low the body lieu, ' ‘ ’dfnsd from sin end aormw‘fled, To fix.” beyond the skies. WWI: bntnelee , : . Benefit 3 Savior’e capre, ‘4“ he will may safely keep , ‘fie body [citing there. . ”3h _b i ‘angurcned. fig [2 . I one county, “3'- “muggifilNlA, Engine:- of Henry ”4 3 “I‘3, 5,101. tgod 'l montha. flaunt nu hid II)! N YOQP: lo 111. [ad the m be (canyon, 3”“ ha huh eyu Kn deep, T. W thin {I lIWGI. ’ ’ u, we? no mm, * Qamm We“ 03 “I 3 hm! Mn - ‘ ‘ l. 5. CORN IN THE BAR unmet! st our WIN-f j house, for which the highest lurk“ price! will be ptid. McCURDY 8' DIEHL. I Gettysburg, April 18, 1864. ‘ . t 1m: nccount of facet: P. Lower and Moses" Raffenlperzzer, Assignees- o! Gebrge 8. bonus Ind Wifé, bu begn filed in lhe)Cour€ of Common Pleas of Adam: county And will be confirmed by the uid Court, ondhe my: day of MAY next, unleu‘ can" b. _lhuwn to: the century. 3 ' = JACOB BUSHEY, Prolh'y. ‘ April 18, 1864. M ‘ ’ . . Notice. - ; E accofit of Samuel B. Hillei', Alsignetof. I Levi Smith 8 Wife. has been filed in the; ourt of Common Pleas of Admin: minty, Ind will be rnnflrmed by fine mid Court, on the 24th 1‘ day of MAY neat, unless cause lgg‘shown lo the: contrary. ‘ . 5 .u - moon Busnm', Prmh'!~. 1| April 18, 1664. LC" g AMUEE HARMAN'S ESTATE—44.2I%“ teammrmary on the ensue of Samuel Hur mrln, lane of Strnhnn l“p., Aduns co., deranged, having baen granted-to the undersigned, resid ihg in the name township, be hereby gives nol.ce to nil persona indebted to said estate to muke immediate payment, and than biw ing claim: bgninst the lame to presgnl them properly Authenticated for settlement. ISAAC F. BRINKEKHQJ’F, Ei'r. Apr. 18, ”Q 4. 6t _ i TOTI'CE is hereby given that Gtonol W. ‘h‘ Euunrn, of Tyrone tnwnship. nda‘ms ltouu’ty, has made a. v‘oluntnry awnignment of ”‘s‘ nrppe'ty. for the bf‘lll‘fil of his creditors, ”and that the undersigned, recidiug in K‘endiug ilnwnsljip, has been appointed Assignee. All Ipersmu indebted to mid George W. Blinker «are requeded to make immediatmpiiynwnt, ’nnd tho-e hnving claims will pre‘a’ed‘fi' them for I«Junk-Imm, to - » April 18, 186%. 6: HEREBY notify and wain all persom'frotn 1 taking a transfer or assignment of a note, chum] the 4lh~dny of March, 1364. at five mnmhs nflor dulo,_pnynble to Henry Bitner. or Ohil'l', fur the suim ofSiny Doll IN, in Kb 91) I have Wain-«l my right'under the Exemplinn Laws, as I did not ru‘cive any mine for said nun-f I am determined not In pay mid note, unless ( ompelk-d to do so In luv. April 16, 1564. 3l* Jacob Harley, («verbs-m T 0 smrrn‘u ; nAnuh'.) Ii 7’; m ’4‘ 00 5 fl) TU. 15:; \IAKKET QT" PHILADELPHIA.— 'R Dmler in Fine (‘vul-l and Silver \\'AT(3H-‘ 125: Fine Gold JEWELRY; Sulxd >ILEER-{ ‘ \\'.\ RE. .m-i line host mttke o'fSILVER PLATED ’ 'WAltl-I. Culiahxmly un I‘mnd nlnrgc assertsd mam at the übm'e goods at. [our prim. ~ {)1 i \Vuh-lie- and hue Clocks. REI‘AIBBD, hv u hklnifli workman; ulw, Jewelry repairing pi i Euuruvingnn-l all kinds of Ilair~work to order, 1 ul slmrt paline.’ ‘ s WOW} forget rhe mo 51“)“, No. 623 ; )lnrkrl Sheet, l’hila-ielpldn‘. , April 15,1564. 3nmugls3m. | ’.n.) 60 u) 1 TI! ......J .30 m l 55 ' . 1 (yr l 20 0 00 to 6 bu 2' 9”: u 3 SI -2 'OO m 2 4n " H .‘m 7 so Ln 7 7.". 1 :o ‘u 2 in l 4.4 to 1' {.O 1 zuhiix 23! Lunar 9!. S now cngngnl in the [miclicéofllifl pro _ trnioxi,‘ i 1 Gn'llyJlng, Iu which he will «Ir-volelnil uuirg ultrmio‘n. Midwifery: Peters, 7 1310 T 3-0 lihe-unuuium. lierangénn-nts of the Li‘wr, and 3 ‘U (0 3 ‘25 ‘ thc' various nnd comphcnml disensrsol'ancn 1") 5" 7017 001nm] Clnhlren, Will we ”(r hi: spuqinl surn ll 30 Kl 2 50 linu. He- lusJ m-ly suLerL-d seven- lessen, anrl‘ '1 o‘. sz'u ‘W in now mlmnved iu llN‘,'\L\(’L 1m hppes to merit. l 25 :n l 2'} and 'rvccno m haunt a‘shnrc of'busim-sm— so no 2 “evident-r, B xltinmre all-get. near the Posluflice . i m—j‘fle oft-rs his Far q for sale. A ‘ Ayn)“, 1864. 3L . ' HAVE pix-red my bnnks in the hands of A. I J. l‘mrrfY‘nq.‘ tar collection. 3 Per-nus imln-hH-ul to me- lor lees, Jim. during mr Irrm an Ih-Lrien-r and Reg-order, Will have film gumlnu‘u In wnlk up and settle immmlifllr fl}: us {:0 Inrlher iudulgnme will he grnmrd‘. ' f‘. X. MARTIN. April 11,1684. 61,-- . Notlce. ' HE first and final nm-mmt o! Jnueph J. T Smith, dammed, (by Jnhn L. Slnj'h, bis Admiulsxrzunr,) Auignee 0! Lewis P. Wenwf. has hue-n mm in the Cour], 0! Common Pleas m Admm counfy, and will he confirmed by the and Court, on the 24th day of MAY next, un 105‘ cause he shnwn m the mntr v. ‘ ’ JAf‘UB Bl'Sllfiv; Proth'y. April 31, H 564. w ‘ , HE arcnnm of John Bushey. Jru A 5530" m .luhu Huihey. Sn. 1m! burn lilgd if: (he l‘ourl ofComruon Plans of Mining counl_v,nnd \vill‘hc confirmed by the mid Court, on lhb '.‘uh Ith of .\IA&’ uexz, unless cause be shown to ”|L‘Folullflf”. A 4! ‘- f ,- .' JACOB BUSIIE\',PI-otlf‘y April 11, lfit:4._ 11:" , . Elm)” \fi SHEBTS' ESTATE.—Letterl (I of .\dryinistrntzon on the estntr ofJereminlx anew, 1m 0( Highland mw’nship. mums coun -I_\ . deceased. Inn in: twin granted lo the under pigncd. residingin Freedom township, be hereby give“ notice to a" persons indebtcd to s'nid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against. the same to pres’ent them properlyauthenticated tor uettlement. W. RUSS WHITE. .Adm'r. April 11, 1864. 43:; ‘HB Stockholders in the York and Gettys '_l burg Turnpjke Company are hereby noti fied that m Election for I’resiflent,~ Managers and Treasurer, to conduct the affairs of the Company, will lie held at the public house of F. J. Wilson, in .\bbottaxown, on the 271 k day of APRIL inu.‘ between the hams ofll A. M., and l P. M. JOSEPH SMYSER, Sec‘y. April-11, 1864. [(1 V H'E subscriber, having been appointed by the Court of Common- Plens of Adams county, Committee of the person nnd_eamte of Lydia Ann Brinkerhofl'. n Lunatic, of Strabnu township, in said county, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims or demand: against said Brinkerhofl, to present the lame to the subscriber, residing in said ‘township, for settlement. and all perfiom indebtedwo make immediate payment. “ ISAAC I". BEINKEREOFF‘, Apn'l 4, 1864. at Qummittee. ANAW‘AY from the subacriber, in High- R Innd township, Adm“ county, om the, 29m ulL,| boy named JOHX JONES, “out. [5 ye." of m, bound by thé Director: of the Poor. All person: no warned spins! harbor ing or uniting said boy Jonel, u I will pay my debu of his conmcting.‘ The above re mu-d will be pail} for his "numb“ no thunks. ," JUEN BUTT, Jr. Ayril 4, 18“. 3t." . Queensware. yon vim nylhing in thiQUERNSWARE lino‘clu at A. SCOTT t BON’S, wheuyon 11l find flu but assortment in town. ‘ _ Inch 24. 1862. - For Sale or Exchange, VERY nimble GRIST MILLJH) ‘— A 38 ACEBS OF LAND, in Germ-my ' g Low/31h“). will exchange for a Farm, ~ snd pg, Lhefiifl'ennu, iflny. » - :‘ bEO. ARNOLD: Genylbnfi'g, Oct. 5,1063. if “ [lowan PICKLES, I—hm Imm re ceived from tho thy, in' prime order, n ‘ KALBFLEXSCH‘S. Corn Wanted. Notice. otice. Assignee's Notice. MICHAEL B. BLA‘USER, Asaignoe‘ Notice. ISAAC STOVER Dr. S. E. Hall C. 0, D. Nbtice. Notice. Turnpike Election. Notice s 5 Germ Reward. CREW POWER (‘O\I=HNED ‘ -..- _ _ -._'_ J‘.’ .‘l"‘.’.’E.”-51“."2 2”}? 'WERv IMPROVED F 01! THE YEAR 1864 Farmer; wishing to purchase A éood M‘. chine—one of the most simple andrdurable thin has been manufactured to our knowledge -—-n machine acknowledged byrllachinills, not interested. to come the a : . NEAREST TO PERFECTION ofpnything they ever mm. This mu'ubinu his no‘side draft, no pun-sure on the hones’ necks, Link for lightness of dmlr CANNOT BE SURPASSED It. can be easily workcd. with a spun of small homes, in the heu’iest grain or gruss,‘wilhout fugging. It is easily changed from a. MOWER TO A EAPER This machine has given limisfuctioq wherever sojdnnd used. Certificates have been publish ed to tlmt effect, which Will be found in my circulars, lefmit most. oflhe p}!l)li(‘ places. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS - - -- -,~ :lmve been made since last sell-syn which will rend" the machine still more vflicient and durable. FARMERS, EXAMINE 11% MACHINE and judge fur yourselves be e purchasing elsewhem. We givelhe> privilege of trying the mucldne before pun busing. Extras kept on lmnd ip ruse ofbrruking._ A specimenmnchiue man be seen by railing with the subscriber, meur Gettysburg. H Irrishurgcrond. ~ , \\ ILLIAM WIBLE, Agent. 1’ ‘Aprilll,iam. tf , * ' Globe Inn, ‘ ~ . YORK 57., .\‘En rm: mumxn, Erris‘ij U RG, Flt—The undersigned G would most respectfully intorm his nl - lrienda and the public generally, that he has phrchased that long eamhlighcd nnd well known Hotel. the "Globe Inn," in York airect,»_‘;(}cll_v~burg, and will spare no effort to conducl’it in n mann°er that will not detract from in former high repulhtion'. His .tuble Will have the b‘m the mam, can nfl'nrd—his rhnmhers'nre spn‘cious and comfortable—mud he hllfi'qflili. in lor his bar :1 full stock nf wines and liquor:. There i: lilrue slimline: ntlnrhod lruhe llutel, which Will he nltendefl by Queri lire lloiliEl‘d. ll WI“ he his conslnm enilenvor to reader the miles! satisfaction to his guests, making his house us “F!" adiome to them as possible. He asks I: shnre al‘ the public’a pn trunage, determined as he is‘to deserrefipnrge part. of it." Remember, the "Globe ln ' ii” in York street, but near the Diamond, or Pifblic Square. . SAMUEL WOEF. April 4, 1864. it v. i National Hotel, (MIL-mu) Hausa) lT'l‘ LERTOW .\'. l'3.—Tlte undersigned L would~ m6~=¢"’rospecl{ll"_\‘ infqrm the pl“)- lic that. he has leased that large, convenient land pofmlar house, the National Howl, at Liitlestown, Adami county, Pu.._t\nd solicits 37 share of public patronage. His chambers will hr found very roml‘ortatble, his table supplied with the best the market can Hard, and his .lmr with the choit-est wines and :liqnors. A' huge yard ‘nnd commodiou: stabling are_nt tacked to the llotrl, nnd be will keep nonebut the most. attentive hustlers. With a long ex perience in this line, and every disposition to please, he tel-i! certain of rendering satisfac tion to all who mayvsall with him. ' . ~ G. B. YANTIS. April 4, 1864. Sm“ - Come to York Street! HE undersigned has bonghtontthe Grocery T and Provision Store of W. E.’ Bittle, in lork street, a Jew doors can of St. James Luther's Church, and will cominue the busi ness at Elle anme’ plme. He h.» 5 increased the stock, a d is now prepared to ofl‘er a most ex cellent. pssorrunent of goods in his Hue, uuch‘au ‘ COF‘FEES, scams. smuvs, was: . Salt, Fish, Brooms, Buckets. Brushes, Wfiho ing Machines, Blacking, Candles, Needles, Pins, Combs, ac" with :5 large lot of seams AND TosAc‘cos’ Also, 0011 Oil and o.o}l Oil Lalppp Call and see for yom‘selres. Hi: uloytminl is n‘ot..only full, but he sells as cheap I: ‘the chm-apésn ‘ The highest price pit] for old Leld. _ DAVID TROKEL, IR. (gettysburg. Blvd: 7, 1864. . Stray -H'orse. AXE to the premise; of the suhacdhé, in Frsnuin township, Adams county, on the 23d of Much ulL,| largt BAY HORSE, 17 hands high, Ind about 11 you" old. Tho owner in requested to come forward, prov: property, [my char-gonad take yin: uny. ~ GEORGE E. PLANK. JAprirl 4, 1864. 31' n \ Last Notice. LL persona indebtgd to the 1m Firm 0‘ \A Cobun & Culp, srefbereby notified to can and «mi their account! on or before the lat oprril,u it. is highly imporunt thlt their businen should be cloud. I , 3 COBEAN ‘& GULF. ~~ March 14, 1364. 0 1 Sorghum Min. HE Inhscriber would thuonrly give notice, for the purpdu ofpnconnging the growl: of that very-proflublo "tide, Sorghum, or Suzu- Cau, that he will put up I first clu- SOBGHUX MILL.“ Gettysburg, in time for the wufuwn_of Nahum in the MI. His muhinery pill be expensive Ind the but hp cu: gel. and he therefore expect: to have 5 good abate ofcuetom. Bil ntaa will be libcnl. .1 HENRY UTZ. April 4, 1864. 3v ‘ Come on Wxth Your Jobs! ENRY HOOVER vii do All kind: of B E PAI B X N G ’to Carri-gel, Bugging, “on, le., In a nut ’nnd lflbltllfill mut ur, and at the lowut living prices. Bil tho it in Wen street, between Chunbenbnrg ms Middle “reels. Gettypburg. He promise. to do good work, and uh I share of public ps tronuge. [April 4, 1864. 1y on moms—Au me.” of But-100": Show for sale 3: the corner of York um: And the Diamond b)‘ 30W t ”0005.1 MKF’S PLANTATION BITTERS,or Old ‘ Bomumd Tonic, ”Dr. 3. BORNER'S rug Ston— MEW Russell's Public Sale y P THE L'ITTLESTOWN RAILROAD, AND 9 THE PROPERTY. FRANCHISES AND P WILIGIS OF THE LITTLESTOWS BAIL ROAD OOIPANY. Jouph 1.. Shorbh In the Supreme Court oi ‘ vs. Pennlylunin, lantern Dis- The Littlestown; trict._ Jen. Tenn, 1864. Reilrond Comp‘y.l No. 18. Infinity. - Under end by virtue 51 I decree of the SI p‘N’COIIM of Penney-innit. mode in the above enti ed csuee, upon the 17th do) oll'ebronry, A. D., 1864, will be exposed to Public Snle. by vehdue or outcry, upon the Zpth do; ol'April, AD., 1864, nt I,o'clock, P. AL, it the public house known as the “ Bnilrond Hotel," in the town of Littlestqwn; County of Adena, Stet'e, of‘Pennsylvnnin, the following described pro perty and real el 3“, being the prOperty nnd.§ reel estate descri d, or mentioned. or intend ed so to‘be, in two monk-gee, executed by the sold Company, fbeering due respectively, April Ist, 1858, 13nd October 13th, 1860, lol‘ Joseph L. Shorb,§in trust, duly recorded inthi‘ Counties of Adeline end York, to wit: The Littlestown Railroed, from its terminul nt‘Lit-i tleswwn, in the Gbunty of Aden", to its intern section with the flnhorer Brunch Rnilrond, nt Homing/in York county, together with its corporate ftnnchfisei e‘nd nppt’trtennnces, snd nllsnd singnln'r,ln lot of «ground in Littles town, on which the Depot and Engine House are erected, and ,its Turn-table sud other fix-l tures; and slsoeLot of Ground in the Borough , of Hanover, together with I. lot of Wood-lend.“ in West Innheim township, York county, eon ‘.nining 5 Acres, pore or less hind slso'nll the‘ other nilrond improvemen‘tsmrivilegee. efl'ects } and “lets whnte'fer nnd wheresoever, belong» ing to end of said Compnmy. and ell the title} end clnim of sud Railroad Company thereto, ‘ ah well at low u‘, in equity, with the sp‘purte-1 nances. advantagesrincidents and emoluments } thereoi u laid oht, made. and graded, and all 1 and singular ti'e rn’tlwn’s, rBll5, sidings, bridges, fences, I ivilegee, rights, end all real property of em description, belonging to and owned by [l]; said Compnny,nnd the lands, used andw/e’ccupied for railways, depots: or stations, ith ‘1 buildings Iteudiné thereon, or which have be n procured therefor, together with a the fr chises and corpor to privi leges othe said ompeny belonging; and also 1! her real pr perty end estate to the Enid \Sghe Littlestow Railroad Company" belong li, "notbe' "' ‘ r A}; which may n'l. be particular”: herein me?)- Qipaed and closer bed 3 and all theistate, right, title, interist, p operty, chain: and demand whatsoever of t. 9 said Company, in, to, and out of the same, and every part and parcel thereof, whether the same he herelu fully de lctihegl or other lise. .2 a l Terms-of Sal : Five Thousand Dollars 9f _the purchase mo ey to be paid in cuh, at" the time of sale, In the balance within t n days fitter the coufir ation 0! sure, upon Eelivery of the deed hyt- Trustee. The 86nd: ofnid Company; inten-ed to be secured by the laid >lurtgnuges, will «e received in payment of the Enid balance of urclmse money, a't the value only of me 5113 e or djvideud'to which one!) bond so pnesenbd in pnyment Lvould be enti tled under the aid decree, u if proportion of the proceeds of nude, on diallibution; if the whale of said purchhe money wereggaid in gab. i JosEvu L. SHORE, -“ 4pm 4, 1864.; td .rn Libenses; El HE followis T housesot en; my office, with [la and will be pres; Sessions, on 110? next: Samuel Wolf,J G. W. McClel‘l C. B. Hunea, John L. Tate, Jacob Slofli, | Andrew Stocls‘i _ npplicntiona to keep 'pnblic gertainment, have been filed in se rgquisite number of signers, pntéd at the Court 0! Quarter fDAY, the 18th day ofAPRIL IBorough at Gettysburg, “n, h H N gh,’ u , u { on, Borough of Bel-wick, ,Duvid‘ Blueba Frnncis J. Wil‘ Henry Koble’fi‘ Fm'ncis Bren Alfred Slonnk Gcmge Beam Gen. A. Cnrw Juhn .\id‘letu' Fred. D. Smil Alexander .\lilJ .hltnh Eichpll: Henry \hlnshr Maria Schriv‘ , Cumberland township, r‘ l. I“ ' Ll-‘runklin ‘" "I u n » ll U 0 D $ll ”an “ [*l H fur' n . 2' H .2: > tz Fr!- I , , ‘odom tow ' lflar,.(§e'_rmany I'l‘Bhlp,‘ ‘l H ‘ Samuel S. Ma I‘cler Lingenf Levi Krebd, 1 Lawrence 0m George B. Yn nit, Lf'w " ma, ;" ” l .H ’ H . . thtington “ SM“ ’ n - u r u ‘ u ‘_ ‘miltoaban -.u H 4* u Joseph Barkez John D. Beckc Gm. W. Hilde! D. M. .\larklry, Peter Shively, Francis .\lcCle Alexander Be , I shoot; " Emir, Lnlimoro " met, .\l'lplensant " Franklin Gard! Conrad Waggfi Jacob J. Diehl Henry Hartzel‘hnutler (‘lmrles Myer , Men'nllen. . “ Qlirer P. lionsfi “ , “ George Shane, Oxford "‘ Jacob Martin, .‘ “ ' ‘ " Robert. M. Die I‘l Reading J “ Shaderic} G. linens, -‘ . "‘ Jacob L.'Grns lStraban ' ‘ “ Allen )1. COO ”Tyrone , “ George Ru. B tler , “ Jeremiah Johr. .1 Conowag‘ " Daniel Backer jflamilton :l a on mun-sass. . George F. Kali ill-iron, Gettysburg. Lydiafifyers, brinnnytownship. Nathaniel Eamon, “ “. Francis X. Smi‘ih, Oxford “ ' Baily A: Sneeri ger, Cono ago tp. ',i - .‘3 ”Mail. FINE, Clerk Mar. 28, 1864. m ‘ 2; ' , Let: Everybody NOW IT— ‘ ‘ K CHAMBELSBURG STREET AHEAD! Having just retlirned from the city with a. ”plendhdAfioréiPné 0:300“ a: SHOPS - without any'diapiih'gement to my neighb’ors or any other portioii of the town of Gettysburg, Ihnre the pleuufle oi announcing thet‘Uhnm bersburg street i ahead and that the place to buy Hate, Cnpl, ioota ndshoes, cheap, is at my new Itnnd, n. at], opposite the Lutheran: Church. , . , The attention (if the Lndiea iq puticululy invited to the splfndid nsaortment of Unite“, Slippers, Mot-ocm Lace Boots, 8;, intended for Lndies’ weer-. 3 _ Also, Trunks, (Dupet'SAckl. Umbrellas, To bwco, Cigar- nn Notions, in endleu nrieq. Here is the pine to buy good: cheap, u I am, determined not. be undernold by anfother umbiiahmen't in wn. Thankful fox put fu von, I nmjygun mil-el}, ' . JOHN L. BOLTZWORTH. Hut-cl; 2’, 1864“ ' __‘___—4_—.._vv—————.———.'_ 8225. - any“ ‘ocuv: 3225. Rosewoqrd Piano Fortes. BOVKSTIKN k 00., ' ’ G . 499 BROADWAY? N. Y. New, Enlarged Sale Piano Fonu, with all ‘ . ‘ lust improvement-f ~ Thxrty ymn' fxperience; with flatly In.- crmed facilmu hr-msnufnctnring, cntble n -19 1011 for CASE” the then nun-lull] low price. Our ludnnm received lhe_higheu uni-d m. the World’s Fair, and for flu neces aive you: It. thaj Americnn Immune. Wur nnted five nan; Tun I" can. Call or und {or descriptive oil-cum. _ , larch 1, 1884. am _ Bugksmithing. E “(19"!qu would molt. nlpectfully inlom the public that he bu comm-mid . . BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, It Dunner t Ziegler’l Ihop, in El“ Tliddh are», Gettylbnrg. when he will 11. all time: be prepnnd to do Bl‘cklmlthlnfi work to Cu ring". Buggiu, ngonl, ac. Thu. he knovi how to do I“ jobs 0! “I! kind will not)» quel tiongd by thou who have u knowledgu of his long experinnco a the business. Come on with your warhud you will he guided when you mke'it. nay—4nd for which he will ro ceive Cuh or Country Prodiice. ADAM HOLTZWO’RTB. Jun. 4, 1884. t! Battle-field Views. FULL net 0! our Photognphic View: of A the Bunk-laid ’of Gettyflmrg, form I up omiid gift for the Holldnyl. The in.“ yet. published an he seen “the Excelsior Gnflary. ‘ ‘ TYSON BROTHERS, Gottylbm. Wall Paperl. HOWELL t BOURKE, . . N. I. Cor. Pom): pad lukct Siren". PAPER HASGINGS Window Cum": Pepen, | Lines Sindee and Bounds, ’ , Solid Green and Butt. ' ' ‘ Chocolate Gmunds. Figured Ihd Phil: Sindee, To which we invite the .euenlion of STORE KEEPERS. In. 25,. 1864. 6m' Cabinet Furniture. T P. SHERBOBNE k SON, - ’. ‘ No. 220 8. Second St., below Dock, West side, Pumwau’fiu, ‘ Have conltnndy ou‘hud I revy largo 111- lonmem of Rosewood. Walnut, Oak and Ml hognnvaurniture,oflltestdesigns, and nupen'or workmanship, which they ofer for nlc at tel sonahle prices. Bad: And Mmrusu made to ordur. [314 2a, 18M Gm' New Clothing" Store. RE undersigned invite: attention to hi: T NEW CLOTHING STORE, in LITI'LES TOWN, Adams ooumy.‘Pn., fo merly occupied by A. Henmn. _He will contigue the bushes: at. the old “and, in Eamon: urn-l. He has . : ' INCREASED THE STOCK, and is now prepared to of» a most excellonc assonmem of CLOTHING for ' ' MEN’S AND BOY'S WEAR. :71 return my thanks to my fri‘ends for the liberal patronage extended to me “In: fur, and . respectfully ask u continuflnco thereof. _ - r ' .- HENRY RI'ESER.~ Mar. 21. 1864. 3a: . c " Dissolutibn. HE partnership heretofofe existing between the undersigneq has (hisvdny been dis. Inked by mutual conseqt. {The books will be lenin the hands of Jot. Gillespie. who will com?“ the business It. the'old amid, and imm dime ugtlemeny are asked. j ‘ M 13611 [4, 1864. tf first Nathnal Bank P GETTYSBURG. ‘ ’ O "‘ i'l‘lpsum Dank-run. Office of Comptroller of the Currency,} % . Washington; March 111 b, 1864. " Whereu,;by ntiafuclory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appq-ur that the First Notional Bank of Gettysburg, in the County of Adams, and State 0[ Pennsyl vania, he; been duly orghnizcd under nod ac cording to the requirements of the act of Con gress, entitled “An not to provnde a national currency, secured bye pledge of United States etocks,'und to provide for the circulition an redemption thereof," n‘pprored February- 25, 1863‘, end like complied with all the provisions of said act, required to be complied with before commencingthe business of Banking. Now, therefore, 1, Hugh Hchlloch, Comp trollerof the Currency, do hereby certify that the First Nationel Bank of Gettysburg, Conn. ty of Ademsmnd State bf Pennsylvania, in nu thorized to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. . Trustee In testimony whereof. witness my hand and seal of oflice, um eleventh day of March, 1564. . ’ HUGH .\IfiITLLOCH, ' Com‘ptrnllel or :5 Currency. Mar. 21, 1864. ‘.‘m P‘ PARTNERSHIP.—The (To-partnership 0 existing between the nulfévrihera, ha: been dissolved this day by mutual rampant.— ‘We return thanks to our friends find the public for the liberal snpport extended to us. Our books will he left at the More: and we earnest ly rrqnest those’ indrhled to us to CA“ and lush immediate payment. as wogtrc desirous to settle our business without delay. ' Jun. 30, 1.864 HE subscriber having dispowd «Unis in ;l‘ tc‘rcsfin the Store of (‘ubmn .t Culp to ohn S. Crawford, E:q., rospm'flully asks the continuance of his frien L and raitumers Lo patronize his successor—n here Burgniua may be bad. ‘JUUS CL’LP. _ -reb.a,lB64'. A ' Another Change . 3 NTHE HAT AND SHOE BUSINESTL 1, Cohen having Mandated with '- business John S. Crawlgnl, who pl the interest 0! John Culp, resyncct nonnces to thercitim-ns orticttyabur publi'c generally, that the burinem/ tinned At the Old Stand un (‘ mm. by A. mums a 00., Imntly keep on hand a huge in _the line. of SHOES, fiATS, CAPS. T' A) ' .' l’ , m 4 ‘1 1 1 ‘ '.N'KS, ‘ ‘ A P K v r" t' D'oing-buuine r A.Cobegn& . ' s N °“ we I" \ f / r at CARPET BAGS Ind lhey will also cnmi‘ Shoes Fr'pm their long e3} bum-hen, the'y fluter/ ‘pletde the‘public, ’ .‘stablished 1850. OF REMOVAL. ..‘ ‘ LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & 00., [ully beg leave to notify their lriendn, en Ind the public generally, that. they Amoved from No’. 15) Franklin Ilreet, Do commodiona lour-uury Warehouse, ' NQ. 808 BALTIMORE STREET, reapec‘ custor hnn between qunrd Ind Liberty. when they will for the future conduct the Wholesale Buli nen, solely in . ' ' “ Hosiery. Tripmings, ' Furnidhing Gouda. _ . Perfumery, Notions, Stationery, $5 ndery, . Toyi, a}, 143., to which they invite the attention of city find country pnrchuen, feeling confident of their ability to olfer Inducemenu in price: end qnnmy of Goodl. ‘ Order! by, null will native prompt uten tion. Address . . "‘ - ' LAWRENCE D. DIETZ 8 00.; - 9 308 Baltimore amt, Baltimore Inch 14,18“. , ‘ ANIEL POLLBY’S ESTATE—Letters tee tuneutery on the estate of Dental Pulley, Ito of Cumberland town-hip, Adm:- county, dec’d., having been grated to the undersigned, the autumn! residing in Gettysburg and the lut Mined in Cnnberlnd turn, they hereby give notice to ell persons indebted to aid «am to links immodiue payment, and than lining chime ngximt the nine to preunt them properly Inthenticnted for lettlement. J. B. DANXIR, CHARLES B. POLLEY; , Executor-e. In. as, 1834. a: ISRAELI LADY’S ESTATE—Lenar- of Mm:ntion on the aha pf Abnhun n In“ of anklin townnhip, Adnnu county, he’d.y having been grnud lo the un lerliglad. residing in the tune township, ho‘lcreby give: notice to :11 panom indebted u nid «um to nuke immediate‘pnyneut, Ind thou hnvmg cllllu spin". the nmo m present them properly Authenticated for ”Moment. JACOB LADY, Adm'r. nu. 14,1364. 8t DISSOLUTION.—The A Pnrtnonhip lama. - fore eximng between Bolling" t filth“, in this thy dinolved by mntunl cons‘ent. All per-on! hsving ehiuu Agsinlt Mid firm will puunt them. All per-on: knowing them ulvu indebted will plan ugh handin paymont. The book: will b. fond M “to old mud. JACOB 8. HOLLI‘IGER, ♦pril4, 1164 PBILADILI‘M A Manufacturers of CABINET WAKE ROOMS, GEO: A‘ CODORI, JOSEPH GILLESPIE Dissolution ALEXANDERICUBEAN, Joux CL’LP. A Card. mlmu-d u“): an umL the will be’lmn mmbenburg ‘ho will can. lock of Guédi, ['“RRFU. A?) MK. I! the “qufilrlul‘t o! criencv in all Ilw above Kbemacl‘ves ll")! they can Ad. will aell‘chenp for cub. A A. COIN-lAN. . .l'. S. CRAWFORD. I: under the name «ml firm of . [Fem 8, [864. Notice. Notice. Notice. SAMUEL 833381 1 , '1 '" Dy. Milan's Pine 'l'rgo 1'1: Corfu! ‘0 tho only if. and nibble "I“, which In: par been prepaid from ill. him of thy“ pin. Ind.” . “. L; ; V . _m-hm'u Plno Tm Tu 'cn evidence in thou-snd: of 'u locum in Conlumption ‘o! , pain, 831: Rheum, ond amp tonne body." ‘ " . es:zmc Cordial lan} xiv can: of £ll2 If the Lungl, E , tion: on In} pit ‘ * * ' “Thole who no (roubhd yith lbr’ont Ind ln‘ng dluuu, «not do better =I * * ' “ Tho well: nun-lid: In n‘pidly‘ lnviggntgd Ind thc sppotiu n stored by Dr. Wiihnn’l Pin. True Tn Con-4m.” _ I * '. “ “ bl. ’wmmrs ' Pine Tue 1‘» Cordmfiou in wt u out, nd tho pain: in innulhuly ull-M ad cued." . g ‘.r ‘ l . _ ' . unul‘ficiflnlmi 11111rDelet Mar. 11, 11144. It tL :: :.~ 9‘; 4 ¥ kt ‘*J v: . i :. + I .. ‘ “1533 ’L. z u, t I TB! VITAL I’BINCYPLE . ‘ - .01" THE PINE TERI, \,‘ ~ . . obnlud by a pawn" pro‘eul’ll the dud“:- uo. om. w, b, which m ughou nominal mythic. are “mined. ‘ . - Hun you A Cow“? Hun too Sb“ Talonrf ‘Hue you any of tlie prumouilory. symptoms of w“ mom {at-l dim-u, con. “mm-f ‘ . Thou who «should be warned by uncouth},- ioml gonanlly think “gnu, 01,1heln until I: II walla. From (.hil fact. plrhlp‘ more than any other, arisen thé nd previlenco Ind fun!- icy of dingy“ which sweeps to the (the. u Inn “one sixth" of death“: victims. Con-nuptial: hu dulroyed more of that!- mu: family than my ash" discus, and the but ghyucinnl for many you" bun dupuirod o! a cum, arr: remedy that would hon! lho _ lungs, hut forJ more than Ito hundred you: the whole mvdficd world In- «bun lmpreuod ~11)“. were van 5‘ hysmounpowu and aficion cy in m mom-e.- Tsr. to heal tho lungl; then-tor. my hm: recommended the use of In W-ter. which. ifl many ene- hnd a 3061‘ slut; but how to combine m‘edfcnl properties up u to haul the lungl, bu ever been I myl-‘ Icry until it was ducea'ered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISHART. of I'hilndolphil, Pm, the proprxg. _r‘ (or of “Wuhan-ifs Pmo Tm Tar Comm." Mlny, not only of the‘people, but physician! of Ivery school and practice. are daily “king. me. “What is the principle or cause of your ‘onccgu in the treatment ot.Pulmonary Con sumption 2". My answer is this: 5 The invigomtion of the digestive organs— the Itrengthening of the debilitated lyncm— the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the eyetem the corruptinn which scrofnly. breeds. While thll'ie efl'eetetl by the powerful Illemtive (changing froh disease to health) properties of thy Tn'r Cordial. it! vhuli'ng end renovating principle is also nctlng upon the irritated sunlncee of the lung! end threat, penetrating to each diseased put, relieving pain, eubduinz inflummltion, and reeloringvnnheallhful tendency. Let this twu iold power, the healing and the urengtheninz, continue to act in conjunction with anuw'n eonptent recuperative tendency. and the pa. tient is unwed, ifhe has not too long delayed e reeort to the mennepf cure. ‘ Ink .1110 read the foliowinz certified“, The, are from men and women of unqqcalidu able‘wbrth nut; reputation :‘— - - > . Dr. Wisharl—dDear Sir—l had a very dread; fnl cough and sore throat for one year, and my whole system wu: last giving way, and 1 mm pros rated on my hot! with but little hope of rec-wring. My diacfie huffled‘tbe power or n: midicinel, and in~a short time] must hue oue~¢o my grave, but rhuuk God, my dauglx~' ter-in-luw would not. rent until she went. to your elore, No. 10 N. Second street, and rep lated my case to you, purchsed one bottle if your Pine Tree Tlll' Cordial nnd l commencsd, w are it. And in one week I was much heifer, aid after Ming three boizlee I am perfectly well, I wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me- pasl cure. Publish my cam.- if you think proper. . REBECCA HAMILTON, N0.)3’21 Wylie Sum, Philudelpliia. 2 Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree an Cordial in In lnhllible 'cure {gr Bronchitis. Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore That: And Bre‘ut, Inflammmion olthe Lunga. ' .- ‘ Mr. Ward my: Dr. Wish-rt—Sir:—l had Bronchitis, In» flammnlion of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, Ind Pnlpimtion of the Heart. in their worn forms; I bud beem treated by aeveralbl‘ the mo". ‘eminent phynizinnu‘in Philadelphia, but they could not stop their-spit] course of my dilen‘se, Ind l'had deapnired of ever being re uted to health. I was truly ,on the verge of the’grnvo. Your Pine Tree Tu Cordial mu highly recommended to me by a friend; [tried it, and lam thanklul-zo any thit after using four large‘, and one small~boltle, I WM~f£llor ed to perfect henlth. You can give reference to my house, NO. 9634. Second street; or at. my office of ROPFiVOI’ pagans“ from 9 A., K to 2 l'. 1., come:- of Cheinu tut! Sixth urea-u. , " JOE}! WARD. , = Bend the [allowing from tau: ‘ - Dr. Wuhan—Dear Sir :'-~«l lake put-QM it in rmlng'yon through this lource’ lhat you: P a Tree Tar Cordial, “kick was rocnmmond for my dnughter by or. J. A. Hall, of thin city,‘lms «fired her of utough at more chun' five moulhs' standing. I had thought her bo yond euro, qnnd‘ haul employed the best of “medical Aid/without. any benefit. lcnn cheer fully recommrnd “10'th public as a )nfe and sun remedy fun all those pimilarly afflicted, a: [know qf‘ many whet cases, besides :51“ of my dinghy" that it. luia entjrel’y cured of long landing Laughs. ' , 9 I' 1* :-l hue ueder. Wilhafl'l Pine I‘l9} T-r Cordial in iny family, and can cor-V dilly reéommcud'it n ‘ xglaable and Info nedielue for colds, coufi, ’nd tweh'ou pro diipoud to con-umpfio . ‘ _ - » . Dunc. A. FOSTER, ~ . _ 469 Pena-ea “not. ‘ The above are a {:er .6an the thonumh which this great. rgt‘ngdy has uved from an untipely gran. .1 . ' We line {industrial}! lettersflrom phylh emu Ind druggiul Ijho bah pulcribod 3nd hid the In Cordinl, flying um. they luv. never and or sold I medicine which ("a Inch nninrul. ntinfulion. The Pine Tree Tu- Corditl ihkn taken in , yoctiol with Dr. Whinhnrt’n Dynami- Pills, in n lnfdllblo cute for 'Dppopgit: . The HM Tree 'l'u- Coral-l will can Cough, gr. Thou and Brent, Broudlitll, m... ; Mug Cough; Diptheria. und iuujo ncu all.» "may for dilmu of th. kidnengpg Ton-lo conplninu. - A “ =I a ‘ ‘ . . and ‘ ma: ovcouxnnnmf ‘ L‘. hand“ in th- at. om: mum I’dlflumflmhfiabfldo. molly. ”Mun-Im. - .it'f. M. I'l9";an 'nd 0- Doun‘im’ m. rnpmd only by sin Proprietor, Boldbymmmhor‘e. I palm)!“- xy fl.» DR. WISHAMINI PINE TREE TAB CORBIAL. MI Yourl respectfully, , JUHN 'V. PARKER, L Dagnerrenn Aniu, ' 126 Concise ureet, mica, & I p; L. Q, a. “any; ‘ . 10. 10 I’o'nh WWMV A fimurmfiqfi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers