Terra .5. The Cosmuzn 15 published every Monday morning. by Hus” J. Smnn, at $1 75 per annum if paid strictly-xx Abuses—~32 00 per annum if no}. paid in advance. No lubscriptimr discontinued. 'unless at. the option of tthfiu-bliaher, until all (nausea ure pqid. _ A ov’nnslnmi inserted at the usual rates. Jon Pun-ma done“ win: neatueu Ind dispatéh. ' Ornc: in South Baltimore affect; flatly ogsito Wainplers’ Tinning Fntqbliiahment ~ 'oxmux Plru'rmaOnln” on th_e sign. PR3?ES3§®N§&LE&RBS¢ Wm. A. Duncan; " TT—ORNH)’ AT [AWL—(Wire in the North- A west cornerof Centre Sq'mu'e, Gettysburg, * 5.» [oa. 3,1859. tf A. J. Cover, ‘ T‘TORNEY AT LAW.wnll promptly attend ‘ A to Collections and all other luuiness en trlyzcd to him. Ullico belwucn l’mhnestocks’ and lhnuer k Zieglcr': Siorcs, Baltimure street Gettysburg, l’u. [Sept.?;, 1859. H. A. Picking TTENDS la SURVEYING. Writing of \ (s DEEDS and \‘v'lLl.S,,(Jhl~)llKl‘NU UF i.‘ H.HH,A:I'. “midi-Inc, in Strnhzln luwnship, on lhu mud lending lrnm lh-u‘nliurg tn Hnn-' hratown, um min-s from the torml-r plat-1:. ('lmrges moderate and enlialuclion guaranteed, Feb.l, 1664. Um I , Edward B. Buehlcr; TTORNEY AT LAW, ill_ fuifhfujly and A promptly attend to nlfinusincss entrusted lu huu. He apcuks the German language.— (the at the same place, in South liultimore alnet, near I’orney’s drug suite, and nearly oppusite Dunner 8: Zirgler'k store. ' Gettysbprg, March 2U. : s . . J.‘ C. Neely, - _- TTORNEY .\T L\\\'.-_r.m.’cnlnr nth-n -)A tion plirl .to c’llocliun of.yoxn~i:)lls, iuumy, and ”wk-[Luz UHice in he S. H. curuer of the “LHHUHII. ‘ Ueujwburg, April h', ”163. If ' D.‘ McConafighy, , TZ‘URNHY ATLA W, (Mhu- on" door west A of Huonh r's d} ug an'f hunk Stun-J'hnm |n~|~.hurz «Hm I.) \‘lTunwA‘EhnSnmr mm run. l‘ATnv'ru AM) l’l-x'smw. Bounty Lnnli Wur rmls, (”wk-[Hy :uipmulml (‘lnims, and all “fiwr I'ln‘mfi ugflnsl thr- Glm.'t-rulm-nl :It Wash inggon. I). (3.: MIN) \tm-ricnnt‘hims iii Enulnud. lmml \V.frr.}u(:lnn-um! and :uhl.ur lu‘mghtmml highest yri-‘m gnu-n. Agt-nl: eugqglui in lo cating warrants in lll\\.l, [Hinuis am} on“: wv-tern .\‘m‘te‘s EQTA'I-piy 10' mm persomny yr,l._§' [Mu-r. . Gettysburg, NOV. 2K; '53. - Dr. J. W: c. O’Neal’s ' FEIM-I and Dwvilin: ~\'. [5. runner (.r Bu]. limm‘t- and Hugh urn-13,111“ Plush)“ ri.m Church. (ivllyrhulz. I'm. a ' Xw. 30, Imm. 1r Dr. Wm. Taylor inform 11m mlLMlum‘ nl' (;«~H_\_~iul'rp and fi— .ziull_v {hut Rm mll rnnlzulu‘ the pr.“ u- 9 of his prufrssmn m the HM .4 xx) ‘. urn dmn'm Ihc Compile-r (Milw, (ic:!_\~h.ug. l'.|. Thanklul fur pvt hum. he Mpg: [n xv. viw n shuro of future pulf‘ulmgr. .. [SLpL 'l3, ”'23:. H Dr. J lmes' Cress, 11(3Lm‘1‘l" I lHrH‘l_\\‘, mum”; fnr pub :l3 Hr p.llluu.‘;_'v lunlul'un- rxh mla-d In Inm, Inturms In» lrivllqs" lhiu he \HH I'ulmum- Illu pmvlice of hi 4 [mm-min” in (Zéllyd‘ur; um! vu-iuilr. "II 1- .hi 'lncuns [n I houwur al‘l(‘\‘l. 'chcafive h mu! lk" been 3A!\‘~l :In-l m 1»! r:--‘ Imhle rmm-‘h. 4 f mm .\H mm sx-cmrmnmvdi ‘rul flChva‘. .vlm-h [I we heru n-wmmm-mlml lrom (he (uptuiHHQ-NHI :Jmliumul by the: pru‘live of Hm uh.e~t Hch—‘Hir l'mclilmucrs, nnd disv‘nrll tlum- mnrv injufiiuus. such :h‘ un ~hmunv, firscnik, luvluu'g, blue pill, hluml let: Img kc; ' _ Ulfiuc‘ in Hm out em] uT Yurk street, in ”It! dwfihwgpwmwl h_\lh-nr} Welly. lh‘lUslnllj. .\.-Id. :6. 1.~n.).- 3m . ‘ J. Lawrencq Hill, 121. D. .\S In: nl‘mgf- um.- _ 6': d} (if ‘ r II dnur \xc-I-nfkhc:§%¥é LuluL-mn chum h m C'|:rxxxl»(-.J-I:_v 41“: I, .m l» (lpP‘V‘iH‘ I'ivkinq‘s ‘ , .Hc, '2. wa‘wv [hum “1:11;”; to have any “(‘hlxil ‘ “I 9”:qu p.-*h_rm<-~X .lre rwfzucllnlh im IIL-nl 30 °mm [h an: .- V) ‘Ulu. Hung-n ilcv. U. I'. Kr. Hill I'. U . HM. H. L Ii n-x‘rhm‘, 1). 1)., Rev. \ PmrL-H Jm'uh". .‘rnt \L I..Shu\cr. ' \ (it!l~lnu,_v,.\,xrllll,333. ' . ' Adams. County _ " "I IT’TI‘AL :‘I_::!-:1.\'.\‘I'IL\Vt:!~:I‘U.\11'.\.\‘Y.— ? BI {acolpolJlc-l \|.«r<h £3, hit. . - urn-h nlia. , I’Nn'Jmlgflmirg‘v.‘hvuim, ‘ I’m- l’rnmlvul—h. IL l:ll~.~(‘n. _ Svrrfluru—l). AJJurhh-r. ' fiTrmm‘n-r—dtn’lvl .\l'Vr-ury. : h’umn-v I‘/urme—Ruhun llcCyrdy,J.u:ob King, All 11ng Heinuchnnn. ,3 .‘I-I m/‘n —V‘umr:v Su’upc, I). .\. Buohler, R. ’.‘l‘Our‘ly, .Lu'uu Klnz.:.\. Heinlmhhun, 1:). .\h - 4'rx: IN, S. R.‘ “Has”. J. R. .lcrzh, Hun-ml A .D-v'h H'l-V, E. G. FJIHX’QHUUR.XVIII. B. Wilmu, " H. Al. 'l’lcduz. “”1158. \lcCchhnA. John “'Ol - R. G. \lcfi‘zrcnrv. John l’irkinz. .\lu-IT. \Vright, Juhn ClLnni’hgh ml. .\hdicl .F. Gin, Jim)“ H. .\LLr-‘hnll, .\l. Hichclherger. g-gj-I‘his 'L‘omwny is limited in its opemr !ious 1.0 the county at Adhms. It has hven in successful opcmtinn [or more than nix years, ' and in that. period has pnitl all lasers and H penses, wxlhwl/fllly u..v:e.muml, having nlso'n large \ .surplus cupitul in the Treasury. The Cum _‘ Fan'y employs np Agefits—nll husin‘esMng done by the Mulmzcrszwho are annually elrct ed 'by the StockhoHers. Any pemm desiring an Insurance can Apply to any of the aboye “named Managers forturlher infofirmation. \ @The Ewcntive Committee meets at the office of the Company on 6111: last Wednesday in every nlonth,~;n.2, P. M. . Sept. 27, 1858. * The Great Discovery I" THE AGE.—lniinmmntory and Chronic Q Rlxeumntism‘van be cured by using H. L. '§-LI.LER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX efiYRZ. flatly prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its ‘great utility. Its success in lthe'mnmic—a'fl'ec ‘uons, has been hitherto‘ unparalleled by any specific, introduced to the 'public. Pfice 50 cents p_er bottle. For sale by 2111 druzzgista and ‘smrekeepers. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER. Wholesale a‘nd Retail Druggist, East ‘Bcrlin, ‘Adnuns county, P 3,, dealer in Dljug‘s, Chemicals, Dils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stud}, bot ‘zlotl Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window 'Glssa, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, Jun, 81c. ' S‘A. D. Buehler in the Agent. in Gettys burg for “ H. L. Miller‘s gelebmted Rheumatic ‘llixturéf’ .[June 3, 1861. t: The GroceryStdie N‘ THE HILL—The undersigned would iespectfully inform the citizens nl Gettys . burg and vicinity, that he has taken the old [and “ on the Hills” in‘Baltixpore street, Get, tysburg. where he intends to keep constantly on 11an all kinds of GROCERIESq-Sugurs, Oofl'eei, Syrupl’ of all kinds, Tobacco, Fish, 3m, be, Earthenware of all kinds, Fruits, Dill, ad in fact evexything usually found in a. Grocery. "Also, FLOUR. & FEED oi all kinds; 3'll of which he intends to sell low as the low ut. Country produce taken in exchange for ‘3de sad the highest price given. He flntters hind! that, by suict attention and an honest ‘ find“ to pleue, to merit a share of public pa grouse. TRY HUL- J. M. ROWE. ‘» Feb. 23, 1863. a ' - ' . Removals r, ‘ . ' undersigned, b’eing the Jthqrigfl person ‘ I ‘to ash removals into Ever Gre’en flame. ‘ery,hopea thnt such an contemplate the remé‘fil bf thgymins of deceased relatives or-friezid: vii] xvii! ihemaelves of thiu union oftheyeu‘tg 3n" it done. Removds made Vim promptness —um 10., nnd no effort spared to please. . PETER THORN, Keeper of'du‘Gmiews-y. yank It, ’5O. . o to m. afuoaxéws n 11: Scare {ma 3;; his 1488;04189 comm cug x: - , REIM I=l 121 Br, 11. J. RTAHLE. ’ ¢6tlf Year- BOOTS AND snons . ' BOOTS . Boqts & Shoes ! NTEW ESl‘.\liLlfiU.\iENT.,—The IlnflPl’SlL’fl- J. rd lm‘just lnid m n finl- stark ol'lhl- but any wqu, WHIP" he \VI” dupes» of at the low z-et prams pussibh‘. His ugsonmt-nt emhramca douhlv-mlwl ' CSLF-Slilk BOOTS fur men, .' C.\\’.\LRY BOOTS, ' . all kinds ot‘ BOOTS FOP. TMYS, with n lurge‘assnrtmc-n! of Slim-15‘ FOR LADIES nlso for (‘IIILDREY He was ‘selected his. stuck with care. suited as lithinka éxurtly to the wunu ut' tlliq umrk't-t—Laml Arlditimis will ronstnntly‘lw made as ‘ths trade may require The goods lu- nfi‘eri nré not only well mxule. and of gnarl :1 nteriuls, hut embrace ‘he latest styles. l’nrtirnlnr attention will alwnp be‘ puidjo these points. Remgmhr-r the plaice—YOßK STREET, near 13' opposite the Bank. Call and scé tor you.- Bulves. ' The hunt and shag-making; bllsinéigis cur ril'd on as hurrtofore. ' . ' x WILLIAM 'SIULLENN. Gunyshurg, Dar. 7. 1861: 2 , . The Old and Reliable. Tlcw swung norms.‘ ‘ SMALL I‘RUHTS x QUN‘K SALES.— J. L. SG'HIUK ‘ “OHM roqu 0:1tu say to the viiizvnq of Cut— tychurg snd \iviniry, that. he is now reconing uljia Mum n spit-rulill ' STUCK. (JP/SPIN“; GOOD'T'L V The slmk vulhihls in part 01' Fnlm‘y and 5!..va DRY GOODS, of mar} duagrililiuflu SILKS. , v .\IUZAmuQI'E, ‘ CHALLH-IS, DELAIXES. ‘- BU.\H£AZL\'EF,' ' ’ ' ALPAI'QAS, ‘ L.\\\’.\'>‘, . ‘ mamas. pf “f 1 qunllllvs and cho'ic‘r‘st Fl_\ll'~. “lurk WI” b: 5.11.1 .u PRICES Toma-‘3' l‘U\lPl-,Tl'l‘lO.\'. - I’L'llxlslllNk‘thH”)s! VLI‘, uf all liin'ld. inn-Indium; Silkslém-n :m-l {anon ll:|1|nllfi~n“laiul‘~. (Iluws. .\.“M'kiflg‘. .\. . Ami, n splrmlld nsmrtmvm of lilllllONS, Lax-ca hind l‘hlginus. I'mhrl-lln: and l’lwasnls.- ‘ My $111101» hl' \VIIITI-I GOODS wil: lw luunni full and rqmplctr, and Ulstomors may rally upon nlmqs‘ [zoning guud good: .It the low-$1 planki hle prim-'5, , , ‘ . S ' ‘ Hc-nllemen will find i! to their ndvuntagg to gull null evapline my :lm‘R uf ‘ ‘ ' ULUTHh. . ‘ ‘ CASSIMERES nn'l , _ VESTIXGR, 9! n" qualnio: anclfilmiccsl Myles. ‘April '2l. 1862. J. L. SPHH'K. Good Things from the City! E nrv receiving [“‘N'e n “wk from thi- SE (-in n variotv 0! articles suntcd nulho wants of this rmnmuuily. viz: Fwd: and Salt FISH, Hams, ShqullE-rs and Sldl‘:, Huminy, Ih-zlns. SJ‘II, .\ppk‘s, I'otutovs. Or:\nge=, erous. l‘r-nfi-ctinm. Tenn-rm, Segws, with many ulhor ‘lrzlcles’m this “HO—alll'lm‘l‘ih‘d in the I’m-:t ur-lcr, .md sold .II the lowest prulus. (Hug us .unll. iu:|;.nltimurc-:Lrecl; maul)" oppoan'e l—lth-flm Ix" ”are. , ‘ . \\'.\.\"l‘l'lH.—l}ull(-r, Ems. Lard, and u” mhvr 1'01“:an p 1 o-tuvu—lur whigh 11.0 highest r ls‘h priro wiH he paid. ‘é; ’ >2 WEIC'I‘ l" IT.\'l‘Ul-ZS—hesgc quality, at luw mt living pI-nfits—dhwys gun hzufd. Alslo. MYSTICL'S, fine" uml lrcahkjrindlw shell or shmkud. [lost ulmnls uud funxilivs eupp'ivd. STHIL’KIIUI'SER i; WISUTZKEY. Ganyshurg, May 1:5, 1863. +1 ‘ , ' Grain and Produce. . Avmfldnkcn (ho barge and commdions i I Wmehouse recently occupied ‘l3" Funk qurall, Hub, , IN NEW DXFORD, we are prepared [n my {Elie highest prices far All kinds u! PRODUCE. Alin. srll at the Inw (7:: wit-nu, LI'HBEH, COAL and GRQL‘I'JRIES, uf urry description. ' A. I’. MYERS m'uzmmx New Oxford, .\ug. ID, 1863. f . Removal.--Tin Ware. HF. underpinned has removed his Tinning establishment Mfll'cr Ute Dhmmul, in Clmmbrrshurp: streetr ndjuiuing A. U. Bun-h- Icr's Drug Store—n very uenmxl location. He continues to manufacture, and keeps cuuatfiém‘ l" on hand, every vuricky of TIN-WARE. ‘ ' > ‘ PRESSED AND . JAI’ANED WARE. :K‘ and will always be really to do REPAIRING RUUHXG nn-l SPOL'TING al|=u done in the but: manner. l’rircs moder nte. abd no effort spared to render full autis fJnion. The public‘s continued patronage is solicited. - A. P. BAUGHHR.’ Gettyshurg, April 7,. 1862. Gettysburgf Marble AYard. EALS J: BRO., IX EAST YORK STREET' NI GETTYSBURG, PA'.—Wherc they or prc'pared to furnish all kinds of work in their line, such as MONUMENTS, .TUMBS, BEA D STONES, MANTLES, Sun, at \he shortest no tice, and as Chen? as the cheapest. Give us I call. " WProduce taken in exchange for work. ‘ Gettysburg, June 2, 1862. tt n Piano Tuning. ROF. BOWER, of Littlestown, a Practiml P iPiano Tuner, informs his frien'h and the musical public in generul, that he gn‘es his Lime, not otherwisaoccupied, _to Tuning and Repairing Pianos, an modernte' prices. He promxses entire Intisfnctiou, or no pay. OrJera received at this ofice. [Sept. 16, 18612 Albums ! A LBIIIIS!! 3715'. received a. Large am; beautiful assort ment. of Photographic Albums, which we offer below city prices. TYSON BROTHERS. Dec. 14, 1863. FRESH ARRIVAL . A omoors and SHOES, HATS and CAPS. , " Cheap for cash. Cull and see. p . K . J. L. HQIjI‘ZWORTH Isa. 11, 1864. ' j R. TOBIAS’ celebrated Derby Condniou Powders. for Horses my! (lathe, for sale at. Dr. HORNER'S Drug Slote’. canon 10: at CANN Er) PEACHES at. S ’ J. M. ROWE'_S. ‘OLLocx’s mum—tho parent “a best baking pogder i'n use—at Dr. B QRNER’S Drug Store. EW FALL]: WINTER Goons [—l- good assortment of Fall and Winter Goods a: cheap as the cheap‘est A. n_t SCOTT k SUN’S '~ E have just received! new fissofient onueenawnre, to which we invite the n gion of buyers. iA. SCOTT & SON. IRRIAGE WHLPS AND‘ LASHES, good ' ,’ nhgchesp, to: ule by ROW t WOODS. 031‘ "neon-ed at Homes 8 ‘rgnglnd Suqméif gnawing. Colme one 31:3 311: ED E” 4;" A DEMQ©RATU© AND FAMQLV J©URNAL SHOES [mm the elm-Ired‘u gnpapofl. bough, , 9.; -' lhrk ' lb. Habin'turly wng‘ A ‘ hum}: one and all thll mm Marry .‘pnng hum hula; Mung; ' V‘ Welcmuq ’(ldlugl Ihnn do“ bnfig, ' L Lnilc huffing" of tho Spring. .3 - habin’. com! : ' 5 0! lb» winter we "a weary, A Wary of m tron Indymow. Longing for u... lunlhlnoflcheeryy And the bmoklel': gurgling flow; Gladl)‘ tin-p w. hnr [hoe ling The Reveille of Sprung ‘ - .Robin‘l com! Ring it nut o‘er hill mud plain, ‘ ’ Thrpugh the garden‘: lonely'bnworl, Ti}! tho (full luvesdnm mint I Tun \he‘lir in sweet. with flower: 3 ‘ Wake the com-up- by mafia” ' 1 Wade [he )ellow dlfludir! " 1‘ _ Rab'm'l coma Th'n, u'lhou wart in“ of yore, . ‘ Build lhy neat and rm (g! young ‘ ‘ Clone bot-Eda our collage dwr‘, ' l lu'Hla Inmdbine l‘eaven Imong; Mun. nr harm than ueed'st nut feur', Nothing rude lhl” venturumlr. , ‘ Rolun’s Came ! :thging afi" o‘er yonder-jam. Hahn nnurpr't turn-ll]! 4 lit-naked by the sweetnfrain, Ahce claps her hands with Kl“, Culling from l 3" open door , “'llh her-pot}. nice, o'er-31nd o‘er; 1 -‘ Rubln'n com 1” hnttle of Shiloh was evideixlly .locing. ’l‘he fighting hecmno weaker. am the rebels were slowly h’ithdrnwing. Our, forces were not in conditinn to follow them very far.— Ahout dark the firing had ceased. and our army withdrew to its ramp, whili> the rebel army slowly drew ott‘ towards Corinth.— 'l‘he=o (lays will live.in history. The battle ofShiloh was—one of the bloodiest and most ‘ determined battles of the war. It com-l 'xnenced on the hnly Sabbath. at the dowry; 4 of my, and dontinneduntil the gun set. on , . , Mundziy. lt tleri’red‘the name" of Shiloh : , from a small log church. which stood on , : , the battle-field, about one'mii‘e‘rmm that i, river.. As our avmy slowly withdrew toi (VONTINI'ED-l l J our encampment, we left lmZ/‘ot' our origim , Monday, Xpril the 7th. wan a dark and nnl force upon the field. The army hf the : rainy day. At about half-past fire, thei (luulund dyinzm‘re left bnhind; b t kind. nrmv (if the Cumberland tired the first gun" hearts Weletidminiateringunddoing‘ ll they ‘ nn thPZextremc left wing of the army. ln , could .to relievethe wounded and dying . :ttmv moments the fi.'ht. became. general! soldiers. _ 4 i 'i {lnd rum-ii with grunt lnry along the “hole; The sun want (lnwnpand darkness settled line. During the night the (‘nnfi-demtod upon the' field. ,At 9 o'clock the thundqrs luul iwceiwd almnt ten thousand reinfm-(uzl. begun to roll ainl the ruin Crime down. in J moms 11nd we could hear cheerattenchceu: tnrxvnts. No stars in moon shone‘timt: : ascend he each guccessive regiment arrived . night. The shrieks of the wou ided and i in the rebel camps. We had also received (lying might he heard on all pérts of the i henvv reinforci-inents trom Generals lluqll field and the forked lightning hl'a'zvd forth. 3 and Wallac’é, and the Union army inti'r'ched , givnng a little light, which only inri'emed Out in met-t :hcir the who had beaten them,l the lwrror‘oflt’he lci‘ene. l had often stoml the day hetore. There was. no tultoring lly tIHI side ol' (lying friends at home. hut than. livery face loriked bright and em: y never before had I “line‘s?“ n seen? like heart was nerved tor- the conflict. The this. (to where you might'you muld nnt Union soldiers kiiew thei—r trhk and nnli’ly i egmpe thnue dying groans. Infinuld rather they [nrfnrmc-d- it. It was a. Sad sightito lmvestor-d upand thug-ht the m-my than ‘ look upon Gen. (lrunt’: nrm‘vas it marrh‘ed 1 hour those ccr‘enmk and ngoni nailirnyers. nut to tight the terrible foe who had :hm’nn i It rained durin;_r the whole night. At such determination and bravery on Sunday. . ahout clown o’plocl; I fell asleep. lhut has it did not lnnk like the same nrmy tlmt‘ snnn uwakened‘hy trite rolling thunder. I had “misled the Confederates the day he- ‘- did not go tw<leepn§zuin that night. [low fore. Yet it “'it: a run (if the same. (fluir‘f’tm‘tinerJ wziited tor the first glimpse of dlvl~§op yns soon hurled against the centre‘ daylight I It] ~eemed itwoulxl never-mime, diri~im ofthe rehel army, and nghin from iAt la=t dnv began to dawn. New ‘in my the tinie the ~un rose until it not. the armies; lifeihnd l wen daylight. with sh much of the Ohio and Cumberlmid were fighting pleasure. Everything =eemed quiet. What a hruve undterrib'le fee. The day fine a contrmt with the‘day before 1. At nine cloudy, 'hut occa~ionally the sun peeped' oft-lock we comment's-d to bury‘our dead. furlh and. as it‘nshhmed of rurh scenes inf; As eHCh company laid its own members in blo’ml, it drew hack and refused tosheditggi the silent grave a salute was fired and the ‘hright radiance upon the crimsoned fielids l _enrth Cthed bver them forever. I attend of 8 7h. I remember full well the nthe‘ ed the burial of my friend who had _made‘ hear“ of our gallant Gruntfind Bnelr—g tlie‘rem‘urk when dying. ”Will, I hate 5e- 4 et et,. t mi,b_i_„a i r,LL A 'Kr y - g». .....- M“ ..’ Wherever the lmttle raged £ll9 lléfiltest and the balls {ler the thickest. might b» set‘n thew. worthy herops. Gen. Buel see-media: court dPntll, am! l'"shall never forget his words pf eucourugélixent to'our wounded and dying lm'ys. ‘. “ It was: during this day’s battle. that the‘ heroic Buugher.oLQettysburgJell. Wound- ‘ ed‘ugnin and again, he struggled on untill human nature could no longer endure the; stiflering occasioned by thefive wounds he 1 had received. He now sleeps in the Genie-i terygclose by the town, and near him‘ rem pow" nearly four thousand heroes-of the} Army of the Potomac. I never‘look upon the grave of Xesbitt Baugher without deepl and serious reflection. 119 was buried in May. 1862.’ Since then the great battle of Gettyehurg has been fought. and the_Ceme texygvus the scene of the bloodiest part of the conflict. and around that hallowed littile mount! the shot and shell flew thick and faht; but the load booming of the cannon and the sharp cracking of the musketrtn Vhich had once been muwigto his ears, did which ind once on”. _, .. w ...a can, t, not awaken him now. He‘leeded it not. "There he sleeps in peacegend the gentle ‘ flowers that bloom over hisagrave are fitting Emblems of the soldier that reposes hie neuth them. ‘ I ‘ But. to return to the battle-field ofShiloh. At eleven o'clock the contestseemed douh‘t‘. i ful We id supceeded in driving the rehgls about one mile. but now it seemed ‘ they were determined to go no further, but stand and figh t. Our division (the centre) was now hard pressed and for one hour the battle raged with great destruction. ‘ At last General Grant came forward. and with thirty thousand picked men he ordered a ‘charge. His clear voice might be heard above the din and uproar of the battle as he _gnve'the command, “ Forward by hrigades at double quick time—charge.” Theorder did not have to be repeated. The invinci ble thirty thousand mowed forward end the rebels retreated, not, however. without sending us their compliments in the Shane of grape and cannister, which mowed down many of our ,hrave men. I saw sevqn standard bearers of our regiment (44th In diana) .iall. One was a very young man.«‘--‘ His boyish countenance and \s'weet bide eyes indicated that not more than eev'en teen summers had paesed over his yovitht'n‘l head. He was badly wounded and did not survive the wound but a few momenta.—~— His dying words were, "Boys, I die game.” That glorious old star Spangled banner had been presented to the regiment the. worm v ing before leaving our State. The Mayor, in handing it to the flag-bearer, seid : -“Stand by this‘ flog to the last and bring this diouored emblem to Indiana again, it you are spared.” The answer of the noble youth was; “.I will.either bring this’ flag back to you or I nmr will return.” The ‘ little mound upon thobenks of the Tanner isee riVer WI“ attest how well he iulfilled‘ this promise. Two years have passed away since thin hero tell. The regiment he: re turned' home and the flangs borne back ito the Mayor.- H took that banner in his ~{hands and saw thb'orty-three bullet hole: [that had been torn by rebel bullets, and ‘then he asked where was the young man iwhom be entrusted that banner with_.-L -l Echo answered “Where is be t” “Hie sleeps his last deep-no round shall awake ALBUMS!!! GETTYSZBURG, PA., M 1.7 1 0:. ETRT. nommn char... For the Compilc't' Cl=3l BY W. P. HIXKLE I ME=l “num Is Iran‘fl‘mn WILL ruuu.” i him to giory again." S second flag- ‘ FINANCES” - [ bearer that fell was an dlrl man.‘ ”is Imm The most astounding revelation of the l white hair and t'urrowed hrow ehowedthat v absolute financial weakness of the Federal ; he was on the shady side of fifty. buit he '(iovermnenthwe find in the columns of the i did not {alter now. His step wns firm law a t leading Lincoln organ in this city. It is a i_vnuth’D of twenty. and he grmpt‘dl the .revr‘lation, too, of the holluwness of thoce ’elandatd firmly and rimvwl forward. We . profes’sorfi of “loval'fl devotion who are no ‘ advanced a few paces—the smoke rleared loud in certain quarters. The Nari}. Ameri l away, and showed our.tiag-hearer lying on 'mn of Saturday lwgine an article—a lender. i the ground. 3 was dead. A who“ hul- I toopou “ Internal Revenue," with the rel ‘ let hole,near t e left temple told the tale ! mark that "lllllCh dimppointment has been lof his death, an}! the crimson tide that was qxprucsml at the'l‘ailure ot‘the internal reve l flowing from his wound seemed as pure as nue «yuem to yield stir-h sum in the fir~t the red stripesin the banner beside him.—— year of its administration, as was intended Comments upon such deeds of gallantry as when it was framed, and as the public gop these are unnecessaryatliey speak for erally expected.” ’lt then proceeds to state i themselves. What a rebuke to the’lenatics * whatexactly this: failure is, and, an we have [of‘New England, who claimyall the bravery} said, thexevelation is very startling. The of this war for themselves! I: do not claim internal mvenue- is derived from twelve. that Indiana soldiers. are hraiier or better sources; which are enumerated, andwhich, ‘ than Eastefi soldiers. , Ihave fought side in the aggregate, yield, not one hundred by side with Pennéylvanians. and can at- million a}; was prombed, but forty mil: test their bravery and noble bearing in ac- lions—abolit twenty day’s current expen tion. -I only ‘claim for Indiana what site diture, oniabout one-thin] of the interest truly deserves; and in doing so I cast no re- on the public debt. 'l‘ is would, in the .fleotion upon any State of this UnionS’l‘he event of a’ foreign war 0 commercial non fields‘ of .Do,nnelson, Shiloh. Stone River, intercourse: as the law n w stands, be the __Cliickiunauga, and many others,-speak in hole of the public income. If this be ap tones louder than I can speak. In our pulling. what will bethonght if we refer to National Cemeterlenrliuna'has‘ her sacred fio‘me of the details‘ofijthis hopeless sort of dead, who fell gailantly’battling by the finance? There IS, as every one ligrealmut bide offennsylvanians. That they sleep. to his sorrow knows, a tax of three pm and there they will renos‘e un ii the earth cent. on' all incomes, and such ié the alleg is called ti) give up its dead. . ed proeperity of the Notth, that incomes ‘At 4 o’clock on Monday, p’ril 7th, the . now are very large. We have heard done 7 .. t', .. i MI ‘ _ ...:5, ' ..’ L _ . cessioniats and Abohtiuniuts.” I was purl ticulnr that no trajldr, of eit-herside: should tnuch his sacred remni‘hs: We hufietl him by the side of his comrmles’, and near him the Louisiana boy spoken of before. They Were separate in life, but togetherin denth. {here they 5199;") by the side of the‘,quiet ‘cnne'saee. and on its banks may they ever: repose in mare. Thom little mounds are axial-ed snil. .M'ly no traitor’s foot ever mar them, but,thére lot them sleep when! they so gloriotwly~i fell, fighting the battles pf their country; ..' Two yeurs have rolled around aince‘tvhe ' great battle of Shiloh, and nmv that. battle field is clothed with 11 beautiful garb of green—the birds sing sweetly around the fallen hernesl Other battles have been fonght‘fiincethen, an‘gl Shiloh has in a man ner been forgotten ; ut so long ”(America ‘ in a free country and so long as haroism and 1 bravery nre'esteemed as virtues, just so long ‘ Will the American heart beat «7th yride at the mention of “ Shiloh." _ . y ——»-é——— 7...... ————— I myortant Déclkion as (1) Legal Twill” Nata.— A very 'important case was decided 'in the District Court of Philadelphia on Saturday. The defendant. in the case hnd agreed to pay a yearly ground rent of $570,‘ “lawful silver money of the United States, each dollar weighing seventeen pennyweights‘ and six grains at least.” .When the rent became due the defendant tendered the amount in United States Treasury notes. which plaintili' refused to' receive. emand‘ 'ng silver dollele. Suit was Bro‘nt, and_ the defendant ple'aded tender as ofbresaid.’ To this plea the plaintiff filed a replication, oven-ring that the defendant did not tender in silver dollnfs, etc., but in promissory notes or paper'money of the United States, of the nominal Milne of $285, but 40 per cent. less exchangeable value. To this the defendant filed a special demurrer, Herring that the prom‘iqsory notes :0 tendered were lawful moneyiot' the United States, had a legal tender in payment. of all debts. 0n Sntuiday the court rendered its judgment that the treasury notes are a leghl tender. pod should hive been received in payment of the rent, and that the special agreement was of no "ail. ' H'Dnring: the quarter just closed, the number of three oent stamps sold, at the Washington city postotfice was two million; and fivelhundred thousand. an increaheof one'million on the returns of the previous quarter. The business of the oflice in all its departments has increased in a similar proportion. +3 to the misdirected ‘kuers. which are constantly received. their unin ber is truly surprising; and ,unong the nu merous article: now awaiting their owners in'lhe poslofiiue may be mentioned the fol lowing :~ Black silk aprons. woolen shirts, bundles of tobwco, and photographs in any number. ~ . Pardoned.—-Gov. Curtin has pardoned Jo seph Mooreflsf Cambria county, o‘onvichd of killing Jonfhn Mnrbourg, the alleged de desuoyer of his domestic pencga and happi ness. ‘ ‘ fill: in stbted that the Rotbchilds are to start-a bank in; the city of MSXioo. under gatoperid “tapioca, with 5 capital of $60,000,? 1 ...air. W NDAY, APRiL 25,1864: mercantile income of a fancy Goods dealer -in New York or 5250.000. finifoffi Phila (lolllll'ltl ten home of $50,000. It. seems—3 so says the Nurth Amei'icanl—ihnt the whole income tax of the lnfyal United States. ‘0 mounts to huts4so,OOOl—one-fi fth of a duy’e expenditure—m little'inore' than one day’s iaileie>t.mi the public debt! But this is nnt all. The whole of this incoine‘tax is paid by nine States, or indeed. excluding Kentucky and Missouri, which are 100‘ much distracted to he very productive, by seven States on an average of $6.3.UU0 each. ;Niuesmtes do not pay one cent. They are, ‘nud' we imlicise the .\‘mlilinnizod Statew, l .\ch IL!”’]7‘IIU'I‘,JJ|"AO(I’ Island. New Jersey, ihe ware. .Ilci‘flrqiin. Wisconsin, Minimum. LJi'umui and Uilgfiu-nia. Three States. Ver- Jnnrl, ('unneciieiil: undilouigz. [my fifty dol ylfll’fi ennh,nnd Maryland (ind Illinoii'l two i hundred dollars eiiéh. In qther word-i, i inurteen X‘nrlhem Slates puy'an income tax -r>i‘ exactly; forty dollars each! Wéll may; lthe renderbe startled by this which, as we ihave azuil. we _m‘py Jiterullv frmn an Ad-i ,minictmtinn ”mi-Inspnper. Aesuming _tliel ‘tigiires to he eorrect, one may well ask how I lis it possxhle. on any theory of honesty, that: ‘tPllL‘ll a Mate nleliode l~l=lnll-Qt this.mn— mi-nt reprv~ented in the-Senate by 9. mil: . lionuire. “lime prewiit-i “to his bride were‘ recently hr‘vnnd nll' price—how comes it.‘ that Rhod'e I‘l-Infl dé'es not pay one farthi’ng 1 ‘nn ucmunt of the income tux? And New‘ , Hampshire: with its factories, and New‘ Jersr-y, with/'it“ railrnnd ‘cmvitnlids, iindl 111-lil'nrnin. With 'it: gold, and lllinois, fiirh its great City at the 'lnkes and its giga’fiiic‘ ontiil—i-i shore nn tax and no ineonie from ]any of ihece? .“ Not. one dollar,” says the " i‘fiirzli Anui‘irmi‘, and we fear our contempo- Kry‘ H well iiosteil ‘in the statistics of [hi-i _ ‘ley syneiil of fruitless finance. The remedy tor all this.snys the 3'oth American, i-i whidky. )ialt liquor<, (nnd we presume champaign wines) are to be spared. But whi~ky mm make ufi the deficit. Whisky nmr pays' but four million-I. It can he made 10 pay fnrty millions‘! “The veiy Igrent. facilities." rive the Nari/i American, “axlhllilg in the “3:51 for making cheap li ‘quor: in:iire the permanence of (his source lol' revn‘hue.” Now We have nflnhjection to all tibia, but wIAmL in the whi=ky~firnducinu Bzfiflikgly 'tr} sax? _ .\Vxll ghe pgwmsx of chomp-liguqr_ in tlw )Vest apt-39 to pay thgir share of this new fmly mulliovns. and he content. thnt temperate Rhode Island and Gog. Sprugue shall pay nothing"? 'l'h'eade are practionl questiom not eauy to‘nnswer. The truth ii—nnd fhere is no “Rim dis- L'llising it—tlmt the Income tax is, and is likely to be, shamefully Pvaded. "In our midst we mm. mthnut difficulty. put our 'fifiuor on [hp luvn-rsoking in wealth and luxurfi—wlm figure glovnlly” on the os tentqliuui li-ltu of contributors to bounty funds and fan‘s, and yet. wlm vnnceal and disparage tlmir incompamnd chant the (hw ernment of its dues. “'9 thank the Kurt/n Ami-Jim» for this mndial “Moment of the truth. It is a dismal revelation for those who own Five-twenties, or Seven-thirties.— Plu'la. Aye. ‘ l “Chi/int] ll'qr/ar-c,"-—We published a. few l dnys hgo An account of the defeat of Cha p Ferguson’s command and the exec ' inrlnof summary punishment on the csturod guenllaa by Col. Stokes' 'l‘enneseee cavalrv. We have since learned that the affair was )mnre brilliant (is this sarcasm?) than 're ported. After the defeat of Ferguson’s command the guerillas ialttered. and were eagerly hunted down y Col. Stokes' mén. Whenever one‘fwas taken he was’ shot without caremnny. On the capture of one of the gamz the next day after the fight, he was told to prepare for death, when he began to plead most pitmusly foi .bis life. He informed the cavalry that if they yould not. kill'hini he wnuld conduct them to a house when: Ferguson was con cealed. .They agreed to the proposition, and soon a squad of Col. Stokes’ men had surrounded the house in which the gueril la chie‘f was secreted. A party entered and found, Ferguson lyin on a bed in one of the roomu, :ufli-ringfrmn (Ile‘ wound received thzdaybefure; They immediately surroun ded his bed and riddled hi: body with pitta! balk-rLouin-ide Journal. Lo! the Poor Neva—A Vicksburg (Miss? correspondent of the Tribune, under date 0 March 4th, wri‘iee: * i . ‘Sbme 2,000 shares of Alleges and colors reached here yesterday. It was one of the saddest Bnecteclee witnesseed for 2': long time in Vicksburg. Women and children were almost-starved and balfnaked. Such 3 terrible picture of nhject wannnd squalid misery can neither be imagined nor por unved_mtli the pen. Many of the'women and chi-lgugn were siqk With feverx, brought 0. by th grant: fatigue and exposure of the long march from Mel-idiom Quitmnn, Eu. wrpri-e and other places. Will not the friends of freedom. and the humane philan thropists of the North come forward "at once, and with their generous hands rescue thmliberated slavesfroliiprematuregrnveu? Shoes and clothing for Both sexes are needed immediately.’ ‘Libernted ahwee.’ Liberated—to starve, to beg. and to die. ‘ ‘ fl'Bankl may with the lame propriety be termed the “Abomion nigger driver," having established a new ordbr 01 Ilavery in Louisiana. . ' - NM ? .amilc . TWO DOLLARS A—Y EAR ms. msc‘oimfixn nus cannuc'r Few (if our readers are aware, prollmhly. that Mr. Lincoln has no cabinet. Such is the hot. Dnuhtless Mr. Seward ii the Secretary ofsmte: true, Mr. Chase i: Sec retary of'the 'l‘iennnry; it is not. to be de— nir-d that Mr. Stanton is the .\‘t-eretnry of \V;.r"and nithnut doubt Messrs. Welles. llllir, llqher. and Bdles nre,thn heads" of their respective departments; hut mi t'or t 1 ‘ cabinet. cunhhtm': of. \Vurkm: d.uly us, a ‘ body ol'enlightent-d.nl»lenwtmhenppttinted andrneting cnnztitutionul ndviwrs of the l’rNident, there in no such thing in all W'dshinztnn. lt' “(‘nln'netfhin our‘Ameri— can cyl-tem nt' government. meum n half-do zen ht-ml clerks charged with the pdt‘ttolim of the prineijpnl departments ut‘ the {luhlic business, then there ii a cabinet at _th ington. But if, as the Constitution provides nmt thé uniform [lrnctice ofthe government has been. a Cabinet means a hady of lueu by the'skilled judgment of whom. each in his sphere, and by whove united indgment in thelarger ufl‘airs of state. the President constantly assists and strenuthcm and guides his own judgment. then. as We have said, there is no éubinet in Washing ton. 7 ’ i There hmlteen‘ no cabinet meeting for several months. Now and then. t‘tvo or three of the sevre‘turie“ may not together in n department, or in the. White. House. and Mr. Lincoln may or may not he in their company: hut—there are no regular meet ings of the whole cabinet, to consult Qupon' ’the husinws of the nation with which Illa ‘ executive is charged; and in the knots ofl two or three which :om’qtimm gath9r, Mr. l Lincoln’s ~toric< qiiite tiqiofter. occupy the‘l time as the tnomentom interests of it great I nation. di'llijt‘ll hy traitors, ridden by fana ties, untl cur‘ed with an imbecihty in the. l adminiftr-ition at its imperi ll fortunes, onlygf 13M criminal Kt‘z’mn 'the . trenfio ' against which such fee 1 war ii winged-'3? ,l-luglfind is awn-nee to-day. Yet we hear of her ministz'y in‘ ulmmt daily ‘cnnaultn tion, The ordinary concerns of the nntinn . are sufficiently important. to n~semhl~r the l Queen’s mlvi‘pers In frequent and prptmct- } ed session,» We Americnm are waging war : over the’mifuce ot‘thc continent, hand 0 r; nrmed sililw ate in every Mu. The «mail, is rocking in the throes of its mortal atrug— l pie; it“ commerce is slaughtered on that as; it: h‘unit-q me emptied fit the Young men who go away hy tlr-- hundreds of ”NHL-s! hillt‘ls‘ to li.;ht our battles; weucm'm‘t, by tl'mnmnul-x ol,n\vlllun~' the hmped up debt which is' toljnden the inducttv of this aim future gener' lions; trerh mitliqns' are gully added to L'Tmnmunminot'dt-ht‘whit‘s ' has taken us t‘Wer monthi to create. run it took grouting, d: ht rid-lrn linfilnnll‘; years to acr‘umulite: the very trmln ant! finduqm trieu upon winch we nimt rely to enfiy the load- me. being Slt'fldll)’ pnrnlyzt-d by the headlong fitmncicring ot the head of the trcnrtiry, and the watt-red cuvrem'y with which he is nor-Zinnia” the (Intended arte “(G and veins of,trmle;fii new monarchy ix Tin”): into power on our south- rn bu tier, born out n" our Wt‘dlinlN“. lmxlilt‘ to hit in its inception. nnr lmeorduinwl antago ‘.t' in the. future} onrt ncmteq abroad are 0%); hiding their time; vet fit this Very (ft-ism. when evmy hmh- is lug with the fate ol thi'r ty millions of people. the Congress elected and charged to wire for thete suprenn-‘in tereztn can h'irtilv wit tout-then: quorum to‘ do its daily dim-tiling. turd the-chiet marita trnte thinks- it. wire to dimqntinue the a:- scmblmg of his selected advisers, to stroll from the Xn‘ry Department net-05:: to the War Otii-‘e. and from the -Wrui (“fine to the ’l‘remury Department. ‘nhd “run the ma ehine myselh“ us ho- terms it. lnh‘ncfitiug ita'hngé wheels with storim picked up in “Sananrhon county, lllinon ;" and l'ur the remmnder ol‘th» day, to spin plt ts and contrive M‘lleptt s, in the ht‘L‘l‘eltll‘lt'! 'too are spinning and enntrtving, to secure. the spoili and plunder of the next presiglvrky. These. are the men. 0 citizens» of the United States, that you have _chmxeé to rule the nutirln; thew are the men whom ynu nre naked to re-eh-ct next '.\' wezrher’ to enable them to. perfect its ruling-I. Y WOl (11. "i WIIA'I' .ur ABOIJTIO! ram-tr: fix"! The Cincinnati h'ua'rlt. an HI)!“ and infin enl'ni Ahoiilinn pal-3r, :ierumg in favor of postponing til? National Cnnvémion m'LhnL party beyond the month a? June», 11 m 4 Lin gunge which, \wr» it no uppe'ar in an Damn «:raLic paper. would be [II‘OHQUIICV‘I Lreacnn able. It swys: . “We are at the baginning of A militnl-y campaign. in the third 'year of the wnr. w‘hoxe resuihwiil be bitiwr'thn deatrnctinn of the rehei armies anvl the triumimof the National cnuw, ni- such «failure nfoxhuu-i -tive preparation and protrnvtnd‘ofl'nrl as will have the; mom! affect of euliihhshing the Confedet‘ncy. and will convmce toreign powers that. our attempt. to conquer it. ii hopeless, and ought. not. to be continued. One crisis is enough at a lime. Wmh the preparation for thiu mnfliol, in shaking Hie land, and anxiety for tlm rpcnit opprawu the people, itis an impfiinprinm time to bring Jorward‘a political conflict for the next. Prnsitluqny.” ‘ . It. is thus (He rival ’fnrtinm of flu" Ahnli tion party are‘cnn landing tor [mllflflll/ «upra macy, whilé the‘ Me of pine nalmn 13 an» pended in Q nicély a'djustod bnlanceauvait mg the issue of tho impnnnling. cnnflict, w dpwrmine the direction of the écales. . Who Caused the Wdr.—S.xid Mr. Douglas, in the United States Senate, “'lf you of [he Rephlilican side are not. willing to n‘ccnpc ‘ this or the propositiongof the Senator from ; Kentucky pray 4,911 as what. you will {Jot ‘ I address the inquiry to the Republiggun ‘ alone for the reason Lh‘at in the committee } of Thirteené a few days ago: every medib‘er -from the South, including thme from the ‘ Cotton States, (Messrs. Duke nnd‘ Tembs) ’ expressed their readiness fa accept the pfoposdum Q/my venelable f: ind-30'0”; [felting-Ky a film! «caumenqu the tantraveuy: it Landfill! and unstained by the Republivans. Hence the sole responsibility of our dnswgreement. and the only dlfl'iculty'in the way of anpigzicable adjustment. . with the lbpublican pin-_Ly." S‘The uoxville cormpadent of Greeley’s Tribune any: of Colond Frank Woolford. tlxeflientuckinn: '\ “‘No man has shown more Itendy devo tiony» the Union cause. or has been ex ceeded in self-denial and gailnnlry in the fiem. He has been seriously wounded six times, and had sixteen bones shot under him in battle.” And yet. this gallant have has bee? dis missed iron: the service “in disgrace," merely because somebody said that. at. a. sword presentation, he spoke in condemna tion at Lincoln'a ruinous policy! - It in reported that Libut. Gen. Grant has [adult-Md the Colonel in his command. Nuih " ‘ gag I'n one of the towns in CnnnncljcthM previous to our Stale election. bah-gal {mu mm were discussinfi'flm measures and (sun— didaleu 6! parlion. 'l‘lu- Republicanamnoof w)nm wns tlm 'l‘lm’n Clerk, were bitter ‘_ninu Gov. Seymour, calling him I ln'flor and a friend 0! the South. assertingfihlt ho vu'in fun): of the plan of ‘lhe ‘nbellion, which was that the people»! the South should govern ”unmask-E inde ndently of the North. “Wull,” mid u glamour“. «do you own-e mtimflms 0! that kind I" “we do," refilied we Town Clerk, “no on. except a traitor willulter sentiment: of "in! character." “let me read them to you." said the Democrat. "I have them hon, word for- wurd; what} correctly reporkd, ybu miy not feel no bmerly hostile to tho words uttered. They are as follows: IS MI “ ny people, anywhere, being inclinod nudihaving the 'power.~ha'vo the right to {ise up and Mal-e nfl‘ (hp existing government “131» on?) a new one xhnt suits them. better.— N ' this-rxgluqoufiued to cum in which the xenple of any exiuting’government mug choosy!” exercise it. .Any portion ofluc peopie ihat,‘ can, mny revolutionim. Ind may make {Helium-n ofso much of the ter ritory as Mr}; iulmbl, M-wretlmn'this. a un jon‘ty of any portion of such people may xevolutionize. punk! down ‘a minority, intermingled with or nasrnb'oul them, who mav oppose their movhmoms.” “It IS rnnk treason.” mid one of the Re publicnns. “It is 'l‘mn Saymnur's copperr headism." wfid unnther. “and the mun who: utlerml thaw dete-tnhle words ought to be confined in' Fmt ‘lnt'uy'vno, and be fed on hrmul nnvl water, duling the war. H 0 is n Unitary" . 4 I\l - c). 06_ The Demoqu knight-t]. and q'llil‘l‘y “I'll. “(h-mh-xn'en; ABRAHAM LINCOLN. (In Pucxixlcnl (f (/w Ended Safes, utlcrrg "It” wan/x ."' x “It‘s a lie—"ram Su-vmnur suit] it—Tom Seymour lb Lhe'txtuLm-J” cxdaimed the Re puhiimnk._ ‘ ’ “‘N'o! gefith-mwn." (molly rnpliod the Dnmocmt. “'Amuu w 1.13 m“)! is the uulhor flf the wqrd‘s you nuw pronounce as t'ruilur ibuslanguap‘. Ila uttered them in aspeach 'doliN-rud in the Home of lhprenen‘tatives. ¥ in \\';i<lti|\uton. on the 12th day 6f January, ' 1848,0 u the question ot‘u referanea of oértnin 'pni-tinnsuf the Pl'l'."itlflllt"s Message. The Ispeech id-ropnrtvd, nfliu‘mlly, in tho ‘Con tuxmsinnul, (Hulk-J and you mny find it. on ltho 01111 pum- of ([u- Appondix. umnng NlO 'dqbatvs DC the TILL acauhn'uf the 30th Coh fifvss.” ' )bt'l'ho I!‘pull‘.3(‘lnswl(l|fiul it. nfidn bet or: :tqn ([5ll u" wtus finally lumlc that the wordm ; mete. not so rephrtwl m thé GJohn, in one of ‘ President Ifint'ulu'n.\peuches. 'l‘lrfi bvt. was gq-cidcd in Lujm- of the \D-emocrrd} on the 92h: instant, nu :m ilfiwdfl'un of the bound volu‘me of thn Giu‘ng; in HP: State Library at Hurtfnrll, cunlmniug lh‘P ~qmcch of Presi _doyntl Lincoln, And the wurgls wé have qua: "'5" n * t ‘ ' ,‘VWhnt. u connm-nmiv upon the nameless parrot crv of "humor," uthrod by Tammi“ ‘whoarogcnornllyquileignm‘nntbtthe mam]- ing and hearing n! the mnif’hcts they no fre quently use.——l[.u'tt'ur:{ 77Jmes. mango EQUALITY ppdonxlznn. In the U. 5. S-mtn, _rcf'ccntlv. the-bill to incorporate the Mutt-op» "tnn R tilt-ond Cum pnny in the lmtrwt of Columbia, was put. upon its ])'|3~lL'o-. .\lr. Sumner. of Maia“- r-husotts. moved the_tu{lowmg amendment. tom‘ehiw ' j . ‘ . . “Plumblnl. ’l'hal more shall he no réguh—T liongulutlinu any person from imy car on :u-coun; nf coh'u'.” . .' A lvripthy «10-hate fallnwed, duflng which Mr. Summer and othmw‘ contended that F 9 mu-t r(-cngnizo‘ cnlnro'l {Leoplens ourcquals in egg-ry rnspwt—Lhun‘we must. .yield our preju-ljgm :Inul mingle‘with colored'peopje. ride with (ham. mp with lhs‘m, vote with thou}. and intermurry with theml‘? Mr. Mon-ill was Klfi‘l the amendment 11nd bben offered, for he desired to see the question‘ settled for all tjma In come. fi‘lle had n 6 confidence,” ho mill, “in those who profess ed loy.ll sentiments and at theisnme time" I'F‘fllst‘vl tn rocngmm the black man as his brother.” Thm flu: neat-Iv the whole day the llpflmle prqm‘mlotl. anlly the vein w a “icon on Summer’s muenglment, and it WA: mlqptml~ymm~ l'). nilyfi 17. m; follqws: , Yam—'Mt-«rf. Anthony. Brown. Clark. Cnxmms, Pexwmlvn, l-‘ool. . Foster, Grim", Harlan, llowe. Lana of Kansas, Morgan, Mornll, Pomuov. lhmaov, Sumner, Wade. “'ilkinson mrl.\\'llmn—l9. ‘ ‘ } NH” _l[4-<.\r<. Burk day. C'lrme, D-‘IVil, , Dnn_httiv,”nrding, nun-is, HendrirksJoEn } son. Lane of Indmml. Powell; Riddle, Saul:- hnry. Sherman, Ten Eyck, Trumbull, V_an. Winkle nml “Wkly—~l7. , It will be seen that. several of the Re publioan Senator: recoile‘l when this moat infiugous prnpOsiLion Mu submitted to the Senfitefnnd they voted against. il. Sher man. notwitlm‘umlmg his radical. notions, could not SWELFUT thr‘ uncavm-y pill, and he c-‘unimml lh’puhlynn .\‘Pnntnrs to bqwnr'o lmw far they oulrhged puhlic gentimont.‘ lle lclt nlurmvll a; Mm fimuucinm of the «lay. an I feared :1 would b'a‘cjrried to n Jongtll (:nlculntml (o diugust the people. mlm wiuuld-rlm in lhéir m 311% in oppOsiLion jto this ggzgm r-q’unlifv buiinesa. According to the Snmnor and .\[urrill filundmd, Sena- Tor Sherman _in my Inn-1m- :1 loyal ma!) 1. Nr-gm t-qnnhl)’. then-fora, is the reun order of the tiny; find no man h to Be ‘co duh-rod “lny I!" who i} ‘nnl. willing to n cium mt}: mfl'y nun! can-ehII-r him his equal inevory respvct.—' 3r‘lmlc Volunteer. Till? [.l Pl! lIIOI' IN ".IJNOII. Thr- Aimllllon [Wt-<3 .‘u‘F,’ ct’nlleuvuring to lhmw tho wlmlr- ~r9'vpungihility of the‘ late riot at ()hurlnslon. 'lllumi~z, upon the citi lens, but the investigation had in the case shows that it wus Brought on by some drunken soldiers making an attack on Mr. Wells, a citizen, who was standing near the court home. Mr. Wells ‘wm pointed on: to them In a ooppprhend. when some s'- loen or twenty of theln made 3 Hub for him. Several of them seized him. Pllwll WL'l‘P drawn on bath fillies. '. Mr. Well! wnl shot (It-all hy nueql' the noldioral Manv 0! Mr; Walls! l'rleuvl! item to hiw rescue. and in tlm' light Um nnsnell {rmr soldiers were killml, nml twelve or fifteen persons. in cluding éiliz-sg-x :mrl mlilieu. were wound ed, A wimp p; Hun-soldiers. instiglted by some hall mun, hurl ppi-petraud puny (Murilfifl‘fi durim! several dnyi firming the l‘al’ti ull‘my ill Ulmrlthnh. ”no citizen was bully lmntnny‘tmh morning by a soldier, without any pfnvul-atzon. and had been re wardlul by n p o'innt ofn par of boots from one of the ac {fie fumvnters of Itrifo. On Saturday prfloun In the filthy, two citi zens from . ' ,onntry ivere attacked by soldiers in Skin Hlun, n‘ml will: great dif ficulty made rescupe l'rum nvmurdgrom assault. A re, evenings before an old on tlemnn, a bdmr. arm-r lm‘ving retire: to bed, was m: ulteil by q couple of these 50!- diors, with ‘to , nnrl compelled to go ‘with them, u , the prelhxt that he wa'c required to tuke'some sort of oath. 0n the Way .(hey wed lllm flll'l. beat him very severely. ll any ycrsons wvre forged by them to tnke'snmo sort ofoqth. The con duct of a law nYJhm soldiers. under the influe'ncg- of hqawr and urged on by a few of the citizené, haul produced a perfect reign of terror in Charleston and vicinity. Monday. the day of gthe alfray. being the, first day of the ‘Circuit Court. brought 3 great many people‘to town. When nttadk 9d, they léught. It would .bo.pr9per to MM that u. majority of the soldiers were_ fisher, and conduétcd themselves with pro pri’ety ; and that mad. or. the citizeru, ol'nll Furti'es, disapproved of the outrnges ro erred to. . - . , - _v ‘ fi-Tho Rea-rd calls the McM“W hauled." That means that it In. no” held: than one; Ofcnurseithu; [,l]ko lilion head and the Seceshion he‘d, buggy. chiafof all, is {pe wdlly‘hoad. ; -' :-= fi'The Hon‘ Jchq Bulky, W ‘ y " idem Judge of IMucks County 353.50.: didn't. Reading mi 51:93!» nu: _‘ . _ ' _ o . ' a v— ' < 9 ~ , A o 1 . 11“”: 7“ Mr - “ ‘I'IAI‘I'OIOUI '0'...”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers