... - ... E @ll2 6311:1331”. OUR FLAG! j. ;. sums, EDITOR no ruoruuon *GBTTYSBUBQQ P 4. HONDA? MORNING, APRIL 18, 1864 JELNCTIONS. _ The Gonnmien hu (curried in Kari- Juqd by A mqjority of probably 12.000. fl‘hm If. than who insist m, with a mi creation the other side wéuld have “flied by 20,000.. ' Tho Abolition my’ority in Cnnn'actirut in 1m roporud at oily-bout 5.000. notwith shading dig extmrdjmry menus med yo puke it uh large. Hmford, Conn., has deemed an Abolition H. 091; by 18 majority. The Democrntu .lmo rho Cgllecwr, and the Treasurer was on both tickets. - Tho Dechmu carry Albany. New York, by 1.800 mgjority—m incl-game of 100.— Throqghont the State uniform Democrat": 3dr» are shown. . , Jot-Icy City. N. J., has also been ,carried by the Dcmocrnu. ‘ Of tho Trenton alectihnpon Monday, the ‘M American Ifiys: "After - mod des pento efl'qrt on thq part (if the Rapu blidam Ind the‘éxpemhlure of vast sums of money. I)» Democrncy have triumphed. Nothi’hg could "arcane: the indomitable energy of th- firm and true Demoérucy of the city.— 4 dud not was nude in every fiart of the city Iglinlt the Remocrntic'cundidam for Mqo'r. and somq of the candidates for Chosen Freeholder: ; but the Deruocrnry breasted up-nobly. and carried the wh'ole city ticket by an average majomy at about 4W! 2 3" \ . ' Snmanun, 14L, AprilB.-—The Democra‘ 0] have carried thin county (Snngamnn) by 300 majority, a gain of 400 voleg. Preuy yoolgi. for the Lowe of Abe Lincoln. Lust. your the Abolitionistx had 100 majority. - _ The election in Leavenworth, Kansusfon, Biturdly week, mun have been quite u‘ lively one. The Abolitionisu undertook . to Iw‘indle the Conservatives out. of the elegant; bill. they were not disposed who ‘ ”gated Lin thu kind of style, went. in on their muscle, and elected their candidate lor { Mayor by from 600 to 800 majority. This i flute of tblngl is to be depreceted. but i white men mus} have fair elecuons—-peace~ pbly, if they can; forcibly, if they must. _ ' Tune", April 14,—Théoflicinl report of i the Jet-Io}! City election gives the following figures: Greater Cleveland, Di-mocrat. L~ 847; Cornelius Van Vorst, Abolifion.l,so6. Democratic majority 341. The Democratic Water Commissioner haul 711 majority. . ‘ The deocrnts in New Brunngick have eleotod their entire ticket. by 10!) majority. ‘ ngoin 0f32. 1n Perth Amboy. Democratic mqjority 110; Woodbridge 82: Edit. Bruns wick 350. The Democrats hnye alw'cu tied Hoboken. ‘ ‘ In Piscataway the Abolilinnists elected theirJickel by 8 majority. Lam year they Ind 45 . > ‘ Union and Essex counties are overwhelm .flpgly Degnocrntic. ' gawk. Rogue: fuzz Gut," ‘4-c.—w,e direct mo‘httenlion of our readers to an article on the that 'page of Lo-day'a flaps: headed f‘nycou": Ilosgsrv up Cmncrry.” 1!. is copied from the New York'xew Nation. an out and out Republican paper, in the inter est of Fremont, and pitches into Old Abs in gdlant style. . - . ' \fiGold took a very rapid riwe last week —|_t;on"e time agiiing in New York as high u ’3l 87}, the higfiegl point yet, reached. final-y Chane became alarmed ac this, 3nd hurried of to New York on Wedne'» dly night. On Fniday gold was 3| 74. ”The Army of the Potomac in now 159- duoéq ito three corps. compTanded,.re— specfiyfely by General» Warren, Hancock 3nd Sedgwick.‘ Each of these corps num hen About twenty-five thousand men.--, Gen. Bumsido’s command, which is édnceti; ”fling u Annapo'lis, will be composed c'if rhino md blacks, and will embrace :1?! 1110 Western reinforcements, together with plumm- troops can be spared from Mnry had, Dehware and Fortress Monroe. 11. II!!! roach 60,000 men. ———-——.-.————‘-’—‘— en in annbunced m thé Boston Pilot that Bight. Rev. Dr. McCloeky, Roman /Cl2holio Bishop of Albany. has been ap pointed Archbishop olNéw York, Ind Righ z Roi. Dr. Spwldfng, of Louisville, Arch bilhap of Btu-innate. . Abolition Stale Conwnliam—{Eha Abolition M Ceutnl Committee mw‘ Harrisburg m:Wodhelday week, and i v'ed to can I sum Convention, to meet in that city on thé Minn, to select Delegate; to the Lincoln National Convention. to be held Itßalfimore on the 7th ofJune. want—Judge Burnudmf New York, MlOll3 unimportant charge to the grgnd jury on Thursday, in “no Court of chr and Teminér. The calling of 1 put-yin. “11-3 i. lot," 0; "Woman” wilhnut. pmnf, he doohrod;yu libellous, and 1,113 grand in .quutwhreoommendod tofind indicfinenu pcootdinfly. .Tho ujeclion of the nominations of “ugh Sgbofield sud Gillmbre in Major Monk, cause. eonaidernble fneiing in min milimy and political circleu. The W :5 Charleston m plwed entifisly pm 90908-1 Gulmore’n shoulders by ogr uin Senators. .“M Hal—icon Caz-. 7, "“’ i h;”‘ “downdei‘ yngh°lPfivm'u£hu in m k mm pm ' 8 ‘ p . d 1”! Wnfien‘vdunnsthe‘firutzfnm 9‘ "9°“ membetmln“ dMly ”Mull 111-u ‘ ' _;- 9th., for m. w, "mu: to» and J ““5" Demom' - it"“memM 7 I 914“! ..- .mmm 1. na- of n. a mm." or he se “mu "‘ “um- ’ Wanna "0 reached m 0" Waited “kl . "3° 301mb a»? I" 000 d.” ' “we. "NH ’ M 359 8 eno“. b' that ‘ tmwr“, ‘nd ‘ Qietboen can“ x “Id ,emph . omg n I l." nevi—FL— "Edie Paul-emu; Sheet cgpperhudfl'; Ir-ng‘lbe‘mke. on Tzzm Wt “a ’l’ “:1“ been ”W'N’d iu‘thon 'mnmzorup" fmm nvxmuzbe’ feel “‘9'“ $3333“ "Rd m“ at n: “F: I _ “96 o' . Olin Ind ._ n. '' ' . ‘x'iea " 'WOuld I' m 3“!!!“ {can 1.; 5:31“, um", “for UN»... am of 3:89": tonne 33.15:: Juli; ‘3‘ mm flag-$233... "um“ LI I . , _ ‘ .-0 ‘ ' e. . >“I v. ”Miuhuon them Wu 'O.“ dbe vmom 1. “my“ “ ‘°:::dronble ”fluid“ tepnbhcu 3m“? 3 . p‘7 T 5: 321. of amt"? (50"! to 390 1m ‘m‘2ofi‘fi: o'cjntiiei" ‘fld final" 1 . W Wt“ 3110 9:: Iya al'Poinwd huhit of ggir'hou "hashm’bi‘ng lbs ‘ evffigdifigg'“; 1"“ eonti W“ kick a. M: ~ In , n : m “N d' ‘ h. I hilldelPhu.‘ wine.“ - the “L Harm “med M“ '3 ’ In" lb fr . ... I bars ‘H . are . _°|'ul . " 95-: p Gc'unmeut‘u" um. i, Fling-John 0. mm, go‘————f°' “'" ufifim‘m 311;": ““9"“, “35m ._!9_wNe ' :bonpto w .of the 0w .' “my ‘fim mm“ ‘ whmn' 'h. “d m ... .. .‘ W 15011:. ‘ fishing“!!! ’ rm Yuri pub- . "fhuuh an“ ‘0 ' ' lob he to / ~aged6 any on} ‘ .0106: d- . mg: m would ‘3' “P "'7 n . .~ 9 years. MUN” morlainfdluln sen; “Ad 1': Pub" col-13.13""! “"1 3010:! rI. _ u [’l . E held "I“ gt for 'ol‘dl OXpeued 8! - i Pug-Li! zhthigmi’ “1 84m 1:31:11: $3.22,]! 1;: Prone”. ° hm“ M d f‘” Pullman!“ Tlll WA! 1'" DIODIYI'I'I Ittbiofloml 'c“ 31¢|TIIII~VI~ conun- Th a min me . Med D! tick ‘ d M. m f “ti“ . . , riufgbgmz? 01""? con . 3 n (Ii ‘. “y “.3600 m: Abolfc‘icul diff), cont; Oreo Unbnj'ofi'i' I 520" 83...! 32 “and “'_‘e In ' I “3 so Turwoa t “pest-“'3 | La e, h In] ‘ w bk, '0 . 3 TlO , the Id .em ho |ecu Bar "9 ll' ~44 ~ d' p 0“ 'Hn lb wdoe'flk 09' ”'o‘ 5:1 , OEx ‘ 7 Idno l'm- “a u); "'w "n th “r 477 OuPEI * do. mop [om "tin. “’3l: ushogu enoly u” _l2 -“R thn Tau °lt “In ‘3hi « ‘nd -“R k ‘ ‘LOV Sn Mid. em. Yoxwofur Ct. co ”’l’ 1h ogaed' 3p“ w" . .G, 0P ‘cyhjnztp Lea 0! d. The “'9 u JIM. I"'I‘O' ‘ 8 Hon Imka nex {o‘ Thelm-h ml In“. all." 7 bu! che rm“. '“f .59 Hon - Ale lu‘. 001:“ d' B “if; we, "vnb‘if‘he, "o, "1 n..”d r 0 mm” "’8 ”31in :ndz'" I 1 '° {mn“d.‘°“ props“ a, d" in‘ 3%“ wZPWd'c'fi 3"! b, probhcgo Sue but“! 0! but ”on ml: Inoll-r L 0 ' eo . tin ['s “’l': ”'0 “I by .y s nlnhnln _ q, n re. n bed- 10 em ,"h "'0 Tgm.o lo 3 ‘OO ‘lru; of ‘dn er I), so, {7" m Id" gyml “JP!” 0 had by L. “1-' hi} Img “11!. s'r‘lrd' . m Ogre 93"”, 9r. “3.0,. “ouf' H; "Uofioper "an "a; -"nd ' and 0,“ ‘nio deb Pgoi the ‘ th. sch _ Embe I ll“ ne N 101", "hi db. 0 q gr}, FOIL |Tb9yl d “iii-8‘" “113”“. ‘h nin.‘ chive“; Mute. “lion gbnu'vhelnlmn"fuzz sin: of 3d “”31. ht'dr' Lézn' candy”? o?,u‘s‘nf‘y' (tho I'd ‘ I'm in 9, r 9“) 3‘ r_ an In .in “.1 BCO en mn'd g) n: 319 d “Jul ‘O. u. 1] suBm “M ’10! u“ 001 r' CO f. fto no] MIDI gl , ‘he H ' an Ie e; d on f" he . [lf '0 .red or ‘ |y- 'l3 ale i‘gshfl‘: mi; szw?eirl,c:nm ‘s’ the $811313" J‘l‘Wd 31., ‘° Inefer‘r; °‘ Egg“; 3:; 1113.21: glfl'in:‘l:‘:::;h 3‘}?- 3 n,‘a .nd A "I! -n f “£110.". nu re-W .y "in, '— 0 “90d 0“ the Cu 3-3.; the “e in w 3 ‘o ‘vn bol' _ ‘l'ee 0": 9m ”‘3O as“! l n ‘te f”, .q.O re man be P“; Hf. '.g'nomggw co: h°me ‘3O:. 33%: of'-~ 3 vnn‘fglng, oflsibi‘hfrcofijred 3,, “3 3n 13°3;0ve§;;taufe;3;;~ .30";ng comm ‘w ""t- ""d B“Ck'ajfivv dier- fi"°' P'M'fl C; 460 ”"fl "“buyk' Irm‘i‘ti ° 'eso '41:” “if” or "m u“ 30"" {4““m." ”er"? { Ere Bet embl‘ Ins era -{u . Yggiw x ni'edfln ed the on,b "1 one “p Con Y" “He "'3O, at q es. “-33,: “mt“! m3é“°me;‘ 'rvngnré-"r 3~J°Vern33° awn-33.3“: 3w 3:: Mb; ’. , lop, an o -' ny In .150 '.e “d in, e I 61.3 c, «1 3‘. ap, e 'u.~ ‘nd '0 I! re '~T.d h "a ”01 ~ ”u ."n he ‘fic l‘r ''e '3 ‘(o 3 milk “11‘ 'B h'vo e SD. Pe- reoo"°|'° l ‘0 es. of”; re 23.. ‘ l l'e Lu JP]t.t.o3n, t . _e 3 WW 133 33,, ° the :3 Mamba} 51331383353330" 3:.“- 3333;332:3333. 3:: 333113335 . - .u'' n n! 0.--o ~c.,- e." fink-EM sin-033° 3'; 3. 32m .“eys 3 3,993.3,33.2333211305 z ..g padrvf‘ré- 3:923 ‘3:333:3'3n.““3"7-3'3“352’ ‘3': Bring 1.1?" ‘30., ,l‘iv .n3l“‘re:,°"”ib3."’f’° gar igf'imfifiZeffi‘se 3:3; thimsew, 0:35:- ‘ niffin‘e‘} ‘nS': 633’." ‘hhe‘LH-L'lfi‘-htn.r“:°rof . lm Pr V lii "ed on eld em, '3‘, o e Pen '3 i. ‘l. 31¢ 1h: “’3: JH: c'ip ble b, “k View "e w "'ukp "hin 3gp“ to 3 L and “to .fmr Fo Pende Ple u; f.._ “guesqu, ”we a b ”on for 'm ‘d‘ . . - -- 0' vl,- co co ’ ‘ ‘7- .35 a” . g"’n t 3. 7to If. Ju-r'el 'Co “0e - “-49%“ ‘oc “In .co 3‘o ‘4l- n 3. 0. 3 ”"3 “-3.13“ PM: "at Jim-Ia :3"- 35°33,“ “0m 3m (“we 31333 «.30» 33:3. {York 75‘0“ writer Atjlrrfld’l can” e (01‘ $1933"? ”iminued } Gag" 82:1”! f ,1 :Ifslggcr'dmelle bngrfh‘: ethengg of :?¢mc?' "In: ‘5 ’re I' H 0 nl} b“) n w “m- ‘il ' 11's. “th ' m ore "3n dofl °llm u" -'° '9’ _ G “no. _ 53,0 -B. “or. Lu "03- _in} m, he re . x in 1' 93 3pc] ,d th- .e t n' Orb. '33.. ,my' Wbflzqt‘ He‘is "dent ginghrure the; (Legeqrfrh(3‘)“;guin‘portHks d ' GF-LI in ‘émel! a?“ “elem" fol81no:i‘ dz: "he”. coll be“ 0f 0i" "'31:“ AMP“lilo Edit? "I". i. “10' :an r‘c‘oul’t'l 13:,“ camera: ”‘3‘, 6': lfcx’rin IPI‘Im "Qt“: filer-:0 d 3; hm°;°“u;“irly n‘ -“sV" “i eV‘" - P u "“t' Y- L“‘o s‘? .3 '99: W'-' I: ~.'io .2. "r- ‘ll MW" w «3""wnf‘ mp: 03333.» 333.333.3319 u3uuo..“«(3muo?3w “13333- 0333 3,":339‘ :3sz 33:3 32 30:)" for of Pa: ‘ “exec IDr ‘V P, Co ‘ Or_3'be [[l lon Lek .‘hplbh‘nylOn‘ fly; for ‘3‘.) "(p nf'l perm: Xe. .‘lcus;h° [lf i‘lugwublggh. p'been l ' "nee Fin n'l pur '"d ,0] “he“ 1-Al_;°m“:i<sug"9sto“}d Sta we“ ‘horn‘mé‘lfl gr}: Juteiéotherru Vine "(vim “2r “span Inn‘l "cu rvic pO.“ . die "‘it they m "e [‘e [h '9 h"'v efn’r' “‘ . ‘un ~we s°“. ‘Be ‘a m “In em ”‘l' Ewen-2: pubrf Dre; from '’s Pr: m'cobe‘ “one: Yiefly wxihnutu eKUz-undpt' h“ Syn" only 2:0“ or: ”en. Eng 32:" Eczema: :00“ ~’9 ‘' - 1] I S n. l‘jm u co mn lon 'h ‘d °"c co ":1 '°"n te o"A ““h“ lh, "own My hue. la '1" 1.500 M, or Pthe "L '"h" Th ecn - If} ein “1d 'Up We fw, r,“ 3 us; em; - .3 . ram-3133301339“33d r 3333 ‘33 - m 3: 1-' m ”“116 ‘° he, “‘he rho 5'03" o.l“an 'V' of 12% ryuai'" wdem or‘l‘heyl‘md ““1. a'neu “rm “to 3 “lied has 0n: 9; buy“ Ikeptr pnl'fi'; “130‘! ‘l', lgtofep‘rlitionpnt‘; _ t‘her ‘O3 “:13; Ifl. 6:]: ProciF’Hi'nmhigetfln w'ollilupon‘hw. ‘ "csull ifierorelhemle- grant thqui" ” “Tei '39:” Hzrnflnag ‘19:,“ 9:33:21”? Rees. . 3:“) ”a “‘bggzi‘ion: :hti‘zxils’). ‘.eThe I?“ 3‘13”“ T32:vrnncpeleclio‘thflEtfn IvOOOand; no! [it] ”(1):: the :v";t‘e; elli‘ngeal {PW |- l fri:nofl{_!:lilh°3:9 052:1; 11:16 lgidmuzzllemzz; D n UNI ' \ve 13nd .at w“ to as fol en Oh] ‘fiq ”i 4! lnan fe- lug: dfro 9". “'1‘“: ‘39 W saidte ill I Teuk_3 l R l s b 1 Pro 0I h 401 o m 3a.l u 3 fan: "‘ S, °°-Is ””0 31 "die; p“b—l “‘ to“: "‘“rlv' (311- unguaawaul‘ r ”do “:7 w‘Mi‘ ”nth“ ”0 5° amt urpporz‘ h" _"‘n 175‘ » ‘ ' Wash- be! ‘edtb 3‘3de “'0 a] ”I I' s“‘le;fL~’n 29 0f '1 Te ,‘backl’ltcpa Ere “" an“ 13,5“99 Sigrdn" v. 33 b 9 ‘it-”lmg?!“iéTn’aJ-Murcl '"flfonow :3 . e “muff” oftefnfi'pw be”. Tf') whu‘" gf" ‘ its?” “p";ed ‘01)). “'l3, int: bosibtf’wdt n,” 3 “with Vn‘ '“iuns'eg'imihl‘ 25- 13G. 2- ”wag-"r ththe hives—‘s9” 1;?!th “an"f Wi'b 7‘ If the r‘browuemgd‘rccdlo“ of‘Wi‘ 30338333,; .33“, :33 .23 3 "3333:3303” 33:: 3:33 :3 3: 333333qu 33: V 1. l; ..,;n x ‘ ‘ v ,‘ r' ..‘ on“ arc°mlummkn fact 0W k may “5m fn {maid were“ a mete 3" in "eke "F 9 or I“ ah“ "13h; ww" e 1"“ c: 1'" e °!l-° '3! ‘- n ”'9 9m . I 3R3 rd “ 7-” LI l' I.) I”30 fllily de no\.v ‘ the ill] '3 b fly. few In ‘nd- ‘l' "lc. . M ‘N .m- H. um: - 16 r Ia ~pl 33 be h. g.~. 00. 3. <1 3:0 33. 3 {““eg q‘cufl' ‘V do mwm‘nk vda‘u “3' {on 1'1) “'49. WOO 'Orme' U‘lgatldél‘an ‘ “4), {Q1153 ‘fder “1y ‘bnt by“, “kc“,e ll 3““ 9?:“intgbov: \zm‘ép ”‘Piywflnux‘haigi 33‘?“- ay inelsg'ced' 2"" ”if", ' mega arm; I h=;\:'- Pei'gdeufifiwef'TuE iv!” ‘2 {refei‘h‘fer 0n“ cled‘ ML} ’94 a I). “'n' ‘l', :n; r amo {*o 191- 3".” ("Yo let ous gm “'i é red “bf. ecuc He run? ...,“I u; n r]; w I)»: .1,“ t. It” _ 9! cl.“ be - “Imm {the °“,3n or 31‘ “m 5 thin lilo,” -to [,ef'Pk n“I “‘relirnlght‘lflv 19913" “11 37930] hk‘soh". of or 2: ~35 89 'expen Iv ‘5 Ul9“ cg Wit cunew"?! er, hbe ’ n’d‘ ' 3 .-"'-. .- -- ". _' |3-.€rl~" Pow‘ "ear“ I llu “Oci y. 0f anlg’it 1" Of’qu-im‘on nthru M:‘L concuhhme H ‘ {”1“ *0“! n pe‘lt’i l=nclh§°mn yco "1““ ”'3 be lw'll (:lan h-nnicu “Mn the m“ b," “"d "Fog “’4 s "“9 -aVlxe' exp rrenc: n," 9" H: P"n "‘1 “140“5 'r “‘2» "9f: “duct M '0 n ‘m. t 3a;Pe ' o'3: 33 ”co ‘.‘Ph ’mn Ver ”is ‘3 ix ‘ec- Bre "‘3l ~01 '°r “1. ”9-1 . 3 a. 3" [EVE-e ch)?“ GfrEFXgm:lqh:‘flr 3,?"(3020 a . {lluir‘gdlne “lizdfliwfi Afgl‘le'msllllhr'atted' on: {:‘gfih "Elks £1.12." 0’ melamine: ‘3‘;°“r;}} R and; ”“7: n.lis 89% ('5. 113:1'51115‘ Ia enlwo. 3v Is. an“ “'l6 «f 3! «3 s"n .9,“ In 'h x.‘ 0 3 101." "2" 'Sle_ Q 3333 10001 3333-333,“ $330333 ‘ 3333330133011: 335331.33 m 3“ M 313 “3 33-33333-3333313 3 "~‘ ~35 :"e‘ ‘-- 'o‘ ""- at ,Pu "1 1 ‘ fig “'11.; “as. few“ 3, ”at :‘in A 3 ”I: ‘"f"Kr ‘5 E "“"i “’3 * . 1MP33333133333:i333%3°nge~3en3333c33w3~3 33333305 iq"lsl2"“r:s'3”“m: 3 3 ~A- . ~ s', ‘ . . .v_.‘' .3 . : . a I L}: PL Qi‘n’ [rebo‘ wfls ad ls 11‘: unw P“‘d Anon‘enlbre‘ ! ull‘Lp 'I ‘ ”o.43l.ruucia‘lle‘lhflh ”he nlulemaM ‘ ' L KIE‘XD.’ uut'wt‘ion film: ”by arch}: 6901: ”’9l- or: “ deer“ are-“ 55 : r “lei“.r‘?“ “1:9" “1““ _A .3 ' ‘ 131,5; 0: Mondto ex? by :evPrpanxgn'U-z fituneiiunfihgylenfgnbhn ; 'm'w Ites ”he: 7 . Lon Monllay' 191M395 92y 096:" Of u .l" 3 read "l' 01' lcxnnn‘eu‘ 5' 31,: 00k 3 . ‘“ - Mg "ass“Y u ' Lon’."“h {mad 'l'“ ‘ “filth r “"3 é!” Lgx‘ri‘gmnm ' ““53 4 tier {lindß‘iugain tlekrgsolu . b w‘“ 1:111 TIE! 0f”: “of lizmmigxs'. 1g git-“x523 of'p ‘ v03343106353h=53g33°n .0 3 33:" 3332-9333333 33 £333»; :3 331 mg. 5' . _e... ‘ , o . it“: {)th relieigfredoxlgbt l} xpel Mr '23? 02:}; 33:53:31.}: ”e on‘ J‘Ollglfi'ufpeigg‘ eLI “I. ~and 'eu lat . .~e . t olu‘ ”M In" (‘.3 11' VIII! .m E“ ' h “b' "I ‘Pe “0 Wo_ “0' ‘h . ath 3 ”licon'ethe (gzelyltfn 0?‘ 30113:” T 339813“ “123' 11:1: nottglrdytnuizlnndlr‘: r 9301“ 5 M 0919 “3.3“ Blisfladom he 05‘“? 301—5 . Mr “tire. “‘s'- 1, ° Erato- f‘lizq'" “we“: 3 “(In his vfil‘sg‘vfionior did 21"“ I‘lhis mintedwad' ‘ 3'o“ I:“‘Ven e cufi‘t‘fiod i" [the :Ilsiletien‘ 0 ‘I I . a ‘ L 1 e _‘ FEhlfgs 1150::- o‘;P ‘8 °thet°°utu°hoit§ ; “lirlrszlitfl’flf “,r‘udfn ‘” S;:‘;"KT?W-: 5510 ”Card“ “grew inmylv ”’“mlfe'fih RE‘licz-“i‘h 135.303- "52:13.8‘ 03". ”Sula-e" ‘0 aid biwel'htuth“ r2l: 3 {Ema e 'l'; 0f 1km?” IH' "9 “I';ch 83:.” ‘2:ch ”I 9 mu '‘e :fix3. /' a.“ nr. i‘ |",- ‘u r 11:“? 'hq“~":.3“i’§:§’ b3}: ““31:“fix?"e‘l*f‘éilatn‘digénm‘0n ‘i‘% ii! I??? ‘E'lllfrepzfl u‘ so thageuu ° 13.33 MM! 3‘wm“°n.ro"°ti " Pro "*in“! Ind. ""r 93“.] “'3 buuu’f‘r Quiem‘n u, (if thrulwl‘s l-sheq‘nmy am. “Fee“;in Ll'on um“ _ I'm-‘s'?” fiat-“13:0”n? “c 1339“, 6“? 1.11 “mi ”3‘? “lloncsfengzdcou‘giflna Tm}? a”, n.., f ”at “Va edpr now big "a 0 h“: a!“ ('OO r..“ ‘k‘l'é’ o; erizb “13:. To“~ el. 0r f ’lc , ‘9“ h f 3 v 791 ‘l] ma m I (\I Pro 'd g h M- 03333 new :- newer sum-r. 3 '3 M:1 ti "F ' ”to rb’Jt “in L 0,003.1, e n .'°. :3 °"-«‘“.“-e ’l’Os".‘H “'m '2: 0!“ erna '’llo bh‘ II) N‘F M" (‘B‘nm "’l3 “"0 “W "‘0: 3"”1 :3 ~33. 3‘30 w “3:333:13 (3,5 an trfioré9l‘g's 00d egeh‘u.‘ aotwluk‘ -llnd l n-"Pr "2h“! o'3"""'lrcul“t.ad v u e a e“' 'e ‘Vn. '9 n,‘ ‘1: e“. ""130 6‘: froml flry r mall-3E k 9 ~. 11 “In; 1:11;“: 50:1. Wk” d ltl' (..‘ \' wE” My?“ yew 9:: his that 9'l '" ‘ t-ndh “"o ”I. e"ll: "’ s 1 ”’3l " "00 .3? whel a [“2] the ‘ 00k,JUgufi . ~33” Ir.” ”’(‘r fpam “l“; ‘nqe “11d cfimrhpe i‘n‘flfnmelhgcofiiQSpeakmg u cn‘E Slave?“ luffrig)‘ Tin: "knu‘YHS-l on"; the “‘“on nex ”111-e l' (mun pvt: 5h “an “.1”! .Or “A slu‘ Q‘s-"id Ken” .qt‘rdf‘r" i«.l‘i.°fi" 6:" Son ’fltbp"eu"“nd "I c "in; ”"131 "“3" ”m M [ll >1“ ”'utx‘mm "'l3, "‘ll ‘3‘“- th: we" ulng a bench" an" 1., "'n."l'-hnp{”‘n.l-"'“h;3“"y. 't‘ \\~3.r’on."\l"’u—. C Aft ‘ "h a ‘3“ l pfpf 911' Wot—.l” ‘ 'n" ‘ h;5 “Mel, ' l‘hd Jay“ 5 “i 1 51",, ,h \v 11 he are GI. _ In_ n \ ‘v- 0.3, :\ ry l” ~ ly a”. n 003 "’6 51" 'ncfi {e was} Ir'th' “I J ll'V'l .1! in ‘. 1.3 ml": 0"“ 4IF XI) 50 deg] mem lnude ““le "ugfiz'orl‘e bed‘erh’fl “”113”,“v\”Charm-503-ufl“in:' "u. "th. “ed km; the 3‘m3n 3‘ _ 33w 3 M»: Mr, fol" ”le fem“ I‘M! ”"c 7"N ”he (”“133 """rk."‘ In. H... r ”"i. 3?“ 93°" sa‘d Phe real'i'lerk th y! l‘le‘lr"“r«:)nh alf‘mlisd Jiu,‘ ' ‘lr\e"l:ohnt Ba mal he Eco “I“t \ I“) r; I] “I" “'3 'go cNln'(' .- he - - , l' _l..f o n] 15- r... I,»1 'r “.- EIrJ Ulla—lmol‘epflbfiwould s “mould opulfl Tlllld be :13)!" :14va (hfln‘ltyr ‘TA‘PU ,::"'len ee 35 'li to Dr . of l" cr .lvrc “k 3. ”1n “n”. “A. ‘-n] "Ilu ' nd eh I'l Ashov . .u l "“3: .w"d “h u. “.1 1:, 1... M G'n' ad . llr‘ 0w Flt. 1e ‘ sld lls 0w3”e,l r.” be I,“ i hit Astfid' 581L180”, 186?)“, hang, (h I bvgfnlgff min-h nph‘. ”:33,“ 2,!" flaunt; Cr.e . ' '8 e . “.‘i in “‘1: - ”0,: ”a '3' 31?? 53%”..3‘” he . “dilissvnez‘dvo?3333.433“ $333 “3. ""‘3'3133 remubleuld'ng woo‘gould ‘ h‘d unis-t Niel)" Juan”? E"d:;:?“ri,s n [he .1 (3% "'91:,“ :trumgfeny.’remf°nv it ever 3“.” fimuumuimh 96: "‘ 'it? "In , hum" ”lllzifubhci‘buaefx°"el; 3'12?“ 3}. huhio' 1““. ‘3}? iuz'fft’r 733““ 3l.§‘°h-s'*"‘rv.'w -mMr- I: of ”Saba”- [9 céraq! hen int, Mr-l Mf‘nv’b (‘_'uld I: :l'eeéillcelle cum“ “‘1 “'f Mn fufinfionpefil‘dinuhgln udz‘ain' glowifin‘ t‘; i hathh“ "Ire” MI: 33:0 Or 11:; H‘up' JETS. 10“- .‘ ' "' I' A \\ -‘ A“about! 1l) "g: of 3' may enlbegulp;““lwhoflrdouugd OW, I“ he” gellu‘i‘W-uzt ’0! $31.5 Fe,- ’ com “s cm hio ' of th rs 0|" Ifireh K ”tn u' viLs who 'o“th .1“, r‘lm‘lu Er 0! 110 n :5 degandommulweéiVLhOSe ‘ edit; ”‘9 q?" u}: 01 3,, HA 311%“er soan [PM of“: 39111. net“) 00d {hat I), Sa'fiame ”Nahum“: gm“; “nuolwd I“, wo“""|l.1lk°3 “’li“%ssloldnu'""lla umh‘qun! it Wls lgnl, a]. '~hw':sl “.0 In” 0n 11 311;" l’e‘ '“ n o h” €Ol. ~e' c "'i was WW f’we “t. - ”1c "1d" nn '“d' Pu “ 131" Soclkcéor Fit?“ “mun ..3“‘c-.fl“‘iah,“r9 4133“": the" “I:g,‘lri"khr"‘l:.‘ed'd ‘Ecfimif‘ Sioe" "In encflmion unr- L “I. Hd “new ”M. 3 ”ewe like w‘ls font”? ‘0 “"310: hflrot ll'p,‘ 1,0515» 35:30:80; $0313 «a 3.3llll;(hairihifllwnfl‘ppwm 10, $1133, Elem, .‘g'rnxs'wiriqlf’ 13;“ 13;“ If Un- 1!: d‘tw ”3,.1ee tl, lu'i 'l' - ATd-Wn' Wu "(I 'b' In ‘0 {fin “:5 Neith‘rnyg'k. 21d ‘11:: Pres: “‘9‘: exhale -""lltq""“:x]”eryuld “0?“ “SI3M 5:8 he {Tome cor s°! uYOrk ““Bst "he ML {3B‘l- iud him" S‘gvhct‘!‘ I bcihvrc?“ utumoaechu Gemxew iflponp for lshoulw’i, ” ‘he ”on I “'04,," Tl,l Mr,” "3 rm " "Anytime cin line 18in . °rk Aden“ WISH” sc(_'endin seces'"exp,ulf‘li “”511." [Ann “lit" or organ- Sm.“ gggrqu; mi‘mi "s‘l3n~o‘i33rolv;“*ol.f.'.°“ is“); "‘h’i “Q ‘3” “'23 3m ,Mu' . Yo“ “,‘3'ol-Y en th 10“ 1h 3U 1‘ 10“.-“ "c.,'lule “m r 0“ r 0 3 .Mr' W 0 k 1 af‘rmg “I'd R ttile" nude; I"With-’5 ton‘ muttme,‘ " ‘gfndmeg Ix, soled henznrzd-n ‘ m3‘0w33003'3w33 3w 3—" «33mm; .333:- 3; or“ 3n gm “0‘ Be, 05“ s‘c 'b‘. 15 F aid. 9: d 'ul-e. 30¢ u-dw. ‘Ol Su _r_ “Pm 0h" r 933 0f Enagm‘éu “Such the pg‘ .whi.3upon‘lr|ng be 4-1:“ r 35” MIL-“‘- “'"Jol, u°“ u, ‘13,.“ the “In. tis: ‘ “I u. "I "ugh :3, “lo ””34: 5‘ “d to “”1“; Wed “1 Lu 3 0""?! e mefl‘h “De ‘Efiiiuntr ‘ “V‘ut’ 6': ep‘ l'le Flaio "lr‘ '“fl ‘_ye e 0n ”In “La ”‘l'“ ech ‘he “9‘ ‘ “131‘“ S “'“ngh'h; "hf Lon' ht: .“' 7111,5133de of "'e “'ll 01' ‘h had n . ‘ (Jul-“ohms [a “-3“? _, the H 3 by 41; '°m "in'“ a n'h ‘3 no 0"I: “-“io ”13:3 .“‘ «H'nu "use "“9 ‘er - ' Pee. eFa‘ mle 01- rd.“ “ho do 3'!“ 2w ‘ A bl. .033, L 1: ux w In.. - 3b“ le No.l 3:9 “s' View I‘2 ' but. 11 as u u i, [C Juda‘rt‘ir —JE glf‘er '53 Fe pr°=e e s “’- "-- *x -'(in "5 7 In to cu 7 Pong-bum 0d - Iteu‘e “'Oke .1 Ile 913'“ , “t. I); n; ‘ How is Treat working this upring? Does! he help or hold back? I think Mark How~l a’fil has about finished himself—even Stark-' weathering dowu on him. I spoke‘xo Gov-l ernor Randall about making you a ‘n‘pecial ; agent.’ &a-.. B» said in would if it. cnuld b" ’dnne drum/31:, “hpe yhuwill carry the nld' r’l‘enlh dlslricto-you deserve to. ,Jlegarda to llnllisler, &c. In haste, &c., 35'; ever theriom], ~ A. I], an‘hrnv P. S.—-Could punr Dunham I."va nu a 51.400 clerkship here? If all, and you think but, make out a strong paper. and get it. well siuned. and addressed to Air. Chase, and agnd me and perhups I cnn e-iide him in» « This is the way King shoddy managetl matters in Connecticut. He is a great' po litical strategist, persevering and unscrupu lous; he has m’oney and men at. command. and villains enough to do his dirty work i anti as he servedtzhe Democrats 61‘ Confisc lic-ut so will he serve thém blaewheré, unless they are both-courageous and watchful. . TIIE TEBBI nu: RESULT Now if: the war progggssing? This is the question ”mt. interefib every body. The Philadelphia Nan/I American‘. an intensely Abolition sheet, that a few days ngo indi cated a flisphaition to mbrace miscegena tion, publishes the following. which we presume, coming from a loyal source, tobg correct. If is made up to Sepc; 1, 1863, and includes the battle of Chickamuugu: 0135FEDIRATII Killed. “'onndl-d. I’rimnors. Tom. 13:]. - 1.250 3,955 2.7721 , 7.937 1561‘. 14.556 47.2 w 15.876 r 77.646 1863. 12,32 x 43.301 71,311 131,832 Total, 28,147' 99,99 89,8:cg 217,465 Confcderatea died of discuss and Sickness from ccmmcuccmuxi oi war to prebcn‘. time, 130,0u0. - it - PEI'IYRALS Kined. _Wounded. Prisoners. Total. 1861'. 4.724 9.7“ 9.144 211.708 18012. 20.879 63.97? 46.534 136.386 1863. 15,363 533,98 33,281 102,625 Tomi, 40,966 131,745, 89,009 262,700 Federals died of'diaeaaq and sickness during the same timé, 290,000. , uscnrruunoxl Eederal lon-u id battles, km, .“ “ by sickness, ta, Federal toial'loss in flyreejean. Confedehte losses in battle, 217,426 ‘3 “ hysicknesl, 130,000 'Contedernte total loss in 3 3",, 347‘465 poliiimlly to the 'people he {Wu-mm, Illd moully only to God: “Eh? gentleman from hm! or w w of amena-ml 8532:: :;‘:g:i;:::*;‘::“;3; 3:33: a“; 3'“ Pm'id'mg for “1° "“1"“ 9‘ “1° 3““ mini: ofJudu, and yams hue criéd :42 xii Capitol from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, I late with ‘that. mob, “Bumbag! give us Bur passed the Senate a. few (my; since by. de- I wings 1 "_AI for this Christ, "lynx him. cruci-‘ aided majorlty, Mr. McSherry,of this counq :fifgéchbefi::“o};° 2333):” 13:9 h; 25:11: ‘Yv "9W PWP°HY voting against, it. . x i could mil cry-k his whip over [his ”oust-. The Cnrliale Vohmzeer sjya "it. itbeheved I Wh'an - few m’mutes before he bud couvguded by many that it will also pass the 30mm ‘ hi: remhrks he (Von-beer) ltfirmplmllu get the _and then it will only require the signature! EESZ’ilzfiufitillfind) "ltd 'llww' He could ’0! the Governor to become 3 law. “’o‘ . Mr. Gufield.—l‘he geuilemln did not say would be sorry to see the seat of Govom- "3;“? he" lwill 0‘ ‘ IJ‘ . . ' v r. or . n ylc ~ gifttiefgvefi, but :59 A 1223?! :ehzcvrelfm’ I Mr. G’ufiflrld-t-Tho ‘kgntilelmnn Idid'not. u; si ‘ I , 5.61" ‘ 1 wee. ean uncut un m. much to be dimtisfiscl with' Harrishmg. ' lir- Vurilfiu- The soul-10m!" il notin col!!- Tha mmgdudons n tho hotels are very Eoz‘gfig‘?’;3pif‘rsgzo:2? :igl‘lhrisl ardinuryinnd the charge. "’3' “”Wd‘m- Eating}: of u gentlemu, will penil‘: in breaking lho fact In, ‘the members ind thou buxng {ll} upon my ren‘nrkaz Ho wn udrocsung we busing“ “4.50 M of Government have“ rights of the republloun members nrwcll u hooliimposed upomndlmdlordmd on)“; g‘ffnfifi:*;‘9lf;;: £31353. :3. 5331;: 1“" made famine: in two 0" three yearl. ' Spukor’l position in oflering the resolnfiou. More than this. therein: s r übli'shodin- Mr. Bteren- moved on odjonrn, In «tin Ppe P , _ , 83 I {hut ‘o'“ called the Talcgrapl, which d 5; um} glue dehuwpoulgbc cpuungcd tofmgrlow, Excess o!.Federnl'loss, :. - , 205,255 2:12.720 290,009 552,720 ‘ M‘s—,9... ...-.._‘ . F The Proposed' Erplulkhm 9f .Wr. Long.—Th‘e Eprol‘psiuon tn hexpcjal Mr. Long, of Ohio.‘ : fron} his seat in Curilgress, fo'r the expression of alleged disl.l :senl'iments. is ‘dpposed I'by many at tlge lafiding Rvpulflican jonfi nnln. The pr York Post pppnses tlio resolution out and out, and wonder: that u pers‘on usually so sagacioul and discreet us. Mr. [Colfax could be caught in such n trap. 0." the speech. it says: ' ‘ l L. It would do no injury to the loyel nulls. nnd would' do greht damage to those who (lmil‘e to oppose or betray thet muse. But mm i: more (harm question ormere 'party expediency in this matter. Mr. Long’s speech was a grfectly legitimnte expression of‘ppinion. e thinks that the rebels‘ must he’sllowod to go in fence or be extirpnted; nnd<he stated his t nought almlv end re spectfully. in proper words. We do not concur with him ;;we do not think it neoco sury to concede ,the independence of the Confednncy, (which is on imtgouibility in ourpiew.) nor to extirpete 0 people of the South. 7 We are not unwilling that those who have come to other oonolmions should hnve the full liberty to express them. whether limbo newspaper: or on the floor: 0! Congresl. If they carry that liberty to the extent of overt nets of treason, they can be "rented Ind punished ; if. like Harris. of‘Merylmd. they ere insolent and outrageous in their - "\nfiflf “"‘fll’od manners, they can be properly cousin“ ; but if they remain within the limits of flir debate, if they controvert argument by lrgument, if they present only logic, elo ‘qaonoe, upped. in favor of their View". they are but exercising the rights which belong 'to all freeman. . i t The New York 77mg, which in the orgm rof thé’b‘ecretury or State and the Adminis mfibn. says: - ' "We have prom-ted nyimt the ettempt to expel Repreeentntive Lon g on the ground 10f expediency. we now Wish to fly A few . Word: in relpout to the right of the nutter. jThe Constitution takes care to secure the lntmoet freedom of debate in Congreu by ’ linking Ipecinl proviolion the! {far my v' Ipeeoh or deblte in either Home, member: lib.” not be questioned m an; other phoe.’ l "What could hue been the ohjectof tili 'unlimited immunity. but. the recogniled :heeeuitr that ever representative nhould [be in a position to J; oomploteetjultioe to ibis own oentimema Ind those of his con- Ilituems? Thll is n principle which lies at l the very foundation of every roprecenlltin .govetnment. But why in it not in much 1 {violation 0! tlm principle for men in the Capitol to deter n representative from well:- ‘ing his aentimentx, u for man outside the Clinton 1'! l 1”!!! iutimideiion tint is the PVll. and it don't matter 3 particle whence the intimidation proceeds. For any power in Congren or out of Comm-en to exercise , it. "u. to violate one ofthe most sacred prin ciplm of «he Constitution. l' “Mr. Long bu denied theright of cum vcion. Why should he be expelled for lthat? No Gangrene ever at in Washing ton in which the sums daninl has not been lmmlii. The df-niel has been meta thousand tinivs by argument. by ridicule and by de nunciation, but no man before ever dream ed at meeting it by a ‘ropolution of expul~ uion. Mr. Long also nflirmed that, in his belief. it was impossible to subdue the re bellion. If he honestly believei thn. he has not only the riiht. but it is his duty to any it. It. in the duty 0! every honutlegil later, When great 'public concoinp are It stnke, to doclure liis honest convictions.— It is nonp the less. but all the 'more, his duty to do thin. if these convictions are op posed ‘m the dominnnt sentiment.’ It is the wen-keel. side that has the strongest need of argument ; tax- if. is thei- only power.— Mr. Long": only responsibility for bid argu menlsis to bid constituents.” , Nzw Yflxx.‘ April l2T—Tlie friends nffhe Admmistmlinn in Washington and this city. are mrblv troubled about. the refusal of certain lending Republican papers to lustain Ilie dourse of Spsaker Collux in the case of Representative Dong, and this dis satiifnction ’is llkely to create» serious di version in the rank:- of the Republicnqs.— Theirimu. .Evegaing Posy. und olher influ’ofi lialJnurnals. are ducidedly oppouod to ,lhe expulsion of Mr. Long. find the probabili ties‘arn tlut their opposilion will prove ef fect‘unl in restraining (h arbitrary inclina tion of‘ the ruling pnrdy to lrammel the freedom of delgue in Congreas. , ‘I‘II'I! WAR NEW! An nrxlpr has been issued ‘3; the’Army of tho- Potnmn'c \Vhlt‘h in‘dicmea early action. All [lnvute prowrty is ordered to the rmr. All (-itlznns. With mfew exceptions, are tor lqiilden In renyun with the nrmy after the lfjth inn. X 0 niore furloughs and leavva ot tlbsvm‘e are to be gr._.nted pxcept in ex. ‘Ll‘etue omm. ‘ , . L’l‘lw '('«-|ife:lerntr= attempted to blow up the frigate, .\llunruota at Fortress Monroe 'v‘Yith n ln'rpwln. .The t'orpodo attached to a small bunt came down the James tive_r tow a'rda’thv .\lnuwmtnm. two o’clock lag; Sit: mday lumping week. The machine was fastened tn the sv93s|‘l, the Confedc-ratefi having dist-avurml a way at doing it success~ fGITy. nml exploded. The host and its crew gnto‘ifm solely. fl‘lthinnesow'wns blown out of the waiter and very m'uc'h shaken—— She was muvh Ilumaged. Awteamer called the Mdpln lef mix blown up on the St. John’s lhvvr. In Florida, on‘ April Isl, by a rebel tnrlu-do. a... Amman. exploded in the Federal-Tommy) at llnnt~vtllm Alabama. on Monday; killing .six whdu-r; nind wounrllug several others. ‘F'rmu .\lobilo il, h reported Hann March 219:. the (lunl'evlo-rnte steamer Clifgon, M luml-ling l'u vrns~ the bu. not :ngzound and W;L\ burned I.) prevent lner being: captured. We lmv’v wry hula doubt, Ilun the lied thur «nu-mun" hm hpen abandoned. though \\ lwthm' it is caused by u dcleub we are unmbln u» my. ’ The to-L-grnph brings further ‘pfn-ticuhrs of the llnumfijl of Kuntuc‘kv. h is amtnd llmt m 1 'l'uy:ssl:iy n'wrninx a sir-mg Conrad.» hug.- [l‘m-:1. under Gen-rut} Bingl-‘xl._eppo‘ared -‘ . Ullllel' urn" .... P _ _ ‘bt'flllé(fiéllhllnlli. :1111l drummls-d the sur ren’der ut’ [fun ll llll‘fk (formerly Furt l’tl law.) ;_'l\ln‘_' fivu Almurs [for the removal of ’xmmon uhtl chtldn-n. and mouse of surren. «lg-r he prmniswl to treat the white soldier» n: pl X;«Dl|t‘|‘-’ nt' \mr. ml to avml the colnred tm-u-n In tlwir unite“; but. ahnultl lie-he lan-ml to Lake the l:l.:c°. no quarter would be shuttn to I'Olored tno-n tnupd in army— t.‘nl. Inn-romp, the Uninn cnmmnn‘dwr. re plied that his uovvrnment had placed him tlmr? tn defend the place. and he Would nut comply with tlmdetmuhd fornsurreudet. .lu-t. ut Um timmu stoumei arrived from .\‘ewUt-leauw. :mm 3.000 veterans cunning lmmeon tut-laugh. They were landed, with n lmtterv :tt Columhui. thus reinfurcing the Untlvn tronm. A‘nother account says that at noon on'l‘uxsrlay nfi'nit-s were more quiet. and thu pruficbllittes of an attack on the for! greatly lasaencd. as both Columbus and Paulucuh had been considerably reinforced. - o - w’l‘lm X'nitml Sm!” Senate, on ‘Fridny Week, by a ~vow of 37 lo 6, passed t'hejoim resolution pmviding fo'r the abolition of sluwryv in all tho- States and Territories of the Union, lluough the federal constitution. Shouldl 11. pewlew Hausa by a two—third vole. the proposedamendmgnb Will have to be rnufi’vd by tluee-lourths of nll~ the Stalin-s nl‘dlm ‘Union. through A system of State convention's, ns Congress may finally nppoim. _ - ‘ .The House inu‘rucled the committee of ways and mvunn to inquire into the expedi ency of laying an advalorem tax, on all sales of bonds, stocks and merchandize of every dewription, the receipts ’qf all nul roads. coal, gas and 111 other incorporated companies. _ . On last Tuesday, Thaddeus Stevéns re- boned fl"ion. a‘bill ~ 0 0' 1h '-. , 0; gfi'imgzggrvpa‘ffiflng ofi ' i 7, e n; - n. - a ”'6 an?"°~“9r~c”°Ul;¢;l”“inlgbanks "rolnih-fum. ' °r One. '"g .3 ‘4“oteg‘a‘wcu Of Inyl lull. g?! "“(311 P 9- cen money. bonds [Hen of flu‘hori?9'-xaifr °hoclr°ulat§2fa "'51:; “‘x liar ”’4: 121 g l'r'Ki ) of Coon“l lg:"‘ben' “anyb on V’ [£11653 “4‘5"”. game,“ be' 484-; ~— 35:44. "4 nag-culsl-mrd-or 2:81- day ”:50“ w”... ,_ "its?“ . )IJ;c"l:‘gilnefl':e‘l-nl "if; “.hflsilwwpelied 10 In 1’ ‘0 . m —l——-— u‘ ,I'Hr '18.; '35 h 03' '"n1'1“ , i ‘3' v V». ‘lan at"! 0'; “Bang {m “d 6 In Co \ *uq {fie 44".?“ hoe?“ mfnurlff‘ the “the Pomw tilefumhingi _‘l'. n “a? the nggredg tl !bécn {Vii far” kinadfilu‘cugi’ 10"":‘lltrug‘: g’gimm‘le |in fro , -onl . n . 3- ”rs, 'n M ..n (- n . ’3O! In re» -* or‘ - "a "M .°' Sm p'lso “5 n ‘0 u -°‘be “ In. ’ °br ~“F “’n W. 'l‘ ‘ nu- mcu ‘he . and ob.]ec town... on '54 ho en ,0. .‘hen '2an N- fled l but wlnorab we 8‘ , 3W“ 00m; the” ted to 11. nd bl| _ "01- ,o b ”Hod 91.3,“ t Ann,“ “mm in, la b... “1.05 rul men (Station {:22 fail“! bghe 51:11] 8 1':- ETiSiuxi‘éfi-EJ: A‘ 5%,:er l'cSpg-p M "I“: dig}: l‘wflfifrflggguflflgef?““33;"; Loin“ -“tbe G “bah, . “ah. mu mo“ ifiu o.;er 'lr P-bs L'th,U'f“‘lv ”em; or the e hfi'e'band‘flm orthe‘go e “p -1'13"“ av“ )ncu Own.“ ch {o' ‘1 ycem .ls be' TAGE “1.5'7' ] ( Y lend Vt‘ry‘e -y.t9nd Eula t. Idler , -'-'4 - “me 'red in‘ my ‘ha '2}. not. "J! «0' gm: ‘h- i'r ’44 nlO . cred file“, Ptedl bank 49 c." Snlxkelfii' “t.” B ogm 1m freejln thfve-nol" lof "lo oded ’w“ RENCY I rem‘ul‘glonvs "1e 0‘41! “TV'L our-SP! or “10‘ 'eVen _ hldbe “t, if‘ men“; in‘ I: 1;] lced tin" Po'tn "11 a,“ .... l“rib . ortn'mlupl rphl'gt‘ c 9 he “_‘Un. So ‘ln en 59111 .'° or- NH 'ce. '49» 8° c “'ed- [no 1‘ 'mo ’OO “J: "’H- 4“ n 1 hbw n 3“ th° H puto °lm-rve ld I"0r ‘ “limb “"en "‘4 c °'po -b°fld,. 'po .“3fien ‘ i 4'o 0n” h ,Pu. “an em - . “4e '.r' .“r 4 “cu “no ,as "mo '3 , . . and d'emuld h" , ‘nd She "Fee 1. no“! "pun“ “bl-1‘11"“ olrn c‘fculxngl 31:3“ do?’ ,n ‘hnquigi “90:14.19.“ »W'l ”—~ ‘nded ° "ind “macr‘ Zen .n“ I): act"'em. 4"” win “He h°"‘f°llo'-FBn l““43- ‘ e ‘um "I u. 1"" 9n mmo'l‘appegg; “in “Mug" terriblnlwnuln“ 2 "'l' no; "41414:“ R3L'f'lréa“ Mich;i “°‘ infirc'or ,w _ r . :( I ‘ - the n9'of P from I l——___ )uoh ‘8 feitsidelabl! The 5,. t.‘r‘lly w, . ~7¢m -.3;e “In“. “123°“1e pin, nub " 5V4: :Thoi w‘nfimehliol;l char on - 5” “Bo mat fl'om e 3c“ ofwmne' "m ' l ."le mete]? e '“ffi¢-"°h V‘s mifled 41kg}: ‘8“ 7‘ ”wldioth” on] the Com' p 0 "ding ‘l3, 9° thatch oth,, .“bingtonn the WW" aiumezflmu:tsmu:s°mmElf“ “um Pension.” from "‘ “‘n ’ We)" '.mfuniuo '3." w,” -“'o 0r '“ the Ca 'an ' come 3’” Die“ 01 us“ beret, " with} . o 91 on . of e W. .1d th, 11,, Inn H, rd of Va A "44 “44 p?" 4.4-.» .2244- ‘_,., “m "hm-435.4 4-4;:{0rw23444m2444 “n..-Jim 4:3?" mom-rm “sip-«. 444 d o to b. P?! a “he 1' "38‘0“ iU. S," u.O ”ch on the go .he‘r en's comane“ h erection "la‘pe “.1315th d 3“ a!“ image mgr-nod gluv’hower .n‘dP ‘5. to?!" "To :3”. snaffle: dgt' 15:35: 5:3“ as ’3‘ Ponafiuion? arr-:44"? 4...... 44.2.34- ...-arm"... .ll “31' 111 Ix Or. -fl, I leg ‘01) - "do '- 5h Ppro ‘Ong Su 1 n‘ln' “I. bu 4°‘onl "”Il'lc . 'iu “no ud‘ "' 4'. n"° the "“12 "Ships" of: gene" "hail chmep omm; 'hh ;in all: r’i‘unnapwranp.“ fk, lnélfz’fon 3:: horde: do; ”120; “ulnwheez' hound; uplanfix‘lgoml’nf-iv‘e Vol-d ‘:_W" “W h. t“? to Jog-’3- Eda?!“ n.. b 0 “nu "3““ “3"“ the :rkl “Brunt“ file Co Pewdenemfecwtllu‘ t ' a; “I" Winlo“ .ex 'DI-tto "lung “or“ crofd. °conm 93- 3n v incur In th mmi; . ‘4 Vin-,1” filmw—lW'; “yin‘prm Di “:12d. Infim°uhor"'i “'l4 "file film“ Wifhgmfil ”1:1”: goldieriio‘t‘ge” 0f lam i pm“ #. 'ingleidi'fi " “Win: ““40?- ”361‘ “n" air?!“! ”We? "‘y ”‘O3 «ft-Pen“ 3“”onu Sums ' d“paced when. _. lro, ‘ an” me, “In. .6" th' .“I ‘h lgh‘l 13“,, of Mr compe Ineminn t”Racewa ”h 'w no ‘ W + cm In J: “.m- e w 160 . wt, 4Fe, “nu Kort hn ed” fix m 6" G i "- --- ‘l4.} O Md] .9" ,sohc. Th r, ion‘ he Bog {q dl. his 03. men] as t .tur ACd W-“ 9 ‘1! pm“ ’1“,“ . 4119.0 ‘C from “t ‘he'p‘ w“ ' he,9f “M “'N- y “ir- - Pnbr F... °4° °" '° ...,»flL} ‘4 is ""4 -'°' 44 ‘be Fesid °'e ' ' ..5“ - Le lean mom I .56 Fort $93 “4‘ 10' “plug I’me "no “lube ’°“ 3“ "j T "5.11“ .My 4 [lnflow Pi ,OP‘M}, . Chef to and ‘Wlscu’ Rm 1' '0 00m"n Alml' . coco-Wt In ‘5O J?” I Port 9 shy" or '.h' by “Wu. :4 j.ch-rg° “1°!“ mfrom Go‘nmi {Megeuetl P°“n¢ “”1 m"‘9n ”___. “hi-u . " dong" Fm: Fri-i 3“ rebe‘ho ca lor the s? the-PWLiVGe“y-bf‘°nen "’l4-- why‘ “:nh bu”! "k 11.} "1.9 L.“ in 1 ov. _u. Th 13. .P" Afte ldier'f (Hu- ‘3’, Wh."B, w‘flvcl tar," kl" We; tn, .5‘ 'h Pm."s no". _omcmmn‘ an 0 W 559 Boardrsfifii a Navies as 110 in 395 f 0; \ “umeh’fod tan, .‘ m 4}“ Educ; ”In; I Oink,“ the 'V Eggin I jou “g seVe lona] “Comm-the dis— ' n the “flu ”is h h u con . u 19-! can ’_'Ded mom we lsuio 0a; ,co If no '4' been noc- C . Y . a e be "en. “13 “1", on! ‘ know .tu ”on :Bm‘f en" in Juli "q Wxnr re 5431:," g mplma'fli“‘~—n' cked . nu, °reei ,6 n”— 9‘. - 1,1,0“ “01ml, 119;; beefihmond "4%.. ’ ”“4411. Ward J. “(aim-43F“; b" 444443. _ We . -—,. re-‘ n, n es ~————— ' (3mmlzzéu {figs-$.12?” ‘41:”..- i'iU:_b",‘k °l§n3ler gzszfi.’ ail: ”pore, f ‘0“ 9106 °Prin~n Mala“: hm {he I' 9 Con 'ner' twelv ed in or PM: 5 u u l w r 4-: a it, “I“ 81“". ‘m Ye bunwn rbehllt" “Pad” 1' de “1W" fence: “10%;?“ "'5l“ “flaws. 180‘ w. of". “843101;. 11 beinp'omgl. “filling-”9 “G .... ‘ u,“ 0 Wing“, Qe'nfindf ”fin-“no The; .8 aim - man In Eu "In. of ab' "0 or“ 0r ’9‘. thin 915 m. 0:1, i .'0 5: Ten Jec', rs, Bu , Bc, b “an 1’ a it,» man “mufhe l“: 19, ‘ prfThr‘yi' so far mutvmg co and . 10: it, ““0 Adm"7flw# "emu“:‘di. . “cube feoo 'nmm: “2..” erg - ”I. "an ”my b ““0 p 1 ‘ ' 'mn 4‘o: y ta, Peps . .Ig’ ”1. A pOO “Pg” ' llmhln Pl 6. ‘ho “Ugimwoind '4 . no“, ~ . 5 a-numru noun-. 1 mama u 18 to , 26m“;088'f14eonuprdoqn,udhm: 3 to 9} con“, . ‘ lohm & Goqnfg. i annulus» uni-aux. can: "my. i In puma-nap of notice. mil in maximum. "‘-4:‘L:”":‘7:;“:T* ‘7 “'1 ty with tho pmiliom of the Act of Amen]. 3““ ‘1‘“! 9' ““3 30'0'lh i' N" full bly ofthe State of Penheylvhniu. n muting on ell this-ill; _ » of the Cnmmiuionoru .of ,the Solution? Q'Aprll ‘Conrt mimetic" so-duy, and Natio'nnl Cemetery. mu held in Gettye. will occupy molt'ofthe week, if no. .31 or ii, burn. on the bib and 7th of April. A. D.. Our country friends who hue not yet In. 1364- 3 ‘ rwered our all for their cnntomnry.‘ 6.": of The 10“”ng Cominionen were pro;- April my menu will have 3 good‘ opportunity out : x _ ' . to do so during CLonrt time. We’ hope they B. W. Norris." of Maine: lrn Purlov. nf‘ will not fnil-Jo‘ give I" I call; for in these Newflmpflliro: Haney Etiwnrdi. of .\I u “glorious times" of visit plymcnts and" nuchulettat ‘10.". 8' Bartletthnf ltlmde 1" . . A. land; D-_tfld Wills. of Penniylvamn; Joh-n enormous prices, ‘the Printe_r,needl his money R. Lntimer. of Delnwnm- Chester D. Hub; n tartan he earns it in order to “‘keep moving." hard. of ‘7l“ Virginia :‘flnrdon Lnlund. ..._.i. _ . . . . 38’le Shoe Store or Mr. John L. not". 3:3”? “0“?“ mm“ ”"y' M um" wronh. on Chnmhenbnrg otreet; wu broken J nhn R. Lntimr-r. or Dfi‘l'jlfa, was called into on Suturdny night week, and robbed of n to the chair. end David<Wllhnof Pennlyln— considerable amount of 20013:. . z “'8 Ippointod Sect-aim. , » C. B. Hones. [:2qu of the Washington lion-e, l eleoiiorr‘iuttffoz ‘1’)", rant; Iglgfi; 3" had it qinntlty of meat stolen on the some ...hhnngeru, by “$31.21! David Will. 2: night, and (Inpt. Frederick Diehl. of Franklin’ Pennsylvania, was unanimous”: oleoied [.townrhip, we underaund, won recently urt‘ed ; PMide‘i’ '_ « ‘ in‘the some mnnnur. . .7 ’1 Jun. “Hen-:OHH‘M. Isl‘ndl'w“ Greel . _i _ . __ . ~ , 5 ed Secretary of the Board. t ! fifierwt. Leander Cunningham, of Freq-l ‘On motion the Qbmmieaionors proceeded 'dom township. ling been appointed to n clerti: ‘0 divide themselves intn ””9“ classes, by ‘ship in the War Deputment, and has chlcruib lnt.ns require-t 1 by the sth motion or the not , I” duties. _5 of,l‘ncorporation.. luv?“ ‘- _ -., -....- “_ I - ifilhe numeu nfeigbteen Stotenreprosented ‘ fifinumber of men from the 87th Fri." ‘h9.A°‘ml““°“t *"9 written "P 0" "t‘lm‘ .. on . Hemm‘...‘ Eing rc-euhsted for the for. There lmve 31.50- the six States drawn first. were '5: “0mm": been a number of the lennayivnnm Rescues , the tint cling. whose term of office shall ex ‘ot home on n visit. There are quite a number pire on tho-first of January, 1825. Thom - ‘.ot Cnpt. llunt'er's melt who hare re-enlisgod nt. representing ”18 next ”K S“ B drawn, home just now. The! fire all from‘thin town :9” ‘? cafllmr It!” Too?! clasp, Wlinu‘t)‘ A and‘ vicinity. They look. henrtx, (Ind unpnnr to aziiliiw; rhit'sessziiig [she ::;:ihiiigl:?it" 'hnve rnduroilthihtflthifflifthe 8:2" "en'lStaten, were to mmpoue the third class, if. WA hill is about to he ln'troducgdinto \lwhggtherul 0f om“ “mil explre January .the Pennsylvanin 'Legialnture authorizing the 'l‘ 233.“. drawing then proceeded, with the iGovernor to prowdp and present to Generul following return: : {Meade A gold medal,and n suimhle testimonial ‘ First t‘lan.-—N9w Hammhiro. lllinnis, :to the Pennsylvaninotficers, non-commissioned all”? ’l'l‘fnfiv Indiana, New York, and j . . , -. . -~ ~ - PI irgininw - .miigaoiniigiiii: “ho llfilftlClpnteit "libel tS‘ccahaPCYau.—Ohio: Delnwnr9.. Minna. ...- ,7 M. ____ _ H _,_____ ‘ Shin. ryland. Maine, and Miusachu. nfi‘Sperin’l attention is invited to the card 3“"‘3 ‘ ‘ ' . of Jacob Hurley, 6;: Mnr‘set Slroot, l‘fhiludel- “(,T’W" .- C‘“"~"N"" Jm'iY' Mi.“ "“1“"- . phin. in this issue. His stock ot Wutghen, fi?:ii::llv‘iiiicia. Vermont, ll twonntn, um! ‘chelry, etc, is large and those who coll uEhis OJ, ‘ tnotion. )[psfim_ Wing. -Ilurtl--tt l stun: cunnot tail to be suited. ' , - land Nurrifi, were nppointeil a pOmlllittoo . ’. ‘ . . , » -- . to infinite 3 series of by-lnw’u for the corpo . - MPI ill-TGIWI” soon he an abundant supply rntmn. ‘ V . ‘ol' nickel cents. The present small nickel (-i-ntl‘ ’ thun‘mlimt‘nl‘ MC. IJ-flnnd 'it wno ~ l wr-igha 72; grnina. and contains eighty per cent. \' Rafa/uni. 1”“. ?i“"""- “l in‘. lhfllt‘ttu inf copperatnii twilie ol nickel. The new vtuL ‘ “in” and E 9111“ .39 3 committee l.“ ”‘V‘m ; . ' . . . _ , p quaint, With denim! and estmrntan. for n .mll “nigh only 48 grain-33:1 Will consist of flame-tit in tlieZthlierlt' National (helium inineti-five pcr cent. of e per and tin: per “try. said defiigm to Infill—hrnittml to the ' cent. of tin. . l t Bourl‘l nt Managers nt‘a future meeting. l i ° .. ‘ _ - - g . ' Mr. l’i-rry, of Michigan. submitted the i m3"""’""""‘"“"5 “"0“ "m 1" "'9 ”'7 following, which was unnnimuutly allop. ,in: formed in vnrious putts 9f the cuulitry.— [m] : xv. ', ‘ u t The present price Add: it grent many involun- It‘ran/ur:l,"l‘lmt the thanks of the Board I tary mrmhers to the assurintibn. It would be QGifludlthey ill): angel-y :r9:9n2;d.tntlthfilqlul . , ~ . . ‘i. as .. urn ti. o mun , u t a ‘.ngood Id“. to (,Shhmh Te.h:r:____ ' i_nnul satictl'aotnry nmimnrlin whiolnhe haw ' WThe'tnnfirioui min’rliiel practiced in this_ ‘l'“"l""'€"‘l_:‘llf‘ flrfllffitlfl Gillian, itiitinltil‘y “* ‘plu-e nlmSHt nightly. shuntlrl‘lhe stopped nt EL?“:{fafljxmflg'fipfle holdters )“W’m‘l ,vont'e. Even thieiing Is heruming conitnon.—_! 'l‘hP Unmnfittte 6" by lnwn mthmtttad a i Tilt“ “ ”0'0“?“ it'll)?” " huve the Te""‘"." in ‘ report thrzu‘ing-a series of hv lnw-t. winch itht-ir liu'iids—wltfntit enforce it? Something weriifionnfidorvdl rrriafm; nnd, with noun: imu! he limit- in this mutter by somebody, or “39‘ l cnttrmo. 3' "l’t'" -' _._ . i ‘1 the e\il will lmrome altogether insnll'erutile, if. which J:fi:ll'g;':mi’:l’mnlpd {he lnllflmng, my, uuumuaguhle‘. , > ~ ‘ ‘ l Rimlvaf, Till“ it \hnll l-e lilfldufy nflho‘ i, ray-The ram xiii’onii ill—tik‘oTGett-whurg P““l‘l"'!l ‘” 9"?”l"‘“-z"""f“‘"\"' W cm" hitting? drlt‘r|llil.le\l to ‘ incrense its Capitol ;:;:l;‘:flif?\:z‘23?anirl’i’v‘r‘iiifiiiinilfifloilvtrl‘iiiufiiil: IStockttti $lOO3OO, there is yet an opportunity tin-n' .\Uttinnnl Calumet-v. gum“; tn tlw uni .nfhrdml to those #llO Wi'h '0 “11"“? a 1100‘! Ind ‘prm'nl'of on him-- utiw Conunittuc of lhl'ut': safe intehtmcnl to lultsct’Jhe‘nnJ thn: secure to he elm-toil by tln-‘liqzrtl. ( A rumc ni‘lho stock. ‘The books are now‘upen On mom.” at Mr. NOII'M the following ' for :«uhu-Filniou at the Bank. mar.2Blf figentlenin-u more “”5““ the pxp‘lu'wn coup, 3 ‘ ' » ltllllPP: John R. lntnner oi llelnwnrr. ill-nyl . (‘nu'unu _axn\\'t:iuu.l‘.~:v|t.t.ta FERRY. will, th-filuwt orttunlund. and Lt‘Vl Scotti-y .—.\lr. Jone uh lilnck hns leased the terrv hr- of 3“" ' f’r‘FY- ' fil’ A :tuetn Cnltilnlii-i sud “'ri'rhbt'ille, from the (In '3‘"""" of .\lr. :\Ul‘l‘l". John 13":- B"!- ' , . L‘ , Inn: tmrulnn l.qfl.tn-l in «t 11-vnrv lulwardn l“'“"“.‘l‘“”“‘ "“‘lh‘au C“"‘i"'“y' tie ."3 1“": wore- r-lvcttl-l .\u litintz (grintnitteo. . lil't! " how atvnmhtmt, “l"“h l‘ helm: 6““! Mr. Luliltwr. Ml~ lh-l-uwurt), rulmiittetl t-h’e up with .1“ the new itnprovementxnml \rilhm following I‘r-lullllll‘tll, which wun adopted; mm? to the (‘nmforst and sntetl- nt’ purer-ngvrs, . Ran/ml, 'l‘lut tlu- i're-sitlen‘fihe antimi ,lt‘will bu haul) in about ten Ilayfi, nllt‘r which Izr'tl‘hntl lllt‘i-utn‘ij to "link" uppiwutmn m. , . ’ _. z . . 'the- respective Nu ‘4 lur finch pnrtwm wt :tnnu Phonon-ling [intuit-mun ue nonunnnnllntcd till-if ”"0,“ n.. ‘lmtfifium fin". 1.0 tluw, |,,_. almost its “:11 as if they maul the bridge in t‘cquiwttt’ for carrying on ”,e W‘Wkr ‘ , icioss over. -0 ' ‘ r . ' MiiXorris >uhn|itted tho'l’ollmving.whit-h ' - . ..‘}. -' ~ I lwncmlnptwl: V " l AlH'l-thTISI-TJ—quWs the time for Mer- 5, Rpm/.73], Time, the Caminittm‘fun Mon... ‘clmnta nn’l Businrss nwn' gnuerrillv, ttfunlwr- illl’nlul timigna ht‘ filllllt’lrlzt‘ll to otter tho I‘m. lihcrhlly null judiciously. The Spring sunnhl'twu hundred nwl filly‘flnlhirs to he "mic is opening. and It is? 'well knmtl'n. tact ‘ l’md t" tlue ‘pet'fl'm Who‘s (lt‘NlL'l'l fut" m .h . . . -‘ {ninnumvnt shit.” be» utluptqlfiy the l'mlm'l 4 [mil .\lcrchnutu and "llrln-‘fl men “I the Lom- Umbmmiwinmtru. , mmm)’ “'l’" “"91““ “MW"? “W d"i"K " - Mr. L ill in'] Nihniittoxl the following. ihcuvy trudv. whilé those who do not. retain which was mlnptuil: ithr gnml: upon their slu-lres ,und growl n‘Bunt [tau/ml, 'l'lmt thy _Cmnmitten on monu :ltll\lllt:.\s hung .Jull. The only‘ way to do u ' mFiitaliil-«tuns lfiehnthm'm-d:nnlilxrt-t-‘lml to : thriving business, is to "ht-up it helui‘c the Pruflin. Illi‘lgll" for £1“. lmtlgo, "lulu“? for I ~ the (nth‘W-Iy, and mgmmnglnnce on (-itlwr il‘cul’lu‘ __ . ~ sidp, an-i tn mlupt the aunt..- and prove-~11 to ”The York Pro-9a “3's: “'c rervived the ““‘H' “"2 utrul‘l‘lon. ~ _ . El'ollnvrinz letter urom “Elm Col. Stuhld, mm. ‘h'lr. hilwurih rulimttted the followmg. . . , . . . s which was mluptml; l mun-ling 8"" Reg l' Pa. ‘ "l" m rlelntn " 'o_ Run/ml, That the President (‘NIHP to ho {the l’t‘porl put in circulation that our troops Itl'lithi’drfl lia’i’flf‘llla tmnmfi ofnll “,9 nfliroru whom-3t wilh such it ulianslrnus defent under and prim-ten who fell in the h:ittle.n‘t tint :Milrny, m-nr “Britt-filer, ‘lnst summer, were l""l"l1"l;'- and theillixirthjmes "vhf”? ”Wu?” -'''. n V l D . 111-squirm: to pit)? [or the guns, store-shew” cun-I,#ol:.r:f;:[::gu;:aei‘;réhizr[thug italu‘iznuji 1'1““, by the “be”: V the skirmishes, as fur as the some mu he Hunqmnrnufi [Shh l’teg'hl’. V., 1 j obmmgd from the Cemetery _or battle-finial, lst Brigade, 3d Dun, 6th .\.‘f‘; finnd thnt when printed. cngiieyof tho puma ' AW“ 6- “‘34-: l) ’he went to each of the (Xinltnitsinnerx in or- The W 2“? " l 9 9"”“l‘flll‘w ”' "WE; "f '0 ‘7‘” iler that they may take: Slt‘lnl t\l' procure n , , ~ » _. _ . .. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers