. THE mm: 0? MPENTS; . It in worthy of remark may theEAdminis nation, with chnrmstnn'sltc ’feficily in the ”to! blundering. have so‘munngal {Luz '_fioi'r 93TH“), destroy General McClellan could no luvs been of more no 'tb him if "‘ ed‘in m. im.-u..d m. report garnered to Appear in éonneotion with _tfxn of the Committee on lhq Conduct of :the'Wor. the quuuon would hue bit-Q _‘doaidod. and the attention of the puMic phoned to new iuues; but. by denying Pin) I fair hearing. his enemin have kept .thqcurioaily of the people alive. until now flu old controversy is still pursued with as I. much koonmm u eufr. The eime or pub ]lot'jon for his reply. Inn. could not. have been ‘better chosen. It. appeared in the ‘wgaon of military inactivity. when the poo ‘ pjo bud leisure toroad and think; and the first. practical commentary furnished by contemporary events isfilmt supplied by the "nov‘n from Fldrida.‘—whnre Mr. Lincoln has .boen intermedtllim’zjust as ha did with the _ _operntionl before Richmond in the aummer “0(1862. The persecutions of the Adminis jtntlon. therefore, have not. done General 'McClelinn's popularity much harms—on the contrary, there is good reason for the r _I-ertion that if he should hereafter hi.- 'umph over this Pnemies in the Presidential Inca, he will be indebted for his elevation I“ much to their stupidity us their malice. They were nut int-rely unju-it to him, but they ‘it/“0'30 contrived that every one in Icuriou: to know nil about their injuqice; and in their eagerness to rob their victim even of his good nnmn, llN'y have mmle 'eyery man who lovaa fair pi Iy the champion 'ofhilfifame unilclmnmtcr.—Aye. I' . FREE,BLACKS IN 1855 ifhe New York Tribune, Sept. ‘22. 1855. held the following npinion of {me blnEkf: " “Five-tenths of the free blacks have no .ldelofsetting themselves to work except thehirelings m- seivimrn of white mvn ; ‘ rifles of building a church or other 36'“- entorpi-ises except beggar); of the whhes. . 'Alla elm. the blscks are indolent, Improvi dent, sofiile, and lirentiogs, and Grrrigj :Hmith, in a letter 10(iuvernnr llunt. comi zplu'med that ‘tha most of them preferrail ‘to rot both physically and morallyjn oilieA. :rstber tlnn hecume farmers or mechanicsin ’the gountxyn' ” Every word of which ’is as true 10—day as _lt was in 135:5, but the present policy of Mr. Greely_ being to convert. fuur mi lions of slaves into this worthless class 0 free .gnegroea, it don't suit him In say so. - 'fi‘The Chicagg‘ylatform contained one xplank: to'whiqb nH Demdcrpts‘ would be 'willing to subscribe, if applied to the pres‘ Tent adminiqtration, It, is as follows: Thit th’S ‘peoplb justly view with alarm the _i‘eckless extravagance which pervades "every department 01. the fedengnvern 'mem: [ha]. a return to rigid economy and accountability is indispensable to urre’st the systematic plu'mlvr of the treasury by fa vored partisans; while the recent. sun-Hing developments qf frauds and corruptions _nt. {hilfegieral pexropnlis“ show (hut. pn :23“ change} of vudminialruiion is deman- ' \We have n 6 doubt, but that there aré _muny Republicans vybo fluted for this plank in 1960 wlmm voée for theDemn antic fresidentinl candidate to cffgct the .snma object. viz : logger. rid 5! an Adminis. tratignnotoriously c'brnupf. and_put. one in its pfnée pledged to reform. For evexy single sin of extravagance and ooxruplion in 0.116 Buchanan administratién tbs pres ’enl paity in power is guilty of a hundred, “\Vhene Democrats than smla hundreds. flopubli‘csas' 3% now stealing mill‘ions.—Eria Observer. ‘ ‘ ' [From the N'él’. Albion—English Organ} No matter in what direction n mid tukos )vliwe, arson and plunder are now con-drier h'd to be legitimate order-c of the duty. Burning up plantation! and furma, dernnl “wishing grist nulls. and turning hamlet-s in hiibittmts out to starve—which ought. to bring t e. perpetrators of such deeds to court artinls—nre triumphantly qunted 'as proof of enterprisn and ‘valnr. ' Itis’st ange. too, that this atrocious 11ml impolitic ystetu is approved l-y-n people who have not shown themselyn, so hir, rul llicted to wanton crlielty. We lm‘ve. how 'ever, no hesitation in stumping it'zu dis 'graceful tn. the arms. and calculated to lmng ill-will u on the cause ot the North. Upon the North": most, abiding friends. * l" " It will be held. and-rightly, that the .destruction of railroads, and ofpublicsmres und rowsions, is an entirely difl'grent mat ‘lel‘ £0!!! the indiscriminate np‘p'licatmn of the torch. Does not the fiendish glee with fvhich these devastating processes are de ‘scrihedfully bear out. the oft-mndenssertion, Ithnt War is not and never can be a mornl purifier? There _is something humilinting ‘m the avowal that, with hundreds of thou sands of .‘pnve men in mm. a. nation should he called upon to Idmiré (touring-mills laid in ”he: Ind happy homes made desolate.-L Neither should it be tor then that while ‘* the seedaoi‘eternal hatresoue thus deliber ‘atoly sown. the‘narmtors of these exploits contndict all their previous assertions that :the Sofi‘th was universally starving. —-- --~<o.» - v i The (Idem—Blatant as they are on.the subject of “loyalty.” thereis not a VLineolm jte in the United States who dares' to pro claim himself an unconditional Union man :under the Constitution. Theii “loyalty" in the :lllegience of the subject to his king. ‘xhe lei-f to hi’é'inns'ter. They in “loyal’f to Lincoln, but. disloyel to the IConstitntion. _nnd the Union, and every principle (if free :white men’s Governme'nt. On the other _htnd, every Democrat in the land is loyal ioih’kConstitution and the Union. and ap posed to Liueoln, his administration and his party, beéeu'w they are disloyal nnd.eve _ry My plot end >praetice treason against 'the government us'eetabljshed by its foun fiexfiifithe pdtriqt father's of the revolulion.- Lancaster Inlelligcuctr. ~— Ozugfn‘in Tlm’r Own Trap—The opposition wflmgded'thal _Smle Rights was A d4mpu "blo4iliebry; Simon Cumelon aid that. [lB‘ .could not‘uee the hegéggiiy 01‘; Peunsylvun’ PM 80‘3“ 0‘50““? 0" a Mmchummi: ordistinguisl‘ed individunis Inclndl - 9mm 0? the Ime‘33nrty hiya eon‘wndsd , her 91 on! pmminga Wis, “53:233.: openly that. the Smfilinen should be wiped 5 he".‘°b“_‘“ 3““) k” “1" “>th “W“! 0‘ p I,“ ma‘ um we should bé but. pm we”: “194113691830: emery. Geuyaburz. pouoliduod govenment. The first. move-1 —'—— —"‘— TYSON Bnorfl— ‘mm mm we in» we United Sum Senate 1‘ Battle-field Views. ‘ ' jut what to cgrry Brut‘pmmicany mm the FULL :96! our Photogrppbic View: 0! r_ ? tli . ~ To” "V d“1 . , Lbs Bank—field of Gettysburg, ram: 3 I?! °_ 9 91’1”“ 'n, A n 9 Sign "a“ brie-aw gmfor the Holidays. The finest yet penal pans of abolition eyes qnmged 101 }»ubli.hed c.in be seen ulhe Excelsior Glllery. s.llqu glipner plump. Mr. Dug. intro- ‘ . ___E‘su; 'BROl‘flh‘liS, Guuyuhurg. ‘ signal} I pmpouuau piloogwudm the a}; ‘ ‘Qnee‘nsware. ~ Ilia- EnéTaiid'xSL-l‘es mm but two-m 5911?.jog‘vpp§hfilhinhin aigousnxswma L Id lEu'tilldzwefit Nayyfinghud. The - llxiie CJH'I‘ A. SCOTT k p‘oN'S, whereg’ou I ' 'tidn ins piornlidg referred loamoth- “if“! u” hes} “‘°""“““‘ ‘“ ‘0"- :9- .9. L - . ... . _ ~ roll “‘13”; _f Etxthfi—subruryéfljnocm _ I_-. ' r- as?!» leading Brad-3y howsin Rew' York have Idvipwrd the pug-é a! board to 323,59 W “‘Y: -" . " v viz-41* : MI ‘xmmsrég: Noah Walker & 00., CLUTUIERS, WASHINGTON BUILDISG 165 mg 161 [human S'ruur, keep count-nu; on land I lug: Ind yell u- sorted stock of all kinds of goods at. moderste MiZli They supply ordc'ra for the Qneu to gha lowest priced allic'cs, either randy nude or mnd'e lo n‘Jeasure, to any part 0!; the country 7'be keep list an euq’ivgflqek‘gf FURN- XSHIXU Guubsl. embracing 9"” mid: of Genllelneu'l [fuller-van. Alan, nun-AM CLOTHS and every "tiny I)! lilimy Trim.- mingl, u In" M In ”mud flock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864 Come with a Rush Y [H] mun-reigned would mod, respectfully inform his umny lriemls and the public grlwrnll),__t_llat he has gum: info the “lolhing bllblllliES,u( .\‘imaon'i old ammldu tlu- Diunuml, Gettyqburg, Pu. His slnvlt, already full,will be much enler-d, m 'enibruu: I‘\L'l)’ stvlu ul CLOTHIXG, BIJUTS. glint-in', HATS. Pups, Trunks, ‘_y’nlicos, Cluck-I, Wal- hes, Jew elry, Guns, l’islulq, and, in «lmrz, moryliing whw’ll ought lube found at u lirst classUlullnng and VariPLy House. ~ l'urlirulurs lmrmner.. ln llue mmnlimo he imiu-B everybody to give hini a call. Lle.iu lends to keep {0 perfect a itoyk us to net-onu mudute all—uni], will: the hope oflnrge sales; he bows to make ugliving an small prolixs. .\'o trouble to sho": guods, and every eifurl. made to snug;- buyers JACOB BIHXKERHUFF June 15,1803. 1f One and All, AKE NU'l‘lUß.—-Tho undersigned would T any to the puhlxc that Le is receivjng a large hml ‘splendid stock of GRUCERIES, which he will sell as low as any other house in town—Colfees, Sugars, Molasses. Syrups. Tens, Spit, l-‘ishV &c., with Potatoéfl, llenqs, and Rice ; Wooden Ware, put up in {he hes! mnu ner; Tatum-cos, Sugars, Mu, .tc. ..u FARMERS, TAKE NOTICES—II you want Lo lay in your liquors fur hfler‘il, now is the time. 1 hue umny hrauds of Whiskiemllrun: «In-s, \VIHES. and nll other liquors, Wllll'll I am; dispmiug of at. short profits. (live me n cull, I ulwnya try to please—and helicye l wr): of len :uucvevl. Remember ghe place—southeast, Corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. ‘ 0150.61 KALBFLEISCH May 25, 18%. ‘ New Warehouse. BI'SHELS UF GRAIN 00 O()0 W.\.\'TED.M the new Grain nnd Proauu: House, in Cnrlide strerx, Adjoin— ing Shem]! & Buehlcr's estubli-hnwnl. The bighflsL market pnce will shrug: Le paid in cash for GRAIN, of all kinds, ' FLOUR. SEEDS, kc: Always'on haul and lot sulc,al the cmullest profits, « ‘ ‘ UCANOS. , -' a . SALT, FISH. \ - ‘_' _ ~ URUCERIES, .\'c., ' . ' » ‘ Wholesale and retail. TRY 173! We shall do our best to give salismcliuu in all (macs. . .\IcCI'RDY 5; DIEIIL. (left; sburg, May 11, 156:). ly‘ . . All Invlted. ~ 1m: undoniznod lmve'this day entered into ’_l partnvrship in the Grain. Produce and Cummissmn business, an. the old Klinol‘elier hnuse. corner of 4 Shanon and Rniiroad streets. The highest prices in cush’pnid f 0: FLULIR, WHEAT, _ ILYI-l, CORN, OATS, SEEDS. I I AND [IA Y. . All kinda of Groceries, Gmmos,’Fish, Salt, and may other nrlicle usually found in our line of hudneu,‘ all of which 'will be sold whnlomle nut] relxul, on the luwe‘s! terms. (tall and =BF us, and satisfy your'selves mat it is remy su. r HOLLIKGER & HERBST. (hntvsbnrg,Junel,lB63. ct“- “ Another Car Load. RINKERHOFF keeps up with the times by gct’ing new goods almost every \\'evk.— He spares no efi'orl macrommodnle hi“ numer. ous - customers. “ Quick sales and \smufi profits," is his‘ motto. Dec. 7, 186.1. Still at Work. .HE unldersi'gnéd cqntinueq the' ' T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in All its branches, at his old stand, in East. Middle street. Geuyshurg. ‘ NEW WORK made MahlerJ and _REP'AIRING done promptly Md 3!. lowest. prices. ' . T3O firsulntn SPRLYG \VAGONS and ll sl.squ tor me/ new :IROXEL. Dec. 7. 18:23. . _ “/\/Folf Sale. ' . . ' YER desirable H RM, adjoining the Boro‘gh of Getty-J2mantaining 124 ACRES—Buildings and Land good. if “'ill be sold an M3l" accommodating I'l MEI Gettysburg, Oct. 5, 1863. {P For Sale or Exchange. VERY desirable (NEST MILLJin l A 38 ACRES OF LAND. in Germany Jam towfiship. I will exchangs for n-l-‘nrm, -l and pay the difl'erence,’ if my. GEO. ARNOLD Gettysburg Oct. 5, 1863. ,1!" Cannon & Adair's NEW MARBLE WORKS, Corner of Balli more and East Miridle streets, 0 poaile the Court Home. Gettysburg, P‘.—‘§O us prepared to furnish Monuments. Tombs, Head stones, Murhlo “antics, Slabs tor Cabinet Make", and all other work uppeguining to on! business. We will guanine: satisfaction both as to execution and price. Call und see on: -esigns and specimens of work. ‘ Feb. 2, 1863. n - Wanted, A GOOD FARM in Adams county, for which 1 will exchange one or more Farms of choice land in lowa, and [my the Jilferenl'e. Nov. 9, 1863. GEO. ARNOLD. ‘ Meat. - AM’Sr sno’uwms find sums, of best quality, and cheap, at. Aug. 24; um. I". KALBFLEISBH'S. CA BD_PEOTOGRAPIIS "313$ng night—4w, Thirty-hon: nd Alum locks, chelp at PIQKIBG'S. 1,, agfllcfi has» just received‘ s lot at J. cheap Loukiug Gluin- _ ‘ ‘ ~"' ‘ a. b _ ..4" - - . :‘ifi'wu.’r 2 13’1": . ' 24‘5" ‘7'“? *‘l ""‘V’“ Good Things from the City! I WE an ranking twice a woek from the oily; uric" or urticiel suited ”the wunu of this‘ ctr-infinity, vix: Fruit And Salt FISH. Hum. Bhouldm And Sid“, Hominy, Batu. Salt, Appln. Pointers, Grunge, Lemons. Confecfinu, Yakima-0%, Sean, with: may other «Hides in thin line—w received in the be“. order, nnd said u this lowtaL’rnfiu. Give m n all, in minimal-a urea, null] opponu Fu‘mumkl' store. \‘Ah‘l‘ED.—Bulw, Eggs. Lard, Ind 11l other. county produce—for which the highest cash ”he will be lid. ’ swxm‘ PU‘I'A‘IPOES-thn quality, at low ed: living profits—niwa‘ya on hu‘uti. Also, OYSTERS, fine nnd flesh—in d the" or shocked. “vacuuming nnd famfiie "applied BALTIMORE! smtcm‘m'l'sm xwxsorzxm Genylburg, Mn; 18, 1563 ! ——, ..-...L TEW ESTA BLISHMENT.—The undersign h rd has just laid m a fine «lock or the but. my work, which he wnll dillpule of,“ the 11W vaq firofin possiMe.‘ ~His mum-uncut. slum-ac“ doublF-aulrd CnL)."-EKL\' BOOTS for man. ~ \ ’ CAVALRY BOOTS, ‘» all kind; of h , BOOTS FOB. BOYS, 4' * , " with a large nasnrimrnt of - SHOES FUR LADIES lalso fur CHILDREN. He. has seleru-d his Slru‘k With carp. suited M h!‘ lllmks exmclly to llbe wants of Ile marl‘el—uud additious will rcnrr'slumly be‘mnde us the trade may ieqmre. ‘TIIO goods he offrrs are not only well made, [and of gnml :laurinla, bu! embraci- ‘lu- lulu! {stylé‘m l'urticulfir unenliuu “11l .xlsu'u‘tu ‘lmid to “16-59 pnxnlu. . ' ‘\ I Remember the ulznuevYOßK STREET, mm :1" oppwilc the “ink. Cull wad we lur _y‘uur :selv‘ts. ,» ‘ , .\4 ' i The P 32“. and nhno-making'business is cur . tied on us hen-tonne. ' WILLIAM SUILLENN. 1' (11-(lyslmrg, Deli. 7. l 8»: . i The Old and Rehable. E“? SPRING GOODS. » . SMALL J’liUFlTh‘ 4|: QUICK S.\LES.—. would nupccltull; my to the citizvns of (Pct tysburg and vicinity, that he is now recen’iug at M 5 bin—l:9 a aplen‘dld . gm”; of SPRING Goons. The stock coucistu in purl of Funky and Staple DRY GOODS, of awry desunplmu. SILKS, » ‘ - ‘ , uuzAMBIQUE, ‘ mumms, “« zmmmns, ‘ . - BUMBAZINI-IS, ’ ‘ . ALPACIIAS, ~ ‘ LAWNS,’ ‘ , ‘ ' CALICOES, of n‘l qnal'nlrs and xhoiéost styles. nhich,wnll be 30111:”. PRK‘ES TO DHFY (‘l)\ll’ETlTlUN. * H'RNISHISG GOODS a} all kind:. including Silk, Linen and Cotton 1 :xntlkcrvhifl'c, (Haves, Stm'Mugs, kt‘. - Alw, a. splendid nssnrlmont of RIBBONS, Lulu» ‘llld Ellyi:l;:~. L'mhn-lln.‘ mm hummus.- Sly xtmkm WHITE HUUDS‘MI‘: be found lull and nymph-le. and rqammcra mny rcly upuu alwnys getting good goods at the {trim pus}:- blv prim-s” " _ . Genrlmnen will fiugl it to tlu-ix ndmnmse to La“ and enunine myutuck of ' CLUTHS, \ .v CASSIMERES and « ‘ x _ VESTINGH, or all qualities t‘xmlrboictst‘stylee. ~ April gl, Img, .... J.‘l..scmr‘K .Grain and Produce. « AVING tuken “It" inrgc and mmwmdimii “'nn-hguse recently occupied by Frank Hersh, EMI 1 ' . ~ ~l.\' NEW OXFORD. / we are prepared to [my the highest. prices fur all kinds: m PRODUCE. Also. Hell N! the hm est prices. LL'UBER, CUAL and GRUCHRIEH‘, uf every descr'iptiun. A. P. MYERS J: “WEBSIANJ MW Oxford, Aug. 10, 18w. :u‘ New Goods !—-Large Stock ! EKCIIAXT TAILURING. ' 1"]: ‘ JACOBS & mm. ban-c jlh‘t rt-coivedfmm themilie‘ a large flock of goods fur Gentleman's Went, exubrming a variety M , CLUTUS, ‘ l ’ CASSIMERES, » VESTLVGS, Cnssinets, Jenni, 1:2,, with many other gouds for spring and summer wear. ‘ ‘l‘bey are prepared to make up gnrml‘ntl 8! the shortest notice, and in the Yong-hut man ner. The Fashion nye rrgulurly received, and dothing nmnle in :Inv dcsirell sulr. They ul wnys make~ mun tits, whilst thrir sewing is sum to he substantinh ' - ' They" ask a coz'ntinmlnrr of “It puhlic's par tron-ice. ruaoh’cd by good work and moderule charm"! to enmjit. ' v Uctuaburg, april 7, 1862. . - ' Hardware AND GROC+ZRIES. The suhwriuon h u: just returned from the cities with an immsenfie supply of HARD— WARE AND GRUGERIES, which they me mfenng at their old stand in Bullinmre strum, in prices to suit the times. Uur noel. coming in part‘of. ; ' BUILDING MMERIALS, ‘ Walking Canes. Umbrellas, _. Gent. Slum-ls, (‘loihcg Brushes. "at Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Blnckiug BYUeIIEB, Boot Blocking, Buckskin Gloves. (‘RSailuL‘l'C ulmes, Kid Qiloves. Thu-rill Gloves, . Comlarlere, Fine Shirts. Conrs'e Shirts, l‘aesiriierc Shim, Flimnhl Shirts, .\lerinb Shirts, Lombwool Shiru', Knit Shine, UndrrShirtl,’ ' Flannel mee' Woollen. Dru». Cotton Drawers Neck-ties, Uranus, Collars. . Pal-er ()ollnrl, '- Gum Shoes, Bulfolo Shoe!” ' Cotton Sooke, Woollen Socks, Handkerchiefs, . Pocket Combs, Reddiuflrpombg. B'ufl'ulo shone. Gum Combs, _ llnrmt‘umber Ivory Uonibl, Wutch Keys, Wetch Uliaine, Wan-h Guards, Pockit Glneeei, y, Look ng Glass"; ___“ ——' _ ' m! Clock‘J. ( = New Tailoring . .Spaeueiu, §TABLYSIN fiNT.--GEO.'F. ECKENRODE, 33.1053: J l-‘ASHIONABLE TAILOR, ' [Razor SHOPS. adopt: this melhor! of informing his frie‘nds end ' S‘I‘BHF‘R S‘W’u thkpphlic generally. thnt ho- has opened a §[|“Y‘F'E Br““{“: ‘5 , . . _ ‘Ta'iioripg establishment in Baltimore streegi ‘}°’!”sv , ll'hlch'he " lellmg Gettysburg (luteAPoet Oficm) ueer the Die-:YEMW Strings, ~ . I i . \ room), where he is propercd to do tell work in “‘3‘” ”W5l old‘cuetomeu‘ood “9 his line in the best manner. nod to the satin-i !°',|"h“”‘h°“"'ld‘ 3 ‘ ‘ l faction of customers. He employs mm, Mt thipgtt‘or “I. th_etcnn- customers nt the. law‘- first clue heed-Jed receiving L in“ s‘" ““95“ m“I i , Tfig [4531053. REGULAELY, , store in the county. .Qet prices. : he can mot filehloublo [its end nest end ”I’ICKING'S lute Inivul of New Goo . wbstentiel eewihg. He oaks e shore of the emhuoen everythiux’ln the Clothing lilo ' :- puulic'e pglrpnnze, promising to spare no ef. Men and Boyl. GlyE HIM A CALL. » I 1 fort to deserve it, Hit ehorgee will always be Gettyeburu, Oct. 26. 1868. 7 found :1 moderate II the times will Illow. i —--- , . , (hitting Ind Repairing done It the shortest NOW m’the'Tune. " ‘ in‘ mum. [.Gmysbgrg. A 35" 7.1861. ; ow e woon ,coroer onork meeting ‘_' R Diemonul, G iyeborm er‘e ologlug out a ‘ 'hrge lot at WALI PAPER-t very low prices' In the Spring paper will cost don'bla what __ A I: R U M 81 ! ! > . . ' ' ' Just receiver! e large mid beautiful euort- , fln—bgojmfigL—lE—flflga. R h 13:11:01 mm- P l mac or Photographic Albums. which we om. _t ‘ 4 a.. I L 1) 0R 0 ,0 t Morn, A mctlcnl, h‘elmr m‘ty risen. TYSON BROTHERS, ‘ : ngmlfiflirghomm é Piano Tuner, Iniorm his friends and the Dec: 14, £963, ~ . iNBB‘S Kev Drug Store” I ‘znnimlipubllc in general, :11?! h; gives hiel - ' ' ~——-*—-——~—-—. . , ~ . me, not otherwise new i to u in' and 'FRESR ARR‘SVAL 1 FOR LADIES.—-All ”In of Buffalo 0n Buplirlflfl Pianos, u mgdernte pricee‘. Ile‘ . OH“! I‘B end SHOES, ‘i. Shoe! f" ”k ot the 90m" of York "n “lONIIRS entire "defection, oi- no pey. Order; ans um cars. » UM We “Mm hr “0" * “—0005: ‘ received-t thinoflce. [Sept. 18 1861 a 'oth for cub. Cdlano ere. ‘ ‘l LLOCK‘S LEVAIN—the .purest an . . . ._ .——— -.. “-21": " ‘ J. L‘. BULTZWORTH. ‘! ; eat Miog'powderih- nee—u Dr. I} ' ADIES' DRESS TBIKMINOS, In suit 71-, , ,uo ‘, EATS Drug Store. j ~.. I,f tiny, u SCHICK'S. - '~ . at, ‘‘ ' ' J, i , ~ snort Frxnmns, 4 mmxm MAKER’S TOOLS. uocsuxnapnn's mxrt'mrs, ALL mus or mun, la)., GROCERIRS OF ALL KINDS. Oils. Paints, kc" kc. - Them in no article in— cluded in the seteral departments mentioned above hut whnt' cnR be had at this Store.— livery class of lleqhnnics can be arcomnmdated‘ here with tools "nnd findings, and Housekeep er; can find every article in their line. Give us a 6211‘, as w; are [manned to sell as low for cash is any other hou‘se out of tha city. , JOEL B. DANNER, _ Jung 9, 1862. » DAVID.ZIEGI:ER. GEO. AIL\ULD.'“<- (W EURUE WIANT. » J BOOK.BINI)ER ' - AND any: two: xucnc-rpnzn, LANCASTER, PA. Plain and Ornamental Banding. of every de scription. executed In the most substantial and approved styles. ‘ ‘ E. W. Brown, Esq“ Farmerq Bank of meutor. W. L. l’euu‘er, Esq., Lnncas’ter County Bank Shmucl Shock, Esq., Columbia Bunk. 1 Samuel Wagner, an., York Bnnk. iM'Slliam Wagner, Esq” York County Bank. ”I‘. 1). Canon, an., Bank ofGeuysburg. I Peter Martin, Esq., Proth'y oanncusler 00., PI. )Gco. C. Hawthorn, [{qu Register “ “ Geo. Whitson, 3541., Recorder . “ “ April 15. 1561 ‘ ‘ A LIIC 11S11 jam 11,1504 MEI l pooTS AND ~~ - Boots Boots & Shoes! , 811UES SCHIUK UARP‘L‘XTgu‘s rams, | ‘. BLACKSWTH'S TOOLS, ‘ 7 COACH l-IeDINGS, Lancaster Book Bindery. I= 4lbums ! Row In. ".oods, . . (Suez-mor- w '. I. Wilbeny.) OBNER 0F YORK . I‘. AND 0113103”), ‘ GETT SBURG. P.\.. Inn on tum! nnd '_ill no" u thrloweu prices, mars .H‘D SIIUES.‘ (Huh-y. Nun-proof, Kip, From-h Cult. )lo rocco, and I“ olher km in for men sud boyl.‘ ' LADIES" BHUBS. Gaiterg, Bnlmorall, orocco, Kid, FiMlCalf, Ind others. _ CHILDREN ‘A Inge variety of all old prices. _ HATS A‘ 0! every size, quulit} boyi ind children. i MISS! A huge 10! a! the lug ‘ f‘l'RNlSHl., While Shirts, Can Shing. (if all styles, Tin-I|. ‘Suspenderu. Poc whit-h 1H" be sold Chen T UNDER WEAR. V A superior rm 0! ndcrsbiru of vntioui Liudfl Drawers, kc. " ‘suoizs Hcgn'y Woolen, Hex-290, Lamb, Cotton, of all kinfiis—ch‘eap II ever. ‘ , ' GLOVES. rßurk, Beater, Clotli, Gusilmere, Kid. Cm ton. Thread, of u” kinds—selling at. old lpw prices. ,' ‘ Of the finest flavor 'lnd best munnfncture imported and dqu-nticwelecn-d will: cure. ‘ WALL PAPER. ‘ For Pnrlors. Hnll‘l‘, “00"“. Chambers, (‘eil ings, and Boxes. Cent.“- Pieccs. Fire-board I‘xims, booil'nper. ofw’nrious kind‘s. “'INDOW BLINDS. Wind'ow Pupnr. UH Cloth, kc plain papers 0! diifem‘flt volnrs. TRAVELL .\(3 MAGS ()11 (‘lolh und Unmet, small and huge. Togo-[her with many other urtirleh, all 0! which we will 3'?" at Ipwen l-{N-cn. We “urt out. wirh the old, M“. good muunz- V“Quit‘k sam and Small ”01315,"qu iult-‘ud to‘adhcre 1011. (”2mm ('Asll.‘ " D9O. 7, 1868. if A gard. ”The subwrihér! bus sold his Hat and Shot: Slnre to “were. ow h Woods, film “ill ggntiuue tlw hummus at the “H “and. We re n‘llH'h uhtgged for the li‘wral support ex tended to “a, mu! we urnestly request [none indebted to lu'to cnlgl and make immediate payment. as We tit-sure to settle our business without dclny. The lituoks will ln- iduud m. the stand where the business was douc.‘ - ' R. F. .\xcwud Dee. 7, 1R63 CHEAP \ CLUTHING h Ihe place to NW _wmr OVERCUATS A)“ URESD: COATS, _rpur FINE’COATS AND COARSESUUATS, .vhur ' CLUTII UUA'I‘S AN]! (,‘ASbIMERE COATS , ~\‘nnr ' FROCK COATS AND BUSINESS (‘UA'l‘S,u ‘ ; your . ‘ GUM COATS AND MILITARY COATS, vonr SI'NDAY (‘O:‘TS AND I‘.\’ERYD:\Y COATS, )‘nlll' ‘WARM COATS ASH WINTER COATS, noon cunts A‘xn (‘lmw suns, hwnuu- he sclla‘clwuplr lhnu unqbudymlsc guy-(:0 m, ‘ ' PICKLVU‘S QILO'I'HHNG STORE, ‘ ' A “" ’ c'uriuui Imuk,‘ . BALTIMORE STIII'II'ITr(EHTYSBURGv ‘ n....«u-nrus. n “mr _vmgr ‘ . ’flnmd s'ulrhn CLOTH PANTS .\M) 4:.xssnn-IRH ranch“... "; g. = for yum ‘ l ‘ PLAIN PANTS A5O FIGURE!) PANTS, Inr your FINE l’.‘..\'TS AND (‘0 \RSE PANTS, ‘ tur your I‘ITI'ISG I‘ABTS‘ .\.\l|‘FA.\'C\.' PANTS, 1;:r _um‘; - ‘ 'nmm‘ mxrs 4m; wum‘p P-.\.\'Tsi because Lis,[.nu~;.. yr; ”Nays :1 huh: luu'l‘r ' Hm : :IXl\L{)"\‘, t‘lnl‘ s ‘ ‘ ‘ bfl’lt'KlN‘G'd'fi-fl is xhc Ind! plan}? m gut. ‘ ('LUTH V 5515 AND CAba'lMEllE EPISTp‘, ‘ L) “Ll I SILK VESTS AND SATIN \‘EdTfi, to get ‘ PLAIN YESTS AND FANCY VIZSTS. ‘ m ng * ' “WAR.“ YESTS AND CHEAP VESTS to act - _ STRAIGHT VESTS AN!) RULLING VHB'L‘h‘. ‘ Io gel, LIGHT YESTS A.\l) HEAVY- \‘ESTS, to get; CUARSE \‘l-ISTS ANU‘GHEAP VHSTS, ‘ i to get. ‘ , ~ V MILITARY VESTS and MI kinds of Vestd,‘ cheaper than nny other sum: in the county. .4 CU 'w l'u'xlxu's - wlfyuuimuukn ‘ mu ‘ u , ‘ .\UUUHDEUNI . : Gohto Picking. [f you'wunt n ’ ' I’UCK'I-JT KNIFE ; 1 Go to Picking. ‘Yf_"ou want a i ‘ ' SiLVER THNBLE ‘ Go to Picking. if you want I " I ‘ FISH SEGA". Go to Pick in Values; T: unki. Carpet {1.128. Traveling Hugs, -. s SHOES. " aorta and li§el, cold It '-D CAPS. ' y lull style, for mag, HATS. st llvles [u Goons. ' mare Shirts. Flannel lmllnrs, Fruits. Sack et Hundkerchiefn, ta, SOCICS seems, Also, floe ‘ ROW It WOODS Piel‘ing's KIM If you want . ‘ ,SALUKING TOBACCO n Go to Picking. ‘lf you want! A ‘ fSHEWING ÜBACCU ‘ Go to Picking. ’lfyon want. 1 1 j SUSPEND?!“ [ } (m to, Picking lfyou mug, ‘ ' STEEL PENS ‘ “Go to Picking ‘ Ifyou‘ wnnz . 600 D PBXCILS Go to Picking. If you 'wanc \ §LEI(.‘H BELLS ‘ Go to Picking ‘ If you win! I. ‘ ‘ ; { ,NEW bUl’l‘ ~‘ Go to Picklng i It you want a ' ‘ . ‘ GOOD aUl’l‘ ' ‘ ‘ . do to Picking i If 300 wunt‘n ‘ , tail“? SUIT 1 ‘ a» m Picking 1 "you want ' ‘ «MBA? CLOTHES" j i . Go to Picking i g” ydu want to ‘ Q :BUY wu?‘ ’ : I Go lo Picking 1 ‘1! you wnm n 5 GOOD Fl'l‘ ‘ { Go to Picking. Jr you run In] 1 ; “title in his line . 5. Go to Piekin _ I- For he bu receivfil ’nnolhct luge thick I 1 NEW GOODS lIIM Splendid New Books ' JUST 1.80101! “swarm, PUBLISHJEB, NEW you I. ' PKCL‘LYAR Rpu Bum” "an; Novgl,_ c oneemiug which ihemohu 'been more hull: and npeculn (ion, perhnpl. than nhnnt any mhur book issued tor yonn. The thrilling tad exlnordiunrv fact) with which the author bu bacon-o Ic quuinmd hue baen thrown into I p‘lol Ind uory Io lunllngly bold, and yet so truthful, no under lad I 0 gentle. um. ovary under who begin. itmuu be {min-ted with in oufl‘yglng interest. ltiudliuglikewild-fire. Price‘lfio. KINBALL'S WORKS Embracing his cup‘iiul new novel. “WM he Sucreuiul." one ‘nf the belt ficnom of Lbd "anon. Price $1.50. W‘s "I Succnuu 1., 8n" LIGII. ' L‘xunocnuu. ’ ‘ In nu Tnnplct, ' .'1 Stoun‘f LI" .‘lnow. RENANS LIFE OF JESUS 'A [null—(ion of M. Ernest Rennn't remn’kn ble wnrk, jun issued In Paris. whore-the ex— citenu-m. And u-nution no lo great‘conc‘em ing‘iu subject And unlhor. that‘nlrmdthou} - suds of copies ofthr conly French El‘il'lgll have been told. ‘ll has been cxtrfiwpnfly pfaised, and extruh‘zmlly censured : but its my! awn-re critic: do not deny the wonderfiul power, bril lillm')’. and ability displayed ufion every page of the buok. Price $1.50. DR. (‘L'SHHNGS' WORKS Emtmving his new Work “The Great Con lulluu‘ Linn." wlnqh is hnrncting‘w much ul lenlion in England. Prlcc 31.00. ' Tu): Gymn- TRIBULATION. Tu: Gnu? Pu: ”mummy. Tu: Gun Conauuxnws. LlllllT UN SHADOWHD PATHS By T. 3. Arthur.’ Th‘e populyrily find in lqrut ”bout. this clvliphlful-new work, by Mr. Arthur. ure steadily inrreusing. h. is uncut the [zk‘uslnt'st of roccnl'publicalifgnL and wifl find its “av hm Il’m’usmuls and Unusnan nl fxunjlivs. \rhrre do‘mnslic stories nf n pur:l nnd unexcvn‘uuuuble .iufluenue um welcomed.— Pricc‘s.l.2s. - ‘ ~ . ~ ~ vl. ; NOV ZLS lt‘)’ +UTHL'RI “RUTLEDGE.” ‘ Enuhrhcing the s'plrndid new nm‘él “Fm"nk “'urringlnn," which 'is gelling so rapidly.— l'rlcl‘ $1.30,. I z ' . Rl'TLnum. ‘ ‘ Funk “hummus, _ .\‘Y. i'l‘ua SL :‘uxuuxns‘g LOUIE. \‘WT’OR HUGO—A LIFE PI Ono n! ”in mpst charming and entrancing ‘vnhnncs tlml hm: ever issued flum LIH- Fn-nvh ‘ l'rehi French. dmnmflc, graphic, And lively. 'it nlmun-L \v‘ifl: 'flw same delightful lnlcro‘l | 11ml "lath: "Lu? Miu rubles" so n7undr-rl'ully ul ‘lmcth (a No ream-rut that marvellous ”Immune. lum Irum‘n Bani-find wilhnnt ils‘womlmuiuu, 1“ The Slory uf \'u-lur llugq’s Life." ()ne {handsome 3HO} clulh boqnd. I’ricc SL23. TORE . 1 y ,uu. ' ‘ ”16+. HOD—MED" NOVELS, , thrncinuh Grey," llhll'h country. l’ni: I ‘ Mun” (hmv -r x harming fr-w novel “ \lurinn is so pupulag lbruuglwu‘ llw :- LHA “in" llulmu’ lin- (WANTS OF NEW YORK ”THE \IER A SmnuJ ; a-ricu' (it a verv interesting and n} Wuhfr Barren. (‘l rk. 'lh-- ‘m chm-s, wit. hnluor, livyl) [wr l prujnui nnd pnhlir gnsdpfi‘uuul n! mom-hunts nf Xew.\'ork ('ny {ft-var} thing put] - Hut 100 muvh 'lw first. vuluult h‘ml’ an iun‘m-ner ‘ and [he Sor‘ond Sofie: ii mnr Icgrm. clulh bunlnlJuluuua-L —:|lllflt‘vhil ( nl'nm'lhiuL m'lc Lu" )cnr.‘ J’l“ll'\. (Im- I l'ricu: $l.lO. A. S. IUI S EXL‘HLLHVT _\'H\'F.l.\'. '0 Eyalmwm-z his 1:15! capital Wary; “Luke and " ” l‘ncr $1.23. IMIZI .\ Ln\¢:‘[.uux .\itklll. ' In "rm Tun'luxu, - ' 'l‘m i: To ‘rm: Inst, ‘1 m: S. u_A.\'h Imm l‘uu 0, IL.“ (.u Ln m: HELP u, ler A u (mum. ' 'l n l.u\ :.\\p To us. Luvtn, '1 nu. A. n flux. Ttll-I .\ [:l‘_()F L‘u\'\'EßS.\Tlo.\'. \"ilhdxrm‘lipns fora‘eillf‘ullure. *,* Ahook x-{lntmuumm , amuscmvnl. xlnd instruction Tr.“ hung llw rt 0: cuhversing With the mud gum-51H}, mul Felling lorlh the hlernry know !vigr nquhh rum-ear to advantage in god“ l'rifélga ME mugs mun THE OPERAS A fufihmli jg little \uluvue 0f Nina-Irma: l-nwd un‘nu ln- must celebrued and {unufinr Opernsz—pivmznhc Nut 00 each o},th in the ‘wrcedblu Inn Man interesting and Mlmclivc stury. I’ricc;~i.oo. ' r‘ ' . t ml. 1‘ THE “ANTSOF HOOD SM‘IET\". A‘ gland-mink xur I.udies:nnd Gemlanon; “ith hulls :Jnd anecdoteflcourerning. "we points of lame. goud manners, and the art. of m-Itji‘ug unqu'lf nyrraahleJ Reprinted from the .onilon mfuon, which is the best nut-l mun eutefininiug lonk'un-the suh’uct ever pub’hzh ed. 312 mm! c oth~bound. Price $1.50. BECLA". ‘ 3‘ By Mia: Align-eta Evans. One 0! the ““3" ben American novels ever published. In ..ule incmm‘ea (hylby day. and already £3,000 copies hM‘eJmen sold. Price 81:50. h-‘mmx'r GREEN, The nopnlnr, rollicking. humorous story of CollegKLifi: in Oxford University, England, with nqarly 21m comic ilinstrationg. Reprint; M from the London edition. A book over flumug with ‘wil. unrcdote, and ludicrous ud renLure. l’ricc $1.25: ' v ‘r “‘3 “NW: hooks are sold by :11 first clnu‘ Ilaoksellurs. and will be mofully sen: by mil, posuge pregnid, on receipt of price, by ,' (11-20. W. QARLETON, Publisher, No. 4E3 Brondwq, New York. )Inrchh, 1564. Removal-uni: Ware. HE undersigned bu removed his Tinniug esmhlishment no'uu' the Dhmoud. in . mfbcnburg street, adjoining A. D. Baal:- lcr'a Drug Store—n very comm! 100-don. He continues to manufacture, and keeps contact.- I I] on bud, eve-y vnilety o! ; TIS-WARE. .» i ‘ PBESSED AND . i 4 JAI’ANBD WARE, Ind will Away-Admit to (Eu-REPAIRING“ - . ROOFING Ind SPO: qu also done in the but nut-nor. Prim motler- ' no. and no efonjpnred ‘9 reader full utis- ; (union. The pnblic‘ltoutinnod patronage in" loliciled. A. P. BAUUHER. ‘ , Gettysburg, April 1, ,1882. . 1 Gettysburg Marble Yard. 1 . ‘ W 8 3110., IN EAST YORK STREET LI GETTYSBURG, PA.—Where_ they an prep-Md to furnish I“ kinda of work in when line, such an .\IONU‘MENTS, TOMBS, HEAD. STONES, MANTLES, 30., It. the shortcut no- : (ice, and u chimp u the elm-pen. Give us I ; 68'". * WM“. [4an in exchange for work Gettyuburg, June 3, 1862., ti J “2.5 l Dec. ‘2B, 1363.‘ 1 ' ‘ fl . NBV ' T FAHNECTO {A ionld respect 'nud the public are 1 irereiwd thrir Slur? I York and Philndel for cash, wa~nre pm llld premium flock“ loflered I." the cm 'OLDPRICESI “Q Vbeing ohr motto. . f m‘nll nnd en > May 11,1553. .1 I New? ' EWPORT as 7. e”, South ‘VJ‘ {rum tlu- Hngle' H {Constantly on hm :CIQACKEIL“, CAKE Ith wishing: trrsh smorning by Imuml ml the ancn. Ev {Give us u call! Hummnnn, hum Dunn, Comm Nu m: x For Flr'rrm lml lmr le I‘Hlll yichu-nl I it‘lmr'llo‘ll qu willy [ln lll\"‘l'r.clr-"(:0II :hdlu 1;..14 “My In! ‘ "4 .\'«-l [in un'c-l \'c-' ting l’ul~-: 4 [hr lh‘ mm: 4 Ii?” llin:s Fur “In-:4 Lo unit-h] '. Heart and n "am-[y Imum-zsoM.lrfpin::l ".5 Utmhh--H~Lt~s L 01“ “mm-HI |~€ ‘I'JI‘I‘ hurl H‘. LNi‘kvl-l. “1' Ir! n 4 1l!r:lcula5I-':—nllturJ‘ Ivinul “Lilli; kiwi, “1| Hwy mu! m unlin nrfi 10: ul lruht Unv ”I! (‘.flalm‘nuuV crml. l'rit-H ol Gama. v: \‘uliall. "ldl‘ri In’ ng-slnulfull)’ S-Uliril . . _ 5 \Lw: ' ‘ 1:7 hurruu! ‘ omethmg ;' 9MT .\‘l‘ m '4 T Imm: . “nety‘npnned u fim: ' ' Der- um] .\lm l'amu .\h hluli‘ i - 'mmcc I Jamis, 13M. 111. . ; . N 6 " ' 'El‘flfll‘} ARNO G l'lulmlclidnm. ('ASSI‘IHIH‘IS (Mn flu-:4. FLquu-ls, Mu-I Evil] he mid ("lump NP 1 Sept. 2:5, [B%. J EMI Changb of Time. (‘1 ETTYSBURG R \11.1(0.\D.-—Un lid Ill“ 7' [hr first ofJnnqun next, Train. over xhu Gettysburg Railroad will run‘ as tollows: Fm! Truin will heave Getty-burg t 6.30. A. .\l., with pusserigern f 0! Miami}. nfid mhrr poiuu Soulhx‘mrd. llelnrn M l 3”. P. IL, uith passengers lrom Baltimore, Ilio from York, Harrisburg, ‘l’hilndelphin, .ud olhu poiuu North and Eq‘atwnrd. ‘ Second Tniu wi A. 51., with puaeug Philadrlphiu, kc. p usaq-ngers from lan+ also reach “ultimo lr-un. . '1! l have Gettrsburg u a, r In for Yogk, lbnisburz. {emrn m. 6,1’. l, with (2 points. Passenger! can Ihe mm: day by thin McUURDY, President. Goods ‘KS'.——Fnhdenmck ffißrm. ully inform.,meiri‘friendl rally tlml Ihey have'ji'ul 5' stock of Goods from New i in. "Mink hougbt them pnred lo nfi‘vr the huge-It of DRESS GOODS eve: - nu of ,lhe‘county and n! icL sash-53nd slhors proliu" in 91 gbeJlgn of tho ‘ A [lw mu.“ Bakery; 1 Emma; ny-hnuicm HAL;- hi'ugtuu ISNEI: lmll squure tel, .(Hi‘I‘TYSBI'RH. Pu.— ‘ d, the hes! ul BREAD. S, I’IIETZI‘ILS. kc. Hr: rend “ill. be served evvr‘y their names nun] residence: ry efl'ort mmlc to ylcnse ' [April 20, ’53. H‘ 08.1! Coal. . , ‘ Coal! ‘IIEAUS & “CHI 8 .\IIIIIDI) COAL, quantify (10-Slrt-tl. AER are now prepared m Tsupuriur quqli't)’, in nu, orme. Cx‘lsh. ~ MIZEIISNRE flzfi‘fi‘hvy n'nn (hem to cull um! ‘ nne‘iul. Who wil open {rum 7 In 7. Feb. .54, [562. [equcst 9mm: imlel‘nod m -_\"up. In hunk :lrc unu‘l: l e'the figst to will ? . Utlu-e g GoOds ' Spri I} T .\.’s"(J'l'T'&‘ H-nliun 0! ml" Uuuda, univh will I‘ SUS'S.—— 'e in\il_c the at: My In our wlork at Spring 2 sold ( he: p. rumbling ul' DRESS (Mums, ,‘ . l ulhs, run. (Iv. Fur .\lcn'l ‘ ‘ have (‘lntluJ Cu~rimr'rcs,i ‘vxilh u vuricly of:l{otluu- ' I. {HUI-3'" Shmfls. (‘lomlunu C um] lhyq' wu‘r we |,‘n.nlin;;.~, \‘vfiiugn «don, &t‘.. kl'. Cul May Id, 11303? ' .4 ‘ . ,{7 “I //. (:y-Q' w/fl.fl,j\ a > ‘ ' .7 ‘ Q/I/a JAM/z J'C n le‘l-IRNATHNAL‘ ('l|.\l\' 0F ‘ . ('mnH-zmtl \I. PULLBIIFS, Hamhlishyd in ['4- fnlluwing . hit-‘2 ‘ .I-ulldl)|-:I.I-HI.\’. . 4 S E. ('ulm'r ul' Smrnlll :Iml ("In-Jun! Sl} . wi York. ”ranklyn. “\llmuy, Trip}, I'l.nl- ‘ dt-m'v, l’urtl m 1! H Irltunl, [hulnmlnm ‘ Xl-\\'|lrk. Hm btwh‘r. Hutlnln. Tor-ml“, ‘ ('lrn-l nul. eruil. (‘.lit-ugu. .\HI. ¥ « . “2111 M" :m»1.91. Lu ui~. / . Thurmwh [ln-‘.rt-lix- ‘l uml inmrlinull I‘HLIIIn-l -j Hun in ‘nll bunches ”HAHN-“ 1.5.10 n finished ‘ “llrllk‘fli I‘hlmumun. ’ , [NS'I‘ASCEz ‘ ’l'lu- l'hilmlclph n l'I»Ih~:n_~‘l.-m!< fin! :1: rl «- . ylu\ll§, “u tnrwnrd. nirnly‘shl'l‘. hnlh in [Mint m “p. 134“... ”s“] L...“ II gomi onh-r. [ht-fulln“ lug ‘ mh’unlngt'i. Th", Imm! 113 mm! Ll i‘. In 1:1.” I! M Jewelry. ”Will in lini‘h' A‘ummfh iv-_I IZ-Iguwlmn uhrn- it I)I-ll)‘l'{>— 115 Ill"! m“ m be I‘N‘Uglllll‘d HIII‘ Imm rm'rk ul n< ~lul i-u~lguln'llnl|. Tu llm ,N‘ Irving "g "(.th . l‘eml, mums! [hurt-11,1: mm u ul-huan» It -| - {it ”nuns: 2 Plain Flaw-n. iung'is'wluprJJ um} n-urn-tullfn-ntun-mi, mum r ‘123 tnyl-‘H'h: 3 1.1.3.. “:3”: I”w pgrsunul ruin-n umu of. H: .1" [out I'm.- L” mulch: 2 Phi" Vim: .1 ' |¢‘~‘~‘¢:|‘~‘.i|| Ihc \hhl-In: d- I' 'Hul_'lnl4. 'i hr nun-l , [:2Tll4llls9*'“il\ll‘v ”Hume- ' pcrh-rl p} \‘u m In! |ll.|(‘ll|‘ 1i _lmiuiug .m- r ‘l.- “ yuflmuprug: 3., l'uinn Emmi \Lfl" 1..|- 1... n In! in‘- ..;-n-raliuu, M v- rlll - . l'luiu un-I lmilnlimn‘nnd; "“l‘~'s"l“_\’ ”mi. .1 nu! J 1: Jim: in Hunk-m. . .1. ”Re-is, vngiur-lnrnl‘d: 6 liux ”Hum“ ~m'h n. h \u- hn'u-rlu lum-n (syn-uh I~ ‘ llmrlrnil ..r |.,.ir; 73 ”u.l‘”[. L-II [nudKl‘r unl‘v 'lu'ruiluw Ix all “in: ln- tullu . ”5|...” ('|.-.“.,5'm,d Gled inu-lumsr. .\nm Inn-"min; [undid-m in hm Winn.“ ')|yl],|rg_ A ('nllcu- rSI'iY‘IIV" M' Arruuw‘i I‘l-n n.m~h')p. l'ulmurt- V ‘lmu lulu-M in ”H. mm 1, 0| VDi II (.‘al- 111 umuu-gdud Tuxmnvru in} l..|\\. Iln- a ‘inmmg‘pm.“.mghuu ”m” silutlfim i~ unlmuu-i l‘n Ilu: l'rnlu'rml lh-[mrl :ln-u! l'nllAr‘! ‘ .. Hut-Ml, \\‘l;rrv lu- 'u-v n.lm-9zmzu‘l m 1 “"rf'lk-ix‘ "I“ ‘ ;,,;,',:_,m‘]),.f,,m...1;‘," um! ’ unfllld \lenlmul: p3l~~r~ Lhruugu 'ln- duh-r: m u be uhlnim-vl "pun Ulllli- llqus: .H'l~ ‘iu lllrn “I Tell r. ('I-lm-I. .\r.; \lnil, Tgleynmh or Express f“)- nr‘u- llu- dull“ :lu'l r|‘—pmi~-hilhn;~ ‘.‘l 1- u I. .I. _ , wm. r. :Ile Lyn-Mm“! lhnr :uz‘uh‘ in! mut’nl. nut lzfly ”HHS. & my" I'mulyf in the farms uhn I! .-.u' in v:ui'\‘-r.nZ:«l»--.‘ ( 'o‘! 67 “'9'”..le 5,5; ‘l hul‘i'n lu.l'ul-,'in;: liu- ull'ura u! hump.“ unh \ l'lulull'ure. It. I. :S'Wl' m‘uml nh-cl.vn~ln_. ‘ n 1 ‘ I :r‘mlunhil»: L=~uv d ,ut the palm. nu- pawl. \ for Everybody ltnr nn’unlimiu-Il lll‘llu l, in H 4- uxghlm-u (”ul _ It. “”I“an llf,’(‘~1‘u1ll!)rl\lll~' v. 3 ‘ ("Id-ll." , XI) VARIETY 51‘01:l-]:_i “11-lama: «"'." .murdwl m llm r n.l!_\- um S‘UTIIHL'IH. m - fulfill H.l- pi‘n-dvril-wi vnu zu‘ y! and)“ and Imul‘ i. ill"'~“v , ’_. 1' “HIV rlqu!siu- n-x nuin-olmn. , lirims, - Fur‘turllmr inlng'umlmn sem'. lnr u rlrruhr.‘ ' u-rv. ' -- ‘ I \AdJn‘fq . - . ' - - u“) Dry (1.90 m, . i . .um .\.\ Ll, STRATTU .k (‘0 .' u k Coulct “Him. _ I‘m-h. 8, lUIH. ’ly " l'er-lv lp‘um. 7 , . .. ‘ E Omen-rum, ‘ _ . - - and (we. 3 ‘3: : A. soon g‘Sox. I Bros. & CO., ’ Saiisbur : N2l a: warm ~ I (‘H STREET. 1: mi ‘ \\'l-‘.YI:US.~ET STREET‘ new}; 1:41., I’ the Mud 9110": in JEW (HHHS m H": Hushru the ntlexgfinn uf ,qu unm w lhe u-ry Sl'lll'l: .\l.\(} hirh Ilmy nN‘ uflmiu ' Illt'il'. II): hm'h Furrigni nm hu fu point uf clcganuo and ° rnovgl I’rnprivlnN of uur ‘ ELHY ‘.\l.-\.\'l'FA(7 Stutes. I-rg tn cull mnnm' gI-vu-rfillv CHE \L’ “.\TI‘I nr g‘umii. rnr ”up“: nun—4lh- .\lJnufi-ulme "‘2“ dumhilixg'l | 11113 June 29, Iri,3 , sma’uts. .tL: Goods. ‘ DU) Inns inn-'1 n-c' £21“! from “.1an": slurk (If FLUTHS r-(‘lmlmu‘z UAipinht Vr-l- Eng. J?.|lla. :QC'..,IIH I)! wlm '1 Ir lush. Cal! und‘nue 11mm. mam-mm ‘ E 5x01215101: n Th'l- Ert-I-lsim “'Lshmg .\lncnquis lln- ‘wsl in the “ml-l. ('4l! .md v.\'.uuiuc ilfal “fire—s - ml tin: Excelgio.‘ Skv-ngm “allrry. , TVS”) “INJTIIE'{S F you “an ‘ ‘ I ~ f (mm) ALE, mn'rmx Brown Smut, Scul¢h Ale, and Wines, vull at. - l r IRISMrYR'R, ' Nonlhensl corner 0 Ihe Dhunund. DEC. 7, him. ' - ..‘ Clothin - . Eonm: A mom; has ml G and Winter’utockm Clo! stuck in town, cousisflng o! ()wr (Imus, ‘ Dnss‘ Coats, . , -‘ ‘ Business Coats. ‘ 3“!“er l‘ Under and Over-Shirts, l Glpre-x, km, in gnu” If'nliety be mI-l cheap tor cash. Cal Sept. 28,1563. . fl Sheads a; Bu EALEILSIN , , ‘ C 9“; AVD LUMBER, s r 0 r agar .. . TlN’Wfimi, EpLLOW-WAItE, aO. - -- ALao —' SUL'TTERS, BLINDS, ‘SASH, E'l‘C.. , Coruel of (Inrlisle nyd Ruilrnpvl. blrcets, oppo siw Railroad Depot, GKT'EYSBL’RU, PA. Sept. 23, |863. tr , "’ Young Men ‘ . ND OLD MEN. Ho no! nllew yonlj Mother: A nnd your mvomo worr‘out their precious was over the alt! Wash-tub Young-y, hut like true men Ind ben‘eficfiora, present them with an EXOKLSIUR WfiSHER, um! Instant! Lil frowns and cross words on qnih dun, ud upon it. cheorfnl he" will greet you. k - TYSON BROTHERS, Hangman;l I. Dec. 14, 1863. ‘ ._ ___“-g .. . --. .‘V ”_H...lfl._‘_ Bale 0171118- : I = ‘ W. FLEuuING mtinuot the b linen A. ofs E C 1216, Ind mliciu t can. uuued pl mug: t the public. it in h I can nuul endeavor t gjve» utiul'lction. thrgel modergus. Red nee in Bucknuridge‘, street, Gettysburg. ' ‘ A f r. K-Ho is u 11ch Auétlinon, wider the Tu Law of 111. United Sums." Nur.24,1802. ;‘ r , (warm PHt)TO(}llAPßS}msdu u the Ex- .Joh- W. Txpton, ~_- {,x ’ ./ celsior Gallery In alums warnnted to ASHIONA E-BARBER, North-east cur: 7‘" "‘i‘f‘m‘m- TYSON BRUTHERs- do} of to Diamond, (nan door‘w Mt“ / 01!. good Al'o, Porter, “jlms. km, go to lellnn's 1] ol,)‘ Geuyubuflg, PL, when he *k" LIIRISMEB‘fi. cui M. All 1' übe found rudytu “tend to 111 , UFF’ALO SHOES.~A Inpenor ulidnof ibfisinesa inhia line. Ha In: Ilsa excellen‘ ah ..- OV" 5110"» {ol' “‘6 “the 8‘0" 05' { gum“: "and- will ensun utllmfion. um '- 3 . 30w; WQODS; fun. .1111. {Dec.3,13604,1l _ HE America: Excdsioy Coffee nd‘Bump}; --V‘ ‘ - - . ' ,7 _‘3 for we» Dr. B. HORNEE'S Dm‘g mm; ILLINERY GOODS. Bennett Xvi-Pom. 3 , LL the but. PM Medicines up he had"; flowers, Shakers find/3°?!“ may,“ ‘ Am. the nail-Emil; Drug and Pnacripcloa av. rewind from New kork, _l'hMP 3 It, 3 mg: V , . gum. uomsw hummus.) om. \ MID ‘ T. . z 1 >/ * . _ 7 ' ‘ . ' / a I ’ -_ ‘ ‘_ 45.4. es s C'- lleye IM 3 E. Corner Tenth and (‘hemut Eueeufi I . PHILADELPHIA, ‘ ‘ won. an: unuuzxr or 1 L. FAIRBAE Ks,A..u., forth: hut luur _renru Principal Ind mid Im- Ilnzu nlnnger of Buns? & 'S'Mudx’tol'l Gov ‘ martin College. ' A NUDE]. lIITSIXZSS‘COLLEGE, .Conductqd on a new syju‘rnrofAmual Bushes} Tnin‘iuz’. through Ibe atnmisbment Mn lurin— muo Onion Ind Connth-flnnaen, répii‘e'enw ‘ing difl'cnut damn-"nu 0! Th}. Ind (tom merge, and a result: Bank of Winthr mu, giving the undem all 'be adv-um” 1nd“! practice, and qunlihin'g him in h‘ .Ihnneu pessihle lum- uml most ediyctiyepnur ’ner lfur the urious dukics um] cu.” luyme‘glu of bminus life. ‘ ‘ Thu (Jun me orinmrug’iioniln the Theoretic“? Deuurtmenl embrace.» “wk-keeping, ("minim-l" (ind Calculutiuuz, Lubturea on lluuuen Al‘irt, -P.~pnmuubip, L‘Jmuwrun Lu“ , Form]; Cone-1 poudl-nyc, 6st. , In the ' \ the studentcntersupun Ihc Graduating Conno, “Inch includes a continuance in the nhm‘e studies. win] their [lnn-lii: ll nppm-mlon in all ‘ tlwir demil’s. He will in turn fill the po'uitiun 4 ul‘ Accountant. and l'rullriclul in 11-e. \uriquy llbqnurllnuuttof Wholesnlgnml‘ llchlil Ttxlih', l"¢')r\\:ndlng. Juliliing lllldzi‘ulllllllsaiun Busi nus. Blinking, lluuul‘m‘:nriufz,‘M|ning, .\‘lcum- ‘fi 'lmnling. haJnu-l finnlly will-il5l us Cashier. —'-‘ llouk-qu-cg und.’l‘ellrr\in_lhe Bank, in vu-ll ’of ulnicli {insilious luu pruuuuxl knowledge Will he put. to Ille fullest pnu-ncul ll'll. , | 3'll his lnsliluliuu oll’rrs (o yuuugmrn—mml‘h nus mlvunlngt-a nul puweisvgl In" any mlwr tmmuéuml «allege in the Slate. If is com ‘x-lrn- In all in ul||>llillltllrlll§ ' lL ii the ugly \ ‘ lluamiuiou iu‘ z'u- Shin.- minim-led on. mllml ”mum-5N lirilu'rplw. Jl‘lxc volume of ~indlrm l'mu ii uneurlmswll. mnl in In cumplelml m uh ml 'mu- hall llu' lum- "NEE? :qn'ul 11l nllu-r EnsllH’ilmnd. ir. ('(Illsl'illll‘lu’i: xill finlirrh .nv‘r lll'l'uYll-(l'lnl‘lfl, Mil-l llle~ \gdupliun ul' lgi- new Lnnmu-ul nine-li. ' 52 : Dunluums r‘lllrlli‘d upon Ihr vmnpll-linn uf llu‘ ('lmnm-ylinl l'uui-r. uliirii mini-rum :ill l‘.\l'(‘[|l Um higher {as ul liuukmg,‘ Mmulm lur ing. “illll’nd'lllll‘:.'¢\li. ' . ' I Sn ndJur n I'lH'lll.|l’.i\ ~ . . Feb. I, IHUL lum ‘ Pbrtable Frintingogfices. .\ufions, ‘ ' ‘ '1: [hr "—0 n! ‘ 1‘ \l'r"l.|'||~.'|||._n - "‘ L'h'-..1n-| .Hlun‘m-q ‘: ‘ "_—:~ unfljru'luinu-i—w n riff-:1? ' 2, ’- ‘Whn \\l~'| [0 I 11? I)» 1' ii ’ ’ . '-\l| {Hunk}; hn'ml.‘ i. “ I I 4i (h-‘lph. :\ up. .\Ltl, WM“ l 1 :1 In Ilu Hinliu'}: wt ‘ ’~ h‘lwhnlln HHhrmL, rir( 11l uh, [gm L, (nu-R )Hl‘] mull m “'.«lhlln- xx: Full‘ lIL~IIHLUJI=H .n I all”! 113 mg u‘.u-Ix uL‘i '( In ufil'mg :I 1103 Wu .\th «111 [C muk 'lle m .~u.-- H-‘sfullr. ('lrrhhl‘:' >unl inc. fispyuinmn :h-‘vk/J! T|p". Cdlqku . I; ll'llK~. ‘ .\. lire“ All) Hi)" HH'L‘ES ('it. ‘ I _SI Falkltuu‘. N. \'.,.-.unl I:9}(uu-uln sum}, V \, ' I 120610“, Hnrfl. ,_ Jngunryflb, IPM. 1y ‘ I .l-IXHHLSIUR!!! i -. .1 _ K . ~ Isaac K;- Stauffer, ‘ “T.\Tcu MAKE“ .\.\l) JH\\‘ELI-§R, - I umu‘wlcuxu ur ' I MLVE“ “CURE l‘; '1“ [METER U!" WATCHER, ‘ " 3044;" No)”: 540 mm! St.._(}ur|u-r Quart}, _ ' l'sfil.ule-LIIA, PA. - I He has clmskuully ml lung! nn nunrtmonl “I (laid and lewr Pmmn Lu ".J.: phmmul Main 7 “Hutches; Chic Hum Challis, Skill.» un~l Kr} *, ‘ lirr‘asl, l’ins, l'lzfi' .llings, Fingrg- Liug'i, lir-cr- ‘ Ina, .\hni~-lurr Gnu-4, Medallion“. lmNu-N, l'rutils, Thunlnh-i, Specmclrs. Silver Table, ‘ Drawn, TI“. Sail nml Mmlurd Spoons; Sugar. ‘ Spmms, Cups, Napkin HingsfFru'l. um! Hung-r ' Knives,Shirl-lullumlw, Dmmuud Pupnlmll'rux,‘ ctc..—-ull at" which Will he sold hm lur cflqh. .\L l.‘ :TUIHAS ‘5: C 03.“ heel. quality In” Jl'l‘o. _ ('lt‘d I’Jtcul Lewr Muvcuwnls L'uummlly 011‘ band; alsu olhel Shh-rs ul up: ridr quality. . N. Hf—UM Gold and 5.1 - Doughl w mu. Seyl.'l, 1?“. 1y . ‘ ' g ‘ i 2 Ta Dlsabled Soldlers, ‘ qmmax ASD .\mmsxs. Aw.“ HNM‘S. . :L. ”R [OTHER "Ellis U!" THOSE WHO» HAVE [Ni-H) UR BEEN KILLED L\' TIM-Z HER. VIUE.—('HAS. C. Tenant. Attorney {ur ('luim units, Ronni; lauirl and l‘cmiou .\grm. Wmh. ingwn. City, I). (J. —l’cnsions pracurcd tor Suf dil-I‘s, Scam-n and .\luti’aeq or the-prawn! war, Who are' di'snblul'by re‘m-on of wounds receiwd ‘- ur disc“: contracted while in serrice,und Plen pions, liuunty Money and .\rrcnrs- of Pay uh- . mined for widows or otner heir-3 ofthose who have dled or been killed while in service. lgounty Lundyrqturcd for seHivi-s in any 01 thf‘olhcr‘wurs. CHAS. C. TUCKER) Wns‘hijrnon, U. C. . J. 0. Run, Agent, Gettysburg. , Nov. la,_nss. , - _ 2/ r «(of up his Fa” hing, the Lugc a! {lnnueéahdi’nnts lfnulnloous, Tests‘ )rnwers, ‘ lh-‘sicry ‘1“.01' ’l'lgiuh will gand we ufeg. I Pé’ : Fhler, ;. -" , , , L: Came to the Fab! ‘ '2O) 00:97 FORGETTO Vlsrr nus“? A mom: NUlgh'EßlES.—Personl viisbin to Plum. Trees will 'find lhe it bk in the young nmykubly fine, and {were at reduced price-I. The Applegnmben 100 arielios, cmbmiting all the Approved lons. ' ' ‘ N. B.—Sce, the inde Post 05132. 1' Sept. 2. 17861. A BUSINESS DEPARTMEXT hand your Plorn Dnle E. COOK a SUNS, ’ Pr etch. GNI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers