El MC3 Terin.-. The Con-n,“ m publiqhed everyl Monday naming. by Hunt J. Stuns. at $1 76 per tunum if paid Ittictiy nu unmet-48 00 per annum if not pnitl in advance. ‘_No nubseription discontinued. unleu at The option of the p'ublinher, until all arrange. no paid. ‘_‘ ~ Anvnnszuxrsinwrtednnheusunlrata. Jon I’mx'rum done with neatnw and. I d ispntcl. Cure: in South Bultirimre Antreet. nearly “3117 mm: Wam plcrs'J'mning Eutnbliuhment ~“Cmfi-l Ln Pnlsns'a ()rrlcz " on the sign. P24323§3§BNfiz 85.22173, . ,A. J. Cover, . . TTORNEY AT 'L.\\V,WIH promptly attend A [a L‘untiom and all other bu‘ainees en- Imxced'lo him. 0%..) between Fnhnn-‘lav'ks' sm] [Linker k Ziegler s Slorca. Baltimore «met Ucllynburg, 1'». (Sept. 5, 11:50. Edwardß. Buehler, - TTURNHY AT LAW, wull Lulhlully and 1X prumpn} attend 1011!] Imminent-mingled to him. “0 Cpcuka (he Gvrnmn Language.— Uffiuc M the é um- ])[.U'(‘, In Soulh Hairlrnore sxrneL, near Faun-faxing slurr, nnd nemly omuhiu- Dunner .k Zuglor a store. \ _ Gags‘nurg, :Ilhrl‘h .H) - J. C. floelyr *. TTImWiY .\T L \W.~—l'ulirghv "Unn— A [mu {mid to euHm-virnl n!“ I’l-n‘lllll‘. luunly. mu! “Ink—pay. Ulhvc in'the S. H. curnr-r of the Dunn-Ind. ' ‘ . Unlushurg, Apnl 4}, 1363. it D. McConaughy, TTHKVHY .\T ’l.“",(Unil can? limit ‘7'“? A u! Huvhler'i drug And bdok «lure.Ch".un -Imraburg Mree\.)Alrmun Asnrlmmjnun um I‘Arn'rs ,uu Pmnow. Bodnl) Lulu! Wm tultq, ”wk-Im} ,uqu-ndod ‘Cluiuw, and u” mhrr Hakim: nguinsg Hw Gnu-Hum m “(Wu-Ju inz'un. Ir. (3.: nl~u.\ml-rimlntflninu in Huglnmi. L'ln‘l “Hun Inlrlnruted I|an <<)lul._«lr':ouglfl.nllll hl‘JlH'il pru‘r» giwn, .\gt-uts Named in lo aning wnrmnn in lowa. “Hnnm mid nth-r “1.1 m” \‘l nus 575.514") In bun px-raunally nhj) INII r. 111 N} ~hur'J, .\‘(l\'.‘2l, Wm. A. Duncan, , 'I'THHVICY U" I. \W --Uflir¢- in lho- NIH-th- AA, \\.-lru)lH-I nl'l'ynllo- 5111 H:- I.:tV.\J)ur‘:, i'. ’ E 'U). I. _.z, 1.3.351, _u‘ H. A. flaking . TTIIVIVS In .\l' i\ ll) {.\(s. WI“ 11! nt' 4“, “CHIN '||l‘!‘\\['.ln‘l I'LEHKIVI (H' r H. 115. .h. “cum-I.lmm \IIJ'IJII tn'All‘LilU, on lhv rnml 1c- “in”: lr-um ‘-llt«~'m!r.-I«~me 'l‘r-'IV\U. lwu Hit-- " qh :tn- "'lllll'.’ plum. (V r: ~:‘mn~]-rl7v and a b,a'.nl'nllgudluhnl‘rll. 1"" L lfiw-é mu _Dr. .Wzn. Tavlor inform: Hu- iniml‘ixmm If (.. m ~| um um] \i u u!) [h I! L? up]! lnl’ll'lllH‘ [he I" llhnl' u:' LN fink-all." I' llu- “M <: m I. H-\l mm In I‘m ('uuuulvr Hm n, (El-t"~lu|~n Pu 'll,“.ka 'ur Inn‘t (Nari. 5m brx< lU‘Jt’ll"\(‘ n 1!”an nf fulvnr [ml Ilh'lJU. ; '_‘..(H. '.i‘» ”If. H ‘ Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s FFIV‘H uni [hm-Hun: \ I": (nr’m‘r .-r H 'l - ‘11“: ngh s In 's‘llLZA! 9”:ng lc-rinn (llllll'll.l;0f')>i"llx VJ.” .\uv. .2”, ‘.‘(.3. If / \ ; Dr. James Cress, '_‘ ‘ULEI'TH‘ l'l(\':‘ll'[\\,Hmniful far puk ‘3 11" [running hc-Ittuh-rnwfiv min! lu‘h-m, inn-mu hx~ durum. I Mr ha- ml? .unvinrm thr- p rut-tun ul‘ hm prn‘iu l"ll Cu (HIM-Luv: nnd sw: ”Ile 1“” 1m ." 'ml ”my. ' Inn, (-nr ~v:lu l. Hv‘mt. nc-«g u ' Ihv‘ "NM .nhu! nml ”Hm! I"- ImF-le h- ”min-4 t.u-n uglJurhrr ~- l‘!'ll'l l'l mv «H -. ~11 u-lmul-. ulna-h h n- 3n ma vwvur‘um-n'lv‘tl {rum Ih. nxgw-h-m't- :unl ~~X«!:n‘ uL h) the I" u-vi-o- m 'l.(‘ :uh'wt I.«'!m (:n- I" umlunm}. nlhl dim-1n»! lhmr lIMH‘I‘WhAUHiI‘II-. ~11! h n~4 2m— hlumn. Hawk mum.) ‘ Murat}! Mum) 1m- Uh: NA, . ' ' ”m“. 1" ,thv (and. ..‘..‘i ”a York “Err-M, in the Ilhl-H'nq .um-J m 11‘ m} ‘~‘- v ll)“ _ “hurt-. 11; J. Lawrenge Hm, M. D. ' \.\ inn Mer 01:: (E€;'~\_ ‘8"? 11' tun! n..-q e. 11".: :‘;fl-\‘i’l£fiu’ I"mv‘u‘mr" \llL: Hr! “7‘ an" nHm-Z'u- l'ilkin'z‘s fic‘v. uh rr‘ thum-“I‘M“;10]."1-‘uqiionvrl U; c: '.‘irw [v<--.‘<)rlnml nrc quw‘: HIM} hniwd in 4' L»! It; w ll‘\A'x ‘ lira ‘lul'urr. Hu-v. l‘. l’. Kzn Ilih. Y'.l|’- I: -\ H ‘1..8 ‘l‘lllt‘l‘. i). KL, Ke‘v.’ l‘.m'. “ .I ”win. 'rnr. 13.1.. .\Lwn-r. i.v~n.r<h'\|l,:. :\|v.|lH, '.‘.. Adams V Coumy l'TP‘ H 4 I’HHJ‘IX‘s'UKI \\l'«l.('l|\ll’AXY. " 1m nrlrol‘.\\m| \|\nh’ls. [SI-I'. Ul-lr‘l’x'l“|l\ Prrtuhnl—J-‘uvnry~ :1“ “pr. r..-.- (Hrmlruhfiuér u. Rum-1.1- .\‘l-:~rr/I'rl/__—[L :'\ . “W lllt'l'i g’l‘mz’mrrrfihyrl \l"‘:v.|r\‘. Humm’rr l'mri'vurv’w' ——'{uhr=rl .\vauMy,~J.l¢:O‘- , King, .\nflrcw ”t‘irH/J hymn. ' ‘ lluluyrv.—-(h-nry-A’Sn'upu. H. A. I‘nu-hlt‘r. R. I )1""l‘rl\'. «harm KIIIIV .\. lh‘:rll}1?'llu-|ll.h-‘h Hrm‘lrv, S. R. 111-full. J. R. .lnrdh. gnu-w] Uar‘iarm’h E. (‘n F.n!l-u-,lm~E\.th li. Wil-ou,‘ 11. A. i'wmnz. Wm. B. )hL‘lvHan, Juhu “'nl furi. n. G. “““vrnhxlry. Junu Picking, .\L- YT. \Vright‘ .Jn‘ln ('lm‘ninglmm, .\h-liel P. Gilt, 341 mm lkllahhgll. \l. l‘liL-ht-lherger. ' [ma-This DUMPJH)‘ is limiiu-l in its own:— linns tr) themmnty 0! Adams. H h": Loon i-n successful}:opcmuun lur more thnu Aii‘yenn, _auJ in that perm-11m: [mid nllhy~wsnnul vx— puns”. rail/mu! any Ilitr‘IX‘lll'Il" h-n'inu' ulen a large surplus, capital} in the Treasury. The Pom [uny employs nu .\gzemc—M} lyuzineaheiuu. dune h}- Lhe Managers, “'ll“.er mumnnyrlwt. (d by (.Ich St‘ockholdon. ;Any‘lver~nn .lcairing an lmurume can apply “Tully of Ihr :(hove named \I-umzers lnHurllwr i‘flurnmtiun. [IQ-The Executive (‘oxnnnnee mng M fin: pmce offihe Cumpnuy on the lust. Wednesday in every month, at 2, I’. 3!. Sept. ‘l7, 1838. , - The Great Discovery F THE AGPL—lnflnmnmlory and Chronic O Rlu-umutism mm he ('url‘d by min: H. L. )HHJ-IR‘S CELEBRATE!) RHEUMATIUNIX ‘I‘URE. Alany prominent citizens 01 this, and she adjoining coumies, have tefitilied to its grunt utilhy. Its sum-us in Rhcunmtiv moo puns. hits been hitherto unp.tr.zlleled by any specific, introduced tywlhe public. Privc 50 I penis ppr bottle. For sale by :9" druggidsnnd scorckeepcrs. Prepared nnlxhy H. 11. MILLER, \Vholes:nle_ and Retail Drnggiat, Ens! Beriin, Adams county‘ Pm, denierin Drnga, Chemicnls, Oils; Varnish. Spirits, Pain”, l’ycqstnfl's, but. “‘13“! OHM Eisences and Tim-lures, Window Gina. Perfumery, Patent. Meducin‘es, km. kc. flit U. Burner is the Agent in Gettys ‘ burg for “ H. L. mum's Celvhrated Rheumatic fixture." [June-3, 1861. if ,7 The Grocery Store '- 4‘ N THE HiLL.—Thc undersigned would ‘ respectfully inform the cirizenz ol Gettys. burg and vicinity, that he has taken the old .umd “ bn the Hill.” in Baltimore street, Gen—l tysburg, where he intends ta~keep constantly‘ _ pn hnnd all kinds of GRUCERIES—Sugnrs, ' Coffees, Syrups of nll kinds, Tobncco. Fish, Salt, Am, Earthenware of all kinds, Fruits, Oilg, find in fact. evevything lusually found in s _\ Grocery. Also, FLUUR & FEED of all klflds; 111 of which he lute-ids to sell low as the low utl .Country produce taken in exchange for goods and the highest. price given; He flutters ‘ himself that, by sum nuenliou and an honest '_ d ' please, to merit a share‘ol public pa. W TRY l‘lIM. J. Li. ROWE. \ Felll 23, 1863. «I ”M-”‘""‘"“““" -“h—‘fl Removals. ml nndenigned , being the “chm-ind person T 3.9 nuke remqvala into El‘el‘ Green Gene. ternhypes that Inch l 8 contemplate the rerun“! of the re sins of deceased relatives or friends will Iniahemnelnaot this sensor: of the year to ha" h. d‘one. Removal: nude with pmmptneu —tom 10', and no cam-t spared to please, ‘. PETER. THORN, Imb‘ fl,’6o. ‘ ‘ Keeper?! the‘cemetery. G 0 @h-Dr. B. EOKSER’S Drug Store nnd geg Bin xspxcusn CUUGH CANDY. ._“ 2, n g] ‘%337 - _ , ,- - \ w 'g; ‘53 a .- ‘.j ' . ‘ __/ [/- El B 7 11. J. STAHLE 4 t] eztr.. Splendid New Books ' Jun- ”scion” ’ CARLETUN, PUBLISHER, NEW Your; PEUI'LLH’! Firm Surprnt‘z grey». .\‘uvrl. c oncemi: which ”13!? has been Indra talk and speculu— linu, pc-rhupa. lhun nl'mut nnyuihar haok‘issued Inr _w-nrfi. The thrilling and txtmordinary fucks “i'fl‘hlfh the author has hecume a"- iludutl-d hH‘c lwen thrown inmq plot and nor;- w smrxlingly hum. ynvl yr! 59 truthful, so lendrr and En uL-vula, lhnL even rangerwho heng ll must he tuscivmled with us un ugéing iulugesl. ILiaselhnglikcwnld-tiye. Pr'u-e5/LIIU. l ‘ IL K ‘ 3 KHIHALL‘S WORKS. j'} « E'nhraring Ins capital new novel, “Was ‘9 Sucm-sgtui." um: 01’ ~l_he heat liiliona of the su- mun. in‘ SLIM Wm H: N: eczswrhu Sun LIGIR: l'xoancuuLns, I" nus Tnm'lcs, .\ rl'bu-r Lm: A numb . mans 8 LIFE 0? Jamaal f A Irnncluinn m" M ErllL"! Ronnn’! rermrlm lulu “Ink, ju-t i-‘ued ll] Pmric. where Hu- ex uiu-mn-nt nud senmmm urn so gnvat ruan-rn irg ili auhjucl and nhthgr. that {ll-{e ulj‘ thous and: u! rupms ol Ihr- dt-ullrFrcnch edition hun hwm 40"}. It has [wen cnrunpunlly prnisg-d. u: d 7~\'lr.nnganll_) Censurrd; but its mu»! wu-re ‘ r 1.. ~ du llul éleny llu- wJl‘nlerlulfpmw-L blil lmnr} up! niulin dicplnjud uyuu qvcr'y Inge «II E“: lumk. l’ric» 511')“. ‘ . - I " I } Ml. DR. ('L'mnxus" w'u'mfs Embr‘u int: 1w new w'urk “ Tlic (he-M Conn sumumuun.‘ uh‘wh n :nlmcli‘ni: so much u-l -u-u'mn m hugl'uld l’r.ce‘SLuu._ j ~ aw;- . V ' » lug-l-Q’z‘mr I'lmu’zxrwv. Tm: gunn- Pyn rbfiumn. Tm. Um.” L‘msgux \rws. ‘ t‘ ' - LIGHT ux smmm‘hrlv PATHS. B} T. Effiglhur Th» nupuhniv and in— tuit-u mm [his Il'dighlful nvw work. Mr \lr. p.. ~ I rug,” are ~U'.uhl; nurmwmg. It H one of madam” mzuaz bf rqa‘n! pubiic ningns‘. and will tin-1i“ Wu)" into lhénsunlh and 11101stan of humiw. \\ licrc'dunioqiv smrivq of :| pure null l.m-v'v-.u'iup.thlc iqfluuucc urc wulcomed.—- rum-:14). é XUVI‘IIS BY AFTHI'R “RI'TLEDGE.” Embr.u~ix)g 1h? i;xlr-i)1li11 new h‘rfll‘figl “ Frank“ \\'urxiu_vhzu,' whiqh ii wiliug :1) Tummy.— l’nct- $1.50. § I FIIAVK \\'Annxsc'_ros, 1:t Luna ’I n; M HIEHLAIHN, L i VII. ’ ‘ . \‘ll‘TycguL'un_A LIFE. “no at th-- mus? charming Eur-3 e'nlrnnpim! \:l«lnlnea um In; tfi‘u-r |\\-um! {mm the {-n-nrh Ill.li.‘v7u‘:u..“xsr‘.‘.‘.l.‘:.“é“,“f'f‘lu‘nl'E’th‘ my! [in-Iy. jhul m nth-$lll \h%lr:|blu= ' su wundvrtu'll) M- T: urine. in lunlleénl Hull lfinrvelluus r 0153)? |'.|ll rv'nfin mlidiwi wulmul iL‘s calm-fluid". ~ Tm: > ‘ga-y m ‘H‘lur Hugo‘s foc.’ Une hmnlwnggfun. vlbm hound. I'rquLSLZS. \Hlfi. lIUIAH‘ZS' XOYEILS . ' z’ . . . [uumrm-qu hm‘ ("l-H n‘lm: n~-w nm‘rl “ .\lurvpn in)? \\l||<hfl‘l~ .\.) pupuhr thnglmm. {he wintry. l'xu‘g SLIG. “(IMF-‘TEH'L “QM hr. ma. (’ovufi Mums \l \Mn (Hwy LIA \ RlVrAl‘. .\h; um“ meox, THE .\IEFEFHANTS (ll; \"AEW YURI-I .\ .\‘wouJ‘Heriw u! a \‘oryjmmo-aun‘g nmi rmmus Imuknby “'.lllnr Burr’ett. (‘l Flu. Re l-liniumnvos. uueuhnlrs, “'it, lmumr. 1h?“ [wr wud ~l‘rlrlms, priv-m: and pnhlir gowipalmfl Ill“ uld and mm! Ellen-hams uf New York ('m ——a hut: Int ofrhw} thing an}! nothm‘lnmh nuglurhing. ‘Thvfirat \olume hm! an immense 5.110 1:»: yn-nr, nml the Sucuml N-lics rs nnw 13rd)“ Hn‘e clcganL cloth bound volume.— l’xicc $1.30. . _ I‘- . . . ".\. 3. men's EXCELLENT NM'Em. . Y‘thrncinz hi‘ Llsl capital work “ Uh: and ['n‘sikt‘." I’ncc $1.25. _ ' ‘ A Low. Lunx Ausiu. A IVE BEEN mehnub ‘ . Tum w Tm. LABT, Tm Swan mu) Tm»: Cmru, I]. ' (‘ul‘Lb m: mm- 11', [A R .uu l_'.\LruF. 'ln on: no ’rd as L'uvnn, TIME Ash TIDE. ' L THE‘ART 0F CONVERSATION \VirhdirectiomrorSclf-(‘uuurm n} Ahook of innmnutiun, :unusemcnl, and instruction.— Ttuu hing the an at ( bnycrsing with (-1159 and inupriuy, and setting forth the chrnry know ledge requisite tn uppcur to advantage in good society. Frice $1.23. xu. TALKS FRO.“ THE OPERA.“ A fascinating littlr \‘olumo‘nf Xm‘elettes \me-d “pun the most relelrrmul and familiar Operas—giving Hu- plm nf-Mvh orfm in the auremhlo form urun interesting and‘numctive story. PriceSl.oo. . / mu. : THE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY A lland-Bouk (or Lndiei and Gentlemen; with hints and anecdotes coma-ruin]; nice pen": of tmte. good In when, and' the art of making oneself ngreenbhn Reprinted from the L(mdon.edition, which is the best mu! moat emu-mining hook on the Subject. ever publish ed. 121110.. cloth bound. Price $4.50. ‘- xw. - BEUUAH By Miss Augusta. Evans. One of We very best American novels ever published._ Its sale increases day by dny, and already 30,000 copies hue been sold. Price $1.50. { xv. ‘ VERDA‘ST GREEN The pofiuhr, roilicking, humorous story of College Life in oxford_Unive|a‘uy, England, with [yearly 200 comic illuscntions. Reprint ed from “19 London edition. A' book over. “OWN! with wit, anecdote, and ludicrous ad venture. Price $1.25, ‘ it," These books are sold by in first this booksellers, And~will be awfully sun by mil, puaage prepaid, on meiin of price, by (31-20. W. CARLETON, P‘ulylisher, ' No. 413 Broadway, New York. March 7, 1564. ' . A FRESH ARRIVAL of 800 I‘S undLSHOES, . HATS nnd’ ((APS. ghesp for cub: Call and‘. aec. : - J. L. EOLTZWORTK Jul. 11, 1364. _ . , . r LOTHS, Cusimereu'nd Vungs, chap 4 . ' uaxasrocxsx A DEW]©©RATU©'AN® PAW-LY mummé : i" @ll2 $131115: Luug ago two Ehiuinz any]: Founfd a home upon our, üborr. And out‘fmhen bade them welcome, yJoyrul welcom'e evermare; Shums and song-. 01 glad llunkugiving, ' Laud arose from every ho'mo, thn the 13:)! of maid and mutron,’ (trey-haired sire and s‘tulwurt son. '~ ‘Sworgls Were laifl aside or broken. ”:Evcry sound of war must ceué, - ' For-one angvl that they welcomed, pure the gentle mime of Pence. Angl the uthcr‘hright winged semph, - . Soon proclaimell nulj coun'uy, free; ' For she bade our fathers glory In her name, _’:was-‘Libcrty. ‘ V LIKC’ _nmlu-ir-logln to our nntion, ‘H; Haunt-d down from sire In sou, L' Linked former in our memory . "4 Will) tlfe name of Washington. ' . Tlxesektso angvls still were with u‘s, Am? Ln nui‘nn we were strong, _ ; lNew r dfi-uming Lut‘fuxtrcr . ‘ lllglltv‘rould tlanpb over wrong. ' Thuu‘mnnls came Him every nation, ‘ .1514! behind: our flag they found Safely frffin themeru uppressiéu, .. Thy": ul homv— such' nclmn bouxid. I I’ll-my reign-ed nnri \‘re 'were happy, ‘ [l'l (he man~iun and the ('UI, ‘ Ilumnm! ”MSJHHgI‘IQ, and forever, , (‘.nmmg EDITORS \\ ere forms)“. ' Bu: a dam] was it} tho-distant. thnr lmnis were m. the wheel, Bhurh'd h} their own nmhitiun. They ‘urgQL \hvir country‘s‘yenl. Duh-r grew :h'e cloud, nnd dgrkcr, ‘Tmts :he minding sheet of Peace, EM mums; huiiul its; towing, a ‘ Hl'h‘un .xs :1 Elm! Felt-use. - Emmy gilt tlxgir ftglhe‘r's gave them, They wuuhl trample in the dust, Nun their dnors upon lhvlflngelq, IA"! (him have ns. :15 ll](‘_\’ must. Rum. mu cloud, and l‘e‘m'e had vanished, All our glory wan lx—E‘l'idie‘l, _ , _ {and uppn \\'.xr'~lbltmrl.\ altar, Min I'ly was éruuficd. . ‘ “WU” “21'3““ brulhcr turning, { Unnspml the: :‘VOL’: 5010“,; I.lqu [717, "I”:fw _‘ ‘.Tii‘vh repent-Hg, ; . _ All-1:)" many :1 figljl.t>flmll7(‘::" g“ Whu‘v (\m‘c slum! thc'wnvingfimih, . \By flu: harm] ofh’luzhervmuxdrrcd, E Llcthuti§wmnd~ or the Main. . 1 , ’15”: mn cm “Max:o4l hmrlg of lhoucnnds, 5‘ Fran) un- mother") szniuL: breast, From the orphan‘: [mu-1y plufl\\',\ ("mugs the w: |l‘_\' w lil fur nut; ‘ Rc<t (Emu grirf. [hr hégl.‘ o'crylmh’n, ..‘!!sz benmuh in km“; 2mm: .\ll that?~ Jan-id i 4 came. um! lonely .\nw lhég Walk lures “my? road. “(;n(ianl9rcy! will ”:01 Muir Semi drliveramw _frum “in?" Slay3lu- fide or human pzissiun, ‘-i|2l_\ (Le iron heel ofwnr. ‘ Linn-{3t and PP u-e returning, Lilla the =nnlight after émrm, Tlml n muiun’s voice may aludly, Hail thvlr rcsufrestinn morn. ' Eérgimllanpnm. HON. B. F. MEYERS, > 0? ”30'0““ CGIINTY. I k’iv-(rrrl in Mr ”034." of Represenhztiues, Jfarch ‘3, 1564, on (IV In", to provide mmprnmhjmvfnr [W36B sustained from the rebel rqm, elc. The legal views which I hold. in connec tion.- as I believe. with this side of the House, in regard to tho re<olution offered by the gentleman from Washington, and which it is sought to incorporate in the'bill now before the House. were so clearly and fully expreased the other owning, by my {mind ‘rom Luzerne, (Mr. flakes.) that it would be a work of supererogntion for me tnvre-smtc them at this juncture. of this discussion. But, sir, it may not be alrogeth or Improper, or inopportune, to add a few thoughts to the able and elaborate argument W the gentleman. to whom I have just re ferred. . “ fl‘ho resolution of the gentleman from Washington-speaks of the rebel invasion, which occurred last summer, as having been super-induced by “connivsmce and en crbumgemet” (in the part of citizens at this Commonwealth. Now. 1 submit, Mr, Speaker, whether‘such “cnnmvance and encouragement" as ‘is nlludéd ‘to in this l resolutionrdoes not mean “aid and comfort" to the enemy, does it not mean “treason f” 1 ,And if it means "treason,” why do not the gentlemen whosny that they have knowl edze. or that they are induced to believe,_ that. this rebel inv ion was super-induced by th'e “cor-mining; and encouragement."l of citizens ol Pennsylvania. make informs-l tion before . the proper authorities. Ind have those persons whom they say they believe to he thus guilty, prosecuted for; treason according to the laws of the coun} try I . t ‘ ' Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Luzerne ‘ omitted. in his discussion of this question one thing which ought to have been referred ‘ to. I have reference to thst clause of the Constitution of the Sate of Pennsylvania, which declares “tint no person shall be “tainted of treason,“ felony by the Legis- 1 lature.” New, this; resolution proposes to‘ erecta bout! of appraisers, and to confer‘ upon them the power of trying persons for “dlsloynlty.” which, ifit menus snything,‘ when applied to our form of government"? must mean “treason.” It is proposed, then, by this resolution. to confer upon this board of appraisers the power of trying treason and attuinting of treason—n power express -ly Prohibited by the Constitution of Penn sylvnnia to'tbe Legislature of themes. It 15 lttempted to invest_-o crehtdre of the Legislature with A power which is denied to the Loyal-tore itself. Reneg'Mrfipeokor ~.~ 3_ ~~~. ~u GETTYSBURG; PA.., MONDAY, MAR- 28,1864; ’I'IIB TWO ANGELI. SPEECH OF IMEMI "nu-m 18 non" AND mu. runny" takeit. that this rmolution'iu clearly inisuch a Union mun very graphically and ‘-violation of the Constitution—that it is in aptly: ' ' delegation of the .fundum‘ental law of the} “ Union I" a man may cry at every Word, State. and that -w«- the members of fhts‘! “ illi~tnuthlt-Ssputriotismthun ollh-rpeople; House. having hiken a solt'l’nu oath" to’ A crow's not rrckonrd a religion: bird. ‘ support. the Consututidn of I‘eiinsylvania.i Because it'heupsm Luring from the steeple." will Violate that oath by voting tor the resif So it i: with our friendz of tho othr-r sitln. Qlution of the gentleman ll'tlul llt'tushintston.t Thoyat-e nlwavs'ruu in}: “Union 3" "Union I” ‘ Ida not intend. Sir. as: l said before. to and yet tlmy trill not varinit the Unzon to argue this queotirm from a legal point of lmrt-atorud,except upon theirown peculitir View. The impolicy ot’htlupting llll‘ rqso-l theory. ‘, . “15an ”_1 ”153 mm. Shnultltul'lullfli hmtvilyvi Mr. Speaker. I shall not undertake to “331")! I! as its uncfnhttlutinnality. ’lt you follonfitlin tlt-t’ious wuvlinus of lllla debate: pass it. as it stands, y‘mi my: to the world liiifcvrlmn TL‘I'CTEHI'PH Im}: ln-eu mmlu not! that the people of Pennfilmniu nro wlmt ' onlv tin tlié‘Dninocmlic pdrtv, 0f WlnCll 1“ you call ”dialoyfll ;” _vnu any that there nre l claim to he an humble mvmlier, but to the person: heie in sylllpulity u'ith lllC‘l‘L‘bCl’hlU"; lhenzorratiu part)” of my' own locality; and you anyto the British P-Il'lldll’lt‘lll—Y‘UU my it. bet-hams iii-v duty to m-tke some rceponsel to the Corps L‘eyultiltf ol' Frmce—t’ :} to some, or the :hpopsiuus of tho gentleman . “'0 Peal’l“ in’", who. b? their "ct 5: on the oth‘tr‘r bldt’ upon my pat-u; nutl “Gull“ and‘ encouragement" ol the robt ‘- ’of my own personal friends. Sir. this dis-i {met-induced the invasion of .PunnsylvnNiu r cuwion (‘Otlltl not procemljwithout malign~ ‘ 'Y "18 rebel army. My lrienrl from Cites-f ing-fvun individual-imprints cltizpm who: ‘tei‘iLMr. Smith) spoke of cutting~ odiunN hiive nothing to do Wlll) this lnll‘antl can . upon the State. when we undertook. some ' huvanuclanns lltl'lPl‘ it. This debate could ‘ Weeks-ago. to investigate the condition of‘ n t prom-ml without (Imaging in the fair? 'the military camp» about tllza I my. It Wail tithe..- of some at the boat mnn in the (Jam-1 fmnl‘ by my lionuriible‘ friend that Penneyl-l moh‘vealth—mthunt trmlucini men who, """m ‘T‘um he aligmced‘ll it. ware to bel are tl x peers in limiwty. ii't honor find in ! acknowledged that our |bbllllt‘l‘w hull been“ patriot \in of the gentlemen on UN.- other neglecté‘tl by the military [lullltlrllll-a ot the side with Mandi-r them. I tlvairo. sir. 16‘ CW’WOHWMMI- 3‘51"", l ~ulgniit ,to thcflimkp as? iplo strit‘uint‘nt‘in razml to the go‘qttietiinti 0n lllP‘OlllOl‘ sule ol the ”cum rplerhtii‘e win by the gentleman fiom‘ who took that pmiuon then, whether it ' Dauphin (M Allc-mhn) to‘the‘flislm‘altv”; “GUM "01' he [Wm-r now to think about; (-Irl lin‘expi't-i~‘»§it)nfmy cnu‘nty. ltwems this matte-r of “tusting‘qdium upon the‘ [lltlrflu't'luflfb who you“: tin-n l‘grrm-llndt‘urd State of l’rnnek'haniu." . t t . J t-mintv WPl‘opar)‘ ‘hr-l ftfl't‘t‘fi at V But. Implicae. Mr. Speaker, but it id. .‘l'l.r‘ltl-Itlt‘ll4llllr‘=" Vu)’ l))'tll"'m.l not t-Xpé‘clud that I should make an_:n'uti-‘ the whole cr-ui- i~ What the‘ inent upon thin resiilutiun, or upon [lw bill‘ gentleman Wlll‘ 3'0“" M'- ltelare {hell-mise- 'l'lmt due: "at, son'tn tot Speiikm‘. I will ‘ :iin. unvarii he the Oitlor ut’ lll(‘\r'(ll‘tlu~.\ltllts. Gent-rah idn-Il lull-1” l w whole truth.‘ I’ulitit:~>eeiiis‘to he lli tiltllllllqntli “hr-never; “ nothing t‘xtei: :tttng down we amemhle lOCOHH‘R‘I‘ ihis rpwlutitm. lt.‘ nuaht in mnl'rt-P.‘ has been suit! that thi~ tlelmte it.“ taken 3: Sum.- time in June of laiat'yt‘ar: “who” very wide >CltltP-—-lll|fi bet-n urn \‘t rv iutnh-l from the town of lit-«llnrtlz'w't ling r'h:it';tc!er.. 'l'huro i 4 no doubt itbnnt it. “of M’l 'ttlllit‘ll~l)llr..' to Vifiit = I! hus’desvendetl intn thv‘porsnttilllllt‘s. lt ‘rt-lutivc-s. It so lmmwnml ll has gone into the" 'ttf‘iy (lt‘eptth‘slougli oft ter thpv arrivml in M’t'ann phlnicul dainty—it l in.” uae the expres-l rebel fin-cps (undo;- linliotle 51”". ; ‘mtno to that place. .\i that Milrny Wm encuinpetl new I commander of the rofihl fort‘ nallshurg at once nuppmerl th were spies, sent into his can Milt-oy. Acting upon thi‘ su r. as} the my" null i-ut them 'l‘hn_ nttt-mptml to 950 nm. T muttui- <u tilllt'll tlin wane for M't’l‘t’ tint, mulnr ~till winner 2 “iv l't‘bcl forces iimvud 'l'inn hum tt'vwniwh Murat-“ Mire. tl (“All'llwl :m' w “'it!) lltt‘nl. Oi ins pm on lllrf-W‘hfl‘k. niwl WH Nun, Mr. Spénker, what is the mmnfng' of the term ")nvnllv?” Webster accepts the definition 01 h‘l.u‘en7lcm.‘\\’nn snv-~ that . it is “fidEhty t 6 a prince or sovereign, a husband or law-r." ()ur frren‘ls on the oliwr side 01' (fire )I'llh‘,‘ h'u’b n 0 110::le looked at 'Lhis Uv-linmnn 01' the word. and? hwy Inmginv dim! thu I’rt‘axlh-nt of Um“ {Tum-d Sum-e. £0 whnnJ (My my \‘Vu mu»; lyl- "loyal." lo the Film-o ofrhu kneisfl)!’ llw7 lijng of Dulmmev.‘ [rm-ml»? of HIV [vut'llhal' tvwicncy 0: 1m quafiurcs in’-Kurd: u culmin ruilu‘. i I ' Thr’n. 9* to ‘lfiilolity to n liuuqul,” nl.‘ ”'Tlu‘fli lilo tutti ltnow that Ahmhnn lit)- 0 “n the I’rcwll‘nt nt' 1]... [‘mimt gym“; 3:;‘21lll7;111;'9‘l Kiln?“ nutxnn. j’t‘l>'lll(‘ (Illlr'rhllla‘, min “littliil'fi PrmsH-‘fhtmmuiwzt -0n! I‘lr‘"'i-—ttl'ol‘lll9 L'll'ul‘lisl it. .3 Lamb t 0 “:llllllit' nil tlu‘y nmrlul lull," it Will. hon (PM at “loyalty!" its tn “'lwtllt't' the people oi this ninth-n “fall nut slimline tln-mwivgs upon lit: t: whirls thfi “liltil‘l)(l\'ltllt\t ls ro q'lned to luinmlutv ll:l~t'll Itlmn the lunetul pyit- ut'ttcr husband. {l.uuhteiJ - ' Then. ugmiu, in» in ' tuleiatt‘ [u :I lovar,” tlier‘v is hunlm a tnoml-rr upon thi~ llnor )“lu'l Wlli my that the l’i-rmlr‘nt of the Uni tmt States is‘a lovw of mi nation. 5 tin}: of the gentlemen an the u lu-r .Ith might any 3|), hut haiil‘ly in grind-Lilli) : tin-y might suy it by way ulju john, in iinitntion of their grrnter chiel' at “inliingtonq ‘ , ! But, to look [it this mum-r sex-ioiuly, the gentleman .lrom \\'.\~lnn..t‘on uiiilextnkm to (11-tine [tie word “loyalty." H.- anySE—l "\Hiile Lam on'thc floor, I Will my that my ideas of 1110“." s:-I.‘:*:Cs that: A man' slinll sum-UH nuu' tlt-luntl the Constitution ofthe Union athllcixatmntlntnll ~:icrifice~'.”, ‘s'qu wnuld just ml; the gentlemen on , the other side 9i the House. whether they l are Willing to defend this Union ntrnll hit/us ai-‘ls and at all éhctuficus? l have no doubt; thvy Will anewer in the affirmative. But," lrt mu Mk that: whether. in a certain event} they would h‘ willing to lay aside-their. prrjudicea to support this Union? ’Supposei that. the peoplexot‘ the Southern States now 1 in revolt against this» Government. would . mgnit‘y _their wil'iugness to throw tlown‘ Luelt'utrlllts and return to their allegiance to . the Government, subject only to aurh ‘ yennltios "h" truly be inflictéd upon them By Cnngresfi underline Constitution, would the gentlemen on the other side of the Hansel be willing to redetve them? [Cries of“yes,','i “ye<."] Would you be willing. to rcc9ive‘ them without. making any qualification ori bargain in regard to‘t'he inatttutiott ofqhtve ry? [XOI No l] ‘ That is the'point. Mr. Speaker; they arei nnt willing tutl give ‘up their peculiar no? tions in regard’to the institutions ol'sluvery. to save this Unitin. I am willing. for my part,,m yield every prejudice, evgry feeling‘ I have upon that subject, in order to save this glorious Government oi our fathers.— But, the presses, the armors and the lead ers of‘ the Republican party, in _Congress and out 6T Congress, have iloclared, over ,and over again. that the Union filmll not be restored as it was—with slavery protec‘ ted under it. 'l‘her'efore, they are not “un bonditionul Union" men. They claim to be uncouditipnally for the Uniun. They are only conditional Union men. We are the unconditional Uuimf men—twee. who as; nothing but this—that the people in re volt against this Government'ahull throw down their arms and return to their allegi ance. But the gentlemen on the other side of the Housenre unwilling to rec‘eiVe the Southern peoplp back into this Union un less vheinstitution of slavery be blotted out. -‘ Now, 1 say: Mr. Spenker, that thetrue unconditional Union mun is he who is Will ing and anxious that the people in revolt shall return to their nllegifinee to the Feds; rail Government, and who will use_every Jun: efi'orl. in his over to’bring ab‘ouc Bug, the ...-m ’_4 . . _ ault. He is: man who will impose upon p 555, There ogre. also. on file lffi’dgyitfil “Letéhe gentlemen on the Ith.” airhlalay ghern no conditions as to any of their State mowing n..; um patriotir. Demmm 9d,. , 39"“ final-{ti} gncuor‘i‘ tof t glr sou afi— instimtigns mt); in fimflict wit; thgbnsti- tor, whof is solhorahly accusefl bybme Sena } 1333: r. .ma spo o urt. .er as u-‘ cation 0 “)9 nite Smtea. e. 0 mt. “lunar. ram L.“ fin‘ was,“ on 0 pm,“ A z - ‘ “I“ my 9"”? ‘Pfincip'la—who. for exqugi the house in whic‘h it. i. nueggd the. Union 16* are; m; regal-1:0 gammy": 0.: pe, grill permit their return to the Umqn soldiers wFre concealed. entirelx llama—l an. M! a. re or o'l hold.“ “n the only 0n wndifionth-Hhey yield up than (rm. ill accords with the allegation er the Ni. 210 cm"- {we smug-.dn ' pig: hi" ‘ negro slaves, abjure their State instituuons gentleman from Dauphin. um Mr. sum, pu lic maintf-m fntllprß Kama“. "locmafi and take onhs to support. all the proclama- pointed out to a. rebel officer-Jh'e placa M" the (mm a my: on! if . new“; :11. ,1 m". tions Ind vagaries of the’ President of the ooncealment of these ”doing noldlers. Bu't‘ h" l 8'9“" ’98”; lat/End '2’“; Tab. . v United States. Wt. PM“ and to come— the best vindication of the innocence of “I“: but I 'Wtf’ Wu: f I _ “”12““ la is plainly not in unconditional, but a conrfi- injured man in. that :he was discharged ‘sz ‘dpco I 1:” flzjm manta! hm. “anal Union mu. Such a man may about without even: 3 hearing. “,1 is at hernia) c «Ta/g; ‘t’m (yr/Wm ”g, I) I himself hoarse in glorification of the war, dny. infthe town of Gottysbur‘. publishing (five (lifts-“bl: Firm is the mm ienth l 11;.6 mill‘y sing bumsminfi Shotsamhu to {the 061 m “loyalty" coithe Constitution and the L prin‘ri'lil; BAlfOitmby one of the leaders , resi em oft 9 gm to en, emay o_w nion. . _ - . . ; EdOgm‘wshrine 0‘ ”William worship - Mr. Speaker. 1 was disinclined to make of the “whiff”??? 3:30:93??? iu: 'bony idol of Ahohtionism; nay. Mr. lhese personal explanations. but '33 forced (an: go Sign!) adamant; the Ir. O_J o i Speaker, he may even be an apostle of the to do so in ingli‘m m myse“ ind to persons urglumen ea in lend nt or ”:1: an a, 3 new gospel ol “Miscegenanon ;’f but, an. ho? ham 1 hold 9“,.- . - un e 33 ti: :5 e wml ore gig“)... “pm. lis no friend of the Union—he :- ammonia r 1; seems ‘9‘”? the gm; of gentlemen on pose‘ ‘ Lilvo'il ll'ba‘H'o til limfgvo‘ a: ginsidious and implacable enemy. Asamlst the other side of um Home m pl.“ for We’m' a h ‘nllf‘; flan I‘m Pr' Menu oftho present duy ponnyl we ohm-actor of mobs ""1 Mg, 1”,, They lay um we must mice in teoa» u I 0 we “as as ri-lwl. form nmr Mprcs- el. - . a ''i l» " - r - . g . ”m" of “me. The rt'lillifi ta» initial 3! (Still-alliiszf ml l. llu ril\)r.:, l tmnk that. , al‘L n.l, I .rl‘lnvly cnulll sun fly the \Vlnlo tin-y so ilenuinvimtn‘lmm', l'.»r l helinvn the Slaw. [lunghto-rJ lint "in H m k- . f g. ntlmn'inslroni l‘lnlrulelplyi.l (.\lr. Wuhan) that would nor H,~i_},.,._ ”I'9". I. reinizlnlrzélr i‘g-l‘Uf‘n‘l‘lel-f”‘ N mm. :m .\lioiilmn \‘l':|l"'—' lnxhe flPntlemnn u Ct'l‘lllll) lfiriwmlter-Gviier- l thi~ lr-lin.‘ The remit “‘.N‘tlnt ’lw bean? ting-"'3" “NJ-fl tlu- I‘ll‘lli-l mg,“ bu “LC-r" f‘vumlin 'buquoinns‘ company was «All. to- Mr. SChCfit‘ld. We have huh ‘inm.l I‘ni't I‘l‘lnwwrp. l‘vnt nn cl. um“ more. ovor \ hW't‘. ' . ‘ prulbri'evlhg nnetlumnunl, so far as i know. Mr. Meyers. My friend suggestsilhat W 8 there nun-i “.L-l :un‘ {urinal 'nm'atilzuliqn of had him.“"""- Wé ha“ lnm he.“ “POD the i lii-a cw. lld w-ls tli~im~.~l-'l—-.~(-n-t home. motion 0’ RPPUhlICfln’ nwxnbers 0“ ”“5- and no nun who know} anything about Lilo ”tithe. I ilul not know, when I votml 'm: trur- Pll‘('lllll~‘i=lll(‘r"‘\ of the cnzv; now sup- LUV? him 11"“ “1‘“- “Hl'- h“ "-15 Still :1 rebel ‘ post‘s ”my, 1]..” lmy inlemlml 10 omm in uguimt the (Jun-titution. m I fuun-l'out nli l the I‘t‘hPl‘QQ-rmw “.\.. for the. other lioyu'. tor his speech,an wnulll “gym“.c wntwl. nc-itlier d‘? in; [Mu-3“”, nor nny’ one 01".). lmy I tlill. Now. Mr. Speaker. if [hero is? know_:mytlnng 01 his wht‘renhoutq. lie . “HY dlfllf‘lll'l' abfi'll {Pilinfi n Turk 10 do wm'cnrrwl ““"H by the [DIIPI lorcce and has the bmimu) of that pdrllcular breed cry”. 3 not since bran “VJ-T“ from. So much tori Rom in this State, I wullJust rcwmliienfl‘ l‘tlmt small nutter. iron: whirl] tlu- ngnil9-! 9'o the [li-'llLln'tn'ul Trum Chan-r Gun. Gantt, 1 mm from I’imphm argues that \he people who mud, in n <pnm-li down Soutn: ' ‘ ‘ ol'l'wdfurilcnuntv nroillslnyal, ' ; “I ran toll _vrm linw we (iul n ‘Tl’tining‘ ? Tlfl'l“? iannmiu-r =tatenn'ntwiiihh I Ile‘iro “Nike“ 01" in .Arkunsns‘ a few 44}?! 3.10231 l to nuke. It i% In regard to n 2vntlmiian 'lle LIL" ‘5 [linking 1”" ““9 ““’ “it i“"l'.n‘h-'”'Y 'Whohé'ri-‘imowaenotmentioned hereJlmugh' lmgungo. °Ullr buys took him in‘ i::lll’i‘.—‘- ‘ hit occupation 'v is—-the mhtnr of the (Pm-l Tho? G'trriwl him wherv a friendly limb pro , ty<liurg l'mn)M(r—n§’n)'ln who lam proud tn, trutled Iran) the bully of a itunly u-ik. i ‘ cull my frmncll—a finti'iotnnd agnml citizm : lUR‘Y fdfilem‘d (”Hf eml 0f the robe to the l —n man who will (lo M much. any iluy. for , linilu, at“. the other around his neck uwl i flthe welfare of Ilii-x liovermnt-nt in tho xrn— l fil“”""“{ ill"). atleman lrom ,Dliuphih, who declares tlmtl ‘ff linnk that Ge'n. Gmtt wouhl darvery " thisl man i! guilty ‘nf tremann. He did not‘ WP“ f 0" A Pink. ~ _ ‘ l simply say that he is “nlixlnvnl? (the gon- ‘ Mr. Slipnkcr. I destre mihy a few wot-(L; ‘ l tlemon on tho nthor‘aide seem to draw a, moriim regard to this qu stion nl loynlly. l distinction between the two [ermg u dgsu I hollow: there in nnotlmr taut nflloynlly m 1 loyalty" and “trez\son."‘) but he sun! tlmthe i‘WhH‘hJ hrwo not reterred. than, let manna. -,is guiltvol‘lreusnn. Now, lithe gmttlenmn ‘Pn‘h 't'ljmclplt‘. l-ltPly Hun'tuncM Uy.,tl_ls-. : fi-o’m Dmphin knnwé that the whim nl‘ the“ grt‘n'» plnxlnwpllnr oi the White ”mug. IL '1 Gettysburg: (3)l"pr is guilty of tremor) and i 1“ $058.! have no doubt a test of I«)\':ilty.—-. «laps not make information ligninet him lie-j One tonlh’ ofthe people "ll" “""9 l-Ift‘ly in fare the proper authority, then I shy fimti TelWlllon against this Government. are ‘tu l tlm gontloni-m from Diupllin in {milky of l have “5 much Pm”? "“4"? “I” “PW princi l mlaprisnn nl lumen. and ought to be fined ; l'l" about to in- e-itahhsheil by tho Presi ”mu imprisoned. “cwmmg m u“, laws of dent of the United Soups. as u-n-mmlu or i the Uommnnweiiltli. . , '~ ‘the limp“; in the loyal States tlmvhm'e | "Mr. Allwn n.. Will the gontleman from - HOV" bet" in rebellion autumn the Govern: I Berll‘oril «Ho;2 me to explnin? mom“ 50W. I lute no «foul» til it gentle | Mr. Meyers. Certainly. J- .]mm on the other aide think me a ’vury cup ' Mr. Alli-man. I préferrod charges to .17“?! “(-‘Ol’l'Fh‘md" 1“" tnlkingm ‘hl-‘T‘Wle; anjor-Gcnefljnl Séltcnck. and sent him to l h“ I. "ll 3““ bee, lPave '0 refer then} 1" ih'vlu-nck, nfivl he imprisnnpd him in Forti tho “(mm)". 0" smm: of the l'Wdll'lg lM'llcnry.‘ [Applnusa on tho chublicnn; "I'3" Of “It?” 0““ pally: Henry Winter LEidn.] - 1’ D triognvho is n yery prominent mm in the I . Mr. Meyers. Blr.Speaker.tht= gentleman ! Abolition orgnnizlltmn. _nnrl who in _u candh vprel‘erred chm-gm against liim‘to (fieneral 7 date for Lhcl’lce I‘rcsulcnny at tli'o mqst lSclu-pck. uml Geneva] Schenck regarded bend 0‘ ‘he,Ab°h'io" Pfll'i‘l' ifl‘mY lOWfl.’ f the charges and the proofs soimnch that he weeks or ”I" PM”! in language WIIK'II I { lilreraththo min ugainut whom the chirrgns Wl“_ read. Tho quantum updh which Mr.» ‘ were preferred. without any trial at nll.- DJVIS :spokepnmw the oth”. day in Cam } [.Applauge' mi mp Democratic side.l . l gross, "I regard to tho ndxm-slon of a mom, l The injustice that has been (lone in Hen-j “9" 0f “H“ body: “1109?“! from 'hflsmle 0f [ry J. Stable, the editor of the Gettysburg, Arknnnns. Mr- DEV”. on that. acomiion, I (Impaler, nmonntn to a perl'crt_outraga.— I well ”If" language: lSir, that, man, inlte‘ad of giving aid and] "I'“"“b “'0 "0““? ‘0 “.Hdt‘l'ltah'l flint ; no'mfort tn the enemy by pointingpput the} ”WI! d" nnt. merely P 3“ “PO“ ”_MB qliPsliflfi. ~place of concealment of Union soldier-H, asl‘V‘Wther the gentleman who is the chu clmrged by the' gentlmuan from Diuphin, mam. has received an m'my voter. or wheth li‘nd secreted in his house, at the time of the l 9" somebody 8186 had received mmany r'ebel occupation ofGettysburg, nwoundad ““98; but. they pm upon the question colonel oi the Union army—lnd the only "he'll”: 8 small proportion 05' the sli‘ time that hmwent ($l. of his house «luring mpulntion .Of Arkansps shall send here a »-the limo in questio ' (3'5 there ”a affidavits I rqprosentotive to help control the residue on file to proye’ and the gentleman from of the nSHOD-Whalhe!’ they shall he enti- Dauphin can see them in“, will go to Gen. l tled to send Senntoro to the other Home of Couch)—-wag when he went, in search of 6 Congress—whether they Shall b 9 nntitletl (0 surgeon for that wounded Union ofl‘icer, sen: electors for Prewlant and Vice firesi {lnd thgt; {OO, whilst the tandem hale swept, (dent. possibly to turn the bagmce or the ‘ - “ ' Presidential election." » ‘ «set. ilon‘ att a re EMS . [I f \ / I flé“? which hawa’s compelledfo ~._ ~ TWO DOLLARS A-YEAH ‘ remPrnber that the soldirr's huve’had cront provocation tn mob printing-052cm Why, ”air. the Democratic prrsfi is the heat 9nd truest friend of the soldier. When con tractors defraud himnhe Delnl‘cfflhclK‘de papers expose than. When fin'thless offi: cials clothe him in shoddy. l'i)t-m«)cratic newspapers compel thvm to give him cnm fortnhlp unilurmi. ‘ When the white soldivr ii (lescrird and the negro praiwd :15 his <u~ ymrinr in vfllor, Dvmm‘ralic newspaperc "nine to thn’ rwvue ot‘tho heroes of the Peninsula. Antietam. Shllnli and (hay:- hnrg‘. My own office has hven threalmu-(f, but never. so tar as I am “Warn, By gum-n..); I am glad to say that the solillo'rs have. nlf ways been my friend-w. They lmve never uttempted to‘ destroy my property. But thrme miserable miscreants. those “ wnt‘ hm)" pvtr (.rcr’knce, who are howling tho “Or to Richmond" cry nt hump. and who will not enlxst in fight the battles they' would have other; win—finch mm lmve mmmced’r‘ny prowrty. ilgt._lsaul to them mt-n, “ If ynu umlettnkv fi‘ exempt» your throat-1, l'wxll defend my proimrty, "l‘lwm is the flag of 'my country abou- it; and il' vnu dare to vin‘zuto the protertfmx nl thin! fl .1. l wall Elmo: ymi “mm us I wnuld any nun \vlm attempted {my life." Iglmjn». tit-u tn gentlemen on llm either filth: “bunny making [him special plmx for mob: and m‘nl. law. that the Dg-‘mnrratic party usks no_ favors from them on that scnre. leir do: fence in the future i 4 their tictermin'udwill nml théir strqnu urm=. Lot the’m came; lnl them “ win out ’vft Dvmocrutic {muting olllcos; let Ithem try to snl‘rtm-w frat-«lam nl speechdn the. liatnm-ratw mukp‘. H. w» 'inmt ha put tp me trml ol' thh icx-lultmias, we are Nady. Again, I B‘l“,lt‘l'llthulcunln-f l was not natuiiMH-d to [war what mu 5.1 M uimn this sulrjt‘ct by the gefitk-m'm from Dfmphmiwho is n. mililaiy man, and. in whnsu \'t‘ln“ flaw the fiery hloml ol'vou'th, nd'who husrfouuht his, “my—uni to tlfi’: ‘h'o robe) cnnl’mlemcy, hut into \ halls Qf Punnaylvauia—l was to 119'” uueh Itingu'tge from =ir, yrlmn the phtlu'snphy of the culture of leilrping. and in'! dignity of «:19. run-(311ml)??? 19‘s of UN: hour, it m'u wsl ill»: to pmne liml 513 k, "Wh'fih- Iliug I” The guntlemflnl'rum whom 'l‘ have very great rO - of this Hougc, whim Turks, ((k-noml Butler Was in a poem which the gorillé nl‘thut ht: ynulvl like to halve ll'k‘ in ,l‘cmluylvztma. Wt-il, ‘ just remind tluu L'l-ntlénnn an (1111 «tying. untl l ht-hi‘ve a. “One renegade is war-be than i . .J.?»Lb- nuhm-M. 4 «ml. “United Staten. equal to can much": the people of Pennsylvaiuln. Now. wlll thr gemlemen on "leather lid. maka u! ‘uko‘ In oath that I; will lupporf. this pronhml van of tha Pruido‘nt hf the United States? N they roq'uire that, before we can olgfm , A'ny dummy: under w» bill. my a alt tmr M support such a proalamation II this? If the other tests or loyaltyJVhioh they have spoken of [TS to be I pliod. I hIVO no doubllhin can nllo'lm "19]?on [ilk equal force Ind equal proprint ,- ~ ’ Again we must nol. only ML”) In our, politics. but [9 must not. be ”dialoyfl" in our religion. .1 mm lmazad. the other flay.- on taking up: newnpapar, to find the {0210(- ' in; order: ' f IMI ’ WW'AI Dunn-vast. ,’- Ampuxr Gn'tnuln Omcl. ‘ W‘wmamx. Norman 30, 1863. "Tn the generals commanding the depth-BE ‘ ments of the Mimmn-i. Hm Tonnes-col and the Gulf, and allrgenemia and 03- * - corn commanding nrmxu. "outfit-mgr"! * ans! corps and posit; and u" officers in ’ -'the‘ service of the United States in tho‘ .ntmve mentioned departments: . “You are hereby directed to place at tho 'disponal 0112". Bishop AKIN. nilhou'su of 2 worship belonging to tiw Methodist Epiueo- E 'pnl Church South in which a loyal minintfl'. who has been a pointed bv 1:10an bishop . of said church, 5m nqt officiate. ‘ g “It is a matterof great. importance“) flag a" Govnnmom in its efforts to restore Inn quiiity to the community. and peace to. the nution. that. Christian ministers should. by example and prece it. lupport and foster ihe loyal sentiment. of! the impla. Bithfp ‘ Amea enjoys thqentire confidence of 1 :i1 dupnl'tmt'nt, nnni nnduubt is entertain”! that a" minister: who mny Lg nppaintnd by him Will be entireiy liynl. You are ex pected to give him‘al! the aid. countenangé v‘ Anti-gull}r‘rrol->‘Of§§‘nh'u in ”In lel‘inll ‘l'. his Imporltant mtssmn. ' ‘ 77 firfiofi _ ' i / No_ .26. ‘ "Ypu ui-e also authorize»! and dirt-cm! lo Turmsh Bishop. Ann-s and his élerk vyilh Irnnamrlngi'xn and sulmslpnce when it can ‘ {undone Rnlmut prniudice to the WW, and will Allard them courtesy. ’Mstshmw . and pro‘eczion: ‘ ‘ A “By'orderqnhe Soore’lnn' 6" War. i' L . ’ ' "E. U. l'o\V'\'<EX D. ' - l . Agiistlml A"ljulnr)l. Uuneml." , 'l‘heh'here is another: ‘ ' I’llLPl'l’ UNDER. ‘ ’ llkfanqunnnns, Noni-nu; MD l'nntwnvr'n, } Noam”. Vn. Feb, I], 1864. chauu. Onnuus. Xu‘. 3. All ‘leices of 'pnhlio war-lllip in Xm’fnlk nnll l'nrwnouth.. Ilre lmwbv pl‘lcml umlcr llw nmnm! of we .J’revosl Marsh al nf-Nurfolk mul Pl\ul§mn)utll ~ ‘respomiwlv, who sly.” we llu- pulpit: prnp 'iwly filled by dlsplucmg. wllr-n rm‘oss'ary lho ‘ wane-m innumlwmtu, and suhgliluling n‘ien 'nf known lqynltynml the same spctm-mn. ‘ tlmyn'nilmlion, vithvr mililnr;r ur r-K\ 11, nub j-‘ct’ M £5O approval 0f the commanding , l‘ionrtrnl. 'l‘lu-y ulmllszec mm the (‘llul’cllél - I nrnlopbn freely (0 all officers and soldiers, ‘ white or colored. at, the u‘vual hem? of wry-2, ship, and at other rmnw, if rlmirml, and tlwy ‘shnll see that no Insult ol' indignily bo‘ ' offered to the-5n enlmr by Mud, look or lgrw‘tfir“, 9n tliq’mrt' of lhp congregation..— i'l‘he nt-co‘muyjexpehw will be levied asfar lns possible in nocordnnrc with tho previou; :‘Uiflgl‘i or regulations of ugh, congregation" ' lreepoctivcly. . . l Nn propertyslmll be removed, oitherpub the or private. .wilhout. permission from . lthvfie headquarters. _ ' By command of Brigadier General ’ ‘ EA. WILD. , (,‘nmnit-nt is un neat-391w. Those orders speak for Ihe‘mselvos. They constitute-the suppression, the co'mpléle‘ wiping 09! of freedom of conscience,4‘gnerlom to vm’rship God according to the dictates of am: own hearts. ~ ‘ . is. But. Mr. Spenka‘r there is anofli‘ér test Inf loyalty which ‘is appliml nmu'it d ya...- Whfin we Democmu, tnlk abaut thg cor ,ruption of the p:trty in DOWL-i‘, we are inid {Q be “di‘lnyitl.” The fact i’d‘lhflt our ,Irlend-4 of tho Abolition party desire US to b 0 {Pete “lockers on in this political Vien {lii}.L.{ifgilélltl'9rn“?"_“_"f~"fi‘f‘ffllj‘if'LbOil did, it might brim; disgrace "win their pit ly. But if we dire not Rllf‘ltk.'- and if ‘the ‘ penalty annexed th this vague, unde‘inthe thing cull “disloyalty." is to be inflicted ».upan {H for divulging our {Knowledge in re ;garul, tjo the corruption: of this Administrno :tlon, 'thcn let'tln: mmiihers of thes party I in-tmiver‘apeak. We.wnll Use them as our ' ‘mouth-picces. Gem-ml Fruuciit I’. Blair. A . lshming light in the lulu "Rn-pubhcan" pur ty. spruce. but a few cl-uys ago. in Congréu, to thr- {ollmvingz ('ll'ecl: ’ . "The Navy Departmnnt courted inveath gation, hut nut N) with Hie ‘l‘rimsury Do i.arlnwnt.- A mpni pl'ltflLV-ILH Anlminmtm-_ ‘tiouthan that of the Lullrr now-r existed [in any country; the cnun'rv mu rPtjnlent 'rwiththe fraud and c’fl‘l’llpilon ofthc agents. Again and ngmn permits to_tt.ule were sold in the highest blillil‘l‘. And recently in lliltimom a permit mu given to 1| notori om lilacudo runner, whose weasel}; ‘Phyl mnrethanonnebmn3972va "Mr; Chuse'w friends ind thought thn-w could not be pro ved. they would doubtless have voted for an invéstignt‘mn.” » . Mr. Speaker, {have hill :1 {my «wt-«la morn to any in regard ‘lu llli~t matter of "liiy..lty," ‘rrecugm uf‘pr not. :. Jun-ml m, «is well air freedom of tiir- press and freedom, of con ‘scwnce, under the i innumerable testerf L“loynlty,”3et up by our politicalgipponen—ts: hark inasmuch ”6 (his 'hnn‘nrt-d mama. ol' i’l‘lio'nias Jell‘eraon ”Linn-n uqt'd 'hc-rv by igentlomeu on'the 0 Jr «Mu ol‘ the Home, i’l would refnr thmo gr-nthinl‘p to what Mr; , lJr-li'waon will in "32er tn the sacred rights 'nf' whirl] they would deprive thnl people.— an. Jell’enon. in liii'lirst inaugural midi-ens, thus enuznei'uw'l the glen principles of our f‘mw-rnment: t‘The .lifl‘umon nfihl'omnatinn anti thh M‘r‘ rniznmeut of all aiming/M thg lmr ol' publiu opinion ; freedom of rPliginn-; .l'rowiom [if the 'prews; i'rev-(lom 0F pt-rmntuntler tha protection of_ the llaLdlanrpur; trial by ’jurtes impartinlly select'ml ; the, :upremmy ol the cm! OVPr tit» militnriitntlinrity." _"These .principlea,” rays he, “form the bright mnitellation \n’hit‘h has ppm) berm-a ‘ us and guided our st‘eps‘ through In age ol’ revolution-and l'efm‘ll):tll0n. The wisdom of our sage}; and tim blood of-our heme: linva been devoted tn their ntminmont.~ , 'l‘hey lhould -be the cree‘d nl‘ our political ll'mth; the text at civil‘initructiun; the. ”..uclistona 'hy which to try the ”wit-m of - those we trust : and should weammder from ltheni in momenta of error or illurm. let in: . lumen to retrace our «top: aridzregain tho Emmi which alane leads to lieaeghlibany ,und safety.”,~ ‘ ‘s‘ ‘ I commend the admirable sentiifienls of 1 Thomas J nfi'ersOn, in regard to these ugred‘ .and precious rights, to the consiilierntinn of ithe gentlemen on the other Side of the Home. l cgunlidly‘ believe, that in Wino ments of error and alarm." tht-y have .gono astray. npd with Thoma; Jeff-arson I would ‘advi-la them to “hash-n to retrace their utéps and reg‘tln the road whichalono lead: 99' peace, liberty ttntlx‘nul'olyf‘ " 'l‘i‘ia 89ml?!“ from fziiladt-lphia' (My. )Vatson.) my Jr: aliqi‘t‘m tn the mob in Newi’urk city—thin .'eW'York riots. it mu very unfquunate.l indeed, for that gem tlpmnu to allude to thesem‘iltgppy troubles. and it run utillhora unfortuuztla lot“ him that he' placed m the responsibility for th‘ose lrmlea. upon the Dammtlapafly in that city. The truth ,ot the matter to (it but but lately lenerl out} thatJheAd ministnthn at Washington wu to Minute for this Bloody riot. fur the rem-inn tiufl. it. hfltl niaigned nrne fourteen timmmtd mnro men u the quota ol‘an Yuri; city. Brook and the ten eastern Damnerntio diulrictn of New York. than could jugly be roqutradof thiam. Ai‘ter the riot-a were aubtuadu Gov; emurspyinour sent 3 commission m W‘zuil‘ ingtan mprcientlng this mug of how” the Administrnlion.‘ A communion mu that} appointed by the Admmktrultq, omisinting of the following puma}! gamm 'mon: ' 11¢ng Allan, ()1 Nil! Kori: 3 if. f 81181
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers