're r rn. q The Gown.“ '1- published every Monday morning. by Hutu J. Snlu. at $1 76 per nnum if paid strictly ur Annual-4200’ per animm if not. paid in ednnce. No subscription discontinued, when M the Option of the publisher. until 11l ureergeé Ire paid. A DVIITISIIIXYS inserted at the umfrates. Jon Puxnsa done with neatne‘he and dispatch. . Orncs in South Baltimone sci-get. nearly opposite Wamplers’ Tinning Edmbliahment ~“Cmuuun Pnixrma Ornc: " QD thesizn. Pmmgsmmz. @ARD3. . ESQ-«1‘3; méhler, . , TTORNEY K'T LAW, will [nilhfully and " A prompug' unend to all business entrusted 'co him. 3L hpeuka the German language.— Oflke at. (Ire same ply. in South.Bzullimnre tau-net, ncur Forucy’a di-ug start, dud ucnrly nppos‘vm Dunner & Ziegler‘s ulore.‘ Gettysburg, March 20. ‘ ‘ J, C. Neely, TTOBNEY qu L.\\V.——l’nrlh-uhr anew. A liuu plid v.O enlluclinn of I’ensionn.’ bunny, and ”Auk-pay“ Unice in the 5. E. corner of the Diamond. Gettysburg, April 52', 1563. N D. McConaughy, ‘ ’I‘THRXICY A'l‘ LA \V, (oilil'r one door wax! A of lluehler‘a Arm; And hank Slllrl".clullll hamburg strum) Ar'roussv nun Souun‘ou Mm I'M-nun AND I’msmvs. liuumy Land \l'ur rum, l; ick-p-iy huspvndcd Claims, nn'vl all mher claims against the Govermnmit nl Wash inglon. 11. (L; also.\mcricunuluims in Englnud. Lind Warrants luqnled nn-l soldmr lb()ll£[lll_.und highestpril-es gin-n. Agents engaged 11l lo cating warmnts in low". Illinois nmi an": wedetuh‘luleu WAppl) to him pursunully or ,I y lam-r. Getty-burp, va. 21, ’53, Wm. A. Duncan, T'I'URNHY .\T LA W? in the .\‘nrlh )vea‘lvorncr ufUm .\Ulmnn-LHMI} phurg, n. [UL‘L ::. 1531:. u‘ Aid. Cover, . ‘l'l‘unxm .\T LAWAHJI promnuv nm-M A In Hum-cum” and all olhvr h-nim'ls en tru~ ml m him. ”Jim ht-tum-n I".lhuv-dm-k3' u'l’l J rim-r x 74%;]ch Stun-x. [Lulliumrr ~lrm‘t Gellgshurgg, I'4. ~ V [St-pt. .3, lan9. H. A Picking TTENDS m .\U'fl‘x'i-H'fxu. Writ n! nf 41A lii-l'rliga' :m‘l WILLS (‘Liiiilx’l‘ul (IF t .\LHS‘ ‘kc.’ Hui-(«Anew in er‘u : l -\\ “~le uu Ih: ronrl ll‘n'iiu': {rum (irunhur, lkauu lrr-‘um-u. two ml (-4 [rum Hm tu-rnnr I"~""'- Ulmrz' ~ mwh-mh- Inn] SJL-lncuou gnamuicud. Fm. 1, mm um I , Dr. J. W. C. O’Nenl’s ( FH"H and hWt‘Hjll‘.’ N. H .irmm rof I‘m!- A I'Lixwrr nml ilguh sin-eh, ucnr Fresh} h run ('hvx’u‘h. ”Mn Jung. Pa. . ."(h. Jo, 1,01 Dr. Jlm m. Cress, TV'M‘N'TH‘ I‘HYHVIAS. Umnl-‘ful 1m" [nth- It ”1"]IIIIrIIIIJL'0 anrva'urw Xh-xulml [a hum. X'AIUHII‘ In- “1"” ‘ l'. I! 1w \' i“ l‘t|':l.:x!|" :Lt Imu'urcu! In; [H(I'L‘:~l!'ll In H(‘|l~\'hur_’ um! rlrinll- . "l'lrlm'il'." "man: In 4 Xmu‘cur “1“.”- Hr'u v. M‘ n- ‘L'('[ tiu- lw-‘x. ~va~ t and llluo' r... lmlrlé n- ucnlu a hum :lil uxhn-I St clam In nun-li c~l m-hu ,L. '\ 'l'i‘ll hau- M'vn rm x I‘Hlll‘ru'h'll llnlll lhr q\';n-.'|:~4x~L :uul :5 Illiu mi 3-) tin )nrq-xi 3- 01 ll'." .\32 0-! Hvlvv'iv |'l.\rtniuurl.~. um) Ilim‘unl “llhl‘ Innrr- injuri-HH. ~mll :u nu ! mun- . ms: nit. “u u u|_\, blue [-11], Maud Irl. lm.’ Xv. I .tlnil'x‘ in the (nut 13ml of ank >trw2, in the duullinq nwm-d 'v_v Henry \\'¢-l!_\‘.« t;eny.~imr;, firm. 2.8, INL) 3m «3". Dr. Wm. Taylor infurinu'llu-.inh..l»i.;tms ..r‘-(.‘.-n;~v-ur-.~ and \i ‘ intly llml ln- m” vuntmluc [hr prurli: » uf hie mull-«mu at Inc ”M «JIM. m-v‘uunr lo lhc ('-lu;lb|]vx'_llnlu(-' (In: _\-~i.u|__'. I’.l. 'ln.|uklul 1811-1” f \‘ul‘. he lug tn‘nu-iu- u ~h.ur|- u! tuturc put‘runugu. [.\H pl. 28‘ “iii. ll j J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. ‘ ‘ AS 'his mm l' mic ‘) -\ RF. {“1 -!m3r \\ wt ”HIM: ‘ . Ki?‘f:€‘}.‘./£ Lnflu mu chum-h“ in "’ li‘mmhcrs”un: eLri‘x-t. and uppn~in~ Pit-Muz': El\"C. \\ ll 4.2 thou: wishing In Inn‘e mm lwnml L’pea‘viml [u 'ir‘zmed.srcresin-«Hull; ilnm-d lu fu' Inhl-‘HJLVI' :s i)l‘:.Uornl-r, HH‘. VA 1’; Kr ulh. 1': I! . Rm. H. L. I: lIIIIH‘I, I). 1)., lim’. I’M-pr. \l’ J 11' Hr. .‘l‘llf. “. L, Sillflvr. ‘ ( ('ll}"4‘ll|x_',.\lvlllll.'.'ll.'.‘ ~ ' Wu ['TL' \L FIRE IVAN: \Xt'li I'H\ll’.\.\‘\'._ [ln-urlvumud \L-Iu !: la, 1:531. \_ , ‘m- lI'HIB m . . . “A I'm-" Inn! ..(n-nrzx- M ‘ I'mr I'ruuluu_*_.\. H. ling I Su‘rc/uwral). .\. lilu hlcr. Tlth/rr...“ n‘i‘l .‘l'l’ru-ary. . firwrulirr Unm-uil/rf—Rullul‘l “C(‘urily' Jaculu Kin-z. Alvin-w llellnzrl‘umnn .‘ ,lI.m:1/».~x—..‘.icur~:v .\‘Wn'w. l). A. llnvhlwr. R. .\l'lhu' lv, J icoii Kinf. ,L llvinlzv-lmnn. l). M: - (‘rl‘ll‘\'. S: 'l. liuw'ikJ. 11. .Iv‘rJu, Sun u-l ll lfll)t'| r. E. (‘r Plum-slack. Wm. 11. “'ilmu, 11. \‘H’mmu. uni-.11. \mnen....,.1..i... m.“ I-nrl. 11. l}. “run-Inf. Jnnu Picking, .\ln l'l‘. ‘Wriu‘ht, Juhn Clluuixighuu. .\h-liul F. Uul, «hum-Q 11. .\l arsthl, \l: Eicl’wlhvrgvr. ‘.ry‘l'nis Cumpanr is limited in if: npurn lions 10 Hip countyél Adams. ll llzu‘ l-urn in nlwveul'ul upcrmmu tor mun- thnn :ix yexyrs. Aml‘iu that period hug pull] all luasrs uml n-x -pensemwillwul mm uunsmml, lmvmg also n large surplus capital in the Treasury. The ('.ym [my employs no Agents—null lxusim-ss beiun done by the .\l'uimzl‘rs, who are nuuuully rim-t -9.1 hv the Stockholders. Any pen-gun desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the .'|llo\'e n.um>vl \lnnn-Jer forfurther.infornnnlun. my- l‘lm Emaitive Committee mac's u! the ofiice orthe onnpnuy on the Hm Wednesday ln cvéry nionth M 2, P'. M. / l $9111.27, ism} . The great Discovery ' , F THE ACI-I.———lnflamnmwry and Chronic I 0 Rheumatic": (‘.fln be cured by urin: H L. .\HLLER‘S CELEURATED RHEUMATIU .\IIX Q‘UKH. Manly prumiuunl cillzens of this, and (he adjoining cdunlies, have teuilieil in its ‘ ‘3'er ufility. Its success in Rheumatic 1181-3-- : lll)!l~". has been hitherto unparalleled by any . wecific, imrmlucetl to the public. Price 50 . itnzs [wr bottle. For sale by null drugui-tsanfl Flomkeelmrs. Prepared only by U. L. .\HLLHR. “‘liplesn'l» )md Hamil Druggist,l-}n.s'. Berlin, Adnmsxouuly, l‘un'dmlcr izrDi'ngi, Chemicals, 1 Ulla. Vuruish, Spirits, l’nints, Dye-stuffs, but -tlod Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass. Perfumery. Patent. Medicines, kt, 51c. " WA. l). Illlcliler is 1.113 Agent. in Gettys - burg 90r_“ H. L. Miller's Cvlflhi’flled Rheumatic “ null"?- ’ [June 3, 18 M. 11' ,The Grocery Store i, N'THE HlLL—sThe undersigned wodid resyecuully inform the cilizens oTGL-uys burg and vicinity, that he has taken flu: old .uud “on the gill.” in Baltimore street. Gel» tyllinrg where he intends to keep tonstuully .gn ham? all kinds of GROCERH‘IS—Su-gars, Cofiees, Syrups of xi! kinds, Tobacco. Fish, Bull, kcq Earthenware of all kinds. Fruitg, om, and in Cm. cvm thing usually “mud in _3 Grocery. Man, YLJUR & FEED of all kmds; .u .fwhicb he intends to sell lot», as the low est. ~‘Q'Jouuu-y produce ttxken in eu'lzange fa; goédftud the highest price given. A He inner}; himselfglhnt, by strict. 'nuemion an}! an honest ‘ a.“ gap plensp, to merit a share at public pn. flange. 131 w Img .1. M. uowa. ”bras, 1863. ‘ d . ' Removas. : undenizned, being the authorized person ‘ “to make removals iuw‘ Ever Green Ceme teryflmpoflhfi Inch ‘5 Contemplam the removal ofthe tenth! of deceased relatives or friends will Auil themeelves otthifleflwn ofthayenr go hue “done. - Bemovnln make with pmmpmeu —v.omu lon'end no extort spared to please. ’ PETER mom, Much 12,360} Keeper of the Cemetery‘. 0 to Dr. R. Roma's Drug Store And g 9. ui: MEDICATED CUUGH CANDY. . ' Rni Br n. J. suum 4t3tli Year_ PROSPECTUS The Philadelphia Age. 1864'. THE ONLY RIM/WI! \TlCz‘llAlLY JOURNAL PI'BLIRH- " LU l.\' Hunumm-uu THK UNIO‘, THE (‘fl\thTCTlON, AS" THE EN- #011015!th )F THE LAWS g THE DALLY .\UI-I, _ HICH mh‘m-MM 1h! prmc Iplvs and pull ‘V c_\‘uf the lh-num-ralic 'I"l1'\,i:l Esmed every muminu. (Hun-11p excepted.) and gun‘- l:lins, Llu- llllf‘a'. h l:;gx.xplaiu new: no): all pangs of the “orld; will: carefully prelm ml nr'ficlré on “(fl‘t'lrllmflll’ Politira Trade. Finance, mu, and prompt t‘llll()rl_fll communs on the ques li-ms um] nfl'nirs ”Kine du) : llnrlxet Rgp‘nrls. l'riws ('ulrcm. Stuck Qunl'ulluus, .\lnlmc ln u-lllguurv. HI‘IMIT'S n!" l’uhllsir\llM-rings, l’nr vign null Dnmx-WN- l'mwxpomh‘m-r. [mg-l ”9-: Imus. 'l‘ln-ulruml l‘ruicim‘u. “evil-W9, Lin ru _luru, Art and \lu-ic, Agricultural \lqvls. nxul dis IlsNuu-X ul' “Emu \‘u: sul-ju-L us u "gt-rural illitlrrldlul Hnlunmnw. ‘ _ ' THE WEEKLY .\HI‘I, . ‘ Ii: n rnmpan}cumpmuhnn of line News of file: “Wok, :m-l ("HlCtli'lla the chief ednqumla. thc prim-s current and nmrkvl rcporhlngk unu luliuns, Cilrl‘r~llll||lll‘llcfi um] {Jedi-ml “can: mam-1 [HTMH-Iml in Iht: Imly .\zv. h ul~u ('nul \in\ n pl“ M» \'.nrus\‘y M mlu-r Iu filer, run m-lm: it in u|“\rl‘.~llL‘C!w u lint (had family jmrum.panlicul.‘rl_\ mluphui m the l’u'm'KUMl. lev \h-nILuII, llu- [‘mml-r, the WM hanir, I‘m L'll'mnr mull, my! :1” cI-sw‘ Hf rmulvr-I. It In". In lmi, (-rérv charm-lunatic nf a LIVE .\‘i~‘.\\'\‘2’.\l'l‘Z!l. 132 ml w x'm- t'uuuim: Uwhe, llu- \\'- Ik~hn;-. the Fuuuur‘s Fircndchg‘ud l'ue Uuuml Rmuhr ; ‘ T E R .\l S DAILY. ()41- _wnr hv mail .\ix "mum-J Tun-v nmulll h-r nu) 'u'rmu In: than 112 nm munlhg, at Hu- m L‘ 1:! Sung-fut: u-uli pur'muulh. ; r dA I.' lino _vmi‘.‘ h_\ nmil .\‘lv Ulll'l'lh Thu». mum'us \‘m|n~‘ u! 10.. “31h fil‘. cxnu m” .gnuis m: gaming ‘.p the c uh. ‘ happen required iumrnhly in uayzuu-e.— Sum ill on rnpl. s uftlw l).ul_\' xurl \\'m~l":ly \I 11l I": 6: ul gnui~ lu :lu} :ul-lro-s, uu :Imlllh min". '1 hr _l’nhhslwn m The .\ue ('oul-l ejnsily li-ll filt‘ll wlumm \s xth Illt' unsoou-L (ind “Ile ll I-ml gnmmumlulivvn: 11f Ihe llrl‘is Lhrou’h— oul Ihn l-uunlrr : but ”19) prcll-rtluu it shuflld sluml nlluzullu-r‘npxm Chums lo puullc cumi (lruc‘l'fi \\'rll Luann ‘lll‘l l'aluhllshml. Thu) “mu: In-u- u hu< :urqmrc-i thi.~ repum'ion hy the mullur. fault-um-ss .1111 l lluh‘pl mlrul !: \l'nh' uhich it has hm-ncumluclwl.‘ll.|;ull;lwlin|¢*of eurnmuinur; coulusiuu or i‘lens nn public Sui-j- (-L.~'.*mnl lznh rly of almost unuuumlcd [lullllt' trial. It is mm". and “11l lit, us hr”:— lul'uu'. [he summrh r u! Llu-ir nuliunnl prim i }:l -~. “plume-l alike In mdiuall-m um] funni |i~m in -\'vr_\' form, and devuyed m the main- Mun-urn m'L‘uml gm nnnncm, hm" hm] order. 'l'in- i'uhli‘hor: uf The‘.\;:~“con'rei\'c lhnLit l‘»u» n-mlcrqu-cnllnr survh-esunnl has perulm? -(-l.|i~n~ upon all men hv “hum ‘ll~‘ principles uru vuluuf, mu! uhn, dry the pn-pn-r Imam, lnnk [u Prulnulunllnl.SCL‘UFC [l'm('unst‘ruliuuul rxwldrnlion u! the l'niun. Those mm but show Iln-il main" of the Ilnlirillg;~ rfi'urL-I u! the puh li~htr.~. in lwlmll of this firm" untlfinpnrgllx-l. 0 ll canmlfhv run only auatninluz g‘lis [um-nu all 115 hhuuou rvhnous. Audi-cl}. ULUSJHHHNN’IQH A: “TILNH, XO. x'hu Clix-smut rilIL-M, lii-iludclphid. .\Llrch H, ISM Asslstance Needed. .9 V ‘lll-I unuouigwd having: behy payments 1 mining: due -n the Isl at April. would must lt-~‘|lcclld“_\' ink those who are. indebted (u bin} to call “More Ul.“ ti m: and make pay nun-l. ' ' E. L}. I'N'KING .\I 'rcll T. IM4 A.-.“ ___.t -.‘ ~___ Come, One and All! ‘HE subsciiher. Inning‘re-upcnod his Sn: 1 qum in [he .\‘vz‘tll-cust corm-roflhe Dm nmn-l. mules the attention uF his triends und [he puhhu m-uernlly, [0 hi? excrilcnt ALE, I'UIVIHL BNUWS S’J'UUT‘ “LIN-2, CHAM- I'A(;.\E.'I‘IIH.\CUU’ .\l-lU.\IL~S,&¢. He hopes, l:_\ smut lllluxliuu to business Mud n ‘desire to phmse, w _reucch n liberal share n! ru~lum. ' H. W. (Jflklélllifl Getlyeburg,Aug. 24, {@635 u Ffuit and Ornamental umm‘wu SPRING lulu—We respect -1 lully imiru ntlemion in our s'uperiur ‘smck n‘l‘ l-‘Rl'l'l‘ .\NI) ()li.\'.\\ll-INT.\L TREES AX!) Slllil’lh‘, furthe coming svmon. U'ur ausurnm-nt 1: large and fine, :111-l trees renmrk nbly tluilty and well glown. Cnlnlognes cull be marl nu :nppiirnliou by maul, or a: tile otliC‘e _ol' “ The Compiler." ‘ EDW. J. EVANS &‘(‘o., - Feb. 8, L 364. 3111 ~ Yorkkl'ennfa. Farmers’ 3: Meohamos’ AVINIJ‘S IXSTITI'TIUS 0F ADAMS 00., S having increased in capital, has enlarged its business um! album its accummodduons Loam (la), Wednesday. [April 6, 1863. u ADIES’ Clnlh for Cloaking, a new supply I] just I't‘thVEll at FAHNESTUCK 3308’. ICKIXG lma (l‘e fine~t :Issbruuent 0 Spring 2P and Summer Clothing in Lowu. [ 11:" Dr. R. llilllNl‘ili'h‘ Tunic and Altern .l tive Powders, for HORSES m-d C'ATTLI‘J. Prepared “Kill suld only a! his Drug §xor¢ . January 2:», 1854. ' IL TUBIAS’ celebrated Derby Condition 1) waders, for Horses and (lathe; for sale 9: Dr. HORNER’S Drug Slul'e. ~ UI'EIIIUR 10¢ ol CANNED PEACHES M S J. )1. RQWK’S. BAkE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, or 016 D Homestead Tonic, at r. R. HURNER‘S brig Store. A? ‘ . COTTON GLOVES, for lien and Boys. can be had eb‘éup at ' SGHIUK'S. CILOTRING! CLOTHING !—Plenty of new . goods jun openrd. ‘Also Boots, Shoes lhus. «km, kt, all cheap at BRINKBH‘HOFF’S NIRS. _‘VIXSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, for 5‘ children, at Dr. B.‘ HORSEfl’S Dxug . ore. .;_ VERCOATS! O\'ER.COATSI-~A new lot, jun [mm the city. mind examme, u. ~ ' BRIN ERuOFF‘S.’ ‘ ' Nor-Illegal. corner of lbeDandfid. AGO, Arrow Root, (loin Starch, Rice.flour S and Geluin, if: all: at Dr. HOIQER’S Drug Store. - .; ‘ ; 1.18038, Gingham. Mullins, at reduced ( 2 rates. at FAHNESTOCK .8308. Sign 01 the Red Front. ccummz‘ PICKLES, 5' huge lot just re ceived from the slit], In ime order, n . a . “BERLBISGH’S. URE BRANDY, WINE AX!) ‘YBISKEY,fOI mediciml 'yurposea only,“ the New Drug mm of ’ "‘ . ’ Drl'lé aogm , ALL 1:01!le MW Me, Por _ 181:, ta, . ‘ ' u, 1.13% . I J 'g’ Lusmfit" “- =I A DEM©© PUE‘I‘RYO-i '- »"+"-‘-;..:;...;;,t;;i‘ .A Poor Boy’s Choice. A Oh God, my Snvlor. Ind my choice, 1 On Thee my hope: rspou ;- ' Odn Than hut I pour lroy’u'volec, 1 1}: thin duk nlo 0! incl. I Though "than may Thy name deflmo, l'mu mu Imuur Theo; , Thin lrl the Giver All my um, Anal )el preaches: me. ‘ Ml (but i have l mu to Tina, War a!“ Earl: and ”naval: ; Thy 0M» work's all creatures In “ ho unbliud ”an Inn given Thou only :0 arm! gin hunk, Gad or myhro ml lure; . ,- Tu ufluri Tbuu gust‘givo upon Ive-lua— - To me I vorld abuts. ' "I Thy will‘duhera being A‘ Thin: would}! luvs Li'm do, A I'm In! wlunre lubpy4uorlul: gu I’ll sun”; go to now. ‘Uh God. my ennui, my: lift, my luu, “(Suva me'l Inn-mug, hurl; ’ Tlfjll I "my un'lerstnyrlim pruvp Thu Thou God uuly tut". “ behave: In this vale or turn I may dehre m gn, V i: Tuqch ule In lnw all my common, And In “Item 11:":qu show. Mn! 1.-Th_v~ nnxne'forever fihiu, ' Thou Imm» n! my life ; ‘ Anl‘lu u '! gin give up thy IrAyl, L'mu 1"": I‘untflw m‘ira. 0!: God. du 'l‘lmu grunt my ream-all, L‘uuumed .1: (ben- rgw linu. Bln l mun «ll Th} I.3mm. AIM thus :Luu Hull’n tuululLl. ne Hun. - UM 4 m) .2 “0 MXSG‘ELLALW: (violin-"GREEN“ tun]. . _ , 3. .\[rintgonwry—lhnir-l Quillman. We "I'l’ 11w lnllruving from the, New , g 1;?fl‘3“1’r 'll- l\’ lilolnlenlntll. Y R u,“- A” mono article {\hrch Tith: . . .LA in.) uni . uithumtitou—W. C. or ‘ . y 0 ~ . lehtr-mvnllnor. I , It l~' ~tnlml that wirtnin promiln-nt ornifi- 1‘», I;{~rk<—J, Glnncv Joy-10:, . «lentml l'lll'lltln ul’«nu-‘hon-nnlJe .\‘t-crn-tnty A T. Schuylkill—F."nerd-P. l)e.w(\pq. of the 'l‘l‘ul’rht'y huv: tn.ulc much Incnry ; 8. Cnrhon. Munro}, Pike and-“’nyne; sincv ltm-vn'iln-r in {luy‘inu gold turn ti‘c. Thomas B. .\lvllhennv. :lltvl Ihztl llu‘V ttn- ill. the pre-wnt tum: the 3 9. lit-.ulfi-rcl. Sutthtmnnn' Wvoxning and llnllet: nt' n..-n- than i_‘llhltl'tlutl m gull: Sullivan—John F 31..,.,,.._ ' Furtlu-t'muw., it i‘wlnu-d that 1111-~1~ yttl'lljli“ , )u_ I...;ernn_,\'[pul...p .lenkinfi. nit-n inn-titly—oltt-t'cd to but sl2.oo;),tl’ttl in ) 11_ Tu In. Putter. Mulit-nn und \\'tu-ren ‘gUH limit governulrnll lt l 1 t-urmus lo 37...], \',.lET‘m-,, notiro hot»; the ltlt‘hgl.‘ of our hnnomhlo' 12, (‘iin nu, Lyooming, Centre and Uni swréluiy;contrivemnatmnly t unulu-mmivy nit—John l. lluuwc. , - by acting in orpmitim‘i tn tlu- puhlttmtliqiul 13. .\‘nvt or; X Irthumherl-md, Montour unnotitwmnvttJa of the 'l‘n-mury l)ep.t}i't-‘ “nil Columlm't—llt-nr). C. l‘iyer. t mum. 'l‘hr-y am—xu lu he IM-ttn-r inmrlnkxl H. (‘.tnnhm un-l, Perry, Juum'ta and Milo thnn‘llr. Chim- m mtlm t'utur-s movements flm..11. .l'. ‘.\'.~tltm~s. "A of the 'l‘rL-_.t>ui,\' l) ~lurtmeut. and the ucxtu- 15. lL.uphin‘ :uhl Lebanon—Dr. Andrew nary of then 3 inhunmtiun unable-s them no Panprmn.‘ ‘ " ‘ * maltejnuch mom-v. and also tunmid ull ' 16. lutntin‘XtGr—iGeorge Salidél‘sOn. Sam ,ti~li~ bl l-IW. 'l'hc t'nnfiilt-nuul atmk job- ‘ up! 11. no. nnldm ’. ’ hing friend: 6% our hnnurnblu at-t'n-tury p-lvfi- 5 17, Yur —J:Hnoc ‘l’. Slntnk. . l 58:15 Wlml may be telmml )u'ut'lncul (“Clufto’ l 13_ Ad“ “5‘ ankli” tllld Fulton—ll. G ‘iefl‘lat'LVlll—Hol :1 had pox-onion ll] Ilu-xoticlka Smith. lt~,h tiniest, u'he’n gold jumps trom 143 m; 111, Sorry ITU lit-lure an ordinary lugltinmtru hu'siuens ;\\'ilhnm 1“ ttunsnctwh .cun be {nirly completed! The i 20. Blnil‘ Ilepulrlu'nll gun-1y is dn'hh-il into two ek- dens Bank‘ 'l , Memes on this. gultl nlueation. 'l'henhodnly- 5‘ 2L lndifinn and Armstrong—J. B_ San‘ ‘ contmcbhzink wing of ltepuhlimns exprot :50"). 4 . i th It gold «.11 he brought down :hurtly to j 22. 'Wks nioreland and Fayette—Harri ! H"). and t‘lzv Fremont. wrty think it will lban I’. Lai tl. .\.mu tench 25“”. "File l'tcmont mguu at l ‘23. Wat» ington and Simone—John S. l llné only. the Nun .\ldion. in its lnstmnnber A Mnikcll. ' , ‘ lhlzm‘s in respect lti‘gtihl,'tltut "notu'itll-g ‘l4. Allih lieny—l‘Atri i ‘.tamlmg the tat-t. lhntthOl-e i: very little J.Koom. {demand |l" gold to Grim. (In: 1(Itlldllt'j/ la . 25. lion 3117/ "pm. 1., The gon-intnmtt is spending! 26. Low 5800.00045 th pow alumni. and is receivmg l John S. M only ttbulit-S£UU.UUII.OW; and yet, inthel 27. Erie 1 lllCd-Of llh‘m: unprmniunxg figurvs. it giver ‘ bruith. ; wolf awn/um [u perpcluuling u‘s power [lulu to 5 23. Clar [th public (um-tau. Undet- such circum- ’W, L. Cor l stance-s, gold muslitdvatlce still I'urther.with } R 1 } t-very proScht that it will reach 200. thé 111,313.“! ifiguro minted last week." Tho Frnmont Thom“ ,R“ . party wet-in to Jimsess common «one in re- . L. “irst. _ gun! to husians math-K, which In mum Robert J_ ‘ '. than can betztid of the uncomlitimml‘ldvn[igumuel G lty lnlgue men. The Fremont party také igy'nung, J l direct. ivue with its'uuconditionttl hréthren ”amp”. Moi i On this question. and they are likely to car: “aw. Batik-hi try the mass ut‘whut honost Old Abe culla' : Delnwnr I thomcommun people” with them. . 3 Chestar ' (ipvernment has officially announced that H; Mmmgh ‘ the aegnl- tender-dollar is worth only 663} t Montuo ,ceut‘s. With the price of gold at 170 the+Q Rodent): {legal-lender dollar'is worth only about 58 Bucka—‘ ‘ Cents. Governmrnt fixes the price at eight. ' l céntwnore. or (1:33, by agreeing toga-kn, at I 'the (whom-house; payments for 301 doll‘itrs' ‘ at u dollar and a halfin legal—tender dollars. (This otliciztl admission of ModepreciutionJ l of legal-tender dollnrs to 66} cants operators . imtroualy on government credit. lt ilaces prominently hetero the people the fact that everybody who receives Ifor his inhor one legal tender dollar is robbed of 333} cents; thnté‘every man on nsnlary or l fixed income of three thousand dollars-n year. when paid in legal-tender notes. only TQCt-‘lli'l‘s two’tbousnuddollars and ismtuolly I robbed of one thousand dollars. This sug- ; gests nnturally the questions : By whom um .0 l l robbed of one-third of my just dues. for ' whom and for whutl’ Does my loss of one-.l ‘ thirll of my just dues go into the United Staten treusuryl’ Does it go to cancel the 1 public debt, does it. go to put. down the re bellion. and if it. goes to none of thew) things. which it does not, where. then, does lit go? Every laborer. every salaried man. every holder ot'u bond ond mortgage. every landlord. every receiver'- of‘hdivldhend on}: railway stock. or a railway mortgnge. u‘ l robbed of one-third of hi: just dueq by the I government lpgal-tender poper policy. lit other words. ”we ammo the daily re: tceipts, from th wur‘oes. of the twenty milliom of loynmttuns at one dollar per clay—which its-n und’r estimate—thee the lots deducted from the‘ income of loyal cm- ‘ : zone-in cash is about $5,600,000 per day.— l The delay expanses of tho governnient are about 52.000.000 per aqt according to the official eatimata. It folio". therefore. tint the twenty millions of loyal citizens could 7 nflbljd to pay in cash awry duy $3,000.90“ or ten per cent. ot‘ their cash income. Ind ‘ thus oat-riot. the war without any national ilaht, on llsnflclfl basis, besides being gainer: daily at about. $4,600 000 of what govern ment. calls money. Under the prmont pa— per money system the twenty milliong of loynl citizens are swindlod 'out ofttheir Just duo: in order roenrich Washington ofliculs and their Manda. The notion it} robbed and impoverished. legitimate tradingl Ifl‘pl rulyzed,und pmbl’ing is fostered an stim ulated for the avowed. and sole purpose of enriching _ a pace! of Washington officials uld their corruptlhangorq on Ind ailments. mm. ~ ,‘ ”Hon. Owen Lovejoy ii led on the 26th. #2 no 1 (It) DM =1 ATH© AND 'FAMULV 7 J©URNAL SBUHG, PA, MONDAY, 'APRIL '4,'1864- GET'I‘ • '` “nun: u mean AND mu. ulna.” Crawford and W‘mn—J SShillito. Joflbrson. Clem-field. McKenn and Elk— DrC ll Early, Wm A Wallace. Erie—Benjamin Whitman. J M White. Potter and 'l‘ioga—J W Bniley. Mr. McCalmont, oi Venango, moved to . ‘ __ , I select a committee of one from eaqh Sena- The Demncmfic Stile Convention met} try-in! district to choose permmientbthcei‘s. On Thursday. March 2-llh, at the Antimul N” agreed ”0- ' ' , ‘ Guurds' U-su. in Philad’elhliia. .HS lwo-l “was “1"?“ ."mt the Convention P'T°' ceedings were characterizud by the grant, l ceed to ‘ngminations for permanent chair est gnthusinsm and harmony. Every par-I "3“": ,1 “‘5 was ,“B'Wd .‘O - ‘of the State mu represented. and the! W'llmm H Witte. Gearge Sanderson, W delegates were marked men. the principal' L H!“‘- JPhP 3 McCalmont. ,J Y James. citizens of ibis great Commonwealth. All : \Vm_ At 3311303 and Jamel 1‘ herr were were bent pen one ‘grmc objmt—t m'res- nonnnn e ' , . ‘ tom'tion of the Union and the vindication 3 ““55” Walhuge, McCalmont, hen, Hirst,‘ of (he Constitution. The great Derhocru-i and Jame? declined. ‘ , ‘ fie party was out in its strength, and every , Messrs bunderuou and “line were the re eflort was made to rescue this gré‘at Com-‘ [naming “"d‘d’fw" A ballot "“5 taken: monwealth lrom thq tyranny undo: which ' ““1 resulted “5 lollom: : _ it, groans. ‘ Une consideration surmoun («1‘ - W H Wine; 94 ‘ all others. Personal feelings and 3re‘ul ‘-“ Gear 6 Sanderson, 3i .lJ _ 8 ceq were ‘forgotten. in order to form a um- The election was made unanimous. u‘ad party for the salvation of_the conntry. . George Sanderson and 1: w Jones es '”le Democmy W”! 1:" mm the mmlpgl gonad Mr Witte to the chair. when that campaign With ‘1 “ml-9d front, 10 1119*” “I°, gentleman adressed the Convention in n cogi‘m‘nrn 3:321:13. noon the (‘nnantion wag} most. eloquent and spirited nmuner. . only-ll to order by Charles J. lhtlllle, Esq.l } follilvbigbfgéitfuégd. “fun. then offered the Clg:';::l';ior :1;qf:‘r¥’:)l(c({;"llliiflllmIITHéfi:1 -I€aalué«f. That a committee of one from fight, of Eyelte, was chhacn lewpuwry a each benntonal- that“? ties. appointed to re- Chairman ; . l par} pellLunDtH. loe laugh-nus and Secre- Upon néanmin" tlm (‘h-lir \fl .erinhti tunes. uml that their report he filial. addmzwd l‘the 'Cnnvention yin few glu-l “A“? unanimously "do,“ve‘l' _ qm‘nt and patriotic rF‘IDHFkfi. ‘ , Mr Pmlett moved. and It was unanimous- Mew“) ‘linhm‘t If .\lnnnglum. Robert .T-. ‘ l)’ 08m“). “Int a committv» 0t tllil‘|}'~lh|'o6 llmnplnll nd 11. T. Shullz “'ei‘e appointed be aypomtml to twine “rusnlulious; and Svmfmriefi‘ ' _ ‘ “ ‘tlmt ull repoluuoiu otlered he rctfii'red to Tim aniotarios~ than tool-6 thoir seats, mf‘} coininltteefvnhoutdblmte, .‘ . and ”,0 {M of ihllegnc.‘ was called duel-'_‘. l‘hc Convention then took a recess until 11. is {ls follows: ‘ i l 4 ° “10"“- ‘ DEMOCRATIC STATE BONVENTION Hector“ Dolqgup, and lime. Cellrill Con-law Appollld. 1103. C. L. WARD. or BRADFORD, CHAIR )LAN 0? THE COMMITTEE. ‘ . .rmuomax. "Ewan-#3. 15! Dix’l. Philadelphia—E. R‘. ”almbnld, Join} Apple. Juhn’ A. Duléy.‘(}lmrles \V’. Currigan. , , 2. Uhester and Delaware—4ohr: ll.'Brili'- fret. Huntington and Bcdford— Shall. ' Cambria and Clearfield—Thad- er and mm ence, Merv ‘almnnt. A and Crawford‘F‘Villhm A. Gal- In. Jeffersqn, Forrest pnd Elk— ll‘lt. ‘ l 'Pnassxnnv: DELEGATES whim—(‘lmrlns M. Leisnnring. r‘he. Win. V. Mchth. William fred Uilmomé (‘n-nnge Earp. Jr.. Hf-mplull. I. F.X.U.lllugh'er, ang. I’. “Mu-remix. Ulmrles hn l’eviny, Richard l’ritchard, Inuin,Jx-., John D._Mi}es, Thos. I—George G.Li9per. L. , I Dr. Wm. D. Downing. Rofiart i n; John Miller. (fl'y—‘Villiam 11. Witte, “'m. #- Sh. Jesse R‘ Davis. I ward 'l‘. new, Chgrles Vnn- unt. Northa: Myers. > Lehigh a‘ L. Rube. . . Monroe Wayne— anarne— J._ B.’Stnr , Susquehanna—A. J. Gerrilson, , Bradford“ Victor 1"}. Poilett, George Ste vens. l‘ , . Columbin. Mnnlour. Sullivan'gmd Wyom ing—John 13. Freue, William M. Flint. . Lycoming and Clintbn—Dr. Hugh Mont gomery, S.;B. Peale. , Centre—Fralerick Kurtz. Mlflllu—J. H. Ross. ‘ ' , Snyder. ' Juniuta and Union—110178"- Swinofonl‘, ‘John Uumminm. ‘ {Northurn‘berlund—Sol Malick. Schuylkill—Thomas )1 Walker, John Malnln, James Ellis. . , . D.luphin,.-A W Loomin. Dr J Schafl‘er. _ ; Lebanony-William M Breslin. Berks—William Ro‘xenlh’all, David Fis ter. J Hagenrnan. ..’ Lancaater—R RTahu‘dy, H T Shula, J McSpln-nm. A J Steinman. . / . York-Dr John Ahl. A Hiestgnd Glau. Cumberland—Rufus E Shupley. Perry—John B McAllister, Adams—Henry J Stable. , Franklin and Fulton—r Calvin M Dun ‘ can. Wm Horton. / Bedfordf-Jumea M Reynolds. Someréet—John U Pbilson. ' , 1 Huntington—Wm P McNight. Bulk—Rowan Clarke. ’1 z I Cambriae-Robert L Johnson.‘ , Arm:trong~Grier C ord. ‘ ‘ l Indiana—SS Jamison. . , . Westmoreland—Joseph Jack. Henry Entering. . . ‘ l Fayette—~Tbomas B‘Swigm. ' . . ! Graeme—R W Jones. , l Washmgton—«lames R Ruth; William f'Swnnn. . ’ Allegheny—James hwin. J J' Houston. \VurJ County. Wm ’l‘ Punt-an. '1')! A G McQuade, S P Bods. ‘ 4 ? ‘Bedver and' Lawrenceh—S B Willon, B M Courtney. " . , . - Butler- Alexander Sfmpson, Wm T Eeaf. l Mercer "and Vgnungo—helorfil Latch, u'l‘imothy Ivan. —’ .-"* - ~ 7 “.1 ‘~ Clarion and Fprrest—W W _Bur. pton—C};ulesGlanz. Oiiver H d Carbon—Dr. If; Leonard, A ml Piko—Oliver s. Dimmick. Dr. J. N. Wilmn.’ A. 8.-Dunning, H.. 11. Grady, The Comiention mu chllecl to order at 4 o'clock. “hen the conirnit'm-s on organ!“- tlon and resolutions were announced. The former reported the follqwihg olficers: VICE PnnsszTs—E. .fl. llelmbnlul, “'iL linm L. llirst, I‘. Devrreaux. John 1). Miles, George (i. Lloper. Jesse B. Daviz, J. ‘D. Mondeulnalth. 11, Ulmrle-z (l. ‘Glxnntz. Jeremiuh Hagenmeu, James Ellis, J. N. Wilmn. M. ‘1). John F. Means. Juries lr win. J. J. llnu{stnn, Alrxamler Simpso James R. Bull). A. B. Dflnningz. .lulm (In 'llumes. Henry C. Eyer, Rufus E. Slmplevt A. W. Lnnmxs. John M’Sparnnn. A. 11. Glam. Willmm Horton, Jnglnes M. Reynolds, Dr. R. Clark, 5. S. Jami-Ml}. .lnuaph Jdck, James K. Kerr, J. White. C. R. Early. Humanities—Ruben E. Monnglmn, Joel Cook, Rom-rt J. Hrmpfli‘l. R. H. err. Jzukaou Shofiin. Frfilexiuk Kurlz. John Mnhqn, H. J. Stah , Charles Vanmnt. George Earp, jr.. Wm. L. barbitbbavid Fmer. E. P. Kpnrns. George Stevens, Tho« mas lluche, fl‘hb‘mns L‘. M’lllhenny. John .\. DailevrA. F. X. hallngher, Chm-lea Young, Richard ‘Prilcharld. H. 'l‘. Shultz. , The report‘was unnnimnmly adopted. Mr. Him. moved the belowing resolu tions arranging the business of the Conven tion: * ‘ ~ ' lbw/ml, That. the dale ates residing in each C4mgressionabdifilrii be authorized lb appoint and report, to this Convention‘ one candidate for each district on the elec tbml lickm, and two delegates fnr ench dis trict to the National Cnm'enlio‘nmnd (lime membém for each district to serve on the Slate Central Commiuee. , ' 'Rc‘sulvhl, Tim the Conventibn will pro ceed to nominate nnd_’elect by a viva race Kerr, , “'illiam vote: , ‘ I“: 1.: .The Chairman of the State Central Com’minpe. - _ 2. 'l‘quenatorinl eamlidntes on the elec tdinl ticket. ' ' >hn I‘. Bart]. (d Ycunugo— 3. Four delegates at large to the Nation al Convention. ,1. r: Olu'ectiou was made In the receipt of the resolutions. bemuw all resolutions were qrderod to be referred to the commit.- flee. y ' ‘ ' " The objection was overruled. The vote was taken on the joint propo sition and i; was adopted. and alwrwards on the remainder. and it was also adopted. -_-It was moved to take a recess of twenty minutes to comply with these resolutions, which was agreed to. When Convenyfnn re—Msemhlegl. the elecmrs. gelegnbes/n members of the Stpte Central Gbmxfii ee wéreannounced : . , ' , . rust ms-uuc‘r. / _ Electbr—‘Willmm Lnughlin. - ‘ IJelegates—Sa‘énuel G. King. D r. George Nehinger. U.- _. state Committee—Lani; C. assidy, J on. Megary, George 'A. Quigley. 3 :2}:be unnu- . ‘ ~ Elector—Edward R. Hoimlmld. - Dnlpgulea—Wm. M. Piley. G. W. Irwin. State Committee—Charles M. Lbiienring, Dominick Mul!en. I"}:éderick E. Brown. mmmmnum‘. ' Elector—Edw. .-I)unn. ' Delegatea—‘W . Curtis, Simon A-rnold. . State Comm' lee—Robert J. Hem’phill, Chas. Buckw (er. Phil. ti. Lutz.’ ' ’ , ’rouuu nmnu‘r.’ ' Elector hm. M’Culloch. ‘ Delegs es—Wm. “W. Burnell, Isaac S. . Sta Committee—Peter Armbnnter, A. R. Séhofield, Richard Simpson. ‘- ,' , ' Irma martin /Eloctor-E.lw. T. Hess'. x” Delegates—H. I’. Raw, ChasuW. Carri gm. ‘ - . State Commiltee—Chas. Vanuut} H. W Diumm, J. D. Miles. ' ‘ sun Dinner. " , Elector-Phillip S. Gerhard: ‘ Del'e'gat‘gl—J. I). Stiles, Perry M. Hun - Slate 'Cikmmitte—A. L.‘ Rube, Jamel F. AKline, J.- Jhnehower. Elector—G. G. Lei . _ z Bgelegatu—John [fin-Brim”, John "C uy. 7- ‘v. ~ ‘_ , ‘ Sm» Coiliminoe—Dr. E. 0. Runs, Dr. W. D. Downing. Geo. W. Weaver. Elector—Micheal Seltzer. .W RO - Lea—J. Ghn Jon m. tenth-F ‘3’ "I Sthommitke—Michul P. Boyer, J on “hlnfiee, Geo. Smith Jr. nectar—Patrick M’Avby, Delegates—George Sanderson, Henry A Wide». . . g - ' . State Committee—R. R. Tlhudi; A. J Shiuman, S. H. Reynolds. : ' Eector—Thnmu H. Waiker. . 'Delegatea—Frapcis W. Hughes, ij. C. B. ‘Glaninger. ’ ‘ ‘ Std“ Committee»; Willholm, F, P. ‘ ‘Junes mm. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ mvzm mmt‘c'r,~ ' Elector-0. :5. Dimmick. ‘ » o . fi‘i'fl‘ ~W‘l94mm s‘xma*«mmw-rmw' a’u. ’ “ 231-7 9; , a ’W AFTERNOON SESSION SIVINTH DIHIXC‘I' EIGHTH DISTRICT NINTH Dlflkm TINTB DISTRICT fiEbBLLZfiEyEXE Delegates—Philip Johnson; Carl'ton Bur men. . l State Committee——H. B. Beqrdslee, A G: Brodheld. Jr., Daniel H. Neimfln. A - "rum; Dis-nun. . Elector—A. B. Dunning. , ’DelegaHlms. Dennison, A. J. Gar i'itson. ' ‘ Slate Committee—E. W. Sturdevant. Daniel Rankin, John Blinding: ' THIRTKINTK DISTRICT Elector—Paul Leidy. * Delegates—aloha F. Means, David Low eng. , A ' , . Stnté Committee—Haney Sickler, Geo D. Jackson. C. 8. Russell. rnyunuxrn msnxcr. ’ Elector—erben Swineford. ' Mflllelegateé—Hflpn Alrick~=, Wm. 11. 1 er.‘ ‘1 ’ . Stale Commit 9010 mm: Mgllleok. E. S. Duly. A. Patten-sop. ’r ‘ ‘’. nnzzxrn munch“, 3 Elector—John AM. _ -*-, Delegates—Peter A. Kgllar. H. DCEgnlf. State Committee-John l". Spungier,J. ‘A. Blnnenborgera - ‘ _ SIXTEEN"! DI ‘TRIL‘I‘ . Elector 11. 6. Smith. _ Delegates—Henry J. Stable, B. 'F Myers. 7 . '; ‘ , State Commimw—Wm. ‘ I’. Schell, J M’D. Shn‘rpe, Lewis Leichty—t 9. ’ . EEYBNTEENT" DIETRICT Elecior—Thaddo‘us Banks. ‘ Delegates—R. Bruce ~l’eLz-iken. Daniel M. Dull.‘ . State anmmitlee—Jamos D.‘ Ren, .133. F (fumpbell, Joseph W. Parker.~_ _mmn'nmw msnuci; ' Elector—Hugh Montgomery. Delegates—John lLUrv’isfiito-phen Piercefi State Committee—Mlle: 'lule, Hueton Hepburn, S. R. Peale. ‘ NINETEENTH DISTIC'I‘. Elector-John B. Irwin. L - - ‘ KDelegates—C. 1". Lamberton, James) K. err. . . u State Committee—R. B. Brown, R. Uoch ran. J. D. _Glll. .‘ ~ 'nvzsnm-n DISTRICT. ‘ Eloctor—Josmph M. 'l‘hompmn. ‘ Delegates—'l‘. B. Searight, JohnLnttu. , Slate (humfitteé—ll. I’. Laird, J. B Samson, E. S. Roddy, ' TWENTY-Fl RS? DISTRICT Elector—.Brulus Brow". , ' Delegates—Wm. A. Gaflbrn'nb, Wm Wallace. = ‘ ff Susie Committee-435ml Whitman,"l‘. J Boyer, A. M. Bentnni . ‘ TWENTY-SECOND msflucr Elector—Jan. ~P. Barr. % . Delegtnes— Wm: D. Patterson, S. P. Ross. . . ' . State Committee—Francis R. Sellers) Jos R. Hunger. Andrew J. Baker. gu'sxn‘ 'mnm DISTRICT Elector4\\'nl. J. Krmné. kw ‘ Dn-logutc's—J. _A. M'Cunolfgti; F. 1!. Hub chi‘iwnn. ‘ ‘ ‘ Smte Committee-44‘. S. Golden. Jus Bzadcn, Wm. H. Makes. u _ TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICY -}llect.or—Wm. Montgomery. . Delegates—R. W. Jones. 8. B.) “'ilso; SlateCommiuee—Wipfigvan, Charles (' ter and D. S» Harris. 1 _ . ’ The following nominations werr made for Chairman of 'tbe State/ Committee. William L llirst. William‘ ' Ward. William Ll Wine. ’ Mr Witte' declined and M!) was withdrawn; _ Three ballots were take: in: as follows: C L Ward. Wm. L \llirst. Mr Ward was d 2: of the Suite Cent; On motion of’ unanimous. .a . 1 3H“ .- then‘ .a ‘emrul l : Iglgar’s name : ,tbé third result: ~ .‘B5 Votes. (‘ ‘ 35 votes. 3 nred 919 cm Chuirmdn '. lComminee. ' 3 ; Mr Ilirst, it syn ma 6 .I ' J .' .xv re :1 . I' During th absence of the committee on resoluli s able and eloquent speeches were deliv red by Hon Wm A Wallace.‘of Clearfiel . Henry G Smith. Esq. of Fulton. Hon \ 11 Wine, Chm-lea W Cnnigan. Esq.. and btbers... , ‘ 21’s commiitee on resolutions then re tu ed. and Mr. J. (Haney Jones, who was 25cm”! Chairman of lhd eommiltee, repel-j, the following resolutions. whxch had been selected by the unanimous Vote of the committee: 7 _: Remit-ed, That as we have no Slate candi dates to present to the peonier and no issue involved in the coming election other than those whiqh effect the welfare and liberties of our ulnar States equally with corn. we leave it to our 'repremntet'lves in the Chico; go Convention to nnjte with the repreeen ta tivee of the other wweignties of the North ,in embodying the sentiment of the people in a declaration of painciplee acceptable to _ _ .. - y._ 5 nlltheSmtes,onwomwerelytoeecta’ m.“ '. . . "“_.,_: ‘ _ . . eganatum til Harrmburg.——The Aboll firefigegitg;;tlglafigmk peace and union" tionlsu of Harrisburg are not much béhin‘r; Resolved, That the blanmcracy of Penn- "h." hrethrlen 0f New~£ngl‘”d If: paying: eylvanie hereby express th‘eu preference for 2:391?“ :0 t e negro" core to thin; 0". the nomination oi General George’B. M’- filo“; my "u "we"? {witnessed m "m, Clellan all the Democratic candidate for l.‘ ' ’u” «treat Meth “‘ c urch ““9," ml“! the Prehidenoy by the Chicago ConVention, '1 ”Nina.” ”1° {33‘ um" w,“ a“ “P "m‘ ”a”? nod that the delegates to mid Convention 'lern. tushlon. v- the Lord 3 Supper "9‘6““ be inltrnoted to, vote as a unit on all 'quey ' T‘Emwmg’ “d lnfme “5;! platoon °‘ 8°“? tiona eriaing therein, as a majority of the ”We“: ‘3‘!“ ”gm toplrtnke 9““ delogntel Ihnll decide. ' p was »‘ 00 or man. 9" we ”name, the Rachel, Thet the first necessary step to negro m“! ‘ perfect right to d° 59' ‘f "w restore the welfare and Pmpfi'“! of'the oungregetlon wand Willlng. but the person American republic in to get rid of the prep :ho $431153? .139 eacremem ”any“ ent corrupt Federal edministration. entgthe , k 9" l: e hr . 3;. mne'oilp 'g’ l‘ I; "1' sure way toeocomplish thisend isa thorough i ”J "f" 5 “In“ “in"? ""2 °" ‘ s’” ‘ organiutionoi’ the time-honored Democratic 13"? mg: on T’LEQ'S‘ELWE fimgu‘gzn party, and the prevelencevof union ‘and idayd. d made e:1‘11 re 12:41 mm. harmony among in members; uspose lo emurra .luo mar no, The resolutlom were‘adopted unanimons- tlon. but the Abulltlomsts 0‘- ‘he congress» ly “mom mum‘s-mu. : tloll explained it away by Sam; thatltjwu The next order of business was the eleo. gal”. 3“ ‘ ”bug: “3h" ‘6' :91“th s°? tion of two Senatorial electors. ‘‘- , - ' 01.19“?“ to $3" lhletld of the‘ Beeohe d Nominations were then made as ihllowau l h ".13 1‘” t‘tlligchere who h "13h William Bigler, John L. Dawson, Robert t e s°". 0 ~ ~ bt ‘ ave! 1’" 5' Ewing. Robert L.Juhnson, John S. M’Cll- ed. Ilflfilgafllatlo3,' u Ilup to ‘M “m. mongV'lncentL‘Bradlord,Henry DrFoeter hevenut practloe 1'" t the ".9" Wm". Richard Vaux, Wlllinm A. Galbraith. o'r ic’"m‘“°”‘“““~“°“ 9' 3m“l“m‘-‘“°“ "‘0 ”' those Mr. Bigler. Mr. M'thlmont, Mr. 041- arrled out li—“ga'? ll? “fin-5"? theme-l. bruith and Mr. Dawson were withdrawn. ity ‘1” the sear l o ". Ul‘l’d‘llng’fchuroh. The ballot was then proceeded with as am “gym“ glowners, enpoua y' they “ l‘9ffifi'ftfib‘lmmé‘wfiz-‘L ' was 'ae onoro comm ln Exigyvjfih:mn ‘ ll 1% “E’s‘t‘bgl‘smwx of the "white'tlash."—Paln'ol.(g Izabel-c Ewing l 11 H "W“ '_____......_.—'.——— . Vincent L.,.Brndfoui ‘ _ 21 . Be not Cheated—The State Convention “or MetsleJohnwnanthanx bitlnlf‘eoelved Connecticut unanimously omlorseghl‘ceai', a. mflJofiwgof the votes 038% are declared a dent Lincoln, and advocated his roe-nomina elected; r'" '. I tion npdre-electlon in fair and argumentgtive . Haitian-fian- were then made for Seneto- l resolutions. hot a word w’as said about 3.1:. ml delegates to the Chicago Convention, .° Chase uO, my other man. , Yet the Umog [our to be elected. _ 1 ' l heed, but copper-hearted Inquirer of Phil... Tlryfollowing were nominated: I dolphin asserted that halfthe Delegetee Ip’g WGen. George \‘V. Cass. of Plttsbuéfi ; Hen. ; pointed to the National Convehtlor‘l by that .faggleaoolfflilzfegiliggr A 6; Clbrixbr: gunedgerzv'en‘trlonr bare» 3‘?de! at ([1956 for, o ; . z , ' Ir 0; reel en . Jews ury rme e. ..' W’l‘rnV.)‘rv" '. .zti 2 3:33.». £3273} '&‘£&?i7iil‘? #301321 The“ “g? P’gg‘eblgfwvefim n..!e reon Miles.“ Philadelphia grimly: W“ ’1" "m". 'NPP‘f‘P‘fl JLHemphill. of Philadelphia; Alfred on. used by the 'oo“th "warm more, ofPhiladelphie. . ing. ‘ . ‘ ‘ Ms=::2 The following w “l ballot an! * “~ _ Geo. W. Cut ‘ 9"! you 4 William Bi lor ,“ AuPu-hrg ‘3 " - Willinm V. M'Gmth 91 ‘‘. / W. A. Galbraith 37 “ ‘ Henry 0. ram 37 v / Thom-5.1. pane. '_ fl "‘ ~ Alfred Gilmore ‘ ‘ a “ _ ' Thom-a J. llempbill 7 '_‘ 1 Mean Cm. Bigler. Packer Ind M’Gfflh won declared alerted n the Your 80de ‘ _ Dolegnm to the National Convention. Three cheer- wero proponod formnml ‘ M’Clellan and the Union. which Vaughan 1 4 with. I will. ‘ ‘ The Convention then adjourned till (13:. ' ~ ‘ _~—- coflk— a - .-. THE TESTiMONY‘OF REPUBLICANS. The Bottoml’au thus cleverly epitomi. zen the testimony of leading Republican authorities, showing corruption and weak ness on thepurt ofstlm administntion:. r Mr. Phillips any: only five United State- Renutors are in {Mar of MrcLincoln'l ro election, and among those are not Manon. Sumner and Wilson. Mr. Blair, onetihe floor of Congress. accuse»: the Seq-‘eguymt tlieflreitsury of grass misdeeds—min the department is\ rotten with corruption. :1 that thli is so palpable theJ'rienda orggr. Chase dare not call for invéatigutionr— General Fremont declares he has been badly treated by the administration. aml pants. The Grntz Brown radicals unite the President as Simeon did ’the Phi!- tines. hip and thigh, {and oftenxwith the same weapon. General Banks is derided by the; Republican: in MuesochueettlLP-‘v Senator lliile said in his dent he‘tboughl the libertieq of the cmlnlry were more in flanger from the prnfljtucy that/{es prlc» D ticml upon the t‘i'ensurv than t ey won, from the. rebels in the field: The Spring lield Rnpublictm asks, “Is lying a Vice in herent in republican institutions, or mere ly incidental to Mr. 'Lincoln’i-i‘odminiatxri-~ tion ‘l" Thaddeus Stevens says if the gov ernment go on expending menu; at the present. rate, the people will be involved in one general lka-ruptcy filld‘ ruin.— 'l‘hnrlnw “'eed‘write‘s ”to the Alhnny‘. Eur- ' m'ng Jaurnal:, “Until the administration thbmughlv sills and probes the iniquitiea of the New York Cdstom House, the peolile will bq‘justih’efl in inquiring whether their ' treasure and blood shall cont'm‘ue to flow by millions‘ang in rivers, while its own otliciah urepluying‘ into the hands olltlm ‘ ' enemv." Senator [’omet‘oy shystlmt ahould | Mr. liincnl‘n be re-electeil the affairs of the / eountry wingo on from bad to woile in his ihannls. and the war will languish until our ° Ipnhliq debt will overwhelm us. Mr. Bout lwell denounces,tlte President’s plan of rm, {construction JVir'tter Davis charges tllo ll’reiltlent'with acting without‘ law, and ' Misc Dickinson hogtes the ears of Mr. Sew iartl to tho evident, delight of a Republican {multitude who hung: upon her wotdn an i the bee upon the flower. The persons here i named mle all Republicans, if not. “all hon. oruble men." ‘ . ` NCI_ 27_ THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBUBG. The testignohy ofGenernl Hancock before the Committee on the Conduct of the War. in relation tr! the battl‘e '(jbttyaiillrg, dtr tracts somewhat from the glory which hnw been claimed by Genera! Sickies‘nnd Gener ni Meade. It is :3 Um effect that. on :tho; rimming of tha lst 01 July Genenfl Mendoj‘ directed General Hmidock to procemi no (be from and assume command ol'the First. Third. and Eleventh corps. Upon arrivin" at Gettysburg he found that the Fir-at Ml 3 Ele’vench had been d ‘ven buck md were in considerable -con sion. rHe reiigved ,(‘ronerul Howard 1‘: (I proceeded to form a line on which engagement might =be fought—thisvbei gin accordadce with Gen eral'Meadé'si truciiom. He was engaged in forming ti line, when the Third‘porps came up, a position was assigned it. He then repq ed by an aid bo‘GenJeml Meade, and Lh remaining divisions-6f tlioflrmy were 0 dared up. The linoghus selected «as 1. (gone on which the three daya’ bub ties/were fou ht; ‘nnd ngeral Hancock (:0 mundedd’he left; center on the thin]. , {en Lnngstrcef was repulsed from MA desperdte charge upon ofzr lines. Genenl ’Mende had ncLhing ““4110 with the #OO tidn of the line of battle} and trusted en r - iy General llunoock’ajudgment u Loizbul ue in-a military point of View. V > ’ , T/m Battle 9/ G’zttysbqrgw—Thil "battle seems ,destinml tn be pretty thoromthly ventilated. If. in thofuturfe history of this rehiellion. the historign don’t give a full and authentio‘nccount of this great battle. it will be because too much has been said on this subject. Too many fucts_hnve bo‘en given. The Committee on the Conduct. of the War has the battle before pheni: finite anumber ofgenemls h‘nve been before I am . Among other: General Butlerfleld. the Chief of Sgatf “General Made 'on the famous battle—field. has begn on' the stand. ln'hig testimony he lube: thnt General Manda give it as his opinion “ thallGelli-iburg was no phoe to fight the battlef‘ - MEM Farewell Address of Major-General wanh.‘ linemcnnks FIRST Cent’s. Match 2}}. In relinquiéhing command I take been: sion to express the pride and Sienna I‘ have experienced ,yith you, an my pro found regret at our' separation . ' Identified by its services with the hietnry of this war, the First corps gave gt Gettys burg i crownink praof of valor and endm~ nuce in saving from the enemy the strong position upon which the battle wns (ought. The terribte losses suffered by the corps on the, lat o£July attest its supreme devotion toflhe country. Though the title of. the amps may not survive the present chm, history will not. be silent upon the magm tude of its services. 9‘ 3 lens NEWTON, quorflenehl. f ARM*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers