T 01: n 1 3. The Conny." is published every Monday :mw‘ng. ’ly’ihzxxv J. Sums, “‘3l 75 per annum if pail? strictly n: nunsc'iT-S‘.’ 01) per annum if not pni-l in mlvmfce. No subscription dismktinued, unlesi at the option 9? the publmher, until all arrearges are paid. ‘ ~ ADVERTHEHEV‘M in-znrtetl at the uuml gal”. Jnu I'unrnu dune with noulueas and divmtch. , . a ' ‘ .4 ("TIME in South ntltimnro ctrnnt. nearly it hypo-Ste \V.nnplm-~' 'l‘inning Eitubhshment ‘ -—“Unwml.m I‘m \1 IN: UNI! r: " on thnuign. gay taxi-49.x m" “v n «y mt. one}: .It. 1:1-AUJJLLJ {JILuLJJUJ Edward B. Buehlsr: , , . TTUHVEY AT [.\W. “3H f.xillxfillly nnd A prmnpll} ..ltt-nd 10.11! hummus('nlrusted ’_.;‘hlm', 'llu :‘K‘Hk'l [he German lzlnguu26— “(Hue at Uw ~‘ ”110 llldl'l" In South Ihl'imnro ElrLet. m-nr Form~_\ < drug flurr, 'uldlueurjy opflflvu- [Mum r N. Zizgl'er’s store. ; Ul'lljzbulh', .\lnw I: '.‘U. J. C. Neely, TTHRVIIT .\3‘ L \W, —l"«rlirullr Mtcn tfun “ml M CIIll~'”X<:n uf I'l-nlmju, n.....u, ....fx Hug—l...“ mm...- in the 5.1:. cunnr nf Hm: ILlmuml, . ‘ ' HM!) .hrwg‘, .\pxll 1;, 1:41:11. If A ~ ~ .Dr McConaughy, , ‘ TTHHN’HY .\T L.\ W. (unite mm door W 4"? 44K nf quhlvr's ldrn ' And hunk «hm-.(lllnm '_‘! m .\yu'u abvm y.\n‘tn\n‘ “1.5 m.“ mm you IHrnr< nu PIV::U\S. Hunh'y Lunl “'.n run-1‘ lhrk-gmy '(llx'fl‘ll'hfll “Mimi“ Mn] 3” nlm-r‘r'l lilU‘ 'ngilnthr (invt-rmm-ni at “Huh iH (Wm. 17 (7 :mlu; \mv-rh -ln‘;l.‘.iHH in “lI‘ILUII'. 1. HM '.\'.xr‘..n.'.~ lnvnxed uul MILL“: hull"hl..lnd luyhv-t pru‘m guru. .\F'Pllf" l‘l|',’.i;,'"l! in lo— cmng wurrnls in Irma, lllinni~ 2m.) mlu-r \n-‘u-antau'q Ltd‘Appl) to lulu personally ur Ly ll'Hvr. (:I‘H).i')lll;',.\.U\'.2l”.’|3. . ”Wm. «.A. Duncan. ~ , 'l”|'U!l\ l‘. 'l' \'l' LA \Yfi—Ul'm'v in llw .\‘mrh 4, m ~I Hum-l 01 ‘l“er r-lvmrv. ‘wluslnnf, I" [Nthfl‘ih u. A. J. C'over, A TWIN-{12.1 \T L k‘.\' v 1” gun-nplh :1111-nll i 1h: "un- 11m \n-l J 1! Min-r 1::1 'u ~~ UV -4' I - I 'n PM u (""I a '- :umu. LIV-vb dka (in 'lfs‘mr; PA ll.’ A. Picking ‘ WWW I" w...” . . 41 Immm...‘ \ 3"") {'3‘ “H n’ or “141:4, .\. ‘ "Hm W “1‘ on 'hu nu $1 I =I l: r~luu 1L".\41 nu (- lrnu.lu- :4», m- r [.wm- V‘- ”'_': - Huh-n mum-L .~.l:~l..vllungu.\m dual I'm: I, IL‘:'l- hm ~ . Dr. Vim. Tudor inflirxns‘l'n- Inh ll.” u-M‘ M (in NI J IH‘_' ‘nul \i (iml) Ilml hr .\lll vuunnm‘ Hn- pl.“ l-h :- nl' hi~ 1‘ nlnlrlll r (In n, 1.:4w Jun; {yr I|K~l Inn”- J o In; 'tuiurl: lnxlzu'r: ‘ Dr. J. SW. C. Q’Nonl’s ( l~‘l‘l' t: . r.. I: 1...: \‘ r.. (“'wa qr rut. li'lll:.\l' . u l H 21: m 1~,m~.u k'u ~‘._-.1. rmn , IH -I. It" ' m 1):: 3:111:01; CresS; (II th ( .\(IL .' M-II 4 law... hH' IHuIN-I ‘l. u ~ l L.-‘H;I \‘ in‘! II- .\\IH/ , 11 I, I L w -t• =I IMIED \ n..... u \rr- 4. r-'!>l|(-ul"_ ”v.l nu») I.lll~: ~._ hum.- n- . . :11 ‘4 t" u u "H uf‘n 1' ~- ( ("run um n“- r I. _u'hunla uEm h It I‘m Hm u h u mfg-mum .1 {mm Hn ¢\;u "HI-v unl ~ ul a u'. h_\ HH‘ pr 'Hi I~ Inf Im ..‘~ g-! I IH l ‘lr I'LII IT'lvm-n ~, nml ”is .-n| Hum mu.‘ IXJ‘.|;.III~. -m I. .1.~:In- I-ymun‘ . :v:‘~s.x.'i: nu ‘n 'l3:, Min: ‘1”. him-11h:- hnL' .\‘l. - " ' / I':T|.'Hl Hy rut P" I h! Yuri Mn 1'!) in the anH n: .-\\ m .1 h_\ H. v r} \\.l-il.\‘A :, l “0!: Jnn‘ ‘w- H. -\. I I.'. 11-I . \ .., , . J. [awroncu um, Id. 1). 11A: “180 ‘,:‘ "1';le at: 2:???“ 7 _g~}l ,n' ..Itul‘fi‘m n In! _. ‘3\ ingyy Lulln-ra-I \l'ln-h i'l ‘ \‘w” ("I lyxlycrsl H",- urn-L 'lzl-l tymmzih- Pi"’\illj_"3 51:. ‘c, \‘h M Limp!- “idling m Innu- unflk‘nhl 'lpu - Lu) )n' "anh .|r(-|r~ ymuuil} mun-[lw (H': IL.‘ :A ' Ih“.li-nm-x‘.-Hur.'('. l’ n. L ”mam n. l).,'l:e\ _ . 'r.l’. ‘Il. L. Stu-\H‘ \ nu 11,711. |f;..1.\1_1..1. |l'll_\ dummy , A'inms County 7' l‘Tl‘ \I. i I.::1 PAH: \‘xx‘ll I'l‘s\H’.\&‘l'. Y [uumpomnu \! m h Is, 1531,?" =MEE ’l'rt‘vul'l/f—tL-nr; lin- I’m, lum—r . Sv't‘rr/ rrvl—l’ .\ “1“"le r rululrn'Hl; x' I'vl U'“rt::lr}' _ v’fuvk‘: , I'. I I ":2 «‘h'wlt .\l.~(Yur-!_\-,Jurob King, \1: !|«-‘.§\Hr-xnlxrh rm. ' ’ll‘ld/I'f'r i‘x-ul‘zt' SW up". D. .\. Pun-Mm; n. “\Y'vf Ir lx . [wall 'KI-L" ‘3,”1-inl/Hm1l).l),\ll~ (‘rv-Irv. i. I! :1 l~~uH I. at. 'Ill:l‘;:l‘ .\‘umxol V 4 11' I ll' | V,'3'l ‘} I" v‘xnl-slm‘k. Wm, H. \Yihon, H. \. i':-' \l‘l :, ,\\'ul. H. ‘.luClL’lx ”I', Jul.n \Vul t'xrl,'ll. G. \l. Ur-nu'y! lulu: Picking. .\iu-IT. \Yriz‘n. Jo‘m Vu'minghnn, Alulici 1“. (int, Januru'. H. \l nah I”. \L ,Hichcl’ncrzcr. " :Laj‘l'hw (‘OlllP‘l‘Hé‘ is limited in its npfrn firms In Hm CHI-ml}K u! .\«l.uu~'. 11, hIS Let-n in sucrosdul nlmmnnn for more than :i\- _errs, “n! in that lu-riud h.“ lurid .l” lniit's and (-x -["5 lads. nullmul mm dqu ”ml, huvxng "Lo n In rge snrplu: capital in the I‘lL'll<l|l‘.\'. The (Yum xan)’ emphnq nu AL'C‘Hl~—.:lll hu~inr<§ l-eing done by {hp \Xin wvr<, \vhmu-e unuuully l'lf‘t‘l -9-1 by tht- Stuck-Holden. .\ny [mrcon‘wlc‘si'ring an Innlrmco L'fl'l alpiub' to any M‘ the above 'nrunt‘d \Llu \‘rord lnr turlhr-r ininrmznion. _ [ss’ Flu: Ev-cutive ('mnnnltce m~2's‘nt the n‘fice of'Lhc (‘nmpa'ny nn thel;lsl|\\'vdursdny in "\"eryvmonlh. all, '2, [’.JI. Sept. '.‘7. lblnL - The Great‘Discoirery , . 1!. Itxx~~o‘l F THE .\lEFL—lnflammatory mu] (‘hrnnic ,0 Rhemnulinn rm in: Hired by u=im: HZ L; MILLER'S (fl‘ZlJ-SIHLVI‘EI) lillliUMA'l‘lll.\ll.\’- .‘TIJflH. .\lnny‘prumiucnt citizensm this, and flue adjoining rnnnlws,~ lmre (vilified to its '.zrezit utility. It; sucrens in kllt'llllhnil' “(Tn-- puns. lms been iiizhorlo unparalleled by any fIIQCHiC, inlrnduced to the public. Pricevl'm rent; per home. For sale by ull druggidsnnd stun-keepers. Prepared only by IL. 1.. MILLER, Wholesale um] Rnail Druggisl. Ens! Berlin, Adams mun!) . l‘.z.. dealer in Drugs, l‘l‘om (fills, ‘Uils, Varnibli, Spirits, ‘l’uinls. "3-0-5211!“7 'lnot find (his. H>scnve§ and Tinctures, \\'i nlow Ginsu. l'rrfumcry, l’utcnl Medicine‘s. &C.. '6. w*.\.- I). Huvhlvr is the Agog/u: Gétlys burg lor “ H. L. .\liller'a Colobralll-d Rheumatic Mixture-'1 _ [Jufie 3, 1861. tf _ ; The. Grocery Store N THE lll'LL.—The undersigned would ~ respectfully iufnrm the citizens on Gettys. burg mad vicinity, Hut he has mken the old stand “ on the Hill." in Baltimore strum Get tysburg. where he intends to koe constantly im- hand all kinds ‘of GllUCEßlptg—Sugnrs. ‘ Cofl'ees, Syrups of all kinds, Tobacco. Fish, Sail, jun, *Eurihouware of all kinds, Fruits, Oily, 9nd in fuel, «anything. usually found in n. Grocery. Also, FLOUR & FEED of all kinds; all of which he in'e ids to sell low as the low est. Country produce taken in exglmnge for goods null the high“: price giv 33. He flutters himself that, by slrin Mleuli , ‘nd an honl'st desire to please, to merit a share of public pa ‘mngflfi TRY lll.\l. J. 111. ROWE. Ird,.“ 5 1363. if ' ’ Rama 8. i . Eundersignéd.beinzt uthorizedp'e on i, m mks removals into in Creep (1319. ternhowm‘ web as cenlomplate the remqvul or the twain-.of-deceased relatives or friE’nds will .mnwmselvenol Lhismuun ofthoycar to hugu'dgaa‘. Removals mph with promptues: '_ggrmg low.“ no ell’on spared to please, . A . ,m-g rm: 'ruußN,“ lln‘nk‘lm'flo. ' Keeper"gfthe Cemetery. Go in m; .lIORSER‘S Drag Store mag}: m; mm FF cma‘cmuy. “ 46th Year; 7* Poor House Accounts. l .\(,‘()B. Slll-ZAK)S, Esq . Tlunurer. in 10-. I'l mun: with ”n: hiredms_of‘ the l‘unr'nnd {the "oan 6! Employment of the (‘nunlv of |.\d rub-being lroxn nu: b'lh why of Jnnu Iry, A. "$541.12, to the 4th day of January, .\. 1):, 1 Imm. - " ' | _ R D". ’ Tusggyon '(‘amnly TrcAsurer, ‘ - u :1 JUN!) revm'unl frmn Jusepfi Weiblev '_ on pm‘mcn! of land, . 310 00 ‘Hr $9: on ('uunly Trrnsurer. ' “ 500 ()0 _ l'.|~h anulm .\‘pmnglbr for fillinzflcs, 15 no I'd-ll n-luan-nl by J. .\l. Bullluger, l 25 Urfll-r on l‘u'lhlv Trqusurer, , 600 90 (,‘uHI n! I.l‘\i Lirmgatun fursnppnrt ~ and nninlu-fium‘c of Susan LlV ing‘fim. \ llrnlhr uh (‘uunt_\}Tu-:lsurcr, ~l'n-h on raw nf uhn l'h-H-r, llrJor l)l.l ('tmnly 'l‘runun’vr, , ‘ “Al-Uh r- dux- 'l'Jrnsurur, I!) l-nlmw- du' Trmmrrr ntlnat =TIM U ”-4 .u‘x Imixgwh' dammit, M. rl-EI lunlv-v gru "‘l3's, 13.0., l'urk. hrvl. .‘il‘ . I _ “'fl"!‘.\..b!'l'l mule. Jun-p, hogs, km, Um: no Hum. :‘u 'l and grinding, '-""' '33 l':u.rx -(--|, . ‘ _ '3l "“ \I H; win-3nnrk. km. 3"” 'H ‘mm- 1~-III.IIL|1|':I!I«I[l.HfM‘, ‘ \\’w.l mum-n IL' I'l-l Illl'nHlJ mih. [FI I" Au, [*s .\‘u-l». ull ~ I nun-gm” calll‘lhlf‘, \l Ilv 1..rvl .Iy‘, I-In fl.- " ' l'um-r J‘- \'H'.‘!l<“‘l I. '-1 Hum; inwlruwnts‘, I. uulu r, m n L, .\h ~ \I-u 2.1 M"), l‘lurfnng, kc , uf I" trr SJwilz. Tull Ill'l 'i ‘nuukiul rumm- 4| -'|..r. at [St )11. ‘_‘-4. Ir" J. ll PI, 1L111,4 ‘\I""l"~ ruU‘g kv.’ I'll\'~'ll|yll\ lulury, "yunwl h-cu I’m (1 r~' (firm ~‘('l'.';|‘('fi WT.t ('lvxl K ml NJ. 'lu'nuxrrrl ..Lu_\', \\'«-‘ 21w IxJI-Iv'rqznwl. .\uilitnr: m u-nh- Jul “4| I I {h f'l'fibl 1‘ .\ 'n-nu'nl-, ‘L" hrruhv (‘NIH'V [h n \n- imfin "V munn J tlu- itrm“ “'3th rom puw :ll - :n-uinlzm. .xu‘l Xlul lhm‘ :u'l- ('urv‘l~l'l»—- xr-ml .“n- ml: «In M Jum-n. .\. H . ! u 1::L uh oily n(’ .huuuv. .\. i'., L“ J. VHF?“ l-‘J'K. .l, H .\HHHz'xl \.\'. JUUS 4'; ELIHIH, . “win-Hp .\IMH (TIN. H“..- in m-cmmt will: the DI I‘lz‘c-I'Im~ --I' [‘lo l’uur and (he “who tl' Kamila-urn". ’0? 1h: ("Null 0! .\ll 1111-—h':lll'_" fmm ”I" H h ~!w ul J «.m er: ‘.\ IL, wait, to the h': «11y n! J n 111-r36. .\. 1)., 1864. Tu int- rt-Jt _ ‘|X~!I nX " ~|mnnn Y‘nung, lint-owed, .o-L". 1m 111-h [wilnm f. (-M'lv, rows, .Qq (In): tnr hulk (-111, (-‘ztvll fur mlhm', ('-=h tur Lani, (‘.an for h -y {2 ~l| Mr “my I, (‘.l‘h I'nr rhiuulnc, ' ... _ . (4:1: lur :loh'Ll‘lhlllg ostrnys, Ilv ‘-:|L’dm- gum-urn! nv. Inst wulemvnt, $67 9‘) (Huh [mi-l |‘ur luhur. hymn-fling, kc” 4%. 11 [MM and P'IDOHII}! [n.lllpers, Fru‘t. lilmr. mm]. sec-4's. &c.; ‘ .\h n-hmnizzv and lumber, \lm Imuirs’ work, Mutt. - (Hm-z, kc , ‘ l’ummos um! mhkage, .\Tnndxy expenses, B.Al:lnce due, “'O. the euharrilvors. Auditor-é t‘o scnlc and fllijllrl the Pnhiiv .\ccnnflts, dn (’crlif‘y (hut we hzn‘c uxnmim-d‘tlne item which compose the “how account, and do report Ilmtfihc s.lmm: (hawk—llla mum: embracing the account of Jnnh (‘nl'm the prosan Steward—from the Mh day at J ununry, .\. D., 1863.101 he 4lh dny u! J.nuu:u:y, A. 1)., 1864—huth d:l_\s lucluflvc. \ PETER DH'K, . A J IL-SHIR'EHAY, . ' JUHZ‘ C. ELDER» f' . Audi‘ors. IST 0!“ I’..\L'I’ERS remaining if: the IJ Aim: ll‘nuse of .\dxims county, on 1.11.2 first day umenmry, [Sb-i: .\lulos, . 52 FomulM, . t 4-! o (",inIIH-n, - ' 17 (blond, ‘ - , 5 \ PRODUI‘E (L Wheat, bushoh, Rye, “ tun, H ~ 421 :4 Corn, ‘- in extra, 85!} mm, 1I“ ' . ~ 12 l'uldlnet; ‘ ‘ " ' 150 Luqda nl‘(‘urnfodder, , , 14‘ Tons of Hay. _ 30 ”was 0! (‘.mbn-ge, _- 1600 Pounds of York, 3:00 - - JACOB CULP, Steward. Feb. 29, 1864. 4!. ..' Somethmg for Everybody O lsL'Y AT DILIB. HORNKR'S T DRUG AND VARIETY STC‘E— Jud. opened :1 fine assortment 0! ~ Drugs and Medicines, _ V Patent Medficines, Stationery. ' Fnhcy Dry Goods, , , Confections, Groceries, . _ , , Notions, TOBACCO, SEGABS, ac.,, Jan..lB, 1564.- EORGE ARNOLD has just. receiied {3mm G Philadelphia. a. large stock oFCLU HS CASSIMERES, Over-coatings. Unsinets, Vegg inxs, Flannell, Muslins.Jeans.te.. all ofwluch will be sold cheap for 0151:. Call and see them. Sept. 28, 1863. . LOTIIS, Cassimeres and Vestinga, cheap at , . : ___,-_F.“,“§EIPS§§L ummoiz Iot'of:CANNED PE scans n ff ‘ J. urnowx's. mms mun-nos mums, or 015 - Homestead ’l‘onic, at. Dr. B. HOBXER’S Drug Story. ‘ L. '_ , " ‘ BY H: J. STAHLE and gum“: inca,’ a] Total. Tmusnynt paupersg. mmnnw '1 _. All.“ FOR mag ~ , E 340 New Goods. A ©E=M©©RATU© AND FAMJLV wwmmu 1111 :15“: 1 Cl’_ ; ’, . 5 “gonmmllammm. $1 ,000- 00 700 00 \IION; JOHN L. DAWSON, ‘ 1 ..' - or Plexxsx'LVAx'u, ' le: SLI TE or TIIE Livmx, 40 a!) mm M)‘ EEO IXETJHj HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, lel) on 7(le 00 I,lqu (m . mm nu ‘- FEBRUARY 24,‘ m 4 504, 1111 ✓44 tot ”Tint it will ho will th-thhh prm‘hmufinn of the 241}: .\‘vptnn’xhvr dove not contravene .\lnunn Charla. \inun it ii crmfirmnd by m“: nfl‘nng:-n~~~. Th.» :uh'u't-r tr) this is that (he not nf (1011213).“ inn-If mnflnw-nM {\Rpl‘o- Viiilfll‘ n! tile f‘nn-Yitl‘ninh. limqmm {um Luv. Whvn “'0 turn to nf‘t'irh- {our of the Anu-mllm-hn to Him. ln<h-mm-r.l, we 93h me! |th HIM-smm rmleEwm-nlz‘ "'l‘m~li;,:}ntnl'!lm fln-nplv tn 1;" wcurr' in H. 617 P(‘r:'-l)<. hr‘llk‘gf,'}-:lp<_r~, Mill (-1}? oh, :Iyuimt llnl--I=onubl-- murvhgw um] wi/uxm, Hm” not be via! and. and “I; ll'rll'rllll[.\ll :1/ H; mm but upnu prv-7uulu'z'ruw' .w‘; ,mrhnl [l3/ u 11’; hr tiff/ruu/yun. Winn it'filnlly glmcrihinu the Imm- (-1 lm n rah-«l and the 1161:2015 or lhm',“ tr: he wind.” ‘ $, • Toi ..n EOM v. 7 7;; .‘U 6:: MEER 2.1 Si «.7 77 If. (..' 232-: ml 'Allirln xix u‘lu) requires ”Int i “If: all criminwl pmaenutmm dw nomnml 1:: ml .12 no I Is Kll-11l vnjm'élm right to n lewly 21_|llll 'IHllll!‘ [run] by nu annrtlill jury of the S! m: :uul diq‘: ltll “ln rem tln- crim?‘ .\lmll .lmve l-n-nn énmuntltgl. whirl] (1:11pm. «hull h-we lawn yuvinquv [rm 1‘: .Enml lxv l‘nvr’nml m lw intimnml Inf llw “mm-o :mnl mum-o! llln alm'lhflllml: to ln‘ mnfruunwl with the Nb “ww- :|_' linq him: (0 lmva- cmng-ulmxy ,nl'uln-i lnr "I'lninin: \Vi‘nv-ecw in l|i~ favor, ‘5 I” )u m) 9 ."n 71: '2'; 3% .30 ‘ll n: 11 I} m 1" Im 4:5 Ill) :nul 10 h—n’u lin- .L~.~|~l:mcu ul vu‘mum‘l 10: his (In-’mw'." . . 2'.“ 1).: 411 I 0 4n lm _ 'l‘lw «x.fxc§~o of HURII :n-Mtr-n'v ylr-wprs it “Lb “huh [ml (Huh-7 lul Enuhlnulm (‘ullfiilDlll-v u! h“ ~lllli‘i‘t‘h null lwl In ht (me'bhmn n! 01' new -_vu. rmlmu~ :l'_'llll~l rm-h flJgrzmt. alum-s runllhe part of tho Jnnnflh'h. - 'l'ju» [lrru-lim- 0'!" n .«imilnr Luzm m- In le‘u'e. Illhlt‘r lhe (fibre ,rlr nun/u", lnul “l'ml Hm “hum-om n' Hm than» unh imm— mml \L in». IYH‘XII :I' Hu-I-nmuwux‘vmoul uT [I .- run; Ipl' In-ui- XVI I'mt hnxwl ;-:i 0:. \-.-.:~ L w-h-l r.» :‘w _wmul in tho Illl‘l'zllJlll ul~ll~11110"l'l HH'l' luml "#0131", _ . “'1: ll light. ~2r.|m< ( wnuh ~~M an“: \lizn hrhin'my. .n-I web. 11l [luv 9 u«-o\u\l'liu- [uninhi- Ali 'iHH‘l ol thn I'nhti‘tulinli 2’ Are thew ltl'u hihninns without nuun'ng‘.’.n§ WHO flu-v not on tln-i'nntimvli~~~iguwl ti) nw -L iu~t snj‘h (-xic‘ in ii-im iizlN‘ in “‘hlt‘il “120 cumi (H h “.m- 1.1,.“qu \‘ll|"j_ ‘l‘gflé|l.Pl With 1 .0 p.ll<~»rs~inilrl;tlu-l h istl mil tunlilivfll pnum' nllll.(‘ minim-i: :t lurzy “1141‘ itwll juntlor tlib, tmnptutiun tu twsnrt tn ll~ltt')u|lhvn in nrrli-t‘jtn intintnin it~ :th-nvlonv) ‘.’ "l'hn Atlxniniktrntion cannot. ne in llnglnml. have I0('"lll~e tn, t-ho omnipotence «if the l,m_v';-lalul'o tn iu-tity this‘ :illme of power.— 'l‘im lhitish :mrimnmnt is pour-«ml ol :1 lo gnl omnipntont-o from t'u‘ nature of the (’nn—titdtmn. which i: ,tlnt, of it cnnwli‘lm imw‘wyrmnent and u,mnn.lnzh_\‘. livr‘n thtwo. how-war. tho >uhjoot h; s an adequate séi-tirity mg nimt. nnv \'.lr)i.ltlafi of those grént principle: ni-nnrmnnl snmirity. permnal lihprty. nnv‘l private proportv. Whirh c-msti lute tho >0 mm-lraml justly luntlml privnl ogi‘m (If 111-Mom, lint-Ame the'poople than)- eplvos, through th‘oir reprmentntivoa‘ in the (‘nmlncng make a prepnnvlemnt pnwvr In Hm Parliament. and the: vmwmhlu Lln'l tnank< oi the righh‘ of tho auhjvct hmm Inn}: beq'n hcltl‘saorw‘l l‘tnm enormnchnwnt. Btit in this country the national Lugidnlure has. no such large and unhmitml lllV\\‘l'l"‘.- A written charter Cnnlvrs expressly all the p'mvms which the (angles: po~sv>>es, and clearly there ix no authority contained in any of its prov-Linn: to arrest any one "without probable cause," and “upon oath or ntlirmntiun.” Neither will the exten sinn by Congress of m-trtinl laihover the Whole country cover the case. There ii lhe same di-licioncy ofuulgnrily here as- before. Says Chief’Justice Bl ckstone in his Com mentaries: ‘ A =I 1" S4O J 20 7: BEE In Mr 1:! H 4 1 25 0313 )1! 79 1.). 23. I": su 63 7:) 11: 3.1 23 4: 54 30 37 m 14. u; 24 4o 5.343 19. “Martini In)», which is built upon no set tled principlefi. but ia entirely nrbitmyy‘in lits decisicn<. is. in Sir .\lanhew'llaié ob lservm,’ in truth and reality 110‘ law, but nsogxlotliing indulged rather than a'llmvml as in. law. The necessny of Older angl dimi iplinerin nn‘m-my is the only (him; which lclm give it_countennii§n_e.: and therefore it .owzhv. nnt. to be pm-mitLe‘dAin lime of peacp, FNlen the king’s courlanrp open for all por sons to tecewejustice aqcfiuling to the laws ’of the land.” | ,_ Does this “necessity of order and disci pline" which this distinguished authority lays down ns.the only admissible ground for the application of martial law apply Al -30 to civilian: milsidc the Army! Are not. the courts as to thorn. both State and Federal. except, in the States in rebellion, just as open now for the prosecution of'otfenses nuainst the Government and laws of the Unit'ed‘ States as under the condition of the most profound pence? 'l‘he contrary will not be asserted. There is therefore no ne cessity for.,this extraordinary stretch of au thority, ex‘cepnn districts. if thge be any guchfin which the regular ndmin tratiop of justice by the civil trihunals is rendered im pmcticable'by‘the operations of mu; and this is nowhere beyond the lilies of the Army, exceptvas to persons in the military sex-Vice. The rules and articles of war and the acts ofCongress for holding ‘rts-martiel (chief ly thatof the 14th “A‘s-ii}, 1814) by which the'Armv is governed. we framed chiefly from the English system aim was some sub ject. he Iwinciples and modes of proceed ing are quite diflerent fig? those of the common ~law. and in re‘ renoe 90 then) Biaacawne remarked : , _ 1’ , "One of the greatest advantages of the Eugilsh law is that. not. oniy the crimes themselves which it punishes. but also the phnahies which it inflicts, are “certain ed and notorious; nothing in left. ton-bi trary discretion; the king bYlhiE' judges dispenses what the ian' he: preciously ordained, but‘ is not himself the legisla mr." A h The learned commentor then fakes occa sion 10 regret that. i , being deprived of those advantages and I{wing subject. to mili tary law; the soldier is placed in a condi tion of servitude; “for," said-he, "Six-'Ed wug-d Coke wiil intorm us that it in one of the gentleman!“ ofiervitude to_ have the Q 4 x 7w? :,_:_' .J.; ‘_..::_~_ '_ :'_' r. ‘__.;'_;_;_’:;:‘l:‘ "‘_': '::1 _._;;._--: _:_ _‘g;’::l_—_:::1‘:_‘:::;:T:‘ GETTYSBURG, _ PA-, MONDAY, MAR- 21, 1.86%. SPEECH DELH‘FRED [cone/ Imion ”TRUTH 15 11mm“! Asp mu. PRIVAIL.” i v. ' . . 1e of nctxon, ember con \ ~ , lnsv, which is our r cealed or premriou Another extrtam-dinnry mphxure inaugural trad by the proclum lion', and which consti< tutM tlu- climax of lPfipotiqpmvv-r assumml IN the llixecutivn. s the w~pvminn of the writ of Mill?!” rorlmn «luring the existence of the rehvlliun. Havinguburpml tlm pow er ofarrelt. "withnut, due prucng-t of law” in the {3109 of tin) t-xprwa prohibitmns ol' the (Tonktitutinn. it sz nn oll‘un‘e of gigan tic magnitude tur'tliu Pf-mirlvnt tn <u~penll ll’lP air-ration of this fll'l‘2lLtlllll ilnpm‘hnt tle’ense ol the lihtfrties at the citizvnfi In those bitter anxlumcrupulou: civil 'contests whichzwere wa-e-l betwern the party 05‘ prerngatlve and that. ol' the prinlogea uf the people, which inflamed the heart of ling land in the middle of the sew-nteenth‘cén ,turv, thP ancient, common-Luv right of thn lull/(VJ rorpua WP“ disrvgnrtled by Charles l, as well as by the Long Pdrlmmvnt. This was during the Htrnzgle lmtwet-n the Crown and the people. llutnttudthe chnstitutmn wzw u-ttlwl m to thi~x particular by the [re titiun of Rmht, and the 29“: of PM. 11. no sn\'t~n-i;_n haul afterwards telnority enough to nm-mpt an nhme at this urmt. hulwark of l‘lnglhh lilrt-rtim. It is true that in a few inmmm-s Within thu l:l~'tm_v 0f the ml tiny for tuu cent! l‘ll-s bubk this great writ bu: hu-pn suffur-‘nnleukl hyJ’nrl’umnont,’tlle on lv pmvm- “'llll‘ll f‘lllli‘l 11-gullv LII~IIPHH it.— 'l'lmJ>rinx-ilml of thew wnx' liming the trini -I‘t\iAnn lt‘ltlll thr- Ewan of Janus. ll to tlfzit of “Minn; :xml 3hr); in l'i'm". All thruquh thn‘ Amt-x than “air 01' imh-pontlt‘rivp the lr‘u‘n-l: :nul ~ytlll'vuthim‘rs‘nl‘ tlw American onu<e wtm hold xn.th-ix- mndn-rhnhtum of the [mlicv 11ml nimwurnu: ul tht- (Trou’n, nn.l it mu hulll l‘hut thii \vru hut thv simple fix r-rcx‘sn nt thn- unqmmtinnml rmht r-t (hr- anh .in-K‘E. Bull-:07, l“u.\'. and PH :11l thu'ntlt-rml in the mm at the 3 court thmq'elmiuent, tlvnun ciutinn-z of the tyranny nnd mjmtice nt‘ ”gym-"mum tumml their wu‘xntnymvn in the column. nml nn n'm- I've!" lil'UUlJlult‘tl :I. “miinurv l‘.t-"v~‘~it\" nt'mlunmn: them by fUl‘t-ihll‘, rmtrfiint at" th‘vil pyrmn» ~ Tim 19mm in n‘l-in-h I h tvv m ulv in regard to nrhitrurv :n-rmts apply thh oqwil Vt'nroe' it) tho mmwmdnn of burn nls whmlnlmvu slunlu‘xn nut in (‘unllmnlmtion of them (lw pmin :u"~' nt‘ thi- :\Illll'llljllzl(l0n. ,lllaek- stun" ~:l\‘<, “Hu- th-Hy of- th-- 111'3k7‘ H in (ln-r1 v-ugnzi 11 to a {we thv." Thé him!- Lv 07‘ Ilm luv“ “4: ntl::cv“nmnn Luv light n~ I’uuHx n-lnnpti. and fur it; [l‘QQf‘i‘liulL {no xln-r with 15+ h'tmlum of rim-vol: il'ntl Um HTJIH ul‘ pmu-wxldy :u-vmlnhn'z "ml pol‘i harming the hovelmnonl Inr u twink; of privvunvnw. the tint :unondhwnt “an ml (1W1: [ollm (‘-m~t Xutinn. Tin-en- rmlmint. IH‘I" vawvl‘fi. “L i< Hi I. f’nt'zvluw Ly Um indu'w-mn- hf fin- diwxhqun llu- :nm’ uf Hfi- (um mfnc-nl 1‘ “wk: nwl. jm'i'rh lilllll (g {l|('AH_\'HH thn um- ~~ x.nu~l\'; Imp dud.— I'vl! \\ "M :m .n'gumvnt 1: “unit: an (‘ -unt"v rut': Iz.~l:t'o~’m-| n! hln-IW, {uni \ fix-xn mzll‘u: n xinwu fu.m»lhu ~uli~tmlum It. '1” Juli“ in. V An] whit ’:m :u lmih-nt at .1 [mm \i‘fn'n. u’lmw- 1.1% nlhurnnho spunk-h MM .1 "'m' In“ up Inn-L numhv-vl to point out :m«l (‘ln‘c Inu'k lin- Inhlng him are ‘1 My (‘.Hkr‘dvuz ufl'liw yumgu Lirmqu‘u! It i~lun n‘ul 1m m-gr! In mkut thz- lvy/ 'HIH'LH of [lfi I: “ll I:K-ll\»llil llml vml, ' L‘inuiy might lm :mlui‘xud, but cuuld‘nrwl be In;- Ctn’l'l‘P'l." 1 . . x stitro!..ll-! ln wl-lilir-n in all thmo hggn-s‘drmi thc war [cylixy nl' tlm ,A'llllllll‘ll‘lllun has Sil'l' allml the cmmhv with u duh! wlnch M lhu tvl'm‘n Him: nl I‘lw <tru_'~.'ln “ill pxcewl in mugnvlulln that m Grunt lLimin mnu'ucturl in :1 (‘rnluzy n: lc‘lrx-iun wars. 'l'.u- aggregate . ol' the :Uq-l'flllll nxlrnn‘ ml thl‘ >lll| ol Muxch, mm, wu~ 52.x;m2774mu. The,npprupriu-l liom are fix: or I»! the roul oxlneguhtule. Tho lnml n!" tho linglhh (lchL i< n lrnctinu , 1(«5‘ than>’~l_m‘-1r,l)1)(),‘l|lfl. 'l‘he Englhh «Mn. luurs .m 'il)l01v>l of lln'Pe'pm' cent.. while. fill“ rloht nl the- Unitml Stntm \rhvn con‘nl- Llul ul will rem-h 51x 1w!" cont. 'l‘hN {figuri tic lam. will tux epnrmnualy-tlm eurfimus of l\lll~ll‘_\' for -SI-n(‘l'.llldll%. While the ' sulvsnmtinn of [mner rinrmey for the gohl nnrl Lilwr (-urrmmy esluhlishedgly thé (,‘un<lxlulirm* hm "a " ' " \f debtor and on-(li FPCUI'IIi'“. :quull inpnlinnry invest largely the yricos thus enhanvlng gn It bears severely I wulnws nml orphm bu-«Zno~s of (hr cm at the currency. stimul and into st. all that cmwil'of m encps which follov sharks in tthol' l nusemblc crowd 0| tors on the sull'crh m many leeches. blood of the nalir lflmuvslioning w] tion and all IN ré/ urL-s us the true te: The acts of the ‘, double influpnce ( (ion principles In *Dmiel Website) ‘ “But what. is me}, currency,’ about M‘ What species or FM Cdnslilution ‘allow It_ is plain _e'nnugj what. we unclvrstn cy, 'm a large and includes not only . notes. hm bills of include all that settles balances i and business currency the {egal that which cbnsti debts, and is the then, undoubtedly,snothing iainpluded but goldand silver. )[bstunquestionubly thc-re is nolegal tendgr. and there can be no legal tender. in this/country, under the authority of this prernmentor any other. but gold and silverg’either .thn coinage of our ovyn‘ mints o%f l'oreigmcoinsmtrntes regulated by Congress. This‘is a constitutional prin ciple,“ perfectly plain, And of the ivory high: est/importance. The States are expressly prohibited from making anything but gold and ojlvcra ten r in payment of debts; and ailthough h express pro‘hlbitian is applielfio Con , yet. as Congress has no power granted to it in this respbct but to coin money ammo resolute the Value of foreign coins, it clearly-hu no power to subatitute paper or‘ anything ello'funcoin u a tender in payment of debts and in ‘discharge of cannabis. Congress has eger ciged this power fully in both its branches. It has coined money. and.slill Icoins it; it has regulated the‘value of foreign coins, an‘tlll regulate: their volue. ‘ The, legal, )the I‘m-e,- the constitutioml utmdml of. value. is establishetl, and cannot be over thrown. To overthrown would shake the whole system."—W¢bu¢r’a Works, vol. 4,~ page: 270,271. ’1 1 y, t it t torniversatio and Inqonsidnncy.‘ In thei’i to attract within it‘ the eople of everyl Chicago plntrihrm, R“: in all authoritative clime. . ‘ 4 declarations. thby declared it, to be their 'vaer ware an nggrezati n’ot free and intention not to interfere with slavery in indepondent political communitied better the States. and to mlmirister tlle Gm em" circunvtanrr—tl anl'apilicfli)‘ for tho pur mnnt according to the Constitution. . ln 1 poser of .such a Union. On a scalv of mag the tarrito‘rial gnrernmenkorgnnizmlshort-(niturla far surpassing the petty States of iv alter Mr. Lincoln’s n’dvent to powem in t Greece, Swttzerland, and the Low Countries New Mt-xi':-o,‘Colormlo, and Nevada. when ' on the Rliiqe. there mu. as hetwevn them théy hatl the power to insert fi]"ovil~lnn:inl‘ i-selvm, the happiest adaptation for a com tho exrlminn otslnvorv, no such t‘xclunou t mon govm-nuyznt Looking: on ‘the north w:i= inmrtml: nn‘tl.ulthoti:li tln- Crittentlpn } nnrl .onst to New England, thorn was there rnmlntinm were roier-te-l hv Congreq until I nocnntltctol‘pursuitn with nftyothor'sectlon. ' the fir-'t. battle 0t Bull Rum they Wt-rc_ llt-rrliznntc watq rigorousandhcrsoilstunle. phuml with gr!attnmnimityalterthat (wont i imtl hrr only means of dev'c-lopment were Nomithctanrliug the~c fume“ however, untl , found in mtnmerro and in ‘mnnutactui'es. nlw‘ Mr]. ' Lincoln’s manage to Conan-ax i She mm in n. ‘ posmon to do the carrying exlrorting that body to pmmcuto the warl trmlo for her neighbora. and to work up solely for the restoration of the “Man. wet their raw motorinl. Crmsing wmtwnrd into . man finnl lomlprq ol the port")? intrmlucing- the'State. of New York, we find» hot-.the t intn‘t‘tzntvrcha~ hill»: t'nr tho conversion of} po9~9l¥ifir of grout nntl poc'uliqr rosomc‘pa, 3 rohvl‘ Statm into 'l‘crl‘itorie=: for an intlis- l and of the national metropolifi, designed n-iminute confixcntxon of estates, anti waging] lvv nnturP as the t-ommoroiul emporium bf "the'wnr for tlu‘: liberation of the sl.ives.-——’ the comment. A‘ littlt‘ further south wax Wq also find Mr. Lincoln, under these in-' Ponns‘ylvaniarfi-llctl with iron and coal, and flupnpoq, rocommc-ndm'! in his annual iiavored perhaps moraliizhly than any infli mmmgp in liocemhor, 19432, the call of a ls’ttlnnl Suite With a romhinntion ofugricul~= mnvrntion to éeruro the emancipation of turn].mineral.manufacturing,umlcotumer the, slaves in the States: nntl, withouti'cialudvnntnues. 'l‘o thewétt. in the great waiting for shch constitutional authority, 1 valley of tho Missiwippi, tho pro-luction of uitller tho prewure of the nholitiou [hrtion . the cert-uh WM nwontlor. lint. none ol' the nl'his party, proceeded to i»~ue proclama- Stdtcgitlms noticml protlurrtl rio. sugar» tion~otmnunnlpatibn. Couldhumau‘weak-l cune, cotton, or goltl. T'IPRBun am, New m.“- "mi—inconsméncv further go? , the peculiar products of the latex lying "l‘he grwat and paitimount object of all! lwtwéeu l’wnmyh'unin nnd tl ‘llull’, untl of, Govt-rnmr-nh is the protection: of prxi'ate ‘ tth‘ 0" ”It? Ptlmfic- 'i'hf‘l’ “Hts, Eltcrt’lb’ré. 'l""‘rl"‘l‘ly. it ii the tar-at ha~.i~ ofull (-ivili- i anion: thSPVt-rul State! ‘ oar elements oi" z .ti‘.m:_ “'ithout its rt-nhunitimt untl atrtlnllwL unitvuan aptntlon to upply ouch-othefi'q protection there (3,, he no we), thing: (wen 1 w‘ontm; find a. mutuu tlt-pt-tntlelice. Ith a. ammumimfif 'l‘ho {rumpu- ”f the Con. wt-ro further tied tt,etl:or by great, rivets <txtvutx.»n, ”my-tun: history ax p‘lnlouoplwt rt‘nchihg fir into n- intorior. :tntl tnoilit - tt'uthng Mi examlnlo, aimed to iu‘mrt in , hm: intermunc otwnen rtunotn pointa. _ that ilntrunont :1 clnuze ‘.\ill('il. own in the 'l'lwre werr' on the Atlantic slope the ‘ mid€t of‘ ”'i. mo=t fpnrml (‘nn'i‘motinns ant] ”ml-rm. the ,uqurolmnnn, thfivlt‘wnra_ I’llrWVioh-lir‘o‘wouldpreventurm-rtlt'tmf’llit to omit otl ~rs nl minor “i".h mid there: on thi- antinent of (him;- lun-haroug. cnnfiq-‘i was In th hunt ot the contmgnt the great‘ t‘atiunq whirh mzukwl the civil with nl'thi‘l i'lltwll I‘ll ol the Mi~<i~iiplii. flowing due ‘ [touring .qn'l are :1 Miamu upon thbhiatmy slom‘h 'rmn hill)ost the arctic circle. and ol'mtnlvru Europe. Thor th-‘rnfmo. in the i “1,9 JUNE his long arms-of the Miwsouri' thin] temp." out"; thin-«l ample. u<t_‘(l this an the H'mo_ t'rom the 'Allouht‘ny to the 610,“ Mid uttmistakahlp language, that : lhtck'vl‘mtmntaini. ’l‘hn ureut (-hain _oF the "Y , _ , .. 7.: :‘tllwhenuw. onrntlm-g haul the lakes to - ‘ "”""‘I"""’ "“"V‘" ""”{"‘”'l‘ m""”"" he Hull'ol' .\it-xit-o, tht-mt-rl‘nlwi {losiznnil (IL/mu}, nr unfit/ore arty-I tltu‘nyt/tc [ZR (1/ w M, Providence as {mother l'ilY‘it‘ili hotid ct' [warm «Mun/M.” K . . I uhion. - ' Int-li-‘rnmnnl of this onnalitmiona} prnhi bii‘mn. {hie Hu'use pnssag ajnint'rn'anluiinn Pxphm'ltmv of the confimntion not for thc~ pnrpnw of cnnfi~c:|,ting‘the {1194111 m-Ikin: it optfi'ntivc ngnimt'the innocénl as “3:115; thn gn‘hv. ' .. / . ‘ Mr. \‘puv-knh I havo‘.tM< ondonvnrc-rl to smtn Um Armin furl hu/ Unn-n-v n" Hm Gov: emmvnt, and to auiun mth fillvlitv the (NIH:N 0! HM prmn‘nt lmuMnn l huvmxlnn n M WI Hm mu'wnrr-a with u-hir-h ”In .\ll - hzu unjle-rtnknn m mm‘t Hm nx'n'um lin’nvr-Im-I'L'r‘nny. nntl lunvn p-nntNl um thu-n' unf‘fin"!iufinndl nml ln‘rn‘u inus‘ vhnl'an’fPr, ant! lluzirmwr d-fivxv'nn'v in a hut‘ [-nlim’. .‘Enm‘ wn, h'n'n t'm< fin (AMI in ywlufin: Hm rvbolh'nn wilh Hm mum-L Himliunnl u'vnpona of null-link uymn ”in li“f'l?" 01'!an ;u non of Q‘w-m-h, nml of tin ['l‘l'v snf mmtial Luw, mu uwiputiqn punt-h -mutimw, ulnl conliivnfion wk, ‘it is fitting {m- m Inw_ in inn!)il‘bigle-hwk(llvmmdly nfflm‘m-nfiwnf. does not {‘nmif‘h uHu-y~ nf mm-n pulmt m‘olg‘gv and «11‘: June)" ’i'lmln mu indN-«l lrn 1m I\nrnlnllr-I,|t pf‘nfitg’ mum thaw plinr‘iMos, «The r‘mfij’vlem (‘nhan'st nnnl ~uh§ilznitioh ofan inb-HiuPnt and high aluil itml pmlirL- hi~hny amply (Ivnmnctmw '0 he :1 work of lung Jfiru‘tu-n and ul'wi-rtuly [Osulh Supt-rim rnmnn‘é‘s and plnjswnl pmvnr‘ "J”Y be sufliniént to scatter militnrv organimtinnz. but it is (quitt- n Iliflervnt thing trr‘cnnquor antl' tm‘suhiugxfte. 'l‘he Imm” of the AngloSuum race i£ lull of illu<tmtinn= of Ibis truth. The} Nat-mum cnnq-n-wd that'i‘ncn at tlmhnt‘llv of Hastings in 1H": 3. but nrtr‘r :3 sh‘ncflo of 55x hnnlhm‘ V 951?“ HIP Snrm Hement hml n-axwrted itsnlf. and the English conqlitullou WM rP-turml :n it was before Hm Con-Img. A grant standing nrmy would. be ,necessm'v to keep‘the Smith in .subjection. and she pt. principlewponwmcu ...- is now waged. there is no rallying-point for Union sentime tin the South. It is unus— usl for an invnfllng army to advance without propositions dfpeuce. Our Army has none. Unconditional submission to an energy ivhose declared purpose is the destruction of their rights of property and social sys tem is all that is offered them. Is it sur priirjrg that ‘Union sentiment should be crus. ed out, that the South should he uni ted alumstto a man. and that its resistance should be intenufied and embittered With an energy derived from despentioii'? Above sll things, Mr. Speaker, do I de sire is restoration of the Union as it wus.—. It is tfiegrand experiment of civil liberty. Any sacrifice. any concession, any appropri stion should be made to prevent its failure. We halve e grest mission, and no trivial considerstion of themegro, or my other, should be permitted to interrupt it. It is, our mission to demonstrate the problem of self-government. and to revolutionise other Governments by the silent force of a great example. While 'thejeommon law and all the privileges and advantages ofcivilizatidn hm. been transferred to this continent, nothing but. the stable .eontinumee of our admirable‘system of government is needed -- Till-m“ “‘_.“ in all thi< evidently the most n'lmir-tlrh‘ h-unnlat'nn fur uninn. fur that vvrv (ii‘n’vrnmuntV imlt-wl, .ulnlltwl by mu t'atlmNi, t‘nmhining in itar-lt all-tho atl~ Vulltnfli‘s ot' a cmhnlidatmlymptre for all~ ‘liurlnh‘t'n ot’deivnae against foreign aggres .~inn. aml‘containing Within the State organ ization}: m'ol‘v llrtn'l‘inll tn tnrnt tho wants nt‘partlculnr loculttim. linu‘riom‘e proved ita grant economy and t-mim-nt honnfits; and the pmple (it quay State grew warm in tin-in' uttar-hmnit tn it. ‘und ni‘lmd far i“ llt‘rpt‘tuity. 'l‘hn North thi prnfited largelyl hv the conner‘tion with 11 o SSuth, and Ly I‘Vt‘l‘y vzu-ivty (if exchange. Shn h'ul 1m titvd largnlv l-_\' the pittductfol‘ ~hvt~ lnlmr. Nnv ling‘anll, with horhar rvn mi! and Ft‘t'tlfl (‘lllll-tit‘, had yet, luv hr-r mhnnlrrtnrin: industry \|‘t”l a tnhtl' prutuctiun, :tlljl hpr ('flztelwifie and lqroign llutlt'. gluwtl rich and ninrt- populnus‘thun a'ny mtwr puttinn hl‘ thi- Uninn of tho emnn ‘ :m :t. Sh“ haul almfiqn‘npufiinnnto power I for Ishn‘ping the pol nl' thr- (‘nnntry tuimr} nu'n .jrlvantagc, in having with :1 mm” ter—i A t-itm-y n roprt-scntatinn ht singular inoqnnl- i d_' it}: in the Sun'ito. “’ith n tptzil pothmn i p; ‘nl ‘.l.l.t,’.,‘:>‘£; slut wonky through the Jtlts‘ R of tn‘_olve~ Scrum-Is in the national I.“;irlti- i ‘ tnro: mlnln tlw State ni‘ New York, unthn'l \qulatmn hf 3.8311t'7.'.3,,is heard only thrn' i 'ti 0. In \vimv ml the sutn-r-nr benefits 1 i which the North has tlvrivud l'rnm tlni U- ‘ | nionh't must he mlmittml lu he the expres- 1 ' sinn oi‘ grave truth that H.»‘ Gwalior hold the oowgwliilo the thrifty l’uritnn-btemlily ‘ milked her. i, . I This war will he progecutml'; and its gréat purpose should he [mace upun the bans at" thl- (.‘nnatitutinn. it we ~fail tn :wrhmplhh ‘ this, thrungh the nh~tinmpan4l mimllrvcted ‘ pnlioy ot‘the Administratimi. we shall. .ve i no gpvnrnrnent left I 1 the North under Ie “gfient Con~t|tution.\ The (mlteuive [)0 er ich yonstitutos than tinnal bond wold mo. and with it won igpr-ediiy p rinh ttinnal dt-ht. In the .nmpptitinn for name res‘ulting in nhn ‘of tree ports the capes of tho Chrsri who to_the iramle, our foreign cn'm tin-e, lm), hdwindlo, and the t'n-vcnux (loriw-d‘ from would peri-h. ,‘lt wuu’t he in)- lle in con-,trms'innal logistatmn n‘re ‘.e the mmmorcml intvt’efisol N. ‘ork )9 Agricultural intereet-tot'the No h with the manufacturing indiistry England and Penn-rylvania; free trade n-otectinn alike would be ibstinutoly nded. An uncoms’tng harder ,war [the the inhelitan'm of the States in] by the hue of'sepamtion. It, is a :rnvL-r ansirlt-tation that in the (-vcnt ‘ h a calamity no man of rullthion can so fad as not td =9O that a portion 6f lateN must became reunited by the iu-i ts of empire, as Well M by every con ltinn oil interest, of trade. commerce *curity. Cant your eye over the‘ma’p .1 2 States, and you see that all the ri‘v-,_; irpm thb ”when to the Rio (irande,{‘ their outlet to the ocean through the; 3m States. The trade of the' lakes, I is'nlone greater than :ili our furs-ign Marco, rearhus tidovratcr west of New ‘ and. whih: that of the great basin nfi Miss'mippi, with its triUutitricot. com ig fifty thousand miles of hoatable; \tinh. can find ita way cheaply by the its alone to the Gulf of Mexico. The ‘ tots of this mighty valleyand the cot-f l'the South conutitute the bugib of the ‘ name or New York. It is idle to sup :hat she can exist without nfunion with these grand. divisions. - Pennsylvania must have a market for her iron and coal. and the products of her varied industry: while the Northwest‘ is sure to foll'ovv her destiny marked by the J wateracourses, us every producing and trad- l ing people that had the pOWer have always i done from the days of the Phentcians down to the present time. ‘ - While the South has all the resources and geopraphicnt advantages which l have described, in all probability it cannot exmt nlone, even if successful, for any length of time asan independent Power. A union with the northwestern and middle States would become a necessity. For the-pm. sent, perhn s 3 generation. the vast stake which the £uropenn Government: have in the division of a Government based upon the popular wtll, and in’the article at cot; ton, would sec'ure protection to the south ern confederncy. l‘h'o keen eye of com mercial and manufacturing capital, with the prejudice against slavery, would, how ever. renderjtn life ashort one. The world» at large is too- much intezested in «the growth and supply of cotton, to tistp‘ heretofore, nlmnst exclusively to “action“: tor that supply in the Imm. Europe!» ,‘ 'i‘\¥;O-b6LIA ILS .442 m 23_ capital and enterprise. Itimulntod ”’.th ' bosom of experience, will. within the next quarter or a oentury. open up commeroinl communications. plant settlements. and make the cotton grow in the interior of Af rica. Austrdin. the East India-. 35 well an » Mexico, Central Amrrica. and the adjacent isles of the sen. Whan the sUpply is thus secured eqnnl to theilomnnd, indeprndent ly oftha bout-h; then will the truce he nt on end. An allianm‘. lmly or political. would“ again send an “my on the march. and the “anneandn” would than become a new reality'. This pnlioy. than. whiohgonrnl the war and in r-mving nut tho‘ dhi’aolutiqn ol’ the Union. it‘z ntll‘weil to. in but layin' the fouhdatinn for niUnion in the valley 0%; the Mississippi. 58 um inev‘ltablo conn- 1 quenconnd result. . ' . ' The question of nlaverym the Terfitnrin° led to the disturbance at - harmony which ’might otherwt-e havolwvnpfirpetuul. The, ('hicap’o platform innugumfed\revolutionfi‘ The Sum»: being sovereigntien; Ind the public ~doivmiin hnvmg been _n'cquired by ‘ deeds of OPfifiinll, by purohuw. and by con- ) quest. in the ahsenroofajudicinl decision t recognizing the equal rights of the South ill. the ’l‘erritogiosrnjmn what, prindpnl of equity or justico (fipl-l that equality be do-'- hiya}? A ngul, cpmtitutinnnl right, how ever recognized. it mus well known, could not havgrenfilted in tho nproad of ain't-r! t nnd ypta' deninl of it lathe sad pretext of our troubles. Wufihington, impressed with a full knowledge of the antagonism of soci tv and tho vinle-nco or party struggles [or siipremaov, at the close of his administra tion. still _douhtl’ul of the pé'rmanonoy 0! the (:xpvrimont. mguwl his countrymen to _ a (-nnqtunt vigilgv for its preservation.—’ Jutl‘ersnn. With that unerring {gagncity which'ghnrnctm-izml . lii4—lttimvlédgo of hu mnn nature. mlmnmshe‘i‘l me people oftho whole country that the army of pnrties’ upon a geogrnphiml line would resultein tlm dostruction ol'tlm Government. This war cannot last forever; Sooner or 'httcr contnmhng parties must become ‘9}:- taunted, tho nrmiea dwindled, credit de stroyed. the land filled with graves and tclotlwd in mourning. and an Adjustment ‘71”)("3 some terms will ho the only cure '(or tlmfvevil.= 'l‘lie uncmnprnnming obstinncy lof.Chnrlcs.l.lo<t him ‘his heiul; thtit of. nmea the II hi“ crown ;tLlnt of George 111 * hie} colonies]. Shall those States again be lout by imit-iting the (multiple? Shall we not rather learn a louon from '.th chapter {in our history 1'" 1812, when Mr. be. aid- LOll by ("illmunf [-rew-d tho,war of that pa. triql’upnii the Administration er. Madi [snn in‘ ru.~i«t:nmo tn the l’vritiifi protension ito the right of norm-h? The war lasted for i thychurrnnd mule months. Thote was great sacrifice of life and vast oxpend‘iduro Lui‘ inoney. During that period 'the Navy {upon the,wnters of the Chesapeake and the {Atlatitin coveted itwelf with imporishable ‘glaryfiiand our ~solilieijii poured ohktheir ’hloml‘iike winter upon the ltnisin and, the I'l'hrtmer, at 'l Ippocnnoe and Lundy's Lane. I Anjd yet Mr. any, at tho hem! of the AmerJ icnn cmnminxinn, met the'liritiuh commis ,'siun ut Ghent. und thoro negotiator?» treaty ‘of peace without saying, ont- wort of the lniuttcr In contrhwiuy, and which yet wnfl 'dt-nmgd hunnmhln and satisfactory. Near-_ ' ly fifty years have, claim-d since that, peri tnd. and tho right rolnuina unadjusted to {hit d-iy. In thy tut-antinu- our: relations with England, sou-inl unll uinmnurcinl, have ‘grmrnlnmi'o intimate and important. - , Mr. Speaker, _tlwre is everywhere’ on lnnxuuu nml onrnost looking lurwnrd to a l twrm‘iniition at this contest. I believe ' . tlwro is no obstacle so pfltcntflgtlinfltlu re ' mm to pmt'cn ns'tlmt spirit which has given 'it. new policy and a new object to thqwur._ , 'l‘o refuse, bugauso of the institution of sin ivory fin the southern'Stittés. to adhere to ithc Wuion of out; father-1, is all one as if we -sh'nultl reius‘e to ‘tront‘with the Ottoman Empire or tho l’utrhnry Powers became the . one is the snvorcign at n tuition recognizing ‘pnlygumy. 21nd the other the slavery of the ,whites us well,” the blacks. (The mun r..-messed with :1 single idea is'ot' all ‘the intent uniit‘tml for n statesman. That high :chn‘rnétor implies a condition of ‘mind ivhichfinntoniplatoa things as they nrfl,nnd iiyhida forht‘uh thg removal, of n his: misfi Ichirt'whon this would he productive of'n grptuer. llv must. nim'in hia .policy at the production of tho hevt good of socie‘ty, but iwill currfully rt-frmn from. grant, sweeping ainnovntinna, [\l'ct‘urringtu leave the *correc .tinn of cv.l~; tontho gentle lmndo‘f time. lwhial'. in Lord l’mcnn expresses 1t; :‘is the i'flronttwt innovator.” well ’iw'ured ‘thnt‘nd Minvernmont can he sut-ccwl'ul which does gnot adapt-m [unlit-y to “(hit various: charac in-rg of the 1106‘th to he :Ilt‘i-ctetl by it, mid ito its, (livtu'atlics ol' induatry and aectionnt ‘iutormti. _ -_ t t ' .\‘mtesmpn in bvpry J'lumpean Govern: ment. nny luvinwrnuerl With the superiuri {y of topuhlicnn institutions. They wbuld, however. he «looms-gainfillualfd'to the 1.15; dour-90. if, taking at nntnge of some nhinl indications among the people, they Smuld ‘ svek Lo br‘mg on a crlsla.“ They, Wllh better judgmpnt. mlhcre lo the existing onler 0! thing, wr-‘ll knowing that. changes. to 'be beneficial, mil-1b lrla'pt-rnmnem." It wasnot at :\ nimzlv hound Jhu} England, the free” - ol' the, mmmrchioa, leupnd from the fetter; ofthe {vuilul wslum. ’J‘lmt was !he accent; plishmvnt only ugly-marina of struggles against the pawn-o. the barons, under tlm' guidance pf enlightened princes. great, _smtpsmnnv uni] nhlc lnvarq; and after all, snme of 1119 mm L‘nhjeclinnablq tenure: of thntjnygtem vhng to her null. France,‘in don-«l, unvmmfi'l, by :1 slnglv convulsive ef fort, tnslmkv ll'nm lu-r tlm lmnvlflge und r. which she had grnmmd for cpnturiea. Elle fizuocpmlml 7|; ohmxn‘ing a. feverish interva‘l' of frnellmn. only to rl-lnp-«a Into the Old dmpotiun : mud now,gvnhv her journal. pile-m nnd libcrlv prostrate, how much bel wr is lwr onmhuou than before the r'evolur 1 of 17759? . IL aupport OI we vnuu..._., integrity of the Union; to moderate our ldemands according to the standard 01in!- Xtice. Int us all remt-mbm' that ihit an‘ I easy thing to duatrny, but. a long and dim-- cult, one to buxltl up. The struggle for tho' I establishment of human right; upo’u a pos~ I itive basis of consmutionui law has been “mi and tedious, successful, and again dou tflzl. _ ‘ , Civilization may be said to have com-t .menced its march on the plains nl Judeu,. with' the establishmont of thpl'Jewhh theoqr-cy. Spreading thence toI dia ID: Egypt, from the latter tit wag tfinsporte to Greece, whege it. ,slxmw briglitlw clunic literature, and in it- efl'orw v a 'lysteln of mlf-gbvernmcm. Ti“ ‘it was transferred to Rom», Elm-oi; beamed with renewed lustre. Paculinr cause: operating": Italy resulted at thesamqtirno in the Roman republw. These, the 6rd} recotded elf-nu for a democratic Goiern. merit, possessed inheren't defwtsmnd both, g at the poribd of the Christian era, wer- ab. ' barbed In the Imperial despotism 0! ”MW!“ l- ‘. ur. The empire run its meer of can i (mites tilt at length the hopes of ”18 liq , “any buried to: a timqt‘in tge‘ ‘.fifi‘lflfi , i the dark ages. They awoke a'ga 3: ii: ”Hid ‘ l ‘ . 3 [SGlfiufi/tW-I 7 8-531” ‘ I t‘."- u'("'q¢
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers