' " Giul fi-rh. . “' "n.. Prohibifing able Sea,” In, . ‘l”a Id 36-; °""'“\txeorn"“’ed ‘ bill “on ”W“ 4m: 1w inv 896 nm: . "‘wumim 5' mmr " ° '"fnored I erg-on Henna bu ' #o9lll}, “k .I! “10601. - by H.“ 'eek ck (..‘, ol V | Pa .9 the 50th In!” '0“ , g”: or n Saturday ,m' 31.200. ' d mag}:flxqr‘xfinypmuflmfimong 5: rm“ “Public Sale Penn "'0". on the Mm" ‘.hm um ‘ ‘1 Forufi'm “0 men~- ’"' ”*3 Re ' Q"3 PIHLRS’OW Mn. sylvgms. Dunn,“ i‘'o u gnu“ .111. '0“ Mr P iv" ‘UPKBTY F ROAD AV 3-0 .. n Vestern' “nooln - I: P .8635 OPTHB' RAN 0319837 2" kno u l'l'ldgy Week ‘ . m . .OAo CUMPHY ”TTLESTo‘ ,AND 0:96;" man "5 faung‘e" body of mun ; Mrwfig M; X 33 Hon-9h L. 3“};ka WN BAIL. .. . 13mm, “,0 mile. fl'om the Codom.” ‘ «3mm, 7": Th "- _ ”Ln-h” Supreme Com! in Norufwh 'nd Plum ¢ 111 Yo'k- ~3 I ffwmgg ‘44 ’BuamurlfltOwn "imm’iy‘fi? Rum-i [yof E-A carom“. nnd ”rifts” in bloom ‘ . {AL ”0170” a U“; Comp'y. No. 2'53. 121.; gm, 1864 f: \ly n ”Inflow! m.“ “fined ’_dl Up. {L I” 'illge 36$ ' ‘W'MOulmd by fin“ o! ‘ d qut’,' funeral ' 'B6 one om. """I- former- “TBR Ar y ' locum lauded “P““H‘lflmig “m 5? the Sn lyn v 6“ the H 0". Mr Esau-m"?! n. the ; "'“nlufn "‘Y SEWING HA - ‘0"; LD. 13:95.9” ”'9 Infimwel" the Ibo“: #1 w. York,_ - VFJW. in Brook: fond dog‘zsfld'flde W.. (Ark? i. - "Id“; of ovuv'ull be expo-ed Sgug'hhw be“ ‘ilmtodam ‘ ”m ‘ ”and“. . .mbmko. 1m compo-nan“ ”math; Swami: Errata. (32.:33'3‘ “I m = or“: 11:" n..“, Mil": "d m 5 Ex" “rd-1s 31°72?!- '3 3351131" ‘nd thus rod ° ci'cukn '° “Mos of in P‘hlic. v. '"i’m ”1' or a a “men-ow IW“ ““0! "‘ c - “co the on, by any ‘nflchine h” ‘ “he? Fun“ I PEl'L‘flv; -3. Can“, of f.ln me ”Ev-d Volume ofc '0“- ' Hem - 5° “Inn’- ucf ’B'" PM, . ('1 m“ “‘9 fo'loyi damg‘ Sn 0e11,“. ' "ice is m “'"mcy. ‘ FMS, Bud‘n . ' "WW-n m " "“utm be‘ "3 "'crib d a 3 Ori « ‘ “mulnfi ' in‘ C.' gl Felhn T. c” {ol' I ”flu ‘- ’ I“: [h e pro' mo" . gun-l ~ "L! that _, v "“8": ~. 3’ Ickur. .ed .mnhed .‘3 Proper! .4 :zmwmmwns m‘g‘fi-";mdso£,.§"“2‘“‘ mom.:a.:::::;- argzm'ofiisxrzwm “12'2“ Jor' .. - ' - axon; .'.-‘ Lb ' v ecu ~ “ hue undoubw‘ffienl Sickie. Ind h‘ _ cf‘“ has so much u er f"m”! lewing ms. 7 3‘01"!) 1". 1858 “Eng? due ”‘53:, "’0 to wear the] y °°me to flri 33 friends ‘- VOrk. It Will I’Mily for l, Kr“: . ‘0 SePI! L. Shad; i Lwher 13th 1 ""1: urcnth’urelmumv-Bufé “' "Vina “ta .1: mama..." ‘“ ““5 d¥xo:§"°" LEW“? °' “4m: ‘l3’s“"'m°r'demzfi° re: “lions: ‘ . mu]. “d -” "n I!" Wk -. " the body 0:603:21 Swami.“ .0 12.27:. “tr" Me “..‘???“ mum- ’ it???“ 1.. we”e‘;:‘.;.‘;°'? "' '4r‘3in'2'.‘ 'n I!“ A :5 arm, tni ”re ”“91““! “lo 1 y firing x'dfln ‘H ' lon 'ith the "MI 0 Adults, to “it “- _ .n m ““6“ M~ 3 dumm'mndimo V 1! "10V", in York over Bulge]: hil Eton; ' ' - . 3",”“5 :07 Bpm,]; h:€cr—}:?|Y§:;gu. {“nchiugcfizty' ”Bethe:- :12, -“l .. ._,. ‘ aka ‘0 halal”. 3 lo ‘PPufunlnc . ltll ‘ - 5 "hall which “I ‘°f (“Mind in 1" “d? ‘ - . ,_¢_Depou;nd En _ m1...1 r . _ glac- Hog”; Emknnapolis, I: agyi‘n a great military depot. Major fitment Bur-aide in there:- ‘ S’Hvery treasury rut nml pullltclplun deter will tote {or the .ltepulllucm mdi: date at the next presidential election. ”The Graffiéirnte Lonn in _Londan zulvunoed four per ce'nt. on the strength of i(;¢'n. Seymour’u defeat at. UlustL-e. afl‘he one 'humlred and fifty-fourth Tmnenree (C(infedt-mte)‘ Reg't huh eul‘uted tor thirty yian, or during the yvur. . \ . eMthnr General Ibguu hf" kindly given [wrtuiuinn to the ppuple ol 'l‘rnnmm-I'. in his Ut-pnltmeut, to cultivate tin-il- own ' boil mth their own slaves, pmvcdul the hunters pay them wages. ' éAn exclnnge says there are more than 500,000 “I.oan Louguerq” in the Uni jrd Sta-ten, “ull of whom are in favor of the‘ continued prorwutibn ol' the wan”, Yes. butnro they in favor of gnittgto therwur? ‘ ' H‘The Sunhury llrmncrut give-u d‘" “C -'cnn‘nt of u' secnnd atluupt to mnh that utlice. 'l'he damn were ln-ukun Open. and lln- riotous only dt-terrwf l'r_nm urwttn‘r Vth-l l» mu: lay the museuce ol'un nnued force of Dvmoomtn. . ‘ B‘Mins Emma Wi-hbdpliwrml n lgcture in'L'im-mnui, on .\lumlny night, in ruplv In tho Almliunn Immnuuu nf Mm Ann I}.ck~ 3mm. vglmw ennrnmus LMames uml enrors hhe lhavughly oxpmml. '6' A nngm mlalio-r. by Hm n-mul nf (‘1?- vur ”all. all Camp Grill-ovum. New Haw-n. Inlu-ly nun hi 3 l-nvmwl Into a whno «\Mmr. Ly Ilwumue a! Hum-rs. The m-xx mm "it”: the m-guo was promuled lo the rank of cmmrul. ‘ ; WThe Fourth Annual! fixhihifinn of mu Frunklin’lulrrurv Soc-ivly M .\luuuunnlmrg will lm gin-n in ”nu plat-e. u: x! Sn'urdny : rmn'ug. Aw! 91m The prugrzunmc prbmiq--< a nu; iumslmg (-nlvnuiuuu-nl, and will no duuu drum n full huu-c.’ WThe FBI"! .\'nlunml B Ink (If (h-nyahu‘l’g Inning ulclrxmfm-d l 0 incrvusv [its (‘upiul Slug}; Iu flu!) mm, lhvrc ii Lye! un nppurlu nlty ullm Jul [0 lhuzv n ho u ir’l '0 m nko .I gmnl .md Mu- fin-m'menl In Fill’lurllu- and (Inn arvurg smnv (-1 ‘hv- (tm'k. Th.- hunk! urx- n-nw 0‘1304 lur «uh-eruption .-l llu' Bank. In nr.".3lf MAR!!! 1313. m lhe 7m of j.n., m an. "4.lmm M’ “51- hridr" lulh- r‘ m‘ur Purl T-mnwllnl. “'zuh. iny'un Tvrruuq by R-v. .\l. l) mu“ 11!. L‘. FIJI”!- of ‘.':|n(‘(lll\1‘rI‘I'IIIIL LUVI: “--H.\ “1'” KI'HN. .\I. it. {forum-Hy «1 “sh (-uuu').) '0 Mi” A \H‘JJA. ll e~l dauuhmr of Fruucl: \\'. I't-(hKr-ue. KS". ”u, ”-4- ’27!!! "IL. IN "A'l'. J. \l. .\lirklvy, Nr (”.01qu T.\\'l.lm [0 .\lm rum” 3““ H. hull-(of .\-l.lms u-mlmy. HI: Ihr 'l7:}: Ih.. |l_\ R. x JM-uh Sc-clllor. .\lr. HLXIH" KHISHR (mrrrlmmJ (0 “iii LIUIA bHJ. hull: of lwlllcstuwu. :‘llil'llf‘ l'n'unl}. l Uu lhr ‘."31 "IL, h) lit-v. W. K; lit-her. .\lr. l'H'l'HZ l. \(‘ll.\l\\'h} .\liss SALUMH LEAHY, hull: of .\lhms ruunh. (In tho Sfllllt’ cl ‘3" by [in' same. “L .l “"0“ l:.‘_u.ul.\l_m' .\Aluxui run -ny. 10.3“» ELIZA Hum-JULU‘H. m Yurk calmly. ‘Uu lhr '.".‘:l “In. In It“. JJCUII SI-rhlur. \lr. (HCUHGH A. TFIGAN to .\hss AMANDA MILL-j, buth uf . ulmus county. ’ fi 9‘ ' -.'F—' ISSDIEDQ , V [B‘Hihilu unlicoé 3 cont: per line (hr n” (Her luur [Luca—rush lu uu‘.nup..n_\‘ uulire. , Ynnr s'r , sun In: muan. “‘ .T'rgratw tut. I‘A —Tile unviyr-ignetl I \t‘uuitl ntutt rt‘speclfully inturtnhis n l nu-ruus trit-nds and lin- pnhliv urnrrally. that he im: pnrcinsml that long rumbli‘hrd um] , We” kuméi huts-l. Lin.- "lllnhe Inn." in York —— Jun-rt. (i-urahurg. and will qmre nu rlTort to thi tin Izmh Ith..inthi»phu-e,\lrJ'llAlllJ-ZS fimnulnct it“ in 1| manner that “‘iii not detract J SHUWEHS. age-l about “Illa-tn. from its furnwr high -r(-|tntntion. lii: tnble Hit the ‘.‘l-lh hit. :it l7rhzum. Uhin. “N. W!” iltl\’t‘.‘lil9 host the nturki-t can afford—his SI'SASXA STtH'l-111. Sig-tr! ln (irnrm‘ tin-l l’c- rlmmlfirrs nre s’umioni and cnnifllrtnl-le—nnd lrr I‘rx-.~lit~.lircl'al.\rli, :ugi-tli'.‘ _\F:tl‘:. \‘uik p.i- lm lu-‘lninl in lnr hu- hnrn full stock of nine: [lt-rd pit-395:.- rum. and liqnua Tin-re is large stunting attached (in the l.'-th "IL, in .\lnnn'j -}' tnw-uhip. \lr. I'm the flute], which will he attended by htten‘. DA V“) STALHY, «gt-d TU guard 7 nmnlh‘ tunl tire hustlers. it will hl' hid constant tnuil‘flt‘or 17 «hrs. - .. to render the tallest satisfaction ’to his Quests. ln ()nnilu-rlnnd township, .\lrJl‘Hlllh‘Tl‘LN "LLLIMg his: house as nenr a home to them as Kl-il‘KLi-ilt. aged 25 your: 5 tnnntlu sin-1 thins. pnasihlv. lle «ski a share ul' tile puhlic's pn- In Highland tottlhliip, \lnrl‘il '.HJHHHHIAH lrinizut'. determined a:- Iu- it to desert-en inrgc' SHEETSmge-i 36 years ilmnntiu .Illli 21+ «1 -_vs. pnrt of it. llrmoinbt-r, the “Globe Inn" is in’ in Fri-(‘lium township. .\l.truh Inth, .“rs. York street, but near the Dinnm id, or Public, , FIJZA “USSERMAN, .Wile‘ ur ilt‘t’. I’JYTII Square. -'S.A:\IUEL WULF. 1, “inucrmzitl.:lgt‘ui‘i: _iennx 8 months an i 206"“. ‘ April 4, ISM. tl in ilhidlflshtit‘g, nn the 'ltith nlI., l-HL‘LX «v _ 9 ~ ‘A~-~ -- JANE. daughter of Henri“ Anni Sunny ll'tlher, , Natlonal Hotel; i aged 3 ymu 1 month an 120 dztysz' , - (RAtLttu‘n Hausa) ‘ _ 0n the 2Q”: Itit., in luili‘murc tnwusliip, iTTI FSTUW \v PA The undersi d .. .. . .... ~, .. gne iiihh‘i:tiilli‘rlcfiiril“')li sfon ufbugnxurl Wilwmmn lIJ xwould must respectfully inform the p'nb-i or cm, it Louis. “0.. on Thursghy. 24th nlt.,‘ l-"ItAXCIS Littlratuwn \lellu; Lount ‘ P 4 “In Holici‘ts 5 GROW-ill, tnfltnl son at L‘upl. Jnu It. and the sh-tre oi' Alli-lit: ml [five-L": ‘l'fi ‘- 1 'll Lite Fanny .\i. G.Ke:tt'h, aged 18 thus. “Di-mil h ' ,' I . ,l ‘w ‘" ' . 3‘? “m w” fl ‘IOFIinS on war birth and our criidln stands elo Ind ”U toml’urtnhle, h" lgthleJupplled . lo we ~ _ I With t_lie_ but tin: market cnn hfl'ord, and ill! ‘ l“ "gm 3 , C , d l Inr With the! chop-est wtnesmutl liquors. A = l.h': l'f‘ .‘ , b PTmumc‘w.‘ 1' Large yard nnd (ominoiliourstnhling lure fl‘-, Dennrtel. ‘ '9 ' 91m1.” ."g ’t nunrnnu- 0 tnchetl to the Hotel, Ind he.will keep none but; a glurmul tmntortnilty, lu Quinton". Adams tho mmt attentive hustlers With “! . u cunnty, l'a.,on the 19th duty 9; March ull., .\lri. perieuoe in “"3 line Md ever . dis 08935“ to Litctxtm .\unr GUTELIL'S, consort of Plum be M, mg,” 0,. r-enfimn”. ‘ . , , . . . . , g Intisfnc-t anninel A. Gutehus, [=qu the Slat year of lion ‘0 all who In 0‘" with him her we. , l - y ‘ c u IYAVTIS HOV cartniu is deilth and how uncertain is’ A riL4 1864 3112* ‘ ' 3 -' ' “up; Many ‘ have felt 'it grenltl 10-s in the' ”L;____~_ _,,__- ~ death of this excvllent woman. t e uni-ject of ' - - , this lieuuir. The community in which the com? on Wlth'Youl' JObS! lived will mind her, her kind nrighbors will HE“? “WWW“ wxll‘ ‘lO. 11l kinds. of miss her, that. denr husband and family whose ' B l" P A! R l h (1 lo' buffing-‘5. hunt”, moiety was onion: the chiefest of her earthly' W'lg‘m't 30-: l“ :l "91": out) "{hmin‘l“! “MM. 1‘...” will miu her, and the church :0 which her, mid 11l the lowestJmng‘ prices. llu Ihop rile was .0 strongly attached andvofwhlch we ".11 \\ eat street, betWeun bhntnbera‘burg and was A consistent member, will also miss her ‘n‘ddle s'-|'e°'-~"- Gfl'yshwfl- [:l9 WWW" t 0 counsels and h" influence. The deceased in ‘do good work, and tasks 5 shore of phhltc pn pnrly lire attache-l heraelf to the Lutheran: "O'WXB- . [AWII ‘1 15‘“- 13' Church, holding n con‘sistent position, and re— "" " ”7“"“T— -cured iron: the membership of that class to which she belonged- the highest evident-e of ’ theig confidence as to piety and derotednoss., Surely one who» chnmcter woe so well known ‘ in the church at well as out-oi it, wOuld merit . the utnetu and confidence.“ 11l with whom Ilu: mingled in the Bach] circle. Shunt: an indulxut mother It"! a devoted companionn—l Tint household of which every good mother ‘.is ncknowlcdged to be the principnl, has Inn- i wind 1 loss which in irrepnrnble,—o lou“ problbiy, which the oeruved hunbund can i ietrcely endure. Support from that omnipo-‘ tent hand which in‘ continnnlly over nil his creatures will mstnin us, and ennble no to bear up under the Imieting disputation of His Providence. The following lines at the poet .mut to us on importnnt lesson: 3 ‘ “God moves in n myrterioua It], , ' ‘ Bil womlerg tapering}! . The" were may thing- which Ipparentiy bound her nfl'ectionl to grth—lrionds, plrflflu, chm: husband; bntu the duk volley of -~ tin lhnfiow of death drew nigh, u it seemed ‘tfijnrry it- appmch upon her emaciated ”‘3'”: the mnnifested less and leu concern Mt unpaid things, at! dull-ed that gun which nlone supports in o dying hour, Ind promilu n hippy eternity u once, ’til n churning round, _.5.. Bur-onions to the en; , Hana with the cello null resound, And All the earth slull hear.” Kny'the land (not his grocg to support than who are bonded; ”it“ uniting hounded hum “d bring the at er u chi ran to _-_ ‘ : ‘ N . .um 40.; m... hunt, ...a ....m... ‘ 8:33:13, firm; 33:3 3;; 9390,39“ may?» run-It) ...: "‘9- _ " ind the Din-old by now g woons.‘ ' uuflms m;,‘s.’{:,._ " mn " the interlocked stitch. which is the bell Mitch known. Any one, even] of the most ordinary! aqmcity, can see, ut. u glunce, how to usg'lhe Loner A Funilly Sewingllachine. (Our Family Sewing MAL-hint: are finished in climate nnd_ex-‘ qclieite “516. g ‘ . [I The fuming Cue of [he Family Machine is, I piece 0! cunning workmanship ol' the limit.“) useful kind. it proflccts the machine flied ‘ not in us», and when about :0 be operated may be opened as a lpnciuul and Inluunliul bible to sustain we work. While tome of the Ones. ‘ mmle out. o! the chains} woods, Ire finished in {he simplest null classiest (mumer. possible, ‘ other: are adorned'undl‘embellished in the inn“ ’comy nnd luporb manner. , . , ll is absolutely uccesanry to see the Fnhlly' Mug-lune in opt-ration, so as tujudge olicsgrut' cnpncity and fienuty. 11. i§ his: hevomhg as. popular for lnmily sowing us our lanufucluriugl Machines In for mnnufncturing pllrlulfilfl. l ‘ The "ranch ("fires are well supplied with' silk “Vial, lhreud. need 94, oil, ha, of [he very" he'll qu nlily. bend Mr A l‘AMPnLur. i “Hf-3'56““ "ASCF-‘CTH‘IXG (JO-“FAX", 1' Terms of Sale: Five Thousand Dollnrl of 138 Bro: d’rny' qu 3;qu ' the p'xrchue money to he paid in cash, at the Q‘I'HILADELI'HH 510 Chestnut St. ?‘ime signal». and the pnlztucc within [on (it’s ‘ , _ ’ ‘ .mer the cunfirnmlion ol sale, upon delivery W‘" JACOB” ‘k WILL, “”5“ "W’m’ " of lhedeed bytho Trustee. The llondx ofsuid Gull) shurg. [.\ug. [7, 18133. 1i Company. intended mbe securt-d by the mid 1i Slorlgngi-a, will be received in payment of the mid bninnce of purchase money, at. the Value only [oi the lhure or dividend to which each hand so presented in payment would be enli lled uudvr {he said dncree, u its proportion of ‘lhe plocce'ds of file. on distribution, if the “hole of mud purchase money were pnid in i cnsh.’ JUBEPH L. SHORE, April 4, 1864. 11! Trustee. 525 !1 Employment. [s2s I .\(H..\TS \"AS’I’E!)!—-\\'e will nay from $2510 57!- pc-r mumh, um! I!) rummage nc-r lin- .\guuu.’ur give a mnn'nissiufi. PnrticL hrs um free. )‘lldfl'il Hun: Siumc 11min!“ Cuuusv, R. nun-:5, (mm! Agent, Milan, ()h’n. - [.\lgxy ls. 1803. ly Tiara MARKETS. G l-I'l‘T) .\‘HL‘ liU—SArcuuu' I. m-r Flour... It'u: F1uur............:....,.. \\ lute When: .....u.;. It. .1 \Vlu-uv.................... ('nrn .....‘.................. . . 11_v('....:.........-.............. (Lit! ...... ......_-......... ... Buckwheat“... .............. (?10\'erSu(-i................. Timmny deed.............. Flux fire-1.. I‘luse-r nl Par“ .'.......... “#sch ground. Imr Img Flmxr WIN-all I!) e Curn... INEI (,‘loyer Spy-L..;...... ..L......... Timothy Syd... ...... ......... .. lit-H Pan”, par hund......... “on, per lumd “n....." ..... "sly ......... ......... n.."... ....... WIN-Ike; "...“... .............-... lhmm. "um‘iuu. per mm... HF. subscriber, having been appojnted by‘ the Court of Common Pleas of Adlml county, Committee of the porn»: and mute of Lydia Ann Brinkuhofl'. a Limnic, of Stnhnn township, in aid county, hereby gives noticp to u" persons having chin" or demand :gnintt uid Briukerhon, to preach: the nme to the lubscriber, residing in aid township, for setllement, And all per-ans indebted to mnke im-ediue pnymgnt. - ISAAC If. BBINKERHOFF, April 4, 1884. 6t Continue}. ANAWAY from the mbacriber, in High. Incl town-hip, Adams county, on the: 29m 011,: boy named JOHN JONES, about If: yoga of nge, bound by the Dimmrl of mg Poor: All person: an war-cg] Iglinlt hubor- | in; or unsiing laid boy Jones, as I will [By] no debll of his confining. The IboVG red lurd will be psid for his return. but no “I:th max nun, Jr. ,' April 4, 1864. 31* All to the premise: of the (übscribei, h Innkl‘m township, Adams county, on m: 13d of )lncb uh... u Inge BAY HORSE, l buds high, und nbout ll yen-s old. Thu owner is requelled u- 30m: fgfl'fl’d, prove proper: I. ch 5,“ u e inn-Iy. ,’ P y '55 GEORGE E. PLuK. ”1414,1399. w is Ell 57510600 550 14010150 1301013!) Tuo' 00 to 6 bu, ”2.3. 1"! ’.u 3 59‘ .... 2 00 m 2 40 ~ ll 5" UA LTUlUlLlfl—Fuwn mun- .. 6 an :0 c‘ 62 ... l 40 :0 2x 00 I J 0 ml 4’. .. I 12'»on 20 “J m 88 7 2!. v,“ 7 3,0 .. 3 10:03 2:. .10 (10 'ul.’ {.O .. lo '4O «In 2:. ...31 00 [0.23. -‘m ... 1 “‘3 m l 0‘: ' 80 so Globe Inn, Notice. ~£s Cents Reward. Strap Horse. Are erected, And its Turn-tnble Ind other fix tum; ind plso 1 Lot. of Ground in the Borough of Hnnover, together with I. lot of Wood-lunch in We 0 Xunheinrtovnehip. York county con taining 5 Acrezz, more or lens; and Also A! the othe rnilrood improvements, rrivilegea. efl'ects nails-nets whaterer 3nd wheresoever, belong ing to and of suit! Compnny, end I“ the title and clnim at said Rnilrond Company thereto, -ns well at luv: u in equity, with the nppnrte~ nnritet. advantages, incidents end emoluments thércol Ii laid out, made. end grnded, And all and shunt»: the ruilwnys, mils, sittings, bridges, fences, privileges, rights, nnd all real progeny of every description, _helonging to nngi‘owned by the said Company-ml the lands, used Ind occupied for milwnys, depots‘, or union. with all building standing thereon, or which have been procured therefor, together with all the franchises Ind corporlte privi leges to the said Company belonging; And also all other real property and estate to the uid “The Littlestown Railrond Company“ belong ing which may not he porticulnrly herein men tioned untl dcscrihl-d ; find all the estate, right, title, interest. proyerty. ('laim and dent-ad whatsoever of the mid Company, in, to, end out of the sumo. and every part and parcel therenl. whether the ‘nme be live“: fully de _scrined or otherwise 1 .. Sorghum Md]. ,‘ T HE sulb‘crfiu-r wonlllzhus n-ly give "W l for It“: purpose nfcncourd ing the gruwlh 0! that wry prufitublt- Mlicl , Soiglmm, or Sugar I-‘anfl, tlm he will put ,up a ‘first class SUIKUHUM )IIIIL. m Gellyslfilrg. ip lime for the mrnufuturopf Multan-I n the' full. Hi! mm-‘hinery will .1”: extensive and llfic brat he. (can ge',tlnd‘ he‘lhervfore expect! ’whnre 3 good slure ufcu‘pi‘ulu. “in mm w “le liberal. » " ’ HENRY UTZ. . April 4, 64. 30' ' - >‘_ _ EEO Notice. y‘ ISSOI.ITTIO.\'.-——Tlle Partnership I’m-Mn . forecxi—liug lwlwet‘n llollulgrr .1; llerbsl. in this -l:|_\‘ diunhed by mulunl consent. All porums lmxing cl 1m! rgninsl =.ud firm will pxescm them. Alh pcrsuns knowing them- M-Jres inulclnml wnll plenu‘ make immvdi‘ne Im} moul. ' Thwhuoks null he found at the old mun]. ~ - J was 3‘. Human“, -‘ SAMUEL lllilllsa'l‘. Abril 4, mm. _ _ ‘ Cabinet Furniture. {'l‘ 'r. _snmnnnxa A: SON, f o . ‘t- . PXfiIM-ZT WARE ROOMS, No. 220 S. Sm-nnd SL. Inc-lon Dock, Welt side, ‘ PHILADELPHIA, ‘ "are consu‘mly on hand a rerylnrgc us sorlment ul Hosewnod. Wnlnut. Unit and l hog-m} FMrnilurr.ofl)ntutdvsig'nmnnd nu ior nblkmunlhip, vs hivh [hey 01hr for uh u! ren aonnl-le prices.‘ Beds and Mam-use: made to order. ' [.\lar. 25.864. 6111' __—.~~~,. . —,_— . ...—~— 'A) I P ) . Z: “I?“{PL HIA ... Wall Pagers. HOWELL} BOURKE, N. E. Cor‘. Fourth and Market Streeu, Manufacturer: of~ PAPER HANGIINGS Window‘ Curtain Papers, ' ' Linen Shades and liungnds, Solid Green n_nd Bnfl', ' Chocnlue Gmunda, k Figured und' quin Shades, To which ‘we invite the attention of STORE _ -‘ KHEPERS. ' KI)". 28, last. Qua“; ‘ ' . r . Let Everybody - ; YXOW IT— ' . \ * CIIASIBéRSBI'RG STREET AHEAD! launpg jun returned from the city with a splendid assortment of ' . . HATS, CAPS, BOOTS 8 SHOES, , without my dispurngement lo my neighbor: or my other portion of the town of Gettysburg, I hue the plefisure or unonnclng that Chum berrburg street is.nhend And that the pines to buy Hats, Caps, 306“ Ind Shoes, cheap, in It my new “3nd,. nearly opposite the Luther-n Church. Thy: “(union of the Lndiea is parficnlnrly inxilpd to the splendid nuoruuem of Glitch, Slipper], Morocco Luca Boon, tc., intended for ladies! went. . ’ Also, Trunks, Cnrpgt Sacks, Umbrellu, To bncvo, Cigtrs pnd Nations, in endlleu "tiny. Here in {be place to buy goods chap, n X fin dezennicc-l not to be undersold by In; other utn‘blishmeut in town. Thankful for plat fa von,l am you" entirely. ‘ ‘ JOHN L. HOLTZWORTU. March 18. 1864. , Proclamation - HEREAS the Hon} ltonnr J. Funn, . President of the several Courtl of Com mon Flt-nail. the Counties composing the 19th District, and Janice of the Court of Oyer end Terminer ind Genernl Jail Delivery, for the trial 'of ell cnpiul and» other ofl'enders in the unit! district, end DAVID Zluul nnd leuc E. Wumux, Ruth Judge: of the Courts of Com mon Plenl, end Jueticel of the Court! of Oyer Ind Terminerrnd Genera! Joil Delivery, for the trill of un capitol and other olenderl la. the County ‘of Adiml—hne iuued their pre cept,heering dete' the 20th dny of January, in the yenr of our Loan one thouund eight hun-‘ dred and lixty-tlro, end to me directed; for holding I. Court of Common Pie", end Generel Hunter Selsioul of the Pence, end Generfi Jnil Dellrery and Court onyer nod Tormlner, nt. Getty-burg, on Naming, the 18th day of April nah» ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to 11l the .anticea of the Ewe, the Coroner Infi Con-tn olea within the mid (‘onnty of A um, that they be then and there in their pro r persons, vith their Rolls, Records, Inquisition, Exam inations, nod other Remembuncee, to do than things which to their oflieel and in that behnlf uppertliu to be done, And also, they who will prosecute union the prisoners that m or then nun be in the Jail 0! the said County of Adena. ere to be then end there to pro-cent. npiutghem u lhnll be 'nlt. ADAiI REBERT,SheriI. Shcrxfi’l olfice. Gettysburg, In. 28, ’64 X pursuance of u "it o! Vandals-i Ex pomu, iunod on! of the Court dfCol non Plus of Adams county, Fund to he directed, will be exposed to Public Ssh u the 09!" “one, in Getty-blll, u SAXURDAY, fie IS“: (in! of APRIL next, (18“,) u l o'cbck, P. l, we following described Red Educ. viz: A TRACT OF LAND, lituate in Courage lownuhip, Aden: county, Pm. Adjoining land of Joseph Sleeps, John G. Honing-la, Abu lom S. Ankh-ugh, and cum, conuiuing 1 Acre, more or lets, imprond with .w an; and n half nary Log Dwellingm [lB3, with eelhr under the nine, Lbs Sable, well of inter. with a pump in it, near the door of the dwelling, some fruit trees, kc. Taken in execution u the property oliSebuzinn Weaver, 1:. . {I ‘ADAh! BEBERT, Sherif. fBhqifl’l oflice. Getty-burg, In. 28, '64. n H’Ten per cent. of the purchase money nfion I“ Ill“ h; the Sherifi'muu be paid over immedinuly alter the property is “nick down of upon failure to comply therewith the propu (y will be min put up (or sale. _ PVALUABLE‘PERSOIeL PROPERTY. —Ou TUESDAYJhe 12th dual APRIL, [8,64, m 10 o‘clock, A. 31., the subunits", Executor: o! the enue of Daniel Pulley, lute of:Cumberl-nd township, Adams county, Pm, depeued, will sell Lt Public Sale,on' the pres:- ‘ilu, in ",qu lownallip, about. 3 mile: from Get tykburg, ud neerztbe.Chambenburg’turcpike, All the person! prop-any of slid decal-ltd, viz : d‘ GOOD WORK HORSES, 6 good Ililch C V", 5 Hellen, one Ind two years old, 2 yelnrling Bulll, 1 Bow and 9 Figs. 13 'Sholes, l lFour-horu Narinv-lrud Wagon, 1 Two hokue Narrowdrend anou, 1 One-bone Whgon, 4 net.- of new Wagon Gears, 4 sets of Hominga, I set Carriage Hui-pegs, Riding Sod dlé, Side Saddle, Wagon Saddle, Halters and Chains; Cow Chains, Winnowing Mil), Wheat Screen, Ploufihl, HIN‘OI’I, lhy Ladderl, Sleigh, Crou-cut SEW, leul‘ud Wedges, Grindelone. Alaa, 20 cord; of Wood, Wheat. and Corn by m bulhel, together with .u the Ho‘usehold Furnitnrfi'consining in pan of Bedltendl and Bedding, Bnrealu, Tables, ChoirfiCorner Cup board, Looking Glusei, Copper Kettle, Car peting, Sheets, Blankets, Quilu, Coverleu, good Cook Stove, ae. Also, I splendidlot. of Baton, Hams, Shoulders, Flimh, Salt. Beef and Lord. Also, 8 Share: omeck in the Getty:- burg Railroad, and a great uriely or other :nicln not herein mentioned. The Snle will be continued from day to day until everything is Idlll. , At the same time 9nd place will be lold a gond Threshing hlnchine., . Attendance will be given and germ; mad;- lmown on day ol sale by , ‘ JOEL n. nuxm, CHARLES B. EUIILEY, 3hr. 28, 1884. t 9 Execute". . HE following application! to keep public I houseso! entertainment, have been filed in myiofl‘me, with the requisite number of signers, and will be prosentvd nt the Court 0!" Quarter Sessions, on MONDAY, the 1811: duy ofAlleL ne (: ' énmnrl Wolf, Borough ol G‘euysburg, ' it. w. McCerun, H u . . n. “In“. “ ” john L. Intel “ . “ ,ucob Sloék, “ ‘ “ ‘ Andrew Stock, " ‘ ' 1‘ , David Bluqbaugh; “ “ , rmncié J. Wilma, Borough of Berwick, Ilenry KO‘DIBF, “ ' “ g'rnncis Bream, Cumberland township, Alfred Slnnsker, “ “ file-urge Bear, Franklin . “ Gem-A. f‘urwell, ‘ “ “ ‘ Jnthll‘Cleflt)‘, ‘ “ " . ‘ Fred. D Smith, “ ‘3 . Alexander Miller, “ 4 “ Incol- Eiclloltz, “ V “ Henry Munsllour, », “ . “ Georgc‘li. Vanna, “ " “ Joaquh Baker, . ‘I ‘4 John D. Huh-r. ”umington u Gen W. Hildebrund. “ “ D. M )hrklry. . “ “ , Peter Shively. Hamiltonban “ , ' Francis McNe-«f, ' “ “ ‘ A ' filexundur 81-ugllonf, “ ” . Ernnkliu Cmdm-r, Lulimore ‘- lEmrndM‘nggonet, .\l'rpimunt “ a. harm Myers, Menallcu‘ “ gum I‘. House, “ - “ VQeorgc Shane, Uqurd “ v Jucoh‘ Marti n, “ “ Robert M. Nicki, Reading 4 “ 'I Shaderit-k G. Slqyens, “ ” ‘ - Jacob L. Gnu, Stmbnn . “ fi'len M. Cook, Tyrone ‘" gorge Rex, Bullerf I _ “ . , Jereminh Johns, anowngo “ ' D‘aniel Becker. flnmilwn “ x ‘ stou‘ucuus. George)“. K-Ibfleilch, Geuynhurg. : ‘ ‘ Lydit lyen,’ Genm'my townlhip. Nathaniel Rimes, “- .“ I ‘ Francia K. Smith, 01km! “ ’ = ' Reily JI-Sneeringer, Conowngn tp. JAMES}. PINK, Clerk. ”at. 28,_1364. m ‘ ' ' , Jury List-« April Term” - ‘ GIL-u) Jun. fl Tyrone-—Henry J. Myers, (Foreman) Andrew Bream. ' . flamilmnben—lsneo Hernerflncob L. Fimr.‘ Huntington—Jacob Shaffer. Oxforddemee Robinfxon. ' “ Hamilton—John Rafi", ' - v ‘ Reading—flaw)“ chobs. _ ‘ Intimate—Arnold Gardner. , Germany—l‘. B. Klein. ‘ ' - Slrebnn—Jolm Lynch’.' _ j Union—Daniel Bneehére, Sr. I ‘ Herrick tp.——John Riéhter. _. _ Gennbnrg—Peler Sitar“. , ‘ lodntjoy—John B. Lil xle. . 1 1 "Binder—Jones Ornerq ‘ , . ; Me ‘nllen—Henry Rice, Sr. 4 , _' ‘ Cnfilberlend—luec'Diehl. ‘ 3 Franklin—Levi Irwin; MBqntpleunut—‘John Kerri ; - ~ Beryick hon-fierce Devin. ? ‘ ' Conowngo—Ablelom hnlebnnghfi, ‘ \ Liberty-aw. Shower. g < l ? Freedom—Cnlvin Kriie. ‘ , Gun .1. Jun. ' , Gummy—Wm. Rina e, Jemel H.-Colehpnie. ‘ lonntpleuenv—Jolepp Kuhn, Robert S.- Lott-f Stratum—Philip Donohne, John P. Folly. Hedilton—Peter Hofffleinl, Jncob Stoek. 1 _ Freekliu-A-John P. Butt, George Lady. Buntingon—Abrlhnn Pickel, ES Gochenonr. Conuwngotlohn We ver, Jeeob Blelborn. ‘ Cumberln‘ndthn H in, Jug: Beemer. Ruding—Lewie-Chro met, An rev Henu. , Oxforddacob Klur'lk ~ Liberty—John che on. 0-K ‘ Bernick lam—Jacob H 11. ‘ A , Tyrone—James A. Mil r. . Butler—lnfill Thom , John G. Hartley. Letilnore—Joeeph Fic el, Jehn Sand. ": la Hen—Amos Schl "er, Semnel leek, “'1 Gezgeburg—Wm. H. ulp, David Kendlelnn.‘ Mounties—John *1“: r. - Berwick hon—Fr nc' Struhinger. V . Union—Devid Boyer, In. A. Young. Freedom—Samuel Bi r.» _ A Hemilmnjnn—Leonn Kenfl'mnn. ‘ ‘ lurch 2!, use. cc . , ' ’ ‘ ~ No ice. QNIEL POLLEY' ESTATE.—Leuers tu hmenury on the cent: of Demel Pulley, Me \of Cnmberlend urn-hip, Adam: county, dec'd., heging been . ted (ewe underlined, the [rut nemed‘residi in Gettyebnrg and the Mt urged in Cumbe end “11)., they hereby give notice to All p n: indelned to said «are to nuke ham to payment, end tho-e huing Shine Again-t the me to: present them properly nuthenlfcued for eeulemenz. J. B BANNER, ~ ' swans a. POLLEY, In. 28, 1864. 6: ' Erecnwre. Kl but quality of TIN WARE dflyl rndy n the Tin int-blah“: at 8. 0. OK, (tomerly A. Polley‘ng) appeal“ an Glob In, York, I. Thig highest price. pad; {or old Btu], Goipen Loud mu! Pewter, .1 th- thou “med plpco. ; 1u.28,1864. 3!. g 5 "1.01 «Riki viii-53;. sm: in. ml.“ in thin n Rd, to bend u D: U “'8 Drug Star . . . ' ‘ ii . . l ‘_ . ' .3 . Sheriira Sale. Public Sale Tavsrn Licenses.‘ gnrin Schriver. “ ‘ “ mnuel S.’Moritz. Fretdom lownihip‘, Pele; Lingenfemr, Germany “ vai'KreFl, V “ Lawrence Brandt. " Tin Ware. 1 . Registrar’s Notice. OTTO! in henbygiven “I" Legato" Ind I other perm- concerned._4hu the A'rl- Imininrllion Accunnu herelnnfler mentioned viul be presented It. the Orphm'l Goun or Ahmad coa‘my, for confimnfiu And ‘ll-wnnca, on XONDAY,‘he 18d: dny 0! APRIL, 1564, u 10 o'clocg, A. 31., viz: 24. Account of Isaac Brinkerhof. Ad minintntor of Rachel Brinkerhofl'. doesn ed, settled by John G. Briukerhofl' and [sage F. Brinkerhofl', Adminigu'ltors Bfllid lune Brinkerhofl', deceased. V 25. The first and fins] account of George L Group. Administrator of the mate of Mm Mowery. late of Butler township. dec'd. 26. The‘fint and finnl mcouut of George Gran ), Executor of the will of In, How ory, lute qf Butler town-hip, Adam coun ty, deceased. , 27. The first account of Samuel Brown. Adminintntor of Eliza Eried. deceased. 28. The fim Ind final coconut. of Amo- Lefever. Admiral-tutor of the estate of Joo'eph Dysert, [no of Germany township. deceased. g l 1 29. The first Ind final moon!“ 0! Jncoh .B. 'rmue. Administrator of the auto ofl Margaret Fidler. dgcoaaod. ~ 30. The second and find loconnt ofJolm ‘Klinepem And Frederick Klinepeter. Ad ministrators of Frederick Klinepeler, do oeued. - - ' ‘ 3]. The first and find account of George Hollinger. Administrutor of Michael Hol linger, deceased. I , 32. The account of findrew Wilt, surviv ing Executor of the in willand testament of Andrew Wilt, deeeqaed.‘ 33. The second nnd finish looountpf Jo geph Dysert. Executor of We last will and testament of Abraham Biebl. late of Union tofinship. Adams county, Pa" d’ecemd. exhibited by Amos Left-yer. Administntdr of fhe estateof said Jose I: Dysen. deceased. . 34. The account. or Michael Bender, Guardian of anu Eppleman. deceased. ’ 35. Second and haul account of Hon. [me E. Wierman. one of the Administn tors of Dmiel Fickea. deceued. : SAMUEL LILLY, Register. Register’n Office, Gettysburg} ‘ llnrch 14,.1864. Ld“ Come to York. Street ! HE un’denigned has boughtouv. the Grocery Ind Provision Store of W. E. Kittie, in ork street, I’ new doors eut or St. Jamel Luther“: Church. Ind will‘continuq the busi ness}: the ulna place. He ha tincl'eaied the stock, and is now prepared to offer: a my“ ex calgnt usortmeut of goods in his line! such an COFFEES, scams. swaps, TEAS, . Sail, Fish, Brooms, Buckets, Brushes. Wuh‘ ing Machines, Blacking. Candles, Needlel, Piu‘s, Combs. n.. with a large 10; of SEGARS AND TOBACCOS Also, Goal OH and Coal Oil Lamps Ca.” and see forVy‘aurselves. Hm asaércmont in not onlytull, but. he sells a: cheap 51‘ thé chonpent. ‘ ‘ The highest price paid for oldfima d-z ' DAVID T UXELI m Gettyrbnrg, March 7,1864. First National Bank v GETTYSBURG. ' ' . O ‘ Tnnwn Drum-u". Oflice of ’Cnmptrolkr of the Conway} Wuhingmn. Murch-ch,‘lB6a. Where“, by utinfnctory evidencczpresented to the undersigned,'h ha! been made to appear Ihnt the First National Bank of.Genysburg, in the. County of Adriannand State of Penny).- vwih, in}: beqnfiuiy organized under and nc-. cording to II): requirements»! the act. of Obn greu. “mica ”An act to préride n nMionni currency. recur-ad b-‘q piadga a! United Sum-l noon, and to provide for tin clrcuinllon and rI-de’mption thcrcof." 'npproved Februn’ry 25. 1863, and bu complied with nil Hm proviuonl of said net, termed to be compiled with beforo commencing! e business 0! Banking. Now. therefore; 1, Hugh Md‘uiiochL omn trollcr of the Currency. do‘hqrrby cmi _ that the‘i-‘irnt Naplonul Bank of Gettysburg. (foun ty or Adumsrand Stale of Pennsylvania. is In thorized to commence the busineu of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimnny whereof. witness my hand and lead of china, mi; eleventh day of tum-h. 1864. L HUGH .\h-PI‘MMCH. _, Comptrollel’ qt the Currency. Mar. 21, 1804. 2m - Physxcmns' Bates. . T a meeting 9f all the practicing Physi- A can: 6f Gettysburg, on the 18th inlt., it mu determined unanimously to tdopt th following {8 ‘ ‘ R A 115 S:» ' ‘ J Country visits, far the firg: miie', Si 26 h For each subsequent mile”, . :5 t Town Yi‘lll, emf; . ‘ 60 .1 Medicines. unlesi nimple. enrg charge. . ' Night Vinita, one half more. ' ’ Ordinary use! of Hidwilery, 6 00 II eue'in the country, ride exlm. . ~u Instrumental enseg, (Midwifery) 10 00 Othi-r profession] charges :o‘be propprtiou lily incl-cued. . - March 21, 1864. _fl Newl 0]? thing Store. . HE uuflemign d invites nllenu'on to his NEW CUOTHING STORE, in LITTLES I‘QWN, Adamfi county, Pm, formerly occupipd by .L Hermnn‘ ‘11: will conginue the bulineu at the bid nah}, hLHmover "reel. .110 ha ‘ INCREASED" THE STOCK, Ind in now prepnred w 'ofl'er In most excellent umnmentaf CLOTIG for ‘ , MEN'S AND BOY’S _ WEAR Item": my thnnh'to my fricndl for the libs"! ”Image exténded to me thumfnr, Ind napucuully'n t continuance thereof. ‘ HENRY RIF-BER. “fin. 21, 1'83“. 31!: Millinery ND STBAW GOODS. In every variety, of the late" impomtions, uqd of the new eu end moot {anon-bl: utyl'u. OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT will comprise every uriety of Bonnets, Hats and Trimming to be found in them“ ; of the kiwi Ind mm Ipproved ihspel end uflu. » ~ Soliciting ui early cell, 1 temuin ' You", Reapectfuuy, I _ , ’A. WARD. Nos. 103, 105 k 10'! N. Second SL, Philndelphls. Mu. 21, 1864. u Dissolution. [IE pvtnenliip heretofore existingfietween the undersigned hm: thin day been dis lolved by mntnll content. The book: will be lehiu tho hand: of JO). Gillaple,‘who will continue the b’ulinm u the old chad, Ind imuudlnu mun-um are u d. ‘ ‘ GEO 0000!“, K ‘ ‘ JOB PB GILLESPIE. huh u, gs“. u l Blaoksmithing. Bl unfieuigned wguld molt mpectfnlly lnlom the public um. be [ln commenced‘ ‘ Q. ' BLACKSHITHING BUS INESS, At Dinner & Zieglor’l uhop, in Eu! Xiddlo ”rut, Gettyabnrg. when he will u all times be pnplrad to do Blschmithlng work to Cu tug", Buggies, anonl, kc. Thu be known hbw to do I“ joblpl the kind will not be ques tioned bx than who bus I knowleize of hi. long experience u tlu bulineu. Come on gith {our work, Ind yod villbe ntiafied when you t k: it .'"\_"n‘d for which he will ro celu‘Cub or Go Mfr-Produce, . ' : l V ADA! HOETZWOBTK. Jun. 4, 1884. if » Last Notice: ( m 5 pom-l mama to an ha Firm 0! Cohen h Only, are hereby notified to all and settle their monnu on or before 111. 11‘. of April, I: it ll highly important (but '.th - uineu would be closed. .‘ ' CUBEAN & GULF. larch 14, 1864. ‘ ‘ - KW FALL 8 WINTER GOODS l—A g'ood ' assortment of PAH Ind Winter Good- n u up u the cheapest. A. I! SCOTT t SON’S E ha" just. received I new ”scrunch! of Queen-wan, to, which we inviu .Iha mention of buyerl. A. SCOTT t 8013.- alums wuws AND LAsnss,’good 0 Old M, for “lab-y ROW & WOODS. ‘USI' meind u PICKING’S Spring nd Janna: Clothing. ‘ Come out sad ‘l]. „ i tov e & La/kw/ l FOURTH t ARCH STREETS, \ . . LADELPHIA. 1 “I pull" nanuo, um, 00 pol-$1 fine: sun. 6 Inch-silk, ‘l. 190 “.good Muck “ .00 “ Order-d Plain ’SILKS. H‘ LYONS Bllck Silk VELVET. Brown Silk, $6. 5,4, 3,2, l, p. yud. Bluk ‘4 u, s, 4,3,2H1. “ . . . Moire Antigua, if! colon. 9 Inchificent Granudiu. - Nunificeut Org-uni“. Rich" Chimiennd Percnlu‘ Springfihwfl; New Hounhold Staple Goodl. ‘ ‘N. 8. Conan! aslortmznt of lcn'l Weir. ‘ Hitch 7, NM. 3m ‘ ; 0R RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS. RED 1? BUGS, moms l.\' Fl'llS, \mOLms, a ... mkscrs ox mum. FUWLS, ANI MALS, nit—Put up in 25c. 55c. Ind Sl~ 00 Ban-I, Bottles and Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes {or Horns. Punuc lutuunou, kc. “Only infallible remediu known." " Free from Poi-om." ‘ “ Nat dungeroua to the Human Family."r “ Rat! come out. of their holes to die."' “-Sold _Wholeulg ln all large cities. fi'Sold by All] Draggistl Ind Remilen every where. l ' fill l Blvd: l H ohll wartbleu imilntlonl. fi-See um “lCognI’l” nnmé in 9:: each Box, Bottle abq Flask, before yomhuy. ' ale-Address l: HENRY n. COSTAR. ‘ fil’nmcxnpgbnor 482 BugAnvn', N. Y. fi‘Sold by all Whole-ale 141 d Retail Drug gislsgn Gettysburg, Pnl‘ If‘eb. 29, 1 cd‘. ’ - _ 8225. I:va OCTéXfE,, 8225. Rosew od PlanoxFortesp Bowman. a 00., ’ G \ 499 BROADWAY, N. Y. Kev, Fain-god Segue Piano Forus, with All 5 ’, la eat improvements. . < Thirty yn'u? experience. with greatlx It;- creased facilitisl for manufacturing. enable us to sell for CA KH at the aboi‘e unuxunlly low price. Our‘ln trumenu received the highest award at the Vforld’s Fair, and fur {We succes sive yeqrs 11. the American Institute. War. muted five years. Tums "gens. Cull or send for descriptive circulu. Mnrch 7, 186+. 3m Torwn Property 01?. SALEJ—Tbe undersignedx offer! at F l’riynte Stile, the property be now occu pit-9. consistinmofa HOUSE AND LOT, ,sim nle on the corer of Wést Middle and . West glreeu. euysburg; The House. is wtwo-atory rick, withanck-build ing. There is +156 5 large Shop on tho premi um; well of wnter, fruit trees, choice grape wins, to. Thq‘ terms will belensy. - HENRY T). ZIEGLER. A. 5" ‘ Min-N4, l 8 .' issolutlon 'RSHXPn-fl‘he Co-pnrlnership emeen e subscribe", bus I this lit! by mutual "uncut.— , s to o r l‘rieudh and the pnhli'c suppo t extended to us. Our .at the fore; and we earnest ;e indclged to us to call and paynicth In we are desironn in“! W". out delay: . ALEX A'KDRR COBEAS, JOHN CULP. r mun-x" "Ming- Beeu dluolvedi We return than: for tho liberal bookl II" bel-n ly requen tho' make nnmedim to new. our bu Jun. 30, maul LA Can-m ‘ or having disposed ofhis it». ihe Store of Column & Culpt'to rd, E.q., regpecuully “In the ihia friends'find customers'lo ‘ cceasu‘r—when ~Burgnim; may _ , JOHN GULF. :l‘lmfsubscri . tergst in obn S.~.Crnwf continugince uf puironi‘ze his 5‘ be bad. ‘ I-‘éb. 8, 1864. An ther Change N THE HAT AND SHOE BUSINESS.—A. Cuban h: ing associated with him in business (John S. Cruwfurd, who purchnlrd thc iuiereat 0‘ John Culp, respectfully sn- mmncea tome itizens “Getty-Eur“ and the public sexier-1151, that. the bulineu-will he mu tinned at. the [Old Stand on Chamberghurg street. by A. COBEAN & 00., who fill con- Imnlly keep P" hand I large flock of Gouda, in Incline aft ~ ; SBOES, HA'HS, CAPS. TRUNKS, ' , CARPE? BAGS, UMBRELLAS, #9., ma may William continue me Huiuructure 0! Shoes. From their 1 01.; experience [:1 all the nbo‘ve' branches, they Inter themneh'ea that they can please the puhlfic, end .w'm an cheap for cash. a j! A. OOBEAX} J. S. CRAWFOfiD. Rail; buineunnder the nuns end firm, of A. Cobennl Co. [Peb. 8, [864. ( PHILADELPHIA ‘ I 1864' {Paper Hangings. } 4681 vOWELL a: BOURKE, - _ V Ilunucnnu or “WALL PAPERS. j : uh _ WINDOW CURTAIN _PAPERS. Cor. «h a smm Bmm. PHILADELPHIA. N. B. A fine amok of LINEN SHADES constantly on ya‘pd. . [Feb. 22,14. 3m Notice. BRAHAM‘I'EADY’S ESTATE—Lenard of ndminims on on the emu of Abnlum ndy, hut of'i‘i'nnklin township, 'Adams county, doc’dq 11 via; been mated to)!» un dersigned, raiding—Jun the nuns (ownohlp, ho hereby givell‘hotige to II! persona jndebud to nld nut: no n-ko immediate payment, And those luvx‘bg claim: Ipinst tha‘nmo to present them properly authenticated -. settlement. JACOB LADY, Adm‘r. l-r.14.188£$ at [l‘ll HIIIE To Hucksten & Harketmen. a ERSH t flfEAGY, formerly '0! New 0:- ' ford, Adul- county, have 'opened"? ‘ mmiuion Hodge, unu Mumhnutu Arm, WASHI ‘ . [y of POULTRY, &C. Huchu :Ir sdvgnugo to consign Imm: in Eh: hep parka" lukegi son's Eutaw k. Mardi N 0131 rupcctfil cnuomx MEM the com .E STREET, Mia- .Kowud'pnd Liberty, when they will for the (may. cpuducc Ib. Whom-j. Bul wlfiioldy in y - misty. Trl‘ Magi, . 3 Fur-i lug Goods. 3 \ ' Perfnmscry, Notion, l ; “dowry, GI: sq, 1 Ton. n.. ta, to which they {min the nuntion of «my Ind country pun: feeling confidant or their ability to oler‘ nducem-na in price: And qutlity of Goodu.‘ Onion by uni} tion. Addflu LAWN poo 3 Inch “.13“. AL OIL— 0‘ mum and u will receive puny. 3"“.- no: D. 01812 8 00., «non moat, Bald-m. 1103383.? by“ m. ‘n-cr cdmiguh‘ {n..-mi L , - «KING'S: 11111!E=IIM 3 7 15mm than: I run vmx. vmmpm ' I 01» THE ”swan, .obtdnd by a pecullu proccn in I.lm dueling «ion of the-w. by thick in high.“ Main! pwporflu‘uo “wad." . \ BA." 1017 1 Co ‘3 Dan an? HA" Manon-:7 goua- Any n! we ”2.0.3591 nymphs" x non I u! d' . summit? { l "a“, co. ‘flaou w ibou‘ld'bekund by the" lymp. cb-I gone I} think lightly cl than mull it II No lube. .il'ro- thblut.pwlm more than" in; ot_hor, ulna the lad prenlouou “d Inkl ity of dim which wow-{to My". n [cut “one sixth" of dentin victim. , \ ,- Con-umption bu dutnyedpéro of’thgfil man funny than my «he: “an, and tho beat. phyaucinni formlny yemLhn acquired of u cure, or armed; um wanting] the lungs, but for union thnn two hundhdgom the whole med' :2 world hm been hum-cud! that theregl/I‘mysuriou' power uni emciou cy in the me Tree‘ Tu- ;n Iran! the lump; theret'ore- they have mommendbd the nu 1 Tu Water. whicp in may “in Ind. I good «End; but how to combine mtdlfll Pmpcfliu lo M to heal the lung-l, hag, ever been I myl tery until It. In diucovered by 0:: L 343. ‘WJSHART, of Ehil-delphln, 21., the pro rio .tor of “\Wthl Pin. Tm Tu Codi-L" ’ Mnyflnot cab of the people, but ph‘yflchau of ovary Ichnul Ind practice. tn: ({lin uklng‘ me, “Winnie W principlo or nuutof on success in the trentmenc m .Pulgoniry smm lumption 7"fl y nnlwor in“ um: -_ 'G'he ,rmmuon «at-the drgemw «ginn— tlxe Ilrengthening of the (lebiliuledJyuem— the purification Ind enrichment of the Mood, V mun exyel from the 'lyitqm the corruption which Icrorulu hreedr.‘ While this in affected § bx the powerful silentive (changing from diuuenwhullh‘) prnpeniu of theft“ Cordinl,; in “healing and morning principbe in nlm “ting upon the irritated nurfmo of the lung and “no“, penatntlng to tuck diluted put, religriug pain, Inbduing inflammunon, nod reltoring nhenllhlul tendency. Let. thin two fold powerhthaha‘nmg and um llungihaninr, continue to net in.conjunction with Nuure’n mutant rewycnflvoneadency. Ind the pn- ITEM is and, if be but annual”: delnyod a tenors {qthauem ohm". [lnfill haunt! the fdllowlngfcenificnm. The; gram-om men and women of unquuflw able urn: And reputation :- _ ‘ ' Dr. Wiaha'rt—Jboar Sir-41111.8 I very archd fui cough and sore throat for one‘yetr, nudjny whole system was last givin’g way, and I not prostmted‘on my bed with but. little hope of ficovering. {Ly discs“: bulch the powuy of on medium. and'in A short find I must. hue gone to my grave, but thank God,» my daugh- Lenin-13w would not. rest until. the cut to your More, No. 10 N. Second Qtree , Ind l’ee~ lited my cue to you, purchud a bottle of yourtg’ina Tree T-r Cordial And , commence! to p: it, And in o‘hqwgekJ .wu unch'hatu, nod after using _threeibomq II a. partially well, unmade: to 111-my friendlA'oV they pll pronounced me put can. xl'uhmh my cue." you IbinWrgTel-p - _‘ .5 BEBEGCAflAHILTOL; No. 132! Wylie Street, Philndelphis. Dr. Wishan'l .Pine Tree ’hr Cordial in In inhllible cure for "ranching, Bleeding of the Lunzl, Sore 111 m: Ind ‘Bvrout, Inflammation dt flan Lnugl. Ht. Ward my! ‘ .9 'Dn 'Wiihnrt-Sir:—l hnd Bronchitin. In fflnmmntion of the Lungn, Shannen ol Brnuh. and Pulpitnion of the Heart in their woruv Worms; 1 bed been treated by mud of the 'most eminent physician in Philadelphia, but they could up! uop the rapid can": -of my ’diucuc, end I hnd dupnired of ever being we’- uored to he-lth. Ino truly on the verge of 1 tlxegrm’c. -Your Pine Tree Tu- Cordl-l '9- highly rccommeng‘ied to me by 5 friend; [tried it, and I um tbnnkiul to uy that after min“ ‘lour large. and one small bottle, I In: renor ed a; perfect health. Yomcnn give reference. to my 'house, '.N‘o. 96F N. Second Itren, or at} "my office 01 Receiver oaner, from 9 A. ll lo 2 P.‘VM., corner of Chen". lud Sinhalreeu. ' " JOUN WARD. Bend the ‘lollowingfrq? we. .~ Dr. Widen—Deer Sh- :-I uke plenum In informing you through thin source thu you ‘ Pine Tree 'l‘» Col-Mal, wkich wu recommend: ed for my denghur by Dr. J. A, HAIL'of thin ‘ chy, be; cured be: of e cough of 'ore thn five monthe"mnding. I hid thong? hen“; ‘ yond- cuye, nod ahad employed lb but. If medical aid without any benefit. [can cheep 1 fully recommend an the public as 3 ate Ind lure‘remedy fa el‘lhoee fimilarl) Iflicted, I? I know of many other cue: beeiden ghet‘ul my denghkr,thel it. he! entirely curgd of Ice; } landing couzhl. " e . L- Your: napeccfully, ‘ ’ ’ * JUHN V. PARKER, ‘ Dl‘guemnll ARI", i ' 116 Beam Mun, mice; J' ' D :—l Inn and Dr. Wish-r": Plus Tm: Tu Cordlnl in my “my, Ind an ac}: dinlly recommend it u I inhabitant! “(a medicine for colds, coughlmnd to nib” pra dhpoud to contraption. ~ _5 DR. 6. A. FOSTER, ' 3 7 060' Gena-'0- urea. I ’ 1‘)» than 3;. 5 (an dung the tho/undo which thin (rent and, Mg and from u untimely grave. ' v‘ 13=13 We in" thonundrgt'luku Iron physi cians And drugginu tho hugmlbod 3nd told 11:. Tu Cardin], laying flint. any luv. and; Inc?! or lold I mdlcino Ihkb "gnu lllch univcrul nfilmuon. » S, The Pine l‘m TRON-Hal vh- am in Anna-non aim Dr. mud-m ny-popm Pilh, h:- m-muo cm for Dylpqnis. ' m [lnked Suki. wind 8 Slums file Hm Tue fur Cordial in! min Cbnglu, Sou Thou and Brent, anchidl, Alums. Whooping Cough, Diptherin, nd il-bho n 0:1 “flung-My for dim-u of tho filing-,5“ (and. canal-{um . ’ ~ * altiroore, Sim* My 1: unit doom. 1350. _-. I. DIET! 8 GO, My their friends, may, “‘l‘ *9! makiin any, to Wamhonse, The {lndia bu the n.. of thtpmpflolol not afin m. Mowu In the bout». “10¢th unlinfloulgalufinm. - ' ' ‘- _ ‘- PIIDI. Rm Gnu 9nd 9n Dim.“ pg bank. ’9ong only by the W 3, - ' ‘ < m. L. Q. o. mama-r: <— ‘{ Inch 11,13“. 1, SEV ' ? ~- lEEE DR. MARY'S TAR OORDIAL. I=3 BEWARE 0" COUN‘EIIVIITI. No. 10 titois4lllcostareott:" Philaddpbis, ft Aglanqi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers