Torrils. a The Guru.“ is published every Monqty .nérniilg. by llnnw J. Snuu, at $1 75 per pupa—l! if paid strictly xx unset—s 2 00 per nfznum if got paid in advance. No subscriptiOu dismntinued. unless at the Option of the publisher, until All arranges :prg p§id. .. Animnuuns inaerted a; theumal rues. qu’ Pulxnxu done with mums and ”dispatch. __ ' . . Urn-caiin South Baltimore ghee}. nearly apposite \Vnmplel’s' Tinning Estabfiqhment' ‘ -“Cnll-u.r.n PRIVTIVG Urncfz” on the ninth. g éfiffiéfigflgfi xv - D, MCCOnaugfiy’ ‘TTORNEY AT LAW. (office one door well A of Buchler’ydrng and book alore,Chnm~ . erahurg atroct,)_All-o!nv un SOLtcvrol I’OI Pull" nan Psxsxovs. Bounty Land War ;unu, Back-pay luspended Claims, and all other claims agninst Ihe Government MWnsh~ ' ing'bn. D. C.; alsoAmi-{icnnClnimin England.‘ . Land Wnrrunlslocalednpd sold,or boughtmnd highest price: given. Agent: engaged in lo cutiug warrants in Imm, “Mimi; and oihu western Sluzel ”Apply to bun personal; .or by leuor. ~ . ’ -. - _ Gectysburg, Nov. 295’53. ‘ . ‘ -- ‘ A..J. Cover," *' ‘TTORXEY AT LAWJVIH promptly attend \ Ato Collections Mid all other business cna‘ trusted to him. 06in: hem-eon Fnlmestocks' and Owner .5: Ziegler-'5 Sun-cs, Baltimore street Gettysburg, 82;. [56111. 5, 1859; , Edward B. Buehler, . 'I‘TORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and A promptly ultelfa to all hunineis entrusted do him. He speaks the\h‘crmun lunguuge (mm at the eume'pluce, in South Baltimore omen, neur Fame)": drug store, and nearly .uppps-Lc banner 4.: Ziufllef'd store. ‘ . - lie-tn'almrg. .\lnrch ZU. , . Wm. A. Duncan, 3 : TTDHNI‘IYaAT LA W:—-Ullil:e it] the Furth- IX. west xofm-I ()chnne wig-Aw. thysburg, :hl. . [HI-t, 'x, 1:134», If MEEE2I «‘i'm‘mwm A'j‘ LUV—Purlivnhr amn— -3 L In': fun} in; Cr”!‘;"luu at -l‘.-M:nn*. (”131‘s and lh-k-twn mm.» in the S. l'}. "I!“l' of (he “'.\-mun! 1' ' l.‘\-x'_vd‘ulxl':, .‘.pzl! '5. H'i'f If ' , J. Lawrence Hlll, M. -D. HAS hi 4 ”flirt une ‘§€W\ fi:’f'-' dunr wrsx m the “‘ 5 I'l .... ‘s' Lulhrrnn «'hurrh $n . \EB li'mmherq'urg sin-rt. and Oppu-ih: Pit-king's Mine, I'h 'I‘F filed. “i‘!lil"_’l(’hll\~fi :m‘y ”PHI.” Upon mu pv'llif'nl‘d arr xe-[vm Hully invited to ’rnll [in - m u‘—.~< Hrz. Homer‘ RM: 4‘. P. iKrKnLhSJD. l) , RM.- 11. 1.. naught-r. D. D., Kev. ‘mev H J4..§h=. "ml. \l. Il.>'m:\cr. ‘.rEl) Jung. April H." 1.1. ‘ Dr. Jam 95 Cress, r ljumrnc l'lthlt'l u: :1"...qu for pun“- -‘- P J lir putruuugr’hci‘olal'ure rxu-ndrll to hvm. inldrny; hi; l'riemls th.”. he will rominm- the V’mftice n! his pru‘essluu in Hel‘lyaburz and v v'rnm. "lick-«( 6" mc.m~ to qho-wrur srlu l.‘ llcllue. we nlml Ihr hut, ~l.|le-t uml must ru‘ ' llnllle remnlin I~mn ull min-r n-clfirinnmedi . ml larhnnls. “hm 11 have been ryrumlmcud’oil (' lrnn'l (hp oxperu-nt'e and wmlinmul by the [mu-[M ur the nhlc~t Erlmfic Pnu-lixiuners, guidiu'uul illust- umrr injurimxs. aurh at nn~ tlunpny..arsrnir, men-Inf, blue pill. blood IN -1 (14 kc. , .‘ n " ‘ - ”Hire in the ome «ml anork slrem, ill the dwéllxng ownrd by llcnr} Wally. ' .' Gettysburg, Sept. 25,15'H. 3m ; . ‘l‘ , a - r Notlce. . ‘ -T ‘5”! firm nffirs. ('RI‘I'SS lz TAYLOR is . " ‘ Inn-by di~sufrml l-y-x'ymnml cnusent, on September llth, hum. All persnni hrving, ‘rnlmm: nzAinn m imleY-lrd m snill firln will I ‘ ‘falrnse pH‘fl‘nl Ahcm to lit-q. A. J. Con: tor \ adjustment. ‘ . g Dr. Wm. Taylor inTmmy Ihr inhul Hams ut Ih-llyd 111.? and vi cinit.‘ llun h: ml! 1 unmmf Hu' glrdtlirr or his prolc-tsiun nl_ Ilw 0H H x‘u‘K new MAI] w the ‘ f'mhpxlvi" ”Curr. (imfis‘nurg. l'u. Thankful \{ur um. bran. Fm bkjs 'n‘xw-I'ive n ..hun- of‘ mutt-e pJUqugv. [TV—m. 2». 13:23. I! ' I ~» . ' ’ ‘ 1| g _ Adams County TH‘I‘AII. FIRE I \‘W‘L’ILLVVE 4'(HH’ANY.— BI lncm'pox'alc-g ‘.\LlN'h 18, 185}. " "Orrlnna. ¥ _ flrrrinan—(h-nljzt hwupe. Jpq I',-m.'.l~m——.~. u nu.~-'f-n, Np‘P’Ml‘y—D. .\TDuh-hhr. ”Irrqfurrfahl)‘l\'i 1".“ (‘rn-ury'. } . Ntrnullicr ('nmumll)r iituhcrt “(Cur-(1v, Jacob K'uu, .\mlrmv 111-m1 I'vlmnu. ' *«mJ/flv —-Genr:t *nbp". D. A. Buehll‘r, R. ll't’qt.l}:, Jncoh Kn); \. Hrlnl/Mma'n.‘ I). “r -l‘rrglrr: ‘1 R. Hun-11. J. 1:. .Inrdl. .\‘lmnol Duly flaw. 15"". FU'nu-a'tm-k. \\'m. 11. \\'il=nn, ‘ H. \. "2:,qu :. “'m B. .\lw'("(‘ll ”1.310 an “.0!- .1.-r . R. I: ‘.l.|'r~ l\'. lull" l'u'Lilfu. Ala-IT. -\\'r'shl. 30172: ('unuinglnm. .\hdiv! l". Gilt. Ju‘ M 1" Mir-lull. \L Hwhnlh‘l-rgwr_ " gas-rm: i‘umpmr iu linmml in he nporn-‘ liolu (Ts—ll"- mmyny 01 Mi Inn. lllla‘ud‘hern in I“ +pn‘lnl "pontiun lhr mnro {llll.B :3: i-mr‘, 1m lt-in jflJluwrin-I ‘nh ;uill all Infiec‘Jn-I l‘\- pen «Saar/l «5' mm m ”unlit”. Inn-Hf: Il‘u zrlnrn ' 34."?1e 'apiml in the Treasury. ‘The g pguiv om‘lloya nu Agoqta~zfll luminous I} . dame _hvfinhe \( msm're‘whn u'c :mmmlly elem ed rill? Stu\'k'vy2‘/'x"',t" .\n} pcrwn drfiring "an qfilf’fince can 57K}; In am} of the above mu viffihnnqer: torlurtlmr inl'mmntiun. ‘ ”The I‘Zrncufive Committee "l""5 .It the ov'fic‘c oflhc.Comp:ulv on the hut Wednesday in qvery month, at 3‘, P. M. . L pt. 27. 1858. 3;» -.~~~ i“ A. MathlQt & Son’s pm AND FURNn‘l'uE \VARERI)O_\IS,Nos. .125 and :3"! N. Guy street. Baltimore, (nCJf Fajcue at“) extending trom Gnv to Freder’xrk il.:the [arges‘t establ‘ishmom dfihe kiml' in the Um n. . Always on I“qu {urge nwomnenfi uf Hubsnmmn Agbt‘wl-‘ICE mm: mm). I'm. ,brnlL-iug llurenzn febteads, Wxxsbsmnds, Wurd ;ut:f3‘, Matresses of' Hush, Colton and Han -8;: ug Beds, Semi, Tcw-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, 520%ng Chairs, Engines. .\lm-Me I‘flfllés, Sn ’9: . .Rccgption and Uphoktered Chain. AS SOEYI‘EDCOLURS OF CHTTAG E FI'RV WERE, ‘ .’.Hl'pc! Chairs. Office Chairs, Bur-her (.‘hilirs, . id 5 and Cnulles, Hut Ran-ks, “all Furniture, ‘ifiand Walhut Frame Lauk‘iug Ginsu“, Side .s' as, Extinsion Tables, ofsrery length. , Persons disposed to pqranse are invited to and anal give our szock an exuminutiun‘, v‘vhixh gHv-u-icly anql quality of workmnnship is not Q mm by any camblish‘ment in the county. \ , A. .\u'rmor k 30):, a 1 ' Nos, 25 aid 27 X. Guy street. Ir. a 1860. ' J r , - , Bemovalar _ ' undersigned,beingthe'anthorized person , tonal" removal: into Eve! Green Ceme . u ,lopeulmt such an co’utemplnte the remand of eremuina of decensed relatives or friends illhv'ail themselves of this swan oftheyeano . h is done. Removals mad! with promptness ms low, Ind 5;) effort spared to please. - ‘ , PETER THORN, 12, ’5O. Keeper of the Cemetery. Come, One and All! I lubscriber, having re-opened his Sa _' l 1 loo: in the Nozth-ensb corner of the Dia "H In «3, invite; the attention of his friendl um! ~‘11: public generally, to am: excellent ALE, ER, BROWN STOUT. WINE, CHAM . P GNR, TOBACCO, SEGARS,&c. He hopes. ( by Itrict lttention to busineswmd a desire w ‘pldnu, to receive 3 liberal share of custom. z i H. w. cuaxsxaa.§ e unburg,Ang: 24, 1863. [f * 4 f ‘on Gold and Sllver - mmn.—Jrhe highest, price in mi: ,' -‘ paid for old Gold and Silver; the I) eat in s favorable time to sell, the premium 0 lt bein; lmc. Mm, Gold and Silver Coin ‘ P ’haqd, and (he higheu price given, h; l ' \ JQSL‘PK 111-IVAN, 'Mmbert Jewdm,h the Dinnioud. Feb. 23, 13:53. -‘ I I. , ‘ :7‘ . «7.. .A gumfi'tmun gag—Wunaa‘: , «7, ~ . ' , BY H. J. STAHLE 46111 Year- J'acobs’s Saloon Renved. \. THE undernignvd hnre leased. Jacohl’c SA- ‘ ‘ Icon, in Chnmberaburg sue-ct, and inland to-‘keep itin the bee: style, hoping thn the public will 'sppreciuu- their cll'oru to please by ‘ givinglhem a huge pntrnnage. Tme .will re -Icell-e OYSTERS regularly unzl‘do ”Win up in ‘3“ styles; YOI'NG CHICKENS. ÜBEFTONGUE, 11AM AND EGGS, tnd nlmmt eve'rylhing that. may-be callevl for, will be tinted. They will .{lao Imp ‘ALE. LAC-Ell, Pmrrm, wers, szc. :Thoy are delermined to do thingrun in the lmost demrubls manne‘r, and feel certain of pleasing all \vuo mny rnll. l NII‘HOLAS conoax, m, ‘ ' JUSEPH suunu. ‘ l Gettysburg, Sept. 21, 186%. 3‘ . \»—--.—‘r . ~ ~~——— I .'1 Game With a Rush ‘ -' HF. finder-signed would moat respectfully 3 T inform his mn’nv hieuds "find the public gefiornlly, that he‘lms gone imp the (‘lollling businres, m Samson's old sumdfin the Diamond, lGElt'vshurg. Pu. Hi: stuck, nlrymly fullmlll be much enlarged, to embrace (-\'l-rv :xyle oi CLOTHING, BUUTS. 51511153. HATS, (‘ap:.“llinks, Yulicn a, (‘lqcké “Zulu In“, Jew (-!r). Guns. l’lslula. um]. m 511'”, M'eryhing \rhu-‘n ongh; lobc found Mu fire! cl:}s~':']olh'ing mu! Yuri-:1}- ilqugc _ T ' ' 'X'muul Ir: hereafter. In the meantime he iunlcs Mu} body to gnc him it cull. He 'in. wn f 5 tn kver-n yt-rl'vct n \fyrk VHS to ngcum 1.--~l Ilé all—rind, \v‘ilh flu: hype hfhrgo huh-ii, In: mpea 10 ane nlnriv gat mm H prt‘ 11H: .\‘o lv-luhli’ 141 show guuds, and awn-3cm)” mu,de ‘vl _.mzfy ‘HUFQI‘S. 3 I} . ‘ _ J\COB BRLVKERIIHFF. Jame 15,1803. tf' ‘-‘ ‘ g - Removal. 'l‘l’mnndvr-igm-d resph-fml-' ly ‘nfurnH lhc n-sidenhw I9.l;l‘t'r‘ihlllflnnil‘ioil;i’}3filnl “w L: luu re-mm'od his >\\'-.\'L2'H I\.\D JEWELRY h PURE, In Ihr mmn nppnsm- HIP Uur-k, on ank “feel, \vuvrc' ho inland: Lfvpin‘g nn’ u~‘()rl mm! or Vt .\‘l't‘HliS, JI2WI;I.I€Y.SIL\'EIL nnd MINER PLATED WAKE, [SI'EL/I‘ACLFIS, t Lur‘Ks. am, B'o. ’ s . Having been Mug-ten! w'hhfn firct-clma “'an h and quy Smre 1n ltalgirnonu for =1 Wm] gen'i's pm . he :5 [ln-pared tn furnifill Hwy flTI'C‘P in—lhe Info, at Ibevlowe-sl city [.ri. es, and kill purchases will be gunnuxli’d is . rtprcwnfml. 1 . . ‘ Frum a‘lnnz oxperimcp in ~“'Mrh-rr‘p'\irin;«:. vqmcinll} offim- Watvlwt, h» i< pranre-I lo do n” kind, of Watch-work pruynplly. in the fly”! manner. and guaranty lhé [u-Hnrmum'c (Nit.- . llc will keep nlunyfi'on hhn‘ln Inrgé‘gysurt ":an of W‘PH'TAFLJ-Is‘nnd Sin/w ‘ A: _ lm-le (llnswu; nnfi hum; "nu-Ir" ycxlu-riéme in mlamin: them Invthé‘sight, i 2 prrp ”Pd to fit all who nun-d llu-m. ‘ HAIR JEWELRY mmle In onlyr in the kc<f st_\ln-,:lnd A mean, vnrivl} of palurns uh luuhl JEWELRY l'rpzlired_illrlhhhu'flwtluunni‘r. JUSEPH 111-IVAN. ' Gettysburg, 001.5, 15211:. (I . 1 Give Us‘a. Call! ’ ' l ODORI & GILLESPH‘I lnp‘e inst rN't-ivod” . n Large and Splendid mud; urtSe-n- Uhmls whivh they are selling in clump us the lillu‘S‘ \.ill allow. Their Stork lms hung-holed u-ilk‘ wire and is of ns guqd u qunlity u: the murhet‘ “ill nlfvril. SPEARS. \ve_ hare '11” kinds“ ll ml and Soft (unlit-d. l’ulvenized.Grunnlute‘d. Szw Urlenns, Pmm h‘im MM t‘u’m. TEAS, lmporinl. Young lrys-nl nn'll Black 'l‘i‘il. ‘ .\IU LASM‘IS, _\'ew Urleum, POI‘IN llica and Syrups int «lill‘urcut'lxindi. TOBACCUS. in suit all 'lnn-rs of the weed, Fungi-«u, Spun, Nut-y“ t‘uveii‘dish, Rough nml Rudy, Saturn] Leaf, ,nnd Fine (‘lltgif Smoking Tolmrcu, l 5 ilili‘erent lhin-l‘: Pll’llS, u. lurge uu-l tim; :hcortmint; lSl‘l‘} “(S of varmne hrnnfi. ‘90.”. OIL ' l..\\lPS nnll Sluirlcs, “‘9 have the .l-eA :ucort inmnt in the place, which we si-ll low; nl~‘u._n )0. l n‘rticlc of Coal Oil. H.\\ls, [r‘lJill‘l-nd sugar cured, Shoulders and Sides. FLOUR, ol Ilia hm! quality, which we alarmi‘gnumhleef .t'vdmr-mfre, Tuba. llnckéfs, \“jnler Cn‘ns, kc.’ We also keep Notions, L'ont‘el-tinps; Fruits, 'l‘i~h. by the smnll or by ihe lmnll, hull. Spices, vl'lmcnldn‘. Starch, Blurking. Indigo, (indies, smm, Curry Combs and Curdwrrgo assuri nwnt ul BruslxethmkolE,llnlws.(‘hrd<,(lrocks., err-“glro, kc. GlVl‘i l'h‘ ‘.\ CALL! , (letivcburg. May 'll, lags. _ _’ No More PoiSOns. 1 ‘ )RW‘ESSI‘S for the I‘m-purution. lmprm‘r mom. alml l'mlttn'mn ul' LIQUUHS Ul" A LL: l\l_\'l).“. including Brxmdirs. Wines, Whiskirs, (inns, liunH, l’ortcr, Ale, ('ldi‘ra‘Cuf‘llJl‘x. Bit- I'rk. «(l'.—l‘lvory dmlpr in lxll‘u‘ors 1m: lung know" swirl h‘lt it to be of llu; li—‘i‘ghesv: impor- ‘ Imm: m the: prutilnhle cumluclillu 01 his busi nos, ll)“. lu: 4:oqu Inc in 1m». feign hf“ rmin inlurmnion \vlm-h has liitllcrm been strlclly confined to wholeml‘e homes, This infurmzi-: ,tiun is now. for the Era! time, placed within; the rem-h. nnd adapted to lho sucxessfnl‘nnd' lnusl profitable use.ofu.l. dealers. Particulars i will he mulled, free ul’rlmrge, to ”10:0 sending address to Ll'l-Lk COUKI‘I, P. 0. Box 35?,1 M'nshinglon, D. U. - l _ ‘ 'gFffi‘N. B.——No others lmt dealer? need 311- , ply, as no information will he Ee'm to'uny one; whodues'hot accompany lLl‘ ndtlnis “ill: the pledge Hun ths a denlerin liquor. Nov. 16, m 3, 4m Notice, OSEPH NARTZHL’S ESTATE.—Let'ers m administration on the estntoul \losrph Harl zel, late of Franklin twp., 33‘me co., dcveasgd having: been grlgled to the undtcnigncd, re s'id-ing in the same township,- be hereby gives uu'ice to all persons indvbled to mid eatnte to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims agilinst the same to present them properly authenticated [pr settlement. . ' . ABRAHAM HART, Adm‘r. Nov. 16, 1863. 6: _ . Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING continues the business A. ofSALEE CRYING,4Ind solicitg‘thegan tinned patronage of the public. It ii his can. nan: endeavor to give ‘safixfuctioh‘. Chime: moderate. Residence iq. Buckinridge'street, Gettysburg. . >. ‘ P. S.—He is Alicenled Knetionee’r, under the Tax Law‘afthe Unit/ed Shiva. ~ ' Nov. 24, 1862. 'a .»_.‘_..__ —————-—-—l——-——— 8. B. Tipton WOULD most tespectfimy inform the pub lic I‘ll: be hu yommence‘d making 8800 MB. He will make them on the shank or u will but anithis éuglomers. ‘ Persons having Broom 'Om'yill please en". Shop in McComghz'u Hall, on hornet-,0! first floor. ,- ‘ [Ngv.9,'1833. Shanda & Enabler, DEALERS IN , ' ’ COAL AND LU! sror s s , 853’ Imm“, HOLLOW-WARE, ac. —- use —— . SHUTTERS, BLISDS. BASH, ETC. Corner of Caflisle and Railroad Streets, Oppo nice Railrond Depot,’ GETTYSBL'RG, PA‘ 8ept.28,1863. If u . LOT of tmh Gun DROPS, us} finest eve! cfféred in this market, to‘ Mind :1. Dr NER’Q Drug Store. ' ' c—«n-q~— _. ~... _, _-... < ._r_‘__ ADIES’ m 5 TMUINGS, In great Vs risty, n -' " ' 86811298. A NEW.“ RI He carrikd my satchel to aébool, ' And me through the (lg-it"s curled, loo; Coulil think why hengghd me to clash? ‘ u 1 cenldn’t,‘how could 1,? ’cnuli’d you‘?‘ A: eve be tied mule:- my ph‘tin ; My hood with its mighz‘ribbong‘ blue, Why he gazed i}! mi face could I tell? ‘lfl couldh’frhoyv Could I? uoultll you 7 He told m‘e my {fives were 50 black, ‘I Thé‘ bright“); nf any he kmiw; ‘ ‘l l blushed Ind looked do us :could I help in; ‘ It I couldn‘t, how “)an M ‘could you? I He left or: my rbeck a mlrm‘kjss, . -T~hcn 6R” with the fightuing’s speed flew, I“ could I‘d have seal-16d al d smmpgd; h I :nuldu'l. how could lrcoulé ybu? ’Txms lung years ngov unh 4mm tfwn , He has spoken For/'slgri-ng and true; louly leaned elm; to his bitenst, . . For haw cqulll [jlflp'fifl @6ng you; \ @ifimllfizfinuh. [From the N."l'. \l‘Jarl L] “‘ GENERAL MGCLELLA ‘ AND NEW Tile report: of General McClellan is at last (‘B' see light. Haw muflx of the secret history of 143:; senior: tlmtkofliner,‘ always djuqroct 4nd r‘pticent as to his own‘rvlulion's wit?) the government. eved in the fncg‘of mmt periistent ‘and maligfiant» fefihrts to drive him by form; of cnjubmy “:ItOJ'HdiS tion. may {hnvqthnuéht it his: duty to 2‘, through the War Dvp‘rtngen‘jt, before the publi'c, still remains to )e {gt-[IL , ’1 IL i 1 marvel? pm‘iuhle slory will ‘he §old,hy him :1 ju~lfgb (If Hm“ [maple will ; menfiuie’s wink-h the soldio suggest ; nndlns the large of hi: mihtnfiy imiioy unr 1115 public milhd, the coxnr palié’nt and tum-_h onmprel nt'nfgem-m} who took his sunously‘m hedrt, und'Jhe Hill panic-mt, the small pro nos and the; prepmtéruu} [ions by whi'ph those do: (if their fit cure-mien, will I The“whmi;x£gnf(imebring-1 and It is a curious oil-cm that a pdyfica‘inn madel mums of glonfyiflg one . fifths noiyy faction b 3! “ml Clellan 111$ yeen moat'sed and villifiedfshould be thel ring the way for that comp of'his plans and his cnuie w‘ upnp the evé qf‘accomplid' In a skttqlf of General New Orlean's; which hasju: a hnuse in this city. the ord which General Butler wnu i «vbf‘u he set out. from'Wa.- command of the Departme February, 13432. That- pgdei is. in fact, gramme of the events whi of those cane-r even ts whic} terfcreucc ofinfmunfid p' havp also followed Upon New Orleans .ILrjar Genera}. B. F. Burl", (inxaun: You are uasig mum] of this land forces (1: Prflte with the navy in__t Xevp‘flrleans._ You will" to kee the destination It even from your staff office caption of.youl' Chief of stn ant Whitzel, of the Engine '. l . _ The Tome at your dispose will éOnsist of' the' thirteen regiments named iin.your memorandum handed to me in person : Tho Manny-first IndiunaMFourtli Wiscon sin and Sixth Michigan (oltl and good regi mentafrom Baltimore.) These three regiu mpnts will await your orders at Plort Mon: rne. 'l'wO no Ipanies oftho 'l‘wemyJirst Inv dians are well drilled in heavy artilleryuz- Tlieeavnl'ry t'orce alreadyfn route‘ f'orfivhip I land will be sufficient for: your purp’oaes. Alter full consultation with‘ofiicerp/l‘ell ac quainted with ,the country; in which i} is prom to operate. I hnwl srriie'd at "the conclhsion that three tight batteries fully equipped anrlbne without horses will heal! that is neceséary. This will make your force dhout 14,000 infen‘try. 2751ciwalry. 580nrtillery~totah 15/255 men. The com. mendinggenelral oi the Department of Key West is authorizedflo loan youJerqporu-ily, two regiments ; Fort Pickens {an prpbnbly give you smother. which will bring your for. ces to nearly I'B,ooo. . ‘ ’ The object of your expeditl is‘ene of vi tal importance—the cspturfi‘fiew Or leans. ,The route selected is the Missis sip'pi river, and the first obstacle to be en‘ countered, perhaps the only one. is in the resistance 'ofi‘ered by Forts St. Philip and. Jackson. It is expected Lhatthe navy can reduce the works; in that case you will, sf tet’ftheir capture, leave a sulfiCient garrison rs them to render them \perfectly secure; and it is recommended that on the up ward passage sfew heavy guns and some troops be deft at the pilot station. at the forks 'of the river, to cover a retreat in use of a disaster. The troops and guns will ofoourse be removed as soon as thej‘orts nocaptured. Should the navy fail to re duce the walks, you will land your force and siege train, and endeavor to breach theworks, silence their fire and carry them by_ssssult. ‘ , Thanext resistance willvbe near English ‘ bend, where there are some earthen batter-_- ie’s; here it nisy be necessary for you to land your t‘rdops, to cooperate with, the navel sttsck. although it is more then pro- ‘ bable that the navy, unassisted, can accom plish the result. .It‘tbese works are taken, Ith]: city at New "Orleans any I 's ~ ' [ . In ©RATH© MILD) mmam JQ-URNAL; T'I'YSBURG, PA” MONDAY, jsod-23(2). 28, 1863. l (Elie ; @3152. E \ HOW comm l I BY AXNXE 31021.0, ; ORLEANS.; ”minis whole 11; file-:intrinqc ”fly {the mml may fbrbea} to exit-ml scheme 'Hs i¢s§lfllefore l r-l lmmeon the lending designq usk aiszly and ‘jwtty :lan peg-ti eés'lomil jealous a'mntq‘ur ambi gna wq‘re foiléd ll hié bwn 1:119. in itarévengesg” mum-é enough for thb express . lhelpeh idol» ich Geheral Mc louslj ”sailed mennsé of prepa otejuiitificatinn V uch IS‘PVldenUsl monti - i Butlor'vfi ruie M l t been iissued by -r ippeLurs under t ystruculeq to act. hiugtofi in take :1 a of t.h“e-(iulffnY epmpjc’te pro !) follqwed and but R)? the in iticim’s, would re redpction of x ' 1L l "is: Nun} y 23. 1861-2) '. S. n : ed to fie! com ! Linedim co—op- I‘e attack upon I"- eVe means rofou‘lYd secret, i- witlflt’h'e ex ' I, and "Lieuten n \ Hummnrans o ‘, Februu I 1 "Imm 13 Juan" AND WILL "Jun." In that event it will'probably be be?“ $6 ' aud'nzd when he found himself excluded occupy Algiers with the make 9f your-troops. I from the great councils otthe war. But‘ also the 9‘“er bank °f m" “V" “’9” ”‘9 . with all‘ their i'clamor, these vexed spirit cny. It. may be necessary to due lome‘ ‘ ' - troops in thepily tn prese‘i've anger; though ' could hi"? dnne no great hnzm exther to: if there nppearu sufficient. Union géntiment , Generalfiquellagor to the cuuse.,had not ‘0 control ”I? 033‘. 1“ ml?! be best. for par: their cl ‘m‘or been heeded by those upon ,ggifiz‘glgimphnex '0 k“? yourrnxen WV whomjhe nation’s commander WM com- After obtaining 3mm oerwOrlonns ! pelled’gto Lean for “PPM“ who menu-lily it‘will be necessar to reduce all the works 'enjoyed his confidence. and before whom guardimz il§ uppi- cbes fr ‘the east. and his plans were laid in all their comprehen particularly 101 gain the amen“ PB!s.—= five aim ficmy They it‘is whom the Baton Rogue, Berwick Bay and Fort. Liv- dP‘ .' . ' d ings‘wn will next claim you'r ntlention. A‘ "O" aiming “E“ or history exposes an feint on Galveston may facilitate the ob-' cpnfoumP. It Is not necessary to rgsk the jects we have in view. = ; i:denuncit§fions ofthe mild and gentlemanly Ineed “0} 9““ your ngtenfion t 0 thfiw- Senator Hale by imputing in them a set do: cessnty of‘gamlng possessmn ‘9an (he rolh g “in“ to foil and make 'lbortive lane which stock you can, -on'lhe-dilferent rnilwaps, °- . ' p . ‘ and nfohtaiuing control ofthe roads them-- they‘knaw ‘0 berultful 0f speedy vlctnry selves. 1 and soon-returning peace. The apparent The occupation of gato'n Rouge. hy a! probabilities are that~their sin whs a? sin of combiner] mit'ul tlnli hind force. should he stupidity in that they did not. really under "C(‘ompil‘iled us soon- it, lmwlhic after you e - . . have gamed Neiv Orlen'ps; then endeagor stand PM" value of mliltfll‘?‘ conception toopeii yourcommunlcn'tioriivith the irort'h-t 9'1"“ 1" W 35 F9} before them, 0" a 81“ 0‘ e‘rn eoli‘imii of the Mississippi. always begun vanity inlthat they fancied themselveebet- Bugl‘lnnmifiti the Item-Silly 0}: o“c"l’ym,fl ter able inform A military conception than an (S , isusslppi, nsi soon‘ :19 you can - ' safely do so. either after or before you ”fa generulpof the armies‘ of the U 120" have effected the junction. Allow noth-" himself. ““11 tbeniihe capture of 53" ingtonlivertyou troui Obtaining full pfmpess- Orleans was not a step to n'grent military ion of all the uppl‘ouche‘s to Pit-1" OP3 end. -It was nmere demonqtration. "So to ems. ~ —‘ . - a . _ . When the object is accomplished to its' minimal?!” :irmy accomplighing ”I,“ cap fun?” HUN”, it m“ be necessary to “mi“: ture as to make the seizure of the city the a combined attack on Mobile, in order to initial movement ofone division of a grand . . - l . 1‘11“”! lrlweei‘t‘S—‘mn (13" i’he lWirbfir and works, ‘. [general plan of operations, was their last las We ins (‘nnll'o tie rai way terminus‘at A ' ‘ -‘ ,thc city? in regtmi to this, I wili selid' thought. The? mude the-centure, ihilced, :more detailed instructions as the opera-5‘ Why ”190°05'99" ofan "r!“‘tmg attack “P‘ [tinns ol‘the marthyohi column develop them: ' on the general who had plnnned it. in be: iselves. . \fl ’ l ilhalf-of?l'ulrtherdislocated ‘.‘demonstrgitinn” l I may Simpjpstlte that the. general oh-l t b ‘td b h' lfa “i tath 1' jects of the expedition are, first. the redutiw °_ 6. execue _v imee _g ns no 8 r lionlof New Orleans and all its nppi'oaclieiig; fpomt. ' , then Mohileand all ité defences; then Pen- 2 The manly - and soldiei'ly remonetrances ,sncoln, Galvezlon. 8:0. It is probable that. of General, MéClellan against this trpfit by the time New Orleans in reduced it Will‘ . 1 i be in the power of the govenimen-t to rein- ‘ment, and his earliest appeals to be alloy 7fnrce the land forces sulfiei’ently to :icconi- ed I'3 do the WOl‘k illtl‘uSWd 340 him in. his iill<h all these objects. In the nieantihie, “own ways fiatie and thoroughly, revolt ymi Wilhploune give all the assiétaiice. in eil their vnnity‘n vexed their ktupidity. ”vow-power to the army and niii'y-cpnimnn- Tl t . 1‘ ' ‘ If t l . - Ile in your vicinity, My” I’M“: sight off in into emnce 0 men a. superiority the in“ ”mg, “,6‘ up.“ object to be. nohipv.‘ {Much ,is the bane of little minds soon .\L-t‘ edhis the capture and’fii'm i'eteiiti‘m of New in upon them. and era the appointed time. cities. thereon lU:'{'.’:‘":"' “a". t! ll ‘ V} ri' hi i t ‘of the nation’s deliverance had come they generuh of on ‘. ”'3 "31" “ 5:31; 3“°‘;:(“f:;::n ’ had e’nrrendered over the general whom it; The Pretin ”'t n'o‘ G I) "i ~ '. "I I was :tlii-ii- (illi ioynlly to in port to the" thouuiits‘of ' .I J r e e :il Lcmman i11i... &L.. itch“ . 9 _ l Here we have these, among other Pom", mercy of those blind leaders of the blind 'is subordinnt established; ‘ » ' ' ' | ‘1 through whom wahave again and again piriitions o ; i. ‘Thtlt General,~at the very hem s5O nearly undone. and-ohm» slub- were. iy/ 'time when the Tribune and its kind were. bot-"neat i“ ”“1“? a “0“ in our PM" more 'U'mme :howli'ngngainst him lor his 'fiim‘vtivity" farmidnble than all the hosts and all the] CODN‘imh‘Ty before Hummus-“ “inactivity” which e‘aptiiins of the sorely smitten'South. {JQA'P'W'NNI kept the attention of the conl’edpiiatEgov-g ‘ " “3““ ’ 1"” ‘ ' ‘“‘ ' j/hm own re~el iernnieiit fixed 'ufion the‘Ai-iiiy oi'ihe‘; etc-1 CONDITION OF THE CONTRABANDS/ .(mnceiilcd unt [mac—was ylnnning it syttem of congenial; “'9 ‘3- Y- 5"!"i".'l RN“ "“8 0f the Mm" ”YT Mr. Minn ,operations extending around the ‘gntii‘e' “18.5"“ by far the most. able Ahofltinn f‘r'fit’t‘fl of“; .military frontier of the mites in .rehellior], ‘jOUHIRi iii the Union, contain; [the fol-' much“? 1” .of which sy=tem the’attack upon New (Jr- . lowing : / i tie-electionhfit ilenns was an essential part. , i. '1 \‘rrxs‘ngm. Mist. Oct/19. 1863. -9f the que l 2. That'in deciding upon the attackiofl I Wise. in 1: MW York peter of the is-i if” “’.“m °‘ 'New Orleans, (Senegal McClellun meal 9‘“ °Ls°Wmm 95"”: 'E‘ 9.” ‘9"? on Eh"? “3‘ ’s‘“- l d _ . ' i‘Treedmen of the Mmlmhippi,” in which [commln "'ln‘f’hwf 4?! “‘o‘ srmy 0' the: the writers nits in hi‘ terms of the hm ~. M y , i‘nlted States, fixed n the route up the! proposed by Mr. Fields and adopts-i Ly .' Mississippi river. whi e the report 0! (iene- “‘9 President, 0" {Easing the ,nbandnned lral Man-field Lovel to the 'Conte-lariite plantations alongtl‘ie “Y“: toloyal ”Emma WD . A if under control Of/WllfianOuel‘S apponite ‘ . iir epiirimeni. mu 9:i ter the hill of the 1,, government. . city, proves that Mr. Jetl‘ersoh Davis and' l Wlsil to nuke some statements in 1,16- his mlvisers were 61“ ily' satisfied that 'he mud l 0 ‘h9'Wolkin3s o‘. tlmt Nan dutifig 'wonlil ass-ail New Orl anL'ii he assailed it “‘9 pg“ yeast)“. liavm‘g been mu“ poslilfifi t ll w‘li l th ”I" i h' ..- t . ~ lto obserVe its management not! its results. fl, B,' 1° 1! 3 IO *5 ‘ "I.“ "_"Y '7’ Havmgvisited nearly all the leased planta in this case, it'erer, it"master‘ly inaclmty. i tiring/in tlie'distriiit of Northeastern Louisi- T-they «liil not. really believe he w\, ' arm. where the plug ins lievii trial. I by descending tho‘Mississippi. ‘ i know wheneol {,.“frmw ”Ind. I s’“ downith? . . . '. . (rmanagement .o ~t ese piinbitions mu 0 .3- I'hnL m estimiltlng “'3.“ resistanyi the freed [Fen on them afiihn unmitigated likely to boomred. beneralMcCleHan bad piece ol‘ vi illinv. in ‘wh'vch the capitalist made up hls/ mind that the onle seyihiis reap: All' the profits at the expense of the obstacle to be encountered mm d 99/“ the ‘ "'19:" whom .29 him i “"01 I liaw no [mi/a— -‘ . S . . i "I ,r 1‘ boil in gaunt!!! at the negro in (In': (helmet has l‘hoits tfiPhil.p nhd LIP-kit"?- “Judgment, .iufliml mags primtionr. and his Lou far mare t e_"°“ "“mm" M meh' L" eéhoed. “0' ‘ in name ofszri'ltwle. if (I'm: were possible. dur only by the [facts which actnnily followed.‘ (my the) pa?! six: months, than when under (lie but by the game report of Genet-a] Mnnsfield,‘ “‘1! 0f M 8 SQH‘M'." "9“"- Lovell. in-‘ivhieh it is dietinctly stated “moi The writer _fl-ddli ' 3 V the real battle fbr the 'poqsesaian of New d'rile-mmrhigh thesebpeoriie {"We ”99”“ A ‘ ,« , ‘ e is 'ampy a owed y one 00k at the 31h)?“ an‘foughtfind 1?" at Forts St‘i burial-grounds of the plantnihma, in the ‘ IPI‘W s°k2~ . t. ‘ ’ i one of which canvbe found/him twenty to (very 4. Phat Gen 1 McClellan intended the l hundred gram of ill: victim: aftlm amuse occupation okNew 06199115 to beimmediute l)’ followed-”hi3 by the seizure. of ailjthe pastel-h Mpg-caches to that. city. and pigttic ulnrly/h’y the 4‘ ‘occuprt/ian of Ju‘l‘son, infill":- sisaififi.” a step which,~hatl it been taken, w/ai/ilil have enabled the Army oflhe Gulf to co—obprnto directly with the subsequent grand advance of our western qolumn, pnd would’haye saved us the waste and son-ow of all the weary months which ensued up on the victories of Fort Donelson n-nd Pitta hui'g Landing; would ‘ have made V'iéks burg Olin. and with Vicksburg the Lower Missigsipfi by the end of the spring 0f1862. and wouid hlve insured long ere this the fall oftheimfiortant city orMne. ,3 ‘To comment upon these points is eimoet an impertinencee As .the mind range back, in the light which they shed upon the put, over All the noble efi‘orta made intile ; over all the cruel end costly disappoint ments of the an ' n’a hope; over eli the ween-men that mi t' In easily hue been spared at breve [ll%. live. and 9! the poo ple’s treasure, to n. peinfully end'dogbt fuily‘ _step by step and stain ever incieening price, whet a little petieuee, a little madne ty, it little «in petriotilm in the high ph ces of phwer ~migi'it._eo :19in have made our own. indignation contendsjith narrow in the mind-‘ ‘- i It is not, howevgr, upomths senseless and l'unaticalvmob of arrognnt'politicians, irho, knowing nothing Ind conqeivirig themlves entitled to knot everything'of the [Bl-n: of the‘ national comm‘snder,‘ incessantly cla mored against. him ’in thin omirts of the White House and of the War Deplrtmenc, tim. the smut weight of responsibility fog all this miserable 'delny' will finslly fall. ,These men canld not he expected to he oth er thnn they were. Ahalf educated dem ‘agogus swld-niy sdnhoed to high political “ition, and» conniving himself 9 he ,fiho Atlas of the stats._ would nstufsllyw rug ag $2 ._ L \ 1% V ~// 6% Jyfltm. ‘ ' Upon which the Louisville Journul(Pren~ ‘ tice’s paper.) remarknz ' Of course the Abolitionisls will say this 'is all t 6 be remedied. But ii. 'never ought to hays occurred; they told us it would not occur—that the neurofwasfeady and 'hfit u‘nr‘freedom now: We say, as we have often uid, that it will occur wherever ne grou are emancipated. in large numbers‘ They will be the prey of the white man, without interest in their welfare, or in them, smile to exact the last possible stroke, ol‘wqu from their miserabln bodies, and than tum themout to die. Codld thia war result in 'emaucipauon 6f the negro. it yofild "suit in his extermination by a series of mi'series terrifying to the world.. and infamous to those responsible for the wet. The Abolitionis Would then not only have ruined we co utry,-but have de stroyed, also. thu poo object of their pretended ‘lympathies, a’n blackened the American mmo with undying disgrace. . fiWe see by the Tribune that that precious humbug. the “loyal lengue union." u trying to bully\the President into mak ifilg certain chengex‘in his cabinet end in the leadership of hfiwmin It: delegaten is. Wuhington have\ the impudenee to 9 aim'thh they repreeent I constituency o 800,000 to 1,000,003 votig. The truth in, tell the loyal league elubfiof the whole you}; could not mmter 10,000 men for any phlitieel purpose whetever. They only ex ie‘t in A few of the large cities, and ire oom— mea of shoddy eontnctors‘ :and their hangers-en, who are of very little deeoimt. in political circles. Mr. Lincoln would do at wise and pulsr not if he promfifiy showed theaegople the door. ’ The watery, of the country have elected their represen “fives, whom the chief magistrate 9f the country can find in Congress assembled.— The deputations and delegations which are eontiuue‘lly lecturing him on behelfof their puppaed notional orpuizationg ere potha iflgbut swindlen.~ World. V , . . Tgwo mLLAns‘A-Ymu l THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. i From the Albnny Argus It in easy tp see that. the Menage of President Lincoln hm! been held back, not to avmil the organization ‘of Congress, hub to determine libs final policy in regardrm' .the propositions of acceding States to re him to their allegiance. The first”. part. of Ihe paper. is filain andjstraightlfotwnrdj; but when tha ‘.ubject is éntered upon’it. is. studiedly om+red by vague phrases, ii;- vertgd forms -f speech, anh unexplnined contradictions. - $ ace with an the world; we ‘t home '; we have found no ising immense ax-mith still ing them. Tim‘saxea nra rfulmisslt and pha electiom We are at p» a‘ré pfosperoua dimc‘uuy in ml le'ss‘in sustaii paid with due. are fé\'or:|hlo h is We Prvsid: his qgotistic sl else. Ilehm .1 the arduous .l their blood-b 0 an“ suffering Ositylof our cit to the gonom tion’s grutituc field} .’l‘he n nnd obscures: President can * General may bl dentin! succg : not, only hi 4 Never did a S n the administration. Such m’sinlnteu‘zem. And from lanti-point he sees nothmg lot. one word of referqnceio mpuigps of our armies. 46 'ght victoriefs, to the heroism If the soldiers, to Um Renew Izens i_'n , sustaining them. or [a who have earned the mt- ’9 bx'their exploits in thel fgro so}dier stands in from he ‘whilte soldie'r, and the of. see lhélaiter. The white 1 come a rival for the Presi on, and the meséage ignpres meriu. but his lesttencP. ate pap" insue from an ud< \ndcr circumstances film the. ‘nuemible tr ministration, present. so‘ cal emotion of gr: did a people muchfor a auumed suc mnuy victims :9 onerous; Lénn éo voiun thr-rbjs nn w: zons fur the‘ s / he people I'ol- nn honorable u! t e speedy remratiofi of the tlmir hopes of the initiation ofa oliuy, are all dismissed by n is intended io-work only for ction. And-Such a juggle! er an air of affected simplic/ oln presw‘l'tfa. plan. which disguiaes, means simply the itmclion of {he wui. and the file presentdynmty by meTns of States re-orgnnized.on aubjeclion- to the Presideuv Ttl gnch cilizanar of the rebel States a: will swenr to rendunre their allegiance to the Confedemcy,,ulltere to the Consulta tion of the l’edernl government. and take an oa/Il l 6 mppart therPreaident's proclémaliqn and (In: anti-duvery ugh/alien of the. lust” Congrtu, he .promises pardon and indemnity, and the righlyof restored gitvizenshlp. Hp nu llmrizs-s such citizens to re-orgnniie the States. and promisw to sustain ilmm by all the power ol' the Federal government. If he hm} said that all the citizens ol the,. se~ ceding States, who shall e'wear to support. my «legion shall he_purdoned and shall be protected in forming electoral collxggen to vote‘ for me, by my'nrmios and navy, he, woultl hayé been more expliclt, bullnrdly hora distinct. . iQnd yet. in this;very message.—he my: “my the proclamhtlnn. run an act of civil government, is unconstitutional : and only jus‘ifiuble as' I war \meulu-e! He pro: poseé to make it. the pbrne'r-htbrie of the recnnalructed Slates, ind tlné téu of allo ginnce! ‘l' ‘ . l ‘ H‘e could not get the «amt of a mqjhr ity ofthe people of the North to tlxe'wat oath he offers to the Scull]. 11 was with hesitation he gave his aim asst-fit to the Prm-lnmation; and it is véilh large rear ermlions that. his supporer lune ac: éeptedjt. ~ , ~ _And yet we can have an peace but upon this condition. With aemsh'e'gocism, he places his personal ambiticn and-bis crude mensurM in lbs scale ngninst the fortuges of the Rnpublic and th'o‘chnnces of return ing prosperfty. Self outweighs patt‘iotism. and atatesm’anship kick: the beam under the weight of: pglilécnl infiigue. We must nnt hope for npegdy peace, he says, nor for any restoratibn of the Union. but this. fraudulent one that. he hu‘cnn trived : md which would leAVe‘ the major ity of the Uriion men of the gouth outlaws and outcasts ii) the States to which they hfie clung, Ind for which they have fought nndlsufi'ered: ’ ‘ f History p full of examphu of ambitious schemata cut down - ii: the very hour of their prido and of the apparent fruition 0! their selfish mlcnlnligu. We'l’ook to that. Power. whm‘e hand ii uppmt in tho {mt bnsuni‘ng events of the flaunt-«hi, to' bofle the project- ond confound the coldm blooded colcpmiona of the nun who. no] the Presiden ml Chair, has thus forgotten, in an hour like tlg'is, his obligation 2'o hip country and to the cause of Conuitutional Liberiy. , '- ”The munitions of Jeff. Davin and hitbrolhor. in Mmiujppi; us now qccu pied by éolored troopru a. camp. _._. -_..”.d-.. ‘ fißev. Theodorq J. Holman. , bite razor of tha Con egafioml Church, Hart,- ford, Cbnnooticutfhu enlisted as avpmm. 33-h is rumored that the 29m Pen‘m'yl nnkgkegimm (of General Gary'- 09m: mud.) by”. rp-eqlignpd: in a body {org “If” Yégvg . - , ‘~ 1111 sommna'xmyfiucnmm .A’l‘ GB! YBBUBG. Huntsman, 996. 17th, 1868, The Commissiogen tpminted by the Governors of the difl'erenc gain, which have Aoldiera buried in the Soldim' Np tion-4 Cemetery, at (zany-hm, Pm, met at the Joqn _Houne in Harrisburg. Pm. It 8 o'clock, I’. 31., on the 17th of December, 1863. - ' _ The followiqg named Comm-ion.” I? present, vim: - _ ' on“ B. W. Norm, of Mum. A "on. L. il.-Maw". of N3l! linmpnhlro.~ V“ In. Henry Edwards, of Mnsiachuaem. .‘ Mr. Allrfl Coin of Connecticut. , lion. Levi Scobey, “New {eragng a Mr. Dovid Willa, of Fennsylvanih. PM. James Worm", of Pen nyltgnis. Col. John 5. Berry, of Mannfoha.‘ ’ i Mr. L. W. Brown, of Ohio. - A , Col. Gordon Lnfiimd. OFOHO. : - Col. John G. S'ephpnsnn. of indium. - ’ ' Mr. W. Y. Selieck, u"Wisc.»n-lin. ‘ - On motion of Col. Lo‘aiind,_or OhMlr. David Willa. of i'ognsxiraniu,‘ was Nailed .. Chairman of lhe'Convontionfir g o On moiinu of only Stephenmn, of Indi- Inn, MLW. Y. Sclicck u? Wieconein. ms .‘ elected Secretary offlig Convention. 3‘ Aim some disnnsexin by the mémbera of ”to Convpntion, ul. fitephenson, of 'i'ndiuim. moved tha‘l ficommittee 0? four, of which the President of thil' Convolution be one. be appointed for the purpose of). preparing and putting inrnfproprinto shape the de’tmlu of‘ the plan. inrreferenoe to the ' Soidiers‘ National Cemetery at Gettysburg, £l, to be preqondeo the Convention for eir action, which was 'cnr‘rie‘ci. The committge ’ appointed as follows : Clinirmamol, John G. Stephensonrof Indinni; M‘r. Honfi-Jfidnards. of Mine. chuéetls, [lnn Levi Scnbey, of NewJemy,» ‘ Mr. David Wills, nf Pennsylvania. A | On ‘motion 'ot‘ Mr. Alfred Coitrol' Con ‘ nocticut, the Convention took a‘recm to ‘ iawait the action of the committee. 113 The Couvcn'iqn met. again at 5 o’clock, P. M. [.O hour the report. of thepommittee. The cmumitteemndc thchlloiingrepurt : Wum As. In ncoordnncq with an invi tnfron "I“ 'Dnyid Wing, Esq, agent for his Excellency 'A. G. Cuytiu, Governoy of Pennsylvania, the Goveifiprs of the seven! States appointed‘ Commission“. .who met at Harrisburg. 1) tuber lizh, 1863; m repreeent the S es in mnvemion. for the purphse of ma ' ng arrangements for fininh ing the SM nus’ Nu‘wNAL'Cmlmuuv : therefore. be it finally! r (I, By the mid Commissioners in lon nsscmbied,‘that the fonowing fixuittcd m the dim-rent States intere d in th., “.".;I:l'.crs' NutiuuulCcmetery” mnve‘ be m (wt. Vmuzh xhuir rc~pecfive Guvemors : Firm-1, ’1 but xhu Commonwealth of Penn sylvania hhu” hold the title to thé land which' she hm purchased at Gettyburg for the Soldiers’ .\{Qtiunul CemeterL-in mpl: fol States having fioldiora buried invalid Cem~ etery. in perpetuity for the purpose to wh‘ieh ‘1! is mlw applied. ; Srcnml. That the Legislature of the Com-_ :munwralth of Pennsylvania, be requested to \ «went: .1 Corporation, to be ”managed by i Trui'tges, one to be appointed by web oftho . Governors of the States; of Maine, New i Hampshire, Vermont. Massachusettthhodo ‘ fisluud, Connecticut. New York, NewJemey, [Pennsylvanim Maryland, Dolawarfi, WesL ! Virginia, Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, 2 Wisconsin. Minnesota, and of Inch other States as may hereafter desire to be repre -Igranted in thi.a Corporation, which Tmueul’ inhall, at their fir-t meeting, be dividéd into , three clasues. The térm' of oflioe of the l firm: class to expire on the first‘day of Jan: lnary, 186;). The second clue: on the :fir-t' {day ofJanunry. 1866. Tbe‘third class on {the first of Jubu’ary, 1867. The vacancieq‘ 'thns occurring tube filled by the nevcr_ul_ lGovrrnors, and the persons tinu‘hppointetl ‘ ito fill such vncnncies, to hold their allies far the turn: ‘lf three years. This, Corporation ' to have t-icl'u.».ivecontrol of tho Solaiers' Nationa‘l Pennetery, : ‘ a l Third, The following in~ the esitimatcd =exponsc offinishingthe Cemetery; 868,500; Fourih, T but the several States he naked {to spurnpriate a sum of money. to be deter rmined by a, division of the estimated, ex ‘ penscs according tr; representation in Con lgrens, to be amended in defraying the cost. ’ ‘of removing and rointerrlng the dent; angle l finishing the cemetery, nutter direction}: 0? 1 the cemetery corporation. ' a 9 , ‘ Fifth, When the cemetery shall' hat-3:2 lbccn finished. the grounlln are to be Imp: ‘ ' in Onléruthe home and enclosure in whip, [out of: Fund crantml by annual npprnprin-. ltiona made by the States which may he re : presented in the (‘mnett‘ry corporation, in pm. 7 portion to their representation in‘Congmss. ‘f 0n motion nH‘nl. Berry, ‘bf y’arylon-i, ‘the report of the committee w" Implant, 'and the committee discharged. ‘ ‘lt. was moi-ed by Col. Berry, 9f Mary land: that the report of the committee ‘1»- confidered rm‘ulim, which wu educnrred in, and the report Ins then adopted in detail. Learn from the Governors of the {allow ing States were received by Mr. M'ills, Chairman of the Conventionvwhioh we're not repremntcd by Comminionen, express ing their difipnsilion‘to apprové my. ransom.- hl'e action 'of the Convention in referenéc to the completion of the écmeuery ‘ IfGeuyy burg, Pm, viz.: =3 ‘ 3 “on. “llorhio Snymour. of New Yark. Hon. Austin Blnir, ot’lh‘uhignn. ‘ _ Hon. Jame: Y. Smith, of Rhode Island. ‘ Hun. Wm. Cnnnnnmi Dr‘nwnre. ' . Hon. Henry G. Swill. of .\liunesou. _ ' On motion of Jr. Scobey,‘of New Jiv say. tho following gommittee w“ ‘ap’pbintnl Iby the Chairman. “with the View to pro ;cure designs of g monument to be erected iid the cemetery : .~ ‘ Hon. Levfi Sit-obey, of New Jersey. » _Hon. [L W. Norms, ofllnine. 0 Mr. D. W. Brown, of Ohio. ‘ ‘ (‘Ol. J. G. Sn-nhenson, oflndinna. ' Col. John S. Berry, of Maryland. 1 . g ()6 motnpn ol Mr. Alfred Colt, of Connem, 5 trout, the plans and designs 6t tim Soldiers“ ‘ ; National Cemvtery, as laid out Ind daighed l U) Mr. W-m. Snundun', were adopted by ‘ha , « Convention. . V A motiou was made by Mr. Coit. of Con neqticut, _returning thanks to Mr. Wni. Sanders for the qc‘signs lug} driving. fur. ninhad gratuitously for tha Sol-lien N 3. tionnl Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa. ;whioh no unanimonyly adopted.‘ ‘ Manwn. of Ohio, ofl'eigd the follow ing,- which waaadogted; ‘ :" jßuohml, That Ir. Win. Saudi?- be. «authordile u.- furnish forty photograph of the plan cf the Soldiers' Nuioml Cm.- tcry, for the use of the sates lining pol diequuried therain. . l; ,5 DAVID WILLS, Pruidont. 1‘ W. I'. Submit, Secretary. _ ‘WCOL Gen. 11. Hanks, Superintogdofit 0‘- Frdiadom in the flu" Departmoda, whi. mum home to Burlington; Conn“ WI! ll llulted with decapd eggs, . ‘ ~;fl’A morrgage was lately uh on no ord in Illinois which had $l9BO Worth of gbvemmem stamps Ittached toil. z. . . V m-«crwtm ~ ,‘fi'Gen. Bargaido ” iii "‘ fut on Sunday, from}? m -. Haiti, 0 .. ‘ t ' E M > 7% iii" - , . g . «w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers