1:82“; @t’htfim Imm: a? mmmm [fool-ens . Comes-stttionb of methSp%isr 139 1.4: a n nrz.ou e » - “‘méffiovemybertlsas. . __‘ A _BAND. , it" - )XXLII‘AK¥, ' Ugdér Qomnnnd of Maj. Gen. Couch. ‘ MI): Gen? Mende aim! Uflicerl Ind Soldier! {5 _ of.tbe'Arnny ot the l'oton'nc. ‘ Mun of the Navy Ind Marine Corps of the United States 1 A3l. gfilnrshal-in-Chief. Aids. ' ‘ szmzxfioy rm: y'mjrsn suns. 1 mmeyflfitcn sud “muslin-Chief ofl =4 ’ (fie Army. .. 3 ,1 igdga of flu Supreqw Conn of Lhe United ~ ‘p ' States. * ‘ Pies“, ng.’§cqtt and Aimirai Charla: r ‘ .. ‘ “Stewart. = ; mica. Asp cmxoruu.‘ gong-non 01" States, their Stuff, Ind Com ~ ' j min-ioncn of States. "T 'Senfiqm-and Representatives in the Con ; ‘ f the United States, and Oficers _ ‘ nt'CJngresu. 7‘ ”In of Citiefi and city Authorizieg. Gettysburg Committee of Armagemegm. Members of lbe‘Sauiury Commiuion. ‘ JChriutian Cummiagion. Adlml' E'xpréss Company Hmpitul Cones, QLher Spldi-ars' Relinf Association's. , _ Kuiuhw'l‘emplar: ' ‘ f Masonic I"ragieruyy. : " , Indepefidcm Uidcr of od}! Féiiuws, and ‘ 'other Bcucvuieut. and ChJfiane As ” '" . _»_ +mcixliunfi ~,Litenrz&:§ciengific and Iqustrial Associa ‘_ A ' lungs. . A ' Fire Com anieg. ’, ‘ Editorial rim-psi ‘55- ‘ ' 'Citizqmipf the Sme (if Pepmyjunin. Shim yf ,dlp other Lr-ynl‘ Simmer lhe' 5‘ 'Ufiiohfln the' following _nrdex, vim- Main'e,'New Hampshire,.Vcrumnt. Mas uchdlms, Rhodc Island, L‘on eéticut. ‘Ncw York; New Janey, Iféhwara, , ”Muffin nd. Western 'Vinginin. Kentucky, Uhio. Indiana. Illinois, Mixsouri, Iowa) Ilichigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kim . Mflnliiomia, Oregoq. ' pitige'ml of (he District of Columbia Ind , 7 .’ afiitqriewftheUuited Stiles, ' lb'yul Citizens of gum Sages. , rnoufinx‘ff . The Military will form It 9 o'clock, A.i M.,un Culigle ltrcct. North of the Square, :5“ Eight. refining on the Sqfinxe, opposite‘ McClelluu'u llo'cl. "' l l - Tho.Mnrshals will asacmlnlo in tile Pub-l , figfilfire at :he mmc hour. . I .1110 Civirr Probesaionn. exqept the Staged, will nisemble according to, life mingled Tragraénmekou York street, at tile ‘palgggliodr. i. I ' ‘_ ' {r_hp paupahwnip Delngntion will fingn: i!“ Cfinmbcts‘burg street its. Eight. reiling mi “15‘ Hittite; and the other Deleuatitins, in their aid ‘.will form on the name street, ’in the 314% the Pennsylvania Delegu 4 you. ' ‘ ._ The Marsh-is 6f the several States are chlrged with scrim; that lheit several Dole tion: art; duly formed. and that they ghyfiTlinto tho Cblumn‘ 01 the March, in {beh- properlorsleg. : The fluid the Ou'lumn will [nova at yr’eoisely teq‘yiclmk, A. )1; -Its route. till-be up ’Baltimorc'street, to the Emmits 11mg rogd,-lhcn¢c to _thc junction 01 the Tnncquwn mad, illcufcc by tho latzqr [road d) the Cemetery, where the .Milltaryr will form ill Lina,'as_the (lenerul iq ‘Couxmaxd may order, and pl'e‘ent arms, when the Frauen: of :he ‘L'fiiterl/fizuter», and all '.who are to occupy ,the .SMud,: will pass in {roll to the Stand. _ 1,1115: Military will then close up and occu. 5, this spaca..)n bhé left 01 the Stand: Thu ivic Pxocesaion will then advance and o:- “pupy-thmérca in fr’on't ol' the Stand, th’e Milllni-y leaving suflicii-nt space. between than: and {lie line of graves, tip" the Civic j~Pnce|Biun 19 pass. ‘ _ ‘ETlmJAdies will occupy the rightof the ~Sta‘nplfind it. is desirable that they be upon (he g‘rpuué as early an ten o'clock. ‘ Silence having been ordered, the Exor ~pisea will take pluge, Ks follows : , , - ~~ ' )‘znsw. - ‘ 7" MAYER, 5' ' " ' ~ . JIUSIC. f ' l . " ORATLON; 1 f ‘ . . tusxc. ‘ ‘ , DEDICSTWEMA’S. ~. ( ‘l3y' the President 0 he Unitedl Siam. ,' ‘ DIRG l-J. \ ' I; ‘ BENEDICTION. ‘ ' Afler, din Benedintiou, the Fioceuiqn um He‘dismiesea, 'mflthe Marslials mu form‘on Baltimoteatrcez and leluru to the fiourtflkuse, whérc a [meeting of the 2Mushals win, 136 new. - A ' WARD’H. LAMON. ' ~" ' Mnrshal-iu-Chief. n 9 Intngnntion of the National Game A I 1:“ ten gt Qettynbnrg. ‘ Omar»: or man. Suns MARSHAL, WAsixNo-ros, Nov. 10, 1863.. ‘ Th: undersigned would respectfully ang gapl to the marshals to be appointed, at. my ”gum,” the Governors of the several 83 the propriety’uf adopting a. uniform‘ fl nd badge to be worn by them upon 1 “I'o odeasiun of the inauguration of the; .Natiofil Cemetery, at Gettysbfifiijon th.}, 19;; mum. and tn that end he would sub-l \glil. theufollnwing as a guide, with the ox? pressibn ofihe hope that it will be comm plipd pith or nearly as possible ‘ 41:, That the dress he a plnin Black unit, (inch post. being pretenhlpJ black hat, 79nd whlle gloves. ' ' . 241. A while satin scarf, five lnéhen wide, to be vol-n over the righg shoulder. and wrind sarong the brew-t and back to- the Whip, and there fastened with a redone, fibalmdrm‘be fringed, and to extend to mm. A: the centre gm the shoulder the mrglionld be gathered and mourned yith nhroay'uo. 7‘ , 0 Rd. The rosettesfor the scarf—to be tori; Janka across, niag‘d iu the centre, and to be Inde‘of hlnqli—indjhite ribbon, and'the outer circle an] tobiwhiu‘. "'_""‘__“—"‘ “h“ . , flhélfir‘ch Sims marshal will also firm: .- NW... ‘ Old Gold end Stlyer fiph‘thelelt bruit afinetional‘ roaette .0“ Gettysburg marble Ya-lld. l‘vAtfflloTlS-111l figyhlestlfiniehin ."Eh ”91 'lflse. and blue rlbnoggfi‘tho'me: “I!“ LS s BR0.; xx EAST YORK STREET meg-ml: a. favorable time to ml (I.]. $1333.: gawk,” above, with the 191mb of eachi GETTYSBURG, P4.-9“'fim they m ouitbeinglarge. Aisoicoid .qu sun} Coin MO In the centre. This will greatly prepared to furnlzh nll kinds of work in uni: Turchxncd, nudtho highest. price ‘nn,hy “mfg the duties of ‘hGVSpeolal lids ‘of, "re; Inc); its .\.IONUMI-INTS, TOMBS. HEAU- ‘ ‘ JOSEPH gEVAN, ”leaf.“ marginal, iu eguveying'orden, ‘0 $1: XE§IEM¢§STLES, kc..'nt the Sharla“ uo-l “'ujehmnlr'crth-wellfr, in the Diamond. the W9lB 9f the Shimmy the fact. that’ 51f?! -a c mp 3“ we ”mm“ “M u’ " £§;TJZ,E"'7;,_ . f_—__L _ , flex-ilk he more readily distinguished. i ' hex-once takefi in u'chnnge for wérk: l [W FALL 3 WINTER enough; 33;} ‘ 5&2 Thagqrzhfiiuf the Séntes will be? Gettysburg, June 2, 1353, u [N antitank: arm Ilnghtgrfloods u MV_ pp in irfowp orses. Uul * —-—_..__ ——1"“- --~—.—-~——'—- .O“PM l I c MN" I“ 3930 ‘h 8021's 3?; ”in: the'nndersigned would Buggestl M 93- - ’ lm’muzb'ifi";fg“_‘ “m 1 perhhps some ”augments m be'. Hm‘ijhsn‘bmmus turd SIDES, of my 1% «and in mi..n}m.., cg'bethfifiel)?‘ mdpm.thc authorities of Pennsylvanin; Augll 24.1 y' “3330;”.‘5'21‘391‘3News in NEWS Drug Store. 4 ' ‘ PM“!!! enough horfieF'ff" the “affil‘glfl, "n T ,3 -' ~ “- L RAKE’SPI..\NT.\TI6\:‘nITTB&Sm;me 05W 3‘! much magmas: mumD Ignfd‘yrfi‘roffiltsbmlfi Dvrhr Cendllwn ‘9 llomuslgyl ‘l‘ouicr at. Dr. R. HURNER‘S ; mfiptlieraiw be procured. l u 1),. llOßXéu's 0312:1123 Cullm l“ ”19 v, on Store: " . ‘l‘fp'rdsp the yhief warslul, in are; _—?:~ ‘9 _.' ' _ I'FVRSTJATE Eight-day, "Ehirtygho .- “a M . _.fiifiinguhhed' from ' the 19%:th Mililgxsm Sgtmnsl “gunfigimw. : filamgocluanlunp at: yrqyyxllg's. or ‘ xvi" war but: min scarf-1 vuwmay'fimm’k":H” 3"““1‘3” "1 m WSW-“"SSWIMNQWWM 'nw , ’ aq- Imm abor .1i- , a or» t, "h S?“§“"°“' M's-M» Dr.- 1% 18mm Du: IL. rmllfgaltétgrfié ,-...-- ‘- 9 wgypgm mg gap ‘mm: “mm . ‘ , ‘ , ,‘ rum-"htwrfidm o!’ ‘ mama ofioedifl'e; fmm thnt recommend“ by the ' ND GBOCIRmS.- nutshell afthc Bam, whh the folluwipg A FM fuzscrigeta h-eJufl :clurgeglrrfén single “Egyptian—namely, that they Inll ‘v‘tifl‘ge‘l‘f‘g 539313332} 0 ‘ . _ - , ‘ . , xch tb-y Ire wear, m a” cm" ”i the "“1103" 'fosetle ‘ offering It their olgf‘smnd m Bnltimore ”rah. 0“ (he 19“ brunt, “’9 letltrs 'U- S. at pnces Losuit the fine: Uuruock cumin: ~ ‘Vun H. Luxux, ‘in put of‘ . ‘ , 5 Chief Marshal. BUILDING MATERIALS, : . _ - CARPENTERS TOOLS. I ”“ ‘, Bucxsmm's $001.3; ' ' . f COACH FINDINGS, i9Bo]! mmms. - ‘ ' i ‘ CABINET MAKER'S TOD§,S.‘ ‘ : 3 HUUSEKEEPER'S 3" XTULFS, I , ALL KINDS 0? may, tc., } ‘GROCERIES' 01" ALL KINDS. lOHI, Pninb, kc" tr. Then i: no ‘lrfide In: Ichl4ed In the sever-3‘l departmentsgmenfioned 'nbova hm. “that can be had uwhfl“Store.—— ? Every class of_)ledhanirs can he m-rammodntwl i her? With tools and findings, and Housck'vp— :erS can'hnd ever) Brlich: in their line. .G'n‘c 'u u call, u “a are prepared to mx‘ as low for Club In any other house out of [be city. JUEL 13. mxxan, 7’ DAVID ZXEGLER. gflmfiifitmmw. Schenckfs Pulmomp Syrup mu cu: '- CONSUMPTION scnsxcx's vcwoxtc' sump «up cm: CONSUMPTION SCHENCK'S PULNOXIC SYRUP U 44 41 CONSUMPTION SCHEXCR'S PULMOXIC SYRUP I «ILL can: ‘ CONSUM L’TIUN SCUENCK'S BEA WEED TOXIC mu. gun: ’ DYSPEPSIA. , ‘ scxyzxcx's SEA wean TONIC ' mu. (:an :4‘ l . ‘ . wDY-SPEPSJA. , f SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TOXIG ' 7' mu. ccuu ' DYSPEPSIA SCHENCK'a SEA WEED TOXIC . Lwnn ocm: ‘ 4 Msrarsu. , \ SCIIENCK’S )lASD[Z.\KE PIflLS mm. can: LI VER CUMPDAJ N'l‘S scukxck's myoa’Axn mus V; ‘ mu. CL‘BI . LIVER COMPLAXX’I'S. ‘ SCHEXCK'S MANDRAKB PILLS mu. crux . ' LIVER COMPLAINTS. : ._3 —-:.- . scuxycx's‘ mwnmxn PILLS fl: ' mu. cm: ,I LIVIIR COMPLAINTS . pm. 11. SCHEVCKJm: a Large Sufi: 0! Rooms at No. 31: BOND SfREET.NI-.VV ‘YORK. where ho can't»: found every Tuesday from 9 A. I. to 3 r. u.; and M 93 North 61.1] such, Philadelphia. ever} Sutu’nlny. \ - ,He Keep: in. large supply [if medicines at his Thoma. which'cun he had at all times. Those wishinggmivice or an emmin “ion of the Lungs will do well to call on him as above. Ho makerno charge for advice, but fora thorough exmniuauon with the Rnyirdmelcr, his price is $3.; 7 . .\irmnz pin-«on! are nfrAid tlo Inn-e their lungs exu’mi‘ue'd’ by Dr. Schench, for feznr they will He fojuml ilicuruhle, and by thnLLmeung-it-is pm. 09' um“ it is lob-late. How much hcn'cr it wouid be to hunt their cuu-litxun at. once, an by abundance uf‘evi-leuce. Ur. S- hxu ghown Sulficimt certificates in this “If thutihc has utireindvunced swam of k‘onsumplltuj. Dr.'~Schcuck’s_Principal (Mice in 3:! N rlh SIX-TH Street, Philadelphia,Pa.,'wherelo3m: for advice should flynys he ding-ted. , Price of the Puypxxc Sump and Sin _W‘nb TONIC each Si pér bfiuln on’ss the haltdmen. MIND-Kl: PILLS: 25 cems poi-60$. '— Furfflifl by all Drnggisls and lorekeeizrs. . 89111.7, 1363. in; f ,1 . . . _-_V A. ,7 ,__ _. _‘,¢,_____,§_.,_ ‘ ‘ Salisbury BiosfBt Co., ‘ TU. 37 DOBRANCE STREET. And ,_ , 67 “'EYBUSSET STREET, -' ‘ PROVIDENCE, .R. L, ' _. Proprietors of one of the most extensive JEW ELRY .\[ANUFAUTORIHS in the antern States, bag 10‘ all the a'urulion of (he unm munity genrrally to the very SCRI‘J’.ESING CHEAP RAT/B d} wln'd] they are ofl'crinfi‘lhe‘ir goods. fur siurpussmg bmh Furgigu 59.1.1”- mestic .\lnnuhvluxcs in pain of Bl'eggnce and real durability E , E K FOR INSI‘ANCE For Fl‘r‘rsls Douuns. we forward. 'uicfily ended and packed in guoq‘ order, tho fnlld’y‘ing. enormous quantilyof Jervelrj',‘equal in fihiéh 1.0 any Plated Gold, and not to be, recuguuud from Gold out; by the trying of acids: 4 Set Enamel Vest Chains; ‘2 Plain rlnron. tine Pins; 4 Ear Rings to match; ZTwist- Wire Pins; 4 Ear Rings to match; 3. l’hin Pins; 4; Rnr'Rings lo match ; 25 Lndi‘es' Rihgs. Donblc'yf Heart and a Variety of pnlterns ; 50 Union Em: \ bloms; so Scarf pins,.l’Llin and Imimtion Com; V 2 Dpuble-Glnal Lockets, engine-tifned; 6 ox ; And Glass Pun for portrait orhni : 7:: ago c-fi ed LockeLl, Haul and Shell Charms, and 6 and I Bracelets ;—nll for Fifleou Dollars. A coHcc tion uflhjs kind, whenoplaqeq in the handi‘ol'i any one of ordimuy intellizo‘ficemnghlto {918115 lur at least One HuhHred I‘o"er ~ I Catalogues, cnutaining run informtgion and ! Price! of Goods,'cnn be obtained upon nppli-‘L cation. Orders by Mail, Tclenaph or Exprgs‘n‘ respectfully,solicited. . ’ 1 Q sausmrm' 31103.4; co., . § L 37 Dorrance k B} Weyboswt Sgs , , June ’29, 1863. 2 Providence, R. I. E. 8: H. T. Anthony; AXUFACTURERS 0F PHOTOGRAPHXC MATERIALS, 501 BROADWAY, N, Y.-—’ 'CABD PuuToanAHfiL-OuiCatalogue now am: braces considerably over Four J’homaud difir eul subjects (to which hddllio‘nlmte continual -ly being lplde) o! Pour-3Q ol Emlnem Am’qfl cnna, etc., viz: 7.! Mujor-Oepghls, 190 Brim. Generals. 259 Colonels, 84 Lieut. Colonels, 207 Other Officers, 60 Snvy'Oßcel-s, 525 Slateamen, 127 Dirinea.ll6 Authors, 30 Anim,ll2 Slugs, 46 Erominenz Women, In Pgominem Foreign Portraits. . < . 2,so9'Conip or Won: or Au. including repyoductionq oflho most celehrntgd 'Engrnv inp, I'uintin‘gs;Sutuus,,&c‘¢ Catalogqea gene on receipt or‘Stamp. An order for Out Dozen ietnrea from our Catalogue vyfll'be emu on receipt. of $l.BO, and sent by mail. flee. PHOTOGRAPH“) ALBUMS. ‘Of the“ we mnnntnctun I firm; variety, maxing in price from 50 com; to $5O each. Our ALBUMS have the: rcpumupn of being luperiorln 'uPuuty and dumbil-ily to any otherl. The Imnlh-r kinds mm be sent. “My by uni] at. a postage of six cents pr 01. , The more expgnsire can _be lent by apron. ‘ fifi'e silo—kn}: I large unonmcnl of ST. SOQPES & STBKESCUHG VIEWS. Our Catalogue of these will be lent to any It!- dneu on mum of Stamp. ' » . B. t H. T. ANTHONY.’ ' ‘ .Vauufactwg of Photograph: Mauricio, | 501 Buo‘n‘vu, le Yon. , . ‘ Friends or whines of prominent. miliury men will confer a favor by ulnding__us the-it likengluea ‘0 gap}. , They will be koptrsrel’ulr I): and returned uninjured. > ." -' FPNE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER. for Cou gregnfionu toA prneut to their Pastor, or (or other. purpcnel. with Iniublc iuscflpuou, kc. 4'll. 'l4, 1863. 61:: < SEM June 9, 1862 . [ l v _ - c Howard House,[ ALTlnu R E ~ 1 , ‘ The undersigned hI: the pleqrnre affin uunnuing to his friends, mu! the pili- ic general lthM he has IKE-UPHXED THIS EXTESSLVE AND FAVORITE HOTEL, and Anhliciu t‘xe shnrn 9f pntrounge’which in 111542.! fuvomhle location hnd his {Hm-1': to please muy deserve. Having'been angngel for mnny _\‘énh in can dfiwling pupal." Hotels in Peunsghnum, Vir ginia-and this city. be' feels ans‘um‘d 0! being able, with the n‘an'hia gbmpeteutpsaistunls. to ‘mee! allijas't e pech‘uijcs of tin: zquling communitf in managing die Howard Home. in n styk surpassed 532110.110“! ofiu chum in [he rnunlry. , , ' ' Tgxguu—Genflemen'g Ordin,nry,‘sl.7s per Day. ‘4‘ Ladies' _ u - 2&0 ~ .. ‘ Rcschtltu, - t ’ . _ _ . WM (L KRAMER, ijoprietqr. flnltimnreJ .Sjngl 20,)853. 6m ¢ , \ r 1 . l .' ,‘, 11‘ /l @ TATIOSAL COMMERCIAL ¢ULLEUES , - Lutn't‘ltqflx ‘, ' tn: » PHILADELPHIA. ‘ - r ' S. E. Con. 7m: AND Cnsssu;‘s‘ra. ___ _ _ V _._fi___‘ 1 New YorkCity.lltooklyn.z\lb‘any, oy, Bufl'nlo.' ' Detroit, ClchlAud, Chlcngoamd gt. Louis. I.‘ 7 HF “ EXIZEEE?)EE\:I:'SGIE%',, ",‘ Book-kecpllrg, Penmanship. Commercial , F khowlellued lLv all whi) we it ’lO. “:2 3:); ~ ‘ ‘ l ' . . ) 3:33l:23l3o‘33:tilxlllng‘m;::rlufl'.tones lmost comp‘lete, and without. cxcoptium lhemost ‘ These 6°”;ch hcilng. unilerklherlime gent‘fnl ; peril-ct Labor-Saving Wusliiiig .\lachiuc ever and local management; and un‘ltiniin euch the l 330:2:‘932121'Ihimsgfilllflv‘iSgeclldflllilllr‘; . ' .' -‘ _ ~ . ' .~ . i ' . : . ”I?:gtfiffsi:rlfiféhlglc{hffiegzfl zlll‘elll'lgltsni‘ltr’t: ol'iLs cnustrucliun, tln-‘mpiclity nml rlmifilete linsrllltuliuhns ll: the countrv y ,j ticssml its \vorl‘,nnil the almost in: r; lilrlc onug I ' . -- i ' h w. . with which it is managed. A child of tvfi writtmlfigfigliizgd by any cite ‘E’KOOJ in all ’ yen“, pumes‘aing urvhn’nry judgment, min learn E. Tlil: Philud -lphin (50"ng has been rn'ently lto work it. 11l the minutes Univ, and mmmgeit V enlarged nn'l'ufurmslw-l in a superior winner-“l i‘3 “"3“ “5‘ ‘3 firown‘i‘gfrfilé; Stali- {0:033 and is now the “We" Md nrusl‘ wow!rouuftlllitflsgfeo;tilied tnunml'e [lie lilii‘tce‘ of gull-l:- ot‘hc‘: Commertinl Institution in tlxu Stat . ‘ A 1 . “ . 1 . .. ‘ e 13mm: a W or l d enigmmrg39o‘.Fegl'flg'¢";}xnzc Icm: Igmhii'. 13):? to unuxinc this one bl-ldru purchnnium. 1:: $.15“ onuuuum J ’ or 'c’ ‘l “qu The undviaigned lfm‘c purring-ll up? Parent" ‘ » I - ‘ - Right for A-lums (‘ountyJe'n-epting one tawn . gig-£83221 ”freak" "Dd (”if “ “gun.“ i ship) and MN: Wrinkiilg “(mu-ire, prcwtrntions _‘_.:_...’__';.___’____.“< _._l_._fi___._.,__ I fur thrir uunul'MJurc. Every machinle \nll‘he l 1 Change Of Tim . iliuill in the Mat mnpucr irml whrtnntgil. Prim: HP fll .. . - ’ l l‘l fh’ . +,SS 00. In cunneclmn withllngmuc'h‘lnegthrre T ‘ n mung ma.N "N u .90 onitlnnng ‘2s a Patent. “‘riuger’. whirl: pcnfurm; tlusflai _ I‘lOTthfil'ri‘lxn"Oll-\Jwe G?".‘*‘l’" {b 'lruzl‘dg horiu'n put: 0! \vmlnng with tho meJLrs' cine ' "0 “Lb! 111"“ ‘ leans-(Jet. ‘s‘ 11er n ‘ innul much belle: than it can be «law: by h nul. .\. '.\l., “111 l pnssvngtq-s‘i'or;l \ ork,‘rl_nrnsbtirq, . They may 'te, h” ”41:11 to a cum uQu Wadi Pml'l‘dell‘hlf’ 3".“ ”I“ 59"“ “ml “(‘ll. AR‘: Tul‘i, unJ nru Vsolnl \lllll the mzi‘cllinc'ln 31-p- Ri‘rkd “'l bet‘yilihrg M l l’. M" lull) ”3.5“"- : ur-ilclv as (lc‘d'rul. énmplua 0! with (In:\\' In‘ -ger! from those p‘umts. and nlsn frqm l’.:rl'nnore I “:1" 5" our Gallorv m F “l Yurk Sm“ "Tl 0_ :mil \Vnshinzton. Paswnger‘z} lem‘ing \V',.sll-‘.‘si,c 1111. Bull: neu..i...‘r‘-r [,l ' :1 K _ ingtod m 630 -\. .\1.,-um: Bahiuu-le 11.915 $3 ‘ ’ ' a 9 ‘rl-SU‘IQBKUTHHS; ‘.\l., arrive hy this tram at Gett‘ysllurg nt ll 7 ‘ ' " io'tlnckJ P. Sl. ‘ . i ~ » 5 Tim SECOND Tit \l.\' léwos Glen} shurg qt. ' 1.10 l'é .\l., with pagieugers for Billimore rtn-l ansliinutun. l’nisexizere arrive in ".IllllnHl'C‘ :ntfiflq P. M, Loare HJltimnre m{a r. XL. and I arrive in Washington M. 10 l’. .\lle Passengers [L'nu nleo ‘gn to York and llnrriptutrp; hy the lsecund u’hin. Arrive in Harrishu: [3 at 7.30‘1’. ‘.\l ARRIVE-S m. Gettysburg IK':-.::|Hf. .\l., . with pass‘g—ngcr‘s from Ihrruhurg. l’hilndulphin land the North and West. ‘ 1 WPmsenn-rs nt‘n leave Pliiladciphin by uwéy of Bziltitiuyc n 1 4 A. .\l.,'» mpl" arrive in ‘Genyrhurg at l P. .\l. Ur lou\'e;ail?7.3<‘l A. .\l.. ‘hy Qm Pennsylnmin Cl-nunl 01 Philadelphia and‘llrn'linz Railroad, and arrirl in Gut} s .Phnrmnt 5.30 P. .\l. .0 ll.’ _llcif‘L’Rl)‘ 3 May 11, 1863. ‘ '. ' :l‘resideut To Dlsabledysolmbrs, QEA-BIEN AXD .\IL-UHNFS. .\Xg) \HDOWS, .\ ()R OTHER HEIRS m-‘ 'l‘}o.'\‘E.\\'HU HAVE DHID UR BEEN Kfim) IN THE SER VER—Cum: (‘. chx‘sn. ‘ mrney for (‘him nuts, Bounty Laud nndfent-iun Aim-Ht. Wash inglon City. 'D. (l.—l’cnsimis proc Ired tor $Ol - Senmnn and Marines of the brescnt war, who nreulxsnbled hy reason of walgnds received or dismse pont’mcted while in nnficempd Pen lions, Bounty Money and Arrearq of Pay oh mjnod rm- widows or other hplrs {muse who hru’e died or been killpd while inlervice Bounty Land procut‘elléor Eel-vi '11::- other \mra. . CH. 5.:0. T 1 , , Wnshin,‘ J. C. .\‘lm'. Agent, Gettysburg. Xov. 18, mo ~,a _Comato the‘ Fai ND DON’TFURGETTOYISIT A__R[DGE NU!‘.SHRIES.——Perri to Ham Trees «in tin“! the stock i 1 remarkably tune, and onl-red M. red The Apple numbers 100 varietie} ull the approved sorta. L N. 11.--S_ue the iuulax hnnrd heapw Flora Dale Post olfice. T.. H. 900 K ; SONS, a Srpt. 2. PB6]. ‘ rayriclon.‘ AGOB 'SCHWARTZ'S ESTA Esau-ner gl les'mrnentn’ry ’on'the can“ of Jacob cbwanz. lute ofGnmnny twin, A am; co., de- Vcensed. haying been gnnled to the under signed, residing ‘iu Monnljoy to nahlp, they hereby give notice to .11 per! nu indebt ed to mid esute to. nuke immgdjnte ply ment, and those hlvi'ng claims ‘I inn 1!!! lime to present them propeflya lfinllcated fot settlement. - ‘ ' MICHAEL SGUW :rz, ~ HENRY SCHWA Z. Oct. 5, 1863. St“ ' 'xccukozL : . New Bakery! EWPOBT & ZIEGLERr‘Mec mice! Bnk ere, Soth Washington street lml! urine from the Elgle Hotel, GETTYSBURG. Pu.— Conelaptly~ on r hand, flbc heel 1 BREAD. CRACKERS,CAKRS. PRETZI-IL . ac; Pir lone wishing {re-h greed Will be erred every moinlng, by ‘lee’nngnhelr nemee e drenidence‘s u the lining. livery efl'on mm $0 plenee. Gite In tall! [Apell , , '63. il.! Ccme, One and 3.11! f HE nub-crib", luring "combed his Sl loan in the Noah-cut can)” ofthe Din mond, invitu (ho nuentiun of-hiu friend. Ind the panic Kenn-kill to My uleenl ALE. POWER. BRUWS 3%UUT‘ W!$E, CHAM PAG. E, TUBACCU,§ GARS,&c.’ He hopes, by mi“ mention w-lmsiuesn gm}- desire to please, to receive A libcrnl share 0, custom. . : 'll,. W. CHRISMER. Goltyibnrg, Aug. 24, 1863. tf‘: ' -..3,., a!!- 95 in any 01 YCHER, ' tan, 1). C. IPLEASANT 'vns wishing ’. {He ground ucegl prices. }. cn'xbmg‘iug Ncitice. wig} ,fi '"* ‘ ‘ 2': A" ‘.:,.;le‘§'.i~:”; WIT-'l‘ ' 1 The Old and Rename. aw spam; Gooné. : , N SMALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES.—‘ J. L. SCHICK; vould rupecllully In; to the cit-nus at Oct lyaburx and vicinity. thn ha ll now reulrlng u bin) uore I ‘pleudid ~ , STUCK 0F 8?}!le GOQDS; ‘ vThc flock comm: in pm or‘ Funcy Ind Staple DRY 60008, of every dcuriytion. 4‘ SILKS. L . HUZAMBIQUE, ‘ ' g ‘. CHALLIES, _ ' 3 magma, ~ r , | BUMBAZINES. ; ALPACOAS, . ! LAWNS, l . : QALI 038,; of n‘l qualities and choicest n In, whi h '4" , be soldlat PI'J ES Tt) DEFY éOMPET 1091.; F‘éflSmNG ($0093 5 o! All kinds, ndiug Silk, Linen 21111300.!on Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings. kc. Alao, I splendid ussortmen: of RIBPUNS,‘? Laces and Edgingu, Umbrellna and Pnrutulu .\ly Movk of WHITE GOODS I'll! be found full I tnd compk’tc, and cunvumera may rely upyn‘ ulwnyt'gelling good goods at tho lowul. puui- l ble,phces.n ' . ‘ u Gentlemen will find it to Unix winning: 10 5 call and exmuine my ntouk of . , I CLOTHS, 77 , ‘ l CASSIMEIIES and . ‘ . - YESTINGS, '0: all qunlniea auvl choicentjtyles. April 21, .32. .L L. scmcx New"Good3 l—Large Stdck! A "lERCHANT TAILORLVG. . . i JACOBS a: BRO. hpvc just received from the cities a'lglrgn stock 0! good: for Gentleman’s wea‘r, embracing a variety 0! - I , z 'cmn‘us, , “ ‘ c.xssnmnas, l ' VESTLVGS, :Cnsslnou, Jeans, &c.. vivid: mnny 'other gopd lfor spring and summer wear. ' ' ~ I They are prepared 50 make u'pl.gnrmentl at 'tlae shortest notice. and in‘the very he'st‘mnn -1 her. The Fashiops are regularly rcceili’ed, and ‘clolhingmade in nriv desired style. The‘y gl |ways makeoncat tits, whilst. their sewing is sure fto be substantial. . They ask :1 comlnuéne‘e of the publié's pd ‘ltromgo; resolved by good work and modernle ,chnrgea to earn it. 2 Gettysburg, April 7, 1862'“: il 1, , Juno 9,19%? Howard Assocmtlon, . ' UILADELPH-1.\.-l‘urv Ilm- "Min-L Of ”1“ P Sick and Dislwd. :x‘llliclcd with Viru leut and Cbrouir Disoglrez, and p-pn-rinl‘y for the Gun- nl [ML-.14“ 0f lhr- :‘Hml tlrgx-ns. MEDACAL .\ LWH'I: gn‘cu gratis, h)- the in ing Sllfigcon. r ' ‘ VALUAHLI-I REPUIH‘S on Spormdorrhu'n or Seminal \Vuuknvus. and other Him-Jul: bl [I c Snug] Oriana. and on 'le )‘EW til-HIE IJH-IS employed in Ihc'l)i~pcfi~ury, sént to the nflhcleul in lehd [_Nlur -en\‘£‘lu|nc~',lflcte 1” chxfrge. Two or '.‘nree Sumps tor puslugc‘“ 11l be acceptable. ‘ Address. Dr. J'. SKILLIN HOUGHTHV, Art inzSurgeon. Hmv m! _\um-inlion, No. E‘Soulh Ninth Street. l‘hiladelplm, l’u. Juuel6,lB62.~‘ly ' New Tailo‘ri m; STAB: IS}!!! l"..\'T.--(|.EO. F. EFKEXROD‘E, E l‘.-\SfiIHVABLR TAILOR. " mop“ thismezlu-J m‘ mfnrminp his friend‘s and the public generally. that lit-'_ has opqnf-i n Tailoring cstnblifimcx-l _in llvhimoru mum. Gouysburz, (lam: l’osg‘ Ollicc.) ng‘nr the Din monu. where he is pre’pnred lo rln all work in hm!“ line in tho be<t mini-q, and (o the satis the ion of customers. He employs nono but firsqlnss hands, and receiving - 4 A THE l-‘ASLHUXS RHOULAELY, 116 mn wp’rfi'mt, fnzhionnble fila nud‘nentnnd auhstantihl «st-wing. He Mk: II shun! 0f the public'n pmrnnuzr, promising to spare no of. fart. to dun-u- “. His charges will always' be found as moderate as lhe time-. 1 l‘ill nllrik Cutting and Repairing don‘e at lhe shorten nolire. [Gulyiburgk Apr 1. 7.,1852. 1 Hay Wanted} I BE undersigned wishes 16 buy ‘3OO mm of l‘ guod HAY. The «iiigllen market. plice paid in cnsh for firime Timothy "my, delivered M. his pricking vnnblihbmeul. iu (irllysbllyg.4 E.u~ly appiiculi'ous desired’. . April 20‘, 1863. am‘ RemovaL-«Tin Ware; (:[VIE underlined has rem‘ovgd his 'l'inning establishment nearer the Dinmondu'in hambenbm‘g street, ndjdinlng A. D. Bnéh ler’l Dnig Stare—u Very cenxnl location“ He continues to mnnufnnurc, nukl keeps coun“!- ly on band, ever] variety ol' ; " TIN-WARE. _r 1 ‘ ' ‘ . PRESSED AND . . . ~ ' , JAI'ASED WARE. Ind will Always be regmy 10.110 REPAIRING. xx xsw OXFORD, ‘: ~' v‘ve are prep’ned no pay the highest prices for all kinds origIODCCE. Alto. sell at. the low. eat. p‘rices, L .\IBER, COAL 3nd GROCERIES, of every description. ‘ A. P. MYERS & WIERMAN. ,fiéfl_‘._.___._ ' New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. _tf Spring oods ——~ .1 ~~ TA. soon a; SON’S..~WE‘inrile the “.1 Fresh Belnforcemeptq. ’ Y A tendon ofbuyeu to our stock of Spring [ STRESGTHEMNG .003“ 90511;.05-‘V5 ° Goo-ls. which, will be .9” ch“ consisting o, . are con-unxly addmg nu fiupplles to our Lgmasv DRESS (MHDS, .. ‘ :ilrendy large and fuhiomh‘le a_tock or ‘ s Shnwin. masking Clmhs, etc.. etp. For Nen'n! Z [VI-“'3. CAPS, BOOTS APD SHUBS- ' and 3053' we” we have Clotha, Canimrrea, ‘ Y“ lure eyery “fie of Spring and Snmmrr Coniingn, \‘equngs. with I urie'ty of Cotton- "'“u'hu‘h ”‘ ‘l“"l’VMd WW" ““1"“ m“ '0 ”1". u" kc. c." and see. .‘ plluse. Boy’a and Man'- Hus Ind Cups of M 5: 15, ”53. A. 500”] SON. every description, lid of the Inusistglu. Our _._“ -_..“ ~v —— 7 -—» . -1... stack of' ‘ \ ~. ' Lancaster Book Bindery. BOOTS. snoEs‘ . EORGE WIANT; ‘ v' , ‘ .‘ turn more comp: . I x tn emeu ' up "4" ”0‘ {‘lg‘g‘ifggag’ PA Ind Children can he nccommodnted with any. - ’ '.T [thing in ‘thiilinefil we are buyer ‘yrcp-red ROOFING aid spevrmu ‘ ‘ gllo dOne in the but. Banner. Prices modeb ate, and no efl'ort spared to renfler full “111‘. fru‘fiflfl- The public'l oominuefi pnlroungo in lolicited. _A. P. ’BAUGUIsIm Gettysburg, April 7, 1882. 3 Plain and Ornamental finding, or "by, de lcription, executed in the most. substantial tad" approved “yuan. ”__LMR- l mm E. W. Brown. Esq., Farmer: link of “Mu“?- W. L. Panper,.Esq.. Luncuter County Bank Samuel Shock-Esq” Columbit Bunk. ' Sttnuel Wigner, Esq., Ygrk Bank. , William Wugner, Esq.. 10:]: County Bunk. T. D, Cnnou. qu; Bsnk of Gettysburg. Peter Martin Eng. Prolh'yoflnnutu .’ ' Geo.C. fluv’thotn,‘Baq.,Beginu-r. u I- no 's‘. Geo. Whigof, Esq" Recorder H (I April 15,1881. ' ———-—.—‘— ~-—~———>-—-‘-——--—.-__. _ Piano Tuning. ROF. BOWEB, of Lilthas'lown, a Pmcticrd’ P Pmno Tuner, intorxus his friends and the music.“ puhlic in general, lb“ he gives hi: firm-.10! otherwise occupied, to Tuning and mpnlring Pinnoa, at moderate price. Be promues entire utishrnon, or no pay, - voyden received at Lh‘rsotfice. ' [Sept 16,1861. Queenswarea - I“ you run n’nyxhing iw the WEI-ZNSWARP, . line cull I} A; SCOTT 1’: SU. ‘B, When: V 0“ w and "MR“ usurmung‘iu town: ‘ ' , find 25', Hag: ' * “ ‘ w \' "' ' ‘ rang Pars: . OHS PARISIRA, 718 ARC“ STREET. be- Q] luw 81h, math lide, PHILADELPHIA, lmpoflenflnnut'pctm er of And Dealer in kind! of FA N C FOllB, for Lndues' 31 Children's Wear. whi: to return. m' (hunks In my fr’mu 6f Adult" and them rounding: couulius,l their very liber-I 'p: tron-g: utended ‘ me during the mm :21”, Ind would an to them that I IV. have in store, of my ov‘vn imgorulion and Manufacture I very ex tensivemorunental all the different kinds and qunlitiel of Fancy Furs, lofjuldlls and run. d3~en‘,.thut Will be worn during the Full And “'mier “33011;. . 7 ? ,Beivnkllhe direct Importer .of all mv Fun from Europefin'd haying-Ihem ll" Mammnuurrd under my otn supervision—enables me to o‘fl'er In‘! Hummers and the public I. much htndr “We? 3H I f Furl tor the lame money. Ladies I'pkue gin me :i call before purchasing]!— ‘ Please remember the name. number and meet ; ‘ JOHN FABEIRA, . No. 718 Arch 51., Punudexpnm SophJ-l, 1553. 51:1 ‘ ‘ _ [ The Grocery Store N THE -1111. L.-—The undersigned wtjuld ”Specttnlly tnfnrm‘llte CIIIZPD! ot Getty» liltrg’mttl '.itiuit}, tlmt._ he has tu‘m’m tlicgold :tand “ on the Hill." in Baltimotje strtol, (fict tyshurg. when: he [intends'tojkeep runsmhlly on lmnd all kil'tdk of GROCERIESJL-Suqufl; Cofl'ees, Syrups of all kittda,;'£obacr:o, l-lish, Salt, kin, Earthenware of rtll kinds, Fruits, Uils, and in fact. {'\'el'\thillfl' ugunlly round l“ 5 Grocery. also. FLOUR 3: FLEDM ull lul'tda; till of which he intends to sell low as the {ow esi. Cctmlt‘y produce tmken in exchange; for good} and the highest. price given. He flutters ‘himsclt‘ ”ml, by n:rict attention Ind an ltohut denitc to plane, to merit a share of publid pn tronnge. TRY 11111. "J. M. ROWF. Feb. ‘.‘3, 1363.. If ; _,_ _ _._- ._.- ,fiT.-_ 1863. 18,33. r nus AND was. :- 0,, J, ' R. f. McILIiBVY, Suki} old amp-1,1 8. W. cor. (‘.cnt/re'Squure',hu juzt opened a splendid assortment. of , : lIATSAN~_D'CAPS, M theflntest l‘ylca, at very low finites. Per sons in want on good sensonnble and fashion ablv H I: orCap,nx-e requested 16 give him u cull. no U I‘s A N Difs H OHS, poluprieing .\[en's fine Calf Boots, .\lcu's 1m- Ihurnls, .\len‘s Wellington Ties,.Conng-ss Cui tprs: Brogmfi; Lndiqs’ mdrocco llplmulal Bnula. (initcrmlire kid slippers, Illsst’s’ and Chil dvrn‘; Show rind Gnilers. of every‘vnri. 1y nud nlylvgnll or “hidi'will be sold as cheap as Ilie C‘JL‘fiII'EIJ. Lei all who wish to sup‘ply them s‘elvcs will) goodmud subalxmliul work (gill and .e‘xamlne uur stock. l’.. F. llcll.HEi\'=Y. .\ ril 13, 1353. J ' l ! . ~ Cabnon & Adalr’s ‘ ;.§\ ;\ l-‘.\\' MARBLE‘WURKS,-Corncr of Halli! 1.4 L . more :llHl Bust .\iiddle'streots, unplxailej ‘tlic Cuml Hmfil‘. Gettysburg, il’n —\\'.-l are, _ _ ‘pr‘epan-d to 'urniéll’Monuments. Tonilw. llembl ,btli. 1‘ '5 th. best "’05"!!! , ;slngm-=, \lnrhlu \luntles. Slabs im- l'nlnm-H _ \ .' 'g' ' ~ . i‘JL‘kN-s' nut]\\:lll other \\ orklappeztn’ining l’.?bnuli’ ‘ ofizlllllfigmlgg'milziluxllf-ill22::ng ::;II;": s'n 55. 'e *i «uurnn 20 3n :3 ncnn'uV nt 4 . . ' 'v I ' lugtln CHM-uric: null price. Call and anal uul M" “’"St positively reioflunnul l‘ to l’" “W”?- ‘du-siwni .u-d specinwns of work: i ‘IL pron! again-t file changes of limit nn-l'rolal , Fizh .J [86.5. tr . ltlmt ure so destxuctirc to many other’kind. o! A, ‘ l , . ,- I- .-—~ --lfl'ouhug. _ , . The Great Discovery .. _.l . _ ‘-. F Tam AGE—lnflammatory and t‘hfnnic IT WILL NOT SOFTEX Am Rl-NJNJIIH‘ 0 llln-nnmtiam mu be {-u‘red by Ming ll LE l V “HEATHER. ' ' :MHJJCR'S (‘ELEBRA‘I‘ED RHEUMA'HC NIX-i ‘ l'l'l‘lili. .\[nny prominent citizens 9t thisl nnd‘ .Qié adjoining wuntips, have lestifl‘vl qu its! git.” utility. Mimi-boss in _lenmwtil- tron! Q ltioixe. line luoou illmrtn‘ unparalleled l». nny} ‘ ~ ..- ' . ' . lain-cilia iuuudm-M to the public. “ll“ 50 ”ff“? l:"",r'~‘:‘i‘_PMWNWHv ”mum lira frnm . \ . , A _ t t mL cm In nmi fruLml-nt. lrum hum ,\"-""= If“? Imu‘A-“(l'm' s”!“:‘3‘h‘dlu'lr'u'rV—‘l'l‘xl """d iu-v Luilvlinut‘adjoining this I'unfin‘n aim-« Rte: rs. l‘rrpnrod on y y . 4.} .E 2k, " - ‘ _"" , ' ‘ ‘ “' |l\'lzolci:\llk‘\‘i|n\i Retail Di'nggisl. Em “fun“? I‘ “T“ ',“‘s”‘ ”‘3 ‘.".”“3 ””1 “*3 ‘, .\dnlxi~.‘counl)§. W 1“ dealer in Drugs, ('luxmfculzi,‘ 011:. Y.urrii.~ll.\.,\'iliriti, I'uinti. nyfl'fiiurf‘.kllo‘-i Etlnl (his, Ease-luvs 'und Tint-tunes; \\ m‘luw do}! not injure it ' s’l;:LKOCT:lugni‘hkfinilsuli‘lxfil:2ls}:“(l4.2: : It i: p-liticulurly .Ffllll‘ll’nfl on 'Fncmricu. hut-3‘lo.- -"lL' 1 , Hull}: Cclrli'rttml "lll'I‘lzlilll; medries’munr [Ev flunk"n”“”“‘"'““”” \lulurc"' ' .. ' ‘(Junc 3 lcdl ‘t'tV Imiltlinzs I‘llt'ft the nirvisnmpregnucd mlh ..' ___‘ _. __\_ ._ 3 ‘L, _fgn‘M-f of mo‘is‘tnlre,whivh,rnpidlymnode,‘frorm\i 1 Dl‘. Robert 'HOEDBP’S l ; uh: inside, a}! tin and uietl'll mints- , . l Y law LUIILY mm; A§D\ l i lrbu HTan'fi \T ”(we - . L\ ' PRESCIHP'I‘ u\' STDRE,‘ l ‘ "' ‘ ; 1 " . c‘nmnrwnvn:s art-mun", 6lele " ‘ ' ' LAR'T‘UPS» ““5255. ‘ llming. letirL-d'lmm the neliye 1m . my {holl‘fisiolh i {like pleasure; in :-nn(\ €2‘o the time“: ofiticttysburg nnd vicinity ll limeoll-uuds ll '. ‘ ' ' . NEW] DRUG STORE. . I in t‘u- rnnm lornmly occupied by Drs. nut C. lllman. .1.-x :in nmrc. “here IMII cv~irn§lixixly l krop on haul] a large sumfly ofnil kinds of ‘ .chsn mmzs, ~ ;‘ | l MHDJI‘INI-IS, . » , QIIMIICALS, ,' " l'anFqunv, , l ' , . TOOTH POWDFRS. ‘ . ‘ . ‘ DYESTU’FFS, DRY\_PM\'TS; and ' . - ‘PAINTS ground in OH,. " ' OlLS,,exprcued and distilled. ~ STATIONERY nfnll L’lmla, Inh. Pena. Pencil3f“npef.l‘dmh!. Brusyeg. .ch. PATENT MEDICINES. ' ‘ ' All the popular Patent .\lodicineu'tngéthvr with a :o-leclion ol puréWlNES,’ BRANDIES Ind “'IIISKEY. lor medicinal purposes wily, always on lmnd. In a word, my stock embrace; everything Usually lonml in I first-clues store of this dqscriplion. ’ A large supply nffrenb Drugs ha! hpen: re cciw-d. null others are Arriving, which I .1171 M'- I'ering to the public ‘on very nevummmlatinz lcims. .\ly Medicines have all been purchawd nmlc’r my pcrsmml inspection nnnl sqpervlaion from the most reliable houses. lean Ihfrflure not only recommend than. u pun: h‘ud {tn-uh, but can 101 l them chegp. ‘ -.\'. Ii.—PARTICULAB ATTENTION given to l‘.: treatment ol all chronic disenseu. ‘ “'ll. E. BITTLE .q-AIH'ICE GRATI.s.-m my”. um. .u ;‘ AVING taken the large Ind commodity" Warehouse recently occupied by Frank Hers ,Esq.. - _ mm to give flu u'id grnler bargains than me: before‘ If you want bargains, good. fits And fi‘shtonnbxa goodl, call u the nign'of tho BIG BOOT, in Chlmbcraburg urea. ' JOB.“v CULI’R ALEX. UUBEAN. June 9, 1862 ‘ Avuias ms'rlwnox or ADAMS co., huiug increased its capital, bu enlgrgod it’l huaiueu And exundcdita “commodatiqnn Lon day, Wednesday. [April 6, 186:5. If mum and Summer cumin; just remind . M. ' PFCKIXG'S. Q to Dr. R. HORNER'S DrugSLorepnd get ' ThiIMHDIGATED CQUGIX CANDY. ‘ ‘ FRING BALMORALS Jun received at . FAILVESTOCK BRUS’. ' E have jun. received I new ulortmem. of Qucenawnre, to which we inviu we Intention of buyers. A. SCOTT k SUN. POll3 GROUND SPICES. named mm ground expressjy for Dr. ROBERT “OR. NHRIS New DrugSwre. ,j . UOUNRW PIOKIZ‘ES,’ q. largé‘lol. just“. , [swim from the any, in prime order, a L— ‘ ‘ KALBI‘LNSOII'SJ _ Spring Styles‘ Grain and Produce. ’ Prmers’ 8c Mechanics’ ' nnmrnoéma, , ‘ AIDEN: mm: No. 73 n ' saw mm: This article [I mark or n utrcmely thick “a 'u-gu‘ wfoven fubfio, inrcnlad Ind mlnnhcmred expceuly (or an own nurdnd is "manning.- thicker ml; the cotton mm- ing commdnl; used in In other compogiuon roofing, Ind conséqucmlyfn’r more dnnb]. From me unperlor thickness or thin éloth, it. .iA' ‘ ‘ ‘ “genes, In satumhon, I fur greater amount of the wuer-proof Mapuailidq, And when finish- ed with the fur-proof caning on the gurl‘uo, presents the no» complete}; finiéhed‘i‘nd, we ‘nr'e confident, Input durable—roofing ndw known. It need: nagfinal coat npplkd on ,th. , \. . roof, u :1} out" “as do. . . IT IS “READY" TO NAIL D‘OWX It is manufactured,and fin: up in rallsaboul on'o buudn’cd feet Miss, and -three‘ feet wide; reduiring iny to be 'unrolled. nail nailed on the roof. In fihis convenient 'nndrfin‘isted ‘.fllte, if in especinlly yo! thy flie nuenlion of unbwmn MERCHAN'NI, and all who buy to 4211 again.” W; do not: hold oui_to such the' pronfiefi of'efiotm’ous profm immediately, but we offer a runny men-hams» Mo ai-licle, in demand every where, 3nd at all trmes WE CALL'ATTEfiTiON TWA FEW POINTS‘I List. It costs qnlyjnbout half as n'mch a: \in, and is mice n durable. - '. 4 M. ll '3]: adnptmi 10 all kihds o! ~mote, wlnellunflerp or tint: ’ . in]. it is {ml ufl'rcled 'ilijurioue'ly by Iran or. i uld ! j4th. An; oriinuljy workman (an apply it sth. I! ja nu! thcfl‘cheupeiit" rogfiug ‘ 11‘ WILL {ol' mum: in! robm | WEATHER. ‘ ‘ FIHIINKKNG (If ROOF-_HUARDS ‘U . . ('m.‘ ~. “11:0 0L 1 miyg ’ \' mtl .\\,\ . SH \ I ' A l . ' Also 11) can hr farmed 0 this maternal, aging the‘u ‘ ponu- ormn‘AL 0X55. ‘ K V l The rest at nppljin it i- very liuht.‘- nd any iordinqr.» ruol'unbe fin' lie-dim the anme'd”. ~Mn] n" mnf: and for “nlHmz on, lhie Arm-Xe "pun-rs fur hell" thy-n nny mvlal mnf—us il . will lu-nr .uch uuge without. tricking or ' braking. v . a ' h‘is o.»in n; plied over old V ‘ ' §GLE mes‘; _ 'truorT Immivms THE anmmns rnasnn‘vn your. moor-s; - ‘ V: ' . ' IF mm: 71:: 126 p? I‘“st x? wru’ fixnopr M‘s ' sum. urn-muss ”11%. IMIE IF'TUUIL MN ROOF SEEDS liE-I'AINTISG, . = IJQI’II) Gurnmenun CEMENT wilt effectually close up 111 the mullet-RUST. ‘HQLES. and jam: 3 heavy elulic bod} ore! the whnle surface, that. nip prevent Bl'b’l‘ Infi‘ Inn many year! longer {bu qg'dinlry paint. ' I ‘ ‘1 H“ YOUR SHIXGLE' ROOF ‘L‘E‘AKS; w wan ‘av'r'nzns ink, w mmmxrs‘hovm YOUR cuntmvs m rorjn sun; noor Luna, COVPOUVD ' . . GUTTA-PERCHA CEMENT will completely fill up I" the‘gretiqu in the phinglcgcoru oveube bmkrn joints in the tin un-l slale.forn.p¢rmnnentl: adhesive, elude coalidg around chimneys, skylights, ele.,nnd' in all theaedituations will_ontl'n-st an other nrticle for lliil pulp" nowju gag. . 1(llil Ar ticle i: I thick, tenacious compnund of and ingredients and extemii-ely in Europe in the process of Kyunizinn or pruerviuravuud in railroad nun-Lures tamed muck-4m and decay. This very Inc-Tu! propertfleuda dinet ly to nrrell and prevent dean] in the uhhaglel, and will anen nu‘zhe uncanny for sun-ml years of putting on I uw roofs It in well wonhy‘of n Iriul. . ’ ‘ , ”All the show ROOFING “TERIALB will be furuiubcd tq . A . ‘ cnvncazs AND cL‘sndv’iss ' at a. rcducfi‘on of ‘ - 'rwcxnunvs PER 0323?." gnox om; REGULAR nuns. \_ , = LIBERAL ABMNGEMWTS ’ . MADE WIT}! RESPONSIBLE 4032‘" , 'fi-cmcumnsrna SAMPLES mum. lb; mu. Mum‘- A - HEAD! ROOFING C 0; i ‘ ’34,; ‘ I' ‘ ‘leaflflfl. 17‘ fi' ; 'l‘: _ Mil TINNERs,--nt'n.nnns, GUTT‘ERS ,TLEAK, ammnncmfi NO. T 3 - MAWEN 40g,, pw Toyx. g- vT; ' gglz DR. SWEET’S NFALLIBLE I,L[NI.VENT 0:13 ‘ GREAT REMEDY ron nusmmxsu, com, NEURALGIA, _LUMHAGO. STll-‘FANHCK ANDJUVN’I‘R, SPRAINSQ BHUISKS, CUTS AND ' wouxns. mus, sham, AND ALL IKUEUNATIC AND names msonbsns. For all 19! which it i! a speedy Indirert‘ni. rg‘medy, néd new-r fniln. This Liniment in pn p-w'red ”on tho’rccipe of Dr. Stephen Swen, of Connectim, the lnmuus bone hetll‘l‘, and hu bern used E'hfu pruflice for lhore “Inn “real; you: with {be most. ulohiahiug iutceu: 3A: an Alleviator of Paine. it it- unrifll'd by nny pnpurnlinu before the Publit". a! which the may! skeptical mu, be cwinced by I. I file trial. . 'l‘hia Linimenl um cure .rapidly uni} .A-Hgll. lyLßheumatic Disorder: 0! "My kind, Ind in thousands ~m_4;a:.«:n\luere n has ncver beewkuowu £0.13“. 1 For Neuralgih. it will afford iuq’modmu rl~}iufin every can-r hown‘er din‘ruslng. I! wilFrelic-re Que worau-nsu hf Headache i 1; thrle minulca and ismrriuled I» do u. Toothache also will it. cure inmrhfl} For Nervous Debility nu) (‘u new] Lug. 'simdr arising {mm imprmleuse or exec". Hus [Linimonl is u may. hnppy and ul l'.-Fling rum-:1}. 'A« ring din-Hi: input: '\xhe Inen‘pus liuucu, 1t nirdnrnl ens nnd rnhifiu- life Sylvia, and re stores it. to cluniLily and viggr. - Q ~ For Pfles.~.\a ‘on external remedy. w. claim th'ut. it is the Lu! known, and VH‘ rhnl huge thu'worhl Io producé unmunl. Eu-ry \icunf.uf' this distressing mmlaluiut Ibnuld gin- it. n tnnl. for it will not Ml4O utimd im mmljdle n “of, and in uJquurHy of Lana will ctfcul u lac/trul L'ure. ' . anngipapd Sore Throat ll't' mint-luau eurvmely n‘mlignunl run} dungomuu. In! a timely upplll‘.lllull uf [his Liuimeut will lwn? tail to curb. 9 ' ‘ ‘- ' Sprains arr sometimo- very nlminuu, nud enl‘urgemenl of Hu- jninn i 4 liable to m-cu; It nvgh-ou-d Tlie Will‘s-l cnse any but wuuluerul by [his Linimcm. in §"0 or lhru 4:131. Bruises, Cuts. Wounds, Sores, 'Ul eel-s. Burns and Sculds, .\n-lvl duh!) 1.. line \vnnuh-rtul hurling} properlirp uf UH. s\\'Hl'lT'." l\J".\hl.l!H.l-i l.l\’l\lblNT, vrhnn lhl'd .uu'ulfiliug 'n «hurtiunq. .\‘no. I'HH “LAWS. FillNl'l-II) H-Il'll‘, A 1“) ‘13.)!“ I“ mnzs .\xn S'rn‘us. > , ‘ Im. STEPHEN SWEET, of‘Connq the (hm: Nulnnn Vlhme .\‘em r. hr. Nepllrn .\‘uécl. u'l ('nnur. lirul. in known all min Un- l'mh-d Surat; . Dr. Sinplu-u Sweet, of ('ounn‘licut, i-Jhe uulhnr M " l’i‘. Syn-Fa [uh-illhl'r l ilmmnl."~ Dr. Sue-HE lufnllill-Iw Liuimrm rim-p R!” u m.ni~|n and new: mils. * , < hr. Swan‘s llil‘nllihlc Liniun-m' ill n wrxain ram: 05' for .‘x‘eurulum. . . hrs Swl-H a humble. L’inimrnl rurcs Burn; and Sr'll-ls unmédinu-ly. ' Dr. ere‘fi‘ Infullihh- Limmuit in Hu- lu —I known H‘lnl'xl)‘ fur Smiling and lhuivm. Dr. Swerh Infillihle I InilM‘lll run. I'm-'- nvllc in-nwdi.lluh and WM nu n-r human In (:11. ' Ur. .\ww-l ~ lntlxllihlo Lmihho-nlhmla um mrdmlc rcliM luv l‘ilu~'.nn«l :1 Hum fulls m r_nle. ‘Hr. S'm-el. a ll.l'nH‘l!lL'Linilln'ml umr Tum]:- m‘hc in mm: mimma > ' Dr. Snot-(s3 lurnHiMe -l.ini|m~nl,uuh-{ (‘uu nn-| “'mnnls imam-«Li «l-l_\ um] Jrnn-I up u-ur. Dr. Sweet} lumlll'flr,l.ininu-nl in the inn: rcmedr fur Sur‘rs in Illr iumwu u- rM. Dr. S“ (M's Infullnl-lc‘ Liuilm-nl Ln- Fun-u uned b 1 umr: llmu n milliuu peuplo. um! ailr prmse n. ‘ ‘ . \ Ilr Swi-m‘i Infifllihle Linimrm plum in larnally.‘ curls L'huliv, "hole-hi \hni‘hlm Ind Clwli". , ' m. Swo-H's luf.-llll)lr Ljuiuum i! Ilnly n "trlefid in Herzl,” anal eH-r)‘ lnmil) 'lmul'l lune ”\nlvlwu :l l \ > ~ 3. ' .Dr SKI-ql'~' ll.f’llll1tll" Lilfimrm i: lur‘flult" lvv all l)!|lgsl¢\l*. l’ru‘e ‘.‘s land .’m‘uxhlu. , A \ , A PRIEND IN NEED. TRY FIX—UR, SWHIZFS |.\| ALLXIZLE LI.\I\IE.\TI. .u nu.\‘tr' n-rivul, nun] “HIV than any ulhrr mnlic and Xv rnw hit, and M ,n m Sprnim. Hruiwrn. A powvrful ply-englhc ju-l wonder nn-hl rver given it n lri lilivnleu uf ngnmrl mlhiu the IsLSI m To HO. DR. SWHETB run HOMES is "new of I. umem Brnigés or Wrrm h ‘twlnin. , Harness “MIKE- $6., it will .prn ..‘p nnd\Riught-ne .quy be 2.”; in prurnie-f 51].! 'uired\in their incipicgzl Haws, 1111 l wufirmtd use: are beyond the pncs'ibilny uh huh: u! care. .\'n cute 0! the kind, huIPVlf. II F» despernte or hn‘peless hm. it mry‘lw ulhg‘inml hyfhis Linimonl, und in Tuilhlul uppli. Minn I'il “'31)! rename the [Aflli¢'.-!, nml rnnlrlo the hors‘c’s to travel with compnrumc cur. EVERY HORSE OW S E". shonid Viv-re this remedy “ luau '. Inr inlime 1y me u the lirn'nplvrnrum-e nlJunm-ueq‘mlf elfcctunlly prevent llmsc iS‘rnzilluHr din-urn. to which nll’hnnn are‘ linhle. “"13““ ren. 41" If runny olpcrwisc \‘ullmlllu hp - nwrl‘y tort law g. DB. SWEEPS INPALLIBLi-I LINHIEX‘T, EMI soimsn's FRIEND. Au gthve'rouna 1: mar A n‘zl‘xzzéb IN NEED: CAUTION. To unfold in: osltlon. observe auxin-tub” and Llhnen {rpm Stepheufiwut on (flu! Inge]; Ind Also “Stephen S'weet'n Inf-Him. Mnimem” Hlmvn in.‘ the slug 0! each In!!!" without which noneiare genuine. ‘, RICHARDSON k 00., 'SLIo Prupri’etqn, Norwich, Conn. . 3633' t ALLEN Genenl‘A‘ In, no _ lcclfxi'btrul,l'efiorh. #8011! by_." dealer: everywhere. ‘ De:. 8, 1862 ; v .MeCrying.- / : ‘.W..‘ELB|IJI [NO manna Che lamina . ~.ol SALE CBYING, ndmofiélew m ”I! undying-ago at the public; It. i 6 hi: :3.- nnmndawr Lo gm wuiri-‘ulon. kw hind-rue. Reliance In Brecklnfldg! lii-10th Wtynbun. ~ ._Q g, P. B.—Ba is n "(‘Ollletl Auctioneer, “MRI * Tax Luv of flu Uuiu-d Shut. —_ ‘"’ "i , Nov. 24, um. - AQIES' Clolh m 01mm. ; new m L jun unwed u» [fiINKS‘I'OOIGI . - 'KMG but» Mnhmmnleufl , . ‘ , 1 i and Snmmu Clown; In um; \ 4351 J S 4111;
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