“I ma». fl, *mswwnnmrgxs '0 our.. ‘ ..."...Niki-..."...uuu ' a B".- F1m.m.....................u’~,,__:?1| {‘o Whho Wh0ac........... 1 30 lo l 40 ’d Whent.:......m.................'a..l 'l5 m l 35 t0m...» . ..........‘... so to 85 I 833....-. l 00 um............:................:.......,.. 70 Buckwheat...m.u ......... ......"mL- '75 CIO'OISQQd -......»..................‘.. c 50 Timon)»; -a‘ee{;.............4.........-...l 90 to 1 M "!‘lnx Seed"... 1 so Planet 0! Puril ........................ _ l: 00 145 mm 33mm, pl‘r’ bug............. 1 50 . BA LTlMORK—qut mar. Montana”... .............. 5 25 lo .3 37 ‘ When! ........................;..- ....... l 60 {o'2 (‘0 Ryan... .. .. 1 and I so 90:11.. 7.....- 9a m I :05 01m........... 1”: 64 lo 54 .Clover 5eid.......... ‘.r 'I 00 ‘.o 'I 37 “kimoflly 50uth"..............1..... 2 90 so 3 00 Bee! Came, yet hun_d......... 3'3 . 4 00 '.ol 9 06 1163!, fit? hund.........,.~.. .....:.... 6 00 u. 7 00 my)..-” on man on Width} mm)... ........5.............*... 60 lo ,‘ 62 Big-nowvfrfivinn, ptrt0n......... 80 l‘) " ‘ ,~‘+’§‘XSO\'ER—Tnuunn L‘s! Flonr, from wnzons .' Do. ‘lrom non-I rWhenl .'..........., Rye................ C0rn............... 0i:5............... Clqror See-L,” ' Timotily Seed PlnutrrmJ.‘ apeclai Notioon. ’The Singer Sewing Machin‘es.—Om LhTTER A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is but ruining u world-Wilde reputation. his ht wmddouht the he". and Lheupesv. and mo“ Leiutilul uf n“ Fulngly Sewing Mnrbines yet ant-Ird (9. Nu- public.‘ Nu allu-r Family Saw illx .\lnrhinr has so "may usd‘lfl uppHMy‘c‘ Inr He nlnil'm Bind'ng'; Pulling, ’l‘firkirm, Gather— 111g, Guiding, Brnmidz. filenuh-I‘ny. ('nnl inc. and so_furlh. :Nnhu'her funily sewing mn vhim- Inn 50 much rnlpaoivy fun: gro-ul. Variety 4 I work}; I! will :Ist all Rim-h 'ofllulh. an-l \Ltl} :ql‘riglls-n: lhrl uni. (Zn-n: untrlrH-m im-I l-rm rmfihl‘ 'vgx-Ikr our f'i’nnh Scfiillg “:H‘UXII!‘ mun. raiumn-Zuml luuzd dumhllnuml‘flwsl H-r -'8 'in ivLficlmu'm nlf mil-s nlfpnai‘. .llrumkc-a‘ ille hllcrlm-kml Hivrh. wbix'b h 1|"; bin-l still-h; known Any our. man nfflw [unit nrdmnry <~spfiriljfl ('nn um All It Rigel-o, hnw Qu'u-v Ihr. Lrltrr :-\ _l‘nm I) Svuinu “.lulm-v. (mr Family; 'ScwlnuZMa-Jnm .~ My finisha-nl m than“: ALMA-b 5 Aquinih‘ ~t'fe. - ! T‘g Influx: (Vise nl'flu- Fun”) .\Luhine ji‘ ,3: pim’i—n.‘ running. ’uurkmunillvg! M‘lhc mod“ lam-I’M kmd.‘ I: [urutvcts the mfvhm’e when >~ 71min u". nyll “he" nhuul to he npx-rnte'l may; 'he (nu-I.IM n 5 n'fiugwwn.‘ null sulwmmml‘luhle; w‘ru-lnrh Ihr wml‘. “Jah- ~mur u! llue- (hush: "undo um. 0‘ [km rh: irl‘q wnndt. are finishwl‘ in Uni sfmplml and vluti‘mt mnnm-r’ Imudhle, MIMI s :rri- darn-u! nut! mnlurllMm-i in llu- Imm a "3in m d énpnh "mum-r. _. ‘ lvn- «gm-{uni} l.(‘('l'~.<.l|'}' m n-p the Family .\ln'lnnr in BPS-ration. .m as Injlhiul' 9m- gnu: ”pm Ly 1m?! hrn‘uty. “It is but be. unnug 11l poplllnrfur. fnm‘u an Mug as our \lnnnhcluring Nudgne! me fur Inrrmluywri ~g purpnst s. 1. ' 'l‘ho- 'Hrnnlp ”EL-m: é‘ru we” nupp'hl wig}: ”‘.Filk mid. Lhrrml. :Aecdiu ml. .\0 .ur 1h:- uuy but tr! 1!“. .tv-‘ml Inr n "Alrll‘lJZd'. 1 HF..\|\§.H'.l; 'H.‘ \ l'.]‘A‘f'Nl VIKING l'j HIP \iVY. ' L'ux Jilin-«hung. K. \\ Y‘llk‘ nay-run. \IvFu'HW. Nu l‘]:v>xnnls‘l mnr-q J u'mh“ b Him” 1..."! Agvllhl .n (id .\slulrg. 1 -[.\.u.f- 17. ”(13- The Groin mg‘fish Remedy. ‘ .\n: ansflfl‘mnnfi'i I "TILHHRATIVH l’EflA LE PILLS . Thu m\:.l:z.\blc mediyépc is unhnlmu; LA the ejrr 01 all lhmo [yulnu‘l hm} nlvngnruus dl5- mngu ivmnlvm m the, fi'-_utal--‘ugmihdiun. \ . 5' modv-rnIPI’IIH rx«-1-;s",'rvnl.‘u\ M It]! uhstrur ""finnh'fn-m ulmlrw'r ring-tr. anal I-rmgs uh the ‘ Imngh‘y Inr‘xiu-Lhivh rL-gguldriu. The-(Pita shuuH nvi he rap-n 1!}- females -‘lhnc are [H’rgh-‘lel during ”It‘..}‘_“l\l‘ Tum-2R )Innns. us Hwy :re surE m lyrin; uh .\iiuvnr— rimgo; hul ut H‘lty‘nH‘fr time and in not; ufhorcuet- lina‘§ :xru [willy 11y Guru. 1 h: nll‘ms»: ox _\'uryrulwluul .\‘plrul \flm-tinna, 'fl-niu in the I%.:ka and Lrimhs‘l.llmuim-sc. Fu , Jigue o‘n shgvlvt Ixmliuh. l'.:lpn'tinn of I'm;- ‘Hewfl, [.lm'nr-s 11f SI’ML‘. “:.'~l(ril‘~.' Sil-"K “omin he‘szmc-n :Ind'fl” 'Uxo pninh-l Jlsvnwu um 3511.6. «1 h}: 'u «inunlurul H-ll'm. mm I’lll~ vi“ rift-Ft :1 euro “hen-n)” ulhn-r mums lune fzxilv-L , ‘ v ‘ Full diroclfiuns in pdwphlct around 030‘.) )mrkng‘. u hich monk! Do mn-mlly pruson‘c'll. ,‘ 'l'hpy can-be .- m in a lmttlc. rmllzlininz bu pillt, [-nxl "rt-,iu' unclunén; $1 mu! 6 Hum:- teul slampq “Y’all; agrut '27 (‘l'!{lfl‘lll‘9i‘l;':l’;\ s:“:3‘loTku E . - A P?811:able ‘Farm ’ ‘ ; a‘Fnl; .313 'hv '.\. I). “CHILI“; (k-llangnrg, Ind ! AT 173“}! hr.\‘Lh.‘—On “”“AE . thfimkhé 1" 'Urn A 313.“ [Fen lli 1146.5; 1' 4; day of .\o\ mm?“ non, the s.nbs<'_nhcr3 ‘ ‘,f ' _A «4...» _ "J'E -' ' ll olfcr M l’ulrhc anlq, on llhe prcm‘laes. I] ' . iru‘d FARM. situate mrtlv in llunAm rm , '“ Imporfian? Discovery. d pang" i/n meljhp lull'ushfiv, A‘duns titling} ' ‘ . “”43”“ ”35‘ “‘VFT'”; 2.. w, I’.u., n'djoini:g land: of Jos'sv’aud Jacoh‘ ‘BRYAN‘S “JANA“ “ “1'21“ “'0 unfun- Chrunish-r, Ahrnhum l-jnrkeq,fi.lhfl‘enspfi’fiefi'" iug. 31* "‘0 “”0 of ("’"L'h‘lv ( "I‘m Autumn, mini other: an ~[111: roads Ira-ling: from Btanl "Phllfhm'v Sun-Thrual. ””"rwm’h"“HlW‘VH' m (‘hnmbz-rsblli'z'. 1111-! from (h-(u’sbulg toJ Hrenlhihi. lumpiuul (unaunqnti-m, gmcl hn- Ru~slown, ._, "In" from ”.lIBIFUH'I .MMFZ l-‘JI Hues-'o': the—Luna. ~'l‘l.e_v have 'nn taste of Ullll—S from Y. S. ‘Springs conta‘fmn'r 175’ l"“'”"‘"“» “"1 "“3 "him ml! “‘l‘“ tht-m.— Awros more or In“. Khomléfl aura": nv-I " "”‘h‘i‘l'u‘ 51“" I" "'1 “"1"”,‘1 1” 1” "m' that erwl {\ilh mmd lhri‘iin‘g' tiuuhur. The lug! nti l”“"v I“ “L“ f""‘¥"”""' .'l‘pnmun} “"4” I" (In! Firm”? laud Ims Irre‘en, cenllv Dim-Ml nndl h-unihmh u! I new. .\ Hugh» dm.- 1- hut: m In” a duo- purtmn ul mendot. nan-morcAmm by“ 1'“ “'"""“ . ’mnalo. 'l‘hv- impruvrme'uh nn‘ a new Fume Ask her ilrvuu" i’uiuumiv “'ul‘l-re—lim nrigifi .. . A - 3, » ‘ nnlnm‘. (m 1; gi-unlm- if Slflnu‘t‘ll -'lir).m."—1:14:31“;"i; bivfu ”9‘11"“.5‘" finish”: Lug 5pm“...- kinds are 01?er inn-tile. 'i‘nxcnly- 6"“); 3e fr‘“. 0‘ "4' 0‘”- ""“N¥S; orchard of in: (this n hm. Sold by di-ulj-rs yrncrully. : l L "u,”lfl'q’llfln'l “r” hf “"qu ntnr the JUH’ MUSES. Sole Pruprielnr, I 'fl‘or’ “1:, “"233” ”wt“! springs 0" the x k 27. Curlin‘ndl SL, 2". Y. .:L-.m' 'll'e,"dm:m"="s nrl‘ln‘; {113711 ilr‘ Pray:- "For mic by A. D. Rl‘lan‘u, Gelhshurgmnd mm).- to .“ln‘; “Mk“? “"“l Clinrches, “"3 nil “mmdqfi. . [4141327. {ain‘t}: .63. If ‘va 11-fly ol the land and us adipmtlo‘ll ta graz a , . ,- i ' mg, kc. an- 30 uppnryut an hardly to rmuir‘e ‘n i . . 2' '7 _‘ ‘ ““WI'UO'L \We “ill :6” it entire, or in parts In -. . Public“ $Bl6. <. - _ Ismll’l-rshasersLml ensy’terms, We mum: x SATURDAY. the 2m day-mi .\‘M'mr- 5"“ 5 I‘UU" “(“51 Wominfithe turm, env-J 0 BER insl‘” the. .‘llhfigl'ibt’l'.-:‘\§.-iflll('c of “'d “:"h K 00“ “II c Oak Ti ber,t-onm,i’uing Lewis P. Wexwel” ml \Vitv, mu ofl'x-r ":1 Im..- ff"'“ 3 i." “ “"5- Any PEPSOIIIWiahing to lie fink, ($7l the premises, the foiliumng Real ‘2"?! the 3'09"” “P“ 0“" 0“ A- 3- .My‘erly . };[ue‘j ‘17“; i ; llu'rng mfsr by. ~ .I. ,l A um or GRlllYNDJlilnate in Irishmwmi ”4‘5““ ‘0 comment" .fl! l ‘O'clnck, E’- 314% ()xl'uvrel townshlp‘ fi—Jnms county. Pm, mijuiu-. on 5““, d"3" when Attendance “"H he Kim" “INI > hig land; at Juhn luwrencq, Snmuel S. Jen- terms nude known by LR. SBH‘LBX, ‘ kins, Jon. J. slnith. and others. containing 3 l _ ' ‘l‘ S. MYERS. Acres, more or Icy, improved wiilnu good one i @Tht‘ undersigned VI” ulna. sen, :Ig the ad a half Ito'y mee Wenlher- “I"; ~ I 'i‘m' time {‘"d PM“. a “unable lime FAR“, , bearded HOUSE, ‘Frame Stable, '4.': " ”m?" i Imle iron? "16 Bhpve named turn: find and other npcesmr) out-buildings; 43:31] I rnjleinom the Lonud lhll l'qst onion, con -3 thriving young Apple Uri-hard, ”41¢” tanning ls Acres, more or less. rLl‘he nxi‘nroye. «burn variety of other truiL um, “(m we 3'9"” nrc “ Two-story LO3 UULDEPOE ' Sank Ciiremises- I am, orchard of chmce trait, and ”pump nu‘r ‘i E‘Persons lyishigg to vieiv‘the premisesyllpe door. .Tlie land has “n he“ "f”"f‘." ‘l‘6rill-cilllou the‘ Sufiscribe‘r, residing on me nd- “nud' “"1 as In 343°C“! state of .calm'mum “jMuing‘propeny. g ,~ ‘ i i and under good tencmg. 'l' rmiflll bye may, .1 y'b‘Me lo cvmmence at 1 o‘clockJ} .\i ‘on an; n'mde known by £355. in ERS. Alid thy, when'nttengnnce will be gii‘en and 0"" [3o3' la . q lermsgmde known by' r _wfl'fiu" 47-:“'-‘_‘ v I ‘ JOSEPH J. SMITH, Apsignee. ' - _Nng. 2, T 203. A t 5) ‘ . . ("1 EORGE HOOS’S BSTfil‘E—Letter—r‘ tes‘ , , q T tamemnry on ihe esfn of‘George Hons, ‘ ' laterof Cumberland lawnship, Adam: county“ .’ Ru: "Eclzggttgfi' Oct "6 1863. |d_ecc.-sed, [ll3"th been granted to Hie under-j OTlC‘E‘is‘herehy gin-n ’lo lh-e‘silockhol- _sl‘gnexgt rgslxixng in‘ Geuysbyrg, 'h‘ herd?! ders ohhe ‘Bank of Gettvlbnrg, that. an 1 KW". trance ‘o‘ all p 930” Indebted to and motion tor Thirteen Director—a, to nerve‘ one I 35m.“ to nuke Imlmcdxate payment, u"? "£10" r, kill be held M the Bunkin‘z House, ouT luvingchums against the same to present t em FBNDAY, t e 16th any 0‘ NOVEMBER, 1863. l properly uuthenflculed for ngnlement. fi-A gala: meeting or the Sm‘ckholders ' , J- 3' ”4““! “mm" will like films at Lille sung time. 9°" 19: 186“- 6‘ _ #*_A . r . . . CARSON,Cnhier. A" H ‘ Vite» Nov. 2, tass. td W . Non”- A ‘ ' ' ARY WOLF'S ESTATE—Letter! of Id- M ministration on tho’esmu of Mary Wolf, late of Gemuny township, Arlyn: coqnty, de censed,having'beengnnted [.9 the, undersigned” residing in the same townehip, they hereby give notice to a}! persons indebted _to said estue go make immediate payment, and those having'glnims against Abe lame to present xhcm properly authenticated for'lettlement. ‘ JAMES STALEY. _ OLIVER STALEY, OCL 19,1863. 6t— Adminiatmton. Teacher Wanted. HE School pireclon of Tyrone township ‘ ~ whh tn‘ employ one Teacher for School No. 3, (or Heidlersburg,) {or which a ljbernl std-171i“ be paid. A trial: teach“ preferred. Will menu cull 9n Augustus Dietrick‘, in ,p Heidlenbmg. on or‘vefore the FIRST SAIER DAY‘jI K VEMBER inst. & order of‘the . boud', SAHUEL GILL AND, Prea't. Arman" Durmcx, Sec'y. Nov. 2, 1883. td_ “ WWW . 1383. Fall Mllhnerg. «1883. A“! ‘ Stray Cattle. . " - [sB _XCCBEARY has justJ-etnrngd {,- IC to tha fill!" Hon“, in In! but. M the City,’and'i: now opening, a large ‘l': ~ RULE-ad HEIFER, “mm a“: 6" 91;: enutiful sacrum-at of MILLINERY AND The gnu-1a requested' to‘coun fomld. Draw FANCY GOODS, 01 the latest stilts, 'hich lha Pmperty, pny abuses, and aka the ”my. mum the Lndiu to call and examine, ConfiJ - “ JACOB. UULP, $81M”. don! that they vi“ be pleased with her selec- @fi- 3: . tion. ' [oa. 23, 1363, 1m C 0 Gi uni, Muslius, at reduced Cage-.'Ef’uafiarocx 8805'. 555. 0] 1h: Bod Punk .;’r. . F A VALUABLR HOUSE Axn L'o‘r l.\' l (a LITTLESTOWNF—Thf lu‘bucriheri ofl'er inqulvnle ule tint vrry desirable property iiormerly occupied by Dr. Jon-pl: A. Shorh. ile -Icuud,»md more recently lov Dr. Samuol G. ' Kinzcr, deceased, gilunle in the centre of Lit tlnmwn. The locutiofi o! the property is‘onc oi the has: in the tcwn and u unpted to My kind of h'ulinrn, or u I private residencucugi ‘nut be excelled. lluvihg been occupied by K l’hy liclnu‘em‘hince the erection ofthc build r ingr, gentlemen at the medical profession could ‘w «gm: 1 more Ith‘lntagtoh “ '- lorntion.’ The DWIHQKHUUSE Ind OFFICE have bet-n built at [the ,very best Lnnterinl nnd the ‘mum- Are All oourenicntli- stringed. There ll 6n the Lot 3 rim-mic large Burn, an Ice House. Wood Shed, Spring House, n n-i-o‘r {tilinan-li of water, a gnod cistgrn and all tfiejuwun‘ry out-buildings; in every respect this ,ropert} is probably the most desimhlein the town, and weJ'wurthy of the Ittcntion of persons de‘ll‘ill“ : prgfitnhlc Investment or a kaudul home. i w.” the property in not 5011- before SAT -URDAY the 21". day of SOVHMBER inst., it WI” «m 431 t (lay, at 1 o‘clock, I’. 3L, be offered in! Public gale, or) the prenlisci. . , l-or terms, or in) other inlormhtion with re< gird to sale, upllhtmtlofl may be mule to either of the n‘ndcrsignrel. ‘.\IARIA 1.. KINZER, . ' . WM. ‘.\IgSIIERRY; i one of tho l-I-xerntnrs of Dr. S. G. Kini‘er. - N; B. l" rsons indulged mlhifil‘"c at m. S ‘H. Kinzer [or articles purclms at the Van due of the personal property 01 amid d!cen{ed, ‘or Wnove or bank account. are notifiulfio ‘pdy the same cm or heture the fir'st d.|y ut' lla comm-r hunt!!! the uI-com‘lts will Ilien he ‘ phccd iu the h Ind! 0! x g I-Mr for cullectiun. l x . was mzmt, I . 9,, WM. MrillßßllY. f f Littlestoivn, Nov. ,2, 180.5. ts Exepulors. ... 5 50 ...; ‘ COO 5.. I 00 lo 1 10 5 24) 2 l 2 7 00 Two Valuable Farms ‘T I‘L'HIJC SALH—QH THURSDAY. XO -1“ VEHMHI 1:. ”63‘ lb“ nmh’signml wiH sell at, l’.;hflr Sui», nu. ll:e[lr(~lxni>?>, the Real Iktnr- M John .\lulupcr, hu- uf Citrrollzlnwn l-hl'l. Yurk county, u‘rceased, bounded and d - svrilml xum‘glnp‘ - ‘ . ' Nu. I: A" husmx mgmiumea in Sii‘l'l‘lWY-Y-h'lp, mijoming‘thc liurvflngh nl'llillz hqrg and Inn-is ol _Ahrnhurn .“n ur. _Micbnel .\hxmymr nun] Farm Su. ‘2, (3n Mixing 10’) .\n. p, ‘lnurc ur I«:~s. (Hm- _u [mnvm'euh «r? n Luna-l Twwslmf Brirk “WI'HHIK llUl'\l‘l, Hunk Um". Cum ('mln. ('nrriflge "misc, Slouc- Spring “haw. and other neceisary oul-‘ building“, ,\ gnul‘Un-iurd of chun‘e Frml. nml m-wr Calm}: \\ F” ur‘gmld walefi’nrnr me} home. The luud 14in J h-gh slluc ol (:ltigl‘r'J-fl linu. with 3 gain! yuoporlluu 0f “caduw, lull' uu :or gum] h-m'rfi :lml .r.ul~rsed In'. a commut" r_lu'n'n m' wag. uhivll passe: neg? thy: meM iyga. Tln-m nn- ulna swvrr:l{s;vri§lg; on Ufa prumiaesfluhl quuing Winter in néurty (Very field. ’ . ' 4HI g \’.n. 2: A FAR“; Vcontn'vning 90 Que-s. wo'ur 195*. “Hunt-(I in the ln‘wnxhip id‘orv “:4l, .uijwmn g Fnrm .\'n. l. and Inn-ls ofi'Mu-n -llzuu \igmjva'Hv-nrv Lngnn. and other~‘l.‘r The inuuuLémibug thereon eru-letfnre u Ttrw’fitm‘y 'Wrnlherlnmnlel Log / ”()l'h'ls‘, Lug Burn, Jiug ”up flllll vler m-yets..‘r_v unl-lmildin‘ n wn-ll ofluuml Winter near the hfiuflLTthrnhg )(mug Orchard «1i gnml Fruit Trees. inan barn: romhnun. Aha"; ‘.‘o acre: 0! ”HS Inn! a: human! With thriving": Timber, the rr munfilrr is in u gum! illi-{9.01 ("Illirmilun n .’mf pmpmziuu n! whirh i: gum] .\lcmluw laud. sun] all midi-r yum] fw‘el. ~T|wr|~ are n mim iwr n!" urwi—L'lll [11; _\'[ll'll‘LN ml" the Farm 1111.! u mm: ml sin-Imm “.Ilcr purging xhxul/rgh uu: l wmr o ‘ . I .\n. -.: ('onmins I'l ACRES. mnre-q‘r 1.93:. on lluh rh UH‘TI' i: a fine dipmi‘ of [ROS ”LUZ. inml {101” which 3’! urge nmnunt [if/l)“: [mfg a}. :rL-ml) hoe-‘1 min-n, :1 nd ILHI‘IHI'VI/fl/ inurh~ I‘m: r inmu‘unl siill TEI'IIIHH‘S. The lot. ix unvend‘MLh ‘T‘urn mg Til-I119). may of. access and {mum'- ‘_i-‘3n in [mud roads, one of u hxch‘~ pa~sc§ thrrngh il. " , _ .. ; 'Tuv :xlune menlipm-d Farms nreir! nn um]: lv'ul. quality at Lin-i, pnr? Vof Whil'h is Linicl .Smufi.‘ TIII-y the Aim-led in a hezdlln’ un'd: l-lthml nr‘ighhurhand, cinnvenicifl to chlnoll,‘ (Sign-ch“, \hlh. Stun-en; kc” Ind vnre “n I! .“nrlln Ihczntr-ntlmi ofcapimlist's,ir ‘1 xnn~teys. um! ulhrrx, wlm mu) glesire (u "1.14 inven lncms in a ph-ns.mt locality. ‘ , _ 3 l The preputirq wnll b" 501.1 sepia-ah!" or: tngn-Ihrr. or [hr @iridlnu lines will be ulmnge-1.~ n 5 pun-h man nmynleqire. > ! Qny person lJr‘il‘ln.’ m \‘iewltho premiim helurg llu- thy of wit), tin do so by (\ullxug u'pu'l bmum-i .\llllupeg res‘uhng ou lh'e Mansion Rum. who “vll «haw (he lint“. £51)" Salt: lo commcm‘r 9'l ‘lO o'clock, A. .\l., nu said d.l_\'x “Mn :Ittt'mhurc WI” In: giguq and (fun: nude knuvn hj,’ TUE HEIRS." , Nov. 2, 1563. ts , > , Oct. 2619!] US‘i‘ received :&“PIOKL‘WG'S Spring nd ! Sumner Clothing. 'Com mu sad I“. } ADiBS' DRESS rmumas. in gym n mm,“ = flamers. , a. Public Sale fl . 2.2%: ”lg {s3lll ‘ {lf .. 3.]; I’s: (.1 ' ~2' ._ up. ' Notice: r,-,.1_..7. ,~,__-__. ‘ . k _” 7' _. __ _‘_ I on Prospectus - Public Sale. , 1 ‘ _ 1864. _ « x TUESDAY, the 1011. dn arxovsllnmt tF 4 1' HS'WI)R I, D, 0 next, the subscribe". Eylxt'cuton orthe‘ I An Independent Democrntlc Dnily,Seml-Weelr. l llsl will nnd testament of Philip‘ Wolf, decen i , E. l, ntlti Weekly Net-paper. isd,,will'ofl'e.:,né Plablic ißulge. atlthe lnle reli ; ‘ - ~—-- cnce 0 gm ece em, n emuln townshi‘ l gs“? 0F 12m: WORLD AND ARGUS.‘ Zitda‘ms‘couwy. Utefollowinz 3“le rmoul‘i he orld, to which the New York W l '0 '9‘" I: "H: o 1 , .Argus hits heed united, hm 16-day five fig' TI‘E_FAR'“_ 9‘9"” “9°39“: situate in Is.“ 'the nfmnqgnh circulatl‘onnl Any Democratic “Ltownstnp, "‘1" z lands of Fredericklnit? 1‘ conservnr‘n‘e new er.’ It Iddteuel weeklyi “93f" “(’0 ,"u “6 s!“'°“°l,’ “INCHEDT ‘moroithng 100,000 I filed 'nnd constant “"15"?! .Acrf'v 'E 0" 19“, under (09¢ Pu‘cfiun" and "My,” u 1 mum" fen nml ln 3 high at £3 orcultivntion, luv: render-5 With the needy inrre'ue in cirru- ‘ng,h‘d °"" “’OO bu'hf’N" linie 9'“ upon ‘7‘ ‘ letihn which it not! enjoy, these nnmhers will during ”'o‘ It“? ""99 yeah; i he improVe- ; he doubled by ‘lhe In of Jaflnry, 1864. meats. "9 ”‘ T'°‘"°’Y Fm” ‘ Nothing less then this phonld satisfy tl-éyg who Dwelllng HOUSE.“ one—story Tait believe tlmtfihe only hope ofrgltoring tlie U- m House, Log Barn, Corn Crip l ninn and the euthority of the Conltit'utlon over~ “'3 W‘KW Shed: ‘ PERT-hill“; ‘ in now diurxlcted and divlded country; lies in TC” 0" .'Bm' at “=0 50“" Ind two springs on ‘ wlesting power lfrom the hand} of they? whole the farm, with a good yoilng AP: le‘ Orchard}! {fanaticism hen-helped to provoke, invite, and Mid!” 015” Vlfielie! 0f ftflil- here ure 3w {prolong the war; Ind lhnt to aero 'lish this proportion: of Woodland nnld Meadow. The‘ tend, nn "ACID. is so chain as thzsifluslon. [Willie road lendlng frog: the Elnlniuhurg rond througglnhle and enserprining newspaper-g, of, to tile Tuneytown roe passes nlbng one sidq‘ llound liaicnl knowledge nmong the‘workin'g ofthe Farm. If not sold on said +iay,the Fem: lmen‘ the thinking men, and the voting inen of Will be rented 11l public outcry. r l' the North, 3 » . l Also, 1 COW. (lne-horse_anol‘l nnd ‘Genrs; l Enterprise, industry nnd money will bellih- Winnowing M 3“, Cullipg BOX, R 0 ling Screen,t lentil, ’expendcd to make Tnl Wan“) THE Plough; nnd Burrows, Cross-cut aw, W-he’eln; | BEST NEWSPAPER IN AMERICA, 11l news ‘ bur“. Sleigh. Lon Chitin; 4‘ d 8 and Bed-i from every part. at tllejorld will be only and nude, Bedding, 3 Tnhles, Chlur , 2 Buruflr,i nuthéhtic. Wherever the telegrnp [(nlll, S 6'. 3w" Mid Pine, lf‘lower In 2 Iron Ket or rnllrondl run, or mambo-m ‘pl t will NI, Carpeting, Deaf: large Mn , Eight-dnyl gnlhqr the latest intelligence. it but n {large 0 ock, lot of Bagsflvilh a variety of pther ar-{l iatnll‘ or Lccomplifihed correspondents 'l'vith ell ticles.‘ * l utlle federal armies. who—will telegrlph and ‘ ”Sale mcommence nt9 n’cl ck,‘A. 1, on; lw-rite to ur the‘latcu {"3" from the val-ion. mid dlly..when nltandnnce will 1: given mull. mean of war. I: has correspondent: Ind l'e- “Kn" made known by l , ._‘ ' ll Eggrtets ill every politic-ll nnd commercial cen-i \ ‘4 JAMES S 7 ' 1111' in .\an rica and Europe, whose letters and ' =OLIVER ;di=pull;lr}-s will leave nuthlng worthy of note]. ‘ ENQMOH 0" Philly Wolf l unknown lo_its readers l- bprclul ‘éiertlons wtll be‘nsed to make itsl lrepurts of the Crops, of the Cattle, Produce. innit Money mark: ts, comprehensive and nccu-' Irate. Realizing thrl. the bone nnd sinew of ‘HH' country are to be found upon the farms‘ :uuldlr Work shops, 'l'ul Wont» will guilt!" lfrorn m‘eryqnnrtcr information and n‘ews con-j 'ccrnlng Agrirulturc and manufactures, and' {will endearor to make its issues peculiarly- I valuable to the Farmers and Mechanics of thaw lcounlry. I . ' . l I The wl’r'in R'hin. the '.nation is engaged “against Implant“! infatuated rebels and the Travllml pull-Iv“ U! the‘ administration which‘ ipmlnugs it, have cantipii‘éd- to bring together] !upon one plalfm'm all conservative, Union-f luring and (Junstlttltiondov‘lng men, of what-/1 'cu-r l‘urmer name Anl cree-l. Many of tho-e} fitlldf within the limits of the Constitutinn,‘ lfuughhthq bullies of the ballot-box under rhe : lazuli-whip of those patriotic smtevncn offitlfer; 'rnll Ine-tter days, Hr-nry Hay and Daniel “'oh-l istvr, together I ith the mag: I whose ptinciph's' lwere those of such purinte as Avndrt-w Jack- 1 ,suu, uni William L. Marcy. Silas Wright and‘ {Stephen .\. Douglas. now sunk} shoulder to shoulder upon the same plutlorfh and und'r‘ ‘ the sunelhunner. The platform in a plain one. ‘.lt iv to aggro” 'rnr: L’xtoN. aunt-“x nu: \(‘uss’rl'rr'num up fixroncn rm: Laws. Wlmt ‘chr I" the; for this e_n‘d, the exert-hem: force for the phllcy nt‘ couplliution, The War d will] erVm‘HtP; nbutcve: makcn against it, The \Vurlll willwppom. , ‘ It will oppose ovary enemy to . “3 ' F 'l‘Hl-I ['NIUX,‘ 5 [whether armed in rchellmn at the South or in sljlimlsly planting the seeds of disuuion and césential :lisloyulty at the North. - It Will oppose every violatinn of ‘ THE CUNSTYI'UTIpS, which is the onl} hope and’ honll_.ol' Union. and . l. .4 \ ,p. Apr...)- m... _7 :55 of izs peogtf‘gl—T‘Le World seeka_ from Ihuse who deiire sun‘h {Eyinug Ihoir sympathy anal aupfmrt, mud. nhuve nll, '.hchwor of Him\wlm munns cvcxy gum! n-urk. ~ . r ‘ TERMS: DAILY WORLD. Yeufly gliz’scriherfhy 111ni1,........ ‘ , ' sank-“l2mm WORLD. ’ :Single‘lubacrihers "pr annumma'r... {Two copies m pne_ addrgss...‘. ‘J‘hree "> ’ H ‘ F 531: “ I _.Tgn u IBM 'WEEKLYg wunw Single subscribeh~ per hnhum.............. 2 00 Three mpies‘addrrsslon each paper)... 5 00 {five copies 4r ‘ - “ '“ 8 OK] Tumcnpics- “ ' --“ “ .., .15 00 "wguly copies (M! to me addreesn 25 00 [342%th 0H2!) and ovsr can have the address In on each Input for an additional charge of 10 units 1: \ch. , «r; ‘, 'F‘ur ovary cluh_of twemy-nn extra copy will ‘ the I filed {or thegeucr up ufthe club. I: For every" club ‘0! filly. the Srmi-Wt-ekly; land far every chxh,of one Hundred, the Daily will be sent, when requestgd,,in lien 01 the exp-a copies of wevkly. ,’ 1 _ 1 Additions to (Huhs'pmy by made at any time “in. same 1' MM. Pnpcn‘ cannot be changed 4mm one Club to mother. but on request of dz; person orderin’g anomaly, and on receipt of Hill} céuu exlrh, .ingle pnperl will be taken from ills) chm ind sent to a’scpnmge address. All ofijers must. be accompnnied by4he cull. [ mama ~ ' THE WORLD, . mm; 1303. '35 Puk Row, New Yovrk Personal Property '. 'r PUQSLIC‘S'ALI-Z.—Ou“1108mm“? the, A lllh‘uay 0|" NOVEL“? next, the suns: acnher, Rdminillmto; oft «his of James! Ewmg, duensed, will olfer lg Public Sale, nc the‘lnte residence of said dec‘glem, in Franklin . tuw’hship, Albums county, about one mile weal. 0f .\lummasb gg, ll]: lollowiug~ Personul Pro perty,wiz:.“‘ 1, '_ 3” 2 nousmil 1 Ci", 1 m Heifer, 1 Hog. Ony‘ hnrse Wagoanlb'nghs and Him-Ow, Shovel' Pléughi, Corn Fork, Double nnd~ Single-trees, l Home Gears, Side Saddle, Buggy Harness, Bridles. Collars. Cutting Box, Wheel-burrow, ‘ When, Curn, Outs and Potatoes, by the bughel, ‘ ‘llny by tbs ton,‘_Corn-l‘odder (y the bundle; Be . Raine-1d: a ' Bedding, Tables and «1% Bureau, DefStmds, Eight-day Clock, P .18ldve, 0 per Kettle, County Map, Looking: umu , Corner Cupbou-d, Chen, _b‘mnds, Snusn Cutter nnd Staffer, Barrels, Tin-ware, 0r kery-wnre, with n variety of othe‘r articl {too numerous to mention. \ 35'5“! to commit)“ My 10 o’clock, A. l'., 03 mid d y. wh‘v‘n Mundane: will be giun .nd I {£ng dc known by ' 7 WILLIAX BOSS. Adm'r. [ 0:}. 26, 136.3. u. , l - ' Nance. ; * AHES EWING‘S ESTATES—Letters of ed , ministration an _tte estate of James Ewing, late of Franklin NIL, Adnme cm, dece'nsed, having been granted to the undersigned, resig ling in Cumberland _tdvrnship, he herebgeiiv‘u nop’ce to I” persona indebted to said state 0 make immediate phyment, Ind thou. hav— ing,' cluimesgninst the nine to present them properly authenticated for settlement", . WILLIAH RUSS, Adm'r. I ”Oct. 26,1863. 6E4 " x g Stray, Bull, . All! m the premises of the subscriber, ii Erecdmn tbwnehip, in July~lut, I Straw— bury Rota BULL, supposed to be the I {out yen-a 014. The owner in "queued towprove property, ply chug". Ind take him away. ‘ GEORGE FISCEL.‘ Oct. 26, 1853., an ' about." Boas—Jean, yum at}! I" get thou nice Billion! Boots 1" '.‘M. , . 1 mmnznr’s." QM. the «nine iime nut} place! a. CARRIAGE and Harness, (J and Pipe. 40 busheh anhéaL; ' Corn. and Dame: of Grain in then: yin) u cuduqcc given and terms Iby , JAMES ‘ | A OMVER Adminiulmtora of Mary WOl Oct. 19, 1863. u , ._ Great Sale F mm. ”ESTATE—The] O A‘iignres ni' lhfid G-m'he} “'l3 Fri] at i’ubiic $519, on "1 ”1' my xii); 0:150 VEWIFZR, [863, (ml thr'fuim’fiiig Real E~tnte,silunle< pih-froad about half-way bvzwoen and“ Chambersburg, in Franklii Afmns county—7 -0 ACRES OF L. iuiu lnuu, :u erluns: ‘ K. ‘ No. I: THE iuxsuix TRAC’i‘,ront:iining 15!) Aorf's, neuly .'m acres of WI igh nre im prin‘efl hind. {Tell iimvd an}! in 'a and flute of cuiiivntiun ; the b ululce otfthe tm ‘t ivz ‘w'eil set wi‘xh N-esnut. pine :ui'n} minor 1 min-t. The GREFFPISN‘ZRQ “0 ”EL AND 31 ELVIS. one ofgthe most lielithy and picnsnnt‘ “'l' Summer llesu’rls in“ 1110 (~ount\-,i .§ 3; and with but-little expanse (um he} a 7,3 3 ‘ g"; maid: equal ta\imyin the State, are 7:1", uppn this tract. The main building; is buck, 6.:{_ieel by 30, with a hvn-stmzy ‘brxck bntk building. 40 mm. by 20—.ahl utf into ruoms to ll‘ nimoxhgte vi~ilons or brnirders. (,‘unncci. tdfgélh it is 11 Store [loom nmi i’uggnfiire. also nihme and coun-Him! Bath “01!“, with 20 beli ro\ms nttm hed tinerem,qxi'eusin~ Emblinz, Tail-pin lley, .SLulll Shop, iirvorin‘g Swing, Ice ”nus . and AH utl." necessa ’y buildings. Alpo 2 goo .TCIM'". Houses, Wllil ’myoung Ur clmrd 0! cl lice§ruit,aud other shun“ fruit at" nir'ous kind 4 " A X.} 7” In 1‘ .1) (A in '|( ‘\ '\ i | ”a V :, ut, I 7 ores, V (T. w rt 3 LOT 2:04 2,. Aqua, and is w q “H“. ‘ ' LHT Naps mnmh nohrl)’ ll) acre: of ‘ guhd order; the hulzn ('TJ‘finlll. Imm mulémlle: mn‘IIII arm a- Tsvruqfiry Im’unxled Tenant “HUSH. and n_}nt-w :S.\\\' .\lll.|l,in runnin'g order, on which frux tisfiwelve hundred feet uf‘lupl daily. ‘ LUT .\‘o. ‘R mutains (H Acres mi 100 Per ('ilPfi, and is covered with chesn t, onk‘und O‘Eu-r timbor. _ LOT No. 10 contains 2m Arre‘. n is we)! 3. E with young vheanut and ruvk onk. 5 him, the undivided one-Inuit“ "deB silimte on “ Wolf Hill," adjoining lauds \ Steven! and Joseph Smhl's heirs. “This ti is w-H em with your”: timber. M 1m)“ Peru-n 9 wishing to view the pvt-mist wiil m- sluwu thc'nnme by Benjamin St'hriver, residing on tr.u~t.'.\'n. I‘, or either of the As- Signet". tht'" first-iiJuql residing in FAWN?- \'itlr, Franklin gpunty, and the uLher in Slum lunzhurg. Adam: county. ' ' @Sule to cumim‘nce at theflot'el proper-r ty at in u‘ciock, A. .\l., qt: mid dam—where at. tendnucc wii! be gheu nip‘d gem-{s made known .mux Dowxm, ‘ JUN}! HARTMAN, ' Assigneesj. ,(m. 26, um. ta IZEI A Desirable Property 'r PRIVATE SALE—Th; very desirable l A town properly, in Soul? Baltimoreatreet, U.tl|l_\sltllrg,'no\v oi-cup‘ird iy L'ul. 11. Lung “ell, is otl'ered at. Private Sale. In COnEiSls at twp lots. nn which age erected a - .fj ; cunmmdious Twofistory Britk ”if? : Dwrlling HOUSE, with 11-blrge h"; f nib-awry brick buck-building. il.-e - 3...: u‘ ler room of which is 'sniulble tar x nchnul wt} , luring; bet-u built tor the Inn‘puser- TMer is on the In! a Bai-n, Corn-crib and “"oml- tome; excellent. soft. mum. and a. varie tbe (j ice fruit. trees. Tl"; building is well ’ndt‘iptcd utter for q privnle‘rrsidcuce or a. Haunting a rd Day School. . ,3, If the pro any is up: sold prior to th.: 15! of Derembe’r, it‘wm be tpr rent. the eusuingyear‘. W'Applimlion my be mndc to M. «t \Vi .\ldClt-un, Ge:ty:§urg,sl’n.- ‘ ' j i TRUSTEES OF THE UIeED PRFS- i BYTERIAN ‘IflIRCHLGETTYSBURGp Dct.12.1863. m 1 ' 3 on 5.00 7 0.) .‘... 12 (10‘ .... 22 no ; A 00119 tors, - 1 ; ARE XOTICE.—The Collectors.of Tue: ‘ ‘ for 1862 Ind previop ears, in [he difl‘erfi‘y en tovnuhipn of Adams "my, art hereby'v notified that llleytwhl he rem ired to settle up! [heir Duplicates, on'or héfore 'e 18th day of} NQVEMBI-inznex). on which da_ the Commiu-f siqners wEIL meet at their otfice 'g‘n‘q the no} ce. snryxxonémtinnu, 3w. , .' 3{he Collectors of film present. y I will be} ret uired to pay over :0 the County reuurer: .nll‘monies that. may 6 Colloctqd by e No-; vember Court: ? ' r g . WM. 3. GARDNER, \ 1 , EPIIRMM MYERS, \ z j , “00$ EPPELMAN, »! ' Commissio‘neru of Adnps county. .‘ Attest—J. M, Wurni‘Clerk. , | Oct. 26, 13.53. 4d 3 1| .O'SEPH BRANT'S ESTATE—Letter! of Administration on 018' estate otJoaeph Brag-11,: late of Germany tawnslhp, Adams co., deceued,~ huring been granted to thy undersigned, ro siding in the same township,-he hereby given no’ice to 111 persons indebted to sum. estate to mike immediate payment, Ind those hav ing claim: against thy name to present them properly authenticated for settlemeEt. ; ' ‘ JOHN ELIN ,Adn'r. on. 541153. m VERY desirable FARM. adjoining the Borough of Gettylbnrgfionuinhm .3~ m ACRES—Buildings and [And good. gag Will In acid on vety accommodating - 3 ' mm. GEO. ARNOLD Gettysburg.oct.ib,lB63. tf- . ' 'G burg Marble Yard. EA BRO., IN EAS'IZYORK STREET GE SBURG, PA.—Where the, an prepared to furnish all kinds of work in theil line,‘auch a: MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD STUNES, MANTLES, &c., at the uharteat no tice|, and u chesp u gbe cheapest. Give 111 I all . - (lg-Prom)” uken ‘iu exchnnge for wot-k elvyaburg, June 2, 1362. u AIS, SHOULDERS And SIDES, o! be“ quality, and cheap, at ( _ ‘ “gin. (mo. _ls‘. Winim's. 1 ; mp . ‘ ‘3 ‘ ma 'BAmI-Flm'.‘ or 031173.. BURwaeludouho 'o! " :. 19,1868. 3: 030 ARNOLD.‘ 11 ALEY, ; I TALEY, i 1 decelscd. L [will be sow nkmgv Suva; ve, one an { onnd. .‘ ‘ ’ madeknoy'ru TALEY', [.mugv, \ j deceased. \ n.dohianod,§ ‘ r and’ Wile,§: lwn \Y. :I.ch he premises, [f n Ihe Turn-T ’ Gettysburg]i ~ township, 1‘ if“), divided Ijsining Ihr uhoro,;c.»htni“n 92 \l co-ercd with YQUSU TIM— 1 2“ Acres andm Pen-hes.- \Thich :U“ chunk"! mnl in we is well wfiwrul wil}: mnhr-r. T‘héimpmv’c \VnulH-r- , ‘usl‘. I Sable, Mg: 7 good "if, E‘ "n : 3"“;- :_. 1- bad he sure}! Notice. For Sale. neat. '7, P 1‘ Pi‘ ‘ ( 3 cnomm‘o 310 m: . In the pine ko’mxy your ‘ ovzncon's AND DRESS cons, . y"? - , - mu: cons AND ooansn cons, _ ‘ your omm cons AND magnum: cons, you ‘ FROOK COATS AND BUSINESS COATS, . ‘ your ~ GL’M‘ com-s AND MMTARY cons, - _ _ you: ‘ ; svxpu‘ COATS. up EVERYDAY cons, h : your WARM cons AND wmm cons, FM Goon cons AND'CHEAP cons, becausyhe lclll cheaper than anybody elm. #6O lo ‘ ‘ PIC ISG'S. CLOTHING STORB,, ' on a , \ BALTIMORE STREET, GETJ'YSBURG; v. Jar your ‘1 CL“ H PANTS AND CASSIMERE PANTS, ,‘ , ‘ ' for your I’er {’ANTS AND FIGURE!) PANTS, ‘ \ « [or ydnr ‘ FINE I N 75 AND CUARSE PANTS, { {or your ? FITTING LVTS AND FANCX PANTS; for. at H ' ‘GOOD PAN AfifioCHEAP PANTS, becnuse his pm'es re M'lyl'l liule lower ‘ \bnn an, only 2132'5. 1 "fi‘fl’lCK VG’IS‘“ i lhe hestvpln 1.5519: - - CLOTH Vl5lB AND CASS ‘RE VESTS, . 10 gut ~ 51L ' VESTS AND. SAT Y VESTS, PLAN VESTS Axn FNCY vas to get ‘ WARM vzai'rs no CHEA ‘ .. 'Jo get. . SIRAIGH'I‘ VESTS'AND HOLLIS lo get ’ ‘ ’ LIGII’I‘ VESTS AND HEAVY VI . , ‘ u» gm COARSE VESTS A‘NU CHEAP VES'I'S, I . _to gei ' ‘ : ILITARY VESTS und all kinds of Vests,' hmyvr thnn any olhpr store in'the cminly. . (.u 3 T 0 PIUKING‘S I filffuu‘wnm M) I ’ nmisuu , Inlo Pi'cking.’ .nmi . ,E'l' KNIFE ? Go to Picking. am! a v . :‘THIMBI.E I ‘.n h Firking. int x\ ‘ : smut I :0 to I'icking.l 1m t , - {‘l T HM-(‘t‘n 'rOVIO I’xL‘lnng. int. ‘ ’ G TON-\I'I'U o to I‘ickingi I ht‘ . i ’ENIIBRS ', In to Picking): “L; ' I'} .‘.li TENS I Go to l’xckiugi I ”you “nut. ; UUOD I’E\‘(‘ll,S “ . -' (I 0 to Picking" , Ifyou want . ‘ I SLEIGH BELLS ! Q Go to Picking. ‘ If 'you want a. ' i ‘ ‘ NEW SUITA Go to I’ickmg..l ‘II you Want a 5 ' GUOD bU‘IT I . Go to Picking. If you want a .’ 1‘ " CHEM? SUIT I 1 Go to Picking.l lfyon want I _ CHEAP CLOTHES I (:0 t 9 Picking] If you unnt'tn I ,: 'BCI’ (.'IIEAI‘, I , ‘ 06 \o Picking. ' If you want a ‘ 5, . (wool m' I Jh - Go to Picking” If you wnnt nny - I nude in his line | ' I Go to Picking. 5i Eur-'be has received! Innol‘ber Luge stock of‘ I *NEW GOOPS- ' I Vflll lTrux Cnr] ITrn‘ l Wnl f Unit I Gem F’ln! TIMI Tool Blur I Bbm .‘Hucl l (Hum ‘ Kn) Tllrt Cam I Fm: Cam I L‘ns: ' Flm I .\lefl‘lno bhlrts, ‘ [.nmhwool Shirts, IKnjl Shirts, Under Shins, . I'Fltlnnz-l mec .I, quoll_e_n Brunei-a! I Conan Drawgrs, IXefla-ues, (‘ravnts‘ J Collars, I I I l’nper \‘ollug, I. Gum Nine“, ' - Bulluln filuwfi,‘ ,(‘nlum Socks. Iwoo’nm sol-m, gandlu-rch‘trla, I ucket Cumbs, A ‘.Rudcling (‘omht . Bumllo _Shpes, ' G'hm ('oluhs, Illorn Cumin, l‘l‘v ry (‘mn’us, _ \‘a Cl] Chains, I Walchfiuurds, 'vfiocket Glnsws, I ' I Looking Uh|s§es,‘ I Clocks, ' ‘ Spermc lea; I llaznrg, » Ilhzor Sgrops, {Shaving Snap, "lhnvlng Brushes; I iozins, ‘x I which lie is Selling to lin Strings, , , I ’1) 15mm, ; old customers aml new ehlusa thousand ‘ ' or sugle lel Imn- customers at the low found in nny _ l V | e roumy. . est pricel. ‘ TING'S Late arrival of New Gnarls ‘lehlllg in the Clothing line for - GIVE HI.“ A CALL: Wct,126,1863. ‘ Vin . F 0 flflngs‘ not. be none in 1‘ fiPll, embruces (2 Men and Buy chnburg, . lotlce. l '.\D.\.\lS CDUNT‘)‘, S: . . ' I ‘ At. an )rphhn's Court held at, ‘ *3 Gettysbur ‘ in_ and for ifie slidl - county. on ‘ :5 22d dalofS¢piem-» C'_ .1" her, .-\.‘l).‘lB , beforelhe Honor * able Rune" J. Hahn-,5 Presidentfi ‘ and David Zim runnd hone“ l-Z. Wiermnn. Esquirea, Aasociat - dodges, km, to. (in motion the Court gmula rule npqn the heirs o‘i‘George Null. deceased, - note)» or‘re- ‘ {use in take the renlesiflr, 01} M' a i. thereof,“ at the valnntion thereof made _by e inqueg’t, ’ or shew cousevwhy the some or nny wrt thereg of should not be sold, end in case or any‘ of'them should neglec; or refuse to c e the' sane. iwenty days personal notice to b iven' to the heirs and k-gul representative: res zing} injho ()oth of Adamsg'nnd to those heir. e- ‘ 'sidingact f the county of Adams by public— Inlon‘ for three encceseive'yeeks in one new-spa pee pnblished Ln said county And by sending A copy oi said newepeper' direct to men? Poet. Uflicc ndoéreu when. known. Notice to be given to 'Susnnnnh. Hamilton! (lune!ic,) and JheeXh Kepner,.Eeq., Agent, find claiming to be uijnee of her mum! in her. father’s eglnle‘. Said rule mode rem’rnel'ale on the third Mood-y of November next, A. 911333. By Ihe Count. , ' .‘.; f , ‘ JOHN EICHOLTZ. Clerk. 1 ‘ r Pen- 3. HHEICEO‘LTZ, Deputy. Oct. 19,1863. , . ' A Card. f‘ZZIE FRAZER Lodld mo'lt respectfully ib<orm the Lnd' s‘o! Gettysburg Ind icinity‘thut she intends carrying on DRESS MAKIN in the most l'nbioutble styles,“ the reside eof His: Heck, in Beltlmore street. lunklul fothMtJivors, by 'ltric‘t nttenlion lo ‘ - :ineu Ike open to merit the petronuge of be friends. . ‘ ‘_ B.—Embroj_dcring end Bnidinzflone It the a «meat notiu. Th'e lntut ushione just receiv ». , [Oct. 19, 15(33. 4t ‘ \ Notice. EORQ H. HOUCK’S ESTATE—Letters .G of ndm inrntion on the estate offleorge H. Hpuck, lnt of Menn'joy township, Adnme county, dee'd., Iviug been grated to the un dereigned,-. resi 'ng in i the tame township, be hereby gives tine to L“ persons indent? to said eeute to site immediate paymen, and those hum; him: ugliest the tune to present them r 0 fl, mthentietted for settlement. , 138 EABTXAN, Admjgl Oct. 19, {363. at \ t; . ‘4 Noti -’ « HOS SAUBLE'S ESTA .—Letten aud .iA minutntiou orthe eat: ~ ofAspot Ss'nble, no of lountpleuant townthip, Admins co., ‘deoessed, hlving been gramed to the under signed, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said elttte to nuke immediate payment, and those hnvinchLlims against the nme to pre sent thenpmperiy authenticated for settlement. ‘ DAVID Bil-18L, Adm'r. ace/19, 1863. 8H /—/' _._- . —4¥ _ .._.— A } !—_~——-—.—_‘-__. - Stray Heifer, » / ‘ AME to the c9ttle of the snhtcriben in ‘ Hamilmnhnn township, about the middle ‘ of May hit, a HIE/WEB, supposed to be about three years old red, w‘rflreome white spots and ) branded on when born with fiveietten. ' The. one; ii: Wasted to comekforhwnrd, proxe ‘ t chug", and u e 1- “my. For! x. ’ mum. §x7nm Mia/£863. at! ' , / . - - :7 , , Proclamation ' The are“ Ameflmflgryfififip y“. ‘ TREET, , . E EAS an non. noun? J. Fagin! 51 vbsay s. ; ‘anrletmlem n! thefevernlCogl-u infill INCH. Ea! olfinxgrxn. bu cmud I new ‘9 lmon Plea! In the 9mm??? cgafitlglgéy; “M .7 W H6?!’:Al :NG TEAS IN THIS COUNTRY? ‘ {District sud Juauceo e a ‘'. . 4 _ d their ”lenien- o Termine‘r And Genet-. 1 lull Davfi'sflfi :2: ! TFqiéza/:;:dl:lrloiggcticmm not on" ltrinl ornll capiul and “hero n e Fl I Ifi‘aFNTS 0° C nujPRRfWNDABOW ‘ ' ' 6 DAVID Influx and lane 1. TWO , (. ‘e ! glgffirfir Judge: of the Court! of Com- 43051, n". blyfAflVflzflwim 2 .' ‘ " ' N : mum-2 In». {mogulrf’lu'fi “ad; .3313] ‘ggfgfllsvgv?g: Another pegullilarity 0! 11:0 Compuyhil 41m In enmner w ‘ ' ' ' l ”TIA Tuna not buly anlu s time ‘lbe trill of 1" caplul and olher oll'endert In the r . . 3 .ln ‘ ' ' - he ulecllon at then- “LAB u oqn 1. :he Countr of Adams—hare mued their pr_e [tot l f "mumb ’ " ' f Anguct, In é value, and pgrtlcn M sly!” or p 'cep‘, mung d.” a“ 203“ an, a ' h! h H- b’ I't‘ I orcauncry but. he halpuhe Tu buy" the year ofonr Loan one thouandlelg H ex: II: "h l h “ stock we]: ' ' d l"H'ltochooseout oftcreonnua dred nnd sixty-'.l'Oplnd to me dlrecte . , ~ d: ted to M; ”men“! ‘ ' In nl’leu Anthonerul 1'”. uno hp“ 3.9 . } 3:113:le “Sgt-Ila? Efofimofleace, land’ Genernl 3 mm", .nd noti only that, but pom“ “‘3“ hllf,” I h” Delivery lml Court of 01'“ lnfslll‘u“:lm“s;‘y habitrarg‘; “('éc‘thé ipulculnhlo‘itlrgbnu‘o ' at Gettysburg, ‘on ”outlay, (In as! 3TI; 811?“. th this tumblhhfledt on: all _ Vol-ember nal— - x2‘ ‘ "1 lhern. - . ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to I" o f gotthoiukrO—llllh “"1””2‘8:n%?;°%i'x:2£3“a..2 ”42:23.“.{72111 3:. “...... 1, . hie: ‘i‘hiu ‘ a gal ' ' I. 3 ll ized system of do'u‘lx huunru, oan ”‘9’ “3"" andrthnro '“ then-9:20p” "”530“ 'I ye organ. 1.! of the judgment. of. profu .‘¢h the- Rolls Recnrdl lnquusmons. hx‘am- ".“mme-“lp' ' . -d ‘at sa- 5 i‘lilntions,|;nd otl'nr-‘Remeélbmqlegsm? dob‘hho-sll [ §‘°'3“l Triagtzter, Ind‘ thc‘ ltup-wls. 3 things WMCh :10 tgemficl‘igz‘ill:e;l;‘h3e'viill iperl'lllfsfiablukll Ten lififiln—no mane; If mpperwi“ to 'e pnhum. ’ ‘ ‘ - Te frail lhil mar er. hrosecute ngnmuh Ilseqprrfggeez'ishézuzzey 2;} thg :Jrgllxflggnonnd'ngfgz‘;dglam. lat-re u lhn‘ » ‘henlhnllbeintefilo . T ' , . L 7 , K Adnma. are to be thdn Mfd ”I". 10 FMPC‘P" he;n:tl’::'cl::rzrtl:rsTkAa Ind will lie "Noll ngainstlhem as ”mg‘bai‘lnlgt WOl 1’ SMFW- by us a: well a: though Mu] mm mm , be ‘A" Ovtl "'3‘ '63 I Wing sure to 09!. 017'me puek’um. true ram and Sheylfl': qfice, 60“,“):le _ ' 1 L...»-—:‘ tarrt: and (7:: Tina 1m» Wunuflo ur” ‘ Sherifi‘ls Sale. ' mm. ,_ , . A . f IN pnrnuance of}. writ of alias Venditioni Exponus. issued out at‘ the (‘ourt of Com inun Plcns of Adams county, Pn..&nd'to me directed, will be exposed '43 Public Salolgt the Court House, in Getty: airman SATI'R DAY, the 44th day of NUVEHBER next, at 1 o'l‘lock) P. 51., the following described I ‘ - Real Estate, m : - _ "L A TRACT OF I‘AND, silmue in Hxlnimonhnn township, Adams cou’nly, PL, ngijojnlng hind: of Sunt‘orll Shrodtier, Christian .\lussclman, Samuel erd. and others. containing 2136 \cros, more or leu. about 70 Acres in Timber \d nhqut 9 Acres in Meadnw, the balancé “ lnnd; improved with nTwo-. _, z ’ Log Dwgltiug HOUSE, [inrt- _.gj—V licast. wi h a one-story log 3 Fun _ ilding, attached. _stone ‘7‘ :- _.— Sm'ith Shop, _Spring Hnusg, S‘moke ' ,or water near ‘the ulnar otfluw 'chnrds, with n vnric fclmice ,5 one and n Palfmu‘rg ‘ Buihlp, Spring in: water fuelling tic. TAM-n in " of S. t)N»\\'ALxl-:Ii, x [N fur No: L 1y run I ‘blck‘ b l B.mk Barn L HousefSprix . dwengan 't fruit Lreei. Als . Tenant Noun, Lo . near the door of the uncutxon n the prope mm] to b:- sold by mo. ' » ’ SAMUEL 7LT”, Shunt. s’ll”inofliMJ‘r‘cu'fiafilrng 9, '..3. EPJPTeH [mr crnt. of (In.- pnNmn‘noy upun :1“ sale: by that Show? “111:? he p. (.1 nwr ixmucdiulr-h nl'lrr [be prupvrly N struck‘ifiuqn or Illtollhllllrl'u;111111111} [Mn-u uh Ihr-‘pwlnr. ty will be again put up l‘.}r snlr.‘ ‘ . Pubhc Sale. is; .\'* SATURDAY, the 2m clay anxm’ri‘gr _ HER he“, [he snhnvrihor. Ewmxlor'ol‘ uln- inst will and icslamrntof .\lnrgurrt Bower, du-emmh “ill «figr M Public Sale, on th: promises. [lle'llnt’i'vidl'd inn-rem. (mo-hall) of mid decnlunl in .t ISA [HE :ilume in‘llnmln'zl tnn lowuwhip, Adnmi' ununlyjmfjnining lands at .\liclmel..\linm,’}osepli Trimmer, Ad'gm A. Group and? Samuel} Bower, cunmirinq~.B') .M‘lll‘ifi‘, more or lo’s:,l \\ i_th duo propgrzmns uf the best oi Timbellifml null Meadow. The improvements nre n ome am} nhafi ...? ~ Siory Luz ”UU‘H, Pollhle Log. “74%-: i 1 Burn, (‘vorn ('rih, mill p one and n, 533% 1. 'll «If ilnfl’f'l‘rnnnz Ilquqn. ThereH-‘J’ M 1?; arr three-,xxrrllcul slpringq on-Ihc premises“ ‘ “ill: twq'Apple (helium, and other fruit..— The land is in good cdp‘flitinn nu‘d the fencing good. J ‘ ~' ‘ Also, A TRACT 0]" LAND, ron'nining‘4 Acres. more or 1e43, niiijaining the ‘nhowe—‘Lll ‘clmrod. ‘ ' 3 ‘ - WT!"- mher haw-hitvrt'fl' in these mic“: will he ofi'crcd :wlhe sfime Limv. . ”Sale to cniummTL-ginl I u'rlnvk; Pf .\l , an mind day, wln-nhttcndwce will be giveuaxzd terms ninth: known In“ _ > ‘_ ' SA \JI'HL‘ BOWER, Exfcutor. L. W. Heikcs, Anctiopzer. ‘ Uct. 1:, 131.3. ju . ' ~ i ; . (310thmg. ‘ . , (EORGE ARNOLIj has nmv Izntyp his Fun (I and Winter ”ark of Clothing, the lérgea stock in (own, coupisling of ' . ‘ ' (her Coats, I . ‘ ' ' ‘ Dress Coats, . * ' Busihrn Coats. ‘ ‘ “_ Militaryfllonnw'nnd Pan’s, ' « l’antgl’ouns, Vents. I'mler nn-I Orin-Shit”, Drum-rs; Hosiery, .lHoret. «NJ, in mien! \uuiety, ull‘of which will be ml.d chenp lnr Full. Call and see them. ' -Sopf,. 28, 1863. ’ 1 a , rNotzce. . 4 A .\f‘Oß SCHWAPCTZ’S ESTATE—Line" J [testamentary on the esuue of Jacob Schwnnz. lntqolermnny (Wyn, Adams co., de ceas’ed, having beamgmrncd (c the under signedr residing in No tjoy township. they hereby give noti‘cmfizfll persona indebt ed to said 95mm to mgkc immediate pay ment, and thbse mining clnims‘ng'ninst the snmu to present 'them properly‘nuthenuculed for scttlemrul. " ‘ ' L ' ,‘ ; .\iif‘flAEL SCHWARTZ,’ , . HHSRY~SCH\VA'HT7.. , A ‘ fin. 5, 1303: 0k . ‘ Emcuton. / . - . ' " ‘ . ' ' Notme. a . . ARY C;\SSAJT'S HST.\TE.-—Léuqrs‘ tes- NI L'lihentim' on the estate of “my Qnssnl, lute of Simhan township, Adnms mum!l d 3.- ceased, having béen granted lo_ the uud'rh signed.§residiiig in the same townafiip, he 'h‘ewhy 'gives noti'cé to mil pcrsons’ indebted ‘ to said estate toqnnke immediate payment, and timse having claims against. the snméJq present fibem prdperiy autl‘tenticnwd for-settlcmmt. i J. C. NEELY, Executor. [K Sept: 23, 1863. :‘st . llfaflormg. 31"} ahhacribet, having returned '.ln the . rm], Luke: this method-0t informing _the public but ‘he nu commenced the TAILOR ING BIINESS ignin, .I. the old «mud, in HcSherr town,-A§duma county,’*Pn:, and that he will m 9' un'gumcms in the but Ilyle, mud n reu- able; rates.’ He hope! ’b; Attic: unenlion to h iiniu mid I! desire to ylenae, to mqriz A full ah - ‘of public pnurogmge. _ x » ~. - g GEORGE mum. guy‘s), 1863.. .3'm , '_ _ ''. 3 0 Ya I 0 Yes! . F. n‘ngknignbl - en his urvicel t 3 the ' public an I. ‘SAL DRYER, hank: A liberal share ,of e‘nconr :ement. fie Im- bad connidcnblo expefience the businen, Ind feels confident my. be vil ~ :iu entire «tip- I‘nclion. Charges moderate. His mi’dencc il in Freedomgtpwnahlp, ‘4’ mile as! of Brenm'a Mill. ' HEUB j‘GULDEN. Sept. 14,13863. {ln' For Sale or Exoha e. ‘ VERY desirable GRIST mu... . .9. ; as ACRES or LAND, in aman am ‘ township. 1 will exchange for: Fun, 1 ' and pi] tho diflerénec, if guyv . _ ‘ >. bEO. ‘ABNOLD. ‘ Getty-burg, Dev, 5171863. fl Shanda &"Buehler, EALEBS m; . ‘ » COAL mm was“, ’sra V 2 s : rmwun, WWW-WARE, 80. SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, KTO. Corner of Cali-lo Ind Railroad Stream, oppo ' site Railroad Dc‘pot, Gl‘J-TYSBL’RG, PA. - . Sept. 28, 1863. 1f _ . EORGE ARNOLD huju-t rec'eived from Phil-delphu, a Inge neck of CLUTHS CASSIHERES. Uvzr-cpntinfis, Unsineu, Ven ingl, Flunnelt, Hnslina, Japan. ac" all of whxch will be told cheap for cub. Call and tea them. Sept. 28, 1863. .- ..fi , AME to tha came of ma “hurling“. C In; it the Seminary, Gettysbu ' Ibo" ‘on days ago, I» NULY RENEE, WllB W whine span. Han “may! 13:3. In: M._ 7 7 ————-———-———‘._.~_.____.... orb Mucous m ,pmm DR. TONAS’ “Maud Darby Condition :y,pt;e‘onwm uh My.“ . 135 Po'den. {RH-An. Ind Cnufldx MN BMAXUEL I‘m-1“; u Qt. floum’apm. Sui-e. ‘ on. 19, was. a" ,- I - LARGE “may of plans, of “is man A 1: and mou‘ duinble stylu, many 0! wick are eingysld aflu old prints. Call and , men; n, “mauve?” g New Goods; Wall Paper! We .iune'n Piire Lm of the Compahy'n Tens, which will be RBI. to all who unfit it; comprising ' HYSON, YOUNG TIYSON‘ IMPERIAL, GM. POWDER, TWANKAY & SKIN. 001401“: SOUCHONG, ORANGE k HYSON PEKOFir- JAPAN’THA of every description, cqlont and uncolored. _ ‘ . . 'llhis list has inch kind of Ten divided into Fmit Classes, namely : CARGOHII’JI CARGO, FINE, FINEST, that every one may unde‘rnu-d from description and the prices Innend‘ that. the Company ire determined to underdi the whole Tea lnrdo. , V ‘ i We guarantee to sell Mm our‘ T'eal at not over TWO CENTS (:02 cents) pgrmound than mat, belie\'ing"this to ho nuructive to the many who hme hcrqtolorc b'een paying Eilol uotzs Pnorns. . ' GREAT AMERICAN TEA Gummy-g“ luronnns um Joanna, , - - . _No. 51 Vescy 531 Ngw York- OLL 19, 1863, 3:11 . , ;/ , A Removal. , V “Eunficn‘lgned respectl‘ul- _e _ r 1y informs l-he residents .' offieltfilhlrgnnd vicinityflhut ' he hm remuvod his WATCH AND‘ JEWELRY STORE, In the mum nfipmitr th “flllk' on York ‘ ph'cet, "\yiwrc ho ‘imcmls kvcpiutr nn assort nn-ut of \\_'.\’l‘('HES. JEWELRY, 4114' BR and SILVER. PLATED WARE, Sl'f;s;;L‘ACl.ES,‘- f‘l Hex-S, .m, 2:5: ’ ‘- ilnsing been ‘corineclcul with n firut-clnns 2 Ward: and Jewelry Store in l‘mhimme, far: seven] _\’(‘nrsipnah he i: prepared to inrnfih 4 every articlek'in the line, at life Irma-at. cityh‘ ‘prifies, «Ind nll’piuu’hns‘en will be guufnlied u , represented. _ ‘ _ From a long oxporiehfi in Watch-repairing, especially affine Wnlches, be is prepared to do all kinds of “'nlnhavnrk yramptly, in the ban - mnnnyer, find gunrsmly the performance of“. He will *lng nIW'wS on {mud :1 large nurt- 5 men! of SPI‘IC‘BAI‘ILI-IS, um] Spl‘fim mle Glassvs; quid h wing much ’ expcr'xrncc‘ in hklnpl‘uu: {him} In the sight, ll ' prapnrml‘to fit all, who noon] lhcln. , IlA!RJl~l\'.'l-JLRY mudc’ to order in the ben.‘ stylv. and .n grmv. vnr’u Iy of finiterua on hnnd JEWELRY repaired in the “cutest manner. 1 . ‘ ' JOSEPH BEVAN. Gettysburg, Oql. 5, 1803: (f Come with a Rush HE'undersigucd would most. respectfully T'jnl'nrm his many friends and the public mne'rnlly, that he has gone into the Clothing business, u 8 "men's old ammljn the Diamond, fieuyslmrg, PA. ”is stock, already fullmill be Illllbh enl‘urjzcd, to emhrni‘e“ every style of . CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, (Paps, Trpnlxs, anicvs, Clocks, “'nll-hes,.hw 'clry, Guns. X'iatoli, and, in allnrt, everything wbich‘ough: to He found :Ltu first class Clothing and Vng‘cty Home. - . Particulars hero.lftor. In the meantime he imltes eH-l'ybody m {are Mn; :1 cull. no In tenda lo'keep an purfm't Timuk ms to menu;- modate nllv—rnd, with the hope? of large sales. he hopes [[l make u l‘n‘jng m. smnll pfflfifl.' Nu trouble m aha-f: goods, and our} smart mud. to satisfy lmyeu JACOB DRINKIjiRHOI‘Y. Jim: ”“1863. If ‘ gm Invit d. - . 1m: u'nde'rhfignéd have Lh‘ _ \duy entered into p.lrtnersln‘ in the (‘yni . Produce and Commission hl%ess,'l urplXm Klinei't-lle: house, cornerof L'muo mnd'llnllroad‘ “fee“. The highest. prices \in cash paid To; . ‘ 'FLUL‘KLWHE. T, ‘ ‘ ‘ .RYE, RN, ~ ~- ~ ' ‘ ATS, SEEDS.“ _ ‘- , ’ __ \ AND ILH'. All kinds of Grocerififlwnon, Fish; Still, and every other ‘nnlirlc ulunlly Youth! in our line of bufinesa, all of M‘l'lil'il will he lON. wholesale and retail, ori the loycht terms. Call.nnd see 9%, and. mtisfy‘;oursgh’u,lhn it in really 50‘ . HOLLWGER k HERBS! G_ettyahgrg.r.lnne I, 1863. tf ‘Good Things from the Clty! “7 E Are receiving twice a weekdfrorn lh‘ cilyn variety ol articica suited wlha want! of this community, riz; Fred: and 8n". FISH, llama, ghouidcra and Sides, Hominy. fléans,'.B_rm.J Applon, Potutm-s,()nn'ge~, LII-gnu, Confecfions, Tob‘ncrm, Sean-I, with many , oiher articles in this fine—all united ‘ln “I; . best ordért and said at the lowmmfiu. 1 (Nu In a call, in Bgnltimom unreal,k nearly opp'yliu ‘ Fahneslocks‘ store. ' j“ ' ~ ‘.AN'I’EDPBuner, nga, hard lIWIH other country produce~fur which die “dun cush price will be paid. ‘ . - _ ‘ ) * S WEE’l'q, PQTATUES—HegI quality, at lo'. . esv. livin‘ prpfits—nlqu on hand. AllO,. OYSTERg, fine lan (nth—in the Hull 0: shocked; Renaunnu um] fnmi‘lics suppmd. ‘ smwxuocsm’ k wrsorznm Gettylbung. May 1311363». - 3m W , Watches, J ewelry, ND SILVEII-WARRm—Tha undanlgnld A would respectfully invigogmu’ uumiau In his well sch-fled neck 0! Fine Gold null Silver WA‘i'GHl-JB, l-‘ine Gold JEWELRY, of every kinl amt \ariety or s‘yle-oompjfllinr I" In! file newest and man. beuullfnl designs” Also,SOl.lD SILVEIy‘WARE, equll lo'polp. —al)d the best make of SILVER PLATBD_ WARE. Each article is warranted to b. no represented. « anc’hea and J emelry carefully Repnlnd and ulilfacion glurgnteod. ’ ' " ~ JACOB HARLEY, , (chceuor to Stunfl'w k Hnrleyß) »' No. 62: Market street, Phil: 'O. Sept. 7, 1863. van: Notice. OHN JACOB KEEFAUVER’B ESTATE—- Loner; tummenflry 6n the’ «me o!_ ohn Jacob Ké‘efuuver. Inn of Cumberfnnd tp., Adm" co., deco-tied. having been gmkd 9n the undonigned,“ruiding In Monnljoy lp,, In» hatch] giver notice to :11 pnlonl ipdzbhd to Mid out-w to make immvdinh: pnyn‘sint, and thoutujn'g eluim’sagmnst tin: same to patent thém properly nnthenucsted fox- u-ule [.._ JACOB KEEFAUVER,-Exel:fim. Oct. 5. 1883. s: 1 , ‘ . v The Secretary , V THE TREASURY bu “martyr m to 0 continue: my Agency {or s brie! period, and until further anneal will continua Io receive‘Snbacx-iptious m we ' 5-20 LOAN AT PAR. ; {lt my emu, such”. the different, Sub-Acct?!“ throughout the Loyal Stat“. JAY cooxn.sm-rfption Agent, _ In South fhird Street, H. 115. \ July 20, 1863. tf f ' ' Stray Heifer. MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers