g i ”f mmmmta.‘ I! List of lien-chant: [THIN the County of Adams, ntumod W nntl clarified by tho undersigned, Ap pmllor of lit-until. Tun, in ucordnnci'wilh 'tlm court-[gob of Aucmbly. for the year 1863—04, ol_ coda. Wures and lurchnndin: ‘ Donovan or U Int-nun Fnhneuogk Bremen, Dunner a Zle‘glu. - r. B. Picking, ‘ _ J. L. Semen, Joaoph Berg, * George Arnold, N . s)“qu leOmry, ‘ Jun-‘B. Sumac. , 1" A. 890:9 b 8011., ' '.Juhn Grub], V {Dr. Robert Homer. .. rt In; chlliuer, creme Weller, Jualpr 1 Brother, Cohen ,8 Cnlp, ‘ PhilipWintg , , A.- D. nun , 3.018 I Sou, I. Sp‘lgler, ' ‘ lune (fifldmnn, 5 R. PL'Hcthny, ‘ George 37. Knlhflehch, ghgur Wen-en, Sn, . . (Ir , Agent, 33H, NIKKI); Strlckh’onur & Wylolzkey, I I. Rio-so. ' : Home: A: little, new.“ 1.5m.l , Wm. l'.'. Binle, J. Liston, H. 6. Gun, 1 _ 00M & Gillespie. ‘ \ Mrs. Winn Wyfiouhn In. Inry Martin. - Mex. Spafuflor, ; . ‘ Hhcndfi 8 "Miller, . JunblS. Rolling", . uHchfdy & Diehl, ' Stine & Young‘, (11-y pack.) w. mum“. ~. u flannel Herlm, ‘ “ \Jouph Wilda, ‘. > I‘ , ‘ , ‘ Gun-Inna) Ir. .J. .Crfirtordflnlnn, . ; _ I" (hunt I". Yount’t Colchonu, ‘ Mn: Mary Reininge'r, (Irony) Brother - ' 1.. n. Burke. f' . A -Blndy & Stonesifor, ,Nuhank-l Ramon, llenrgr W. Rowe, ‘ Henry Djecn; . ‘ _fitmuel Little, ” ={D ‘ id Sch-warn. \ Li,~R:G‘.fihorb & Co., . . ' H. mneiq, Ajaimfihf d. - ‘ \ .I. nor , 31‘er Form - ,» Wm. C.Jlirick, '_ finial-1.52pm“, , l'gvrance imam, ~ erker & Esther, tome t Rune, ' I ‘1'?“ 8'0": ‘ . lMov-nev Ir. Np. "urn. Baku, John Shady, ‘ John Rebsrt, - XOVITPL AAAAAA Tr ’ Jonoph Shocly, .Charlei“)verdegr, Gem-[re G. Keitel, J. 3. 3mm} ’J. k‘ErMil er, Jacob Gou‘gnun. Roilr £Blm ringo‘r, John I’oqu , , Barbara On! or, *Cnuauino l [rm-n, . . f - Buuvuol no: Lewir Jot-fly, ’ ' N'm. Dacia. ‘ .'l‘heodcm Floigor, Joseph "sf", D. C. Inrlin,, 4 ‘ Mn. Elimlmlh layer, B. H.Blahl. Adm Stefan, Cmowmo‘n OirORD TP A. Shady, John “my, Edwnyd Weigh Bush-en & “'iutern, F, lit-rah, Eliubelh T. Simmer, Francis X. Smith, John Ginur. Henry .\leCnuaymd, Rfine'k Youdg, nw. Dull. \ 1 Emmet: h Bro.. ' ,K ' ' ' Hpuu'onu‘ rm Dunner & Shiehll,.- _' Duniolflullivnn. _ . Paxton t Mcprcury, Johq Shamb. » ' -. FRANKLIN Tr Muffin L. Miller, , 1!". Ann Bollmim, 11. W~ Wilmore, l‘em Bobllu. “comm; Plank & Spungle'r, {L J. [Hench-1:. .. Gill. Fulwefilu, Wmlltufl, ‘ ' ’ K Linn" "a 1 LewllvA: Overholuer, " x Snmue‘anflin, ; ‘Juhn Miller, TTSOIIIB TV Petey You", JVohn Delnp. , John I’. "Duck, Lumen n Adam Lero‘w, '1“. 11. Brenemm, Faisobio Tr' A: _Wnyhrighl, MIIALLU TP Geo. S. Mjnnlgh, . ' Chlrlw Elderr, , Ape] I'. Wright, Jnéob Pilur, 11. IL & 0. Hoop". . Hum-o: n. :G.W. Spanglef, Enjlh Spahgler,; I". S. HiMebr-nd, . ”J. J. Kline.” ' Wm. Wolf, ‘ n. L. Miller, , 690. Mandarin. , ‘ C-goli no Knuller, Mn! Stern, - .‘ ’ Rnbno n J. 0. Albert, , ~' J.Wolf, Ephraim Howard, I. R. Shiploy, - I , _ Bun“ 1r 'Dnnkl Gpldel'i. ' Philipflnn; Invoke-sq «1 I H "are, B.‘ Blchom, Jacob King, . High King, Inch“: Myers. - Bun-um Ir. . snug-53m.” :My 1 'l 00 R. Hiushew, , U v 15 00 inch Arondner, 10 3° 00 \VIII. lam, H 7 00 Ann- Grim, - N - 700 J. P.oelvick. M I 00 13inch. Hum, , ‘ M rI 00 thu (induct, M ‘ ’l 00‘ lobfiL Wupemr, . , _u '1 00 who: 'l'l’. “‘3" ' i _ 14 I 700 15 I 00 u a I M 7 ’ Samuel Crawford, flounfl In", 1&1 Bohliu, ‘ BVTLilli TP Noah liner, Ed'll'd Suloy, Wm. um". ' 3 Shank & Brown, B. i‘. Keyner, : “nun”. Dgxdvmyfn, Fmrdqfity, . Adam bio I]. Gcnylbgr‘, John Hemich,‘ ' “ Sui-on inn-nun” Faimogi' & leopnniu' giving- Innuuuonfio ‘oc x A‘ PP3A I. . i l Jame in lurch} given uni! puma inuresi- . ‘in an abgvg nturv of duplication, that I , i!!! hold In Apps“, u the Cornmisslonon ; Ulla in (tiff-W3l on SAWRDAYJHf 1311: ' (In, (“5038 next, between the 9.oqu of 9'A i Y, and 3 P. 31., when and «here It“ pt-I‘mm‘ LII-3 any. conlider Ulcllflhel uggfieved b; Mid clnuificuion my nut-ml. 1 i . J. M. WALTER. Appniur of Mercantile Tu“ lor A‘dauuoo‘ lay n, was. 4: ' 1 1 i '~“'--“' —.-"' ‘W New Goods !--Lame Btbck! : , KKCUANT TAILORING. ' ' . 1 ‘ L JACOBS k lIQ. ‘ 1 nvg jut received from the cities ; e Itnci ptgpods for’GonNemt-n's tour, em raciyg I} fnriety of} 3 .‘ i 01.01118, ~ i 3 . cAssmßngs. ; g - vzs'nxos, r Cnfidneu, Suns, he” with many othbr goodi for rpring nnd lummer‘wear. ‘ r ‘ 5 ‘ hey are prepared to' male up Month 1‘ ‘ fill worsen notice. and in 4125; very hint. mnng her The Puhions are regularly received, and “clot ing nude in nnydelired uyle. {they Il wuyl make neat flu, whim their saving is pure to btlubluntisl. ‘ _ i. ‘ 9 26 on 11. !0 00 1,4, 'I 00 n 15 00 It I 00 M I 00 M 7—oo 16 7 00 H 'l .00 u 1 09 M. 'l 00 M 7 00 u 'I 90 M 7 00 , H ‘l 00 M 7‘ 00 13 , no 00 14 l 00 ll 12 50 M 'l 00 .14 'l 00 M -'l 00 M' _ .7 oo 14‘ - 'I 90 H 7 00 14- 'l 00 14‘ 'I 00 M .7 00 I 4 . 7‘oo 14 1 00 ’u ’I 00 M s 00 u 3 7 00 14 7 00 H 7 00 lo 20 00 11 l) 50 lo .29 00 lo 20 no lo -30 00 13 w 00. 13 40 00 13 4 310 00 Th9}.- uk a continuance of, the pa‘blic‘s p»; tronnge. resolved by good work ond modlmle chug“ toenru it. « __ ¢ , ‘ Gettysburg, April 7, use." ; 1 = Town Property 1 ; r T PRIVATE SAME—The undcrqigm‘d ‘0'"? A fl-rl M Private Sdle the l'rppertyiin why? he now maiden, pita-lo in Ham. Middle street; Geuyxburg, mljuiulng ‘.S. R. Tipwn on‘tbe heat 3nd MnJcl-eroy on the can. with n .3, V Illa, in, the roar. THE HOUSE 1573 ERR}. two-awry Frame, Wentherhusrded, with 1 1 tuck-building; a wellof wane: with oi pl: 9in it, “fine duqr; and a ‘vnriety ol‘fruiti sue u npplel, pen", pencllt-li,.npricou, clu: tics, and gnpu,all the must choice. - ‘ 1 1 ‘ . momma)! M 1“: . .; Nov. 12, 1860. u£ 1 1 _ ’.‘ “‘f‘ ’— .f Lancaster ook Bmdery. T 1 mum: wum“, 1 G " BOOK KIMBER . nu nus]: nobx x‘ucncn‘unn,‘ L 1 1 Myanmar, m. ‘ Plain and Orna’mnlul‘ Banding, a! (veu‘de‘u acrip‘tion, executed in the moat sub‘stuktiulgnd' approved styles. ;‘ . _ -i g ‘ men lei. Buni { Mutant-ts. ‘ 3.3 V. Broyn, ~17.qu If rugers Bunk of I. W, L. l’elpcr, l-Isq., [finncnswr County Samuel Shock“ Est“ (‘ulumliiwliunk Samuel anngr, Enq., York Bonk. William Wagner, Esq” Yo:k Culling 'l'. D. Carson, Esq" [tank of Getlys u Peter ”satin, 12541:, Protrh’y nl‘ld‘mmut L 669. C. llnmhorn, Esq” lie-aisle: “ Goo. Whitson, Esq” Recorder U lpflril 15, 18M. ‘ ‘.y - '—'—‘—“‘_""7“‘”". . ._. ”1"" ,- - Pmno. Tumng. 4t i. nor. Bowl-m, oi Limmown, n rut-(it l P Piano Tuner, inform! his friend nud Hill: musicnl puhlic in gem-ml. that he‘ -irl-s his time. not oUu-rwise occnpicdflo ‘Tu in‘g mill Repnirinz l'inuos, m. nmdonue ,‘p‘r ges...‘ Hy: proni'isn-icntircsnfishl-.lion,€mfi {my Unit-rs received at this olliaé. [84?!“ }.‘ Hl6l. ‘ .-_—L...— .._.._;_.. p“. .--... . .._.-.» n l 0 New Tallormg , J ST:.\BLI.SIHI EYE-4} Ed. F.ECK ‘ XRQD , E FASHIUNAHFIH‘ 'I‘AILUI ,- ‘ fldupli this method of‘int‘i rnring hisd‘r ““151“ the pui-lic gem-mil)", tth._ he .hfll! po 06 Tailoring tslublislnnent in "ultimo e atriu- Gettysburg, (late l’oé! Other.) hair the Dial - ond,whore he is pHepnrml‘m'do ll work I this line in the helt manner, and ti) he sa‘lis faction of custonwrs‘.‘ He unp-luy'p ouebu fifirstrlnss lnunls. and‘roceiving 1 1 THE FASHIONS REGULAR he can warrant. fashionable fits and substantial sewing. “3:. Asks n shn pulrh‘c's pnlrnnngo, promising to aim fort to dear-rte it. His charges wil :1 found nu moderate an the tinws .wflil ('nning and Hamil-fin: done at lye notice. [Gettysburg Apri _ ___,_‘.___.___ . l , __ ,_ ' - Removal.j--Tln-Walr ‘HE undersigned haLromnved hi‘ ' establishment ncnr'or the Din bhnmhorshurg street}. ,ndfwininrAé ler'n Drug Smré—n wry romrnl lor‘n bontinues lg nulnufnrl'ure. and kceph ly’on lmnd. every vnricly of ‘ 1 swarms, _ ‘ - : | ! , PRESSEfi mm ‘xi' ‘ ‘ JJAI'A‘SBD. 4 Ind will nlwnyn he r‘endy to do llFll‘ 70 700‘ 700 'l 00 1 col 7 no; 7 00; m 00‘ 7 ob 10 oo 7 to ‘I oo 7 oo I :7 09 'I 00-1 1 oo 7 oo 7 oo ‘ u 14' j :1 u - u 14 .M u 700 "100 ‘7OO | Hymn“ And spot'rlxp 6n‘lso done in the hfitfnmnuer. Prif-t-s mm me. and no effurLspured to ronderi full 5! (action. The public's continued patronag’l‘ golioiiecl. ‘ A. P. BA '61”: ‘ ' ' Gettysburg, Aprilg, 1862. f ‘ r-r—f“- .__ ""‘~: —:-~_ ‘ quafg Assoqmtmm i ; ; TIILKDELPJiI‘Aa—I-‘or the Relief of ghj 1P Sick nnnl Distressed, afflicted with V in lent. nnnl Chronic Disousm, n‘ml (-sprcinlly'loll the Cure of Diseuo: of the Sexnnql Organs; 1‘“ 1 ; MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, byahe Am: ins: Surgeon. - ‘ l , VALUABLE REPORTS on Spormniorrlimm '6r'SeminnLWc-nkuess, 911:1 other Diaeuwuofi glue S'cxunl Organs, and d the N WRE E DIES employed in tho Dispensary,» en! to t he! ‘ unified in sc‘ulell Letter ourrlopdd, fr ofl .qh rge. Two or ”not: Stumps for postage ill I,be nocdptghleL > 1 i‘ w ' Address; Dr. J. sxiLLm novcmox cto‘ finzSutzenn, [lnward Associnlion, .\‘so. 2 go th‘ Finlh’Slreet, l’hilndclphin, l’l. . , ' } June 16,1862. Ry ' 3 lr' O i . ‘; Coopering. ; i g OHS CHRIS\IER is ”laying on the CoopprT . top business, in all ilp hruni'lié‘, in York street, Gettysburg. noun BAnRuLS, in‘nng :desir'od quantity. mfide to order. mi short. 10* tire, and ut‘lqw profits. REI'AIRHNG. ol‘hll Ikinds,ntwn'lpd to. profiwtly and hmpl '..— 5 Every efl‘qrt_ will be made to wade} smiéfllcj» :lion to cu‘ Mnors. ‘ 1 l 1 ‘ Dec. 293,562. 6m . l 1 i 7 00 20 00 7 00, 20-00 20 00 7 oo 7 00‘ 'I oo 7 oo 20 oo 7 00 no 00 M '7lO 'l4 13 10 nq lo 00 7 0q '1 00' 13 )3 14 1‘ 700 700 too 706 14. 14 ~ 14 14 14 13 14 u 14 z ~, o 10 03 'l 00 ran 7 oo Me Tag 700 700 700 700 I 00 7 00 H HEADS a: [gunman are now prepnm‘i am supply COAL, of superior qflality, ihfiyly quantity «leaked. Terms, 0331)., 1' ‘ ' m ConeOnel - Come 1m: - { ‘ é £ "-_ . firm-y Mao request those Iqdehte¢ in? them to cull and pay up. u fundallre nob needed. Who will he the first to‘cqfl? Juice open from 7 (-0 7. .. ‘ ‘; ‘ Eel). 24, IBM. ‘ l -i ‘ John W. lpton ‘ 1 h Asmomnu: gAnßsnrNofi -enst och-4 net of the Dia'mond, (nut digor «0 Mc lellan’l Hnlel,) Gettysburg; I‘m, when? [he can 3!. all limos b 0 found ready to ataxia to pull business in his line. He has also exc llent "- sismnce and will ensure amisfnclion'. (Hive him u call. . '. [O°C. 3,.1800; EC You 709 zoq 10 1070 10.0 1.0 1. go.» § “Ti 7 no 13 10 00 14M 700 14 '1 no {r Hm BE nndersigneds being the nu thorized pen-3011 £o~mnka removals into Ever Green Cewem tery, hopes that such as contemplate the‘ram oral, of the remain: of deceased rnlatives or friends I will avail themselves of this sealon oftbeyen to In" u done. Removnll made with promptupu —tenm low, and no efl'ort spared to pleased . PETER THORN, 1 Inch 12, '6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. . a Notice. 10‘ 10 no a: 12 so M 7 00 M .:7 on n 7 on n ‘ 1 09 u 1 oo- OHN‘ LEFFELMAN'S ESTATE.—‘.Lenors. of Administration on the estate ofJohn Lefi (chum. line of Franklin_twp.,Adams county-fie eenied, hnving been granted to the undersign— ed, residing in the name township, he h'ereby given, noticefio all persons indebted to said put-ate to Innke immedihfe payment, and those Inning clnimi spin". the same to present tliem properly authenticated for settlement; ‘ BENRY KNOUSE Adm'r. April”, 1863. ‘BL ‘ " V ‘ - Gettysburg Marble than lALS'fi 3110.; IN EAST YORK STREET GETTYSBURG, I’m—When they an prepu'ed to furniph It“ kinda of work in thei! line, Inc): as MONU ENTS, TOMBS, BEAD STOfifiS, MANTLES, «he, at .the aborted no ficfib d u chenp n the cheapest. Giv’o u‘l_ l‘ “on . a itco 100 700 3100 700 fiPProduco taken in cxchangu fq‘l' work. " I Gettylfinrg. Jun: 2, SH”. :1 :2 50 *A if # 6 00 5 00 'R. TOBIIAS' calebnted Derby: Condition Powderl, for Horsey And Cube, for file a Dr. HORNKWS Drug_Btorc. . LYCERIXI um CAMPHOE SOA'P, m G preventing and 9331“ the bites aflups. quitool nnd other inst u. u. L s x _ DR. R. HQBNHR'S Drug Shard. scanner: moxnns, . large 10: mu". C cuivud from the cily. it prime Mutton,” = . . ~ h.\l.nx-‘L¢L«U.: .1. a I ‘ W anu Coal! Coal. Removals. ‘mfiééééfiyéafim 3 A. J. Cover, ,L ‘TTORNEY AT LAWJnII prom'pfly attend . to Collection: and I" other bluincrs en truapad to him. Ofica bettecn Fahncstockl’ tad Innert Ziegler'l Swru. Baltimore street. Get yuburg, Pu. _ [Sc-pk: 5, law. _. ___.________. , +— __,,_ m % D. McConaughy; ‘ ‘AJITTOENRY AT LAW, (office and door wesl‘ l of Buchler'a drug and hook spill-«ammun her hung urea") Anon" AxoSor‘cmm ran Pup" no P 3191038. Bounty nnd Wur rungs, Back-pay lnlpenaled Claim: and all other claims aguinsuhe Gorernme In! Wash~ ing'lon. D. C.; nlsoAmericnnClaimsih England. Land Warrant: located and 50141.0 r Unughtmnd‘ higheitpricu given. Agents engn ed in lo cMi‘ng warrants in low‘n, lllinnis and other‘ weaternStnLe' ”Apply to him yeraonnlly 01h; letter. ‘ i ngysburg, Novnzl, ’53. i _+_.—_ -..—“1....“ -._—.._— : Edward B. Buehle , TTORNEY AT LAW, will hit fully and A womptly attend to I" husines entrusted to ltim. He speaks the German] nguage.—— Olli'ye at the «we place, in South ‘Bnltimm Itl'blel; ngnr Forney's drug store, 11nd agarly opposite Dunner a Ziegler'a Itore. ; Gettysburg, March 20. ; 1 Wm. A; Duncan; ITTORNEY AT LAW.—Ofiice in the North- A Weatcorugruermre Sqnuro, (Fenyshurg, P 3,, , ’ ~ [oa. 3, 1859. tf 4‘; J. Lawrence Hlll, M? D. AS his office one D - ¢oor went 0! the r g , Lut term: church in . Chnlnhersburg street, and OpposilQEPicking’! none, where those winning to have p‘ny Dental Operation performed are résgreknfnlly Invited to cull; Rnunnxcas: Dr-s. Elfin", 14“"- C. p- Kmmh, 0.1)., Rev. [l. L. linugh", Di 11. Rav. Prof. M. Jncohs, Prof. M. L. Smuer.‘ 1 (iflfishurg, April 11, ’53. ‘ ; ——T————~——~~—-—-—~~~~——-~;*~T~ - 1 ‘ J. C. Neely,_ ' ’TTORNEY AT LA\\'.——l'nrtlcnllr *UPH‘ A tion paid {a collection of‘ I’emions, Bglfnty, 'nnd Hack-pny. Office inlvlhc S. E. corner of the Diamond. ‘ -'Getl§'sburg,April6, 1963. 1! ‘ ——-+—————a——-——vo———- -—v—‘:‘———*—.- i. 4 Removal. 4 "n. (I'NEAL has removed his mo» "0!" D Wills’ building to the corner of num- I—uufie a'nd High streets, oppmite defining. teripn Chum-h. ‘Residence udjuining the _oflivo. April 6, 1.863. 11" _ ‘ . stik. 1 . I ' (o.lm Iu Professmnal Card. l I ‘H'ING previously nnnouncml our {1350. cixuinn Itom-lller ‘ns prm‘nidiouursjof modficinp, \ve’now state (hat, on and n'fmr this am, we will enter into an equal and harm t parnnership. We will givu our "Mimi (-umlbinc‘l attemion tonour professional d , dull-j endeavor, faithfully and antlnmclnrily. to disulmrge tlrem.‘ S. G. KINZER, .\L 1)., § f ,N. G. KEIRLE, M. D‘ Muleslown, Mnrrh ), j 80:3. . N' B. Beingae‘sirouslofclosing up‘my old business, those knowing tllomsolvvsindeblcd to hie are respectfully requested in make prompt. settlement, either by no!eorlmym:-nt. I ‘ S. G.,I(f.VZI-2R, .\I, D, lhrch a, 1863. film ‘ I , 1 Drs. Cress 8: Taylor, , ,CLEUTI 03 I‘ll XS l (‘l A X‘S.—The above 1 J named gentlemen, huviug— nssoqiutml lln- wolves in the practice of .\lodirindmnd Snrlflery, oll‘chheir professional sch-iéés ,(u the bilinns of Gettysburg nml \‘icinhy. Elli";- ilignfmd lurgesqrgicul uperiencein the l:- S. Ar y. mu] axiomire‘huspilal prm-lico,‘ lwy reificctlullysolicityonrpatronage. “Erfif’ic” meu‘hs lo chooaeur ‘select. lleuu-e we sum! llie‘}besl,.s:lfesu and most reliable rem uiie's frmfi all other sectariun nu-clirnl ‘sch olfl, “hilh hate been xecommouilwl lrpm 1h .‘ M'- l‘mrip‘me and sanc'tionod by waw‘lice of, the nblqsv. generic l‘uAcrmosLns, and (llagur‘l tlmac more injurious, such 115: Mtim'pny, nrsdnic, mercury, hlug pill, blood lettiuguku. (Mike in Baltimore street, in the one funnorllv occhpied by Dr. Dorsey. one dfmr south nfi thin: “ Cqmpilcr" olliycc. Soldiers' fluni‘lics «mind ed freeul chhrge during their nlmmce. “ 113. In .x Cnnss.‘ ~ Du. WI. TArLoin. 1 Jim. 1!»;l863. . J -. l 1 1 neat e 0 c n 1 Wily .rwm ,ého [lB4 hos .2. V ‘im‘; M i H 1”“) up? \u‘ h t : Tin nOIH rama RE. \llil grj TV ’ IS .1 l _rh _ _., . ~‘—"’_"‘“f —"“"‘T“‘ 1 Adams County -‘ ' tUTCAL FIIIE’IXSURANCE COMPANY.— ‘ Incorporaged .\lnrch 18, 1851,. i ‘5 orncma. I'ruidml—Georgc Swope. Vic? I'rul'dlnl—S. R. RuQseH Sq'crqum—D. A. Bnehler. Ticmwer—Duvitl M’Crenry. ‘ Ejacufité Comma—Robert. McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew Heinlzelmnn. fl Humans—George Swope, D. A. Buohler, R. .\l'ol rdy, Ja’cob King} A. Heintzrlmnn, I), Mt:- Crefry, S. R. Ruasell.l. R. Hersh, Samuel Durbgrlw, E. G. Fnhnmlock. Wm. B. Wilson, H. A. Picking, \Vm. 11. McClellan, John W-nl fogd, (I. G. .\lcCrenry, John Picking, AbelT. “’.réght, John Cnnniyhnm, ‘Aluliel F. Gilt, Jmn‘cs 11. Marshall, . . Eichclborgcr. ' ”This Qompauy is limited in its opus iions to the county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six year‘s, nnd'in that period has paid all losses and ex‘ penses,ici(}xout any aumvmml, lmving also a large surplus cnpitnl in the Treasury. The C puny employs no Agents—all business lieg/ donelby the Managers, who are nnnnally clot. ed by ItheStockholders. Any person wring In Insursnoe can apply to‘nny of th above named .\lnnngers for fu‘rlfi‘er informnetz'nfn. . WT!” Executive Committee In ,Is At the office of the Co‘mpnnyvon the last Wednesday in efvery month, at 2, P. M. ‘ Slept. 27, [B5B. 2 ~ 1 f _ Sometlnng New , N GETTYSBURG.—-Th'e un dersig'ned informs I the citizens of the town and chunky, that. he has commenced the BAKING business, on ‘3 large scale, in York ‘nreet, Gettysburg, nearly oppyosite Wuttlcs’a Hotel, where he will try to deserve, and Hopes to receive, n liberal patron age; BREAD ROLLS, CAKES; CRACKERS, mamzst, l’c.;&c., bnked every day, sSun dag-is excepteddmll of the best qutlity, an sold at. an lowest living profile. Cracker-waking in all its branches is largely carried 6n, and orders td liny amount, from this until ndjnining conn ties, Supplied at. the nhqrteat notice. Having erebted I lflrge and eommodious Mike-house mud secured the beet workman and film moet‘ prqved machinery, he is prepared to do I hear" business. _ E VALENTINE SAIIPI‘JEI Jul}: 25,1359. , < l ....._l_..m~_r __‘_,_.______ .___ , r A. Mathiot 8r Sun’s l ' V 01-‘A AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS,NO9. S 25 nnd 2'! N. Gay street', Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) extending from Gsy‘to Frederick st.-—the largest establishment ofthe kind in Uhe Union. Always on hand a large Assortment‘ol HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE l-‘UIINITURE, em. bricing Bureaus, Bedstcads, Wushntands, Wntd robes, Mnuresscs‘of Husk, Cotton and Hair- Spring Beds, Soils, Teta-e-Tetes, Ann Chnirs, Rocking Chairs, Etngeres, Marble Tables, Set lees, Reception gull Upholstered Chairs, AIS SORTED COLORS 0F COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Ulmirs. Office Chairs. Barber Chairs, Cribs and Crndles, HM. Racks, liall'l-‘nrniture, Gilt and Wnlnut Frame Looking 6mm, Side boards, Eitcnsion Tables, of every length. » Persons disposed to purchase are invited‘to call and give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the country. ' _ A. MATHIOT a: SON, , Nos. 25 And 27 N. Gay street; ,Aug. s. 1360. n WSnnna A: Bunnn’a Store is well-‘l5:. as; a vioitjust at this time. We doubt whether, even in‘ our largest cities, so fine; display‘ of Stovearcnn be found. Their large room; is full of Stoves of every pattern; also. every va riety of Hollow Ware, Skeet-iron Win-e. Tin Ware, Planiahed Ware, Japan Ware—embrac ing, indeed, everything in the home furnishing line. deso, Salvage Cutters, Sensnge Stufl'dral Lard Presses, 56., tc. They nre prepared‘to eeli wholesale and retail, Tin Wane and Shah iran Warre of their own manufacture—keeping n maiden. number of hand: to supply my de mand. Their assortment of anber‘ is very lerge‘; Ilsa Con! 0: any kind. 0 fm Dr.“R. HORNER‘S Drug Store and hf hip HEDICATED COUGH CANDY; i I’. “ . The Old and Reliable. EW srmxu mums. - , SMALL won-11:5 a QUICK mus.— ' J. L. scrll(:x' would tetpectluily my to the Ah. zen. of Get :ysburg and vicinity, that he in navy receiving u hit stores nplendid STUCK 0F SPRING GOODS. , The stock consists in math! fancy Ind Staple URY GOODS, or every description. SILKS. ‘ MOZAMBIQUE , cunmaé , murky-:3, ‘ BUMBAszs, ALPACCAS, ; LAWNS, ' . , CALICII'mS, of all qualities and choice“ slyln, whic- mll be sold at PRIGRS T 0 DEFY COMPETI lON. FURNISIHNG GOODS . of all Kinds, inéluding Silk, Linen and , “on ilnndkcmbiefs, Gloves, Sun-kings, kc, Also, 3 splendid assortment ofIIUBBONS, Laces gnd Edginm, Umbrellas and Mason.- - My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full and complete, and customer: may yely upon Always getting goodgoods at the lowest possi ‘ble pricel. ‘ , Genflgmen will find it to their Adnntagu m calludnnmine my stock of ' camis, v CASSIMERES and . ‘ VESTINGS, of all qualities and choices: ptylu. , ' ' ‘ April 2], 1862. J. L. 'SCHICK. '—"‘ -‘. ' “'"AAT' —_ _‘_9 “‘ ——-——-——- Dr. Robert Harper’s _ EW mum mum mr ‘ Pluim'mnlox STORE, CHAIBIRFIURh ”BERT; O‘TTYBIIUIIH "swing retired from tln- nct’iv‘o pmcti‘ce of my profvssiun, 1 take plunmrejh announcing to the ritizensof Gettysburg‘nnd‘ vicinity, that I have opened; ‘ , ‘ . ‘ NKW mm; Emmi, injho room fomuly‘ocrnpihl by On} R. k P. "ulnar“r an an oflil-é, whén- l will-eonsunlly kI-ep on lmnd a hug: inpply vfnllkinda of . FRESH DRUGS, , - ‘ ' HEDICINES, , CHESHCALS, ' "‘ ' PERFUMHRY. ' _TOUTH I'OWDERS. - ‘ ' DYE STUFFS, DRY PAINTS. fltld ‘ PA LSTS ground in.ofl. OILS, film-wed and distintd, STATIONERY oft}?! kinds, Inks, Pens, P 011651“: Pup"- COMM, Hrushcs,‘&c. p,_‘TE.\T MEDH'INRS. A All the popula.‘ Patent. Medicines. ingotlwr :‘with‘fi‘gvhqfion 0" purP WINES, HHANDIES and \vmsxm', [0: m "min?“ vurlmvs only. always (_m'lumd. 1n n Mfr“, "01‘0““ "PM“?! everything 'usunlly found ill ll 1- “PM“: slow of ”HS déscLipliou. ‘ ’ A lnrue flipply of fresh “rug! "“5 he?“ "’9' rein-d, un-l olln-rs uré arriving, whi-.'lil “mf’r' fi-ring 10 [ln pu‘hlic on; very le¢~nl|||filOtin7lllK terms. My Medicines Illu‘e ll“ hem puru.‘|l\flr .’. under my pcrsnnal insiwt lion and sum-“him from the most reliable lmuu-s. l (-nqtlgvrcf‘nr.“ not only recommend lhcui it's pure and fresh, but can sell lllom.(-llcnp_ <I N. 8.-‘—Px\ll'l‘lCl'l..\ll ATTENTION give]: to' the lrenlmunt of all cllrunic (li-ens“. ~ gar-A I) v I c E u KIA T“! arm Mn)" 12‘ 1862. n f The Great Discovery ' ‘ 1“ THE A!‘qE.—lnflmnnmtor_\',nml (‘hrbnic Rheumatism run he rnrvd hy using H. L. .\l LLHR'S Cl-‘Jfilllm‘l‘l-ll) RIII‘IUMATICJHX TI'RE. Maury prominent ritizcns of tllifi,‘nnll the adjoining connx‘u-x, hmu phlilit-d to its great utiliLy. [llama cu in lihi-mznltic M'uu Iliuui. has been hitherto un'umllelqd by any gspocificr introduced 10. the {unhlim Price 50’ {cents per botlln. ’I-‘u't sale by nll druggiils And .slorckoepcrs. Prcfpurcd only by H. L. MILLI-IR,‘ i\\'hnk~sule nml Retail Druggifit, Hus; Berlin, | Adnnis cuuhly, I'm, dealt-r in Drugs}, Clmm‘icnls, lUils, Vurnida, Shi‘rils. Pnim-I, [bu-stub; hot i UN} 0115, Winners nnxl Tinctures, Window I Glass, l'orfnnu~ry,.l’nlrnt .\li-ilu Enos, km, A'c'. ] “TA. _l).' Huohh‘r i; 1h:- Agent in Gettys ; bur): tor " 11.7,. Milli-E's C(lvhm‘u-ll Rheumatic Hlixturc." . , . [June :3, HUI. tl' Fresh ‘ Reinforcements. TRENGTIIENINC Ul'llt POSITION—W 6 . are constantly adding uuw supplil 510 uu'x nlrcndy Luge and fashionable {wrk 0T , ”.\TS, CAPS, mum's .\xn SHOES. / We have every style of Spring und'h‘llmyfiov Hats, “ hii'll in quality and price mnnot tiil ,tb please. Boy’s and Men's “his find Cfiffi of nor; desoriptiqu, and of the lull-s: st) In. ‘Uur stouk of ‘ ‘ A _ ," r ' BOOTS, 'S V F l ’ ' A H 0 A ‘ . , - V . ' j:Al)‘l€RS,&c., &c., was neriar more complete. . [,mlic‘s. Gentlemen and Children can be nm-nnmiudntml'with any ‘ ‘in this line, mg “fie/Arc better. Iteparog ’ “ml any" hargnins‘l'hau ever *nius. good fit! lhd Lhe sign ofthe BIG root. ' ' MUN CULI’. ‘ inxmonmx. ; New. ‘ l'ul lml _, I AND JEWELRY lintcly inltlle rent of mm! fronting the _, , , . . ‘.1.1’.1’, SILVER and SILVER PLATED .WARE‘, SPECTACLI-IS, CLOCKS, km, kc. - Having been connected with a first-class Watch and Jewg-lrvature in llnlfimore, for sereral yenrs pnst, he is prepared to lnrnllh every article in the line, at (h! lowest city; prices, and all purchases will be gnarumied as represented. , J ‘ ’ '. From a long experience i‘n anlv-repnirifig, especially offinc Wan-hearqis prepared to do all kinds ofWMch-work )romplly, 111 the best manner. nnd gunmmy thp performmcé of‘lt. He will keep always or: hand a huge ”bur—z mem of SPECTACLESJnd Spec tacle Glashes; and‘having xnflchflfi experience in ndnptlng lllenfi‘lo the sight, ll prepared to fit all who need them. ‘ HAIR JEWELRY made to‘ order in the best style. arid a great Ysriety of paltcrm} on hum] JEWELRY repaired in the nentcstkmannrr. '1 JOSEPH 81-ZVAN.. Gettysburg, Dec. 23, 186}. (f ' . The Grocery Store N THE limb—The nhdmigned would O respectfully inform the citizens ot Gettyi. burg and vicinity, that. he hna taken the old Itnnd “on the llill.f' in Baltimore street. Get tysburg, where he intends to‘ keep constantly on hand I“ kinds ‘of (IROQERIRS—Sugnts, Gofl'een, Syrup: of all kinds, Tobacco. Fi h, Salt, km, Enrthenwnre of all kinds, Frufia, oilsl and in fact everything usually found in I Grocery. Also, FLOUR & FEED of All lands; all ofwhich he lill'lends to still lost agthe low est. Couhtry produfl taken in exchange for goods and~the highest price given. He flatten himself that, by strict Attention and In honest desire to please, to merit a share of p'nhlic pa tronnéw. TRY HIM. J. I. ROWE. Feb. 23,,1qua. u: 1‘ , Hay Wanted! , > ‘ HE nndersiz'ned wishes to Buy 500 16m of T good HAY. The higheu mnrket price paid in cash for prime Timothy Buy, delivered at his puking establishment in Getty-burgh. Early upplicatinni desired. ‘ ‘ . WM. E. BITTLE. April 20. 1863. 6:11“ 1. (31:106.: 4 FLIZABETH D EHLTS ESTATE.—Letters J mumenmry on the cit-M of Elinbgth Djehl, lnle of Hgmillon township, Adan" co.,dccengedmnving been grantgd to theundch aigned,reaiding in t. e snme township,he hereby ’glves flotice to all persons immued to” nid estate to make immedhué paymem, nnd those having claims mph!!! the sums to preaeut them properly Authenticated tor aettkment. L f A; K. STONER, Egecutor. ~April 13, 1863. 9!.“ ’ ‘ , ‘ For Sale. W 0 SECOND-JLAND MANNY MACHINES 'E with Wood’s! ipgowemcnt. Enquire a! nr. 23, 1883. l . WM. WIBLB. - - ‘EEAxéehnfiul‘xggffi‘o: Cola: and finial, (qr ule “pt. IR. HORNE-R's Drug Store. AGO, Arrow Roqt, Corn Starch ‘ Rice-flour .na Gel-tin, lon «I. u Dt."flORXEB’B Drug Store. L ‘ ‘ Herbst’s . LIE undersigned would ‘ w _ that he is now runningm LARS from Grtt’ysbnrg td ‘week. He is prepared to‘ either Wu), in any quantit} if désired, to the mnking of city, nnd delivering the g Gettysburg. ihs year: run JO J. H. Bqnlcy, 293 North 3 He invites the attention ofi line. "luring they! that he I w uccommodm: nil whosnih'; March 16, 1863. 3m' 100.000 Bushel WANTED.—Tbe high-.'. stub will alwnys he i GRAIN, SEED AND FLOC HQLLINGEII nt the old stand lately -- lirinkerhofl'k Co." 'where A] PLAs'rnß. SAL‘i‘, nsn. Be'hnd awholeule and re - prices for nah: i Call and ulna. [AI QWWW . l ATIONAL COMMERH N LorA'nm ' ' PHILA‘DI‘ILP ’ 8.1-}. com!“ All) C Now York City, B ooklyn,A lletroit,‘(‘lo‘\'elxind, Cliil"? ‘ Hook-Keeping: Penmnn' Arithun-tic, Commercial L l yondem'e: km, pfuclicnlly I ‘ These. Colk‘gellhtlng and ‘ and local mnmtgemt-nt, nndl ‘ndvnmngos of all. ofl'm' I!“ ‘ imparting infirm-tion lhn institutional“ ghd C'uunlry. .A Svholnrshi‘p i'sSum] hya for an unlilhited liinc. I The Pbilndelpliih quleg' enlarged and rel'urnishqd 'I and is now "no Ingest n‘ Cummercinl Institution in > Brynn't k Stru‘ltou's aer tmhmcin Bookieeping, nu-lic,'nn§ Cpmmerciul Lag by mail. 1 l ‘ W For mn pyiicuhlrs om. 20, 1562. 3 1y To ’Digfble'd ~" BANK-IS} .LV MARIN“ S on _ou‘m-ms "mus HAVE DIED UR BEEN KI V’ICE.-—C‘|C\s.,C. Tn‘xn‘ nnls,‘ lknmly Lawn“ and I’m ington {fit}, D. (L—Pcnsio 'lierd, .‘immen mu} Marine: l “ 3w nrt: disabled )3: rmmm w- Marian: ‘contmctcd while gm. a, .roumy Mont}, nhd‘ mine-I lor widow; chutney 1m“. di‘ {Lor hum} killed \7 anlxnt3l£nnsl’39¢“hd f‘ the only]: wad“?- " (”I-V IJ. (‘.fxlnu', Agem, GP" N0\'.;13,é!861. ‘ ‘ ‘ I Come 10 th ND DON’T FURGETTh‘ A JUDGE NURSEHIES. l 0 l'l'nnt Trut": wil‘ find the 1 ronmrkuhly line. and olfermi The Apple numbers 100 \ all the hpprUYL'll sum. 1 N. lL—Sco the iugln lm.| Pm! uflico. T. H. Ll sum. 2,18 m _ _ Watches, Jc ND Sl[.\'l’.|l-\\'.‘Ull-Z.- A \\‘onhl)-«-spnctfillly in In hi: wnllisrlvflfij stm'k sglm \\'.yl'¢:m:s: Fine (1 (-u-ry kixil‘und variety 01 all ot'tho urwl-q’nndmmfl _\|m,S()I,ID SILVER W —-.:,n'nl the bait inake n! \VMHVI. Each article is \ mph-muted. unf\\'ulrlles nml Jewoln 311 d satisfaction guurunu-od , - ~ ' J.\_CU (Surf-9mm to film. Mar. 9, 1863. 3lnk3mse 1863.} p_{’;a.::;-:‘.i¥;:: flawed 8: 13' OR. FOURTH k 313“ ‘ have now in_slock. ll I’}, PAPERS. gov. up express! Trade. WINDU-W PAPHRI which th'ey inwileglfo nnenfi ml" their 111-mil Dcpnr the chuicrat stylcsloflhe Sm hub. 23, 1863. 3m ~ ' ‘Arch Street I “ fARI-leul‘s'lf, No. 8‘ doors below Ninth, ! DICLNILL—TIu- lubscribe for Spring Trudi a well Englisli 'tmrl American CAR ing'nll the new rule: of bouzhl previous :6 the late snd'will be said at low pric Vein-ls, Brussvls, Threel Vrnetinn Corpolings.—wit oer crows, ”Imam-:1? km; 'Pexrsons wlnd are ah reque‘xt‘i-d to mnkean unmi gomls previous to making I lllll'h inducements will bl“ fail to please“ ’ .108. L‘ m Arch Mn! keeping nu assort- April 6, 1863. .3m 'Hardw AND Gnocnmas.-_ } The smbacrihen hae‘ the cities w’ith nndmmense \VA RE AND GIIOCERI E offering M. =their old stand 1 at prices to suit the times. 1 in part of ‘ BUILDING MATERIALS, ‘ \ CARPENTERS 1' h BLACK%I‘ ‘ 1 SHOE FINDINGSI , CABINET MAKER’SI HOUSEREEPE 1 Aim. m GROCEmI-S or, 1 Oils, Paints, km. fin. Th c!uded in the sen; n 1 dcp ‘ above but what 4n be In: Every class of fledgnica ci hero with toolh an lindinvl em but: find every ‘nrticle us a ca'll, as we aye pvepar ouh u an: other house 0 ‘ : , Jo, June 9, 1862. 3 l- = Change of ‘ HE following it II who of the thin! qn the (1‘ I be FIRST TRAIN'Ie uA. $l., with passengers to ‘ Philadelphia, and the Nor RIVEB at Genyaburg ”.1 l gun from those puihts, and Ind Wuhifigton. ‘Puuenul “3ng at 6.30 A. )1., and ‘ IL, grimly thisi train l O‘clock, P. M. ' I l The SECOND TRAIN le LLIO P. 3L, with pa‘psenge ‘Walhinulon. Pnsgngers : M. 5.30 I’. Al. Leave Bniti u :nrrire in Wughingtbn It. 1! Lean also "‘0 to “lrk and i second Irnin. Art}: in H: M AlllllVES M. JGettys ‘with pnnrngvrs froth llnrr land the NorzhjudZWesx. I l ‘ E'Pnsaeng‘ers ‘an hm vny of Baltimore pt 4 A Gl-ltyublzrg I! 1 Rm. 0:; by we l’cunuh'nnt; Centl Ind Reading Builr d, In bunt at 5.30 P. M. ' I ' Huy ,11,-1363. I WE hove just‘receive oFQqeenlw+re, to “union of buyenr ' l MEI finl‘brm the public line of FREIGHT Baltimore en- ry ‘ convey Freight He will attend, purchases in flu ods pmmplly m. a the Warehouse reel, mailman-. nhc pn'blic to his in spare no efl'urt ' lutnmilq him. A.‘ URL HERBST. - t mnrkiet. price in aid fofl iii ia wmmmusn, 'cupied} by mom, ’ kinds w GUAM); GROOERIES. mm H], u Mu- lpweu 'exnmine for your ril 18, 1‘863. I! ._-4-4—- r-- - ~‘ I i- ML (ILULLEGES, l , ‘ llu, ‘! A V MEW Inu_\’,_Tfo_\',"uffalo, '0 and .'t. Louiv. liip. J‘mnmcrciul w. Forl‘ps, Corres ! lightnf r the sqmo amoral uniting in each the m." fic'vlilic‘s fur any. 0 hqr similnr y 090 i gum] in all I-[lms lann'xct-cnfly i nmnpeqnor manner, id mostjpraslmrpns hu Build. es of ' (-nJiooks, ‘ommc cinl Arilh i’ for my, and sum. lacnd fur a circular. I. ‘ , i: ‘ldlm, ' 'B. AN“ \vmows: I‘W- TIIDSH “'IIU ILI‘ZI)I.\'I'II‘IH-ISEIL- I ltqrnry fur ('luimq I:.ion Agent, Wash -4 lnruuutml mr Sul of the [mm-n! wnr, of wounds rvceivcd‘ 'm’ wrvirogwl l'en v trim: of Pay oh,- Ihcits 02‘ “fuse. who nih- in scnirg. ‘ r Sen icé; in any 0’ '. U.<’I‘LT(‘KER, ushingyog, l). C ‘sbarg. i a Fair! VISIT PLEASANT I'vraoux wishing 10ch hull): ground qt 'I'FL'IiCeII prion-x, rictiL-s, L‘lnblzlciug [l'd nénriFlnr: Dnln m; .ngss. l’rblfirirlurl, r I“? ... - ’ >—- . welry, . The lildPT‘ignL‘«i 'im tndbgttvminp m F'anml-l and m JEWELRY. of ‘ s‘yk—cnmpriung iwnmif‘u‘l ’nlt-.-ign’<. i ”H. mum! m (‘niu ' ”.\.‘illi PLATED 'nrnmtcd‘ to be us carofufly Repgu'rod ’nAmm‘. _~ [vr k Harlo‘r.) slrem, I'hilafi'a IND. 0'32 .“Hrl'kt'l‘ HM ‘ [ ‘ 1595., 11855 nurkc‘, ‘ ‘ lET S‘l‘a‘n PHILA. e rarimy of WA LL ‘ fur their Spring of oyrry‘gr-uln, lc : nol‘Smrl‘kl-cpera mom. wifl In: lonuJ sun. > ' Carpet i 2 ArclfSt...lwo out]: siflp', PHlLA ,lms,;just~ received gem-led} stock or 'BTlNGS,emhmc the ,hen mnk‘l‘i.‘ mh‘nncq for Cult, 3. Ply, Ingréinl Ind L‘ 1 large slot-k of i MATTIXGS, (an. nut «furnishing. are nation tho alqu heir selections. ns held‘ out as mnnov. ll L.-\(‘K\\'OOD. t, Phihdtlphim nu Returned ham supply of HARD :. which thvy are In Ballimprc street, I Our amt-1k consists ms, ; ‘ ITH'S Ls, AGH F ‘ DINGS, 00m. 2 ’ [’3 nxri’tdas,‘ )s or max, 116,, .I._ KINDS” - . §e is no qnficle in rlmcn‘ts mentioned :1 It thiiTStofié.— ‘ be arcompaodnlcd B, and Housekeep.‘ n theirl'mé. Give d to sell my low for I of «he city: .L n. midi-m, vlO ZIEGLER. |’ 'me. . nle of the rfinnlng :tlywurg Reilrond: es _Geuyuburg‘ a). 8 : Y-ork, Hfrrilbn'rg‘, I] find “pit. AR IP. 31., win]: paren- 1‘ ho from ers lenvi ulliu‘hon It. Gellys Inliimon 2 Wash l 9.15 A. hrs at l Yes Get for Ba] rrive in ore at 8 P. M. ' 3‘ abut-g n lore and, ultimor'ge '. IL. and I ucngen g by (he ‘ l. 7.30 P. .0 P. E.. ladelphiu I qurish frrisbn‘rg urg at 5. ‘., burg, I’h -lphin b, ‘nrrive iri ‘ 30 A. IL. lndelphin ‘ Gettys . DY. ' sidenL e Philnd' M., and I [Eire at 7 II on Phl arrive I, L McCU sortment , wile the ' SON. i I new hick .we . 8001“! *** DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE L I .v 1 J! 1; .v 7' , 1311 ‘ GREAT REMEDY , FOR «warnmw. mm. .\‘m‘mmu, Ll‘MliMH). STH‘F NECK .\NhJafh'l‘S; spmms, IHH'ISHS, (‘l'Ts MU) ‘, M'HL‘NIJS. mum. Immuum, _ AN!) ALI. IiIIEUSIATHEANI) , i XEQVU‘USNISURUEHS For H of which it. I: a speedy and Eorln‘in named; and now-r fails. This Linimcn,‘ ii pr‘eJ pared irom the recipe at Dr. Stephen 5)» «6L (,1 Connetficut, the humans houejgner, Ind’ lulu: born In ed in hisp‘mcflce For more lhnnmcnly' years {with th‘mmosl usluuiihing‘lqynss. , A! in Alleviator of Pain. It in? unrivaled by Any prnparal'um bcl‘uregghc puhliu; q! n hirh the mqstiskcpticnlmuy be Convinced‘by u n~ gle trifd. . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Thii Linimenl will cure rapidly and uuuml ly, Rheumatic Disorders of Help" Lind, nnd in lhonsnpds ol gum when 1: bus never been known to fail. ‘ ‘ .\, . J Poi' Foul-£l3m it will nn'ma imriicdxph relicfin 'every‘cnsc, flowercr’distressing‘ - ’ H dill "Ith flee worst ones of Headacho in thru- minutes xmd is \ynrn’mnd lo do il. .~ Toothachéyulso will i‘ c'urc instantly Fo‘r Nenious Débiliry mid GynemlLus nitride Mixingrfrum 'nnpmdonse ur_ equ-ss, lhTs Linim’eut'is n ma»! happy «ml-m firfliumn-mmly. Acting directly ulmn the nén’ous Int-«nus, it strmmtlu-ns and rm‘hifiob llw “gall-mg mud re stun—i it to chad-my and: \iguf. , , I . For Piles.—As an external remedy, we rluim that. it is ”10:11"! knuwu, um! we L‘IIHL lvn'gc the world to prqnlm‘e xln '(‘quulJ I‘s try Vin-um of this dirlrcssill'ug rmnplu'unt .Jmnhl gin- n n (rial, Mr n w'yugmuml 121 “guru im mediate rc-lioi‘. und in a umjurhf of can't-3 will (-(chtn rucln’nzLL-urc. ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ Quinsy and; Sore Throat nr‘t- Forum!!!” extremely nmli nanl‘ um; dungvrfpus. but a '(hm-ly‘ mipliuniiu ut' Ihib Liniulcut lwill uchr fluillycure. ' ” ‘ ' ‘ ’ Smins are anmmfmu_vt-ry nlaalfnntmnml Pnlnrgl-menl st'tlw jointg is Hum:- to nrrm' ii m-glc-l'lml. 'l’ W worst one may lu- ru'mpwrvd by )hi) Linixncut in lwowr thru- \lu'w, ‘ Bruiqes, Cuts Wéuuds, Sores, Ul cers. Burns and Scnlds, girl‘Mu-u-hly. m 111% “'muh-rfufl Iva-alibi prn'nrxius Vu‘f ”It. SWEI'IT'S [XIVALLIHLE [.IXI'MHXT‘, “lwtl "€65! "wording 'n Ilirtrtinus. first), I'll”.- IHLHNS. me’l'l'll) FEET, A.\D~ INSI'ZI‘T "HES .\SU STINGS. ' , ‘ ‘ ' ~ _ .- , K DR. STEPHEN SWEET, cream, Um (in-At .\‘aluhn lhmc Sega. A 7 ' - DI. fiirplu-n him-cl. of('muwrti~ulll it krfmfn annrn the United smm. ' , ‘ Df. SKI-plu-v’l Sun-H3O! (Tonnffii'ru‘t, i< ”19 nullm! n! " DI. Swner'e lufnflihlv LiuimrnL” Dr. .SwH-l's Inl'nllihlc Linjnu-nl omm Rhon ‘v'm'nhm und‘n‘cw-r 'fuilp. ' ‘ DrnSm-ot‘s lnfnllihl.“ Linimen! h I certain hum-fly Tor Koilrnluin. ; ~ Dr. S\l‘(‘(".'l iqmlihlr Lininmn run-F1 ”firm and Smith imézmiiuM-Iy; . 7 Dr. S\u~0"$‘ Infilnible Liftimn‘nt ‘li Ilw lag-<1 knmv'n rI-modfii for .' Irniin and lhuich-J. I‘Vr‘. bipq-l'sfiflhmlli Ilc Liniuwm wiry: Honk ache intlglmqu‘fi'b' an I wanulrrr hum-hm fzul. Dr. .\‘m-M'a lnfnlhhh- Linfinwm amhgnmg mo 'inlo rclicf‘lor Pin ‘.nnll sdldmn fl-JHIIWIrxr. Hn qwecl'w ,ll‘fl‘nili )c Linimrm (um! Tuolh _u-hv‘m pm.- mihn'u: 1. ’ 1‘ .\ . hr, s‘vm-t's laniHe Lin’mu-nt cnrm (‘.m: “n” Wmmd,‘ i‘mlnr‘di Ilrly null lvfivi-s hoihl'a‘r. Dr: Swm-t's; Infill! hlc Liuimtnr .i< | Mu! n‘nu- 1y fur. .\"fibs in NW known world}? Dr.‘ Sweet's Inlulmnh- Liniml-nl lllls'JH‘Fn med by murc glhun :xUniHinn [lt-upie; um] a” wise it. i f ‘ ‘ . fir..B\vovt's: Infill] vilvle Liuimvut 'tu‘kon hp Ic, Cholera .\lgrlws and turfinilyi cuws- Chol MICE Me Linimont i: Hrulyfi d eu-‘r;~ in'ufllyjshuuld Dr. Swot-1'! lnfnll "Irioud‘in m- ul," n h:|\"|' it s'! hull . ‘ Dr.Bwem~ Mull“ 'lc Liuimcnt is fGr sale by '23 and 5D Lculs. i ‘ nil Drugéists. 1 PH! c 1/ , A FRIENDTN NEED.‘ erT n'.—_pn. fiWEEY'S IXP‘AI‘éJBLE 1.1.\’1.\11-I_.\'T. nslnu n-xlyrn'nl reum!y.'is jlhmn: a riyu , mx-l will «He’fintc'pzlin mun- sjpm-dily. tlum hny Myer prl;p:lr‘ll”un. Finn-IF; [XIII-11'- mulir umFSvrmns [limrllvrs il id truLv‘i'flfitlli- MO. air! .\3 :I ruratn‘v fur Snnic, \"uvnuhy Spmins. lh-uisfis, .\u-..‘i!< sufythiug. healing nml pmvg-rful strvuglhcnilbg: prapcr‘lios. vxme the just wonder and mturuishment ofalhrlm lm‘e ever gn’cn it a Iriuh Uu-r one thousand cor “Erato! of n-nlmrk'ad’h- cures, pcrfiirqu by it within the last two years, mus! Ilu: tact. - TO 303$]; OWNERS. i; OIL: SWEET]; ISFAIJJBIJ-l LIXHIENT Full IiQRSIiS ‘i unrivaled by nn_\j, and in 111 eases ‘of immense, lll’lsjng from ljpminq, Bruise. or Wrenching. its rift-vi ig- lnngll'a'l nml' certain‘. Harness for Saddle Gulls, Scmlrhen, Mnnge. km, it will nlio rifle speedily. Spam! and Ringhone {may he easily prewnt‘eli‘flfl cured fin their Incipient. stages. hul. ninfirmyd eases are ltyoud the possihilily ‘ufn :mliml cure. ‘No . «sq of the kind, lmwe'ret, is so desperate o‘r hqlielesx hut. it. may be alleviated hy thié Linilnonl, and he faithful npplimlinu will always refiove the anenen, and‘enublg the horses to trfirel with comparative nee. / i Hvanr uonss owxzn should have lhlsrcmedy at hon ', rm itslimo ly use at thi first npp‘eamnre of an'enass will ell‘ectnnlly prevent. those formidable dgenns, IQ wlncll all harsea are liable, mid which ren der so many ollncrwiao vnluulile hone: gently wonhlela. “ j DR. SWEEPS . i‘ ‘ xxfiunmuun thlumrr, EEC= 4 ~ I I dema 's - FRIEND, have foundjt‘ ugly ”find thousand w ‘ , A‘ P R I E N IN N N E'D'l I=l IMI [GE] E 3 ln, obit"; the sum-tun Imephen Sweet on evéry pheq: Sweet’s ' lufnlliblc {lhqglnn of each boigie, I re genuine. - ' To ”aid impositi nnd Liteneuof'Drf label, ml also "SI Linimdm" blown» in without which none RDSOS I: 00., ‘ ietprl, Norwich, Conn i A ‘NICH I SoieProp‘ ~ mine.“ .3“ Am 4 , . 46 ax. crnml‘Amg‘»; lifl' Sgreet, 89w Ybrk. ”Sold by ul_L_de Dec. 18, 1861' Iy lers everywheu. . I l W. HENRI]?! A. IofSALE CRY tinned patronage of q mun en‘denvor Io gly "moderate. Ruidenc w Gettysburg. ' I- continue! the hulinel NO, and lolicita the can; no public. It is his con e satisfaction. Cling" , in Brockinridge, the”, t. .d Anctigneer, under the icl Stun. j P. Sl—He is n lit-en Tax Law of the Uni - Nov. 24', 186327” COAL 01L...“ » DR. 3.. J L. SCHICK 1: . cheap Ming 'onyxms Dru Mary. I just necked. a 10$ 0! [GI-am. . H - Cali Consumption r. r: U I! P: n 1 ’ ~ -‘ B " READ ASDAJUINH‘): , wa You, March '.‘A, law, ‘ Dr. J. il.,Scnxxcx-I)eur Sir; 1 reel in a 'duty I ow: to you. and all who are auflerinx {undu- me dlscnae know» an consumption no.l .liver compinint, to it! thmfinow what. great. I'lwnofiu’l have received lrom «your lfulmopiv ‘Swrop nnd Senwogd Tonic nnio short it thin. 11} the blessing hi not! it hos gin-Pd me thul fur. " Dr. Schmuck. I will now mnke my stn‘iemv it 'lO you in follows—About. Eights-on moném mun I my: attacked with n urcre rough, and it. ’— tmum-(Tu My lung/a: I could not pmin any ,lhing l nit-“and sum-red wiih evening for": fluid night cumin. l mu wry murh ‘rrduced. The while: 91‘ my eyes fictoxerx yrllow, like wise my skin: mv nppetm‘ofl prone. and uunlrlo‘ m digefit what 1 JR! on! ; bowels swollen, ifregu: inr'mmi mstive. Wyn: vcyy low upiriud. um! \lmd such violent we": of coughing when I my down at night and wfiwn l arose in who morn hit, ‘hut theywouid inikonc or two hourn. I then lould he neirly calf muted, and WM cn': .» tiréiy unable to lie on flunk: side.’ I cannot, ‘deséritw my wrelfhmhnm-ring u hvish tqdo. chry orgnn in my body wu's dint-ism! ,ur llv- ' “fungi-d. Such- “us my situation '1“ filis time ;'. ‘nnd 1' was rdnfinmi ‘lO my km! from the 1M! ol Fchrunry‘, 18032Joluno. "nil. in“! mu riot uhfo‘ In sil u'p. Ihud (he best-ufmodirnl mtuudum-o the whole of the lime. My co‘mh won Iu \‘ery ,lmd it rurked menu-y tum-h. ‘ Ln! this‘ film.“ Imis‘nl n‘lnrge (“nullify of thirk'. ”Howrom-m .sive mint"; spun-limo?! with hluml,‘ilml it “A: ‘ gencrulh' ucmmpanied hy nnusél and n t‘uuryd imp] thfi-k goutml longing. A! the lim} of immghing so lul‘dly I would ho"- sharp, «homing {wins in my left side nnd Imm", nigh! monk. gum) )"l'i'lli'lfl on through my WIIMPCifl'iL; hmf‘ )fnnch inu’xmi 11-11", [min in my hark and under inu' slmulv’vr bhuirs, and in {he smal) ..r luv ".If'k‘fllld m (Emu so sen-n- lhul. it would lhrnw m» in!!! syn-nus. Now my physiciuus' gxu‘o mo’ up to' 41m. “ Olin-rs I lin-I nud the thsl 0! Ilium, ‘hul lhe_\'-qouhldu nothing: iur In», mid m lhu [into I “as unlhinz hul skin uml Mung. llhru qu in the \\'A~'~l¢¢u part of .\liwouri.’ in Jllllu Ihtst “'0 luit llmn- fur the (-uat, mul 2h .\ugud list. \\I‘1‘:l||l(‘lll Stu Yulk,llll.il mu 1m rwiuvmi ‘ Bum: ruuld only,“nlkgn'liuln- “fl-h my hus lerl's hyip. A (11-r i hml Mon hvro u shogrl "lih (vllu- ruit “gull r 'l-ru-m- In Mr my I'm-l man ”55+!” for n short limccnnd then I lwl ugu’inflv ‘rnll u pin iioiulf for um.- “'0 hm] fiaur, of llnv‘ hm! ph} <infiuu= in M‘\\"\'( rli on (Inl dist-uch or lthc lungs, um! «im'tvrs ufmll kiml’wlnul of nu .1 nvnil, "flit-_tglsnid‘ -I. wn‘s p. 14 vuro,mni illul‘ :1 my lung} \\'_l'lfl‘_‘lfll far gone [or u 1} one to «un “IIIC. Bull.“ 1h?" limo 1 “Mn" %|\ h-ol uhuut , lhv Imusr‘. nul ulilu 1" £ch much 0! unyihiuq,» vhf Nufi-mln'r lan! 1 gnu-w nun-5. :Ir|«i"'ll-(‘ uuu‘ ,sumptium urinrnhgru :61 I'll .‘mII !:i~tml :IMIIL (33h! wH-ixj. \\'("h.u! nit-«i nil null v\'vrylhi_m( fin-1r I would grasp "at him a thinglprium, fir q m_v_ 1113mm;*o—icmiwuupliun uu-i Mn t‘unmi‘mnl WAN” of on {HAIL , I In szlnlr)‘. 13627, I‘wu-I brought J-rkn ugnin' ‘tn I:1_\"l_n-d, fly. I “an no? (xlu-vh-«l hf Hwy Hu night «ml. .\ly‘lnthnnl ~l in] J In; with», \th mlmr {Hun-li.jglelln-y all yaw nu" up n: Ihr " .\l ILh linu- (uh-{'s qnc “‘3l-; mm" 'mr- llill nut. ”link I 1-'.|l:r nlbnld h-nvx- mv hwl :| ining by.-. man. ’l‘ln- fird mum I \\ l~ "N." km! “in slut-nu, an] un- tin-r n;‘:I~-I'Inlu~‘ n! "1?!in ~< {A Friend, .\lr~. ”nrna. ('nmt' in In sm-gnr Ilw ILust nF’ ”firm-14'. :Iml Mullgln lll'l' ‘rfiumiw “.\h-rrnry," In it nus an :unmunt-‘M :\ gnu” run-r [mg’filrmt-d Iv} - Dr: .‘rhnn‘vl. 51w rend i: In n e.‘ and il Ins an nun hrlikv' In}: dun-nu- ”...: inikml my hndn-ntl In ;_m mu! .m- him fur Inn At lllii lilm‘ I luhl gin-u npg-Hflmpu (J In I: ‘gt-Hing, \rull .Icnfn. and m u!!- my l-r .I'il'x Um]. h: lu- n-ln‘v n lu-nvumhr u-zli’rof In Hn Ilm, 27!): "I .Imn.nlx‘.'lN§T¥. Il';\‘ luv-hum! ram-II _ini DI. Fcfhrm'k. .ii.‘ Hun-l Slrm-V, .\c w IYIIIk-.llrnl Huh I! (n ‘llim-qu} “hr, “ii“ :3. Nu ‘,qlu~~l fnrJllmJu (‘.l" .1111 l ‘Ol-qu ulnrlu M- 111;! 31"" en min: ukmvmiuh I!n- u-pirmur. \\ In H lu ‘ MJ‘ .xlmul In miel alsh'rl lhlzfil' My" "M guv mu- 7 U]: WM} '1“ .51. “l {_nmml lan' 15131:. Jun-3} :Irv «li-I: I~I€IL .nnl lhu hrwwlnin! l-ulugn 'unu HU'VW-Il’ nn 1mm": def’ Ifimi'y-l‘hv wrlmul' In HlilJ‘ XIII-20 “Q"!!! lung-4 9 nuilgh 11-fi tn ril- I! <1! run if Ihr- ulini'rhmmywmlxl ht- utom-ml. H" ":lil'. In urrh r m flu “Yin ln- mmflc'l “Mr In gin. n‘u- '.‘lflH-lrnkfi- PEII‘4.'I’)};IH I” «...-v.l hrs! 'O - oIT llu" Ill*lhil' limlh-r null ”Mi ugh urlrtum‘nh. lu- nupml m rhrrl. I|. ulm-In in d‘ul. E-u' Ihr runglnnl (-nnrlfinu. night ~Vl‘ll-,. nu}! Jinrrhu-I h~..l‘l.m~'xr,.n-.l mu. .~u Hunt. Im wn! élh‘ahl In)" \‘filnl l-u‘alu- urn: hm, lum‘lr 'y|f@!r.llt ll yu-r Lu mil}; : nII \rl l|l'~l'l'llllll lu thunk 3‘ $ wall! inc lu :I-l mmuzzh l’lflmunjv I S} ru‘p ll rffinfgh er full-m [u r mn- “f‘l'” Inn gliu‘l:.‘llfi'n- w u 1 {my t-nnngh'lvn l'ullqm- m l‘ . (DIP-5:. H - “islu-cl llll' m Iry the l'nlummu ‘5) rup rll||lv';>‘(-.uruul' 'l'oui'c m mu 4-, mn‘nfi II \roul-l «Ln 1')“ m» Wynn". ifi' ulmu- nn- no gmnl. I llmknfghl‘ 5w liuéo’nwd l tk n; :9 LII-11-finmnlll’ .‘lhrnr- til-I‘m ""341": of uwlp. \ The firll u ml il wuuul ("gin m - ~ln-nylll, 5n ll‘ut 3n [ha-,sumdaj :ufn-r. [ .hnl m- In hr-I nmhno hunt) I'n‘r .l ~in k “mum" : luuflu- m-n “vckl 105! .'I” ll'illlj‘. and \\'l‘||l'll In) Inmhunl not 10 gin- Ilm‘nlly mpw llll'dililn'f Hut Um dm-tgr lmd \mruq‘ul li’im ”frank. 111-n “hr".llm ma-Illgiuo {\zl-vrlrprihu. mxl lln- 2i} dunr i} m'uln tlu-m .lumelimoe 11-r) r'vpth-s-z. Inn m prr-ru r. ; :11th hr m-‘iMc-uhni m} inking ili Mull! [_mvr l I: ‘2. the lvqm-lil 0f .1: 'lnr uIH-r .iujnr .lml I In yum. m gnin In; sfnnglh. umhni‘h'tl'u quumn 111 n rnlul. tlml put "I" lurk. H’flllll', I hmr 1... u gaining ;;fi-.--_nh n'l hull) : nu mm‘glph uni": nu'u}, um] all my [mills um g||||(':;’lln‘rurllu~4 of llnc, lmdy. nn' "nun-haun- rl~_:;s||:|r.>':u|xnl mv bfl‘nlh is Hm-rl.‘:nu:ll (bunk final lh-l i mu mm‘ going: :u‘muhzuol srw uml’ road n: m-H m mcr l'muhl. l h‘uu- {llkoll‘filll‘l'll l-ollh-s 9! {he nwdiriur. eight ohm-IL: II ”I'm Ingn‘ru Lum'l nppelim, l-ll" 70.31 Err” n! night; In} ‘I-mlull dues not lruu‘ilg mu in gelling up or hing down. I would hen-any In llm-u' :rIHu-Inl wllh gofisnmpliun ‘ur ‘liu-r complaint". 1h ll Dr. .Sclfi'nrk in up humhuk—) on oan rvl'inn Mun. he “331'. [k lay an! ;it is dnngL-mus tu trill» with these din'rs. If you u ouhl he rum], go at once. nmi nu; 61m wishjug n) kmiu‘ lhq in?! MI her- iu “Med, 411 m ml“ m my re-Mrmr, 117 West Hudson urn-l. New Yurk «inn, ME 511:8. .\IAIni P. Hmmw i [Wt-.'lhem'ulvrsiam-d fl'flilll-nti ut' Nrw‘Yurk, ' nrc m-qunimod ,nilh .\lrs. Farlou, and lawn. hl'f slurs-mums to he Irhe. Wu also know lhnt she usml Dr. Sc‘llenrk's l’ulnxuniL-Sprup. ‘ and Seaweed Tm\i(-' nml Inn-e ren-‘nn to lmlirfio Hm! ’.o this modwine pm.- owesber pia-synulion 'lrom a_ premature vnu‘o. , f ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ B. FARI OW, “.7 Houslnn sin-é]. ~‘ ‘EIIG. CNDERIIII.L. Gli‘tinemiirh n. ;, ‘Mrs. B:‘.l.'.\‘m:nullzl., n J'u ‘l .\‘l'G. I'NDEIUHI.L, “ . “ . ; A". F. ”ARMS. ll7«\\'eul llouutun IR 9 1 EMILY GLUVER, “ “ g 3 J. L. ('(HJ'I, 33 Oottuge Place. f ' \ i .\i. AJJELGHTUN. m andwny. ‘ .\lrs. lIHNJHCIJAI’I’, IS! Amity l'lure. .-. I fly“ «filly-qualified wilh .\lnl. Mary}. Fir low. mind" with her tin-mum, Mr. B. jl-‘urlowv llwy luu' if; for a ten mohlhl put, nuend‘ed at . my A'hlirch, um! lam cunvincrd LI-nlpny {tr-tn \ en! which they might make pun bcfifledpu I! lrue. ' , JOHN DUWIJING, D? [Ly Z _ . ' Puller]?! Bediurd at. “uni“ (‘hurch,\N.°Y‘., Dr. J. l Schelrpk win be consulted It [lb principnl nflice, No. 39, North Sum Stu” ' I'himdoiphin, 0"(‘ILY Sumrdny; an]! n}. Rd .32 Bond Street; New p’ork, every Tuesdayg ‘ tot. ' inn; 0! udriu- sh uld thus): he diucted ta I‘lilxldelpliia, 151.1 , _ v‘ , Pulmnnic Syn up" 31 per Ivottl’e,ss«hilfdonn. Scmng! TunicHStper bottle, $5 hfilfdotel. “ llandrake Pills, {:5 cut- per box. ' - May 25, 1863. In, . ' 3 7 F Nonce. ! ‘ g av. E. usnormmxsvs amalgam“. -'um oradministrntion on We estate of Rev. h. n. Mofl‘hcins, hum of Berwick burl, “Minn co.,dpc'd., having been granted N 1 9 "d? ”signed, residing in the nine [10”,6 3 hereby given notice 16 all person inflebnd n luid estate to nmka immediate payment, nl3 Ithan [mung cluiml ngniuumhe ume 16 page“ .thcm properly untheuticgtad for «alumni. JQUH A. floFFHEINS,Adm'r. y April 27, 17363. 6‘ ‘ _' __ 4" DIARGARET BOW§IIFS ESTATE—Letter. , 'CS'nlnentm-y on the estate 0!)!”ng . uo'mzr, In» or Handyman twp., Adan}: CN‘II‘ ly, deceased, hating, been grunted to the “- den-signed, residing [in the same townshiph ‘ he hereby gives nmice to .\n]! person: iin-' debut] to 'said eumte to make immediac-l Mimcutand those having claim: agninu th.; nine to present them properly authenticated, . for letflement. SAflUI-JLJUWER, I ~- "Apri127,1863. 6c Executor. OLLOCKLS LEVAIN—tpe purest p 33 hen ha ing powder in use—n Dr; *I, 0: VIQR'S Drug Store. 1 .1 ; LAMES’ DRESS TRIMXIINGS In mi“, fiery, u‘. 4 Sonics-a. .1 ‘t IiGEMPiI Notice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers