arm: Mutton-‘4 cam. UPON THE DIHOGRACY 0F HUNTINGDON‘.‘ The euhjnined mil for n mus:- [llo9lng of Mao Democracy of llnn‘tingtlon county to take lteps to reeshhiinh the .llunilor new.» paper, recently domrhyml hy an Abolitllm mothe-nk.‘ for ituolfs7Lumnistukni‘lekerins. We gommeml the exnminlelhe notion oftl‘m earnest Democrzrta of Iluntingulon in fur nishing to their neighbors throughout the 'Stntc. We hope should a like mislortmtfie befall any other“ Domuwratic newupulu-r, huch m befall thaJ/unilor, the Democracy 01' it: county or dixui‘ct may he fountl M wily to respond to the demands upon their (gt-iv erous nuphort as the spirit.’ of the call “to fublish below indicates the Democracyqf lnntingdnn L 0 be in this imtnm-v. 3 i' The outrage auti‘urnd -by the .‘llnm'lbr mn‘y be one at a potion elsewhrre. umlvr the nu - ‘50!!! of the administration and the ’Loyxl .Mgups. yet to chum. If surh be the can , it devolves upon the Democracy everywhere worganize and be ready for the crisis "hell it cemes. It is time we ninth; up «Mr mim whether to submit to or ruin. mohocrwt and oppression from any «dun-o. Let tlm [femocimyitand together—u lmnt m irmu - sin): will overnwotbe nlininlls‘ni'mulylmt we...» .., ‘gmrl fench the magic-mars ul'oppre«.~ion (mag . The Grent'EfigHsh‘ißemedY persecution the- ulilllculty and «hunger: ‘r‘ gm s‘“ (““335 ~ tuIIHJNt-ilm/ “17“.“ the l Uqfllt'h of the pt-opl‘ ,j ("FILE “1131-5.“ iii-2:14 Ll: PILL! ‘- a‘"‘" d ’.nlon; T 0 an, - l This imnllmhlc medicine is unfailing it: “UT'M-W'f‘. } “-1 May 1L 1""0' ill Mine of all then: [mintnl :Ind (hum-mus . To ”‘5 1)”"0"'“".’l ‘l’ 11"!""1’1'70" "’"”".”" Al ‘ can't-i im‘hlt-nt m the {annih- cuihtitutifn. luipprmm ‘10“? i'n‘ lhiLlllfl'hl‘V of '“II' MIN} 1' ll mmlcmu-s ull excess? r\‘-mu\'cs ill/obs t Iryi::o|lxl'm]” us. ‘1 he (111-I‘Hl‘loll which (target; i timiu. l’rmn u'hult'lor (uu‘iw, mud briu'gs u #3! mme 0» ever rvvnmn now I u m- ll . I'l-t t illi rI- "Lain". ‘ elm.” the rights and thoylihortios'nfthe what/Ting: l:llil;’:ll‘l)illll "gt he rinkcn hyforfi i 1“! hr puncrvml, or than tlu- vinlencnéllthm nru pn-gnimf durum; the rlunr‘l'rgt‘l a i 00' v moh orerruh the mu'netiw'l' m" iun‘n‘ns,’ ".4 ”my :L'rc sure to bring an , i l» 'lmv, mnl doth-0y both Prfilll‘l'lVI’IIIIllq'lil‘? 3“ ringr; but at t'J'l'Y'V other {time and in ”i“ in a cl'i-‘iu like thilx we {llllJ'ill .tn the h WPrJ ‘1 “HWY ”3“" Hwy “1‘“ lwrlbl'llflmfv. . ii 41:1" IK‘OplF; ”my "‘1... “in“.‘l”!mmrpcnf‘qr‘ml ‘1 ll: :ill tum-s of Nuruma mul Spindl A‘llvcli‘ uml pmw-r,uml than- will. to ht:nlwyevl.lh-ml IPM" 3" UIL‘ [Lurk mm 1.1 leu, llt'fl\'lflt‘“"rll but in be known. 'l'l'uv in m“. suLlimf-J: time on slight (‘Xt'rllu‘g Palpituhhi 01131 ‘cmme o'. constitutional liberty in (in: “M" 'llmrlr l:flii\l‘lr>g.:s of fly»: in; ’l‘)'TllL.r'.L'g' if“ mtrllxflles. (My will nottlvwrt it now. le‘li, "““l'f'hc' \ 1|m”: "M 9+an 1”!"va (“mi-i “I 8 fir¢“’rl‘e‘rsecu'_iuu light it: gmml mural "‘..“""""""I h" " d"”"d°r"“z 3‘" "Hm" “HI” I" ‘0 Viclory! .- ‘ iimill gin-cl a cum uhcu nll other mutual. It; ‘A- . , u.' . . .l :l 'l _ ~ ’ l ' HHP‘E‘”: luiltml (m n". nllice nl ll'o- "w hr ‘2‘“ ‘... ”Llnmrkngo, Mm-h plmuhl he curwlully [irrhcri‘z . 1 1¥ 0‘ ‘-' ‘-. ‘ i“ : .f. '5» 'l'hey‘unm hn will I" n. l'Hltllll, routinmngig "“‘ “L ‘ "~ -"h “View“ ‘ hm‘ h) ‘ll‘nl ”A pill)V past lrco. ln' Hn'lnatngi‘cl undid Ilirl. N mill in! '.l Imm mc‘rhug of tin: l),.mm-r.rlv 0' In.“ ,1“..1e, inn" "1;. "L: - 5 ‘l 3.lllil"£*'.‘.‘.‘.".' 3H: I‘7l ”mull" 343i'.‘ .‘.? will”)? “”1"”""“'I"“will"(im‘lifw'fl A ‘2 “ i'. ’--' ~i'lu, J'liv‘ ‘. c, c ILL ut’ l n'z-lm-k 15. y,, in uivvt-X‘rrm-iun tn lméi: H ‘ $4.?“ K,_l _ i, ’ I ultm‘hlnhuirpm-.- l‘l‘fblh'l) k'lllll’ltl‘u‘:.lllll ln'u-jl Italny, and la rt-uvwmur "ill-glance .tn; the rights ”F the pitin-miand the Unmtilutiun 0 tin: Union. , ‘ ‘ , Ftwmun of lfiintingnlon bounty! <‘lmll your rnu-v‘in‘ lunhfi-ul l-v llll"ll|"l‘l? 51““ gram propox-Ly‘hu litmtl-uyul. :mul y-rur [wt «fi-um (-wlzmuvrw'l. :ilul llmt. ion, In the minu- of liln rll'? Sun-I f lly llm more-l nlluu of our- liitlu-H, we .\n-«air ‘nvvt-r, 5 mm: . 1 _ TIM-n' rum:- in nuan-rx' m-rl in lam-"(1r In ”u- mm} .1|:-«-I'In‘.¢...x‘i m “{wu'wnm' u. ”.0 1M" “I'M";Juitl. lvr'lu «mu. 2»er \nn-I m lilll‘Jhl our r'gln‘. 'l‘nw Jimuimr mud: In.» I“ vilul‘llnlwl. aTnl I'..'l_\ nu luv [.4 .al th-lay I‘M-"fills [until (0 Hum aux-n. Lat (In-n- 'n‘ a (WWW! I'qmufi'zl’t‘ .iu u-luu-il. TIM-l 0 i< rm nun who low- hum-Hf (imt cuuuut' devote mr- "It” «s 1H hulv mu-r. ' ' i . , J-_ S: lUHNL 'R “.'um- Pl‘f’i'ikl‘il. “I'. P. ‘M'flA AI .Mh‘udnn, J. S mpmu A ritu, 1:. L. Hu’lhdrl. l-‘glh-Hrvuht. F. “."VJI- Lulln‘. \Vlu. ('nlfinj'uA. .15. \V11~Hll: 6- 5"" man MAL-r. Jnlm IL L'uhmvr. (harp “Nara,- N Mi',il\|\ Kym-I. J‘nl‘ll“ “www.- ‘J‘Mmel Alrim. Yak-mun- ”mm. A. “.\n; ngsggtts OF THE RADICABS. Tull-('u'nll. I/M g\'/'H/L—A‘l’ ru'uliuu «I h'.’ .\"IH/I. > ‘liy n tL-Ir-umpllit: disluicic Tram “Tubing: 'IIII. whirl: \uu Inuldklvml 34~~l9r‘|:1\‘. we lu‘urlg~ llml l (Haw-Cu! ,l'h Luh‘lilm pul‘tl’ (sun.- 1 «Hung: lh. mwh'm "1.".4] lu‘fliluv'lN." LI" “gun-1- den mg 'lht- myth” 'ul’ Hl-vfl . Lava-guru”hvmlml l‘n' Mur‘un‘ .\f‘,\l3xh.ul nmLM .ynr (hlpin. hml .ulnml n! \\'.x.~h nu tnnl'» mu! Hm! .\‘t-nusmr “Zulu :m-l‘ittf my dlrr an] ,M‘l'. ‘(’..|lu-_\ :("ul' Hu-rr. i‘livn- «I puMa., Tha- “him-l «,1! Hm VH5] unrl mumh' : im-"Id «4;:1 'w- a: In} 1: r brvuliznu my: :1” g-‘nlllwul “ran-n mum.» in [luv-luv n‘lkN‘l‘lH-y -i'xw-il‘l- In Hui L’Agle-iu'nu I'Hi’l)’ :nnl fur/in nlml‘l‘:~inh nf-.-n-ry «'lIHIHle‘! that N9l‘mt in Kirivtnvr‘nr-l .n.-.- wuh l'w Hg); of th.- rullt‘nl‘. "The nuw Inuvx-m 'le ix tn lurkin in l'h‘ll:l‘lvllll|‘r:l‘, llllt i 4 NM" H) lil‘flt'xll'llil' }'-l.tti‘lvl!|v'l' t .lil‘s "l'ld‘llli'lllx'l‘i. I!» I"l‘Vi‘ foul? (hut Hu- nlmigu ol (hv .\i».n!ilmui~t< L‘ ‘O-gvgv:u‘[Lu':-II jln~ll|u-rii::|r\ in lln- Nnrlh, m mdur tn ”Mum :m u-$( usJfimxmakmg pmru “11h Hm Suulh. “'.iln tg'm- gvuvmlx‘n‘nfl . [hi lnmuu‘ l‘hn-v Mu mn down: Shay m-I- Imuldv [u luu damn liq-.\{ul'lmru m-lu-ith which u‘m' prfvluuml by Um .u:u:~l.:w-r_r Alumqnu: 'l‘ win: rial-u II I--\\' (Lnys up: by Amman U'ufin‘u'g. 1w Imul'u gnklvrunh. .H I (flu-\Pufllli'ui (muvnnti-lIL in “u“ mlr, and ‘i willy :ulnilltml luv H Irriqnll. Wumh-H Hul l ’l‘, firm-Irv. hull nil Hu- ‘h-g‘h-r‘ )xh-wm.—’ i‘llll pow they ”4-Iqu [in [mm m ,znmx‘lu-r' lohvlliou .-nl “Ataxia-H: h)” llu- Mummy-nun x-H‘ryo “In-uch. ,gHut. 1M tin-m ‘h'WJh’. hut. )ch-ndv’m. lh‘uv Hiw :mut'vlnr mm» Qter whiclh Hwy minim! quuH.-.\'. w‘ Yuri: 11mm. ,: __ 7 W—Thé 's'. Y.|llnrnlll. inr-vmymn'fifit ' (hp whole pro-w‘nf Nmr ‘fi'urk. wild (110112;, specmhh‘ paw-nuf-fimtmhzunl .\'--\\' I'lnghi: I gullunluy‘,’ «Linux-MN [lnl t-aguct-u-Llil’lm «- guingi the Hun.- .‘Tll‘: \'.nlhuuln-_'hmn;and ml éism 1h:- Allminifil-Jtmn‘tn we} himfat film-r; iy : but. the n-é-nhnmnnlminn ié/cniwhe‘} in (mom: pevuli.|r,quniut style, tnotjc’amming tlmn Haunt. - Hvrc it l~'. . ‘ ‘ "The full clvunulm of \194 your \vpre n ;.)!Ive lawn (041:1: A-lministmtion that suck mots :(re concleuuwd‘lny the cmmtrv. Battlike the lituunhuuh‘tlmy are igfiztpuhlp At-flenmil‘lg anything or thruemng anything. They thvn nmm‘mml to have ahumlmw‘d their nrbitmry mid hiyh'Jmmkd HJUJbUh‘S, in obpdionmj 1p the rnhuke of the people: Lul they relumedhlike hnga that were Mashed. to w‘allowing in the mire. The onnpr they repudiate Lin- coln-st of Gene ml .Bumsida, apd set Mr. Vallahdiglmm Yrs-d, tho batten-for themselves and the Fauna of thy Republic." ,_ j . -—~— -~r\ 5 <0... —-~ ,: 7 [y'rafi ”llhndigluun .’[erh’n'q [in Tray, ‘Yag ,i'orkfingxm {a “HMO l‘e’rsogu (ML—The gnawing: at Troy, X 597 ank. on hjutunluy giiglut week. up lemonslrute agnmsn (F?- é'allnndiehan‘ nqtraze. exceeded all amic- M'Ktious'in the number of persons gyrespnt 31m! in Lhe'fique oj ma denmnstrminn.-- Cl‘he .“Prolcs&" mu “truest, and signifi 91ml. ’_- - I A _ ' . From eight tb ten. thousand pmple were 1 present; ' Ex-Mnyor Wul‘kim provided. 35% uiste'd‘by‘ on'e‘hundrod che I};eéidents.— Mohhe h-mlim: men in Tm‘y‘ were om ;mnbr presenlnfi-Stl‘le nxyeting. 110 ml). '1“ Sejmoqr, ex-inembei of Congl‘ess. was 1 Hmong the speakers. Judge Paige, of Sche- J 'necthdyflvroxe a‘lelter sharply condemn—a— ‘ WW .9“ ”)0 “Te“?- ‘ ) . i ”Secretary fitnnzoala agpwal ofilzis in~ Caution m nullify thut'portion of tll’p can. miytion law which exempts the comm-ivy, upon the payment of $3OO is sugggsting lo ccruin evil disposed persons who “9 liable to the‘draft the propripty of ”unifying the rest of tin! enactment. (f tbé See‘wtwy bf War icuol: bound by the law of the land o'Fcaurle else is under any obliga tinfflo submit to, ic. This will be the cer mifi result of the tenChings of the adminis "won it they 'keep on in‘ their prenent «Slitémptueun dlnyegard oi’the law. Tom, Dick”, and 1351-”, wxll only helm hngapy to rollo'w " .anserous “my 6 set 5’ £l - #fllibga‘hfln.— l‘l'orlgf. . ' e umqsl pow yaw of the Ameri os'u w Call-yew society. m New fork city. on the 13th. was the occasion a thouéual mug“ of binsphemy against Un- Danni“). tion—the rgsolutiops repeating Hm ullegg. tion Hill if EB ‘fcovrnnp; with death ugnl an ugi-eem‘eég 13311134911!" Qneofthe *prukels "thunk‘ G to: the war." Anqtnor J 9. clan-0:11 that. a}! the' “fininn Légwua'finre Aboliti‘on SooTeties. Very wt“; let {hum “awn the oorq.” :1: _ oncial‘ Notice. ' >7 ;-c-p4. ( ‘i ipporgnt Discovery. i Pr; 1 ' {Rummy IKTIX \hxutn. t 1 “RYAN" PULMUNIC \VAI’LRS are 1m“- "ging in the ~cure of Cuuulxl, Cdlul, A thnm, ‘Brnm'hifis, Sore Throat, Hoauenrss, ‘flicudl {Brenlhiwy hn-ipieul- Consumption, and his .mw-fl of the Luu'gs. Tin-y have rm 341*“: of medicine. and any child Vi" lukaAHcmwf- A’lmusnmls lmu: been resturgd to health Unit 3 [mi Iwfim- despaired. Tculimouij'fi‘fl‘ in 'lmnrlrmli n! c‘nises. A single do’sd Idioms in Ten .\linuh-s. ' ‘ = ‘ 3-3 g '; Ask fur Bryan's Pl‘llmonlc Watt-rn—the‘orifli' nnl nnd alylf‘gcvnuine is slumped “BryanlW-r Spmiouu kimjs are ofi'cferf for sale. ,v'l‘neinyr I the cents a hux. sum by dealt-rs renown}. . JOB Noam-sac l’linpyit-Xoi’,‘ . r - Rorhenrr, NJ if ‘ . For sale by A. D. Brynn, (h-ttynbur'and all Druegisu. [l“ehilc, 1863. l J , $25 1] Employment. ‘.‘ [S AGENT; \vAN'nim—M 'wm pay 32510 $75 per month, and a” oxpenst-S. c tiny Agents, or gin: n commissiun. Pu Inn: San! five. Adgiruzs Elm: Sn“ m: “A (Run-”Y, 1:. JAMES, (:enorul .\g‘ent. unzo. , ' [)lny'ls, 18153. e=::= “A Card to the Suffering Thv lb-v. “’II,!JAV Foams-n p., “huh: hhnri :u n .\li~~iun.|r_v in Jul-an. “W (ugh-d 9! Cq sulnp'iun. u hn-h all all.” mums h M fiuldtl, Il u Ivriln' uhmiucd Hum a lcn‘nul yhvtirMnu Juliny lu' Hu: ultull ('ily ul Jl-Ihh). Th Mimi h .5 ‘ mu! gn- A; nuinbhcrs uhn “an: sufl'eflh {...-u l'mmnnpiimi, l”!(rl|l‘hilj~."$0f0 Tim}; (‘nughs Allol l‘ululs. and the dchihrf'y nud uefih hll-lnrn-4~iuln «:uuT-‘ml h) lhcw xhwrxh-rs, 1 ‘ Dmirnm ut Inuit-lining 'ulhcx‘c, l \éi” Fifi ‘.rlfn'a n-m-ilmhuhirh l hue ‘M'unghl humquE‘ !m-. to A}! yhu Irma-E it. five or (human f .\d-huss luv. W“ “HMHEUYE, \ ', . {.f‘J I-‘ullnn \wum'.‘ I! liryuhlyn, X. YH :- \ .-.-.- ,- - ; New Jersey Lngdis' for Sale; Hf“ (Mums on FM Ir-Fums, suil‘nhlu {or Grfiw ['cn]|l‘*.' l’q-an, lLsphrrrirs. .\‘qu‘vln'riifl ‘IHm klwrrnw'. (‘Hl’l-llll“, kn, 41f l, 2!, 5;: I‘}: .10 m H‘l (‘..N‘rl. :zt tlu- damaging pribl-s fur‘ I );l!“l‘Jll' \3l; 2":llrl~ fur—flit“. 10 1 :rr‘R’ z :11". 5 I“,"th lur $6O. I! m-u-a hu‘ 5-1;. I n i Mr 5:". l'.tl\§‘lll“1""llllr dulhr :| .\n-fin P J Aim. muult‘runbL-ny hulls. um! Villagll ‘ i-. t'n‘rru'mm, 2': 1:}- mo rm. at smfiur px|_\uh[(- by «me “(that :0. week. Ths nhfu} Litrgl‘ and 12mm nre biluut‘éd at. (”:01qu \ylnhiuynn tmvw'dhip. Hul‘lingtnn 1‘1111111.\..T .lfi-ru-y. Ifur hut'n-r mfurmAXiuu (fwd-x; “j‘fi 1L1). pump, lur .: 1 Iran] Ir. m 3%."; " B."l*‘HA.\'!{l.L\' I‘LATLk, 1“ .\‘u. :m ('ulm' 511 m. .\‘ew York, N. Y.‘ ' I‘l- 1L ,« , , 1 ‘ hey-{l5, 136‘). 1y Jan. 1‘ . ‘ ' ‘- . ' .’i i ‘ 'I‘JSIE MA. .‘ E'JE‘S‘H‘ j (:Er'rvsuum:._3n~m uv m}. “ F1am;.......................,.....).... . 5 so u. Rn- l-‘1nur‘.....‘...... '. ‘ Whin" “'hu If ......F Hy-gl Whe nt..,........‘. l‘hn it. |lp(-....... .............. nu;.......J....‘,........... ELI-Lwhmt ........... l‘hnurScui I‘lxfiumy 5cc31........ Flux .\‘<'L'd............. r’hwr of l'.xrivl ‘luélu urn-mil, ln-r bu! ’1 75)» 2 go, ' 2 7.5 :...... 1‘: on A..... ' :46 BALTUflUllE—anu “a. ' ......".;.......;.... ”1...... 6‘ {.\3 m 6 Flour"... \"lu‘flt. 1.30.. "0| ”.‘...." '1! 115 I‘luw-r Rec-‘1 'l‘imulhy" Smut litu‘{vl':lf|lo, per huud ”turf, per 1mud‘......; H:1)'1'.....‘.:................ \S‘hiikvy .......:. ......‘n lilblhu, P (Flu-inn. pe'r ton -‘. nAXSJYHRJ—Tnhnsmx LAST filluqr, from ungu’us ’ Du. from slows ““an Gonna”... ..................... ‘)z11i.....-.........-......u‘uv. . 'lu'n'rr 5c|'|1.........._‘5......~- Timothy 5evd........_.“......... "!n~tl-r........................-.. MARIIIED. 0n the tum ul‘.., 1;) Rev. 11. M. Schmuckdr', WM. A. DUNCAN, 15,4: to Miss KATE w. .\‘(' UMI'CKI".R, dauglner of [‘mV. S. S. Scluuu'cké er, I). 1)., both 0( Gettyshurg. ' k, :' § ‘ On Monday (wok, by Rev. ler Smi ‘ , JHSEI‘H P. MVD!"{T,“‘:‘(| , of Lilncrfiy luw‘xv ship, this éoumy, taMii-SAIARY DIFFES DA , of Emmils'burg, Md.‘ _ , " ()1: Nu: 26th ML, by fig-v. JuCob Secb‘er, “I'. “con mum smsox w Miss Audi: MENGES, butfi uf_Liule§}own. Adams county? Un the xml; ulti. by Rev. )1. J. Allerimn, Mp mm B. [murmur-'9, of Alliws county, ad “(:5 SARAH-C. MILLER. of Carroll county. ‘ 1H M.M7a. flmfimnry nu’uces 3 cguu per line for all ox’er {\mr lines—cash Lo aeqomguny notice. ‘ ' “On the 22d ult.,' at the U. S. Elbming Hospi- 1 {at}, ()fl‘a‘t. Souls. of c‘hronic dl:|rfllu-.l,~scrg. .I. i AL’EXAS'DER )[uALLbTI-le, .0! Co. 11. 30th 1 Reg. lowa \‘ul., (formerly of this county,) ‘ nged n‘uom. 3‘: years. . ()u the 20m uh... CHARLES JFSKINS, can‘ 'of Mr. J: U. Gumn, of Greenmn'unt, Iged 2' _yours 4 months and 20 day s. . ‘ 0n the 11th um, SUSgX W. TL'DQR, 'wil‘e of hug-c F.‘Tu&ior, in the 43th year of her ages Un7lhe Glh ML, in Mennnen township, SAM UEL BOYD, infant son of Samuel and Amelil. Shannqn‘,’aftc‘r 9n dings of 11 days, ngey} 7 month: and F 7 ‘duys. ‘ ' . ()n 4161511: urn, in Conowago‘ township, Adams noumy, of consumption. MrsnANNA SHULTZ, wife 01")”. John Shnllz, a'ged‘ 51 yeuys lo months andJa days. ’ 1 On the 41:; ML, SARAH BELL GREEN; HULDT, aged {Y mouths and 7 day}. ‘ 0n the 2:! ul: , in Adams co‘unu'y, Mn. ASK WHIM‘}3, wifn 92' Hr. Johri Whimu. “fled 59 ‘ )‘enrsfi months and 1'! day's. All Invited. IH3 undersigfied have nus day entered into 1 pllrmrtghig in tho L‘mua. Prod'uce and Commission business! a; fig olq Klinefeleif house, corner of Station aml Railroad streets. The ighest prices u: out! Paid for own, WHEAT, , * RYE, coax, 1 . ‘ OATS,‘ SEEDS, ‘ . , {AND my: ‘ ' All kinds of Groceries, Gannmg, fish: ‘83“! and every other article usrmlly I‘oqu in up Hub of busing“, all of‘nhich I!!! by gold wholesale and refill, on tho lumen tum. . Y 04H Andjfé us, and aalisfy youmlveg that it is wally so. ’ l , ‘ nonumnu 5 5533512: Gettysburg, Juncvl, 1363. .u‘ .-_ . 1 HIKING has lhefinost nsoflmwtaifipi‘g P and Sunguger Clothing in Ling-n. , v ‘l‘: pursndme at an Urdu 0! cm ()rymnn'u ,L Court of Adams voumy, will be otl‘ergd all 25‘l'uialic Sn)"; upon Hm Ir. mines, on ’l‘lltJuß-SJ _xuh’. m- mh day OIJI'NE ind, min m} ‘ of Saucy Wplker. decenagd, (being the undiq my moiety m M! pm.) of a I’LASTA'I‘ION‘ on 'fsz'C-T ur LASII. mm.» in Bendingi Hafisldp, Addams éOunly, nhuut i of a mile ‘be \i' New‘vhealcr. nanr L'rmgcr’a Mill, ml - Innds of “'iJlinm I’mkiyg, Snmunli SMhI‘ECh. John C. Creamer, and ulheu, conu'm-g 'inglHß Acresand 12‘) l'errhu of Land, situate. ’on the ”Last Couowngo.' Thl: Sm- .‘ .. I “am emenu are a Tuo-nnry Log 24- ' \‘L’cllhcrhnnrdedll()L'SE,oncst ry d},- [IH . LKndhc-n, Fume Run“ with mficr_;f-; .’. ;imp:ruvemvnu; Orchard. Spring und‘ bprinxj '; [in-15°. There :3 n .ufliciency ol Timber and‘ 'nlm, of \(emfuw. . ‘ ‘ i ’ £B3k to conimence at I o'clock. P, .\I., ,on said «1513‘, who-n nllcmhmco WIN ho gheux Inndficrma'mnde known by . l ¥ ' I). M. 0. WHITE, Adm'r. By t?!» Court—John‘Eicholtz, (.‘lu'rk. . 151 m 1,°1803. ts 4 : NotiCß. 4 ,hms'n. «mums ESTATILL—Lcm‘n or (T 'ulmin‘mrnion of the euulo of Jnméi L. Net-IL, hue of eruhaux township, Adams qdun ty, : “-n.-Gd. havinfirheen granted tn the under sign d, the first aimed residing in the flame [gnu ship ind the In! named In Gettysburg.‘ lheylhcrvhy (rive unlit-g (u an personl indom- HJ tq mid ‘wtn'o' to fnuke immedinie payment, 3nd Mose lmviug claims against the' aude to present. dulcm properly nutllenlic.xtcd fox-same mcuq. SARAH SKELY,A|Im';, h ' J: C. XEELY, Adug'r. ; . _J-{ue I‘, 1863. 6L _ : ; . _ . _f M on! "do '11:- Ile | 1" 3 v To Teachers. 7 IL]? Ifonri of“ Dirwtors for Getty-burg r {(4l.qu Distric‘g “in maul on MUNflAY livrzklxu. the. m. . M ern inst.) m sHem. Tom: wt}! for the fichuuls uf‘suid Through.— Tlu: i‘uuniy Sum-tuxu-mlcnt vnll attend ad aha .“chd-rl Luildhg‘; m In u'dm-k, A3ll . *6? said day, :10 ewxuiue' nmnlwnnll nug'iu possession of lnrll'méiunul (Cl'llfit .Ilri. ' - 'l', u. UABSOH. Pres‘t. D. A! HI‘EIILRR, fire"- amp l, 1.393.. 3:, . . 3‘. -Aud:tor’s Notxce. ._ . “QR Auditor ‘ nmmintrd by .th. Orphnn'u Lt, ‘nurt of 'A‘hmw (numy, m rrport diflri. hum»? of Uu- hulam-e in the lmnfls of Bernard Hilde Lruud. Allurini'lrut'or with the Will Lun nvxw‘ of .kuQm Huwmuu. deceased. to the 1M”: tips mauled therem‘ “in uwct ull persnus‘inv ItruQ- ”for mapurpuse of his appoinzmrni. at the uflii-e (If .\I. k W. llellc:m,_in Hetlyuhfim. on “(USDA \'. the 25th day of JOSE instf.,ut m u'd‘luck, A, M ‘ WM. McCLEA)’, Auditor. Junta I, 1563. 1d , ' L . ' i Audxtor’s Notice. 1 i' ”P. un'ler‘fiync‘l, .Ipplllnti‘li Au‘dilor bylithe F (erhnnln ('ourt «JAIL-mm county to 1“:- nlhu - (Le ’mhmru rouminfing‘in {be llynis’ pf JmuMlhln-ntm-k, Administrutqr of‘lhe vatme of rain. .Hlnmslonk, «levenwd. to ‘nud‘mu‘uhg [be [marl]! s h *nlly finfit‘egl m rt-veive tho ”my, mill qtu’ml "m hue “flu-c. 61:"TUI‘ISDAYN 1e llilhql‘ny orJf'XE. Ist; :. m. 10 a’clnck. .\.;M. Martin. purpm’» of M 4 nx-{minlmem‘ when ind ‘\\ hul-idl'purlfi-s in intero-l are req’uPsu-dl i 0 mmn-Ii 1 l A. J. UUVEB,ludiluhi 1 JuuL 11156.2. td ‘ . 4 " ‘l' ‘ L 7” ’_".. .._._~._,;‘ 3 ' ; Audltor’s Notice. ( fig r ‘H undur‘gig'lm‘l, Auditor nppo'mt'el byllfie 11' (‘mrlofg'xhunmn l'lels of Adams unuhlw, EC: digll'iln‘lhiwm [mum-c in the hands at it. bilt'urly. 131;. Sowncflmlnrfbf Une Uruysuutfi lhilrp-ld (,‘mn’m my. In nud nnmngn Um puxflirs lvgqnyi gululpd [benefit—[in ,bis sccnuv! ‘nc unuutJ-mll hit to pnrhnr the alutii-i OIHIH Mpg-ninlhm-nl; at hil nll‘xvp, on SATURDAY, llm le‘lh ol Jl’.\!‘l init. All [nershm having linxnis bt'suhl liullrp l-l ('ununny, uhich Weir nut mingled m 2- .~JnL his [nu-Hons sitting; 11m rcqu find to {uncut thmn in him nu _llml _tluy. J. C: NEELY, Audilotr. r June; 1, D 1463. Id }' , ' Auditor’s Noticé. 2‘ r md nnderqignwl. Amlitnr 2102,05,)5z m I mitk‘: dlflrii-unun of [hp h'lhllHP ruluhin inLria #lO ("tub “I Christian Knull’ur'nlmnl [lo-urjr Kunmmn, I‘lXCrlllors of Henry K-tufl'. mun. dk‘rcnsrh, m uud amongst the parties lungffieulillL-d thvru-m. Will an. all his Olfil'u, in (Jettyaburg, on .\KIXHAY, the lSth‘dJy m" JUNK él-xl, oLI. NJ \. M , to dis: [1 nggo ”I"! dunes of “4dhug-pulnuhent, when and “In-w nil p a- Lies iutlk‘rxddd mu! Mlvnll. " ‘ M . ; B.' n. BL‘EIILER, Audixofir. Mn, 95, 11-153, m _ V ‘ .150qu 10 .1 nu‘lifu ; ‘5'”;35 F YORSXL‘L—Uu SATURDAY, the G‘h of ‘ J .\‘d. nut, the isub‘srrLt-P “ill gel! M. l 45"» L 10!» Iru’hliL' Fulm‘m flw "Bugle Hpml." in ”Cl'L'. s . l ’.‘o Lu 1 2.4 Jame; EMT-111‘ HEAD U): NURSE-S. Theyune .. S: 10 £4ll n‘ll $196 drihng: horsus Hm! willmnsuun Inr ~.' ms 30 Wt tanning: inur.-u~e¢———,one u! them in rm cut-flout .._‘. .'u 50 ‘.o 5 ‘35 llfilln 1) 4H" rilliugrpuny. ‘ .....A‘Z’. 00 lo 3 ‘10.! i :.»i’:‘fs.|lvall 2: o'umk, P. 3L7 ‘ 10 5:; admin? ; Mny 2.1, mus. ‘ ' F- R. WILSON ......._ ‘5 0') It 71139;}: } ‘~ I‘ , -‘ 7 ‘ 1“ V 4: .......;22 M 10231.»,11 M. S, Internal Revenue Taxés. ‘.... wmmw q,‘ _.7_ , .1 r .‘ mgflop arm nnwslnx‘mmtus cnt'xrs'.) mm ' "W ,‘uwmwrmx msrmq’r, PENS’A.§ BM NUT!CE.+-'Ehc annual assesxmennfor I‘lhis District h'ning been co‘mplelc-l, an mai \.'cms m“ the axlmvc Division, who Imve liven arc-ism! alxzdlnrc lhhlc for taxes on Carriages, I illiurdi'l‘d‘ulc‘ea,‘ Slzxnght'ered CJnle, Mnnul’.w= tun-s, Min-emu, ur nnxurticlq or occupa'lxun specified in the excise Luv; .nra requm-J it) make pfiynn-nt at my ntfirc in the Borough at" Gettysburg, up ar'bcfurc the 20th day at J9me next. ‘ ' ‘3 ' . 7ft)” 1 .'.o lo 1* In! ‘BO 70 5 sq 2 so 7 Do *LI‘HNALTJES.—AII persons who hi] to 3pm" llu-irmmunl hugs as nfnresnid, on or brim-e th‘e 20m day (ifJuue, 18!:3, win incur a. pehaF t): of ten per cputum. addition“ to the nmqunt. dim-rem, find cons. us‘provided for in the Mm: se‘cgion of thei excise law of July. 18%. 1A“ pdrsq‘us‘ who shall in like manner mil :0 fake out their licehins. as required by law-'01!“ or before the 2021. d»: ofJune, [863, will incdr a.‘ penalty of TIIER'EEY THU-IS THE AMOUNT of said license, id agcnrdance with the proyisionq offline :59“; svction o! the law aforesaid. ~ ; V The monthly‘ assessments for September Odtuber, s,ogonlber and December, 1862, am; 10? Uainmry, February sud March, 1863, [fave also been received, and payment of qhe same in required to bq made)» me time nforpsnid. ' WNoflliug but Govqmmcnt {minis will’ be regeivcd. JOHN, li."|"'ATE, ‘; Deputy Collector- 6th Divisiofi, lcxh Distnictlfl Pennsylvania. " ',»’ ‘ ' Collectgr's pflice, Gettysburg, May 25, ’6} ‘ { One/andAll. i ARE NOTICE-«The undersigned would T 51%,- to we. pubiicahnt he is receiving a latrge'nqd‘spl9ndid stock of GROCERIFS, which He will re“ as 10w as my other hquse in jtown—Cofi‘ées, Sugars, “classes. Syrups‘ To“, Sr“, Fish, kc" with Pomfiou, Beans, und { -Rice;;‘ Wooden Warp, put up in the best man ner; TolgaL-uos, Sagan. in, kc. ' i FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE L—Jf yOu want to lay in your 11131013 for harvest. nor? is 'thel lime. ‘ I have many brands of Whilkiea, an.‘ dies. Wmel. and all other liquors, which I- am disposing of it 'short profits. Give me a can. [ nlémys try to p)qaw—‘—and believe I very'of— len~aucceed. Remember the place—southeast. corner of the Diamond, Gettyshnrg. ‘ " 3 , 930. F. xArgax-‘Lmscd. Mn; 25, mm. a ~77 ‘ 7-- .'. _~_~_~-_..r_...~‘..?_L.——————_A—‘ , - $012109. ‘ EO. WEISMA‘ TLE'S ESTATE—Lenora orndminimmtion on the ~gstate 0! Gauge \Veismantlp, late ol‘C‘umbellnng! tp., Adams ho‘, -§eceused, hkying been gnu“T to Ike under t'iguqd," residing In Gettysburg, be ‘hercby gives nofice to all [muons indebtevf to lipid estate to make immediate pgymenl, and those having clnllm‘ngninst the same to present them properlyrauthenlicated for aetllemenll ' ‘ ‘ - DAVID ZIEGHER, Adm'x. .my'xs, 1363. 6‘ _ ‘ J» CL-lhe but. Patent .\[edicines cun‘ be had A 11. the new Family Drug and Prescription tore of Dr. R. HORNE-R. as. wmsmw-s‘éommm SYRUPJor childrcn, u Dr. 8.. HORXER'S Drug .'mre. , - ‘ lquAKlfz‘VßS, tlie nlecst and but nunytmm‘un “k town; a} . ‘ _‘~ Hell.llEXY‘§. ’. ECK EIIES.—~A beautiful asmrtmnnc’ at MollgllENY'S.’ Public Sale. i-Pu'buc Sal'e ngihter & Recorder; 0 THE “11'an or ADAMS ('mr.\"n' .. .\t the urgent suluiLlliun urm.’.o./,, lower mine" :IS an (.Inxlldale lur RUUXSTI‘H’. .'z “E -I‘URDER, subject to the druision orthe Demo cratic County Cam‘emion. Coincious if, my nhilixy to discharge th’e duties of the «mat, and needy ofthe profit: of «be same, I pledge my self to faithlnllr‘ discharge the duties and pochuhe prufizs if me people unkind—known to who! me. It. HITZGERALD. Mi-ldlcluwn, June I. 1863. ‘l6 ,- Register 8; Recorder. T the solicitation of numerous (death. I A again anx-r much M a candidate (ur [he' oiiice oi RhGiSTERk RECORDER”! the onin ingc-iccliunu-thfid lo the dévisitnuiufllie‘vcwai. crnxic (200::th Convention. Simnlq‘l ha so fortunutq us Io be nominhted and circle-1,1 plmlge myself to dischargu.‘ the duties ol the office to the but of my übiiig. ‘ A. \ . FLEHHING. . Gettysburg, Mani: 30. 1863. Id ‘‘, Reglstir 85 Recorder. . . T‘zhu solici lion‘of numerous Month, 1 A main ofl‘exgnynclrn‘s n‘i-andidspa fqr the ofliccofflEGlST Rh RESURDERJHIM ens": ing election. auhjecf tn the flecisiodohhc Dumo~ cmtk‘ County Convention. 9‘sl“:qu I he an furtun‘nle IS to be nomimnqd and clgclcd, l “min muelf to din-harp» the duties of We omce lo the best of {gr nhllil]. ~ ' EDWARD MA'INTIRE. 1 Lihértytp.,3lnyll,lB63. [c -. i ; . ‘ - ‘- ~ —» v Reglster 8:. Recorder. ‘ A 'T the splicilntibn of my tricnds,l 01*" A myself us 1| vumiidnte fur the amt-«of REGISTER k RECORDER. subject to NW Ilu-‘ cision of H- Demormtic I‘hnnh:Convem‘mn. Should 1 LL- nominated and elected,” pledze' mywlf lu perform the dutiui nffln ullivv “ml? prumplne-s. ' ~ A. I‘. BAUUHBIL i Apxil 20, Imm. té ' 3 “I Reglstcr & Recorder. _ » 1 T (he mlicimzinn of numerous friemh in* A the (.'nunl) and in ‘our Regiment, “Tab, 1 oll'cr run-self um; rqmlidnte fnr'thc ofliumof REGISTER k IH‘HJORDHL’Jsubject. m (he du (lslan 0!"!qu Dcmucruix; Cdunly Convention. b‘hdfml 5 hu‘ #0 furtuuzne ns‘ lo be nominated mm chptém t yin-(u tnnclfto dial’hflrflf‘ the duties at" the 0181550 LO the bent of my ability buxom, LILLY. - “351 e P. .\L, “my 25, 19138,? 1.6 Registér 8i fßacorde’r. .\‘l‘nl'ltA‘iED by‘my trivflda. I “WM my E golf HR u candid)”: ftujdhc nfliro of “RIMS, Th” .1: llm‘ulil’lill, ut HH' min cloutiu‘n, sub-I jet-L In tho drri‘inn nfllm. Dcmbrmlif County (funmniun. Should! In" so furt'mmh- us 40 he nnmilmlm] and (~lcu|cd.l pramiu} to dis charge the duties of the office to the hes! of my ability. “'3'. K. GALLAUUEH. Utils'abllrghApfn 27, 1501:. tc _ Clerk bf‘the Courts. 'l‘ the MIL-imlion of mmwrhus friohdl. 1‘ A offrr Hr} .st' {H n rnndulul’u for the 011300 0' FLEMK (W TIH.‘ “HURTS, n! lhl‘ (muting ell-run". HLI-jwl h“: thé’ dot-1:20" of the Ingm llllllC L‘nunly (‘Hnwmium Should! he so turtuxmlc :H m lu- nnminntrd and vlfi-lv-L I, pledge “05“” hLdia-l'hany.‘ the drains (‘M‘ Lin: ufllcc [u the has! a! m) uhilit)‘. l x , , - ’ JAMES J. FISH. px'nrd tp'.. April 20, 18M. lc ‘ I ' Clerk 'of the Courtgj- 1: ‘0 TI“? TUTERS UF ADAMS (‘Ul'fi'TYz—«ilr‘ 1 Fi-“UW-Lililt'lfli‘i—DQillfl om-oumgud' by} nuuwroui {rich-I.x" [_ufll-r m 3 stifle your con-f s'nh mum us u Inn-II :atc fur the 'ufliLu of: (‘LI‘ZHK “I" THE COURTS, :ll tho wa! «11-m -fiuu, .1111ij l' M. Ihr [lo‘ Linn “f the ht'lul’K‘HlfiL’ (.'uunly ,l'uxn'ruhon. :‘lm'ull I H't‘l'hc tin-3 nmuinmiun nnd In: ch’clulfl lelll duly uppro-‘ ('Lnlv .\unr run“ 24 unwind pr-uni‘é In dnclmrgv lhr duties onhc Mice promptly .m-l “ illl flit-1,; ity. . ’ “ .\l’All MISTER. Fl:.l‘lklill (p., liur'xl T, 1363. tc 9’ i _- - , . ‘ .T._ : Clerk of the Courts. ' I'. (Milli will be u randidnu- furl!”- EI. |l.-m'm-r.~llir nnmiuninn fur('LHRK UH Tm: c‘m'n’rs. .‘lmuld he he tutu-352111, we pit-Jana Munch to flat uurv proper l‘n-nitm hu‘ th.-awn. [\h} 4' Hum. (vl' Clerk of the Courts. _ G “1”,!“ v; ill l-rn candidate fur CLERK 11. ”F THE (UI’RTS; sulvjut to “finde ‘L‘ixun. of lhß’Ul-qucnttir (l‘uumv L‘onryutiou. (n'x~(ly.~l-urg. ,U I3‘ 11, 1.2%}. in 1 .‘ . _g . ~ firm—.._ . 9101:}: of the Courts. 'l\'(‘(lL'l:.\(H'ZD by a number ,ofnn' friendl, I‘l 1 olh'r 1m sell ax A mm-Htimto Mr lHe‘of‘iro ut I‘H‘IHK (IF THE (‘Ul'flThfl :l! the awning r-l- 1:11.”): -uhj«-m m the nhw'uiun nfnhe Urum cfnh-W‘uumy l‘mn‘cnlmn. Should I he 30 turluuutu up In be ilomumtcd and elect'l-rl, I ph-ulgc‘nusolf lo disuhurgc the Mum-s of the mum lhillliully. ‘ ‘ a ' Nu‘umhxs u. smzwsn.‘ 7----”~~‘-—~. ' “ '; --' “‘77-' { Simpnn (p., Apr” 1;, la'ij. g: ' > A ~ SherlffaltY- '.' 1 ‘ u ' i N" '*' “‘7— ‘NCYWRAGED hf ImmL-rnus friendsh¥ ofl'cr I' Clerk Of the Courts. K i‘ J nun-If us A um‘fiajw fm‘ ’(lm Milt-r of ( ‘xcmvtuugu by a numhnr of, m" ffirndg' ! MIERIFF, suhjvct to th ccisicgn (ntjllmTlh-m -{l:4 \I “Win amu- m“ Quinn‘s n 4‘3".de :u-l‘ur [311: ‘ gamma County Convention, Shuuhl ”venom “,Uuuc “(114141“; up THE (.'UI'R'IIS, M the lnpu‘dflndBloolo4,llllll’dfu.‘[ll-VSL‘H'UlAllgfl'hnfgel coming Again“. “I“}th the decifli‘m 1‘ my} the uAutics 0f the uflicc {Elli prmfxpmm; null, an‘xncmfic (‘muny Conn-"tion. SUOulfil‘T he impartiality. < SAMYEL THRER- “ su forlumuu us In he elm-(06, 1 [dodge mywlfl Freedom H‘q “W”, ”“33: “I "5 ‘ tu liiSt'h-ll‘ r: the duties of [he offire lnithfullyn (.._..- "" ". *’*‘ “T~“""“ 2 g L’ -' 3.lmm snuims. e \ Shemfi'alty. f Mmmtplc-nsan! tp‘ , Mar. 23. lell. .\TOL'RAGEDhyfnmnt-rnus friends.” again ‘ "“‘-.—‘ E offer In} svlfus u ('muiiulmc fortbcsflice of ’..SflERH-‘F 'xhjctt IoV tl:b»de-' ion of Mayhem— V.‘ l on. Director of the Poor. TE are requested to announce AXDREW ‘1 STH'LTZ. of Lntimare mwnsmp, as n candidate for Director of the Poor, at (In- n‘nt. elm-(inn. iuhjm'l to the decision or the Demo crulic County Convention“ ' ‘ Jum- l. 1843. Kc ‘ ' ‘ Election. FVER GREEK CEMETERYw—Aq Election J tor a President and SeVen Mnnngcrtof Eur Green CometorrAasoc-iation, to serve for 01w year. will be held on the lit day of,.lU.\'E next. 1561:, fietween theA hours ur Ling! 4 o'clwk', 1”. IL, of saLl (myJ at McConnughy’s‘ Hallfju‘fhe Borough of Gettysburg. . 7 D. flcCUX.&UGUY, Ptcs't... H. J. Suuu, See'y. ‘\ May 23:, [863. td ’ * x _ Notice. lAcon scmerz's ESTATE—«Letters of p administration on the estate of Jacob Svlmnrtz, late of Honntjoy township, Adnms county. deceased, havin'g been granted to the undersigned, re‘sidiug in the name \tuwn'ship, they hereby give n‘otice to all‘petsoni in debted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and thug hming clnimu ag‘Pinst the mum to’ present them properly authenticated for settlement. LEVI SGHWARTZ,- . JACOB SCHWARTZ, May 25, 1863. to: , Administrators. Notice. AMUEL G. KINZER'S ESTATE.—Letters testamentary on the estate 01 Dr;Snmuel G. JiinLer, hm- of Lilllaaqu, Adams co.,dicessed, having been ghmed go the u-ndersigncd,.tbe first. named residing in Johnsville, Frederick conniy,“)id., and Lhe Ingt numedimLmlesmwn, Adzuixgtounly, they hereby givxe no'lce to all ‘ person! indebted to said estate to make in— medinte pay ment, and those having claim: against the same to presenmbem properly nu thamicniqd tut refinement. ‘ ’ . _ ‘ , JOHN KINZER, , ‘ ‘ LWM. aicSHI-JRRY, L May 18,1863. 6! Exceuloru. Good Things from the City! E are receiving twice a week, from the city 3 variety 0! artiales auiud to the [‘ wn'nuqu this'abmmunhy, viz: Fresh and Salt; FISH, Bums, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Beans. Sn“, Apples, Pompoea,omnges,Lomous,l Confeckions, Tobaccoa, Sag-us, with many: other ariiclea in this line—nll received in Ahé best order, and sold at the lowest. profitg. Gin us a call, in»Buhimore street, nearly opposite Fnlmeatocks‘ stare. ' , ' WANTED.~BuHer, Eggs, Lprd, and all othexj country produce—for which the .highei; Cash price will he paid. ' " STRICRBUL‘SER & WISOTZKEY. Gettysburg. Ma'y 18, 1863. am 7 LOT of fresh GUM DRDPS, 13:95:12th ever ctfcred‘ '1: thin mnrkcl, to be Ind nt' Dr ÜBNER'S [frog Store. ‘ ADH‘TS' Cloth for‘ (Hoaki'ng. a now fin‘pnl—i qul. received an FAHSEST-UUI; BRUS‘. _ ‘. , .‘.~§EE— . ‘. .'.,5-' r}; a .334“, V_f;.-.'2‘;~éiZ——é" ,Fi‘hjéifh, 'qzlfi' ‘."23"-i3f, 5.515 I:s‘rrn“ 3:" r 45?“ .3 1%: rfifiizfif ' 31’“ €33“ . :: -.4,"~ ‘L" ’3’"? '-~"‘;:.‘." ,7~7 .» A ' 1‘ :-- -; ~-.:T n43:3~1_3i:.~:; “'i:l"{};r’s§%éifieg , ' fi‘ “if—:7 55539-9" - t » 27255:: , 'l‘ :r Mil . r , ' , ' RUSSELLB SQREW_ POWER COMBINED REAPER,’ A~ND MOWER. , i “ rlTll’Oll’l‘ (‘OG (IEARINC Tim IJGIITI-IST I'R lFfl‘ MOWER IV’ THE WORLD—J: is ch 29 nhjort ‘u! Parmfis} I}? pun basing a New rhinc to buy the lu-‘L :md lilJl'nlu ~x. l’mlll those ullurcls will be’annmed by liming Rlusell'.‘ Scruw l’uwbr. lex are»! human! of power lost in ogorrmning ‘tho frirlion nl' nll Cog-gcnml linuoslrrs is saved In tho Screw l‘o,l er. by nhiuh We pit" _offc_r ll ' lighten dun Mower npd Reaper in the uorhl. This" {M7I has been lully‘dcumnstrmhl by Hm Yuriu'wj resl,‘ by‘ l,)_\ indl otht-Mvifi‘q: which his lum-hinc‘f‘lms‘neen suhjeucllduring "I“ 1.1:: um seasons. Among the vhrinns pufms u! sngn’umu in mi: unu'hnn n Ml)» folll-w' g: 5 * The n 59 ot‘npen mnlnhic nun Kn ”‘11:. ml!) :rstvel pink 0 “gr, ‘grmmd H) n muting oilfiztfhis wllh the Mine ,Am n'pl‘rfech sheer (It. Double Hinged Finger Bun—No ’Hllv‘wr ‘nu do gum! Work, nM! kinds of In'cuduuy. with in fluxihle lnr. This lmmlnn hc misml AM neutr 1y (nstrnn-d, while passing frunrfiehl (4) huh]. l’nlcn! .\djusurhle Reel, perlormihg 11g wwfkfignnlly _n‘s m-li upon nag] ground us npe alert-1' field. The“: is no side Uralh any light npnn the hpraca' ‘linl‘a. “Sc-c unfi [\L‘t‘l‘lllf‘f’OlHl ol‘ Shue, Mm h in” nxr't L‘l g'njhc: moving. “I I light play when the Rea‘pnr It! ntlawl Cg}. 'th- suhscrihfir wl ois .\g n: for this muflhiu'o hns tally \Mlgd it flw lust ”son, in «hem, mu; chin-hind ().\'S. and fed: rlhurchll [fill all \vhh soi- this machine “ark will have no Olin. A Eyvcxulcn rn.-c.?mm,onn'be soc-n hy call'nig on the mhscnhcr, nexu- Gettphu g; un \hu Manhunt}; Dad. ‘ E ~/ _ ' WXLgLLug “1314-3, “cu/t. ‘ _. - . ' l ‘.u' ‘ l‘Vllll‘lm \\'ihlel}a’=/t h'lfl'f‘SL 1M {hf pnrpn’u ofmxn'minixaéyillm work If n 3" him ll \lr. Wihlcb cu ing =nuw u! lho’ wry Wuxil luml ul lmlge- grain, null 13!] “lulled his the lighpésv, drurl’nmchino M: my; saw. ? ‘l'mur‘ WINTER, l . ‘ _ , Gunner: flown” “ whine both/in aluuding‘nnd lodged gutsy,“ with hut~ only ‘Hpnn nf hug-u. and we ‘ /' v ' ‘pn-mm L’fimc, - anauglfinnibouh. v CBRTIFH‘ATI-IS.— we u-rtify 11'” with Hu.~sl~ll‘~t Sen-w l'x‘fivl'r .\lnw'c it could uut Inna hum dune bulltfir We certify that we slur .\lr. “’ihlc‘ .cunxider 11 m be“. Immur we ewH ‘Murqh 23, 1503. H \ x ' l . 3 g , ~ Bherxfi'alty. 3" ; xmrnu; m; n.- Many rruomze. I nfli-r mf-‘ i E Sc” zwgl (nuldiadnlt: fur 315*?!”3’” m [Mk-l .mu ulcfl’inn, snlnjwl In HH‘ dwinZ-m "V Hit? ‘3 Democratic ('unnly Cunvcntinn. Mlnllld 3 ho-‘3 {numinall-d and .L-lccle-l. l prunii~h tr‘) ln‘rfixrm3 ‘lhc mum u] we ofliuo “ml Emmi n'm] im ‘ uhflnlh'ty. JUHX .\IcM. STE“. i Nunntplpasant {p.,éprr! a, 1561!. 39* ‘ 3 ‘ ; ; Sheriffalty. 3,. ‘ 3‘ - ECOUFLKGED by a number lerivnv'c Yj . E nfl'ur myflséll‘ n: A candidate inr3thn unim ‘ol.S”!‘Hi”‘“l".dubjcct to the dwisfim m 2110‘ {-Umnncrnliu 00:tu('nnvcnttnn. Mann“ 3 3'o ufinmml nnd (-IH'H‘nLI {uh-Ikm Inysnlf I}: dis ‘elhc dgqcs oi the (mix-L- l'uhllflnlly. ‘ ‘ 3 _IIEXHY IQ'IIJLER. 3 “ ' Mo‘unljoy 11).. April «3, 18m. 123* 3 l . 3 Sherifi‘alty. -i 3 ' 3 'l‘ 'thn snlil-ilntiun of nnmflron‘ frffian-I I 3 A‘ olh-r myinf Is a (‘nndulme Mr uwmflh 03 u! SHERIFF, n! the enming (-Irl'tihn.;knl>jvrl , (u. the decisinu a! the Dunne-r 5136 Chimp" (‘un '3 \unliun. h'honld I ‘l-e m Mrtnnftt‘mg to he ,nummalcd nml pleated. I ph-Ilge gny-‘flt‘ltn dis -31-3ml‘go lhe dntms of the nflh-e to (311' hrs! u[ 1‘ my .‘.mmy. - um Ir. la(:.l<}cxlae)nna. ' Ucmsbdrg, Man-1430, 1363. we -‘ 1*; 3 «- ~+- 3 K Shcrifi‘alty. 3-- 3 3 4 mnmvmn‘lznfi» 01" Amvs -co. :_.3 31:1 Having Inn-n impunnned for hmnepnio m 3 . become}: cnzldf-h’le fuglhv uflicr OFHUEIHI’F.‘ ‘1 now announce mfsc‘lf n cmnfidnlflf r said 3 umcc, (influx-t. to tho Dmnm-rntiv Kujnlxnling I('un'n-vmun.) Should I he :20 lurlnnuté as to [ho nmninJll-d 31nd rlcclml, I prnnliad v 0 dis "l'l-nrgv 13:9 duiivc of fish! oflirc pron“: 3y nnd with fidelity. anr ()valic-nl srrmntk - A ‘ ZACHAJHAH BU','l{S. - I} April 27., 1302.. (a Sheriffalty. \T‘UI'RAGEI) by nnmcrnus {rimming ofl'er E n'myn-If'ns u emuli‘nno‘for lhx-mflic’c ut SHERIFF, silhjoct to {_IM d?(‘l~ihfl of I'lgé {DI m fij‘mtk‘ (‘huntv (‘nuvcntivvu:\ Should'l: hfnum hum] "mull-(1011,! plcdgnmgsi‘lfllz n)i_~c‘|nn~;:v ll”- dnlin of (he nfiicu with [>rulnp!gx{é§ nnd immrliuhty.‘ . JOSEPH .\. mn-IxnukFF. ’Mnumjuy [p., AprilZY, 1853. ’KC ; a Sheriffalty. , SELL” 1V Cl’l‘lZHXS:—.\t fimx-nqnétt so ]: licimlinn ul'mnny friends in ull lpqms uf thc' mumy. I oflc-r xu_\'\'c!f as n. c‘a‘udidzuu 11m 11m «Hire oI‘SHEHH’I", alt the next (-Ir‘niun, subject [ollw deciaiun of the I)umucmth'roun (y Convention.’ lb'lmuld I he nunnnu‘t'ml and (-Ic-(‘lelLl pledunmrsnlfm dis¢ humming duties of xhe ufiiuc muu‘uny and prnmfinly. -‘ ’— . . ‘ ‘ ADA}! xzmmm. ' ~ FrnnHinlp.,April27, 18413. ‘5O" “ . . .-, an up ...; 1|: “usi-u. w , nu'rntic (‘nunty Convention. 511mm] j‘fie‘nmn. inatcd nnd‘clrctud, l pit-glue 11135:“ M ii: chargt the dulits of flu} (um-e nu): pmmmn ~Mud impurtialih'. ‘ ' {GEORGE IRISHMAN. Cumberlaufi tp., Man-h 30, 1:03! -; ‘ l l A Small Farm 4 * ’ no 31‘0ch STAND ATg'nIVATE SALE Af—Tne' subcriber, doéirinplo rcrrlmé n my West. ofl'vrs at P‘rirulmsmc, Ills/Fill!“ lima'te in lluumplmsnnt township, (imam.- bounty, qn' [he new stale road from citys bui'g to Hanover, about Smiles from rho lane: place, adjoining lands, of Peter Smith, Pele! Rimbangbmnd othersvcontnining “415 *Ai‘xes. more or less, of (‘XCI‘HER‘ furmiug lnnd—kaboul i‘olcresuefirst-rucmeadow-Inna. "1 E he improvements are n lnrae One- 41’}: ‘ "myrmmeuuuma,mm Kin-hon '4??- . attached, part frame and part log 1 _ .y' 2'3; Barn 'Wagon'Shod and a large new filigrl’eu" a ne’gulniling \rellmfmner near file 890:; n good ynung Apple Orchard. with d nun-Ly ul othtr fruiLuees unJhe premises. \ l (girl’crson's wishing to \iew the prnpen) will call on the subscriber, living they-em). JACOB GQSMAS. April 6,_1863. 3m V ‘ Dramage Plpes. ‘l. g HR underuigned has now on hand,'aml com ~_ tinuea Io mnufixcmrv. large quantit!es.of IEARTHEN DRAINAGE 91923, which ha 01TH: to furnish and lay at 7 cent. per fo‘ot. For the ; draining‘of cellars, In; nothing butancam b; ’ used. They have been tried in dificrenl ‘rparts ‘of the county, with unite “econ. Bis menu-1 : {notary is int Lmy'l Mill, in (foord tawdglflp. I'rPoa; otfice :ddren,‘New Oxford,‘Adnm‘a qoun- YI tyv‘ “' \ . i Specimen; fifths Pipe: cu: be seen ht Peter ,floflmnn's. in Gettysburg“ _ ‘ April 27, lacs. 3m JOHN BECKMN. Green Grocery. ‘ THE underlined lml opened a GROGERY 1 * STORE in Ghamhenlmrg nre'et. Gettys burg, whei’o he ofi'era CoFFI-Zl-is, svauts, ; lOLASSAS, kc“ km, of all qnnlltlcs, a: the : lowept living profits. He also ”whammy ‘ lnrly, cvety ucek, a 'gencwl ossorlme‘pt ol [‘V’EGEI‘ABLES, nice and (mt, rmmmmy ' mnrkeu. Also FRESH AND SALT FISH! Give me [I call. I intend to do husinepa so uto deaerve success. My entire. care and m.- leution ‘will be bestowed upon it. , ‘ ‘ ~5 ' JEROME WALTER” my 4, 1863. «I . H ' ‘ Queensware. ‘ T Ryan want anything in the QUEEXSW {QB J‘ine call uA, SCOTT k SON'S, the you wxllfind the best assortment. in lawn. . lunch 24', 1862. ‘ _v r . ERING hummus jun received an S * PAHNESTOCK 138.08". 011031 (M.O\'ER,'(«_i Men and Home” -‘ ;he hm! dn-npat l SI'IHCKFH. LOTUS, L‘Jfisilmcresand Ynlingurhv‘nfiqt - ' 'J".\HNESTUUKB"~ ’ .V 1 J? ,xg" Hre went 1g ”:9 («win n and Pumper. We l'pun ["3 an) uthrr mun-hi“. ‘mo‘w with :he nbévo m aw: - I admits? fiég‘as‘die}. ' ' Em . n. I; 'Humsl Dwik-(‘hl mnn'umd charge t pl‘olnpl[_ Uclt) bi‘ G ft‘equpnely Bulivited. I "(for mysr“ fls xgnnéhdule for the Min! Hf (JUUNTY [[HZR, aahject to the dyljxalnn at Hu lli‘il‘ (‘umnty‘Cunwminm “Ehmxldll be H {and elected, [pit-31m.- myseh to dis tleMullu o! the ‘»nice- Initm‘ully nud . 1 - “can TRUXBL. ‘ilguli'g. Apr” 27, 1803.“ so ‘ ’ County Treasurer. , ”INPUL'RAGEI‘T by many hinnd‘, I otfut my -1“ gelqu‘ numlidm fur Gunman: Twas. linthli, at 1?”: hex}. ell-Clio", aupjccl (-ikion of U a Democratic Coupty Con nLion. Should H by in forlunntg as to 'he nnmhfitcd and ulcrlkui, I plo‘vlze nuéi-lt’ to,dxscbnrue. lie Julius of blimofllce faithnll} [\nd promptly. ‘ .JAgW snubs. Gcztvysbiirg, May 4,1803. lu‘ bounty Treasurer. , ' , XCUL'RAUEU by um'ny fricnds..l offer my? a ‘4 sult‘g'a “Humane rm CUUSTY TREAS ‘UIififl, n the neu eh-ction, snhjeu'to the d China of film Dembcrntig (.'ruunl)‘ Gonmutiofi Should {(111- sn'furluuala M m be nominal ‘ gm! drew), I plydge mysalf tp discharge the duties ofjthe unite faithfully mu} pgumptly. ‘ 1 RUHEHT I). All—“Uß. bu'rp. May} !, 3,23%. ,m - ? Guns; ‘ I Public $3.10 < F RILAL ESTATE—IH: Tmmmnce of 1m 0 ordc of the "filllnn'é’ Conn ‘ofAdnms county", whit he offered m. Public Sale, upon my lirt‘llll3l'4,lpfl SATUICEL‘ Yflhc 6th (In: at JUVK m-xl, We ‘t'nlluwing pqrtimu of‘lhc renl Ifi‘tnle of Thm'nnis' A. .\Luwhzm, late of Hpmillqnlmu tumuhflu, Ad.uus_euumy. _doceusrd, consisting ul‘aevcrul purrela'nf lund;&c.,~lituute in said township, as lullows, m wit: _. .‘ NO. 2,? A TRACT UK" TIMBER. LAND: M!- joining lwds‘of James MarshallJujhn “110$, lruut .\"p. g, and also Elm Mansion Trm" M the durmsedgtcmxnfiujng 83 Acrgs M 6 30“ Parchos, Mm. mew-my. This {rm-l. is (“oven-t1 \wiflh rhrivipg Wit-aunt, Ratk Onk, Bluekauk, in. This lrmum‘g'r'. be sold in lots. , ' , So .’.: IL‘A' Tract, known as me “Frrguaon Tran-If: Auyoininfi lands ufJuhn Mitkley, John Rhea, nnt’ll Tract $O. ‘l, coutugn‘mg (N Amer, or \hn-rgabtung. The impruvuneuts xlre .u. Two-slum Log Unolhug ' HUL‘SE, 1.0,: quublcf there is a xwver f._xiliug Spring at “'qu gut the hoiuq,’ nml wgter‘m Inlllhe fields‘ About ,4yo acres of this tract are dear Lind undi'r 'lcncc. The residue is co‘rored with'lhrinug young Chemul, Hmknry, kc. . r ' $O. 4: A Tract, adjoining. lunds of Robert MCCurdy, tract .\‘o. .’., and others, ruumihing 315 Acres :Iqu 1H Part-Mafia! measure, rur (ln-d with .(‘hcsnun Red Uhk, «kc; Tins trncx ml: be 50L! iu'loe's. - 50. 5; A Tnfi-t, containing 9 Ant: an?! 2 Perches, udjuihing lands utb‘usnn Foldcr; and others. . ' -" ' No. 6: A LOT OFGRUITND LN' FAIRFIED, {mmjug on [lu- puhlic stn‘gfi. “yd houndwfi by I»! of Daniel Bifisfl'kor‘ onlwhich ' 2,3,; , nre erected a. Tera-story ‘ Brick ~ :2 ' . qullmg HOUSE, Weatherhuard- .'., W 3 ed Knelmn‘ with: Sprung House,” Runf \\'oosH[ouse,‘lmd pg‘cr‘impmvemvm‘. ' ”Sane to commence 11} ~12 n’clock, M , pf said dny,a£ which hour the édmiviszrntorp win nwfitipcrsona desiroulmf attending the sale a! I. Mansion House (if the doccucd, from whiét Hwy will immediateiy proceed to thy mus pffcrcd foi- suic. Allendnuee giten um) lermwmude kmzwnfiy . ‘ _[ JAMES H. MARSHALL,’ 1 JAMES MsIISIIAI.I.I ’ ' l A, Anmiuistmmra. 3y the Paynk~Jom Elcuauzwlerk. , May 1.5418631 u - ‘ ' - , 'f , Picking. ’ , - ASILfRI'EIVED ms ~ j ‘ ‘- s‘fmxa Axn smumm momma - you]; ONE, com-1 ALL. . 7 31a;18,E1563.. , « In . 1 ". ~ “”1 _ LT..-~_.L‘__,, To Coachmakers. ' . 0 REXT. a largo Turtle-slot; BRICK . ('OAOH SHUP, on Fountb,aireet,'B:idge purl. It is one of the best locations foryusl uoss in noptgoméry county}. Apply to g ’ > J. W. AXDREWS. ‘ .‘. Koninosvn, I‘M ‘ M’M‘ 43, {8633 1, qu Goods. ‘ CST: retex’ved from Newj‘urk and 1311.19. ;I delphM, the largest stud: in town of Broad l Imps, ‘ 1 " ' Summer Cloth. - l 1 Casuimerél. Tunas, ‘ . , ‘ balling: and Vmingt. Ilenngifnl myleu, well ‘usomd; bought» for cash and +11! be mid cheap for'tbe nun.— Piwse ctu‘a‘nd I“ dun. 1 ' 1 . GEORGE'A’RNA D-. May 11,1363. t! ' ' IMEINIEI Spring Goods AT A. SCOTT & SON‘S.-?l\r’e invite tk‘ zemfon of buy!" to our stock. at 8 Goods, whikzh will be wold cheap, muslin? LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, , Shawls; Cloaking Clmbs, elm, etq. For and Boys‘ wear we have Clutlis, Cdsfi} Coatings, Vetting“, with n variety of ‘ mks, kn, Re. Call and seal "11ny 18.18133. _ A..SCOI‘T .t ‘ New Warehouse. , Bl'SHh‘LS‘ .0! 100.090 WAXT 5“,!“ “if m and ProJuce ome, in CHIN: struq iyug Shanda I; Enabler} couplishmm highest mmtkeL mice will Might): be cash for ’ , ~ , GRAIN, of antindn, ' " ‘ ‘, . " FLOUR, SEEDE, kc. Always on hand Ind for “is,“ the'nnunes' profits, , \f , GUARDS. ‘ SALT, FISH. " f . GHUDERIES, n, ~ ' . , Wholeauio upd‘ mm. TRY US‘! W 91“!!! do our ‘bcsl u; give satisfaction in I}! mph. 1 . - , udmmm' t DJEHL.‘ thlysburg, May 1!, "ii. I: i - , (IlSTJaq‘nived Iy. PICKINQ'S Spring and summef Clothing. Comenneiatfid an. ‘ MINUS; in every writ-1y n‘mLihn-J haul S “yin-51mm) NewJ'urk, fora ck: 'chenp m. -; ‘ ‘ muxstouKJ’. .1 “f 9; . 17-. .‘5 ~17, _ ..3 wu‘ H. 155 :‘ '.‘u “gr—a} V‘ifl‘vagu‘ A {Qifiwafé '.w'» '-.»3‘ :T‘ riff“; -‘;":&£—J’=’w .4 ‘ r ‘... _, <5l“ - Tying” .4. A. —‘-. -’~ i» - .3:- ~wmi~rzsa “1*.15453; -:-::wé‘-‘ 83:55:11. s'l‘3‘ “5-. 2 V‘Jd" 7,, 1" 71m H'l:l!\’(;»!‘A.\H':HGN. ‘ -" ‘ A uuunmmys F 01: HYERYBGDYI Como \0 f”.nl.ufsl..\_.\§§; u! Hnmson'xfllg‘fltgfln (‘HEXILfiN-UHICM'U Gummy; I. GuHNAN husmit rccciwdxheruock Qt E‘H‘W n‘rj‘l Smuwuf Uoml:g,>s\tcipl Chfiaimwc UmH,‘ Q‘ . ' I ' 4' ' Cnehulerct. Fania, , ‘ ‘ 3 ’ , 'l‘»va (14mm, ’- y ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ . sN\loil(‘/h-lh‘x(l9hln." j / ~blow}: Clot]: h Fan-inch .CQAI'33PimTALOONS, ‘ nth”; wrimy 9F All patterns and l‘qnxfitla; VESR; if hug» vuir-fly fur all M-umgn in UN )mr.’ vll.\'l‘S|~ ,HAT.‘ H “(ATS UH Trunkp, V‘Migvs and (‘nrp'm Kings, Shinfi'lhnflhr. nhiH‘s, Neckties, Suspgmlers, Kmies‘, P'nmpo nnjes, (leuthm’cu's chsuing Qomby,‘ Gigun, Pugs, MM mnuy Mher. “rm-m. (on numerous 10‘" uuuou. .A at nerd! 'nstunmlul at Donut mnm-Immsum; «amps. ; ‘5 LUULD‘HAN relurnsghis thank-{o Mn friends nnd customers in gent-ml fur (In? lihemj pt. trhnngc he has tact-wed item then: and hope. . ml! 111 tumru nryur bgm with cunn‘nnt n»: ’nhzas, as he is confidcni {hut he dun until fl'hlL thus: “ ho, will erunizo him ih‘fulure. Sulliugfibis goods at 19%: pncu thorn ll mom-y snved‘tu thy purfluLur‘, £lll9 molwfi, "Qnicsk “sun and amuurmmy' Dun'! tom: “mu _SI’UT 1” .I. Gunnum's, _ _ ~ ~ M. ngxaob‘a 01;! Uo'ruL-r. Gottyshurg, Haj-j 11,9853. ' 3 ‘ own! & (”LLEHTHP. fmvétjuu‘weciived C aim-1e and Kr'mnafid stock M Na! Goodl. ‘ whichypey an: suiting ”3 cheap na- Ikc “m wilfullov‘w. “mime; hns been aelecled‘whfi care MM is of m; a ‘ quality 13 $l.; maria, win nflurd. SUGAR; WeJuue nll kind! ‘ Hard an :1 tion Crushed, l’u‘lverizcd, Gh‘nulntrd? «New (Means, .I'ufln‘llica ai‘iCnbu. TfiAB, ‘ imperinl, Young Hymn and B gk_ Tcn‘s. “fil ‘ LASERS, New Orleans, {'urru. R‘rm‘iudfiflup. \bf different ki‘nde. TOBACCUB, to unit A” } lovers 0!”le “and, Congress, Spun, N‘vy,‘ ‘ Cavendish, Rough uud§ chdj', Nuturul Loaf, lum] Fine (‘uls ; timqking'l‘nbncqo‘ 15 dilferent 1 kimh; PIPES, n‘lprge and flu?) us rtmvnt; ‘SWHHS of ’mrious brands. COEL‘ OIL ‘ LA \H’s mu? Shades, mal have the beu‘nslort- ~ ‘ mnnt in _lhe place, whitflhwc ‘59” low; (11.0.1 .‘-'O. I nr'n'cfc of lel d“. [l33lB;]:th lid sugar cured, Shoulders pud‘Sidcs. FLOUR,“ ‘ rhe bed. quality, whidn we bunny. mmrnnke; 1 (‘odnr-wnrc, Tum, Bu—cicls, :Wuter CW", tc. ‘ We also Reef) ,Noripnu’, Lgonfécfions,“l-‘ruin,~" ‘ F 1417 by 1}”: sum“ Ur by Um born: , SalLSpicu, ('chu}.m-, Srurlch, Bjuéking, Indigo. Candles, Soups, (furry ('udfiEand Curtis, u’ lnrgd nun)"- n'zeut of Hrruinefi. I! nfiom, Ropt‘s. ('(~rdl,Cr9ck-. cry—Warm Am} ‘oth USA HALL! (ielgfiburg, Mn} )1, 12503. , l Clothing. ' (wrong): Auxommns now got up, manly I ol'hls own umnulurluririg, n ve'ry largo stm-k of CLOTHING, suitable for (he season“ made in the H‘ry has: umnu’er and Miler Lh‘e‘ ISHCbI fnrjnqns, of every ASH, "may and flu, ranking from Bojs 4 years old to the lax-gen. size 19;. Mom’s {rear 1 We have Roy's Clélhlng, all fijieq in vaults} Mao Neu’yv Clothing. in gulls, all of tlu- same maleriul, rbrnulflul Ir-~ “do. Also. thm Count, l'nnts, Vents; Shin-h, DI’WIM‘E, (Horas, Ilqyiery, Nri‘k 4195.“! of which mll bl- sold chap for thE‘cugb. “.185 call. Nagy-nub!» to show-them. =' Mn] 13;, wars. (1: . K _ ‘ ~chkmg ‘ . AS RECEIVED 91:3 H 511 mm 5; snmnn‘OLQMfNG cow; 02w, vomm'LL. ~. 3.9119, 1863.’ ~ . ‘T PAYINES‘TUt‘KaS’F-Fubneuoyk firm. A would rcenrull’uhy fiufurm dwinfrioudl Mud 1110' public él'llenflly that, Hie) have jun} receivfed their Swing. slockpf Gbnda fiomlk'em York and Bbiladclplfiu. Having bbughtiyhem for cash‘ We are prepared to offer the largest and prettier”. stock 01' DRESS CHUDS‘WVN' ' fired to tho-citizens of {he county and at D'PRICED‘I "Quick 31165 and shortyrpfiu” being onramottov , , u ‘1 55905.11 and ennfinpphho Inigo of my , \ ny 11,1863. “- "_. Img mung. .r Nance. ._ ‘ ATTHEW TOLAN‘S ESTAT‘Er-Wr. testamentary ou'lhe estate of Halal"! 913mb!” of (Mum-n5O (wen Adam's mnty, dcceued, Inning been gram 0;) $0 {in wider signed, reaming in thossme tonnh‘upme hereby give: unt’ce to til pumps indebwd 10 “id 231131: to make‘rmmdinld?aymcnt, and 711 ml; hux'iqg chim'ugninu the nmewo plenum them propevl'y tuniemicsted for settlement. . MICijAEL BELLY, 1433wa. my 11, 1863. w ' ‘ i 'A_ an 69’s Notlce. 5 Hz unddmgned, havixig been nppo’inted Aniguefi, under a deed of mm jot-1119' fihenem or "Wilton, of Lori. P.lWeave: and Kant-y, his ‘xfe, of Oxford lawna‘hip, Allyn» - county,nolico in hen-by fibres: to 51" paragon: knowing themelres indebted Lo saiflAsjznon m'nmke immediate payment to Hll9 undounigu, ed, reu'dmgin the same “madam-ad. ‘ u inning chime again» the nmeutoj pm“ them properly unbenlimtcd tor ”tumour. 3 JOSE“! I. SHITH,AIIS¢nwy 1 my 11,1863. 6; . “"‘“ '~‘ —" *‘- -—*-""'--’-7-:~+—-——-- ' av, in! g on m rm [Guam wGrlin adjoin -1.. Th. pfildv i‘n Farmers’ & Mochéntgs’ SAVINEB. “51‘”va 01" Amara co. lmving‘imrcuéd its rupiml, batgulugnd in buflnciagfild mead“ its hkommdutiouq Lqun'day, “'einfadax. [am-IM, um;- ‘f ' 3" ‘. " s ' A: Pmkmg ' . AS mmmyw ms. . ' Evian; a swam; CLOTHINQ curds 0:415, 00311511.. . Mn 18,1863. - “fiifizoms mama: ms 2 . . 5’75"?“ a; smug: CLOTEM. Armour. floorsp—"K‘m. in“ 9.4 ; B you get ghosa nice Bnlmru‘a] Boots 1” 7‘ A. 7 ' ' Q » Mrbwm‘gfl; * XLICOES, (.foghau'u, firming”: " " » frame; at mumswuom 3303'. * "‘ me find I'vbz-tq - 1 .'1 f": 10 to I’ICKYSG‘S for your Sprin‘lnd smi merQuihzug. ' .._. .7}? .‘..“ 3|- {‘39. ‘.H “ J [I . / - / . x Célnxfidheétfie‘nt‘, G'ivo Ué a Call? New Goods
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers