t'errne.: “u 66in“: it published every Monday homffi‘é. By Hash J. Snuu, at $1 7511m anuinn if paid strictly xx.mv.ixcn-$2 00 pai- ‘snhun‘l if not paid in hdvance.,.No lhbsériplion filicontinucd. unless; {ls' the bptjon of ‘thé publisher, until all ”"331ng 31-6 pnia.,: ' A h Anvgiyr'unnrsinsertednttheusualmtes. 5., {on anxruo_done with neatneas Hid .dfibttch. ‘ 1 , ' _ _ ' '. '0!!!“ in South Baltimore' street, negrly wit-its Wumplers’ Tinning Establishment ~“Conmui anxuxo Orncz” on ”main. Notice to Tax-payers. ' ()TICE is hernhy given that. the County Cnmminsinnorl will mnkv nu . ABATEMENT OF FIVE PER CENT. upon “'ll smg, County and Special mxes ns lesscd lor the year 1563 that. nlle b 9 paid to Tolléctors on or before WEDNESDAY, the lat; bf JULY. Collectors will he reqmrnd to call on tu-pnyrn on or before the ahoye dute,:nd hmko such alum-mom. to all poring” pnyfilg on Dr before said (lav, und [my the unmektto the County Treasurer. otherwise no ablximnent Will be mndo. By order at the Cmnmiszioners, ’ . ‘ , , J. 3L. M'ALTER, Clerk. April 13, 1863. '2d _ New Bakery! ‘ _ EWPORT k ZlEGl.Ell,v.\l(~clmniral'i’.uk ers, South W uhinglun girl'fjl. I:an sun: re from the Engle‘ Hutu], GETTYSJSUR”. Pd -- (‘.onstnntlv. un Mum, the Amst’ r'yl [BREAD‘ URACKERS, (7AIK/ET‘, PMETZI‘ELH.‘,&C. Per lonl Wiilling frosl “rend will in: served‘ every. morning. hf lennna their m’nm-n undnuidfinvea M the Baker}. Every (-n‘mt nude to p!vn=e. (:iveiusn ca"! ' . [April 21,01 ’O3; If :.. Howard Hausa, I . 7 ‘ A'LTIM'QRE. j, ‘ . The undersigned In»! the plr-nwfi- of M»- nouncing (n his hivndt nnt‘. Ihv numin m-nnr‘nl lthqt he has RFLOPHNHIJ TlllS EXTENSIVE /AND § FAVORITE ”OTEl.,"‘nrxd 591 i ”9‘ ”It; lhfifiof putmnnge “uh-him ILKH)’ f 1; mhle lqcnliim and his L-tf'url:i t‘flvlfiqu may do (-ne. E‘IRVMQ been .9”: Inml {pr ‘niiny )vfl‘k‘i I'm]- dllE‘ting-ymlmhr “nu-h {n l'qmoflmui . "I! ‘0 . ‘ , ‘ ~ ~ m ”K. . , ,40)’ will in future mynr him with calls {tn-l fully and tlnsfjtrr. he fm-ls “sure-Ho, 'll'illL’ purl-lmsfi, AS he is confident tlmt he cm satis ulnle, wlth th.:- mxl a! his (.'mnpc-tcnt A 4.41 m”), 'ly xtll tltgw who wj" patroniie him‘ in {ll4'er to mom all )n’t oxyw‘rhltmni of tlw ru;t'lilu{ fill-[ling his gnmls at low pricu l URI? is lmO I'd" cornmun'ty m’nmnumngllw llnwnpl [nu-(uh; sued to 1f”- Imrtlmwgr. llis mrmu‘ is. “Q'x‘uk n ntglqd‘urpun-d hyuu Uott-l ul incl; >5 in the S .19: mid Sum” Profits." Dnn‘fl tu'rvt "TIIE ","““"Y." .‘ , . ‘l‘ . ‘li-PU'l‘ 1' / l. GGLI‘WIAN‘S, , 'llunng—CcntlL-mux s Urdumry sl-.7s§ncr.l,\:\y. ” A At anmn'i UM Carnal. ‘ 1‘ “M”? _ ”J;2 0" “ J Gettrshnrg, May 11,1863. '- t :- Ifi-4;:crvjnlly_ ‘ , 3~ -- I' 7 \ - “...? v . \\ “Jul". l:l‘.\‘llll".l’ranemr; _Givo US 3 Cal}! ‘~ 1‘ ‘kvl‘n‘tltmmro, .\prllfim, ”n. 5,. Um. l , g-(“lmlOR‘J & (EILLESPIE hm 5"!”- rr‘vqi u r‘ - - ' h“‘ a. n lnr e nml l u’mnnlid Stork of Nuw Goa is , 01d GO‘d and SIIVC [\‘lél‘t the: grn sllllnéagchmp ns’lhe Ii (1' "VANTHIL—JI'Iu- luiujlmt wim- n ('2lle will allow. 'l‘lxeirsm«klms“luoen when-«1w '.li _ paid for ultl' (:..'.l null .\‘lla -r; t. w ('.trl‘ and is of or y'nml n QIHUILV as the nm: e prefr-nl in n fu'oruhlv In“! In :vll, tlu- -, rmnium “ill ul'nrd. SI‘G‘AI‘S. “g lnu‘e nlLfikln hi on It lit-1'": LIH"- -\I~U. “U'vl th SILL-r ('uin ll ml :I’ml Sufi ('l‘l‘l‘hl'li. l’nl\'i~ri7ml.G‘munlnt d ‘ purch used, um] [he higlxtml ml-u- uiwn' fi-v va (Jrlc-mm. l'nrtn "ion .61“ Culy‘il. TIL 5 , ‘ J'ihlil'” “EV \N. Hllquni-inl. Younerlymn and film-k ”I'M". 1 M»- “'tm-lnnnltcr 8.. Jun llt-r, iu the 1)}. mud. l‘l..\§‘H",N¢w (lrlc.m<.-Purtu Hit-MIMI! Sfrl In , l'fi'hfi“. XML, . * got dxlTnn-m kiml‘c; Tnmvma to wit u '. ‘ " ' . ' ' ‘ .‘lnwrs «.fjtln- m-ml, (‘ungrvsfi Spun, Nu v, -. Cannon & Adam’s l ‘(‘n'mul€»h. l‘nnuh mm Reutlyflfiatnrfll L if, New 311 mm; \\'l'ltl{.\" (‘mm-r of Igum. «an rim- mm; .\‘umkinETqu-c », 15~.din1-relfi‘ 5“ muru- mul liut‘ \liddln ptru~t-, dwu-siu- ltiml~ >4'll‘lih‘, a lnrge and 1:11 nNDrtmt-nt; illu ('nuv't Hum-p. "rind-um. I‘m—“'l' ure SI‘IIHRS of anmus lhrannlk": (‘UAL‘ 01L pro-pm! 1! n furniSll \lun'nm'fin, Tombst- llvml- 13A \ll’S uud fill‘mlm, \ro lmye MINI-fist Escort;- Fume}, Marble 51.xuxlles.7.<1kl.; lur ‘..lmwt men: in tho. lllflt't‘. which wr MI) low: nlana Huh-rmaml nllntlxvr \L-ml: lmurtuinln to um No.l Article of (‘unl 01L llAMS,3pluin an?! lunincsa. _Wemll yu lr‘||llLl:‘Z|ll\l.|( tiufn ht-11l s'ltr-lf (“15011, Sllnnldcrsmd Shh-s. FLOYR, I an to execution ‘zlml “it l‘nll lmd see uut‘ {ju- lnv-Aannli‘U'. which WP “1W tyi uuumnu- ; denigns urn-l <~ «imam 0! “oil“ . _ 1 ' ('mlntf-wnrr, 'fi-ulp. llnrkt‘ls. “finer Cun‘, & . Feb. 2‘ leJ. u ' ' \Tfl'o ilsu kl‘l'fl \‘ofmns,’ (‘lml't-ctinni. Fruit . «:__ l‘l-lr, by the sn'mll or by \lu'lmrrcl. SultSplL-ohn, 3863. Spring Slylcs I‘. 63. t‘lmcolnm, Starch, “Lu-king, lmliud. ('nudl i p HATS AND l'Al‘S. >1“ ' ‘Stmpe. (‘nrly l‘u'mlla :uu] (‘Arnlifi ln'Lro ns‘v 0 ’ ,IIHNY, nu-nl of llrushrs. "sake-la. Rnpm. (‘nrllsl Cn 'rv,l’lllxs crv wvuv. kc. (LIVE ['3 A CALL! ‘. 1' f Llctt3sl)n|rg,,\lu‘\.' 11, 1803. ' 'r. s,:_ - Cf -. ’4"'T*"‘ ‘ [-‘.,_‘j \ . , _ofh‘mg. irll'iu'l- '(V EORCE A RNl‘llll) lms nah gntup. m. ‘n I‘ll”. Tof lln nwn mnnutm-(uring. a Very l: ‘1: s , simk ut‘ ('m'rnlxu. suilnhlv fintlu- u.- lltl-h mmlt’in llu- navy best mzlnnL-r andvafu‘r (l .i— lizlwl fmlnunc. uf cvery ilyle. vm‘inty nml sizb, l‘mnh. rungn’n: from Buy: 4 your: old to the hum-Ht '(‘hil- site [or .\ln-lr'sw‘pm. \\'e lune fing's‘t‘luthipd, v and ull rim-s in nulls. Aka \len'a‘(‘l‘ntll'mg,‘in {’3s the “mils, nll uf‘ [hp came mun-[in]. A lu-nntil‘ul ur klu-m- 'mlr. .\l<ng. liuru (‘n-tu,.ans.Yciti, Shirt . hum“; Imam-re. (lime-3. "0,51er, xu-k Tiea, nll , NY, {wlfiuh “'lll «be. ink] rlne-vp fur the cash. Plea e irull X 0 lruul’de to ;llo_w them. ‘ Mn; 11, 1&3. (f ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ _ , I: F. um. Ii! his Md fitanxl. S W. (*nr‘ ('(‘l‘lf't‘ Fnlu. Juit Opt-mul‘u .Nruulivl udnxlnlvnt I-l' EMI A \ I/ .9! [_ho hum flying, in wry 11:“ prim-w. Immt‘in wyum’of n gum!so2l~tv|||l)ll'hl:ll (a! “M. n H ()l'(' up. .lrl- rwluo-hul In uh I‘ Mm It 11 o T s A N 0 vumprisiu: Vlvnk fi‘m- ('nH “(in 3,. Vin-n mutuL. \h—u'u \\'vl‘i:‘:l;-n Tun-4. l‘nv'gnv ll'ri. lkqgum : L nlim' mnrnu u ILXIIIIULQI “aims. lino Lit) .\‘lipzuh‘: M;~~|~‘ :im drl'n'p' Show and H. Um :, of m 1 ry r‘ri. style, all uf “MN: \\ IllVl‘H-Mdd (Krlumr .-r.~..,.m. In" M! “ho wim tu my“): Min-. 1 wil'h gum] ,nml su‘brt ml .1} \\ nrl: (' ginmim- our Um I; April I.:,_.ls«;‘¢ 196:. ~ Spring Hillincry. 1 , ISS wrmzmv'uu-m-a [.mxzoJ BI ll‘d are lwr‘mmr uxxur'ml-nf" nf and Summer H ”‘s‘, ('A'I'S, HHXNHTS Icm “mm-nus up l-‘\.\'('Y (: ul’lich are of Hu- l:.h-<t clylw. .fiul "oin pur~ chi-‘39:] for tend: piJl be sold ut rnuaunalud ;i‘ur ~09. . _ 2 . will: I! ul~o Ayn-“pan d 10 Maw}: u‘nd Press I}. 'o's and H. 115 11!, [he Bhutto“ umice ””1"" [he lfiut nmnm-r. _ ~ APR! 27, 136 i. 2m ‘ 4 , ‘ _ ; g The Great Secret; ' r mtxn o\'T.——} mm mm you m now _ 4 where Hwy men. 1! ii in ank [sin-cl, ' .\‘u HR, right ()ppmiu- Hm Hunk. and the rm sfin in this: ‘he nnduraigni‘d h.|y~ just récpiuul' Sfrmn the 4'in u wry line :umrlmcm of NI‘RIVG UKNDBS; fur hulh lmho‘ I|qu Kl'llf’l'flH'll,‘ as fol- Y‘l'l'E: For thl' I Idic‘. Shah-r 4. GLn‘riStncL lugs. Linen linndken'hifls. l‘anrl.‘ I-‘n «, l'ut fnnmry. bfull kinds, “nun Skirts. Ludicfir’ ”an, hut! in film almoel I\ll_\'lllill'.' elw in ,thp Milo! wnyj‘ (Yumhd, HairJ’lnfi. Hair Brunhed!“ Tooth Brushes. “yd/numerous nlhvr amides; . Grnllémon’n wvx‘r, such a”. (‘nnun Pun", Valle, M the folhpwing prirP=: first Hue Linen - .Pnuts at $2, jzoml Slhhmoersls at 3%) H‘s” and W'other (‘hflhfilg_flt the sum- mtvs‘. {mamgr HMB_ ghenper than nuv: olht-r hnum in (be tourmlmlh (or boys and men. Hnri'lg pur i'hnsed a. I'm at :uu-tion, he x-n‘n‘sr'll Elm-m at ‘ pficel which will muke‘aflnmstnnylo , ' ”d 3159 many other gnudi, such "f for]: ,Hnndles, Shovels und Handles Twines, Brushe“, Rmouu7 Queens} (“an ditto, UROCEIHES, and Sync: ,kinds. 8051‘stqu kinds, Esszm-es oij Kuhn, Forks, Spoons, Taiwan-co, ng Shim and in fact almost xxngthiug y Hellenism to find in a Nation Slux~é,ll clue-p for cash. Don’t large: the pm a that hove been there bring}¢ those Hm}, ‘ been initiamd‘ yet. ' Theri! is room ‘ (hermit. No. 113, oppodu- the Hunky street: . . U. GfiCARR‘ May 4, 1863. ’ - Millinery in New Ox'f [SS E_. WOODS, furnwrly of [Li M buying located in New Oxfurgtl £ollnt],"le, in; the house occupicdl Hall. in Ilzinov‘er street, will carry NILLL‘VERYflUSINESS, in all its hr will kerfi tux—hand BONNETS, HA BOSS, FLUWERSJHYCHES, SILK‘SL l LACES, km, and solicits a flmre p patronage, _ [April 27‘, 186-’ Wall Paper! ‘ LARGE vnriely of patterns, of the {stat Abmd most détirlble styles, ximny at which are eing and,“ the old prices. Call‘mnd see them a . ‘ McILuEK Y’S. Special Notice.- . Nml um JULY lst, 1863, the firivne‘ge , of'converu‘ug llmpresent issue ofLY-IGAL ”T NDKR NOTES INTUZflE NATIONAL SIX. “PM CENT. LOAN (no monly calledeiveo Treaties") willcease. 1‘; I 1 All jgho wish to invest _in flue FiveJl‘v've‘nbL ‘ Lon must, therefore, ayply before Ih In of (:ULY‘ next. JAY COOKflp.‘ - - 4 ' , ‘ Susscmr'no! Ao’mr, \ a ‘ No.IHS,_TIiIRD 81.,Pui1ndéiyhta. " “um 13; 1863. 3m - - l! I—-—--" -. ‘ ' ' ‘. ~ ___ - - =‘\:Ohlldren’s Clothmglf” A - BRAUTIFUL"ARTICLE, nethe‘leore of IA'GEO}'ANRQLD- Ladies will plea. can “has"... [Apr‘ilflh ”“3.- 1f Haw FALL & WINTER 600032-; good ’ ‘ "usomnelt of Fall and. Winter Gq‘ods as ‘chap u uni cheapest at A.SCOTT k‘sox's ‘ , v IBRELLAS of every variety at i a ' Homagc's. 1. x [RSI-RATE Eight-day, Thirty-hintand F Mimi (flocks, nheap at PICKI.,Q'S., ‘ Afar-Do 3011 Inn! A nice “ Jae Hooker’ . HM! (an n ucmuzzxr’s. 43tla. Year- . Con}\mencement OF TUE 31'“ '(i CAMPAIUV; ‘ _ ‘ “HUD NEWS FQR EVERYBODY! Come lo»G|)Ll').\lA.\'"S, M Sumnn’u old Stand. ‘lllllCAEl CllllAPlvl:CllHAl’Hl ‘ l. GULUMAN lmsjuvxt revolved A new n‘mk ol Spring and Summer Goods, lULb ni' ‘ Caséjmvrc Coats, ‘ 9 1 “ 1 ‘ '_ flushmerut Foul, ‘ ‘ ~ _ ‘ ' TWWJ (304“, V , ‘ _ l,‘ 1 Mellon Clulll UonLS. I: ‘ , Black Clnth’k (fun-zinléro ’ COATS; PANTALOUNS.3 thnrgc vurivly at" all pattern-I and ilunlilles: VESTS. a large \‘nrivtr for all masons m in”: war. HATS! llilTSll HATS ll! Trurflta, Valli-vs :uul CurpL-t Bugs, Slmis, llllmll‘ér rlxiof~./Nrl-klil~=, Susswmlcrs, Kniyei, Pm'l'ln‘ nn‘n-u, Genunmon'g Dressing Combs. (11 s, Pipes, and mariy oth'cr articlt-H, too numeitlrts w nil-" Linn. A lulu-ml assortment. of Gen le nK'll'i Fl'llKlSlllNl}: GOODS. . ‘ lCOLlHlANrrmrmlli:tlmnlumhizfrie ‘ds and (-nilmnpn in gnnornl for the liberal :- tmnnqo he Inn rgvfiw‘d’ tron: them am! Mina: MI ’ilT "‘ l‘ ‘ f" "lr: " ‘ CM NH“ =l2. F. BRHJIP : ‘ Picking T _ 1i AS REPE‘VED. ms - ‘ H . SPRING .'.v Strum-m mommy { bus. 0 call ‘I ring “UK IUDS‘ ‘ (‘UME ONE, COME ALL. May 18, 1861 - New Goods 7 ‘ .4 T FAHNES'HN‘KS’.—'~'Fnhnesdprk Bram “LA would resptcllul'lj' ipfurm their friemN am! [he pulylix- {:nnvrnlly 'flmt lIM-ij Inn‘a fix“ rm'vfl’w! their Swim: slack ofGo'ndé frnm .\‘o'pv fork and Philpdelphiu.‘ HavingfltungM {ln-1n for rawh, we are propurcd l 0 olfrr we lurgfsf and prettiest stock or DRESS GNUPS evél‘ offercuf'ta the citizen} of [lie‘cnubty nnd'uf UH) l’Mt'ESl “Quick sales and slul‘u't profits? bein; our mutm. 5 ‘ ' = '_' Egg-(3llmm rxaminc It fie Sig; b the ‘ 12g 11,1863. 111-: “F on! .‘»>.. ”It, .‘. Notlce! . g 1 . " " ATTHEWvITULAN‘S BfiT.\lH.—Letterg l tesmun-umry on the estate of Mathew 'i'uhm, LIIL- of Conim‘ngo xwp.. Adams roumy‘, drwméd. Inn in: hvex‘ {mum-d ta Elle under! simuul,'rvmiiu;:in life sumo Inwn-‘him he Hereby gives up! (ex to all persons indxln‘cd tu'suid' mate to dub: imumdmle pugmc‘nlwmd lelb {mung chims against the same to proscul them properly nuth’enucmed far‘se‘ulemcnt. é; MICHAEL REILY, Executor. ‘II May 11, 1863. w w 1: J 10 buy : } Forks, ‘ Rgpcs, ' ra 'nnd ls of nll fill kian, fudmnd u wouldK lall wry e. You hm'e not r ull of ‘in York {\gcut. . Assrgnee’s Notice. « HE nudemgned, 'lmrl'ng boen ‘lfipointe‘i' T Assigne'e, under in deed of trust, for [M bvnefi‘t of creditors, of Lewia‘ P. “'clfi'gt an Kancy, his Wife. of Oxford wwnehip, Adam ‘ eohmy, notice is hereby given to all person kn‘o‘iing themselves indebted to Said Assigned [0 make immediate payment to the nn-iergignQ ed; residing in the InmeJownsbip, Ind ‘lholdl having claims ngflivsx me tune, to weseu’ imam properly authentigltmhor settlement. ;[ : JOSEPH ~ shamusiguee. 4; “my 11,1863. 6'. J \V ‘ . [l _‘W‘N‘fi ”‘ " ”‘L;"““T'*l Farmers’ & Mecham‘cs’ E: mums INSTITUTION or musical S havmg’ incn-nst‘d it! qnpilal, has "enlarged its business Andiextonded its nucommoclntmnal 1.0.111 day, Wednesday; [April 6, 11863. if rd. ilfimore, , Adams Lay Dr. 'on the aches— -7,; RlB was, V-pub'lic L 3m ,- ,_,_ -7 .J ____ ---...“ MW _quking 3| ASjßEcmvsu ms ‘ ‘ 5 SPRING 8: SUMMER LOTHING‘ , COME ONE, COMB A . ' ' Mny 18, 1863. . fl ‘ , . Gettysburg Marble Jard, i NIEALS & BRO“, IN EAST YO K‘ STREET; aGETTXSBURG, PA.-_—‘Whe e thry at brepared to. furnish all kimfi of ork in lheil line, such as MUNUMENTS, TU [55, HEAqu sroxus, MAKTLES, a, n’: {he horn-st. no} tice, and as cheap mi the cheapes Give as g (Salk ~ . i fil’mduco taken in exchangu or work. Gettysburg Juno 2, 1362. ‘lt ‘ ‘ 1 , chme HAS mac-2min ms , 1 spam; k SUMMER CLPTEHXG. " Antoni. BOOTSLr-“Xnej when did you get {bole nieo‘Bnlmornl noon ” “A; _. ~ uclLgEuyys." ‘f ALICOES, Gingham, Mullinl, It radar“: hmJ at FAHNESTOCK 3305'. Sign I the'Red From. - G to PICKING‘S for you: span; snd Sum. met gnawing. ' f UST received a large usnr&fiza;t;f;-I.;di.re;;, 3 ' Misles’ and Children’s flats, at ‘..-. _. -.. _ n. F._Mc_ILHENY‘S. ‘ LADIES, 1! you yfab to m a upxendid “'5. sfirtmem pfflhoes and Gliten, can at g 1 ,_ .\ ' ' .; chLHENY‘S. \ ,_ , ._ é. . _, . _._. ; "PURE GROUND SHOES; leiectud. Ina ‘i" gro’nd expressly {or Dt. ROBERT HOW NEI‘Z'B Ru- Dm; Sum. , . , .T‘l AIL. ‘l' _ >1 \ In H. J. @llan LI DENO - - Tue Your"; Tmmnzivs mac-x. {Tb horn, to horse—the imrzlpa on”, And'éadly‘sydls (he wn‘ilifig strain, flint wzx'rps us to me burial 0! and Wm ne’er shun mount again. Clcnr ii hi< fume—hi: courcn in run; , For we'll hé rained as free n steed As ever bore to darling deed, When chnrging hosts came spurringmn Hi: course is run, hi: hgtllos done; . “6 died as nyg he \\ ishcd to die; g'l'be nrell-fough} field was hirly won, . Add victory penled hcr'clurion nigh. 'Nor ’on his lip of manly pridWe,‘ / 1 Wh‘en l‘uiyh 'in how- he ‘rode among ‘ 'l‘h‘e‘brave, the bcaunful, _lho young, Wreaxhed such I amilchs when he died Sun: eyes‘bccnme as woman"; \géak, No? :CoFut-d to shower the cfustuin'gg Til-1t 11033.35} u’el hi—{marblc cheek, 1 With tears that. co'fifid‘ not be controlle Tor though none boldér struck wiflw brnn ‘ When boiling \‘uina wu’Z: up and wild, 7 Yet never even the simpleat child :Hnd kinder bean, or gentler hanq. ,To horse. u) horse—no more I keep; “Ls brighi mrei-r was r_,u;n full Lust; So 03111:: field shonhlaol‘dier sleep I His ‘bultle-slcep oi denilp‘lt lust. No Eda-J} weep—but far n’wny > Are dL-r‘p Muv e) vs to «veep in vain. IV‘_ _ . . ,‘ qutl’hrs not >001: to‘kmllt‘ ngmn. 3am) breaking beans—wot- worih‘ [l:9 da ‘3 gagimnanm TREE SUFFHAGE AND FREE SPEE hn‘hbishnp I] uginsiin a. brief “Mi-o‘l] thp poi-graduate class of St. John's ('I legge, Fordham, N. Y.. on Thursday I' k, took orcnsiun .to my a word in behalf omit" frtietinm ot'enil'rnye anxl freedom of speodh. not], further, (if? w a nun lied distinction he txveen an “ Alin.ihistmtihu ” and a!“ Gov- Awnimiln We make this extract: ‘ i ' hnoth r nnint is. that no, that!" wliatr tillaS' he the form of goveinment, its chief :nithrrrity is always brought to unity. llu‘re file say it is the pc’nplo that govern. it is not so. i'i’hc; people know that thev ne tno m'any to .gnvotn ; that themlmiu‘nt in tiqn of government among such a mnl‘i-I ttifie would be aieurd, and none would nib-v nut to the other. ‘Anil they reduce their! yioftvershnhutt‘ver they ma): he, to urging—i gin] mun" rchinl and imperial governments ;unity is‘hvrwlituiyylwre it in not. liere‘ Eit is the ichoice at" the people: In (ii-eon iev myhmlv voted in the government, and it i mils n kiinl of popular government, com-' 1'17"!" Here that. is impossible; and thei nutltxtude sent} deputies to make their luvs. and one deputyito administer them,i sci-aiding: m the form agreed upon by the; m ion. They have, ihowever, two print it‘: es—hcith con~titu4ihnal. A government“: D'iv‘, Ming; ”all is a piinéiplr, am! that must run-Z (magslainal. 3'sz lluuq who aillninirlcr hyitc" errtnuml an: qui'le «Ital/MT Ming. 1 haveltmén i "Hwy administrations of this gnvernmcxitJ 0| e. of the constitutional privileges a; \viiieh I robin—that the Constitutionlitetilt'i mdk’es provision for, for a safety—valve t'hri thi: numerous people. is. that run/fat” yrqu‘; it I perfectly. (hurlitutinnul 10 male a revolution} -—culmly, quict/y—ly the vale: of Me peoples—J Th'ut is qne constitutional privilege. The l‘. v . other ts inherent in the nature ‘of the pen. Iqu and of the government—that i: the n'anl qr‘ lymmb/in/J. gLnughtg r.) if 'ou elect go} twin to miminhter the governthent. ih [My thiqn‘l'iyltttfll month.- you are very son}! [mi wlllat' ymt have (lo'ne. am] you have a right to grimbir. ‘ anti theye’wiil be (lan three years more to want u hen -_vnu ran make a‘ revolution, ‘lvhan yoh.c2n throw aside the net that have been in pnwgi and txy to get a better set in their place the nertv time. Thu has been th. rule. I have seen it great majority of our, pr ‘sidents eloctedi and I never knew am oxi’eption to thati‘ruln. -' Therefore it. is i that there is no wuntrrin the world that. can faiily be com areddo the‘American Republic under thtiiAmerieanFo stitutioh. It isjust for'this reason. Not that English men don’t claim the right; of grumblinf, too, but they ,bavd not the remedy eve ‘y four. years. They! cannot change their rulers. Here it is g privilege and a consti tutionzl right. Even though you voted for the incumbent {arithe highest oflice, you can gr'umble. ButJlt’urther than that, yora musyxvnit until 11h! time in out-and then get another and better man in his place; That is the remedy. As to republics, I have to remark that this is not the first. in the history of the human race. Italy abounded with flourishing republics— l small. if you please“ in territorial limits.- ‘ When Venice rnsehp out of the Adriatic, ‘ with her hair dripping. a. beautiful city, surviving much longer than thiscnuutry has doueyet, prospeiinus, commanding trade to the east and to he west, to is great ex tent:. she wns a rep ‘ lic, but unlikeloursr— There wits nb safety- alve. Not to overlook ‘ small things, there is the little republic of Sun Min-int). and t at furnishes the, only instance in whiz-h sugweme power was nevqr : i brought to the unit of one head ;‘for they 3 are so jealous of their liberties that they have two~ Presidents—one to Which the ‘ other. (Laughterfi That: little republic in the Appenines nder the‘ protection of the Popes has existed tor nearly three him dred years. keeping the lamp of. hberty ‘ bright, in order that nations desiring to imitate her example may light their tapers ‘ at her light,llnd bring their people to t'ree ‘ demand to the jealousy and protection of ‘ liberty, wherever-that quality 15 essential and the people suited tor it. The whole territory is not: very large, nine miles long and four and a half wide, still they won’t truiit onepman alone in power‘ They are both farmers and both Presidents. \Ve talk of our standing armies; they have their standing army, nud always have had, num ‘ bering titty-six men. (Luughter.) l ‘ - A . _. __u_ ~.__ I • I wae editor of the Saw York Express, who has hadrtwenty-five years experience oflighting the Democracy, 515's: ‘lf there be anything the Democrats can stand without wincing’ or willing. II is hall‘d flames; ahd what is curioufl. ‘ these bud names become‘thé dogma of their party, and award-”W poplar." - ‘ RATHQ AND “FAMflLV J© NM GETTYSBUR’G, PA-, MONDAY, JUNZI 85,1868. "mum u map-rim» WILL PRZVAIL." THE UTICA LEAGUERS AND THE SOLDIERS. The New York Unipn Lengucr= soucht to make their rcénnt (Innxdn-t’rntrnn forum]. able and 'fjaking” by ‘pararfing the return ed soidir-rs in_thf-ir ranks, and by tlxphrixl) use of free livketx surcewlod in lr’iking with Hanna fr m Nerv York about three hundred, nhi hinumlmr was snmqwhnt in creased on: {he lrn'ntq to Utica. The s-nldlnre, genflmlly.‘ tn 1 (1 up thfiirl now: ‘at (n? whole nffiiir, n ,scqmod (q Comprchond ‘ it‘ll by instin ‘t. More-warpihey/wnre not ‘ backward in difit‘nting frqm nfitl’flénénhm ingihe aims 1:1! in jxhliticnl st‘hehcrs who ‘ had thorn 4in tn . The {cox/rospamfe'nt of *the llemM'hns 1+ followihg picturé of the d'oingmr! (Hear: ,' i _ Th 9 prné‘es‘imf Qf/mhliers and citiznns wan formbtl £l,Oll fiaif-put Maven, TIMI; Hm railroad dppnt. the soidicrs, num’berinc übout xix humfi d. 'in frnré. (‘olnnvl Mc- Quruio. wh‘o hadlfter n gallanb aérvice of two yoars—V‘nlp flour an acting Brigadier—- just rolnrn’u-d frdm ”If: war. ‘in command‘. film)! a ”haunt! citiznnzwom also in thy proceminn. Thv‘y muched to Chancellor +qunre. wh’ore thn nvatinn mu hPM. The ~sq¥dirr~| worn. onithr-Ir arrival there, heat ed to a. sumplun-Thfi’fcad, prepamd'py the India: of Ulien. ‘ « , In thq moanlid'm mwtinge were organiz ed 1:, (hm-e ntnn’rk. Thn ‘n‘fivun at “Hi stand were vrinrvrnnv Seward mnn : "n wp'rn most or fire spanknrc. Gnvpmnrgwy} mnur w“: dohmtfirwl far hiw Valianfipham ‘ loner. am! the aunt's! "f HlO 1.1"" gar-”BF man apprnvmh ‘ Thm_mn~t bitter ”ma-hp; worr- (ham nf‘Whmntv. nf Indmun, one 07‘ the 101401»: nf‘ ‘hn Knnw Nothing rhM'P-'l mom. and that an.) man Tremamc. Both wore qulzh\‘hllh-?.i ‘ ; - Whno Hm lam-r was: nus-(kin. a Mm pany of mfi'mw marke'iflhmr way into: Hm ‘rrnwr‘, am" [Mll‘n‘lfli an Eur/gran! rhrrrimi _f~r_ [Vt-(141152». ,Worrlfyt-M swr‘i'tn (‘nL .‘ch‘gudn (hit the mldinn Nrgrn “3'san two: up U?» meMinfi. Hd that immediatofy t 5 rm whatlthe Imuhlefi'uganri Wand t'nu ghfiy I were chflm‘ing’ Mr Mcl‘ivllan. Ho 0H 1 the-m (hat it wad" rot-y him To Haw-1% Mr I “Littht Mar.” l‘u‘t mml-iainls were ado" than they were banking up the mooii —‘ A! that Umy Cambium-r 1 rbmrisg for H. I )hQuM‘lc. Sim-Ihr rh-mmrtrationa we made It the oihbr stands. The «qu”: rnx‘vnd rim they ware mint ofdmrkenhmh i digi, but in“: V 3!!!» "mum at" 1" mm three. whoevhr s‘htu (Int; “$l6" I En“! nlumny ugaimt Him bravo. Goldie}: , dl horoo- of many th-l fnuéhs hamlet. ’ u 5 i- 4e ‘- c . A rem-u kniuk’on u‘mu! fiw- o%le un til overflnz.‘ A Int nmewr: immpd'inN-Iy 100 k {wave-'Firm a! om- nf Iha nahzh, In" rmnmrnn} P’i/‘FH'VW _fnr ,‘(J‘lh'H'L ("ff [‘flmzr’y him a: a srrrraz’rdl-ehrlnp him M‘hx‘hc rmh' mm than! «)4th lull the Arm-mo“ the Puh‘intt m! it) .\nehwy; dunflllfi-Zl', :49 bit ter _mf'." 'L'e politicians in Wilmgtnn. (‘rmnnc‘u‘flp I’m! Srnuiph‘. nu ‘5?"0'1-35 Mc(‘3rlha Ivv'luw‘ bu Ira; rat-(I3L "1;"; ‘ war in . Llama” l.‘:e m'mm‘r, Burl”. fate?“ fvr'ng In thmr whomcs m mhkn H .il r 1; nfit. Tue-y Irv» hpocifily inner-'01: 1h ridzral'a in Canyon and 11.1 w L‘Jmmittce o the rnndurt 01 tim \me. ‘ . k The rx-markn of Iha «hm-rent midi": 01$ the-u- pnint: were arm-fed mth great BM [Jame by their comndm. (3:10 of they!) derlargd tba't mmy nf their omnradu wer¢ buk‘hervd I} Trodcrickrburg to «ghdy (11¢ intrigues ofdbe palitieis‘hs. P‘ Dowd '3“) the \K'iwhizpejkon polifioal masp‘h‘nmm,” Indy 011 mm would m‘y,‘ "(3in on Md’leilu: 14 Ind, and we will return to the war." 3 Tbia de‘monArJQEOn I»! the soldiers wan kept up for nenlv qn hour in that gig-Ids; It. in fact, weaned u ‘Eriugh thl’y mul‘l‘ not my mo much in Ipraise of“l.i(tle Mac," or dvnnuun» in binv‘rgufmgh terms the in.- trigum‘vgainnt him :1 W‘axlgiugwn. . l lll‘ll‘ of numsmus alhvr instance! of mldim manif. sting ‘enlhwium {or Me— (‘lrlldm but will mention but on“: qr‘two a; ‘ bl'lufi signifiunt. thli-ti Mr. Bruce W“ ‘ "waking It 039. of the stands, tloldiu in In ul'a'ovr's uniform mnunled I barrel and declared (hm pulmrinp an Abolition (Al-ll g tlnl he had not hard I wordfrom the speukr-ra. Ivar-then commenced cbonnng {or McClellan'! The soldiurs of (he Tenth ‘Rr‘gimout rallied around him nndjoincd in the obnon. They képt the inntlor up for some limp, cheering hr»: for 'MhUlrllnn and ‘thon Port". The I'Psult‘wafi, the crowd around the stand nearly all left, apd 11295 were obliged to send lor the band. wh playmldhe “Rm, White I'nd Blue,” bonnie (he audience wmildu-eturn. Their cheer}: were inlerapersed with “groans for the froli ticluu. Mr. 'l‘owngend was ulna intez‘ru‘lri-A en! m a similar way. a . During the recast some of tbé Znumel waited upon (lean-d Nye u the hotel,and told him that thé only way to put down this rebellion 'u' to place McClellan at the bend of the rmy. and that it was hit (Nye’s) duty to tgll thaw gathered here so. Hundreds’ofnther instances of this kind tank place.‘ IT, 1: nm'. wu HCCLnLuv ":51, AND ALL run nu, WITH THE wLDIBR§.4 (From theyTimes' Report.) During the Fpm‘cll of Hr."l'remulne a fey of the Hawking Zouaves came in the Vlcllfi< ity with a banner, inscribed withitho namp ofGen. McClellan as a candidate for the Presirlgncy. ‘ ' , * 1' The New for]; Tribun: on the Sol/litm—Tlme Triéune is vmy nngrx ut findFm: that (herb turned soldiers whn were carried to Albany to glorify the Almlitionizits nail the wolwrs in sheep's clothing, called the " Loyal Leaguers," dissented from (he: speakprfl. and the resoliniam pained by the Urinal Convention, by clmering for Geneml Mc- Clellan. It calls them nll ”Cohperlmadsi" We believe with the Work], that than (lib chnrged soldiers were the only sensible unit) at that Co:venlion.—Agr. ' ‘ L ”In the speech of Wendell Phillips in i New York, lust week, he ofl'ered the £3l - prayer: ‘ , ‘ .- "Qod grant us so many reverses‘flmt tlio Government may learn its duty; God grbnt that the war may never 9nd till it leapes us on the solid foundation ol impartial justice and liberty'.” ‘ Which properly translated means: Gm] grant. us that our, bmve soldiers in th field may meet witll‘defeatyfill Fremont.- Butler and lluntér are in 2commnml;-—-, God grant that war, bloodshed and misery’ slmll continug for he Whitmmen, and wo. men of the North, till the slaves are all set. line. ‘ In nonms awful; i: it not hellish}— Yet thus reports say that llll‘ ntmr'ious s5"- timent was “rhesered” by the lama nudi ‘ enco of Republicans I'lm heard kl—qb‘u’q .05”. ‘ .. DIM 295: " J firm» . RESPECT r} We quoted. a. few (1 Centres-u approved h' the 17th pf July, 1516 trhl and punishment .: Courts of all persons com fort” to Hue enemy hv ‘Gvnernl"Burnéido diphnm. We have his I approved by the Pre~ of March Im. mnkin Srcromry of War to fl ol‘thn Cnrmil gm/l D'qt nited States [“114 of! 30M cilizens 0T su|tes i istrnrirwlx m“ {hoist-s h mired in 'he say! Fm!- nnw. or who may Imm onnrfflhc United SM nnl,‘(.r otr'm' ,2].ch as SM tuners.” Wr- lamb shr-w i 112! immutml fly Gran Mr. ‘Kallnndlghatn are i or both thew Ant-‘l'". (Gunmeéc [and npfirovml mi-et precisniy Sl‘flh 1 ca me Hinged language a amused. ! it is_ at this :lg‘gn of! proceedinza that we A thtt the Pruidom, inc!- onlim indictmoqt _und landighnm was flfllimr‘ Ride in ignorance O! f cnmmutod- the tunic!) WV edfiy the murtmart L‘ni‘hmnnhtn “I‘o Son! ‘in For' Warren. Any .r-n-h dn‘cfrinn on {the 1 put 01‘ the I‘rMidr-pfi m ht; of count rive ‘xhn \nnrfiinn of (Eve éxo {ivr- to $llO milita §ryjurl~dirti6n “gonad '1 (inn-n] Burn ;ei-iv. in difin‘snrd pf ll'fl .Aw specially 'watle‘ :hn'v! pmviliod fur mph oases. 'l‘L-o I’rMi ‘dl-m mnnnt continua he puni-Ihmvnt in flick-11.1w n emu-1 ma. .En w'n'thontaksuming or implying (hni g‘mt I%an mnrlhl mm In ‘gnHy-eizcll nfflmiftimin! and criino upon which it I‘HImO'L (0 pm mnnrza acMenm. If (he Pres-Mum haa come (aim)- age-h decision, ma {rap im iligenre ehowhen given it would Iqef‘n th 1 he. bu forthton the law flamed by hi Imm Ihn» 'rhree month ago, for We ran at boHc-vc (ha: ha would willingly dlrroglljt that law in n mné ‘w'nic'n comes m dbvinun y within in wmfi 111 M ifh i-wdi:~rrprdcd in the run-«m "1' Mr. Ynlh‘mlighzm the i (anti-in ofthn X:-.| lpnnvapiflatm—a am! H e crypt-"s trrms nf‘ the stnfiulu mufclm 1w ‘ iralhfinullifind. ' V'n ‘ :13} rfimnmlwr 431 i when Gamma]: I’rmnnnL inked .Jfii! )vr plgmation on the: 3M: of Aung 1911!, ransl'atmg I’m prnp-l erty And libonfiqg the r “on ofml-oh. ML“ Lincoh immediakely I. vimd t'riat ofiiwar' u.“ “the [articular r 2 uza in. rahfinn to] (he confi~¢afinn of [rm-Mx 1y Ind the liken-g Uni] of {-1 New nI-p‘eurml (- him to'bc OHM-i (immhlp in in nan-confirm {y (a Mr art {5/ ("un-i min pusatllu Cull of [- 1 Aug”!!! upon ,l/v' mac :y/i'rqf' and hem- he (IfdPte'd“lh3€i the rain! chute of rl5ll vm-hmuion be u), n-flJAC-nl, Lehl and cm: 'rund, Is to mm' form {o3nd not to Iran-«fond (in provision" or. the “me whims: eonuined in (he 1c! of‘ ' 0""??? ontlllcd ‘An act (a mnfisome yflr] )nmy wed for irwurrmlicnn'y lunar-£063: Iprm‘u-d .\upud G, 1561, Ind Hut said oct' l» ; übifiied It leng‘h with thin crdnr.” ' Surb'kaq (‘.wu the bound the wailient 9).!“ léd‘hom b}. guhordmaux {Jr Lbs iaws of Congrms'; and (be fraxpkrlgse um] promp litude wub whip}; he int - ; Img rd hisrmnlnn ity to rec'ify 71h: error 'l' c h (111 mziniry memandrr imprumd 1' e pu «Kw IL Um ‘luué with (tech mail In)! i'x Sir. LiumJD'Js k-upu-iiy, finnneu and 1 than sum-Hod (u be ML} bf U-o alavvboidun in 1 rights to wbj'J) they we aiming lrginlafiun pf \ mud}! to Le e-gmlly tr—n: serum (1 bf the law to l fro» Staiec. . The error of Gonna! ig_ r. mihmry juxieuficn O‘xio fc.‘ words of ime perms qn‘til‘isuz spoken in p.413}? diuocsdm i» "on more grave and vita than if! t mmmfftu‘. by Gwen} Fremont; for 3 ia Id_ol'2'7of rom— mitwi *not‘ouly‘ i 3 vi aLion of special Miluteo, but I}? Constir 1:92:11 guarantees as old a: L'u- ru‘dimerm f va‘ firefly.— Tbe hit Cough-<1; rum sod that. ’it had provided for jug: tucb c. w; u thLOf Hr. Valhmkgham When A :- :.ctpd Lb. has of Juiy 171 b, 1803.'_ind omeJn 34,1853, Ind to van prcvidefl {cr‘ tum i': web I. way as would prgneré’c-frnpda - of politinnl dl5- 'cuuion und-urlioy fl’om.e;zenmuring into dmloyal‘ paacti‘ceg, o'r u immune act on foot will the dedgn ofyj mg aid and mm fort Lb the enemy. It. .2; (but: that the National Leg'ulamrn,’ful in v'rew of the emergency than ii. on u: min the constitmional m of the Xanadu} Gprunu; 30L” 'JU'JI'kI. It, “as 0 (but “extizuus ofSHtes in inflation of the Jim» has paired in the Fe eral‘q gut on trial foi- lleged \ , More the said comm, ad by military nuthofity. b" V 132 land. Mid “-1110 PH‘ execute all the existing 1: 1y bound to r-xechte the self approved, when the ‘ sns for which ”my were lILIL’UZJEIICCI‘. [ 7 WE comm N’ Week before Ihst. we lowing kind and Lumbar Human, Military . *mom Homlquartnin Distri-l . Imfartmo ! ' Intlwamaluflia, \ EJjIOr B'lgfl'mn Burner, B’u' A copy of your paper! been handed to $l9, in WI ynur intmlio'n to violate these hendqunrte a, an In ‘You can uow‘dis vow th advise otheng to do so, 0 publication (if Nut-jut; further orders. vinlul will receiye prom tatton n . . Mn Brig. Gen. Volunteer“ . We paid no gttention l edict, but contimbed to ml mus an usunL \ - . As for discontfnuiru ourpaper "till qutherordl no \t; and“ a! far “(11: - nmined in our iwue o l wining 'others ‘o‘dn so’ humid—a firsL—B/u 4 a]; is tulip? nston' Democrats thorn re nowl n'm. an Abnlitivfirist. of élppmitinn to ! e Fllg‘c prim'ipkza. We in“ t" 0cm!» ‘ I RENAL PR Luff; nyslnpn. Mm wt of Hm l’rpsidcnt on 1. provldip; fg‘r tho 3-1119 Ima.4erldisentomb°~jfr. Lincobx'a tingle spepch in Qongrcss, in 1845‘. in whim 1m di=cn=§ed the mecuge‘ofl‘rmidont Polk '2nd the wnr with Moxico. Per‘nm nnxinus i 0 inm'p with (he ndminiflration may per haps net lighz. inJhe darkness with'which arbitrary" wrest! ; and “the suppression of {recspeech have pmhrouded them. on the qnoctinn \vhnfl sm-t of talk Mr. Linmhz will pormit to betuuere’d concerning him self. He said: 4 ‘ I . "Lot: him (Hm President) answer fully. fairly. undo-undid y.. Lét him mmwor with ffiqf'. and not withln'rcumpnta. Let him n:- mr-mi-vr he sits ‘where Washington sat} Imd. =o~remomlmfing, Int him answen As A nation Humid ndt. and, 1h? Mann'th will not, he.omde§i,.sq let him attempt, no em sion. no oq‘uifor'atfion. ’ l- OE I‘ E Q ‘ ‘ I P . ly the Unpbml State; who “givp aid and in the w‘y chanted gnintt hfr. Killian- I publish d the law lEEE ent on i Elty of the ‘ (- Judgns f of the Y ‘ 1' all por- it the d ni<h M t‘ ct Qnufl a hank»: I c,a.dm€n led un‘im . who are \d m, pfiv fort. arm. ttjcnl pri~~ rrncaml— -0 against -- vfnktinn 3" the 1.1% ”idem to LraiSed by ct. of the WhVCh t Isicontin rral maria] 'kdrhm ‘.‘l ‘ (win npy‘ 5p or 1:01} \Um‘, “1| Jim-mid ‘.nl'pa'nk narfiqd 1‘ :7 the' I‘m qe IS that 1 d. cendL Entif hp canna‘x‘m" will not do this—jet fin nuv pmte'nge, ‘or no piplonoo. he shall refusa to omit ité—dqylthen I shalllhe fully mm vincod. of what I more thau‘snwpect alt-en (iy. that he is doobly ‘mn‘w‘ium of bein" in the wrong: lint he’ {‘le lhe- blood ofThis war, like the blopd of 'Ahei, is gryipg to heaven against hil'p ; that he ordered Gena Tnylor into the midst nfn xpmcol‘ul Moxi mn sculomvnt purposely tolli‘ing‘on a war; that. nfiginally haying sonic strong motive ~—wl':at, ‘I will nqtstop now to give my orininn concerning—to involve the two countries in a war; nnd. fuming to escape gcrutiny ‘ * fixing film public gaze upon the exceeding brightn'oss oi” militnry' film-y— -,ihnb ntrvtive rainbow that ri<cs in shim en of blrjod-thxt rinrms to deqtrnv—ixe plungod into if, and lxas swept nu, 35nd nu, till. diuppninlrd in his calculation ‘of the Mséwillxwhigsh chioomigh't be Fuhdded, lu- now finds-himself he know: nnt 'whore. How mm the hnlfinsane mumbling oféfa var nix-him is the “(hole war part 01 the last mesmgel 'n I: Q l ; . u o- & ’ PRO xnrdinuy Ie mfi'fim £1” ad '1 . ~hifig¢he ’ r nhirh jun. Waz , hg'Genqnl Lum ie la'w. )x‘n-Wimffly ”out illegally in:- [m M: Ifib—Limtihg ‘ fur, i'mprisnnmn‘rt A“ [Mi e'hmvs ”13! the Preri-lent‘is in no ‘wite l‘xfisfind with hia'pwci pnsifinm. ,First he takes' up 099‘. and. in attempting: to u pme us into it.‘ he argum himself out ofit; tlmn siezm Inah‘mr. and goo! through the ‘nmo firm-ow; «at! then, egnfufind at [wing able to think of ncjhing nt-w. he Hugh-hen up tho 07.11 one any). which he luv; some time Mfore'mst cfl'. ‘ Hix mind uéknd‘ be yond its powcrr I's runnipgh‘zther and thith‘ or, My Mm»: 10mm 1; creature on a burning sur fing n’ndma w’pnsv‘a’an Mint/Lick ii hm srtrlc Jim 1 and 7”- al 5148’. , , _ “U Again, it is I singular omigqio‘ri in 1}: is mwmge tint; 5!. r. where imimatei when tho Presidcnt‘eiprlk [ha the‘xnr to entai nate. ALitn beginning Gem-ta iSmtc’wu, by the Plesideng‘brivcu into higher; if not disgrace, for iintimting I+\: 'pem muld not be conquered ‘in' 1:5: 1!: 31 throw or four months. fiut now. It t‘ze‘vnd'o noou‘v. twenty monfhn—during which‘ime our Irma huevg'rvqn on (he meet style did Momma—every depirtment, and every phi, land and wait-r. office-ts n'nd minim. refu lus Ind volunteer} doing all that, me could 60,-"!!! bhndreds of thing. which it had ever befurn been tbéiighl men _cnuld not do—nflei nil lliis, this came Prsidmt gives us .1012; moi-alga, withoéi thawing us that ai to ("I n' 1.1.120 bu. hianelf even In imagiunry «inception. As I havo‘befou raid, he know: Mt whpre he in. He is n’ b;- wilered, (nmiouudpd, and miperably per yL-xod r: in. (iod ‘grmtbn may be akin to iimw there in not mmothing'nbout hit mg}- upienm more ““Iqu than all his mouth! perplexiiyfl ’-. i ”Never did my administration, mince the fuundatirin or our Govern ment. rm‘eiVe eat‘h univeisul support from the people; in ‘ time at? vur,.ue thepxesuatr one, m'd if it ‘ had but empléyrd ‘its rebouroen in I prop er manner, none‘ :hlt preceded it .would, hav» been more hobored ind Tet-pectrd hy posterity. The Wu of 1312 wufJim Madi son’o war’ :ind onlylreteivcd s cordial sup“ ‘ port. from one,])arty. The political oppo nents of thxt great, man denounced the In in tho bittereab language, and some of them held oht‘agigcfl lights for our Englinh ecemia; yet. than: t ere was no wapension cfthe writ of .L’me‘r 'f'orpm—no restriction upon the press—no illi-gal arrésin by the military And no- banishment. or co‘us’jgm meat to dungecmlf The war witfi‘yexico, by which we lequii'atl our richest gasses sionc, ulso, only x-omeivwl the cordial sup port of'onc plirty, "whilst the other cun tuined within its rinks those _v'vho would velmzne‘uur “Allan en oops 'mzh-b/oady luwi: (o Imam-(life yruNu/i We merely wafer to those tarts i'rgr le" purpoae of showing thnt‘ in no other war in which our Country was: 'evor 9mm), dig! the people so prom lly and universally rmnond to the call of their Country, and contribute» ”their mm) and means so liberally, P“ in the preheat one.— That thé ' i-nspyt \mr hnl not born prosecu ted :o?er {hr the Ohjéct'profoaaedh the Ad ‘miniutration at its hegiuning, willnot ad mit oracloubt, alf-l‘ that it. uhouchbß le '; vorvly condemn’mlfhnd denounced in con 'quut-nce, by lhoae ‘who have Been misled ‘ and deceiv‘mi, in link natural and just. what 3 it might rmmmul-Iyl hue cxpectvél., Pub :lic expectations-lave been disuppointefl, 1 and the hour-st. this fc-m'less and the two; who are always the best friods of any cause, y moglxgsjtured lto express their diflap ’- intruant and‘ commentonjts errors.— 'l‘he‘y'liuve reprovcd it for its faults—con demned its wrong going and pointed out. its truemoli'r‘y. Such men are most. un questionnhly the héat friends of the nt‘lnfin . i~trntion‘and (-ntitldd to much more honor ‘ nnll rmpnvt than those who lull in fa}. ofll. rm and rlnrc not dilfm' ‘Tm the rmnllrst par ticular from tho views a! thou wluo gum' them mice. We know ‘there are men (*Véllelf‘l'GMWG halve thém amongcb us,- ‘wlm, i‘nr tho nuke of lucra. will 'QAfictiOli wrong, and applaud and approve wlmt‘éver putilmonoy in their Jacket-shut» such are not roa‘pnctorl and iliould Hobbs trusterl.- Give us :1 titan wlioihns boldness and inde- Ewndpm‘e enough to approve what his eon cience nnrl lmtjudgmfinytell him [:5 right, and to condom}! whatever he knows to be wrong. Such a man can bdroueal on un der all circumstances.— Iv‘ralerick’Uuion. amoxizm. If ht ‘ Inez-w) m behalf tugs-Jun. all ‘be e .emiclmi by 'tbe “ mngE, b 0 ought. no.” bf IRJ-E‘liyhta [ e' clfizeus of the rnsitle in catfi uvor a citizen of wught‘lo [Blin htu-and’inlerests '-nL from ail‘insid prnsly cnlmnad hick the hdm'm; Iconqixiuflw unini nun-tux” should be luolitiml q‘U'enCp: «1 no l‘opger held ch in n'ow‘llne law Jen! i~ [mum] to ws, ho‘iaflcertuin laws he has bin? 91" (‘Vwon ' an -110)“ tofid .5 val‘ouav' DO IT. row-hell L‘hn fol Thule from Gvn :- of Indiana: :Lnf Yntlir-éu, t of the (Jim. I‘Lny S ‘lBO3. _ 2071, fn/lhm 1 : , 'of May Ist, has wich you boast o! 'l‘llel‘ Nm 9, from ch as you plemo. t intrntinn, and di’wnntfinue the :- altogvumr till !nn of mid notice tmn. ‘ a - _ 3 S, Inseam" 3, Com. Dish-lot. to this tyrmnical url our own [fusi r fi‘” thn schemes of désyotism adopted by this ndmipistruliannre 'onco carried out; even the poor tools who are mm; advoca ting and pressing it. will be as grdntsufler era as ot'mxrs, Once establichlyrnnny. and weshall n“ he in the sgmo hm: and lII‘OH bably those who now seem to dam-e xt Will be among't'ne (his viciims. _ ‘ he publimtir'm of ‘ r,x"T-3vo quuldn'p owing" 'tmyming May lvtbor‘" ad —we’d see Gen. on (Lam Banner. m’l‘ba weakhended fools, or the aer vilc Lrucklers to power. who iudorw {Heur rm n‘ml impruonmont of Vullundlghmn, will find a‘n adequate measure of shexr inti nite lameness in the: words oi'xhzt profound and eloquenb jurist, Edward Livingston : “There can beno abuse ofaniumdversion. on. public monsules. is mum» uurestrunml or u ilno right." , > ' ,7 , shing how many «Jays. Then-(sis manly-five yrs #5 of Dvmorrnlic 111. be is yn'a Dwi- .l e ‘l l. Tim DOLLAM A-YEAI; No_ 05'. nigtivitrygrgurpow The New York World my! ii In thaw-d -hloio glad the Ohio and indium new-pa ym without coming to the mnclminn that 69er in gathering in the West full of the direct poi-mum ourcounny’s pew. We l-übmit the following exiucls from int i Columbus (Ohio) Ovid: that. ha rem-bod m. l and he: ofonr Republican friend: to weigh ulmfi ,hoir corrihlo import: 3 "Th. amnion wipers come inndn-i wilh donunciatinm of the arrest of Mr. Vallnm I dighnm. Our friends Exist mun: not.aup l pose that boom-e varyiml-c i 3 said in Ohirf, tin! than is no feelihg on tho subject.— } ”afnfiny infarbryom! (be audible mprum'vu 1;! (In people. Under no rircumlamu di'rl um I tea aims; (luv mm! craze of publn- mild. . I: pmilr.‘ may panaml portiun all," State.— ‘ Sraredy a ward pass“ between Um Dunc-rib ; Md (he flepuL/icmu-tllqy pass a: ml (trail vm.” J - ' J And again: ; x "S'u jnlcnac is Mcfixh‘ng in HM Slab. Um! Mo, feel lii-r Raving (luv/Mn!) nn'IlI! mljccl. The“ in: death Mufielfing in (vary Acarf. which in smothe‘réd under the mem ’inquiry of ‘ant has been dann with Mr. Vallandig. ham 2' and such like inquirigs. _unici lb God that the nutlmrilioswero fully 803163! of ch; graa: blunder may have made; gym; alumllning mlmno Miriam-«uh. Who can - eels—who advices them? Surely not H: men of sense-4W pa'trinfism. nor low-n" f Onlr-r 'nnd of safety, Wommy fer pea , for lnw, and f‘nr nrdnr, lmt "‘0 fear that qu prayus‘ nre but mockeries. If trouhl comes let it rev-L on tho abouldeia of Him “'h 0 would have it. so." 'l‘hn report vofthn procearlirim at (He 11.! Tndizmq Delimcrntin State Convention. lh ddihemtinm of whipl: were; hohi'wixh : military, farce in tho‘ hnH nnll mltliem‘p trolx’ug the Emu-ls. tells its bwn story of (h six-Mm nl' mintury power in i 1 frqc and lo_- a] State, and 1110 su'ppreqsov] fu‘ry wi which it, is rt‘gnrdml hyltho people. THE mssion OF THE LEAémzs. The paronc nhclpty of (119.1“.qu I.9mm I Mud m an nrmeinnnl primed slip l'r’o which wd tnko tho liberty of making an ex tract now and Hum. Lact week wo 'rocniv on! a copy of tho 12th:: officcrflnry Chm which was read Int“? meeting recently hell in ‘tho wily GfNew York._ Afly’gaing Op": mmplimnnt tbn Leagum nn tfie auvcesa OJ lhefr efforts. and “congratulate Elle countr on (he dmth blowa that were being déal to slavery lly llm Wm", lm llml’i‘lofinea ”Io plan: bl. the mlm‘misvgtion in regnnl “the 1102 mm, ITO Rnlvs : } , "Ménmima it‘aopms to me very nocqusa- i ry .tn. any giqinr-dy what many yet shrink from sayin'g. 111 m Amr‘ricun Macks must be niH‘od intnfl'fifi I‘unfilet, not 34 culls. not. now. even. a: mmmbunds, but as men.— In the free Stage. am},- Uy the proclama: tinn.'in flu- rebpl SIM“. (hey (if: frre 7mm.— Tho'AtMrm‘y-Genoml. in rm opirgion which gleficcmfinstinn, hm pronounced than {rte-1 'mm cilism aft/m Unttctl States." ’ '. . . Not oifly are; :11 the negxom in the film]. South to be treated as Ira! mm. but. h .u. ‘thority (hwy- Lre pronounced to be 3151:5th n/(Re Unitrd' Smith". If njtizun‘a. then they must, enjoy ill the; rights lof citimnabip—~ mustvlg gunned 1.0 mm, and in .11 publin rightfi it 10351. be (ha equal of every other citizclg. 'l'luyfcannot. be made r‘MzenuT‘ nhbnut ukfing the rights and privilege: of cilizrnlhip._ a J ' -. Two letter co'mes fi) us With an pfliqird source. IH3 printed Ind circulated by the parent society‘Cof thn Loyal Leagues, and I's distributed in slips to the ‘céuntry newlyw pr‘rs throughout the not-them States.~l'ul tou Democrat. ‘ THE ADL'INISERATION OUTMGE’ m ' HHEW mam ‘ ,' The oumge committed upon the Demo onts not, M‘ New H-mpuhire nlqnq, but of dun-y onn! Sum in the Union. By the diaa miwal of ,Liouhmant Eigerly. for rating ‘t‘heJlemocrntm ticket. in the New Hump ‘nhire State Election. uni tfle coarse And in sultinglangunge inn-hick the order {nuuch dismxml Vas couched, took the Consens tive people of thcj‘Nnrth by mrprise.‘ It In natqmfly at first. lit-meeld to be an un ouunibd report. and I. lihel upon the Ad inittratiot) : t’nrlno pvrso‘l comm behavo‘ \ . t. in m wcfic‘ul ut. the President or.his [nth 'ueu wo Id, for the gratlficntion cigar; - list agahae, descend tapegsonalfibuwl'to vfilpa slug. and, to imptt entmd willful fulmhc . But to the astonishment of all, and to t. ’e regret of every decent. man, the Internet. proved to be well-founded." and on the re 1d»; of the State was found the off'pubive u d'ernyal ordnr—a perpetual shame; not' the btlicer fisprivod of his mmmiuion, NM: ‘lO the [Administration nwhu‘e muhgnit muld drpg it‘to such q depth of dogmlfiuofl. ‘ ' "The Democratic‘ ”matte/Committee ofNaw ‘ Hamfifihire‘buvo ixeuod ad address tohtho ‘* maple, con'demnatori 0.” this outragn upon K the rights of a citizen‘and the cnmmon do ’ cenoies oflifo: _Thdrebuka it mlm‘minters to the President, who hot himself to ‘tho Hiroceedinghis severe, but, welt moritodé— } flu- inault and the wrong: affect ovety Dem ocrat in the lwdé—‘N. I’. 'Argw. ‘ "Offll the grant hlunderppf thé imm ant: Aminintz-atiuu, Sibe' Emanclpwioh Proclunxtion was the moat nlmufd. It: via iuued :31 time when the Presidenfiimli just recovering from his alulm for ma safe ty of the Capital. He seems _to have thought that. it nu: m-‘nmsary to make up in 'uluatcr what he lackod in strength.— But mmething bad tor be done. and‘ the Hx'ecnjive and ' his BJdlCfll » adviser; put thy,"- henda taznther. {Tho micmrrve‘ nra‘ 1014 ll) .the hue, once had a nimilur con: édltufiop’ta devise Ways an}! menu to to duce their ancient and; formidable enemy. The story 1:005. that. n. young mouse, witlu delicate voice and cunning ears, submitted a proposition Limbwugrentml with thruo. terrific lguedkn' ot’ approbation. It—vus simply lo‘pu’t-s hell on the cat. It. mu no longer announced than _the radical ‘mice gathered round the awaken with cries 0! “Hear, be“ ;" and “Bully for him," ' 3‘ They wnr’o astonished anzl delighted with his sugacity. ‘l‘hey igcled their lil‘tln ‘ tail: in ecrmcymnd waisperrd to each oth i ex that the plan my édnm'able, und Wlllllhl :so simple min tlie\only wonder w. it. l hadn't been houghhof before. Bumhe l fable procofds to inform m that, the young i mown burl hm'rlly time to forgive the con gratulatiom ofllis friends, hibblo I piece of cheese to rficruit his exhausted knot-glen, and cnxt a' {cw proud glupces at, the Tamale _miée in tho gallery, win-n uni old member ul‘tho _cfiuncil, who had bean nll tlw' limo sullnnly ctroking hiq mu-tache, rose nnnl rm‘narkogl that the plum was certainly inw. niouu, hut hr wi~laml to propose a qua-«tion to lllt‘juvl‘lllil‘l mt-mher from the meal luh. llu ifuuld simply afik hm, “ W/m deyulJ/u: (w on?” n is Lair-m". répmu'd mm the council was suddenly broken ’up\in,.‘muu --Aye. ‘_t , ‘ v 4 "SET HIM mm.” A very worthy fisherman, by the, name of Griule, was dro‘whed some time since. and all search for his body proved mailing. Artor it. had been in the was”; some months. however, it fins discovered, flamb ing on the ,3»: are, and taken w-the'qlnore ; whereupon 1&4; mith w'u desnmfik‘ed tq «)an the inlglligvnoa to the mwhgfiliet ed wnr ow. - ' , ‘WuH. BIN. ’Grizzle, we have foundylfr. GrEuEe’i body! 3 ' . ‘ ' ‘You don‘t say snl’ ' -,, ‘Yea. we have; ihejury hmabt (3qu and found it in“ of whl'. ' ‘ You don’twy Mr. Grizzle'a tody in full ofenll?’ H ‘ K "3 5 "Ya? Ma; and we want 13::an what you a [have done with ‘51.?1’ A‘ ' , 'llow many eels do you mink" “fire is in him ?' ‘ r ‘ ‘1 £3.17“... , ‘wpy, about alJlmhel.'"'. ’ _ ‘ . » l~ ‘WoH, thgau, 'I think {on huf’botbr lend tbo'aols (Ip' {o‘clfiz ome W‘fl him ngaia? I ‘ .‘ (5‘5 mm":
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers