E '~ . Terms. The Collin.“ ls published every Mondnz nloining, by Hus" J. Suntapnt $1 75 per annum if paid strictly n “Hung-42 00. per nnnum if not. pnitl' ld'ndvnnce. No lublcriptibn‘discontinued, unless at the option of the publisher, until all arrange: are paid. '.‘4 -A nvnnflsnflxu innfled at theusml mtm. “Jon Pity-rise done with neatneus and dispatch. : ' Ornc: in South ”nitimoro street, nearly‘ fifipofite \Vamplorq" Tinning Eumplinhment -—“Coxl‘thß Pawnmflh‘nca” on thesign. _ Notice to' Tax-payers. . “TIFF: iv th-hynflfl-H that the County (‘nmmiuinm-ra will make-mu .UH'I'I'HIEST OF FIVE PER CENT upon rill State. (‘nunly and SpN‘inl tnxvs ns ’msxml lor the your mum Hm! shall he paid (0 l‘nllectors on nr hcfnro WEDNESDAY, tlm In hf JULY. Collectors will he required to call , m; tax-payers on M lwfurc the nlmw: ulnm‘, mud hmkc Fitch nhiw'ment. to nll persons paying on hr before-amid dnr, nnil pay Ihe same to the County Trgnwrer. otherwise no nlrdcnfit v “in be made. Hy ornlrrof the (Ymmniulom. , J. )1. WALTER, Clerk. April 13, 186.1. m " , , New Bakery ! ‘ EWPOHT' k zmdmzn, )Im-lmuirnl nnk. N era, Suuxll “'.nsllimlhm atru-t. hall mlmrc finm [he Bugle yum, (IETiYSIH'RG. Pa.— lhmamnflv ml hand, tho l «u of I‘HCEAD,‘ [YIHCKEHR NARI-2S. PHETZHLS. kc. l'cr- Mus wishing {rt-ah ”re-ml will he served (-H-i'y hmrmng. by [Wu Ingfilu-h mum-i unul residuum-s nI-lht‘ Bukorr. ery (mm nnuln- [mph-mu Hive us a call! . [Ap’ril ‘2’”, 'lifl. tl‘ ~ “Howard; House, ' JBAL'I‘IHORH.‘ ‘ _y The undersigned In: flw plmuhurr‘ of an jmnnrinrg m hi<lric~ml~ um! tlu- wn' lir grm-L-I -132111;” !I(- has lil‘l-UI’ENHD THIS EXTHVHVH .\Nn FAVORITE HUTHI.‘ mu! “#1:“? the Hmro'nf putrnnngu uhirh in ‘lifllih in'ni'nhh lurniml um! Ilia (~il'ml- In plI-n-c "my down 0. ll ._\ in: lwu-n mafia-J 10" many )‘ml'ri in M"- duuling )mgmlar Hotels in I'Hlllfljh'flnitl. _"i'r pluin nut! Ihn~ ,riH. he fi-rls il‘rllll‘d n! lu-in-g ulalc, “10} NW hi I "3.3% (‘mu‘prh-m .\Ni-lanu‘ In Int-M nll jail l'\[v|>l‘hlhnll< u! lht- (mu-ling l-nnnunnil} in mmvngi'nyflu- Hnu'lrd ”(mu-J" 1| I|} h- Hllllflsv .l h) unr‘ Hoer ul ils ( I‘l'i; ill lhc l u‘ly' ry ‘l‘cn m~ vflvalluuun': ('l‘!“fl.[l'f;s:l 7!. per [My “‘ Lill’it's’ ’ _ “ 2my “ “l'flll'V'fi‘H'V, ' \\ \i‘ I', lil".\ \HCl'J'l‘Upficiul‘. lhlh'nnnrw, Apxll 2|».‘lMJ. um ‘ Old Gold and Silver T 45TH“ —'l'!n- lliihl'"? prn'v in ("uh \"I pnul‘ lur uh) (:u'vl xmvl Siln-r: g,”- lue-onl i~ n t'n'umhlu lnun- In u-EI Hu- lu: mium «u it lot-sm: I In". .\l-u. (EM-I um] >3ler ('uill punk-sud, and {he lughv-l priw- giu‘ufhv ,_ .IHSI-In'll “EVAN. Walt-hmAh-r 3‘; Jr \\ u Hrr. in Plnt- Dizummd Fvlv ‘_‘ :. Mu... ‘ .5 , : . . . Cannon 8: Adair’sf , flzw \1.\I:l:v r: \\'nl:l\'\‘. (‘urnl-r ..r mai- A mun-mu! Huv \l‘i-ldh‘ sum-R. ()lli‘l“"i'c “In. «‘num I|uu«-. tn-uyu‘nilgv I'.. ._\\‘p «5-, T.rv-p.;rs~«} In humid: \(urmluv-111-‘, 'l'umlw [lnui nTmun “:u‘Me \hullw‘. N'nl-s fur ('IMIH-l 'Mfl‘mu‘v antl .I]! "I?“ r \\ urk :Ip'u rmining In 0m 'vllriuh-‘i. “'l' Ni“ ~_III 'rmlh'l- ~.(li:l'.u‘linu 111-l!) m 1 In c-u-ruli-In .zu-d prim: I'4” .Indlsw (Jul All-Agni Ind 3' m inn-u: u! \lnrk. - PM) 'l. INT? :1! . 3883.. ~ Sprmef Styles 1863. ()F "A S .\XD g'kl‘h'. ' ‘ ‘/ . K F 3 HrHJIENY, .' hi:- nlc ct ~n:1..S \\', vur. (‘rntr‘w .\‘qumre, In.” j'l-t uglv'nwl :l i;vlslluli-i l <uzlnwm I-f ‘ . ”A 'r s A x II ‘r x P s‘, 4-Plln-I;I_LI-I .'ylL-c. :I. \‘vrr'gL-n ’lliA‘|'~_£ I'm snguin \Twm'm'a garrd "l‘Jle‘llli" and hl-hinfi phl- H n or“ up. :L’rq- rvulyvnrd In giu- him 1: [all]. ‘1: nun 1;.“ . A \‘ U S HAUEJ-l‘ S. mnnprixiuu .\h-n‘i lim- ('.IH l‘n‘m‘z. \ln-n‘Ex—Jlll- I‘M-{Ella \h 11': \V‘il-fmglrn Tlr~.~{‘uhurn-s~ (I li -1: 1.. Pan: '.n :L u‘ui't-U Ind-rum": l'mlnmml Sim-re, llwilvn. fim- Lin! ‘Shp'm r~‘.. \Fn'lw' hug] (‘lnl lE'OII.< Shaun um] H Um w'. (of l‘\l‘|'_V‘ Villa-‘3' uI-II kWh--nll of “hit II will be .\uhl u,» ‘ lawful: llm r‘ Inn-ml. LN :I'H~ “hn “"1“ m xuplfly Hll'm rrh‘u-l Hi" gum! And :uhduflml “an ( All and m m‘uim- ....r >‘lm-k. ' R. r. .\lcndufixv. '_».\pril 13. IHZJ, ' 1 _ NS. Spring Millincry, NS. ‘ . HS \lrfillliA'ZY U'Hilt" Lulio- m' m!“ ‘3l run! sue hyr Im'w flirur'mvnl hf s']. ring uu'vi Snfnnn-r 'H 81$, (‘ \"S. HHVNFTS, HUS fixfijl“ Tluuunm" _\\H\LA.\'l'Y august, “With ~firt' H! Um [uh-5! 431 w. and Icing pur (lnsul {fir-6.141 HULL? sulul a! n-zmnlnlue prim-u. ' . ‘ A. I"?! Slm- i;_ :lk-n Im-gvan-d m Illn-aéh ' und I'n-u lit-«mo e and ”Mint. tlfi- shulluat notice mu! in ”It Inul m.lmu-r. , ' ' .\yranT,lslj Th'! Great Secret H'V‘D (U' I’.—l" can 11-” _\‘uu 3‘" now F whrn‘ tin-y nun-L If.” in York And, .\n! Ilia right. nppmjle the lfilnk. nn-l ‘hc n-n- A FOIL-Ii (M 4 : ‘fln- Ilndvrfignmlfi I~‘ jlhl jrl'l'pthl _ Imm "er rhy u \‘nry fim- .Ic‘urnm-nl no SPM“: “MODS. lfnrjmlh l-ulioe‘ :1 ml gontll-lnbn. :u fol .l mm: For [‘u- )‘nlilu. Khukvrf. (ilurl-gSlufl‘,’ “Inga; Lino“ llnml'M-r--hi-1.~. (‘.nllard. l’ansZ |'(-r -l'nlnwry.ofnllk‘mdd. Hun)» Skirflmelil'J ”Me, _ {lnd in I‘m-t gxl xmi’g :|l|‘\l'llill‘.( clip in [he tnilyl ' ivuy: (Tunflujl‘fif I‘im‘. Hair Brush“, Toolh 1 Brnilu-n'. aml-nnlgi‘anns Min-r :ll'fit‘le‘k ' Grpth-nu-nk “var. >154: ‘a; ('n:lt‘~'. Pap". ‘ ‘- 129515, at the rum“ in! prim-e: lir~l mic Linen , _ PJII'S‘H‘ $2. cum! Sunnnl-r \"qqa n! 7‘." I’LL. and , mhur (-lnlhxng nt the snnn- ram-c. Summer! Hen: uhmper flmn :nnr other ll()ll‘19ifij.‘le; (uwn, both for hays and men. ”Minq‘ pur- } rlmsedn lut :It Lung-(hm. he ram so“ 11-Jm nil [wit-es w‘lm-h wfl! ngke n'must any onollnu: and also many mhm- gnmli, such ns Furlw,‘ Fork H.mdlc~'. shm‘cl‘ :Ind I‘launlles, Rum-a.£ “l‘wines’ Brnahefi. Hrmnns, Qnocnswarcfi and; um.“ mun, (:RUCI-ZHIES. and Spices brfiui kinds, Sonpa‘ofnll kinds. Esz.-xn(‘vs ufaull kin is. Kniyon, Forks.’Spenni, Tohm-cn, Sugars gnu!" Z snuff. mnl in fad nlmnst an} [hing you wuuh] pnlrnhfe '0 find in n .\‘ntiu‘n Store. nll‘u-r-r ‘rlncnp for ca-‘b. Run’t 'orgc-t ”'3 place. Yen that. lmh- Horn thofe hrinl! Mime Hm. have not tum-u initiated y‘t. There is ruum fur “u of Jhem, M. No.‘ [l3, opposilo lhe ILmR, in York Elfl‘el. , ’l. U. CAN“, Agent. , May 4, 1863. ’ . > g ,Millinery,lu New Oxford. 155 E. WOODS, forumrly of Halfimoro. I‘l having- luculed in New Oxforlk .\nlzunzz culluly.. Pa, in the house occupigd by Dr. “all, "I Hanm‘i-r firm-ct, wigl mrry on [he NILLIXERY BI'SINESS. in :l l its hunches—- will ken]. 'unlhmul ”USSR (‘B. "ATS, RIB in).\'S‘.FLUWEIIS,HUGHES, SILKS,CRAPI’.'S, LACES. kc.,'nud {solicits .1 share of ppblic pnlroxgnjgg‘ " “‘“ " " "' [.\prilgjz. 5453. ‘ x' _ 1 ‘. Wall Paper! §§= LARGEvnriL-ly of patterns, of (he‘fiinit A ni‘d Ids! dosimhle stylvs, many of V ’ch' nrc being gaiduu, the old prices. ('n_l| and Lure then); r . MclLuEiV Y‘s. Special Nntice. 0! Aid In” JULY lgt, 1863.‘1he prinlece ‘ofcnm‘ocling thepreient issue (”LEGAL “sank NOTES mm 'nu-z .\‘ATIUNAL 3!): P 53 OBXT. 140$)v (i-oulmonly culled “Five ‘ftenuel’j will cease. ‘ Ll; who-“fish to invent in the Five-Twenty [9" must, theretore, apply befnre the In of futrmnf JAY cocks, . Smmuwnol Aann . . :xo. ”4 S. THIRD SL, Philldelphia, \ L Aprfl'l3. “‘33- 3m __'_;__' Chfldmn’s Clothing. ‘ BEAUTIFUL ARTICLSr at the store of A GEO. ANROLD. Ladies- wilr plenu call and get them. ' {ARTE-57, 18p‘3. n‘ SW FALL MIeNTER GOODS l—A good N‘stsomuent of Fall und‘Winter Goods a; chap): the cheapest at .'.LSCOTT & SOS’S RELLASA of every variety at U ,4 PICKING'S. - RST-RKATE Eighhdny. Thirfi-honr 3nd EM“!!! Clinch. cheap at PICKIXG'S. , KTS.—Do you want. u n'we’u Joeflooku' Hlm 1 Call II 3 NCILUEN’Y’B. ~, -‘ .‘f ’i' i , ' '.‘9 ‘ 1‘ ~ I! 7] By IL .1. WHILE MEM 45th Year- j Eig‘ifixglfianmfl in: finMBZfiZE birjikfilnlzifi COUNCIL. 1111115151: 0111011111111; 01? 1115 111.011 IPEI-icll op’fiofi “'l. "OGBIIE “'o'nrt- indonl t 9 the Indianapolis ‘ final for in” [um-mwlings oi the xmmc n‘mw nwr-tingnfjlw homo!- lzlts of Jndx'n in that l-ily. nu 'l‘hurktlay wry-k. t'l'lw Nmrinrl myq, that, it Win the nmzt m *rnue :aunmhlnze of [lneylifllnple ever lu iq’lmiimm tn tuk‘e'Kcnnnmhl tnguthefiup Um com‘fitinn of IheZmunt‘ry. 'l‘lu- taro mu _vnriqusly r-ntinmlml up: frmu‘fil'ly .sm'muv-five lh'nusmul. nnflqlmv more )8 JV all rnlrr‘. Tlm (lolnnnqrrttinn fife & Mom-«- glmt tlm‘firp 01"“waqu h_u_ iml , Hm hvarh of the lwnplo. It lwns nrit an :1 sound agn tn mhaun-r party! sclmnms, ‘ nnminnm candida!“ for public position. in prnlnntv Hw pm'émml'iy‘t rents nf m(- The nnlv nlljmtt inn to yyniolrvo Pnllktlfl' tiannl liberty mu! mnint’nin he fimo- lh mnnmu.\\'luit~ln wn< wan Li hp valor n‘ fmxm-«l by the wisdom of |putriotic : «wry; 4 fl} - l Hut 1 was with [o9“!ijth 9"er- Iniln‘ulinn. nn-l :lc-ur-ylulinn. {cl-muggy; Ami/nil!) (hul- wn w‘ihwswvl‘rhe .séénni yi~tnn=ul..y. Tho ponple wori- mtpérbfik tn 10m.~:lh‘.y a-smghlv. «I svhflu the pa” :‘nul act-z of tho pnvly it} pmqo and moljfiir 'fnr :1 rp‘drvq nl' gl‘ir'vzmt-vs. f l‘li'e rfilrvso lzlfivm. l}u‘.'sf‘l:\'ullh}nf (H 0 ponplo—t “um-mom” “ how (m! i: ‘lfiaw‘n gram ‘ 'puidiv lrvauu-y—:uHuml-lmll dov‘ur‘hiwo at pron"! :l (rum. (“tyre-«Mn h lhnq’e whn Hwy n-pn-nnnml. What 1 logyr‘tsn xMR-rvfd lur weh :m oxhihiti : in wlhiit h lu-on rt>:_r:|.rdml n~ n. free ‘ufivornmont (rnvvrmuont; which (Irrivos ilk jllst [)OWt ham “.0 cnuwut rrl thv 10¥,'I?l10'l!3‘ The m'flihny cmnmandhh hm] tnkl ul:n~m;nr “.11. lhfillgllt Unit immo'procn (hungry manna Wél’r'fiflfflfi'ifll’yl, and 01:11” (ho mm nhngtlm (mops at tlu- humus cam! wrre‘ pl cml n." «Inn. A ringiment of .i {untrv in In” marching or'dn-r w m luwtctl ] tlei-uvurndr'a (Im 10. uni! two loinf‘csof; lilfflry wm-o Named to} swnil‘ Iha stroc hmuLnu to :1. A twelve pmmr‘Pgr was pine“ m-pu-Smfllm Hmulquqrtori so :H to ml Yn'uiniJ~ an mm. :nlll :A'rnmprlhy nfenhlip r-Im-kmlE'm-In“ at llm paint! “hr-I'm! lhuluughflu'c :h-limn’hn-s ium Wm} inc MruvL Aumum- vnmvuny ttqvkell :ums t l‘luvquu-linn sntlh nf “Hamil-n 5 :‘lixl “3p H irxglnn,~ll~m-lu. :. It i!‘ uni-«Hoes :tn ~41)"th mi Inqmn “.15 ‘ilfil’loll to pass Hn-sc pn'mh wilYu-ut Npm'iul pm‘mis-«mm‘ A “action 1' a hum-~31 with :xq‘r infantry ‘supmrt w 3 plan-ml :It llu- new'ArsonaL oth of (he cit ', :Iml mu ‘uun‘sfi'm-e plum-d winging nu ’tl e hpmkvls' M uni. “L the Stalk" (”_nuju‘, pu )7 yin-(ml hy '| ~qu.ulrou ofiifimi‘y, c 'ncc’nl (I by tho |~uil:l nzs. I (1 ‘ 2 Al rm c-nrh' hum" the past (3an aha-m Rh 9 "one“: Squam."§vhm-9 tbp exam]? wast“: -t(- if. was druw’y packed ,with rm mlxinu crn'w I}, urn! Hu- Affecssloadfnu mix m-h} alga l brnn‘ n ml.’ The rum-Hm: was (-ulku to 0rd»:- ly 'l'bm Dun-ling, 15-11., of Vign, xi mmnber )r Hm Maud :01)!qu (.'ulnmilu-o, h)“ nmninmil g finr‘l‘rnwilh-nt the Hun. IMH'II‘V. Vuorhe ', n! an. I ' I , f Mr. erhoos. on takingjhe slap-l, xvii r‘vm-ivmlawith‘ Inlul and lung édntinnd «hm-4:. "H um that he with! r-‘turn h'3 think-i fur the honor done hi it ill m-lprti g him [it pre<ifln nvt-r Mich a VHF! nsienililag y, whi-19th.“: bilsihoss organintlion «an; cot ‘3 lululwl. _ I ‘ x. l . i I ,u‘lr. lionilriokx than mnvoil ihehfif‘lnin -: mi'nt or n qmnmittvg of [Moo ft‘pn'i em I ('nllurouinnill Tlalrit‘t. to p‘repari}t resol tion< for: tan (hinventinn. wh (2‘: w a ado -3 ml'hv xmclntnation. After-tine primate ‘t' nrguilimtinn hml hop" ell'eét'vtl. 3 l. Vonf‘ ho’ms‘ mlilw-ewil the Cointenttion'. i Among“ olhl-r tliiifin‘t lu- mid : ‘ l'. ' l , 1 .lfr/ I Imam-“ Mir [Plbiw-rilizrng Qf (A? 'fiulc (I, Imlmn.::-—\'e meet, today in iicoowlim-e with lhe‘tn (‘~l|nll"l‘t‘(l custom of Tpnht'i LL pm-tim sinr the foundation rTf‘thistGover —l tnvnl. 'l'heb‘e is nothing now‘in this (use .-' 'hly. We mm-t as our fathers mot hole of u~: “'0 meet or tl 9 high and holy purpo el flf hiking “alt in the discnzision bf'tho el 'lll‘ltlgrfl which relate to ”it; welt‘nro of n‘ Government formed nntl’crexited. and go"-; ornml xluy the pmhlt‘. \Vetlolllol rébogni (9‘ the fact. that. nnythim: has ncfurrocl or on ' nomtr to divorcethe people olklnditnn fro J :In intvrmt in public :Ilihirs. ”Via do nut in i-v nut- that. the Drumt'rntic pnrty is in h ‘ manner ostracisetf from-n [tarttcipiition i' mn'tors or government. 1 ‘ i . i Holding the Constitution (if myicount . 1 in my [mm], '.I declare, that this is n lnwl~ _l! nsmmhlynhtwful in purposc-{md litvl'ul i ; act. ln thi« great tloéumentl renil thnt t: i~ an inatliennhl‘e right of thélpoopl‘ peac.‘ I nhly tqns<emhle and axle fob-n "ghost «fl grievimt‘em No sadder griaruncesi‘ever b. m the children of men :th those. whic ] :ifilict the penpln‘nt' the Uwetl States t' this time. Confusion and ( 'onlen dnrke t the sky; the very ‘mrthiis‘ laden \‘fith U (at sorrow of our (maple: the mice of voe‘an , , lzlmnntu‘tio L goon up lrom ‘etflery { rtlon'f our distmciisl cnfiiatry; the ilngBl f (lent h.“ apt-end his win as on the hlnst, nlfid the e llns been no men-d hl‘oad sprinkled upo the «loot posts of our homes to stay the ban bf the destroyer. It is in with at ‘ e, l countrymen. thadt we nioctuteordigto tl J; plain precepts of the Constitution, [(1335 the Administration to redr‘ers that: grie - once: which hear so heavily upon ‘ B. “P return speedin to the policy inaugurate hy the fathers of our Governmeht—lvtht, policy which made us a happy, unitedu an fraternal people. , ‘ 1 7 . ‘1 Such being our objects. who shall {all .t we shall not meet! Where is th.? pow. that. shall interffixvith, or pmven Ins fro ~. peaceably exercisi g our plain qonstit honal rights? I, for one. plant in self u a. the Constitution ofimy country; it. is th I rock on wuich I built the einire of m political faith, and the ghee-‘1 of hell aha I not prevail sgninst it. i ‘ . The Lonstitution is all we wanta we will have it as it is. without any additions or subtractigm. When lam met wit ‘3 dQ~ nial of the right of tree speech,l will come to the Gonstitutiori ahd ask what it says:- It says that Congress, which is the only legislative powerknmvn to theGovornment. shall pm no law abridging the fi-‘e’e—(Tom of speech or of the press. Thus siilh the book. Let that be truu, thoughfinll the world be a liar. If the Congress (tithe U;- l niteg Staten cannot, under the Gonstiui tioné pass any law interfering with the free ‘ulom o_f spee'ch, can anybody else ’lO it ‘l4:- . No. This is the house of :my rpl'nge.+ llit’her wé‘will come fo'r safet :welwill lay hold of the very horns ofth alt", and i the name of American Lbort ', am, with t l ‘ ‘t.,v : .7 u', 4 > '7 3 in K ... _ 1, \ ’ . ‘ ~" 2/, f . ~ i 3 ‘ > ‘‘ Z/ ‘ . ‘. f V A DEW} firm reliance up/dn Ijust Goa, bid defiance to our persecutors. 1 ‘? I ask that this book may |spell]: again in our favor. It says that th‘ Constitution and larvs of/he United Stings. which shall be made in' pursuanee thereof, are the su preme law of the land. there is, there can-be no higher law tla the supreme law. Xfou cannot go a v: it. You can not egt-ape this' conclusi rr "One of the perilom evils that‘n'nw 11 ha. pily beset u: as s‘nntion Fanniuls simpl i this fact. that. _veera ago a party nrase in th country pro claiming to the world a hiher law than the'Cnnstitution. I tell y that in my [judgment he who proclaims that doctrine, and in the next; hreuth sw :rs toaustnin,’ the Constitution. is perjmed 5 n the right. of ltlndinnd man. The Constit tion is the nu-l -premelnw. ltpmvidm forth maintenance lof these 'grent rights of reedom—free ‘spee‘ch—a freer prflEßv—nnd who shall tuke‘ ’ their] awav from us i } ‘ Yet. my fellow citizem. I. thé {nee of' 1 this fuel. we have been tnld.l here in Indi-l j nnynnt merely that pn‘nlic- iscussion was Lin general terms prohibited,‘but we have] been tuld what partirulnr mo=uren of pub-, lic puliey we shall not," tli-xcu u_ l rum net.l tvg'm'ng to desrend inln particu ,- are upon thiwj 'lmiilt. but I willJt-ll ym{ tiis.‘ that. the} l Democratic party will_lliwcua the tax bill l [ nndnhe revenue policy : (for '01: have the. i ‘ mnriey to pan) it Will discus the conflicting tinn’het, and the Prr-sident'nhnmneipatinn ' ,‘ pnlilvv. 'l‘hene men‘urefi ntl’et theheflt. in-ll ; tel-elm at thug white man. t 0 peace and’ 1 security (if the Government tlr generutinm: . to "film“- i'l‘” (llfifilQQ them i- our-uml‘enia-l , hle right? ll plant. my tent tpnn the Con ,stitltthiii.}lnll solemnly docll re. in~ fiehall‘ ,Ql' myielf Find the lh-mnernt c party that , we will never snrrbmler tél Lny powhr’nn mrth theriéht to dimuscall t ese nwnsules. {which bear It} fenrlully upm our dearest llllél‘f‘ch. We will vli<euv t lie Presidents I mmpenmted emuneipalion policy. “'e will ili-leu“ the right nf,thic nvernlnmut tn “put. fits hund into the pool: ofth'e lhlmr in}: white man lnr lll‘xl purl 1:1. or freeing the heurp. We will discuss the cnbscript net. ,‘ We'mill (li~cu~'.s the. p liey of eVer . lmr llh‘lU‘ nmv nr may herea ter he “laced . upon the statute lmk.‘ 'l'hqs ofthem that are. in nur iudamcnt. wrong, 0 will aik'to he relienled. We wdl test ieir ennitilu .(innzllitv in the cmnrtu. ln hnrt. we will du all that] our fathom have it (me to “sex-t our inunhnnd and ”0040!": t ' demonstrate tn llu‘\wnrlil thut We are nnt t le degenerate mm of glorious air-W. lf We 're to give up the“’ )niwlvng at. the lridtlin of n (log-NJ let ué hille the face of the (leddess of liih-l orty in a funeral veil. rl'eceivthe wm'ld nn‘ longer- with the. semblance 0 freedom, hut accept at once the name ofd spatiem, and; wear the collar of iiflt‘l‘fi.‘ ' - Ila we prniynse, in Democr. (hing wrnng? llul \VbV'IOVL‘ fill 10“ that We intend to nkrcr given right or‘l‘ree 11l>l‘u;ilOI me. $0 help me God. it is l ,mv flnghntry more. ‘\l'hat ii “andfilfiv? l lmrrl no count the firnvkinns “at" llH‘ writtenl ’hnl'n land his ('nhinel. const (ti-veg‘ntm-nt. They are men vzlntfi. tnlm hold [lesnnmible hy an intelligent. an honest“ people. Am I. in myth-int: t “mm preaching to Van doctri " of theprineipleeund preceptsq Let meiusk you’ in all cnndo‘ seelmwnndm-l‘ul thnt’hmny at; 'mr-ntl he talking m If inta uttering thewaneient sentimi (v? It mmofimos seems to n mwl‘ :‘drnnm hml come lupw‘n and in if, «Her a «milk. we sh and find that we Hml‘sixfiply wi Mn “hidmus and approx-mix Bu; \fn look around us to-dayi i»: shining. tho air i 4 Illnwing. ~ yet. in the midst. nf‘afl this n; Hu- noon of the nineteenth c ‘. mmmlted with this most terrib‘ and destructive heresy—this ,right of a}. people of q {roe gt control‘nntl‘ manage that go tht-mselves. - { _ W hat does the'Dgr-mratic arty propose to do? It purpofién. by the wlpof God. to prose-we this Cnnltitution. l The Cnnali: tution msule our linionf with ut it the U~ ninn woul‘l novel have had in exit-tonne." ~lt brought, your Stnfrs logeth r; it, and it alone, hold them together 1' ‘ more than eighty years. and it alone on bring them togetherth.:ninla It is the onl power thatl can restore the Union. We 6 confitnntly ; tnlll that it is incumbent u' n us to do everything in our power to r tore the U'l him-It We'are ready and wil g—yea, we nrexuhxioux to do anything an ererything but hat is wrong. and a wro gvmn never‘ resto a the —Union. The ri t, however,‘ am, nd that we propose tod . _ The Dem-l ocrntlc party will' take its st d upon thel eternal. immutable. ever-livi )1 principles. of riglht and oi constitutional bony—4ollo l rightjby mm. and justiée. a d leave to El rightbous God to shape the co ' sequences in Jthe Timur-e. If this Union is 1 er to be ro-l More , it will be dore by do' g right~hy 1 pres ring the Constitution, t 9 bond that mode it. This is" my onl ope for myl country. I {allow itfim the children of” Israel followed the 1:111" of loud by day l and of fire by night: ~lt, Ind t alone, will lens! as through'this Wildern of war. and Moot}. and desolation. and ifi “is preserved, the t me will come when the ky will clear away; and in a brighter, betrr, and http pier land. we will look but: upon ‘this séenq with proud satisfaction. 13 we railed. that e dill not.bow the\kn in the hour oftr‘ l to base tyrannyand lawless usurpa? tion. l ‘ In [the meantime. what do} we expect? Do wt: look for ease and comf rt f‘ Do you, to-dg‘ expect me to tell you Jinn easy way to a linen of" safety, where t nese troubles and dr-ngers shall no more beset and afilict uis? ill'you do. I cannot gratify you. You are not to repose on flowerylbeds of ease whilepthers in fines post fought to win the prized freedom and sailed‘through bloody sens. We may suffer. Some of us may languish in prison and in chains, we may feel the iron feateringin our flesh, bemuse we assert our rights as freemen. We can afford all this; but. we cannot afford tovlive. one day or one hour beneath sense of per sonal nbusement and disgrace. A man can die, and his memory be crowned with the benedictiona of mankind, evergreens may grow about his tomb and the lips of geners ations to come may bless him. A man can die in a cause like this without grief or sor ‘ row; ‘but to prolong life at the expense of lhbergv and self reSpec't, is what a proud I rnoepdunnt and will never do: , ’l‘hc-re has neier heal a tinie in my 9x- . the military officer [braciniminz it, within patience when it, wauno easy go determine the limits in which hie has asufliciem force what Was right and wlmt~wus {wrong- The to maintain nbsniuleipmver. In In State or mark tin broad and plain betqepn Hl6 two district of country where the piibiic’ enem yrincipies. The 'anh of dull is plain be- has ucfootiug, Che p¢oplo are nm in rebeli— HORNE DATflHiVWLQ F4l TTYSBURG, PA-, MONDAYfEKUNE 1, 1868. fore us. The wire or put 'zige: coma to an i appealingly in this csiflis. The ages in i which gem-ram. High souled‘ men have suf i fered and blql For the maintenance their _unalienahle rights, implore us in this: hour of trial not to filter on the plain. bright, and shining pathway of constitutional llh erty 'bccause wd hfinr the the clanking of chains. ~ " ~ . One man there woulcl‘have beenin our midst. to-dny an iqvnéfl and an‘ honored guest, nne whom y u will expected tn see and hear _upon thi. occasion. but that he has fallen, A little 5 nei2 perhaps‘chan the rest of us. a victim to the brave usurpation which has taken til plabe ofnnp‘ular rights and ofthe Cnnfititut am! 'I shouldfeel that. I was guilty of inju tioollqa gallant. a hold and cnnctitulionJo ing billion of America. did I full hpre tn u her in the name of the Democrury of lmlti nn. my solemn )rntpst ngainst the tvrzmny which places Clement. L. Vallandighum ithjnthe walls of I primn. Ilnn. R. 'l‘. Mon-i kmf Illinois, followed Mr. Vow-hoax in an eloquent and powerful “peach, which was r ceived will: vociM-nus applauae by the im ense throng that, lis tened mit. lfnn. J s'epll E. McDonald, of Jmlimmpnlid, Flori, er. Ellen, of -Illi'nni“, and the Hun. ’l‘hom‘u: A. Hendrick; also atlllrvE<Wi tlm’Conl/ention. ‘ The Cnmmilu-e on resolutions. by their chairnmn. ernrted the follnwing. which wuro gdoplcd innit! 'nten‘so emhuyium. ll \Vnnuu. ll} \vac. (I 'nm to. Immune cm! lamnng Which are “l l suit of happiness.” stilutwl among Km? ‘ pn’u‘rs from the cm ‘ :3an I , ‘ g l \Vnrnu. Ifilem. in’ the ('unstitutiunl “to mmhlxxh jn~tive ini~ of lilmrlyitn nu t'v.” flu-v du‘vidml‘t rornnwut inm ltlu-no liw‘. lixc-rullvé and that all lugi~ljn¢ive' should be vestgd In. Led .\IIIIP\; antl Wluzzutu. llpgislh pnwrr, and law is a II nu-n Null he gnu-m Wunztn.'l'lh» p Gmmiluliml riulfirn L'ovm'nlmnulal powvr _imtiw lu- PFUII’H‘hK‘I tufiivtl, :xnul li‘hr‘rly )l clarwl th:xt.“all “n panplp," :unl "‘tlm l in rlrit'! sulmnihmtil and. 1' Wharf”. 'l‘lu‘ Co lml Slut-‘5 luajvillm makvnnhwl‘f * nl «porch. nr 30f {hr lhn pnnlvlo l‘Pi’V'lzd‘U pvmion thr‘ {v‘fr‘n'orn grit-Whom :" Mud a “’nmmn. h? an ohm-d riuht :mgl lnnl hu'e (hie dnv gum] Purnn‘lly. M' lwcnm our views tn (hone i 1. Jl'rsulvrvl, That snurm of all [wxlilic pmdeod by the fun law. are thnir ‘ N’IVII will as exprmsi-d in l \vlmh any mmjxrl' mil art without the we authority, he (:sfl~9s. a, to «In any cnuutry film the quvrm ? No, as for came I love ‘vnur cnuntrv y DUNN" o|. w. ‘Mr. Lin tuLe not. my ‘lv public sl-r -or their :10!" I d a pfl‘fntic mse ( ,lnrn “Mininverfivu Hhefnthars.’ { . does it. not. “this very mg i a prison Ivy L MS of lilior |9 us if u fev hia .énunbry. uh! wake up [(- eonV plagued poopie, and in slri‘ mantel" hy making I: unto thou). ; ‘ 2. 'l'lgal it infihe d 1m: to Mary tlié Cun Stale: and of this .M ncmruluncv the'rewitl in I'm-co; but it in H privilege but a muur‘ - niglmuure. ism! the Rim i l is. renlmnil Inlity. aml‘in‘ ‘ tury. wean-e I. . pernicious, ‘lenial 9f the I ernment tn eminent: for «lldly and freely diSC‘ but the acls of‘ those may have pns<ed.or 1 trution ul' thnso‘ laws. 3'. This is file ne fiwt that the [tennis power. They gmust they mny’ properly , law i< a hm] one and or whvther it is righ meaning. and wrong‘ those in authority, 11‘ faithful servant‘s shod 4. Whilst Cunntitl mong others, the rifi of appeal to theCou slitutional luwe nnd‘l to the legislatii'e pt: laws; of removal c through er. \mtramnj lotzbox. remain invi the citizelLto did th “In authority in kill In it‘ these right: are set ficial servants, ‘the inherent sovereignty eri thus being abusel 5. To uphold the: ‘ble principles of libe shouldgovern those i who are intrusted wit and the great body? those upon whom tl the golden rule at 1m 6. The violatinnxq dicnco to pmperly cl punished; its disrogd sumption oflunauth'é formunco of unjustifl "\qu 9f the people sl stern rebuke. ‘ l ' 7. In View of the: great truéhe is here by proclaim our fixe and irre ocehle con demnation of every. ttempt to make laws by Executive author? y alone. or by mere orders of those rep onting the military; the subordinate arm ’f tho Government} And we indignantl denounce the'resrl—lt of? such flagrant usu potions as the act of military tyranny. to it: the arrest of citi zens of lndinni and or sister States the: are in obedience tot eComtitution. 8. The day his A ived when our official servants are setting themselves up above their employers the eoplo. and have two wan upon their hands—one against the rebels of the South—the other against tho ‘ Constitution, :‘md those who attempt to up hold it in the North. In the first named, the Democracy have poured their blood and tyrepsure at the call of the Administra ‘ tion ; in the second, they are upon the side 1 ofthe Constitution, and are being persecu l ted by illegal arrests undimprisonment for. t opinion’s nuke even “unto strange cities ” and loathemmn bastiles. l 9. main law is no law but the will of “nun-u n noun AND mm. Puum." \ EMU UTIOXS ioclared by ourgfsthen, in‘ inalimnalrle‘k‘ighm. f 9. liberty and me pur- I“Uovernment~i :‘u'e in‘ \, deriving Hinir. insi sent ot' the govum'ed ;" ionm to (hi: prinfc‘plo Inf we United States. ""1 2190‘er the Mess ] olvoifind nur p‘m'tm-i -1e powers of the Gm.- dppn-mwnh, ‘Lr-gixla ludiciolr and declare}! xiwer therein granted In Cungren of mouthf- inn is “Luv making" ulo "faction by ”Inch, d; an”. . 1 .19 of indian: in [hairy 0d such division of and “toflha‘é‘nd that! ‘l.r}.ululid drdrr blain-i' mrpeluut'ml," ”my dq-I u: i~ inhvrr‘ut in (ho‘, I‘inl’ll'y film!) he lit-pt ‘n to the civil powur sy” slitutinn of the I'ni that "L'nnflrl'osq “”311 “bridging the frnmlo_ '.row‘, or the right of _v to u~>onllnle and to Inn-m. for l rcdresu of Irvlam‘nrwflh [Ms d-n‘ P'lnHiuheal lbw-‘36,.W8 “Mod rmlnwlfully Ipd frown”). (n pwsent 1 nulhqrily; ill:‘l'b‘fol’(‘, the people are the .1 poWor: ‘that ,ofliccls dmnr‘nml and statute ta (0 c.u;ry out. their thouo lawn; nut] ‘tbatv . l servants‘usumes- ta imu sanction ,of such ‘0 be Um servant oflhe vkng to lmmme their is mere behest. .a law jxty of every law! citii tit‘ution of the United L», 2nd laws passed in ‘, whilnt they yemain oir right—not a mere to temporatély, cap “. not only Hie ans. of their seyvnnts will: my be in the admin «any resfilt of“ the are (he pourco of, all freely discuss. that letormino‘, whrlher I ought tobo changed, but. wr led from its Bully ndaflist‘ered by if there me such un~ ld be legally set. aside. ; tional guarantees; a . hl. of free» discussion ; tn, as agziinst uncon- Illegal ac! ;.9f resort :wpr to aiu‘ogue bad '4l obnoxipus pmcim i-led, mrupted bal -|nte, it. is,lhe.‘duly of use who aqe ri‘glm‘ull ful proceetlinlg‘; km: in naught by their of file may msert'their : and resume‘ thé pow- E 0 gran}. and ipnliena rty, one general rule I ha fryne lawn. =thew ‘1 phefi- administration tof the people. being } ey operate ;__munely, ; HT. ‘ f this rule by- disobe nclcd laws nhould be rd by the flagrant Ls rized power Ind per: able acts by ~theserl lould meet. with their « é.» gfiw inn. nor an armed inqurrection preVpiling, there is no legal authority in any militnrv officer. high or low: to substitute his will for the civil lewa and the operations pf the Ithree coordinate departhzfinls of thé gov ernmonf. \ 10. That the attempt. tonnuspem} civil rights—among them the right ‘tqmake in quiry as to the cause of “rest Ind\'i ‘ ‘ onmen 9.. la. the writ of babe-u corpus . , ter ritory loyal to the Government. ' ‘ ilu¢ an" act. of mun-patina as demands/911%; reqei our mai'ited condemnation. ,4 ‘- \ will, 11. That the Democratic} trty of Indiana. Me now. as they ever have been. htt’nched to the Constitution and the Union; a d are willing to make‘ahnost any encrill‘ce to maintain the former and preserve the lat ter. We..hnld that thore can be rid treason in s'ubmission to the Constitution and the Mn made pursuant thereunto. until they are _comtitutinnnlly repealed or judicially declared void: and is people who do this and cannot m- dare not maintain and pxer nise the right. of advocating the repg’al of had lan and the change ofa policy ‘which they believe to be wrong: are slaves; and if the,ide\ nftrenson and slavery is right, we ate resolved neither to In (mi/or: or drives.— We will hubmit to every law passed plurk‘u ant to the Constitution as long a: all con stitutional me'an'l ofredrcss erg leftopen to our free exercize, ineludingfree ballots. free speech. 'freo pres“, ’nnd an untrammelml ju diciary: and we pronounce, every ~etl'ort to _takc awnv from the penplethese menus ol redrms, by military orders nndjrreet. or othere‘ke, nA-flagmnt outrage against the riyhiq of: free people. . 'l2.,‘We denounce the members otthe ‘L‘euiulature who. by.the abandonment of their boat»: and failure to discharge the plain l (liltie: impoaed upon them. were pirilty’of a ‘violation of their onth and we fault will bring discredit upon the. State; and w} de’ clnre that tho _Gnvernnr can clear him- i l self‘from ‘complicity in that crime only by ‘ ‘ taking—tape to prevent repudiation. i ‘ 13. That the arrest of Hon. ‘Clemeht L. i 1 Vallnndigham, of Ohio, for no other roman but for the exercise of his right. of free. dis emsinn, hug been received by the Democrat e‘y of lmlinnn with feelings ofjnst disappro batinn. ac nnother evidence that the first. and most sacred right of the citizen has been ‘stricken down in his person : and we éeml‘to thnt’ gallant tribune ot' the people ”I 9 meathy of his Democratic friends in , 'lntlinnn. who, though Issailea at borne by] -kintlred oppression, are yet prepared tol stand firm bv him in Me defence ol‘thgnm- l cred right of co =titutional freedom. . li. That we fier’eby renflirm nnll endorae the remlutions‘ adopted by the Democratic State Convention which resembled in- thin citv on tho 30th day ofJuly.lB('-‘2. , The Convention. remarks the b’cnli‘ndllma tLi-omhled and adjourned. “Its hietmi is lwrittcn. Citizens from nil pm‘ts"ol' thc' Ftnfe have had the opportunity to witgxeul an exercise of arbitrary power. lndiann to} day in u eomplotvly under niilitary'rute as France. Rursia or Austria. There inn ne: cmsity for. such a slate of thingn. A rge portion of the people are willingly be ing their necks to receive the yoke ‘of'degpot .7s9s- ]iut the men who on the 20th inst. and daily are justifying and. applauding; the aeeumptionq of power. will yet feel “the iron trend of a'despotism which will not only de rive them of personal and‘ consti tutionalrliberty; but will consume thlcirpub- ' stance like a canker. . j l The Convention nngl proceodings have their lessons tor all. Never before was I‘ more gloriouc spectacle witnepaedrthan the valet wemblage of freemen called together toexercine their constitutional rights". They met together to peaceably petition :heh} re preaentutivee t‘or aredresa of griev neon.»— Bnt. there run :1 dark shadow to the mine. Either the exhibition ot‘military powerin en evidence that the. liberties ofthc=pe9ple have departed, or'elne'the men end the party which imtigated and juutiged quch proceedings will become the hy-word and repr‘na‘ch of every good and true and patri oticcitizenv. The issue in uponthe country, end the men of. property who have let the tiger loose may yet feel his claws—may lenrn thnt "cum; like chickenl, often‘ come home to robot." The rule of violence has no respect fan persons. To—dayyite Ven gohnce may be directed to one aide. to-i‘noru row it may turn upon it. friend; of yegter day. There is a clan of people in this country who, never learning, are not, by their own judgment able to comprehend ha knowledge of this truth. Experience ’pmy yet‘ttfich them their folly. t) HON. C. L. VALLANDIGEAM 4W3 cannotundeutud why Mr. Valian digham should be made to undergo milita ry tliul because he MW fit to defunqpce eel-y.- tain act: of the zovern’ment. Evenmur‘ constitution is citizen may discuss 1F ha plumes. and may state whom he seesanpbrt tuhity for amendment. Why then ahpuld HI diécuqs‘xons upon the new of the govern ment‘be interdiétodu “79:; mnsiderjhe arrest and trial of Mr. Vallandigham a gross wrong done to indi viduhl rights, and wonder that Mr. Lincoln should have périnittedfiuch a. proceeding. on the part of Stanton and [lalfeck noth in" would surprise us. howevnr nlnurd‘ and mfiumy it might be.—N. I'. Had“, May 1211!. ‘ ' , The recent ar‘rost‘nnd imprisonment of Hon. C.‘L. anlandigham, in its irhaoner and time. is an‘other of those many and grass violations‘of the Constitution nnd laws which have been ' rpetrmd 'by this Administration. 1 Mr. Jifllmdigfinm, when arraigned \beforous “drnmhead Court.” in Cincinnati, very properly refused to plead, and by_ this manly not. he not merely maintained hisown self respect, :lan Assert ed. his civil rights, but he made himself .the champion uf‘tho laws of the country and of- the libertids of every citizen whom those laws‘ protect. We have not lie-rd whnt ihe loniance of the military uihunal is. Butima do know. that whawver it. n‘iuy be. it will bg thé sentence of: Court. with out. lawful jurisdiction in the case. and {horefore such I sentence as cannot. be executed in Ohio, or in this country‘ with out arousing the indignant. protest of the whole nation.——P}iila. Sunday Mercury. 'WThe secret socidy known M pral -ague has been ‘ fully exposed in Ohio.— Tbe Constitution of the Sgate orgnm'lution has been seclirpd mud published in Medary's Crisis. Every member of the organization is made a. secret ‘spy to'watéh Democrats and report their conduct to the head of the Sum argnnimfion. The pretended open meetings are a more sham m deludo the people. The ansociztion really i} a secret. one.—Lmialown Demncml. ‘ ' ‘ ~ , « «on ‘_ ‘ WT)». growing (imp; thgug‘hnut the Wml we laid tq‘ be looking exceeflnqgly well. 3 ‘ RICKKOND INSTRUCEING WASH INGTON. ' a In a‘ resting Hr. Vullnnclighnm we judge that. the administration or General Burn side iqmcting undor orders. or It least ad vice. ftom Jefl. Davis. The Richmond Eli qm‘rrr. {the personal organ of thwrabel Prom idenl. in speaking of Messrs. Cox and Val landizham a short time ainc’e. sail! : ‘ “W 6 wish from our hearts they were both already safely chained npnf. the pres.» ent writing. They have done us more har'm, \gheynnd theirlike, thnnjcn thnuin'nd Sew nnls and Sumnon. 0. Dictator Lincoln! 10¢ aup those two Peace Democmlbe—tm gcthe with Richardson—in so‘inolof ‘your milim nriaons.” , ‘ . To 11 at as [0 (boy. ‘ One of these mazn is in flbfilllllfl prison. and-the other: must get re 1 _v to guflgare. - 4 But th does nvis wish these men 'in carcerafedf Thp Enguirzr expliiius: “Lougéur enemy appear as an exterminuf ting Yfinkee host, we prayvnnd. no‘tas n‘ Damoc‘ atlc co’nveniion. Let him- take n-ny shine but that l Alrenddvme have win. ions 01'th men of feeble knees, tender feet, Ind undulating spines. losingjheir sense of manhood by the contact, (it they did, ulna! so often before." ‘ ' - It s ml..then, thnt thqpenae men are dislikm because thera is A danger. thn’t if they bubonic powerful at this Noni: it might lead tn a serious division of sentimjcnt nmongllefl'. Davis’s subjects. Tthirhon pure secessionist: 1t the South know that their rail allies are 'llm QButrlm’u; Simmons. and Bulmidcs. It is jhe pnii‘c, of general confiscation and emancipntion .wlnich inns mxde tli'e South aunit and-Dave}; ii anxious that if. [ye persevered in. Hence the don'- tumely {with which his phhticular» orgims have hinted the Democracy. But it is clear. f‘om thé above extract, lint Hie “crack "f the,aluwdriver’s-wliip," abbut. rhinh t lei Aboliti’onints have" unit! so much, A sliii hpard nml heeded in Washington.— ll’orltl. ', ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘l‘ [Frpm 3e Cnmdpn, New Jersey, Dem‘ocrna] ALL ONOR TO THE CHIEF m - ‘ J man. 4 < M th “lopeninz of the Eqsex Co.‘.Court.‘ on the fllw'ult” Chief-Justice Wholplcy, in ‘chnrgin t‘heGramlJ ury, used the following languug 5+ . ' ‘ ’ “'l'o p alert the printmcitizen" frnm‘up pram n}, from imprimnmenlrby 11h: hand r! ar bitrary when-“from (As (My a/ 51‘: life. liberty or property. tune by (Ila nigh/germ! jdrlygment (f In: ppm, inlt‘he‘grnnt object of free institutions. This is”, one by“ iuterpOsinuhetween him and the hvereign pom-r suflicient obstxiclos end safe uards tozennure Is {at u Possihle his safet from unjust condemnation. . 9 ' “Thug safeguurda, thrown out by the .Cunsti‘tulinn and lnwslerounrl the innocent,- do doubtless ofteniohstruct the administra tion of justice. Incl mmetimes rehult ig‘ the cscnlle of the c‘ofl'endar. The ,snma‘iaw which shields the ipnocent must shmetimes protect the _crimiual from the just puiuah meiit ofhis crime“ That is an unavoidable cw . ‘ , . "I t‘All government formed for the purpose. of preventing the Illiuse of‘Power; must ‘be I compliestpd system of checks md belea ces, which in their practical n'pernti‘on of ten defent the prim‘ry‘; ends oT~governmenlL~ Yet these are Levils which must be per'mit ted for the better nttninment of that which htu hlwayw hem the greltmroblem in the. scier'ice 91' government, the , ’ralcclionfo/ (lie :ulq'rd against jUu Crown-hike cilizm aquimt lii: rulerml flaw iqan social or der be male to coneist with private liberty? H the government he {ti-ans; md the:citi zen week; oppression i: the fault. When the governmlént ii obm’mrntivcly week end like citizen strong lie/Airy} the ‘bulwrtrft'qf commu u'pm. undu- 11v profit-tion q/ Imbau enrpua 461: and grandfaml pctit jurin, in may (7ny be mid to be freét Constitution: and laws of Our own fruting,‘legiulation and rulers of our own elecl'bn. trial by grand and petitjuries, ‘lhese a ‘ our‘inheritance. Leta: ledfm to thcmm‘wf “"WMI‘ ’l‘heu constitute what we can our liberties." , ’ ,’ um mm or PETITIONS cm;- TED HI THE NORTH A PBW’YEABS AGO. i ,\ 1 I In 1850. and subsequently, flie fol iowiltg‘;igtition was generally circuleted] in the NorthemSmte-a: ~‘ ' 7 7h (haSMau anllilauu of t In Uniled‘Stat'n .' . The uridcrsigned.¢itizem and inhabiw’htl 1 of—-, respectfully submit toCongrees H t, i in the nnlure of things, nntagofiiuic instin tions cad! never unite: ‘ ‘5 -1 That in oxfierienco of moreftlmn tin-kw score yezjlrs having demonstnted that thére ‘ grin ben ‘real'Union Mwenn the North mfnd j fie Scum-i; we theml‘orefbelievc. the: the : rim: nisi nllviOl‘ a new arrangement of (21- § «merits In; hostile, of interests so irrecoriéi- ‘ lnble, ofziinstilutions up; ineongruious ;‘ mind i we enrneitiy roqueet Gangrene, at i apt-981m. ‘ session, a £31,“ snéh initietm'f menu ea ‘ for the itpeel y, peaceful, an _ equ‘ilnhle inseam-mil or run ansi‘mo Union, In the ‘ exigencies of the can require, leaving the 1 South toilepend on heriown resources, aim! tq take 1:11 the responsibility in the misin‘ Lemma: l' her existing slave nystem. flhd In; Non 11 I'o ORGANIZI AN-JND’II‘IX‘DQN‘I Gunny: main ’accordande with' her .ofm ideas of] ntioe end the rights of man. ‘ t ‘ Accompanying this document has the fol iowimz: { _ ‘ N. B.—-‘:-The.'perwn to.whom this docu ment is transmittal. is earnestly requested to circulalte it. for the signatures of men and women. Ind see {hat it'is speedily lent to either Senators Wade, Wilma, Hula. Seward, and Pam-«1a. or to any other suiwae Rep resentatiiie in Cungrese. Those same Senators who were to inke charge of this disunion pamr—Wmle, Wil son, Hale; and Feasenden—sre still mem bers of the Senate. nnJ are now palmed off as “unconditional Uninn men,” while the fifth at thbm—Sewud—-is now the Premier/ of the p'rewnt Administration; and 9“ “loyai men” {we calledmn to render rhfim their undivided in port in the cause Sylhe Union «ad the gonsl‘itution l—'-Lv uujlla' Democrat. ; / Where it, Odginale«l.—rrobnbly xiobody is; shallow enough boauppo‘ne that tlie“Leaguo" 1 mnvemenkjust now soiéompicfious,mnlts from 11 upon mneous. impulse of mopeoplo. It is u strokejof pplitical strategy origina ting in Washington, and/intended m' de-~ moralize the opposition ;6 the Rnpublicun puny preparatory to the presidential elec tiQp. 'l‘he hook is m'tfuily 13.“ th ; 'mw Democrats are too may to allow in to be jprked into their jams, find themselves to be dragged out of tin irnative elmnentnml carVn edundiuh for their political enemieq. The question is noi whether the bait is digesti ‘ ble and nutritious. That may bé readily ‘ coucedfll by Demand. Their only ob'ec» tion to tho aim-y moi-ml my deulylu-ol’led • l _ 1:1 =I 'l‘ W 0 DOLLARS A-YEAR. .INTcI, 04- 121113 • A. , "f, gin; Ii “fox mm panda: deal It envelopu m TWO YEARS somgawunn ‘GEPTlON or THEN. I. .—--wnu 'érna sonnmas mm: or re anLLAN. This gallant regiment. which has proved itwlfone of the heel. and brave»! that bu— I-ver loft New-York. returned yefiterdny from the scene of active operations. lining completed ita two yearn term of service.— lt arrived early in the morning, hut it: of!- ciul reception by the Common Council did not take place until 4 o'clock r. a. A} thlt hour it formed, three hundred at in the Park. and. preceded by Helium ler's hand, rmrohed into llrondmw, where spot-tion of the Seventy fix-qt N. Y. S. M. was waiting to escort them on their march through the principal streets of the city. The procession marched round the low er end ol the I‘m-k. along Park Row, buck ‘ through the Park, where it WM reviewed by the Common Council, and up Brmdway .. to Madison Square; then down town in to the Park lint-reel“. There enubetnq’n‘fiul banquet wnn served in tho ‘ovoning, above. at appropriate toasts «ere drunk Ind speeches made. ‘ The banqueting given by tho Commit tee on Nntionnl Affairs of the Common. Council, and was perhaps the moot moo-I l‘ul that has yet been tendered to my 0! , our return regiments. .Generel Fitz John Porter was present. and received a. large share of the soldiers' nfl'cction. This regi ment was formerly in General Porter’s di ’ vision, nndfhnd learned to confideTn and ‘ trust lilmiimplicity. It must have been ‘ extremely gratifying to the geriml Loo know that his soldier-a, who have mnvulfd‘ hil every order in\c:uup and on the march with all the intelligence of American freo -Incn. were so eager tn cheer him still,— Spceches were mnnle by Colonel Lansing nnd_C¢ptuin Mott. of tho UnitedlStatos Ar tillery. The name of General McClellnnr never failed tobring out enucceuion of the loudest and hem-tiest cheers. end most of ~ the speeches“ theeVenin were repetitious rind affirmations of (He u‘réounded faith of the sdldinrs in General Clellln., When the regiment had marched u Broodw 'beforo evening, General MoUlelYenJvu cal-{- ed out at the Fifth _Avenue Hotel, and greeted by a pet-feet storm of cheers Illa h'uuxu by the soldiers, some of whom loti ully we t for joy t‘beholding their bravo young {elder flgJfl. There never won I clearer proof of thio lasting. affection of the: i soldiers for (lenJ‘MoClellnn. Each {no seemed to vie with the'other to do him, “It masthonnr. The omcors'ofthefleventmth and a number of bther returned regiment. ‘ intend to screrihdl‘e McClellan on some «\f9- ning this wecek.‘—N.’ I'. World. , LET TfiE SOLDIERS VOTE. The Republicans «(feet to be 'so Very anxious that Ihe soldiers shsll be allowed to vote at thetime of the elections in the States whence they come, we would suggest that the experiment ni'hulding on election in camp he tried. ‘ It is evident that the ‘sdminfintration is puzzled as to whom It shall give the command or the Ar'my of tlio Potomac, and can get no honest fund from its pretentious supporters. for t 9 re.- son that they are dividodclmqng‘ theta ‘ solves on the questihn—some clamoring for 1 Fxnlm‘r, some for Burns: somefor re;- 1.". and s few for the retention of Hoonl. ‘ Now this is ; guaitler in‘which thé soldierl are not only interested but in referencing which .they are. peculisrly fit to decide:— The prudence and courage of MCCLIhum the Ignorance of anxsms, find the sol! confident rulmess of, nouns. they have known by personal experience. 3 _tbip time they must know what gene they have confidence in,"as possessing the lb"!- lvy lioth to secure their ngqinst another de fntsnd lead fihem to victory. Since they whip mi theenémy at ‘Antieum their oom mamiers have been sin_'le(l out for them by the’ politicians. and s. nah] mes! they line made of it. Now—just for onco— why not let these brave soldiers dooido by th‘eir votos whom they will have for their lender‘Z—N. Y. li’orjd. , - Pndxv- VOTING. The law recenlly passed by th'o Iqal‘ Lcagislutnro to'ensble soldiern'nflhnt Stun, absent in the “wine of tha‘United Staten~ tovote by proxy, has beoh pronouncod um" constitutional by Judge Isbullml' the Eighfll (Iowa) Judicial District. _ The Mid and, clear opinion delivered by the Judge, in whiqh no room is left to doubt, the cornst- , neuvof the decision, concludes as fullowu' Believing the clluse (of the Constitutibm)’ requireoa-vnter to claim his vote in tho county ofhis ie‘idence; we must; hold such as were out Olll'lldfl illegal, and, therel'Oro, reject. them. We: come to the conclusion reluctantly, for the reasons that we hold it eminently just that th'o’o noble men who have bém drawn away to jmperil their lives to maintain law, should not he drgy‘rlv ad of the high and distinctive right 0 oiti-, zenship except for cogent roqon,’ and bo cauflwe it always becomendhe modesty of in inl'etrior judicinl tribunal to bow to the wil dom of the Legislatufis. leaving to the court: of thfil‘t resort he wk of deCiding their not: u nstitutionnl, unl'uq they or. pnlpahl'y 10.~ ’l‘o tho uldier we have no apology, believing that 0 class of men ore more desirous than the that lho,Coust.it.u tion should be faithfull maintained. If the votes of our 8 ldiera in tlaoiolil could be constitution ly “taken, without. fraud or coercion. evb y citizen, who‘re. specie the laws and do. ites ghe restoration ‘ of the Union, would well satisfied that it should bedone. ' Bu (such is not the dv sign of those who ha e advocated thesef “progy” luvs. Their object he: been to use i 6 votes of the In y as e. manila! per~ petunting their own’po ilicnl power, by the practice of bold and wh leule frauds. The Republicans of the Ne York Legislltwe voted down evorypme dinenl. w theJMQéhy bill that, sought {)0 p l tact the so! [or 1 the free exercise of t a fight. of uil'rnge, and topunish any n! mpt at agimion or ‘ trickery on the pan of 1 V e officere’designwl to receive the hallofl._ ’/ ‘ ‘a The design at ‘the mini/Mean party is manifested in the die r ul net- of‘ the Administration in {he di iml of Lieut. Edger-Iy. of New Hnmns l e, for voting the Democratic' State tick . and in importing, men by_ “noise-dc in? that, .‘lleleund Con necticut to support . he Repubiicuu Aboli ition candidates. These how are enough 13 prove the real object of those who, while 'desurous of enacting; laws which :11va give ‘them flue ogyrtunily to make a polilinl -Ah0llli()n m hum of the army. would be the last to imow our soldiers the/free exer cise 01' L 115! right, of suffragep-‘V. I’. dry-a. SECOND THOUGHT. The/physical appmrwce of a nian oom -lime‘ Chung?! the current. of sunk. A c 596 occurred a few.dnys ago in the city.— Er‘he children of two neighbor: had, uni: axly qu' rrels and fights, which resuhodoo. Véasim‘ yin bruiwd faces and torn gun mentr. The father of one fnm'ny, believing his cfxilrlren to huvc been badly maltreated, nnd he being a [ugszionate Imm. oonciudod . that tho surest way to settle the diffemnco between their household: permanomly. ‘ would be toohasnse the head of the other a th‘y, although, :3 yet. he bud never goon ‘ him. He thereupon procurqd a rut hide, and abruplly emering his nalgii‘mr'i uno mom. ipqunred in n‘tlirehteumg tone {0: ‘thn man of the house." I ‘1 Mn here, sir.‘ said a personoga upland. ofsix feet in lu-ighc,nhd weighing Homo I two hundx~sd ,nnd (Manly pQumll, as I). up ; E‘oqued to learn the blusxfiesd of bin neigh )l‘. g ‘Did I understand {on that you Info “to ‘ gentlemm. of the housw!’ A ‘Yes. nir.’ , r , , ‘Well, I-Ijust dropped in. duo not if Mishyuu‘rrqw lu'da.‘ ‘ ' "‘ -": ‘ -° ':W , mom-pun Christi—mac Thur-dug. a =3 fl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers