• ... , Nit -.6* wictitrAtt _ ~,...... mm In. wsnswnn THOUGHT 01v TEE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. We quotefln Inollyci' column, Mn Web 'ak-z'o oyinlon on tho romrved rights of the States in regard in rlnvery. Leg us mw lee what he Undugh't of thé liberty of the Frau, which some of our contemporaries {mly think an institution to bomlcrmcd in glm'e of peace. Hr. Webster Was in favor pffiio right’éT'pe-tilion under alléircum’ stances, Vuid for thug puxposo delended gun the light‘nf presenting anti-slu’ery. pail-ions, but with tho 'fullowing proviso 6 "Any patiyion which. in our' opinibn, Ilka ul to do flint which it. plainlyranimt flag: Comltmign, we migm very justly r - }. If muons. for imtauee’, monk] peli "lion ml to pan a I'm alrrblgéng flu freedom :3 a: Prm, or rmpecting the estuhliahmen ,0! roliFlon, such: prolmitinn you“ very {groper y ‘lO denial any 'rgception at all." Whit Np. ermler would not allow even to ba potitinnulfor—«n alirldgmem. of the {Madam o'fr’lhe Brow—is not effected by jpv‘evy prom“ mnrfilml in the country;— Liherty in fine United State: will soon b 0 an phobic idem—Ayn, -. , HOBO EQUALI'H. Fred. Douglas, (Negro) who in quite nifty" yorita With a pdrtipn‘ol‘ the 1119 Republican 'party, baboon in Philadelgkio, making a Ipeoch to his colomd‘ brétf'hron and those 3'50 delight'tn associate with him it‘nd them, in yhioh he makes use of tho folloiving re nilrklfyhich we copy from the “I’rrat :" mm» Mail in tho adoption into thogrcnt ‘ family of America tho ontiro negro roce.—— ‘ Make US. Nari 'mul “Mk, 0N E. leb u! nut/M civil and pnlilicul liberty cnjoyrd by the while pwph, mid MrfiUnugliu. This in the. pit], uolid ind final inlutxon at tho m-gm flue-tion. LThe Profipenty ofrtlm nation «16- ' mind: this. ’1 ho ncgio and tho nation 1 ~mnlt' lurviyo and poriuh together. Save the ‘ pope, and you sum the nation. Destroy the negro, nud you destroy the nation.— ‘;Ap 15mm] 721 k! the negro into (In national ' Align and m that my only can we have peace. Mr. Dough. looked at this question in the "light. of abstract jusgso. . "Another theory, thnt of colonization, at with no endorse ment either from the‘hpuker or the ludi fill“: The colonization scheme he held to limp hotter thnn a dresm. * Ilow tho no gmeould be got to Africd—ohere's tlmrub, ‘pnd it will continue to be the rub. [Laugh ferJ . 'Mrica mu not his native country, hut. “tho united Stutca was, and here he would, reuniti- {Antone-J” . a 1» - iti- utoninhi g‘tluit there or. whih mbn 'phdsomon wh? will npplnud such a'mon: pm doctrine f‘ malgamntion. .. . i ;a nun 91f] POLITICAL mama. 4311110 editor oi the Warren Mail, who is 1‘ plerk in open this department: at Wuh ington. firiting P hil paper, last week. thus lot: us into thoaecret of on “fair which)!“ been the Qubjeet‘of much discussion: L " .“For I wpe‘k ‘or two put there has been p great deal of figuring in Pennsylvania “tion. Wmhingtpn is the (and pblitigai fix: and ‘thni nun-pm of Sum politic ently come hither to org-Him I 520‘“)- ;gal oamgaipi. iThul fur Gov. Cnrtin and on: Jo 2i Cov‘odo hue been "pulled an the most prominent candidates for the Re gpblicin nomination'for Governor invonr . bio. But-Judy (inn. Cnmoron 'and bin, friends have uu-ppcil into the ring and do: phrpd undying hostility.” Gov. Curtin‘a , mminntion {mil hi: cloqtiou in cam he wwnominamfii. This mm the consequence ‘pfl fend exintlng (or some time between? thom,‘mmowlint intomificd lately by—Gen. Elmofon’a “tempt to mute the senator ”Bhip, in'whieh he claim: to have been dum nged by the Governor‘s nmmsition. Hence n now combinntion bad to be made by‘ tho manngere. (30v; Curlin‘ and 'his friends buys been born several times within two modal; Mr._ Co'vmle hm been here filmost constantly since Congress adjourned, 13ml~ Gen. gnncrtm has born here on froqii'ent ,ngnsi Inn: 'l‘ so who are booked up in pho‘mmemgnt 0' men could tell some time ‘pgo‘thnt Immotbmg ins afoot. Now it is 1 Idevelnpél in the Governor's appointment ‘ nbron‘d and his retirement from thecontesl. ' ‘Vhoin this friend’S‘ivill bring out in his . limo does not yet appear. Meanwhile Mr‘. ; ' vode’s ‘ irionds ilro cn‘nfiglont. They ‘ think _his most formidable rivuf is out. of NM)!" . I , q _ ___———..o¢-————-—- I “The American suggests that a book b 0 .opened in this gommunily “to enter -the pnmoa of Lhme’who nffuse to join thq Union _ (Abolition) meue‘, and who act with the _Liopperlicndu," (l)emocmts.) Wen, neigh bor, do open your Hook : it is a very modem 'Jugg'eslion—ampital idea. Open your book I)! 3” means. And call upon every man In sowh,ind ‘luko (3mm the names a)? :1! who “refuse" to join your oath-bound; cowardly, ' treuor] blb Abolition League. Open your - book. Ig‘rnpenc, and be about it at once, and for the gurposo of saving time. you ‘pqed not 'caLl ‘upon‘us. We "W-efuse," and _lo ante: qur n:une.—- Gtrbsle T'oluntm“. THE GREAT STRUGGLE . '_ The _London Timer recently said: " In common'with tho whole civilized world, ’lO Into done injustice to the immense eiforta pnddculy made by the two. parties tn the Ti tanic atrugglu now raging ncross trip Atlantic. It iu‘not without some pride in the indomitable gag-sic. and inexhaustible relourcel of our face thin. we sec two great Anglo-Saxon Pow in gutting fa war as" if they hm] been hnif a .‘ gill-Dr}. in training and prepant'ion. It is lint two years since the first. shots": fired, and they: have inrpnsnod the old world imthe ter. pib’ldresn-lts'wblclfflgaure the proportions and intc'haity of mm" ‘ fog, it is a grand, It terrible, on nnnxnmpled first. The world never knew nnother of equal dimensions and determination on both sides. _lt will be fortunate for us should the final results he proportionate to the immense outlay pi bloodynd treasure it will have East to con fine! it to': solid pcnce.—.-l'atri9£ 23 Union. ‘ _ “‘"Pap," obalencd 1 young urchin of ten nip! go his "fdn‘d parent," “does the L 013! {now everything fl" ‘ "You, my son," replied the hop-{nl sire.— .“Bm why do you ask thnt question?” , Impetus. oy- preacher when he prays in so long teliing hing everything, I tho‘: be warm lpolth.” V . ’ The parent nfiected. : , rflynlo'vnomi Grunt—A. cue of hydropho- Cim‘gfly developed, [ln been curgd by the 0 011113133! Brooklm. N. Y. by the tim nle‘npplicn no! ice and wet cloths on the pack of the neck Igdjlnng the spine of the Niger: 7A7_ ‘ , - h-‘rhe pr York nuhodin Conference ku‘njecled theppplicntion of Mr. Philip Ger m, :of‘ Conneclicut for ndmiuion .95 n. Bleacher, on the ground of his alleged disloy . (.1. He refused to subscribe to certain Aboli {ion mllgfioyt tqd ia a. Democnt. ' . “~th Sheridan, found drunk in l co.)- ho]...niad.quostioned u to his name,—nplied ‘ 4' hi: nuixid wu “Wilbeflorgo,” 116 did n mf glonuy impudem. thing ; bunt wnn'l. I much go the aflmnwry of Sgnstor C. (or tome other un‘n,z'who being picked out at a street ditch b n itchman. and mid to give his name,~ie girl; In I‘gltler-fll vqice, “Don’s ycu ave lam ‘ .l'dW—Bouoa I'm. - . _ ‘ fi-B in a. fuck. ydrfliy of recon-.1, that none pf-tht Republic” pupen of this notion have mopfod our propoaiflon 0! lug. Wflkl‘thll: 'leng‘l'lg (herifg‘b pr‘me (ha! a_ gjpgle p-e‘inécu‘ '5;- uae‘Nonb had em advocated gfiiwyigiog girl's {1113.99.- ‘ ‘ ‘ = maxim“ 11°01'11“}. a N 0“ 7»: ”may LAM; haw m“, ‘Tlxln nrtlch h and} 1! l 9 gunfire» ’ ‘ th‘ck and urong woven hbrh, taunted mil mnnul‘ncmred cxpreuly [or 0* on no, and‘ is, le\eral time: thicker than ~tho gotten shoel ing c‘ommonly Ted In all other; cdmposldoa r . i‘ ' 3 -‘ roofing, and cohleq‘uemly (at mote dquble. Efi’bm the unpcno; thickness ofghh cloth, it summing, In nturau‘ofi, s In grunt swim“ at tho water-1.1100! compblniqn, In}! [when Iniibo' ed, I‘ill|_ mo'flre-pml mango; tboxoiri‘nc'o. present: 4h. not! completely finished—aw, wg nu conq‘ieq3,_ man durable—roofing now know’a. It. needl‘g‘nq‘flpn; cqat'npplhd on the I‘ I v ‘ - ’ roof. 0Q all 0991' kind! do; ' , ‘ :1} IS “READY" Ito-Jun. paint; .4 l 4 -‘ It I: gunufnctixied and put up [front the“ one Handled fed iong, rad than feet. wide; requiring only {_n by much“, and nailed on the roof.” 4 I In £th convenient and flnlas‘jhed.‘ 'unte, H II éspecially worthy the ntthntioq of HARDWARE, HERCHANTS, ' . menng, 'BCILDERS, and n“- wfio buy to sell again. i W; do uqft iaold outlo such the prospect‘of @Emou gram: irémedintely, but we offer a (0:31, merclbunla blo article, ii! demand awry fihére, nudist all times. " - via our. ATTENTION T 0 AEEW.POISTS! . " U I In}. It‘ costs only about hnl! have]: :5 tin, and in mica pa durable. ‘'x N : ‘ _, J ‘ - T 1‘ 2d. Im. agapua to all ‘Mnm or 'roofs, whctbe; "up or flat. . i 1 _ 3d. It I: not affected Injuri‘onxly by heat or gold. ‘ ,‘ "' i j 41):. Any orthu-y workmm cup Ipply it. sth. I: is notlihé “cheapest";l footing nth. It 19 the best roofing. 1l ' a Thh Roofing lma been’uudhnevery variety of clil‘mdo, from Unnndn to California, and we can m 6“ positively rm ommv‘nfllimo be emira ly proof 'ugnins) the changes H hem. nmlac'ord that are so destructive 10 mag: other kinds bf Rpofing. - g 'r . 11' mm. NOT 50mm AND mm m um, - wncnmm.‘ { ‘ (IT WILL NOT cum. IN cow ‘ WEATHER; 1 a 1 a It in A perfect protcrtlon‘ufigafnut fire from the falling cindarl am! fmeonl‘s Imm burn: ing building- adjoining lbj; Roofing : I: is so chalk; and strong (but tbs SH KIN KING OF ROOF-BOARDS doosnot injure It. ' j -' fl 1 ' It is pnrticulnrly vn‘luuMp {on Fahorl Foundriesfiugar Rufinerivs, I)istillmios,and building: where the air is impregnated w gases or nmiuture, whivh rnpidiy conro‘dc, f'r the inside, mum and metal H 3013. I FOR STEAMBQAT DEUKSp " ' _,ch:-IjOli's, rum. and 3111 rnofl mad for" walkirjg in, th‘mnrli‘ answers I'm- better tl'n any me n] roafa—us‘ “ill .benr such usage withéur cracking ‘ breaking. } r . K Iris easily applied oter 014 V‘ ‘ ' ?‘‘ ! , % SHING‘M‘: Roms; i ' i WITHOUT REMOVING ink snmcm ’\. ~ _ 1 AT“, the ' ‘ 1. ‘ I I _ G U 'r 'r a n a can be Iqrmed'nr this material, Paving l‘he -. ponsebr M mum. UN ES. 1 . V”The cost of applying it is very light, nnd‘n ordinary mgr cm: be finiiped in the same 11;!" f -‘ : ‘ . a 4 I*. PR snuvnvouhzunor 5 H A ’ w‘voyn‘m noonjmxs, ‘ ~ I ' . m Yum; Tm ‘nqor-‘rms j A; - " ‘,’ gamut RUS?‘-:IIOLE§ 1x 1 IF Yovn’nx 12009 NEEDS" Rimmns 4 LIQUID g ‘ GUTTA-PERCH‘A (SEMENT .l t 1 will effectually close up all 'lzefsmnller RU HOLES. and lorm a-henvy lime body uf the whobe suffice. that win fluent HUSI and last many years longet mural-ding pain’t. _ 4, 3 '4‘ 13 YOUR sumo”; BQOP LRAXS, IF YOUR GUTTERS LEAK}, IF THE JOINTS Anovxfimqn cmuNE 'LEAK, “ ‘ , II" from: sun's ROOFj';LEAI§S, , ; lcourouxn f OUTTA-PERQHA glans? will completely fill up all the crevices l 9 'l‘" shingles. cover over the brokén joinlain the in and Slit-0. form permanently mahesivg,‘ elmliu coating Around chimneys, sky-ligbg; Mel, find in I“ the" situation! will out!” ny “lief article for this purpose now in use. This :- ticled: 5 thick, tenacious compcfind o! . 49 UTTA,"-PERCIfit, _ . 5:: I ‘ and Ingredients used-extensiv‘bly 1n inropjh the pfoceu of Kyunisinmor ‘p curving w ad in railroad structure- expéoed in moisture Id deny. ' This very useful properly tends di t -1] m nrmt And ‘prevonl. decay in the thing el, mad will onenjavo the neeeuity for gun! years of punin'g on I new toof. h. is worthy o! a trill. ' ‘ bu". the mm 300 mm um: will be finished to . caucus AND cma’nn at a teduetioo of 'rquY-gln in“: cm. moi ' - v moon: aqua , unplug. ”Miami ' nub: wnu’nxquzgg‘mu AG; wcmcunms m; swans“ an )3, Hail. Addrpll ~ , “T ‘ gym 300 mg co,§ ’ 7 gui. 1g gum 5: I.lm, I L.. .L ‘. .: FW‘IYOY. #5:.2-‘5 ”NZ-J: ‘ ' as' a; i *** DB. SWEET’S iNFALLIBLE ' . 1. I N 1 u 1: N ’{T , ' 'fEl GREAT RELIED l eon nunuuntsu, GDUT, N 1 LUIRAGO, S’l'll-‘F NECK AN SPRAINS. Bnmsns, CL‘T WOUNDS. PIN-:8, HEAD. AND ALIdfiHEUMATIC ‘ ‘ NERV smsuuum For all of which it h n upeHL rcmedy, 3nd never failu. This Li mm! from the recipe 0! Dr. Sup Connecticut, the famous home In been med in his pry-tics for mor yen. with the most Mwnishing ~ Au an Alleviate: of Pan. I by Any preparation before the pu ‘the most Ikepticst any be cumin glo trial, ‘ This Linhnent wm cnro'rnpldly nnd .SJJCII -Iy. Bhepmatio Disorders of every ind, and in Lhoumn-ls ut cyaes when >t has never been known to fuiL f ' . For Neuralgln‘ullc will nfl‘oqd dmmedlm reliutin every cuse,- waver diulges‘sing. It. will relieve the war“ cases 06 Headache in three minutes and in wnmuued do do it. Toothache alto will i: curei For Nervous Debility and! sitndearising from imprudence - Liniment is a most. happy'nnd uchl Acting directly upon the ni-n'o strengghena and re\'i\ifieu the 53' stores it to elasticity and vigor. I For Piles.—As an extnnn rlnim that. it. il the but known, Jvngo the wn'rld lo producu an ! victim of°this dish-using com' give it a trial, for it will not fui medix‘te relipt‘, and in a majority elk-NIL radiéul‘curo. . Qui'hsy and Sore Throat extref‘uely nmlig'nzlm. and dnn timely Application Pf lbia Liu'im miltocurm'i . x ‘ ' Sprains are sometime: very enlnrgcme'nt of the juinlsv is lin neglected. The worst. case may by this Liniincnt in two or time Bruises; Cuts Wounds, cor-s, Bums and Snalds.‘ .H the wondc’rfixl hculium propc SWEET'S‘ l-NFALLIHLE LINI used according in directions. “LAWS, FRUSTED FEET, . [QITES AND STINGS. . DB. STEPHEN SWEE the Great Naturm Bone Setter. Dr. Slgphen Sweet, of Connec All over the United States. - Dr. Stephen Sweet. of Co author 6! “ Dr. Swofl's [nl'xll ‘ Dr. chgt's Infnllible Lifiime mmiamhnd never fails. ‘ l)r.'b_ ecl's _lnfallibl? Linim romedy fqr Neu‘ralgin. ‘ Dr. Swéel’l infallible Linimo and Scnlds hmnorlimclf. Dr. Sweez'l lnfulliblo Linim know. remedy for Sprain: and .Dr. SweM's lnfilllibln Linime nelle immmlimll-ly um! \ms gave- Dr. chl‘l‘s lufnlllblc Liniuu mediate relic-Nor l’iles,nnd sn-hl a Dr. Sweet’s Infallihle Linimc ache in one minute’. i Dr. Sweet's ‘lntuHiblc Linimo “and Wounds immt‘diatriy mu! 6 Dr. Sweet’s lnrulllhh- Liniln remedy for Sores in the known Ilr. .Sugbl’s lnlellihll‘ Linil used by‘muro than a. million praise it. ‘ Dr. Swan's Infnllihle Lini “ ternally, cures Cholic, Ghoh-r Cindi». ‘ ‘ , 5 Dr. Sweet's Infnllihle Lini “ “lriend in need” and cfery ’1 have it at. Hand. i‘ Dr. Sweet’s lganihle Lininno’ all Druggists. Price 25 and 50“ A FRIEND IN TRY "LTDR. SWEET’S LINIHENT, us an external ram 'l} rivaffnnd- will nilevinu- Imin fihad any oihe‘r pr4\p.ir:\liol|. ‘ matic and Herman Dimmers it bio, and as a curative fnr . Spnfins, Bruisrs, Jun, its snotbi ‘ power-in! strengthening p'roper just wonder and astonishment ~‘ ever gn‘en it a trial. ‘ Uven on I“ nificnles of remarkable curm‘}l [1 within the Inst. “#0 yams, mu TO HORSE O " DH. SWEET?) IN FALLIIH FOR HORSES is unrivaled by cues of. Immune“, arising Bruises or Wrencliing. its ell‘cpt cem’m. Harness or Saddle G: ing‘e, km, it. will also cure ape " Ringbone may beveasily ‘ in their incipient stages, '0 beyond the bossibilil ' cuss of Ilia kind, 1 \hopeless hut it inn: ‘ent, and its faith move the anew tel with compn pm up ‘ cure ~ . case; e cure. .deape nee r by {ML Lini e_ will «lump 1. tho'horses to tr _ t. :1 '3 ' 1 EVERY HORSE OWS ER ‘_ ‘ -: .!‘ should have thi's remedy at hug-1, for its tinge. Iy use at the first appearance offLsmenesa will effectually prevent those formianlrlé disensel, to which all'hnrses Are liable. and which ran der so mnny otherfivise valunble horses nearly worthless. ; . 1 »~ nnswnn'r’fi IKFALLIB’LE mflugx‘r, . ll Tl. I somnm's Fatima, ; ind thouundl h‘ue {amid it truly A rntnxnn'x flip: L '— i CAUTION. ‘; To Hold impolilion, obscu- tho Sign-tar and Likeness of Dr. Stephen weet on every lube}, In‘d n1:o«“8lephon S/eu'a Infallible Liniment" hléwn in the sharp! uch Mule, ‘with‘ont which none are genni o. mommasox’ co., Sole Proprietors, N‘ rwidJ,Con )lOBGAN a ALLEN, omm Agents, '. ,46 CITE 6Uo6t,_New York 39-de by All dulcn‘ave‘rywhe'u. Dec. 8,1862. 1y , 1 , Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING continua the lamina: A. of SALE CRYING, nnd'aolicitl the con tinued patzo-sge o! the public. It ifliia con lupt endenvgr to give patina-tion. Charge: moderate. Residence in Breqkinn’dgc “not, Gettysburg. U. , P. S.—lle in n lirenléd Auctioneer, under the TI! Law of the United Shun; 1 _Noy. 21, 1862. 4 ‘ L. SCHICK In: just :1 _ ‘. clpnp Logkfing Gin-um} Ab OIL—It -" '‘ l , " ‘ QR. R. KOBXF-Il New doodn z—Large Stock ! ERCHANT TAILORING. M JACOBS t BRO. have juu received from the cine: p large stock 0: good: for Gentleman's weur, cumming s variety of ' - CLOTES, ‘ » CASSIMIBES, ' " , ' VESTINGB, c-uhnb, haul, km, with mnny other good! for rpring ud runner var. _‘l‘bey are prepared to make up garment! 1“ the uhoneac notice, find in the very bell mon ner. The Fuhionl e regularly rec-eived, Ind clothing made in an delired style. They IL wnys mnke nmrl fits, bbilst their sewing is sure to be lubsmntial. ‘ 5 They nsk n cdntinnn‘nco of the public‘l pa tronage, "solved by good work and modcruto chnrg‘es mum in. - GettysburghAprll 7, [862. ‘ ,URALGIA, ‘ JUINTS, AND cue, ND and certain inn-n! it pro el Sweet, 9| lér, and h” than truly occu. 1' PRIVATE SALE.—Theunderaigned or {en u Private 8110 the Property in which he now resides, aim-loin East. Middle strut, Gettylburg, Idjolnizf S. R. Timon omthe west. 3nd Uri. )lcElroy lb: east, with m ,W I”!!! in the rear. :11“: HOUSE in a. “70- ton Frame, Wézuherhomded. with Buqtbnilding; n will of water, with {I pump in it, 11. thedoor; And it variety of fruit. such an apples, pears, peaches, npricofi, Lin-trienmnd zrnpu,uli tho monthhoice. ' ‘ ' ’ fZACiIARIAII MYERS. Nov. 12, 1860. if i ' I unrivaled e, of which ed by a 1,4- Fresh Grerries, EW NOTIONS, FINE ILIQUURS, £o. The undersigned hu jun returnqd from the city with the largest 11th of new goons he hits yellmd in, which, having bought for rush, he is prepared to sell as lo as anybody here or elsewhere. He will enu "ate a portion of his stock: COII'FEES, S GAIIS, Molgsus, £hcese, Bacon, Potatoes, Su‘lt, Vinegar. Spit-ea. Candles, Soaps, liroomu,'llruahel, Halters, Bed Cords. Cedar and Willow Ware, SEGARS and TUBACCUS, large lots of best nubfommou bnnda; with all Rom of NUTHHS. - 110 km- a finer nlock of LIQUURS lhnn is us ‘ ually found outsille ofthe citiesfvizz Impbrl ed and Domestic llmndies, four kinds, Ihe best .for medicinal ugca&old llye, very supc,ri3r,:for the same purpose; Imported Wines, also Do— uwnic Wino; Schiedam Schngpps, Ruins, l Whiakics, kc. Every article is warranted to be win". it is sold for.. ' j ‘ ‘ =CO Genenl Lu r Excess, this iling remedy. 1 (issues, it um, and re- remedy, we nd wo chll - A Every rlninl simuld to afford im of cases will Recalled, this is the place to 11-13" cheap.— Let lunch us dbuht it ml], and they will‘be convince-l. uwa. mermscu. an 119,1863. ‘ ' felometimcs crous. but» a at will new: ‘ Lancaster Book‘ BinQery. Gnomes wmm‘, ‘ * noox FINDER Ibétinntcmnd lo to occur if he: 00114“: ch days. 1 AID BLANK BOOK HAVI'I'AL‘TI'REB, Plain and, Ornfimental Bun/mg, of every de; scription, executedjn the most. subsmnti'nl and approved styles‘ . Sores, U 1; 11l reu-lnly [9 lies' of DR; flNT, wllén Also, rum- ND INSECT E. W. Brown, Esq Ql-‘nrnu-rs Bunk of Lancaa‘ter W. L. l’ean-r, Esq ' Luul-nstor County flunk Smunel Shock, £3l} , (‘nluqtlnizl Rank. Samuel Wagner, H q., York Hank. . William Wugmr, E~q.. York County Bank. 1‘ ’l‘. l). Carson, “51].,“ Bank affirm} dung. ‘ Potnr Marlin, Hill“ l'rmh'y UflJHlCflflL‘l’ co., nu Geo‘ C. Huwthurn, 35.1.. lh-glsln-r “‘ ‘f- Gao. Whitsonl E~;}|., newt-Mr 4‘ ‘4 April 15, 18331. d , of Conn., cut, is known W-T—k._._ _. E.--.--._~‘.._T. . Plano Tupmg. - " z ROP. HOWE“, of I.iUh-slm\'n. n Pmctifial P Pi'nna Tuber, informs lliq {rim-ls mnl y“: mush-11l pululm in genrrul, (hut lm ng-sfifiis lime. um olhoru‘ise ogt-upiwl, m Inning and Inpairing l’muos. a! qudcrnle‘ prim-5. N 0 prmmsns entire s.lti~t'nrtioll, or nn pay. Urddr. received a! thihnllim'. [St-pl. 16, mil; _ ctirut, In tho & Liuimenl.” l tures Rhea. I In a certain ! n: is the bust ltruisei. 'n ruros Hend -"known Ln fail. I‘m nfl'unls im ‘l) fulls to care. .1. cures Tooth- OHN (‘HRISSH-IP. is (‘fll r_\‘ing on Ihol‘mpéri (I inplnusincss, in :11 il: Itnlng‘lu-S‘. m Yurk stridifileltpburg. I’LUUIK “A““H‘9\‘, in «my desired qmmtfly. made (6 order, at short u:io lice,“ um] at. low prolils. REPAIRING. of yll kinda,uueudod to, prumpl'ny uml Nymph-. 9.— Every “Tort. will be made to rcudcr “Hahn-- tion to rustmnvrfi. ‘ ‘ I ‘llVl‘S HO SK'iU‘. 1'" is the host world. ens has Men ‘1 uple, and all Coal! Coal! Coal‘. gems & numumm'mc now [ln-pared to supply COAL, ngl sum-riur quality, in uny quantity desire-I. 'l‘vruli, Cask). ' - lontjakvn in ! Morbns and Cone One! Come Ml! ‘ firm; also request thou indebt‘ml to them m ml! 31ml [my up. in Inn-ls are ‘much needed. Who will bu lhu first;r to cull? Uflica open n-nm 7 m 7. v Feb. 24,1852. 'cntis truly n 'mnily _shuuld (is for sale by l- Removal.-—Tin Ware. HE undersigned has rcmm HI his Tinning T estuhllslmwnv. neurvr the Diamond, in Chunlbershurg all-vet, adj-winking A. D. Buch ler‘s Drugh‘mrb—u wry ‘cumml 11-I'Mimli. He continues to rrmnulm—mrc, and keeps constan ly on lmnd, every vuricLy of ° ‘ TIN-WARE. Y - ~ PRESSED AND ' ' . JAI'ANED WARE, nnd will always be ready“; nlo REPAIRING. )13 INHALLIRLK dy,‘is without. ‘gmorc speedily Fornll Rhon ‘4 lull)“ infalli wos, Wounds, g. healing‘und ies,‘eknle the ‘l' all who have Y thquénml cei rfor’med by it .the fact. ' RUUFINU uud SPUUTINU ' also done in the lust mKnger. Prices inoder- Me, and no elfnrt spun-d lb render full' satis motion< The public's continued [mu-onus is solicited. A. P. BAUGHEK Gzttysburg, Ap’ril 7-, 186?... _ Howard Assocmtmn, . _ HILADFILPIHA.—— For the Relief ,olrihh Sick and Distressed. nlliictéd with Viru leut and Chronic Dial-MusY nn-l PSlM‘Eiflny for the‘ Cure of Diseases of llu- Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Act ing Surgeon. ‘ __ ' VALUABLE REMRTS'on‘SpormMon-hma orrSeminnl kancss, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW “Elli-2- DIES employed in the Dispenmry, sent to the unlined in sealed letter .welnpes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be fibceptnblc. - ‘ _ Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGIITON, Art ing Surgeon. llowunl Association, No. ‘3 South Ninth Street, Pbiladelphin, Pu. \ June 16,1862. 1y Eras. LINIMENT ‘nyfnnd in all rum Sprninu, is ulngigul and Us. :Scmlclnes, .-dily. Spnvin rewnted Ind :bul confirmed y'nro radical owever‘, is so be_alle\tiated nl application as, Ind ennblo .- the use. ASHIONABLE BARBER, North-um. cor ner of the Diamond, (next door to Mc ‘ cllafl'l Hatch) Giuysburg, I'm, when he can It It“ times be 1' und ready to attend to all business in his line“ In has also excelleni u mane. and will ensure sntinfnétiog. ‘Give him a call. [Dec. 3, 1.860. HEdfidersigned,beinglhe nuthorized person to make removal; into E\ er Green Cune tery,hopea that'anch as contemplate the Femoral! ofche remains of decénsed relative: or Mend: will avail themselves at this seasqn oftheyeu' to have it done'. Removals made with promptueu —-terms low, and no effort updr‘ed to please. ‘ . PETE]! THURN, ~ lurch 12, '6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. STABLISHNENT.--GEO. F. ECKENRODE‘, E FABUIONABLE TAILOR, adopts this method of informing his friends and '11“ public generally, that he hnq opened a Tailoring establishmenc in Baltimore street, Gettysburg. (late Post Office.) near the Din- Inond. where he is prepared to do all. work in his line in the best manner, and to the satis faction of customers. lie employs none but first clnss hands. and receiving ‘ THE FASHIONS REGULARL)’, lie-can warrant fnghionnble fits and nut nnd substantial sewing. He nlu a share of the pnblic’u patronnfie‘ promising to spare no ef fort to deserve it. His chnrges will Always be found In moderate Is the tinm will allqm.‘ Cutting snd Repairing done at. the; shortest. notice. [Gellffifihgtg April 'l‘, 1862. E have just received I new assortment onneensware, to which we invite the attention of buyers. _ A. SCOTT k SON. LYCERINE and CAMPHOR SOAP, {on G preventing And curing the bites of Mug. quiloes Ind other insects, M ’ DR. R. HORNKR’S Drug Store. ' UCUJIBER PICKLES, fa large lotjuu W coived from the city. In prime order. :9 KAI.BFLEISCfl‘fl. . OLLOCK'S LEYAIN—che flare"! and. belt baking pdwder.ih ulo—At/Df. B 0 NEWS Drug Stqro. 4 / ADI ’ DRE-35 TRIIMINGS‘ luff?“ vu , flux q, ‘ _ " " Lyn CK'S.‘ . » i .1 OEM Drug Store. Tow Prdperty L.\NCAS'fI-ZR,- PA REFIIKEVCES Coopering. John W. Tipton, Removals. New Tailoring "2 _“ K““"‘"TA“‘“’"~—‘T-”7~ - | n PBOYE§3EGNAL 6mm ‘ ‘ J. O: Neely, ‘_ TTORXHY AT LAW.—-—l‘nrllcular «new A “on pAi‘lbto eollecfion of Penflons, oun'ty, and Buck-My. Ulfico in the 82 E. .corner of the Dinmmid. Gollysburg,Aprilfi, goes. a ‘ A. J. Cover, ‘ ’I'TOBNEY .n' anmu profipuy “Item to Collec'lionl and all o‘her busineu en trusted to him. Ufliéa between Fnhneamka' and Dunner I Zingler's Stun-s. Baltimore Mrect Gettysburg, Pa. (Sept. 5, 1859. . D. McConaughy, , ; HORNE? AT LAW, (ofiice one don‘t won of Buchler’s drug And book Mon-,Chnm hersbur’g- stream ATTDIIIY un Soucnun run Pull" up PIIIIOII. Bounty Land3Wnr rum, Buck-ply sulpended Claims, “it till other clniml against illi! Governmental Wnrh ington. D. 0.; Much!) ricnnClnima in Englnml. Land Warming located And sold,or boughl,nnd highest price: given. , Agents engaged in lo cating wurrnnu in lowa, lllinola nm‘l’othey weflern Sme‘. ”Apply to him personally m" by letter. ‘ _‘ ‘ . ‘ Gelfysburg, Nov. 21, ’53. . Edward B. Buehler. ‘ TTORN'EY AT LAW, will faithfully and A: promptly attend :0 all bylineasenlruplcd to him. He speilu the German language.— Ollice st‘the Mme plhce, in South [janimnre strut. near Forney's drug store, Ind, nearly opposlte Dunner t Zirgler‘p store. , ‘ Gettysburg, March‘zo. ‘ ' Wm. A. Duncan, TTOR'NEY AT LAW.—Uffice in the North west. corn'er queutre Sqa.rre, Gem üburg, Pa. ' ' [oa. 3, 1359. tf -————————————-————.Ll . . ' J; Lawrence Hill, M. D. . AS his office one H dpor west ohhe‘fi “Ms-[u , Lutheran church in ‘ ‘ Chnmbersburg street. and opposite Picking-{'2 flora, where those wishing to hurt any ”ennui Opgéation performed n‘re respectfully invited lo mu. erunucss: Drs. llurner,‘ Rev. C. P. Kmmh, 0.1)., Rev. u. 1.. Bullghor. 1). 0., Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Shaver. ‘ ’ Gettysburg, April 11, '53. Drs. Cress & Taylor. ‘f ’ , CLHUTIC “PH YSICI ANS.—a’l‘ho uhnvw * name»! gentlemen, having usmuiutml , ilwmaelves in the prnctice of .\lodiuine and Surgery, ull‘er their prufessinu'nl ne‘rricés lo the citizens of Gettysburg and viciuily. jllarL ing had large surgical exp‘rricnce in tin; U. 5. Army, and cxtensire'hnspiml prxiuii-cbuhey respH-uullysolicit-yourpatrouugc. “Evilucfic” unmns to choose or salt-ct. "once, we| Kcll'fll 't‘lle bot-L. sun-st (moi mosh reliable ruins-dies frnm all other secturian nicl'iiml si-lmolg, “high mum been _lccmumcndmi lroul 1'”: ex perience nnd snnr‘liuued by practice ,0! that uhh-st i-lémt‘cnc I’ukt'n‘nnhzus, and ismnl those mdno injurious, such n: 'im immu, arsenic, mercury, hlue pill, Mom] h-ui lg, kc. 1 “Hire in Haltimorc street, in the one i“ run-rl3 (It-fumed h‘y Dr. 'Do‘r-oy, one Iluor suulh uf' llu “Compiler" omm. Suhliers‘ families Mtulid oil free oi churgo during their aim-m c. Du. JAIEH'L‘IHLSJ. _ Du. \Vu. TMLmi. Jun. I 9) “563 Removal. RV. Q'NEAL lms‘ n-mm'cd his Ofli'l'l" from D “'ills’ huildil‘lg to the-corner of "ulti nmm nnd’ lliuh slni-l-z, nmmsiw the l'rl-~h_v leriun (Illurrlu lioshlcucumljuulin‘gllm uflnbe. AJII'” ‘5, 1863. H \ ‘ , ‘ Professmnal Card. . HAVLVG proviuguly 'mumnncml nnr nsxln cinliuu Inga-finer IN prucliulimwrs m ‘uu-nln’imu no now sum: that, on lln-I It‘l'trr lhu tlult‘, \n- \_vill (‘Mll‘r idlmtll cqnul um! Iwnilnnuut [mum-whip. We will ghxc our. I n [l'll lunl m'nlfinml :llu-nliuu 10 “hr prut'cs‘iun t 1 dnlin-s, :unlmnxlcm’uu'. luiilol‘hll, nn-l mtidacluril}. to I“)! lmrgu lhuln. \ St: (1. KINm-111. M.‘ IL, ‘ S N. (i. Kl'lllimvl, 31'. i). ' L‘mMslnwn, Mary]! I, Imp, ' N. 6. living dcsirom Orl'll).\illfl up u'ly 0M h'l\|l'll‘~‘s, Hum: kn‘uwing Iln-miL-lns ilm‘lchud to me are respyrll‘ulli‘ requested in inake prognpl SDN‘L‘JDL‘IH, either by; pun.- or pa) mam . S. (i. KIN/Jill, .\L‘l). ‘ March 2, 1863. 0111. - “ [Adam‘s County - UTUAL FIRE INSURANV‘H(MHPAKt— M lncorporql'ed Mnin-h In, 1851; “ ' » orrlcnns.- , ‘ PregMl-nl—chorgc Swnpe. ;, I I’m Prrn'dml—W. 3R. Russelh . Svrrrlrlru—LD. Q. Biwhlcr. ‘ Tream‘rrr—l):u‘ixl N'Crenfy. ‘ la'xrculirr Unmmilltgt-llohcrl MrCurdy, Jncol- King, Andrew llcilntizclmnn. " ' _ Mlmyen—Gcnrge‘ Ssyapir, I). A. Bu‘ohlér. R. ,\l’Cnr‘dy,:Jucnb Kimz. A'. Hoinlzo‘lmun. l). Riv-J Crenry. S. 11. Ruse”. 1. ll.‘ (lurch, Simngl Durbornn‘: E. G. Fullneslock. Wyn. M. “film", H. A. l‘inkimz. Wm. B. McClellan, Jdkm \an find, {2. G. .\lcl)rm|ry.Jobu Picking. Ala-’l‘. Wright, John (‘nnuinglmm. Ahdicl F" Gill,~ Jluue‘s H. MumhnllgM. Enchl-lherm-r. Ina-This Company is limited‘ in fts'hpem lions to the couhly iol Adnms. ll h‘ns Hm: in successful operation~ for morn than six nuts, Mu] in that period I!“ paid all Imam: hid ex penseh,»m'lhuul any Mummy", having also a [urge surplun capital in {the Trenunry. I‘!ch (Yum pnny employs no Agents—all ‘bu-inpn‘fiping done by the Mnhagcfrs. who are annually. (Jan ed by the Sloukhulders. Any persnn desiring nn Insurance can hpply to any of the'nhovc mun'ed \lxlmtuers fnr further infurmnfinn, ‘ m'l‘he‘ Execuliye Cnmmnllec’meflnn [he omi'e ol‘thi: Uumpunymn thplnst Wednesday in every ponthhu}, I" M. * ‘ . ' Sept. 27, 1858.+g i Something New . [N GETTYSBURG.—-'l‘hc u ndvrsigned i forms the citilens ol' tlm townnnd “Wham! he has commenced “(a BAKING Mu cu; on u large scale, in Yorytreet, Gem'almrginenrly opposite \Vnttles’l l, where he will try to deserve. and hopes receive. 3 liberal patron age. BREAD. RUIALS‘ UARRS, CRACKI-IRS, PRETZELS, km, kc.,'hnked every diiy,lBBun duys excepted) all of the best quality, are sold a! the larvae! living profile. Gml-ker-lmting in all its branches is largely cnrriesl’von, nndtordurg to any amount, from this and adjoining mun? 4i“, supplied at the shortest notice. ‘llnviug erected a large and commodioua bake-Milne and secured the heat workmln and the mob: up proved machinery, M 3 _in prepared ’l9 do n he": buliuesa. ~ _ ' . ‘ VALENTINE ,SAUPEE. ‘Jnly 25, 1859. ‘ ' - A. Manual: & Son’s . 017 A AND FURNITURE WARI-IRUOMS, on. S $5 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, nenr Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick lit—the lurgentesmbliehmen: oftbe w in the Union. Always on hand A _lnrge MS , tment oi HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNLTIIRE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Wnahstands,‘Wnrd. robes, Mattresses of ,Husk, Cuttbn am; Hair. Spring Bods, Soixu, Tetc-e-Tetet, Ann Chain, Rocking Clmirs, Emgeres, Mnfble Tablgs, Set. fees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs. AS SORTEDCOL‘ORS OFCUT'E‘AGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chain, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, llnll Furniture, Gill. and Walnut Frame'Looking Glasses, Side. boards, Extenqion Tables, of every len’gth. Yersons disposed to purchase are Invited to Call and give our übck an examination, which for variety and quality of workmnnsln'p is not equalled by any establishment in the country. ' A. MATHIOT & SON, r , Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. ' Aug. 6 1930. ' fiSH/l/nna t Bclnun'a Store in Well wor— thyuvisizjnat I“ this time. We doubt whefller, even in/onr largest Ciliel, do flag a display of Stave; am he found. Their large mom is full of Stoves of every pattern; alsd. evg'ry Va rieyy or llollow Wnre, Sheet-iron Wylie, Tin I Ware, Punished Ware. annn Ware-embrac ifig, lndeed,everythinz in the house furnishing} ‘line. dew, Snusage Cuttorn, SJusuge Slum-rs, Lud Presses, la, kc. They are alimphfell to sell wholesale and retail, Tin Ware and Sheet»! iron Warn! of their own manufnclare—keeping‘ I lnficien. number of hands to supply ‘ny de-' mand. Their uaortmenr of Lumber i. «very; Inge; duo Coal bxcvery klnd. 3‘ . l .. 4 ”-7” »__‘_‘ 0! Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug Store “fl “4 ’ m 51310 an 901161! puny: ' ‘ The Old 8 . d Reliable. ' EW SPRING G (DDS. N SMALL I'ROFI B .t QI'ICK SALES.— ‘ J. L.SGHICK would fupectlnllylm , to the citizem n! G"!- lyuhnrg and vicinity, Inn he is now rescuing M. hi. store I apiendi STOCK UF . (“NO GOOD?» ‘ (Tho nack‘ comisl in par} of Fancy and ‘ Staple DRY (3000.111!Y of every description. ‘ SILKS. MOZAMBIQUE, QUALLIES. DELAD - R BO as, m 213.313. 4 ALI-.wms. . LAWNS‘ ' . - CALIPOES, altos: uflcs,,which vhll 1 DEFY (‘UllPl-LTITIUN. ING 430008 f of n‘l qnnllllu Md 0‘ be sold a! PRICES T‘ FURNISII of all kinds, lnrludi Handkerchigfx, Glov Also, a nplcndid ‘ Luce: and Edging, | )ly flock of WHITE ii and complett, and always getting good 5! Me prices. , “ l Gentlemen will fin call and examine my I CLOTHS, 1 i‘ Silk. Linen «nil Conan -: Sgwkinga. kc‘ [norm-enact mfiunys, “Sn-ell“: find Pnrnnuls.- - ii DIE/)8 \fili be found full stomcro may r_cly upon loads at. the lowest Apuisi h. to their mlvnnuugutto tuck-of » , " ‘ CASS] ERES and wzsrnxcs,‘ .u oficqst uylei. | . ‘ J. 1.. scmcx of 9“ qualified and April ‘2l‘, 1862. The Gm .\' THE HILL.— 0 respectfully inft burg and vicinily.‘ “mull “ M "If! “UL lysl-urg. where he in on hand all kinds I Coffees. Slrups of I Sull, kn, Hurlhon' Oils. and in fuel. ova} Ural-Hy. Also, FLL all M which he inu t-st. Counlry produ goods and the highe lmmell‘; lel. by, stri desire to please, tu‘ 1 trmmgv. TRY-IN.“ Feb. 23, 1363. tf‘ ' >Hay anted !_ ”H u’n'dt-rsignml vislws to buy .’lOO mug of T‘guml IIJY. T e highest nmthfipriu‘ [mu] m cnsllA'ur pgimu Tinmll‘ly “.._i, tlelileru’d at. his puckmg csl‘nl'lislnncul in Ucuyshurg.——, Early applications desired. ’ , WM. E. BITTER. A'pril 20, 1863. clu' ‘ W ;ty .4tore The: underpigued would rm thm-iliz‘ensarm-up. M. [w has lnkcn Hm 01-1 ‘in l‘mlfimuru “fret, gel lend! to km-p mustnmly f GIKUCERH'ZS—Sugnrs. ll kindi,‘l‘.ulmccn, Fish, |ré of u” kiu'ds, Fruits, thing Immlly mum! in 1| l")! k FEED o! {All kll’mi; [ln to Ft" low as the Inw— e tnkcn in exclmngu fur ‘1 price given. "I: “asters ‘l mu-nliuu unfl’nn hum-st writ u share ‘ut’puhh‘r Inn. 1 J. M. L'UWE. Dr. Robert Homer’s HW FAMILY Imin: nn 1 . I'm-:svnu‘Tlnx smut-z, cvuunnnswno NIH-HT. umn ruh um Ilnu'ilu; ruin-«l Imm the "(4:sin prxuzlicc OI my [mm-«inn, l lulu- ph-‘Huri‘ in nmmum Lug to flu: utizcns «(Gong Shurg and vicinity,llna I have opened a > - _ 7:.. " NEW DRIVE STORE, ‘ in thc mom I‘ormi-Ily (wrupiml by DR. H. k“. Huln'uu, us nu ufiivo, “lwro l “I“ cogwlnnflf lu-op nu Inllul fl‘lprgt‘ supply urn“ kind: OE HLHMI lIIHFUS, . - ‘ A ~ . MEDIt‘INES,’ x’ ' - . ' CHEMICALS, , . . ” » PREFIHIERV. _ ’ ' TOUT“ I‘HWDRRS, . 5 ‘ . DYE 51 [1 FHS‘, nnv P.\l.\'l‘S,nnd . ‘ ‘ PAINTS ground in Oil. ‘ _ UII.S,‘I-xpn_-~l.st-4 and distilled, , ‘ STA'I‘IUAEIIY ol‘hll kinda Inks, Pens, Pl-rwih. !'u[u~r..(‘m.n|m. llru‘gln-s. kc. _ PATENT MEDICINES. " MI Ile populur l'um‘nt Modiviucfi. tum-mm“ nilh n- M'h‘l‘liUfl oi pun- WINES, IHL—LVJIIBS nn-l WHISKI'IY, fur nu-nlil‘iualK I'WIW’Q“ ..nl), ulnnys un Imud. Inn word, my “lick Hui-rug”: vv- rylhin]: uauully lound. in u first-chm; glllrL‘ uf lln'm clrnrriplihn. . ' A .\ lnrgc supp], of he”; Drngq his bran rO - untl "Hum-I :m- :Irrh hm, “bk-h l mu ul h-I'mq In the public an . m-ry m-vmnmndnun‘: lvnin. My .\h'divinm lunar ui'l «lu-cn purvlmu-ul umh-r my persounl hula-("lit”) nn-‘l lsum-r‘minn (rum tlu- must rclinl-h- lIIII'HPS. I run (In-refun '9” ""U rtfrulnmynl llu'm us pun: uml {rm-h, luut nun svll llu-m rJu-ap. - 'l‘ L N. IL—l’Ali'l‘N‘llLAll .\TfI'EXTION gin-n m the :rvulmcnt “_Lglll chronic'dism-N. . " er II V l G ['l Q R ATI 835: Mn" 12. Ina-.'. u _ Somethmg New. V 111-lnm‘orsigumln-xperlfirl r l" informs, llu- I'O‘ddl‘fllflw . ul'llctlgsburgimgl \iriuilynlnu- Ln! 3 IN- ln‘m opt-um] n WATCH A?” Jl‘I‘Hs'LHY _S'l‘Ulll‘Z, in llw rdmn imnu-Ilinleiy in the” reur of Mr. J. L: Schick‘s Slure, «ml framing—liv- Squzlre,‘wllerg he inh-n-li Running an "(sort nu-Il‘t of \\'.\Tl'lll§S,Jl-Z\Q RILEY, SILVER xln-l SILVER 'I’L.\TEI) WARE, SI'ECTACLI‘JS, CLOCKS, km, fit. a . 1 . liming i)l.‘(‘ll I‘OINICK‘iOd with n flntzg-lnas Wan-Ii uml 'Jvm-lry Sign“ in. lh-Itimori‘, fur sen-ml .u-nn luhl. he is pn-parnl in fuminh i-H-yy nrlvcll- in“ the line, nl. llu-‘lmwat cny lurixm; and all purchases will In- gaumnlicd us niprpsenu-d'. - < . l-‘rbm n longzcwoiicnqe ln Wnlcli-ropniring, especially ofl'irie Wailrlu-s. In- is prepare-l Io do all kinds nl’ Watch-work prompll}, in we best manic-r, and gnumnly the perfonumw’r ofil. . He will hep always on hum! a large tum)"- melll of SPI‘I‘ETACLES.«mI-Spel l.icle Ginsu-a; and having: nmcliw experience in adapting them In the night, is Inn-pared to fit all wlm nee-l lhnn. ‘ 1 , IlAllKJl-IWELIH’ made to oulcr in the lnvét' slj-le', and n grout vat-Evy} nl‘pnuerua on lmml JEWELRY rrpuire-l in die m-nlnl mum/Pr. ' JEN-IPM Ul‘iVfliN.‘ Oetlyabnrk, Dec. 23, min. If ,7! » .. v- v ——- ‘ ,__ .._ (‘-..-.4 . The Great, steovel/w .9, A F‘ THE AfiH.~'—lnlhimmmory’ and Chronic we‘dflheumnfism run he rum] hyfilsing 11. L. "1 . HR‘S CELEBRATE!) RIIEUXIVATIC MIX TUIRH. Mnnyqrrpluinenl citizéul of this, and the mljuining cd’tpmies, lml'e certified to in great utilny. 11l succeu in' Rheumatic ufl'ec noun, has been hitherto unfinmllekd by any lgpccific, inlmdured Emma/public. Pry-2'50 ‘cuuln per bank. for mlqby :IH dnggisu and swrckrepen. Amman-ed fly by 11. L. NILLHR, Wholesale“ {uni meta-i 1 gruggist, Ens! Berlin, Adm-n mum, I‘LL. dealer in Drugs, (”k-mien”, Luils, Varnish, ,Spirusr/ Puinl-I, “_ve-stun's, bot- ‘ Viki" (his, Hasenucs’nnd Tinctures, Window 1 ms. l'ei‘fumery, I‘Vulem‘Mydncinea. &c., kc. I H‘A. D. Butlflfl‘ is the Agenlin Getty!- . burg 1% “ Half. ,Xhller's Celebrated “hem-Mi. ; mun-re," 2" , [June 3, 1561. t! ___.,_-.. ,_ ; ,-_~ hash Bemforcements. . Tém'umsmxu om: Pumnox..—We S nre;consmmly adding DOW auppflel no out already-llama untb'fuhiomnbla flock of HATS, (up , Quum 'ANQ suuls. We Hue nery I|.er of Spring and Sumner Ham, gum-n in qunlily Ind price cnuuol ‘l‘nil to pleue. ‘ Boy": and ”uh Huts ‘und Cars of every description, mad 9! the 15m: “’l3“. Our stock of ' -. {y , BOOTS“ ‘ , SHOES, v ' GAITERS, he" be" w'hs never more complete. Lndiel flunk-men and Children can be lccoiumndnted with any. thing in! thin line," we an better prepared now to 'givo 615 und greater burg-in: than ever befure. g I! you want turgnim. good fin‘ 3nd fashiunnple goods, call at the sign of the BIG BOOT, in Chunbenbnrg street. ‘ - JOHN CULP, Juno 9, 1862. ALEX. COUEAN. Notice. LIZABETII DIRHL'S ESTATE.—Letterl E testamentary on the astute of Elizabeth Diehl, Isle of Hamilton tuwmhip, Adams co.,deceued,hnving been granted to theunder-i aignedfiesiding in the same lownship,he Ingreby given notico to I" persons indebted (0‘ said estqe to make immediate plyment,and tho: 3 having rlnims against the guns to prelenj; them prop'eriy luthenticntod tor settlement. ‘ A. K. STONER, Executor April 13, 1863. Gt. For Sale. W 0 SECONDJIAND MANNY MACHINES; with Wood’llmprovement. Enquire of In. 33, an. WI. WHILE. HEAmericnn Excelsior Coffee and Emma, T for ulo MC Dr. R. HORNEB’S Drug Store. 4 #63, A'rro‘xv Root, Corn Burch, Rice-flour {slll Gehtin, to} sale It DDflORXBR’S rugslwlref“ “ “‘ » _‘ . A I . ATIUNAL COMMERCIAL GULLEGESJ ; Locnxu 1.1 v [ _ PILILADEM‘IIU, : 8. E. con. ml nu Cmaxm Sn. .New York City, Bruoklén. Albany,’l‘roy,uuflaln‘, 1, Detroh,.Clcvolaud, ‘hicnga and St. Louil. .1 Book-keeyi'ng, l’eumunsln’p, Commercial lArilhmetic. Commercial LAW. Penna, Corn-i --pundcnée, to, practically taught. : These College: being‘under Hue um puma ,nnd lm-nl munugonmnt, and uniting in ugh tho {udmntugvs of all, oil‘ci' grenficr fnciuticu for i Impuriing Instruction than "Hy other similar lnslilufionnin the century . . l .fl Schoinrslxipluucd by»; one in good hug)“ for an unlimited lime. « ' The Philadelphia Collogo harbeen tor-ugly enlarged and refurnishcd in nuuperior mnnu‘vn and is now them eat. And most pro-wrong Gummcrriai Inulmtfon in the Sum. Bryant. & Shnuon'n Dorie! 01 Tu! Banksk cmbrncirg Bonk-keeping, Commerfinl Afllh , metlc, and Cmumeu’iul Inn, for sale, and um. by nmil. _ wl-‘m- fun pprlicfilnrs send (or a cllgnlan (Jul. 20,1562. 1y Herbst’s Line. V "E undersigde would informfihe public P [but he is nuw running Mine uf FREIGHT ('ARS frum Gruyilmrg to‘llulliluom "cry \u-rk. llc is prcpnrmL to many Frright. enllu-r wuy, in any quumily. “1‘ jill “Him... il'clmin-d, m the making qr pun-lune: in Hm ciu, uml drliwxing ll“- ‘gumls prumplly 'nl (hnyilvurg. lhs nun nm to Hm Wnrehuusu 1|) J. H. l!nsl1-y,§03 .\'orlh sweet, llnjlillmte.—~ ”l‘ inyiwa' (In-"Mtnfntionguf llw [ml-lie |u hn lin-, maturing Uu-u‘l Hm! he will Flmrc no «Iron 1.41 m'cmnmude all why "my pnlruniu- Mm. , .4 ' ' ‘ {S‘AML‘EL lIEIHLET. March [6, ”5:11. 3m? ‘ , 106.000 Buéhqls Wheat ‘VYANTEII —T|u' hiVlu-fit nmrkpt prim in null null ulwxus he [mid for 5 ululx, SKI-m AND FL: 1'“, at ‘ ' . C HULHNG R's ‘\'AREI|(H'§SI', n! thr- obl Mun! Innu- \mvupim! Hy hit-M, Hrinkcrhnlf k «a. , “,ln-n- J. n Mulls 0! urn”. FLASH-111, SALT, Flrflll‘k UIMUHKHEH, um. .10 lmd’ soolqu nml‘ rclnil, M ”w lmwu irrirn for null: ('ulljnin‘l u unim- I‘urfium~ ‘ {(Aguil Ll, Hm. I", M’h‘cl Come to tthe Fair! ' ND DUN'TI’UIHZI'ZT’I‘UVISIT PLEASANT A mum: Nl'JLN‘lililliS.—l't-Irrluxl nix-him In lilqnt Treks WIII finlLll-e Muck in HH‘ gluuml H'llmrknhl)’ fini‘. uml offvrwl M rmi'un ‘l'pria w. The Applé hlnuln-rs 2W) \nrricllel, ulnbluriué n“ llw "mutual 5m [l. N. B.—~Su€ llw in-h-x l;n:|r>l‘m'nr fluru “Mu Pm: linil‘G“. ‘ 'l'. i 5. (‘UUK s: so»; Srpl. 2, INS]. \’ I'rn/Irhmn. «3 Watches. Jewelry, ’ .\‘Di SILVER-W NHL—Jr?!" mI-lrniymul A \xunld rI-qu-I-n'u’ll‘r iluilu )(llll' ul'l. n‘n-m 111 his \v'vll srlt'ull-l'rlurk uf l'im- Hull] uml .‘ih‘rr “'ATCIHL‘L Pinv HUN ‘JH‘VELHY' n! (vwry kin bum! unholy, ul‘ s')nt'-——t'ullt|ullllh;" nll 1:! {he noun-q. uwl Inn-l. hvuulilul Ileaiuum .\lau, FIHJI! SILVER “'.Hkl'r. «WI-m] 10 Palm flu”: ‘m‘: um: 4...“: In 51mm rum; WARE. flinch urlidc i 3 \nrmnted [9 ha «a roprcun-mrfl. \ ‘ ‘ ‘ uw-Wm'rlu-i mu] Jun (my (-urvl'ull; “quit!!! and :gliafiu-tinu gmprm-h-wl. V 1 : JAVUH ll \HI‘IICY, [Sllm't‘s-Ol’ tuSl'wlh-l 31 Hair) 1 5.1.6."! \lurkol alrcvq', I’lnlyf'u. J111.\21.1m-p.l r . Muri'o, is. V I’LILQU’I'IIJ'HIA PAH-1|: NAHUM}?! . ? 11'0de (2 Bang]: \IDIL HUI'H'I'II .Kfil‘HH‘li‘lnfiT ' lune mn‘y in ilqu. 4 lim- vuru-I I‘I‘ML‘L gut up «CH-us); lur 1 Tnuh'. \\ I.\hh\\' PAH.“ 0! 0H “):u’ll Hm} unnh' lhl-lmrmiqn nl S -_‘;¢)”l’utlu-I$R-Ilulllh-pmlmu-vl ‘ ”It: | huu'e~t n 1 x 11-slnl [he “who". l‘rh ‘.‘J, luhll. lhu ‘ ' . __ ‘ .4 V .. (Arch Street rpct . T \IH’J'IUIZSJ'Lr NH. )' '.' '.\rvh HI , fuu \V My r< Ju-luw Ninth. mrlh rid»; I’ll”. l- I‘l-.l.['l|| \.—;"lw rllhpl‘rfl rr lmf’ju-l ru-rrnrii fur >l-rilfg: 'l'rudt- u \\ It. Sufi-fun! lim'k ht “up“ In qn-l .\imrirnu! .\lii’l'l'vViN. c mhrm < ing nil Iln- m-n‘ sun/s m ‘l!i‘sll(‘~l.lll.kl‘.A . hung!“ p'fmimu In I’l‘v Im- advance fbr ('mh, nml will livid I 111 luv prurm. ’ v . 5-plmll, dim-um , 'l'lm-v-I'lf‘ Illgrrgina Ind \'l-m-I§.|HJ(3.lr]-tli u‘.£r'\\illi .I ngu'v' .1u- k ul UH.I'I.HKI'H.\Y I HI HUI-. 15, “.\T'l INNS, lt'l‘, kc. “PM!!!“ ? l “Jut- nhnul (Ilruihlllllg. i-u i’u'qlmq. d!" I dug“: (x‘nlmrmuiuu ut Ih. uhow gumh prtvi (a; {of m thug flit” FMUl'liunn. .xH sun h in:lgu;X|wuls ~u'ill‘ lu- Held «51! u: mun"; 1n“ lo [IMX st. _5 JUS ”I..\l',K\\'U(J“. ." “/ 8:12 Arrh Sum-I, l'niL-lvl‘nhia. - Aprflfii ISCLL 3m ‘ ~ . / 1. Hardware 4/» ‘ -'D GRO'W‘IIHI‘ISAU— , 1’ j Tllv'fihscn u-rt’fiuw j'lll {Murnt'rl from (h ritiesz‘uilh rm iugmemr nupfulj' nt' ”All“. y'AIU-I ASH h'IH- il-ZIIIKS, ulm‘ln Illvy mo "TL-rm): xu tlu-ir nlci Mum] m Ikullinmrl- Ilrl-rt, nt’ priresftu In“ 1.1: tinsel. Hui uorL «ousifu‘ inpnrlni '~ 5" - “ENDING “ATRKLHS. ' ’ = a; cMu'HsTi-fu'x mum. ;“ ‘ _ g ‘ mnwusxm‘n‘s 'rqu, ‘ - ; CUM)” nxmx‘us, SHOE mmxns, , " t ' cusmm MMiER'S mum. -' - 1 unuslcxwvflu's FIXTULES. , c j «m. KINDS or ”ms, at, Gnommmsur ALL KINDS. i 0315, Paints, hp, av. The-re ix-no urtirle in~ ‘t'iu-Irti in lh't- Il‘it‘ffll‘ tit-purlmt-ula iuehlitmed nbmt: hat “hut can he had at this Sinre.~' ‘ En-‘ry’rlnjssof .\lecimuit’s can he autumn-minted herewith int-ls And findings, pad [hm-cheep. m min fimL every article in their line. (lira us a call, an m are [itch-red lulu-[l In low for ‘ cash u my uther heme out. of the city. . - E mm, It. “Await, June 9, 1862. DA V”) ZH'ZULHIL. -‘. v 3—42 V 1%... - _ . __.l —:v-—-‘ , 3 Change of Tuna- V ”E («flowing in n relic-hie 01’ the "lhliifi‘ = of the trains air the Gettysburg RulilmMl : 'i'he— FIRST 'num leave! lirttyuflnrg n q A. .\fi, with pnsm-uKI-r3‘mr York, dn‘rrirhurg,‘ Philadelphia, Am! the Ngrth ImiJVt-It.‘ All; “WI-ZS M Uet‘yuhurg nl, 1 i’. W, with Innuen ifl" {WI33 were points. and line Irpm liniaim and ‘Vfrtdiinmon. PanengeraJt-m‘ing “(uh-I. ingtong'gt «$.30 A. M., an? Baltimore at no ‘.f 34-, "_r‘riw i-y‘this‘trnln at. Unit’shurg It. I o't-inc‘ii, P. M“. r _ ' The SECOND TRAIN leaves Gettyrbnr‘ A}. £3lO l’. .\L, with pnfisengera fur llnltimou n ~ Washington. Passenger: arrive in Belting“ m. 5.30 l’. M. Leave Baltimore n! 8 ML.“ dzrire in W‘ushinglon u NP. )1. Pane-geld twin also go to York :nnd littgriahurg by the recond train. Arrive in Harrisburg “130 i’.~ M ‘ARRIVES M. Gettysburg at 5.30‘1‘. l. with pusrngt-rs from Harrinburgfl’hiiade‘iphie' and the Nerlh m We“. fil’uaengeru gun leave Philadelphia h]. way of Beitimore I: 4 A, 31., and arrive in Gouynburg at i P. li. Dr lenve at. 7.30%. l, by the Penn-flunk Cé'ntrztl ot Pililndelphie and [tending Rfiiirond, nnti- erriye in Getty-i burg in 5.30 P. I. R. McCUBDY, May 11, 1803. ' Preeidenh, To Disabled Soldiers. “MEN AND MARINES, ANWIDOWS. S on OTHER HEIRS OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Ull BEEN KILLED IN THE S?”- VlCl-L—Cuns. C. Tues“, Attorney for Cln In— nntr, Bounty Land and‘l’enaion Agent, Wu)- inglon’CiLy, D. C.—Pensiogu procured tor Sol diers, Seaman and Murines‘of the‘prcseu} I" who are ‘ilsnbled by renuon of wonnds receiVPJ ur disense contracted whim iu ser\'ice,and Pen lions, Bounty Money and Arrears of Pay om mined for widows or other heirs of than who have died or been killed while in sci-vice. ‘ r . Bounty Laud procuri‘d for set-vices In my 01 the Mayan. CHAS. Oxwwffifl. Washington, D. 0. J. C. any, Agent, Gettysburg. Nov. 134551. - - B. TOBlAS'.‘cdc-bral¢d Derbiv 00111!on Poitier-s, for “or." ad Cum, {0! “I. r. HORNBR’S Drug Store, ‘ __ _ 4‘ $— O ill I,ii louistl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers