wall MARKETS. - GETTYSBURG—Suuun u". thr........................................6 0010 a :5 fl," P!0ur................................. 4 50 While When...;....... .m......m....l 50 to l 60 Bed When................................l n In I 45 Con . . _ 85 Rye......_......................'. 03“....» 8uékwuu}................... 0101028“?! ................. 'l‘imomy 5eed.........7:... ‘Flax 5ecd................... Plner o! Putin ........... flute: ground, per big Pork BALTIMORE—Futon u". Flam-......u.......‘............ ......" o 75 lo 6 87 When................ 1........... .....g. l 60 :o l 98 Mom... .. I 12 to 1 20 C0rn..’........ .................'.. ......" 73m 93 0ut:....................................... 81/, m 815' Clover 5eedL......... ’ a no to 5 15 Timothy 5ced................... ..... ‘ 2 00 to I 50 Béqj Came, per hund.-...... ... . 9 50 5013 50 Hogs, pu- hund............ .......... 6 00 a: 7 50 my“ on [.025 on Whi1key......1.. ................,...'.'.,. 45 lo 4‘3 Gino, Pnuvinn, per 1.0n...,....3 92 09 ‘ YIANOVER—Tncnurr 1.811 Flour, from 'lan:..." .........1.. \ Do. from-torn“... When! ‘1! 0.... 03m... "nth“, ~ (”our Seed": Tlmolhy Seed Pluto'r =I Election. VER GREEN OE\!ETEI{Y.—-An Electin'n Oman Proximal and flown Manager! of: .\‘cr Green Cemetery Assoclulinn; tu arm Mr" our", will mm“ on the lat 1h" of JI'NF , next, 186:]. between the hours' of l and i o'rloo‘k, P. 3]., of mid (hymn Mcjjonuughy‘u Hill. in thy Borohgh or Grltydmrg. ’ . I“ ' D. MCCUN'AUGHY, I'rea'l. 11.}: Sun”, Sec'y. ' lily ‘.5; 1863. Id, ‘ . 1 Adams“ fifagßßfis YOU will we?! fur Parade nnd lnqn-clhnfi in Gellyphurg, un SATI'RDAY, IH: 3.0111" 0' “A". It 1 a'clbzk‘. P. N Hrrrv’uwmhvril: te-{uirvd to be present. if! order or Juhu Scull, Brig nle [mph-tor. 2 A HILL NcUHHAIH': (fifth-Ii". 5 Us] 21,1944. 1! _ | Notice. Aron SL‘HWA in 2's rzsl‘x\l‘!-:.—me u! p Alhniuislruiun an the while 0! Lamb Hrlrnurlz, l-tq- Inf “ullflljuy iuulmhip. .\Ahfims gun—n”, dn-n-um-al. ‘lu'ALl'llL’VLl't‘H granted “51%: N'ldcrlignml. rmiuliugvm Mu: mmc Myuflnlln, tn? hrru‘n gin: nul'lt'c tn "H Jurnmfifln drmcd to mid «Ante ‘u unkv ilummlmlr f-«y -"inrulfaml [lune huajng Iluixm again“ she Lnnfc lo [ln-arm lh- m‘yurulu-r y nuflwnlumnlnl tar sully-u mt. ‘ LEVI M H\\' “I'l 7.. ‘ ‘ ‘ . JACK)“ 5‘ “\VAH'IZ. ' Muy as, 15113. a. .flv A-meiuwuuturl. .4 One and All; r ‘AKE N‘"r“”:.—<T‘lu umh-ruignod wouh! 'any to (Le Imm“ Mun !e in rxcriving a‘ huge, and Iplru-iiul .Mm-k ui"lHl«)I‘.l~llLlE\', which he will nil! nu Iniw as nu) uglermuh in tuwu—J'uflcm‘, Sag-rd. “ulna-g. Bylaw, Tell. $lll. J'hfx, kn; \HLh l‘uhmwu. I'- Mu, nil-i “he; \Vnmlu Wave. I-m up in the but. mun nirr; Tui-lrl‘ul. Sifyra. it, it. , 3- ‘FAHMERS, 'l'AKzi .\{U‘H‘lZf-l—lt you want A tn ll] in your lxqu .n for harwn, nnw i 4 tho‘ Hm. L 4: -Vc liunv Ju'nndu n! Wumknu. 11mm ‘ Jun. Wm", I" lull” ulhr; hymn. winchJ mu dunno-Eng uf’nl xhnrfx» Prufltu. ( line me 5 cu“. l-hv‘ngu ry Lu ~'e.,.,:_ 'IHI|/lI:HQV'L‘I n-r_\ (of? It» “cum. lh-memluql rQllnlE~—iuu'.hl:flf‘l_ coiuer u! the-glamour). I'utph m. A y ' pl5O. . K.\)..l}-J.i-'.I.SCI[. 1 N 4; 2:, leca,‘ , ‘ ' ' l; 'Auditox’s LNoYEce. J "E lendrf-xgned. Audmn‘ awn-inn"! tn lunk} Jinn-man | of Ihr lmhnnv c rvumiu in: i. “I! hunk (n’ ('hridliu Kunlhu u‘nnd“ “turf linufl‘nnn. Executor» 41f 111-ury Emir lu-m. dnc‘xwh m um! imungsl lhv partied l gallg’rululml lhl‘l‘r‘o, will H 1 ‘II “it mhl'l'nflg Gully-burg, un MWMIA Y, the huh Jay ..r‘_ .H .\h‘ uru.nt.nlj..\l .lu di-vh .ru'e :hodnh‘xeu' of mm] I[.paiMmeM, \\ mm and ulmc nll er hn intern-ted may Mn ml. ' . - E Is. “Human, Auditor. : L"; ‘l5, 155,3. \E) , ‘ ‘ Pu he ale ‘ , F HURSHS.——(m sx «l'llhAY. um 04. or‘ () JU.\E:urxL, the unisvr by? MIHILL‘U in. Public Salt. M the Egg“: [lr-WI." in Hun) s -1111“, Emur Imm m‘ 1‘; um“. Tim-Lure rllgund druin; horse: and will nunvyr’ fur, J‘n’miug pur macs—”3H: u! lhcm 'i. an cxwllcul hllie Mark rjdm: puny,- [ammu- u‘l 2 u'c.ucL, l‘. .\I In: 2:, 155;; ” SH. 8. Internal Revenue Taxes. cm mvmfi‘s ‘(fuuxm (‘.HI'N‘TYU 16TH . ~ ('uhhuunuwmsrmm‘, l'l-IX.\‘A: :FOTlCFl.——:l‘he annual asse‘unwnt for thii A Disuivt baring hue-_n rumper-IL a}! roi fiefilu M' the uhme lhviuiuu, wlm hum ln-rn m-leuod. nu-l arr mm.- fur hue: u." Cut-rung”, .lhllia'hl Tnhln-t, Slaughlelm! (~‘n‘lfle, Manufac (urea, Liceusu, or _nuy Much- ur occupaimn gincclflrdjn C‘le urin- law. ur; rrqznrvd m "nuke {Hymn-m at my ufli 'c in the lhmnugh ut‘ (filly-burg, on or befure 11m 20m dng’mljngue m-n. . t ' \ « I¢EKNAI.TH£S.——AH [li-nuns who (nil in [my ‘ their Annual burn a: ll!orcfi:|i~i. an or infer! the Imitdny ofJune, 1:5 .3, will im-nr 1i penni 1y bi ten per cemuur-u-hlulio-ml_m m'a muunut (tacit, Ind co'us, M prurided for m the Huh nation of th.;{xuue hul‘of July. 1862. All pet-lair who chill! in like mrnuer Lcil l_o ink’e . out theiglireus‘u. an required by lnw, (in or {Jar-_um 20th dny at June, [863. will I'pcnr a. peak“; of THIN-IE THU-IS THE AMUI'ST 0f said license, iu'accurdnnue with the provisions “pf tbs 59th section of the law aforesaid. ‘ ~ I ‘ Th 6 momhly usessnn-nu for September. ' October, goreuber and December, 1862, and (“J-nun], February and March, 1863,. have Nu been receivcd. and [myment‘ol the smne is ; fzqnircd to he made It the time nforosnid. { WNuLhing hut. Government funds will‘ba ‘ rec-eivgh. _ JOHN L. TATE, : pgpuy Collector eth'Divjsion, 16111 District” Penn-yuan“. \ , l ,Qolleutor’l Ulfice‘, Geytyaburg, Mny 25, 33, L" " ‘77 ' " _ '“: Good Thmgs from the Clty! J ~ 33 are receiving twice a week from the; ‘5 city I uric-t) ol artjciea sullei Ito thr‘ . want; pltliil community, \iz; Fresh nß‘d Sun I Han, mm, Shoulderfland Siam,,ummy.f gum, Snitvlpplu. I’otntors,omnges, Lemons. i Confectionu. Tobaccos, chn ra,‘ with ‘ many; other articles in this line—all rtcgil‘ed in the" be“ order. and sold at the iowestprLfl‘iui.)v Givel In I u“. in Baltimore street, near]; opposim' Flhneglocks‘ store. « i WAFTEDr—Buiter, Eggs, Lnrdg and "11‘, other country produce—for which lbs highest a my]: price wili be paid. . i srmcxnuvsm a; wxsorzssY. i ’ Gettysburg. May-18, 1863. 3m . i v? ' Notice. 1 ANUBL ‘G, KINZER'S ESTATE.—Letten‘ SMltflméumry buthecgtgte of Dr. Samuel H. 5 Kinzer, lat; ofl.ittlusmwn. Adams co.,deceased,‘ hning been granted to flu: undursigncd, 3h: first-named residing in JohnsviUe, Frederick coon", lid..’nnd the Inn named in Littlestown, Adam-l mung, they bushy give no'ice £O3lll pemqilindebted to said estate to make .1111. meth pgymentk. and those having clnunr ”unit the “me ffnresenl chem properly m.‘ ' Bar [at ement. . ”mum“ JOHN szm. ‘ “’Mx McSHERBY. Eiecuwrs. ‘ M*y 18, IU3. et Notice, 10. WEYSXANTLE'B ESTATE—(Lenin g m admininrnion on the estate of George oilunutic. In: of Cumbellnnd tp., Adamsco., deceased, having been granted tn the under lined, N 95691: in Gambling, be hereby gives models to all persons indebteJ to said I&sth to make immrdiub- paymexfi, mud "lose budng claims against my m‘me to present. axon properly nnthcn'inkd (pr crzzlunuam. ‘ ‘ , DAVID. 21361.33, Adm'r. in, u, [BB3. a: ‘ - j - T lbe nolirluthn of numerous frinuls in the County and in our RI-gimeul. math, 1 can myself an n. candida]; {or the ofilcr‘ of llEGlS'l‘l-Lli .t lflllJUllhl-JR.'3uhjecL lo the de cilion of the Dcmucrntic County ,Com’emioo. Should I be to forlumue n w Synominntrd wd 'eleued, I pledge myulflto Eilclqrm- :be dutiu of the onice to the but of my ability. . ‘ SAMUEL LILLY; 16!)“: P. M , Kay :5, 186;. m" ' 4 so ..........1~75 to 1 00 ' 2 75 _ I'l 00 1 45 ‘ b 50 {WNCOURAGBQ by my irieudsJ ofier my selfuo a candidate for the office of REGIS TER k RECORDER, M. the next election, sub ject to lha decision gfrlhe Domogruflc County Conwutiou. §houldi he so [animate an to be nominated and eiectedJ promise to dis charge ”It: duties at the oflice Lothe be." of m) nhihl}. W”. K, GALLAGHER. . Gettysburg, April 27,1863. :tc '7 I T the solicitation of nuficroul friegda, I A agnin ufl'er myself pa I qundidute {or [he ulhce u! REGISTERt RECORDER, u. the enqu ing election,suij-cv. lo the deciiiouothe penin rnuic 'Cuunly Couvenlion. Should I he so fortunnte n; "(be nominated and Julia, I 'pledxe m) M?” to‘ discharge the duliel at the umce I» the but of my ability. a 37 _ 7 00 .~ I: no “I no , A. W. FLEMLHNG Genysburg, luck 30. 1863.: Int! - Reglstal‘ &‘Recorder. 1‘ (he solicimubn of numerou fiiendn I Again offer myulrns A candidate for the office of REG lb‘fEH & RECORDER. at the ensu ingeieclion,subjccno t*dccislon ofthe Den-d— -crutic County Conn-n on. Should [he so fununMe an to be nominntod'nud bladed. I phdgc myself to disclmrge thp dulixu oi the office to die heu-‘af mi admin/.1, “ , .’ EDWARD MCINTIRE. Liberty (p., Mn, 11, 1863. It ‘ I s 01 3;}: nu; 7 0:3 ' T lllg‘solivilntion of my llricnds}! OR" A myself m n cundnlnte fbr Ihe. nfl’u-c or lflvltHS’l'Eli &' RECORDER, nuject lo the de ci.iou of UM: Demmmtic Conu‘ty (‘uéwniium filr‘gnl-l I be nominated and t-loct‘ed, l pledge luysell'tu perfurnl the dulics of“)! twice with promptnms. A. 'l'. VBALWFUEH. ‘ Au.“ :0, 18:23. (c g ‘ 1x ~Bherlfi‘alty.; a ' ‘M‘HlillAfibithy nu'mnrolgdriondifi again 13 u") r llb)';lt'lflll{fl candidate‘forlhéofl'lceof SUI-LR” F, Hulda-{m the «leciuun of ”m [)L‘lu ucrnliv ('uuun t‘upu‘ntinn. .Slmuld [bellnms infled und uleclml, I pledge ugsqlftodisthnrge the: duties uf the ulfit'e wxl’h pfnmplpt-ssuud impurliuhlf,‘ 1 GEORGE “USH‘NAN. ‘ Cumbcrl .nd (p.,.lhlfch 30,}:404'3.’ IN(‘()L'IMG El) 1.; muny menu; I on'ermy. E pclf us a candimue for .\“HIUFPM the nut. l—h~clinll.s?l|§ccl Lu «he deuiiinn ot the lh-mm-nuu- Ununly Cun\cufiou.l Should I he liuminJu-d .un] th.-nod, l promifl: to pcrlmm the (huh-s ul' the (mice with Mélify um! _uu. Inlrlmhly. JHHN' Mf‘MAS‘Tlilt. ‘ Muugkpkeasam ‘13., April 6, 1563. in? ’ PY’X‘UI'ILUHZD Ivy :1 nuanf!‘ of friends I I} (Ah-r my WILM n vamli-lnlwiur “in “flit-p oi SHERII’I-‘hxuhjm-t Iu thv dcylsinu of the Drmm'rulic OMEN} (’mucufion. filwuidl by‘ nmuhmml Km! elected, I '.lmlgl- Ir‘ay‘eli to disn charge the duties of I‘m- anim- Inithfully‘. * HHVIKY IZHTLER. Muunljuy [p., April 6, ”61). it! ~ AT Hu- mliriznlion of mum-rdns friends, ! ‘ ‘ ufl'n r unsixfus u rundidnte lor the office 0!: SHERIFF.“ M the cup-Hing olq-d‘tion, .\uhjcm m Blu- dccisin-u nf the Dl-IHOI'I‘JUI' (‘nuntj' (‘un \exglin'u. Shoum’l he m furlunhto m: to be u.nluiuMl-d nun! elm-Led. l pfrvlgc n‘ywlflio dil (‘ln-rgt- the dam-.- of- the office 10‘ the hes! of [my nI-ilulr. (Hill. F. HCKENHUDE. L Guts :b‘u'xg,‘\l:¢n-ln 30, 1131.3. {c ‘t . WELL()\\'.?‘lTl'/.J"Nfi,O'F ADAMS C().:—- 1‘ ”Ming hon-n impurtum‘d fur 'snmrmm- H) 111-Come 1| rumli hllefm' the ofiiuo uifSHIHHFF. I nm'r unnuu‘m'c'mysolf n (LlHClidflle fur said‘ “Hit-r, (‘xtlljl-vl In [hr [Mllu‘m'ic [Nominating I:..nreuhmnt) -.<huuk[l hr in turrynuwl‘us to Hf .xmmiunln-«l um} nit-NM I prbnflse '9 dia dv ma! 1! c alum-531' .sniu (mice ““01“le and‘ “ill; fichny. Yuurpluuiirnl ~ ‘rrnnt, 3 ’ . ; ZAL‘UARiHI: MYERS $32127, mm. !c t. ‘ I‘VFOI'HAGHIHQ‘V numerous fricndsJ nfl'or {‘. . v . J much M u uunh-hm- tor ‘th uflice of MH‘IRH‘F. sul-ch-l m (In- declsinn’iff thé Di-m -ncrxtic County (‘nnwutiom” Due-{inani iuuiéul and «levied. l pludgcm} EC" to diwhnrgc {hr- dulies u! '11”! olh‘t-o with [lrun'lptness and impuriidlny. JOSEPH A. UILENIMRFE.‘ l'luunlju’) {p3 April27,lB§3. It; a ‘. l". R. “’llde PILLOW Cl'l‘lZHNs:——.\t the games! sp- F livlmlion ofmnny friends in all puts of tile county,” ;I oller myself us 1: candidntg luv the Mile? of SHERIFF. :it the néxt election, sulujvcl urthu dc‘cisiun or the Demochu‘ldluun l_\' (.'uni‘euLlUH. Should I \}e nunninatug and I+o!th phylgc nmsull'tp disclmrggthe dullicr of the uflice‘faiLht’ully and pro‘mplly. _ 1' , . ADAM REBERT. Franklin 111., April 27, 1863. lc‘t‘ ‘ NCOURAG ED by numerous fridudt, (ogre!- L myself as n cannidnle for the oflire of ant-.'Rll-‘F, .übjm m the gecmnn of the Deni ocmtic ('uumy Ccmwnlinn. Sltguldl be “om innlcd and elecu-d, I pledge myuh to diséhnrge the duties of me ulhce with prmuptnen and impuniuny; , . SAMUEL mxsp._ Freedoull [p., Mny 18, 1863. ‘tc ‘ I A 4 Clerk of the Courts. ‘NCOUBAGED by a numbn- of my friends, E l nguin offer mysell'as n mndidute for «he. uflice of CLERK OF THE COURTS, a). file coming c-lcctiou,sulljet~t‘to the decision of the Democratic County‘Couvention. Should I P" so fortunate as L 0 be ducted; l pleUue myself to'uiwhurgtlhe duties gflthe _omce ‘fuithfally'. , . , JACOB SVVNDERS. )fountpleasaullp., Mar. 23. leß. ~ ~ Clerk of the 001113;; ATjheTmlit-itmion of numerous‘fficnda, L -01!!an self as a candidate for the office gt cmfux or Tm: COURTS, at me ensuing election; subject to the decision lof the Drum vratic Counly (‘omenliom Sly'mfld‘i he so fortunate as to be numinatrd and clected,v[ pledge ‘gny‘sclf to dikchjsrqe ll‘ dmieé of the ofiice togthe he's: of my ability. ‘ § - _3 JAMES J'.‘ FINK.’ Oxford £15., April 20, 18163. to t‘ . 0 THE VOTERSDF ADAMS COiUN‘I'Yz— FrHOW-citizensz—Bejng enconhgged by numeroua friends, I ofir miselfw your con liderauon u :1 candidate for the; oflic‘ of CLERK UP THE COURTS, M the den 2 ec— tibn. subject to the decilion ‘of. :he Démocmtic County_Convention. Should I receive the nomination and be elected, I shall duty nppreo’ ciate your confidencefiflid pr‘omis'e to discharge the dime: onhe (mice promptlynnd lilh fidel~ it). 54011)! MINTER. Franklin tp., :pril 6, £863. to I I G. GAB“ Wm hen candidxué for ch. ' Democratic nomination for CLERK OF. Tm-zfaoum. Should be be shcceuful, he pledges himself to use every proper exertion to:- election. [any 4,1883. to ‘ marker the Courts. a. wow will hen candidate for CLERK H. 01? THE COURTS, hubjec: to the de cision of the Demqmfic County flonvandon. Gefiiysb/urg, May 11, 1863. to Clerk of the Courts. xcounmap byl number ofmyfrieudl,‘ County Treasurer. E I ofier'myself us a. cmmidnle Im- lhe pflice NCOURAGED by many friends; lofl'erm . of cum}: 0.? THE CUERTS, at. the mind E "I, a. . candidate for COUNTY Img. elect‘u'm, subject m the decision of the Demo-1U“ ‘3, u the {an eiecfionf "we” to the de. cmtic County Convention. Shoujd I be '°,d«ion M the Drmochic County frxnvrnxion. fortunate as to be nominated um! ekqtrd, Ilfi‘honéd l he 3., forum.“ 5; 10 be; nominated plodge myself to discharge the 'd‘utieu of the "“1 vii-Ned, I pledge myself {0 and; ‘gel the 095“” fnithtullg. ‘ ’ ) dam-so! the office {nizhiullv and pdom tly. ' . A. mmmms n. snndVER. “cos 9fo ms. ernbnu HM 4‘1”“ 5a “553* ‘c , Ganylburg, May 4, 1863. lu‘ i ‘v, ' Register & Hebwder. Register 8: Raider. Register 8: Recorder. Register 8; Recorder; Sherifl'ally. Sheritfalty. ' Sherifi‘alty. Sheriffalty. Sheriffa'lty. ‘7‘“ ‘ Sherfifaltyi Sheriffalty. Clerk of the Court's. Clerk of the Courts. 9‘ Gan Consumption B R C U I} E D I ' READ AND JUDGE Nu: Yonx, Mun-h 24. 1863. Dr. J. H. Sonnet—Dear Sir: 1 feel it a duty I pure :0 fun. and all-who are sum-ring under the diam known 3) codwmptinn Ind liver‘ complaint, to In. them know wbnt gun: bencfiul have received from ycmr Pulmmie Syrup and Segue. J Tome in In short A time. By the blessing o! Gud u L» c’ur‘ed me thus f-r. ' Dr. Scheuck. 1 will now make my augment to you a: fullnwu—Abour eighteen monthl Ago I was nunclied with a screw cough. and n leltlcd on my luégl; I could not retain any. Killing I ate, and suffered wllh eveulnmkyfll land mghv. "ream. l was very much reduced“. ITb: “whites of my eyes war; \cry yellow, like ‘Mmmy skin ; my appetite n lgone, and nnlblq to digest what I did enl ; bou lr Iwollen,irregu lnr'nnd :ostive. ‘l was \‘er low spirited. und Ila-d such violent spells of co ghing when} lay down at night and when l osc in the morn lug, that they would It“ on- or two ban”. 1 then would be nearly 1111:: Led, and um en tirely unable‘to lie on .my _ra side. I cannot. describe my wretched rufl'eri gas I wish todo. Er ‘y organ in my bodi wu diseased or de rnged, Such was my itua ion' at. this tilne; undyl was confined to my h- from the but 0! February, 1862, toJune. 1862 and was notnble to sit up. lhnd we best of: dlcalauendnnce ‘ me whole oftlre time. My c ugh was so very bnq it. nckcd me wry tune I M. this time raised a barge qunntity of lhi k, yellow, on'eno 1 live‘maner, s’omc’tim'l with load, and it was I generally accompanied by n: no. and a. fur-red l nn-l thick (mm-d mngue. A! the time o!‘ coughing so badly [would ha - sharp, sheeting pains in my left side and helix, night "vents, and soreméss ull’lhrongh my 'hole chest; had mud: inward fever, [min in In. gback and under me dhduliier blades, xud in me final“ of my back,nud at Linn-s; so sewn: lh - l. immuld throw me into syusmi. Now my ph) sic-inns gave me uplo the. “then I hml nnd l e best of them, but they could do naming fo- me, and M lhe time hum nokhing but skin a - bones. Hheu was i‘u the western pan-rut" Mi. ouri. In June lull we lelg (heré for the cast, and in August lan M: came to New York, un'd win go reduced am; could only Walk a mu with my bus {bnnd’u‘ help. After I had I) I: here nlhorl thin the sult'water breeze um e we feel much holler: for u nhort time, and the [had again to call a physicmn for aid. We ad. Mr of lhe hust- physiciun‘ in ch York 0: the diam“ at me lungs. nmidncloru of all ulls. but. bf no mulls. ’l‘hry sun! I vnu pun. cure, and that my lungs we”: 100 fur gone 10: ax one tocure me: Hula: thin lime l wuso- my feet about "the hymn, nut Mule U) do much of anything—4 lrl .\‘nnmher lulu l gmw Worse Mld the cou cumplion diarrhum wt in an lagted ahuut eight Weeks. Wehn’d-lricd nll‘ nd crprylhing mat l‘couhl grusp at like a Ily up: person, for my diseases—‘comumpfion null \‘er complaint ——hut of no nvml. ' In Janunry, ISMJ will'broug it flown ngnin to my bod, and mu no: txpecl d to live the night out. My husbrdeiuid u my side. with other friends, and they all gave me up (a) die. Al this lime every one Who 5 -- me did In}: think i ever wuuui leave my be lihving wo. mum, fl‘he' first night l‘wus tan-km! with spasms, nui was du- inged must” t the timed; A frii mi, .\lré. Hurrik. came in o ‘aee m: the List of the neck, and brought. [ll¢ "Sundry Mercury." 'ln it was an new umof n grout curc pqm‘rrluvd by Dr. Schcuck She rend it, to me, ziud~it um so much like y disease llml. [naked myJuusbni-d u- §o~flnii s c him l‘ur me. At [his tiny I had gin-n up nil apes of Her guiing wufi again. and [nude n \ pence with (.‘nd, 1.» be ready u honeveg he cn led me. 1 ‘ 0n the 17th annmmry. 1863 my husband Tailed un Ur. Sch'enck, .12 Bond Strut, New Yol’k, and tuned to him my cas— ans; for him to c.le and see me. llich he did uml ejnlninL-d In: with (he reapira r; Winn he was nlmumo go I lulu-d him if e‘dunld cure me? His ‘ reply 145, “I bunn 4 M); boll: “le! nre dis-ENS'NL and lhe‘hronu in! lulu-s are 113113211 nn bollx‘eides." ‘And _r the sot-med :lo iliink tbcrc'wcrc lungs ennng left to cfl‘yct a fine .if :lu- dmrrhms could he ‘lnpped. He Enid, in o lll'l' (n do lhii. he wonl hun' to give me Mum! zlku l’ilh.‘ in smnll’dms t 5? first, to curry of the morbid mauvr, an ”ICU will: mtringon 5, he hoped to cllcvk 1.. Which l’lc did. but the constant cayphing, l iglu Swmits. and dinrrllum hm] proau‘mc-l me up that lie was «lg-nil! my Hull powers we - fion mnrh. prualrnlcd cwr to rally, um? yr! 1c si-onnd I'o think 'if'l could live tn got enuu _‘i I‘uinmnic b") rnp'uwnngh my “glen: lu mm» (-lchtum liun, tlwn- “'l5 lungiennngh left i r mg m rc (‘m'i-r.‘ H's wishqd me to try I! - l‘nlmmdc Syrupnfld Senwred ‘ijcial. on e; [Saying it would-(llium.- no hnrm. il‘il. June nel'nu guud. ltlmj night cnmnjvnved lllklpg n ‘ bluspuunful llm-‘l- llllll‘ll n day at each. : 1 The first. vi t‘lkiil-EQ‘UIheJ to‘give e strength, 50 um m th.- Suudny nfterél? 58 up in bed and ntc‘hcurty for A sic-k wmn'm‘n; mmhe nut weckl last A” hope, and Wished ly huibnnl no: to give me any more mefl‘icinu 31m the dm-lor hm] unruud him of this, lhv. When the medicine Wm ch-ari'ug out the In) emi‘it made thmpdormelimes let] reétless, but . [ads-severe; undlhc insuled all-my taking it, an! 120 w I feel Ih}; Pefigm of n; for ulll’!‘ eight d 33 gl lmgnn’ ‘O, gain my :trcngth‘, and, with 1| chmun u! ‘n cold, that ‘put me b-tck same, I burn Ice-n gu‘iuing strength of‘budy; my cou h is going nulay, iyu] .nll 'my pain: an: gone; 0 iorcxlesa offline hody. my bone]! nre refining and my hrguh is swu-t, and] thank ‘0 thpntla'm non‘gg-jn about, and new and rea "mu-n as ‘evéhl cufild. l have when sixtce homes of they uic-d-‘winv. pight ofeuch : l 21‘qu srqn good upprfiile, and “‘3‘; well n! night; my‘ cough dogs'nm‘truu‘nie me in getting 0:: [\ng dofin. ’I would here any to‘thoae n'? icted w nth consumption or- liver compiniut, that Dr. S‘chenck is no humbug—nyou can re y on what, he snys. Dtluy not; it is dungero s4O trifle with these diseases. if you wuui ! izeicnrcd, go at cube, and any one wishing 1 know the fact an hex-«in stated, can can at m msfidcnoe, 117 West Hudson urea. New York in. SIRS. MARY I". F. “LOW. We, the undersigmd,reaident| of - ew Yurk, "e ucqn-iinged with Mrs..Fulow, nd“ know her stan to Le true. We he know that she Dr. Schenck's Puim nyie‘Syrnp and Scanned Tonic, and have reason to believe that lq this medicine the own he; pl‘rservnioxi {_mm a premature grave. - 15. FA "LOW, 117 Eon-ton It at. HUG. UNDERHILL, 617 Gre wich It. Mrs. E. UNDERHILL, “ “ AUG. UNDERHILL; ‘.‘ “ A. F. HARRIS, :12! Well Hou ton u. EMILY GLOVE u : u « , J. L. com, 33 Cultuge Hm. i 7 )1: A. LEIGHTON. 483 Biondwny. 1 i aura» BENJ. CLAfP, l 9 Amity Phcé. J in? well aifinainted with Mrs. llllry F. Far low, and with her husband, ,“r. B; Fit-low, they Hiring (on: few months put‘ attendéd at my church, and] am convinced that ny state ment which thes' might m-ke may harem“ on In true. 7 JOHN BOWLING, . D.,§ ‘ Pnltorof Redford st. Baptis} Chuich, H. Y. 1 Dr. J. H. Bcheuik cam be 'cbusulted at hi: 1 principal office, No. 39, North Slxth Sireet. Phifidelphin, every Saturday; and fl No. 32 \Bdnbd Street, New York, every Tuesdty. Let ‘ters ol advice should always be directed to Philadelphia, Pa. i Pulmonic Syn up, 51 per bollle,ss fi lf'dozen. Sen-Wred Tonic, $1 per boule,ss [1 "dozen. Mandrake Pills! 25 cents per box. , May 25, 1863. Im -, - ‘ County Treasurer.‘ ‘ ‘ NCO'URAGEDhy many friendl, I offer my sclfas ncnndidate for COUNTY REASo URER, in the next. election. unbjecc t we de. ciqion of the Democratic County Co vention. Should I be so fortunate u to be naminnted mul elated, I pledge myself to diachuge the duties of the otfice faithfully and promptly. ROBERT D. ARMUR. 11,1863. its; \ County Treasurer. BEING frequently solicitedJ ol’e! myself as a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the decnsion oi the Democmtic County Convention. Shouldl be nominated and elected. I pledge myufl to dis— charge the duties of the ofiice fnlthfully and promptly. JACOB TROXEL. Gettysburg, April 21, 1803. tc ‘ RUSSELLJS SCREW POWER COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, ‘ ITHOUT COG GEARING. TllE HitIHTMT DRAFT MOWER 1?! THE WORLD.-—lt is the object of Pnrmers in pun-fining : ”.'l chine to buy the bust and cheapest. Both these nhjccts.will be attained- by bllfiinfl Russell‘s Screw, Power. The great Imognt of power lost in overcoming the friction of all Pug-geared yilnrvtstizrs is saved in the Scams Power, hy which to can oiYer the lightest dnfll Home: and llmpenin the World. This incl has horn infily demonstrated by the uryws mm by D; nomometer and otherwise, to which thd machine has been kuhjet-tedfluring the lib: [Wu seasonal .ihiong the various pointsm' suiluriurity in this machine arotfle following: , The use of ope-u mnlahle u‘un guards, with a steel plate hr‘ race, ground to n. cutting rdge. This u'ithltLe nit-eh, gives 5 pi-ri‘ect sheer cut. Double llin ed Finger Him—No Mower énn dn good work, on all kinds of men-lows. without a flexible bur. Tllll. bar can he raised and secure l_v,iutoned.i'hile pussing from field to fil‘ld. I'niarit'Adjusmhle Reel, performing its téork (-q'ually as well ulna rough ground M upon a level field. There is no side Draft, or weight upon the linrics' necks. New nnJ peculiar lurxn of Shoe, which vi 1 not I:ng when gnawing, with I. light plny when the Keapenis nttnclmd. The suluscrihi-r who is Agent for this machine has fullf «sled it ti 2: lull. mmn‘ In when, grumi clover and outs. and feels satizfird that 11l who hoe Lhis mhuhine work will have no other, A specimen whine can be seen by (falling: on the subscriber, near Gellyslmrg, on the Harrisburg wad. - . WILLIAM WißLE,Ageut.~ CERTIFICATEfi—Wo certify tint we went to the farm of William Wible last huruit. for the purpose of ext-mining the work done'by him with Russell's Screw Power Mower and Reaper. We funnd )lr. Wihle cutting some hf tha'va‘ry {am kind 5510:1504 grain, and {Pei litisfledl il‘could on: have bum done better Inf-any other machine, It is the lightest drnfi machine we ever saw. I «« PHILIP: Winn, . . -. ‘ Oman: Bonn. ' We entity that we saw llr. Wib): mow with tho above machine you: in standing and lodged gun, with that one span of horsempnd w. consider it the but mower we ewr “in ’ ' -. ‘ Guano: Bonn, Mari'h 23, 1563. Lt , * . ‘ Clonal Duuwnn. United States Intemal‘ Revénue. ASSESSOIR'S NOTICE VFHE tu~pnyers of this District are horahy notified that. pursuant. to the provisions of the, Act nt' Vulgate“. pgasml July l. “3:621. en titled “All net to provide. Internal Rcvehue In suppm‘t‘thc Unvernment and to pay Interest on the I’uhl'rg Ut-ht." and gu- act w amend the smur,‘pnzscizlxhlarch 3. lb iii, the st-caml annual nueh'mcnt will\ he made on find after: the first MUNDAY (-lth dhy) of May instant. Thtl ns— Icsuncnt will (-mbmce the following ileum: ]. th‘U\lES.—,—.\li int-omen tor the year an~ in: Dec. 3!. WM,- must be rammed. Lo the Aislunnr .\ssessm-a. \nuler‘ouh. in accordance with the imtructinus of the ('ommihiouer of Internnl ltcvenup.‘ upon the hlnnk form; pro vidml for llnr't purpnse. l L chh person will be required to return hil: total incmuo. so far specibing the sources frbm which it is derived. M to enable the Assiutnnt Autumn” to deciJe what deductiaus'shnll be mmlctheret‘mm. , ‘ ' ' HUSH-HID AND WW2 “'hcrenhuxlmutl and wite liv'el together “Ml their unable immune is in 61:20wa s‘in they wiHLu-minul to but one deduc'fiun o? *tflfll. lluu lxciug’ the average fixed by law as nu u— limMcul eomvnmatiuu for llneexpL-nss o! nmiu~ mining a family. Where “my life apu-I they will he Hum! srpnrnlelyynhd bejcnch entitled to n deductiun of $llOO. i , - < ' GI'AIHIIANH AND TRUSTEES. Guardian: and {meter-L wltetliu- such (nu toes are so by virtue uf tho-ir office. 'nu executors. Mllllhliulraiurfi. or other fiduciary capacity. Ire require-l to nmkc return or the iuromc b05171]:- in? to minors or other persons which may ‘3" hold in ":14. as nt‘m‘csuid: and the income tax will the ”sewed upon the nttmunt retume‘ul; Ifter lietiut tin» yrfllll‘ll sums MI tun exempted {mm the iliL‘dm'.‘ his. n~l Mnrcsnitl: Prmitied, Thttt the exqtttpthm of six humll‘red dullarq, under soctiunJM. of the oxeiaehmy. shall at he nllow on] on ~tc~".ount uf’nny minur'ur qrhe’vihhneficinry pt'n trmt. cut-1:; upon the gtntemcht of the gut twins" or Irlhlt‘O. “hula untlér Ulllll, Hut the minor ur lmnofit-inry‘hsu no otttrr illl‘fllllt.’ fur-m, which the S"LI tum-[mt of Si! hundred d‘aliuru may lm t-xvtughlt-rl and dc’hlt-ted. , ,I\L'l'\llil:.\N:‘l~ZH. l:r:.\‘Ts._'.3».\'D REPAIRS. ‘ Imam-rt unit! by any pnrnnn‘un incfiml/runus ugmz medal-13in: Imuio‘ or v—vnlrv on whidl'lu: re-idvt‘mwy he vhduclml {mm hwflmc Zdllil) his paymmnq fur net-eumy n-fpnirs: as well n} the .a'unum actually [Hid for run. 0! any dwelling: Elmuae or u~-g' - which is the resilence of the pcwon "issued. ‘ " l‘crson‘ rpm-hing rent may Jethro! therefrom the nmuum [MN for uL‘cv-dxu‘y rqmirs; insur ance. my] ink-rust (‘m incumb umn-q uppn run-:1: re‘ntc‘l property The mm of mm structures. ,or imfiroremcm‘s to buildings, :fihull not be :19- ductcdfrn'u im‘ ”-9. ' .. ! MASH-2U"! I'IH‘IRS ‘.L‘SD DEALERS. .' The profits of mmufactururu m“ tin M- ["qu without regard to the fact that thenrtlules made hm. (141111!de pnigi a lax. , ‘ ~ I A balance shoot, such as is generalw made {by dcdlgrs at the close qt; unch yam-,it is pre sumed. wm show the amount 01' income rat-aired. {Such debts as n den‘ér nr ‘mnnufacmnl‘r has 'clmrgvd as “lost,“ may propnrty be ch'uctt-d ‘in estimating: Ilia income. and if afterwards any .tbiug is realized from ”gem. it should be con ;sidyred ‘M a portion of his inqome {or tlno.yenr (when received; Debtstost m- ascorfnincd a; be :bvul. since Decevilher 3!,1862,_§1t0u1d not. he :«leductctl from the amount ufiucomo fax: the I year 1862. . FARMERS Every farmer or planter will be required to make return or the value of the' produce of his furry or plantntion. without: deductin’n foi- the labor or services if himself and hip family. or for any portion 0 such produce consumed by himself and family. ‘ ‘ The amount pnihy ‘ ny farmer or planter for hired labor and néceganry repairs upon hie farm or plantatioli. including the subsistence o! the inborcrs : and the manure purchased by farmers to maintnin thcir lands in present pro ductive condition, wiil be nilowed. - Farm produée. which the producer )1” on hand on (He 81:! day of December. “362. must be appraised units mnrket'vnlue ‘on that. dq. ‘ENUMERATBD ARTICLES 2. All lrtiolu nnmecfin section 77 oflhelnw (Schedule A.) will be Rescued, for the hue: to Which they Are litble, for the ‘year ending May 2,18 M. viz: N Cutting“, kept for me, {o in, or for pu senzers. , ‘ .- Ynchu. ‘ llillinrd Tnlglet. ~ Silver Plnte‘. ' ' Gold Flue. ‘ , r The farmer Assessment on the nbove~unmed nrticles'hzving been media for the yen; 1862. These returns must be made to the-Assistant Assessor within Tn nus, from dale of deiivery orthe binnks. Neglect or refusal to comp] within the time named. imposes the duly oi the Assessor or Assistant Assessor to estimu the income and the tax upon enuinernted ax!» ticles, with an addition offiny per ccnlum. The entire income tax of every person will be Assessed at. the residence of the puny, Ind not It the place of business. ‘ LICENSES. All licenses assessed in necordnnce with the ‘ not of March 3, 18153, will continue in force un- ‘ til the first thy of May, 1864. ‘ “And all licemcs granted after the first tiny of May in any year. will expire on the first day of May following, and will be issued upon‘ the payment oi‘n nteAble proportinn of the whole amount of duty imposed for such llCenlCl; and each license so granted will be dated on the first day of the month in which it is issued: Provided. Tan snyperson, firm. or corporation, that on the first day of May, lB'lB, held an un expired license. will be assessed a. ratenhle pro portion {or the time between the expiration of thelicenee and the first day of May, eighteen huudto l and sixtyvfour.” All persons domg business within this district must apply for a. new licens‘c. to run from the duo their present license expires. (which, in ‘ mast cases, in September lat, 1863.) to the let ‘of May, 18:14. Whenever, by the amendments, Inew rates of license are established, the new |licmee will be assessedgt the new rates, and in ‘all cases where the present' license expires :Saptember 15L 1863. the new license will cover ; a period of eight months, and must be melted 'lO pay two-third: ofthe yearly tax. 5 PENA L'l‘l ES. - k ‘ H ‘ When an nuenmnt for license ha. been imdc. upon “(bet or rerun] logise the 134 or tank; the app‘jcnliou within |he tixne reqmred, sud be unusual is reXurned in the annual 's—: 'i list, the fifty per rcntum pcxmlty prescrfich in section I] must he added, and C who! be fiemih Led, either by Ihe assessor urcnllcelor. ' By Ihe act, March 3. INKS. the penalty of two you" imprisonment is Added lo the punuh m'cnc provided in inrmcr n’uta, for those who fail to take out a license when required by the excise laws oflhe Cniled Slates. The Tanner annual ugecssmeut is: much embarrnnst-d for want of information ptr the part of cifizens. with regard to [ll9 dult'cs im posed on them by the excise law: It is mtnifcst that. with (by knowledge now atminE-‘d, on the panic! (ha tax-payer. and grid: the assis tance rendered by this circular. that ignorance oftlte law can’ no longer he pleaded by delin; quanta. in the hope of voiding the penguin provided. v ' , ' , ' RdBERT G'. HARPER. Assessor lfilh District, l’ennaylunit. _ Mn, )9, 1863. ‘,“ n “'“"‘\"""' ”T‘-~"‘ :~—-———~—w—- F REAL ESTATEr—Iu pursuance of nn 0 orderféf (he Uryhm's (smm. of Admin county, will he nfi‘onzd at Public balempo'lg tlw p'remises‘, nn SATURDAY, the 6th day¢nflUNfl next, the foilowiug portions of the real éqlltc nr Thmhg‘siA. Marshall: late of Hilmiltonbun uw‘nship, Ad‘m‘ns county, duct-used, consisting" or sen-ml pan els of Lind, km, situntc in said luwmhip, us follows, to wit: ‘ j ; N 052: A TRACT OPTIMBER LAND, ad joining lands of Jumés .\lurnhn", John khan, lrnct XO, 3, nnd 31:0 the Mansion Tract of the ilercased, céumining 83 Acres turd 3Q Pe‘rcht-s, nmt mmsme. This (nu-t in covc‘red with [burning l‘h‘a-snut, Rock Oak,l)lack Ont kc. This trnct Will he.sold in lots. .\‘o 3: ArTrm-t, known as (he “Férgnson Trnct," nfljainirg lands of John )licklcy, John kin-4, hm] Tnlcr. XO. 3, containing 60 Acn-s, or therehhmns. The improvements) ,_, h.' .nre a ‘l‘no‘stnry Lug Dwelling if“ " "NYSE, 4.02 Stable; there is 11.233114; nm’ur filling Spring of \\ uter um: 39“” -~ ~‘,. the home, and anr in all the fields. dboul w ncres of this tract. are den: lnnd under fem-e. ‘ The residue is covered mm thriving young ("neqlul, Hit-{wry 51c. ‘ , So. 4-: A Tract, ndjoiniug'lnnds of R'ahcrt McCurdy, u (:3. No. .’.lund others, containing 33.A«-res nnrr-H‘.‘ )‘ul‘lth'S, neat wmsme, cor grm] mm L'hL-suut, Red Oak, kc. This Iran will be sold iu‘luls. Nu. b:‘ A“? Tract, contuin‘nfig 9 Acres and 2 Perches, adjoining lands of Susan Folder, and Olhrrs. ,1. ‘ '5O. 6: A {DOT OFGRQI'ND IN FALRFIED‘ {ru‘ulmg on lin- puMi'; streeLLnnd buumiml by lot. Of- Daniel Hint-(ken on which nre erected 4n "l‘wn-stury Brick put-um; 1101's»; Weulh‘crbmml- L-d Kiklmn, with at Spring ”mm; Woo-l Hana-{and othér Improvements. . 3&3“:ch lb cmmnencu at lz‘o‘cluuk, M', of mid day, at iflhik‘ll hour the Admiuinlnuors will uu-cl prong desiruus uf ullcndillg {luv 55].: :u. the -nsiou‘ “case of the duocuScJ, {lom whirl: villi-y “ill immeduwly pro-Even] _w the tracts ufl'drod tor snic. Allenduucs gis‘ufl and terms mfide known by ’i t 2 g ' $911313 11. MARSHALLV . .' . ‘ Mus: MARSHALL, ; _‘ \ Adxuiuislmtblri. By'the (‘onrtl—Jonx Ewuornz, Clerk. ‘ Mny Is, 156,]. H ‘ ‘ w ‘ Pickmg AS RECEIVED ”is ' H sx-msu AND spawn CLOTHING com: ONE, [lqu ALL. “ MaylB,lBtxx. ’ ‘ , 1 New Warehouse: 0 BUFHELS OF. GRAIN 100.9 OWAHTED,M lhq neWGrniu .nd Produ c pause, in Curlisle street, ndjoinv mg Shez'tds k Buchler's establishment TIA" highest murkelprice will slimy; be paid in cash for ' ' ‘ qllAlN, of all kinds. ‘ ' i .3 ‘, FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. » Always on hand and «Jr “10, II the smallest prufils, S ‘ ‘ - GVANOS, , ' ’ ‘ . : SALT, FISH. ' ' ; GRQCERTES; ta, : ‘ l ‘ Mholésale and retail. 'rnr gs; We mu no our bcs: 00 gm" suing-:5: ‘on {91:11 ctsesv" ‘ ' g . McCURDY 8 DIEIIL. Gettyqburg, lily I‘], 18363.1: ‘ . .0 RENT, 3 large Three-story BRICK ‘ COACH SHOP, on Fourth street, B'idge putt. It is one of the best locations for buli neu in Montgomery comm: Apply to - J. w. ASPREWS, May 18, 1863. . Norriuovm’, .90.. ; New Goods. ‘ UST received ftom Nipw York und Phila delphia, flap hrgut flock in town 0! 4 Brand Clolha, ‘ _ Summer Cloths. ; ‘ Cnssimereq, Trudi, ' . Dumas: sud Ventingu' Reuufiful Ityks, We“ "sorted; bought tor any and um be sold cheap for the name.— Please call and us than. ' ‘ GEORGE AWOLD. Ha); gl, 1863.. a ' Spring Goods .'r A. SCOTT I SON’6.—-Wc iuvile ‘the at ‘ nation of buyers to our nook of Spring Goods, which will be sold qhenp, consisting u! LADIES DRESS:GOOD:S, Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, ctc., etc. For Men's and 1309' went we' have Cloths, Cunimerea, Coatings, \‘esunga, with n vuiety 0! Bottom ndea, am, ac. cm Ind ue. May 18,1863. A. SCOTT & SON.‘ Bu: or Gun-1039,}. - : May 5. 1883. BE Director! of thin Bunk ‘hnve flui- day dechrcd n lemi-nnnutl dividend of Six pu- can, clear of State and National tuxes, pjynble on And After‘MONhDAY, MAY 11th. ’l‘. D. CARSON, Gut-bier. 3h} 11,-X863. 3t ‘ ILLINERY GOODS, Bonnets, Rihbom. BI FINN", Shaken 3nd Bonnet Frames, iun rev-rind Imm New quk, cheap at. Film eqtockl'. sign of the RED FROST. ICKISG hn: xi 9 flute: nusonmen: ofSpriug and-Summer Clothing'm town.» :‘~’--17‘:=“~3== - , .. fin: V :13 grv gas" :1. figéiig‘éi :53. 3', >—362‘?l3‘Z‘f£f§.r3_ 3:: $2; 722:» ——- €3%;‘x:~l:«*%ri=~ “9 ‘ 3 , ’ $7121.vi "1:51:57 ; :E‘fgi; 411‘ ‘r. “5 «EH (1:352:43? figm— “ “ ’ “ ‘%§st-E‘tfi*- . 263:551'5 IMI Public Sale .‘i‘: - 7' \‘ 111 ' 41%23-51. "-ia'hru' 9‘...” To Coaohmakers. Dividend. EMS Commencement P Tm: SPRING CAMPAIGN. Guam xaws you. EVERYBODY! Come m GULDMAN'S, at Sammu'sold Sta-d. ‘CIH-IMH‘ (311 mm! CHI-rum: I. GOLDSIAN: has just rec-chef! a new stock of Spring nnd Shmmcr Goods; such as Cassmxe‘rpCoatq, ’ Cullhmer t Coats, g “ Tu ed Coma,- . ‘ } ‘Maltou Cinlh Coats, ' , Black Cloth t Cfisfimerg ,COATSJ PANTA,LooN_s, a large 'vnrimy %‘f A” pnlterna and qnslities; VESTS, a large {'nyiety for nil season: in the yegir. HATS! nuts” “HATS m 'Trunkl, Vulices and Ca pet. Bugs, Shirl», Handker chiefs, Neckties, ‘uspchers, Knives, l’oflmo naies, Genzlcme 's Dressing Cqmba, Cigsrat Pipes, and nmny other articles, ’.mo numerous lg mention. 'A snernl'nssortmem of Gentle mar-’3 mmsm 'u GOODS. , ‘ LGQLDMAN rmrna his th'mikl to his friends andhchstomcrs ‘in general {or the liberal pi ‘mnoge he has received {tom them and hopes tlxey'will in lulu eul'uvor him with calls And purchases, a.- he i‘confident that he can satis fy all Khan who in patronize him in fiuluré. Selling his good: 1 low prices there in gloat-y saved to the pure 4311!. Hill méuo is, “Quick Sales and Small ofits." Don‘t forget “‘flli SYOTI” _ x. GDLDMAN’S, * A‘t Snnuon'l Uld Corner 1;, ms. ESE’EW“: Us a Call! lee ODOR! k G“ In lurge‘and s] which they are sci wiilailow. Their cure and is of as in will ‘ulford. SL'G Hurdhud SofLCf-ul New Orleans. I'or’: Imperial, Young H LAsaESJew Orle 0! different kinds. lovers of the wee Cavandkh, Rough and Fine ('uls ; 5m kinds; PIPES, a l SHHARS of \‘ari LAMPS and Shades man! in the‘plnce, No. Ir article 0! Co sugar cured, Should the best quality, wh Cedar-ware, Tubs, W 6 also keep No'. Fish, bylhesmali 0 Chocolate, Starch, Smpi, Curfg' Combs memo! BrushesJku cry-Wire. kt: (HV GelUEburg, May 1 ILI-IGI’IE have .qut received ileum stock of 569' Goods, ing as cheap «I the time tock bu been-elected with ad I quality as the mnrke‘ «ms, we haw; all kind], le'd, Puh‘erized. Gnnulaud. :1 Ric: and Cuba. TEAS, “son and Blaék,Teas. MO ans. l‘ortn Rica and Syrup: TOBACCOS, to wit. all ~ Congreu, ,Spun, Navy, Ea 'Ready; Natural Leaf. ‘ng Tobacco, l 5 dlfiereut ’rge and fine nssortmtnt; u'a' bmnds. GOAL 1.0": v we have Hie l‘elessort 'hlch we sell-low; also, a 1 Oil. RAMSI plain and er: and Sides. FLOUR, of ich 7’ always gu‘amlee; luckeu, Water Cam, kc. om, Confections, Fruits, by me barrel, Snlt,Spi’cea, ”tdgifix,’ Indigo, 0511111135; and Curdsfn large 38901:].- E 21:, Bopen, Cords, Crook i Us A CALL! , 1, 2863 thing. . CL EORGE ARNUI I 'of his own mnl slot-k of CLUTHLW made in the vu’ry' b 1 lateél fashions, of!" running from Buysi] size tor .\lru’s wear. nll sizes in‘ suits: suits, all of the 511 ml liclq. Also, Extra 0 Drawers. Gloves, H whlch will be sold 0 cull. No troublexo 4 May 11, 1863. t! ,D bah now gotup, mom] ulnunring. a. very huge 1, suitable for the mason, tunmmmr Ind. after the ryslyle, variety and the, years old .to' the largest We have Boyle Clo‘th’mg, Also Men’s Clothing; in : malerinl, a beautiful ur ‘ all, Pants,‘Vesu, Shin-,7 ' siery, Neck Ties, all of 'aap farthecuh. Pluto mow tlm'n. ‘ l .Pl.: AS RECEIVED - SPRING COME ON: May 18, 1863. king. ”513% in anormxo thlaJ‘TAt‘L‘! I . ‘ Na Goods 1' FAHNESTOCRS’.—Fnhneuotk Bron. would respectfully inform their friend. uni the public generally {hag they have just received their Spring flock of Good- fron New York arid Philadelphit. Having bought them for cash, we Ire prep‘nred m 08'" the lax-gut» nqd rpreuiut flock of DRESS GOODS ever“ oflergd t. the cutizenn of the county and 11'. OLD PRICES! .“Qiick “lupin! llxonprofiu" being our mono. ‘ ‘ ’ ’ . 3-0311 m‘d «Imin. n the sign of the May 11,186.]. ‘. . RED FRONT. Assignee’s N otioe. HE finder’figned, having been nppoimed Assignee, under s dued of tr’ust for the bandit of creditors, of Lewil P. Wenm and Nancy, his Wife, at Oxford township, 'Ad-uw county, lotiu il hereby given to' all pen-inn: knowing Ibe'nielves indebted to ma Auiinorl I wash immediate payment to wander-ilk firzefidinxjuhanmfimbip,nrlhou having clam! agniut tho nine, to prglent ' them properly sulhenfimted [or settlement, JOSEPH J, sm’ru, Allignei‘. ; Kn] 11,1863. 6: l { Notice. ATTHEW mum's ESTATE—Laue" mumenury on the esune of antbsw 'l‘olsn, lute of Canowngo “n. 1,, Adam: county, defined, having betn‘granted ‘0 the under :igned, residing in the same township, he heretiy gi'ves notice to all persqmindebmd £0 laid estate to mnke immediate piyment, Iml yhoie huvmg claims again“ the same to preiem them properly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL REILY, Executor. Hay 11, 1863. 6-3 Licenses. HE following application to keeps public \muse of entertainment, his been filed in my office, with the requisite number'of liga eri, and will be preunbed at the Court of Quarter Sonia“, on TUISDAY, mo 20th of MAYinit.: ‘ Benjamin F'. Eicholtu, Rgsding wwnahiy. x Iron menu. ()9an lyeni Union town-hip. . JOHN EICHOLTZ, Clerk. Pull. ileum", Dtp'y m,11,1863. tc )Icmm ms Rncatvnn ms spam; I: suunaxt-rCLorlanfl ALMORAI) BOOTS.—-‘-“Knte, when did you go: thou nico Belmont Boots '1" “A: , ucmussy's." ALK’UES. Ginghamn, Human, it reduced mu. n‘t FAHNESIOCK 8301. Sign 51 “a d Front. ' . —"“ PM]!!! the Oounty of Adm-I, m SW and shamed by the umlorlignmd. Ap . prune! o! How . L Io Tam. in ucnrdanrewhfi the noun! 11:“ of Animal)”, for the yen ”63—64, of Goods. “Urey and Merchandm: ' Emotion a: Glt'rrln'r‘m. x 3 cm. non-Sou. Fnhumack Brain", 9 -25 0') Dunner 3 link], )3 In no It?! Pickhag, . H 'l 00 J. L. Schick, n z: to co Joleph Bevan, ‘ H 100 George Arnold. - . H I 06 Mint H. .\h:LTrI-.xry, ' ‘ I} IM‘ Miss S. Semuse, ‘ . I H I 00 A. Scnu a Son, , . H _ lon t'nhanru-l, M ' iOO Dr. Robert. Homer, ‘ , u j 60‘ His! Mary McAHiflol',. , ’4 j'. W Jerqoqe Wamrn M" 1 M Ihcobs 3 Brother, 2* ‘ l 4 ‘ “I on . (‘oan & Culp, ‘ M 1 00 ‘ PlxilipVinler, N 1.90 tA. n.lmmer, , :3 - a“ Buyer k Son, ‘ ‘ afl‘ , ‘1 If. Spn'kgr, . 18 'll 60 ‘ Issue Goldian, ' -" 14' , I 00; ‘R. F‘ )chbenr. ' ' ‘l{ 700 3 Georg. F. deflelsoh, H ‘1 00 Thoma: erfln. Sn, 1 ’ M 'I 60 B. S. Fol-nay: Age“, 2 M c‘ I'_ ow E. Hmlinnigh. H ' 200 Strickhouur & Iynoukq, , a .t on J. l. Rowe. -, ‘I woo NorbOCk t Mafia, 3 . l 6 - :700 ‘ George Lillie. , 1‘ ’ 100 Wm. B. Binfe, ~ ' g: M 160 J. J.‘Eazon, -' N 7 00 H. G. Carr, , ' 1‘ 7 00 Ended 4! Gillelplo, ' M , f 00‘ Mrs. ”Mia. Wynouhy, ‘ 14 'l 00 Mudhu'y Marlin, ’ _ a“ 100 Alex. Splugler. . . :0 59 no Shade & Bnehlgr, ' , H > 'll no Jacob S. "oiling“, ‘ _ '- lo 30 00 :cCurdy & Diohl,‘ R v ,£0 :0 .00 k ine k Youn t_ k. ‘ 0 ' 0 0') w. n. Bittle. g" (y R” .13 m 0,0 Samuel Hex-bu, . “ ’ X 3 ' ID 00 Joseph Wible, , " 13 X. W Cm: “Lin 1?. ' ' J. Crawfotd Quinn; “ ‘ G an" n. Yodnt k Cult-house, Mn. Mngy Reining", Grouse 6 ”rather, L. a. Burke, Sm dyxk Stonesfier,’ Nuhnuid Emmet, George W. Rain, Henry «Pysen, ’ I Samuel Lime, ' tßuyid Scbwnru. ? EJ‘. Shdrb k 00.. H. S] Klein, ' A: 3 A. Rein-g, : Wm. M.~]lofor§ ._ 1 Henry Forry, - Wm. o'. Mirick. ' Waihn & Stub, Lawrcn'co Brandt. :' . g Moulmv n. Mn. Inry “r. Baku, Jphn Shady, R John nepug 3 9“ _ banana: 0!. Joseph Shnely, , ' 'H Charlu ()verdear, ’ l 4 George 0. Kcitel, 2. ‘l‘ J. E.—Smith, , M J. t F: Miller, B chob Gunman, _ u Rf“? & Swearing}:r 13‘ Jon. Fowlwt,’ ‘ K , 14 ' Minn Outer} , ’ 1‘ ' ‘nthurino Hofl'mn; ‘ 3 M . ‘ Bu‘nc‘ In. ngil ford], Wm. Dewy . Theodore Fleiget. Julep]: mm, D. G. Maflim~ flu. Eli-sheik 10.10:, E. ELStahl, Adun Stem, ‘ A. Shevly, ‘ : Joliu He , » f - Edward kgzigle, ~ / Bastress 8 Wine". F. Hersh, Elizabeth I'. Stnuterk Francis X. Smith, John Gintcr, Z t Henry Mchuslnnd'. * Stine .t‘fimng, ‘ C. W. Doll, I” Emmen Ir Brol. . Donner h Shieldl, Dnniel Sullivan, 1» Paxton & KdCHlYy‘?‘ John Shunt, ‘ Martin L. Miller. ' Mrs: Ann Rollmnp, H. W. Wilmora‘, Peter Boblitz, Jacob Mark, ‘ . Plan]: A: Spnnglet-1 'J. I. Bigot-bur, ‘ C. H.,Fnlweiler,« Wu. Bull; Lnn‘fl n, Lenin A; Ovuhqluer, Samuel lutiu, ‘ John Hillel}, Pater Yams, thn D lap, Jp‘hnl’. Houck, Adam Lerey, T. K. Brcnenun,‘ Inn“: ,9! Geo. S. I'mnigh, \ Obnflel Elden, ‘ . . Abel 'r. Wrighl, ‘ Jacob Finer n . B. n. zo. Hoops... * , Hume! Ir. G. W. Spangler, El ijah Slang)", F. S. Hildebund, J. J. Kline, ‘ Wm. Wou, , n. L. Mum, '- Geo. unflorfl, Ouoline Krnuuer, lyct Stun, 1.0. Albe ' : {.'Wolf” m a Ephnim Horlrd, , ¢ 1. I%.Shipley, ,‘ \ 7», 51:01! If. Diniel Golden, Philip Ban, ‘vnrehouu, H M .wro' B. sienna/fl chnblfini; Hugh King. Mm Ann Mn". _Eurnurot ’l. Samuel 'l'. Brawn, . . n . 10 I). R; Hilelber, , 1;. ‘_ nOO Jacob A. Gard-u, , no aomol Wm. neg-q, ‘ u I no Ann: Brien, ‘. ‘ l 6 1 00 J. I’. GalviCk,' . n H 1 00 Into 8. Homer, ~ , - M 'l 00‘ John Gntdner' IQ - 7 (10, John I'. Balm-mt, , u “3- 100 ' Ugo! n. Samuel Crawford” ' N , ‘ 1 00:. Conrad Myers, . N 3, 100 Bonn n: _. . ‘ ’3 Noah Hillér, ~ 3‘ , ’ CD, ' Eduard Shaky, - \ M v 1.0 Wm. Miller, , M ' I 00 Shank & Braille, ‘ ' . I 4; I 001 B. F. Kgpuer,‘ A "u \ 1 .04 Dma Magda. lon t 1». 3 :1 51 Adam Dtehl,6auylbur', O > IQO John Hennich, . "- \ 9 9 “ - - Sumo: Imroflu. ‘ ‘ Fumon’t Mnics’ Sui-y Inuit-dun,” OD N 31!“ II hcnby Gnu wall maul-9070.0 ' »ed in the Ibavo "I run of chlorination, ch: 1 - rill hold In A'ppell. I "to Comminiond‘ Odin, in Gettysburg, on SATURDAYJIM “ti (1;; OHUNB out, between tho hour! d 3 35' 3!. pm] 3-. P. 11., when Ind when w pone-x an my; confide:- thenaeh‘n wand by ‘ uid cluoifioulon may “tend. ' . » L I. WALTIB. Appfllsl'r of lemma]. Tun {or Adana. luy 11, 18w. 4! - ‘ - . PBXkb and Summer Cutting jut halved- S .'x x’wxma's. us: "of Imm EMI 14 14 : _JH" i u' \- in "‘ Ll" H - u u. 0011CYWMk64% OWNIIP Tr u ‘ _ Ino no so on M ‘..7 .0 In 1100‘ 10 :o no u no , ll '1 00 u 1 M 14 ’1 a lo 20 oo 14, 1-oo )3 10 oo HAMILTONIAN TI. 13‘ 13 u 14 Putin! n It 13 ,14 H N. » \\ I 4 Lay:moss Tr. Pass Dow se. *3 gI “' ' I: u , u : u aIIIADING U. , ”/1 /l‘ =I mm •PPNAL. ted "‘O. '- .U 1 W .7“ "00 700 1000 'OO 1040 040 too can: ‘ul ‘ 1.0:; 7:001 10.} - '1'“! .100 no 100 no 0031' 1000 ' .76» ‘ I'oo. Hm rlOO ’l9. 1-00 ‘I on 5000 ‘IOD >7OO hon 100 109 700 I on 'I 00 too 2‘50 11Z1 no 700 no 190 19a ‘xooa 1000 Woo , 100 no 100 you soo 1m ‘lO, no 'I on 7 no .'roo )oo’o 1.159 no Mm 700, J 00 'loo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers