11111113.4.1akil I%Tcattibe in. ; " Imporyant macaw-1. 4" ~.. “man 1.! Tim Mum-m. ‘ .BRYAN’B 111.3105“: “nu-1.35 nre uni-U- Ing in the cure of Cunghfl, (John, .\.-Hunt, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Uourseneu, Dmicult. Breathing, incipient (.'unlumptiyn. and Dil hlu of the Lungs. They have no taste of gedicine, snd any child will lake them.— llOllunds have born restnred l 0 hum: thnt had before dewnircd. Temmony gm: in“ hundreds of cum. A single dose rerun-a in 'lecrllinum. .- m .Aok for Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafena—lhe'origi ‘ml and onry genuine is stamped ”Brynn."— Spuriou kind: Arc ufl‘g-rcd female. Twenly fiver cent. .1 box. Sold by dealer: amenity. ' JUB )Xua‘h‘s, Sole Proprietor, Rocheluer, )8; Y. For lale by A. D. Btlnun, Gettysburgmnd ‘ til Draught-... Heb. 16,1863. 'l’ 11 1 22139 - bIitIMELMr..III7OOI. GETl‘YSBURu—Snuunnmur. ‘ ii 2;. lo a at, " 4.75 l 5010.] In ‘ uto l 4?) maximum»... Rye F10ur............. White When! Red Whenl... ' Corn ..... V ‘ “film-«um-m-uo-----3................j 9Q qu5'............, ; 4 135 8uckvhem............ '..;.,.........;. '2 ~ 60 CloverSu-d 'J\“ I . 450 'l‘ixuomy 5ued.........‘.‘..,....".‘....ni100 to T 25 Thu Sec-(1......u......V............... ‘ 3 75- -\j’lu_er 0! Path .. . 1,2 00 H "Hum grqunu, pr bug.........:... .‘.; 45 Pork-.... ......................."nu... \ I 5'50 I== : BA‘IJ‘IHIICE—mer g". , 1er....>z...,........ ......_;, 7‘ no In 7 l'.’ Wh-nt..,;<.‘“l 4m ‘3O 2 o’o liq-.'...." . l 06 w 1 In '.‘0ru.......... mum-...“... ..m... 95 x 0 98 o:u’.,q 81 w 5:! qUIOVor 5bec1.......... ............... P. 50 to 5 75 E'l‘imolhy 5ud.,...:........... mu 2 "0 m 1' ~‘o Bee! Cnllle, per 1mnt..:..... ... . to on 1012: 50 illop, pu- hund..-m-... ' 6 (00 I: p‘ 00 Hay}: w) 1026 on: Mlniukoy.’ ~43. so 4'5 Quinn, Pcruvitn. pennauhfu 92 00 3‘ .' V 'HANBVHR—‘wulnn_ 2:11- Flour, from 'flgoa‘u-An. ....... , ho. hum no": What 1"...» (‘oru Ultl. !!!!!!=11:!! “our Seed” Tinmtlr) r‘ced "ht-{P'P;..... 3U2.e1-3ELM - I:=TP. In Clmmbenhhg. w. \L-lny km. by up". Ilr. MrCuHum. Mr. JUH“ “LI-I. of lhn'hnnun » Kline-31m; Hunt). m .\lj'scm‘uAlum; \|, MA “'1 IN, of I'anHn cuan_ \\'L~ Hunk-{film [uppf conlulv uur rungmmliunr, with IL;- hgro that “0”!ng ‘bm gnu t‘urluue um; ul -11-ull Uri-(u ll.rnu:_l¥nul Me? ' ' \ ‘7 “nth:- "ul izuL. by ”I" IIPM. Hu'flunnnJlr. "UZ\J.\\HV “HAHUULI‘I‘. “r“ ('ATHA. Tl 5“ L‘Hf IJIASJKLM lh‘mmny. i Ha Mimi»; ‘qumn: huhy un- “I";m' lhrgmmer. m. J, Jurmhx .\n'sus 10 um .n'k A K. H‘lJ’. I. « - uiri‘ lam, l “in ”11-'2O h ‘lill .H} Rev. 'l'. Wald. .\lr. taunt”: YIM-LIMZ m Mair-Mn“ .1»; 1:5}:- ' 115‘“, I” at t'nrroll calmly, .\i _ ii‘ DIXCDq , ‘ ' 'u . w I wfllhitnary now" .. ~qu lmgf for .H *uu’ luuxlliuu—cmh lb‘ Influx! noxke, '. 0:: flu 12d u}: , in L-uruterunly,JACOß run,” ULTL'II. !- Hum ~{ 1m: roulah'. ; In Ulrthurg. un fix in: nay,“ (Amy, Ll“! J. 11l .‘mEI l wu‘r a! A’Uru. A. 1“ q Ithaca“, in Ilu 41.! 3r-r of but; 1‘ erv .534th Ap-Jl 3513'. I“ s r’rsidcncv n! U. \V_. «u, m H-liir l"~\"-'9"iV§'l’.l.lA’\l #l3. th.; of .\n: Jhllpurr. (‘lrim wuutr "‘_ ”p. 175 yqu’s I: luunihg :an '.h J, I ‘ ’ ; Geo’d Thmgs from many; , W :7 I 5 e Huntingwtu'n'r aan ”4,,” ”:0 ‘ ‘ \ (€é n \u,r1vl_' n 1 ml,t'.l~ rm] [0 fl”. \y-htg u! lhix l «:3: Imm} 3'. ‘ll-: {'l .“d 5;.“ Flrfil, Hans. .\iuuldrh and .\l«l\”m“.i”.‘.v Btu“, Salt, .\pplrr. l'Q‘HlU'l‘('Xun‘Lllrnlhns' Cuflrclium, Tuba-sm. reg-nu”, m 3“... sl!:rr_srticlum [hil 4}lue—-n” run 1,, 1r" 1v“ r’anJér. and whim Ihr louul pr .. 0‘“, in u (‘ll, in li-lzdno‘re rim-cl. ",“Yu‘ipomc I tlhnuluchs‘pluru. A . \ \ ’ 1 FIIKH‘hH6YS‘7J'. s \\'jS\x);s'_ ‘: (may-burg. ”a; u, Hula. 24:9 V i . - 'r’ Notxce.,_ v hlkfil'tlk (2: “57.1115: EST.-\'l"l‘l'A;u." " Lnlxm‘mxlnn on llu- OHM? nll)r.§ué}(;. illltf‘fi lurw-Lizllcslu“ n. Adamo m. ‘.uwl, fining lu‘ral yr-nlrd Lo Ihr luluicl‘rij;lh¢ 19min Luned ‘rniduq; iu‘ Juhmgmh krick “my, Wt. mud Ihr :n-t mam-ll 3r. Hum“, 7:11am: tummy, they hv'n-hy ghc hu'iT» :7” mnun; :mdvlned 10 "mi nine tu I- am. n‘hdinle )uggmcSu. and ‘Umbc lnniuhm“ gu'mvx nu;- nnnr m 1-\l-v-Pl|\“.|\"-u 15m} nu \ hemicnh-Wyful xclllcuunl. ' “Q , ' JUHN’KIVZE ~ \\ .\l.‘3h>R-'h'l.' hula Wu" 1;“: 1861.; at M A Nthce. f...)- Efl. WEIRHAXTLH S I STATE —‘:~rs ‘ I M mlu inirtrpiiun Ull Ihr n-kln‘lcuf We Wrinmaulic, Yale ul (‘umLe’llaml q." Ad...“ {run-«rd, hnxing Imn 9mm”! In .1”. m— “;nfid, rimming in '(h'Vbeurg. he 3.“; 1:1?“ unfit-e In A“ pvrmsu Huh-huh m" hl’me to mnkv immnliak pt) Idem", Muhfi having rhims ugnms! fut lame to p“; rum: propefly lullwltlicnlrl'fnr 3..»th. nu i . mu m mhuur. ,mL 3,5!" 13. 1861. m 1 _ «hi—-._d—a ~ -‘- --- u‘.‘ -.. ._k 5 . Plckmg‘ . g 1 2 As nricmvun ms 1 l 7 , smuxu x :11“ I: (‘LOTIL ; . CUM]; 051-3, (3051 . LL. Lila; 18. 1:63. - .- . i ‘ _ Spnug Goo TA. SCOTT Ii SQX‘S. c inrilé the (union of buyers to on :uqk at Sp] «nib, which will be 301 d rh , l'Ol!§is!iu‘ ‘ LRDKES' DRESS (‘- Hm‘, . , c. 1. I)):lJLCiunkinng‘zhs, elm, c. '9O, M, , ...; .. u 0551"“ 9'2 an Ch.) .C 55- ' Cmeudil ' ' 1, ‘f’ :» “3 .1 ('utingspYestings, “Nb 5 \a 1, :f clafizmd Fin: z:,l::°:u§:‘:ililg {if-id)! .\uum}. Leaf: Mk" in, Ac. Call und‘se'c. ' , kinds: PIN-J‘sl n lnrr-K OJ’MCU’ 15 different 44-; .18: .1344; K 4350 T & sox‘ SHM‘RS erk-moat” 2mg“ WWW"; -W ' _-»--~--»;.' Z'Jlups. ~ . ~ ‘ ' . 01L . ‘ W 11; the Forg ul nen! in 1:: Slgtiuaq‘fifif‘f“ “lie be“ “"0”“ :NDWJDUAL “up get. {m m, dur:,."°-‘ article "((1031 on‘ 9115“,?“ 9150.3 April Cam-,1 'Wtrk the: Key Mr. 3“; "HIM cured Shoulders am'd Sh‘le- ,fpbun' and up (mice return it immediau-l ’he ’Riflqnmw w‘! ‘ h -5' LUl‘R‘or“ * , ‘ Jx' wnL 'ednr.wure T 513. 'l': I” “3"?!“ fi‘mmmce: LsichHm-Sh: 11. um. ‘‘ ' -'e also Llepvk'o-iJL‘s "Liz-...Xlz:§;n§"'s* 9'“ . -‘-—v. ”w“... 1'” .w, .._; '' - .r m I DJVldend. fizzyfcginul: or by the barrel. Sult,Bp{ces: I, . " In.“ ' .‘ ‘ v2.t” " m“°k'"g‘ Indigo‘ (indies r . ' ' "H“ vs“ ‘9'} °‘l":rL“'d limbs and Curd‘ nimge «snortl - ‘ n 13:53. into B - . "’~ A ~ . JIE Directors of this Bank lum dafy-wnrelrzzflczlfég‘s‘l not?!“ CMdslcm‘k' J‘leclarcd a semi-annual di mi of SlfiGem-gbmg “3‘ 'l' b2‘ "ALL? <' ‘ "3““: clear qf-Smte and» 5 an! lug; ’'l x’- I! "#63' . 93' eon And uft.~r MONDAY 1' ill ’: 'AB a 7'". -”' . .L fincwz‘f cubs: ru: und Eli-snag .H'ane' - lay H 1863. 3‘ - . . , ‘ ersxgned; lmvxng been 81‘ oi ted _ Rx' y‘ 1 * ' éus‘gneelflpdcr‘“ “1““! 0f 5" Jplixrntbe R‘c- (i ”d Sumuycr Clothing 3, "hi'cd *1; ‘ 2‘ “xvi-“ 0”" of“ Lewis P. Winter and in ‘ ~_.,a-r . } . 5028‘ in“? 1:)“. 6239!! Oxbfurd tawnehip, Adam's taunt-mm augmm‘ - - ' ’ ‘ '!__ “u" Y rim to all [rt-farms névan-er‘innj‘ 1.2:::m.::*:;‘;°“°“”:‘3:3““firm . ...r‘./_._-._’-.w. .__ , V __»_ .. .A.,_ . ‘ ”We“ 0, '0 undrryi . ~ g. to mouse-'5 forfpnr Bpr‘nnd sun; { 1:33“? "‘ ‘1" game .tmrns‘hjp, um than mgr-Clothing. Ik‘r‘c-"flf‘s mall‘s} the same; :0 "can; - ésr rccoived nc‘l’lClide'S ‘s‘”‘oPuylm‘éeé't'tlc3‘t'eéi mmm'wem' §umqier Clonwng.‘ pm.” 5! ’ll, 1363. 6:. ' mrfl'm‘3m' «rs—+4~———~,: —~— - ' {Cflfflfififgxlnghnmy Muslin 'i" n my .mb‘s'roc Bu fua‘e Refi‘fi’ohf. K j i .uiLINERY GUM-ZS. 80» ~ M Haven, Shaky-r and Bun . ”i!“ “M spw‘ Yntk, the: mx’.i‘gna£lhe RED ‘ H'ALS,‘ in every, vnfifly :MJ “flu tram Song”) ark, {on the J F A 1155 1‘88; Cnaimugs and \‘estin! ' ‘ FAHNL vM“‘-"" A . . ADIES—CIoth to; (Hocking, a, i ' jun received a .l-‘MISBSTU ‘ ', .\LMORAL 1300?»;34“ Kate, ‘ 3 . ' «wetsuit-g: 6‘l““qu p, 'JW‘T ~. k ”#191?! S"~7 . , . Public sale ‘ List of Merchant: OF RhltL l-lS’l‘ATß—ilh [-‘ununnce of n ”HIS the County of Atkins, nturnmfl unit-r of the ()rphnfl n (,uurt or Adzsmn' and clnsgified by me undersigned AI" (’Uun'ji W'” I" ""3"?“ M PilbliE’SM": "“0" ”'5 prnizter at .\lernutile Thus, in nccardunccl with: premucs,,on SATURDAYJhe 61h dayol Jl'Nl'l the seven-l Acu .dMnumblv for the your, next. the following portion" of the real rntule 1503—64 oi Good- 'Wuu md'ierchndiu ' l of Thom" A. lilriltull, we or Hullllmnlutu ‘ Rummy" ~ ' . r . . I (nun-mm. xuwmlup. All-“n! county, deceased. rot-“ Slum / ‘ ul— when of uteri-i pucell of land, like" situate in mid Fnhneuock ”mm. A‘ 9 ‘ r 25 00 township, as lullow'avfi wit: . Dying: 8 Znefler, 13 10 00 . N 9. 2: .A TRACT OF TiIIBER LAND, ad.‘ [:3 3 Picking, 1 H 700 Joining lands of ham N rghnl|,.l.obii Mum, J. L. Schicfi. r n 15 oo tract So. 3, and hlaO the )éngiuu Trw'. of the ' erryh Man, - :l H 700 dcceuud, containing 58 A re: and 30 l’errhes,‘ Geog-p Alumni, A r ; u 700 negflmcuure. This "Mli 1; covered I“"lh’flliu H.’McCreßl’y, [ [4 700 thriving Chelnut, Rock ok, Black Oak, kc. ‘ Mini Strouse, . i 14 700 This true: will be l‘old in lqls. ‘ IA. Scott 3 Son. ‘ a H 7 00l ‘ .\‘o 3: _A Tr-ct, knownlks the “Ferguson ’Juhn gruel, i M 1 00‘ ,Trucl," Adjoining lnnda of uhn Mu-klry, John Dr. Robert Horn". l 4 ’ 7 (ml Khan, and "D 96: No. 2,90 n midi: UO Acrés, or’ m") 1“, sauna", ; ‘ u 7 m;‘ utllerenbouu.“ The impquments ‘ ' Jerome Wnllrr, 114 7 (ml are It TWO-glory Lug Dt'elling {JaLublt Brouier, l , , ‘. M 'u' 00 .HQI‘SE, ildg Slnhle; “lii is I Cnluun tCulp, ' ' l H 700 rin'rrfailing Spring of Wu pcnr _ Y ‘l’hilipWinler. ' i ' l H 7 00' the home, and wulelfiin all the fields. About. A: i). Hueh’ler, 113 10 col 4') acres of tlliiflmct are clear land under Boyer «It Son, . 1 14 7 00! Meet. The residae is covered-Will) thriiing s|. Spanglér, - i 12 .11 50] young (‘hcmulx Hickory. kc. , lsunc Goldm-n, -' ' 14 700 2 No. 4 :‘_ A Thu-1, iinlJoinipg lands of Robert R. F. )léllheny. ‘ H '1 00‘ .\k-Curdx, true! .\‘o. .’r, and mherz, containing (ieprge l-‘. Knlbfleilch, , H i 7 00? '33 Acres and 142 l’c-n-lncs, nkfin memurg," Lon. Thomas Warren. Sr" . 1 l 4 700 .zerzd wuh Chemuut,,fied ”Ml! kc. This, inn-“S. fi.Forne_r,Agen'.,, r 14 7 00 'will he sold in lots. . ,E. 11. Miami), - . H 700 . No. b: A "l'mct..contninlng 9 Acres npd 2 Sirickhouur t Wyloukoy, = H 'l 00 chkllcu, Adjoining lands ul‘ Suenn Folder,[ and 'J. )1. [lowa , l 4 i 7(N 0mg!» ‘ i ‘ Norbeck& "tin, , L 4 7 00 50:1;2 A LOT 01-‘GROUXD l.\' mmrlsn, Geur-ge Ln he, i l 14 ,1 00 fronting on the public street, and bounded byt Wm. 1:. Bit le; ‘ “ ‘ H .7 00 lot of Daniel Mari-leer, on whirl: " ', . ‘ VJ. J.Eulon, M 700 Ire erected u 'l‘wu—uor—g Brick “4“," ‘ll. 6. Curr, M 70° ‘Dleliinx IIUI'SE, Weatherboatd- grf'lm‘ Codori f Gillespie” . M 700 m Kllcllgnflwilh a Spring House. , W‘s“, Mrs. linria’Wysouk”, }'M .'l 00 Woo-l HouseY nnd' other ilnprm‘cmenlsw, 1 “fl 3"“? Binrlin, H -~ 700 ”Sale ,lo cmr’xquce at, H o'clock, M’, of Alex. SPB'UZICI'y ' ‘0 _2° “0 ~ snidfiny. uLj fi’llin-h hour the Administrators ‘ Shemlsér. ““14”": ', ‘ H 11 50 .win! meet ”iguana dcnironl of intentlmg—‘lthellficm’ S-‘Hdllugerl l‘ 1° 2° 00 Mlle m. thé “mum" Home vi the thwart ed,-\l(“'u"l,\-& ”s°“: ‘ 110 2” 00 iron: “ilu'll *tln—y will immediately procec to "31.1.1"? “flyi’ungél ("5! PACK) “ W 20 09 the tract: offered lur sale. , Attendance gi'en lW- E- Binle. l “ {ll3 10 W and trrms nludt-_l<nnwn h..- 1 Bamurl llrrhlt} . i f“ 31 X 3 10 00 . ‘ JAMES H, MARSHALL, - iluseph \t‘ibte, ' 1 “ :3 10 00 {.7 i JAMES .\MHMIALL,‘ ‘ . vaunun "-1 I , Adxiiininratar U. Crawford Guinn. , By the Forlrg—Jnxlv RICINIHJ’I” Clerk. ‘- l GIBIA-‘Y 1"- 4 Mn) )3, L 81”. 'ls ‘ \ ; "0““ k Polehnhsh ‘-» - =~ . a; . - ‘1» ~-~ - N". Mnry Reining". l ‘- i Pickmg ‘ ‘ _ lCrnu‘ekilrothu‘, ‘ ‘ . AS nnumvan'ms l ; in. kam H smm.- rxxn stunner: (‘LOTHL ’5. Study k ~ironcsifer. cum: UNI-1, cum: ML. l -, “him?! *3'*"'"' 31ny ”x Albh’ll, 4 ‘ l [(imrgo \\ . lion's, 1 _. ' 7 i , {Henry Dyson, New Warehouse], lashinufl Link-,3 : “ 151‘.~'1ifi1.‘.~2 mt “fun: ' ”“1“ 5"““'"“E -100.() ()() WAXTi-Jlmn the he“ Grain. I4H ll: 5.1 m!" & l 0" ‘nnd l‘umucr House. in l'nlllnlr‘fl-Ftet, mljfii‘u— '”‘ h>.l‘l°”l‘ . 7 in": Mind! k lhlehln': >htal‘pliglullenf... The A .“mmhn' " i, A' hubrst market pn'uc will ml“ Mys he. paid in Wm. "" ilofnrdi \‘a-h {yr - l l ' Illcnry ‘Forry, 1‘ , 7 I mum, at xu kinds, ~: 4,. ‘ "W" "~ ”WV“ 7 2 7 :, ‘ ~ l ‘ i-‘Lot'n. SEEDS, lie. “l“‘m‘ & “"9“" ' 2" A. Always on lfimlnud tor sale, all like lluallt‘strLflwcnw limuult._ I i” : INN-n 3" , ‘ , ‘ . .. , ‘ Mon-"or 7r. 1 UCJNUS, Vi, ‘ l . ‘ . ‘ ,‘Hrs. Mar; [1: Bnkcr, 2; r ' ‘ .sufr; ”Sir. l . " ‘ ‘-'°""u"h°"n ‘.i 3 ‘ 5 (:llllt‘Em‘FS tr, ‘ lJolm lfehflt, . A l l i “. Wlwlvsalln nud‘remil‘u l I , ‘Mol.‘f"l‘.‘fi‘”f 1'“ i THY ("‘l \Ve shall do nu M“ to givi- ‘J‘Nefih “Web-v ‘ l” snLipiacuuu in all Lu“. 1 C 34!“ " tingle"; I; 2 . fl r, Mama: 3; I'HEHL. ‘3’“;"11; “-ll‘mc" i: ‘ Nieltrslmr 3 r o'3. l “ . l ' “ ‘ "N" i l J . z, 1? 11,1“ l ‘., ”1.4- 1: “Wm .t, l)? ‘ , ‘ - ' ' 'Jacob G‘ussumn, ,_ ¢ ‘ L .10 (poachm‘aqus. “ ."1 ' Coxotuuu fl" VllO ~Rl..\'T. a lnrpr ’lhreqaturfi llllll‘lx’ [ii-Hy A: Entering". I _ ('HM ll .\lml'. «a Fourth sire-H, Bridge. Jam, "Mm-v, purl. “11. l! une «ii [ln- lwlu lui-nlipus for b.u’l‘,Julin l:(‘“.),;' I , hm in Alum-gummy whiny. Am-lfi‘ 19 ‘ ‘ ilnrbnrn Unstrr, - l J. w._A.\lmuws, ltnthuriue'llufl'mnn. )urrntqu,J"l.y l «~ * Bunnie: lon. 0 63 1 tO to 1 0 Tn A 5 0M 2 M! 7 095 Mn! 15, [553 ‘ ' N9w.quods.. '; I I 11'?” reroind ftmn New \'urk"aud‘ Philn-K q :e-lphm, 11mlnr‘grn laugh" in lawn of ‘Hrundfi'lu'hfl. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - Summer ('lmhi. ‘ " I ' é‘mu’mrrch Tmodp, ' ‘ , ‘ Drilling: and Vining!» Lit-untifuT "310;. wall anwnrd: [nought {pr m=h nn.’ u'xll Lu" :qld lhcnp lur the nslx»u.7‘—-" 1'1”:me uhdb‘re [ln-m. ' ' ‘ u 4 g 7. GEORUBL‘ARNULD. ’j Wyn, mm. H (‘1 EURCE ARNOLD has mm’ gntup. must]! "I 0! hi: own 'ljnnulzuturing, n chy lnrge‘ "Mark uf -('LUI.J-”‘5(:. Slillxlhle for “It gflcxlsnh,‘ mud; in Ihr triflfigsf nmnm-r mad nl‘gtr ‘the i laneuynum. ut'éwv Myle, \‘nricty n ‘ :izp, (rumu " from Buyi‘ 4 hymns old to (he rues: {aim lar fir" . “my“ \\'\e lune Bap}: ”filmy, gall fun in suiu, Alto )hu‘l‘ l‘lullfing, ‘rn Hui”, I” nf Hu- snnr nmgwriu}, n beautiful m - nrl'. Aim, Extra. ("n'uu‘ Run“. Vesta, Shiru‘ Mann-rt. (:lmn-s. Hash-n, Nu]; Tins. It” uf uhirh null be sold clump fur: lhnmsh. Plus; all. No Iranth to plans than. u 4 Mg 11, 1:463. n‘ ‘ ‘ v “ ngkmg ‘ A . ~.\s‘mzmimab ms ‘ - ‘1 II swim: a. summit pnuruhkc rum: uni, Cums ALL. " . Slay IS, 156.). q t .‘ g > § ‘ , New Goods , ' E T FAHNHSTnt'KS’.——lM¢ilo.k'Brm. IA would resp‘clluily idfurm glleir (tic-Mk umlllw pulylw m-xmrnlly that llmy hm? just rm‘rn'g-d their Spring stock of (Sand: frnuxxew \‘urk an~i l-‘lzilmlelphia. Haring lfpughl “I!!!" for :4:le “e are llrrpAl‘L'l} la ufl'rrplu: lurgut 'nml ertu-xl ulmk of DRESS GUUDS Her um-rr-t In the ml was of the county And a! 01.1) mm 155: “Quick mm and slum profits". bang our mono. \ ' I gay-(fall flII-l rxnmiua M the sign "Lille ’ May 11,1563. \ (in) mum. Give Us a Call 1' J ”DUI“ I» GILIJ-Zh‘l'll-Lha've 'just received 5 C a'Jn'rQ and Iplrmlid- stuck at Sew Good-I. LWllichélhk‘f are svlling us chimp an the iimt'!‘ ’wal allow. ‘ Their sunk ha: been 5 kcudlwilh‘ {cah- and is of .15 gnqd a quality as {the market ,wiH inord. SLTGA‘RS, weghm'; All kinds, ‘ Hard and Softb‘rushed, I’uh’cnzed',Grunuljntcdh NHV Orlenps. For“ Him and Cu‘lm. T,E.\S, lmpcrinl, Young Hyson and Black Teus'. 310- 141835; New 0:29:11“, l'orm Rica and Syr‘ups of ddfermtukindw" TGRACCUS. in suit all lovers of III; weed, ('ongn‘ss, §pun, .\vay ring’nnd ‘ Id I“. ‘ -'_-_.__s~_ V. "‘ “ Ngtiee; $353": EAI'THEW. Tony's ESTATE—hum testnnncntnry on the estate at Hutch“ T 3, late of Conowygo pr‘ idilma conqm d sed, hnuing been grantefi; a: the badger-t sin, residing in the same; tov'pshipme hereby‘ gi' notice to 1” persons indebted to mid £BO to mnke’ tumult»: payment, a J those " link clniuu spins: the some, to? prescnt I‘3" ,th‘ roperly nuuwnticnwd fm- settlement. ‘.P “.5. iQ. ‘ mental. Imm“,£xmm, "7‘”; [6 n, 1863. 61* ' . hcn u ‘dfi “M’’l ‘ "‘— ,_._._._:___.__ WP.“ armers’ &,MechamoB’ ’ "{ N6B INSTITUTION‘ 0P Aunts (79., snugly ‘ .‘ng increased its qapiul, lass Inlnrged RUB - )w ms: find t-xunaedits accommodation. u. did L 33 ‘3“, ‘X‘chncsday. [Arm i3,’lB|:l_i‘. I! ’ “Hi", m; HAS nsumwu ms 9, ! 35173136! SUMSIEIL CLUTIUXU.‘ ‘ ibbanu, Frnmel, f Faln- . .051, i «- Clothin g. lieu—in lord}, ' Wm; l)ufi;«,, " Throdnr- Fwiger, Joseph “Metal, UH}. .\larlm, .\lr‘. El'mhclh Muyer, t-;. 11.5 mm, r , .\dnm‘Slr‘H’nn,‘ Oxronn n- A. Shady. , John “may, f Hdunrd Weigh. ‘ ‘ Buliusi b Winn-rt, 3" .11". hrrsh, . _ EHIiLAhi-lh T. Stuun-r, :I'rhucis .\. Smith, Johu.()iuu-r.: Dmid \I. .\lgers, x Henry .\[fl‘nualmuh ~Stine): Young, : ‘ (I. W. honY “ ~ . Lfdumrn a; firm. ' “ summon“ n- manner k Shh-NI, Dyna-l Spllivau, [slan k ij'rcnry, , J‘Thu Shmm‘i, “ ‘ Fun“: 1! Mama L. Mm", Mn. A-nn llolhunn, H. W. Wiunyre, g l'gcdr Hubliu, Jacob .\(nrh, ' Plank I: Spangler, J.‘J. Biewclfiur‘ (“1”. 'FuluVeflzlcr, “$1; Ruff, w. x ‘ ' Luau" r 9 Liu'iw A. ()verholuer‘ , ISuqu-l Marlin, 11‘ '<. John Miller, ‘ 1‘ TYll.olig TP l'elcr f‘e‘attg,‘ Juihu Delnp, John F.‘ Huuck, A’l'lc'lm‘ [lx-row, 'l‘. 4. Urcncmunu Lumen: n FRECUOIt ,p A. Waybxigm“ ‘ Mum." 'rr Geo. S. Minliigh, (‘hnrk-s Eldeu, . 41ml T. Wright, Jncnh l’ilzer, B. H. l U. Hoop" Jigil avroi ir► G. W. Spangler. . ,1 ls'hjullfb‘pangler, ,4 ‘ I". S. Hildebrand; .‘. .'. K inc. ' \\ m. Walt, ‘ , u. 9. Miller, - , ‘ Geo. )[un-lurfl‘, ‘ ( C-rolino Runner, ‘ Myer Stern, . ‘ ‘ Bunnie tr 1 ’i 1‘ 13 loioq Hr 7100‘ iownrd, - ’ .H 1 710° Ivy, ' 14 y 7100 Snuur’r. j :1, 0. AW H. Wolf, 1 § Ephraim 1 :I.lz.sm. lden, 10 ’1 40,00 Inn, \muehoulel 11 ‘ ‘l2 50 mm. H I 7 ‘oo ' H ‘ 7 ‘OO x 4, ’ ‘ too ’l4 510 . 14, no Hrnmcroxjr. ' Daniel G Philip 11‘ n; Eichol' Jicolj Ki 1 nugh' Kiu Mrs. Ann OM Samuel T;ißrow n', f Igniteshéw, Jacob A. (‘urdnen- - Wm. .\legnry, Amos (mint, J. I’. Gehfiick, ‘ June B.} user, ‘ John Garlsfner, i _ Unox n. 8:13;de Iron}, Conrad ”$.11". ' ‘ . - Brnn "X ,‘Jonh Mill 3’, , u Edward 5 “iv , -Wm- “m”: ‘ Sink} ”mum; 11- 1“ ”WE! z ‘ i _ DIII'ILLIM Dnud Rhona, Freedom tpw Adam Dielfil. Bony-burg, . Jofln Humid), ‘ ‘I ,y ‘ 'Sfilsfig naturism), ‘. I .Fgmpfj‘fi ~33 nih’ Sn fingjpltifinwnfio ’OO APPgAL lurch] given to all persons inn-rest -ve retun- of clmincution, that I 1: Appeal; at. the Commisgionen‘ uynmrx. mi SATURDAY, menu: 33 no“, begins“: the hour: of .9 A, .‘ 1.. yhen find that: all perlons I-onsider :heumelru nggricreé by lamina may attend. ' ‘n l ‘ lot' em {walla lwill hold ‘ unite, in day of JU 11. and 3 ch“ may amid class J. M. WALTER, , ofllcrcnntile Tuxca lur Adnms co, 803. ~11. . E _;A‘rprailv _ May”, MBE .\‘CUITRAGED by numerous fritnvl... fem-r? m) “If M a candidule for the nfl'xt‘e of blih‘fllk‘t’. subjm‘l |n,thc decision at llw Dunno. ocmic county Conventitm. Should Ibe hunt} inated um Eli'cll‘d, [pledge myaeu m diuhnrjn' the dutiei of the ofice with prqmplnesl and ‘ impartinlny. _ SAMUEL BIKER Freedmu £12., my”, 196%, w Shenflalty. NCOURAGEI) by mum-mu: friendsJ Agni-i ptfcr nun-If as n mmdidne Mr dwufluczoé SHIfiHFP, subject In the decision oflbe Dem: acnlic County Comeuhw. Should [benom faster! and elected, I pledge myselfto disehnrka t‘ :11: duties of the omce with git-ampules! Ind ' impartiulity. " ,GI'IOILG BCSUMAN.‘ . Cumberland ([l,, March 30, 1863. w 5 - Sherlfl'alty. . f ... .\‘COL’RAGED by many friends, (affirm?! ‘ J E self hi :1 candidate t’ur SHERIFF at. lhei I nut eleCLion, subject. to the decision of flu; Hr Demucrulic Cuuuxy Cuuvrution. Should I be} \ nominated and Artist] promise to pufforu, .the dutirs ul'ghe olfice thh fidemy and i'm-i , partinlily. was .\lupmswn. 1 Mouulplensnnt tpn April 6, 1803. lc“ ‘ l ; Sherifl‘alty. l ‘ -» RUSaELL's ‘ SCREW POWER COMBINED REAPER A!“ n Hat-731a,, " ~ ~- EECOURAGED b! ‘9 number of friend": _1; W‘ITHOUT cot; GEAIHNGWTIIE LitigtTEST DRAFT MOWER m Till-2 wonLn.—n i. :53 mm ‘.r Firmeu in purchtutngd‘lh.. offer myscli’ as a candidute for the ofiicut chine to buy the host niiti‘rticupe~t.‘,. llutli ths-‘c (liijt'cis will be attuned by buying hunt-It‘d Screw Pow”. The great summit of of SHERIFF, kubject to the decision at the. power lost in ovgrcoming the frictionlnt' ni‘l Cog—gvnrml Harvesters is sided in the avian Pnncr. M which we cin'vofior the lighten draft Democratic Cuunty'Cum‘eution. Sliuuldl be! Mower and Reaper inittm world. Tlii fnca’hns’ been full) demonstrntcd li:\' thi‘ variant; tests bv {hi-nomnmr‘lvr and otherwise, to‘vhlch thq nominated nnd (lectedJ pledge myself It; dis- machine has bevn atrtrjegted during the in“. ly‘n seasons. Am‘ung the variants p‘oints ot' sutrcrmrviy hi this machine are’the Joli-wing: i ‘ charge thedutiea oi the (mice, fitllllfuiiy. ’ The use of open malnblc lrun‘gimrtliw “illi ii stéel plate or taco. ground tq a cutting n-dgr. This with the knives, gives A pet-Fact the: rut. _ ‘ HENRY AEITLEB. Double Hinged Finger Ban—No Mowert’nn do gum! workfon all kinds of mundmvs. without it fli-xililnhar, This bar mi. be rnlstfinnd ”chr9- Honntjoy \p,, April 6, 1863. tui l! Instencd, u hilc passing frum field to field. ‘Patont Aldjustublc Récl, palm-fining, its work an Hill; as uell‘npon rough ground as tipon a love! ~-*— - I—~f~~ - ~' '7 , fl ~ «M— field. There is no side Draft. 0: Weight. upon the ltoiscs' net-its. New nmflpnmliar fprm n 1 n‘ne, which will uut clogz’ when inviting with It. . Sherlfl‘alty. .' ‘iight play when the Ripper iu’ matched. The .'Euhscrib‘rr nhoisfigcnt fax this lDflCthß tins tuliy téstcd ii. thu‘ Inst. semi-n. in wind“: 5 as, T "l” goliritufinyf ol‘ nu!nprfv)u'alrriehdi. yam-brand ants, and feels's'ati-rfied that. till who set- t‘tliis tnnqhiue Work will but) no nth“. A apycimtu JUAJhiII‘." can be ninth, hymn" Aom nLyselfns u cundidute for the‘qfliue you the subscriber, Wm Gettysburg. m the lltrrislturg ruhd- ‘ . . ‘ WILLIAAI “Humanoid. ”A or Sill-lilill-‘F, in the ensuing election; suhjt-ct“ ‘ ‘ i, -_ . , , . .—,~’ i' - ' ;, , J ~ ." to the dc ision of “m Democratic County Can: it L(a['s“'l'H-‘[(‘..\'l‘ES.—“ e rPrtit‘y that we went to the {lull-m of William \V‘Ailulesnat ham-Mt, for tho' pnrrnza of examining the vork ‘done‘ by him vention. Should i 1’“ so fortunate “- to [beg mm [lltsibll'g Su-row Power. .\lowcr null Bonner. \\‘e:fnnnd \Jrl Wildr Hitting simm- ut‘ the Val) “my: kind ut‘lodgnd grmn. u'ndkfrclmtticfi-d nominate and (dermal, ipl ”KC myseii‘to ding it (“mid norhgre been done better by any uthermucliitle. It is the “.’illcfit draft. machine We cw: saw. . Pm“? Wxnnl, , ‘ clmrgu tin: llutll‘d' oil the ohm to the best or. ._ . , - i _ W V ' ' Cannot 301-». s: ' my “h“,[y’ i- am). pg ECKENHUPH. i JV? certify that we sat Mr,:Wlhic mow with.the abate machine both in standing and lodged grass, with but one cyan of Eimr.=‘e,~i.'n::td. lwo Gettysburg. trim-h 30, IHG3. u: ' £olls!ch Itlhe but wont we 13‘“ BM" . ' ' 1' E ’ , Gannon Bonk, ~ ‘ Sheri fi‘alty.- J--«-—-—«~ ] Much 2.4, tees. n . _ :2 Ozone: Dumas". ELEOW.CITIZENS 0F :ADAMS (70.: F limiting linen impurtunvd for sotnetmie to imcomc ti umid'i-int‘c inr th‘e omt'e'oi' SH E‘er’i“. I now announce myself-n candidate for said uffice, (subject to“ the llotnocmzic Nominating Coincutiuu.) Stimihl l in: so tortunatefin to he nomiultteil and eleclédJ tiromilc to dis chmge ti 2 (luliei 'nf said ofliée promptly and mill; fidelity. Yuur obedient sop-tint. ' ; ‘ ZACHARIAH MYERS 14 7 00 , 14 7 00 I‘l4 J 00 3-141 7 do i' H 7 (‘0 =ll 12 5a 'l4 .7 00 2;): 12 50 21‘ 7 09) In 7 00 5‘13 to, 00 ElO 20 "no :14 7 oo {l4‘ 7 ca 314 ‘ 'm) 114 on 114 00 ’llO on LH 00 ilxprn 27, 1563: to - -. ...» . , _,V,- *l, ~ '. f. 1 7m?" " - 1 Reglster 8L Recorder. ‘ 4 _ Sherlfaty. .. . ... . I . 4 . , . ‘ ' . a < NLUIIRAHED hv mv h-tendml oflnr mv-J I MOK h- \MJ) by nymcmus fnendsJ 061-1" 4 sell‘us nclln(i:d:;ch6rllle‘olfice m REGIE— WHI‘MY" "f. ‘3 “will“:"l‘f "3’ ”'f {”311 "L mm REUURUEIhuthe ne'xx. clectinn: sa’n ; ‘ ‘ . (‘ .‘ m 23: :0 ‘!:,‘lr:;“n 11:”!ch- ("I:4th 5:: the deflsion'oh e humocmm- County 'm‘rnlu- ””m " 0"“ n. k '0" . ( nnm "1 OHVHIHOH. bhould lhe so [urtunnLc/M to lunged and«kn-tn),Trflvdm-myaflfto discharge be nomiuntcll and HEAL"! I promise tin dis— mmdmirs' n! Ihr nmvt- witl»: )‘mmphum: mu! (-ervw th‘ldutics a, ché'nhice In they/bait a} imfiurtin‘lily. JUSJCWI a. U!il—J.\lu)lil-‘l"., gm)! [Wmfi ‘ , w,” K. GALLMJUI-Jll ‘ 3!”1""J°> ‘l‘“ “1"” ‘4?- ”"3- 1“ } GLttstuf9fiApril 27', 11303. :c, -.. I“ --. .7 A , _ ...__ _)V.._?-... 7 L..._' ‘ w 1 4.. Reglster & {Reporden 1 i Sheriffalty. . . jI-sz w (‘l'l‘lZEXSi—M the mums: so- I‘! liui :ninn ul’unny fri'oinis in M! )Hrt-l ut' tluofmiuuly, I Mfi'r nukélf .u a‘ (:lIHHHAU‘ fur [he uflicc “(SHHR‘H‘R M (ht-310x! elm-lion, SIILIJH‘I lo Um ilrcix‘iuu’ui Lh“ I‘l‘umrrnlil' L'uuu ly Ifunrmfiun. S‘lmuM I H- numhmlm! and rlrr‘mi,’ plu-lut- myselfxa Ilisqh-Irgathc'Jutic.“ uflhe utficc miwful'y mu! promptly. ’ ‘ A ADA“ IH‘ZnERTu Franklin 11)., April 27. 13-2121. lc" ‘ , oo 00 op o'o 13 l3= l 4 ' 14 14 Clerk- ofltyhe Courts. . i Ie‘INCUI‘IMUHD by a number r-‘T my {Handml ‘1 I oflcr nu selfus 1} (‘umhlum tur 1h? ufn'cc. ' 'nl (‘IJ‘QLK “1’ Ti”) (lUE'RT‘S, 1,11!ku cmni’ug _elect2.'m. pubjrc: m g‘xe (Ix-vision u‘f llxr‘ “cum— , cruic ('uu'u)‘ (‘unh-nt‘mn. 5113;5th J be so, [' {urlunnu- :NJU Lr l!’l’ll1lltkl('ll‘lill(i gin-tell“! l' [phldgv In} «If m‘ .imh «rgu Uz‘c‘tdmgn of [Lt r' ofiikr‘finilhfulb'. I ‘ I U' ‘ \ « .\’f("ll'()!..\S “a SIHIH'IIR. “ ”I Slralmn 111., April 6. mm. u:‘_ h , " Clerk of the Courts. , g 1:, ‘M‘UWLUJCU h} .1 numiwr o!“ ")3“ Irinngk. ~ o 1“ I n: 'u: uflur‘ Inn-{Um a undid ltc fur uhc ’ J ulhrr of (‘LIZHK' (bl-""11”: ! ”FIFTH" n! H?“ ‘U rummg em :iuu. subjcnl m the'du-uinu u:' the ”- hemucruliL Vau'uh‘) Umnpglnm. blmhhi l ‘lo' n su lul‘llluynlu .3. {u Lu :1: 1 3rd, 1 “ML“. lug w ( O to uiu-lmrge Lbc dunk-s «17th? nflive hilhfflly. .1. ‘ mum .\‘AhUlth‘. 0 Muurnplm nmtp', Mnxj. 23. 1:43.}. . ‘ ', ‘«—.‘V ,1 H. ..__-_. 3 \ Clerk .of the. Courts. 5 g T llu- snllzvimlion of Minn-(on! friends, H 9' A Mil-r x'u' selffiyn :\ r-zlulllduw {Hr the, (mice? 0 u! (‘LhLK “I" THE COURTS, .1! the quslung g » drawn. gxxinjng: \o Hu- du-Lum of flu- Dunn" 9 tum: Cum“) ("mu-Minn. ‘Shuul‘j [vhc so ‘furiumue u m be nomiufited xmu'l circled. I, ‘0 plvdge much to disclmmc lllc dulieu of they .0 ‘ olfice to the 1.231. at my hbility. . - ' l .. m' 13 14 14. ' ' ‘ ' ' ' “3&er J. PINK 3 Oxford Kim—April go, may." :6 i . Clerk of the Couhs, 0 THE VOTERS 0|“ AILLNN COUNTY:— T Fvlluuncilizensz—liclnz (-ucoyrilucd hy' mum-mu; rrlrnnls, I offer myselttn your can .‘l-lcr-ltion a! n mnuli-lntc int; (he affix-cl of (‘LHKK (”7 Tlll‘l (‘UURT.\'. :1! ”2 non (-lcc tiuu, ~uhjrn t In (he dcci‘inu nf Illa Democratic h (‘oqu- l'onvcmion. Should I {qccirc the, numxnnliuu and be elected. I shall duly appre (‘lxxlv'ymr I vmfi lrnu‘mnd prmnisc‘m discharge ’ the tlrntirs only? ufllcc prnmpllynudyilh fidbl-" m. l v .\DMI’ “lerle . rn 14? 14‘ u; l"rnnklintp., Apr'l (E, 1563. ’.c . , 'Clerk 03‘ the Courts. G. UAR". will. he a ennd‘rdate for the I I . Dvmocnnic pomhmtiowt‘or CLERK 0'!“ THE ISUI'RTS. Should 1:0ch sum-055m}, he plerfgej llimselfto Se evéry proper exertion tor kh- *liou. [May 4, 1863. It {Clerk 0 the Courts. a. k}. WOLF wil hen candidate {or CLERK {as TllE‘CQl'H’l'S,subjcrtto the de— r'f the Democratic C‘oumy Coujvcntion. xsburgllay I], 1863. tc ‘ al I ‘ 1* 7: r 7; ypglspn’n‘, 75 {gel long. v, l Wilkins ,aud'rpecificntions for ”in bridge 'cnn he gun by pcrs’ons wishing to Md. on ”Mr _‘ (143' of ll‘tting, or by apfilimtion 10 J. H. Wal ur, Clerk to the Commissioners, , - § 1 » WM. B; GARDNER}, ‘ _ ‘ “ ’EPHRAIM MYERS. ; County Treasurer. : :, I c Jncpn “135;qu. _ EIXG irequcnfly solicited” ofl'c: myself ké; l anninisswnt‘fs o “In, county. ' B u ‘cnndjduw-flm the oflicc “$017311" Attc H' “j ““"R'Qe'k‘ i gIiH.A§CIRi-Ill“sinhjl‘ct to the dccxsim a! die: '3‘ 3:1,}??? “1 ,_ ' cmén‘ulic County Convention. should I be ~ ‘ ‘ numinnfied and elected“, l plvdgé niyselt m disr' l " Gr-een Grocery' , chargx'tlle duties 0! the uflire fnilhfuliy nun TW} fining-Signed has opened :1 011057151!) prommly. _ JACOB moxaL. i ll; 13:?!“ 1'" L"Enzcgmfgp’ggeeku‘fii‘gg‘ - - ‘ 4 nrg ' ore it: oer .-. , ._ ._ , mu-‘wa’z- “P’T‘iinibesifli Mumsms. km, ké“ or will quaaiu‘es, 9c the ' lowcbt living profits. He also receives, regu— larly; cg‘ery Week, a general assortment of mannmuws, "he .na fresh, mam, the city ‘mnrkets. ‘Also FRESH AND SJJI’I' Flp‘lll Give me a can. I intent} to do business so as 30, deserve succcsv. My entire care and uh tention will be bestowed upon it. . » JEROME WALTER. I I. cisiuu ( Gen 00 7; 00 7! 00 7: 00 7,00 1 00 ! County, Treasurer. 5 NC “RAGE? by many friends, I ofl’er my ee 'ns‘hlcnndidutc for CUL'NTY TREAS- UlirJß, lthe pexkelection, subject to the de-: uision o the Deulocmlic County Convention.? Should be I 0 fortunate as lo be nominnzcg‘ lull eluled,'l pledge myself lo discharge 1h _ duties I)?! the ollice faithfully mul prnmptly. “ l ‘ ‘, “cox: ‘SUEADS. §l Getlyflvurg, Slay}, 18633 19* l , I l A. . _, .. [County Treasurer. ,l 3 7? NCQL'RAGED by many friends. I ofl'er my-‘ sel as a candidate for COUNTY TREAS-l UKER, t the next election, subject to the (Lie-2 cision o the Democratic County Convention.‘ Shouldflibe so forufigce as l 0 'he nomimiged null clc‘ted, l pied mysglf to discharge ure‘ Julie; a; the office Emmi); and promptly. I ‘ RUBERT D. ARMUR. Getty‘bwg, nay”, “963.: 1c ‘ ‘ I ‘ L Election. . (MICE is hereby giscu 40 the Stackhald ersi in ’thc Gettysburg Waiter Compuny.‘ 1113:: animation for Five’fln’nngurs ,oh snidf 000113131 will be held It the house aneoT'Wq )lcCleH , in Geitysburg, on lIUKI)»AY,¢*H;=w law any)“ HAY inst. between lho hum: of}: und 4 o’clock, P. )1. innorder ofthe 80nd, ‘ _ l 45.19.. RUSSELL, Sec'y. ‘ ”fly l‘l’ 1863. td . ‘ ll Licenses. ‘ HE pilowing application to keep 9 public 9 T hoiulé of enterlai 'ment, has been filed in to} ofl‘ice,‘ with the uisite number of sign iera; and will lwpre Mod at the com of ‘Qua‘ncr Sex-inns, mi UESDAY, the 26th »Of My; inst: ‘ ‘ l I r Benjamin F. Eicholti, Reading townlhip, ‘TUO 37"(0 :70“ 700 700 700 22 DO 5 Q 0 .5 00 ' .sm ”seams. \ Conradl M 3 era, [him luwmhip. l .5- ,uume :ldl-SHULTZ. Clerk. I I i Put 5. u. n'xuuquz, Dry)- .\l.l_r 1:; 1863. m: ’5 1111 Sheriffalty.’ .‘. ‘ ‘ __*_._~ ‘ z II . Reglstcr 8p Recorder. . T the solicitation lotflny Mandi-J, Y’ (:{Tvr ‘A myself as a candidme fur the ufhcuuf mamsnm x mac-mum“. sulvjt-L-tio the dc t‘isioll of the “enzmvrutic l‘nunty Cunx'lkllinn. Shquld I he nondiunted‘and slat-led, 'I 1 «lye mysqll‘ m pcrfouu lb; dunes pf the‘ (fibre with pmmplucsa. , A. P. BAUGUSR., ApinZU, 1863. la I T the culicimfiun afrnuul-yfum frionn'li. I A hgn'm'um'r m_\ <0)! At a candidate fur lhc (n!hu¢"ul umnswmm may u‘a’fmkm ml- cn=u- Jug (~lMtion§x_shjnctp the Incision ofthe Demo— cratic' County Uon\'unli€:£l. Should I b so {ortuflnte u to'be nmm Med and elm-41,11 yplL-«lzo myself (n disclm'rganle duties or that 3mm: to the but of my ability. , . . I 1 , A. w. FLEMING} 5 Gettysburgflurchlm,l363'. lc" . Regi’stpr 8: V Tflie wligzitmiun (Albumorous fn'endt, l A num’u offer m’ysclfu'pl n mmlulnte for the Dlth' ufRHGL‘s‘THRk REUDRDEILM (he ensu ingdet-liul::¢ubjecxtothe ecisldnoffilcl’em’o cram: (‘n‘nuty Convmtiu . b’lguuhl the so furluuhxe us go 'be numinfled nml clock-d. I l),l'd,;l.“;hl)‘h'£‘lf 1n .Hsdwr'b the duties ui ’hr 'ufl‘xcg 10 {he best oflmy ul ”my. ‘ ' ‘ HI)“\RD. MCINTIRE. _‘l,ibel‘riy (p., .\(uy 11, 1:817 .' ‘tp‘L , ‘ ‘ ’ , Commenc ment 1 ' F THE SPRING ('..\.\l ’.Ul§\'. - , ‘ O “HUD XEWS )R EVERYBODY!‘ Coixnc tn GULDMAX'S at u mon'a ultipimud. 3 Hum: can-3mg {manna ' ‘ . “HUMAN has jus'i r who?! u new s'lock‘ oi ‘prmg‘nml Smumufioqdk, Nth as .. 1 \lrsim-‘rc Coats, ‘ r ’ ‘1 ‘ Cnahmnet Coats, 9‘ ‘ I - TQ‘GCll'l‘U’ltS.’ ‘ ' '1 ’ neituuuN(.th (”mtg ' l E . Rlacl‘fiflnllt & (fxuaime ei COATSf I’AKTIALOUNS. [‘l n Lgrgé variety of nljfjputt n 3 MM qunhtic": VHSTS. A large )‘nrivty fuljflll masons m uh )cnr. fiIATS! HATSt‘. “."TS‘JH Txuuks,‘ YMiu-sr nnd Carpet Bags, Shirts, llnpdkeq‘ chief}, Seem”, Suspenders, ‘ 'u'ues, I’orunow mics, Gemlemen‘: Drvssing Coughs: Cigur‘s, Pipes, and many othvr articl , mu nmnerux s to mcmion. A .gludm] 112% men! of Ucull - uion's FURNISHINU GOODS ‘ 3.(:(ILIJ.\IA.\' rt-turnshis ih kstohisfrien a aml cdhtumcrs in ggnerul In title liberal [m tr 'bage, he has receivd finm them and hope; 11: _v will in future (Mar hi‘n with culls mm pu 'chnL-lés, as he iscqufidcnu at he can satis fy JIJIiu-w who wiilhmtmni‘z him in future. 5 ng ,‘his gnods at 39w précla there 'H mnney _Sfl’ed u} the purclmi‘gr. ‘ Nib; «no N. “Quick Swim-s xlttd.§lu:nli Profits.” D' ’1: hwget "THE sfim r 5 * ‘l‘ r. a; mum's, [ Ag Snmegh 01.1 Corner”: Cc!tysburg,'May 11, 1:63:14; ‘ ——y~—— ~ . - .. ~_,_.._,____, _ ; To Budge qu' . ers. ‘ ROI’USALS “‘1” be n‘cdi i! by Ihr- (‘omi ;. missiouers'uffidmns col um wenxrxs 'NESDA Y, the 26th'du)’ of]. ins-L, lur 1“;ng iug‘m Cow-red “'uudeu 131111) 1!: “cross Swnfg Rug, 9:: Nu- ran I.:ndmg fru Cflgliaic to 1114> Yu k and Gefhjsburg Turn}? (:1 The Bridgl; is tb he built after the style 0‘ 1de?; Patent," Muylf,lB63. 41* Notice to Contractors. ' 11E School Direc'tor‘s) of Cumberland 10m:- > 5113;; will meet 21! Blhebnugh's lau—rn. in the Borough bf Gettysburg. on SATURDAY, lbg3olh any of MAY»: 1 o’clock, P. 51., to re ceire proposals lor banding in new School House, in. Belmont. in mid township, about. two miles from Gettysburg. Builders are re. quested to send in then proposals pa that day. By order of the Board, A , ‘ J. ALEX. HARPER, Sec'y. 3!:1y11,1863.5 rd ‘ “x ...—..; -.., ... ~.§l- My Notioe. HEREAS my wife, Spiny” F 161". v hbsenls herself from ,my bed lquoM’d wit 'out only just cause, this il to wan a” persons mm lmstinf her anything on my Ic couul, u“! will pay no‘debu 91‘ her cantnét in: ‘aner thil date. I desire her to bo»\‘rd M hams; ‘ JA‘COB 'FICKES. Hnnilnfloq UL, “my 4, 1853” ‘f'ifi _ ’ N once. i ' , "E 6k“ uld final account’ of Abnhqm ,Krise, Committee of the person and estate of" Joseph Hunter, (Inn Mic,) 'now deceased, s's! bummed in‘lbe Court. of Common Pleas ‘ofAdnml county, 3nd will be confirmed by the laid 06111;: on the 26th day of MA? nut, un len emu be thown to the contrary. ‘ I . ‘. J‘AGUB BUSHK)’, Pgath‘y. Aprit‘z’l, 1863. A? ‘ ‘ ' ' : I.ol' 0“: th GUII DROPS, llw fim-st-ev‘ex A divs-ed in this nmrk’ct, to be had a! Br HUUXER’S Drug Mart. ' . Valuable Nursery Trees AT I‘I'BLIC SALE—WAIL b): ufllrcnl m Pul’rhr Snlv, M the Lug.- n-aidr-v'xe ot‘Juu ; KIME, dFCUII~Q|}, in Butlvr 'lownship, Adams county, 1‘“ . nhuut mm mm- run-1h u! Areudxs- H'Hv; oh FRI-DA Y. [be 221111 (guy at" MAY next’, ,lhe y'alu'abie Nursery m‘mid dam-used,mnsisl big/urnliout lunfiuu TREES.APPLE. PEACH, CHERRY, PEAR, AI'IHUUT. QUINUE, &c.—— Tile ’l‘rc a are nfchoiu: fruit; of one, (Wu and three Jar.“ growth mul upmafls, healthy. thrivinflhnd in good; cond'iiiqxiflunl win he coldfin [Lu to suit purch’nscra." Smile to Lfmu mL-nue m, 10 o'éludc, .\. M. Attendk‘ucc five“ nnd Lenqs made known by u \ ' . 3 * 'r MUM; F. LOWER,‘Bx'n. April #7, 13:33. :5 ‘~ . V . . " ‘x y- Dramage Plpes. . ‘HE uigdolrsig’nm‘f has new on [gnu-u], and tom T (inm‘e In munilfiu-lure, huge quantities of m {mm}; DRAIS'AMQPIPHS,which he ()och m furnibu nnd My m. 7 ntenta‘pcr foot. For [he dmininz q‘fl' céHurs, .'xc, nothing better on]: he need. They hive bc'un nit?! in differenl parts of the cuu‘nly, with onurisuucesa. His Immuv notary ishu-m Lilly’s Mill, in 0330p] Luwnabip. l'ost oflicqaddrci‘s, New Oxford, 4dnmg‘c‘ou n t ', I‘n. ' ‘ ‘ -’Spe.iinius of lhc'Pipesgcfm be seen “Pym Homnnn'sq‘ in Gait; sburg'. April 27“‘ 1863, 3m ..mny BECKHAN. L Notice. > . ' “EzAuditoy n -poinled by tho Orphln'i T Courti of Adm}: county. to distribute the} bnbmc'e rénmining in the bands uf Muchull Ilomnmn, Adminhtmtpr o! Levi Hoffman, inn: ur Lalimor‘c township, deceased, 10 and nmnnqt creditor; 4m! anrLios, emigiod thérem, will“ mac; the )iarties imems'u-d for (he purpnsg uf‘ .his,nppoint’mpnt, at [he dihk'e bf N. & 'h". 'lc (3l9:lan é‘k‘nyflmrg, (In 15'EIJNI'ISD-A Y, flu: 20th day (I! MAY out,“ 10 o'cluiu‘: m the forcneuu Mi said any. ‘ ' ; MOSES “QCLEAN, Aud'lor. April 27,118.53. n 1 ~~ Notin’ E. TLHW" corder. EV. Mn. numxmxss ESTATE—Let- B Mrs 01 'udmimitmhun on lhc (shit: of Re}: , 4;: Hullufl'héius, law or Uerwirk but, Adnms co., tluo‘d., liming Lem granted m (llama-Wr signed, Jesiding; in the same place, he hereby gives noch‘lo 3111 persons huh-bled (u' ullld came to make immediate pnyruent,.und llmse hnvmg’cluima ngaigtlLthejame‘to present them properly authenticated for settlement! ‘ iJUHN A. HUFHIEINS,Adm’n ‘A‘pl'flv27, £565. on .. ‘ .-“ ' ‘" *'—* U' ——-——-->——;r————————- w ‘ r . * ‘ - ‘; Nothe. . u ‘. ARGARET BUWI-IR'D: ESTATE -T.ellér3 l I leslmucnmry on the estate 6f Margaret Haw”, late bf Huntington Lwy., Ailamfi “"“1‘ Ly, decemud,‘ having been grnnjml to I .5? mm liersigued, tesiding in the ‘snhm. Vn'rfim'p, he hereby fixvh notice togfil‘ persona r.- debted to aid estate to make: immndiul» puynent,an those having c'lnims agninat rhe same to prefent “gem prupcrlynu:ixent:¢ajed for antllemrmi' , SAbgU‘EL ImWEK. - flu-11.371153? (3L?—w Executoi.‘ . A 1. Nance. \. 4 USES HCKES'S ESTATE—Layers 0f R’l mlmlni‘alrmion on ‘thc estate of Moses Nukes, late: bf Huntington township, Adams county,’ decqnséd;buving been grnnud to the undarsiglled,}residing ’ia the plum: tog-yehip, he him-by gives nnticc to [kn-persona m dcbli‘d to sui‘l estate to make immediate pay ment, and ‘l‘]lo‘s6‘hnving (-lnims ugninst 1119 same in presput them properly ‘nulhenticnted fur Salk-monk. JOHN FIflKES, Adm'fi. ' April 13, xfsa. 61* ~ ‘ ‘ OHN LEFPELMAN'S/VESTATEq—Lottczs J ofmlminiMrntion on thé esmge ofJolm Bef felman. late at Franklin ml», Atlnms county. dew geased, lnwin’g be‘en granted to the undersign ed, raiding, Y}: the .snnne.,townabip) ho herghf gi‘l'c! nofiéo m'ull persom indebted to San! cakes to malt“: immediate payment, andilhosé fiis‘ing chims ugninst.\l\e game to present them properly.uu’tbentimud for sculemnnt. ,4 ‘ I HENRY EXCUSE, Adm}. ‘ April 27, [863. GI. ' . 4d Jhllmery ,m New Oxford; 3, ISS‘E. WUODS, formtrly of Rushmore. D 1 haviugjucmex) in Ngw Oxfprd, Adams cwmy. Pa, in the house oncupied Ly ~Dr Han, in HnnDVor “rock, will ‘carry an the mmwum attsxxuss, in mm brsnfiles— W3ll Lerp un‘ hand BUNNETS,‘ HATS, RIB BONS, FLU‘VHRS, RUCH ES, 31 I.'KS,(3RAPXES, LACES, ken, ‘anq 5011 c“: a shah: of public patronage. [.\prn'27', 126:6. 3m - Wall Paper} , .3 . LARGE Variety of fifluerns, of the hast A and most deuirabléstyiw, many of whivh ‘.xre‘being 501‘} it the old pricesg" Call and no then: at ‘ , MiILHENY'S. * Removal. 1 RuO'SfiAfil 1111's removegi 'hh office that» Wills‘ h “ding to the-“corner of Bam. more' and High streets, opposiu the Pr‘esbys lcriun Chunk; Residence adjoining the (fine. April 5, 11503} n ‘ ' I- .\T and utter- JULY 13!, .1863, (hi- prinlew: O ofconverling chopresentissue (“LEGAL ”TENDER NOTES INTU THE SATIONAU SIX PER CENT. LOAN (mmmonir c‘l‘ned “FM. Twenties") wifl cease. ‘5 . i Al: who‘ wish to inns) In the PiceJ‘wfiuy Loan must, thank)", npply b‘efdre mun of JULY hen. JAY” COOKE, V ' ‘ Sunburn-101'; only No. 11! S. THIRD 85‘9billddpllil April 13,1863: 3m »: ... ’0 ‘ Children’s Clothing, ‘ , <BEAUTIPUL ARTIGLE, ntitha stun M GEO. A 5110“). - Ladies wit} menu at.“ and see them. ‘ [Apm 2'." 161:3. M RAMP;‘mexafifififfiffiéflrfifi Homestead Tonic, a: Dr. M UUHNEE': Drug Store.» " . E ' BAKERS, Hi: nicest ind best‘afisorimr‘nkia jownfnr , McIQHE) Y's. ECK TIES—A beautiful “Qufunmt Jr: ' ~ ‘ . , . Md "11522 ‘r‘s. mu: nnmnvwhxmn m ‘mxsv, (a: mn-chinn! pupa-ea only, Mlh 59",Drng .510“ 01 _ , . Dr. R. WEISS. Notice. Notice. Special Noti’ce. `-\ 4"r. 7 " T --•••`1,:4#11i#1 I= A ~8111.3.11'13’31'121 L HD' STORE STAND AT PRIVATE P" 1.7?) A ~Tne~ auhcrxbar, dcairm'r '.mromnrc 1”- zhe West. otTers at i’rimin Mlle. JELS PARRY, situate in Mountplensgnt tnwmhip, Adah.) ‘ county, on the nbw State was! 1767 in Gen}?!- l-firg‘tu Hanover, about, 51ml” from‘ the lame: pluce, Adjoinfvg Inqu 0!" Prater Smith, Pet"; Rimbaugh, and othvrs, cQu mining ‘4B‘ Aw. .x , mow gr‘l'esa, of excdlwn running lad-Jar" . Nth-result first-mic. '9ud,:s‘.lnnl!. F‘ .12 ‘ The ivupzox urn-ms an; A Mme Una-$3: }{ l storyfunwffM'Sflwiih {Ulch-hv; H” \ ntfnv~hrd.];.ml:.mc and pfli'trl‘i‘ ' wig: , Barn,'\4.mr-ylrd'nn‘. a largo nvwgflo; I'yug. A n’overmiling urll drum: EM} l'n'p Cour; n good young Applq Orchard. “43?: (1 when) at other fruit trees ,on Hu- them-Jen. - it”, ‘ firl'usnm wishing to vjew tbé‘ prayed} willcml on th.}:b:cr_iber.i§lnp tfi‘grenn. J ‘ UB Wkiz’x‘atN.‘ \ Apri16,1863. 3m 7 l . ‘ Ladies’ Fair, 1 . ~ \T NEW OXFOR’D.~Th9 Ladiell'wnnt‘rb ‘ed wiib 551.. Mary's Chunk, in L4H- ’n: g. fun), A ama county, inland hcfldmg d I": .- W ‘ that ph ':10 "commence ufi the Hangar ‘1 next. and 'qnunuo five/353m, 11:: yr. be devote a the ‘liquidam-A of 1h0.»:u2.j- v; Um Churrh‘. On Saturday, (the km 591.1)". S‘PLENDIU NNEP. w!" I)» cut!” ;, ‘zlr: which the am «‘l‘remsinmg 044245.31; u’jl 3;} dilposed of AT ”OTTO-NZ. .1 ‘ g a . ‘ The 1..r,-v-.—: Hr; urvmgm 3:6 ‘naing rh‘nd'. far the F5l, n'v: .‘. ‘- an.“ '.ltl‘a'. lhe'vdrfmy m‘ USE ’5 A'h’ [95 §9Y "- '.‘J'LRL‘ Ii: he (57 mzu :qu :.,' c, L.v.,‘a::l Mkul P 4 r.“ '7l: ' ‘ . 11 1f )wfi xi 1143'? r 35 Puma A gezmrou’: ffim'tr‘go, , r .4, man! yrdlwwormy‘p' (4.»-- .’ ' L 1' in d m the [my ttfo .'.;L-n ' finangemunu. WIILIM“ .vnde $43.!!!" {hr (Mg-mu? Ruikand‘b‘oupmy Io comic] 1m?“ sm; . I und Iran: the F 0". E ‘ ~ r April 27, 1863. Id \ " ' Drs. Cress é: T: 3101:; 7014334.: Humans," _ 1 Diwali gcmlumen, having 1.590 A " (hemss-hcs [[L the practice of Mr‘dlcfnw gurgory, nfl‘gr their pron-afloat” son‘i‘wi " the ciuzenn m' Gettysburg um! vicinign 1:! ".‘~ my: had large Harmon] ex xerivnm- "flché '5. {3. Army, Auil ('XIL-flfihc hu piwl pn‘w'rw. 9‘ Ag reSpcctfuUysqlir-iiyourp Hcr‘go. "‘Eafitcti;' mum: to cums; or u-le :. Hem-e wn mm the bust, Fusz’: ux-‘nl mr t, reliable 'remcgia’i tum nil amt-r soctnn hum-dicta achnhh, which 11:" i-Mn zecmm «mi-:1 from the ex- W'mncc ansr-nciivned hy “mom-{- ‘M (be , t EJLKCTIO PJIACI‘H' was, and digéard khan: n‘nro i“§!7hufls,“‘.(‘.' an“ andyaony, uremiv, nan-7mm), blue p Dice m E..".vx'rurv sir. ‘ u: :uy'v 1 .3. 71* "In.” a, H Cmmn'w r (‘EYJ‘. $9l lew. ‘M - u: chug-e "luriub , u Jnnw Innis-Z Jsl' \‘O‘Lw; ‘ . ~—>—»—w~‘~4»—-~:- , Sacrot ‘{ ' (mt m: inn ML; nhw ‘ tis :4: York; twist, ‘.n :1, Bank. and thi‘fsa a" ‘.'_L~:p'l «I 1 as just :1- ohm! I’.- '. - .my zinc ”roglmmdn! SP n“) (gm-1);. ’ bozhlndies:'.vlgem‘lvmen. stole laws: x 4w Endiu, ‘EExdker:.Gloves, lack-7' imam? ~ _ . ‘dkenhiela,l...!2ura.%l"syn:,_?er- The Great UNF‘ _,' I whey; “ id 71’“. r 1“ “(1A an" 'l‘: funnz, -'i. "' . \l,Hufip Skit“, Laditfi'iflfll, a: 13:1 mu k-Ivgusl‘ anything ehal in file toilet way; ‘Unmhs, Hui: Pius. "Air Brnsbca, 'f‘nmla~ " Brushes, fnd numermu other articles. N _ {knurmen’a we", such as Cents, 5’31, Vesta, at the followmg prices: firstnie her; Pants at s2.;z’oonl3ummer Wm at 15 ct , Ind ‘uther'clothing at we same rates. 81: . 0: ,usu checper than fin: other huuael “:o town, bolh for buy: and men. Having! pui- ' ‘rlmsed r. 29! L. Infill/L, he cm aeli'thélq as price! v. N . ¢ ' Iwe almost, "3' oncaLny; and aha ~ .;,' .uner‘ ggods, Inch 35 £O3l, ’For': Handles, Shovels and» Handles, PM.“ ;Twinec, Brushes, Dreamy, Quecmwnm‘} and ”ser ditto, GHOCHR‘ES. and Syicn at All ‘kiuds. Snip? ornll kinda. nuances ofnn $3413 ’[Khivesr Fortflßpoons, Tobacco, Segug an -’ rSnufi', and in :fkct almost anything 'yJu would’ =cnlculsto to ma in a Nation S ore. AMlvery ’cbeap for r3l; D} "t Irrrget the glue. ', You :lmQtheY cc'n were Wing most” at hm“ nut been initiated y‘ct. Then ii room for i": <1! mm, a: No.ll3,oppo:i:etbo Bur—J. h 2- \ street. 7 IL G. CARd, Ag}. i .Mny 4, ,1863. E ~ 1863. <. Sprmg Styles ‘ 1888. F’HATS AND CAP-8.“ ‘ ' 4 > 0 . El 7. Mama u '3‘- at. his old stand; 8. W. cor. Contra qgym: :‘ruwa just opened A Iplemlid nasonmém of ’ HATS‘AND'C‘LiPS'. of. the [Meet “yin, 3'. ;’*rl Im}: phat GIL/N sans '.: Meat 0!, gnou ‘ ‘arl'ns! in arc “'s v '3- uhle Hm. G;UAP,IUI: taxman: .ugirc 2%» ‘i: ::L .'x o0T3» A x D SJ! “@5133, comprisimz Men‘s fine Calf Bonn, “sulfa!- munls, Xeu‘a V‘-.X1....v10n Tics; Unpgrcu p3ll - Brogan/a; Lndies' mama. ~ ‘lflfmoulflcrga, Gaiters, finc- kid Sliwqrs',’ Hmacs' sniff“;- dreu'l Shoes mid G-ihrs, of'erery Edda; HQ style, ‘s': of which will be sold 5:! (:th; n :54 cLenpe I. Let all who wish to uumhy 1 .m -scévrs with good and substantial work c'vj 1x? examine our flock. 3. I. MctLauk. ‘ . Apr 1113,1863.. ‘ ; ‘ '. ‘ " 1864. Spring lehnery. fires. ' ISS IcSREABY invites Ladiet :3‘pi M Ind no her new ungoremmv of 9121‘th and Hammer HATS, CAPS, BGE‘HETEZ. Elev- ‘ NET 'rmumas AE‘D’ mam! cud a. which no at the hem ‘F'y‘m‘ znd hal"; 32'- chued [qr cuh will. lac sold si‘n-yyafflc prices. . « ‘_ ~) “rate :1 ..‘m wax-ed refimh i 134 Press :Iwznms n. ~‘ "Aid a: :‘ao :‘rmm 99%”: and '4 .;.:- hrs: canoe. ~ \I .5‘ :i‘ '.‘ 286(1- 551 ‘ ' Lg: 8012;: s‘emx‘g karma Ear-Ly ; . sv 5 J "w. m 355-? was: am” 31 L;"r'r;';szv:.=:u PLANE". «L; 43%. premr‘ : yo .‘uruim a-h kind! of wart-=l3 (1%! 2m, «‘nch :- «Okinawa. roams, . g g ‘ 371‘s r 25, ”L’ASTLRS, ML, at‘ the thfififigm live, an»! m; £112“? n th. ohms”. 01;: 11‘1- cm. 4 . ' ‘.;-. '. whee-c" mien h: «Nb-ago Xi!) wofl'g‘ Gutfwbvz’rg, Jug! 2.1%}? fl - 1 ’1 ‘ --.—. v ~~--~—,-—-—~—o- WM ”‘1 PW BALHURA 1.“ jun} unsolved at ‘ I 1 b , nnxuzsvosl 11.50% ' .‘ A ' II II «1'; ‘ e‘i ' i , “fund letting. (2'o. x a 1':"--~_‘.:F‘.ru.1z-_'I_l‘ b Imm- swift/"f the 1 m'fa:~:i£i»l;'x-.l.€cn~l .ir uh“ nu": ' Eu. Wu. Tl9]; "r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers