v“ ’7 9 awnm ‘h’im- good ‘mp‘n. 'xnnllfél the itclghll qnmp‘ltr. inf ”Hahn“: puhlic in'ligmllinvn. l A ' 'l‘hnlumen of all parlim denounce ghoul; “ * “ Wat-realign yery emlily digcérned on‘n viiil‘ imthe fieighborhood in Whiigh lhg aggrieved ' ltflideil j‘ha ofl‘ect’ic unflismhbles This! ! party: 1p power can onlyi votes. nudnoh imnke :glhem. by. uufhj Wading. As ti _:.high-t6ned Republic“ mixed, "if h lpgfg Ilgquirgs such Ween, I What 119,1 mg‘régglp do with it." ‘- ’ l “’l'éhill’wrsons ”re-led An‘d carried ofl’argi gmen of chnmcter and olaqding—men who] guev‘uyeged by all (how: good opinion ig‘ i worth Qinvmgfi-men ,who would make nnjrl‘ ucrifivié‘u for the rentbration of the Uniolli lander. our good old Constitution. Ancll :yet, bécause they arel'Democrnle, (9'an {bi-i knn otlggr ".'.75") thefkljre’ :hugi'ifllly tnken‘h ,ofi‘to ,l‘O‘h",S"“°v hcyoml the protection 10! the laws of their omn_Slal.el ‘ Thus they I have suffered wrong;‘hui.l no: they alone—g l’l'jm gfieht Commonweinlih .bf’Pcnmylunnii‘l ,s’gzll'ers too! And auvihis through the pet: [try pinizrmnbigotry grid malice of i few Rel ~puhlicuin or Abolition “iyr’urmnt” at Lia llestm‘fih. Surely by his time Lhey'shouhl he ho-nlrtily anhnmed > ([11931- own _WO' '.——7 Thu! their nnmes~he ;urni‘ hed,‘ flmplgfjusl lice démnndu : and w s (lcl‘ubt not that thé‘ mililniy authoritieu, ho 'l ave been misled by their misrepresnn Maris, for] it due hi the again-nil to give thmh the filesired inl; formulipn. iftlu-y luv it. i T_his'nlone, and tho prynpér exposures nuilé, the public will he nl-leito lay theth la at the right doors: But until this is don? it. must not be! al-: lowed to mist. i i ‘ A ‘ l i ..i,.: - tl , ,r. !El OUR FLAG 1 ,fle ngion‘of‘lntes—the union of [suds—- The Union of States none would never; Th I’nion o! hearts—lie union of [unda— And the Flags! our Union forever! l. I. luau, Inn-on njn noun-mm; fil‘l‘rvnnvnc. PA: HONDA-irfix}i\'fl. 275713,, X 863 Anna? 0}" mom CITIZENS or PENNSYLVANIA BY murmur non HABYLAND. mu ARE 7&55x ‘orr T 0 “rm-r sun: , flux ,uuuss no mucus mom’s. On Monday last.“ e squad of wldivn, immsnded by t Sergeé'nt.) attached to the Pruxogt Olmrcl. at Westminnter, Md.. unite germ: the Slate" line into this county. Ind erreiited the fqllowinggnmong the nimt “wattle'citizens of, Littlestewn and vi .cinity: ‘Henry “0880 f, Jesse liollingér. ngn Butters; John Walter, lir. Thomai Kim”, Amos, Lecher, Willinnr Dutt'r‘rf fizd Marcellus 11. Cmuse.‘ The arrests Here mnde‘ decentiy‘ and were tliérefore‘ “hailed to with a: much good nature as: pea-Me. . . i The parties arrested generally had pan-l 'o!an of their mm, and at about 6 delimit lohiieru and all left Littlestown in] the y'ehioles of the arrested for Weslminstcr. ‘ The, reached that place at 31301159; o‘gléck. I 'when they were at once taken ‘before the‘l Ptovost Manhql. and upon being question: ed, five of thorn promytly n'nd emplmtical-i l} denial! antv connection with the Orderi n! the Golden Circle, the other three ac-l knowledging that thgy had been cohnected I ‘wlth it'. At the conclusion, Mensa. Amonll 'Lefever, Wm. Dutter‘e. John ‘DutteuHDr. i ' Thoma. Kinzer and Jesse lwlinger'mero! committed to the county. prison; (libel J’rovost Marshal assigning their,L tunt‘ of _vermity as the cause—though hey are Ifnown ugentlemqn at" the imminent] '.wny and integrity.) whilst. the othel { three, who had admitt’ed their lonnection . with the Order, were permittg’ad to go to Bl hotel, but torepdrt at 5 e'cloek next morn- ' ins. At nbout ll o’clock, upwards of unl hour after, thejive in prison were takcni out and tho etherthrea' pluced therein— Ivhidl'mango proceeding. it is suspected, I (red out of a letter hurriedly sent down from bittlutovn! The five were again! taken before the Provost. Marshal, wbo' ppologizod, aiming that the‘ré“wan some! ‘mla‘tuk'o about their gninnto‘“ prison, nntl‘ chit he was sorry the thin: had so hnpp¢n;§ ed. He '.thmi unconditionally released? Hairs. Amns Lefevgr, “'m. Dnttem'nndl John Duttera. and required Dr. T. Kinzer} and Jesse Bollingar to like the oath", (why.! rte srs‘not linfurmet‘l.) giving them' a cor-i “flats of the factiwhich also gunrantecs' them the protection of the civil and rnLili-i urflut'horities oi the Unitcd‘Stntcl. ’ 1 Hal". M. If. Crouse, John Walter and Henry lteesor were next‘ morning convey-J ad to Blltimorn, and their? taken before .Nnrahnl Fish, Irhb, aiwrzsi-king them‘nl fet‘qucltiona, end finding they were nhtl ‘lflch Wriblo felloin art they had been] represented. leiéham otf with taking thel oath of allegiance. 'Mr, Grouse then "Ml lo him' that. II he lud already been the: victim of Abolition ng-secutio‘n, (illi wholel IKnir would no—eloub't be migrant-chanted by‘ thelbme hall mén in his ihjtuy—wnuld the “anhel therefore give him a certificate 1— ‘ Col. Fish; who hml acted the gentleman throughout the examination, rt once grant ed certificates tolthe party, uigning'lhom with bin own name—am] which certifi-l «to! also guarnntee them this protection lot mlcivilmd military authorities of the country. - ‘ The five released at Westminster return ..d to their home: on Tuesday, and (he throb‘tsken to Baltjm'ore got back on Wednesday. . ' "it were not fonthe serious Aspectwhich In lfl'afir of this king murt necescnrily hnvo_ in Q {no country, it: instigalars at bone could 1 he laughed at I: die nuthon of'n moat con mnimato fuce. ‘ 1 Another arrest. wni made, but'of very “tort/duration. Mr. George Grinder, like~l wine a most eslimubie citizen, was standing; I quiet. npoctfl‘or at; Barker's Hotel; where! their-rested we re Brought. together. when: he wu‘ intomged that he '36 under arrestl 100, Ila remarked that they had seen and ' [laud him before; why was not the arrest! mlde then? .He also naked to soc the list which the Setgeanthad nfthosehe wns toi M'nnd on being 1110 an it, inquired! why. Awhieyn all the rest of the names were‘fl In ink. hiethonltl be in pancilutfthe hottom'flgl Wu it, Im nfleptlwught. originated in Lit-’I Heston!) It. so 'pcnurred' to. hinl. and 3 «has shared his belief. The matter rent,- od‘ltlhis for n féw'momeuts, when he‘wsu rd'mhnrged on tlt‘e spin! ' ‘11:“. on the favtan sthis extraordinary preceding, :9 we have gathered them from 1' Rm warm. The gentlemen arrested! 'dglpouad themselves throughout with em! tire'molpeu md self-possession: and speak with iglisfiction of the ponduct, of the! [Adieu [hp mull; the arrests. They acted . underuhighe‘r authority; and were not to]. blame. ' ' l ' 1 Put there no Hts: who an open toner)- Uni in this outra eons Maine's—censure “...? - l l 'lth will hang to them u long as ‘they 3"“ min: cleartois that nresort. tol live. We mean the few narrowaouled and} ”Ob 1"!“ the purpose overawmg P9P“? dupieablo Abolition "‘inloniers," in Littlen- i m"? "‘5l ‘Fpp'm‘ ‘ i 9“ ”WW" 9‘ than: nine] vicinity, who, for no other reason . sentiment m referencijto the poll” ‘nnd , “an difl‘erence? of warm: opinion. have-HM" Of. the ulmmtstm Km’ if" be“ we: ‘M” h . gourd dike had in recrecy. for mmhsidetermmed "I'd ”Ni". Sedl 3” th‘e Mum“? A” {mafif'l’ho N" Have Reg?- “ lien l ‘ hing the military authorl- Ltlon leaders. How am: cottages should jar nun-noses gmtrfimtron that the Bepubb thuh-ltimore to m" ""9"“! and car-i be metianuedion t‘hd. ttme'mustldg‘ onus now chrntticlo' theirvvnctorles. It. elec- PM a! Meir onk-n )Migltbora! To 'n lower” (ermine fofi himself. "V until-5c no suggestions and_poittieal meetmgr, as lrlmon Victo- Jonah at meanneu 'white mm mum not‘i’ion‘ but We trust that‘ mqmme of no. nos und Umon meettng. r‘ltrlu s htppy ."d and it is to be hoped that ”nation will be adopted Which will P?‘°.hffl'° change from three yesv‘rslngo. when they It‘ll! ‘ . , diabolical organizers of iolence that there 'used to ridicule uslfor thinking It neodful m thus outraged,‘ 8195" through .ma‘, is a spirit yqt left in challenge of the pet): 'to have b Uuionlparty. ‘ . ltnpus- mare-presentations and downright. ple which neither that n any other oflbrt" '—""'"'“°""“T_"" {Wm ml! lonVe no cfl‘mt. untried —tn oft nun , can t'errit .or übdue --I’alriouf' [B-Generai McDowell’s potion court, at. I" “um” them home "fibrm" ‘v.y ‘ 3 . 5 J _ j‘ [3 I-'_)ten_zphis,.find th‘at ofiicersjof the Western um an «a; mu. hands of the laws or, “M __-f,",..... - we: ; ‘ «awaiting "01:0“? firecmaled fury“! Fennlflvnnia such ”med; “their wrongs‘ .w’lhsmm-‘d 5" M“ ""L Mich" 6." “t 9" 33:;3'3311 other‘lhfegoes ‘27:: 0:3: 5;: entitle th.-m In. 1M!“ 0‘ R“, it": their 5”!“ $1"? ‘o' 56"”?! h 7.3"?” 5‘ 7’ *h’x-“fN'HJ'W-ylile President's proclamation, for p- m“ hr turd. ‘ 32.59: mot—[gray mp my Ezymnugf: ‘ - . gotta" r-l‘ for money. - ‘ 1 --.-_,'«.:. “' _ _ ‘ ‘ . yr x -- —~-—v4 <5 v“ kfl‘fl‘mneml globe-JV“ nfé ini‘ormpd, lmsl‘ be-r-n assigned to JUL in ”#9 Depyrlmeni: of Hi? fiu'i‘ and willLsonn leave for that: m.“ ("i “mpg, So 211115. by 5 public ron-' feosioin. nmly glm mogt shameful injustice whirl; the adminislmiw.‘.l)”,P"P‘"“'°dl ngaingt‘ my irldivhluul. Arr'“s‘9‘i "mm“ cause} imprisoned withoul trial, dlmf. GULF from flue service in which be liar Hunted! his life and to which the chuntry mm: “10» snfa'ny of its capital, dimmoml iri the eycfil of tho \‘vlmle eountry whe wax-thy only of! honor, and in sp‘ite‘ of {he apt-aim] prolewhl and appeals ‘of his comnufl (L’er fur liia lriul. l General Stone atlnst‘recei é}! Tyjugical Hé has-a (lone well to hidq gig tilll e. and by his palii‘noo tn extort e‘ ant-ration irumi ‘1 diagrucbd him.-—-! at Hash fsrever, bull mg to this ndminis" slo‘f'y is rgmgubexed ‘ -- - $13.24“ I Etho dppzlrtmpnt whic- FHu‘hh injfiqim caulgl ‘1 :he infau‘ny of.“ will (- tr‘ntion 5?) long haifis 14‘ “among mcnl— Mfr/11. ‘ Ifrsfljnaliorr 9’ GM General Thomm Franci ding What was once kn‘ gods... has lentlv'red hlii proper nuthbgilieq‘. ‘1 w rcmnnht of his heroiéi‘l’ lieved (mm duty in I} ». it. lime Ind opfiorluni‘y“ rénew itseif, but no LL Ile nmienla' by 1h? “‘l'“ his resignation {was ”F 9 1 Drmécralic . Vtclory. : iféw days. Igo an ox‘ci‘ 7: ted plnétinn for who: ‘ The Aliri‘lilinnial’gmm‘ ‘mrry HIE-.ir tickegilm gloriousiy triumpfiml lm‘afll of'directurs by The Lbynl Lvnguprrt fight, fund are I.;er defeat, ‘All honori Lancaster. r},lx\n(-n<ter 6113* u in" find hotly copies;- 1 x Iréctnre took' place. le-dcsporute cffux’h to he Dmnogralmkprl‘ t, olpclingithe “'Jmle mndsome nn‘jn‘kjty. Imi'glltflhi‘3' had i}! all humifiatéd by dheir o‘f'the ‘Democmc‘ypf leu (‘in Elm-(ion in afi:yrl(;.-’l‘he among- out _nnd‘ most clr‘mjy cnntqflod telection ever witnessed in on city resnlt’t-d on Tues day last in the lrin ‘pltnnl. election of- the entire Democratic‘ililrket, with the si‘pgle exception of 'Frensulfor. Most nably have the Democracy of Imt'»iyatte vindicgltcd their ,cnndidntes frdm thia ill! and lwivked wiper sions rust ftpnn the n h): thfe R‘e‘puhlican partininclthoirhireli gm ’l‘lieDemocracy, ponscidus‘of th‘e r‘ecti ucle, offthen' mtitives, and the snundnos‘w oil their principlrfi and their éandalatos, (letvrminctljfint to inter fere in the lent witlrlhr rights and privi leges of thoirppponlpn a, unit} equally dc. tel-mined to unfintnrn thnjr (mu at all hnzhrrlp‘, rntun-d thm nontos't‘wilh the full purposia of succesn. lMost gloriously lnu'e they avhinvetl it. Tile resiflbis hailed by all Constitution and, Union men as 11 bright omen 0f the' future. ‘ The Star City of the We‘st has added cinemc‘ne brilliant. to the crowmof hex-past. ichim'éhlénts. She is the linnnor city of Indipna’. Weflmve no exultatinns to express lfavor our defeated opponents. They‘im'rg Wood men, but the majority have deolar tlfthyir pretererice for'tlie D-mocrqcy. {Vie liope it. mayfbe received as n antl'o 3'32: ‘sigmficnnt rebuke of fanaticism. intolomnco': and prpscriptlion. It will lie well .to heck! its‘tenchingsA—ln diam: glrgwr. i ‘x“ 9 . _.————-~00. " n ‘. A “Cnpperhé.zd."—Wefinite found out at last whut a. "Coppenhe (1" iii. .The New Sork I’orl, speaking M ‘Kmldoky (mandi- Rnte for Congress, eafis‘ i‘s “'nn opponent of all the radical mea‘h’lr- .of khe adminis- union—otherwise n 109 than, we have the defin I‘Coppgrhend- is “an‘ o ridical nlvmuxas of the 'and Lheii name is ‘Lle large: majority of the Am . @Some of‘lhe R 914 blicans Who were! latejy sp enthusiastic inklthe efxpression of‘ their admiration ofGove nor Andrew John-l: son, of Tennessee, have cooleil offa little} sinee it has been intlm lgd that the Gov ernor nspilea to wthe Pr sidency. and thnh; his recent. (our flash} 3' d pppmbntion of, the Emancipation policy of the Adminis- . nation, have some cann 5 tion Witlnaagire' 10 stand'nt the head 0! the GoverSmQ-n't’i through the aid of New England v ten- Boston Post. i ‘ . i MO Mn. 31‘an Dear Sir :—Whm to do to patisfy th’eae enraged Union Longuera, Abo litinn'zstsl or Mm; not in the form Offl name, ‘.ljeallyl cannoz‘fiany. They are seeking yuan-la with m, but physican‘y speaking. {lubey wil nqt cog-go in: fight. They want. 5» ha: . an?! no penon will do it. {or khan. ey wan mjpprilonod, and no i4me wilt bends." “‘ Libert ;(hey - ~ ‘nnd a! ‘ hue. of a 114: be [m ily we h’. hheir In! land w}: ‘killed. it was, {PRYJIQ 2 MW: m ous ind ‘st any fly that drafted. war, th -. Esay the wejoiu Domoc ‘ I am them, gmswer: for this momtr to do. 1' at the s:‘ of the [:1 ticket, - them—- would 52‘ how thl mark ti; dmyn in“ The da \ and 1m 1 say now‘ “ ('loard 'A corn." ‘ Fan Ab aysw “Only orsomsl rnment ‘lercenn 'nh. I s lwing {ere bet? 3‘ The '1 ilnat'pe §e—lllé éd—nr - éynlty. 1 gr. LIV 5* is rig! Avernm Iqu film—Zr»; gnd i ex: Mgngper, cdmmnn-t \va m‘; the Irish Pvri-' i résignntion to the: '4 51;;le it} have the ‘ #:md temporarily re‘; ». field, yo u-‘to give 1’ ‘ in sohme mba'suro to I-ntion ‘wus paid mi Depar’t‘mont, andl consqquencef. i 2A Sic; )enmcrn hat has he (lissd nd one fervnnm lxecutio ,ru‘lhfull re in th filled lh ution n [ .heso nr MIMI i- ‘ ism ptiq J—lirrhan Abolition organs; fail to qunfe ng extract from JohnNnn Bu speec’h. He Speaks thus of the {f the Republimn‘ 'pnrty: ' 0 they are unwise._‘ Ingree they . I agre? they have united the d that they have divided the agree to another thing. 'and van ect me t-as a Democrat to find (hat—J ngrvc- that they prostra iopubiican party in every mm m: Smle of this Confederacy and Democrats the nschnllenoy, and {II expect. me‘tn find fault with Ihnt account.“ .‘g'ew York. Penn— bhio. Indiana, becpme Democrat~ result of th’em. and 1 am not the ud fault With that.." I—’_"“".‘,:’—’.“—‘ @Thh Republican party has breathed its last. it. is almgst as hard to find a man now whontfknowledges ‘ glint. he belonged to it“s! old Federalist: A new or'gani zation,ca?iing itself the “Loyal League,” has stepped into its cnsi‘trrfi garments, rind hopes to ( waive the E'smpie by its fresh guise, hub El's existénce we pliedict wiil come to usxum, )ary an end‘ as that of the old mischief blaker. , .2 ' ‘ 36""! (fhe folio r‘en's we In ea SUTOS .'“I agr are stupi South, 3 North. won't ex fault wit leg! the slavehold gnve the nobody ~ them on sylvania, in :12; me mu'n to I] Hub of: run Luncns.—Pnrson Brown low, iii aLletter to 'an‘ Abolition League meeting t Cliicago, used the following plifin langliage: "You citizens of Chicago call yourselves lnyal ;yo iglqry in you: loyalty, you pro claim it. u‘zon the streak. a‘nrl herald it in younpres . nndnleclmje it from every pist fnrm; but il'msts «owing to lie Ibyal lane in (:{zkifdgnk fizr away from danger. Loyal ital/s'lo 11.32914." , 1 ~ A lpgrh‘éhfl.” mere, Ition 01f the term: p‘oLm-‘nt, of all Etha admiqistraciojn‘f’ I ‘O6, émlgraein‘g “i gm peolflafl‘“ i ass-TM Republican pnpérs'a're publish ing-with lfigh glee nn'editoiial article, abu‘ sive of Ge .M'Clpllan. {kami‘the Richmond Whig. If£this rabid irebel' paper is such goigd auth rity with them 0:“ one subject, it ought. tbfhe on others“ I'lerhaps (hi-y (sn— dorse, 313‘), its View: about: President Ll!- cow, and the Adminihtrdlion=geneiallyl How isitt = firThe Democratic General Committee at Albany has called I meeging of 'ciligenn for Saturday to express indignation M. the ,arreat and sentence of Vallhndigham, and to protest. against their'obnsummatiou. [Q‘The Democrats of 0 nio will hold A State Convention to nominate Governor, etc., at Columbug, on lbs 11.1.]; a} June. 367 A great Demomtid mass meeting was held at Fort Wayna, Indiana, on the 29th ult.--from 12,000 ta 15,000 people be. ing pxeseut, Fm ll‘ne Compiler um. ”SE-Ir us “Copper- and if ,wo’sbo- ifiem the word " on the face of I upper cent. pme enraged to a bunting point, :i- by the powers tlmt‘ be, that we '1 men, most rebellious, and Ought , up for safe keeping. Occasional ;. (of their! purpogely going out’ of i. No tramp on a ”Copperhead,” n be him ghgm they want him If w‘e say we are 'for the‘Union as In this, that the mi Clement L. Vanni-1 diuham. I citizen-of the State nf'Ohio, on or‘ about the lat day of May. 1863. at Mount Vernon, Knox county. ()hio, dill publicly‘ eddréoe a large meeting of citizens, and did ‘ utter sentiments. in words or in effect. as" follows. declaring the present war “a wick-‘ ed. cruel.'and unhecessary war ;" “a war not being waged fun‘thevpreaervation of the‘ Union ;” ”a war for the purpose ofcrushing out liberty and erecting a despotism;" “a‘ war for the freedom of the hlacks and the lenalavement of the whites;" stating. “that ii the administration had‘ao wished, the ‘war could have hcenlhonorahly terminated ‘months ago ;" that r‘peucp' might have been tlmnorahly obtained by listening to the pro-v paged intermediatinn of France ;” that "‘prolfositions by which tthnuthern (States icoul be won back and the South be guar :antied their rights- under the Constitution. Iliad-been rejected the day before_the late [battle at Fretle'ricksburg. by Lincoln and lhts minions,” meaninglthéreby the Presi ldent of the United States and those itn’der ihim in authority. Charging “that the'gov 'crnment of the United States were about ito appoint military mnr<halil in' every dis: ‘trict to reetraiu the people of their liber- Etzed. to deprive them of their rights and lprivilegém." Characterizing General Order ,No. 38. from Headquarters, Department of , the Ohio, M “a base usurpation 'oflttrhitrnt'y iauthotity,” inyiting his h avers to resist itlie samé, hy aaying. “the gone-r the pet): rple ihi'nr ' the minions‘ or u~urpo¢hpowcr lthat they Vlll not nubmit’to Mich restric-‘l ’tions upon their libel-HM. the better 3." ‘10" claring “ti at he was at all timm‘g and upon ‘ 101 l occasions, resolved to fit) what he could ‘ ltn defeat the (“tempts now being made to‘ ‘huild up a monarchy upon the ruins of our; free government ;" asserting “that he firm-I ly believed, as ho said six mo’nths. ago, that‘ the men in power am" attempting to estab llish a despotism in thiw country.moro cruel land n'toro oppressive than over existed be v , fore." ' ' j i_ All of which opinions mid sentiments he'- well know did aid. comfort ‘aml' encourage “.059 inning againshtlie government. and cou‘ld Hit in uce in his hehrvrs j. distrust. ol‘their own fioverumentailll sympathy for those in nnnsmguinwt it, and a digpumtion to resist the luTs blfltlie land. . ' § ‘ l _ , l J. M. CI‘TTS; l Capt. nu. TnlantrV- Judge Advo‘cnte, Du partment of the Dino. . ‘ ~, ' Int. \':\\l.LA.\'t>t-.lf.\n"s i'korssrn . l » ,Arrez ed without dl.“ {soo.st .Of _law-.i "‘ "4- P‘f— , Lwithoutlwarrant lroru any It'll!!!“ othcer, ' l/i'cuat loch—You cannot find la 59“.“ nomintmilitary'ousted; l have been t north of Mason and! Dixon’s line i lervcd niith a charge and §])G.:Jlt:.‘z tion A!“ level- uttered a desire or wish forlflm" a bonrt'qum“! ‘3" military (.m'qmwl . . . , >awn. [am not, mtlmr In tho land A; Naval ntlon of the l mon.‘ }ou cannot 1 service of the United Statemutml. ti'fi‘lc-l but does not claim ‘ a. faithful ob- l [of-e, nm‘nnt ‘tryuhle for “W 'eume 'hy am" of the Constitution and the due {such cou‘rt’. but am hul‘jw‘t. by the express! of the hiw-a. 'l‘liii cannot\hel3l“”9;;2'2'gél'riihxril‘,":'atr"rl'te’it‘sl'llll' ill" . .‘ \ l e r .=. a . v 'mu 3-“. 't D." S?“ 0‘ the ‘Royal'ltts: MP" "MK; sotxiepollicer of a (-ourt ol (itlll.ll(‘lt'l'it furiv, llnghest “"0“ “t ll .letmgtr-n "3"" ,‘dictinn for trial «if muzr-nfi.‘ (l :nursulvjn-t-t to :‘lluion at‘curserl, nm] the Cuuwti- l ilMiotmcnt and trial on prefientr‘uont ot‘ a. :ompnct with llelz‘fzhuh; and yet lfi’fiqfi‘hlm'fl “"‘r am "‘“F'JWthl “l “WWI." r the men who denounce lichio- Final. [o‘ be confronted wuh .\vitubssen, and , a . ; to rumpulwry proves: fur {\‘llllf‘fies in .mv. srnitors. and “'l‘“ "n“ dome tolhehulf. an Van} entitled to caimgiol. All. their long cheriilied purpose of‘ these I dot thud Its my right. ax a citizen ni'f by forco‘, intimidation and hi““"' tthe Unitetil'StMcs, umlra the (‘onflitulinn I ‘ uflhe United States. Hat the alh-ged oth fence itselfia not‘known‘tn the Comtitu-. tion. nor to any law' tlu-rg-nl‘. It in words: spoken to the ‘people of "Mo in in open ' puhlic political meoliuu. lawfully auld peat-n fully assembled; under the ‘Uonsiitutionfl and upon full notice. - ‘I ' ‘ i‘ It is the words of .1 citizen. on the public; policy of the puhlic servants of the“ people,j by which policy it was. alleged "that the! welfare of the country wa-a not piomoted. t It was an appeal to the people t change that policy, not by force, but by the elec-l tiom und‘the hullnt-ho. . ‘ Itisnot. present ed that. l counseled ElQO'llt‘illf‘n‘C? to tho Constitution. or resistant: 'to law'or lawful authority. I have nevir done this. I have np-lhimz further to submit. 3 May 7, 312563. C. L. VALLaxuicmu, E d the Constitution as i'. is, they ;6 liars. and the truthjs not in us. ‘ nothing, they call us yery suspici ; iduals, and ought to he kidnapped. te to make sure wd'k‘bf it. They every d—d Democr‘at ought to be ¥ nd when we are (lrnrded and go to E. say they donft truit us. They, 1- should be no parties now, and 'if hem they any if, will nbt do to give j is office. 1 ata loss to know how to satisfy “less the following Iplum would‘ All‘ fall in with therlz and hurrah , than. ‘anß évory thing. howe‘ver' s. that lhe administrlxtion chooses I . the liberntion of the negro. andi me time give them 11l the fgvorsl vernment._let them nettle’h‘a‘t one; i d we {All in and do the voting for. iving them alllthe‘ oi‘l‘lczs! ‘Thinl tisfy them. no doubt; but seine-i peoyle will not male up to the, ht. _We have made ppour minds'i'l r‘elo lemie them rnvé and rank l—‘t will come when (holy will, regret, ' -m]yt.to deny, many a thing they I “The vipers are gnawing M a fileJ' l I~grIRER (er qf (he Agrnls of ”It Gr-wrnmenli— mndent of lhr Boston Tmnscript .h'yion print‘of the deepest dye— l (mu; approachingflo "Lrenso'n :” ”“356 who ,2qu been brought into contact with “19 agents or GOV" knmy' the utteriy corrurrtgand y motives which control [.‘.‘L’lr ac mvo little dnuht thst gownmfint windled as few governments ever~ re.” . " - \ o anscripl had better take mm of :Ie \vrim to it from Fortress Mon plnce from which the lvtter is (In ‘. editors may he tug-fasted for dis- Every loyal patrion‘ mnct’ 39y of 1..\": flaministrqtion: ““ hajlever .”« Never'mind 211 d ngentl ofthe nt.—Age. _, ‘ - Vl<' " a » CASE OF 9' L VALLANDIGHAK. :nnd should I learn n2l other inhrritanw to Authe public have mnio-otgrimilylo know '5"? "I”l'lrm' ”5 “"flllp‘k'ng "r "‘"1 l.‘“l' . . ‘ cure them the mherJm-o nt in-«- prim-x -for what oflrnce Mr. \ nllan-hghnm was plO, unxllthe exumplp of.“ manly. indflnmt seized by military authority and nrrm'gmd Amt. and Bullshit!“ Hal detence of them.— and tried before a. military court, we sub-,Dumd Wd’fl’”. 5 l l . join the charge and specification. together: ““"W‘ .....i 1‘ ‘with the prom: or the hccused. We All.“ :ADDREBS 0!‘ 11031. C. L. 'VALLAN probably publish, when we find room. the 13103 th To :TKE DEMOCRACY OF testimony in thin ningulnr nml aggravated OHIO; l “m"; Plum , one of innit», smut : t ‘ » Pin-ism I, 0.. Mly 5. 1863. [ cunoz. To (hetlkmocraqa/QFOlLim—l nm in afmili ‘tary hastile for no the‘r o‘fi'anee mm" my political'opinionsm (l the (Mfr-nee of thorn. and of the rights bf '.;-.- peopl‘rg, and nfiynnr conntitutionai libert“ Speechc‘s'qnnde in the. hearing of thouinn of you in I(liie‘nunrifl tionof the u§urmtin sof power, i fractions of tha Cumtitunuu d laws, and of nfllim ry despotism. were .9. sole cause of my ar rest and imprisonm ' t.—l um LD: cut E—Tor Constitution. r law. tor the ll‘lfiiiinn. ‘forlibo‘rty—this is _ only "rrimh," ‘For inodiaobedience t Constitutin‘ ; for no iviolntion of law :uito no word, gigx, or} ges tureofsympathy wi ¢ the men ofthe South ‘who are for’ (liiunio i snd Southern Difmle pendence. but in dbfilienm tot/m'r dam’nnd, ‘ns well a: the demnéulaof Northern Abolio tion disunitmists Img traitors, I am here in ‘bondfi today; but. ‘‘l 7 . v ' ‘ , "Time. at hut, salts All thinc‘ even ll’ “ Mennwhlle, mniérrnts of Ohio, oil-the ‘Northwestw ot‘ the {united Staten be iirm. lbe true to your prin'ilslbs, to’the Condim lllOnJothe Uninn.ui allwillyothewel . A! i for myself. I mlln-te eevvry principle, and l will make good, thr ’uh imprisonmen nml llife itself.‘ every' ‘p ige and (let-lan tinn lwhich I haw ever ado, uttered or 13am "tained from the he}: nihu‘. To you. t ‘ the ‘whole pimple~ tn 'li 1e;I ngnin uppeatlr :Standfirm! Fulto .mt'nn ifiutunt I 3 fl ' L. YALuMunuAh. I ' —~—~ --7 _, o! 'REVIVAL 0? AR VITRARY ARRESTS. i The arrest) of Val . miighiim for mldr'Fn-x -'ing a public meet'i f nun nst. themrtnner land the nhjncts of ne war, was evidently an expérlment of he Atlmimatmtinnl. to see lmw fur the p9Ol lq tvouldtolerute these acts of violence. i . The opinions uh course of tho Ohio - -__.V_, ‘ , 'memher can only“ I regardeahns r-xt'rcmo,l i THE LATEi RUMORS; rigs“?!zrllglfgxstifitifiggtxi:Lilia“ illi hi tliexnhsence bf r ' iflhlc "my: from the all his cnurso. n res rutinn of tho I'ni m.l i“mlfdilm“(.wk'fsm-“E- of our filly (7?,an- He hni nevermlvoc: ed a once busedh n ltgl'illt‘lQb lined lhou- l na‘y‘lnu'tmn. wuh Jun-m . . _ 'll ”0 «111:4an such scrum qt lninrnmtmn tn the. seg‘nmlmn. ll ' ,_ . l' -h l g‘puhliu as to thtm ”(filmmHn-at ('EElL’Ulilll‘tl he :{tf‘li‘lyxflrgxi':3:":::t‘ifln'p‘:n'l’l(m.fl?z no fluidly the very" Hutunil dmirt- of tho equiv lent, from th {3O“ of Seward nrlni' Vt'ntugmuntty {archery-lull “(q-nun)? ‘.‘l‘lnm (hr-Z We“? or Greeley E fmm they mmithé’ of an"): "”1“" (”"3"“1' l""k°"' ll“. """' Ph. )5 and, hit; albahtion coauliutu i-"nflmm." ‘of H”. (llfitm’ ""‘l Eulilx>lu-ra.‘tnf . - A- . “ . . l t the I- Hun-Journals with.” (- Ailnnnzrtmtnin n “h e ll’ in“ he» edgy? lo ”0,”; I m x,2 ~‘ \\:L~lhmglun, th‘l mm rally (-nmi‘h‘rqul n eral tenor Of‘ the “so.“.m. l 1.05.9111)“ 11 W" , eml-brsu-mont nt ull th‘ llr-n's' lhm imhi‘tri- ‘1 been to‘deslroy {lie [mum nhlcl he “in. only circulated, nnql \ 0 “RFC nut surprm-vl °"22v“.“‘s’2'7z?;,“2l°.i"t?§ss‘“v.ua‘mu but. i m .. {new elflt r- t.: 21., a y“ He has been} too h'gmfimlfl’ tnlsytynrgmthize liftiiltliligc: Etlll‘tl’lthl;,llitliliiii'il‘lihllil‘fl tnwllilhmfil -' l eum erute 0 HM? 4‘,"le 'u warm I -_. _,- I," ,‘. g.- '.. _. _ '_ frigitllilli (1f the (301!“ t'Vutin"llt-IXIOPI‘HI'YuI-t Buying Jimmy; taken 111 ml”) Km,- tlun llu . . - rumtr-z Lean e atrnngq‘r :nyl Ellflngl'l, mnl lie b 3???“ (:2: N‘;'§?‘:a:Ll'srr:;'iz?:jsfl:fifl ut' hr t thé stairs untl ytt‘ipes \\ are waving o- . nn‘VlPtl.\’~ m: », ‘-\-\-'.‘. :Union: ‘.V" '1" n‘lntfiln-liuve ”'5“ ”m rm n i w'lillth rl’h’iilofqiliiiiii”illc- :nmn source. thr“ “.‘."p “Md of the i‘lf‘iimmm”howl“? will" further nrws nCthe rc-ttirn of (h-nérui‘llimk 'hrmg about such a; mice. and. \m n 1) nwt “.31”,ny m u“, mu”! Hm. nl‘tlnfintoxnzum 8F?" such “ pr-ncel we deve ”My Will \vlthlhh .t'cmu>||s.fnr ll‘. tunl ctr-r <tnnlinll ‘enlleiwnr ‘0 bonsnhr lat“ ' .._ xiii «hltuila oflhe particularvrvgiinu-ntx. divininnu. 1}“ the hlow ‘llét‘lyis upon a fink" and Farm that. led in lln- nmvemvnt. 'l‘n Olnnltmtl‘uy. may ‘l9 gimctn'il at a ”minor t such (“put mm, ”m, grim“! uml “h"thp, 0i .\ew 3nl'klo-n10) ow. lhe ”com. on -‘- inil'clfmmblo (l m-ptiun lenrriod. that “mm“ fat-'9. mud. follnw tl firqt. for 'l’"“‘_” a "Ininute, circumstance-n 1 attrgmling tnznu‘uu ‘“sV‘t=‘l’l",‘s“q“°“c m the 19"": Fr molt vrcflnrverdrwrimrlnf, find mnvemtnts nav— wronjgsi) Hie‘hl'o‘wg. lfrgl?l:\?t)lx:lffi: Ixutfié er "Elude. were couly [imbued ofl‘ “W” “I 2“"‘l'3 ‘femmmt’ti‘l ‘ ‘l.” A ‘ which . aurxmtu people, whose vary ‘souh new ‘ Orin?" 10d“? “1 2.3 ma 5‘3“)" ‘lllll’g‘llllg lm’tiuthin rlrgnril to our army. 1 .4 i ' ‘ . . -‘ .. . a . ‘ ,‘l 'tlin'fiks as ifthe- sHministrzitinn sought lm,"v|lll'“_ in”. ‘i‘Uf’ nrremenl uf-thmt “- “at. divide the .\‘l‘hrth owl unite the I") i H mm (3 3 ms.” n—"‘ n “In“ r " '."n ‘l , ' ,4 .t ' l 'l ‘ .‘. If nvnlnntln-r"Lghtl».eul:imu‘rtvvn. .\urh-x I- . Saudi,“ no ‘l‘ t.“ ring in ‘lmibgn'l um “ll tilnl-gtl‘lt'flhng \i'il'h thi; [min-st helium»: Ml Pl‘l’l'“ “‘“tmmnt m,“ 'O, 15"} 1:113:21? tho mmzln heart. on 111.0 part, 01' ”Ilan to "ll 1“? ”1”“ler::i‘:§"?:;:": I: u: ‘4' 121:: Mm n the public lunk iinr «:‘nxrrct infurmnv tie excuse m 92!” . "‘5l? 3,1, ...,'.. t 15 " , -tninly thug; 9‘34th § 'll'lre_li”‘-"'";m)' m ‘f' iii:llfulfill“iirtliiiioljff‘u—rit;liiinlrnlriilt’ llih‘tljlit‘ ("“5 in "ka n.“- \\.g:':n.‘i:|_l ura. .' inn tumsu ml'l mt hi- repreniwl. . ‘ Adlplnhfl‘fili‘ml‘VO‘HU fl" s":"wfll'gmcui" U'ihr-r .ruxmlrn are nriw «illi-zit. how “all “Fm; proneuutlonmxl- Jf ‘ ryus. H 'fimn'lwl \u- knnw not.) th t'u- rile-ct that V . . -_v_’ _‘ ", ". V y ’ v ' Gun-Frail "zillnek ii in (mummwl the Army ‘ . In": firm" "I lu’égmr’gl. 'Yé‘T-IFD‘: an“ i'tir‘tlle l‘:)tt>lime:_wlnh- sin-w of tho Ni“? ‘.ii‘:i:,ffiif‘ifobiii2'iii"wagiifiijc;lcfipull‘héiiil Yuri: [napvrs say it i- Ihiinffloxnuu 3"” In? l'll‘t“; hi‘renwilh llt 'mm «(anti-in. nml , “will "how“ 3'". thnr piurunsp.‘ 0' “mud" , r _ z: 4 _ , * r. .1 di " , We: Haw} no opinion on tho):why-(7|..mnl are ‘ .thnt in no“ (Knuth—t ( arrest of \ .\. .nn‘ fill! cultlpt’llt'd‘l') “ml. ”1 “NV—min," tn ”‘l. H {mm '1??"" 21:11“;1‘i (V %l:::’h°\;l’r::::l; it" from" “'ashingtpn, the jxnctwtutaof llllllfl" once‘ um: ‘“ ‘ f . ‘7 ' _ ' . l'il ll‘lhillt-(l in the NM York m wr». énot more? than win-.l _ :l§;llll‘n':lllsll| hore .1” i'hirvg-‘lrll 10””? with whiiiigluf'tlm novn :tnot y” .50 low and .tlfgnn or .u to fl‘pllrlfle } rm" Misfirwwmjng ..., "muffle “pm”? I'or endorse such an get ns‘ that . lho Re? Inuit“; we‘ "lipt'n'l’fllf ”hm”: 7“me of .;::::2:“?..E;::: “51:;to“:i*;>'nz::::;°‘mar:. mif or l “on "ST law: “in romain= dllmb : bl.” it in to i mfflll'fitflltzzll lyoriltfir.,ii) hi: l'rlt‘%tl'ensivn ! lhe hunted the liar. (‘w- (-119 {lit-puf-hmn llnr‘, I movt‘mmit. pnémnilleil gm error at 9x“... ‘1 1m thiswnFa, “-1“ be t u? to the nnnm nnl (llngihi‘ lium trl¢..lhr. n” l thue'ennhlml LN: ‘ fume of t m. hwy-n _s 'm 11 a: to lhe bon- tn-im-rirnilulv H” hm rchq’lfimw succfiflyé. stitutlon of the Lnttogl an cs. . ilv mi difi’ercut PW“ ”M 1.534, nn pond can l»; - ','"' _ 7"": ,_ '"- . tattained-luvlls‘nvir,7 an llim-king tn t‘nm‘o-n ‘ iJ 9?)” 1);“: 11;: Ihglllfli fight} 3;“1‘15‘. ”'0 [at-L, llu thé falllliqi'i’. thu perm-pliant » o i an lll‘t' .. c w v, .n v. . . _ _ 1: .'i . ' lham. Ig'this the ontr-rlninmonhto whichl 'l‘llo “'9l:, M all Aflni’inielr‘ltinh‘ .hrgnns.’ we “are!lllilfoillly'rlngjlve fiii:j)‘::.l;nff:fdtrfi ' min-it, hasxldught m many valunhlu leuunf; lsg-cnkgc liaf‘iihi :fla::s~l.tnn P'nrl l! t‘ql-n's'hm‘ Er has not ,yq-t ~taught. tin-Jiteonh- 111 ’t‘ Arlonililenl of ii-liitu'wulh mm)”; ”'0 «him Wmiiingmii to'tell tho truth. Dian-why E . . t -t' lt-o urd mofsi U hart», to mid tlm il‘mmni wing": lmlh Is to" ”)9 Admiuu Nm" P U. ‘3 I ‘ miulily, and will prevzul’ut List." I i— "01141;";- gI - ~-_..__.u'\. ! Wiimt sronn mma-liku’ly nan i“. that ”10 ‘ ‘ Arniv of tha I’ptmnag will man no “gain in LOSS IN ant LATE BAT?LES' _ . motigrn‘. aind that inwnptnht llvwsflun)’ [heL Publicly nxpreuing, in violation of Gen eral Order No. 38. from Headquarters, De partment of the tho. his sympathiei for those in arms ngninst lhe government of the United States. declaring disloyal sent;- mrnu and opinions, with the object. und purpose of weakening the powers or the government in its efforts to suppress an un lawful rebellion. SPICIIICA‘HON RUMORED SENTENCE on MR. MAL— LANDIGHAM. The Witthihglon ('lironidz is renpnn-ibla for the premature disclmurc nf (hp. findmg of the court. martial in the case of the Han. C. h. "ALLANDIGHAI. The following H the paragraph containing the intelligence: > “We understand that the mombgrs ofthe chart marlinl which hzn been trying C. L. Valhmdighnm at Cincinnati. Ohin. hm-e‘n greed on n. ‘verdict. and submitted it ‘0 General Burnside. to be approved (or dimp proved by him. fl‘m: .\qimnrn'pr rm: rornr wz' Lnnx, nus slcxnx’crb -MR. Vauumc nut 10 ms Din' ’l‘onn'cu rot rum Yum.‘ The minority, itiis said, were in lavor of sending him South, wilh‘the injunction not to return until the war is over.” i , L The application for the prinlege of they writ of Imbma corpus ha‘s nOt been decided :. and yet in the has of this, we are informed, that the military cpurt has agreed upon its decision, am! the public mind .is (but, per-i hops, prepared for the execution of the sen- f tence. The action of this court martial. it the sentence as promulgateq be Carried in‘j to effect. Qwill occasion the (legion and , most intense feeling throughout the North. i But we can scarcely believe that anoutrngei of this character will be perpetrated, even' by the present Administration. It eeetnev almost impossible that Burl: njiolntion oft personal liberty will be attempted in thei midstofe people yet Tree, and in exoountr'y' that boasts ofa Written Constitution to pro tect the rights of it: citizens.. We shall pe tlently and. anxiously wait for the ‘oflicinl, report of this unauthorized trial, and the! ugtiun of the Prexident of the. United ' States upon the same; and we sincerely trust. that We shell newer be‘called upon to record a decision, ehddowad 'fnrthl in the Chronicle's, paragraph. whichfwill Gauge the names of; yell who‘ were' engaged 'in this! trensaction to be executed in all time to come—Aye. ‘ , ’ S‘Thti but continent Ilvhich we can make uphn (he umnge proceedings of General Burm'ide and clue udminislrnr‘ion against. Mr. Villalndiglinm is in the id ow ing lungu‘ge once used by Daniel Webster: It in thb ancient and undoubted pemgw i tive of thit people to canvas public meg w sums And! the merits of public men. It. in ‘ I “home_bre¢l right.” a fireside privilege. lt hath been enjoyed in every house. cob kge andcublu m the nation. It. in not 10‘ be» drawn‘ imp pomroverfly. It is an un doubted u the right. of breathing [.he air or walking on the earth. Belonging tome privaw life as a right, it belongs to public! life as I duty, unu‘it. is the last. duly which those whose represcnutxve I am shall lind: me to abandon. Aimiflg at all times to be‘ courteous and Lomm-raic in its use, exoeml when the flight itself is questioned, I shall‘ place mysi-lf on the '(zlrnnz boundary of my, right, and bid (lg/{mica to any arm that mm‘ move ncfrom my gruvnd.’ _ i The high conatilutionnl privilege! shall defend and cxéréise Within this house my“ in all pln,¢s; 'll n'ma quucz. in lima'qi w :i and a! all tings. Living, 1 she] Inge” if; v q - ' ' : """"'I"" ""17 '- ~,' , _ Imil‘fiymg‘r‘B.fl'.?sl§§£3§ll§? Wilt: :"oi'l'f; e‘l"‘“s"“:'r<‘-?“'! ” .. t “""-"v _". Mr“ W ?""“"‘"t. m immediately under Hooker, antlnen xl-_ [arm-he} Cnmmi~sinner llnlwrt Oulrl' the Mml‘m’“ "L““m ”"93““ """ f"”‘“"t erickshurg’hy Swléwick'gg car-pa, has Ming,- down on the 1] ig (if e tnytN't-h‘pnrt, I “”1" must -b"“¢fi',|l|fls ‘S‘uuon "WNW! 11l variously oétimntedvat frominmnufim, Nt-wrs. on Monday, uml firm! that fivcl rln' hams: 'mzul, Stanton - gentleman; FNmuTx} ‘, It. sec-ms clear to us, considering th ‘um- ‘ ”‘f‘lWll‘l 'llninn primni-rs were now. nth. grtfll (km-ml, ”.1 mm. llutler "rururd “UM hers engaged and the courage and «larlhdot‘ Rlcltmond waiting tn;_l§e exchanged. nml ‘ \ew omm“. murcr ”m“ n, ("It the trhnps (with on; Prolub'le exceptionfins that ,‘five l‘ltkjusnnll mnrp'y‘nulil be there in a 1 ' _I» “... represented by oyggwitncsuu of the dttffr- ‘1 few tlfi‘ym. l‘hese irare itll tnlzou. according; .\‘s lwlnzsr f,» eoxsu-ncyn‘.“ ‘i. "ll lent battles. that the loss must cnnsmlerublyl to the rebel wmnmsmn’er. til the lute hut-‘.uk . I . h ,t ‘ r . Cfinmli r exceed 10,000,3nd in ullprnhnhihty nptlrdxn tle fir Fl't‘flfi‘ifikdiurg.‘ 'l‘mnsports'.hm'a“‘ mm" tram" l e "a", the“ m'l‘l' m .. ' ‘ invite the'nmximuui' estimate of 30,0003—f bred sent for them. ‘ , ‘ ‘wl' "MW" "h“ mm“ '0“ fl” “mtmml Ll‘his would he n‘torrlbla lo“. but it must. 1:91 1 ”‘1 'V“ * “.‘r -~S” ‘ -l ticket wrl’c allowed to go home fruni the If: remembered that. not less than 130,000 ~tnl' WA «lispntohjrom “'9 headquarters “f. my and vote. Some l)rfnngmta,wlm fine u-Vfi l 115th troops werfgengnged on each girle,‘ g‘zell‘m’inOf “‘9 Pylfimu‘; A’mv‘m“ t‘lmulm. lt‘cmr‘lr nnxionl to are home "onrc mun, 3qu ‘and that tho half (is the en a vml in 'I c '3'"? “ WW" " m“ "V 0"“ nm ""fi'l . ' i ‘2‘ _ I terrible conflicti. \Ve hive. grit-Part: “W 3: ' vos “f ”'3 “9“.“ "f “N'- 'l‘hm. "Ml-" 3"" pltdxq! thcmselvcs to uni” ll”, could he “2 I tailed state tent. which gives the total 16%: Jacldsnn, known nv “Smucwull” Jackson, lowed to return ““1 "t then "mid" V . » ,in killell, 30$!)de and ptisonerfi as fbl~ oftlle Confederate army. ' One, bythc name (if laundallfltfljnzfl 'le i low-x c , ‘ l At: midnight on Satimlny nizht,.his man man”, u “mmwmme, and yie-liingatn‘see i. Sickles’ coy-pa, 4,874; Howard's paying llf'lug drawn up In line 0' lflllllfi n W¥_of her once more are Ihcmltp‘nld pm; from elflh '(m'h) 3420; Smlgwick’s.corrw, 5.970; my: "Mr-1 wan mu a short (“Maxine m mlvamt. begged for n- furlougl s n min-in: «hihl vitmtlivision. 1,300: Tntul, 15.254. . t ‘lt. being doubtful who ”my fret-o. (1':- .'would, hcg My t.re..d;lfil qt’lqu, when ell l, These returns hreincompli-lmnmlbesidr-‘n Jackson rode forwartltq nscertiiin.‘ Whilht‘mhn mtmm had tailed, mnfinlc’d to plat!” , l'they do nut embrace the km. "f the 5“. he w‘ns engaged in recr:nnmlerin2,'.hiu ow'n ’ hinuelt to rare fur' I‘lt’tckiughflmf ll'f;‘f"" can”. (which was very llawjv.’ and 0f “29(351 men]? heing unaware of l"? movement. miq- home 3 saw his dying mntlu-r; went to htllinzx nl other (liviuions which yérp unfingm]. ‘s‘ took: htm and ataflfor enemieg. rind fired a ly town :ljt‘l‘l'lu“; rule-l {or lluukln’glmgn. M) a correspondent of the' phlpwplphm Inquiiln'r vollqy into them, instantly lulhng one of hard ugh-Ed m; mu! then Aloud up m 11:30qu , computes the entire” an m 30,001). and uh; tliegtatl‘, and woanlmgpowmly Gen. J‘nak- lmurefud relate»! these fault—s! 11711159!“ (1M 1 I N‘A‘Y. 7m” ltlafl‘fl ii” 18.000. The prob.» ion-l Oracllzullot [IHISSCS th’r‘ngh in? light; 11,.) lump, W . .1. 'abuit inlmiwil ‘o' ’ Vanuwis Minn-r luc’ is‘mtnrm,‘ _ - ~v,---~ - . A_-_ 0141': [y/"io'ii l l ‘xce‘ed ”'W"Iull§l shattering the balm, llir arm was "hm-t s2l4!] Emfloymént, .‘ [s.‘sl . ~¥.___._,; W-— H‘ ‘ tated. from which he «lifil’on Sunday. lle‘ AGENTS WA§ El) ll—‘V6 mll- pay freq The Truth of llxalo'zy.—‘-finys the nail!!!“ ' WM only 313?“! 37 yea” qr "gr, ltlfl had it‘ l 325 '35-‘75 l‘" ”9“": '"d all. ”’.W"? ‘21:? .~ and i - --[ .loixrnal: ‘. - ‘ A tnined ahig 1 military u‘vpntntion. ‘.Uia ldss: “"9 - gents; 0" Bl” communion. nr '. f ”ndzztrgglfimfwwd huh: 13311:; is a lienvy one to the Confederates: “'l'" m: “if“; \gllgéfllih: 7‘.:“‘“‘“§‘ii':;‘ ‘ A . t - ‘ 1"..._.-;._..... wt. ... ‘mu'u. - - . "I N 4:0". I :qegtb of the rebellion. and both South-m! fi‘l‘l-e New York limb! is quit/Fright Ohio. ‘ [my 13. MK}. I; :Senntorn and' Repatblicnn Senators were rel-l in its judgment as tn the efiect of such ‘K“ —:"°°‘."—” . 1 IngOnsible for its in lureffor ennugh ofeitMlt. geml'm/‘l'mg’m “5 "I; '5l “mile upinrt Mlle "f‘ ‘ Tm (4:133 Bus-1018)! .Rcmedy. ”-, . ‘ - - 1 A . . 'ce 0 e :15 on r' any mat. a: we lave ‘l « Al'l’ tn" 3 l . -. 'y . l . ”a.“ 7:. tn} (lnyll The circulttlion of our lmP‘" has in-, Tlni mmmuhlc medicine If; Humbug-u}: the I VON! for Wor Oppefed It; 1' “’o’" “90 PM ‘lved‘rntendily increased ‘from the (lay of the' “"9 "f 3" thugc pmutul "ml druge’ntns d":- lto brgzt (Mr rebeltmn. 'i! ' . 51,31; 2 first issue; but newer; i‘n anything 1.1%., the t eases Incident to the {cumlt- counnntrnfli . . ’ ‘———.——‘~-o—---~» ~- 3-; I {Mme proportion an on‘Sutui-duy, Monday,l 31" "‘Odcmlfl ull cxcus. "mm“ ’.‘ ""ht- S‘What we want; to «lo—.antl WI“: W! 1 and yesterday,l'lllring which three days the mm" from WW“): ““"I ‘2‘”? ”n”: ”n ' ° ""3”" “"9 “F 6 101 tucceeilLu l 0 Orll‘h l I accessions tn our list have more than equal-r "”“m'l-Y llf‘rw‘] “ n regul-mtg, , Rébellion by phyfl'aal farm-milbany Butt: 'crl those of anylhree \ieeks previously—cl These 1 Ingrflmzlddnm “ll—1‘1?!“ 3:17 2:2: Jaurnfll. . .‘ _ ' “f; :We perbcjve tltat. the Ilaalll’hagt‘allm) into? 3:31:13. “ETlfi‘g'fin 5:2?3‘0 his“: 0,, m"- ‘ Ru all reliance ,upon the Emancjpafiqm: an error In deulgnatin-g lb." rsoonductor” of! fluke; ’bm at We”. on,” “me and m cur, ‘ Proclamation beenlnbimdoned? We don’t' zuéigg:n If‘ll’xrzr‘wluch Ittrirmy :1; n! welill other case they are pcrfectlfi' safe. IA” g‘ ' ' .- ‘ t . . ‘ r . names a 1': at on am . n .1159. b s n ,‘na ‘ cc l 0!!! l 31:35:23,: mfiuggnggncxézyé 3:: , propriot‘dnre are announced‘ "1’0" ‘°“' fin" pal: hilly-the llaikclllttllmlallmhil ll¢“"i“"'v'!'rlil ; ._ r , H tpage.—' gt. ltizue on alight egerlion, l’alpiutiun' 0“I estio . ’ I . ' ', , "—"**"“'°’ “‘9‘“ l ' ' s 'sterictl , Sick qq ”_____flw_‘___;_~x_ w _ 1 ”Wm rebel ‘Gan. Van Dorn, itri: re- ll'fififiichlfi'lmiuf’l."fulfilltu’mlpzlgurui diner-{cit a!“ is rumorefl that Gen. Ilnlleck will Ported. “'35 "I“ M)“ killed by nUonfeder- fi occasioued by a disordered sync-an, (hale Pill! tuka the field to jam llooker. Nothing :ate oflicgr who“; wife he had reduced. , “.m cm.“ A cur..- when all qtlu‘h luOIIII_ bl“ -~»-~y -...--wp- quilell. _ - \ , ' new from the arm 91 the Raiz‘pahannmjk- _B('mn qf that Ilangv.'—¥ost_all' at our . p.,u aimtim tn pamphlet around cach’ 34' movenpn I'9l fl . ' : dlmlfi'flfifib from our own dmeganlunf nackngc,whlch would be curetully preserved, '1 ~* “Lg—7— ‘ the la‘ivis of life; I. cold becomes a sorei They'cxtn. hesent innhotzle. quummingw _ WT,” l‘ 9"}? '3 Bllt'h NCV’JBI‘SPYng-i throat, lioarseneu, dimeulty 6t breathing. .pills, post free, by encloligx 51 mad 6 three: ‘ fluent, in crossingitl bumborlnusl “W'cough. b; How nsingle 25 cent‘boi oE-‘centsmmP‘m‘l‘YfKt3W- , .. f ‘ on th'elfith, mg!" byl ne of their bmts qp. « Bryan’s Pulmonie Wafers will 1,19ng ‘l} ‘ For unle‘b‘y A. Diliuzuun, Gettxshqrngpq set, and‘twonty-flvo . n were tlmyneit,‘j ”the“ ”rims oonaoqqeitoeg, ‘ " fll tungsten, [FW' 17 “‘s': U” Q t l ’ : ' ‘ . f i ’ ‘ WAR NEWS it ii rr‘pmlwl by the way of ('uiro. that. Gen. ‘irflllfi/fullght u m-ww huttlv an Wed m-sduv. the 01h in~l., nt (,‘linum, ten miles finm JJl‘k'fln. Miésu um! (lvl'mtml the Can ffltlt‘rfllei. but submquently full back to the Bag I“nd riwr knnwnjl reinfimconwnls. A Confederate diupntch lfrw duysngo announ. ced that the national farce mlvnncmg to "no tear of Vicksburg hurl bvcn repulsed on che 01h ill-AL, at one 01‘ 1M- h-rril-q on the Big film-k. A telegram was received in Washington on Wednesday from Gen. Gram. dated the 6th insL, Mating [but his mrce was then on the 131;: Black. bin. suying nothing‘n‘ooun any rejfiul-e, or even an en gngemcnt. ‘ , - i It. ii sniti that the Confederate cavalry in; ‘ front of Rosenrmna'rarmy are constantly? chnnging posxtinn, and that. Wher-lnr and! Morgan life up Liberty and Alexandria with .' fivaitlmuund cavniry-i—allwhioh “supposed 'to indicate an attack :9“ Nashville. ‘ ‘ ~ Tho'Secretnry ot W Irhufi ordered that no pnsq‘es slmll he grmlti‘d In person" :to visit. themrmy of the J‘utupnac, with the View of nbtqinmg‘tho bodies: bf dreensgtlt'riendx while it. remains it. its-Jimmy]; peaition. . l I His sdid flint. the (.'innfederntns in North (‘urnlina refuse tn redeive the lilaioyui Cigln gum sent. out of our tihmmxcapt [hm]- who :11di security for their ahihty to luké care : ot‘themselvefi :. ’ W: 3 ,Atlvices from General G'rnnt'_s nrniy are‘ 7 now recvivegl up to Thursday w‘eok. wh‘ich' banter the ”PM: of u imttlo nt.’ (.‘linn’m' dou ttul. nn Hm. day he was eighteen ' l mifib t'rnni Urnnd'fl-ttitfiuud onmunpml nmr ‘ theE Blnck rive‘h 'l‘holée may, however, i have been It skirmishiot‘ nn mlrnng-ed farce Int Clinton. . Heavy eint‘orconwms were { being received by Gushcral Grant, prvlmrst- J tor ‘ to opt-ru’twln of important-n, X.) pan-t. 1 of l’iw railroad was-5:0! in the Federul pO3. . session. 1 V . ‘ . | Direct, ndvir‘os “(’3‘ Gen. Grunt woro‘ ireccn-ed in “‘nshingt n on Frilluyfdatod‘ the silt instunt, onukjhy Izmir thrift the n lhum. lle expri-m-s ysuti<thctinnmith tlm‘ .lgwprurance of matters in his vminily,’nntl st'utfs that PurL ”unison i 1 undnulntvdly evucuzitctl. bxcolit by in sumll garrison um] 'thi)‘ artillery, .- ‘ A I LOCAL DEPARTMENT. v firms will be divine Icrvices in mi United Frubyterinn Church in lhil pikce on vibe four‘lh and fifth Sabbath. of the pun-n: "mum—Communion on the litter day. Sen viccajo commence at )0} ‘6'clocl. Prcuching by‘kev. Mr. Heron. - E'We record with régret the death ofan'f’ other soldier fromfloflysburg. ”Inn-c “claim I wrath?! of the 165th Rex. F. I, who wan wounded in the thiih in a recent Ikirmiflx'u Suf‘l'ofk‘, died in the llgflliifil It Fortrestllon roe on the Ith Inst. H s rennin. were intenml there on the 9th. Ilia Amend family have mu vgwnohin of thread-mink” ‘ - M 19-11" lfllh Reg. P. V., nine month: volunteers, will smin If: mnnlmd outr their 'lme buring‘ e'xphcd. :They pnrtjpipnted in‘lho first battle of Fg'edel‘icksbnrg, land, recently ugllii). in [he secund,mul hug been highly complinu-hled for ”Mr brnvory. Company~‘l was princignlly rvcrujled In this gaunt].— Thcy will [be unnlfiy \velcumcd'by gheir muff: fiiendu. ° ' ‘ o g 1 fi-“Ze rearéUo learn Hm: (‘ufitl Divid A. ‘ Slums. {chunk-of ghil plnce, gun. but? wounded in the Mp in the twenty-“12h: Chinccllqynilleu L ‘ g' -’ fi‘Don‘t Target the Ludlu' i‘uir A! Now Uxfurd, (0 comm-nim- to-morrow and confirms Ihrunghnut lhe week. The Indig- huge been Yer) lmsy tur-romc tinn- mu’k'ing their [IR-puns. liuus, “pd-they will no doubt have n ver) lfnud'r some nf-fuir of L: \unud! [he p‘ntrwlngg ‘will be large, as ire know 11w whim of nll willrlio pleasant. Sec mlroniuemenlu ‘ ‘ ”The hllnnd Teleggnph Company in About gningiintn opcrz‘nion. ’l‘l_|e Uennburg Tel.- fgfuph {lompnny lvhl u muliugnl “with! munin-g, mu] xfi-poiuled‘ Ureo.‘ Lhnoldflflv'»! Wills null It. U. .\lcCrmry. :lisqa" truqten Lu trunsfrr the stm k' of tllr‘Cflmlmny In "hlc Alu l':u d Tchgi’nph (‘umlunfi "Wiring 5 [lnfiltr tory um um of their slduk in return. and mnkv nut-IDJAngremnenl na‘uill hum-o a, ggrly ('uustrucliou of ‘ll:]in lfclneen‘ lbq kiwi-nu mcnliuntdin lhr art of inrngmrni-m. Tho Hanofi'cr qucgrnph ('mupuny will duuhtlnn ulm gu ililtn'ljzc nriungcmuut: l'n‘rlius‘nlxruud \{ill be Hie principal nu'w'ihuldeu. “5 ‘ ‘ .Zl‘he ufliyors of un- lninnd Telurnph Com panrurc : I'rr'idom,hum] “'ilh; Dlrn'lor‘s, IL G. l.\lv('rt-ur_\',y IL'J. SI!!!II¢‘..G'O. Amuhl, A..- W,- I‘l'lrthK-rgcr, Geo. (.‘r l'euuimilu and J: II; l)..unu~r.‘ -: ~ ‘ - Wl. .\. (:nrdncr. ‘F-q.. at ank Springs, [llls nun}; .\rrn:.gunu-nu \th I.l} (fuulw .i ('n.:, to dim; the “la-‘2O" l'. .‘1 lhxmh, of any dr— ~i|~sul (h‘numhnnimn Vunv‘l in nny'qgmuliliu._« Tin-3- nrc suld m pnr fur li-gnl wuulrr 'nolnn, nmivaill umllnm: to be until the lil‘o! July nvxl. ‘Mr. Hmdnrralm's Already dispouég‘l of $1.100» mull; ur mm. M‘L’urilj's. ”Collarliu‘n! wereflaken ap'in flu. fin. hzrlmMn gun! Llllh-rnn l?hlltrhr§.in Pyuni‘nrg} onl’nu: any '{ur lhr L'um-dfilnu-I((‘hrbtinu ('llnlmiflfiju‘il, nmounl‘iufixo‘ sng .00. 11'” (vi-- luvtiuu; were‘tnkL-n up V'vilhouH-ruiau amigo. hunng him; gin-n, my!" ”II fluhé’ve btydlhluc sum "ALZHL The: "W”? W‘l plid Mir ‘0 1h:- l‘nmmiahi‘nn fol. the: grui‘lit ol ukkiuu-l “ound’ul :gulu'wrs. ‘ ‘ Sun «- the ‘rrreu! bltflré. m flu! in tho.l do— ‘fur all kinfi‘n n! hmp'nn} "urn, lli’h‘lfi‘ I'u’uh! gu- gril lnr n “him! mmumnili (0; 7r- Inn-mm: $1.53 numc fiauciat'w'n bravura“ ('olm‘.|.mium. HQ \ A IHHl”l‘.—\\c Ivnrn Hut hgflr'mi-l ‘érf K a'rlm}; nl lla- 7113 imifixht ”suit-”re oH‘kr‘u; Jnlqlu’ n} ’Dtchl's .\lxilt. L'rbrrty down-Mp, (v MlO le £l":in wn< lunwarfiri!_fifl¢n:l,\{W‘M cu'rrt-J In. sunn- xilluiu: ur‘iillmfili, I 13: J 6130‘ $1! in lumm’. um.- uhiti ulld a 1n“ n! lurid»:- lnnltu fire on ll}:- flmlr and bur?” I p‘iulv‘ hrgc huleL‘u-n gun-l" ‘tlu- A‘unlenl' . 07,111- hurmn “\‘n “33‘ 11-mr—cjul. LheJrtherbrdulM did ”Huffman-Hy \\ ark.‘ If” In L:- lmprd lb“ llkr guilzy pan,- may Ho humd» hut, nxnllod. mu! ymiuhfil mm; ll.\- gnaw! Luci“! cf the lim‘ ‘ ; 1 ‘ 32‘3“1e 0“?” 1;.” rm ‘nnh‘k- ,5“ in {Mi ha sue. ennl't-zu wring m ixgno Hm the .\‘liminliwn. alum-mm the (intcmnwut are ”no gn-i Iho ugh“ thing. \‘x'flllwir run-lunar"; llun Igréo “I" um nil llmfliccnllthr heffiqrruic .\lliuini-Irn \iu'mén‘ Prrs‘nh His-J" ékinnnynn‘ “MC". l'ulk , l’itn I-,_unJ lbtthllflp, it “'.‘l‘u ékflill] 5“! 4r. uuunciug‘ the Gnseruuw‘nH—l-Jli (glans-u. ‘.... 3* ' ‘. 'tgy‘j'i') “aim. on flu: fills, u!l..kvni;ga4uermtu \u re nrrg-su-d fur una‘q‘w ‘Vl'upflprh‘émr ping. rrprwcuyng'fl'w erl 0f uteri)”. 'l'hr‘y new lnronghl h) lfihc hum“: Marshal luh-(ézflru‘ Buford nunl :h'smi-atd, the that“; of hgflik’ly to the (1m crnmem am} unqutlufhinh/gghleha cls flux being illslaxjuca‘. ‘3 ‘, a _ :3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers