Mr , =h. 'l‘arms- Th'o (birth-I. in published eVery Monday nothing, by llainr J. Snuu, a $1 75 per annum if'pzfid strictly xx Annual-82 00 per annum i! not paid in advimce. No inburigtion discontinued, unless at the option of the publisher, until all arrange: in paid. ~ ’ A ohms-Inns inserted at the usunkatcs. Jon Pulsnxd done with nonlness‘ and dispatch. , Omen in South Baltimore street, nenrly QDPOSRG Wamplors’ 'l'inning Establishment ~—“ PRINTING Cruel” on (hi: Sign. New Goods !——{.m‘ge'Btock I ‘KRCHANT TAILO HNG. .GHAA M . ‘ nouns 1: mm. me jun! rerliivrd from the cities a large stock or goods for Gentlcmcn’l wear, cmbmdng a variety of CLOTHS, ‘ CASSIMERES, ‘ ‘ VESTINGS, Cauincu, Jenna. km, with mnny'olhcr goods .'for spring and manner wear. . 1‘ They Me pfepnred to make up garments n! the shortest notice, mid i the very best man ner. Thu. Fashionsvnre rekiarly received, and ‘.clulhing made in any drain-d gulch Thoy Rl - make neat Eh, whilst their sewing is sure (to be tubshmfinl. ‘ ‘ They ‘nsk n contixmnnco n! the pululic's pn : ‘ronage, resolvodAby {good work and moderate charges to earn it." .. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. ‘ Town Property T PRIVATE SALE—Tho undcriigncd or ‘A fcrsnt l'riyxtthnlr the Propor’ty in \vhirh (2 now resides, situate in East Middle street, Gettysburg, nfiuining S. [l. Tipton on the {vest and Mrs. Mt-leny on the emit, will: 3n m. . , alley in the rear. ,THE HOUSE ii a. two-story l- mme, \\’c;nherlmu'rdcd. u ith Buck-building; n wail 0| wnter, u ith a pynpp in it, at tlu dpor; nnd nj‘nriety. of ftuit, lush as ipplup, pent-s, [lt-aches, npripota, churrim, and ‘grnpos,‘ull the moatchbitc. ' ‘ ZACHARIAII MYERS. a Nevin. 1850.’ t! ‘ ‘ ‘ , Fresh, Gnocerws, -' ‘1 aw .\‘urmxs..wxrz uqmns. L‘Ci; ‘ .Tno umlt-rsignwl Int-a jun, returned lrJnn the city with thr :mgu-t slfirk 01‘ new ggwdyhu ‘ h H )‘Nilmd in, which. having bought fncru‘sh, he in pm-pJu-d to :l‘” «1 law an nuflmdfi hero or (‘1:0“ flu-re: Ho wiH enumerate n furliun M ' hi. u’tmtk: CUFFI'II-ZS. «SI'UMIS. .\lnlzwsos, (Hire-Iv. B.u-on,_l’ul:1!m'~1, Salt, Vin gunfipiuos. ('MIJh-s,.\'n.qw. Hrumm. “mum-s. “Allen. lit-Ii ('nl'llu’, ‘le-l 1‘1; .uvl V. ilk-W \VJrO. .\.":{JARfi' uuul TUHAU’U“, Luge ha: “1' hequud common - ‘.ir-ndu; Will! nll mrh‘ of NUTIUVS. . . ”c h'qu u {im-rjlm'k nl LIQL’UHS than Hus u‘ni‘ly fmlml uuh‘lvle ..rnu- ciliL-~,\'11.: Ilulmfl~ tj-‘llllgl'lhnnlullt' l£|:ImII«-~I.1uur Lnuh, 11-c hrs! fur xm-dirin ll 11.02: (III! R} o, wry ~npvriur. In: the slum: p)l-:-'I~I:; lmp‘nrlcd Wluus, nlm D - luéd'w Win-U, Schic‘ldm Schnapps“: lhnhé, “'hinkios, kc. lan-r) unidc is “urn’mlcd to he WI: .1 il i- thflu'. < ' ‘ Rn "Hm-1.. (hid i~‘ ”1031:!me h'ly chm”).— ILeISiIH'II u: doubt i' ('.uH. null llmv‘buill be ("o'ninwa LUCK). I“. iKALHI’LHISI‘U. . 1 Jun. 19, um. hi 71L ‘ .‘ . - Lancaster Book Bindery. [‘l Emmi-2 wuxr, . . ‘ ‘ ‘ [ton/{JIIXD/JR ‘HU BIAIK‘R'KJK lA‘d F'ACTK‘HLR, 1 LAM‘ASTHIL 13A? ‘l'laiu ‘.au‘d (hammmlal lfmtliuy, of (-H‘ry de léli;|lioxl,cxlunit-:1m [he HAUl‘LgllLulquifll and npprowd styled. ~ flhl’hlliil'hfi.‘ E. W. Brown. Huh ['.mm-In lhnk of Lum‘n‘ster W. L. l'c:pl-r,'l~2~q , LuIII-El-lrr ('uunty Bhuk Snmm‘l Shm-k. I'ZHl...(‘ulun.hin Hunk, Hmu’ucl \\'ngm-:. Hub, York Hunk. I Shilimu “Hum-r. Esq" Yuri». (‘o'mty Hunk. '11.”. Var-um. I'Zs~;..v,i' n! (En-ll} shnrg. “vflvr 31.xrlin. l-Inl. l'rmh‘} ul l.:l|:{':-$3('l‘ Co., PA Ufa. l'. Ham llmru. I‘Lq . |:(-"_’i~[(‘f "n “ Gen. Whilmn. Hub; lln-rmdcr ”_ h“ min-ix 15‘ mm. ' ‘ ~ Ready-made Clothm'zt. (‘1 E HIGH .\ll.\l)l.i) lm~ mu: tut up iii; full _ I Aml winr‘r rllM'k nt'l'lv lining. wvn~i~thfg of chr (‘o.lls. in gun! \‘uriet‘y, very cheap, . “fl":i (‘u flu » ' “mam-~5- (‘m‘s, ' ’ Mun H-y JILL-krls, . [’..nluluuup, VO9“, ' Shirl-z “I'4“ era, km, to All o'our own mmmflu'lurc and Jury ufv in th.: hr} lu- t ummxrr, und “in be Mild wry fllrznp.’ hlh- \hagdl. , . - Gut} Hung. .\'u\'.|l2, [B6ll. ' Piano Tuning. » RU!" BUWICR, qf Huh-flour, n {’rm‘lit-nl 1 Plain: 'l‘qu-r, inlnru‘x 1n: trio-x )4 nud the [Hui-ind puivlu' m gunrrul. SKI-lu- gnia-u his ‘liuw. nut min-ruisc‘ url upimfi m Tuning: and Rrpfiuu‘: vPi Illur. ut mm!- rm- wings. He [minus s with: “In“: hon. “run ["131 decrs ru‘lb'WWl-nt (I'lipfbflirp. .erfl. lli. ISIS). "."T"“| __ .-. > . T" ' ‘ r 1,. COOpermg. 5 InllN ('HIHSKER ii'rnrr) in}; on Hmf‘t)hker'—4 h, ‘ ing hu~iuw~y in a” 3h I‘Lm: km. in Yurk Mryei, (ictlpl-urg. 'HAJUR BAH: ELF, in any —drujrwl quutnt'i)’. "rule in ordu, nu :hurt no. Kiev. and at. low mums. REPAIRING u! 3:” kiq‘dd, n‘mm ten! m, .;.r "Hy-1152 um} uhmp‘y—Q Every e‘fl'urt will 'be nude iofii-ndur autistic? tio‘n ‘m custmncun \ t her. 73. 131:2. 6m, / New Fall and Wmtar ‘ ] mum—n. quT k'sux lmve in mm 01' 11nd are no? nvll‘ng‘ n 5 thump n 4 the lfllt‘lpt‘rt :i goodnvgvn’mvm orlny Goods, con ..«ling of Ladicrx‘ Drug“ (loads. surly“ ”grinned, Com-r 34, Dolxllinos, Tun-11mg Ii:- surea, Ammo"; kc. A!sp~l3lmhs,(_'ns-’ ‘ , ‘ Jimflrcs. SJlijiultfl. Over-comings, ‘- 2", Twwk. Jviuu, Haum-h. km. to *hil‘hl we, imixc the unenliqu ot'l-uyera.—- Amwe ask “an“ examinution before purchasing plsé'whcre. " V A. SCOTT J: SON. ‘ Nov. 3 mm. , z ‘ Coal! Coal! Coal. HEADS vs BUEHH-ER. are now propnred to S‘unpply COAL, nfsuperior qudity, in any quantity duh-ed. _ Tet-milly Cusp. _ ‘ Uonflhq! Came All!‘ arm-y B'3o request. thou: indebte‘! to Q'lem to cull nnd.pny ll[l.. as funds are much nailed. Who will he the fits! to call? Ufiice opt-h from 7 In 7. ' FM). :4, 1362. , thn .W. Tipton. lAsmo§ALLa BARBER, North-cut cor } net of tue Diamond, (non door to Ic h-Hun‘a Hqtel,) Gettysburg. I’m. whine he can u I" limo! he found read} to attend to,ull basin: inl'his line. He has ahqucgllentns- Hartline: and will cuuure sajtisfaclion. Give 151 nm cull. Even. 3, 18:30“ ,1... 7 m- Removals. . HE \mdcnixmdmeing the authoritcd person Tvto make removals inm Ewr Green Ceme tgrywhopcs unusual: as contcmplntc the removal of the remnhu of decensed rebitivcd ur friends will find] Lhemnelvusol this season oftheyenr to ‘hva itldone. Removuls made with promptneu *ternu low; md‘no od‘or: spared toplenae. . , _ _PE rm: “menu, Jhrch 12,’60. Keeper of the Cemetery. ‘ . . I Wahted. Tanking: prihe paid'ro: HAKS. SHOUL mms mu smash" Ihr. 9, was. concur-a GILLESnn-rs. n 3. mssww's soormxu SYRUP, for children, at Dr. R. guRh‘ER/S Dzug ‘toro. ‘ PEI-3i: GROUND SPICES; selected nnd ‘groun'd “pH-5%“)! for Dr. BUM-JET HUR IEB’S New Drug Stgure. ‘ 0113 mm G()¥§)S.—The finest 'nEsorc ppm of [unrun‘g Goods ever o'B'erc‘l, in) q-rgrbqleeu mu bought at lower prices 3'3 jlfiy h'uve evar been sold before. Cull .u mice ‘1 gm: iigg of the Bed Front. Apgim: messmcx 8308. Mii'uxs—us' «glehnhea Efif Coridniun . ,4."Qf“£”- far "one; and (Rune, fat sale It 011.1};ng .KWS Drug Slow. ‘ ' -——_ ! J fiUahMMfiQamoa‘ukqfiqgvu-i fin: - .' u - amuse». ._ X 4 -1:44 01 , - 4 itgave # ' A ,/ fi e, 4 #ftA./ Ale‘ L./ 4 k / 4 , , - 1 0 woo: w•tl4/17 70,01 , fi ___-/ p‘v _ _. __) 7 )7> li ,_ .. 40 , // ,„ Dr H. J. STAHLB 45th Year- @ll2 @1153; lfl TIIBRE AN I’SBELIEVEB l ur mun? “Anus DAILY I! there An unhelicvor? ‘ tlno man who wulkéfthe earth, - And madly doubts thql l‘roriflcnrc Watched o'er him «Luis birth? He rubs mnpkind forever ' . of hope beyond the tomb— . What gives hc'ns n rrcqrgpense? j The brutc‘s unhnllqyed'doom. Innnnhood's latticsLhmiq, , In health, and strength, And pride,‘ 0! loud his steps through slivys 'grccn, Wh ‘rc fills ’mid onwslips glide ; Climb Nntum'a granite lb‘wcr. . ' \Vlm (- mun hnlh rarely trod ; And will he then, in such g scene. 1 “Amy :then-‘is‘n God? , ‘ Yo?! ‘.hé Tproud her!“ will ever : Frau-p?» the Inh- tonguefls-rcplyl 'An Omni‘prosmll Prmidom-e Still mm“) hi"“ deny; ‘ ; Hut sm- the l'nbclicvcr ‘ ' Sinking in death's decay » And lzcur tlbv cry of penilen‘pe! Ht: ueu-‘r lurnchto pray. »' A aggmnanwm M'l‘ho fullnwing j’; a' kot-Vllpol' an ex: collvnt Sou-mom prmJ-ed. on I’nst'lMy, Ly va. Dr. I'mmhorger, in the First Herman Rnfnrnthhurvh of Philadelybiu. 'We copy-from ‘t'lm Aye.- ‘ I ' OUR ‘DOUN'PRY’S 'TROUBLE AND * ‘ i . ONLY HELP. ‘j , ‘ "(ljro n- In”: {mm ‘rnuHP. ff»:- ruln in the help at . miu.'_’—|'ldm 60, 11. ‘ ‘ (field‘lCl-run .'2O: 1-13. Pugh" M) 1 We Inn-Pl m (lJ_\'. my extra-o nrdinnry ml], for :1 snlymn purpnan and un dor Illnht ‘calumitnus circunmdnws. lly‘ _llm lilgllml (‘lvil antlmrifiofi nl'jlxe land. the cnnfve-lhué‘, prayers. and int'mcmynns of ltlwl lnrielilm Church “fill its fuemln-rs nrp mum‘flly ihyukcd ontlmhulfnf u nagionlnl ll-vh-d with :\ sanguinury roLellmu and u. dnw-Intmg civil war. "From“ mnrts nnd‘ mnnul'm-tnrie‘e. from dmps and (Illlcos. frnm‘ ‘N‘Clllfll‘ pursuits and sncludod sludiou wn «In-o summoned to {lie lmung- of. pray”. that“ we may hc-x-n lmw penilemly dnwn luxfrjre :thu King of kings. in contrite Jmmil'nti -n confess our pyrronul and national sins, nnd fowognllly implnrt- Ili's miuhly un'l mmciful ‘lwlp l: nm the grant and Sue troublqwhich ,ix ‘nvcrwholmlng the land. 7 - : Ido not u'nmlur at the npphintmpnt of gum day of fading, lllnnilintinnmnd prayer. and at the pnrnest X't'l'l‘ll‘ht fulf’its (levqut lll):(‘l’\’:ln(‘9. - ll‘vyer ci‘vil rulm‘ls lmd rr-mou In nuke um]: um uppml- m tM-n' sultjoch, ‘ ozu rub-r: lun’u good rvasnn tmln m in tbii {buwnn of dcaoldling cn’lnnmy. And xl‘ evpr in people newled to rmnply ddvoutly‘ “ill: ism-h a. rnquost. we qrc rhutilujople lor-duv , I «In uni wonder that. although thp Smwte um? I’roxidt-nt OI the United Flute-x 3mg»- tlwy’hud in llw fivld an nnnynfrxx lmndr‘ l (Imumn-l mm. Hwy lun'u fr-‘lt llw in~ f lit-icn'l-ym tlnr-so Snttrumonmlutiv‘ m the" 1- :ulw's, and shrink lrom trusting in Lhrl ' unlx-bs the llnrd ol"liu>ls lle “"lill us. 2‘; . ' m lg Straws. a.» commanders, of armies, hala :,(-w-r be—cn morn plainly taughtrtlmt ovd‘n ‘ the mmt jut: and :ightmw‘ cuuw mly suf ‘ for ‘tmnporary disas‘mw, if its dciurdors 'plaw mo mulch lru~t in llunmn wit and \nlur. and imnimisly discard Ilivin'ul help‘ mud SUI-Mr. If. therefore. wellnve learned t'hh i’nrpfmtant lo:~on. (here ib‘lmpé clmt wn mailjbt ("scape thq utter ”ruin which . lhrr-ntem our nation. ! (Sluri.~ti:ix| ministorawith their respoctire cmgrvgntinns, are asked nndzéipected to nwvt on this day in ,thpir rmperuvn plat‘t‘s of worehip, tn fn<t, to dophro and con’rss our rim, and tn mtnrt‘vdc with Johovq: fnr lbouutinm. Imt {ls hope that our Prv @- dent and Conzx-o~<me=n'. our qu ")de n ll ngislutm-b, and Judgm, the Genmnla f our army, and Oummumlers of our nzu , are setting a'ymner exnmple in thismlemn art. and may themfielvcs be heard in the?!“ sanémEéibsgnndin thfiir closets..mournin‘g over th‘pir fiSersonnl sins against Almighty Gomfis‘well‘as lhnao ot‘the nation at, large; imploringjfis merciful pardon and inter» position; and vowing honor-forth to serve Him with ‘wholr-nrss of heart. ' t ‘Lot. this be done truly and sincerely t - ‘ day,nnd. tag the Lord liveth, the time‘ ' our de‘ivemnée from existing troubles w: l ‘ elm-mill" 90mg pm] we shall again sing I) r, nnta'o'lnl anthems of praise tnjoy-and peace. ‘ But if thenppnintmentof this day has boeh ‘ prompted only by political policy.—-if the I thought in the hearts of our cwil rulers has been hy,tluis means to secul-e a degrde I uf moral influence. not otherwisefito be gam ed,—‘—if mere curtml motives hnvélerl to the‘ request. then, though God will hear the fervent prayer-I of His smcerqt fieople, n_o blessing can be expected huge. .jnd upun n the country or its governmer‘gfifin tkeir "civil capacity. Gm} will not bd;_l‘l;ocl<e .« 3 If He sees in the hearts of our'fu‘lc‘re and civil authorities rm un‘chnnged determina- 1 tion tetrample His lmvg and" ordinances under foot. to despise Hi 3 Snbbaths. to NW fan His name. and spurn llis supr’eme au thority, then; though'Moses and D-miel should pray for the lnntl‘ God would not hear their prayer. The Lord will not per mit the church or His mercy—sent to he made the tool anJ nuiilinry ol’ yerplexed l pbliticiuns. l 3 But we cheerfullyyield to moreolmritnhle thoughts in the present case, and believing that our prayers are honestly and sincerely rsonght. hope for the happiest result“ from ~the sewn-ex of-this day. Two years have pueseil since the eruption of the civil “'2ll‘ now desr-luting the land. 0f the antecedent weird and political causes of it,_v3'ou need not be reminded in tin-mil. 3th is not fa miliar with the exaspct‘nting ngihitions of l phrenzied fanatics on the one extrema and ..yvitlt the anger, nngry resentmente‘of those on the other, who seemed only too ghtd m' find -nscrcen for their rebellion? It may appear {aflfiy nmv fur us to say‘ how the clread'nl evil might have bl‘en averted... But even it" our judgment of the guse were correct, it would hardly benefit: .ur N?°d' I jng country any more than a poet-marten! 3 discovery of disease would help the dead. ‘ .All'yutfll yiew: of our exintmgl national tmnhh :- nre mpmfioiul. ‘ 'l‘hcy mlimke the Iymptume nn-‘l mrg-s tor the rcultfllcuuws of gum evil»: 'l‘upx‘e came: armor-J vrtut and A @EMCDCRATE AND ‘FAMHLV J©URNAL GETTYSBURG, PA-, MONDAY, MAV‘ll,§lB6l3- rndival. They have theirsent in the deep- Mt spiritual and moral life of the nation.— Unyil we the] and acknowledge this, and Mt‘accordin‘gly. we may rest usurml that. one stunning blow after another will he inflicted until we are utterly destroyed.— The radical evil. of which I have spoken. is very plainly andfmnkly indicated in the proclamnt’ion. which has called for the ser vings of this day. It. is nothing less than the practical rrpmlialion If God in (he aj/itirs Qf Ilia Wulima ; it L! apmmqy to pol'w'cal Albumin- Becjfiusenf this great. and prevailing sin‘. fearful ‘trnuble is upon us. filling the 1 land wit'l lament'ntion and woe._ Some of its fair ,t'pprtinns have been drenched with (he‘bloml of thousands of out noblest; and hravl‘sl mm. 0f 800.000 who have surrea xively gone forth to do battle for lllolGuv ernmz-nt. nearly the half have eitherporiqh ed in thr-ir. blood or havé come back in curable invalids or so maimed as to he miséruhly helpless for life. Desolation and angfiiuh‘fill lhousands of homes. and are iirnziking myriads of hearts. Wlmtxil' tlm fields have continued fertile, and if mmwy ix nyhumjlnnt; these smiling meadows; and fi-rtilwfiw-lds, and prospornua, .lucrntiwo on torprigeg. hut mock the misery of lirt-éaved sorrhwin‘g myrimjs umnng usi, who cry nut in hitter nnguisb‘: “Give mt- my mu; giv ‘ me ,th» husband, and you rimy keeplynur gnl'lil" ; , , j : Sqflly. softly. says the cautious pnlit“ inn: "you will diallenrten the people ln' mulll I-x‘ hil>itiom of-the woes of our civil ,wafr.""- But no, I will not. speak softly—l will not; airy meme when there is no potter-2i 'l‘he. firstwtep tommls a full remedy of our lire“- ihlg lrnuhles‘is‘tu feel their weight; We have been, making too list". a matter Of this war. A: the. outset: it was “taught fine a“ rt. and, in its l‘rogrou We hnveibeen whi-b cnnt'erncd for hur‘ national linnm‘ than for any great mortil benefits! to rcsulti from the trial. And ifthe =ervicenofthin sqletnn l‘nstishnll leml to any (loch-able limit-3, we must he willing to realize the extent and bitterness of-the woes which are "pup u=. Kohl-v closing our eari to the “rail inl‘ln montatin‘n which is resounding OVH:|‘ the luntl. untl‘ listening: only to shunts q‘l \ie— lb‘rv; (“an we gain thiit enntritinn of apyir with‘which we shnuhl stand before the al ttu-s of the Lord today: fb‘r lle ixpvin'hle ihg the nation with n moat: terriblefjmlg the .‘. t'nr‘«the sinq 0f it:l rulers and people. for its legalized and oflieinl crvntenipt nt' (lod’f nuthoritv and rebellion’nunimt ljic soxgoh‘iunty. "The sooner we realize mid vie filnrn thie. the sooner. may no hnpe fin- re lijei'n‘ml snl\'ntinn.l To this state of tninzl, flotl in mmt xvlainlv striyiflu m len'l u<.—-- Think Of the failures which have thwarted so m-Inv of- our ecliemee. of the I'm-quorum with whieli “'0 have been foiled. (‘\'l"V,L'lrlll' the’moet cxtencivc Ireparntions; of mis liik'qn poliev antl nnwiee measured; «if ilk sendinnfi and di~tractinn~: urn-mg: ourselvea: or fiartiaan .rnnimm-i'ties. intn'r-rumi unll cfiminatinn; of the mulivinm envenww With which celwure i< sometiznm phwml, {mtl the angry impatience “‘it't w'uie'in ivu: and (‘.‘lf‘lllll orilioi-tms of the commie :ll er rors‘ committed are rflnellenl. Surely this is; a‘ time of trouble. such as our nation knew nothing of until now. . :Bi‘rt hml as proscnt‘ovih are. thev are heat tlio ‘lwginning of sorrows, un'm-e we untl our inlet-s firepent in aaekt-lmh en] iNlme. and. implore the mercy nfthe Lord. 37v ‘.... month of the past two year: has tost'fed to mi htm‘ vain is the help of inan. 3 I'l'h‘rn let us my mighztilv an~l l‘ervelitlv to the h‘nrtl. ' Let us nonfi-fw'ohr sins anil fur snllwmthem. Lot ua nlm recnrtl mm \‘nw< upnm lli: altar. thht we will nut nnH‘ enll In Him now; in the time of 'nur dish-ext. hit that he qel'nrth we. m '9. nation. will Oti'n .‘ml Serra Him as our God, 'l‘hén lll‘. who glone i: nhle. will give In help in‘mn‘ trnulrge. We. shall once more he :1 pence fn‘}. alprnépe hue, and a happy ponpltt. m-l. ,with g“llnl’irloss to the Lord" ins l'ibel utmn rpm“ Winners, we shall abide in $1; uly beneath llis protecting omnipotence; l \ -—-——-—-——-¢o-Oo -—--?—-4-- . “NOEZPARTY” WITH A VENGEANCE! “Aéftions speak lnudpr lhun‘ipri-f-«domf' is‘un bi-l fl(lvlg£',!lfwhi(‘ll we are lomiuflml hv ro‘ntlinz‘tlfa procaedinus of a “‘l'ninn Leagi‘zb" meeting 1". L'mnnsmr, PA. .'l‘hp‘a LPIIgI‘M‘R, ya it romemherad, profei‘to ig rnre finrlyand tosuppnrttheCumtimtinn . mv“ y'eft at the meeting rFferrrAd m. :1 report bji .L“ that. upon motion. the timhkcof the m =eting were ”tendered to 1 Hon. Tumulvs Srzvzxs for hi: man/v amlprm'um miner,“ in (hr (at: (“ongrrssf’ Hr-re wt! have one o‘f‘llwse ‘ 'no party” league: ondlnrsing mid praising one ofthe most violent Aboli tiOnifi‘ta in the country. . ‘ ‘Mr; Stevens, when hewgs nntthe authnr. was able oftlie loudest ndvocatesof evngy Ab olition scheme passed by the lad: Pnngreu. In 0* ofthe debates during the susion he said :r “This lance? restoring tha Union as "it was q'ndm- the Constitution as it ii, i- one “of 11-e übmrdities which I have heard re peated unl‘ll I havé become Fil‘k of it. The Union can never be rostnrerl :w it was.— .Theré are many things which rendpr such a chi g ixnprssible. The [Minn :Imll never. wit/”n car-abut, berutpml under the GJMfitulion, exit was.” ‘ , It tithe author ofthis declaration. an nvnw enemy of the Conflitution, :9 di~u- Noni: except upon condition. a'ml one of" the out rabid and extreme pnrtieam in theecbuntry; that is endo lbymm of these leagues. This is nofmtyism with a vengeance Il—Trlntop True men'cun. mWe are informed that there has been onnsid‘wrahle excitement in‘Lewisbu rg over the ntfitempt of: lot. of bigbtod fanatics to \proscribe Democrats in that borough. The matter originated in the Abolition Lon-we bynn onslaught of a couple of A’mlition Bevercuds upon the Aryan. 'l‘o thii the Argus very properly made a» reply. gwing these ministerial medlens {in overhauling. not very complimentary to their maumell dignity. This was right: when Abolition pnrsona pick up the gauntlet todn the dirty work ni‘ihe bribing, bigoted and u'sm‘ping party in power, let them bareminded that other men can talk as weliasthemselvea.——— Sunbury Dmmcrat. The ‘ampa'laedd Edgar-The copper-had burly-rm It iscnlled. which disturbd he Abo litioniétsz so much, in simply. the 0M ‘ God< 11688 of liberty " taken from' the old dapper com. 1 ‘ i , How; the qudesaseegs to frighte’n the despot; of the duv. It. seems m come up like’the ghost of Washington} grain” them. “as-{rhenzm ofthe Butternutsia todi-f VHF, the Union vota.—E.c. I i T‘he lain) tjf Lhe B'm‘k llalouhlimn- is to div nle (hp Lminn imam—L yak (hr/(Ir. Ith" Mmln-miy lut'CH'lhjd in M'uumd If“: h VCR"; to «Ma's inquitf. “Tar-m 15 non" AND WILL “sum.” ARMY CORRESPONDENCE. Wmmiwnn. May 3. 1363 Dear (.‘mxpi/vr :——-My pmmiw to you and your leaders.- to keep you mlvi~ed of our movements and to note down our travels through this desolate and ruined Stnte. lnlpt‘lfl me once again to take up the quill to fulfil my obligation. ‘ } ‘ ' To appreciate the vast amount of damnge entailed hy the war on this beautiful yalley,‘ one must have seen it are the career)! ro bollion lmd passed over it. Still with all the rum to no seen on every hand. it, is n beautiful country. . " On Sunday evening, with a warm younai friend. I wnl‘ked to the outer “buttery and .seatcd myself upon a high point. looking towards Harper's Ferry. From here the ifinost View is obtained of the surrounding lommtry. The dun Was just'settim! lit-hindl IXorth Moutltnin, custing its g’olden my“. 'upon. the sombre eummits, of.the 11l e‘ Ridge. in the distance. the peaks of \Vlllglli seem to mingle with the white finecyi clouds that are floating in the air. With! 7 the glass yhui observe the Shenandoah mid i Opct-on medndering through the landsca e] 'Ol these courlties until alnmst hat in tile :distnnve you! can Inn-ely see where theeei fwnll‘l's mingle with the Potomac utilar-i ' p‘or’s Ferry. ; The fields nrqlust putting on i (their rout of‘ rich luxuriant eleven. whilel wild {lowers ofevery description ure liloom- i llH.’ upon all tides, ready to ht! plucked byJ ‘ the pay find the sad. hy the rirh and thei poor. lit-hind ui walks the sturdy sentinol| upon hi 4 heat. thinking pi-rlutps of Lin lita I tle onea at Home and of her who is his all! i in this world, lil‘tle. heading the beautiful ‘ sci-no that J: npcn tul his VIPW. lit-hind: iliim are monster cannon. ever ready to; 'helch fortli'dputh and (ll‘ell‘llt'llfln on our 'vnnmios. shonlddhry mike tlwir :lppcnr-i nmo. And l‘luW to make the} arena more iznprc~3~‘l\'(‘. ohr bzmd has ,jnft btruck upl 'nn-l are pinyin}: our national ,nnlhon'ifthe. “Star Spungled Ime-rt” and oh! its the: Kain-rt sounds, mmw Allontin: s. softly upon]: :the evening (ti): how the '.smfl punts :In'li «indie to he nnrn again among the dear old hills and valll-ys of our own good old Penn-l sylrnnia. : ' . ' y i . l . No pen onn’ (10-icrihe lhi~x beautiful andi mnjmtit: l'l‘gldll.lllll it loaves :m improseiun . ()ll tlmlmlmldhr that turn m-i'nr lie fox-gnttfln.‘ I ’l‘unt wolc‘o‘ne guest. Uie,l‘.iynnu_te'r. hue hwn here 21%| marlin light llll‘ ho'u‘ls of our lunve hny‘. wh i. rlurinurnin,gxhd=torm‘. while they 1"“ that lln-ir r-ounlry “’.ls neulut-tinz thxm. and although they knew their children: and ivn'lw‘ Wl‘l't‘ «nil-i'inuj‘or ‘the common illl'l'f‘~~:\rli'l of life. g-illuntly ~lnllll to tint-ir' work, watching night 'nl'ter night Tm“ n foo who in mm nuvm- to sleep. Suwly inwn mu»! lvo rli~cipliuwl and he pond and brave valllll'l" who ‘rtlm tin at their [in-41¢ of duty. hmid this. seam“; neglect on the partial lhvirsuperiors. .\n expedition ill-rt. 'hvrr‘ under Gen. l“. liutt. on Sum-«lair. the 25th of April. to mart-h into Woflfirn Virginia. for the pur pmenf cutting of!" the l'l'l rent 0! Gen. Jones. Almut ill)” in in ol'innr R‘L’llll-‘l‘ll,’lln'l6l' Livu'. l‘ol. Sclmll. :iécmnpunied vitJuml cer tlinly innd’e some of the hest mirrhing itiznt on TPl‘nl'll. They made Wardenevillu the now day. :1 th.-lance of 30 milefinnd Early on Sun-lay morning they marched as 'lnr‘u; Lint lii't-r. «when they found the river ton‘high ll)(‘t‘m~’~’. in December, on our (‘t‘lt‘lll'JlWl mnrch to this place, we lt‘lufiw‘tl nt the some point on high and dry ground. (the flier hero lc)~ing;4il.~elf under the with.) “.1 Monday. ’nfter several hour: work, a magi: \\‘.\%_l)ul‘il. norms and the Brigade moved (-n bt'vt‘l‘ulfllilefl towards Him-«field. but returned ‘to \\'urden.~vxl|e ngdll! the same night. On tliereturn it fell to the lot of ourilmyq to hmld the bridge, which they did in, 'lwr the direction of Lie'ut. lienh in a lull” hour. (in Tuexd iy they m'u-chml to . .tmshurg. when a few llfilll‘s‘flflf‘l‘ their urr'vui the 12th and liltin' . Penna l‘avnlry. wen: sent sent. up towards l 3 Woodstock on o‘ scout. Tuey had @ans labout :1 mile outside of the town, when ‘.lhr‘y fell into an nmhusmdaq‘t a. high poihtl of the mountain. The 111-hell: were postqdl on the top and opt-nod n. doedly fire on tile» oltv.ilrv.‘with a loss of six killed and (hid! wounded. Our (zivelry made some gullahtl char-. 305. hut were finally compelled tolenve‘ ;their dead nnil wounded remaining in thel hand» of our enemiez. A section of thnl sth‘ regular battery, Lieut. Raindolpli, sup- , ported by the 9th Vin. then move up n' short distance and shelled the nmdnfains, i which made the grey unckq leave for the' time being. All this time our boys Werei compelled to be, silent spectators of thel ‘scene. About :13 ~hour after the other fforr'os withdrew“ ‘ieut. Col. Sclntll received an order to tnkohis men to the ground of; the cavalry skirmish and bring in thedeadd It was not long before the boys were in line. l ready to execute. the order under any cir-I cuimtances. When nearing the point at"; the fight nn oflicer appeared and told m if we wanted our dead we should seng‘l n flagl oi truce/ This was indignantly refused by our men. who returned the answer that wel come to fight’ for our dead and two would have them. or 'eltery mun perish on the field. 00. I and K, under Capt. Alhright, were deployed on the left, to move up ; ravine which seemed to be the only point where skirmishers could get up the moun tuin, so steep a'nd rocky was the ground over which they had to go. As soon as this part of the line was started heaiy firiing. commenced. both from the rebels and from our skirmishers.‘ but their shots were all too high and none of our men were hurt in any way, While this move ment Was proceeding successfully the bul ence of the Regiment mu deployed on the . right, to gO‘ stmight up nguinst the fn'ce of the mountain.. Not ‘one man out of :i . thousmd but what would say it was utter ly impossihle for men to get up that moun min in the face of the enemy’b fire; but our boys were. marl. They had marched thousands of miles after their Tubs and never had much of an opportunity to test tllt'll‘ strength with thum.nnd now/they seemed determined, every man of them. to do or die. in a few moments the whole line. was in motion. getting up m bc=t they could. by bnh‘hcei, by trees and ruckmsome crawling. others upright, tiring as they went, every man doing his work quietly, no talking. no confusion, but right atraight up the mountain these gallant tlm-e hun dred charged; aud.uow in they neared the sufmnit the excitement bemme intouie, us all knew that here the rebels must fight, or leave in double quick. They chose the latter alternative, and soon our boys were in possession ol'our own dead and wound— ed, and had cleared the ground of every thing that looked liken rebel. 'When our hays come back to camp with the dead of the 13th Cavalry they were cungrntulnted on nil sides tor t eui' bravery and persewr uric-I. and to-dny-dl the talk in the com I: the “lhmt- «.Ing- ut‘ the l’cmim buys ll; the mountain, undér L‘ ul. Cal. Schali.—- Not oné of our'men w; injun-d'jn any way, while the enemy’s firm was 13 ‘killed and ‘23 wounded. On the return in camp at this place nu escort wa’: sent out to meet our boys. comisting hf $143? band and drum corps of the Regiment. mad {the balance of the men not, on duty. ‘s‘ u ‘ i a ‘ As‘l'nm closing [ have- ust been hangim? the report, offlvn. Elliougo Maj. Gen. Mil my, in which I find the fiéllewin‘g extmctsE ‘ “ The ‘B7th Pa. Vol. infantry was ordelra to take and hold the gri‘zund upon which the cavalry skirmish océlrrodgwhich wa' done, and lhe,kiile«l mudgounded; from th 1 gig; Pu‘.‘ Cavalry were gmught‘ froiu ih e . i K" I cannnt qicak too highly nfthe chée fulnem with .whivh the m rch mus made 1) ‘theyinf‘unyry over a. 111,-! ed mountainoul; country—n difficult. su‘ , bridged and ammunition for artillery gamed nvur—nm of the uttentivenoutoduty by the officers.‘ I have more to writdxthat is of interest but. my letter ii; already L 69 long. '\ l - ’ Gaid‘bye, E, V Zoo-Zoo: l , l ~ THE INCOMfiiTAL' i The first of May is the 'time'dbsignnteq by the tux law for the assessment, of thfimx; on'indomes. thg prewnt :{Ssmsment Ewing fnr the year ending Dccémbnr 31, 1802‘ Every person, whether in 11min?“ or now incluglinguhme acting in n fiduciary chm-1 acter as mmrdianq. tguctam, and ndminin-l tmtors. mint, return to thu assistant mums an a slutAment of- all the’ receipts of illeir‘ business or pro arty 9f every kind nml e scril-tion, nn‘d tllo assesmrs will (lecide w at deductions are to be made. This tax is n nuul, and the Mseasmenlr will be submitted to exnminatiqn, nml anflflli may be taken. ll persons reins“ tn mmkt‘ a‘ slatementlnf their income, 0r (lu- slutoqlr-m in not deem-l ed tolbe truth list willllm mmlo'on the best information the ascolinrs can, obtain,‘ subject to the onlh or nlfir?fltlon ofthe per-, sons assessed, as- prescrihe«_ by law. ‘ln tax!“ ing trust turn]: the exam} inn of $6OO willl not be mmle, unles: mth ismmie that dhe' minoi- or bemficinry has o:other income from which the $6OO exfgm ntion can ,be made. The following sucoffii‘tt nbstrnvt (of the law relating to this aguu‘ul tax will be i‘numl useful ,in guidmgmmrsnna‘ in ma king out n stutenient of their incomei. and also gives the deduction, 3.9ng madqby t w I assessors. ‘ f -‘ ‘ : Mechanics, merchnnh, .nnd ‘malufnclly- T'rm'i will raurn the \ledlq; mlnnunt of the Tami/x or rel-cram of tlu-il- lmiinpss', ' and n I: slulcuwnc o'f tlw expcmé of lthe same. for s lnlmrmmturial. .‘c. CO-pfll‘llf‘l‘a will n-mrn ; {/unrjluu-e'pr iutm'mt il_| Ulfi c‘l‘) 'pm-tperfljip mconm. ' Con-[mrntnri than” mlmt of pmfita, whelhm‘ in thd form nhfit" lek or Other .wxse. Evidence; ut dcl Q. sqr ntljuded ."Ic~ cmnu, {will be wlual nsf: y‘he [mrsnn was muklng on inventory of th game an settle mnntof estate. ' ‘ .Fnrnmrs will return the qluo of the pro dixce of the farm.” [fa pr: imrnf the name he“ [rt-cm “fell out." to s! 4: for side, the v.llizo o‘flhe stock futtenet 'l&c., will he re turned : 31-50 all sales of 9:21 Tausmok. (This mllaymd the payment of qdbuhla tax, viz: lmth for the product. of b 'finm—firnib. hay, &c., nmL the income' 'rn‘m the stock lauengd from the sauna. ,No deduction will he nude for the LI hl; nr wrvice of himsqlt or family. Exponqes‘of hired help will be deducted: also u" xpiympm for rent, in¢uramco, ordinary ro’ ulna-1; intoresL nn mom-53483.5} &p,, leod laugh {will he made for any rpmitinn nf the pr ducts of theil'ai‘m' consumed in tho family. | milyu‘e nn hnnd' lleémnlm- $51862, musi w valued at, the when marke}. price. i t: ‘ Salaried men will rnlurnithp full ummml of the salaries they roooiv ,‘ whether fixed by statutes sm: ngn-enwnt. r derii'Pd from fees, 350.. Irevioue (0 Se 'ombor ‘l, 13162, nu Howe-ti n ol'three per' cm. was made f om eularids of persona in the employ of tk United States. it follow; that the gums amount received hr-twcon .Ihnuaryzl. 1862, “'9“ August 3|, 1868, inclu ive, must be re rturned. . 2 i - . 1A return muzt he made {the income or dividends derived fram «l kin any bank. imumm'e cnmpnny. saving ‘slitulion, truat company, rmlrnml. railrongibnnd's, simm bmn, fix rylmnt. or lurirlgo l) tween Jnnpnry l, 1862. nml'Angu t 3], 1839, inclusive. ' ’ The "H. gmns a: profits ofnmnul'acturers ate lo be taxed undnr seclién ninety of the law, without. rognrvl to tho fact that they have alrondv [mid a tax. The exemption Contained in the original glntutes wna .romoved By the amendmentof “March 3, 1863." ' All income received from trunk. max-6.2a . gas, nntes. stock ii! gas companies or manu facturing mmpuhies during, the whole of the yenr 1962, is to be rain éd nml taxed. All income foeeived from selegmph m- ex prewq comp-mim, or profits “B‘th by express mPu, are to be taxed, if re‘peived between the first of January, 1862, fund September 30. [862. inclusive. , > 's' ‘ . Pomons’ whom income (1?: not. excojd $lO,OOO, and, who- reside 7 ,the Unit «I States, are liable to'a lax of'ihreeper ceiu. Providing. however. thnt income deriVQd from United States .secunliés shall be sub ject to n duty ofnne and half per gent. on ly. Citizens of the United Slnleé residing Miroad, and not in the emplnyxienl o! the United States, are subject to a dutv ol' five~ per cent. upon their property. stock. or sq; entities owned in the United States. ex cept Governmentsecuritiali,‘ and upon those ‘ one and in half per cent. 3 I The following deductihns will alto be ngmde from the aggregate income of any ”ex-son} and the tax levied upon the remnim der. viz: ' i {Sum and local taxes of the calender yea!“- J'anuury 1, 1862. to Decgmber 31. ‘ Salaries of United States officials from which has been already deducted by din hunsing officers the threetper cent. tug: of the slamte. Interest. dividends. &c., ofstock in banks and other moneyed corponliom from Much thefimtuta tax of three? pqr cent, has alrea (ly been deducted or retained“. a.) since Augufl. 31, 1962. ‘ Recpipts derived from "advertisements” on whiuh a duty shall already have been )aid. ‘ " ‘ I The sum M 3600. exceph: in these casesin which the 5600 has already been deducted from salaries or pay of government. oflicervi ‘aL-I aforesaid. - The rent actually paid for rentnf dwell ing-hnuw of estateytlhe residence of person assessed. (The vakue of rent of house, occu pled by the owner, isvnol deducted.) The pmodut of hired hbor, and value of the board of such lnynr. , Perm!“ receiving rent. are entitlml (0 (le‘ duct the cmt of repairs, imuranc-v and in: tel-est m) incumbrmicowurqn rennet! prawn tv, ' The unit nl «xtrwu-c tum-y rqpain. IH‘W “mama-s, ‘tw, ml! in no “an be sledge-nab. ‘l‘ THE “LOYAL UNION LEAGUERS" OF NEW YORK AND ELSEWHERE. , The N. Y. Jaw-sud of Commerce expresses A hope that. the Union Lenguers" have taken a row ofloynlty for good. It will not do to bilge a vow to be honest for A week, a month or a your, or several years; for thuwould imply a resolution to be a ‘rogue {or Fthe rest of the time. In the 33mg way the Union Leuguerk ought to take a ‘vow to_b‘o 10121 to the Ad ministmtlon, even if, “ROM hence, a “Cop perhcnd" Administmfion sh‘oulglsucceed to the +e‘igu a: the Abolitionists ‘of c presentday. It the pull: an index to the future, the loyal tfiof .some of the mam of the Leugues ~at lenst'may be danbted. Here ore some of their loygtl vows of former dlyl: * Speaking for ourselves, we can honestly.sny that for the old Ufition, whit-h nas‘ kept «’in‘ex istencc by Southern menaces and Nortlneru concessions, we have “reign-ta, and no wish for its reconstruction.- r ‘Wh'a wants a nlon Ishfich (in homing but a w'entimcnt. to lugker Fonnjh of July qralious withnl? ' ‘ . If, by chance, in ancient times, the crimlnnl felt the lonlhsmne corpse which injustice had lied upon his sha‘uldpcs. slipping elf-”he did not, we fancy, cry outl " U‘g'retclled nmn that! run—who will fusten‘ me" again to the limb at; this death '2" If we are, in the Provi~ deuce of God, to bo debt-cred frdm unnatural alliances—if the Jnnun'ty oflslzu‘ery is no lon gérto chill byunnumrnl eullnmca the Huy of human hope, who is there weak or wicked enough~ to forbid. the rightodus divorce ?—Tn'. bums X - . ' Anotber,:,— The Fremo‘pt putty ll moulding public non tlmént in tlle‘xrighz directi9n fur the specific work the Aboli‘tionistsznre striving to no complish—tllc di§soliuion of the Union; And the abolition of sla‘vgry'tlnrpllghoul the lund. Wm. Lloyd Gurrilmkin ”156. j , ‘ Anollicr’ 2 ‘ _ , l véill not stnlify myself by supposing that We have any wan-um. in_’,l.hc Chmtituljon lot this proceeding. ~—} ~ - This talk of restoring the],Un2t‘m us it was under the Constitutiun iu' it is. is one oi the absurdities which I have heard repeated until I huvfc become about sick pf it. fl‘he Union can never b 9 restored as it was. There are mun}; things which rcuiler Such rin event. im pnsaible. This Union never'shnll, with my ronécnt, be restore-d undcrfilw Constituliun us it was, with slavery proleclgd by it.—-llau. Thadxluu Slate-1:. 1 . Again:-- 1 'Who, in the name of Godfiujanls the Canon Slates or any .othrr‘Slqtc‘rhis side oflzer-lition to remain in thy: l'ninn, If Slavery is to con tinue ‘.'—lllm; Jlr.’l!in_r/lmm. ' ;Ilv Whenever it. shall be clq‘ar that. Hu- great hmly of the Sthcrn people have become cnnclushcly alienated {ramb the Unlon. and anxious to'escurc from It, 1'? will d’o Our best to fanurd their viewgt—Trifiune. ' ‘ Such are the.rccorded sentiments of the men who would now mislead hanm Union men intujoining their-newly formed Leagues for counterfeiting pnlfintism‘, . .\luch inmrc’st exists in the public mind rel ntive to the polilical complexion at the' next House of Representatives. llis clearly muni iost that a Very largc‘nmjarll‘y of the people 6f the loyal section of the L'nim) are carefully wan-hing nnul anxiously hoping that the fiody may be so politically constituted as to ba cn uhl’fill‘ m lhvmrl the ‘pur‘pose, emanmingirom nmnyhigh in nuthorixy, m trample dowh all cdnxxilutiounl rights, «v. 51 'disgegurd lhe .privh ltgcs unvllibcrlies of the .pcoPle. , Eleclinns hlu‘ing been held »in neuriy all the States which will be fewest-riled in the Lindy, we Miner n cmcfully prepared liable, which will go fur luminrds eluciduing the political aspect of Congress 5. . l' = ' ' Ab.&Ren. Dem.&op. In Connecticut ,- - 2 . I Del-“are - ’9 - '0 ‘ x Illinois - . ._ 5 f , Indiana ' o - - 4 'l 1 lowa ' - . r 6 1 0 ‘ I Kunlqg . .‘ -_.l ‘ 0 ’ ' Rhine - e g 51 .j ‘ 1 lflussllchusclts - v _ 10 7 0 'Nichigar} , - - . 5 ‘ :1' '. Minnesota - '- . .2_' '0 Missouri - r - 5 J 3*. . '..\'er~ Hampshire, - 2 8 1 F New Jersey' - - '1 '1 4 ' New York - .4 '.- . 12, ~‘ 18 ‘2‘ {Ohio ‘ -. - r 5 . 14 Oregon ' - ._ - ".41 L '0 Pennsylvnnfia - - 10 r 10 2 Rhmlc Iglml‘d‘ . 7 2".“ .’ .o \Viaconnn r,- . _3 1 3' ‘ Already chosen - 80 3 73 4 l “The mum-y in .\Hslouri I‘~ ‘ ‘ will he filled byn Democrat, ! ~ according to all ind/rice: 0 x 3 There nreyeuoheflnoui '1 ' ‘ ‘ 23 members, in mucky, ‘.- 1 - ‘.“lllylflnd' vao Welt . { l , Xirginim, ~I fornln.‘ ‘i. V We estimale thnulie relul‘ '» 1 ‘x . rm be as follows: ~ l 1‘ r l ‘Kvulucky - 0 l J 8 _ "vcrmcrnt - - ‘3 E ’0 , lam-um; - - 2 E ' 2 West Virginia. . - 1‘ l .2 ' ~ Cnlifotnil ' - ‘ {i 2 ~‘ ‘ ‘ 81.1, k 9 £ ‘ Thin would diridg the Home M follows: Abolition and Reyubluzln ‘-‘ l - ~ -‘ 85 “All other: . . ..‘ l . .' 93 Democratic nu} Congernfive iajortty - ‘ 5 * meant, 1 v Should Meryl-ad nnd Kentucky, ib'lccord- Ince with the known sentiment; of their peo ple, lead an undivided anti-Abolition repre sentation, then the majority against the R!- puhllcan-Aholifinn party" would be increased to eight. Sir. Marvin. War-Democrat. from the Szlmtogi ‘dhtrict of New York, was elecwtl as an Independent, in opposition to the Republi can nominee, and will co-opcmle with hil‘par ty in oppolil‘iou to Abolitiouism, . We lutve made a very iibeml allowance of Republican strength from the Suite ot'_Misaou li. Whilst we Concede tire to that pnny, ML). nouriwms, ucqnniuled with the parties, are an:- isfied that two or those five may be relied up: on to co-opemte ngninst the genrrul principles of the Abolition pnrty.—ooMh'lulwml Union, ”Ellington. \ ‘ @The Loynl League originnlbdin Phil».- delilllifl, and ii an invention of Fomey, nn nd minisuuliou office-holder 'anvl tondy. This person, in a coma-ore")- wizh The World con cgrning the jmaguc. “mined thug. it was a mun-mom. He‘nid, in an "Occu sional" letter in the Phifadélphia Prru of 20H: 0! March ll", “the campaign for the presiden 'cy in ISM hu been opened by the Union puny. They do nq‘ I:in to! the opynlqun w «hm-a Ibo ichiufiro.” 4' =MI TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR _tel:, oi_ THE NEXT CONGRESS. The Administration papers myi ' ' ' "11. II the duty of every pt-raon‘ to luwon the Government,mnd when all do no tho 3*]. lion In“): speedily cruehcd‘uux." ’ We Agree tho! it is the duty of every man to lupport the Government. and to sustain the Adminlatntlan in all its Constitutiomll'and lawtul nets. om} with hearty good will. it is equnlly their duty to misc their voice: Against such of its gets as are unconstitutional auditi legul, corrjlpt. or ot tyronnieil :hnrncter. it is elm theit" right and duty freely to menu whateverthey do, huteundully Milli Mrlyfi'nh the View at enlightening the public mind, and pointing the Administrution tn the path which duty und wisdom require them to pin-me.— With the clctplifln of such men n Wendell Phillips, I’urson Beecher, nnll their followert, there are few, indeed, in the Loynl State: who do not support the Government with some", zenl. All hiwe remanded to the call iur men and menus, and hurt cheered our soldier: on to victory. it is uotQhe [unit of the loyal North [but the men nnd mouny so promptly‘ nnd lavishly turniahed Imve not. been so‘tued And nmilird Is to put down the Lobe-“hm.— The Administrntion hns controlled and man nged the men and menus neeording to its own views. or in conformity with tho dictation of the cliques which, from time to‘time, con trol it. They have all they have nsked for, und buy: bad for two years :1 why is it that they have fniigd to erushout the enemy?- Whnt ”sill-once hu the country thxu they will eomluet the war for the next two yours mote sneeesslullythnn during the two inst? Wlmtr~ IS the exnet thing they want? They have mnde the lows to suit themselves‘ and have heretotorc made nppmpriutions in conformity with their own judgments, and intro provided them for the out your nnd two months A! they desired, and have clothed the Serretnry of the Treasurywith'sueh powers as he desired. to mine menus for the~ucxt two yam, and they ?fls§¢li a conscription lnw to fill the army imd keep it so, exnctiy to suit. themselrei, km]. huw- enacted lnws in relation to everything in conformity with their own infant {or mucus.— Whht more do they want to secure sure":- nud put down the rebellion? They hove hnd everything thoirowy wny, from the uupensiou of the bdrm corpua tn the proolnmution, Ind down to llleir eull upun Southern slmes to re. i More nnd protect the Union. -' Why have they not fulfilled theirpnst promises? What hit-i been omitted in the cutnlogne ufthcir wants? The true answer is at hand :‘ they eluim that: in addition to \thL they hurt) malted "and oh tiu’netL nll voters niustjoiu their political par ty, and help perpetuate the power ofthe Fede-‘ rul Gm‘ernment in Abolition hands. This In what they menu nnd renliy task. But. they fail to show how this is to crush oht the re bellion, or inerense the nhility ot'vthe Adminis trutiun lo do whut it. hns heretofore failed m in, with all the men and menns under the mm. trnl of tho GoverlitncuL—Cfonlfimtonal UM OII. r . HINDING OUR’ OWN BUSINESS. Stephen Gimrd offered :1. man—we dig close no secret —fil'ty thousand dollm to mifiul hie own business; and the min wo‘uldn’t do it, The man was Qtamgului'. And nations are like men. $11301" heoeisi ty, if not from choice, national do constant 1 1y interfere in ench other’u governments} and politics. We spenk‘of lhu "mm“? of nations," and Abe; imitate some Tam lies in jealous quarrels.-lz'ucnirq] Pma, April M, 1863. - “ Xot a bad text. “Mind your own busi ness." ~lt is nn excellent rule. Bu; tho Abolitinnials \voulil’nt. They mcddltd with slavery—stirred up, the question—l mnde political issues upon iH—gm into an irrepresuihle conflict—nominated “mindi dnle for President. and elected him on tho idea‘of hostility-$0 slavery. Though huge ly in a. minority, through the. Electoral Colleges they secured their man. North- ‘ crn Abolitionists who have no huqlneu witliglayery beyond thelimils of the Stem in which (hey are electors, have kept the isnue'nlive, till our country (in divided by one of the greatest and most disastroug 'Wlll‘s known in hi-xtnrv., It comes from n“; departure of tlmt good saying. " Mind your own lmppinoss.” , ‘ - Ilml the slnvury agitators at the North minded their own bu-dnesn, and been con tent with abolishing nlnvely in the State-xi where alone they lmd any right to m’oddlo fill] it. we xhoul-l have been at Peace: to day, as we were for three quarter: 0 scantil ry—nnnl the ham; st nation ‘on eltth u «all as the mm! insperons. Now we Ire at ’wnr. nn'd overlmrduned with debt. and i a million aflgallnnt men from the free States have been made cripples for life, Or brought to the graves of huttle-fields. All over the country there is morning. Ani there is anxiety for the future. ‘What {1 calamity! What a blow upon Ute‘progper ity of our people. and uponlhe progreiu of civil and religious‘libi-rtyl 7 ' l How differont the real-lit. had the Aboli tionists “nn‘mlcd their own humus."— llqrgford Tuna. ~ . { ‘.z - ' ~.:..~......;. ....“ x ' ,Eufl’y Oneto Ila ’l‘uslc.—Atn-maelin(fof the Freedmen'n relief association, lhel in Washington. D. 0., 6n the evening \of the 10th ult., Rflv. Dr. Chnnnin addressed the meeting. In the cburse offiis remarks he said: “ In a few years we slinll ,live to gether, black nml white; without my disk tinction ofmlor.” * * .“ I believe that. the colored R‘egiinents of the South; if, ro- Prly hmtllcd.ionhl tnke mnkwith NERO Regiments, ‘ ”gin unjust to demand that thoy‘shnll lmveghim officers. 1! the Wm rontimwu a year we sham see regiments comnmnzlcd by nflored ofiicorn. I would like to see the preeedom not «few days ago of appointing, n mlnred' s‘urgmn fdllowed. and wouhl like toseen colorcdjudge upon the bench." , fienatq'u Pomemymf Knnsan WM (he not; speaker, He (loclnred‘lhat be had idfifl‘ir ficd pimsnlf with tho negro. .He did not belicu iu'the inferiorityuf races. Army 11-ao/nu'tau.—An educated loldier in the nrrfiy, from Nortlm bquuml county. writing to a blend. was an exphnu tion oflho armg rmolutinns, over which the llapyblicana have been boasting, as follow: ‘ MI “The Bolcllom' did not, understand the resolutions nor their olgjl-ct and lmled to Voteagnim' the loyal part of them, by vot ing no. He -e lhey'despised the lit-pnhl'wn part of thém. Mnjnr P. mkexl all in Two:- of the resolutiom to shoulder armw No: more than one-Lhinl or one-flmrtlkvoted for fluem. ‘Many of “1030 resolutions were loyal enough. but. how dnxpicnhle ““319“ try to force upon us a platform, opposed to the honest bnlief and convictiom of our fathers. 11 this the ‘No pzxny’ platform to soldiefl, who have gone to fight for I coun try common to all parties 2” , From every pan of the country such tel timony is coming home. A ~Gaodsuygeslian.—-'i‘he Aboiitinn “loyal" Ipagucs fully endorse the wimiuistrflion, bribery, uleuling and all. They undone the emuncipatmmnnd mxtire negro-"gro gramme of the President. Thefim! 9y are pledged to support the Presic eat in bi! punt-y." Now the President. Wants man to carry it out. Why «1012': these ‘leaguera «- sist the President. by going into the army ? instead of the abolition languc. and (hub save their neighbors who do notwant tog». from conscription. Since these ‘men nrlh strongly in fiwor of forcing such 13 pone} upon the «mm-y. they should bewimng‘ to fight. it. through. imtead of foi’igin‘ lenguesto force their neighbors into IK— Suulmry Danncrul. ‘1 fl" ‘ 5," [{ncolu'a Tour Nurt/n—IL is [mum tha Pmsident Lincoln i; to make than North, during the coming summerflwp pmg a short, time, at; B Mon. A col-won float. of the Cmrfr of Luau oily.‘ péojio'su that. he be race! ed M. the expo'nle‘ol file contraclprs made rich by the WM mu! met by nwwiJom and orphans whose hmbsudn and fathers have been shun. * Canada-It. in mm gruerallygonm‘lo'l :Ith the fellow who goes mlfot "‘clm In: arm and the huqdohnr." down“! ‘ N}? go himself. undfimlm‘hlofldwm Eve nun out o! (Walla. lE‘ . - N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers