• Compiltr. 4e EZEEMIII OUR PLAC t The union of lAkl‘Q—4h9 union of lands- The Union of States none would never; The unirm ot hearts—me union of hands- And the Flag of our L'nion forever! H. I. STAIN}, EDITOR AND PROI'RIITOR GETTYIB ['Bflq PA I HONDKY MORNING, JAN. 12, ”53 ”Bath Hanson of the State Legislature organized nn Tuesday. the Senate electing Abolition and the Houie Democratic officers. Sonata—Speaker, Goat-g 9 “V. Lawrence; Chief Clerk. Geo. W. llnmmenly; Assis tant Clark, George S. Berry; Sergennwt- Arms, John F. Cochran; Dborkeeper,Jobn G.M_nrton. House—Speaker. J 6hn Cennnz Chief Clerk. .lncobzgegler: @Auisv‘unt Clerk. R. Milio’n Spear: Sergeantint-Annl, Benj. 11‘. Kelly; [)nnrkobper, Sewiah Sebar; I’qstmnstnr, A, J. Gnrritson. The election forlvnited Slates Senator in to tnko place to-mnrrow. I; is expected to draw a large crowd. ' « nay-we printfiov. Curtin's Menage thin ‘ morning; It has one reconimcndatiou—it in short. Anrl nngolher—‘it‘ (Ines hot en-r done “ old Ahe’s" Abolition Proclammion. Altogether, the Message in a. negative dtfi: unmnt. L ' , . -——~¢4 -«-ooV »‘-——‘ . WGM'. Seymour went Sp bi: men-fags to the Senate of New York on ‘Wpdnmday.— HP dmlnrns that tho N-xtinnrfl Constitution mm?l ‘np hold invinlntp—dcmofinces nrbi " trnry nfrenta nnvl mn:tial lnw—mronnuncon‘ ‘ th‘a annr‘ipntinn Proclamation of {fresh} denLl‘Jnmln impoli'ic. unju'lt nnrl uncon- FtitutionM—nnd an)“ that \ba Unim} win .l»: restored by the Own»! 39nd Westernf Bmm. More in our next“ {Never-y Stntel now men Domborntic Gnvertfior, Abolition-l i~m wnuid soon he omdmd out. and there 4 would ngnip be hope for theCfmnll-y. ‘ _, -.I» ~- ‘- -W'Fho Delaware Legiz‘mhire organized on Tbs-why. both Homo-a 'elcc'ing‘ Demo cratic affix-bra. Gov. Buflingmn. ir/lhis m9“— sngr‘. tnkm dram: grmmcl ngwimt the Pros idom’s Ennmnipntinn Proclnnfitinn. pro- Imunr‘ing it! uummmufinnnla injurious to the‘hlnok nml unjuat tn the whjte I'll’lCE. ‘ 5 i? " “ l RTh-e Ogdeiashurg Advancemnderstnnds that Judge Fln'ndert, of Mglnne, X. Y., whose illegal and mums: arredt and {up primnmont our renders are familiar with, intends taking legal ~meuwrm against Scie retnry Seward, for false imprisonment. m'i‘hat the President's Emn'ncipminn We are glad to sm’on n“ llnlxcl*.adewrrili- I‘mclmnutinn Img any w'nrrant. in the Con— mitinn to invoke the form: oflnw to ma n rtitutinn will nnt be airm-ere-ly Imnintninml. ’ him the Flurit. of the laws. and the rig! ts That it, in :In net upon which its author can 4 of c'itizt‘nfi. against ”10!“! WllO have 001mg sucoe-~fully ih\-ol<o"‘tlie conxi'xlerntq jutlg- ‘gd both. Lot. those‘who hrnuk the law in manrii’lnxmlkiml."or thP “farm of Al- high NM“ be enuMly renponfiible Willi mighty and." in r-vzu/«iuuful. ,Thnt it. will HIM Wlm meitthe'samehxcachinhugh eml tlm rr-hvllinn. restore gnml‘foeling. uni! ble’fitu“OlL—S‘luljurl/ Dam-aim. '1 unite’tlwse nnw lvolligervm smm. giving. . ’ 7‘.--" .7 H” ’ . _ ‘ ‘ TIM-1: Mr and I ll Tick/e You.—-Gen. Burh u" again tho l’nmn an it. was umlfir the, . ‘ . . ..‘ 4 . , . _ , \ sulc‘lus nwlmml A partial responsxbrlitva— Constitution us it is, u alum-11. ()n the] . . . ' , , , ‘Presult’nt l.mcoln has complxmented “‘i‘ mlwr hum], WP agree With the how Hark, . . . , . ‘ , . . ‘lmun his t-ctnnmls retreat across the Rat)- JleraM. nlu-n ll .«ms: “\\ e cnnsulvr this , . : i . i , ‘ ~ _ pahnmmclc. During the magnificent and yrnwmcmmt‘n/n nnm‘oeasnrv. unwise and HI- ‘v . . ‘ . mast. muterly change of front on the Ps3l}- t‘mwl. lmpi-zut (-nhlo. nutsuln of the Con-l. ‘ . i . i . . . i. , .imula. (none-ml McClellan never receiv‘ecl stitutmn mulviull of mischief. Its etlects . '. J- l . » ‘ ‘. 111 word of praise. It is resorved for unsuc fl'lll he mow» thnrnughly to unite and exaaa ' A . . (nth ” M no" or,” g ”1 .”V _ \cessto becomplimontgd, whether in the P. L‘ '9 l w' cu m KW.” i‘Cnbinet, the Army dr the Navy. ‘ . ‘ swtunce to the gnvvrnmont Qf‘the Union‘ ._ . ..... . ___. ; (him they l):l\:t'(“'(‘r boon nnitwl heretofore, I A Fry/m Salutel—The Aholitioniats oftliis Jim] to mtnhlish over their slaves n more city fiietln salute of fifly gum, on’ Friday rigid nu‘rvoillimce :.n(}‘dis¢~ipline than eVer evening but, ,in honor of Lincoln's Ewan» awrl‘tol‘orp (2‘9”:de ovbr them. Xn‘signslcifiation Proclamation. We hilt) {not sup of Ilisnlllmtinn nmnnc thom will be permit- I {NM-d thntany white men in our midst could 4M! bt-ymnl the line-4 of our armies; or‘be found who would sothr‘degratle them: F'lmuld tln-y. lmp-lmznrd. hrmk out in‘to re-l 301"“ 3* t 0 participatein 8 NegrOjnllifim% wuka nntl mnwm-roa. .after the fashinn nfl tion, butwoweremistnken. FOll “160de 31.". Tum"... in the Sntit'hnmptnn 51mm“. } of Pennsylvnnlumowever, be it. knbwn that (or. flip llru‘iiretl plm Will be furnishpd fort Lancaster and Pittsburg are the Only-two m-mmi European intervohtion to put an i places within her borders where WC“ fin vml in what tllon mnyabe' properly called I 0‘1'1'1339 0“ prppriely has been perpetrated this inhuman “'nr. President Lincoln evi—{i 'L'II'FUS’L’T I"!l‘3s99'CW xlrntly has some misgiv'nfzsL u. on thiei ”Jamar he would" not onjnip the slaves: «mvémml lo ‘nanin from all vir'flence un-i In“ in neoeusnry m-lf-dofencv.“ He seems? to rmfine the danger that in“l s‘owing the? wind he may reap the whirl-MM. But let: ul hope that this prdc'lnmntinf: gill provei nothing Worse than a nullity I‘de a harm-I lem tub to the Abolition wh:xLe.s’ fi- “ Wifliout flavour tho mbfllion could never‘hnve existed, mlhout slavery it could not cominuo." , ‘ Perhaps it is a proper than ’in this con-‘ yam-(ion to ask Mr. Lincolmwm ik sluvgryl or anti-ainvery that caused this rebellién I" Slavery existed beforellhe nnflion; it was incorporated into the Union; the Union luis éxisted heuriy n. hundrea years with the institution, slavery all the wlule recod- ing; but the A‘Snlmnnism commence their anti-slavery tirade against lhe"imtitufion. incorporate anti-slnvm-y in the iSsue for a Prééidential canvasst,'aml elect ah anté‘slave xyitpngress and President—and here we are, cutting throats. Tell Es truly. was it slavery or anfi-slnvery that dyoye us to -wm- 2—Lu:ernc Union -_, “One day last weé‘k; as A boat 16nd of. qonfrtbnnds was landed at. Was’hingtonfi one of them, about. thirty win of age, at tracted more attention than any other be-r cause dlhis luck of heigtb. He was asked ‘ ..“John, don’t. you want. njob I” “No,‘ nah, ” was the answer. "‘Woulgn't you‘ hire to drive an omnibus?" t‘Dali’tknowJ sm; mlutad' .ur. Lsnzm {min ‘This we? have how an eye-witness. ‘ fiThux-low Weed. a prominent Repub—A lican politician of New York. and one of: the leodiug editors of that party, in a re~i cent letter from Washington, says: ’ f‘The Abomion Press has united and ex ted the whole people of theSoutb.- wt for this perpetual bLimulus, the Rebel chiefs would have been deserted by then now devoted followers.” This is but, a simple admission of the (goth of what the Democracy have been commonly warning the people since the commencement of our sectional strife. ”We werpmisinfonned It!) the pr?!) h Abol'tion party isdone for The! M the Lndies' Fair’ and conseqnnlflyifkloo: ! ' - - ‘ ' as ev. fi'T '9 did the business. The nigger‘ low In die {affluent gm: “gum“ g "A ‘ , hit 8199““: . f Lb ”sr. Mchms Informs us tat er p ' t Notace. immuuon mu neyer few?” ”“1 )e‘gbont $1,150,3nd mg profits Mot 5940-“ Ha Town Council on,” Borough or 99%. gholk- Like the “mm“ ”1 “Mother Goose 33 Better vet! i'yaburg, have so mndifled the Town Ordn -,n , ' '- ~-—* ~ ~_.__ - a namfi recently pused, relating to Ely-packing Wise”. - - I,]- 'in clover ‘ fiflenly Dotterer| ~a ishmenu, And to Hay sad Straw Sucks, ‘ . uwmle 1t {AWE} I ‘ 139.5 all over 3, | Administrator, Peter M: 1 the Borough “mm, Hto read within And when “’ (has. it. we , “ ' glue Samuel Mackley, , rdl, ingtend 0;" Within ‘OO yudl of any ’ ___.,_ "’ "'"‘_~ V ‘ . {d .” y the own council, “Q‘s“mm’ °f ‘1“ “mm PTOPO-fi 'm”""":3°.‘3?f'7” 5‘5 g JOSEPH-” 11145, 3mm ‘4 IA“ 90 Sake a. banofiniaalmndred minim? {fiAmflrbek "r. E 4 5 gxulact‘u’,c'ec'y. _, .J" “doum' W 4 ‘ 2.E’éqmnstnnor oflhc Li" ‘1”: x 33- ‘ NEW ENGLAND NOTATION. “Senator Wilson. of Maisachuu-us, has prepared, Ind will immediolely introduce, a bill in aid of Emnnriimtion in Missouri. lnntmnch as tlie‘t‘onm'utmn of that State fnrhids Evnnnoip‘ation withom, componen tion. and it is deemed 0f theutmost im. portancc to secure the SL3IB and the inter est of the people on the side of Freedom and against the Rebellion. it 19pmposed-to give the immnlmle paunian/ Mot the Govern. menLtowartle Bmancnpatmn as a. military menaure. The bill mll olfer a first instal meut of $10,000.000 forthe purpose, with suitable provision: to Tum. th'e accom plishment of its purpose- -—JV. 1. Tribune. Kev York, Penn‘ylmnini and other States received no National bounty forabol ishingslavory ;why ahou‘d Missouri? ‘Vhy should the induetrious herd working white laborers of the free States be taxed to buy Missouri negroes, whose labor will thus come into competition With theirs? Was there ever a more gigantic and disgraceful fraud attempted? Senator Wilson had better give his attention to the laborers of Massachusetts; to the fie‘Wing girls and fac- ‘ wry operatives who “'0 OPPMSBd by their i emyloyera, and not wants his mime Over the l afl'airs of distant communities, who have ' quite as good a right to exercise acteof sow-i eroignty as has Massachusetts. And partic- i ularly is he recommendedrnot to mortgage ‘ the them; and sinews of the white inboring’ men of this and luture generations to pay" for the freedom 01' negroes, as the mort- I, gage might heirepu'lizited. ‘ i it is this oflicious intermeddling with the nfi‘nim of others that has producgd ' the yweeent civil war. Aholltionizts are to the Union 'whnt a‘lying mfgidlemme gossip is to a neighborhood: they produce disdon}, wranglings, bitterness, separationof frieiida, strife and Lloodshed.-—Elmim Gazette. ‘ ___,- ~ 40.”-——~—-_4 . ELECTION OUTRAGES. " ' Much has been said or the Abolition but ;nges in Delaware, but it. appears to ha“ been much wor~e in Missouri. Bay6+eta stood around the polls in many placei, pre. venting evnry one from voting who ““59"": an Abohtionflt. In the State where 170.000 v'ocnsure polled at ordinary eloctions. but $16,000 VOW-‘3' were cast. Companies of gum 12th regimen; Missouri enrolledkvoluntlgors voted seferal days after the 4th day of No vembe‘r, and ‘minors and ‘afliens were fier mmed co vow, and all counted and c ‘rti fled from Pe\rry pounty. In qther rages, neither judgos nor clerks wen; swam.— This is what the Abolitionfistu calf “coming back to the yoi'xcy of the father?!” ' { 2%“;1e some one tell us lmw it is that. all the .ympdthizers with the relmlion unite: in a howl of sorrow and indigmunn at theE l'ClllOlel of General McClellan“! Whflt es; poci‘nl wrong is dune to them byJuu. pm} val? Will some one enlighten us Laggi cun Rrpublican. . .' The DeacOn means Democrats when he swak-of"sympnthxzers with relellion.” In answer to his query it is only necessary to‘ pain; him Itogtbe recent], ten-ilé dinner atl Fredericksburg.-JefemnEmu; ‘, ‘ , l —. - ,_, ~ «a»! .h .1...‘ J 1 l‘é‘The Govgmor’s Messa}: crowivds out a Communication and other hatter intend ed for this issue. ‘ . ‘RAII efl'oi-t is being male mining the Pennsylvanin'Resen-ve Con: home, for re organization. Itought to i done}. -A__._ _——<<o.o- ~_-<- ’ @An‘fidteresting LettU-‘rorfi the 87th Regiment will be hand jlhis issue. - ,_‘.__._ .‘Qi...—<—t , V--- S’Gen. McClellan is ixgiew York 99:59:98}th- mom's T. squLExfin DEAD—We stated, Ind week, on the alimzity ofa letter received from Fnlmouth, thal‘homas T. Shil— leun, of {his place, had been keg-01y wounded in the battle of Fredericksbut. and soon after died._ We'am happylo be He to state mat that iEtox-mation Was anythin but Correct.— nnd we do (big upon the anti ity of the sup posed dead inn himself. A lug: wés receiv— ed Iron: him by his sister 1}: other day, in which he smtga that he is a p 30“: of wm-Y in tho Libby Prison, Richmond, living been taken at the Fredericksburg battl‘gv‘ith four hun ‘ (11-ed a'nd sixty others. Be 'll. u, and hope I soon to be exchanged—«ad “TOW so too; I fi‘Au effort is, being madgmndace ‘ Government to pay the losses attained bv c farmers and other: in this and Fr'nnklin {on lies byStuzu't's rebel 2:3ini All who had her stolen are notified m give 5; their turn number of horses, kc. - ‘ ER“. ’l‘. P. Bucher Ma declined Chaplainship tendered him by the ofiice the 165th Reg} P. M. f rhiLALTIOSLI'frtf. J OI ”10 Bth but, at St. Joseph's Church, 'Bnnauzhcown, by Rev. B. A. Short), Mr. JACOB 1“" RIDER m M 153 SAYILLA SPONSELLER, {mm of Mountjny township. 1 3234“: return our xhanks to our young {mm}: for their kind remembrance of the prin m, and earnestly hope mm thoi: pathway xlm'xgh life may be thickly strewn with the bg:lglflBof A good PrOHLIEDCO. < . 01 New Year’s day, by Re“. H. F. Finney, Mr FHUMAS S. MILLER. 0| Marion county, John. to Miss MAGGIE M. BAILEY, or the ,yumty offluuysburg. . ' 01 khe Zu‘xh uh.. near Knoxville, by Rev. 1“. n nogws, Mr. ISAAC Q. ARMSTRONG to ME: MARGARET A. swung both at Knox ‘ county, Illinois. ‘ m meson: of Dec.. 1862., at the Bomznrd ”9.- House, Harrisburg, I’m, by Rev. Jun" Colder. Mr. DAVID D. FAIIRNEY to lie: :5 ['3‘ \N FRANCIS lIENCHOFE,bo¢h ofWayqes how, Franklin county, Pu. (m the 25th uh., at Petershnrg, by Rev. p, Ihhy, Mr. DANIEL FLICKINGER to Mill lIEN ”ETTA L. UIIR, both of Hanover, York cunnlF- Un the 2151. alt, by RcV. J. Secbler. Mr. JA I‘OB KELLER to Miss ELIZABETH LINGKX FEL‘ER, both of Littleuown. 1m the 25m ult.x by Rev. B.‘ Henry, Mr. ADAJ SESLEY, of Carroll county, 3”,. to ”I‘s JARY JANE FISHER, of Adams county. onthe lat inn, M. the Ev. Lutheran Parson— “KL-"Littlestown, by the name. Mr. ()CTAVE J. F,LARDEAU, of Baltimore, to Mrs. MARY J. SIRIVER, of Uniantown', Md. DIED. fi’Ohitnnry notipes 3 cents per line for all over ourfines—caah to accompany notice. ‘ . In ‘mnklin township. of diptheria,oct. 25m, LAVNA DAYWALT, Aged 13 years 6 months up] ’ days; Nov. 4th, POLLY DAYWAL'I‘. aged“ years 8 monthsnnd 10 days: Nov. 10th, 15M“! DA-Y‘WAL'P, aged 1752M8 6 months and dlys; Nov. lath, SUSAN RIPE, (sister,) ggt‘d 1 years 'I mnntln and- 24 days; Dec. 301 b, EzCY .DAYWALT, (mother) aged 48 3-83)“; oath and 7 days. Leaving the bus hnndltnfl father, Geo. Dnywult, the only sur nvingmembcr of the family “3 mourn [3591055. Orllhe lst inan, of diplheriu, in Franklin Inwu~hip,_ SLTCER DI'LL, son of James and Elizabeth Spence, aged 2 years 11 month: and H days. ()n the Is? inst, in Hamihonhnnfiownship, ROBERT FRASCIS, son ofJoleph and Elviun. retort, aged 4 months. He sweetlyaleeps. Un,the 24th uh. ,9t the idence ofhis son “lme Daniel ‘Kraher. £12., in York, Mr. HEM‘ ' FORRY, (formerly of this place,) aged 79 years. ‘ . ‘ 0n {the Bth inst, at tho fuidenu of Mr. Adam. Gardner, of Butler township, JOHN FR.U\I{LIN SHEADS,nged Io yenta. on the 2m ult.,‘at Petereburg. JAMES MY ERS, an of Henry Criswufl, aged 4 yam-s 3 uxon’thshnd 4 days. a 0n {l% 28m uIL, at Petersburg, infant child of Janus Nickel. 9n the 19m ult., NANCY JANE. daughter of [high and Mary J. King. of Huntcntown, aged 7an ha and 2 days. On them! inst.. in Stmbnn township; Mr. IlAlfl‘ .ER BEOIIER‘ in the Mich ycurofhia age. ‘()n the 3d inst... in Franklin (bwnship, JOHN ANDREW. son of John Ralfimnpe'rger, aged 2 years ’(ld 5 days. ‘ . Communicated. (in '9 27th of Novembér, vei‘y suddenly. of homo {lnge of the lungs. Mr. GEORGE W. ‘ MUM Z, of Crestline, Uhio, formerly of this canny: he was cut down suddvnly in the mar my of life and in the bloom of manhood, I\VilCn[€\[leC‘fltiou§ of a long liié of usefulness were no“: promising. Poucmd of a lively and “liable disposition. he was greatly, he loved l amend, and esteemed N a large Cih. “v‘il‘ of -mfinthizinl.r relatives not! acquaintan ‘ cu, \\ «i now deplore his‘ loss and wee-p over 'his ear ydemise. But we shall meet him ngnin ‘iu the iesurrectiom of the just, where “the nicked pose from troubling And the weary K nre atmt." ~ “ ' - Communicated. } 0n the st imb. of dipfi-heri» and fever, Miss SEVILL QUENA DUES; aged 14 years 7 mnnthsn 24 dors, and on the Till, Miss A HIAXD. AXE DUES, aged 17 yours and 29 ,il‘nys, d {liters of Mr. Jepthilm Dubs, 0f 1 Freedom dwnship. ‘ ‘, ; Dem tistei’s, now your pains me o'er, Yam; snif’rings in no e‘nd,‘ ‘ { Andhkh as holiest angels fire ‘ Mayfour blast souls intend. ‘ - Your vered brows are cold‘in death, I ' (‘aln nnd serene the fch, ‘ i ‘ Acme—your checks I. pois‘noushrmth l gllqrmarked its icy trace. ‘ i Yon loving parents round you long " ll I watched with tend'rett cnro. AH: often sought to soothe with song ‘3 I ~ Y ~r grief a‘o lmrd to‘benr. , . But are gone, for, inrmvny, ‘ T rjnlms beyond the sky, ‘ i To nin an unendinLy liiy ‘ h angel bands on high: ‘ Th vb sister and brothers long aha“ pine i lose our sisters so true-‘— 0 ’tis hard to bear! 1 W lope to mtet again in fine, ‘ now u long adieu pooial Nofloen. A Card .to the Suffering Th Rev. Wmuu Coscn'ovn, while laboring as n. asionary in annn, warmed of Con an!!! on. uheu all other men 5 had failed, by 3 rev u obtained from a leer d physician rc sidin m the»grent City 01.19360. Thisreeipc hns rod great numbers why were suffering from lonsumption, Ilronchius, Sore Throat, Cou l: and Colds. and tlle dobility and nervous rh-p -Slofl caused by these disorders. ‘ _D rous of bencfitliug others, I will send this eccipc, which I have brought. home with me, all who need it, free of chnrue. A ‘d'ess Rev. WM CUSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, " Brooklyn, N. Y. Deals, 186?. 1y Town Lots T PUBLK} SALE—In pursuance of Ru hority given by the last will and testa mcnhf George Shryock. deceased, win be of fered at Public Sale, on the ptnmises, on FRI DAY, the Ruth day of JASUARY insL, 4; LOTSUF GROUND. fronting on Washington s'treet, Gettysburg. opposite the property of Edwml Menchey, npd others. ‘ - My 4 LOTS at the corner of Washington and B'eckinrid‘ge streets. The lots are in a good mate of cultivation and likewise nimble for balding purposes. ‘Q‘The sale will ben posnli'e one. ' ‘ ”Sale to commence at 2 o’chck in the af ‘Bmoin of suit) any. - ‘ ‘ MOSES McCLEAN, Executor 111-12, 1863. ts > For Sale or Rent. Tm subscribe?! ofl'ers for sale’ or rent his 1‘; Large WAREHOUSE in Litilestown, a: the "minus of the Littlestawn Railroad.— heyxilding is 32 by 75 feet,“ two—story'and 0‘6“” calculated to do a lnrgé Grain and Maury business. The lot is 100 by 205 feet, 5.5011 ug ample space for any kind of business. A blrgain can be had. Early nppHcation is desind, _ .. @The Warehouse property would be ex changed for a Farm. .10er DUTTERA. Jan 12,1863. 4n Notice. SAAC lIESS’S ESTATE—Letters of ad ministration on the estate of Isaac Hess, late of Lstimore township, Adam: county, :dpceued, having been granted to the under :Slgn9d,residing in the same township, he here fl‘s? 8m: notice to AU persons indebted to mid ‘95"?! to make immediate payment, and {bake hnnn; claims against the same to present 5 1 ‘heuproperiy authenticated for settlement. JOHN LONG, Adm'r. ~Jam. 12, 1863 QIEHHMIM. 1863. JANUARY 1 2 3 2 45f678910 ; 11121314151517 1 18192021222324 i2526‘2728293031 FEBRUARY 1 2‘3 4, 5 a 7 .g 8910111121314 5 15161713192021 )‘22‘552425’fi2728 MARCHZ'I 23.4 5 6 7 a s 91011'121314 ; 1516171819 20-21 i~2223243262728 =203031: APRIL 1‘ ',1"2 3 4 1 5 6 7 s 9 1o 11 ’ 1 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 13 19202122232425 1 25272512930 1 MAY 1 ' 112 1 3 4 5 6 7 sl9 ‘ 1 10 111213 1415116 ’1 17 1819120 212212;; 1 2414252627282930 {3 1 4 1 JUNE 2 '1 2 3(14116 i. 7 8 9 1011 121131 1 1415161713 19 20 11 21222524252621 1282930 1‘ JULY .11 .‘1 o 3 ‘4l _-115671831011 . a ,12 13 14: 15 16 17 :19 119 2012112223 24 251 126 27‘28129 30'31 AUGUSTI 1- ‘ ~1 ! 2 3 415 617 8 .; 9 10 11‘ 12 13 14 15 1161718119202122 12324252627 28".!) 130 317 1 - SEPTEMBEk 1 2 3 4 5. 1578-9101112 1 13 14 15:16 17 18 19 12021m123 24-25 26 10011111131111 1 1 2 3 ' 4 5 617 a 2 1o -_ 11 12131141511017 . ,1319 2012122, 23 24 ‘1 0.5“26 27:28 29 30 31 1101712111111 11 2 3:4 5 6 ‘7 s 9 10 {ll 12- 13 L 4 15 16 17118 12 2o 21 12.212152425302728 ‘ 12930 DECEMBERi . 'l’l6 1.13 1 120 E 27 G ETT Y F10ur........»1. Rye F10ur..... .White Wheat Bod Wheat... Com m... m... W'5....,.;......... ()an Buckwheat”:- Clox'erSccd ... Timoxny Seed Flux Seed .... Pinser nof I'an Hunter ground Pork"... ........ ME F10ur............. When: Rye ....... . . C0rn.......... ,m 0nt5...........A.. Ulnver Seed.... Timothy Seed. Beet Cattle, pa Hugs, per hnn Huy..........:.... Whiskey Guano, Pernvi HANG Flour, from vrn Do. from 310 Whom. Rye................ C0rn............... 0:\t5............... Clover Seem": Timothy Seed... P1n5h‘r..)......... DEE! . x ew Goods“ T ARENY‘TSVILLE, PA.—PLAKK , h ‘ SPANGLER hare just returned frqln the ciZy wiyh a splendid asanrtmenkbf ' ‘ . CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ' ‘ Satine’tts, Jennsfl Tweeds, Vestingl‘, Over (‘onfiug and Really-made Clothing, Alpnccaa, Coburga, Delnin 3, Dress Silks, Priuu, Ging lmms, Muslins, icotlon Fl-mnels, Wnnl‘Flnn nels‘ Checks, Nofionshflnrdwue. anunswnre, Tin-ware, Earthen-ware; Buots 3nd Shqel, Drugs, Pdnts, Dye—stuffs, Glus, Tobaccos, School Booka, Blank Books, Milllnery Goods, Shawls and Blankets, Hats and Caps, Syrups. N. 0. Molnsseg, Sugars, Cofl'ees, and I tall stock of Grm-eriel. with a full noqk of good: generally kept in in first class country stark which they bong-ht for cash and will sell for CASH. Credit isfiend-L—bad {my killed it. Q‘Mso, Ruil , Posts Ind Fence Board: on hand. 3 l PLANE & SPASGLER Nov. 24,1862. {6t ; _ ,_Qfilce of Jay Cooke, g. SUBSCRIPTION, AGE-NT, AT JAY coofia a: co., BANKERS, “4 sons “nan nun, _ Philadelnhia, Nov. 1, 1862. The undersigned, hsving been appointed SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of the Trennry, in now prepared to furnish, :1 once. the ‘ NEW TWENTY YEAR 6 PER CT. BONDS, of the United Smtes, designated as “Five- Twenties,” redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after five years. nnd authorized by .Act 01 Congress, spnroved Febrnnry ‘25. 1862. The COUPON BONDS are issue! in sums of. $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO. ‘ The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO, am; 35000. Interest at six per cam. per anmun will como menu: from date ofpurchase, and is PAYABLE 1); GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CEXT. PER ANNUM. ' Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money 7.6 inveal‘ should know and remember that. these Bonds are, in efl‘ect, 9. FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Rail roads. Canals, Bank Stocks and Securihes, And the immense prsducls of all the Mnnufnc tures, km, kO,, in the counlrj’: and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principnl, by Customs Duties, Excise Smmps and internnl Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the Bat, Host Avarlablg argd .Koct- Popular [neut- meni in the Market Subscripiions received M. PAR in Leghl Tender Notes, or notes and checks of bunks at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will recelve prompt attention, Ind every facility and explanation will be afl'orded an application at this ofice. A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delreyir. _ ‘ JAY COOKE, Snblcription Agent. Nov. 10, 1862. 3m 4 A (mum ‘Boan lplendid loéju‘u‘n. cein-d n ‘ PICKJNG‘S; mu‘ .1 ‘ m =§:?<?§a = s‘o‘3‘: 9,; a. n.- . = 9.9.: '~< g, “éfigg- - t: 't--_‘:: ‘5 i c 4‘ 5 11 12 1319 ‘ 2 3 ‘ 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 25 26 ZWEAS. BURG—SATUImn‘ LAM. 1.6 90 to 6 50 ......................... - 4 75 ......:......;..l 8510 l 40 ..........................l 25 w l 30 . ...........‘.. , 70 .......................... p _ 25 a 00 ....‘..:1 50 to 2 00 , :- 00 -_ 7 o'o per bt,.; ' .., 5 50 IMURE~FBqu\' nun 6 50 to 6‘62 1 43 :o 1 75 ‘ .sfio 92 71 to so ~..........:...u.. 40 m 72 6 2!; to 6 5o ~. 2 20 lo 2 31 7 00 tom loc baud—. ............ 6 06 u 6 50 1.....~..............;"g.20 00 1-021 00 ‘..............~......... , 43 lo 44 n, per t0n........+ ‘ 75 00 'ER—Tuunhnn ufl.‘ >0n5..... .......y 8 25 .. 7 00 .. 1 25 to! 35 .‘. ' 85% 7600 200 700 Ho! for New Year! l I'ST nrrircd. M CODUR! k GILLESPHZ'S, :J a fresh supply of FRESH GRUL‘ERIES. of «H kinds. the best and nicezt ever brought to ‘Geltysburg. A splendid article of FLOUR on ‘ lmnd—nlsn New York BUCKWHEAT MEAL; inparior No. l MACKEREL; FRUITS and CUNFHGTIUNS, A large mnety, all fresh: 5 new lot of Cedar Ind Wnllow Wore; a large and ling: assortment of (‘nnl Oil Lamps. with an excel lent Irlicle of Coal Oil. We nre also prepared w alter Lumps to be pied for Conl Oil: On hand all clmlce brandspf Segars and Smoking nnd Chewing: Tobaccor'. Give us a call. “'1: cannot enumerate a 1 th of our articles.— You will find ererythlg; that is usually kept in a fir" class Family Grocery. 1 CODOBI & GILLESPIB. l Gettysburg, Dec. 29, 186;. ‘ Second Arrival. RE MEN CALLED FOR 1~5,000 ABLE BODIED MEN AND BOYS WANTED l .\l DIATEI.Y—— ' ‘_ . To buy Overconts from Picking, ~ To buy Overcoat! from Pivking. To buy Overcoat: from Picfiiug To buy Dresa Coats from Pickiw To’buy Dress Goals from icking, To buy Dress Coats from Picking. To buy Business (‘oats from Picking. To buy Businesb Coats from Picking.‘ To buy Business (‘onts from Picking. To buy Panuloons irom Picking. To buy Pnutaloons from Picking; To buy Pantaloons from Picking. To buy dress t common Vests from Pickianj To buy dress a common Vow from Pickifi . To buy drop: a common Vests from Picking. To buy Bnfl'ulo and Gum Shoes irom Picking To buy Clocks or all-kinda from Picking - To buy Violin and Accurdeons from I’ickin . To ,buy Gloves and Hosiery from Picking._ ii To buy Shirts and Drawers from Pickinga » Tmbuy Trunk. and Carpet Sacks frem Picking. i To buy Umbrella and Canes from Picking. J To buy~Nofions, kc“ km. from Picking. - Q‘Notw'ithuanding the heavy advnnce on 1.“ articles of clothing, I am still selling good: It. aslnnishingly low priceq. Call and see. Dec.‘2'.!, 1862 Railroad Election. HE Annual‘ Election for a' President ant“ T Twelve Managers tor the Gettysburg Karlc road, will be hell at thevofliceof the Company. in the second story of the Passenger Depot, in L the Boruugh at Gettysburg, on‘the SECOND] MONDAY of JéNUARY next, (January 12, 1363,) at 2 o‘clack in the afternoon. At the snme time and plfice there wfll be held the regular annual Incetimz oflhc Smekholders. Dec. 22. £4l DAVID WILLS, Sec'y. __' 7, a _ e. _~-~. “mm—‘7- 4-.., An Election 3 l OR~oue President and twelve Directmgs, to «nurture the affairs of the thtlestuwn Ruilrond Compglny for the ensuing ycnr‘i‘ Will be held in mom‘plianre witthaw. an the null day. being the SECOND MONDAY in JASP ARY next, at 2 o’clock, P. .\l.,;in the gum“ ut‘ the Comp-MN, attached. to the Freight H use. All persons interested are invited to attel d. By order of the Bonrd, Dec. 23. td* ' W. F, CROUSE, Sec‘j'. , , Notice. V LEXXCS “OBINSON'S ESTATE—Xena: A tesflxmemry on the 05mm 0! Aluiun Rubinzdné, late of Oxford township, Adams 00., deceasedJ having been granted to the nude;- signed, residing in the ganja township. be here by givrs nu’ice to all pertons indebted to suid‘ estate to make inimedinm' pnymem, and. was: lmvihg claims ngninst the same to piesenp them properl’y uuthqnticmed for settlement. . JAMES nouns-ox, Ex'r.' Jan. 5, 1883. 6: V The Magic Tlme Obsexjver, HE PERFETIOS 0F MECHANISM. mm: a Huntingvand Open Fsce, or La‘dy'a or Gentlemnp‘h Watch combined. ‘ One 011 the, prettiest, most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest time-piece for genera! and rdinhle use, over offered. It [me within it end connected win!) its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering mkey: en tirely unnecessary; The cases of this Watch are co‘mposed of lwo metals, the outer one be~ ing fine 16 carat gold. It has the improyed ruby action lever movement, had is wnrrnuhed an saturate time-piece. Prike, superbly en graved, per case ofn‘ half dozen, $204 on..— Smuple Watches, in m-nt morocco boxeP, for those propbs‘mg to buy at wh‘dlcsnln, $35, sent by express, with iii“ payable on icfiivcl'y.:— SoMiL-rs must remh pa; merit in advnnve, as we cannot cullect from those in the 'Army. 5" Address . '- HUBBARD BROS. A: 00.. Sole Importers. ‘Cm. Nassau & Juhn 315.. New Yotlk. 12111.5,1863. 6f. ...,‘.__ _ i , Notlce. OHS CKRDAUGH’S ESTATE—4.9“"! 'of admidifimtion on Ame estate of Julin ('nr bungb. Inl¢ of Franklin twp" Adams county, dew ceased, hnHug been granted to the undersign ed, residing in the same town-hip. we hereby gives notigeJo all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate paymept, aqd'zhope Having claims against the Aaamje to present them [Stopetly auxhenticuad fnr settlement. 3 " SALLY CABBAUGH, Adm’x.[ Doc. 22, 1862. 6!. ' J " The Army‘ ; F THE POTOMAC ALL SAFE—Every hody take notice thntfl. G.'UARWS is the place to get your Christmas presents, from the fact that. any one purchasing 25 cents w'anh of CHRISTMAS TUYS gas» [line mue hook. giving a shoro account. of the rescue f the beautiful Indian Princess Tuin; and no one purchasing to the muonntofSl gets a cap of Col. E. E. Eilsworth'a Zouuve Drill, with '1 fnli biography of his life. 't‘io. I'l3, opposflk the Bank. IDeg. 22, 18152. 1 f‘j‘—‘—-—"_M“v~“ ’ "“’ ’-""“:f New Goods !—Larga Stock 1 = armour ”11.0 mm. ', 3 JACOBS & BRO. ' give just nccivod from the cities 3 large stock at goods for Gutlemen'a wear, ’einlnmcing a variety of ‘ VCLOTHS. . ’ ? CASSDLERES, _ , \ , VES'MNGS, ‘ Cnuinets, Jesus, &c., with many other goodJl for Epl‘iug and Hammer wear. ‘ " They Ire prepared go make up garments mg the shortest notice. and in the very heal man» ner. fihe Fashions are regularly reqeived, Ind; clothing made in Any deair‘ed rtyje.‘ TIM-y ni vmyl make neat 61:, whilst thrir revving is sorc' to be substantial. y - They oak s continuum» of th phhlic'n pn- \ trormgeJ resolved by good york ind modernte I charge: toenrn it. A . Gettysburg, April 7, 1882. For Sale“ 25 HORSE POWER ENGINE with 3 Boil- A era and a. large copper Worm, mnde for a istillefy, muhing 400 bunhel‘s cqrn dnily.—— Win be sold at low pnce. Apply to CLARKE. ALBAL‘GH J: 00., Dec. 29, $863. 'lw Frederick city, in. Auctioneering. EOBGE EPLEY rvspcctfuny informs tht G puLlic that he continues the Auctioneer ing buliness. His charges are always moderate, and He never spares an effort to please. He hopes to merit and receive a continuance of public patronage. He refers to Isaac Robinson. Esq., of Fairfield, and Robert Martin, of GH tysburg, who are authorized to make engage ments for him. His post office address il‘ Greenmsnm, Adams cmxnty,l’a. @George Epley is a Licensed Anemone". ‘ Out. 20, 18623 , Military Goods. TAFF up LINE OFFICERS.-—{ am pre— S pared to furnish, at. we lowest, possible rates. Scklf and Line Oflicers with full dresl HATS, indicating rank, SWORDS, SASHES, And other equipments. Otficen are especially invited to call. R. F. MLILHENY. Nov. 3, 1862. 810 Reward. AS stolen from the premises of {be sub-1 W seriber, in Berwick township, Adams, county, within the past month, a number of; valuable papers—[o Deeds for property, 2 Shut] at Hanover and Berlin Turnpike Stock, ‘ Fire Inlannce Policies, he. A‘ reward of $10: will be plid lor the recovery of said pipers. ‘ , {OHS BUCHER, Tanner. , . an ant deliveved until the 5m any or‘ February next [llB reward uill not b. mid. 9 Jun. 5, 18515. 81‘ i IN pursuance of an Act of Aiscmbly p men! is hereby publishrd by the C amount, description and value of the R Prulcsaions, nude mx-blo by the several ' 53x- :- $5l :4; ,3 Ea“ t $1: ?° :8! ES‘JEEIEQi - énsfiaSEP (533305! :§;1;:: Bonuann an {25.3 3 339- ': 2;: i gig ‘ 22% l 29.. Tannin. f 3“? =n-F[=°‘3§=‘;334,‘l‘:g i¥*~}¢~ux€*3-€*= az= ya _ I 5* ‘H*‘ act'if'zai 325‘ » I 53‘ 55; Eat muggy 5-93 ' .I:_—_- -=;- a: ”a 'Pa '93.‘ i : : :3 ? 2 ‘F ‘5 ‘ —-——l-— ‘ *-—-t————-—_—-'—-—- -—--—~)——- 226867 39891 «may! 51325: 5300 3100 I ......n 251050; 15725 17477, 37304 a 169373! 10080 43-86: 10375. 2 “4207' 8622' 7213; 9450! 1 ......g 211'997L x569§4 82200 104:"; a 129311. mod 40915 42:81 1 "......m’ 234231! 12231 495503 12100; ........| l ...............} 142396: '9210‘ 12913! 4331» ......... l ----------u-..l 185176! ma 33645: new 1 174863 315135‘ 19436. 937:.1 "..."..z .;....... 2 ....z..........y.2654m 30992 405 m; 9263-. ......... a ' 152907 1923 ‘ 37779! 12155! .........’ ....m.. s ...........; 20mm x 8734 Missy; ms" ......m x 13mg! 'usm mo: sew ........ ......... : ""1 mumX 13572 18028 5670; 1 ...... 260947} 18436 2:950! 7:120; ........§ ......... .: "..."; 203209; 20164 ‘49177. cum .........I «...... z 30942; 4412 {10990; 2271)’ ........._l 41275, 1988 \lolso' «:80 ........{ .......! 4”,...”1 16469? 11089- 42405; 4800! ......... ......h : 2121305 10697 1 5239;; 3112? ‘1 , Mu} 159245; ”0311‘ ‘345433. 0530‘ .....:,..; .........) : 4096 mm, 2674.76‘ 7033091 muosz. 5390; ' F—-——__ euyiburg; I ‘lllnberlulduu ‘ elm-ny........ I xf0rd........‘ ‘ nutiug’ton.“ ‘ timore...... T nmilzonbnn ‘ Liberty.... finmilton" gnullen .. Bimini»... meklin... Conowago Thoma"... Mbuntjoyn , Mpunlpleaum 'ading...... :31? wick 11)., Be wick bor. Fl! ed0m...... Vfiion BulLler... . 'lutal 3 Juan—J. M. Wuuli, Clerk ‘ 'Ducember 22,186): «J L , , Cures of Consumptton EY DR. scnmcx's MEDICINES: I PHILADELPHIA. Pu... Jnn‘. 2, 1862. ‘Mt. J. H. Scuexc: :—-l)enr Sir—As you here ;cttrqd my wife of it well marked consumption, whéh she win, :95 it were, in the very jnws ‘of deathjustien to yourself. as well ns duty to m'y fellow malnuitupels me to eddress you this letter, and detail the condition of my wife, “'id the Very rcmurknhle effects ofyonr medicines inlher ruse. Rlore thnn lhree,yenrs ngn, [he ‘ “l“ taken 'witl., n copious bleeding from the' lungs. attended ‘yvilh it very lmd cough, loss of! ‘llppt‘tile, [Min between her shoulders, heml -I,nehi, cold fect,nud s grmlunl decline of her 'pllytienlmnwrra. l culled in our family phy siqinn, who is regarded nson‘e of the nhleit lprhctitionrre in this city,_ He continued to’nt i tend her for n' longtime, and during that time ,shehud Sth'flll‘nltans of hemorrhage from the lungs, which nuta’e her very Wonk, nnll ’brbufzht her nighlthe 'gru'e‘; ' It was when [{clt that her chances for litje w ‘rd' very hm, t, at Mrs. Jtldwurd French, at Maurestown, New, Jersey, who ‘lmd been mired ofpaniumption n‘tnL Bleedihg trom the Lungs, and who knew DH, ht-hcnck when he had Gon sutnption and came near dying, ulndknchj he wn‘s 'eured with his celehmtetl medicines,is¢nt wdrd to her byull {henna to npply to Dr. Schenek, as he, would be sure to cure her. At this time myLwifl: was \‘e’ly had. She was mhch’rcdheed in eat and strength, lmd no appetite, a wry l Ihm! ebng'h. Irliich was so distressing as nearly ‘to lleprii‘e her of ‘sleep. She hnd s pnin and distress in her lungs, Ind it unis evident towns nll lthnt she was far gone with ronsumptilrn; in that unernoohs the would ihu'e fever undercep ing‘, chills, and at night free so cute. _ After Dr. Sehcnck had givenlwr «newt-nine tint: Fill] his Resttiromntvr, he pointed‘out to mylw‘lt'e the part at her lungs that‘wns bmllt’i diseased. She hid little eonfidt’uce ntthistime , in ‘nj' remedies, it! she lmd used nearly even-{.l lthiug' in medicine' without the least benefit, i wh lelher disease WM progressing to the dc s'trt lion flat the vitols‘, and would doubtlessl Lsooh iterminale in death. .She comme tced j usinglthuPulménic Syyup. Slhudrnlre Pills nnd :Senrweed Tonic, rind Continued to use them about a. month, Boeing Dr;Schbnck o‘r'tee “l weekhrhen she experienced it marked improve— me t.| There nns this‘ ditferenee in the ctfcel‘ of t iese'mcdicinrs from all olliersz—lnstend oh] 3' ng up the secretions rind muttermsothetl me e hes bud done, they seemed to ripen the mat nnnl expel it in the form of: expectant tion fhieh was very curious, at the name tim tu: secretions were restored to their ,na-j turn a'nd healthy condition, anhp blood bed“ "gun ghin to circulate newt-ally. T! e medicines 'lverefiontlnund n lon’g time‘Y M tl e disease was well seated, and obstinately resis ed the action ot‘xthe medicines. At length the l :lUL‘I' begnn to'ripen, and the cough be-‘I mun lame, and fecal distal-mtg: oi mutter oc curr d‘right fromthe spot where my wife felt that h r lungs were diseased. Her Appetite nnd gleam improved, and she enjoyed what she ad longhcen e. stritngerto, sweet, refresh-v ing ldep. The medicines continued to act‘ upon ht: blood nnd, pm‘ifieta it, and after film 'or fiie onths she lmd regained her strength. and I, It tlmt her system_ was purged from all FEB. PICKINGf‘; disenl :3 She is ngzw jtrcll and [teddy and able to at mid to theduties of her family. and can-‘ not 5 ie k in terms of too great praise of the, virtn siof your medicines. She il desiruul ever; i y shall know who! they have done for her, nTwill be glad to dlrectrnny one to the. rcme ice that will cure that fell destroyer of the In men mce,Consumt-tion. I resident 607 l Arch treat, and Mrs. Lunning or myself will she \‘efy happy to have any one call'ou us, at! our ntif‘euce, and hear for lhqmaelves ol’ the grunt 'i the: at your rery vulu‘nhle m'cdiclnes.‘ ‘Yxmrs, truly, G. W. Lumxu. mute ,bf,bnsiness, coz Arch st., rhino". ; ‘ PHILADELPHIA, Pm, Dec. 27,1861. Did I. ,11. Scnzch—Denr Sir :——As it ls doubt dz by mnnylthat Consumption is cver‘ cured in order to remove such doubts, the‘ retider'K will listen to the following plain stnte men! of facts :—-I»n' the tall orlseo [contracted a heavy 'cold, which produced a dry. hocking ‘couglu attended with headache, loss of appe tite, cqnstip-tiun and an increasing dcbility. I placed 'mysclfunder the care of an eminent physician of this city, and remained under his care seréml mouths. and followed the direc tions ttrfctly, but kept getting wanker and worse «1 the time. I lost, in three or four months, twenty-eight pounds of flesh. I was exceedingly feeble, had a very bad cough and I pnin in my chest,hectlc fever and copious night. E sweats. About this time I wns taken with an ‘ excessive-bleeding from the lungs, and raised ‘ nearly I: quart of blood. . 1 In this alarming condition I felt I mnnt dic ‘ soon ifl w‘ns not speedily helped, nod many at my friends thought there was not much hope for me. 1 procured some of Dr. Bf'lIESCK'fi PIYLMON C SYRUP, whirh seemed to agree with‘me. I then sent for Dr. Sclienck, who 1 came over‘ to my residence, in Martin, and ex ; nmined my lnngs carefully with his respirome ‘ter. and found my right lung very much dis )efised nndlmy other lung in on ulceratml con uiition. ,H: prescribed, in addition to his 'Syrupvthfl free use of his SIANDRAKE PILLS Land SEA—WEED TOSIC. 1 determined to give thirmedictne a luir trial, as I felt «hm if he scould not pure me no one else could. It was mot long bhlorc I felt his medicines were doing ,me good. i f I found my nppetite and strength improving, and, best oz‘ullfihe Pnlmonic Syrup seemed to ripen the runner in my lungl, and, for days, I Would som‘etimcs bring up a quart of matter and corruplion. I continued using the modi tinua for alree or four months, until all the runner was, L-xpelled from my lungs, and the) were emirc‘y healed and sound. I regained my flesh ”(d strength, and am well and hearty 10-day, andmble to attend to my busiuen as usual. I have recommended Ur. Svhenck’s medicines to many of my friends who were wmpluinmk. always with benefit. lam antiq flt-d I had the Consumption, and was cmirrly cured by Dr‘. Schénck; and lam fully persuad m! that, if the vonsumplives would perseverein the use 0111‘ medicines and follow strictly the directions, lge majority of them would be cured. {am doiu'g business at the N. W. corner of Séventh and Cherry sweets, and win be very happy to give any information i can mall who will call on me. Joann B. Runs. Dr. J. H. Schenck can be consulted as hia‘ principnl oflice No. 39 North Sixth street. Philadelphia, every Sunday; and It No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Monday; .1 No. 444 Eighyhjureel, anhiugton, D. (Maury other Wedn sdny; a: No. 108 Bnl'imore urn-03 Bduimore, in, every other ‘Thursduy, In oqce n mom , in Boston, Man. Dr. Schenpk’s Principal office Is No. 39 North thnurccl, Philndelrphin, PL, when Assessment for 1888. Valuation an nssed the 17:!» day afluly, 1842, the inflowlng Smo ‘ommisaionors of Adnms counly,which exhibit; tho ea! and Penmml Proprrty, Trades. Urcnvllloul and 1 Acts of Ansembly of this Gammouwenllh: v, I anon. 5250;; WM. 3. GARDVHR; El’llßAlM-llYl-ZRS, ~ g JACOB EPI‘LEMAN. , Commission icilurs {or ndvirt- Flllllllll ulu‘ny! h' direct , \VHULES.H3E AGKNTS. ~ New York cit}, Cuuud Fox, No. 8! Ba 13E2 antnn. Muss“ Geo. C. Goodwin & Co 11 .\lmslmll greet. ‘ Portland, .\[c., N. F.,Phiflipl', No'. 149 dle street. . - ‘ L Pimhurg, Pm, Dr. Geo. H. Key-eh 30‘ and street. Mania Knch, Unity, Caiumbiunn co., 0h 5!. Louis, .\Io., Henry Blululg'y, cum'or Set and Vine streets. . ' Huhituure, .\[d., Seth S. Nance, N 6. 108 +nl timarc street. A I \Vnéllimztou, D. 0., Samuel B. Waite, col‘ner Seventh strum and Louiuinuu'mcnuo. . ‘ C'uimgn. “1.. Lord & Smilll, No. 23 Lnk Ik, And sold by Druggisu ’grncrnlly. 1‘ . I'RIU’ES. ‘ 'l’ulmnniv Svrnp, prer bottle, 85 knlfdgqen. Sen Weed Tunic, 51;)" bottle. 35 h .1! do n. Maudmkv Pills. 25 can: per‘ box. , T Dec- 22, um, ' 1m , i _ , Annual Report 0/1!" Funnrn’ .Ilillual Fir} flown-duo Coup of 1) MHz, L'onou'u/m‘ A’aaberry, tmtl 'E'nul Wat .Vaudmttr torn/lips, in (It: Cuunly of Ya HE President null. Secretaryfioi the ‘3!» Anmmni Cutnlmny. in compliance with 15”: Section of the Act entitled 1- An Ag: provide for the incorporation nt’x lusiim (‘mupxmio-fi' Approved Apr,“ 12, 1858,1131; the folinwing report: .- Ynldntion of property innured . ‘ after deducting surrendered \ : ‘ Policies, $125,150,367 Tomimnonntofpropeflyfl risk” 1,4325%,“ YuhlcofMeetsil’remiumnotes, . ' mxcssnbic, 97,139 Expensestorthecurrcntyenrin eluding-Printingah‘enlProv, Gush'in the hand: of the Trans urer, and other must: in tho ' imndq of the Srcretnry and ' Agents. 3 portion of which . has not. M yet been Comet-ted into cash, ' ,y 1.25! 98 The Compnny, during the curtail! yuar,’ In? sustained no losses by‘fire. _ "‘ ._ lusurnnces equlinue to be effected by ill. Company Al the estnblilhed rates, which E: I are unusually low, far the period 01" ten W“ , at“! its risk» hare heretofore been only upo the salon kina of property. Where In: ”we occurred they have always been pray-1114 1y mid.) The benefits therefore of insurln'g I IN! Company are equal to those ofnny omen while the risks are considerably lead,” i I, The following unmet} persona are fihaim‘. thurizcll AGENTS of the company: 9 1 i C. S. Gerber, Dover towns-MP, l 1‘ Henry S. Bevu‘, Qanowngo, * if Jncoh F‘ Krone, Newborry. { Martin L. Duhhng, Manchesterl _ L Michael Bentz, West. Manchcnwr, : i J. B. Dnughmnn, Paradise, , , i 13118.: 84-ck,Shrewahury, .‘ Admn Ebangh. Hopewell, ! S. L. Hahn, Henum, 1 Benjamin Lecae‘, Codoms. E Z. [9. Heindel. Windsor, ‘ Jane Huger, Codorun, 1 , Jacob GreenfleN, Fairvigw, - John Emmi, anfifin, ' 1 James Griflilh,‘ “'nrrington, fi Alexander 0. McCurdy, Belchbottomwf ani Chroniater, Hampton. Adam: mi, ‘ JOHN HOOVER, Prel/‘ulcné‘. W. {3. Prrxmn, Secreury. / ; Jan. 5, 186.1. x - 1 Good News for Everybodfl_ 0111-). 1Q GULI).\IAN’S. C AT SAMBUN'S OLD STAND’! ’ AL}. NEW 60008! CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Isaac Goldman, first from Baltimore, W 1 opened a. Clnlbing and Variety Store :1! Smu rou’s UZd Corner, on the Diamond, in Getty burz, where llo’ofl'crs a Large elm-k of God.“ in his line, am! whiéli he wxll rel! at prices». low M Lomwnish all buyers. His nlsomm-n'. which w ill be found made nfllre best. milieu-m in the best manner; comprises everything In the line oi Men's 3: [lo3l‘ Wear, \i7.: 3 Over Costs, 11 large \‘nriely; Dress Cmts, 5 large variety; Seek (Beets, A large variety; Pauli-loans, a. large variety; Vest-r, a large vuriety; ’ Shirk, Handkerchiefs, Neck Tiet, ' 'Gloves, Suspenders, Curpek Bags, ' Knives, I’ort Mommies. Gentlemcn’s Dressing Comm, to. llczwy Boole, not to be bent; . ‘ Begun, Tobacco, 1 Fine assortment of Wm", ‘56., in” Give him a cull: No trouble In Show ”00' . a; selling good Goods, at modenuc prullu. h - hopes to pleASc all purchmern. Dou'lJ‘ur; L r‘ the Sput"—-Sum~an’s Old Corner. ' ' ‘ Gettysburg, Dec. 15, 1862. Desu'able Town Property, 'x' PRIVATE S.\l.E.——\\'ill be several 5,7 A Prlvntc 8:110. unlll the In of April an .' 11w llUl'Sl-l AND LOT on Baltimore “rel-t, w - jolnmg (he “(rumpilcfl office, and round; 13;: cupieul by Dr. A. W. Dunn-v. The House 2. large. cunlmuing 14 rooms, garrm 3nd law..- dry (-ellur. and in good repair. The Lot in u lull one. 150 feet from, running back [ln 1n 1 depth, yning n large gnrrlcn. u never-mind; ‘, Mall of good water at the door, a new Punk 3" Stable. wnh an alley from Hugh street. as x vmy ofncccsa. ('pon the wlmle thin ii. one of ~th most. pleasant loutions and the propmr nnl‘ at the mo", deiimme In Geltynbnrg. .. l‘ossonsinn gnu-n on lat of April next, or pu - nession oflurt orthe properly may be had L once. l-‘or terms &c., apply on the yeah". , HONOR .VlCUDl‘flllfh. ~ " > Nov. 24, 18132. :f ’ License. HE foilowing application to keep A puh’ T house of entertainment, hm! been Elm my office, with the r‘equiaite number of 1'; era, and will he presented at the Com” Qunner Sessium, on W, (A 1100: " January, net! : ‘JACOB W. PETERS, Butler tou‘nahl pron Menu. , J. J. EATON, (huyabmg. JOHN FUCHOLTZ, Per 5. ll_. ElfiflOl-Tl, Dge. 29, 1862. tc ADIES' DRESS Tfllfifllfi‘afifin g: L riety. u . a scan , ARGE PflqunAPHS made {nu 1] pictures I Err-l? rammed My, xcclsior Shy-light G- In]. . El 51 a 9‘ a a” ’ ad '- ES": 9' 5M 2. 5221' -. 5...? g ”- ‘ b “‘53:? £7" ’3‘l' at =~i ”Q r"; 2‘ u.- 1" LI 4 No. 00, i I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers