g . GOVERNOR'S WAGE. lduotlnc the fiftpan per rentallnwed hythelductod in this gifltfl‘ nnr milXiatmva lining duwira to tth thorn rnltjnots rnmewhm M'4 g ‘ _.._ tort of (buttress. for .prnmpt. plyméntrT-ffound‘to'be defective. 84"va countim largo. and sul-nnt tn tho Legislature Home ”'loth Santa and Hour! Qerpreu-ntaliwl ‘ Penn-yivnnm thus paid her quota of the di-j and dintrtcts, having lllreally‘ supplwtl L}- dummfnts rfl-xtmg: in ill-om. - 1]” Gmmnlmxlth of Pannrylvunia: lrfict tax hit-tors- nnv other State. ‘ There ll - volunteers their proportion oi tho (mom of PB). tor-thirteenth .cu-tmnol' tho act of May ' Q ,ungq.._\‘o¢wimgmn,tmg the ”99.4““ due. 10 the Slat“. PT'YWI’" l‘j (Or nd- thi: .‘ltate, wero oxempted from llll’tir’l‘i.lln)ih. lS‘ul. I was lll'lllt‘rlzt‘d to drxtw my 111 bl .- i itv which hm wpi bed Vance: lince mnde for tran‘mrtflllml illl‘l‘ nn'l limo mu 2 Win to r-nnl-le othrrs towvarriutq on tln‘l trlurury for a sum not ex :"e'gi p: [slitthljzlllll‘r'l durinz tlmgpnst pqnipn—ontsot volunteers, nhout three lmn- migp [ha ”nail-ml ntivnhcr nt'mon bv volun- ‘ nadir; twrnty thousand (lullrrs fur cc-mpm. 3,13”; pleural I).\-iil9l’rovitiPW'P not drpd thousandrdollurs. _ tnry ”113“,“an {fix-he draft was con-willy nation to such pl‘rmn-n ls magi}: he required yl " his the "m ’l9 of Ppnfiylvnnin 0n tho 20th of thruary loci IIIFUPtI my TH'OOPPthtl with throughoutthofitntc on the torerve the muntry in n militarv countitv.' :n yeg‘gg in tnll Inll imp“, dunes to our warrant authorizing: the State 'l‘rcnzurer in 16th day of Ootoher lnut. and the“ ”I‘llle ltthe dpfe oimv lust unnnnlmrisnge‘. I hid «garrison o:ornmenl but to give to this ‘lPlin‘f in the Philadelphia and Eric rml- men were divfi‘ted l“ he l‘la‘i"‘l,‘" ”in wv' tdn‘n “0*" the "WWW el:l-t thousand flm. (‘nminonvi‘rt’alth domeixtic pence, plenty and road company (m 0 thouimnd of tho bonds “at cnmygl'wndezvouc nstahhshed under hundred ilnllnrq. and ind ‘uld cut up to the rity‘ doposttod Wllll tho Smtem conformttvni'll tho reflula’tmn‘. film": 's‘" worc ”all” lit 0‘ D’“mb". if” Cl. Six tlmmnnd fuur ggtiflnncéinTrensuryNorJOtbv the not o‘ MM 7. 19!“. On the 20th at .\'o- zed and r‘mwrl illPlt‘uillUL‘la. andhavo s’x’nor’ hundred dollars, wit.“ "1“ account was pet. 1861 was 51,5515“ :2 vomherl iflsucd A similar warrant. l'nth ,nnno formml'to tho army in thoficl-l. lhc tlod. Sim-o rim time I hove drawn two Mpis during thi- fimsl year {warrants were gruntohaltor rnceivmg n» ilmit wm eminently summdul, and when thou-«andulnllarq from the tren<ury‘ part Of . ending Nov. 30th, 18M, worn wportfi from John A. “ right. an.: the (fur the man hod boon mmchou to the ronfloz- which, mth ,tho Lulu-J3B in my hands, has a 10“."; ' l misniom-r appointed {hr the pnrpmo. that vow-s, my ozoncv m the matter coated. and been expnndrd in tho tinyment of momhers Ordinary sources. $4,047,821 89 - ' itho nroomls of the hontla previously lirll'fil , all authrrity and control ovt-r tho men d - of myhpcumgil Hui in service when I reqnir 6i! percent. loan not, ~ :hnd been nppi’oprinted inlacrordanoo nitn o yolrod on the l. mtprl Stntr-a officprv. 1 ed ninlfllnncfi‘ and in procuring information. lay 15. IBM, 387,850 .00 the provision-t of the law. The complainv i cannot but command tho poonlc of Pr'tm' and t 0 WNW?!“ Imploved when the State was From vat-lau- bonksnl has now rbceived three of the five million: hylvalilfl for their cheerful ohmliencelo the lhfonlonod with inr-uitm in September, 1863, . In eqnltfileni f 0? 'of bonds ammo!" the State Treasury. ? requirnmente o! the Governmnnt' on' this 'nnd during tho raid in October laat. 7 coinforthe pmyment With the rTGceedS ofthebondniunwl, till)" occuflnn. All tho oxpt‘nif‘fi of tho riff!“ An flMO'lfl' Of them expenditures will be otinnonpuhlicdcbhliofleé 30 ‘two miles ofrm-dlmve boon complc-tml. mn- nrp’ of comm, to ho paid lty the Unitod found on tile in the ufiice of the Auditor Gen- Ret'umle’llth-mlllt'hl29-2“ .43 lkintz with what llILd formerly been finishml 3mm. and l lnm-n that. omen: are now in oral. ' ’ “3‘3““ “WMV'W‘: 6051‘“ 53‘ 'n total of onP-lmnllrml nnrl ninotv-nine the State charged wnh tho settlements und, Under thevncgor firm, April. 1353'“ is my ”1"" 5,211,747 68'; mile“. lonving oiglitV-nine milos unfiniihod, ‘ pavnwntu. r lintentinn tn take enrlv moiwureo for the sale ~{of which nearly all is grmlcd and relnly forl Including the three months volunteers. lof tho powdnr magazine in thao'uy of Phila-i lthc iron. The bonds still in tho Troosury Ponn<ylvanin has furnished to the general dolphin. The powder magazine at Harris-' lnill yield an amountnmple‘to complete the ‘ govnrnn'rsnt more than two hum) red thous- ‘ bur: is not; judiciously located. A State. lmarl, and thus opon tho important route to and men sinoo the broaking out of the re< . powder mngnzine ought. in myjudgment. to‘ ltmde‘nnd commerce. The development, of bullion. besido< smm- firtv thou~nnd n'holhe Precicd on ni-uitnhlc site in the vicinity, tthc vast mineral and other rnzourooa of our‘ worn in qervirn. or nctually rmdv for i 3. «‘1 ‘ 0’ this plnur and I recommnnd the attention !nnrthwestcrn counties by this moon: will , voluntoer militin. under the call of lltli lot‘ the lmgillnturo to the rubject. ‘undoubtmlly in a few year: rr~ndor valuable Sept. not. making in the whole more than! In September last two lumoficg cf rifled the securities of the Sunbury and EriP Mil- two hundred and flity thouwand mm. lcnnnon warr'presontnd to the Commonwealth road company. now forming pnrt of the‘ In October last, :1, hotly of roliPl cavalry by n commiltoo of (‘ltlzdnninf Philadelphia. sinking fund of tho Commonwenlh. ‘ with a battery oF artillorv, suddonly crooked ‘ through S. V’- Merriclr. an‘ , which tire now 'l‘lm intermt on the State debt was paid tlmj’otnmnc and made their way as for as in the Arsenal in that citv. I recommend in August hut in specie or itu equivalent. Clmmhersburu. plundering what “my found that provision be mule for procuring corn in Pont'nrmitv with the existing laW. at tlm ot'mpplina useful to them and committing ringer, Minions and othér 'equirments for, cost. ofone hundred and forty-six thouwmd other dcprmlationn. They want out of the them. Thaililmrnl donors are entitled to the‘ six hundred and thirtwone dollurr and film» by crnr~inu the South Mountnin and thanks of the Gommonwealth for their pntri-i tWPnly-twn cénts forthediljimnce hmm‘n thua‘ronolfing the Potomac lit-low llnrpnr's 5 cm- air». , l t ‘ spot-in and panel” currency, of which til? Ft-l‘t‘y., ’L‘ho troops in the tie-h] “'l’rt’ not | Under 'htijnint resolution of Filth ofFet‘r, hanks, undor the prhvision- of the not of. prepared at the moment to punish tle at jumpy, th 2. "199",,” m." rrnmntly token 11th April. 1862. how already refunded to tempt on her mi]. and it is to IJP rngrpttml Nor tliorblict‘luf our sick nndiwuunded mtn in; the State one hundred and forty thou-mild ‘ that. othmont moasu‘res could not turret-eon ’tlm field. 7 l . t sewn hundred and sixty—eight dollars and ‘ taken by tho nrmv toonpture the rebel-z on Tho woundenz «t Wincheetor. Strnshurg. l thirty cont». ' . ithoir return to the Potomac. 7 lmmt‘difltely Front Royal: Villinmshurg and Fair Calm.i This infirm on the banks has llLPmmL’lnltor I received notice that this force had and tlmno in the carp". of Major General \cnvierJ ran in myjudgment ougli unbe‘ crossed the line ofthe State, I rolled into . B'mltn, warn duly nttcmlrd on the fialdforinr by any special intertst. . 'servico the Andermn cw-Ilry. tth en- the vicinity shy Surgeon General Smith and oi as the'Lefiislnture nhriuldptherwlse ‘ cnmnéd at Carliolea, and two companies cf corps of sutzcons nndpr his direction, run]: a, it will be the duty of. the State: rouulzir‘l at the barracks at tlmt’place.‘—- warn hmmilht into thin State. The snmel rer to pay in like mnnnt'l' ”1k! intf‘r-l’l‘hme troops were pushed forward in the nvntem would have two" Anufinued. hug‘in llth will fall due hereaftfir.’ ~Elle l direction“ of Chumhorsbnrg and South Junelnst. I l‘N‘PlVMln letter from the Surgeonl all be careful not to violate thoJ Mountain. The cavalry at camp Curlin, Genoml of tho Unitml Snten.’ reprosentingl " impair-4M "9‘3ng Wmnmn- confiicting of one toll and tyo ignited-tab“ it vnnfimnd incrlnvnnicntlto t‘hoxcrvico, 7‘ The: Serious and- early‘cfihsifli’l‘n‘q‘regimonn, were ‘tti‘mcrf‘u’ inf'ti‘rrtfi'ih‘ndfl mf‘mmtci‘e'ili'idit’fi’nultio: in the ”my“ " the Legislature ii invited 10 “i 8: together with two companies of intlmtry identification of the soldiers'for pay and pen suhject. ‘ . land a battery of voluntéer light artillery of ainna. ~ 3 , l in my opinion there are already more ll’l'l Harrisburg. were held in romlinos to go tixr- In comnlinnoo with his views. I was reluc orporateq bunks in the Commonwealth word when Mnjor (ionoml Wool "united - f'lnllV 01-ligM m dint‘cntinue thr- system. but. than art: at pre=ent requircd for the Dublin and («fumed the command atoll tho forces. ' I hm}x not eta-ml to urgo on the Wnrflnpnrt-l convenience, and [ therefore recommend lie ha i previouely ordered p-irt ot'his mm- mentr‘ha ”woman” t.f sanding om- sick and I that no more shall be incbrporuted. l—f rnnnrl from Baltimore, nnd murched the l woundofd mén info tho Sure. vhcre chef cnn‘ 0n the 7th ot‘Julv last a call was made , troops ‘0 Golty>hum -- ltw nursed mid cared for lw their fiiendvi. and, by the President for three hundred tho 5-1 The rebels marched .tvith so much aelor- ‘htl'e to snvlhnt :it E: npgh such an nrrnnge-i and volunteers; \This Stntevhad nlrendysi‘i‘p-‘ lty tlmt they did not encounter nnS' 0f llle mrrt was nilhlr- with tho nuthn‘ritiew nthrhr! plied nearly one hudred and ten thorn-Ind lorries of Gon,-“ool.‘nnd campml from tho inghn, whiéh it “'".' honor] \rmihl he ofi'no-l men, yot her people pr‘omptly bestirrjed State. I fiemmnwn’tl that npphcutxon b 0 tit-c, hut 'Horc hm Loon t-tn‘h "trainers in themselvps to respond. to this nery require. l_que «to Congress for an appropriation to ‘ rutriug it lntn man-limit ’oromtion. that I[ ment. Althnilgh it. was believed that on”: componmte our citizeni tor the dumugcs Iremmrmnr’t ‘tlm Lori‘l'lturl' to invite the bountion would be necessary to induce the i they Buttered by the mid. . l wttintior it‘ltl c War D 1 purtim nt to tie suhn men of Pennsylvania tender the servicnlot‘l 0n ”,4 km emefgonfigr m which [ harp :jort. “Hr ‘ilfli‘ring: men lmvu :1 right to the, their country on such‘an oomnion. yellow I referred, I flcknnwipdgp valuahlp c3un§el ahd l svmmtl-y r|htl aid of ”It ir Slum. to lie‘ so. some of the ndighhoring Statosofi'ered larige . “(shtancc from Brigudicr (lonornl Andrew : rpndorcd -x u {not to it inre ‘lm sorviw. If the . bountips, it. was thought not right to expmel Portcr. of [hp United SW“ A rnly‘ “1,5 ”u”. ; lint-icing thfun ha i" to he nm-ndod coul-l ‘ our citizens to the temptation thus nfl'ordi-d t testified his afi‘e-ction {M 1,3,. mfiv'e 5 ME. and l produr‘o {rumincnn\voniom-e' tn r‘mt. I would ‘ i 0 them to enlist: in regiments Of Otht'l' , [en] in her serving when “”42”thth And ' Tmt nrgr' It l But this t'runl'tn lrnve them 10l States. There being “0 appropriation J‘W'on tho some, and other occusions. lam in» all” care nnnjll rogret l" ”I" ll) f-‘W‘Wntlyi the my‘ment ofbountißS. I. of course. co m . debtcd to oblonel Thr‘mau A Svott. (‘vltmcl l t - 3"" "93*" Mr wl'mr- 0-" 'f'pnxc officials. m; not direct. them to be paid out. of the trolls-2min. A. \Vright. nnd Colonel J. B. l’..rkcr.~l‘”'"l‘ m ”to immednt‘ \‘itmi'y "f n“ the! u‘y.a'nd it wnsevident that tocall the chil- l memberg of “iv smg: who come l‘Tl‘mltlly on i nhnndnrt- f: mt‘urtw ‘xvliiuh H P q-ilicitude of. lature together and wait for tho negotiatibn I my summom rind served with their m-custnm- l the": fi'm‘ll’jl' ““1 mm‘l" “'Ollld T-‘lolw 10‘ of any loan which might. bo authorized for l 0d zeal and fidelity; “mm“; pecuniary éunn- promle for .n‘m. l the pal-page, would be “Henrlpd by iniuflfi pentatlon. ' ‘ ln :lfitlljltln to tho FNPITFPE or nttpndinz riou- delay. Undor those circumqtnnwi; l, l - The militinlnw of this Stato in gronfly ac. and hrmgmi ill-ma our sit-k nnvl thndr-d as: confidently. appeal d by procliimationjOfilfective, and I curiae-ally recommcnd the up lu‘mvr‘ 'Ettitofl, l hms _rxprndf_d less thanl people who have never faltered in the pgr- - pointmcnt of‘n communion to ”ome an.l,sjl’_‘oo in the transntnrtatu‘n ni trirnda of sick“; formnnce 0‘ anyfluty Ofpall'lOll-‘ml calling 5 suhmitan efficient cvstem. to he l'PPtlliH] he- ilk‘lle l- 0" ifl'lln'l' ‘l w’untems. and other‘ on them to raise in their several counties) fore the m’jrurninrnt of the tpgtglnun-p'm.prrmm son hr nw for their (tour to the! the sums nwe=sory to insure tlwir'propor-‘ that action may he [W] (m the Hui-,ioct at the "l"?! h t 'a-Fw'vlu' vnvi l'n-spituls, - and in tion of thofiubtn of the Sinte. This nppml prownt session. In tne hurrv of ordinary 1 lu-mgzng. hr no for n.t~rmcnt i‘lll' hotliéa of. was effectively finswered. . Bublic meetinfzs E hugineuq the Lngishlum mightnnnt he üblc m thnno shun. he whole I xprnm n-ourrod u'n-' were held, and liberal amounts sulmorihqd : flit-911,0 News“; nttmtiun lo the New“ I (lertllCJnmt ronolutlun W'ls firn tlmumml one; hyindividuols. ln thocity ofPhilatlelriliia,l tion of 3 prop?)- intrigue, and mm” which lmn'lrr‘d 'lml n'nntvr‘n doll lrfi 'thtl-‘lgl ty t rve: besides a very large fund thus raised, the! hare :firefidv occurred prove the norms“)- cf. 0.0!!“ the «Limit of th-‘h “'lll he fnl’ll'd in l municipal authorities contributed heavily ’ sumo effectual Logi-lntion on ti e subject. so v ""‘_ "W‘" “ ”“9 S"'.’-’~“““ Ut'lt‘rnl "fill or the from their common tre‘mury. and in several that nu: people mny be :‘dl quntely protected. ‘ Chief of Trillfi°lmflflmm~ ’ ‘.i l counties the county commistoners.‘ gononal- ’l‘he State i» in pnwsvaainn of the following i ““1“ ‘ln'il'imiF‘ “’s‘“ “Filled 10- ullow“ ly under the,gtmr:mtee of.n few of their! Ordnnnce. Arms and Ammunition: 101 l the "x 3319 0? tvfinsp-"xnaition of one nor: eminent citizens. devoted county funtl< to G 3 pigeon of urtillm'y, of which :3 need re- 15”.“ tn the ii "If? hr'n; humethe body nTlus the same purpose; I :rpcnmmend that; i pnirs. [fricml or r. atom. and the expense .of bin these proceedings he legalized, and sullmit 2 Lannie; cf m.“- ”mm“, ”Ming"? af [3 1 return Will) he holy. _Thf costpf this had to the wisdom of the Legislaturr. the qum— l 0,45.“ rifled cannon. 5 pounders, 3 “among 1 not eXl'Pedm SOM: n lnvh 1-2 int-ljndci in the tion‘ot' what. legidotion Wculd'bx’just sndi and 3 linttsrv‘vianms. ”Muted Mthe‘sum nt'lms 2!: m 3*: CO, ul qvo «futedi ‘' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ , ~ .» - “a: - l lnthis conhnction lnnzvtsptnkqilhu Trial In Trenmry for Em! year ending Nov. 30, 1801, 6,763,353 35 And she payments have been an ’ Toflows: (Mummy pnrposes.,s3,osa,uo 06 Paid on State interest. as an equivhlent for coin, 146,631 22 lilitnry expenses. not April 12, 1861; Milimry expenses, ac! May 13, as], 460,543 68 Military exlshenaoa, Mt May 16, 1862, . .Militnry expenses, act _ April 16, 1862, Military psnbinne, M! May 15,1861, ('ommissidncuofflnh ing fund, 427,881 51 Domenic creditoru, 105 33 'l‘emp'yloz’n redecmod,loo,ooo 00 Cum"! Qtnfics Gun-rn- V "meat dirtct’mx, _ 350,000 00 Luring '1 dance in Treasury, Nov. 39219122, . 2,172,844 01‘ which “mount one hundred-had ninety-five thousand .five hun dred and seventy-six dollars: and twomyfiueven cents is the £an ~—TAnm:—o£-:m: ' ' loan, I 8 follows : Bmlance of said fund N0V.30. 1861, , $390,501 6} Bet-emu nndenct Mn; 16, 11351, 387.85 00 Paid for military er penses, as abqve, 432,78 Paid for redemption of temporary loqu, . * 9 In“: Moipt! from m-dinary snnrcks: . For year ending Vov. 30, VB6 . $4,047,822 39 For‘year 91:1?ng Nov. 30, 186’, 3,017,645 s'! i r _ Excess of reéclpts for 1802 i Payments {o‘ ordinni’y phrpo‘sel, excepting Mel-eat: ' : For year ending Nov. 30. IRBIL $1,118,6362 93 For year ending Nov. 30, 1862, 1,023,345 77 ‘Decrenaclncxpendilnres 01‘11802, 95,317 16 ‘ From the tables exhibited it will appear that the receipts from ordinary sources of revenue for the year 1862. are in excess of the receipts of the year 1861 one million thirty thousand one hundred and ueventy six dollars nnd eighty-two icenss, {the ex cesa ofinterost paid in 1862 over that in 1861 being $144,005 37 :‘I and abut the ordi— nary expenditures for 1662 {Va 6 ninety-five thousand threat hundred land seventeen dollars nnd sixteen cents lose than the year previous. '1 . The healthy condition of the revenues and the excess of the receipts over the ex penditu'res. secured by the‘ rigid economy which has been practiced, (especially con sidering the necessary increase of Caxation hxv the national Government,) seem to in vrte. the. attention of the Legislature to s revixion ofthe revenue laweL with a view to lightening the hurthens of the people. In this connection it. is proper to invite your attention to thejustice and expediency of restricting the rate of local taxation. now, In someparts of the State, oppressive. Amount ofpublic dpht of‘Pennsyl ynninms it. stood on the Is: day of December, 1861, 840,580,388 08 Additional amount receiyed ntlhe State Treasury during the fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1862. on militarylonn,nuthorizedper act ofM:ylb,lB6l, g 1 40,968,516 08 budget amount received It the State Treasury during :11: fluent year ending Nov. 39,1862, viz: Five per cent. State , , stocks,‘ 3268,8091“ Four nnd it half pet ’ ‘ cen‘L Sate stocks. 50,000 00. Font-p. ct. State stocks, 100,000 00 Interest certificates, 17 25 Relief notes, 1,411, 00 Domestic creglitou’ certificates, Nilitnrylonn, per Kit of ‘ AP. 12,'61,redeemed100,000- 00 ,Y .————3— 520,302 26 hblio'debt, Doc. 1, 1861, . “awards the extinmishment o! the pub lic debt" the Sinking Fund holds secunties amounting to ten million: seven hundred and eighty-one.thousand dollars as follows Bond; of Sunburpand Erie mil romi company, Eonds'of Pu. railroad company. Bonds 9! Wyoming canal company, - Should there be no éxlmonlinary demand won the Treasury, there can be appropriated from the large balance now on hand and the increasing revenues, at least a million ‘ and a half of dollars during the coming' yearktowards the paymentvof the public debt. The operations ofthn Sinking Fund dur ing the last year have born, as shown by my proclamation of the Bth of September last, as follows : Amnnt of debt. of Commonwealth reduced, Al follows, viz 8m loans, interest certificates. Domestic creditors’ cer um. Belief notes melted, It will be observed that the fiscal year ends on the thirtieth of November, and the sinking fund year 011" th that Monday of September. This is the reason for the ap parent. deficiency in“ the amount of debt, fluid as stated in the Treasurer's report. and y the Commissioners ofthe Sinking Fund. Under the act of 11th of April, 1862, I g pointed William McClelland, R. B. Mc— (finbs, and M. Russell Thayer, Esquires, as Revenue Commissioners. who have print , eds report, and will no doubt submit the j rétult of their labors to the Legislature, to ‘ which I invite attention. T refer to the reports of the State Treasurer ‘ mid Auditor General for the details of the i my.“ nfl'airs of the Commonwealth. The! report! of the Surveyor General. Superin-l tepdent of Compon Schools and State Li- : burial: will exhibit the stateof the depart? menté under their care. .‘ In wool-dance with the act of 10th of Februuy, 1852. the quota of this State of the direct tax of the United States. nmnuntn ing’ to one million nine hundred and forty- ‘ . six thoussnd seven hundred and nineteen . dollar! and thirty-three cents. was on the \\ 14th June, 186;, paid to the United States, i portly by a rehnquishment of a portion of r . ‘ sum olumgd by the State from the; k 3; , meat and pgrjly m eash, after de~ . v, ~e ' . it \\ 1‘ ‘ ' . 1i" ’ i A} MI 1,217 as 20,607 04 400 31 4,590,509 25 - .41. - 778,357 41 582,791 14. 9',,576 27 1,030,170 82 proper on tbelw‘hole subject. that-Irina bur ‘den of this patriotic efi‘ort‘.‘ may fall equally on all classes of—people throughout the State. ‘ The result of this manifestation of puhlic spirit was that thirt eight new regiments and three unattachedv companies of infantry were raised ; fbur regiments which, previous to this call, had been authorized by the War Department to be raised, are still in progress of organization. ‘ [ On special'wequisition from the War De— partment. there have been raised and am now in service five additional regiments,_ and three: companies of cavalry. two batter ies of heavy artillery, and one battery of light artillery. A batallion of heavy artil— lery is being raised by Maj. Joseph 'llob erts, U. S. A., with my ancient. also under special authority of the War Department. Early in September last the rebel army crossed the Potomaq into Maryland. yith the-design of invading this State. 40n the, 4th ofthat month I called upon the people by proclamation to organize into dompan ies. and hold themselves in readiness to he ordered into actual service for the defende I of the State. 00 the 11111 of that month.‘ under authority of the President, I imuodl ordersllor fifty thousand volunteer militia, i to rendezvoizs at Harrisburg, for the de-i fence of the State. This call was promptly; respondtfi to. and n “Pge force was sent for; ward to the Cumberland Valley and its vie cinity. The first part of this force. comm" int! ofone regiment and eight companies of infantry, ‘moved from Harriiburg on the‘ night of the 12th of September, and were‘ followed by other regiments as rapidly nag they could be organized and trnnuportation ‘ provided. The command of the whole force was taken by Brig. Gen. John F. Rey-‘ molds. who left his corps iu the Army of the Potomac at my urgent request. and hurried to the defence ofhis native State, 1 for which he is entitled to thethanks ofthe Commonwealth. Fifteen thousand of the‘ volunteer militia were pushed forward to llagerstown and Boonshnro’ in the State of: Maryland; ten thousand were posted in the. vicinity ofGreencastle and Chambersburg; ’ and about twenty-five thoucaml were. at Har- l risburg, on their way to" Harrisburg, or in' rendineu and waiting tor transportation to( proceed thither. One regiment. at the rel-E quest of Gen. llalleck. was sent to protect' Dupont’s powder mills, in the State of Del-- aware. 0n the 24th September the volun-i teer militia were discharged by me from‘ 887,850,00 64 52 ,443,213 82 53.500000 7,000,000 281,000 10,781,000 $262,801 67 $261,178 74 370 41 8‘ 51 ll 88 262.801 67 ‘service. having hy their spiritcddemonstra. 2 small howitzer guns. '.2 pounders, with i i tion greatly aided in preventing theinbenll-i carriages, tools and stores. 1 ed invasion of this State by the rebels, and 1 I‘2 pounder rifled howitzer, Dahlgren. in compelling their sudden evacuation of 112 pounder smooth horc, 7501 b; Duhlgren, ' the portion of Maryland which they had 2 field carriages for ditto. I pointed. For these services, the than ks of 2 small 12 pnunder howitzers, with carriages, ‘ the Governor of Maryland and ofthe Cour} tools and stores. mander of the the Army of the Potomac 195 saddles. i wees rendered to our patriotic troops 127 saddles. with traces, breast strap, to. through me. Measures have been takenlfifi saddles, incomplete. to procure the payment in full of these 2.296 musket: and rifles. troops, and ot'the expenses attending their 200 pistols and 124 holsters. services, by the United States, in accordance [.907 rounds of shot and shell. with the terms ofthe call by the President. 672 884 rounds musket and rifle cartridges. A large portion of the amount has already» The foregoing does not include the arms been paid. Having accompanied this force and e uipments that have been issued to that to Ilagerstown. I am enabled to speak of sevemti regiments of the Home Guard, and; the courage, fidelity and cheerfuiness with ‘ which are in their possession. ;‘ which my men sufl‘cred unaccustomed pri-g For the details of military operations and ‘ vatiom, and bore the fire of the rebel force, ' of statistics, I refer you to the Reports ofthe performing with alacrity all the servrce that‘ Adjutant General. Quartermaster General. f "3., required of them. i Commissary General. Surgeon General, and (h) the 4th of Augustin“, a. draft ofthree the Chief of Transportitiou, which accom-i; hundred thousand militia. to serve for nine‘ puny this message. i months, was ordered by the President urr-l In regard to the election of officers in the! der the not ofCongress of 17th July,lB§2. Reserve Cog)- and the recruitment of tho' and regulations were reads by his authority regiments ' that corps and of our other: in pursuance of that act. under which reg- ‘igallant regiment! of volgnherq, [PM be oh 1115539“ “tab: enrolmentztnd draft werecon- send a 8WD!“ 1110593539“ a f" “N " I Stnte by the Committee in dolnh'a. in Seotrmh-zr lust. l 26,495 mnnkets and rifle-.ol' Whil'l‘l 116” are ready for ixsue. 4.460 in the hzmds of mechanics for repairs, nnd the balance. having been used by the militia called out in September lust. require cleaning. 12.427 sets infan‘iy arcnutremen' a camplcte. 1.298 swords and aabres. 3 6M pistols. 1.938 rounis n-tillcry ammunition. 1,522,000 rounds ammunition for small armi. The folliwing nrmt. iwccnntremems and amnj‘unitinn hare liven furnished awarding to law to the ilt'fllt‘r cpuntira. and to vhlun tear organiznliona fofmed under the Militia AM of 1558: . 5,840 mmkels and rifle! with accnumments complete. were iuxned m and um nuw in msstsnion of border counties. ‘ r 4,958 musflets and riflm. and 3.0“ will of , ~acctmtremerita issued to and now in pos neuinn of organieg‘d campaniee. Also 80.600 rounds of ammunition inned tn harder counties and organized companies.‘ [.755 musket: and 895 watts of aocoutre mPntn. were issued to Cnlnnels Brown and . Glantz’s regiménts on going into the soar-11 VlOO. .. ' 32 pieces: of artillery. tuned to the First' Penmylvnnin Artillery. Colonel Chules‘ T. Caninlwll' commmding, on going into the service. i 628 nah-es. 1,056 pistnls and 5‘28 sets of‘ Mcnutrcments, issued to organized chulry companies. ' Showing an aggregate of 107 pieces 'rf artillery. ' 30.045 muskets and rifles, ' 1.740 pistols. . - , 1 826 mlores. I, 22.203‘2ets of in l‘antrpnscoutremeuts. . ~ 528 sets cavalry accnutrementn, 1,603.938J'0unds nf ammunition. In addition tof the above, the following militarv propertyiof the city of Philadelphia : is reported by the “Home Guard of the city! of Philadelphia,” to be in its possession, Viz : 6 20 pnunder Pan-mic rifled guns, 2 IO pounder Prumian r‘fled guns. 1 10 pounder English rifled gun. 12 caissons for 20 pounder Pamit rifled guns. 2 caisson! for [U pounder Prussian rifled guns, with tools and storm. ‘ l ii! pounder rifled hnwilznr. Dnhlgren. l 12 pounder rifled howitzer, 750 lbs. Dahl~, (xi-en. 2 field carriages for ditto. . i RIESS _ _..x in. epplnn. ot' the uctir henerolcucc ni'mtr‘Jitfzcns. who have without compensation tlcrotcll their tithe and core tot eir suffering felloW-éillzens. dis nbletl by the asusltica n! wnr. Not only hart“ many gone 0 the fiL’ltl. to administer thoiri kiml ofliccs, ut in every port of tthe Common: wenlth thoua. uds have applied their menus and; exertions to title same end; nml espwiully hovel thc womt-n n Pe'nneylmnit, obc ing their true wommtlyninstliucts. shown that they are Worthy“ to he the_mdth}srs. wires and sisters,“ the. brave men, iwhotu thcy hnru stimulated to, thrlr duty, nud ,soothul and nurscrl in the suf—t ferings that lfiuvc (‘llillctl the performancenf it. The (-in o ‘ Philadelphia Luring pntrioticallyi ofi’cred to t‘td Ur itetl States. Lcnguc Island as n: donation for? Navy Yartl. Congress directed a commistinn tp report upon the availability of‘ that site out] l’lso of Kev London. To the gemril astonishment. a majority ofthe commis-t sinn have retrortetl; in furor of New Londond but the minority has presented nreport, which ‘ is t'ort.fieLl by; the approval of the Secretary of“ the Navy. sh wing so conclusively the superi-' ority of lteoglze Island that it is scarcely posai- l hle thhl Gun 1 cos should hesitntc to select. that 1 location. Isl-equhlish u ‘Snry and for that construction iron chul VQ‘FG‘J at a point. re-i mote from ofnecrssary supplied, situated on salt water. d necesdble by ‘m‘Prc than one route to any dncmy. who msy bait: a moment ary superiority at sea, would uppéurto be quite‘ inconsistent filth the wit-«tom ot‘ COngrcss, cape-l cially when 'll, site is omen-ed convenient to iron. coil and other necessary supplies. situated on ‘ fresh water iwith 3 sufficient depth for the, drought of large vessels, and safe from hostile ' attack by its ositiou. l Capt. Hen y E. Wrigley, of the city of: Philadelphia; nt my request, not! without coup; pansation. his made a report to me on the de‘, fences of the Delaware, which I herewith‘trans- . Init. for information. . I In July hut, I received. at Pillsbury, by telc-' grlph, on otfir from the Pennsylvanio Railroad] Company, ofa'. donntion ot fitty thousand dollars; to assist in playing bouuxicn to volunteers. I declined thi.~ offer, bccnuse I hot] no nuthority to accepf it on bclnlt of the public, and was unwilling to undertake the disbursement of the fund in my private capacity, l have since rc ccived a letter on the subject from the company suggesting other modes of di<posiug of the money, a copy of which is unncxed to this message. If the Legislature should accept the donation, I recommend that it be applied towards the erection of an n~ylnm for our disabled soldiers. and that the trustees appointed to superintend the erection and management of the asylum be Authorized to accept such further contrihutions Is our citizens may otfer. In 11 well managed 5m ty of Phila- say nut. Wedge establishment. of that lcind. it is probable that the pensions to be BIIUWCd hy the Government to the men. will.ennble them to support them selves with comfort. By nu not of Congress passed on the second day of July, 186:3. lands were granted to th'e several States for the en dowment. support and maintenance by encb‘ State, of at lent (me college for teaching such branches of learning as are related to agricul ture and the mechanic nrts, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and includ ing military tactics. i [recommend that proper provision be made by the Legislature for havmg the lands thns granted to this State selected. and the title made to the State. and that Congress beretheih ed to Illovtho lands and their proceeds to be‘ used by the State in the construction and sup-: _ poi-:31“ such on asylum as I have above sug-i Lam-“ma am, 6'_H9m]qun;tfl: an; ad; 893 e ' ' ’ 5 ur reps: mm l’l‘hel details in; the operations of the common {it}?!atltfizenezglg:n'ioth'ehimlprson Troop so 100 e stem, urin the sch l ear that ter- .- . . Y . . , _ minmcdy on the fing‘ Blondngoinylune, v 1862, : mutmted atgnsbtnlle and infused to ad manifest scorcely any evil effect! from the unce. troubled state of the country. Absence of the T“? rem usual degree of progressin the various depart- l "9"" "“0 th manta is the may result observable. To luvs Ward, and 5 held ill owmghowcnr, during the “van-”31’8“! new all: dull to quick, in man with All on [not I"!!!. numb“ “social interests 4nd enterprises, ithu been sup- their‘return , ‘ a VI 301-101 ”In ='r"'"¢“" jinx-«4' “r: 3” H=‘H‘rv‘n' vim-r. :1 nf Hm huh! It. £3ol~9u4lnu 1111:)" 11m. “(mam .. "n as Inc-Judgment of the 1.9... I phi] 0' H" RIM”. \ hnnw‘irtlne It at ' \Vim‘bNILPP. J ”L 3. '69., , ‘ l hu-vot'tt‘ m m.‘ ’ A, ‘ “ "‘ ""W ' «run: : rnvintt: to e: ""I Part: otlw 5"” " ‘Fm’m “MS “IP".‘7nzthc “Dept! tmltm General my: a unteltnntlpl wngoq nflwnrkmen 1m" lfll‘mf‘" nut in Innuey :. N" I". h!‘ PM“ of "Mt‘nni r‘ ’ ' butin "rir‘m‘ «urn keepers: fur merpandh'e fiehhll for C WV nor 3- , . ,_~n.nrmr‘t-‘ “a "mnmh-lna. TH: “5810 me WWW“, tmn tux tn W 99"! ‘ ‘”‘l ”‘ Ft”! "em -3“ canlngilinn. inmeu the menhto the ”neon: = mom wnrn Willing :1 in on rm “Xi"‘dllyvn "an,“ lll'r“:i"“ nt thr- «to'e knopern. it i 9 n tam-abs the ”Wmm-{l n remnzn “Wm; M“: tn‘fitr‘m IT“ tttt'fi‘t‘ and unjust. and it “in.” (11"! “ad nigh“, \j‘lr mnt INN-g ready to clpeem of u<(-ft|l nitiznnt. whnuns they live h) nlwy evorv Md" w" 'o‘" t 1 {nurmnrz with‘ the prnc'nl: at their tlnly l-thnr. have n,” Iltth— mp prnmifl‘ that I‘9 “'nulll finnnt dmvn the“ quntn man- In t"="111- l 11M" nu doubt th'tt fli~t mnn thn! ”my“ to execute wlmt ltn‘ nmet orth- tlifficu'll?‘ “MP“ "Ni-it‘tnlly neqvxr um nrtlrrpd ‘0 do after the dehdlmf‘nl left between euph’ryt‘h‘ ““1 ll‘c‘lry‘Wlk‘W‘" Jr" the rmr mmp. . _ tn the prenlence "HM! 9‘) “Mir Tint. ew-rvl Thin Tl‘t‘llp-flt W 9“ " httlr- ‘ "’IUIIIT. Vet M man. for nfnirtlny‘fi'tvht‘r. “haul" receive it fai’r‘fif promiwtl 50”" fun m” “0}" WOW-in it. day“: 'l‘”. 5,. but the dicmtp of t‘mnnmn hon. Thev thought the day had com} nt, hut n. 5,; nndwl'll“ it would to moxt unwise fur w mt. thev ‘wnultl have an fimmrtunitv of the State”! interferon at nll'wt’fitthe rate nf likingn hrntll with the "4qu Something wages. it 1‘ in my ,tmlgment Int-"whom on her ‘ thé had he“ marching and tugging-gm. ‘" Prrll°€"“" “hon": I‘mmn'mh hf" "“mirin: fnrh vmr pad. ‘ ‘ D ‘1'“! “Wk" mgr.” ”I" “"5“” 7".‘"'h”°£]" 'l‘ht» (:rth’r for 00" Regiment “'3‘ ‘Omwrnht ‘hcv shnlhe so pmxl thny th~ rttt-tpxpnt HIM . f Vt, I; , 1.. ‘ I - . . . . , _ to [net River ‘4‘? ”‘5 ‘ -“- JJVmL' mmp purchnst-poecurwc fnrlnnuelt‘nntllmhmly, _, V 11‘4“] pt‘mnptb‘ 1,”, tl'tl l whim ”)9th be h“ be“ "“11 0119 mm ran "‘ 1.- 31"“ “ lt-ctinntinn until a ‘, "m m 0" Mm'tlv ,Mflnmwmt mi. ‘lthieec ,0 the nrrtvn. M our '1“ P ntll or Rn. o (-lnt'lH Lecillntur for 17mm)” nnd (\Foclxl‘l] "min“. Ithat mght. Al 1 l l PPlmftllN Wfro; I belief that the tevtrnl clmritnhle imm". firthrr-«l tn meet ‘7 t '9 Mme l'lflf‘f‘. hv t‘hti,‘ tionq tn nich the Logifllntnre has lit-en net-us- qWme rnml. hut M“? "7 them “WWW!“ illl tomed tocmnt nit), have been well mtmngenHTPM‘hin'l ”- but ml. own Imflnnntotl l' ml-t during thwart year. t ‘ ”working how-z. Weormetlt It‘lkhpnflntlnnh; The Wyoming (‘nnnl i-«t ciill in the hnmtq of lgmlnins h\' an BY‘TI‘"‘l‘l""““[ l'nml. tlmt thn receiver. (‘ermin cretligors ot‘the (‘nntpanv w ‘nhs’tructetl hy large hnhltlt'ri nt‘ mok_ "having iatitnted proceedings ii the Suprcm'c whip“ find tn be wmoved helm-e our wagon (‘ourt {mt-(Hm: the cnnal #ntler lllt‘ mn-tgngvn. could t-é‘tuken norm. i ‘the Attoney General hm, into‘rvenotl in the' W 4: hml no puitlpnttd hm] no more itlnn wit to (gm-e the making: Naglreree of “SIIO. ' whérp Tact River \Wnl than we hm! of Nutter! ha} been made. 13“] fire proceeding: (:rnpnlflnd’g Ipy ) ntntnin‘. but an our nr-I are yet titling. Meanwhile: it being al- ”"3, “.9”, to ml, film“ of (‘t‘dlr-‘e “m Could: leged H. the qthscriher‘ ant! stockhql‘lrrv nntltnm hack. ’l‘zo rest of our lh'igt\tle.§ have pm up 311th smnlljpnrt of. the nttnn- ‘ inelutlinc nnr Mm} yy. cu’ll“ up the mnun-l nnl enpi ‘1“ the eomqnnng. nn‘ tnttrmutmn, ("h IN” wav’nml fllpn whrp ”11 Ol'tlt'tetl, Jan.- hecn ed tn the dip mo. Lnurt, by the bunk h tho- Gonetfll m “1]“. some on," ”d” Attornev tenernl. tn eem 1 them tnpny up . y ' .., q . ‘ F , ' l - 1 rechnn. Our cannon W-lt-m‘v “"9 tlrmn the ctmtt .or surh rim-zeta Magnet-cementum . , ‘ lit PM" not cumn lmay be u (*3an tr) extinxnitth the tleht due to h) “in hnmefl. 11 ~ . 1-”n1, , ' \"lll mt the Com. nwenlth. ’l‘hiyxl prnei'ett'nz is also “'0! Warm! ofthe E'm'l I‘s . )"nnf ' “mg Lstill pen :2. It is untlet‘st t? thnt the grow 00‘1"” mam. who "we?“ 9} 1? few"? the :reeeipta the ennui tlurtn llfl' la-tt Henson ‘ “MN “5‘20“ "V”. Ni rO7lO 'o‘ ‘O4 R‘}""'-‘ i have beennhout amuhnntlrt-t and thirty thnu. One Of 0"" cnvtilfwmtl-fl "M the 5” “Pl“ ‘snml doll‘ and the nnnu. intnre=t on the he‘ever smv n warm”- elimb u “'l‘“. 11m mnrttznge nla ot’ thr- company a little over fr’mh'P Wm" ”m g-Gem'r", was l" knmv tiny-one t fland tlnllnrfi. '1 ’ , where the 87th mm ”P WM l)? km“? “tr-V In pursttnee of the jnint resolution paused ‘cot‘tltl not rrnsi the in‘nnnfmns, that, mu 11th Aprihlml‘l. lh‘e Altmney General has in- next, tn impnseihle.‘ “Mimi". “'1”! his stitntetl pruretlingw M the prop *r (‘m-hit-r'fl . stnfl‘. he rndo tn ”It‘dfl'Qt qr the mlillllt'tllt.‘ Abnnds. tn 'cenver the nmnev clue to the (‘nm- and thV ofl'in thfl (Hanna-“in A little hip mnnwenltthf the Bank 0‘ Cmnmnyee at lirle, of thp'mrrnumlln'! hills hn tlimt'it-tl the anal htm unnlnyetl .lnhn H” Walker. “ML, rump fin... “f m"- hm‘fi who hit] toilet] «0. ml speoinlmmmelrt‘ur thu Commonwealth, _in MN! hm] faithfully-tn hprnnnolicb what? ‘the prosooumu of the (:filcérflrtlf‘lhe hnnl‘ tn (Hm, hm! pm," "“10",“ to da. We rc-mnin the Court tf‘nnrte-r Sesamns of 1.1% eunntv. ml at thh litllo hum}?! until ln't- in ”mi In nncnrln (:9 milifhe prnvtrtmnn «the Act “n, rnnnn of next dnv. when “-r. m“. m..‘ ”r 0”] 3113"] "2‘ “" Pform'wm.‘ .'" ' "“"y)“;"" tier-ell to mum]: in on» to \Yflrdf‘fhvllln. t). filed hyt )0 A nrrey toner-n ingntrit the ltnn- distance 0‘ 17 milemv Prmi ug tnmn invw. wnremtd Hm nn (‘ttnnl (‘mv'mm’ nntl the Lenn- n V .‘ . ‘ , my we captured a fine int," tnhtlt‘r‘rm hn h svvnnm CM] ompnnv. .Thli ("n-e “nu nrpnml ld h h" . 0 l f ~ 40“,, M 'lu-t‘ore the Sn eute Courtt'nt funhury. in ‘Octo- m M" " ”“,"-‘" 'nt ‘3 "I ‘ "‘A '"- bot-Imm. t trqhnnd. ,Cnl. Sn‘tnll tlul he lmntl~:nn_o RV an Ant Fund on .the iflthA-t‘ny of 'Rlny."t!"‘"{l “1" 15"“: "_n "'P_l‘T‘}' 9f the ['r'L'“ , 1861. nit-om“ 4' my: int-"wormed Ix'vlhe n'nfio mr‘nt "‘ “hum “f ‘ha ‘P"”:"' r‘m‘n “VT" ‘” nf the ‘Snvv 1:11, firnnd Show and Fnimumnt ‘ pnnr "M “o"l'limu "NU”? PWE nf"Lx‘noh< railway nohup ny. It being alleged that xlu- hum" v-- Inm'ns nn urmmy Mme m» '3 Yo}: cnmnndy. in mi nflnnkinp n rn'lwny on the nml pufl‘ Hm mmknnl (hie rr‘rvhmv "kmm route and in I manner ploHFrith by in: «Inr- Idnniv'k" in \‘nnr Tum. nvrliwnlk nwnv mmn (9r. is‘ muttering a railroad of n' difl'cmn t-rnlvnfml nnrl Imp: vv HruyHmr-whn livv in (-hnmct‘orlw.‘-n-,n«-.rxtvnrlingfmm the l‘hiln- pnlnoeq or sit, on tluimws. Quurlm'mnm‘n delplih. \Vil you and Bahimnre‘ llnihum-l Maid: Men muetm‘nd‘ m mfew gnm) 01"“: 310 mm “.11th ilndelnhin Mn] Trenton Rnilmml whip], warp cnnn gln‘rgh "pd my} dmh out (input. but]: within me oily of I‘hilndo rl'in. the tn Hm ”firm-pm (‘nmmnh-‘x , Attorney fl'nrrtl lm- prrcvetlod ntzninst ,the Before rmwlnng “'m‘t‘tnq‘fitp “.0 recoiv mining“; hmtto witmnln fur the vinlntinn of rd :m nrdvr tn camp flu-Wire "tym- n" .t it: chmqttcr, tntl ha: also. tiled nn int‘mnmtiqg hint? thnt [Mimi-Jul “WNWE but a muff” for H". nnrmfleofrt-t-trmnmgtht: “Mimi!“ rim" rvzhtf- ninep, Hnwmrr‘r Hm night pttuni N‘vet‘dlng ‘\ tile .m‘nbtrnct ml of thmr You?! like ntlwrn. "m 1 10111! int-fin? a)“, “,0 thrn' 130“!) ”'9” pts‘credmgfi M" "0‘“ “will“; . ‘ hunk-him: along: intnmlinginlmlt nt ' ('uymn v the notd‘ 29th Mix-oh. 1913., it “as ro- q . _,, f ”a .it W , l tli videtl Hint rittnm ah=ent from homeiin at: uni ‘ pvtnpk N- I mg: ' ’ rm! to: i.“ -- . . - . - . Irma about 2P. ‘1" and mm tlw Witt-lo P. l nulitnry un‘ie. m‘ght oxercwc their ritzltl of It i . ‘‘. ‘. ‘. l' t‘ ‘.‘ snfi'rngo no it' heijl-re prewnt at the numl W" "_“ n: quartet-m mth “Ill! ”‘2‘- "}!“‘ " place; of eler-tbn. This not Wm: eighétnntinlly "1 Emth him“ and m 'tlt'msesmn l"‘““"—'°i'i!"" re-ennctul in llt’ when] rhwtion law painted on “'9 have ""i he?" fifi‘ijl “" tvmnl‘m ‘f‘h " “N m, 2,] of Julv 133'). The g“ fame Court a,“ snout an yvlenk'unt ti night nttwn tilti n‘t tnti recently tlefiivkd that hy rensgn ofa phrnai‘in Springs’ Sint‘P merr‘ in tht‘ arrive. ‘ the canntitutinml amendments of 1838. this ,Snnn "7'9l‘ ml'initzhl iitdlltgle mnnrlo‘l proviainn ht!“ h-onme uncnnfititlltionnl. ITt-hn- tho rovflillo. Everv ihniilia-hunuwd tn hi 4 svlwmin hm: sent in vhp tu‘rx'ice about two hfm- t'N-t. wondering wh-vti“ wnu up: t-ntvthe ml tlred thousand .itizeth“. who. l‘y this :lecis‘on, riinr 11-‘s no hminoh th n—k Tirgt‘nna. W.- .nre (liutirnnt‘hifiol. Thii seam: to he hard It "9..-, all knew the gamut Hun-l m Lthing nhnnil. sure—Lthnt tnpnwhntutify‘theirvicrntion to‘Hhe so “-9 fixed m". "it“ ”,4 ‘m, n min “f c'mmtryhy uni]: tn the, fiol'i slould the+liy pnfi‘co “-py-n‘on the ml (l :n ti Rliénfiptlnnh' “‘99 ”‘9 "W" i’”-“""‘"““‘ Hill" ”f n citizvn‘ I vnilt-v. with the intr~ptimt rt limiting: Qty-q: ' recommend tlm tho nncnssnry stem'be [furth- lmrL'li-V 1 P, M, N.,t].i_“.! ginh‘rent no whh cnmmoncni to amt-nil the inlifilltljthtl‘ so curred mm] “.0 ”mm nmn- ti tmm, when" mto 9”" ”‘9 ’55:" "f sum“? '0 the ”'4‘" our mvnlizy made a th'wh into it mil ‘uf‘. "h“ ""3 ”‘M 'i""','i°d ‘ , ‘ Lo mauled in ramming :M'rrul plimvinnn. ilhre I ennnnt 01". "i" "mung? "JU'N" Epenk'tng we ('Xllt‘t‘tt'ti tni’mvl‘ :t fit'itl. Mira iI’IIi iW-t'il of thannhtukr-Ilnyrnhy nmlspn-n nt‘ the {0- c‘mr‘ n tlml'r‘olunfw-vm'tlhintl. l i 1 mm of i‘etncylfimia Tin-y fg;t-l thnt (ml-Elbe ii rd n l t ”_' _ 'l'! n a m- ": "1 " pronnrvntin oftht- Union and the ”t“ [P‘ONiOH n mi], 1"." '6.“ 1" .'_' 711° to from“ of the mo" cmn lo“ ”"4 Wil‘kf'ti roltnll'nn Rm'ni. I..lxll'flt-tnrutl-l'.thlli')” . . ‘ which history teennla. 'lopeml the lmnonghe “0 i 9" Sir""""~", ""‘:t “W"“n’! “it”? interest! amt tle whole t'ntnr'e' wnlt‘are of he I“ ”'P 5’9" “1".“ tw-nklmu. s‘“ mun-hm! (‘nmrnonwml'lu Thev wil never tnlc- 'tefiifi M""““"’“‘“~hV"Htl.-f'»“ilj‘tm Wiwwwa schema for ilethn'inz the ( ovt-rnnu'vnt or;lie\ilflitt"i ““0 ‘lil\"‘.,.'lfi mti' snhjietr hml nnt l‘nited Statefi. c-t'nr fat-min separate (‘nnpd- yetrr-nchml ll“ Ml" rim rntmn~ 'rt- nimut eraciefl. or nm’ntluu- scheme for creating gen- ‘ played nnt, (il‘n (firm-«ft. saint nnt' Knish. nrnl confusion tud min. or: niilirg 'nnd chm. mnnt nvxt drv lunrk tn-‘Stwu nr: an a fortingtlto tmil rswho nrei arms against tgci‘r foraging oxymhti/vn. ‘uliir-h w'ii'ittnoewt‘ul country. i ' ' , lin nt-mirina n q-v'mtiJ'y (if flour and corn, Thin Stnt‘e ht: fut-nichod m'njn men t'oi' film gem! n t't-w h‘noks nt v.l , . ; defence of our hstituriunu, and lnu lnst more “21%)". train ("mg m m la=t ""‘i‘nlthnviuh - lvv the Cisiznltio of war. thnn any ntler Sinte. Hp gravy] fenmmvht-t l; :m attack ,4 “s'" 9h:- has pin.“ ‘l'W‘ Homl nnnl [re-nine t'li'mly, dunwiiil‘ t“. [mlmlptk P 411731" Rilll"l;l;{“‘ and in ready to give M nun h! mate of hnlh M m ule ‘ \‘nrvignnti tinm‘ “ Mir; ”161011115 1%,: '4 mny he .nomlt'nl lit-t: people'inteml that. hy m...- tfliwnlintn an;,];\,.,,,tnn' '"I the hit-sling nt‘fiml. this rohclltnn shall he. unp'y Lfl'u‘ing )[illtll.~t. “in without 9"", "MW“ pin-«Ml, and wil‘nnt he turned from their wt- vn ni (l 0 Winclm-tnr ivv nn'tn Im] r t thd Ptlrnmo by the vile: nf masked (Int-mien nr t'i'V‘N in (‘hnruix «if tthn l'tr ~ fiiliit‘ \ft‘m the vncillntinntol' feeble frimnl-_ On the con- h l-k fti tr“; . ti- ,1] 5. ti WWW“ trarv. thm- will. (as is theirritllim inxiat thnt m. r: w i 9‘ min m" 0 zit-"i ""r ’ . ~ Clirtst‘maalmre. if 05‘ \\‘t-l'l"lmt.l m. t "°'"P"'Pnt.in’fitnt\'. Eu-rnmlnoss. lntt-llm-ttuui:l t‘ . 1 nd i "1‘ 1 .i l' lnon . Vigor .Ihall hoernlnyoll ii} the Public Refill". 5“)“ ‘ .nqnn. 9min ‘ ”Hi "m“ "m‘ “"1 “'V' '0 Frown-e thp Covernmnnt, andto maintain 3""? “M "I!" P nrrnnrxinnntu tn gimp t'tnm the unity of the country. - t frt'mt‘anul mm,“ ”'r'” “”41 il'h‘tds and . c-npv n fin? Minuet- “i" the snlnt‘ chr- At 4 n’t‘i 'k on Ulll‘idrtmt tlnv (""lfickfalg ‘wvrn 4 than in douh‘tj- quick on .1. Sumfi hum mi. whitq a llvmnnwtrntion immfldp’ on ”lii Front floral mnrl l-y .thnnt Weave): Ty. I-rP n brink flklrntiih ""“up’ib‘twppn t apt. th-yes' Uninn (nrnlry and aim" nt‘ \Vitittt'fi It'lWlls, Uxtr tiny» “'(t'l‘ ii'itnn in, olnsp In town where Ilmv )~ull.{-(I "59 Ronni the: “4:va lumka” u't‘re on the l‘t‘r‘fl‘fi-‘t._‘ With this atf-tir wnu )‘ll'Ogl'oising thfi mm" gnltl hnyu, ‘wlm had went nut mi titt’s’tm:.' hnrtz rnntl. were having ii men) time With; titt~_m:tin body of the roboh‘. ‘\ l They hm] wvmnl pin-m ni‘nrtillm "mil worn alielling tlw R npgnlrla right livplv tori n whil'p, hut night enming on put unfold to‘ tho ongn‘gomnnt. and after rl‘m'lln : in“ line uhtll 8‘ P. 31., nli the trmm w , 10‘ their camps with th‘ hope of lively finest in tho morning. t E After the notion the Cwnfodfirnto‘z it“ lawn camp filé‘d todecelve us as to fit rout intpntinn—hnwovec he w‘m prt-I led‘ all night tor anything that might not: ..t In the mornzng miriv up went on H out again. but after waiting n few hmnfihrl the attack, we all qmetly wont to ram; cnnipa. the rebt having loft. thmnzhguwi night for some more ltospitublo sectictgtm country. 1* i We had been without tents m- changtecf clothing for sixtnen dnm lmxt lenv, w ‘ nttr eqmpaco arrived from Momfiold. 3“ Part of the 2d lirigntlp i: nmv here with In. as i< aim Gen. Mtlrny and stnti'. ' ' Cnpt. Adair informs me that. h:: mummy \vns never in better health than it i~ zit 1M1! time. and from per'mnul ohwrvntinn I 0% boar teatimony tn thoir efficiency and a their coolness nnd courage undcr nll cit. cumstnnces. i ,v Co. I. from Oxford. ii also in Cami honl ‘ and hat, becoming one of the be~t drill i companies in the M’t'vict’. ; Cnpt. James A. Stnhle has hnon plecto 3‘: Mnior, by the line officers of the Regimen ‘ tn till the position occupied by C. H. Bueho ler, who his been assigned n 5 Colonel of one of the new Regiments from Penna. ' Many incidents that are occurring every! day would find a. place in this letter, but I bane already taken more space in your pa-g per than is usually allowed to corresponu dents. and therefore refrain from writing any mote. " =I Exnrrru'u vaarrvww 1‘ Harrisburg. Jan. 7,1802}. 1 COMBINED BY REPUBLICAN TISS ‘ TIMONY. Tho Conn ’ticut Legislature (ctrong RO - in painted a oommittcc n fmv week: since viait the army and rope-t on the condition if Connecticut soldier-'4. Hnn.‘ Lyman W. ow. clinirm'nn nf'the Cnmmit tee, a Repuhlican, a gentleman of high cha‘ructer EDI] respectability. has written a very remnrkthle latter froin Fulznnuth. un der date of Ihr. 21. which we find puhliuh ed in the “Harbin! Amm'rlm of ‘Zfith of Don. This tpdimnwv to the "s‘l:pr mnv call them domamli-J-Of the nr y< cannot. he i;- nored, coming from kuch lll—mince M ”tit—.- Arter spruking of the general condition of thin as, Mr. Coe continues as follows:- " You have no idea of the dr'mt'uion there is in the arrry at the result, of this third at. tempt to g( to Richmond. That it. in a complete fniure no one can deny. The cause nfit may he an n'ir-n queation; lut one thing is certain: that there will have to, be a different management or we shall not ; lw a nntinn much longer. and shall have; Jeff. IlJVi‘i to ruletnver us. I dare not write what I think, from what I can gather in the limitet'time l have had fnr ohscrvn tion and tho:t:llt.—but this is Certainhzlmt t/«z I’rceultnt lum'ln £lO7l acting as Command, r ("‘U‘l'fl a pa)! q/‘lus (ix/lend be rcmarpd, and anm/mr nmn pawl aft/m Izmd (fl/m Army, pol-K itivims in nnl out of Congrcs: silcncc-d. and more than '4], the Peep/c take hold oltlle inter-cuts of tie country. stop carrying on ‘ the wnr for sQfi~li ends, and also keep quiet} and lot; the ntmy alone. I “I have fotnd. but one Opinion in the army abnnt he merits of Generals. The? army almost 1; a man («for McClellan, and it‘ you expect tlp army to conquer a peace. you have got. to the them A choice. It ix :19. clear to then-n: the «unchine, and that tool with the best friends: of Burnside. who is: much reepvcml hv all. that he has not. the; capacity fnr tie movmg of an army of this magnitude. ‘ “Yours trdy, (Signed) L. W. Curt.” der, about three hundrédwx fight under Rosengnrten and! halved gnlluntly‘ Notice but; 9 g 4ha line for the nrrentofn V,“ “9.qu MW. - . ashvillo in imns., .‘ i. INTERESTING—{RMY LETTER. A. G. ccn'mz. i (1111th a Turret—An attempt mm made ?recently to arrest t. (Editor of the Damo cmlic L'ru'on. at Jerseyville, lllinoie, for 31- llegPd disloyalty. As usual, the parties .ulltlerlnking to arrest 11 no warrant, and, ‘ the editor accordingly ‘giesented nrms‘ in; . the shape ofa revolver, ”Which the agents o:3lpm nkedaddled.» ~. y bad banal Bahamian-31¢; ammgts bum-if they! I desire to escape tron less, “0' York Argus. ' 131° Bmmnr. Munnvu my") Zoo-Zoo \ LATESTWA R NEWS. 31min: unfi— AT vfoxsnnao Sworn] mlnmm of internufinu er nowé will he found on our first page. 'l‘hr' intelli goncp tine» rvcoivml in quleolned. ; A clinpntr-ll from llolenu. Arknmnc. (later! J.mll n'\' 211. “an“; th It tlm figlxlmg was RU” pmgresuing at, Vicknburg, nnll “'llhflut dechive rosulta. On Munrlny. the 50th Ith. Hl4- mnin‘Confmlornu- battery and rifle p 7; \\’9r(\cup|ure(l by thelho Fednrnl trnnpa, but wore sulanul-ntly romkon lly theffole‘nrlnr- R 10! and the Federal flircm repulsed. The gunlmatq were not doing much, but ill?! m‘my mu wvll pns-lml in flwnki 11ml war, and had )won rninfnrced by Gen. (lmnt'a cavnlrv. The Federal loss in klllad and wounded, so hr, in estimated at. three thou. santl. A nnthcr dispatch received «lure the above! Wruz in type suite": that the Conf'mlcmw: havingconcentrntml their-forces. amounting to sixty-five thom-md men, on Sunllny nt~ tucked [ho chezul linoa. and on the next tluy compelled them to fnll luck to their firshlina ohlefcnco. Thc fighting 15 said m have been Llesprmle. the fortificatinm Imin: tnknn and rcmkcn, whole reginwntu. nn'l R’nmvt‘mcs hrigndcu. hnving terrible lmdd ln hund oncmmk‘m m'm' tho [:lan -—.‘ 'l‘lwrc wns snmé figh'msz rm ’l‘ucsdny. but If was believed that film. Sherman could hold his‘ posilion. The chcrnl 10.55 in the en-' ungenwm is Ntimntcul‘ m hclwoon four and five llmuunml killcd. wounvlml nncl miauing; Nothing haul hecn hum-(l from the chernl’ forces below. nor could anything be lenrnpd nl'thc notion ol the gunbmt fibgl. Gcfi. Joé sr-ph I". Jnhnstnn is in command ol'lhq (‘nnfcllprntcw m, Vicknhuru. 1 The infest mivices from Vicksburg are rat Mivecl through Southern sourcn. Lind Riohnmnll journnls contain dispatchei (In; tml V'ickahurz, the 2m! instant. 'l‘hemi xmm tlmt there was stime skirmhhing on 'l‘hursdny. the 13!. inst: and that wat thm' u gem-ml maw‘ment hf the Conl‘crlemzq' mu mnlle ngnimt tho Federal work< erect+ in: nmr the lnkn. 'l‘lm Fedorais evncuutonl tho pnsitinn and retired to their transport—s} nn-lv Innvml dnun the fYnzoo. It wui sup. [4050(1 than thn noxt. pdim of uttnuk wouh} he thv Cnnfulornm works at Snytiv‘rN “in" an that rxv‘vr. I: Mini? that the Commit-rt Him arvmmiilh‘nt that t my mm hr-ltl Vivkn'r burg agitinz’t nny force that can be brought ngmnst it. 9 i W {Hp-Itch” from, I\wzhville Mata thné." thr- “’th lem'nl low 1L the hunk of Mm h-m-dmrn' i< not nvur so 'nn Hmulumlfwlul; (hut of 111» (‘43!ll3~¢lt*¥‘|ltl‘% was hum-mi “HAM/01ml] fil'hu-u tlmmwntl. 'l‘llHJchlx-rzj fun-N urn m win: soul”; tlw runr on Tue . (My \vni flight mih-s lwlqw Murfiwvdml‘fl'.—l’r (lunfwlor nlenmennnts mhfirm llle stutmnvnt of I‘m Enlinu bm‘k ufthfir form-Ix, Inn "[19,: ' Um! Um mow-mom. Wu; dmw In [H‘I'IH'L mi den". and all their stnroirnvml. 'i‘hov c‘uin'. to hawl lnkvn t'nur tlmumunl )Huom‘ri, fiv ”lOIINH‘H] whuul or nmyu um: lwwlfy nigh lvipcmofmnnnn, Strung Fe-«lelnl reinforuo nwnl< N gnu-n 2“ :ln- ‘quhnn nf the retreat, (hon. Bragg m m Nyn-lllyvdie, tlurty Il‘l‘llq'? mull» nl' .\lulv|'y-.-u-lmrn’.‘ . ' The n-unlt ut‘ tlw I'vr‘ent devrul «jxpmli (inn mtn‘Em Tunm-m o is ”I’m-rim] tn h H-wrll-me'linn “2' (Wu; imporlnnl llrlllgv . "ml livt- llumh-r-zl (1‘ nlmh-mlm kill-N} \muwlqvi :m-l lnz|llerilUnPrfi um! prom” cmulprod. The lflt‘lll 105:: “(an (m 1)! 1:- mnn. > T ‘ ‘ Mlunnri, it nmwra. fin U|<fll| mnrb Hi!) :. Ath'u-un {rum Sprlmufin-11l shto Hm (limf‘wh-r flu fun-n. rquto-d ut Rix ”mum" .~truu;_-, \viLh x\r|il!my.4 hml filtucku-vl 1h lawn. 'l‘lm (mmm ”VII-r Hf ‘thn- I’u-lAH'. hrom w‘u’mnkmg prvplmulum {or a vigu Olh'érf‘ii'lhult‘fl". ‘ . SButlu—rn palm" rt‘lvnrt ”)1! MN urguniz a] :mnH.m' tlxpt~lili (“-mlju u. lhi~ tuna ~nl-lwsml h \Vllluin'Jlr-n, In out lhl-i l"||1"0'| ml vn. f} n F Mvr lmp luv" 1 Imnnl Imm N-nfulk. 1 ma mmAßYinmu Thl: ‘x'uUfln/ll‘ [alt/fly" *m'r tl'v h-nullnlpnn “The Mnlimp’y {)an com-huh»: Hub: 11 Tim l'nn hrnllprfinr‘h M ”70!." «.I' vlu- l‘q-nman :\ bving' Mm») prwvnl m'lilu'uv mhuil‘fblm prnlvnfngumnn nalnrnlly rut [lv if. :mIl llu- h'w nf ’H‘W‘WN' Frmlt'rlolwhnru‘lminuhlqwkml l [thlhh‘ lrnriur. Ihx‘ ("m“nlh (h-nn-rul-in L‘hix-t have 'u'l‘ll bran-:3:- n ‘ xtnnvl «in m n t'mt- lmélm lln|.l'u}.lllnn~(’%ll!y Hm mun-0321' Uu- Union. ; W 0 have m") Inn: L "I. to :mxiv'ymm hue-II diurlor-nbut wr- hind! 11-9] Whnw-tl if lhin haulgk in the (‘nmmuuxg alum nnl ln-ml to M!“ ”LP II" wt. untulfillm} lmrllnn n! Gn-m-rnl .‘ltt‘blt'n In’x prophet”: lruvr m Gcneml ”alien . whom. in dnpm} omimr hf tlw erncueuinu of ”Arrisnn's JinnK 11mg. mo fnrmor mintrgl ln Hm ernn-J Motif nlnluy Hm! it \vnnl-Nnchr {broign l’mw [u you-nulvizx- our :nlvmsm‘ivfi. _ "Hu- fump :lvivntmc‘mh’e. "Mm-‘7‘. i rm‘nrnlin': Hm nut-omnivb dinmztvrs whit-I Inn-:- Inllnwml 'hp rvmny‘al of Hqurmy n , Hm Pntnm'm from the {l’n-nfiwuln, will r 0 (‘ng‘ll w‘th mat the' 103511» nunarirm tlmx n! m'nml on tho qumfinn pf nflbrdfng m it (Inmnmmll-r a paltry contingent of (Mad Hmnmml non. and (Ma i‘n a mu- which lm brought in fnrom into (hf fivltl bv ln-vios a? " fivv hundrml Hmusaml vmvn. It will‘ bq’ Inml tn cnnvinoe pmlprilixy that so much a: bum]. nncl. m it now‘afipeurzs. 8:). muéh o. “mm-(l misfortune. nt-e Ito have been e-n'i huh-t] on Uw Ilupublic ifp'i-«é 00" an hwli proaided over our mililnrlulestinieu." i _ ‘ - ¢ -oé ~~ , E my'i‘iwldnm Stpvnna, in the debate on? tho mlmminn of the promsecl new State nfi KJdeilfl. Jumle a ”fair . exjm’miihuryi .~Iw»(‘cli, at which the following paragraph mi. - 1| <yr-vimon hrick: ' i “ 1 my. thm. that we may admit Wpuci Virginia .‘H .1 now Stutu, Mt by virtue of any; prnmian n‘H’c ”ms/Alullan. but. under our uh-z mime- pmw-r which the him of wgnr give mi in thnrinvumntnnmsin which wen’re pincod.i ’ I slmil vote forjthin bill upon that. Lhmryfi and upon that nlnnfit for] will not «(u/(My ym/x/ll‘lnl aupmaing that 10’. MM any warrant I'm the I 'nnrnmlinn fltr [Ms [tracer/[Mm “7'1.” mil. “fraterin” the Thin» as {I van mu ' (In Hm I ”a chm/um (M A! u, firnnr 157' (hr übxurrfl-I rim rl‘lirf/L I Lure hum! rtnmlé/l until [have [/q-i 4 came 111/out Ki‘l.’ ofit. This Uninn can nevcri hp rmtnrml us it was. 'l'here'nre mnnyi thing~ Which render such an event impos-i :ihio: I T/ua Vivian x/m/l "I‘L'H' will! my mutant; [,r rrdorwl unlL‘r I/Lt! ('omlitulion LB it is, wit/M «lav wry [n be prolecteti by it." “ ’l‘hi~ frank admission of the unconstitu-T tionulitv of the Wefitcrn Virginia scheme is} creditable, but the treason which it masks: it; grow. By Mr. Sievms’s own confessiont he is as much a traitor as any man in nrma‘ against the government. On taking bin} Rent in tho prownt (‘ongreas he swore that. hp would support the Uon<titulion of the, United Siute~, and he expects to re mt; lbut oath in the next, Congress, to which ho: ‘hax been elected. Yet here we find hi i'lehhemtely announcing that heis govey net?" ”1 his votes, not by the Constitution, but 5y his notion of the laws of War, even when-+1 hese are in conflict with the supreme law J{the Imzd.-—.\'. Y. World. JustSn.—The Springfield Republicnnmno (he ablestllepublican papers in Musnchun ‘- is, says : “Thero can be no doubt that the voten' ”New York have decided against Mend—l' J"-ion as a war measure. Nor is there any] ' .ihility nfdisputing it, in regard to Penn ”Vnniu, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Reid ”may, The people of these popuious' ‘ “Mes felt. like rational men, that the quer; m Was— Emancipation and no Union '; or; ’ “Union and Emancipation mbnnduned.”§: , , ‘ WAmong the distressing features of?” bombardment of Frgderickstggfionjho ‘ “Was the diam of ‘yjdhn d. "#2? i’ . ifing In' ‘36! ME, iii“ 'bm'si‘ .11_ room, and moit into piecés.‘ ''l ’fi";
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers