il WW @mml. The Anderson Troop. ‘, them C-vnlry me mwe Inaiblcfigbt u wareeaboro'. Md nufl’ered Vet} Bull. The} were dnwu into on em- M. Ind the tvo Majors, Marten Ind Word, tore fined, 39 aka Sergeant XII-bat, Alcnodcr Duke, F. Herring, A W. Rodrick, cad A. W. Chen The" I. dime mm a yet given. Who clue "tuned, :ud who wounded, we hive not ,0! burned. Great interest is felt here, u. - about twenty 'or thirty young men from , thbm ind county were in the hoop: "Captl IRWIN, o! the firm of Irwin 8 Tyler, has bcrn ducted Presfden‘ 6f the Western Maryland Railroad, and General ‘Buperintendcnt of the Band for tho ensu lng mt. His son, P. Henry Irvin, has been 'gppointcd Assiuunt ‘ Superintendent. ’Tho’mud 35110303 ‘0 good businefi, and n corp. 6f engigégrs will soon survey the yonte from Union Budge ,mwards lingers -3013, with 1 vietjtn'its extension. ? ————-—v~—v~' -v—""—‘- ’ '9! the President of the United Staten. i ' r 4 PMCLAMATION. mum-,1 0n the 22d day of Septem ber in they” oLour Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, a proclamation was issued by tho President 01 the United Stung, containing, among other things, the following, to wit: “That on the first day or January, in the‘ycnr of our Lord. 1863, f‘ all won: held as slaves within any State _'_ or fiignategfl part of a State, the people . thereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shill be then, thence- forward and forever free; and the Excee tive Government. of the United States. in - aludifig the military nnd‘nnvnl authority theme will recognize and mninmin the (made of such persons, and will do no set or acts to repress such persons or any Q of them, in nny‘efl'oristhcy may make {or ~ their actual freedom. ; That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclgmation, des ignsto the States or parts of bums, ifnny, . in which the People thereof, respectively, shall then be In rebellion against the Uni tad States; and the hint that any State, or the ple thereof, shall on that day be, in 7/ x(::m)<l’?':iith”represented in the Congress 91 the United Stems by members chosen {hereto at. elections wherein a majority of the—Qualified voters of such State: shall . hnvaparticipatcd, “shall, in the absence dl’ Among countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State, and the people thereof, are not then-“m rebellion against the United States.” e g {flow} therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, I’residentof thQ'United‘States, by virtue of the power in 'me vested ”Commander ln-Chief of the Army and. Navy of the United States, in time of actual and armed rebelliofigfinst the authority and govern ment of the United Stotes,'and as a fit. and Meiemary war measure for suppressing said rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the .year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in accordance with my purpose so to do, publicly pro claimed‘for the full period of one hundred days, from the day first. abovejmeutioncd, order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof 3153 spectively are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit; - Arkansas, Tera/s, Louisiana, (except the parishes of St. Bernard, Plaqucmincs, J cf. ferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Terre Bounefi Lni'ourche, St. Marie, St. Martin and Or leans, including,' the city of New Orleans,) Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Laroliua, North Carolina and Vir iinia, (except the fortyeight counties designated as Wat Virginia, and also the counties of Berkeley, AccomaclNorthnmp ton,3‘Elizabeth City, York, Princess Ann, and Norfolk, includingjhe cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth) and which excepted parts are for the present left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued. And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States, are and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all vio lence, unless in necessary self-defence; and I recommend to them that,in all cases when nllo'wed,‘they labor laithfully thr‘rcasonable wages. ‘ _ _, ' ' .And I further di cc 3‘ that such persons, of suitable eo'udition, will be {ebeivcd into the nzmcd service of the United Mates m garrison forts, positions, statiomgand other places, and to man ves sels of all sorts in said service. And npon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warrantei by the Con stitution. upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God. In testimony wherpof I have here-into set mydmme and caused the seal of the United States to he aflixed. Done at the city of Washingtdn, this ' fim day of January, in-the year of our Lord, one thousand eight [L 3.] hundred and sixty-three, and of , the Independgnce of the United States, the eighty-seventh. ABRAHAM lecom. By the President: . ‘ \Yimux H. SE WARD. Scc'y of State @lng Medical Card. OCTORS O'NEAL B'. SWOPE have asso p elated themselves for the PRACTICE OF IEDICIXE in Gettysburg and its Ticiuily.- (mice in \Vills' Building, opposite the Bunk. Night. calls will, for the present, be made at the residence of Dr. Swope, in East York street. Dec. 22, 1862. 3m ~ Gettysburg HOUSE AND CLASSiCJNSTITUTE... The next Sesx‘ron win commence on NON Ar, me 61): of JANUARY, 1863. For paniculnrs addresl va.‘W.\!. McELWEE. Principal. mas MARY WEI-TY, Aasismm. ‘ Doc. 22, 1862. 1d Notice. A'm ARISE MILLEE’S ESTATE—Letters « nesmnunmry on the estate of Catharinel I kt. lam of Conowngo township, Adnmsj county, deceasedghsving been granted to the undenignedrresiding in lhgmme {dwnshm be My gives notice to all persons indebted to “M «an to make immediate pnyment, nnd [bola Invingclnims against the same to present: ;- flan pupil! Authenticawd (or aculement. 1 ‘ K - JOSEPH KLUXK. W. * i . MI, 1852. Q . ._ v. ‘ - -» The Grant Discovery , » P THE AGE—inflammatory and Chronic Rhcummm can be cured by using H. L. M LLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizen: of this, und the adjoining coumica. have testified 30 in great utility. Its success in Rhenmuic affecm “0119,1130 been hitherto unparalleled by nnyi apcmfic, lnlrnvlnceli to the [lllbil(‘. Prior.- Sui cents pr'r bottle. Far sale by all druggidmmh stnrckcepcrs. Prepared only by U. L. MHLERH Whoicanle and Retail Drugmal, East Berlin,’ Admm county, Pu” dealer in Drum, Chemicals“ Oils, Varnish, Spirits, I’aiuls, ibe-sluffia, hot-i tied (his, Enema-9 and Tinctures, ii lflIiOW" (Hm-s, Perfumery, Putcnl Medicines, ac ,ha. i ”A. D. Buchirr in the Agentin (leLtya-t burg for “ H. L. Miller’s Clix-Maud Itin-unmtic Mixture." [June 3, lam. tf i RGF. BOWER, of Littles'town, a Prai‘timl P Piano Tuner, informs his frieurls and the musical public in general, that he gives his time, not otherwise occupiad, to tuning and Repairing Piimos. at. moderate prices. Ho promxses entire snfisfiwfion, ornopny. Order. recaimd at this office. [Sch 16, 1861. ‘ INTER '.\R%E.\lENTS.—Passenger Trains run’ as ovgs: Leave Hanover at 9:30 A. 11., and 12:30 P. u. . Leave Junction :1; 11:30 .1. m, and 1:40 all. The 9:30 A. I. train makes connection at the; Junction for the s'oth and South. The 12:30‘ train makes connectmn for the South only. , Through Tlcketa are issued w Philadelphia, Columbia, Harrisburg, Williamspofl, Reading, Ballixnore,: York, Wrightsville, and all princi-, pal ymy points on the line oftheNox-thern Can-1 :ml Railway. ' ~ I). E. TBOXE, Tight Agent. Jun. 20, 1862. To Disabled Soldlers, QEAWEN AND MERINES, AND WIDOWS, k OR OTHER [1 IRS UF‘ THOSE WHO HAVE DIX-JD OR BEEN KILLED [N THE SER VICE—Gina. G. Tucnn. Axtorney for Claim unu, Bounty Land and Pension Agent, Wash ington City, D. C.—Pensions procured tor Sol diers, Scnmen and Marines of the present \lmrY who are disabled by reason of wounds received or disease contracting while in scrx‘ice,»\nll Pen sions, Bounty Moneyumd Armor: of Pay ob tained for widows or other heirs of those who hnvé died or been killed while in service. Bounty Land procured for services in-any of the other wars. ' CHAS. C. TUCKER, Washington, .D. C. J. C. NEELY,~Agent; Gettysburg. - ‘Nov. 18, 1861. , ' THE undersigned, having a. Iqrge amount; spnnding on his Books for n consideg‘able length of timé; principally made up of small nccounm, takes this method of notifying flange indebted to him, that he needs money, and it his friends .will call and settle their accounas, be ,yviil feel under many ab'ligations to them. Sept. 23. 1861. - 1 J. L. scmcx. fifWW—fl—f‘ WASHIONABLE BARBER, North-east cdtn ner of the Diamond, (next door to Mci' Clellnn's Hotel,) Gettysburg, Pa., where he‘K can at all timvs be found ready to attend to 311’ business in his line. He has also excellent s+, sistauce and will ensuré satisfaction. Give him a call. [Dec. 3, 1390. ' HE undersigfied has owned a Restaurant, :‘ll‘ at the corner of York and Liberty strfiets, cttj'shurg, where he will.keep everything in the eating line in season—also Ale, Lager, and Cider, Sugars, tobacco, (cc. He is likewise fitting up a 'Snlpon for Ice Créam at the same place. He hopes, by attention to business and a. desire to please, to rercive‘n lihom! share 01' custom. HENRY W. CHRISMER. re and make kfifow‘n RASITE STATION—The unddrslgued has lexised King's Warehouse, at Granite Sm tnon, an, the Gettysburg Railroad, where he is now engaged in the GRAIN, PRODUCE and GROCERY business on a. large scale. ‘ He pays the highest market prices for Wheat, 83 e, Corn, Oats, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, &c., and sells’Groeeries of—nu kinds, at the lowest living prgfita. Give him a call. No efl‘ort spared to render satisfaction. PHILIP HANK. ‘ Sept. 1,1862. 3m ‘ .« Latest from New Orleans. 1381‘ received Ind {or sale at CODORI & J GILLESPIE’S alnrge and excellent supp! of Orleans Sugar and Molasses, with a greayt quantiw and variety of Sugars, which we are sellinglow—ejtherwholesaleorrflail. Syrups of All kinds from 35 to 6;: cents per gallon. Sept. 1, 1862. A ILL find a splendid usartmeut of Army W BLANKETS, Gum makets, Woolen Under-Lawns, Drawers, heavy Water-proof BOOTS, Hats And C Ips, and every other article that :1 snldior going into camp WI” need, ah Nov. 3,1863. R. F. McILIIENYS. ‘ Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS B 3110., 1}? EAST YORK STREET. M GHTTYSBURG, P.&.——Where they are prepared to furnish all kinds of work in their line, such as MONCMEXTS, TOMBS, HEAD STONES, MANTLES, &c., 3!. the shortest no {icel and as cheap as the cheapest. Give us a call. . URNETT'S COCOAINE. Wood’s Hair Re. B storative, Shilling Hair Tonic, and other preparations, for sale at Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug Store. ADIES, can and see the cheapest Int 0! SILKS ever offered in Gettysburg, which are now open And ready for suit at April '2l. FARXRSTOCK’S , uwcx's mum—me Imm me best baking powder in use—n Dr. R BURN ER‘S Drug Store. '1 ”"fisfmxsiow's soommcrsmm’, for Mrcbildron, at Dr. K 11083333 Dug N, ' =- ''pia.:-. A Ready Market. BUSHELS GRAIN WANT: 00,000 BIL—We jmve taken We house lately occupied by Klinefelter, Bo"?r.ge1 & Co., with adeterminntion tn {my LL; highest market {rites for I“ kind- offimih. You MH find as supplied with I’LASTER, GUANO of '1" kinds, GROCERH‘IS, Wholesale and Retail LUMBER, COA L. and any other article In dur line of business 50131 M the lowest, possible rates for Cash. Call and examine our stock and [wit-99 “(are purchasing elsewhere. DIEHL, BIHXKERHOFF E 90. ' April 22, 1861. If Tom: Property T PRIVATE SALE—The undehignod of.- A fenat Private Sale the Property in which he now resides, bitu'ale‘iu Ernst Middie street, thtysburg, adjoining S; R. Tipton on the west nag! Mrs. )lcl-Jlr‘oy on" the mat. with M: .., ‘ may in the rear. THE HOUSE is “HR”: two—story Frame, Wutbcrboardcd, with Back-building; a well of water, with a ppmp in itY M the door; and a variety of fruit, s‘hch as apples, pears, peaches, npricats, cherriec, and grnpaa,ull the most choice. ZAcumeUl XYERS Nov. 12,1860. tf - n Piano Tuning. “magma; may. 20mm WIANT, ‘ * KO 0 K BIND E It LSD BLANK BOOK lANCYAC‘I‘UBEB, LANCASTER. PA Plain and Omameqlal Binding, of every d 9, scription, executed in the most subsmml and approved styles. ‘ ' REPIKESCII E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bunk of thrniter. W. L. ’Pexper, Esq, Lancaster County Bank Samncl‘ Shock. Esq; Columbia Bank, ‘ Samuel Wagner, Esq., York Bnnk, William Wagner, 35‘1" York County Rink. 'l‘. D. Carson, Elly, Bank of Gettysburg} Peter Martin, Esq., Prollx’y oanncaster _co., Pa. Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register “ fi , “ 69, Whicson, Esq., Recorder “ 1r; “ ” Aprills, 1861. ' .1 3 ' Hanover Branch Railroad. Notice. John W, Tipton, New Restaurant. May 5, 1862 Grain & Grocery Warehouse. ‘Oflicers and Privates fi-Ih-oduce taken in exchange {of work Gettysburg, June 2, 1862.. ‘tt ‘: The'Old Ind Reliable: “"F/ " “ :mm! ‘ KW SPRING GOODS. NEW GOODS ASD GREAT BARGAINS! N SIAM. PROFITS k QI'N‘K S.\LES,—- -The undersigned would rnpectfully J . L , SL‘H I C K umounve to'the citizens of Gettysburg and would nun-mun; my lo the citlzvn! of 0M- snrrounding conntry, that. he has opened I tygburg snd vicinny, tlmt he is no» teaming NEW SPORE in Gettysburgin the room :31er a: his amfen llplcudid gag-pied by J. Cauuirnn & Hm. on the Nonh STUCK OP SPRING GHOD“. l The sinrk coming in pan of Fancy andv Slvple DRY GOODS, of etcry deacription. " SILKS, l uozwmocs. ' » 011 A LUHH, ' . ‘ DELAISES, ‘ ] BQXBAZINES. l . ALPAN‘ \S. ' ~ \ Lwas. . I C u.mnns,' hr all qullme! um! chair"! ply-lot. whi ~‘.- wfll. Le/nld at PRICES T 0 'IP'FY ('(NI’ETH‘IUNr :w'nxm' INC GOODS : ' ’of lull kink. iucludiv g Silk, Linen and Conant Han’dkcrchicfa. (llama. Stockings. ctr. Also' I splendid muonmcm of RIBBOXS, Lace: and Edgineu. ('mhrellns nud anaola.- - My stock of “'1 "E GOODS wili be found full and complete, and cunt-men; muy rely upon . nlways gelling 1,001 goods at the lawns: yank; blc prices. ‘ Gentlemen will find it to their turning: to, call and examine my flock of- A CLOTIIS, CASSDIERES md ‘ 7 VESII'IXGS, ‘ of dl qualities and choice/as: mks, - 1 April 21, 1862. ' J. LNSCHICK. 3 Vinegar—Vinegar. flEgindz-rsizned has commenc'erlilic mann fnttnre ofVingnr. on Washington street. A Ifcw doors north of West Mlddlesstreet, Geh typburg. He has been manufacturing this Vine gnr rot-early nue yeammd it [me given general linisfartlon. The superiority nf ibis Vinegar afar all other mnnufactured Vinegar. consists mil. being made entirely of “mini no acid of any kind being used in its composition, and free from everything injurious. it is llrong, and at the lame timn plenum: to tile mug-find hqs all the preservative qualities found in pure Cider Vinegar. He is prepnned to wllolegnle this Vinegar in any Quantity. 3 Cull and exam -1:39 for yourselves. A DAM DIEHL. . Certui ' » E, the under-signs US we have used in I ouk purposeil, the Vine ! sold by Ann Dunn,” heircpreaents it to be. , I , hcrohv chrlify that unr fnmlhfl. for uni i'r manm'n‘rtured and u find It tom a“ film; e lmve fidrly tea ted erior‘in every respect, ‘d Vim-gm we hung ‘recou‘lmenu it. to all it. and believe it to he an' to ,nny other manujncm evér used, and Would pefsons. ,_ Wm. prer & S 1 Jacob Norbevk : ; _ Codori & Gilles‘ I John Chamber}: 1 Levi Pilz'er, ‘ i A. F. Gin. Oxfu ay 12,1862. ly“ ‘ .L ‘ . 1 5 Dr. Robert 1 i EW FAMILY DRU ! ‘ PRE ( unfunmsnrnn an: HavinsJetired from t; my}profession, I take pl to the citizens of Getryab I brave opgned A ‘ . ‘ NEW DRUG in the road] fur'mcvly occ Hoixnn, as an office, wh keep on hand a large sup FRESH mums, ‘ 1 MEDICINES. 1 ‘ > 1 Guammm. } ‘ ’ PERFINEIW. ‘ - fl . ‘ 'ruo'ru Pnkmtns, J , ‘Dxu sTUH‘s, DRY mums, and - ‘ 1 ‘; PAINTS ground in Oil, 1 . 1 ~ ‘ OILS, exprnssod Eng! dlsfillo-l,’ \ STATIONERY ojrnn kinds; Inké, Pensxl’oncila. Paper, f‘omhs. Brushes, «kc. PATENT MEDICINES. 1 ‘ , Ail the popular Pat‘ent \lvdicinoq, tnzother with a selvilion of pure WINES, BRANDIES and \VHISKEY, for mpllirinal filnpnses only, alwilys on hnnd. In :1 word, mystock embraces everything usnnlly found in a first-glass store of this desoriptinn. I A? large supply or frpfih Drugs ha: been rm' ceived, nnd othore nrenrrhinghwhich I am of ferhigto the public np verr accommodating te ‘ . My Modir-ineshnvo hll been purchased mm m 3: porsnnnl insprption and supervision from the most reliable houses. ‘lcnn thnreflirc not bnly recommend them as pure and fresh, but *nn soll them rhon'p. ‘ ‘ ‘ Rifle-PARTICULAR ATTESTION given to the ailment of nil chroriic iliscnsea. é—AD V 1 C E ‘G.RA“TIS.‘Q Mi; 12. 1862. u '3 J c&lr7v l WY,vg* NIATIOXAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, ‘ urcnxn m 1 ‘ x " r . l’lllLA DELL’HIA,‘ l S. E. cos. 7m no Cnxsxm S'rs. « New York City, Brooklyh..-\lbnnj, Troy. Bull'nlo, Dell-oil, Cleveland, Chicago and Sn Lopis. Hook-keeping, l'anm’anship,‘ Columercinl Aritllmetip‘ Commerciul Law, Forms, Corres pundfncc. 8c“ pruclicitlly taught. ‘ Thgse Colleges bbing under the same general and local management, nnd’unit’lugi ‘ each the advarlmges of all, oll‘er grelter facailiea for infimniuz instruction than any olhér slmilu instiuuionsin the (lounH-y. : 1 A Scholarship issurd by any ode is good in all for my unlimityd time. » . ‘ Thé‘Pllilndclphin College huibeenf recently enlargied and refurnilhed [n a. superior manner, and i'p now the largest. and naps: prosperous Commerrinl Institution in the Sum. Bryant. & Stratton’a series of Ten Books, embrqdrq Bookkeeping, Commercia‘ Arith metic; and Commercial Law, forlsnle, and sent by mil. 5 ‘ . ‘ ” wi‘or full particulars send for mc'uculnr‘. Oct;10,l862. 1y ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 Trees! ’Trees! Trees! HE undersigned invite nttemion‘ to their lnrge and we}! g'owu stock of ‘ FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, keg, embracing a huge and cumflete assortment of APPLES. PEARS,’ PEACHES; PLUMS, CHERRIES, APRU‘OTS, mid NEC TABINES,»Smndard 'or the Orchard. and Dwarf for the Garden. ENGLISH “'ALNUTS, SPANISH CHESNUTS, HAZLENL'TS, km, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CUR RANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, in great var‘xe‘y. GRAPES of choices: kinds, ASPARAGUS, RHUBARB, Arc}, kc. Mac, A fine stock of well formed, bushy EVERGREENS, suitable for the Cemetery and Lawn. DECIDUOL‘S TREES, for street planting, and a general assortment of Oaxuwnn Tums Axn FLowgmxu Sxmcas. ROSES, of choice varieties, CAMELIAS; BEDDING PLANTS, kc. Our stock is remurkatly thrifty Ind fine, and we ofi‘ei' it at prices to suit the times. * @Camlognes mniled to all npplignnts. Address EDWARD J. EVANS, a 2 00., ,9. ’ Central Nurseries, York, P7l. March 24, 1861. tf "‘ “Carte de the” HOTOGRAPHS !—-We buvcjnst introduced P a splendid massive columnln our Gallery and are nowgvrepared to furnish the new style “ Cute do isite"LPhotogmphs—lour for a dolnr. ' ‘T—YSON BROTHERS, . 5 Excelsior Sky-light Gullery, Gettysburg March 10, 1862. Notice. WE desire all persons indobted to us to ' call and nuke settlement, taming made a chxnge in our manner ofdoing business. . Oct. 28, 1861. FAHNESTOCK BRO'S, . ARPETS, CARPETS.——A splendid lot of C Carpeting—good and cher—jusl opened at the New Store of ' M. SPANGLER. TRUNKS and Carpet Sacks then; a! . PICKING‘S [THE BRANDY,WINEAND \YHISKEY, for‘ P medxcluul purposes oul),ntlheNew Drug Store of Dr. R. HORNER. ‘ I..,SCIHCK has just received & lot of J. cheap Looking Glasses E attention of the Ladies in respectfully I ihvimd to a large Ind splendid uwnmm: of Lngiea’ fine Kid 3nd MOl 3001's “.4 SLIP ERS—hsu'ng Gain”, to" he. nt April :1. n. r. mummy, Wat corner 0! the Diamond, where he will keep a huge and well selectod_stoek ol' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE. (lAIIPETING, Bth, of every description, Among “hith will ~be found the bum slylvs of Spring: Goods. The Ladies pnriinlnrly Im.- requesu-rl to call and examine my stock. M I feel sntisfii‘d it has never lmn surpzwscd in this place for henuly nml clienpncn. Gentlemen. also. are request ed to mill. as tlmre is no article in the llne of UEXTLEMEN'S WEAR thatthey cannot be no -commodatcd with, at prices that will astonish them. -. I will also keep on hand it large supply of GROCERIES. which will he. sold very chenp )ly Hook 0! QCEENSWARE, ((0., will also be found handsome, dumble nnd cheap, whilst my CARPETING cannot be surpnsscd. ’ v It il my intention to keep a first class Store wkceping on hand nothing but good goods— nnd to tie“ champ—having adoyted. the m‘otto— “QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS.” ltould respectfully solicit a share of the public pulronage, as l hOpe by strict attention to business, and by dealing honestly with my customers, to give satisfaction to nll. MICHAEL SPASGLER. April 14, 1362. HE undersigned hp removed his Tinning T establishment nearer tln Diamond, in .Chnmberiburg ureet, adjoluin A. D. Bueh -ler's Drug Store—n very cenlm locatign.l He continues to mnupfaclure, and caps cnnstncl ly onlmud, every variety of 5 . ' I'm-WARE. L ‘ . _ , ms rm wot) , l . JAI'ASE WARE, and will alw‘nys be ready to‘ do REPAIRING. ROUFING and SPOUTING also done in the belt. manner. Prices moder- Al5B. and nn gfl'ort spared ,lo rt-ridof full, satis faction. The public's continued'pntrnnnge is solicited. ’ f A. P. “mum. Gtttyiburg, April 7, .1862. ‘ ' EMI Hardware . : ND GROCERIES.—- ' A Thosuhscriuera h-Ie jun returned from the cities with In immense’ supply of HARD WARE AND GROCERIBS, which they' are ofl'erjng at their old stand m Baltiinore street, 5:. ptices to squ Mid times. Ourfiock aunaists in part of ‘ BUILDING MATERIALS. - CARPENTERS [001.9, < ‘ , A . BLACKSMTH'S TOOLS. ‘ COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDIYGS.,~ ' ' ‘ CABINET MAKER‘S TOOLS. HOUSEKEEPER‘S FIXTURES, ~ ALL mxns or may, kc” GROCBRIBS OF ALL KINDS, Oils, Puints, $O.. kc. There in no ynrticle in cluded in the several ‘depnrtmx-nts ‘mvntioncd above but what can he had at thks Store.— Every class of Mechanics can he hecammodnted here with tools and findings, nnd Housekr-ep ers can find every tarticle in (hairline. Give us a unit, as “Qnre'prepared to soll‘ns low for cash as any other h‘ouse‘ont of the city. - n. Géttysburg, 00., “ iB. ‘ (I I, I"annuns.l . ,_ I:- Axn ‘ CRYPTHIN STORE, I', nx'r'rvs'ncnn. 0 active practice of sure in announcing -rg_ and vifinith'lhut STORE, ‘ ‘ piedvhy [+sl R. k C. re [will constantly lfofall kinds of June 9, 1862 SECOND ARRIVAL! SECOND ARRIVAL! _ New Mercantile Firm .\' mumsnmni' A 1 NHWGOODaund J Low WINES!— The new firm of s“ng kgfll)Rß rqnpt-Mfull)‘ inform ‘heir friendS'nnd the pn‘luliu generally, that. they h Ircjnsl.‘ returned From the cities with a <p|endfd assortment. of G‘ood‘a, consist. ing of Lmlies’ , l ‘ ‘ ,DRESS‘GOODSH inch n! Prints, De Bum-s. (‘hullh-S, Lhwnsflnr pundit-s, Rohes “of nll kigtla. Alpnrcps. Silks, 9‘1"?!“ Jaconet Check and Cnmhriu Muslims, Rihluons, and n [zoo-l nn‘snrlmem of Lhdics" Collars, (‘nlicoes and Muslim, nl old prices; ULUTIIS, _ y ’ . CASSIME‘RES. ~ . 411511808, Jenna, k 0” km. for men's wear; ‘ 1 REAIIY-“ADE CLOTHING} BOOTS, SHOES, ‘ HATS AND‘C.,\P9,. all prirM. A «zood stock of Cotton Yun, HARDWARE. ‘ , QCEEXSWARF}. A : DRUGS null ‘ i MEDICINES; a good stock of prime \ y ‘ - . (:Rncmms. km, - ; and all kinds of goods, such as are innerqdly funnd in a country store. Hwing‘ bought for Cash, we (an nfl'nrd £Ol2ll at the NH lowest. ptices. Our motto is—” Quick . Shlcs and Small Profits." , '2 K. . ‘, f fiThesv goods are rnnlly very beautiful, ,nnll’we want it. distinctly nnd‘erstood that" we will sell them very cheap for Cub, or;to punc tual customers at sixmonths. Plenzd cull find examine before purchasing elsewhgre. We would respectfully return our thxmks to vur frlcmlh forth» liberal pmironagp cxtenfled lin thus int, and respecuully RM: 3. (fanf‘inp‘xycev thereof. SIXTH h 8 (Milk Emmilsbnrg, MIL, Aplzil 21, 1862.‘ - I,] - ‘ 1862. , ~‘ -3 l 1862. ." Bargain: Bargains! ‘ I! . ATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHGES. 7 TRUNKS AND TRAVELLING Mas.— Hm lug just received a very large snpplyof (be above goods, we are prepared to sell lhé lower than ever sold in this place. My stock?! most comphtx‘. embracing every style of Shoes and Hats made.' , - HATS AND CAPS,' ‘ cannisqing of all the lntest styles for Spring sud Slimmer. , noo'rs AND 330129, for Genflemen, Ladies and Children. City-made and Eastern work from 25 cent! up. TRUNKS of every description and kind. je-Gnll and examine the bargains at. ‘ April'll, 1862. ' R. F. McILHENY'S. Howard Associatlon, ; H]LADELI’HIA.—For the Relief of the P Sick and Dialreased, afilicted with Viru leut and Chronic Diseases, and especinliy for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL A DUCK given gratis, by thy: Add in Surgeon. ‘ I VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermniorrhcea' or Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of]. the Sexual Organs. and on the NEW RESIEJ: DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afllicted in sealed letter envelopea, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN BOUGHTON, Act ing Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pn. June 16, 1862. 1y ND DON’T FORGETTOVFSIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NURSERIES.—Persous wishing to Plant Trees will find the stock In the gmnud remarkably fine, and offered at reduced prices. The‘ Apre numbers 100 varieties, emhmuing I" the kpproved sorts. . N. B.——See the index board near Flora Dal: Post office. 'l'. E. COOK k’SOXS, ‘ Sept 2. 1861. , Prayneton. ILDED FR.HIES!—TYSON BROTHERS G have just received from Philadelphia. and now offer to the public the largest and best assortment of Gilded Frames ever brought to Gettysburgmc astonishinglylow prices. Please call and examine them. Excelsior Sky-light Gallery, York street, opposite the Bank, Get tysburg, Pa. [March ID, 1862. IHEnndersigned.bcingthn authorized person '1 to make- rcmovaJs into E‘er Green Ceme. tery,hopo_s that such as contemplate the renew] ofthe remains of decenmd relntivea or frienaa will avail themselves otthiaunon oftheyen to have it. done. Remorlh nude with promptnesg low, and no eflort spared to please. 5 ~ PETER, THORN, March 12, '6O. Keepe: of the Cemetery. HE [Adie- will fit! l good usoflinent (of T Dras- Goodi, cheap 53 nsqnlu-cfl! Ind ”- an n _A_- $00!! AWE, RemovaL-Jl‘in Wins. ‘Jg‘m n. msxmz, D. vm zmuum. Come to the Fair! Frames. Removals. m ~. -7r«rt -».. w . ‘ w 1.9 L," ’ ' Sometfihg ”flew. ' ‘ IHEnndt-tflgned mpectfuljf ' ly inform! Hie resident!‘ of rctlysburgnnd vicinit)’,tbs§% he has opened a WATCH AND 1897 ‘ {STORPL in the room immediately in zhe rear of Mr, J. L. Schlck’s Store, Ind fronting lb" Square, where he inlends kneplng an “0"" men: of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER sag! sun's}: PLATED MARE, SPECTAGLES, CLOCKS, km, kc. Harlng been connected with n firgulnss Watch and Jewelry Store in Ralllmafly for sewml years past. he is prepared to {‘sth 'cvery nrticle in the line, at lhe lowest Gil-Y prices, and all purchnaes will be gunranLL‘d “5 l represented. . ' From a long experience In Watch-repdr‘flfia enpeuially of fine Watches, be is prepared 10 do all kinds ol‘Wnlch‘wprk promptly, in tho be“ manner, and gunrnnly the perfinrmnnce (fit. He will ke'ep always on hnml a large NSOn' men! nl'SPl-IC'I’ACLESmndS "('- anle Glussen; and haying "Slaw experience in adapting them 10 the sight, 15 prepared ln fit all who need Lb :m. HAIR JEWELRY made to order in the best. style, Ind A great variety of patterns on hand JEWELRY repaired' in the nmtcst mun"- JOSNPH BRVLLN. Gettysburg, Dec. 23, 1861. ' “if Important to‘ the Ladiel. ABOR SAVING ’ J WASHING MACHINE:— T e nndemignod is now huil mg and oft-fin! for 9-19,.6. W. TOLHURSkfi‘ IMPROVED WASHER, no. Gettysburg, and intends to SUP ply them to than; persons k'irouzhnm the county who desire a Inbor-mvifiugmachin’. Thifi machine is gotten up on‘a‘an entirel/ new principlv, and is considered bydhose whchuve men it in use. the best. that bu ever been brought b'efore the public. Among the many advantage: bf this mt‘hinfl over all other! may he montionofl the lolloflinfli ’lst. ILS simpl‘rtity ofcouszru tinn, mufingi! nlmnsflfipoa-iblc to get out ofénler. 2:]. ‘lts speed, which aston'éshes ali ~ the operator and the locker on. t; v A 3d.,The fucnlity with which §it adapts itself to the bulk or quantity’df Nadya desire to be washed. , 4th. h. washes equally weil‘j‘ithe fin»: and lijzhtest fabric. hr the enlarge and 11.. jest, such B's bed—quills. comforts, mketa, ‘ - ' 51h. Can be managed by a o ild fro-1010 12 years of age. ‘ ; 6th. Consumes} less soap an any ther procesq of washing. v Jib. Will last as long as an) thei‘tu- with Slime care. ‘ ' ‘Bthn Snvcs lml{_ the labor. { _ Mniy 1%. XBB2. ‘ . .8. SEER Y. ' . I Certlflcatefi 7 ADAMS COUNTY, PA.——We. the under migned, hereby certify that we have used. anfl are using nm‘v, G. W. Tolhurst'a Improved Washing Machine. and are fully satisfiedfimt it ii um. Hie Tub Mr. S. Shernyepresenta it to he and superseglel anything of the k d we ha e ever seen as yet; combining, ns‘i does. at speed with little labor, and perming italwork in the most satisfactory mnnn ‘. - We. therefore, recommend it to everylfnmily in the caunty with great pleasure. I Genrgt- (ieyer. Marin (Myer, Cuthnrine Mauls, _Snruh Shorh, 2L I'mon T. Forrest, Sarah E. For! H Christian Mumselmnn, (‘ntha'e (2. Musklmm, John Chnmfeflin, Martha Cpmbtdin. April 12,. luuz. ‘ 5 - Coal! 0031!, Coal. ' QUERIE k BUEHLER arc'now prep. mi to t supply (NHL, nf superior quality, 1: any. quantity duairod. Terms, CISII. Conéflnr! Come All! WThey n‘sn rvq‘uest those indent?! to them In m'II and pay up. in funds nro mwh needed.“ ' Who will he the first. m cull ? Mice opt-n frhm 7 w 7. ‘ ”Elwin, 13‘52.‘ , New, Flrm. ‘ ROGERIES PROVISHWS. FRUIT ,C().\'- G FEOT‘IPRS. NOTIQNS, Ate. The nnfidrsigye have gone into pnr r-rfihip in We Qrocvrv and Provision .husines at the old stand of W. Gillespie, in York amen one door ehst of Will’s Hotel, Gettysbur where they win cnnsufinlly keep on lund name, I: gum-ml variet; 6! good: in thvir line, 11;: mums. : , 4 ‘ stems} ‘ . ' » nlqmssns. ‘ , ‘SYnUPs, ‘ g. ‘ ' . ' TEAS, " ‘ - ‘‘: . \ sin, Inns. '1 \ £Hnl’fflflßS, - SIM-13. . - 'FISH, « , ‘ ‘ ‘ POTATOES, . ‘ . . -‘ BEANSJIH, FLQ‘UR'mNDFEID, With any quantity of CONFECTIOXS, l 'd ‘ ' FRUITS, 4 , ‘ NOTIONS, to. They Japan New to dual largely i OIL and (10A L OIL hAMPS—p'romisi r .v article of «he fonncr and a fine assur t! eJntler. ‘ _ Haring anlnmql the Store and Ware they are prepared to keep A lam stoc which will ho diopdw of M. the Iowa! They ofl'er such hnr nina “have never - fore been'lbad h‘thfi place. Give my. trial; » go efi‘on spared to p . EO. A. ‘conpm, ‘ . - JOSEPH S. GILLES ‘ 1862 Apn‘l 2S, I l . ‘ New Tmlorintz 3 STABLISH. {Ema-GEORECKEN ‘DE, ‘ ‘ FASHIOSABL'E TAILOR, :ndopts this method of i'nformingbis {rionrknnd the public gvnerally,-thnt he has opclied a Tailoring establishment in Baltimore street, .Gen‘yabnrg, (hue Post Otfice,) near 1!:6")m -mend/where he is prepared to do all wa’r‘; 4n his line in the best manner. and to the ma 'facfion of customers. He employ no but first class hands, and receiving THE FASIHUNS REGI‘LARLY, he can warrant fashionable fits and ne‘ substantial sewing. He asks a share . public’s patronage, promising to spare fort to deserve it. His charges Will 31M! found as moderate as the times will silo Cutting and Repairing done at ,the sh notice. [Gettysburg April 7, 18 ‘ Fresh Reinforcementa. STRENGTHENING OCR POSITION.~W9 are constantly adding new supplies to on, already iarge and fashionable stock of i HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES We have every style of Spring and Suer Hats, which in quality and price cannot. f -1 to please. Boy’s and Men's Hats and Cu of eVery description, and of thelawststyles. our stock of t BOOTS, SHOES, g GAI'I'ERS, are. c., was never moresompiete. Indies. Gent] en and Children can be accommodatedmith ny. thing in this line, M we are belt’el‘ pre red now to give an nnd greater bargains than in before. If you want bargains. good fits nd fashionable goods, call st the sign of the _ [G 8001', in Chambersburg street. , ; JOHN GULF, June 9, 1862. ALEX. CQBEAi New Goods. 5; , FILING GOODS I—CHOICE GOODS! 1 S - FAHNESTOGK Baumtns havejnst received and are now openinga urge And choice assortment of SPRING GOODS, to which they invite the attention of the pubiic. lining been purchased with care at. rellxlced prices, we are prepared to give our customers bargains. Our stock has been largely increased by the addition ofa choice variety of the lite“ styles of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. material for HENS' WEAR, CARPETING, QUEENS WARE. HILLIXERY GOODS, tic-y pomprifing a complete assortment of chfylhlqg usuhny wanted. Call early and .select bargains no, yourselvu. FAHRESTOCK BROS. April 7, 1862. “ . Cheap Grocenes. : FRESH arrival of Grocerirs a rod . d A pfiaefl—fiplendjd SUGARS n a, 9an 10 "m per pong—belt COFFEE at 22 c a, and other thing: in proportion. 03;! and ace and judgo for yourself. ‘ -. 3m 6, '62. PAEXESTOCIFBBO . 1138 108. hint-,Glnm B'l 171 a 3 a. m 3 5‘ PP. MESSESML mam . , 'Wm. A. Duncan, TTORNEY AT LAW—Office in um North- A West corucrowcntm Sq’lflrC, Gettysburg, Pa. [Uct.3,~12§9. 1f A. J. Cover, , TTORNEY AT LAW. mu promptly mend A to Cblluctionu find all other business en twatvd to him. mfice between Fnhneslocks' nml D-mue'r & Ziegler? Stores, Bunimore "reel Gettysburg, Pu. [SEPL 5, 1359. D. McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door was A of Buehler‘s drug and b°°k sxoreflhnm bersburz street,) Anonsn’ ANDSOLXCXTOI yon PATENTS Am l’sxsloxs. Bounty Land w”. rants, Buck-[my suspended Claims, and all other chims against the Governmentm Wash ing'on. D.C.: alsoAmcricanClnims in England. Laud Wnrmnts located and sold,orbought,and highestpricei ghen. Agent! engaged in 10. eating warrants in lowa, Illinois and other western States WApply to him person“: or by leudr. Gettysburg, Nov, 2], '53. Edward B. Buehler. ATTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to ll] business entrusted to him. He speaks the German lullIIU"F9- Office at lye smile place, in South Baltimore strset. neqr Forney's drug store. and nearly ppposlte npnner & Ziegler‘a store. .. ' Gettysbdrg, March 20. i J. C. NeelY. TTORNET AT LAW} will atflmd to colloc- A tinny ' and all other business intrusted m hsi .cnre w'th’promptness. Oflice In the S. [-1. corner unite Diamond, (formerly occupied by Wm. B. )It-Ulclhm, Esq.) ‘ Gettysbuirg. April 11, 1359. t! » ‘_~——* ~ 1.7 h—— A ._'» ~—~*—_‘-V‘—--,———— , Wm. B. McClellan, TTORXEY AT LAW.§—oflice in West Mid- Adle sureeg, one 1100.? won 01 the new Court ”on e. ‘ ' Gettyshugg. Nov. 14, 1859. J. nawrence 11111, M. D. AS bib office one u ' dnnrfwes! of the.“ ‘TA Lutheran chlirch in‘ Chnmhorabuirg street. and opposite Pickfng’a store. wh‘ede those'wishing to have any Dental Operation performed are respectfully invited to call. Rnrjhnm'm: Drs. Hurnor, Rev. I‘. P. Krnuth, I). {l, Rev. H. L. Bunyher. D. 1)., Rev. Prof. M. J: fiohq. Prof. M I). Shaver. * Gelgabu‘rg, K‘pril 11, '53. Professional Card. I I ;\ VINE} rssnc-iutc-d with mvse" Dr. N. G. KEILHJ‘L chlhltinwre. I am now pr»- pared to nt'leni to all calls, at nnv hour. that may be made upon me. Dr. Kelrlelma been lor one you; (‘lmiL-nl Aésistnnl in the Bnlvimore Infirmary, nu] for thrde yenrs a Medical Resi «lent‘in we" [haltimore (“My nnd County Aims house. and} feel frre Io rcmmmend him to me ronfidcnce fifthe public. I hope, by atru-t :xt mention to paint-amt!) merit for mvself‘ and partner a continuance of t] 0 same fimroungn uhirh has no long been flct‘nl‘lll’ll to 1h!I old oflice. . ‘ S. G. KINZEII, M. l). L‘znlcstow'fn, Oct. 27, 1862. ‘ _2n§ ' . . Bhstres’s 8: Peters. A Y the [highest cash prices l‘qr all kinds of mum, ‘ - _ ‘ _ E FLOUR,v - , 1 SEEDS, 8:0,, ' .ltihe Brick Wnrch'ouse in New Oxford. Constantly; on hand a large assortment of lEIWCERIES. nt “link-sale un-l Hamil—also, LUMBER, CHAL, (:I'ANO, PLASTEK, Iw. Ami! ‘3B, 1862. LN a ' Adams, County W ITTI'AI.FIRE[NSK'RAMJEFOHPANY.— L I [neon o‘mu-d March 18,.1’861, ' lwl-‘IL‘ERn. ; PruiJml—Georgze Swnpv. 5 ' ‘ . View Prrxidrnr—N. R. Ruiscll. , Strrrlury—D. A. lhwhlcr. ( l Trmaurrr—{Mvid M'K‘reury. . 1 ’ ‘ ”Laud“? Cummigee—Rolwrt McCun‘y, Jacob King, Andrew Humuplmnn. ‘ , Hamqrn—George Swope. l). A. Buphler, R. \[lQurdy, Jncob King, A. Hointzplmnh, D. Mo’. Creury. S. R. Rina-01].}. 11. _rlersh,§Blmuel Dufiborfilw, E. G. Fnhnostock. Wm. B. Wilson, H. AjPigking, Wm. B. McClellan, John Wnl. l'nrll, R: G. “(CL-ear): John Picking, AMIT. Wright. John Cunningham, Abdiel-F. Gm, James ‘H. Aha-shall. M. Eichelhcrger.‘ ~ . ' wThiy Company is limited in its opera liona to the county of Amuns. lt lmaheen‘ in successfnj‘ operation for more than six yours; and in that phrind lms paid nll losses ind ex pens‘eaavflhouhmay marmrnl, hnving also a lurge surplus cnpitul in the Treasury. The 00m pan‘y employs no AgenlF—nll busing" being done by the Mnnngers, who are nnn‘unlly elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an lnmrancq can apply to any of the above numecl \lumuers fm: further infnrmution. ‘ figfi'ho E ccntive Commmve men's at the ofilce of the ompnny on the last Wedneuduy in every mon Ih, 512, P. )l. ‘ Sept. 27. 18158. I 1 liil .. 8:0. COAL _, good out of 00ml, all of A rfies. i réto- Still at Work! OACHMAKIXG AND BLACKSIIITHING C —lee uhdehigned respectfully lnl'onns' his friends Ind the public Hun he continues, the Coaclimddng aml Blacksm'ithing business in every bran-h at his establishment in Ulmm hersliurg alfigt. He has on hnnd luv] will manufacture Q order all kinds ofUARRIAGES BUGGIES, SlElGllS, Spring Wagons, km, on Life best mntrinl, and made by superior work men. RR Mama and BLACKWJTuu-n of all kinds «10min: reasonable rules. promptly and to the szltlfm-tion of customers. (tom-rm: Punt" takes) in exchange for work at markfiprires. , @l’ersouflesiring “tides or work in “N Coachmnking - Hlnckqmithing line, are re specttully mm. to cull on K Gettysburg, J and ~ the 0 ef. s bé . So u N GETTYSBI' the citizens has commenced lurgé scnlfl, in 3 opposite Wattles deserve, and hop age. BREAD. PRETZELS, Arc. d.\_\ s excepted,) x at me lowest livi all Its branchesi to any amount, ' ties, supplied at erected a large a secured the hes proved muckin heavy business. ~- I July 25, 1859 A. h, OFA AND F ' 25 and 27 N, F eue at.,)extel stq—tbe Inrgeste Ulion. Always} HGISEHOLD A. brfing Bureaus. roll. Mattresse Spng Beds, Sat Boang Chairs. tees neception SO ED COLOP W 0 Chairs. Cri fwd Crud Gilt d \Valnu‘ boar! Extensit P my dispo can - give on for v any and aqua by an J ad to purchase are invited to stock an examination, which Imm, of workmanship is not establishment in the county. __ A. MATHIOT A: SON. 186 C Fy. 1'1“!“ wll fin ‘ March wnm shining in the QUEENSWARE H at A. SCOTT & SOX’S, whereyon ['2 Micheal-men: in town. “fi'mé , i cheap at ' UM 00A l “(ST-RAT \ Alum , OHN L. lIOLTZ WORTH . 24, ’59. thing New :.—-—-The undersigned inform: he town and county, that be ‘e BAKING businesa,,on n. k street, Gettysburg, nearly Hotel, where ‘he will try ‘0 to receh e, a liberal [NIHOI'h : LS, CAKES, CRACKHRS, 0., baked every day, (Sun of the best quality, and field profits. Cracker-bakingin rgely carried on, and order: n this and adjuming coun e shortest notice. Having 'oxnmodious bake-house and urkmau and the most up , he is prepared to do n VALENTINE SAUPEE duct 8: Son’s {ITURE WAREROOMS,NOI: J‘my street, Baltimore, (nenr ing from Gay to Frederick blishment of the kind in the' hand a large assortment of OFFICE FURNlTURE,em edstexds,-Washsmnds,Ward- of Husk; Cotton and Hair ‘, Tete-e-‘X‘etes, Arm Chairs, lager 5, Marble Tables, Set- I-d Upiholstered Chain, AS - 0F COTTAGE FURNITURE, cc Chairs, Barber Chairs, 9, Han Racks, Hall Furniture, 1 rame Looking Glasses, Side n Tables, of every length. _ Sr 23 and 27 N. Gay street ‘ ensware. 1&3, Carpet Sacks, km, very PICKING’S. 33 PICKING'B. t-dny, Thiny-hour Ind up u PIOKING’S. ‘ r‘ “ Jam Mwfivn ”6% gm w EH' 3 DR. SWEET’S xumnm . L I N I .u 1: N r , GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, com, NEnnAmH. LI'MBAGn, STIFP NECK AND Jams, SPRAINS. Bumsns, CUTS Asp ~ \voUNDs, FILER. HEADACHE, AND ALL IKHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is n spwdy and ”my" ready, and never {nil-.15 This Linimflnt is pro pm-cd from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweep 0! Connecticut, the famous bone letter, m hm; been used in his practice for more than twenty pm with lb mast astonishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, it is ann‘mloa by any prop-nation before the public, of which the most. skeptical may be convinnd by I I 1». gle trial. This Liniment win care "will“ and‘ radical -Iy. Rheumatic Disorders of way kind, and in thoumnds of cues Mnere It hue mgr been known to fail. ' Po:- Nenrélgiu it will n 56"! immedmm reliefiu. every case, Lowevgr distressing. Imm refieve the wont ch-spr Headache In three minute: and is wuhan‘ed :0 do it. TOOtliache algo wifl it éure inlmntly. For Nervous Debuity and General Lns sit-Mic arising from lmprndence or excess, lhi‘! Linimem is a moat happy and urfniling remc-dvf Acting directly upnn the nervous tissues, 'i: strengthens and revh‘ifiea the ayatem, and re stores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles.—As an (external remedy, we clnim that. it is the 1m! known, and we ('hnl lenge llu- world’ to produce an rquul. Every ,vi‘ctim of this dislreninp complaint should give it a trial. for it n in not fnil to’nfl'lrd in. mvdime rplief, and in u. mzljurity of cases will elm-ct a radical cure. ’ Qninsy and Sore Throat Im- Empt‘fimcs extremely mnliguanf nrfi‘. dangerous: hut a tinlely npplicntioh of tlllq Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains nrv Snmofigpfivery obutinnto, nnd cnlumcmcm ot'thc jnifils ix linblo to Mom id' neglected. The worst emu: mny he conquemd by this Linhym‘l in two or lhrec dnys. Bruiqes. Cuta. Wounds. Sores, Ul. oer-s, Burns and Scams: yield rend-1y m the wonderful hmling prnpl'rvics of fill. SWHET'S‘ IXFALLIBLE LINIMENT" “hm med urcnrding ’0 Ifirot-timu. ANO. Nl", IHHUKS, FIIHSTHI) FEET, AND INSEFT BITES AND STINUS. p 3. STEPHEN SWEET, of 001113., the Great Sunni: "one Setter. ' DrtSlenhnn S“ «ot:nf(.‘onuccticm, is_ know r; all oven the ('niu-«l Sum“. ‘ ' Dr. Str’phon Sweet. or Cnnnev'icnt‘h the mnhpr‘o! “ Dr. S\u-ol':l,lnfxfllihle Linimonl." 'Dr. Sweet's Infilllilnle Linimeui rurmgi Rhon mntism and ncvqr fails. ‘ ‘ I ‘ Dr. Sw«~et‘a infallible Linimenr ls n L'mniu rf-mody for Xeumlgiu. ; ‘ I Dr. S\\‘oct’s Infixllihlé Liuimenl cures Buruq nnd Scnlds im‘meclinu‘ly. 4 ‘Dr. Sweet's lnfiillihlo Linlmmt Is the 1.0:?! known remedy for Spruins and Bruises. Dr. Sweet's quullihle Linimont cures ”elm nohe immediately and mm non-r knownlo fail. Dr. Sm'et’s lul’ullihlp Liniment nfl‘urds im~ mediate rffifl'fm i‘ilea,nvnul§clnloln m}: go rum Pr. Swrot's Immune Linimcnl cures Tooth ncmin memihnln. ‘ h ~ Dr. Swan's hnnH'nMo ‘lfrnimr‘nt rurcu (‘uts nmLWuunds immediately and Ivan-s no svur. Dr. Sweet’s lnlnfliblc Linimom in the best rum; 1" fur Sores in the known wurld.‘ ‘ Dr. Sweet's Infullihlc Liuimenc has been used by more than a million people, mu! nll pmise it. ' ’ Dr. Sweet's lnfullil-le Linivm-nt Inn-n in ?ernnlly cures Uholic, Cholém Sign-bus an] Cholic. ~. ‘ Dr. Sweet's Infilllible Linimcnt in tguly 1| “friend in mad,” and Hwy lumily llzuullj hgre'it‘nt hum]. - 1 Dr.lS“/Pct's Infiuml-h‘ Ljnimem is fur dale by nUDruggisla. J’rice.2s find 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY l'l‘.-DR.. SWHET'S LVFALLIBLH LIXIME’NT, as tin-external remedy. is williuut a rim], and wili nllevintc- pain Vlllorf‘ Elm-ml)- than any mhx-r propurmion. Fm- nll liln-u -mnn’c nnd Nervous Nam-dots it is truly aim-m. ble, nud as. a curative for Son-a, WQnmlw, Sprni‘ns, Bruises. kc" its soothing, healing and povgorful strengthening proper-fies, unk- th‘e jun wonder and ntnnlrbv‘ncnt of all whol in: M ever given it u trial. Urn-r one thousand cor tifil-ntei nf rcmnrkuMe rurcu, perfimnetljby it. within the hat twoqeura, Must me iacu _'l‘O HORSE OWNERS. DR. ‘SWEET'S IXPA{.LIBI.E l.l.\'[\ll§.\"l' FOR HORSES is unrivaled by any, nml lb All use: of ancneu, arising from Spdiunn, Y Bruise: or Wrenching. itsveli‘ect is magic J and certain. llnruess nr Saddle Gully Scratches. Mange, to, It will also cun- speedily. Spm‘in . nnd Ringhone may be easily prevented and cured in 11l ir Incipient. stages, but confirmed cnses are bgyond the possibiliu' ol‘n radical cure No cube of the kind, bowu‘e‘r. In so dvspernte or hopeless but it. may be nlh-vihtcd by this Linimenl, and its faithful npplthion will ulwnn remove the Lamcncss, and enable the horses to travel with comparative e 359. EVERY HORSE OWNER ¥ » 1'“ WW" should hnve this remedy at lnfn 1, for Reggie-('1 1y use at the first appenrnrnt'e of Lumeneaa 'll_ effertnnlly prevent those formidahle dis ct. '1 to whwh all hone: are liable, um! which ; tuna der so mnny otherwise valuable homes}: 513 ' worthless. ' e ‘ _ _\ . u.» __ I; ‘ _ .‘ 111‘ .’ DR. SWEEPS INFALLIBLE LINIMENTF’ Il Til , . s Isonmta's mm». ‘ An! thousand: hue-mud it "lily A thump ‘IN lump” CAUTION. To avoid imposition. obsem the Sign?!” and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also “Stephen Sweet's I&3“th Liniment" blown In the glass 0! each be 216/ without which none Ire genuine. , RICHARDSON a: co., ‘ Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Conn MORGAN k ALLEN; Genenl Agents. , 46 our Men, New Yorli “old by all denim everywhere Du, s, \362. [y Sale Crying. A . W.‘FLEM)IJNG continua the finish ‘ ‘ . of SALE CRYINQ and solicit! the WI“ ’. tinned pltrontge cube public. It, is hit an sunt manor m give utiatacuon. ‘chnrgu moderate. Remain in Bmkidflage mm. ‘Geuylburg. . ‘ . ‘ . P. we I. gamma Anetmmfiot ‘9 1n Mummy-ind any». a ‘ pus !ov. a. ma. 9M) 9g =MI 1119
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers