’éf’fiumpilrr. OUR FLAG 1 {The uninn of Inks-tho union of lands—- ‘ The Union of Flutes none would se‘ tr; 13h: union or lxmrLa—lhc uninn of h.tn<_is—- 1' 411 d the Flug o! mu- l'uiux furuerl' A ~ 7 “ I. 1. s'rulLE, :m’mn AND Pnormflul‘: 2.1.4.: .':‘2 ‘ ._ -. 1 GET’I'IHBKIBG, PA! 3 MONDAY momma. pm. 1. 19.62 _fi;- 1 BEIARKABLE REVELATION. 1 [Why publish this running nuiexlrnct from a Ipeecl} lMely deliverv-d in Liverpool, ffigland, by_ Ex Gov. Morel.cad, of Ken . uckyfio which- we din-mt the rmuler’s ut “mica." Gov. Ljurelmml, our rmdci‘s will 2 rolrably .Eemember. was a Whig of the %hool Bf {film}; an}! Crittendcn. and always a nitzn man up until the positive refusal,'ol' {he present‘Aflminislrntibn (o arreaz disk!)- .: utionfnnd civil war. The mailer will per ‘we {but the speaker's {eve-lation is morc~ ‘ y I rogila] nlwlmz look {.‘.AégbCiWCCh him- I' ”and cbllwngucs to the PenceConvehtion find Pree’ldenl Lincoln and Secretnry Sew.- trd; it presents an lll'ildc View of the his« 'ory ofthe present Adminiu'tmtion’s dealing 1L iLh tbe‘robellion in its incipient slag'éx ‘Qvliich‘luib not we! been. furnished by any 'élher quagler. ' ~ , l The inner who hat, for tlig last eighteen _ filonllis, been reading Ilonund'intipns of the ‘f imbecilily ” of the timing niomlfi of the fate Admiuintrntinn,‘viill plenéo contrnst itl Blyillx the first. xuomhsiofthe present. What.l appeared (b be imbwilixy was pn'anxioty to, veil. (‘ivil war—:l policy approved of both ‘ ll)! Air: Lincoln and Mr. Sewufd‘un—til theinl ‘tloungulaJvc-rfi ovc‘r-rulod by thosé of their' ”arty,‘ whyl decliu‘qzd 'llmt “ blood letting. Ij'oulnl do the country goal.” We have! Had this "blood lexting” and! the dulled. umn'ng us I: quite capable of understanding l v the conditiqn of tlie p:ilient.' 112 m ..Pred-l dent. Lin>olln and his Premier used but. a( little of their powpr u d influence, the: Peace Canczntion would xZus‘c ‘been able to l {nuke téuns for a ‘rcsturulinn‘lo‘f lmrmonyi llotween the =cctidns, and laid the lounda tion of a Ruling pence. ‘ ‘ _ Lfi'fin orrtcr lms pee" isuuéd from the Win Dopartuientv {or the releakcpfall per spns now under arrest on the charge of dis doumging onli‘stumntfi“ The iimo ordernl: in nqthnrizéHbE-Uinchnrhp of such persons its have been arrested lay the loyal Gover nors or military authorities in the States in tiebellion. the parties so released to give .t'h'eir parole to do no act of hostility against. the government' of the United Stntes, nor Ifélndcr {lid to its enemies. Ind to remain fiubject to military surveillance; Tire prder does not: apply to any perscm who has bee’n in arms against the government. " _ : ’Q'Muny n lmvlr-ss. mid brutal nvt has .1590" dune by a mob that {lO single man of tho gathering would dare do “he could be. field to acmhnt fqr it an an "individual.” There wahld be. but few riota. still fewer Warnings by mobs, and no 'mu/v-dom by ~ '9 Lynch lam” il tim_rnfiinn whh strikes the fir-At Now, who casts lhefirat stone, or who ‘lights the first match, did nnt sink his “identity and escape rnspomibilily by net,- ipg. not as; an “ individual,” but “in con écrfi with others."’—l’/d}m{c/pbiéz Iriquirn’r. ‘ , f Thptis the fact. The Inquirrr has writ ,fien the truth about the lnylpss character (if itix party in about as few Wordsim it Féould be written. And yet these are 'the nh‘nfacters that‘ it has been accustomed ,to Jjnud as "10th citizens." 'f ‘, . ; gay-An American gentlem'nn', in Pa’ris re ]jntes u cénvgrszttion he had with Marshal Neil, Enginéer-ifi-Cpiof of: the army ‘of France, who conducted the siege of Sebas tjn‘pol. The Marshal declared ;“he had fol lbwed all the movement's of McClellan with Irimosb érfiical eye, and ho had no pcsita glion ‘in‘ saying that 'hEs‘ndmim‘ble conduct plume] hip) in the first. min}; of either ancient 0r modern Gvncmlsfi' : i A Fool'c Argunmnt.-——The Nefiv York Tri buncj'fisfhuatés (but it :‘impenéhes the‘loy {any of (in-L McClellan that thl rebels have uniformally spokén of him as our greatest. General.” This is pretty logic. We have (faidflpepnma Ihing of Stonev'vall Jackson Imofig the xebel Generals. Doés the South ém print! call him a~lmilot for it?— Bah! . . : ”Incident Lincoln has issued a Pro élamntion requesting a proper observance .of lhe Sabbath in the'army. He: should have addressed it to those preachers who Purse the Constitution. and disgust their hearers from weekgto week. by jlxeir Aboliv lion trenson‘agaimt both their gbuntry and inch God. - 1 fif'l'he Harrisburg Telegraph'tmnkh they lost the recent 'elegtions because they play ed‘ the hypocrite,’tryifig to ea'ny water on both Shoulder!» instead of boldly avowing fibémsekels Abolitionists, as thqy undoubt edly are, ' j‘ Had thry stood ug before the world boldly as Republicans-that is, anti .filarery men," and supported the :President’s “gully-slavery policy,” the Teltgi'aph thinks ‘ih'ey " \\'oulgl have succeeded infinitely bet. tar." We thought 'they stucklup for the ligcr pretty wen—Father (9 Union. L %~ mm, Spirit Shim-Irma; for H:rop¢.—'Thb fienmsliips City of Baltimore,,fo}‘ Liverpool, and New York, for Southampton and_Bre mahwhich sailed from Raw York on Samb day week. look out $1,589,409 ii: specie. ”Going into Active Service.—~The dmfled men i; camp in Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Wee! says, will soon have nn'Oppoquni : ”of “aging native service. They are all to He ordered to the seal; of war, and propan . flsfié‘g‘e now being made to furnish them ‘« {a gfimrly start. ' ' __ ~......___v._~ .- :zxgribla Dcé'h.—Joseph Kbllerman and M, who humigmfied Imm Redford conn- Wham coumy, Kaye". )Ibout fo_ur ' " ago. Were again proceeding fnrghgr £2511“: they wexe overtaken by prairie Hifihich consumed him and his wife andV films/born 4.131,, .I.—” Mum - .ngammw For! Lafiyofito with“: reward, indudiui Hm Ml 9. mm, FAT BAY Y 0! 7 A nejw feature I: been added to, me Al ready infumous system of übitnry iti mil nrreatw. It has been the canton u—r rm! mm without authority. to am] theml the pricilcgos of the Rabat: 69130143, to {use them a trill or oven 3| kndwredgp f—tho ( linrgns inguinal them; but this is all e 'fwed by the infiunnus tultlllicm of itn’oath, 'llll‘ll was recently administered hi 'in large mini-l hrr ofpolitical prisofic‘rmwho‘wm'v lib mtnii‘ from moonfinemont to WillCh:lllPll‘ n-\ innnl‘ ntnllconstitutionnlsentimenu had con ignhd them. Thoyi were forced roiswisn ti 1111.33; would prohi’nat/{ute nor cuuu ln‘hc' inxta'tu :I any (knits again.“ any dulltflfih'fl' (3/171: Uu": Mata“ or Qf any (Ivy/a? ESL-J: for theiriimpriaon ‘tZ—i ‘ Thus they were not only deprived 0 their liberty and the rights of trinl. but w re nc~ turlly forceil to sum: .uvh' their rights "for ralrm. nml even-uraweari nwn their l liberties in a frog Country: iCnn it that honekt freem'on will longer mlhero in or inn with a party that thus Acekw‘ to d my the very life Oh: free governmrntf E Every one knows, finding innn can i A that thr- ‘Dcmbcrntic. party hm foug l Almlitionisti for yours in defence bf ' nion: ~ Every one know-s that it ism : ever has Been, the real Union pix-Iy. becnuié it; nwmbm will nocgo in} A tional snd universnldcatruction, his! {trying to restoie inntional feeling and hug our exertions within the bo‘unl “lie-Union policy, that'thqy are ur my Abolition minions nnll ‘nwla .to E away their rights under a free govern ‘fi The prisoners any they fwere twice beforeJhc Judge Advocate for he'arin grcmnnded without any light being t 'upon the muse of their mysteriousin' latioi‘n, or iritheut being heard in thei tdcfénco‘; Thry wére obligéd to? 1' their own provinions and were not per i to hold private converse with‘thosq v ‘ 1 them. ‘ Their correspondence W.“ qu lnnd it was only by strutngem ‘thtlti lqould. communicate with their frieii i home, us‘their lettcri were readmkistr ireturned or coniiacnted. The li\/cs ( prisoners were constantly endanger: ithe guard in the barrar-k belbw; IE 'balls having come up into the whom partment, disclmrgml frqm’ lixuskets. ‘01" the prisoners exhibited hiia Shawl 1 ieditor of the Filtshurg Past. pt‘riornied tm-li'e ball“. Freeman, What'asny y inlclx proceedings its-them: it ‘Can it hi ”honest men or christians will long i sociate with such a party ?—-—Sunbury g crat. N 0 STATESMANw-NOV' GENER " It has been 'stated by‘ a number o' exchange papers within th'e past that Schuyler COIL-ii \\"onld be invilet‘ vex-g, short time-rte accept bf a pnsitl Mr." Lincoln’s cabinet, and that» l Charles Fremont would be'intruhtod . in the cours‘e’of nfel'v d11ys;will1 a importantcangmand in the Army. We hope-these statements, will prov founded, as neitheg of the gentlemen I 9d pqsseqa the qualifications- for the in‘hich rumor hula asiigmed‘ them. and lack the conflmlénce'of the people. ‘H fly to the institution of slavery. hm II both oflhoni what. they are, with a cel class, wlln believe mm. of itself. to be ‘ mount to :tatesmgmship and military ' Colfax is\ exclunively a man‘ of one’ The negro ‘gfi‘ords him food for f 111 thoughts, and‘ Emancipahnp, or Abo ‘ are the means “‘in. him ofcrushing ou rebellion and conducging the Govern in the \amoothest possible manner: ' ‘ .Freulont would bnhkrupt the nnti hrs exlr‘avngnnce, nnd‘gfter he has so 1y demonstrated the "ha“ in séveml in ces, that he possésaes ‘nn ilig’ary qlial tions whatever, it. would SEQ“; 119mb.“ 1y fo‘r this ve\ry Administratiohiwhich a!“ gdrove hjm disgrucefully inta‘\\retilfen and suafiended him from his commhni place him in n more important mmtarj silion than ever. ’ 3 » .‘ ’ The suspicious of the conéor’vati ment of,the country nrej'ustly nrou ‘ these thin'gs. and they wish to be ififo Iwhether such a man as General McCl= ,who never lost a bhttle and won rm [to be displaced, and such a wnsxeful ‘an competent feflow as Fremont: be ejle‘ ‘ to a highly honorable and responsilfie tion? Colfax is no Statesman—nah] Fremont a General.;—Frcder-ick C'uiorL i ,' Free Colored Populalion at the JVortll. I stated that, in the course of a few du delegation of workingmen and mecha' T‘epreaenling the trades of New Yérk proceed to Washington, Bearing with .. g petition ugtinstjucli a course of p policy as will be likely to add to (h negro population 9f the Northern citi --I Prophecy of Gm. Jacl‘son.-Snid the hero to a‘ friend at. the Hermitage, a : time before his death : “ The Abolition pnflyjs a rlisloynl o. ' -n -ization. Its pretenged Josie foi- fr‘wom ! means nothing more or has than civifll'war {and dissollfiion of.the Union. I] hast ‘ men of all parties should unite to ex‘pose ‘ their intentions and arrest their progrqss.”. Time has proven that. the old vetipmn [knew pretty nearly what he was talking 'about. . ~T‘ WA lady went to Washington sew weeks ago. to visit. her husband, who} the army, and _whiie stepping at a bq‘ She observed‘ that the blankets bpo bed had a familiar look, and op an: tion discovered her own name on the * gin; and reéognhed them as the same} had sentto Her husband some timéprev but which he had never meo'n'ed. ._ffi..~r<ao»-»-—~———— \ [Q’A question which Maj. Gen. Hal won’t answer 5 . _ I If. before Corinth. you laid ninety day Pleasing the foe with unmmlyflelays, - ‘ Failing. at last, to beat’em; v‘ How long shouid you have given “L KID,” , To make all ready for a grand M‘mk. From the (la-[he won “Antietam! ‘lfl'l‘lne Springfield Republican, the“ influential Republican paper in he Urli all: us: “There can be no doubt thtfl voters of New Y'ork have decided an ' emnncipu ion a: a war measure," ‘ ---—‘—«-». fiflf our fathers didn’t_ intend the Ii gatitqtion for mu- times. why didn’t. . muke a. pair of Constitutions—ale for am? the other for peuee! . I -————-m —-—-——~—- For uvsral' days ”bi-I'm the ‘is‘: ‘e proclamation, the President winl Be ve_d to be in thrown itody.—Ez. ‘, ' g 9: . Jphn Brown was 3 ‘ \ ABOLITION PBOIIBIB. During the campaign of 1860, the Aboli tioniuu promised the wo'rking mm, in tlne dent of Lincoln’s echlion, pracrful .aml praly’rona limos, with plenty of work. high Wage-.'. and I "new of Me price: ol ulna netu’nl noce‘smrir-u—of lifo. lnqlemlpi‘ Imm, our country inundated and divided by a bloody civil Wur.‘ Instead of pus/lam ‘ Hum, nearly all ”i“ mnnufafloties and we“:- shop! which are not PngngN‘ in filling con-‘l ll‘fli‘l) fur the Army Ind Nswv. have been compellevl‘to suspend wperutiom. lnste'ud of‘rm‘uclion qf flu, prim of the nctnnl nears mries‘ of We, all lhe nrticlm which are usiecl by tho Wnrking-xnon and which are eaeen fiial ; to their comfort ‘pnd =upport,,have gone hp .501nnd1fl) to 309 per cent. I I I ‘ Below we present a list Of nrlicles. and ;film prion at whirl: they mld under the +«l g ministration of Buchanan. and also hd' ’ pr'lt‘fl ng whirl) they are now so] ing “mi"? Lincoln‘s‘ ntlzniniitrntinh: , - 'I i i ‘ ‘ ‘1 :. Buchnnnn. . Lincoln} : l .Crcen (‘nfl'oe 15.) cents nor "I. 30 cents. ‘ ‘ llran Quilee 11l do. :55 «la. j 1 ‘ lTen \ f m; to 50 do. cz.)msl 25 :llefined SI2M lo do. l 6 rents. i ' Brown do. ,6 do. i 1.2 60.} l deny, it thé he U - as it ‘ Itis I!‘ 390- ‘nd‘of |koep« I: of a \[olhsscm 1': cents per qt. ls arm ‘ Rico ‘ . 5 rows per lb. 9 do.‘ L I7nh'l'd )luslin 10 ccms per yard. 25, 2': egg. rm. Maw 'l2; do. 37 d’p.‘ Women ha. 40 “1901’ ' 2p ('ali-zo I; Salim-t -. ‘3 mm). , $4 (‘onl $3 Un addition to} add that Winch ffffE = ent'. ken but -own (wine and fink Mormfl. mg} istrfifion: of i’rp4 tundnhe'y is stii Abolition promis‘ 0d Oflhy‘ mnnmx poor tlnen [my in“ rza 13311 rnir-h ilted 11mg clued ELECTION o A- lipid hut-mm“ WM mada’in Dnlnwnre t-l ov‘emwc the votej-s and carry lthtuto eléc thin for the Repghlicans by military terrorll The Adminiutrat‘linrj tlmugh: it impel-tap thnt {{hnrdor slq‘ve Stale shn'nH present -‘ ahnvtr-jof indofiinzg if: vrnzrcipntion poliqy Squidx-u from other Swim. rnlia'ed tn figmh the rqfiwln, were used to rope! IL-mncr‘xit. mm: the; pom infill to mama nml cool-{c timirl‘ totem 'lfhe following~ statemofit mpit‘dj from the thilmlalphia Hmnfuy Jour "III,“YIM’NFntH 3 p4ll of the fzmtsz. ; '1 The, informat on which we haw I'mh Duluware shows 1 up a‘mnit «hnmuful out m’ge‘hui been 00 min P-l nmnimt thn l‘rqe‘ «lam (if the Mom} (3 rights of that Staten—.l 0n Mdmlay nftvn non four companin: nfthn‘ .\[nry‘hnd Home Guards, under Cal. ‘.Vul-i lace. Ugennemon hose patrimkm promf-N! (lin-m to refu~e\n romptnrily to leave tlmiri‘ Smte (‘6 fight the r Somhvrn fur-s, but ling“; not Pi‘fitrzliu thrn from the invasion of the} " our eek, in- n .n m luhn .figjin Yt‘fl' mil of'asietor Sm o for polinca) purl-obeflJ enf‘mnpml at Sen rd. 3‘ E “Shortly aflm- wards three stenmbonits; loaded with cold} rfi. among whom “mi-e the; Sixty New York mi 1119 'l‘well‘lh Pennsyl-‘l 1= vit’x‘fii‘C-‘xvnlry. nr Wed at the cumn Hum»- Theqce they won nonveyedhy mill-mu] and wngnnn t 6 Every voting [wot-inc! (in K 511”: and Suesex co>unt vs. an:l.¢:xcept a! .\‘catnrd; 'lncos both .\tyil‘ gur- nde wlmrolflenerrll \\ 0! WM in pérmn, plnqed unthrltho nrrlf—h- f Que mmt uncm-npul‘nm Ina ulvncutqe of the . Bnlitlnn party of “no :pi‘ecincts H P Dnmdcmm were driven nwa‘uv From the pn )4. {N in) Baltimore Hui:- dred. in Sussex ('0 mW: ih nllmrx, the mufi fird'mihvnt and ihflnvntiu! Dmnncraic \u-i'c arrjested and kop undo: guar‘l. unul 111:.- pbils w‘ore clns‘ed. ' ‘ . “ Tlife only dlsu, thqse polls WA: 0: Fisflwr, the Ahnli gnu“, ‘ycho unwkc Dorm flamed “’ee 1331 IMEIM glen. ~his ! [tion I 'ithe _nent In by !! éur- cinpt» Democrat; company voters ¢ lionms £o6k fnrci tan fica- -4‘ol. fut. vot’i‘rwsurr unde forcg‘d then 10 v 0 The {not that . f: romeo with the of its‘ [fut-[mm dpe The Domovmtic and member OfCl free} would hfive I 5 ole ! ‘l at [vigil :| Ink y, 15 l. in. It it con=oling 16 scheme bf garryin inmistrntion by m Live ; but it is no kjghb-thinléing m out; indignation. rights is in til-efac pubfigan party w- I= 'eris H W , o‘rthrée of the Demochic. {he womd pr‘ab'bly ‘thei‘uugs: (X we uncharjges oN\mi 15pm“: Lmias- r 9»; Gin. Lee to, Gen Hal lecl-g-g'l‘hé Neév ‘ rk World [ms {letter I ICE. I Mn véem mic ! free froth Wmhington which mmtiongi a. rumor that 691:. Leé, ot' llgCanOdt‘mte army. hail recently address a foflynl comimunication to Gem Ilalleek thuchianeemnncfpation proclamation of FPrcsidenk Liricoln. The [getter says: , \\ . It is urged by (son. Lee that in mice tho proclamation is not. withdrawn ie Confed‘ crate militnry amhorities. mre against ‘ their will. but. strtmg in the justicéxnf their ‘ pnsition, will be Compelled to retalinto in the sternpst mariner upnn~nll the Union prisonerq that in}! into their hands. It. is nots ified wlmtipnnisbment willbe ihfiiq- } ted,’xm it is distinctly intimated that if; thi‘ohgh‘ the instigation of the Federal‘ troops. unylwagneh or childrern nre murder ‘ ed bflnfuriated flogroes, an equal number of Ugion troops will be promptly put. to. death. ' J ~ { -————— «Id—__— . 3 B‘The color; men. Reuben and David Long. rewn’xly trig in Gmmburg. for hav iqgwavished ng ‘ rectnble married lady.. residipg in \\'est‘n‘lomlnnd county,lmve mean 1 convicted. “ ' 1. . i - '—o——-J-«u»———.——_- _ inch zomi $3 in tel, {Who ina- 1 A Soldier [(ll:4ij a Neyro.—-A {eh day: ago amoldiex‘, belonging to the regular sob vice. and stationed at Cnrlisle bar-tacks, was shot. by a F 1650 am} morally wounded.~ The negro was arrested. ' M 1- ”One man. dodging around between Columbia 13nd Schuylkill "counties. was en rolled lnm three different, districts, md drafted in all three I QCOncerning the drafting ofgnmblen for‘mldiers. Vanity Fair thinks they woqld not. be of much service. except in the can of another Indian outbreak. when it would be quite the thing to send a. ‘brignde of Blacklega to“ fight. the Blackfeet tion, ithe Inst g Dismassxxa Snowm—A woman unwed El len Moss, committpd suicide at Yitubnrg, my other day, by taking lnndnnum. The bulbnnd of the din-eased joined the "my some {lime tgo, and luving been killed in one ofthe recent. but: des,_she wok the matter decyly to heart. with “ draft." kdcnh on tho lawyers “who“ but one In known. w 5597'“ bug-oi run, on ‘ char-yr."- , 104588.. ch, 654%.} : to 30:13. prr‘lh. Sicrnm _& to 12 (5‘5. peryd. 20, 2,3 rm; }(0 75 cts. ’SI. ‘5l {3l. 25 » Sc 00. Z or) , * $5 00. (1):» above nrtiolel, we mn ' Shoes and Gait-era, bum re now walling from ‘2O t 'er than undm- the mlminl Mont Buchanan, and th I upwnid. So much foi‘ 19¢. The tarifi‘m long talk? tliés in now, here and t!) ‘ Sunni/my Drmocrul. ‘ 1 'PRAGES‘ IN DELAL WARE. ‘ . In Home 11.1 mm: “11701! nfl‘urrml m used bv the Hun. H. I’. [ion c.lndldzun for (Ton ‘l and threw (10"\'n:\ Dom 's. In most oftho yr?- were nnt allowed tn ac- I the polk whxle Aboli la pnusowihn _ni‘uH timid ¥ thbm with ~snMier>, and e their twat". lis unwmmntable inter ecdoh) nf elections failed not mitignte its guilt.— .nndhintns for \Gm‘vrnor gram. hm! thr- poHs been (I 1,5C0 or 2,000 mnfnrity. l'nnw that this nefarious vnn election for the Al]- ! litnry terror proved abor lerlheless 3m act which no ' can chritemplme with- The only safeguard ofour that the defoutofthe Re u so general.- Ifoniy two mailer States had gone leclions in thoue States ave ‘boen finnuned by how omen-s nn trumped _on.—N. If. mm. MI 9 non #mnxc xsmma. v! ’ Th'e Federal; army, under Burnsfik, is' on one bank of“ the Rippnlmnnock, Loppb-‘ ..Io FrederickqburgJ and the Rtbelvnrmy. under Leo, nnxlsé other. A homy battle. and one of 11.6 moat impm-(nnl of [hp win-. 3 is exchbesl to |come ofi'thhc \ cry soon. 1&5 may be in pregnant thithrmnlnu-nt. 1 : fi’l‘ha htedt new: rem-menu enduring ’ in quiet. The irailrond from Aquiu ‘Cnek to Falmouth hub boon comfdotvd. and :Burn lside’s army is rlcceiving 5"”,1e over? it. xll Gen. Flgel'u scouts napprt .lankmn’ i pervillc. a rebél cavalry imce, sup be White's, ncdupying Wn’hontanW ‘ Bridge and Alhie. and thin. they ”:1 ing out picketsjin all directifih/a. It ‘ posed HIM. Jntkmn isu‘giflg to grt .lwm‘n Burnsid ‘ and 93:91.] . mmm, I . .\mu. 205180141; sumption in ”1' t in‘n vr-ry ft-w day: ‘ have a battle iffthifl vicinity thaw-ill J all others of tfxis war in regard {0.1" and fiérconesu There is riot. thesli doubt but the knemy are in great fr; the other side {the rivgr—efiuul if perior to our ofin in point of number l have reason? to believe that Gonen is in commnn in pcrsnm hfrhe who' 01 army of the otomac. exceeding. w doubt. 125, men. This is no fail Hm brain. fiir camp fires can 1; extending at! ast (on milqs along thel and. {mm filmin‘ut‘icm, five mile-s hart 11:0 country. tfhisl is a powerful army; torqopl nnothef nnfiy in crosslrw n ri+ —; ——'—7«.»‘~._~~—-~—_‘ THE DETE%IVE AND SPY SYS} Tho rovent Helopmé‘nt‘s in Um (1 Mrs. Brinsmntheg havojuatly mmknné people to a sq‘nse or their ignom'in: their danger. [The odious spy systo; «hinted by UL}; population< of fiery poun despotist ‘, and so ribhnrrent 1.014 him: of a frhoppnple, recs-hes a rpm ,blo illustration; 'lzy‘lhn oviglnnm“ ”01 on the investi ntion' of the (‘hzu‘uoa ’l‘ 0041 nguimt Pojce Suporintondonljivht It i»: shown to gbe the mmb (hnzormfi hidcmu machifmry ovor invumml a; the rights andhfl'mn'zm of the human“! tion W:\<in.lu;_f'ur~ne<l I If. anfid i 4 n 1 ”li\ m: t i$ a di~grnee-Urnn.\' hq free. In a avpuhli rum Un’nml 15:1?» n‘ n till inn-{uhm-vl by HM (he present-winkinhtn nfo‘winn of'mieo-rnhlelv , v of urow-rmnent m- it i}: in nynlty of i 1») [li-nub." T.) ; ii [hi-x M" sy-fiym mmiul Clonnn 11:1. hm-n churn} a” This nbomin' Wnr Dvpartnn; in {"11” want. I try claiming h imnlvruMP. 1‘ wholly unknm Department of It ie eillmr n c‘ no<= an the pat mltin: to tho surh nn rxton that (Innoml XI thrnugh hismn nn'l m (hi: m himwll‘ Allan. H» i: a mnn nL mign<Lvrgmw-rnnn 3:! spine; wn-t‘ thr- In‘mll =pv, vmnmg u on I‘d: mm}: In thin“ ‘vory gmfih-mnfi‘y an“ d vmfiv like ”-0 (‘ln‘i' who "know Mi L'klhfl R impugn-lo it),_inl{w-tid lh‘, But ‘rnm (Pm flu! [Blln'flnndn mm. ax \\‘ L: or the {\\h-In i-n.‘ Inntorimh that innoor iflflhht tho mnr'hhuti [farm-- vglm (Emirv I!) 1;} I g {ln-l m-o nut \‘r-I'\",.=c ' lh‘e-y‘ my. (In or in‘-nu. I mtimpny .I-rmhicwl l m'hUmnvrx in iu‘ihll‘ -~‘ in! be k‘lclnhlll‘vod‘nnv wksnml rimmhw‘. anul‘ Id be rm, "Millie. Th us ix: uku-h. Yukon .edy dunn- hii ~kil’N Icm). mugs ”10 1,11 l" nulufily is ganLunn'T 3" opinion mi 1110 mlj- :lIVPPIH‘ZHH‘P. {H \\'iknfl'. ’Fhm know that it is Inyalty nnd tru mnnts in the from the WW!) muntrigw, it is nn prnloction detw-tiv» mlro Inm- nhout \\‘lm cnrrlin: tn the t‘nv I‘nlitv Con OT. \VYIHHH'] ml gzn'wned for w nil nohqdy wnu Drpnrunont 0! in! d‘nt", K6ll linwlcs clonr‘ h on the other, n 1 how-var. have l'uker. Kcnnr‘d ni'the syitom, I gnaw. TIIP r Dr-l-urtmunt nti n< carried out. I over prevailed ll “’9 nppr-nl to t] sense of {hp I‘l .Vcw York ”(rd in and B miw+ my m-‘re‘ ml. when n3m-~xry. ‘ pnmilclt- purl}: ii the‘ I‘VJslii’ngtunL Tim Ly 113 )vorso amp} ‘,flhy [ln I ‘ Russia. Au‘itria nr Fr 9 thrimiam! null (110) asidem to put 3!, dm . don Tvmrsi .mys, locrhlic anrty in An: «91' force ohgo mnre, 5 "ce arid yonnrfiing for t! ' of early America.‘ n at party livéx the only eat people-mud pormdn‘ent mighty coum’r‘y. Welhave n talus uni-1y logm‘innmn of Rvpublimns gain unoth'or ’' . - fi'l‘lxe Lb: we see the Dc.l , I mnlung a show g‘jng for uttern‘ flee institution 1 “OVB that. in H of peat-E to a g' prosperity {o n‘ no great faith ‘ the'wnr if the term of power. [Ewan—W: itii‘m pap Pi-s of" ‘ son to almost fubuloug pri ce at the prqsenk time i! 1 com. 63:,” the} price arkpd ‘hce, and firinting \pdperb dpcr ccnl. . Foélscnp pdper, {l} sells for $2 37 [tux-ham, QUHmd all other kind 9 in [[(qh Prices fo all kinds have I' ces. The adva‘ two luu‘ulrcd pcr two mths si nearly sm! hundr‘ 5.11011. us ordinarl is now held.“ ‘ proportion. ‘ , A Year of Jub lea—The- Got-man Réfnrm ed Church will loelel.n'a.te the year 1863* as the centenninfiglebration of thefidpfition of the Heidél r3ll Catechisn‘) as the 'fule bf its faith ne'xjfo and explafialory of the \Vard of God. it having beén‘auopced in the year 1563*‘1111-96 hubndregijjenrs ago.— The entire yéa we ln‘eiieveh’is‘ to be? ob fined as n year of jubilee. . . 1 - can.» «~ «~— ‘ , \ ._,____f, _ “'7 >N(noés (.‘qfl'ce. ' It is mid that G. R. HOE manflgf Etfingh m county, liliuois. raised last‘yedr two ,5 shéls of cofl'g‘e. The seed was sentbim from Australia. xhe first year the plnnhfierelunproductive‘i the second year thhy boig Jliltle, ngd prkduced'n full crop the third year. He thinkdghirty bush els can be groisx'per acre. I'll ' ‘ - “-1”? O”m 2*“. Q'Corpuu Curiafi, Galveston; and Sabine City on the codst of‘Q‘exas, hi‘vp recently been captured 52y the firce uglier Commo dore Farragut. 2 \\ 121 2. . . —-——-— —-40000--§--'- , film.» at Nth-1111', cann.—‘x6;;lk, Colin. Nov. 24.—-The [inter elecu‘fi‘tio-day row suited in the cfi ice ohhe ent '2‘ fiemocrate ic ticket by aln e’mqiority. 1 ‘2l . & For the Cbmpiler. . ANTED. " \\ A few {us-called " Union ‘ Democrat!" named. to go-in o the service of the Aboliq tioniua, for an ihdefinite length of time,— A mull boun will be given, bur no famine of in the future; ‘Not hi be examined or n 'in. Decal-{era _wili be severely pnnichfid if caught. Mind that now, i ‘ . . f 7" '“*"~’“—T“ . ’ . ~ ‘ . . Th be] Iwe succeeded "1 running delgtt'hgofi 'of the underugned, 1n ting-lock“: king“: heavy iron-clad gun. W3O! 15$.mwwu5h» 4. > “you, ulcfiifle-ton. South Guclinu. .It is“ ‘ g _ Anni Dom. named to hnye come from England. i M==M ‘-.LOCAL nan“ marfrn “”1" WANT [\voub. § ”Those of our patrons’ ho intenfipnying "wit subscriplirms in W 0 , will plyuse far wuq it our». hi the 2026 union is neufu hunk. “CAMP GETTYSBURU‘?’ In getting Moog finely. From wlml we lac-1:! o! the (Jump: at. Harrisburg, Phihnaelphio, Plimburg, and other pun-BS, we‘ure led to lwlievq that “ come Gel lyiburg" is the best i . 'uuc—c R nmlh progress in di3( ipdines better. The men drill xfiuhrly, and all m; businesn of the Camp goes as smoothly forwarding could pos sbe' be ox’pected. Col. Lewis, the Comman dnut of the post, is not only n good mil'mlry man, b‘ut he possesses good sense—n quad!” which does not necflsnrily fulluw‘lhe wear' g ofsho'uldcr stmpg. Ilc [rents the mch ns 1*", should be treated, and as a consequenco is orders in: choetfully nnd well cxlecntedf— There has no for How very liltvle severity e ccssary in the enforcementlf diéciplino—Jud no one knows bettgr le'n (‘ ‘3 Lenis how i‘ - b‘ortalut itjs to have discipline. ' r ‘m MEM EMI q sup. i'n be- pre‘ (3 will rlipse rocity btfit foe on mot an. 0n \\'.n-duesday _evcning} two Compnn marched into Camp from Cfinmhonqurg - from Franklin céunty, Capt, Funk; ‘und 1 other fraull Cumberland toun’ty, (Him; Rnpp Both were unilorqu. They kere'two days] the march! ‘ . i _ 4 ~ M Lee' v e rob- tlmut cy of amen,- Our’menireceiqu their uniforms on Thu day, aij'ahns on Saturday. They gow In like soxqgérs. we hope um; will extkn‘d'th Regimental pun-\deé tn to“ n] frvqnemly. Regimenflg orgnn'izntinn has _\ 0: been [hm/1., rn'r-r, . ipto MB 'h is reported (hut the llcgivnont' is to I mom! to \\'pshingzton immodi' My, bet no-su order has been received by l w Cnmngnudu .Isn nfg [l] ”10:, ‘ ‘and. ‘l. m: The health ortho Regiment ; generally get Surgeon Neely has prulm'xly (IL-en pmiems (he llOSpitnl, to whom he is nrcmlltinginl nitcntiong. The‘Rpgiment is’ rmnntye in h lug hi: services—n fact which (hr men npp: elite. beqause all seem ‘lO like him. ‘; —J-——‘_V-VV‘ , , _ -.- . _ .. ‘l‘luro 'll Um ’nrka finer-«1 i‘rodu l‘lK-lh'. 5} and dmimt LAME)“ FAIR ——Thp L-Idics dfthc (‘hnr~ of St. [‘rilncls ‘Xnvier pnrpme holding: a I": in Snead}: k Rm-lller's H:ll‘l,'{nr t 1- pnrpmc liquidmhg l'hcdcl-L Qn the (‘hurvh,'ln m Incum- the day hcfurv ('llrhlmm. unidicomin pruLn’:!_\ :I\vm-';. Tim-y nu- Illilklng‘ the but; lurvp mnfima {or the Inn mic", and “e g prm'm'q- :LH wl.o :éttr'nl :\ rwh "(fair affine kin} IV (110' MEI THE BANK OF GETTYSIiI'RtL-efin Mn -l lug: Ins! Gonrgo Sxmpe, Elll ‘ 2.; uminimomly re—(‘luctetl Pram-m of «hi: n] my: 50. nd indi tutinn: 'll' I):‘(‘:tr.=nn. EM}. 4' <l|ior;‘lnnd‘ CUI. John H.“ .\IL'L‘XuHxUI, Tq-llcr. ,t;\\'e mtvh-ntnhd Hl2ll the Dunk hns rocvivwl n imilwl ’ uppl) of I‘m now I‘Mhl Currenc}, wh‘vh‘wxll‘ he furn i.-hul loglpplicmns. ' . I ' 9 \\ £353.“? fullun‘ing 1: n I‘m fcifizvhs orthis county, “ho \\ en- curliml 'r-fi' :u} made pristin ers by Stuart's rchet mmlry. when lhcy made {heir dash through lhislcfinnL 2 ‘ 30L") Ell \\'.w » “'.x r nt inn. WI-nkw Jnn. 11. P-ntnu. Jna. C. Mnrlin, Sin-omen S.'Shiehls Hunter. AM. ha dugl-r. Nl‘lson lhlyd, Lcuia l‘hfingt‘r Law. Argdn-w \\’u‘njvn, Dzniq‘liukcr' city. ‘ rlzm'l l 'n-Hvfl'; IK‘E'. { 11l hi—‘x phpol >ll "51 fhor‘ dxcw an‘lmnn. ~ “ T_he_\' are now mnfinL-d in ‘he Lib in Ilennund, where shay are $0,151 as \\’e are pleated to be able 16' agate. that an effort is being mmlu W h | ”<- hibr-d on exchanged. lnflugniinl Vii Ind nni inlerricwl ”u ilh Aajulfi t Tilomlrs, who nssun’nl fiu-m ‘thft he \\‘ lhi‘ subjéct his im_m¢ Ham Ilit‘g‘nlin 1, {‘9 It" ns of? I= I!” re was a Fair prospect uflm} Sng uu IBM e'fl‘ecied $60!! Q‘Thnnksgiving, on Tlnll"4")'. phssvd of 2N usual; The sxxmes “VONL chm-d. and buai- HC‘rS concmny wins suspended. m v. \[r. Buchor preached to a full house in 15]”! German Re formmfl‘hmrch‘ and Rev. .\1 . \\'.wner in tlic Fresh} totiln—lnmh’iu’the m flying. ' , Eflevlw Wnr Dupur'mvnt h-Is nppointcd n Prm 0:1 Manly-n] fur n‘ezu’ly m 1 v mum}- in [ln- Rpm—SlS. .\h-Y‘rrnry for Ayn”. 5.. I‘. ml man for i'ork, kc. “wh’ insfirlitjiqné “ill be MEI EEITI Img ‘nftt-r‘ \Vill” llmrs' ‘ 9m! wh’"; ‘ “'O. MEI given soon OE - I‘R()\_IUTFD.—(‘ uptaiu ('3 ms WHrr, bfnnd ovcf. hns keen ‘ammintcd Lit-11L. (‘o’onfl of the 76th Pmnn'lvr'min regiment. i‘n vluvco' of Cold né? “'nllncg‘, \\‘h'o Maliguu‘] on '.«tcou'nt ofil} beam). 1 ' ‘1"" \\‘:Il“ om. has k» - 7 » - <A9» . 7 ‘ ' . WThO (‘dhhrof Hm Ln.) I lenln‘y'flflliry) (1'17::‘1Iv' ix 'm high épirih mu r the remit of the late hJEctinnß, M 1110 f ilciwing Items from hié IMO i-wue show: y H ‘ ' $11.4 @‘Tho [Damnvmts now hhvp‘ n 1 uhdnnoe 'nf States for thecnmtructiup of pdr'nmitle. Illinnh, however. is hotter adaptedl 10 (hi purposelflmn any other. Imlnnd, who furf ishns a“ *he mnteriul’ ruluisite fut “Pf/r '- mid gf Far/pt.” ‘ 1 s: , “You never (l ‘ littlé 517% a)»; Thi d 3) Hm boy cut hen mica ‘- mg |@olll r be" EU ISA Republican exchange an. lmve beaten uu now. but ynq wil so again." Thi< “rv‘mindn IV of ecdnte.” as Abe Lincoln would ‘ is the mwmlom: " \‘nu_ mn‘ agnhi‘.” nmhe pig ~said when (I his tail ofl. \ ‘ fi-“(P nro nfion ‘n‘kwl. in v late eleciilnm. "\Vlmt will Ul-l Al “'9 don’t knanvat h? will d are free to suv \\'!an he orig/41c ought to [meld b'tlbslilule. . W‘Ve lmnr very huh: talk of .hnngim‘z Democrats anv mnre. Indp'ed. sinre the late eleotinnr'x. it ie hvhei'ecl that the Ramb lican leatde‘rs fed very much like Aanglng themselva. . ’ ' I -‘— - I ~ WMCCidfinn‘is removed‘ Wor Poor' 'Richnrd alive, he would prhmbly mend his"nlmixMc thus: ‘ “"0115 move is ab bad as a fire." . , ‘ ‘ ' wfi‘e suppnse the new Commander-in chief mu not go into winter quarters.— Pélj’sonafly. we plenume, Gen. Bum-31¢ will keepwanm out of doors, and in any w latheq. [£3l.lth \VuForney—a misenbléTbesot ted wretch—fwhnse ’chiefemployment, it’hap been for'the" 11M five years, to,cnlum‘ina h is! beqefuctnr—Lhe man, who edu‘cate‘d,»fe¢‘f and clothed him. ~ I ‘ f 'u ‘ ' " r—— ( ' "‘Put This in Your P.pc and SmokerlL'Lt Tobaccohwhich‘ a few weeks ago 00'“ fiv cems a p‘lug, :Ide costs ten. - @The cnrrospnndence between EranceL England“ and Russia, on the American in‘- tervention questionhis published. Franco asks the other powers tojnin in’such 9 step, ..Iqu théy decline, at leftét fér the [Erase-unusuming that mediationwould not. qnccepted. ‘ . ' RT!” ‘Wnahington cnrfesponrlént of the Chicago Tim says the foreign 11' mm are disgusted wit? the vulgar society f that city under the present dynasty, and are leaving to'reside In New: York. . ‘ > “—4 'Q - .‘.—.‘. l fi-lt is believed in Baltimore “1114 Gen. Schenck. of Ohio. will soon be a poin ed to supercede Gen, Wool. SchencE in a frank Abolitionist ol' the Giddings school, oqohio, and the hem of the Vienna. blunder. ~ ___-.. A-—l>"” ._—¢.__,_—- ‘ "le‘The Washington |nespondehl: of the N. Y. Evening PotLfiThe Preéident will take “strong ground In is forthcoming message in favor of emancipation.” 0! course he “gill. ‘ IZZIE ARMY MOTEL 1 , . 7 “-4- .. ‘ (mn- Mnt'xnw ‘Dn’ish ; -_ Nm (irmlk. Nov. 2t, '6 : Dear (bmpa‘wf:~sijzoe ”my lettej ’. Buchanan M'r have ‘Leen IllfltClll ‘ ,wanderingr about I 0 much tint :I . scarcely foand‘lime went, much l up my regulnr correspondence with Our Brignile left Buchanan by Re and formed u junctioln nt Beverly. foris'nken dirty little village. in Rj . county. Col. lloy océompnniod us point, DB qommanrle‘. but here sick. when ’we Were placed under tll mnnd of Col. Lithnul in“! hurled} .wn'y toWaI-du Stuunton. " ~ ’ Our Regiment, pull of the 12th V and Buttery 15.. taking the Slauntn while the other part 1b! the 12th Y some Cavalry, went by way of Fort tor. The 91h Va. oflthe 2d Briggs.> by way of Franklin!l all joining i Bottom, Highland county. l It‘wodltl ‘mke up_t?) much space i paper were} to give no thedetails expedition. I will dive you only , may prove interesting. 1 ‘3 .‘ The morning 'nfterl our 'nrrival . Bottomlhf‘aj. Bhohlvi- \\‘us place!) i ,mnnd of Co's. A B 410.,»and ord l proceed towards P‘rariklin.'witlg rut lthe 9m VIL, who wjerb spm”?! 2 reaching their poinu of deetinixti ‘ : consequently were fivd Llnys‘withoul ii i The Battalion mifille u very- rapid 1 halting the fim mm in n rcbn J formerly occupied lily a -South 5 Regiment, “here thfil boys had an ltunity of erjnyingn fensl that. cv wogld hnve‘ relished, luuljou been ring in our footstcpsf' this week pi: i We were now in 'ntountry wher ‘ nion man (mm live;l ll rabid seccsl l women n‘illl cliilnlrev; where our 'wns.of nulnrcount. Give tlu-nr‘in that promi-lecl to pay iI 'oxcopt green-hunks, ill they'hml. ‘lln this v.l ‘ tln have been :rnzwl Thuwnmls ofllwr‘p _v ' f‘urniahing the rpm-1.4 and elegant, mutton _\ these cheap are not 0' 1 our hungry boll"; I know, our (Battalion want, of miythiug th livery mush had chic veal. and Slit‘ll rolls never saw. To finLh l in box after box of th , xnw. It “Wis n fonst 16: N 0 men were boiler p‘ .the good thingy tlmtl lof the “ ('plifi.kolitin\,il lin-l mnrvll'gil llny n?! ‘ lhcee mouintnim, in only‘ half r‘ntiom, wor Wendy 16 do anything ‘ We mptin'ed about ty cattle and horses. whowere quietly foodi army. and a fl-w final“ . An nocidjent ol‘n var to n memlwr of Cip ~l'rom your place, win ‘Mnuntain. ,A gun in I ’ in the rear of .lolm (“n istnntly killing him. ' ‘ of Frederick Culolmua I ship. and mm. much Ecompnnionf, 11-is_mn Ithv top of‘lllelmnnntu ' tlc pl'ign owl plural a lto mark tho ant .wh quietly} $7O lmrn '9lan l little hnmlfmnrlu t‘lm ‘ ingc of our Regimont' :lan over Rh“ rhnuntui.l I The mmi‘hnhs. ’up; , twolri- (lay: no no IL-fl “hm m—r'ch‘wi. wm. nnv kind. sfhnrt-of rnti yturml n 11l Elnrn. thrm 'up the Chant, down 1" Sanford n Stork ' .\luh‘ow and An. )y priann 1(7~‘.1(1g€5. mwm'er, ‘thom re ‘mls luu'e I (h-nornl nld give ilmd that .gdmnge rivers. ovnrcnmm: on" n“ this patiently. sifo! (”111:9 they'lnre 'd‘wipii tll’r-m is M, snorml as th nothing hut duty. E twontyfidm’a ‘lms prow a hub. All‘hqnnr ta pacing this firnntl old can be fmuyl unywimr The Clum’nt Mounlni .gether at this point, ut Gen. Milmy. We in‘ ncnin, aml Ille‘firul hr Clunorat mm consistsl 10111 and 12m Yirgini Va. Artillery. Our ho Eagle ” 9m] wmfld follll Still they look back time when they were .' ostentatious, but pillar? They love and 'rewcre muriiing “our arriml I some of our warm-hot. the 23d lllinois,’ Col. 1 were to hgjwilh them, the morning air resou cheer for our own no ‘ -w of ”‘lB 97 o?" ‘ ; ut we 11 . Ilc no warmer. mu-r frien' the 87th Un \VednostM' nigh I, after on: ten! were pitched and the boys ere enjoying hem selves reiaén‘g the see es and incidenis of our rgcent scout ovor the mountain+, out camp was énlivened b. a visit frpm ”Le 23d .lilinois. Cal. Mulligan; 'Ehése yam” ears ed sons of Erin’s Gree Isl! vii-‘9 so glad to have us nm‘ong then) again that‘ thejy al most w’ent ,besi'do themselves with joy.— Every; manifestation ‘oil respect, and‘ «Ree-m mm sliqwn us by ofieerfi and men andmone evinced more Meal-1:33 ‘thnn the gniiant Mulligan. 'On Thu ay_ night. our} boys fox-mad a toi‘chuligfipxloceuion and aim-ch ad throughlt’be camp $f the Irish Brigade. and such a mating uni! such a reception I ‘ new; witnessed?!) m'y l‘fife.. The procession closed in mm near Cdl. Mulligan’s quar- ters, ‘when the Col.nppésred Ind Ncomed us in One of: the moat eioqueht speeches we ’ e 93? head. In concll+ding he stated: that ‘ the_drill and disciplinegof his Regiment was; d'iie to the exumple 34! than! by our‘own :, boys from the old Keyqftono sme. ] UOl. Hay in now absent afYork, on the; sick list. The boys are" all awnitiqg his re- 1 turn with anxiety, as the old Cd- in speak favorite with officers and men. Lieut. Norris, of co; F, _ia noting Adju tant bf the Regiment, Lieut. Martin 31:“- ing new detailed as AL A. A. Generd, on Brig: Gen. Hay’s stafi’. L “ Lieut. Hersh; of Co. I. wu noting Quar termaster of the detachinent sent. to Funk lin, under Col. Schallxt . A :s A: the mat. {tithfnl mod. 1" filmy; n- t. . ‘ ‘. wrfif ’.A‘. M: 11 ‘i quired to do :he‘ magi work: so gha 87th mint soon be lloshmg about quin. ohvhich you Ih." be kept pound by 200200. ’ 111 i from ' ‘g 'and :l “u upper- thin Mocaenan (1.22 disobey o’r deiw, under the following circumsunoa.+ The Albany Aryu sayu: ' ‘ , 3} have keep you. x While engaged in the battle of Antietam i- McClellan received repeats-d inurfictio "I ~fmm \Vushinggon that 1299’; movement .his'fmm was but at faint, and mum: and n :waa to attack Washington with the. not: body of the rebel army. McClellan mu‘i stmctgd to full back immedin‘eiy to the db ;fence of the capital ! ‘ I If he had follom-«l the onlér~begottemof ignorance In}! panic—he would have fnjléh ‘back‘ only to find his retreat converted do a rout. his army dentroyed, und the ”be-’B. iin possesmon of Maryland,with the hid-“Fl 1 National Cupitnl in their power. | ' l " He disregarded these: unwise imlmction‘, I fought. and ,vyon the battle. drove the eno ',my from Mun-land and mved the (.‘.piul. impact: a: God' do! ph . - um}. I: ‘took a com; In: our ‘ smm, L pike, |.. 'with ll‘lkwn' Ie wept {WM 1 ~ ~~~rsoa—..» _. ,I‘7‘ 1 Hulargqlon Hulmu Gwpnlr-On ‘Vadofil” day | man named Junie: Andemn. OM! ' ! {hose drafted in this county; was taken bd , fore Judas- Mchndlm, in the Circuit. Couf: or ‘the United Swim. at. l’ittsbui-g. on in :vuiri: of ImLma corpus. .llis discharge wits .mkod for on the grm‘md that he was cxem t, ifrom ‘militnry duty.. thing attained h?» I forty-fifth year nn the 15th inst... and mi: having bpon swnr into the service of [He ‘Uniml'Smtoa. .lircmamhlished iii-sage Hy l nn exhibition of the fumily BIblF, in whie hie hirlli mu recorded. and by the nflidgvrt of his mother. .\i'tm- n‘i‘uii hearing of it a case Judge McCunullgss orilorwl (ha dim chugeiof Llig uppiicnnt.-—/Frumburg Dcm'p cnt ;—--—-«J->—.—----— X! I 'fyour 'ofthe |ucb as MEI CEEB E- l ong for me in In, and Miami. v arch, I camf) V rolixm oppor— n you only vln What :rnu tka‘lhqflvirru'rlv WW mwérz' Px-urn—L'l‘lmg‘following are the concludin some-noes o rn Imm- pulnlished in the‘ Lon“- don 'l‘imfi of (ll? 29m ult.. signed "U. Q‘. Cnttomlen. nl‘ Nn<lwille. 'l‘unn :" ‘, We 9£jlle Knuth nro willinu to any Io lhh North: We will meet vnu half-way; will agree t'n n snipnnsinn qf hmlilitien, that A mnvmztlnn nl'nl‘lfiilu} Smlm may he énllml, nml ast-ttlamr'm vmne In by "Rs (lmfisln , by which we t-ng'lgn nun-«elves in nlairlp, pr vidl-«l'suid mnvgminn lm left to (11-“ berm ‘ in nhsnluto Yli-x-onnonlinn frmn nml indi pmulcnf of government. co'nlrol‘nnll infl - once. ‘ l .\Lfrh mu: tlm unnnimmm feeling of ovnrlv prominvnt man wh-nm l nmwulml to in tlllt‘ Snutll wxxllln tlm pus: lwn numllu; fur. No it #11“. llnvojmt «urn-M'- l-ul in “ n-wupivu ’ .prnping rrnm my native; lmul. Irom home and all I hnlxl «lmr on oath. 1 no U mm. l- I= the shape of I u! _vrm equiv! I h-y thml-znnrh or aha who] n‘ 100 v” Um‘hi ‘ with Inlbfity 1‘ and Wm" it; yturml Mr H; on“)? my an i of cat-l my.— sides, woo} that .xso of «mud: my". I‘hie I It! p 5; sifl'or or _llw '\‘nllay [II-mii-otli— :nnq, .V game, mint-Lon: rPIPL'LUIL lnjltkl‘ you. ‘mn. [lw 1,.-._;vq- (mm finder hnnn Irvc-r g in be xemyn h’ored. ‘opnrwl'lo ny’q‘ Minto {night ,flmn t PmeH IBarlku‘fion.’-“1' rilhoy r.ll.\y.'up until (lawn xingn'r. in anr‘mnurc. hail [ho miJnrtunl I (0 hp (11-.lftml frnm this diatriot. which nI .(riglltnnml him that hn’ctr‘linhtwny mm‘ P to [his plm-e 21ml hirwl MI; William M \h ‘lhnflmr. M n snin-lilutn. puyxnu Mn": $1.0" er. Mnhr prnoemlml ”In pump at Philly!» 1 phi». In par nurnnmv’nt. nn-l [Grim-1 comm {down °con~hlr~mh|yl7m in tur‘n proourml ‘ :nnmnrl .CuMimw Irv lake la}: plum M “W . "(I thnn romrnml Jmnm tn thi~ plum. b ~I inc; mmlF s‘3'V' hv thd opal-Minn. A p'rnfi [nhlo and 01qu alrug'f, llml New—Allin“) , Ikmncrul. v 3 r. ' now and m'i font sore. m- OE ‘f'uy in My “rur’l mu] frat/"..’! Army 0'»! .\7ny.—'l‘hn hnnnvfl [HIV of un H'ugiim ml llivr MoraqtN‘slUH. and Hmt nf a Fro-no $5O. ,A I’rmmh calmwl (”ull pnv) b SLSOO. and mm? Euclid; $6.00”. In Fram .l Vice mlmiF’H hm 913‘000, in linulnml $12., “00. Thin i’rr‘m'h rmr-mlmiru] rr-N-ivo €610!!!) "fill Hm English MUM”. PM! hi mu- nrmv and naval nflinnn m'm .gn In liv m t-lu‘upiy IN thn ‘P'rt-Ilrll "um! liontl-nwni‘ whn has. tn finll Mu mvn m'irnrm A!!! Yam nu! of nor. a month, or lrss Umn ~iIK) 1 your. . ' , I ry and l ! mm}. 'm m hm‘ke' to get A' gum. nc' huuuln-«I sovo’ml any 1;: with? for {h 'ackn. ‘, I savl nntnro m“ . Adnir's (.'n x ‘e 'm‘o-‘winz ‘“l the lmnulw nF enhm'wo want I 134 w“ tfin'ml , 0f Mnumjny (:ipm‘tpd 'hy ”MA lmriml '} QM urrml : pnny.‘ ain’tér ~ lan ff.- jtn« _ . . 4‘ .... - -,. - x . -. . Win mm-Pqnmwr- of Hm prnngnt hlu‘ pru-o nf prinlmu mwmriu‘s'. thn mu; nf " DEEM lnw‘no _m-r nlmw Inving within 1h» but few v'w-o-k . Rl]V!HH_“Q'l‘_ lhxrty or Mr!) [wr M-HL‘. *0 vih m “"1 hr- nlfiium] tn rush-in! nnr Dun-6mm. In Mm) mrn‘n; I u/nm' min/'11:] 1H fur w’ull I/n‘n Vl'N'w'h r‘v’l‘ kl" gr-‘ive : (IN-rv’nrv‘r‘mgmmwf- vi m! 3!!" frnyn nur ”<1 ~‘N m: n nnuflwr ().'~ll|l~cr'lmrd wlmnrn In ant-art, -. fnnvl Inn'l nv‘nr their, nr-onuntu In a mum-m lhrup ‘ truth fur ('(IHVI'HHH. Thiu I'flllr~l‘ will )w s!] undnr‘ kunnlmean! n‘m- l‘ur a” p-grrnw conr‘t‘rnr' L nupyq‘ hut"m- have no nlu-rnnt’ivp.-—A/A’(v¢lr~rl - : [mum-ml. ‘ ‘ ‘l -. .. » my-r~r~v»— "1 f 0!" T'm (fir/v hf .V m [filmy/via; _F ‘up-hp" '\'nnng unmvn n'.’ I'. vntwuml. .\‘o-w Harm. whim, “QM “4"“! 'n :‘Vm mu m ‘ \ I'm hnuw nfnn nun! Turnin- who hit-1 wnv lhrnt‘ mm tn Hm wnrmmU-lhkml one hundred bushel: ofcorn fur I im. . . mJn-n‘vory | s'tnnq ow?!- hi ~rn ‘he nv‘nv fl 11min inn Hm « In}! of tho w§ |hx-nuéh ”I 0 f nf‘VirginY-u.‘ :L'imon't mart-11l ' mbnt in ”:3 .‘ n tvnti or 419 x naiécjnthing 1 l .'h 'rahx n‘ml ‘ e- A'Hv:hcni6~' y oL=lnnl¢-'——h flu. and why i olfin’nd onlv f' I’nl‘nln, vli'he‘v nry mun in I! {-rvwe Mr of II tnt- ‘ !«t(i’rm, | v, ' 7 a. v —— ~ Ming yll nlnlrn/II ..llnyntfn er P‘Rnr-L or UMP" , .10. hazahln notl frmn tlu- \\';rr hmusrmwvv H», n I-nn'rflu In annw Hm nrmv A! ”w Pain ‘with ' mar and onHN‘f Hm hivlt-u nn'l man :Ith kn “- Hur- ralflo s’.:uu~do.tnrml; an Ihr 'um nf Hm EIMEI ’ ‘ inrmv. Thor‘s wan n cnml rim! 0' (“I‘an e [34. . - . . - hon. jhmr- lmlng nv‘r for!) L‘HH ~r~t M! anl-ur-l's hid mu $7 R 01)” lmi‘tl. and um nccbptml. ‘ , ’, 4 A_ . ' , lxiynxsvlfn v H 9. gallant mv Regimen}. no SEMI MEM |- l Impor’flm/ [tritium-~71) ling .er'lvrm. \lel 'l'! )mhlinu Hm "HUM! Slain} Mrmlit Cum-I in Cleveland. (mi... hm m ufn an impnrmn deckinn. Hr‘ h‘gjcl thnt llwlzuv [uro-r‘rihin :pennltiov “Mr _t'lm issue- of 5m." note-t nI , chroka to he ‘meal {or rnrrency, wnu mam 1 Fund thht. consoqurmvlv. nn pmwcutim Icould follow the issue of such notes. ' ~l Dividnn is,n ECM ml 6f nth-«l nnrul \lnr Hue-comm (1 All been hi'i gurlq undpr (h *of Ithe RE”: 1 a?” BJttvryi s 51! lm-e_ Hm w bfim nnyxvh 'ith ipimure 11 ml" ”,ler plui‘ b and heroic K is mun e. and o: M New Croek,}wlwn ed. noble friepdu of ullignn, ropor ’ed wo‘ under Gen."}%elley.( (led with chem: after la Kelley, 11% his us, than the bfiys of ‘- I ‘Gray‘ « Dram If n P’D’l’lkallpl'Lwnflu—‘Mr- A. I Fn-«iantien. of \Vimmin, wu- nrdM-wl $Ol rnlmwed frgm the military ,prium} in S Louie. unann‘litinmllv. an the lmh mcl “l'nn (shun-1m m'ninst him not luwin: I) 9‘ sndgmnwl." TM- nr'lor forlfiskrelmtsr- a rivml at ‘llw prison houpitalnn the Rim day of. but a f w boun-gdbwquem to. hi death. ' 3 ._.—._. » ' «...—.... ~..__ fiC-mmgpr dit‘Sfi’w w‘ero put. in Gin-n Intinn in Philm‘lelphia during the last who on- the ‘Lock Haven am] Jersey Sho -. Banks. . They/are unlike the genume.. +o. ) _Hne .. llll alley. :n the WTwo kirids of eggs are used in m king “Tum and Jerry," namely, hen's 9g and mum eggs. ' ) ' W fiThe Gnlvostnn :Nevrs says that Sn Houston mmle a secession speech recentl ‘Ayer’s Pfllfl.—Are you sick, feeble uh I complaining? Are you out oforder with your oystem deranged and your feelings uncomfortnl ble? These symptoms are oltenlthe pnludb to serious illness. Some fit of sickness it creeping upon you. and ehonld be averted by i timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayefl Pills. and Jlennse out the disordered human—l purify the blood, and let the fluids more on no? obstructed in health agnln. They stimulst the functions ofthe body into vigorous nctivlty'l -puril'_y the system from the obstructions whic . make disease. A cold settles somewhere la thd ‘ body. and obstructs its xmtuml functionr.~.'. ‘ Theae. if not relieved. react upon themselv and the surrounding organs, producinggene . aggravation, sufl'el'jng and disease. While i this condition. oppressed byethe (lernugemenui take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they store the natural action of. the system, In with it the buoyant feeling of health “gal-0.71 What is true and so apparent in this mvnll and common complaint, is also true in man] of: the deep-seated and dangerous distempetu—g The snmegurgntlve‘ effect "pals them. Canned! by similar obstructions And derangement; ofi, the natural functions of the body, they mi rapidly and many of them surely, cured” tbo‘ some means. None who know the "micro! these Pilln will neglect to employ them r 1 sulfering from the disorders they cure, sue ‘u; Ilesdnche,°anl Stomnch, Dnentery, Bill Complsints. -lndigestion, Derangement of Liver. Costiveness or Constipation, A. a ' oer Pm they are both agreeable and efl'oct ”Prepare! by Dr. J. C. AYKB I ~ Lowrll, Moss. Pluc- 25 Ours n: M.‘ ! Fm Benn ro: 81. =;' g wsmd by A. D. Bo no. And everywhere. -.fx0v.'8,%2. 2‘ r I:=1 DISOBEDIBNOI OP ORDERS. J’mr'u‘lull; .\‘ley/lun.— A th nnmnd- HM Special Notice-u II II .~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers