Wit 2; «gig-s‘w‘ = GETTYSBCHG—Sncunn un- F10ur................. Rye P10nr.......... White Wheat“... Rod When!......... Corn ................. Rye................... (MN ............ ...... 8uckwhnt.......~......... ClorerSued ................. Timomy 5eed.............. Flu 5eed................... ’Plnser of Paris Hunter ground, per ha: BALTIMORE—PIItur “If. Flour Wheat Rye.... rJorn... Ouu Clover Seed). Timothy Seed Beef Caugpar hqud‘ Hog-{pu- hund......... Huang...................‘ Whiskey ......... *‘\o, Peruvinn, per 1am...“ -” HANOVER—Juan" uni. Flour, from wagons Do. 'irom stores - Ville!“ ......... Rye mum...w Cnrn............ 0n"............. Clover Sec-IL. Thnothy See?! Pin-tn... MARRIED. 1n Chimgn, on the llth uh.. by Rev. R. N. Clarkmn, 1). DJ THAHDEI'S S CLARKSUN, Aflulnnt of the 13lh Illinuis Cavalry. to Misc MA NY 15., ekdest. daughter of,the lam: Joseph flultcwn. , : ”Obituary notices exceedinz‘ six lines: will herelher he charged M. hilf our usual ad vertilimt, rates .fur all over that n‘umber of “QM-“Gif ‘. , 5 m Lint evohinc, In lhis plnro. Mn. PARA!“ ANN WALTER. uidrwof George Wnltrr. in lurv'md yen. Funeral n2} o’clock (D-moryow yltefnoon. *- ‘ . (In the 7th "'ll., in Huttorstntn,“tu. MARY HUMOR, widow of Peter Hulick, in‘ her 501.11 1m» ‘. : = ‘ «Emma. 11”., in the mum,- m.,.nnmt‘ the 111-lay Home, of lJ'phoilJ fever. LUTHER Y.’ HOFFMAN, in the 2171]: your at his figs. Hi! body was lont hnme and buried in the [‘omolory . of It: Paul's anpuln-nl [.utlwrnn' (‘lmn'fi‘j‘ \nmr Now (mailer, where, 111:0, muniy 0! hi. I Aindr'ed fest ' ' ' J Hn the 19m 1110.. of diplhnrin. 3134 s Ll'f‘Yl ANN. daughter or 301 m {‘unmd, in the, 2311 yum“ o! Icrngv. _ A ()n the Rth I‘m” in Bcrwkk iownaflip, GEO. NIflLL, “3‘31! 9'; years. ~ . : 0n the ‘mh ME. in Hamilton Sound-in‘ I HARAI‘! JANE. dnlwh’t-r of I‘mur‘llufllwins, card 16 your-1 and 17 Mrs, ‘ J, - (‘Jn the‘l'vfll lulL. ELIZABFT”. comfort of" John Hofheins, ngl-d CAI yours {humming and. "days. '« “ L, " ‘1 C‘ 0n the 2001 Hit, FNVA TX, inrnnt (Inung‘r nf‘ llsmuc and SIM-Hum“ Group, ()ng mile town. shun. mod I monlh mut 'l6 day. ' l ‘ 011 (he lath ulf. in this place, WILLIAM rCAflngwd «Loni 9 '\'C'lrt. ‘ . t On [llO NW ML, at the rwidl-lmp of his: n'nhrw. ML 8‘ Linn-h. in Inninmrv. .\lr WIL JJA I LINN. formerly of ,Ith plm e. "(li-d nhoul ’l'.“ guru. ms rtmuin.‘ W} re brought qn for m l-Hg'ueul at ”I" Pmbs l‘Lurch on Tueuhy. km (Le 2:.qu “LL. in anujny tpwnship. AV"), .'vtunyv H mnpf anrygliugbqr, ugcd‘ ‘ gears 5 months um] 28 days. ' j . E ‘ ‘ ' (‘ummun'mtml' }~ lmu‘n‘. tnwmhip, an lhr 2E! xt ML,‘ I'A‘HRIET (‘ATHAHLNE KLHPl’Ellfiuucd 11 ._vair»: and ! flay. :' I "We lnvrrl hr~r, we n’n :nngne an (Hi, How much wt 1- \‘r‘rl 11m nnd_ho'w well, ', 3nd Inn-d her um. fluid ho (lmughl E 024, ' ' o lukc her I.oqu to be MII it." « " ' , (‘um’xmmimunL . In Bum-r Inwnship. on vho lf‘th uimh‘ARAH MAJKGARET. dullghtvr nt Audnw Caryl ¢ged .18 yam-n (1 month! and 4 :lnys. { t '- Dearest slur-r, than IN! 10"! mu é Here lhy Ins’n wp doth!) fw-L 1 lE.“ ’[is Um! that hunt hon-f: ml, .. '11: Can all our sorruwa hMI." ‘ 5 ‘ For the (‘.)nipilor. ‘ Hind. {q (‘hrizt an i in why». at I'onnwvlvnninl Pullogv. o!” vathd fl-rrr. .\mg 25. {sl6l. .Wr." Fnfi‘nmzrl IL )inusszp, of Slun’ersvi‘llc, Berks. rnuwy. Pn. _ [ 'l‘Huq- dm-ouwd n! fln- lime of hit: dough win a ma mlu-r Qf Hu‘ .\\-uiur claim "pd wus plusning hip suuvlia \x it‘ n vie“ ufcmorfinxz the miniulry. gm! ha: un xpvctMYy cum“! him from tho<e 3 arc-fin: of Win! ufui sorruw go the joys of‘hnt' h-(lvr world. “(or a Im'v “Um-<9 'The mlluw- 5 ingififir‘e the Resolutions of I‘lhe I'hilenuthL-nn fiouicly: J ‘1 “IZSWIJ'TIOVS Mr rum). NN'lk‘TY. . : WHHMI'MI. ll'lmu plm‘rml ,anigmy‘dod, in Him imrruiululr wiwium. to flu] uur‘nnmbcr with (la-nth, and to rum -\« irx m nnr mid-l nin- Imxéh lmkncd and dur h‘olimr I'hm».. Y._B. Br'lhm-r. gun-l whiht we how in hing)!!!»- Hth )lli‘f-lUH ‘l' Ilu- wilZ uf Him uhu hull: thcihut-s 7 01 ”[6 Mn! flrnl’h: lin-:t‘firw, “ . “Erwin-{L Thur n-I u Sm‘it-tv, “hilfili'w'e sub unit with m «Rue-u u} this nflficling'gfimcn:u lion 0! I‘.rn\'ihnv-,uc Hum-wh' hum-n! his um xpoctcd dcnlh in the midst of opening use !uhleu. - A, Resolved, Thu! in [his herem‘rinent wehpve lost‘ one nfuur host uwmlu-ra. v. huswpresem-e .gmAnz us [ms 111-0 H marked will: untiriug zval, {Mt-lit} and law to our (mnmon ink-roam, um] thus ns w:- hun- su loved him in llfl’, we will n‘vr‘ cherish his memorywith grateful lemexm lurnnce in icmh. » .. Resolvpd. That whilst we express uxir heart— lel! ayrhpnthios will: his nfilicjed l-nrehts and trirmh in this sad hurmwnmnt. we rejoice than he. in! gixon 111 the clenrest endeuce that our 10:: in his “{lan gain. ' . Resolved. me as an ("(preszsima~ of our sor row, the Hnli and Reading “60m be draped in mmiruing and that Hu- lemhi'TS.f this Society wear the u-unl badge thirty days. - Resoh ed. That as an additional mark ofour rospcct to the memory of our deceased mother. nu escort accompany the corpse to the resi dence of his parchts._ ‘ ' Reached, That a copy; of those’ resolutions be musiuitwd to the beregd‘cd prirents and 111 M. we request. their puthlUQD' in the “Lutheran. And Missionary," “Lmhqrun Üb pervef."i"Reßdilig Gazette and Democrat,” “anding Ergie," “The Montgo‘mpry Ledgvr," and the mystic! town. . ' - Faust. Rlcunns, . . * i he. 0. Mann, _ _ . ~ 1 alto. M. Youm. " 1 , ~ Committee. “ $3O Reward. ARE STOLE3.——Wus stolen lrom the M Illbscriber. in Cumberland township, Adams county, lasq night, 3 SORRKL MARE, 4, you. old last May, with 3 star on the fore head. A blind bridle disappeared with the Hare. Tienly dollm will be paid for the re tun‘ot the Hare, and ten doflud for the arrest of the thief. ~ PETER GINTLING, Dec. I‘, 1862. Gettysburg P. 0. lead Quarters, ‘ ' ‘ Cur Gun-3mm} ' = ‘ Nov. 25, 1863.} PBGIAL ORDER NO. 30.—-All drtfleg men § in this county who have not reported And eon mustered into the service, will report shunning a: these Held Qunmu within ten d 5 9‘. ‘ r ' J'l‘hooe Ailing to report within um time will be nmted and brought here at their own ex-' pagan—By order of Col. A. E. LEWIS, ’ Commahding Cnmp. Eumu Inns, Anlng Adjourn. ‘ De. 1, 1863. - . y ‘ For Sale. _ = = -VY‘TWO-HORSE WAGON, in good audition. Enquire It this Oflica. V . 33. 1862. 1 U BRELMS of ”97 nriety at A _; . moans”. Gain. 011...: ; _ ’ nu. a. 30mm Drug Store. annsucs, Prints, an. mu, minim. ‘ m n »A. 8501-: wows. G“ \OOA‘I‘B churn Yg.,¢}}§H:'H-xfims§a: w = 1;”... My v 6! i ORDINKNCE -. :RELATING to Partition Fences. tic it soi ordained by the Town Council of the 75 Borough of Gettysburg: l 35‘ I. That between m-qupied Lots in Enid 25 Borough the partition walls or fences a null 63 not be lens than 5 feet 6 inches in heihht. 3° and shall be of mwnary or mnde close with ‘5 boards, or if the onfnerg so agree they ,ay :0 be made of upright pickete, w spacmThot 03 exceeding two inches wide wash them. .5 end made close at the bottom so as to pre -60 ven't the vintage of.dornestic nnimul.‘ or 00 fowle; and the coat of conxtructingr divi ion ' fences'shnll beborne equflly by the par xcs ‘owning or copying su 1 Lots, provi ed 'that the oleen of adjoining late may di vide the div’nion line equally Among t em and each make and keep up his own ior-‘ tion of the same at his private cost: nd. provided, thatvwbere either party h a portion of the division line sufficie tly closed by building: or otherwise, that r tion shall he comidored so much of Hi di vision fence made by him, undhe wl b 1 required to make l 0 much of the bah: me, on will together with what he has nlre dy : cloeed constitute _the one-half‘o! the w ole ‘division‘line. ‘ ‘ i i 11. In cane any owner or obcupi‘er'o an occupied lot in said Borough {hull neg ect or refine ufu- request or notice by any r ;son int‘ereste l. to make or repair hinL pr. ition of any flivhinn fence, or to joi «in ' making or re iniring’the same for then nco of temtlnyu, i shall and may be lawfi for" the‘ pnrly n grieved to complain to the ’Burgess‘ who duty it shall be to sum on the party‘ inledefault to answer the. :n -plaint, and I can? thé‘ factvin thee lllq‘ plaint he do] proven to hm sutisfnctio . it“ shall he lnwln for the party aggrieve to repair or bug? said fence, and charge he ‘ cost thereof th ll) per Gent. additio :tol the party in default. and in (use ol‘llii IN? to pay the name within 10‘ days ul‘ter l‘e‘- : mend made. the aggrieved pm‘ty may 1; int: nuit below any lust’ice ofthe Pence ngu mt‘ the delinqm-ntinnd recover uh in other c‘ : tibmf for work. labor, service~done nd , material furnhlmd. :f I ‘ 111. Tlie‘slmveprovisions for the mo int;l nl'divinonr fences, shall apply to ill rt. lotsfor unnr-oupied lots; within the limits! of the lloroughjnforeanid, provided thu in ‘ unoccupied lots. the division fence shall he; made of posts and mils, and shall be lnot. less than 4! feelin lieizht‘. ‘ ' By thnj'l‘own Council. ‘ . JON-IV” LITTLE; Durge . Atlnct—Jznmuln Cr'u', Scaéy. - Nov. 24, mm , 6 25 to 6 ......'.......l 25 to l ............!l 20 w l 1:75“): I . ..1 ECIES ......... 6 I'ls ,w 8 81 .. mm. 1 ‘33 :o 1 80 ......m 93 $0 I ('6 ........ so so 72 ....‘.~..... 36 to 66 8 20 to 6 25 .. ..... 'l 90 w 2 00 . 5 pogo B 15 6 00 n 6 50 18 00 £O2l 00 41 to 41 75 00 11la ‘ 700 130 m) 40 B 00 1 'l5 6 25 ORDINANT‘E HEATING T 0 HAY A S'l‘l AW HTAPKS. _. I. Be it nnnct I]. by the Town Comwi the Borough nv Unitysbutg, That if person or pprsn s shall ereoi or (‘uu‘m‘t' I OTPPN‘d any Hay-packing estaldidl ‘ “ithiu the noon] ieil limitq nfsuid Boronl or Within 40¢}‘y1rds of any buihling in l Unrnuuh, for the purpnqe of carrying on huuinr-u’of Hay gunvking. or shall cnn‘yl the businow of Hay-packing wilhxn‘ . limit= Mort-mm. LP or thev an ofl'v‘vylina convicting) tharodf before tho Burma», I-i inrfnit nydpny f r ovvry uuc-h offence l sum of fifty doll rs and the costs of pr»- culinn. . H. 130 it enm‘tar’. That if nny’person permm shall lunlhl. U'Pt‘t or 1113133 "fly or sttaw stacks y‘Thin :hn occupied lil nf the Borough ul‘ wand. evg‘Fy ant-h pm or person» so nflondiug..und lu-ing the I ouuyivtcd lbofmqtht‘ B‘uruws of. tho - Bymlgh. shall forfeit 'unll [my {for ‘9." .knch oflZ-m-o the min of $2O, tnge‘thcr w the Ports of removing the humofinnd ‘ (‘nsisof prnwcutinn—Provided th ‘t [wrs owning (fin Lots 41:11} be permitted In at their hay or slmw'nn thu axing, if not w in 41") yards of the buildings ol'any 0t llPrwn. XBy (ho Town (‘mmmL I JOSEPH LIT'I LE, Burges. AHMfl—chruuu Cum, Scc'y. \ . Nov. 24, 115023. . ' Jurors for Sp'eeial Court” hmnndm 23211, 13:12. ' Huntington—llmjnmfin She-Hy, Jn'hn UmrdLr (EL-m slrurg—l-Zmuuuél Ziegler, Geyurge F»: l-n-I rnrrulc. u' , .Jfi Ftrnlmh—Jnlm N. am“. Eplnnim Donrxln . liv:uxing—lilm<‘.\l_\ uni. Emanuel Slmxlcr. .\luunljuy—Umm-s \\'. {ll Irr. - Muun‘pleasant—Frankiel’ohlmnn,Dm‘idSn Hurt-r. i . .\leunllcn—Elias Gui“, Jnhn Wrigle. - [union—l.s:“ l). .\lnucd‘. Jncnh Fry. ('oummgn—Jnsoph Mindy, Emanuel Kellel‘i. llcrwirk tx\jp.—-S:|mu(- Dinler. FrunHin—llv-zrkinh Ilah‘lmw. ‘ llnmiltbn—Jac‘nl. Stou‘k, Joseph Shiremkn‘ Tyrone—Daniel llmml (‘umhvrlpnd—~lleury (l Butler—lame .\lye‘xw. J Oxford—George Smill FrN-xlnfur—lnuc llcretl (lerlnum—lsnnc Sell. .1 llanultou‘bam—S. \\'. L lmrt. . _ . J..-nimnre-Jacnh L. (" Ironislur. lh-rwick bot—Francis J. Wilson. Dec. 1, 1862. Northern Cefiral rßailwa: HUNGE OF SCllfiUl‘le‘l ~ou nnd n C Sunday, xhe lGll) bf Novemhcr, (He ti the nrximl and departure of‘llm pnsfie Imin; nq the .\‘onhcrlu Cemml Railway, ho at follows : ‘ . _ .\IAIL TRAIN FRO“ BALTIMORE TOS Lenro Baltimore MES 204, 1.. m., arris" York .12 02. p. m.. leave York up 12 01ml arrive at Harrisburg.) 30, p. rm: rot‘nrl leave Harrisburg 5 07, p. m.. arrive at Yor G 52, p. ‘ll.. leave York for Baltimore!“ * p. m.. arrive at Baltimore 1w !0 11p: m. EXPRESS TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE Lem-e Baltimore 8 30, p. m., arrive ng ‘ )2 05, n'. m.: leave York 12 07, L. m.,nrri Harrisburg M. 1 44, n. 111.; ,remrning‘ . Hurrisburg n 2 36, a. m., nrrive pt York , n. m.; leave York 4» 17,3. m., “(hm-ire at timore at 7 26, n. m. , ACCOMMODATION TRAIUROM BA_ , MORE TO QA‘ILRISBUIIG. ' Leave Baltimore M 2 50, p. m., l-rive an ' m. 6 10.)). m.; leave Yon]: at 6 ls.p_.gu.;‘ a at- Harrisburg at 7 52, p. m.; reiuming, l llnnisburg at. 9 03, n. m.. nrrivla at Ya: lo 40. a. m.;leave York at 1C 44, (m., n nt-laltimore M 2 07,13. m. l - YORK AND \\'aan'rsthLE. ; i Passenger Tnliris leave York! for Wriui ville at 6 40 and 12 00. m.. nndlnt b 00, ‘ Returning leave Wrightsyille for :Yotk at 2 a. m.. and 1 30 and 7 00, p. m. 1 1 mm: Expresn Train is the ably {min ‘ him: on Sundays. _ 1' , Through to Ninggn nnd 3mm) in 17 ho" Passengers for Pittsburg, Chicnyo, Cin' nati, St. Louis and other cities 9nd town we West and North Ind Soutthst, leave ll‘ vertsution at 8 20, 0.. li. 3nd 3,: p. m., ex- Sunday. a _ ‘ A 4 g I ‘ “-All Trains atop At Regulu- fWey Stat Fare to E1mira......,.....,.........—...‘....,.”..5 Fare to Niagara Fa115...............J)........,}.l gnaw 8ufla10...............;...;...‘.J........,..l luggage checked through ml all prin points West. and North. ‘ E Passenger: have the opportunity of st‘op| over It. any point, or any of the cities on routemnd resume their seats in banana. By the completion of Obie roh to Wilil port, we refer the traveler to fthe folio eomp'erieon of (finances: * By )1. Central Railwny. 255‘ E1mira......... . "~ 292 0weg0........§..........§. 31! Binghampton...;.. ..J.....»...... 324 ‘ Cnn1ndeigue.........‘............ 353 Rochester .1. . 314. 8aummwn.......L...,....... 394 5yracu5e.......;.......1......‘.... 421 Nilgnn Fa115“.......r........... 429 0aweg0.................r..:........ 104 8nfl‘d0.............-....t............ 442 Dunkirk................ ........... For THROUGH TICKETS “Id furthe rect end relinble information, ‘ apply :1 Ticket Ofice, Culvert Stdtioy, N. E. com Cflven end Franklin streets, Baltimore. ‘ JOHN “’l‘. 310311”. Dec. 1, 1862. Anise-int Superintendent. ~L. SCHICK hu ju’st receive}! 6 J". may mm: mm, 4 rwim;d.' i n o f laid lth lutz. Henrdett.i ‘ ucnhflohcrll' I , ”\hdiall F. Gilt. ‘ r. lmmh Orr. ! uhn .\‘lmngh-r. I ulbt-rtson, E. T. R‘ BURY ‘m.. ing at ‘57, JITO bk c an; in e SUSBURY. :- rs I cm- 13y New t the er of ‘ ‘ a m; $514- - .-——»—-»<-—-<--—-p> «--~-—-——————-—~————--—-~-—*—-—>- —-.+ ~~ -, _ A _ ..r , I Hr! ', l I l x tI < V FRID t M-°\T‘Bfile-“‘ h dImPo t n ion 0! c 0 . A ' . S. ' DA '. the fit an i ' 0 Cd: days of DECEHHHR next, the tub. WHO HASfiefi-firnngfigt‘tlen \: :1" [crib-r, Aliniuistrntor ofth-orge Null. decuu- \‘Fl’iL'F ', T 4(‘L, C'L R, ed. I in sell a! Public Sale. at thgiutr residence ‘ , ' ' bTAHP‘ ' 1 ofslid decedent. in Hamilton tun mhip, Adnml‘ Section 94 of m.“ Ext-in 1"" requireq “ Th“ county, on the York and Geny<hurg Turnpike, 0“ “d ‘39? ‘E' E?" d“! of October.” "'9“! half :1 mile east of Gitt’e old tavern stuntl, the j “"4""? d“"” sh!” b“ collected 00 A“ inllru following niunhle personnl property, viz: ‘ ‘ iments, ”nu" ‘zd ”thingl, u ‘9'"in ill 31mm" of mm: nanES. 5 Mid of Harm "mu.” ”35"? ‘3} h . .~‘ ed Cattle, 9 head of‘ Hugs, 2 Four-hurae Wn-‘i tion] If r: h." t It. If my "mm? or guns, with hell and ladderd, Carriage and Hnr- genon; ' m'. n“; f" 5'.” or “we or “a" to nus, Plouzhs and ”arrows, Shave! Pluugh, de nm e, “gm- ;or rum“: nny linstrttment. ('uru l’luntt-r, Horse flcura. Single and Dotlhle- (Lt-Trient orpgpqr 0h “fly Ind» or deaf-riphon trech, >Stretr-hcr. Log Cimin. Grind-atone, ' a homer," 0'1” era‘mebelnrzdul’ stampm \\'heol-bnrrow‘; llnv bv the tout Straw hv the eulorfienoting “‘ duty Imposed thereon. or tom'Cu'ru-iadder; “flu-ht, Ryennd (36m 6; the without htn‘tng thfreupun nu mthesn‘e stump bushel, the entire crop; the Grain it: the at: $1130“? “mad" y’. such perion oripermna ground; Geese and Chickens, ‘ large 10‘ of _a a incurapenalty of fifty dollars. and web Huge, Unk Shingles Ind PUD", &c. . I instrument, dowry-m. or paper shell l-e deem. Mm, liuusehuld nthjtcheu Furniture, i'iz: edllanlilil n‘nd of 0 erfl'ect. ‘ 5 Beds and Bedsmultf, 3 large Chests. Bureau, ”Hm 5; tucker cctlyl clear. that by the Kitcheh Cupboard, itche‘nSinkab-uirsfiight- grorteions 9 "turn 935’ the persowyho mnkes,‘ duy Clock, 2 Ten-pints Stores and Pipe, Cop- gnu am} Isaucs he_ instrument IS the otnly per Kettle, Tron Kettle, Tabics,Stands, Bench- person w m is m" onzed to nfiix‘the stumpvre-c es, Pok, Pans n'nd Huckrts, Lard, Apple But-' q'u'xred byltlte law, and the person'whqmaker, ter, Dried Fruit. a qimntity of Salt, with Im- 5:” .‘P'. ”snf‘i‘ :tS'l' “thou" t‘flkm“ the riety afother urgclei too numerous to mention. ll' :I'P’ Incura t it: p.lm ’37 us afomuic,'und '5 ~S-le to wunuenc ‘nu LU o‘clock, A. 11., on P e to prosecutiun‘thcrgmr. In} the instru "ch an!" wlu-n‘uttaidunée will be given and mexlmor doc-u:nent.m InVlllld m cohbequence of terms made known 3; ’ 4 ,“g' 302132;. _ .‘. : Sammy BROWN, Adm'r: i “£4579 J! W" wit the ‘aame ti 0 nqd place. the Furri: of 9h: Lultgg.” s‘" mid dcdcdeut will ‘ Rchwd for one year at. ":1 :‘l ‘ o .l 3 nun-l Public often“ ‘ ' ‘ 3&93'334'33‘333 ' 9 JOY. :4'JEE'LytS i ‘ iduty from the pt" I . f ‘ Falrmfiforßale. N 1'11:st My. mm dnyof DECEMBER Olnoxk, hy virtue b} an order 0! the Orph-gn'a “'ourl on, Adams co., the sulm-riber. Adminis trator of Svunuel'nnckdey. Heccnsed. will~ofl‘er m Public Sule, on thépre‘mises, the following nun mum- oranid dq‘cedont, m: ‘ j A FARM, sif’untl: ih Stxnbnn township,Ad ‘mns ('ountyY adjoining lands of Henry Werlz, D. C.,Briuhrhnfl‘. 3!;th Mnjurs, arid others, contuining 104 ACRI‘IS and 541wrchm, no. 1: measurr, under “£00” fencing and firs} mte cullixalion~with fuir prépur- Moni of Woodhull add )k-uduw. Tim improvements ponsist of a : ; lurge‘Tpvo-story Brick L'OI'S‘E, a Two-story Brivk Burk-building attached, Bunk Bairn, \\'ngon bflml and (‘oru Crib, (‘nrri uge liqusc, Hog Pen, and other out-buildings; a well ol watt-run. [bu door, and an Appic uud Pencil O‘rclmrd on the premisw. l’arwns wishing tq‘ View the prnporty n’rc rl‘illll'H-(ed to ex!“ on film undersigned, rcaidiug thereon. - ' Sale to commence in l o‘clm k, P. “.,fin said .ln_v,:\\'lu-n allem‘uncb Will be given and mude knoi’n by i . ‘ '- 'l PET’ER .‘HACKLEY, Atlm'rq. By the court—Johln Hithullz, Clerk“ .\‘o‘w': 241862. ts : » , De rable 'llown Propertyl 31’ ‘P l\'.§TEf-S \LEJ—“‘|” be ‘ofl‘cred‘nt A” Pr: 'in? Sale, u til he lst of April nckt, lhe EUR CH AND L uni Hullinpure street, m - jnim'm; lhc “(‘qmplle " nfliro, mul recentl/ oc cuplg-l by Dr. .\. . Dlirst-v. The [lousol is larva. mntmning H roqpl=. guru-L and large llry c'nllzlr, and in g" ml r'epnir. The Lot is u lull iuw. 60 .feet fro t, runnjhg bark the full depth. fining} largic‘gnrdon; n nm‘cr-l‘hiling well lof good “'II‘CI‘ ah til? iln‘ r, a. new Frame SL:\ln|e.With an nllo' from H gll street, in a xynyul‘nccess. Upufi 'thé wh le thig is one of the 11705: pleasant I «anions and the prupgrty one m the [llO3l. dnimhle in Gettysburg..— ‘l.’osse=slon ghcn on 151* of .\uril next, or pos- FCCFiDII nt’purl of [h property may he lnul at oucm For terms In . apply nu the premises. y lIUSUR NICUIH-IML'S. .\‘uy 24, 1.8.12. 2f New Goods ' T: vA‘REqus _[LLI-I. P.\.-—I‘LA.\'K 55‘ AA SPAMHJHI hfvcjmt returned Iran} the (1.)" km: 11 spli‘udid assUrtmt-m or - i 1 CLOTHS, GASSHIERES. ' J Sufinetts; JL‘HI‘IS. I’liweuds. Vertings, :Ow-ru Cvminp find Randy-ma 1e Clnthmg. .\lpxu‘ch? (‘uim‘rgn I):}.Lincs. rh-vss [\‘xlkfi. I’rima. Ging hnms, Muslim. n'o Inn Flgonncls, Won] FJun- ' nols. (‘hL-cki. Nntirinla Hardware. Ql'wemware, ‘ Tin'gmre. E:xrrlwu.lt\'aré; Hunts unthfijluw,‘ Drugs, l’ninfl,‘ “yet-Imm, ,Glnsé. Toh'u-vns.‘ Srhviol Books, 'Blan ' Booké. .\lillinvry Goods, Shawls and Blanket,“ “ups and Cunt, Syrup s. N. (J, Mnlussus, Su rs, (bikes, and a tull a stud; of (hm-cries. with a. full shwk ‘uf gnmhr geno}:}lly.kcpt 1n a first chm cuuniry stun which] they bought ‘l'nr cmh and Wl] "tell for cum (‘reulit i: dumb—haul my kilh- it. ‘55“!!133, Rude, 17031.5 and l'tncc I onrds on hung. , . ‘ . . . f hazy; a: svisqmsk. ‘ Xav. 21,1862. cu .. t .. , gl.) . ; . _, _, ~ _~ . - " ' ’ Notice. 3 \T‘AYPY‘WAKKHR‘SSI§ST.\TE.—LoIters of (L } mlminidratinnj on [he csmtc of Nancy' \uikcr; Luc- uf Heading fiawnship. Adams (1)., Getensed, having hogn gfinntcd to the tinder-'1 sizncd,re~uling in‘thc snnie tnwn=hip, he herr-5 hy givfi nuliée to (111 perfuns in‘dvhtml to said n-stme to make inlmleiam burnout, and [lime havmg ‘claims ngJimt tile same to plea-ill t‘hem properly nullwhtimtod for settlement. f . - D. )I. F. WHITE, Adm'r. ; KM. 24, 1352. 6:; 1 ‘ z Chgaigpof Time. ETTYSBL’RG RAILROAD—On find alter G 7 .\lonflfiy, Nuvembcr 17. 1862,the Morning Tmin will leave Gettysburg at 8 A. .\L, with p'L'ssengers fur all th'e connection; North and South, on the Northern Central Railwayind return about MP. W. .‘The afternoon Truiu will Icui'e Gettysburg at 44. P. M.; with passengers for Bnltimore. LRctnrning will“ reach Gettysburg aliout‘b P. M.. with passen— pers from Hurrisburg,».l’lllila., Rim, Are. 133‘ uns arrangement pmans from 'th‘e country, nedr the line of the fiailroud, baring business to transact in‘Geltysburg, can take the noon. Train up and bnvej‘three hours in Gettys burg, and retum in the Evening Train. ' . . . R,MqCU_RDY,Pres‘identz Nov. _‘l4. 1862. l Dividend. HE President and Mangers of the York} T and Grtlysburg Turnpike Road Company} have declared a dividend of One Dollar per! share on the capital‘ stock, to be paid qn de-l mum! to the stockholders or their legal reprc- I senlbtives, in Getty'éburg by George Swope. and in York by PHILIP SMYSER, Treaa. I N0v.10,1862. 3+ ‘ I Pocket-Book Lost. N th sth inst!!!" sundersigned lost his 0‘ Pocket-hook—conuinmg I Note for $4OO, one for 523, Ind indther'for $l5, with receipts and other papers. «pm 83 37 in money—be- Ween Bonpugl-town 'nnd Gusmnn‘s Store.— The payment of the ‘Notu his been stopped.— Any ‘person restoring the Pocket-book and contents wul receive 3 raw-rd qt $5. I ‘ ' JOHN 110 nm, * - k ‘ Monmpluum township. Nov. 24,~1§62. 3n! ‘ ' Dxndend. ‘ - BA“ or GlfiYqlUl¢,] ' .1 Nov. 4, 1862. f SEMI-ANNUA‘L DIVIDEND of ‘FOCR Ape: cent» on phe Cnpiml Stock of this an —-g.fl.er paying! the Government Duty— has 'rb’een declured, psynble on Ind after lon dny next, 10th inn. 1 ~ ‘l‘. D. CARSON, Cashier. Nov. 10, 1862. 31, , - -~~ Said Crying• > W. FLEMMING continues the hnliness A. of SALE (DRYING, nnd solicits the con tinued patronage omhe public. - It is his con. Mam. eudoa’vor‘tp give ntisfaction. Chxrgu moderate. Besidenpo in Breckinridgr street, Gettysburg. . 1 P, Elf—Hg is niicensed Auctioneer, under the 'l“:an of the United States. _-. ’Nov. 24, 1862. t ~ 8 attention of; the Ladies Is respectfully ! , invited to a large and splendid assortment 0 5d e!’ fine Kid jand Morocco BOOTS and SLIP RS—Luting Guitars, to, km, It Apnl 21. ‘ B. F. chLHENY’S. ARPETS, CARPETS.—A splendid lot of C Carpeting—good and chelp—jnst opened at the New Sun of M. SPANGLER. ‘OLLOCK‘S LEVAINzthe purest and best. baking powder in use—at Dr. R URNEE’S Drug Store. RS. W,K.\'SL')W’S SOOTHIXG SYRUP,for children, ”11):. IL HOB-NIB! Drug .' up...“ iv :44,“ AMn,:’,p :~,“1‘,+(:; do! that the pdr'aon issuing -- p shall write thereupon ill“: ‘2, date, kc. cher portions minaltica upon prrsnus who lor unit-105 lulrjet‘t to sm‘an lsun who makes, signs and :t hemp; duly Muupvd, ‘tc. , the upiniun that n hithfinl e requireml-nli of lbepwo— :e Law demands— , J issues them witho I I run therefore . ' compliance with t visions ol the Hui ! rim—Thamui {shall‘rhuve the 51:1 ' issued. - ‘ . Secund.——Thnt ‘ cnngglled in the m‘ ty hulking, signiu i exrcunng.)lho in: papers subject to itnmp tax p uflixed befum the sum: is Ina stamp so aflix‘e‘d mustlme \nner prescribed hj' ‘the phr or inning (in other words, ' ruml-nt, document or puller. Hence the rccci 'ing of u'n unqtnmped payer in a \iolntinn of til:- law. The lltaching Ind cancelling ol'n Mil [IV or t\ document so receiv ell, is also unlawfiil. and the mucellntiou of a stamp on a paper [otherwise lin fully iésuéd) by other than the arty encutirig the paipcrito which the stump Ti: attached, is equally ihn prupvr. Giana: B'. Borrwnh, l . Colljclor of Internal itm‘enuel fifl’he nbove xtrncts from the Excise LAW make it the duty-for ovary per-arm issuingior simunz n chm-k ul‘Ldrufi, to ulh'x‘n smmp film] at the Fume timetn ‘nuccl it. by writing [her pn the initiuls of hil imme and date. The Befiik at Gettysburg, herlhnl‘ter, (:nnnot receive or "113' any check or drufliovnu ‘ru nsn’ I)UI.|Z_ARS, g‘n lL-ss pibperly stmflpcd nml ‘mlu‘cllud by he person‘signing th same. A prompt cunnili ance with UN: law in“ saw all pnrtieh inter?!- exl trum inconvem noemndpurfinps l‘oss. ha stumps can he ohti iuM in HIP Bank. i .' .'. l). (:Altsux, Cashierl, Celt) shurg. NM" 21, 1862. ‘ ‘ -.., , .i . .___,V,-._ Anothe Proclamation. 1 Imm; ST“. . IN COMMAND—[hiving P pg-rnmnontly iinlplishwl uiy'hemlqlin‘rt‘rs in Bullimorc slrco I haw- the jnlgxtsure of tin nuum-ing to this ulmrtmeiit, and hill mhLu', um I mn still st-llihgr cheap and grind cluthiing of m'cry style nn'd fvscriytinn. - I lnu'ejnst It‘- cviicil from tho cit es :1 large in!” splendid 3- surtmcnt'uf ‘ ‘ ' FALL & \‘leT .R momma. ’ j ‘ FOR MEN .\.\'D BOYS; ; km the publiq a“: Astoniqh ‘ sidoring the limos and 13h:- ‘Il nrlit-IM n’f'rlull-ing. ify 4, Finn Cloth (‘0: Is, Bu‘ i-‘ 'n-l Pauls‘lor Fall Ind W vi— }xd varied. In sulfqunl ly i‘mmt he heat. I“ rni=‘hi ' 11-avriplinnxswih. as Sly (5, )ths. “andkvrchjph No R ,(ry. (‘l(‘., nil] selu-xed w lh I‘m] sold AMhu Inn-eat ('\Fll i E. B. PIL‘KIX-GJ lwhit-h I hm ofl‘crin. ‘ intzly low pun-s. ('u grunt n'dvnnt'ul on .1 lsupply of (horrmx Inns Cmus, \R-srs 1' lter wmr, Id large xu {and prim:~ [ht-y m: ”hm-ls of (“my (h "l‘ollun‘. 'Umlcr-sh Ties, ”lowi. “mi :he greatest cure u privva. - v Nov. 17. 1862. ‘ l McClellan Gener. 1x l'BU'l'I—II) m: 131 he prqun-{i mnst lespcufull ti churn: uf HMU‘ I, um] ‘(xugmnu I‘l4 \\',, m In.- hna ju~t retq fim- 5m Insurhnrnu \\'llHimi in il.i~l nr [-:T 11'an INL—I-h eryb 1 Th? undqmiglewl nod mvne the axlrnnon of tl‘ Ilrg and its \‘ivinin‘ tn r 'll solcqted slut-k quno rurd from. the‘ thy-With ‘ot‘ g'mds'in his link: us 3' any other [own/L { ' 1' time to cull and got fl) Shaman] Scwrlfifinc G.lu drovgi, and n“. th :e n Fxlu- mum in the WM :1 l’ert'ulm-ri‘cs, all (wh' ‘l3. right '9ynnsilcl e [in rd m ynu. ‘ IL G. fi‘nrr's Lxltdics. mm’ id tl fine {Wonk-n Smrlk, lotinwnnloq l'ndvr huh» fixtlncs fur? lirufiluw, (‘umhi :u can :1.“ hurl at No. 'Gcnthunv-n, a \\‘n ”w I|l:\\'€ to get tl vlrtliiug in tin.- lu l‘n‘licr-slliru, 11),!“ short Stockiuzfsfirv pmr. SOllllLra. a? (‘arr‘s is the pine; skinf (minim-u, .\r! KniVes and he.|\_\' ; sguién all in our: VI Drnivcrs, Slvt-pingi kinds. Smulu-rs.l nssortnwnt m Smuil ymfiynn’ clmsc up $ ('0 :Ind('ig:lrs of "I ,AAArlso. ll~ir-l\\'-iril“ Spides, (irm-criem Viniqzur. all kinda}: l‘:s.~¢nt‘o6, Patcnt' Lamips, and n \c Perlumerios. Nnx conic ull, aiml give place. No. 113, in the Bank. Nov. 17, 1862. «f 3 otxce. 1 BRAHAAI SE .h'S ESTATE—Letty“ fies, A mmentarypm the catate of Abraham S‘ell, line of l'nit n township; Adams county, (incensed, having lheen granted to the under signed, residing ih the same township, grey hereby give notice to nil persons indebte .to said estate to make immediate paynignge‘lnd leu‘ having élnims againat tlm same tb pres‘ nt tpcm properly authenticated fo‘r s'ettlémentr r ' ' ‘ PETER SELL,- l » . Awnsw SELL, ‘ Nov. 10,18fl2. in! , ‘ Exitgulql‘. :6 b('>l:lllld (‘h’mpest‘um mus follows: (War-511i is; kera of all kinds, Img ml 'm lii cent: up to 73 cents 1| fi'ow remilrks to you: H. G. g: to gvi tho=c good Buck; 'E'l‘lv Sucks, all kind: ofArmy E'n'n‘ee: also knifv. fotk nnd‘ be regular army Shirts and i(‘:lps, \\'ouh-n‘ Sc'lrfiof nll [H.JL (fan has as me an liking ’l‘obucco and‘ Pipes ‘ 33' $ll}: pluck. Uhefiing Tobac— gl kinds and ~‘rim‘. 1, Q'uccnsu‘nre, nll kinda of ifirstzrule' Older and (imp! .‘nf Palm-3 Soaps, all kiéda of ' .\1 dlcines; Cos‘l’ OH and b’ antisome aaanrtiuent of ‘r i (the time: Come 'onc, us A cull. Don"t forget. pm East. York “street, (“magma I]: G. CARR, .\geuqs § Notice. , ! \ i ' ELIK WJORNERTS ESTATE.-—l".ctlerd of udministmlitjn up the estate of ’Felixiw. mer, lube ofl Men'allen township, Adams 0., deceased, haying begn granted Id the inn ("9 signcdfieaidinginrlhe same township. be I: re by gins no'ire to all pcrsousindebtcd (0 said estate to make immediate payment, And Union lmvin'g claims against the same loft-agent them properly nuthpulimted for settlement. § , ' ‘\VM. ÜBKFR, JI., Adm'g; N0v.17,1£€62. lo: ~ ‘ ‘, ‘ $o tic e. EORGE NULL’S ESTATE—Letters of ‘pd- G‘ ministrationfon the "use of George N 11, line of Hamilton township, Adams count , :- ceused. havink been @llan lo the undezsign ed. residing in Bérwick township;be hereby gives notice ‘to all persons indebted to mid. chute to mnllns immediate paydeng’nnd t u having claim; against the lune lo prefien! them proper]; tulhenticnte‘d for settlement) . ; SAMUEL BROWN, Adn't'. Nov. 17, 18H. m ‘ 1:0 Trespassers. { HE undersigned hereby warm I“ porsbns against binning orgu‘nning on his pruning, in Hamiltonigu'hslnip. Adam: elonnty. The law will be put. in force aguinst all-'persons dis regarding thig notice. XABTIN 6311. Nov. 17, 1862. us“ 2 y , ‘ A Wgtch ‘ ' AS found i; “ Camp Gettysburg," s fer Us days fagoflwhicl; has been let: u the Compiler olfide. The @wner can'hMe it by proving pmperty and :puying for thin ndter lisemenz. , ‘ .3 [N0v.17,1862. at UFFALO‘ ROEES.v,—A splendid 1m jnat'n- B ceKed at - ; woman’s. USICAB INSTBUKENTS.-Wiolini, Ae- M cordeohl, Fires, La, {OllllO n - l ' PICKING'S. RUNKS, Umbrelld, Ctrpet‘Si'chJc” very T cheap Alf . § } PICKING'S. ‘ HE SOLDIERS 1n?! find A good "apply 0! T Under-shirts. quwerl, Over-shoes. Gum Blankets, wgfla‘nkqumnd at??? unifies in this ltnqi n or Inn-it Ipec a com o I. . -' I 7 PWFGQ. ME = 011160 at Cooke, SCBSCBLPTIOK AGEST, ' T JAY COOKP.‘ & (20., BANKERS, , A 114 001"”! film: "nu. ’ Pllihdelphil, Nov. Il 1862. The undenignod. hm‘ing been appointed SFBSCRH'TION AGENT by We Secretary of the Trunryflu dpv prepared to furnish, u once, the ‘ NEW TWENTY YEAR 6 PER CT. BONDS, ‘of‘the United Sum, dr-signnted u “Five- Twemieuffl rrdl-emuble a! the pleniu'e of the Government. nner five yea-rs. and authorized by Act 01 Carlyn-u, aphron-d February 25. 1562. The CUUI'UN BUS 1):! are issuei iu sums of $5O, $lOO. $5OO. squo. The REGISTER BUNDS in uni): of $5O, $lOO, $5OO. Sumo. and $5OOO. Intereal :1 :ix percent. per nnnumwill com mence from date nfpurchnse, and ii “ PAYABLE l.\' GOLD, .—‘ Semi-Annually, which is equal, u. the [resent wmiuln on gold, to übeul EIGHT PER CENT. , ‘R ASNUM. Farmers; Nerclmnla. Mechanics, Capitalism, and all ulm hmc any money to invest, lhofild know and remember that than; Bonds are, in «32m1, u FIRST MORTGAGE “{xon'ull Ruil roads, Canals, Bunk Stocks and Setu‘ritres, arid the immense products of all Ich Manufac tures, ta, ten in lbe country: and that the full and ample provin’on made for the pnymnut of rhe iutér'esl and liquidnfion bfprinciprtl, by Customs bluties, Excise Smmdsland [ntcrunl Revegrue. serves m Milk! thus Bonds the BaI,VJIou .lrmlahlr uml JIM! I’npulm; bind- mm! in the Market Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Tendpr Nutos. ur notes and checks of, banks at par in I'rhinldt‘lpllia: Subscribers by mail} WIH gin-eh eJnroinpt‘uttention, and every futildy and xphxnation will be ufl'ordcd on application at fins ofliue. ‘ ' , . A full,su[.ply of Bopds will be kept on imnd foz‘immedin'nc delivery" ' ’ ‘JA Y; rock's, Subs‘crgpuog’Agent Nam-10,- 1662. 15m ' No Cure No Pay; ma mumm. umuaxr— ; ‘ PM the cure of every species pf Rheu nmtium, usqit ‘dissolves the cuuzulntpd lymph which tixvesitsclt nhout the jam“, I(causing them to become stifl and painful) and thereby removes th‘r primary mum of th’s disease. For Coughs, lntlummutions, on Tightnosa of the Chest aud_l.unxi, it givcs a sure and speedy relief. Also for Group and Bore Tbrqatrnnd should always be used about the Throat Mud Lungs in rates QfScnrlet Fever/and Whooping (laugh. For all located pains, such as Tooth nchu, Cramp and Crick in the Buck, or where llnrcury In? lveon used 11nd bN-umos fixed in the juillli. It also gives ianl-ulintc relic-f for Cholic Pains id Adults and L‘hildrcnfl‘Fw Burns null Scatlcls. it extrxwu tlo firt- almust instantly. lt.infnll|l.)‘ly cures Felons, Bruin-s, Spraini, nnd all Flesh Wounds : nlsb, Mumps, Ague in the Breast, L‘lmpped llmxds andlLips, Conn, Chillulnits or l’rusted Limbs, Humor-l rhuids or Pilcsjm' L'lcerutcd Sores, lnflzuucd, Eyes, &C.,&c. ‘ 2 f Also wurmnted to cure the mat: nbsfinn'e Contracted orF-Wered HonsflVOnnds,S¢.rnlche-x, \\'ind (Bulls nhd Spm‘ins upon Horses, of Foul in the feet ofCanlc. I’USITH‘E WARRA-KTY. ' 'The publ'gl- are rcquestnd to try 31—“ ii does not nwwcmhc recommendation, rulurn it. o the Agem)‘, (hultlc half used,)‘u_ud recciv ’our mu‘mi}: “gulp. , ‘ pirm-linn-i for use enclosing e’m‘h hon! . . HENRY S. Bl'T’l‘S, Sole I’mprcto , . , Waverly, Ting“ UL, N, Y. Whore all‘urdt-rs by "mil nr orxhcrwisa,‘will he promptly mueuded to. Price 25 Ccnyls per [)0 lflc. ' !‘ ”So” in fich) sburg by H. G. CARP. Nov. 11.1.51)“; ' _g.._._. 3 , 5w- . l ; I 1 Cautlon. URI-TRY. caution a” persons npznins: I inglan obligatiori which halo} 1;. Yum-Ia Elxyuc und John/‘Elinefl r Kw" hu d0“:u~‘. puwhic in nix mouthl paymc'u first p.lylnexmo he made on lhe d ochb lsmr—und une_,lzun~l}-ed d‘ullars to be pni undvr vermin #nnditions—dulud the 3d Nun, hull: as] [June lost the suid‘nb‘li; and never rL'CLh't-d Value for the same, I_ 7.3- caution 551131 Tram-is and John l-Ilinof p.ly‘snid ohligutiqu if presented for pny’l (nu-em by myself or my umhorincd ngei that: l nhoul‘d rccnrer the _snnu". ‘ . ' ‘ mums A. UREh’DORFI-T Km: 10, 1862.‘ 3w 1 -«~ ,» '~ -~ fling—#— Just Recerved, - g x LARHE SI'PPLY 0E FALL‘ s'. WINTER A 4:1: 071' 11 I N 113! 'zwv. 10, 181,2. ' AT I'K‘KING'S. . t 1! jld In? It" Restaurant HE Ch'muhersburg Str‘ect Reatnnrmnx,{re- T cenlly Eckcnrdde's.) is now commuted by he undenignm]. (DYSTEIIS are «lone up in Inn fitylxvs; FRIED CHH‘KBN. BEEF TUNGJ'E. TRIPP}, M'H’LEI) EGGS. and a qicé'gl sof ALI-I, can mlull lime-s he lmd. . CALL IN.‘ The Séloon has been re-p inted and filteJ up in fine style. - I ‘ s ~ BULLINGER & BAUGB R. Gettysburg, Nov. 3, L 362. i ; . ~ Gettysburg Female In: .3.. ”E ‘\'L'iuler Session of (his Instituti - commcn'cr: on THE Pul'n'rn Mum“ :Puszx'r Mann, (Nuremberg-Ith.) In lipn to tho-mllugiule a'nd primary (it part a Unvenile Depurlmém will be attached Institute. Price of tuition, corresp'up 1 Lineage- and Mtuinmk-nla of. pupils. Far . particulars inquire of the principal. ‘ , Mus. It. M. R. EYSTER, Prim: ' Gettysburg, Nov. 10, 1862. ‘ 1‘ 5 ~ - Dlssolutlon F PARTNERSHIR—The partnersh , O tol'ore ousting Irwin-em) the midvri iu the pumice of Medicine, has this da) dissolved. The books of Ihc firm will SAI in the puucssion of Dr. Charles Home; will mnfiuuglhé practice; la‘romce'one door abort: the D In; A are 0'! Dr. H. Homer. 'CIIAIILES' “BEN R, ‘ ‘ ‘ ROBERT HORNE: . Abril 1,1862. ‘ I ’ . , Auction'eering. EORGE EPLEY ro-spectfully informs the pnhlic that he continues the Auction»!- ing business.- His charge] nre always moiemtl', ungl he never aparei an efl'onto “lea”. Ha hopes to merit and recéive a comin ac. of public-pulironage. He refers to Isaac Ilttginaon, Esq ,oanirflcld, and Robert. )Inriin. ! Get tyab’urg. whoflnre authorized to ‘mike engage ments for him. I": podl. omin address in GreelpmaumflAdnml county, Pa} Oct. 20, 1861' , ——~—--‘.~— ~ ~:-~—+——» ' Notice. ' y .\‘DRESV ‘ TRHHIEB’S ESTATE.-'—Letterl aA wammentnry “on tho estate of An row Trimmer, Inn of Relding'twp., Adams coimty, decoésed, having been granted’Jo \ho Ipdersigned,_nuiding in tho “1:101,pr Ihe hereby given 301 i“ w all persons indebted {,O said estate ta mah immediate pnymunt, and thou havingclaimh Igainn the same to present them prepay-l) “mentioned for sculpmem Io LYDIA TRIMMER, Ezmuriz, 91- to her Agenth-vi Chronistet,iaq., Hampton. 031.330. 1862. GI ,' . Eonrth Street Carpet Store, 0. t 1 ibon Chasm“ strut, Philadelphia. N I aolicxt an unminutiou o! the ”ices and quality of my huge and wall selected STUCK 0F UARPE‘I‘INGS, A“ of the newest nyles and mxnufuctuud of tho best muterma. Brussels, 3-ply—lngnin “d Veuctiun Gnrpetingn.-—- DrugyetaJflmr Uil Cloth-pin (var; width. Rag, List and Cottage Cummings—together with I large stock of WINDOW SHADES, of the newest and handsome“ patterns, wlnch will‘be sold low. J. T DELACRUIX. Sept. 8, lsdul 3m , 47 South 4th St. URE GEOUND BPIUES, lelerted an! P ground cxpreuly {or Dr. ROBERT HUB NER’S New Drug Stun. . HE nitention of tho Ladies in reupectfully T inuzed to a large Ind splendid Anon. men: a! Lndicl' fine Kid Boots, Lansing Gai ttn, Gum ngnhau, 8%, jun received at Oct. 28. B. F.‘ NcILHENY‘S. ST PREUIUH :wuvdcd w Tynan Brothers bytho lannflon Agricuhunl Society, Sept 11:60, Ind by the Adams County Agricultural Society, Sept, 1861, {or best Ambr ‘ypu Ind Pbologrnpbll over all oth." on uh‘bidon. 0330111 RS‘ ,"r TYfln p: um éafigf’o’n‘m: I o in” . - Pub‘uo Bale = FYALE‘ABLE REAL BST.\TR.—On S‘fl‘w. O mum Y. the rub dny'o! lin-umber n‘ru, lhc subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the .‘premisea, the fulluumz pmperly, wt? 3 , ‘ A SMALL Y.\R.\l.on which he residenflaiui. filed on the western limit 01 the borough of Gettysburg. conhining '1! ACRES and 50m: | perches, and adjoining D. McMillan, J. U. Mex itilelljin and others—improved nilh‘n BRICK SHUUSE and Buck Buillling,_ Hfitk Wash and anke House, a Run, I never-flailing well o_l lwuter at the door, and a} young-Orchard of choice nipple and pguch maps. ”It not. fiulvl the properly‘uiil be olfcrud for rent 011 quid duv. ' l 1 Also, at the snm‘e timeiand place; will} gauld‘ 1 mm: muss. zh‘uung cow, nca fresh, 2 Wagons, 2 sets oflllind Gears, heal rnewmnq other Gears. l’luugh, Double and .4 jgle-lrecs; Saddle and Illidl¢,3 Logs uT-llay, ~Foddcr. 200 bundles ruf in‘-w, Grain m ‘ fground, 3nd puny other or Yluleh 100 nnmer lo mention. . 3 ’ ‘ WS-Ile lo gommem-F All l airlock. P. Lu' said dny, wllénmllendnn ‘0 will fie given - ‘tcruu umde kuowu'b‘y l ‘ , ' EPBIMiLV H.\.\'.\.WAXl . November-3, 1802. Ls _ a? ; ‘ ’Professm ‘ Card. “ t ~ AVlKGMsociafi-d um myaelf Dr. N} G. ' KEIRLE, of Bimimo c. lam now [fe anred to amend to all album: mn' hour; lvmt [may be made {upon me. Dr. 'Keirle hu'h en for one-w“: Clinicul Auislnju in the Bal'im n: Infirmury. and fur three yet In; :} Mmliml R si dout in the Ilgltinmre Citylcnd'CmlMy A) :- kouse. and 1 I‘ve] free to recsmmeml him 30 m,- Dnfid’cnce nflhc public. ”101 w, by strinx‘al lenlion to business. to men'u for my'ielf xpud erlm-n n contiuliunrc of Ike 3mm puron'pgr “high bus so long been m-‘yoriled w the l’uld fiflicc. ' S. (1; KISZPEIK, M. l). ] Lutlcs!own,ort. 27,1852? 2m { ——.,-—~ —— ~ - » v- -.«A - »—r——y I { DR. \\’.M. B. “[URD'S . w ' DENTAL REMEDIES; ‘ I Y nu .THH. BEST IN Tug: wonuu, ‘ 'A _ IXBI‘RING‘ .[g i FINE TEETH AND.~A SWEET BREAT I,\ A .nw L ' ' ‘ CURING' TOOTHACIIII ‘.ASD, NEE'RALGIIA. Do you wialnl.) be blcsak-ljwilh and x‘idmiired for Funny Win" and Sqnn-I Teeth ? l'se Dl‘.‘ Wm. B. Hurd’s U rivdlled To Lh Powder, wnrrunu-d free lam: arid. alknlij or any injurious substunée. Price 2!) centsner bu}. » . ' l r fitnewnre of the unlihury rheup To Powders. \\ lliuh whiten but 'lcalruy. _ ‘Duyou wish m I)? vermin Jh'mx youer-IA 'a Furc, swx-«t. and ngrcwuulv 4.“: husband ti v, [mm or [firm]? In? PT. Hurd’s l’in-lured Mouth Wash: Price 37 cents on v. ', ' ‘ This astringent was]: is nljpa the best rcmf t 1 the world for Canker. H.lll Breath, lileml' ‘ums, Sore Mouth, etc. I'. [mi cured hand"; ; D 0 _\ou or '3'nnrchildrvn liffcr from TOO H ECHE'I bet Dr. Hurd’ Magic Too h -0119 Drop‘s. Price 15 n- "3 per home. Are you n-lllided \\ith NEUILALUIA 'I ‘g-l. ?r. {W. B. Eur‘d's Neufialgia Plast I. ‘ he most. Hfuclive and Igcligixll'ul' rrlu-dy knnwn. ‘ ‘1 . ' They do um ndht-ro unr Minster, but 500 he and chain] pain :nvuy. TIJ)‘ llwm. his 18‘ and 37 cunts. fini'vd nn rurc'eipt or prire. L Do you “fish a :mnplvqe wt of DENTAL REMEDIES and :\ Tre-utice on I’rnscry'ug Teeth? Get Dr. W. B.?qud’s Denial Treasury, tlw nantoat jun] most. \nllmhla present [lull one frinull emu make, to another. ' rim $l. Son! by prressloj rocripl of price. 1 For sale at the beat. sldrus throughout :Lhe country. I _ ’ : (Venom—As there arr dhlrra who {ake ‘nd; rummage of our udvorliecmdul; 16 impoaempun “heir puslomurs infurior pr‘fpnmtipnq, it js pm cesslry (to insi-{t “pun lm ing’wlmt you {‘ull for, and’ you‘ {v‘lll err Tub “K 37. thoroughly tested. tan'l proparwl by an Mpcrionced fad fecicutific “NHL-(t, ’l‘ruzmnrqL of we Sig an-k Smte Den‘list'u .\um'ixlionh‘nnd VICE Presidmut iof lhn New York City Dcntq‘l Sogioty. Address " WM. 8.. HERD 1: July 21, {B's2 i~“"_‘ ’ " ' ""w ‘J!’ “‘7‘" v ‘ Robert Mirna, “ AlLOR—h‘hdp in the t: rnqr hf the Squgrc, 7T at the um, pluve. (wife will be Inked go glun'e all work done right ’urticulurnnengion "paid m caningnnd repairiq’g. » i Uct. o! 1552. c: - , , i , x , Military e' TAFF AND LINE (JFF S pared to hlrnish, In. I anu-s, Smlf um] Line Uflit' HATS, indicating mnk. | and other oquipmemn. UL imiteJ to cull. ‘ [q .\‘uv. 2:. 1502. v Oflicers and ‘ ILL fin~l a splendid - ‘V “LAVKETS, Gums ‘l'ndermhirls, Dmv’érs, h Jum'rs. um and Clpsfiln' that n sulldior going into cu Nov. 3,4362. . ~R. ' Plano Tuf ROI" B‘OWER, of him P Piano Tuner, informs I musical puhl'u'. in genera)” “me, not otherwise occupij< vRL-pn'u'iug Pianus, in; moj promises entire satisfw-tion‘ . I recchcd uL mu office. 31. if 4MI! r' TH p: 11111“- lenta, o the .ng to rlhcr . ‘ Fram ! I‘LDED mums I—7 G hm e jun. received ’tro now ufl'er to the public I}! nuorunent of Gilded Frau Gettysburg, at astonish‘ngl ! here ligned, héen lbund ‘ , who hull and examine them. xrtluor Sky-X Gallery, York street, oppoqite the flank, tyaburg, Pa , ,~"oarte de Visits”. I f lIQTOG RAPHS l—Wo lrnvajpu introd - z a splendid missive cu‘uvuu in our Gq And are now ptepnred to=¥u§ruivh tba new “Cum do Vilill" Pho‘“§"l‘£";'°“" i donut. ' TYSO B 0 HERB. Excelsior Sky-light (imagery, Gull-fibu- Murch 10.1962. ‘ , | ' Notic. . 2 WE desire I” person: inqpbted w ‘ call Ind mnkvultl mum. having a change in our manner offloing business. on. as, 1861. FAuzujasTucx ‘BRO’ - Cheap Grciceriesr FRESH nrtiml or (Urocorioé at red A priqea—nplmdid Sl'thllS n: 8.9 I-| -euls per pound—bu: C )FFEE nl‘22‘c and other things in proporflion. UuIL anq sec spd judge to‘r yourself. i t 1 ill] 5, ’62. FABXBSTOCK BRO? ‘ Aus:_lunsi;A largo Io: or pEtimo Hummjun waived and for "It the? u ‘ no 9. 1882. . (TUDOR! l GILLRSPIE ‘1 5w FALL a wmm GOODS l—A nag aasonmcm of PAH “yd Winter Good as chomp u the cheap": It A. SCOTT t 5 yrs. ‘HE Lmliu will find nigood'nnortm’e t a! Dren quds, chap 1“ usual—call In: no than n 1. £901? k SUN'h. OR Gentlemen we hue Clotha,Cuufin Comm-us, theds, Jrqp‘, kc.. u c as can be found elgewhere. A. SCOTT L = E but just. r'cuind - new mom W of Queen-run, m which we invite _ unenzion of buym. 11’. soon {BOK TATIOXERY, of .u kipdl, -: 0;. R. Bion- S NEB‘S you “may Drug ud Prescrifition Smite. . i ' L. SCHICK hug Iplnndld lot of Fthud J. Snllu, very chap—37} lo 62} cents} per yard. ' ' ‘ . G. CARR burjult received 5 vevylfina E . anorimem 0 Gem] Canon 504..- ‘ owe Ind cumin: than. ‘ i 0 COUNTRY UERCHANTS ——'l'he under tT signed bu Essences and Pcrfumeriél of ‘a 1 kinds, It vbojeuie and nail, all which he 'in “Hing very cheap fur cub. Call and ex-' amine them and mm your selec‘iona. . June 30, 1662. H. H. CARR, Agent. Ml6B PHOTOGRAPHS for $l, :t'thu Ex ; uhior Sky-light Gallery, York "net, u it. the Bank. {£533 E'EUXDY. WINBAND WHVSKBY, for , ~ !_ mil pug-fin o 1 NV 5 ‘ .er we“ R. SWIEXCK’STDLHONIC SYRUP. lot in: our w om'nml, who. no on:- unurnom . DR. scrum K 35 SEA WEED TONIC, you run can or nnrirsu Axum. "mm". coxmrmxn 9! ‘lm: "one". ' f on. svnaxrws HANDBAKflI’II-LS, ‘ r 0: mutants 0g run mm. on to ‘0? u A‘ l ‘ ' GEI‘I’LI rcuunnl.‘ . i Ml of then three mnlicinn are nflen "quir- Ee'ul in rnri‘ngCon-nmytinn:though the Pulmouic- Syn: ulotm bu curedminy dear-undo équq-u The gen \\'ead Tonic and .\laudrukc Pills mm in regtflnting the stonmeh nnd li\‘er, and MR the’Ptt liltlnit.‘ Syrup to digest and search than be‘ the blood Tassels, hy which means 1 cure in' rly soon eD'ected. ‘ ' ; ‘ rlyi These medicines sre cons‘eientiousiltoflewl in_; to the public AS the only tire, certain and rc~ nd'liuhle remedies for Pulmonary Consumploh, he i And for all those morhi-l conditions of the hotly us; which lend to lhnt total disease. Liver Cutie 1‘ plaint and Dyspepsia are mteu forerunners of .(ionsnmption. nnd when they manifest the!- - selves they require the most prompt attention. 1 , The fulmonie Syrup is n medicine which , hug had a long probation before the publica- I its vulue has been prbved by the thou and! of cures it has made through A periodic!” mors i thun twenty yenrs, in all ofwhich tints its‘rep ; utntiOn hits constantly increased and the must i obstinate skepticism cun no longer dattht-‘thst , it is a remedy which may he used witltcconb idt'nrt‘ in nlimsts which ntiinit of o cure. i ' It the pne’ent \rill'pn-m-teringly follow the directions which meovn‘pnny reel! bottle, tie will eertsinly he'oured, itiu's lungs Ire not too ' mnah trusted to make a cure pus-tibia. Evan ' in crises supjmseti to he itteiirthlc,'when friends and physictuns hurt: despnired, the use of thls” medicine but rut-ed the lift.- of the patient Ind ”restored ‘hint to perfect itenlth." ‘ ‘ ‘ Dr. Seltenuh it‘mseif wns‘ ‘euretl in precisely I “(It'll ciroumstunm, :tnti nuttty others lmye been i t-qnt'tllg fortunate byjnolietottsixmnkilg I tinte tly use of Dr. Sehenek's remedies. \ lir. Seht-nck titles not any tltnt all cases of I’nlmonury Consumption tire within the reach“ of medicine, but he emphatically nsserts that iOfiI‘D, “lien pntients intu- the most shunting sxmptoms, put-h as a \ioleut rough. creeping : chills. night sweats anti genersl‘dehility, even - to such a degree that they are obligednohe lit ‘ hed,unti when they are given up by their plays 1 siciuns, they may ll!” be cured. No medic“ i treottnent can create new lungs, hut when“ tlie » ' itings are very sndly disettsedgntl to some es ! tent (1:11:93:sz a run: inn] ‘1)? efl'et'ted it" ib't'henck‘s medicines. ‘ , . ;Aisn, in Serulnluns diseases these medicines lure equullg eilicient. Dr. fichenck hits photo. zi'uplts of tt‘nutnher 01 persons who‘ have been r nenrly entered with running sores, and now s3] ilNJit‘d up, This shows its healing properties, swhich mnsthednn'e to heal euvilies in the lungs. ‘ i In the trentment of Consumption it is of that utmost importunge to I:in- v.igur and s healthy , tone to the system. . Hence. it is necessary-‘tty‘ 'strengthq the nppt-litc ot‘ the puttent, und‘to 'improve the digestion. Proper nourishment l ii required. together with eneh m‘e-tns us will i'lnuke the food easily digestible. The nrticlus most suitable for the diet otteonsumpttve pn ttents are designated in ~i)r. Schenek’s pamph .iets, which: are distributed gratuitously; in i general, the must highly nutritious articles In - ' to he preferred. hut the digestive organs ituust. ‘ be strengthened in order to make either food tor meditinetmerrice hlc. This requirement“ ' met by the um Weed Tonic, tutti for this pur poseit was designed. . " ‘ ~ When the digestive powers are put litigant! , order, the food has its proper eflect, the syals-tn inf the pnticnt is invigorated, ttnd thtl lungs i liegiu‘tu exercise tlit'ir-fnnt'tinns in a normal “ and bt'nllht' manner. Then the healing pom-e 1 are of the. lluilitonic S) rup will complflo tits: cut-9.. ~ I {’ulmonnry (‘,onivimp‘ion is almost nlvray'l 1 coinplicnted with Dyspepsio'nnd Lireonm- Et'lfliul. Selten‘ck'a .\lnnilrnke l’ills'hrs intend-- , ed to'flmotfe ohstrurtious ‘l'rom thy; liver and ‘lO retit‘ore its healthy tit-tion. They have nll ‘ the‘efiicieney whit-hlis ascribed to cnlomel or ,‘Ehlue inn-s." And are warrnnted not to contain [sperm-lo of any mineral poison. These pllll cure the most obstinate. co-itirenesu, sick hend nelte,_=pil’efl. biliuns’nfl'ectinns, and All other diseases which yin from u torpid or ohltrucv ’ed condition of the liner. Une box of mm pills, valued ni_ 2,6 cents, will prove the silicate; of the medicine.’ ~ In Consumption. the Son Weed Tonic ind Mandrake Pills ure invnlnnhle auxiliary mndl cines. 'l‘ln-y relieve the aulTerin'gs of the pa tient, and assist the Pulnmnic Syrup in efl'ect ingacure; They hau- heen found useful In ntjvnncud ,atuges of L'unsumptitm, where the lungs zero almost entirelydestreyed, and In “symptoms, noun-ding to the judgment of the "physieinni. indic‘nt‘ed speed) death. The livetl at" pntients who 'wr-re actually in a dying conm dition‘havc been ‘proscned for momhs by the use of Dr. Sellenvk'a three great remedied. Dr. Schenek pledges himself to otl'ect a can ifthe patient will npply to him before his coho, is hltogether dcspentte Lthnt is to any, hefoge 'the vital organs are too for gone to admit h! [in' cure, cxe’ept hy u miracle. . ,1 Dr. J. H.‘ Sellout-it is the inventor of thkt celebrated instrument called “Schenckfs Bo spirometer." with which he make! examina tions of the lungs, with the certainty of dill chycrint; their true condition. The charge for air examination with the Resplrometer in than apt: . . ‘ . ‘ .‘ Afitnkd shove, Dr. Schenck himself wu cured of Consumption. in one ofitq n‘ost hopp less smges,,hy the use ot the l‘ulmonic’Syrup. Exocrinncet’l physicians declared that he could not live a ,week; yet,-now, “term \lupse of twenty-five‘ytglrs, he is in perfect health, and weighs more than two hundred pounds. ‘ Sittisfitctory evidence of all these statement: it exhibited nt Dr. Sehenck's otlicen’m Phila delphia, N 0.39 Noith Sixth street. 'For par tieulurs, see the pnmplilét, which is town“, without charge, to all. applicnnu, ot Dr. Schenck's ofliee. Dr. J. H. Squ-nck can be consulted atltls principal «office No. 39 North Sixth unit, ‘Philndelphin, overyA Saturday; and at No. I! Bond street, New York, every Hundny; at No. '4“ Eighth llrect, Washington, ,D. 0., eve] ‘other Wednesday; 'l‘ .\‘o. 103 Baltimore street Baltimore, Md., every other Thursdty, and once a month, in Boston, lasi. . r Dr. Schcnck‘s Principul oth. is No. 39 ‘ .\‘orth Sixth R'rect, Philadelphia, Pa., when . letters for nrlvit-r should ulwnye he directid. , WIIOLE'IALE‘AGI-INTS. ‘ ‘ . ‘.New York cit}, Cunud Fax, No. 8! Bsrelny street. . Boston, mum Goo. C. Goodwin & Co.. 10. H Marshall street. ‘ Portland, Mm, W. F.lPhillipl, No. I“ ‘l4- ; dle street. ‘ . ‘ " . Pittsburg, Pn., Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, No. no ood stretét. ' ‘ Martini K'uch, {'ulty, Columbianaoo" ohlo._ , St. Louie, 510., Henry Bluksle)’, corner Second And Vine streets. 4 ‘ _ ; 'Bnltimor'e, ltd, Seth 8. Hsnce, XO. 108 B‘s!- iinmre. street. . ‘ , L \ \Vuhingltor , D. ,C., Samuel 3. Walk, corp-r Seventh street Ind Loni-inn. srennre. ‘ Chicago. 111., Lord t Smith,-No. 23 11h“. And sold by Druggtstaagenerelly. ‘ PlflC 5. l . *2 Pulmomr Syrup, $1 per bottle,” halt'dosn. 8e Weed Tonic, $1 ‘perhottle, $5 bulldolu. Handrake l'illa, 25 Cent! per but. Nov. 17,1862. 4m , CU, Feq'Yor ; Dec.'2. 1y OOdS. . g _ |CERS.—I am [ire- Im lowest pusu‘hlo rs with full (You lumps, SASHTES, hum-rs nro euwt‘ihlry ;. F. McILHL‘NY. vaates’ ismrlmx'nt of A. it‘llunkou, Woe; ll'xu’y Water-pf ' every othvrnrii hp will need, a r. uchmzxm rmy 9km foo! :icle mug. , ,' slown, a Prue!“ his friends and “but. I}? ,gn'esL fed, to Tuning ‘ ‘k-nteA prices. ornp puy. or [Selma 16, mi ‘ioal' the} Hm; anti uef nerd .RS and Lest r to tugc ghl kt- '3os mom 1) l’hiludc‘lphin 9 large“ and es ever brough 'low prim-s. Pl! -i 'ced lcry tyle ;-r I =3 “Sauna t BCIIILII'I Stqre is well 'in. thy n vinitjusl at this time. We doubfwhcflxer, evenju our largest cilicl. so fine 3' diaplq o! Stove: can" be found. Their Inga mom I; full of Stove! of every pattern; 3130. over] up riety of Hollow Wm, Sheet-inn \\‘-n. B. Ware, Phqiuhcd Ware, Japan Ware—omm, iug, indeed, everything in the house furnilhln‘ line. dew, Suuauge Cuttcrs,Snuuge Htulgrl, Lard PI’BISBI, le,, kc. They are prepned to sell wholesale mil-em}, Tin Ware sud Shoot. Iron Warrevof their own mgnufncture-knpln‘ I luficieng’number 0‘! hands in supply Any do npmd. Their usortment 01' Lumber in very large; also Coal otevcry kind. A :rel, .' enp ON. * ent the HEK‘IGAN EXCELSXUB Good COPPER ‘ as Jam and cheap u rye, for sale n ‘ ‘ CUDORI t‘GHJLBSHB’S.‘ KW SPIIING GOODS-just opened at “0 New than 01 N. JSPANGLKB. UURNING GOODS.-T|lo mm: mon mant of Mourning Goudl net aloud; c‘n now b 9 lean, Ind bought. at Iowa: prices than they lure ever been sold before. 0111 I] once 31 um lign o: the Bed Fromf April 21. PAUSE-STOCK BROTS. ALICOES, a: good an over, at from O: b 123 cu. per yard, can blind M 801110 'B. 0 RG Men‘s Hall nylon 31' an; and X ”impact-o. waftw It ‘ .- Oonsumption.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers