-L- 4 1 1 (5=325. The COIHLII is published every Hominy morning, by His" J. gun“. at}! 75 per annum if paid strictly xx Abuses—s 2 0Q per ‘nnnum if 'not'paid in advance. No subsbription discontinued, unless at the option of the publislier, until all marge u-o paid. . ' ‘ Anvn‘rrsnlxu inserted “the usual rates. Jon PRINTING done with mattress and dispatch. . < , Ornc: in South Baltimore street, directly gpposite Wamplerg’ Tinnin'g Establishment —“Col_rn.n Palm-1m Orncz " on the sign. PR GEESSIDNMI ‘EAPtPJSa Wm;,B. McClellan, ‘ ~ ; Tronxm n LAW.—Otflcein \VestMid- Jar , die street, one' door west. of the new #3 Home. , , fiJylburg. N0v.14,'1859. ‘ 1 Wm. A. Duncan. ‘ TTORNEY AT ‘L.\W.—.Oflice in the Surfb weat corner ofCL-utre Sqnn‘ro, Gettysburg, a. ‘ [0‘cz.3,1859. 1. A. J. Cover, TTORNEY AT LAW, will promptly attend A 1.6 Collectinns and nl] other business en’- trustcd to hhh. Office between Fahncuux‘ks' and Dunnerfi Bugler's Stores. Baltimore street \Gvnyuburg, Pk. .\ [SL’pL 5, 1859. D. Mchnaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW,_(ofiic! ohe door we! 5A of Buehler's dqug and book alert-,Chnm erablfl'g nreet,) A-rruuxxv Asnfioucnou rOll 1’”le urn PENHIOSH. , Baumy Lnnd War rantar Huck-pay suspended ()luims, and all other claims against'thé Government M. Wash- inglon..D. 0.: alsoAmet’iGmClnimsin England. Lu'nd Warrants lucatcdgmd sold,or boughtmnd \bighcsl prices given. “Agenmpngagl-d in Ib cnting warrnnta in Inwn, Illinois and otht-r western States ”Apply tp him personally or by letten , , Gettysbdrg, Nov. 21, ’53. 3 Edward B.'Buehler, TTURXIIY AT LAW, will faithfully nnd" A promptly attend to n!lhu.~ineflsentxu‘slc(fl n» hnn. HI: speaks the German language.— I)fliue M. the 17“ an plum; in Suuth Bdhilnol'e I nun-t. nvnr Furnm’r'drug store, and nearly ()pl‘msy'l? ‘hnnnrr a Zit'glcr’s s‘lore. Gray-mung, 314th 20. - J. C. ’Neely, TTORNEY AT L \W, \\'ill‘Mlonle colh-r- A [lgllfl null nll other hueinvw intnmo-i lq ‘4 CAN “|le [urmnptm-w. (Wire in “:0 S. Li. curm-r of Hm Diamond, (fm'mcrly occupied by \\'m. H “LCICHJH. Hui ) . (iottphurzn-uniIII,2LHSD. lf ' J . Lawrence Hill; M. D. , .\S his ofiice one - 'r’ \}l dour wed’nflhe ‘“ “lung-$6 Luthcpgln chrm'h in‘ Clyunhcrslmr’: strl-01. and oppmitefl‘ix king's More. whrn- thou: wishing to hnvp any lit-nu“ Uprrnlitm‘ purfurnwd urv rcqwrlfnlly’inrltml to cull. RHmeva: Dr‘d. llurul-r, in'. ('. P. \Kriluth. D. I) , Hm. H. L. Buwhvr, I; D., Rev. Pruf._ \l. Jacobs, Prat. \l.‘L. Sinner. ' .(it‘ilysblirg, April 11, '53. v > Bletress 81: ‘Peters AY the higiu-rl Cn-zh prices tor all kinds of (2mm, ' ~ , I-‘Lgl'n, is“ SEEDS. Jun, at the Erick Wurblmuw in" New le‘nrd. (‘nnamnflv on hrml n. largo assnnment of (‘.mrmum. nt “halo-wile uful romil—nlsu, LIWHH‘IIK. (7'L\L. (H' \.\'U, PLASTEIL (it. - ‘Amil 23, Imm. 1;.-* ' Adams. Countv 4 UTl'.\ I, Hill-Z IVSVR \NC'H ('(HLPA NY.— ‘lucorl outed .\hlrx h 18; 1551. UVFH'FHk I’ruhbnl—Guurgo S“ ”'l9. l'u-r ['ruulrnl—h. [L HHFM‘“ {Si'grrhuy—D. A. Huvhlt'r. ’IV-‘mnu-h—DM'N .\l'Pn-nry. ~ ' Errt'u’u'f Cu u mlhw..l§ulmrl' ‘.\lr('urdy, Jacob V » . 5 king. Anulrt-w Hmnf/I'l'uun. - VIIIvIv/rrwrfilnr 'l' S\\"lH‘. I). A. "Ill‘l-Il'r‘ R. M'Ullnh'. J |COIILK-lu'f. ‘. Hvln'w-lmun. I) \l-. (‘n-arv. S. ll.__ll¥ls¢ll, .I. 11. .lvwh, Sun “'l' Durham“. I'}. G ['lnhn'luhu’L” Wm. IL \\'ier, H. L [‘ilnlnu‘. “‘lll.iß. \lv ('h-H m; Julnn “'Ol - R. (L ‘ul: (‘ronrfiz Jnln. Pivk'ing. .\lulT \\'right, Juhn (‘um‘inghwnfl .\luliol 1". Gilt, Jll'lll'l H. \hrdiu’l. “. liit‘hr-Hu-r-‘wr. “(I [‘h'q Cffiu‘lmnjr h lixgritc-d m itc'nflflm tion n the counh o! Anlznfik‘.’ ll hns lu-on in s'“ wrsslul opt-nninn for more Hum six _wnri, and I’lbth II fmliml hm paid all hrsws and oV penzcs‘ wit/mu! any] ll!‘f"l,’tt7b<.’llfl\jl3g "fen n lurge inrpluu-‘wnyfitnlwin the Truncury. Tlm (‘mn plnV cmplnye rm Agomn—uli hucineu Ming dnqc by (‘in “ marge“. \\ 1w) nrc- :lununlh' rim-t. rd h}'.lln‘fund-:Hnlulvru. Any pe-hmr «lrsifirg an Inqn‘lm-e ('nn N]:pl_vlu'nn_v of tlu- shot, mime-I \me rer< For furlhnr infulmnlinn. ‘ Vvfi‘The Exmwllive (‘mnmlm-r 271”" ..t the .n‘five of [he (‘o'npanv ( n the hut \\'whn-edny Zlu cn-ry mnnlh. n12,.1'. 11. . Svpn'n; mash ~- “ _ Sti‘l at Work! » DANIHAKING AND BLACKSXHTHING 7' C —The {undersigned reavgcll‘ully' infurms hi~ Friends and the ~lmMic 1‘“ he continues the Gmwhnuking and Bluksmilflfinq lmsint-ss in every brunl‘lLat his ostnlnlisllmum in (filmm- Q/bQ'squ-g strum. He has on hand and \\'il! T'm‘flnmzwtnrt- tn nrvh-rnll kinds of(‘-.\ RRIAGI'IS / BEIGGIES, SLHIIGHS. Sin-i“: \\'.lguns. .\:v‘., o! ' lhefbest. mun-rial. uud nia'de 'h_r sumoflor wprk _ men. minimum“ and Bumsm‘rmm of , ’all kinds done ntlrensonublo rate<, promptly nnfl to the satisfaction cl tusmnmrs. ‘ Guam-mt Pnuon‘: taken hrexchangt: for ~work at. market. p'r'lcesl ' . ’ wPersous deairin: article: or work injhe Qoachmnking‘ or BLlC'ksmithing‘ line, are‘ re- Spectfully‘innted to call on ~ ‘ ' . JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. ’ Gettysburg, Jan. 24, ’59. 1 Sdmething New N GETTYSBURG.—-The u naer'éiguod in-foer _ the citizens of the town and county, that he hit! commenced th'e BAKING business. (m a large'scale, in York street, Geltyshurg. nearly opposite Wattlcs's Hotel, where he will try to deserve; and hopes to receive, slibe‘ral patron ngo. BREAD; ROLLS, C+KES, QRACKERS, PRETZELS, ha, ha, baked every day, (Sun- Hnys excepted.) all of the besbqunlily._and sold at the lowest living profits. Crackarrbnking' in all “5 branches is largely chrried on; and orders on any amount, from thig and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the _shortgst notice. Having erected a large and commodious bake—house and ”911er the he“ workman and the most ap grand machinery, he is prepnrc'd to do I envy b‘u’aineu. Jqu‘2s, 1859. VALENTINE SAUPEE 2 _A.—Mathlot & Son’s ' OFA AND FURNITURE W.\REROO.\IS,.\'OS. S' 25 and 27.3. Gay street, Baltimore, gnaar Fayette st.,) extending from 'Gny to ,Frederick .« Its—the largest establishment ofthe kind in the / Union. Always on hand a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, ‘em bracing Bun-ans, Bedstesds, Washsmnds, Ward robes,- Mattresses of Husk, Cotton snd‘fi‘sir , Spying Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set toel, Rece tion and Upholstered Chairs, AS §O TED JOLORS OF COTTAGE FURNJTURE,‘ i) 5d flhairs. Ofiice Chairs, Barber Chairs, ‘ n a and Cradles, fist Racks, Hall Furniture, ii“ and Wslnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length. P’érsons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workmanship is not equalled by :ny establishment in the country. ~ A. MATHIOT & SON. Nos. '25 and ”N. Gay street, Ans. a. lace. Queensware. IF you "at tuything in the QUEENSWARE , ' line all” A. SCOTT & SON’S, where you will find thhest gunman: in town, March“. 1862. ~ - COAL‘W“ 2 7W7”: f 7 A . pgmznoaxmn's Dru: Ste" -.,.r_...r3.:1,. ”-_3.‘ 3. ‘ A 2,. 3,37. “31,7 3 W 3 .3 .. 3 3 .. . 3’ ,7 .3 . . , 3. .. 3 3 f“ 3 , ,1,, , .s,;.' 3 ; w ‘ :‘ .3 3 . : 3 ; ' ~ 'J ul‘A.‘ili./3" ' , 1 ‘ 7 I ‘ ,-_ 1 I . l A i / ‘ l I ‘1 ' l ) .‘. ' ’ x > _ _ . 1' 3 ,y . g . ‘ 3 3_3 1 .3 K 3 ' - ‘ ‘ " ~ . 311 ~ - ' . w 3‘ aw» ”mm—_WMW .m... . .‘.. ’f‘m‘ .3 «=33 3‘ 1 .. . .3 ‘ ‘ . _ .. , _ {meflc ...- .. k ,13:._ 3; .1 4m m ~-'L - “ 3 ‘ ' “NC/135,3," ’ *5 _ ' , ,r‘ ‘ ‘ ; H ' J Thedeed w— 3, ': 1 ' ,3 , 3. ‘l.ho 1«W a 332/ W 3 ,3 fl 3 3 's 3 l {s3,}; 5'3": {. , / , 3,; ;. _ / . / 3 \ ‘- ‘ K : pqmnn on .f h 3 W fl}? 3. . 3%}:3 %§ /A/¢Z(§:}/W /% fig? 3:”. ”I, 43: 3 7 ~ git.“ 3,9,"; -v - f 1. ‘23 \~ - / 3ma - ~.” 3.3 g 3 3\ 3 - s ’ 333.333..“ _ ~ 3 3 ‘ - 3 a A mtemova ~ \\fl/- 3 / .. 3 -3 _ . ‘ h / y \ I < u ~ - ' , e ’ / ." ~. 3 ‘ 1 3" -., . / ; 3 . / . 1 3 . 333323.34, . . 3 ‘ 1 ’ ‘r ‘- mind. " Av ‘ . ' 1: " } . povmrfnl it y , 5 ‘ g . 3' .J . _ fiucncesu) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “elf ‘ BY H. J. STAHLE 451211 Year- New Store ! . | SW GOODS AND GREAT BARG'AIXI N —Thc undersigned would reqpeclfu nnnounre to the r‘itizcns of Gettysburg I nnrmundinz country, that he has upenedl NEW STORE in Gettysburg. in the: romu Kat. on-upicd by J. C. Guinn I; Hm, (in the No Was! corner of the Diamond. when: he ~ keep' :14]:ng und we” selected smoker . DRY GOODS, CROCERIHS.-QUEENSWA I (1A RI’ETIXG, £lO., ; ‘ of every description, among v'vhich will_ fuuud the huh-st styles‘of Sprigf; (goods. ' thdiL-s pailjcflnrly ure remit-starl to can =| unmine «my‘ stock, as I feel snlisfiyd it I never hcrn snrpaued in this plump for he“ find chcnpnc‘s‘i.~ Gontle‘men, also. fire rcqu ; ed tn call. M were bum article m the line (‘.I'IX’I‘H-HHCN’S WEAR that th‘cylci-nnot h'o 1‘ comqunled with, “firings that will aston them. ~ _‘ W ' I will Ill") keep on Than?! a lhm'e snbply GRUI'HRH‘ZS, wlm-h will be sold _very (‘he “y‘mck at QUEEXSWA RE, km will ulsn found lmn‘dsnme, (humble and clienp,. wh my CARl’l-ZTING I-nnn’m. he surpassed. ”'in my lnu-qfion to kl‘t'p a first class 3! —kevplnz on hund nothing but yam] good and ta sell cllnnp—lmving adopted the mull "Ql'l(‘l\' S’ALES AND SHALL ‘I’IIUFIT I would respectfnlh- solicit a sflmrc of pulvlir pntrunngn, nu Hmpe by mrirtlnmrnt m hnaim-ss, and by dealing lmni-slly with custmm-rs, to give wti-hmh nin an. , MICHAEL SI'ASGLER April mfxacz Hardware .\‘h GROPICRIES,— ~ ' ~‘ A Tnésulnvrhn-n hu: jun réiurner] fr 1m ('Mml with nn immenfie supply _of PIA! \\'ARE'AXD GILUCHRU-IS, which ghoy nflming at their 0111 stand m Baltimore's” m pricPs losuit the times. On: s'bock cons in part of ' BUILDING “ATERIALS. . CARPENTERS TOOLS, . mnxcxsumrs Toms, , COACH-I’lh‘blk ; SHOE FIXDIYCS, , ._ ‘ ¥ CABINET .\l \KER'S TOOLS. " . lIOI'SICKI‘I'ZIVI-IR‘S H‘XTI'RES. -. ALL KINDS (‘F IRUN‘, & GRIWCEIHES UP ALL KINDS.“ . (131:. Paints, let-..'kr‘. Thorc i': no prticle c‘n-lwl in tho item-ml doerlmPnls mi‘ntim :ulmuuluuL wlmt mm he had at this Store li\ cry chm of \h-Chnuif': can he nvqmixmodn hon- wilh 1001 i n‘ml findings, and ‘Hnuzrkt' ors can find every n‘rlicle in their line. 6 uq n with; I\OLIH'L‘ prepared to so“ as low czuh us any olllcr houn- nnt nf the! city. ' JUHL B.‘ DANNER DAVID ZIEULER. Jnné 9, [8122 LEM Bangams! AT“. 3 \Ps‘. mum‘s AND 31mm, T{ri‘fll'\’l(\' \Xn TRAVELLING BAGS ”.H in‘; juet row-h m 1 :1 \'('_r_\' lzxrge snpp‘ly of “have goods. “w- nrv pro-lulled m 51‘" “10m 10\ ”HUI over sold in thi: pldl‘u. .\lv stovk is In I-nmplvn‘.‘ elnhrucing‘ewry stgle 011' Shoes “abs made. \ J ' Bargains nst ‘\ND‘C‘APIS,‘ cumming of M 1 the Intel-7t stylos‘ forL Spr nlul Summer BhHTS ART) SIIOVES, 1m- Gnnt‘nmnnhlmtlipc nnd ('hiMron. Cityqnmlo mm] I‘l‘Nlcrn \\'nrk (mm 25 (‘9l ». .TIII'VKS‘ nfevcrv dowrigtimt and Mn F'F’Pall .Iml examine Hm h‘u-pains M 11. F. .\chLll liXY'S April 21, ISIS"! Dr. Robert Horner’s l flaw mum mm: Aw L\ v , Pmmf'nwnox sfo munm‘nsnrm: snuzrfr, GETTY§BVR¢L ‘ Having: refirvd irmn] th» active ‘ imu‘live ‘ Elyprufv<<iull,.l' mkc pleamre in unbound to the citizcne officm‘sburg {lnd vicinity, ll I lm_\'e Qpened n ‘ ‘K j ¥ ' SEW DRUG STORE, , in (In- rdnm formmly oct‘upied by firs. R. 5; Hunwzn. a: an office, where 16%” constnu Irv-Pp on hum] a large supply of? kinds of TRIiSH DRI'HS. ‘ ' linuxmws, ‘ J . , CHEMICALS, ‘ Q . . PERFUUERY.‘ . ' ‘ TOOTHPOWDERS DYE STL'F DRY PAINTS, and PAINTS ground in Oil. ‘ OILS, f-xprqsced and distilled, ‘ STATIONERY ofall kip Inky:l Pens, Pencih._¥’nper, Comb“. Brushes. - .., _PATEXT )IEDII'ISES. i _All the populnr Patent Medicines, tngetl with ix selrction of pure \\'}NES; BRAND] and WHISKHY, for medicinal, pnrp’oses 0 always on hand. In a word, my stock cmbm everything usually found .in in first-class st‘ of {his description. x —‘ A large supply of fresh Drugs has been A ceived, and others are arriving, which I nm urging to the public on very ucvommodat tom. .\ly‘Medit-ines have all been pun-lin under mg: personal inipvction 9nd supervis l from We most reliable houses. I can tin-ref not only recpmmend them as flare "and fre but can sell them cheap. ~' N. H.—-PARTICULAR ATTEXTJOY give the :reMment of all chronic disenseg lye-A D" I 05' GRATIS. ‘ Muy 12.1862. H ”‘““’“T““ I'Tf—‘fi’—‘ Nance. - HE following named soldiers aré repor as maximum, from their respective c: p‘unies— ‘ A Capt. Snuu's Comp‘any John Waller, Litfiestown, Samuel Evin, Mcb‘herrystown, . Henry Ifnfer, Littlesmwn, Joseph Sponslfr, “ ‘ David Sell, Hanover, ' John Reese, Gettysburg, (snbsfltutow , Jacob Bangs. substitute for Henry Binge, Capt. Pun’a Comp: y. John Hpssler, Grzefienbnrg. ' Andrew Beintmlumn, omm , ' ‘ Joseph Lives, Gnefi'onburg, - John Eyler, Gettysburg, 1 ! John E. Thomas, Arendtsvill’e. f Capt. Bnounxrn's Copy-any; Charla: Shilling, Oxford tow'n‘sl‘ip, _ Alex. Sunder, “ “ ‘ 7 Capt. GILLILAND'B Company. Jucobflomfon, Mnmmnsburg, (wbafitnle. Capt. Sean’s Coinpany. ‘ John S. Miles, Philadelphia, (substitute) Michael Ambrose, “ It George Show, “ fl " .. l The Ibove deserwrs will be arrested, when er found, _and sent to this camp. Five Do reward will be paid for each man. , By order of . Cal. LEWIS, ‘ , Commanding €l.lan Nov. 17, 1862: OME’MING NEW l—A new "er of WE S KEY—an article pronounced “ht"d ben§"—¢m be Ind n H. G; OARB’S June 2, 1862. ' ‘ . YSON, BROTHERS have constsnth on If T 3 large usonment of pbiq and. fa_ cases, gilded frames, gold and plywd lock bmupins, kc.. km, whicl; they)” ulljng Mindy by pica; , F 4 : ”—Tf-«———-———~_-_3_M~.____.w___v___~ . ,ADEmmRATm AND mmum wwmmu / eke allot. J I 50M: or Tm: bxnocnacv. ADDRISSED I‘o TATHZB ABRLEAI We)": 1: ming, Falhqr Abraham, Three Hun _ d} d'TlnoumnlL sfirung. To‘save on from the punches of the Abolition ‘ ~ tunings li ‘ , You'fe 11 3rd 1‘ om Pghnsvlm‘nin. and from In : di nu: too, 3 ' And Oh ; Ina beeq ‘apeaking tlgrongh her 'bsi ot-box to you'. ‘ ’ (The stu (y mail ot'lron,‘from the Furnace and 1 j my: Mine, § ' . Willy thq. Hoosfers ahd the Buckeye boys, are |of ‘ i); ‘he :Is 1 5 wheeling intoJ They are marching m j 'a; of yore‘ “ And‘chw York. has {:1 _ lhwdred‘Thou ‘ We are mnrehing, Fut 3“ f milinr tune, with which ‘sa on ix 1 5 Hum}. same old coon! (?nC-e mate‘frqm hill ‘nm'l vnlle‘y, it rings forth ; 4, witfi cheering sound, .To ‘glndaen every houséhuld where's loyal '~ ‘l. heart-lE4: found. - ‘ ‘ ' ‘ See! Ekiqrygsmr is ‘blazdned on the banner Z ; “‘9 union, ‘ : FOr‘thé Union that. .0111 Jackson saved, and j Seymouy will uphold! i To senucr all the Nation's foes—the Union to ‘ , rqstnreg ‘ f . M We 'pre ‘rominé, Fnthér Khrmfun, Three Hun- " ' ‘ d'ed Tllousnnd‘gipbro! 3 ‘ 1' We are ébming. Ftlejbr fibraljmm, and as we 1 E ‘ m‘-u'jch niong, 1 j 1 r 4 [ Wc'll renew youi frm‘n the “fprcss‘hre” of the E 1 ; Ahofilinh [ll'rmigl 1 1‘ ! You mm thr-m Hm! _vnu éouldh’t make a pig's 4. leg ofire tdil, \‘ ‘ 3 I .ud that .'lg'ninst the gums: paw buns would ‘ \ ‘ notMTJL I‘v ‘ ‘ They \vquldn't lmcd- jour anecdotes qr listen ? . ’: to your pron, ; ' , They 'sworc tlmt \\ hitc .\ch shoul‘d‘bc slaves . - ‘..‘ . ‘ 1 and Burgers should he lrue! Buliynu need no! mint] their nn'iugs now, or ‘ 1 ¢ .1 1 . 3 uemhle at thclr rgmr, . Forfweérc coming} Father Ahrnham', Tlircc F Hundred Thoushnd mun-I , We ‘ILI'L' comifig. Fth ‘ youyfiulrs. I ll's,lhe Democratic ‘ ; your cars I They pretend in‘ ca 1; point {on ml} That soaks into ‘\'lrui tomar's flood That stains thé‘hills ' ‘ Tcnnessoé— - Such “Tmi;ors," FM : loves lo sve! It‘s a growing f‘THxit ; ‘ in}: At you: do And‘NeM" York has - ! L Thr Ifundrm arm. A‘: . ~ ‘ Q ’ gwwww: of hi! M _SOLDIERS v’o'rE AND ALL. _ The liedford Ga cllz snya:—“’e are in debted to the S'ome sat Ham/(l (9 ll'llig, the Republicim organ in' Somvrqet, for the sub jnined table. which almws the result for Congress in the dislrict}. with the 'armrL role (mulled in. :0 be H 3: majorly for Cuflroth, tlie‘ ngocmtic cm‘u’lidutp. 3 The Abolition istsv died in great {agony on the Congress question. but they ‘hml tn “peg out,” will ing. or unwilling. Aftgr looking m the Inl -lowing figures. will th‘ey still attribute the defeat of "little Neddy” to that'pnbent fact of his. that. the “Abolitionista” are all in the army 2" - [l _ Coll‘rnth, D: McPhereon, Ab. Adams. 2.969 " . 2.684 A Bmlford, 2.332 ‘ . 1,686 ' re, Fulton. 1.011 ‘ ' 719 I‘er l s I)" (‘8 Franklin. 3.2“. » 3,330 Somersgt, . 1,540 ’ 2,501 i I! V“ ‘m f e Cofi‘rotb’smaj. 143 ‘ J—— »- - “.L.’-—‘ CONTRABANDS To BE _BENT To '| THE COAE REGIONS. It is stated that thL Government has un der coqsideration n echeme fer conveying contrabands w the Coal‘Mines in Pennsyl ‘vnnia, where there is a great scarcity ‘of horkmen .upldladelphia Ledger. 'r “We éan tell the Préaident of the United States, and his Abolition advisers, that they must keep their-negroes‘out of the Coal Re gions, unless they desire to inaugurate civil War in the North. The‘people of this sec tion of" the State wiill not allow emancipa ted slave; to be throw‘ in competition with white labor. The “elements that there is ‘a mneity of ,workme‘n in the Coal mines of Pennsylvania. has no foundation in trdth ab far as Schuylkill‘ cotmty is eoncerned. and has only been‘ gotteniup by the Abolition ists to cover their deign to supplant white labcr‘ by the employment of negroes. The white men are Dem rater—vote the Demo critic ticketu‘and hZEcei the anxiety of the Abolitionistg to thro \ them out of employ ment, and compel’thleml to leave the coun t'y. Before£the Demecrtts on be discharg ed, it is'neccessary to hive on hand a large number of negroee for their places, or the mines will stop and the Government be in mt ofooah: Praideht Lincoln nut keep lii; pd but: and 9f Schuylkill mnty.—Poluvill¢ Seabird. i an: to Lg‘fe.—-—on‘ly s few months Ago the Abolition‘pressos ran; with the cry that the Democratic party. as p party, wag dead And bufied. ‘lfi'lhis m tr" ‘ at. the (dam-they must admit that V ‘ been I glorious resurrection~the as some to life and in every 3y 1 misglmble evi deh‘ce of ext. rdi lit}, ' • GETTYSBURG, PA_, MONDAY,- Nov- .24, 9862. uc, ‘ the music of the Union lerx in with them, Three ‘nnd more 1 ler Abmlm'm, to that {n- formerl _veara We‘scnred .rM)ruh:ml,so cnst away ugxn" that is. ringing in us Trfitorsl But we blood - ixy's'sofl‘y—tlmt dye's Po- f glm‘j‘lihld, the plums o! cr Abraham, {his Union r“ aémy that is phuuder— I\\'elled its columns xwith Thousand more! I 1,063 10,920 10,920 ‘ 1 E. “mum xs man": is» gnu. PRIVAIL." THE SURRENH [ER 01" HARPER’B BRRY. r 'hmission apfminted to :th and circumstancgs L surrender of Harper's xeir report. The qom ‘ Major General D. Hun t.” President; th. Gen. IA. of Vols.: Brigadier f, U. s. A. of gum; m. - . G. of Volsl; Captiun 01.3.; 03101191 J. Holt, ‘ gm]. ‘ 1 ‘ ' The xfiinmy ém inves‘tigate the fin connected with thl Ferry, have nude t mission consisted oi ter, U. S. A. of Vol! Cadwalnder, U. 5.1 General C. C. Ange!l jor Donn Piaqt, A.' F. Ball,_ A. D. C. 0:1 Judge Advocate G The reports save; Colonel Mileiflthe ct Colonel Fuidgwho land Heights, thelll nounces unfitito lan army. Ilnlso‘cens I regiment for d‘isgrl commends' the dill from the service. the Colonel of tha subordinate officers others not known i haved with gallnn mended. General ted from all l lame, lmtion oftlne over General “'OO is‘ 1. grave dismtor ’ for cnmmnnd. , ‘ntl n 1 ministration and i gist of the report,‘ censuring General following worfirls ' 'er censures the kite ummnnding‘nflicer, anil‘ icommnnfled on Mari-i hatter ofi whom it moi-j !d any: mmmandfin ih'ei res the xew York l-Qfith \ icoful conduct, and ‘re-i missn] of Major Baird‘ After the whunding of: regiment, some of the Lieutenant Bflrrhsgand 0 {he commiscion, bio-i rylund should be com uiius White is exonera , nnfid meritsitl’ie‘ a'ppro ‘ {nont and thoébunlry" , oniaunct‘dv “guilty of :r ”Wing placer: Miles in ftw :(‘omoé whfia‘t thn; All i s hie/rid“ consider the if is the I'lnragrapl} chlellan, and is in. the i has r‘r‘mnrkod frooly 11 Volt! officer, who has svrviue of his :chuntry; 'any métivos of delim mnring thoco in high hink: such ccmurn de [akin-Chi?! has tesqifiod 11th after havi-n': recmv , nhe nnen'v invading ‘only six milos pvr day, l winning:{hisinvmling :tI-‘mvChit-I'nlsn testifies, f cuerul MLClvllnn could ‘«-i;iovcd and 'prntt‘ctod [d in this opimpu the ncur.” ‘ » “The comfnisai on Colonel MIIM. i been kllled in the ‘ and it. cannot, fruu cy. refrain fmm r I command. when it served. The Gnno that Gvnerul McUI ml orders tn rope Maryland, marvluu on an average. who ‘ enemy. 'l‘lw (in-no that in hi< opinion and hlxuuld hun- Harper's Ferry. m gcommiuion lulh' ('1 I‘VI‘IW'Q” in Hip nr-wafia. do ; hut 31¢‘pn|3»lic:xtinn, : tine :umduncemt-nt nl‘ onm\'ul,—ih(licuto.~z \‘my. who have ,hpon {-hirfly txging it about, trust 16 e qudtcd to juulifj, in the symplmglic Fnrfipy o.~siiy.” “'0 now] not, r readers that the com.- a condemns GenuMc‘ y one of ipquihn and lii onumncsés are based {statemenri TheGrn -0k) tenifiofi in_cortain i ‘i‘ho rolnrt, as it “Hers, is without n d Isimuhaneunsly witi (ion. McCleHiln‘s lcloariy that those-l lifistrumt-ntxii in hri the paragraph nhol ipmt. (he no‘t which icniis 11 “military n 0 iliowever, inform n imission which lhl IClellzm, wag more itlmt the opinions! mum mvre (‘.r parlo: ¢rnl~in-Chiof (Hail. :facts, in relation : lle=timony wniingr-i land circumstanc wi public, mqy so ox ’0 which 0 robutting duced, and which, fads L hero‘nftor t 0 be finde Iflafh and bdify as to 3 force or able. Gen. 9t Been Mail ‘in his own that right n right the can cluim' iis fillowed \ably presufetll‘is hind 1f ”10' 9. ort ‘l]. Fender them of ‘n’ iMcClellah has not’_ Edéfenco, nndlumil jmeanest crliilin:il{ lLlnim, we mafrensol Cence. ‘ “arc-{V l A careful ’romlin‘ of the retort will. we think, make it «‘visent that tlfie paragraph “in question wns an forethought th‘atl item)- :strituted no pg’rt'n‘f he o'riginnireport, and. has been “snndwi ed in" ne rdho close“ in n rudely discnn cted lztyle, for a special purpose—and that purpo=e l; fin means creditable to the clan-mime: ief. This is all the more evideqt from the l’nct, that the report. with this if mgmph in it,.is safflcon {tradictonp The clLrgei it brings nguirist Kiel). McClellan. 'is substnnlinllymegflived by both a precedeht and substq‘uentj pam igrulnh, as these exlfacts will shl w: 1 ‘1 .. Gen. M 30191!“ bilablishetr'l his head- iqunrters at Frede'rlck City on the morning fof the 13th of Sep mher. Onlthe night of :the 13th. after tli evacuation “Maryland :Helglits. Col. Mile: directed Captain (now {Mnjofl Rmsell, of he Maryland cavalry, to ftakewith him a f men endlendeavor to Eget through the“ emy’s lin and' reach isome‘of our forc en. Mcé‘fellan if pos laible—and report a conditio 'of Harper’s iFerry. that it coul not hold obtmore than 48 hours, unless -enforced, 'nd _to urge :the scndingofrec f'orcementsi‘.i Capt. RusJ isell reached Gen.‘ cClellnn'e eadquurters, int 9a. m., on Sun lay the Ht 1 of Septem fl‘fer. and reported sdirected ' yCol. Miles. {lmmediately upon is arrival 6' . McClellan ‘ sent Qfl'a messing”, I Glpl. Bus (‘ll underalood, Mo Gen. Franklin. * ' i "Atlo a. m., pt. Russell 'left for Gen. ‘ Franklin’s comm 6, will; a ”immune” to Gm. Franklin fr an. .11 (Blzllun. He ‘ reached Gen. Frafiilin about fl o’clock that. :afternoon. and ('0 d him engaged with the ‘enemy at Crampion’s ‘ Gap. ,The enemy were driven from the ,Gap'. at!!! theknaxt‘ l morning. the 15t , GennFrahklin passed through the Gap, advancing shout a mile. and finding the e emy drawn 'up in line of battle in his fron ~drevv hi 9 own forces up in line of battle. While thud situated, the canntmading in 9 direction of Harper’s Ferry. which had'been heard Very distinct ly all the morning—Harper’s" Ferry being about seven miles burnt—suddenly ceased; whereupon Gen. Final-lin rent ‘ ‘word to Gen. McCldlan qf the prhbab’: surrender of Hmywr’a Ferry Q Gal. Muln’j and didnnt delete it net-awry lto proceed furtheri fthat direction.” ’ ' ‘ ‘ From the sbov it very clearly appears ‘ that GeancClell lost notime in respond ing to Col- Miles'f demand ' flot- reinforce ments—that Gen, Franklin wee “inmedi'aie 1y ”—thet'a the w rd—ordered toward Her per’s Ferry. Th; reasons given for hinde lay or failure; ere! or ought to be,‘sufi‘icient ~—-¢lu enemy were “Lid: way. ' ', ‘ But, to anot) er extracthan‘d one’ still more irreconcil is with the‘ accusation against Gen. M , ellan than the above: ' , " The evidence thus introduced confirms the commission in the opinion they Her- pey’s Ferry. as w-H as Muryind,lloi,ghts’. w prematurely Intruders ’ Tue gun- I. ~ ~ son should have been satisfied that relief. however long delayed; would come at last, and that a thousand men killal at Harper's Ferry would have made a a all lose hud thn post been ‘saved. and probably saved two thousand at. Antietam. ‘hilw impor tant was this defence we can how appreci ate. (bf tho 6N“) men conmosing at that _llle the whole of Lee’s army. more than one-third were attackin Harper"! Ferry, and of this. the main body w inVirginin. By refercncz to (he ,cvidenccfit w ( be uh: flux! at the t'rr'y moment Col. Ford 41/» mloneJ Mary luml [kip/Hr, Ins [it/[e army wu in Twirl}; rr lit-ml In! Gmerah Franklin andiumner'a mrpa at ('ramptan’lr Gap; within aw miles of I'ch position._" i ' Now, if the flit-ls stated in tinese extracts be truié—‘that. Gen. McClella“ , immrdiurcly upon the arrival of Captain Ens-:01. order ed (lnn. Franklin to the reliefiofflml. Milos -—-nn¢l that at the very mom 1, ‘ 1. Ford abandoned Mlu'yland Heigh , h ‘waq in . l . rralz'h/ rdinmd by, Generals {m_ lin and Sumncr’f corps—how can the; ch go that Gen. McClellnn' {piled to roligve nd ‘pro tect Harper’s Ferry be made int}? '4 ' The roport,’ so 'fa‘ir as Gen. chlellnn is concerned, proves entirely ‘.oo much.— Sotting aside its sélwcontratli‘ lions, does ‘it not appear pnlpnbly unjust, ifGen. Mchol- Inn‘lu'm answerable for the su random but Ford should be dismis‘sed frori’r the seniido, and the dead Milgs‘ censured J The attempt to detract fro the cred Gen. MdClcllim’a ca'mpaign n Maryl which is evidént throughout is repnr so mean nthing that we art; surpris sqldier like Gen._HuHock—by murlcx least, :1 mail of honor-rshouiii take :1 in it. Asfl New' York Jam-"hill We” “The whole world has béen inginLy 111.0 _mirnvle‘of that swift. n'l spin Mmylnndcampnign. It mu! emnst-r and successful, (considering he wol- , and demqmfimd army to thepommnn which‘MuCleHan was sutltiohli' cu] which In’ixforyj'rolntes. Thfis, ‘nm‘ufiz would lnlnughnd at. ifit we ‘ udt 100 cm a business for Inugzhtn'r.”T X It snems'to m that thie pnrg taken in :gfl'uir by the GepemJ-in-Ch‘icf has 1 prnmptm] more by pettyjou!ou<y of‘n g 1y superim- (.flicor. or by a mm‘n dos cultivate gnml rclatihmwilh th'o Admmis trntion, than n hnnmt‘wish to sorm his country 5y I‘e loving an officer “-1.01311 e bé-lieved to bellrarf obshclo (o‘the SUCH—SB of lhe‘nrmya-Ridinq Gaze/Ir. 3 . ,\ mThe co mit‘tee miglffi nu wal have? consul-NY the Aflministmtioriylcn, for 'cp‘ni tinninc Col. Miles in a' commhnd after the Bull Ru'n figlftvi as to undortnk? in fast omwure upo-nLGun. Wool and. Gen. Mc uonan._rr‘nlsra+ I'ninn. . ~ MchELLAN.g Enthusiastip (LDemonstration‘at Trchton ' in Hfmor of the Helm. . . n“ I ~ .‘ ~ SPEEPII ¢F GER”. JII‘C‘IJ '.LLAAI' m'rmonc hww: 'm m. FELLdW.‘ CITIZENS. ‘ . . I _- 1 ' Tnnvrmqnx. .I.,'Nov.l§, gMiJnith. 1 The (lemonfirafinn in bnrgm' of‘Goneml :McClellun by the citizens of'l‘renton. [inst ‘pgmetl yesterd‘fiy on account of the wenilxer. I took plp'oe thifi owning; ‘ ’ As ea'rly In kix o’clock the crowd be’gnh to aszemble, find by sevonitlie streog in front of. the State Street [lnuse was a per fflctjnm. Ev'éry‘window wds occ‘upied by the fair'dnnglfiers of Trenton and thefur rounding cnantty. Che'ers xivore calierffor and given over and (War spin with he'lirty good will TnfiGonernquCk-iinn. Allyfelt the ‘inspl‘rhtion bf the monlent, and gum. ghey were sh¢winglto hirb _‘thoizr apprécia tion‘of his grimt military talents, his un swerving. patriotism, and his cßnductins a man. ' “ . At nina‘ o’clock, the Til-onion Cninet Band. under the able leadership’ of M}. B. K. )chlurg, ‘arriyed in frpnt of the lxbtel, and owned the serenadel‘by performing mod admirably, first, pnt-pourti fro ‘the .qpem of “ Puritani ;” second, pot-pomp of national nits. - ~ , After the performénce of the second piece, Anarew Butcher, Burp, ex Speaker 6f the Hodse of Representatives ~nl‘ ,b‘ew J eréey. came forward to' introduce Gieneral McClellan to the assembled multitude.‘ {As seen as the General appeared it the from of the Hotel, he was greeted withthe Input. tumultuoun applause. Cheer folléwed cheer thrbughout. the entiregqunre; ladle; waved their handkerchief: and‘joineti in the applause. It wai with the greatest difficulty thst any kind'of order could be restored. ‘At-lm the General was able to' respond ‘. ‘ ~ ~ ‘ . "KICK 0P OINIIAL I'CLILL‘N. MLanxm—For I feel that you a all my frienddhl stand before you. no as n mgker of speeches._ not as a politician but asa'soldler. I come among y‘ou to eek quiet and repose. and from the moment of my arrival I have received *nothingi but kindness. Although I appear before.you as a stranger, I on) not altogether unac~ quainted with your history. 'Your aflant sol ’ rs were with me in every battfe from th siege of Yorktown to the battle ofAntie ta~ and here I bear witness to their devo ti ‘ to the cause for which we are fighting. ( ere the uproar compelled the General to ' {or 5 (cu moments.) {also have to a k- of the ever faithful, ever true Taylor; the (lashing. intrepid Kearney—men who hove-given their lives for the maintenance of ourgovernment. And before bidding you good night. I have this 'piece ofadviee to give youz—Wlu'le the Army iafighting, gm a: tritium see that the war is prosecuted for the pruervalion of the Union and the Constitution," for your Nationality and your Rag/AL: a: citizen. After returning to his rooms, the hand performed a. chorus from the opera of “ Er nani,” and the “ McClellan Polka,” compo sed by the leader of the band and dedica ted to the Géneral. Here the cro‘wd called ignin {or the Gene"! in the mattrvociferfi l L ' El om mann’er, whefi he appeared at his dow and reitemted his former wards. ’ ‘ No such demonstration,‘politichl or at wise, was ever before witnéssed in 'l'ren It was a tribute to a true mum and worthy pf the gallant. Stale of New Je and her. citizens. 3 ! HOW MARTIAL LAW wpnxs ' 1n: 'cml or IRS. Jinnah. / We exclude other mam!“ for file [13.14 of layir‘wg before the public anogyxeflms bensthly and infamnus outrbge co gnium due of Presidenq Lincoln? minginstun the martial law proclamafion. / he can Mrs. Brinsmadg, as ramped/‘3: the 1" York World, and full; htajne By 096‘ authority, will Arresx cite the indignation ‘ Ipeople, not oulx agni idy, but, against an' . sorts to such than; an {plays to violatojustice and tlaxpple u‘ and hu‘manityl 7 ' t _ ‘ From'the N.Y.lwnrl-l \Vhoover has a. sister. mwif'o. ‘ ‘or. and dc-sileé to know What I came to him through th§se to whoever Would lenrn (bcymidw and the Inquisition can téach) ti ratgeous lengths": the unbri led, xercise of unlawful an dom fvill run—may learn from the knee in the case of 511:8. Brim. . ve publi‘h this morning.l . ' Mrs. Brinsmade, a yming an omnn, hardly out of herlteens, Umrefnre neither the sir-rest comes with years nor the uutio t. 03:, all; FI of the other sex, two months North under a Ipass from: Gen. Lhc New Ode-an}: stonmor.‘iin nrd‘ the wintorw‘xthlher relativies in \. nd Troy. Arrived in tho; form is arrested‘without warfnnth without trial, denied conmmn ' 'lf‘l‘ friends. kept closely {gnfirdo :brrmght. on m this cityqnnd‘t ’ wit-on in the Fnrty-sevenjth 3th t'mufia. Through a backrhun e l Hm officer 'in charge of Her. he thin city learn‘of the outrnge‘; I 1 civil’ly to the infamous Kennedy] the :m-ent, to khow its cause. ‘ sailed with imprpcntions ' and ”my tno shall be locked up if” repented. Asnnrod by a. ‘depu prisoner is to he sent. to he; “fat Orleans by the next stezimer, 9f"! eut- content themselves with the ho though every fin-m of Imv, eve!" of civil and pet'wrmal liberty hnsf ted by one of their nppninted’K thewfi'ornrlmd at least «scan _locs on “fear of that which in. o!“ But. her mongs were not yet emlet They did not khowtht- Konnmly. .Pt-rl they had nover‘ heard 0! (Ir-ll NnA. ' 'l'hi fiye (hiya utterly-arm a letter was recei‘ by one of her friends. from which it\ loomed that she Wt}: still a close prm, in the Forty-seventhstr‘éet stiltimt-lm. waited upon only by male nttepdnnta. 1 with priioner's fare, a part of tilletinio p tiatetl hy illnpfis as well lisamicf, evmy stinct of decency thus v’olatecl uswal ovvry form of law. i 5 ~ Two ladies» then npplyl to the Kenn l'nr permiqsion'to noectl‘eir‘ friend. I d'onitul. Thev [lnk whati are the clia and who the ‘aocnmrs. l‘ Iz‘the/Kcnne nm the accuser; I nrrestokl her, P but“ nnvl keep her Where she; is; llnld she on to he hung.” [ ‘ ' l ' ,' Hopeless of ratings fro tho prute fill this infamy blunts up not down; thron‘gl his lineagefin‘d in all h's potq‘lerity. Brinsmnde's friends npjuliéd lto Pro Marshal Genéral Drup r., yr. Dru promptly addressed himpelf t -t.hn Ju Advocate Gen Aral, who aid ti" 1. he it nothing of macaw; to lllr.‘ Kignedy, replied that s e was hejltLby Vdrller of Baker. provost: marshal of Wa'shington Col. Baker and thafissibtgmt Secret” W'ar, who replipd (provting thpt tthe, nedy of coins? lied) that} théi arrest been made by one of Mir. Kennedy's cers. and that Mrs. Brinspmdc drank-ta? by him without, any a thoriLy Wlm from the War Department; wh reupon Draper got. from the Kel‘lnedy hn orde the lady’s release. went, in Demon and cuted it, and lel'Lher in: this charge of? friends. 3 ' l It. is but justice to sayl that tlhn War 'pnrtmont is no further tfequntiblo tor l particular outraga thpn ks res usibilit implied in its having bee'n will; of sin I on in its having committed [on otic illegal power into the jhnndsl or a Caligula, and‘in its having‘hithertn con ed st. every license towhich thje itchin a paltry police despot apd the} instinc ‘ a brute had goadetl himlbn. ' u? Mr. Draper itonly heals}? Hessi those who do not knowihim, hat his ‘ ‘ manity and his sense of justice needed secohd or long appeal. and thht the t } tions of In office which tieverohght'to 5 been created its redeemed fnlm utter testation in the chamothr of a} gentle by whom it never ought. to live been Burned“: . , ' l, Jase D. Bn'th—h is cpnfidelztly arse (ed that the Indian Légialuure, fihich In' ”l 3 in January, wlll elect Jase 1). Bright DER. ed States Senator for' the ahonft term, I nd Thomas A. Hendricks for the long bdrm, beginning 4th of March; 1863. l Itwoutd‘be .a‘ curjon speetncle to see nSer'fntpr net“ up ‘ed to a seat. from which he wadiexpell ' Tor alleged acts of. disloyalty to lbie Gov rn ment. but there aresome gnomblll» pi-eeed Inu in history. not. the least bf which is the ' of John Wilkes,who wai'repestedjy exm ed by the British Houseiol' Coinmoiu‘s, find as often fetut‘néd by his: conacltuenu. 11‘ l .. M-O~«—1-—,-— “ ‘ fi-D. c. Naimnn, Esq. ne‘rng. ‘a‘ a edi m of the BaltouSeruine‘lr is eleéted :‘fiwm be: of the House of Representing by 2500 majority. Well done, old Normmpmnm- Abou‘ fourteen montlw, ago Mr. Neimah’s oflice was entirely destroyed by an AboH ‘tion mob who. 9" count, made thealtacl‘t‘in the night, and behind the edilgr'a back; A .7012 Q] the Pruidenl,—A Waéhington letmr 'n'ugr says that. when 001. Foamy ju quired of him how he felt. about. New Yprk, Mr. Lincoln replied: “ Somewlut like that boy in Kentucky, who stabbed h}: toe while running to sep his sweegheart‘. 'l‘ne boy said he was too big to cry, and far too badly hurt t 9 laugh." : 3 ' I ' 3 : ’92?! ‘ » j ‘1- ; 3 H 14. 11$, L. W I ■ fT—‘T'g“‘*" TWO DOLLARS A-YEA INTc), Inti‘ 10k bru sn am Amer (3, Re n thn uc'hng - n 115 :r a drug! may '. (lor ,ti :1 Flatt Nu 1? n whnt ‘ I Ip‘unis Inlic pu |cnrn-s’ ade, wl Emma MOVAL~ " I which the mulig‘nnt car) of 1m pledged to destroy! a' (11l try may be, ,nboliohed, have ’ )r a yennpnst, id at last consummlr I. McClellan has been harmed command of the army of the Po .‘o any that the announcement of Mil—which was first made through In! of hut Sunday-Amok the com‘ 'priw: expresses yery ('oony the Man that it excited in the publid me! yet, to those who krnw the; influences that were at" Work-aha , to which the Prosident has shown? himself too ready to yield, hocnuse his: sympathion are altogether-in that direction! -—-t.he uncrifica of McCh-Han need havens-1 wioned no surprise. The only gnattor 3f? surprise to them, should be that it «an not; msgtelongqu. _ ' u _ 7 7 ‘ f The official order. "relieving” Grnérall M-zClelinn of his command, was accompn-i inied by the publication of a communiontton‘ ‘ from Genera! Bullock to the Secretory OYI ‘ War. which. it is eyident, wns intended sm ; nnjapology for; if not sjustificetion, of thol nctl But, the impartial reader will pm. Inounoe it. at once 9 lame apology Ind 1203 justification. Thagmost‘it proves is thnti . ' the supplies which ‘Gen. McClellan med-i ed were forwarded: as promptly as tho rel-4 sQurcesl of the Be‘l ml departments upon} I which he mfide regisitinns would allow—l a It by no moons proves that they were oqunt‘ to the necessities of his Army, or sufficientl I .to place it in a conditioh to move forwardl ' hs Nipidly ns'tho ainthorities at Wnshingtonl ' demanded. That they were not so, we mnyi reasonahly inferlfrom the foot that the’ movements of his Army were delayed.—-; I VOnc of General McClellan’s characteristics} ' is camiousness. I llel'prefers to wait, eveui - at the risk of incurring censure and denim-I Itinn, rather than sacrifice the lives of the} l I men under his wtnxnnnd by a rash, hasty‘ I lpr' premature movement. The Oppositel ,- Ipolicy has hejin tried, and the court-i I try has sum-n I! seriously by the, expe- ‘ I larim‘enm The impatient chimor of “On tq' 1 Richmond 1" resulted in the disgracefuli I 1..-nut of Bull Run. -’l‘lm dashing ster at I Ifightingh which Gen. Pope was brought i Ifrom Hie-West to inauguriito, ended in the I disnistrqus repulse And almost entire diian-I u pgnizution of onuof the largest and best din Iciplinei} _Arm‘ics that the worhfl however; I (seen. I'. McClellan has achieved "O‘STFILI Iyi‘otorié‘s’ h’e Inns. at least. sufi‘erod no iugloi j’ious defeats. ll‘ helms not taken Richmnrd‘i ‘ I It‘nnqu red the South. and ended the WurJ ho hml.‘ito my the least.‘upon two occ'usinnx,’ ‘ i saved the Union cause. by defending the ': capital nguimt invasion and occupation |in y the enélmy. If he hasnot done impossihlé i thing. it was simply becunse they were iml I pn'mibié. ‘ i . I The Sinvernment,l whose main rolirmrq‘ MuClolhm hm beanm‘xwo critiqul pmind-t . I of thel‘Wnr, has repaid his servxccs wit” I block ingmtitudc. It has sent him into—re; I tiren’u-nt. but it cannot sink him into disé I grnce. I'l‘he Army and the pedple- know i him :mld estimate him at his proper worth. I “3,. is, It!- this very day, inoompnrubly that: 4 manta-rt General we have. His geniusill -‘ planning a campaign was proved while hit 5 hvhlthh po~t ofCommandarin-Chief. H 11: 3 lirék's Success in tlieSoutli-Wefltjnndznu‘rm f side's victories on thepout of borih Cnrm I li-nn. Were the fruits of McClellnn's dnecté i in; mind, as their own oilicial reports at-I 1 test. ' " ' i n.l 0!! i h 64 Cd ‘ lii: éhililv tn lenil an 'Army iii the field was thu‘n. lint. in his shaft but brilliant} Western Virginian nampnizn ; afterwurd.‘ in his mlvnnve upon Richgnnnd—his fiiiluro [to rapture that. rity was owing to cuuseq that he could not, control—unit more is: cently.”in his Furcossful cam nizn‘n ninw the invading rebel hrmfin Maryland? Tho la‘nrelsihe ha: won are sufficient to estohé i lish hi 3 fame. éven should his cit-rear. and f here.‘ But. not so. An Abolitionized Adq min intrminn "may be ‘glnd to discard n’pnv‘ lriotimGone‘ml who has nobly proclnimed that he and the Army he hasjust left “will ever ho conirndw in .mpporling tlu, Conflihdiov‘ (if nur caunyy and the A'ulionalily of: it: paaple." Hut um peoplfi will‘ vote long. call him to higher duties and more oxnltell hnnon 3 md hen. wht-n his vin‘dicutiou qhall be comple‘ta, the misprahle conspirators ,whq' nro nqw exulting in the'triumph of fheit. fmrtizzm malignity. will hide their dimin+i ishml lmmh in shame before the resplom dent star of his glory. ' ‘ »1 ~lc is fortunnte fori’the country that that: eyil which has been done in McClellnn’d ‘rdrmoval ier puninlly recompansed by did ‘app‘nimment, for a time. at. least. of Gena? ml Bu‘rnuido to -succeed him. The lattelf. i»; a true and tried 90mmnnder—Mc0lellan’q : 'cnmmde and frimul, familiar with his plhnzi' and capable of judging them without pr 1 ~ judive. If hurnsitle in nuil‘nrod to remai i where he ii. and radical influences do he'lll . so fIH' prevnil as to publ’rcmont at the had; anhe Army, all may yet be well.—-R¢adiuyfl ' Gaul“. ‘ ‘ ‘. - i, i hat ' ‘is he cw ! Ms PS ty- HM t. is on «ly, ler ht Wine Eamon Argus says: “It is 9 singular-but. not unnatural fact. that every county that, was tory in the Revolutionnuelp' n‘s’ Lnncmwr, Chester; Delaware,“ kc" are; Abolition now. On- the contrary. ever”, county that. warmly sustdined fihe pair-i; Muse in'lvhe‘ revoltition. now upholds the: Democratic party. 'Thedesoendsnu of theg‘ men, who. under the infamous rule of (in! John Adams, supported the despotis .’ nlien anil sedition lam. gag laws. stamp and 'windr‘vw‘ nixessimprisonment of Demm‘raufl and all Mimr obnoxious measures of (hep odious Anlmiriistrnt on, now sintnin all thal nbnnxinus measures of the present Admifl-l istratinn. including negro prmlmutiofi.i Fort Lafayette and all“ There’s a greet] deal in thé‘blond and breed of"men. Me 1 whose fathers were tnries in revolution"; days never grow up Democrats.” a l m“. is nstnniqhingln notion how'conl-I‘ sorvutivp the late elections have made snmiq qfthe Republican: in this vicinity. 'Many‘ who firm": the vqte was taken. were I blusleiing and v'ndicfive as the very (lava; are now as gen d 8 as so many lambs. Wq heard u monument Rapuhlicanmho, dui-ing thunmpnign, was quite furious in calliug 4tho D‘emacmu I)ng names. the o‘ber duly ldmit that. the into elections would have _- ~good efl‘vct on the coungryn-Erie Observe? I no inc. I Ve’ Idcr : 9n Jlm Sl.n¢ldy.—-The Benton. Juufllul‘ as!" that the shoddy overcoat; furnished to our new regiments nrqalnmlumly wurthjm. and it is an outrnga upon the soldier: to force them to. take them” They are merelj coarse couch. with a thin. cove‘rin'g of shod; dy ; not a particie oflive wool about them‘, They come from Pennsvlvanis dontractoru; \ who” frauds upon the Government. 9nd the army have been inde’cent and monacrpul, ever since the war commencedlg , ‘ b 8A New Yorker on CentnlAfrics mu, on the authority of “an old negro who uh. been a great tmvelerflf that there a dwarfs in “in country who“ earl ranch}: the ground} and are 30 Wide that whefi'the" lié down. one ear serve; us a mattress. the other for; covering. ThePold negro" i. probably ide‘ntical thh the “intelligent. ao‘ll traband’ io‘whom the.daily papers up,” frequénfly indebted for war heirs. Advance ‘in Nempapen.~—The Dotmfi (Mich) Tribune, New Lomfon {Carin} Chronicle, Hartford (Comm) Times, Pro. and Coumut. have increased their rats-”on account of the great advance in paper and eve‘rything used in making a newsllflpeffiy ‘ The Internal Ruucnuc.—Upwarfls of Jim thoumnd co!leotox~s, deputy collectors. udd sors and assistant assessors are now gue get! in the collection of internal revenue In glue loyal States. 1: ' . Pr'ica 'Aduanc:d.—Tbe leading book pub lishers of Név'v_York nave vauoodiih. trade prices ‘of books from ten to null!- five per cent. on account of the mm cost of printing paper. ' ‘ RA ”tampon?! u I “ha! 3‘s" q‘b-‘mnd on I corn’, willy-con hark.“ '1 ' ' " , ”unlit“: EMI , ‘ ~. , ft ANWL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers