ME Q El mt : LlTnmpilrr. 0012 FLAC ! the hninn of lgErs—fl‘e union of lands— 1 The Cniop u! Mules punt- wbuhl raver; '} The union 0: hcgnh—lhe nuiuu of lumin— ‘ ‘ And ‘.hc Hag/011m! L'uiun turuerl ‘ '; ...,; _l_ - ‘ "_ IL {L STABLE, EDITOR Ah!) I’KQI‘RLS‘I‘DI - Garrisnunc. nu . 51031351? 31012 ’ING. NOV. ‘3l, IRG‘J A‘AND HEB. VOTES. em! bulief, we finvl that. in Pennsylvamiu stands nFsEnn‘vi than on it: but? PBNNBYLVA ' 1 "‘ Contrary to gr: (Ina Union party" better mi incongl vole. We carry t *(Q.£3l'mnjuri:y. Hm out. fihuut 3,450 ticket? ‘ f'State rm Canyons by» 5111 “M: Olvlklfiitinn figure In :jorityv on the State 11 e . pmrngfafih 'appe'u'ad :l ditorinl colpmns affine l and has since been go- 'i the’Abulition papers of; rout flourish-our no'gh- .‘ ~hn'mg “Mnssa. Greeley’a'; n it i-I n. (Inlibemte falsi- ‘ t¢.'nnd in proof of this -32. the following table bf Congressional tickets in The above liit originally in the ,; ch York Tfilflmf ing the round» 0 I this Siam. wnth n ; inroft'nebhdiwln‘ ye", of cogrqo. l ficnlfi‘on of. the fa nausea-Lion, m? hub @ajorilues on the the State: Anhu'rmxum. HT 2. ()‘N.oill 2,5!7 ELM 3. Myers - 42 . 24-4. Kullcx _ 828 [72} 5. Thnyor 62 pi“! 7. ~[’u-nqmnll 2.4445 AGT 0. Sth-ns 4.524 [:3l I'3. Tram-y 1.817 1918. Ihln 417 5:57 19. Sélmfield .492 .772 ‘3O. Mgr“. ) ) 918 2‘35 22. Mum-[wad 2.351) 437fl3. \\'dl.:uus 1355+ 'muncnns. ,J. Randall 1.1 6. Stiles 3, ER- Anmnn. 5,. -‘llU. Strome #l. Jolmsonl 0‘ » 2. Dennison L ‘ 14.‘ Miller 4i i 15. Bailey * 2” 16. Coffroth , I 'l7. McAlliaKer 2L Dzlwmn ~ , 24. Luzoar ME }S.TUS In this onumemtion of mnjoi'itios it will be sec-n thattiméi- of Messrs. Tmuy and llale are placed in the Abolition column,’ and ynt tlm‘; r-xnnsiq in favor of the Demo-i cralic party ‘,is 7,313. llfi't both ,Trncny and ‘ Hale gm lilmlggd ugnimt the radical party. l Thevaill follow the lmul 01 Senator Cuwan, I and themfore when the ve'rdivt of-‘Ponm-yl- i finfiinqgainit n‘ogrfewmciimtion nml equal-l ity—whicla rm.» Li; x 13311? at the lujt olec‘tion \ L—fit fairly considered. the m him-divs for ‘ Mosh-s. Tmnqy nhll lluld rmust be trans- I fined to the Drlnxzcrulic column. llow ‘ _thén will stand the figuru? Thm :. Fol the Democraticchmliclntos £3,312, for the Abolition candidate's 15,471. Democratic «anti-Abolition majority in the State on the Congressional tickets,'ll.S-11. . It. must also, be borne in-mintl that. both in the Third and Fifth Distrit-ts the mxjority is really in fi‘nvnr of the Democratic candi (lates, grid that fact will be fully demon strated on a contest. before the proper nu fi‘hority to. dispose of sui‘h cases. ’ ~ ‘ With thosé mars staring our neighhn: in the far-51 will he continue to shout, “ “'ell dune, Pennsylvania l"—or, ‘locs he ‘icave 1‘” _ THE VOTEEFOR PRESIDENT. ’ “1111 there boGn a Presidential électjnn i ‘this‘fqu the Stutesiyhiclx wont Dumocmtic would'hxwe chosen a Dmnoératic President, 4 ' [as theyleve a. lufize majority of the electoral I“votes bf (he 10an States. The count would ‘ ‘hfive stood thus : . ‘ z ,4 New York} . ..'. . {fegnsylvaniuvw -.¥ .. ..'.. . . " n-l‘mnus. .. . . 111in0u........,..... ‘ :L10nnecfiéut.......... j‘~‘l\'echL~ey....,.l.l. " 2‘De1im‘are............ Maine....... .‘Mnssnchuwnl. . . . . . . . Verm0nt............. '1 Rhode Island. .2. . .. ‘ z10wa.....:.......... :Mich‘gnn..:.-........ . ‘,"0reg0n.............. 10:1if0rnia.‘. . . . .. . K. . . - 4 (New Hampshire.~. . . ‘ 11Kgn5n5.............. , thxnne50§;1_............ ~ u , § Maui...“......\......125 cs ' . Democratic majority, without the border have 'States. 60. ' Them latter ~would in prease fhemnjority. Ofthe 12:3 Democratic ‘inléctornl votes. 8“ but 10 we're giver} to ”President Lincoln in 1800. Was there ever Jsuch a. political revolution in so short a nine? _ A . . ... ‘. WISCONSIN DEMOCRATIC. " ‘ 1319 Milwaukee News ‘snys (here ionger a'uy doubt that Wisconsin is Demo " . mug t'm the pépular vote. The aggregate hquLQies for BrownfEldx-edge and Whee -I‘. hr" the three Democratic Congressmen ' «Hectbd, will nob fall short. or 10,000, while ' flue Qggwgate mnjér’ities‘for Hanchett, Cami ind Sloan, the rßepublicnns chosefi, will ‘ a may exceed 4,ooo—giving ‘us a round :‘gmmmatic‘gnin since last year of. over 14,- ' .000, and a gain since 1860 of over 20,000. ‘ ‘4‘: #The Abolitionists will never forgive rfo-‘e'sidgnt. Buchanan, because lie wisely ’ ‘ .fused to inaugurate civil war. It whs not' I fligAdminiméation of Buchanan against. 'l‘ *ll‘rch the people of the South rebelled." it sfilms agaimt the election of Abraham Lin -\?‘slln whom (licy' believed to be an Aboli; lioqfst of the "higher law ” order, and don; " iquiontly President Buclxanurg was in no ”f, V ‘ ~i'csponsible fog- either the acts of Abo~ :5 sollsst orSccessioniéts. Iltlie Abolition -s:] a 009 k! have 5110099681} in fox-ring the :A Ad‘minintmtion of Buchanan-into at war ‘ '“fh thé‘South, they would then have eq ,4 degvoréd to have made ihe Democrais re . ifi'lfpdasibie for all the consequences of the 5 $5915 It is uselgss for {be fanatical leaders “'11! a fanatical party to endeavor to shirt the Lnuponsibility of their ow'n conduct.‘ Every shoal bay. known «(er they are justly) _rghuqenhlevwith the present union-mime ..‘swéwn °fi§f§°flflm .'.:géjléetwg qf Wm.—The second session of K {is thirty-seventh Congress begins.“ Wuh ' ‘9,o'n AMondd’y,‘ the List of December, Mail! close by constitution}, limit. on .«zfit‘footdn of March. Already, members bmhfifing a! the capital. . gamma: Halieck. hag “sues: order. . I " India that the no“ 1W . a mug vii Imam be pu unedumds dmmn, about“) ahd singlet: from the’army. =M mm m armaments J: _ non. ‘ Col. Grntz Brawn. of St. Louis. I upirunm Republican leadeu 1h u: do » the result! of the reign ofhis‘prxfly : have even fifty thousand srillditj‘ni, th of the nation, ”orifice-l, and six in) millions of wealth‘vxpeud‘éd. '“le Ruched the mic of naaignamfind can tionu, and are summoning the‘ miii the loyal 'Stutos ti) rephl inimirxnx. can my one cozniznut or our actual ition. and not misled by false bulletin: n ialml gfm-ies, stand forth mugsny, with and honor, we arr- Imy [l(3er '3," min} the pnmt'crisis than we here‘s you . The Emperor. Augustus iphin despai mLout sadly, “Varius. give me LL egions." Tho American pmpie‘utt Lune cry this day to the radicals, in txnnds they hive for vightcon months l‘ed‘n power mnre nbwhite thhn e‘i'ér . tu‘t'ivit-Hcd. We mm the nation pct-i _in their han'ds, and we (ls-mam) bf ‘ he surrt‘ndor of contra] to which [have inen pmvpd incompetent"; 4‘ ‘this they dare to style us —t‘hezr v 13nd yet their mmters—f'fraitors I”-e -ii'orlzl. . . ' , , n‘érA few 9fthe mnre has} of “19 tion juurnah trv.m jhstify thq retina Gen. McClellan: by declaring: that only “ half loyal." Rut ruchnrwmt the rlistinzuiahod and patriotic (Jl twicefav'etl the Cgpitdl from the ha [the Rebel}, and su‘ubo qlxontiy _dr'ov'e gimmehsc army {mm the mi) of Max; must. recoil heavily u'p‘nn itsjautflms. blncjk ingrntitude can only churantc-ri mast unprincipiorl and replaces of po m-oumlrels, and the pimple a will no ”(Earls-9t Limbo gully/J it ~~7 ".zrl'm'4‘“ ‘téß‘The Abolitionisis are tryinf,v \coupt for their defeat [by asserting Itheir voters are a}! in tixém my. This Kwaddln. The laboring men", especial the citibs. m‘e mont'ny I)ex))nérat<. m: is the virus to be fpuml imUu hail br-ltor own up and :id] own shamefu’l misconduct ‘the people and thua acknow Lmason of their (hfen! ' . ..,.} A —> ‘ m’rhe‘ Du‘xgdrr-ufi: mnf l allot in the LngHatumie 01} Tears hawa Lt-bn {-xprc’prl ”(use the Umtcd Stairs Scii:l Treasurer, through hrihény : \Vo 'hnv'e no fours on that 1: ‘ 'who would betray the Ih-mn ' timv hkc thiA, “pulxl limb! 'cry rummnly mguznqr 10L be [l.”ch with? 'Rrpziztfiom Viru's.—The dl'Sv— the Evening 1’0”, X. msts of‘otjxex's ‘nttnbutcitl r- caulk.“ Bapuhlicun dcfcats in the L te cleft} tune want of confidence in th - Pmside tlhe Administration,las the- cal} ml lins not met the expectationé oi Hm 1‘ WM; fii'loevn or twenty hnhilred m 0 dollars. :11? iron élad may; a milli .l a half of men, all enlisted laml put. fi m in q year ... d half. andEwim m (=1- 'nyplinncos of mu‘ in'abundunc R publicuu {editors declglz'e trut {huh id pk, commander-in-i‘lxirl, 1:13 Tali.“ I) nocratic presses lxuw not made; scvlrre clmlge as this. F - , _. ...,. -M._-- grpome—Tlle ~ New ‘York ’l‘ribu givfllf up the hope of cru~lfi 1g nut», I ‘belllnnlthis fink-I'. lmlmmlnL' glml l “'llll be finished early m (Lb twin-4| have grown tired (31:,all such “mlculul' i \\'luzrn McClellan was 'rt-ulovhd we WI lhava “a short, sharp, Llecl§lve cum" 'rlghfi all". Now it is pestponcd umi the vernal equinox, when we presun‘l lmom. will be called' upgn to snikc t‘ E blow-~ Bah I—l‘ulliot (I"‘l'llitm. ~ I Abu DM Apjzlrculiclng .\7Jmcs.,—'l{lle Wad] corrcélxomlcht oi the Journal 47/” ('0 bonds“ Lhe\f:)lXo\\ing:—“ It. is ofliciu »‘ 1 nouncnd that fur'sumc lime_ past, [l] freed negroos brought from Virgin}; ‘are now virtually oWncd by 11:06 Government, have been dying attlhoi {era at fthe rate of'six 1‘95 dag ; 111 ml ‘been found necesmry tn hav the v. children of these continbnnd; app the duty of thus depriving them 0M arty having fallen upon uonera] W m 1» @Tbe Pattersnn (N. J.) Guard lowéred the Republican ‘flag. assig‘ thé cause of its secessioi: from me m that. no sensiple man on suppo President's Emanciputfpn pblicy, declares that the Repubflgnn‘party a- Chicago Inlnlform are “p‘layéd out.” ‘ ~——.—v———<olou J— ..‘,___ A Suspicious Fag—l'. was rumo'red : 1y that) a gentleman of Secessi‘ofi p I. ties in Troy, N Y., had raised the c! erate flag. An. excited fimy‘ start a the premiseé.\ The flag was‘fgund h from aback window, but it was a Edy? _moral that had been washed and hu J to dry ! The husbangl resolved to st r ghnt. fig, and the croyvd gavevthreo ~ for the hunting and depariedg. I The Truth far Once.—Sp6culat§ng tip I causes of tlie overthrow of Republicl in this State, 9. xjadical organ ' publia Buffalo says: ‘ . ' ‘ I 3'We do ‘-not believe that the‘ re ‘ trays any unpatnotic feeling m the 'r of the people, but. only an cppmmo radicahsm which had become dizt and oppressive.” ~ . This editor comprehend; the who nation. _ . ' . . I _ The Lalunel and 4h: Proclamalc'an. moat astonishing thing in the world 1‘ while four members of Mr.‘ Lincoln' net—Messrs.Seward,l§lair,Smith and .-—-wer'e utterly opposed to 1m p,“ tion ofemancipatmu, tbe'Aleitionis ‘ the audacity to denounce as “ trailo 1 who cannot. consciemioufiy endor Proclamatiofi. '3‘ ‘ Tearing Dawn the Flag.TTlm New E Ohio, Patriot, of Oct. 31, says: 2 ‘ " 011 km Tuesday afternoon, some Blue}; Abomiomau. of Saliuevlllja pr cd to the lkmocratic Club Boquu' plaice md"’tore down an Ameneau I tore it to plea-sand trampled It m « ! Only threo or tour Democrats were ‘ town at the time, _but soon at large I was gmbeled and greatly exalted m" gron'ss outrage and mum w me Ringo; Uot'mtry. They _urxt gave the Blue nine o'clock the next. my to pump a I flag, and belore that your we ufirl Agoutiouists had replaced the bum] 4 « . . o-—~- ~ , rfi‘Wm; A. Richardson; of III“ proposed as a. cessof_to Mr. Brbvh the Santa ot the nited amen ===l army nit Ow has _di: MEE .rny on J ly‘ mm." ‘ N! we ‘ top and ”nun-ml E- rutic' p' i Imvkmlfh m 1. upli . {rill/1m ~I a ~-~,! a.vw~r.~~::~- TAX DE Ell | The Commiuizonert' of Internal Rovrmm ht- decidrd that chimera ‘who nmkP :uul placé gutter: on buildings, must [-ny llneo per cg-nu'ui onlhe whple value ofthe guHPr. as tho mu'uiing of lhfie guflertja a manu factu‘re pf tin. But i 1 the can of roofing, wher‘e (hf roof is unlike by sim'ply piacirg ‘nnd fm‘utonjng‘ sheqlst lin mflhe roof,-no 'tnx bllO‘lH’l lge asaosso’ . r con- 'bos "We - eh}: dwd have cl if)- in of ‘Andl li.l;rriflg“ 'u-rxifitiatiu must have 'I can gmli- vent‘stnm‘p. The‘C mmi-fiinner my: “1%)! ’ tarn- come within thé humping of the fifth‘ sq'c‘ 'lruth tion affine "aimL-se ‘I w, nnd 'a‘re therefore: ‘0!) qf. subject. to ”I:9"qu sump. Earh CKT’“ 30 ff" ring? ofin 12w _ fibkbfie keeper ii subject, .0 i 03"" tuxFepnmtciynnd‘irrrspectiveofhiflicenafp.< ‘k "13' 'Hw fi-nrmf-yr’bchflu rungnina Ihrmxgh ‘l' “I?” the Hui-Ln. Luw imthat ,each panic-1:24.1- l’o‘é manuliwm‘rn i 4! x‘ml‘ {or it‘s \‘afim, thong!) the mnwrinls tried Ln the production are] crust-Hog, on whit-1y -reviml~}}' paid. This fchmred from taxed bade of iron on which letc. Thpreforn, a bu- ’ropo‘ "hill.“ 9» like In! fr: ‘ l'lim manufaptuxjos, in 'l]: their «hfiy has Lge'p I i; lrne M slmes m u {calm r! of vniviv‘ni‘xi a ‘tax has been Tléaii, 1 re u haying a 19:3 'i‘ [{lth viii: a mmblé ii for its (yll‘vulunfi : “ Merchant tailop-ngnn‘ licerfie vim manufn 'td lytnve‘n might, to lug their okn “promise Cl me. he 'denlnrs. nr-ra. .zu n'l Ifl‘e‘. L'md End .9 th «Jinn-y asmssorsv 11‘ Milan: to fake out} 1 r is.“ mkt‘n'fik, unlds 4,1 that thug: 11m"? lml ,_ nmmmtglursl.o3o». {A} ific: to mko Durham-r- ?‘ hi: suh-§ ()f'gniuk, :th y'amnutlt M $l,OOO ogfl itux-i3 an the mild-Li |.o ml : Hm chasm- '.quéfi-riu’lffiu “€14.07 !. nf‘ Gifi-elr-y’s throe x: a in thnulhnd mon fihn 1H man we 11.9 I‘rnni: Tho ”If“ ration “7’75“” tiun. i . AfianHho 5x Iflif‘l uur rnmh of N w Eng- Tnnd ul‘nn whitii‘ Q 74. A‘nth‘cw'é .U-qiition‘ logi'nm are “5 wh'm ngfi’ tn urn/x to the Lmlw-ficl‘l. Snap/mil toi mnruh, an Ly the magma mm] of jthe Eemjnncil‘utiun procla mut‘un: : A ‘ 1 V E- ME '0!!! lan} .{f'ful hm mk ' > - -_ ‘ 4 - .., x _ It“: Th'eJnHmring; Mdjnr Gi‘nomls afo,‘ now withnnt c-nyrun-n‘tf": (J i 1 (IboranJi Mdfnllujn. {John E Fl'flmflYi‘t, ‘X (hwy-€O7 Culu‘nll‘fiflmxu} Edwin I". Mun-gun, "I? Irwin Mmeve-H,'C:'~i(;l~ M. 4:! \y. liduin I" .\f. ilit(:llt‘€?]{, Fixyzlauhn 1:013q;‘,u11ul(jcb1. L [lvnrnnyv " ; ‘ ‘- - ‘ ‘ ‘\VEH‘IP I‘lv in!) '"H7 " "‘l'" ' .\Z: (v nirl'f' (in en] .I‘ofir‘rfi (a .\‘nrth (.'.lrniixl'l \\'“.n: (It-4:164} don. 11§ ,lelvngl; lfltn‘-%n¢|'\'lcu< hm“ no! Mon suqfieffu‘. The F nflwumod to \vltfiin [dim-en "l”l' and sent out h‘qnnnd: (liacdvvrvd Ilmllf‘ule‘tl‘ large firm. \vilhifrt >1! x‘ivingntlmt it “'def‘ nck (‘.:(jfm. :mJ Apr ‘4 IXI-o‘snrlnc-rl tn ‘.‘y'iilien‘m‘ ”any: {\wm to «Rim; 1..; I’rdcml lK'Sfi‘ inélim Loro was. nix kiH‘L‘l! :nb ‘l, m: ‘d'tl e . i 1 l 1 . _1"....~f‘ 7" -. ,-- ' I Wlee Baubnwl Commnhnn cum-fun ' . .1 . ‘ ‘ _ . . 1 ascemUle m 11.11 (u‘yJ on (inc-2.1.“ nutmlr x s whm'u we have Leylufox‘m smut] -»L is; !();})t'. abandunqd, “wimp. ""i (he (.'.-mir'rnf SM urdny inflmm: m. thcyuflk w \v m mom‘shy fur 5,1101: :1 convctlcytévh. E THC paw: ri‘u'fiw son f; n-I‘) 'wny [here m 190 Iwm-wly .‘.rvl;|A.- n [‘lirl\'\3ll?lln, i: humus - NUHVHHH 11m Urn a: rdiogx‘ml Qf thccmmtzmd 0131le ‘Anufinf, ‘ . ‘ i ‘ r the Potomac-Rtméurq:l”ka . _ I 'l‘ ‘ ——-~‘—«-.»r- . »~- - i . ." SliifinyhrlC‘nz'mcfdcnvaé—Gxon‘, Hm .‘.li'fizt rn W Spvaa'lul‘r of the ”-0410!“ U‘nnfll'r~:, i\ die—- 11l .xtJrl {by Im'ovy‘rwlxr-Xfming mnjdriiy. ' ! uch ell he I‘ _ \\z tn‘ ”‘11“le the .\bn‘fitin’n as” akur nf (ht: Shihwl w .Qénnzm :Itthulmf‘séflon, is lliznli'hblné’h' 1. b‘mtenflw \‘lmt Min-[v DL'mm-rm, \\'m. A.‘ 1. mangle, orcwnrfivm.’ _ ; 3 1 IMCI 1y n '5 [)0 I, w} 0‘ Hiéwn. (the Haley-$l 6) .meknr nf' {hm ll Hl4 “nunl of'H‘fil‘X‘cKOylhltlvr's (If “1% glnle .‘-.l . . . 4 ‘ -. H beau-n n: :L rhfijng I‘quuhhcm (J‘hillLK.| i . 'r."""' —-4~ «nuoi- « - . ‘ 7‘32? Since. this ivnr 'pommnncod Canon] .\L‘C'h-Hnn 1m“ fouuht‘ mnm bmlwx thlnn “by arbor Gr‘m‘ml in “'9 Vnirm Arm)" thl<l n‘h'q‘ lost/um! Gg-npml llnHm-k, who undmv took to twite the ‘-_')ill' nf indivtmen: ngzizmt Him. has not her?!» in one battle. aizzl‘mu‘gh: he has been in li\igh (‘mmmmd min-15} over sinne we \\.:r hogan. ‘Coinmeut i; name-1' I. n; 1‘ Mics /. 1 I 1 i i , -L“.»--—' canary, 'I it Cuw‘rnywnt ('aulrade/b'r Rzpcr.;-—IL i° suit] that in‘ must-quantize of; the greatgrise in the commodit'y of Inner, iwrmm who have re ccntly goxliracted to funniah (heGFvcrnmcnt 'witlv supplies or that .m-ticle will be don)- pelled to throw up their cout‘ragts, and thus forfeit their bonds, unle- some pro visibn be made'by Congress {9:- heir relief. 'l‘}? rifle in the price, of paper ‘ :ixhin the Ins—{few weeks has been nnpreqeglfixted. u lln ° I~”l fit I I elm; en‘s 3 Inngho Albimy Argus contains the off:- Icial returns of the New York Stniie 9h ction. There were 6Q8,554 voles poled. ‘ Of these Honitio Soymour,, {of Governox‘, received 3Q7n033, undvWidsworth 206,46]. Demp cxfatic majority for ‘Gove'rnor, 10472. T 3 nism . a it: w N 1155138‘ l‘toi—‘l. .tetdl' i 3-1119 Abolition: journal; complain .ngainsf. the Democrugic prefis th‘ai in'ccn sures the administration for the removpl of McClellan, when the “ American people had been demanding it foi- mot; than six months." Can a g'rosser falsehood be im~ agined 1’ If the Ametiban people "‘ demand ed’f anything from the Adl‘ninLtration it wins the continuance qf McClng in command if Ila: dgmyi { . ‘ , ‘ 3 e sit- I ' Tlnfe .Ich | Cabi ‘Bate’s , ami ! hav‘e l‘ M an [fl'i‘he Balms} (minim) Jam‘maz mm the‘name of GeneralJGeorgo B; Mqullnn th'e Demm-ratic qmdi dnle fo‘r the l‘resideui'y in 4874. 1 I fiTfi‘e raeiichl praise; hue d‘enmlinced ‘ 'no‘mnh witb‘grékter :ehemence ‘thgn they 1 have FemnndoWood, x-Mayor ofNéwYork. In a speech just béforb the electioh he said: 1 “We! “_Lnst Spring I‘mis Eofi'ered—hud lmding‘ [. v 4.; Republicans ofleM tb put, it inm‘writing— -1 Lhét ‘ that if! would deserfl they would make me 3‘3; the next Goverhor q‘f New Yérlé’.” Com -1'" :1“; men: is unnecessary} ‘ 3 ~ \ d+ -——~:—-~v-—————+ _ ”If”! Gen.McC(eUun'sßlr§h-Ihy.—Th§thxrd day ‘- their of December nieiit, ’Geneul Mia-Clelln'n’s '37: nu. hirth-day, is to tip 896+me by thy Ybung Mb" Men’s Democrnyic um‘ of Pituburg by a} gblad - ‘ ‘ ’u lball. . . A___‘_:__L » ‘ l , 36" th Siatef Legislétnre will! meet on ‘the first 'lzuoa‘day' ii: .rgn'um'y, lnd‘afinimd ,Sntes Senntbr is (q be electedfiust. and Hack thdeaflen 5 ~ ‘ i MD OM Iv ..r n A u i ‘1 ‘ 1 ~.,. A“. A . I‘, A ~— ‘ 1 A; ” ‘ ‘ “t“ FF ‘s‘ . d: 1.;‘3'3151" « .: 491‘s: :\ - ISIONS. Thré‘t Boy: Tue-(1:11, says sons of Mrzfir' wwrjhip, Yo anth under [- Ibllowing pain chums: 'l‘ up ‘ rsrthxgt some 1 £l3O forenoon (but day (”m yc: hpuse for a mgtqck to dig out : h‘nd take-n bhc under ‘tho ro been felled by the tree•w•ss c the roots, 1011' 3 amp, lint VJ b on a large I.)1 tabout 15 on" I dig under 1 was attached a] f om some can : mod over to u _lbllunulz r/u" { or of the Lo ! ‘ gglnss pttadnid or a ‘15!) top; y‘vill bg tastedl ‘e requir‘ejd to inks-put: :rers, bucgns such they ! thv‘xr dwn goglls on Ewiflluut taking out li il some mm; of the r requirh‘xg “10503):an (‘I‘TI‘O 101' 10th. ' This fine. Irui'lrw H‘“~ gram” linnnnfiwtnwe mighti“ f‘t'niior H not rmpiit’v‘: ' manufacturer. unle§ ‘ tr they fire pmde up hnrnlvfr-ammm.’ Th , Lung not 011 the pur‘ ... , z—a . $ ‘0 IT); Hm “Tlmrnnh‘ifu!” y limv-s £11644; hundrmfi n‘ “:7? m fink}; to nrnfi r -nt‘ issugd }:.xl cmun‘ch‘l I . _ 1 ‘l RES ulu‘IYZ-t‘nn in lfihht “’0!- ‘mw [Lat it _1‘.,.,.]{...,(.,.< " ‘ . . 'frrf'i‘xrlrr‘ru " 1““: X “m . , , Him, .\\MI-h \ . f ‘ {c :n ‘H‘L'll im hug 1n Idr-x‘z|2(‘> .1 Lmliy hr .t‘r‘ :0 nt- hfmmk (‘v “mad imx peqh n n~I (mom‘- \tr3l}.’x’-x2) \lJnmilf‘uo < 1301' Saw! urn. Tho x> , - uh‘umw {HT-‘.H'J“ In «‘1 [tr-n w mnllcl EZ:11 FUL ACCIDE, .I('ul. Tho Ymk i—On the MI!» in nthnn Smcigh, k caumy. cam tor from n‘ (logdly ls Ufa large! 1 :51 1.129 storm. 'l‘ nfl'the mun} (Ii 'ing an ordinzuy léngth of : y heavy. :{s the {we hn'd e. The three-”ads, the old -113 years of agq, coézmenced Ae'upturnpd rotate. {q which “urge quaint; of 5M]. and. e'or qthur, the 573101“; mass its former plac‘p, burying the {on ahw.’ n: 'lme 1115 fa; < came homo, ihquired after n, and was mfgrmail 011' the d gqne qn. Not rotuyniug, uftel'lthe muul'flinnéu- hour. my nnd'xrcnt in pm‘tuit of, nmegto the :ct‘l|§.of§he dis -1;? faithful «lrjfi lying near, a éfiim‘p. togt ‘IOI‘ wi'tb the ‘of 'the mum"). ":fit once fie tliw sad fine; of: )i'Ls only he (Ix-cm final one bf their fromj tln- gx-‘mn'tl.' Tim fee]- cht can lmttér‘hc i’nmyified : Infizm aim-mt: Immic enn— -0517;; 'l to haul >rv‘me dis ‘ neigMu-w for 2g~~ix~uumu to Ihf‘Ol‘HllAfll"‘lVil'l‘iHl‘Jl‘, which ml hour niqlnmt: hut. aim! anointed itaolf—tho mangled s of thrve ‘lov‘rhg and \belov— _ few h’mzx‘ borurv. in rill nhe, Hl} and Iw.l‘.xh.‘“m(xemmg— most Qxc'llngfim} pie-wing ('h\;ol-‘b\l_\',‘:\\hv’ll the grim i‘ (hree of lh ission ‘l}: 0y 1| .wmf-x" until 0 b-Cczxme un Lem. As he ltnr, he saw 1d the upri' 'zrglbnitmliQn adj; )lan ran .m ( ‘ .. _ urea sqns‘, 351 ct px-(jx-Qtin'g gs of ”w p;\‘ :m dc c-rflw-d tion he was, ncé m uen-r: :m rocc Um Ins uvcomplifl 111-AL a. scene 1: ‘ d dyad bod‘i ,1 snn". wlm. ~ 'mynncy ofy'o ll in (me of t]: '1 Ilrn‘ts‘ of “I" 141‘ unwv’lcm “Mu-:3 um (3 ll)’“~~"|l';::'l‘ 'uf (hath no up}; ILL-m. ' ‘ ‘ —~ . «\pu» \ - ' j chcuzzrmdrzmzn. h Rapxfihluuml (Kl-Hon LI)", -yr}~tm‘l£m' shawn :3. photo “. 1- lrvmnvv n'nzv, pu<~ml at.- nt of}. 1.. Wu“ .‘l‘ Uri}, on _‘n-t,._ “‘i‘ {he mmt thu‘xgr U; s. mom" The Qt Lmi' _\'< :—\\'v \rm :Ile-cl (in: uh ‘.W ruthic‘nm ~nh 'L'Mr'a q wo huvL‘rrvvr torn. um]. ex: Int. haul in ~11-ch math-rt, '.o (Lingvr 01 Jc-tm-Qldn.‘ AI- ‘L~ rn'unlz-I'ft‘: i-pt by :m (\\' linuh‘. Imin 1i émt nnyxth the Lil‘m “‘3er! 1.35:. m) 1 kc ”._r- nri-jfiml, NM [fl-(Ji -o‘l' (‘o‘.‘mx lm—vo within .tlm auhh are Iluy My 11mm UN} , ‘th fr“ «Ln‘s vm} furnrvl into rixt'fitnknifin. i» will lump Se :1 ‘1 u‘ilin: in ‘\' fly». 'lnl'! ~ll} OHM-1' dc- ' (guvhl'v nut“, :nv I.lmm 'd u. NIL; Ail): 9nd Imnplc mush nu lin-5r uh I“! in re- nominufmm ( "'iphl-tl, 11‘“ mun“! ‘n- inn StutP— mm ~; (Tho )nn'u‘dur-l tllgl'dl-h ‘g-nggllvd )I"~[vh}.ly i‘ms u! Um pl. mnclirto'i m ~t m; "("‘l‘lx‘ i 341): htlglflj)‘ my \\ilh 11!;dul ‘.lu mus ”Hun I_u,b.-}vs M .1. :gu-d J..» 11“} ( 12“! “d “km- A viuhi Ivr 1111 c .\ ununl n? 11 my - x-‘r v. .1 HM“ “1;. ..g 1;.1‘, 'm-‘u “mu”. 'lhc lire j-lid no; t. .\m‘u! Luvnu". u... I .n‘ {mil 4: "MN“; Sum-thin: .‘ \\‘lnhg our-chunk \n-rnw;}_-z-.Ful :Al‘ Hinx'_ly-x.-.~:”].J:V[!..\ \iunflun.‘ ‘\‘hn'ht‘l‘jhllrfl‘lHl‘ in the lan-2:1- hrirr. flurn 0! “m 9” ,1“. Hi] H. H, .h In 1,,7. [Lantern .‘zl'l‘u-l ml. mu 01' .md mar Wk .'c ”LL 3.‘ .‘H‘” ‘3‘ firm“. liis 3. iiuehln‘Ks Emil?” :nngl 'rwl-ynrd. I‘. 'rry efl‘th “hum!" ‘ ‘ I. ‘ E i“"'s nmgle to aw» i! but in} mim h was d-- 3-- 1-. ‘ ‘ a ' Eafi'llyel"\\'ith‘:;‘.,unl Z-J muim‘lny I‘ll] stmy'. “f<lwn'.'l.'—lL!':‘.MJ< upon the‘ The ('nfil‘k Wow :1“ emf-Ml: l-Xr'unahfly Rl' IL\l’iu- ".\\-w Y-Elk (.'lhmm 'al mux‘n, 1.1.0 nigh \\'.w wry ’nu'ln, :lud (111‘ t-IMEN‘é‘h-Ii li)‘..l'.lll)tfi|']l'{yf [‘ony Mi w“: f‘wm thu- ynfn of llh- (lu’v—efi mm m n! (I‘o‘l..'S“y.—'l'ln~ hurling ll'wrunfjdmalnu“hi-“‘l3.“l'llstbe'lriillgi amuer-r 0:"11w «lg-rhund ‘ in‘ \\lx’l 1: Ihr fin: m'fimlu I. TIA-5 ‘\u-rv. he. my Mum inuila. S-rfwc Emly'nl d“'*"- "l,” “ “'l4 ('Ti"‘7(!”‘i--”'-‘ri "13 ih “ Ht I<11:l”|"¢-r[lly Mn} li'gx’htju hugml up [Him “.H in“ synv‘v-f hv 'iJ' m..'h!‘3ri- L: 3. t‘wz‘. ufimmr- tn hervm‘o : lim lo fi-rrL-l m‘uflu: \nlhfinc. TllOl|F4 Hl Intlh' .‘.. ‘ z:.:u :mx‘y'. T 1”, filu'ude‘r. i 0515?; rs .coxxonr-TMJE. 'l‘hc‘ lmm .hr Dot-n 1;; 1i .1" \Ylnlnliu U9\'l"rhménl‘ .: Qodor} \\n~ :1 \uy .a‘xrhrf- [in‘] x.\.’lmhh: um —.— ”Nil. :11 ‘1 llwufi'fi'uly d.xy."l kn‘nwx.) {or .\onré as “(u 11.}: “gm. It, “1.5 n! “—... ‘ - Wllll‘!“an\‘lxy~.z‘_.‘lmll.l|. a". —\\'n «lip the fulinu‘ing‘ I‘uc:<:-m .\l’ (:vdmi ham‘, “-0 lcnrn,qn in “ ltnni 1"u- (”vivimmti liqui-l‘r‘lglume (It E'MHj. and Mr. \Vlh.e $2BO, in 111(- ofié of Luv) Mny‘fiamn f 1 Londsj‘ Adams Conny ln~mnmc Foulshny on: 11.. t :11 “ \\Efilv man; i; :11— a d ngguq‘ 11 L 5 cnfybxl-uu'm vll~‘\“!\4't or '.‘u ~l.udr‘:mnl‘vn Hum [Lo gm n 2 :1:r-»x~_‘.'::} :x‘m‘ Lit-1h 1| I! “FELL“ on ”I“ l:‘ln=eluu.~ ( (MM ‘1 ‘ , I 1 l (1m .‘umuzht ”mm- L.le zoz:r!v :1 mil! audit .(ml :n‘ pvrml impa- 1:0 Gnu-mu. lb;{~‘1(-'n of; i . . H‘cm:>(~~ u! 1‘ 'fi (we whim» , bcwmin: 1r 117,75 u .{ I; Ml I':.x"_'o 1.0:: rvlm' the. hm mm “1.0 101 111‘": .‘l‘ :41 ml . awn?"— MARRIED 2. Mr. Hum. ) Mb» )I win Tho grnnm l ' (‘Cfm‘nin lunl Palm-ml \\'om-x ntwl 1110 Ah‘ 34 (11-vmmn 1 thy " Mus * Hm! n July-ml “mm : ’H. ‘ on nw' 11m. nTflutnhM, :3. Kofn-l I”. fto‘y'l'l\'\'..\v . Spr:!l‘_‘~‘. Ullnqt. t-i .\.-'w UNI-um. I.l]. ,a .4 3.]: ungl white ‘mun of re ”: 4 ,ml t-hk-‘lwuly u _vnunz ‘. i'X‘V-‘p €ij Q-Injlley he xlitinn fist-Hut. nml ('mwnml n thv «flu-v Jr: {skin-.7 “ do ; Inr'iu tn? Ilium-H ior'lilb.- i trutvrnizMn-n. Smc.’ «fins, (1" ? world \‘vngj‘pn. ‘ 3 ...... - 7H,_ . Blumi’le P 1415 (\lmngesj ‘his‘ nblmlunu Hm \\'ngrénggn‘ lo rqute toLfiohmondgfind is‘ he Happuwnfiook nna the tn~ F ulvrltckaluu’rg. Ike isK ve filpullv gin-own. his: mainl as to he balm-eon our form», mePru I-nnt—he 1m nil Gnr'tlonsv Ivnncing up ih'oml linm yposed ‘to l lody round. ~ .nd liichmon Clellm; aim] family arrived, York, on “'oanSduy even c-deil to the Fifth Avenue nm: bud L(-_en tnken'forhim; public temptiuu. . ‘ {ES Gun. ILI hie-fly, at Ne ‘ ilg, and proc Igoteh where 1' He declined a —— «.0- .‘ -4, .... ‘ '. Wbrld refers to Cassius M. filling apostle of the highs-1" 5 he snlnry ofa Major-Gen ds his time m going about. sing those who pay the 13';- ‘ @lllO N. Clay as that.‘u law, who drm eial. and spe tbge'coumry a —~¢<--»—'———7 ‘_ ;. SAVE trues, PAPER scmrs, mic—g ’l’~—The speculation: m ”M" People shanld save their raga} scraps of paper,l on “-t the NEW. 0f the. 135‘: egg, as illey afe'all of value now, and can Be "‘0 run “P prices to 9 mm‘" acid 16 advnntagr. .lf personq lhronglvout like 9. l'EllCh Cl 8“ save “10 ll'my,: country i3}: careful in ’.hli rq’spect, thl: print: ddY" contractom- The “1'; of printing paper would in a. #xeasure be kc}: '0 day ha“ been with 3 Tfi'rdown. Buy; cin mnke their holiday men 3'l ' ing Rhyming in 1.119 re'éql', by nllenlibu 10min munrr. 01%! accoimt b 00115? oldest. mgrchaxlla in the; by taking olf thetqvera, enrol pes, &c., am *9 t presfnt pl-ices, «20599 is Ii sold. This is unimportant Ltelj. t h the 52-” an poor canntyfl ennfitef's Cavalry huv ‘lelt FredericL 1"; l ' ‘ and are' ndw at Hnl’per’a Fcrr . The cdmpn y. ll: of the fixeqfion in Illinois.', has gecruitcd rapidly, beiug'p‘ow full. 0134 m“ mum” to hen‘r‘from, j ColeJlas Inga appointed Major of 11:; battaliola. g c msljéri'ty of 16.567: Thglabey made ageconnoisaanre int? and beyozdi delegation will stand nine! phnrlestowng lhe 011:." (my, dnnng outdyo- RrwblicanS- The nae-3 "b“ “:flPflflfazfl'flérmwm-z i it} in 1800 was a lime overl fia—mhe’ Ahiierson Troop have'aérired sth l“ - D. lly a} Louisville, Ky., where they'will‘form tll'e‘ fl body guard of‘ Maj. General Rosecranlz. 4t” Cfil‘a a Lug}l feb, if it ket 1' month, Lida f“ quite beyond ti navy, and “sh. Vance from da ‘ pidity {a}- exce lection of th.‘ trade. Even ‘ luxury in whi afl'ord to indul @The rep, with mily four is a Democrat (,angressionnl Democrats 'lO publican majo 14,0Q9. , V son (”3. Y.) editoys haul the price of “their paperso exit: on the Ist of January. zap-The” If agreed to mi: and advertise nti alpction in ethia State has tot'mding fact that‘xhere we fine population dialog/u! an (In -rdi_ngm Abpmioq mthor wThe‘x-eb revealed the a some 218,000 . Government-a 11y. . - ‘ ”The; houré for arrival and deputure inf i 1 111311101: the Getiylhurgvnuilroad were‘chun' ‘! 'ed on loudly lat, to .lunkhmgu ton 9:9, ixonhem 6':an . We I?!" now two man} .. - Bigler decli'nea Lobecomei fionslfor demore daily. . Bee nave'ttifiel‘ne: th‘e United States Seintor nFylvfimf‘ lxocton Demoérat aind :New : are out. {oi- the Hon. C. L. for Governor of chic. , . ' fiThe Co Lisbon Patric leandigblm 01.103. " ncaudidate f: bhip from Pe 1‘ : ~ 'T'J'W‘k 1“ w ._. ‘ ' x H“ .'"wfi'm w":- ' ’ f. , . ..,.. 7 , 9*— :watwm «w » . 1~ h “ ‘ V ‘ “wzfaflmwx an. H LOCAL DEPARTMENT. i3‘ ‘G :e t i ‘ ’ ‘ » ‘ " te.of,: we WANT ‘WUOD‘. 5‘ Mint. threo' . , . ~ ; r ..‘ § “91110“ of our pnhrnl’ll “Lo Intemlpay'ng 10. “milder . . . . . -. . ‘E' I: um. :thgxr lubsgnplmns In \\ 000, “111’ please 10'!- i o. ".‘.. 15rd it once, as the culd leusuli is near thun'd. ul mrcpm-y. -_ » A. <.- j i imo dui'ing! ’L'OCRT DOWNS—Pour! continué . dnfing' in}? m (lief m week—l'refident Judge ,Filher nu! Asap rabbit. that. cintes Ziegler and “helm-n on the A ' Argumelns of etceptiuns m Admini; , Mconnts gccfipiod .\lnmfgv and 'lmh‘a‘ day. after which the following 01:05 u poacd oft . , ursuing’ it, - that had ere slig u . ; _(‘onlfi‘ Pun ; ‘ Ada’m Kuhn'rs. JuthLulz km] Joh Kuhn. Sujmmoq's in cqunant+gruwipg out o a PM?“ nerahip in the brick-making; bui'iuuié. Tic .trial of the case, pn acre-“n! 01 the In; (2 nu - her of wlilngsst-s, occnlit-ul wit-ml duffi: T e ' jury found for the [nihin'fiff s94} 583' damage . . Quins Smud‘xs. ( I Commonwgnhh Vs. Jmefih ‘Z‘nn'neima . Clmg-ge, lira-en)" of pistol, stockings, I; .3 {r , ‘Jnm 3'S&m. Defendant piend guilhlylfgn-I I‘VF' soménced [q oie year in the (Immty Ju‘). 1m)?“ finr' uf 51, We coils of pmscrution. rca‘nrwllge propcnygswlen, and 51mm nouunm‘Ld Léblil‘l,e sentence-f be complied with. 4 ~ I Commbdwé’nllhn’s. CharlcsxShngn. than -,\ foruicatfion and' lmstuldy. DeléndunQ 1.1:- 11, guilty, 'ndavai smncm-ed‘w pay 51 fine, tlgc costs 0 nrbiocnlion. and tho unlul nmbunt Igu the Inn _qh‘mlncc oflhn rlxi‘nd. wrd “3,1" "0":‘13‘ ‘mixted u'xiri} the scritcnqo‘he romplifl ixh. i ' Commonm-nhh \s. J. L'oh Jmlc‘f. (v lnfi-d.) Charge, lvur’ceny .ofn “um-h fmrn I‘ncr RCMP” Vurdivtw gl|i|\j~"—nnd sontc‘nufl m. ’Pix‘wfn utonlhi ii: snlitnlry «'onfinomont n’l lahny in llze‘ Eastern feuitemiury, pay 11 filw 0T 31. ll‘Nturr ‘he stole}: nroperty, or the mluttburpf, nqdl pny th‘eflcosts of protcculinn. IV_ . ; ' ; Commpnweulth v<. John K?fi&.—Clmrgo, voluntary manslaughter. Thimnclunchnly nf‘-’ my oc‘cuin-ed'on the 3d insmm, the any we e tr'unk of O ‘ ‘ tanccc from dniflpd‘rpvn msomhle-d in am» p‘.:\(~(-,—rmnlll}|g in the ddsth of flows lbw-of! inn) :1 h:\ll'dis - {mm n. Nam-1 in the hnkd: of the m - CUBE-L ‘ The. lrml u .h (01am:- n- 11‘. a.) TLIM «My afternoon 'nndicnl‘ufiwlwl on bu‘thrLny :zi-rnu. , nuém-whun tlu- jury rmin-Avl. :yud Mun mul- I r-, n'h-rul; n \ yup)”; ul no! gmltv. ‘ - I (’ummun\\'cn:hh} . V‘. ‘.H Lubv‘hl )‘erp'lF--r. ('lmrgc, lu'u‘rqy M‘jemlr‘v h‘mn prumEJcs bf 'l'muklm: Ih-nh. ‘ Vt‘nLict. :uilly: ‘Semt-m ed [3 nudufs in the (l‘ounu ,L-Ll. Yum} (Udyu‘fi‘ 5 ‘Commomveullhvc. [.mzim I‘hhfi'r. J‘hugv, , reel-Evin; u pm I. ut :Ihc .nLu\_v jun-(2lp. \\’umicl, not guil‘to'. 5 : , . i —— .\ inry \\nfi SUM-{ml frum Ihr pant-I.}: hr». nflor \iuving [kc prrmLN, \\'iil mung-m- 0h \an«l:{_\'.the lit n".|)u‘on.h«r. In: [LI-"‘1’“ nl .L‘Ac ‘rnsi- ut‘ Hm" I'. Pink \5. .hcoh' Y-ng. June's Taglur. nun! liduuxd (‘4 1 i 1 v. ;. nn lun Humluy.“tl.e B'Mh [‘2' I). u-mm r. :l 5.”! ~x_ H'wurt “ will cqmimvkuéQ In! the lrhl u! (201 mm; I'll-u: pm. i '1 ’ f ‘ “.\\.--A “UP-11‘. ”11-1125:4311 “um! .} lyenm fl u‘tlm-k. XlJC'lilrpl' Inc“ I St-g-ll Wipe, 21‘ >hml divumwl mu! m Warthutlso, w s (‘iwmen-d to b:- i" 51:12! \\'.|\ Hlti'j'(~l_\' ( \‘wnmfnl in u Sh :- 3:2?1e (‘nmp horo‘is IJS: :r=.~ing flu-'3'}— “'9 ANN". \\lu-}'.u~r .‘.-n} MM! in thc‘ Siih- i: goujng along: as we”. '(‘LL Lm'fid i<\ Vuulhiuu in 'hi-i «firrts {a have ovr-fflLh'g dom- up My t’ruc mifiyuny .~:_\h-—u l'igh Minx-1 um- Il'l‘y p];- prccfnml 13 (he c‘umpan) oflxgczF um} [lw men grinexnlliv. ‘ V The ogw‘gfirgflnml ofkflm cognngmio: 16 Clugfiwguug! jgg‘hEgmqn-Ey-I. The 14-h luu'c lu-en forum into eidht com panit-S.Tnf shout one hum! 'rl‘ e'm'h. (hm. Seotl’s‘cnmpnr'u. composed n me‘an from Cum— belhnd. Muunljn) and Fun-1h n,'h.l.=,lH-cn 00n golidmdi \\ Mum- li\mnptmy 2 In Simtnn, gig;- ing to (‘hplain Sum. (be M L rutpn xr. p in ILc new colupnné‘.‘ (‘.lpt. Qhm cm r" éumlpnny nnt! (VIM. Pll'lK'=.cnlupnnyl. u- lm-u cunsoli— dntLd-érgetuinin‘wz-Cnpt. Plan}: in tho s-xmozpo sitinugtifih Capri. Swno-imf mg [..'-m. Swlm'nr‘vz n 5 Licmqnnnts.2 The other Limpmlcs remain unchan'gbd. - 1 , , ‘ The ' Ihupitfl. in (“'.fl'hk- slh‘r‘i, under Sur geon .\‘m‘g‘, bus :1 small number ufpulients— none béfiously ill. ’ r ’ “f“ * " “T" 3" ‘fl' ’ ' 13.1de ELICCTH).\‘.—Un Mommy hm. the followinf'yrqtlem! n were domed, Dirgrtors of th} Bunk of Gcttyaburg fqr ihe awning year': George Swope, A}. S. lgimes. (E. \\v'. .\h-C‘lel lam, Henry Myers. Junes J. Wills. Wm. Young; Henry _ert, Lewis '.\X. llotle-r, E, F“ 51.91)), Marcus ' finlnsbfi, Jacob ccs , Jo'hn -W‘. 51mm, John A. Juncs‘. .T f , 4 . ‘ Pinsb‘nrgL qn 'Sunday evening week, s '11:“: some supper fins furnished to they}. 1 ‘ @W. A. Duncan, yEsqu w“ sworn in Q: l Dinfic: Attorhey 9n Monday’lhst. He [and tine i Commonwealth’s bluinm in ohuge during “us 3 week, andjcq‘uined himéelfwixh much 13:94“ ‘ 7—u he wil‘l gonzinhé to an. A ' ' f QThu‘zkgiving next dny Pen lvnnin grad nenrly all the other Staten. "fi-fl‘mnb‘. ~11 #‘ww ‘ 4.4.4 , ’s’" .\[ELAXCHULY DEATH;- Frid», w-g-k. whilst the 87:1: 1 an its mnrnh to Xvw “rock, (loe \‘i: ml; of Little-atom Capt. Admit“: Compun)"f um! I iron: the accidental Macynrget Frederickinln‘nmau. It levms ll making along a. path jxu the? tnsnbout. to chunxe Ll qpositfl on his shquldcr. whvn the “if his pom. the piece d‘xgc‘mrgc .’ l-nll in the‘ hem! nr (run-Ipm: ; llis‘remniqs, \vrnpped it; hi? bd tern-d o‘n! the spot, nnj' the t Dnsmfln i? den-[y grim d bytr denend orta‘fnend and Itut-ss fi-Bn‘nk checks. er-ns, I‘. S. stumps. See ndv§niwn son, anf, gushicl of 1143‘ Km) iu anothgf goluny‘u. nch.‘i ‘ tulién Tum“- p’rhlbses SL: .\‘Cm.._ Esq. frnm thyE-Erél'ubrg‘tlfie thrn’ I‘qrrec, dqcpnscd,~in Two 10' nt-rcs for-5513;,Wui1 3‘ { 1 ‘ ugfl, yé‘h- assimhgé Hmfin \‘ehised f'prfsnle in nnmsrr ed! ‘,_‘_ . A V... ,‘ WHY THE TRIBU E P CESSION~‘TO '1: U' WAS“ . ' - ‘ Tho Ayhany Adj": 5 fit—fl Tribune. from timo- mi time; its n‘ul «larghinl‘ or {oh-ond}; the oulHrr‘uk of the L‘ivfl v 11104 ottrj‘nl‘. Sta’tos “~l7lth t hm] R; fight to. It“ Inns-an pnrli>an,. nzjhl in the n selfish. 10!: Friday I summinfi-‘up in Uwau “ [lend-\\'? {‘nvm‘edJk nossinn, thp policv (I Sum-s go. if it shhli! w-nple really dnsignmli' Union. I\\'9 folk llm , M-mm-m’m would. pur nitv huhitJ‘vnlly mer pm‘u‘r invn‘luy "um-4 rnto' r-r mufwnkn wnh variu’il'u!hlw ion 'H‘ yaw/”T rnpl/url'n/é-T-afnl (3.41! it Hm (‘nlmn .S .m c vhf vnemim 'nn ln'nvl Hum: 13,- am “igm. w.» mi €l,l-n‘n\\",§lmto\~~h'u u"! ‘rwnm'n-qniiuxmn.” J In r'r‘r'ljvr \\’!‘H‘l'x’. Hm tan- h mrjvrnliq. ('u and thv rlfinncvs xn-xf- Ntnl'lhnru S2M. ~ \\ulJ my} in ”Hunt \my lhv flail-Med: Sa l’f‘flsl‘lll t}:ix'wnr.[nl_l thigm-rv'! ‘pvn‘e. “ma tn ('l'; 4h .' “'hil'h. Him" \hv’rn-U miuln hulk m‘ u-mio mwl rum, If in m 2: ’\'.‘.m-fi. Jl‘ Umm‘tll-V'm'y ‘lim .\leitinn‘di! I ‘Huw (Mn Imiwhr-l‘ *frr‘mf! {\Vilh' Nu" ‘ ri~lllllll.ll"". Llw I' [inf] Hm ,~rr~iil;-n..1 5!: a" n? .’x!-l—].l:"l\l-~f‘i. "’.r‘l’ 4 (hu-ul.-_v,““':n,nl \§‘(- “NJ M HH- Il‘illi'hi'lpl' "fir-I le if" I‘Le 1 m- \\'l In sl4lth n L? unulnn' M “ox-(‘9 :mrl Arkanw‘h‘ ;hvn nr-mhc! ()1 m5“- ‘N‘uthl-l n .Emumh vv 4: I:m'l Minnmj. mu} “’0 m-mr‘f 1":lele I’4 Ninth r< Uwvmnnr-zt Worm. Mu‘lyluml. vnvi I rL mul if In: «um. I“) ‘ .\‘n’ntln-rn L‘nnlA-flurnr-xl tseglnn-Muunn “ )in h h >Ol [nu- Almlm'rhhlu' ‘crntiv ! i l' §~in \"nhx ”WV lan 310 4‘~l‘ nyv‘i- 1 'lO ( “NH-”1| HY! H :11} 1h“? t'nliw Horny-«l inm n «gnu-II H.ll4:u"\‘mu'vahn'l i:m'v"t'w-hnrie-‘n' 'n! I. \\| nt~")2l‘g:mrlvr\ _\ '1! 1‘ Im. 'ler' 'l. "'n!‘)_!.'~' if] i“ul:]ll lin-.511:- in! ( H-n: o I." 'Hn‘ r) -:1 m m-uLI i'nénn-tnm‘a; Hu- hula ‘0" J-w 3:" right :Iml il‘mlvv‘nl 1' rezunlvuxfluivh 11v at, 1 [-nc~-mi~y~;vln. ' | H‘ “ruinmnut ind-. 1 l!!:l'i.’\\lr‘nl|ll"'\'P imp! ‘gJ 3 [..‘ :tL. on! tll L .pf'.~~f|x( ‘ {hr}. .1". van ‘l'“)‘dllN‘l n: t‘:'.- I'm.“ In .uql‘rhl In llwi‘r f- .'. ‘(qu'f mi llfio‘h' xMwnn ”.'. dry-2m; Npttvnwvl 'H '}:-n-l run L) lhf‘ nan-- |llmm» «‘t’ m» ”wh' mt! H- w Hl3- .1 a“ "u ‘I. I.xr 1,1“. ‘ ‘lhvir («my men. 'l'! h V all! m: In: walwuwh u put hm k tha‘ 1m lz'i r~ll”.uv-ihvlju~n'm\ : “PM J. \\‘! (in): nut ( flivixlo “a; mum}: gnu-r 111$- numlnul i ibe the first, xix-tin» mi“ {4‘ .. Mt. .1 mu m ”wh‘"! 2‘! runs. =I .! hibst‘ ~ - '\ 1"] 11. 2);. lm flu- ‘ j-‘ ‘ «a .- c-¢ I). \‘l'7"4"'l.l’.]? Frnm I’m (Evita-1+! l'ugflt th llnlrriuhlrz l’nl‘rwl‘ ,& Unit) ‘hm‘n nlrf'miy :Iliud‘ed {0 lhn fx-uilnun 1“ ns-fimnjflm [on-fir“): 'mmy- in H Every day and night J-miros of dru'fi .'mh‘ sub-unnuw skwt‘JIAII-‘z‘; unvl.‘."rn ant indiva’ticmuin nlhulo \\thu in [(‘urpm'ulp gu nil of (dawn-Ipm Mn The ham'r Lliltl' 0F nifi-ilr} l‘Xlél’s in th. n? tlral‘h‘nl »:m n at I’Afilfihur}; undL Pl I]:lr':..‘ ‘T‘Vlml gronth I‘lumM-r of" (h hro hom- (He Ahohlinkl roaming nf~L ‘in- mud Allgghmzy. Yo dated. in- ‘1 inane. duh. the nuurowim'qlflyfiing 0m rnh of 01M Thad ate-vans wé-re mo r:< [y to lake ,up'nrum in a war nfoo creating ; ,npd in crmfirn‘mtitgn fifthai hwnt WP‘I-c-furndncothéfnllnmm: km the Whprns. one orthf Abolition or; :Lun‘msta‘r caunty; , -i 1 “We .nre infnrngud 'hy a pontlnm. u v'vbfi vhitétl ‘llxir'ridmrg on szunrgiuy. that hut of llm eleven hundrr-d m n «In!» M": thl 1 con}!- IyforcnxppunlynhnutH'mnMmdvodifmnin. About m 3: hundred ohlm r'h-ven hqndr'erl We're mhsti‘tute-s. thm‘e rhluiltqud of !whnm 1"?!" goof! fuilh’. Mdinnte’retl the 0]“ regi mentu. Yl‘hn nthér three bundréd’ with. iwiral hundred of the} donscripts, slatedad died—returned lér 1h:- ‘l5 hordes, 0: 29119 no one knuwswhither. Hf a’the rehtlof the counties "inxtbe State :have duffel-NI lto the same exlent, the great. army of wn+flipts willdwin‘dle down to mshadow." . ; ._., —-——.,q‘.—~4v- - J; firM’ru.'Lincoln was sore'nndo'd the Abolitionixls of Boston, .0!) (lie evo mg of the 10th,‘at the‘l‘ark House. A coagiderm ble crowd wu collected. gm} 5 propritiou fur “lhrqe qheers for:)l¢CXollnn.” as re sponded to'with .n fufére; that mus}, have sum-k the ear bf‘ that ladyi as n dJubtlul compliment to‘ hpr‘ husbaind,~ anjd the Courirr days "it wus‘repeated more than once.” ' , ‘ ’J Ag - y—~——,'_.m——~-'—m-‘ z j E'Jubilimt-J—The Abomi‘pnisu ovter we removulrof Gen. McCljeihm. i L . ‘ -~ Unto—Jeff. Davisgapq £lll M 8 seqesslon‘ brethi'e‘d down South“ 2 i \ ‘ l 1 . ""‘"§""?"""‘ } . ermyv shirt/a an: no 'givm 9m to mung girls at. sixty cents pqr dozen. r and a smart girl can make gonlyp’dozjtl pe'r‘ leek. This in top badé—Batlori 7? la. -o-—~—---k<o.d-g——' -¥~T- ¥ . 'H'Tpe paper mgllyfin Mame at? stop. pmg forgthe want of quick; 1 . ‘.. . “ S'A' meeting of Ni»! neydelox-ais' culled m lgke into'cohsid ion “1 high price “Ex-er. , i ' f: _‘ . wadmépt the Ih'uplu flan Min‘ in Western New Yell; are: my. 93 Ulicn next. J uly,,in attlwbefixies, 5] a crop doe: noffm'l. ‘ ‘ ‘ 114 t on i ‘ , um? mmmfivs. ; mwnr The Bahinwf-e Sun. of Bionéay, anfifi- : 31“"qu The announcement. tho! the Federal "Inf! m" °r had mupiMH-‘redericksburméu prematnré. NW“ The Cahfcderata'g mu held pmm W {“hr‘", the place yesterday with a force todiq'liulio 1y 'l'" tha‘ paginge of the rivet—lt i 5 bellfqquv ling: may it -ie not lha intention of this Federal ‘ mm in cominanders to crass the riverimmedm ‘ :d the 13'.“ (ioboral Burnai-lzz qrris'ed at Palm?“ 6 e‘d__,,oypoaité _Fredgrick‘afiurg. on .Wedneadn . :e in'-{"l4 esmfilished his lieqdquanora there. gm.“ uThe Cpnfede-rnte's. it appears, have 01936 y > ‘ d éud- ifollowéd the Federhl army inils moveman - ‘ from Wistrenkmn lo Fulmouth,lnd , . , rocdupy‘ flue country between the [do ppm . Exfmvén penetrziting‘un 'in:- down as “If, 3- 4M“; ‘rinity 59f Aquin crogk. A considg'flbe“ " ’ 'ibody is also in the comm-y around . : ' ’ bui-g. "A ciWnpnhy ofmrfudujme 500 W “= Fayed—A. Wédneflduy nfght burnt a bridge on rth ‘¥"§‘3'.’ nhge nhd Alexam‘kin railroad. near Odds-H 1“... bSlfllion‘, Scnntu nn\d\ dPFOXZH'I'S repbr'toh _ Llurge bodies of Cogfedémtes in the \‘vidihi [3‘ ““j.;nr:..\sl'.hy'.« and Snicknr's‘anmunddr :1 a. COM in. Rrpim John Col I n mc❑ u instnn pflhe mq‘ fun as tho’: l‘wouls, m of his ! nun- can. and 19:] He fell MT1219 131311111 MEM (‘., now 5 en! ()1 T. of (iem ~ has pu n of .\l r. too to.ll ~II~.•IICe 1= ‘ S _ :on \\’odnu’mluy, and the place win occlipie‘ S gr thy tho 9):)fcIlor-nte pickets wilhin‘nQ ‘lhé ' » Inftor the army left“, G‘xinsvilte iinéalfib _an]; ‘ Bull Run Battle field. At Lewinsflll «fik to ‘ while the Fodvnfi'mnps wore propnrirg I, W at ; {-..H hark, the Confederates appimmd,> (in: if theifimp clmls were exchanggd: ‘ , ,‘l ‘ Amy]! :liince the above wns writtgn and initypl EEER 101 s; - MEE comes , .1. I! h :I’r, thatl MGM MW“. § :\ qlLitp-Jtch wr'na’rnceivgd tinting that .3va!“ ,f vim-v 5; any mmining Gen. Sunfher made n firm: “em__ I demand fdr the surrnnflor of the cipy ( . 1 I Fréllorickuburg hefrufe Jim o’clock 111;!!! \' fifrfl- ; nfjernnnn: infmtming the nuthoritiéq align Cotton ' the demaful wm: not: complied with} six fibril-hem hours woulxl'lm 1111mm}! {6:- this: n’ |““ the; mnvul of nun-mnnmtuntg and the hint |‘3ffi23tlwn FE: whom-d. 'l‘ho‘mnynr stun-id. i 1 #slavch’rpl’lyv Hglhtln- Cnnf'wloml'e‘s would «lifl'u'lt ngu-étlm ocqupnlirfin of the Silv by the Fque!‘ ’"l’ 1’" Norm“, Lam! t‘mn‘plaim-H ‘nl‘ the shorittjin 'fl "'1’”; given fov‘lhe P-nmvul of mm mmhutqn} 1:35;: The :fiflnwéu: OT mare til-n» “an him}! ““11”,.(-nn~i.h:luniii>n wht-n Hm h-locmm wufiflou "le‘flvl- {“loer Iliap‘m‘h my: [II :x HA-ILP‘JE 3' our in” is ‘ut \\'«ly'lu-stx‘r. will] hi'fi ”W’i'?‘ 1 {mm .M. the Ipwn. A rI-L'E'ly‘nc nr‘mlu} Rub-rut? cnvnfrt' 1“)”, .\[:ll‘!i|l.~luli'u. T: Stirring mvnh‘ m-uy sum I,» hnnh‘n along: lfil‘"‘l‘liu~i\~lp].i. l‘. «um-xx lwvn+fli= tun-l thirty lbnuvml hump. iri; «mam Inn 'ugxsul“ mvn (ho rlu-r \'.':l||'n"thr “in“ )"LCk't't jlO MPlnthS-fiwl ”I [min—um M [hum tn thy fmmm', VIL is‘ umlg'gximupfth. (inn. Sht‘rmnn‘ at pri-wnt m .\lninl-MMM ME t Quint fitltt‘d = 't it 2 lwnrds in I): infim ng flu .enr‘ H 300.3(- {Y tlm N( In» their In of 1}: might Tn'mu- Mu I‘Dll't no m ’flV'nL' AIM >u. : Ill‘lp,.:l.‘\ IM} Jxxnl ’ \vnu ('\'ud llllZd‘ illl ! “I‘M" , \{uh-nl. Uni-Ind lin-"s‘ I” he | MI: nd‘mw “hum H n gn‘.‘ Flu 2:4,, l'ifil‘l"U"‘ 1"?! V \n I ill/m..- nfilmd ; ".an ox of tho ' ham," «1, 1|!) « mu] . v (_nneu) nmn'. n ”fl; 1314‘» .4] by 1211 17:15pm" 11hr .\‘y mtn'l I )’-|vn~m" Hal-N L'- r- :‘t 'l” n} 1) in n (In ':~:l;~l , mnnl' \IXI M‘V ‘nlil' ’l l'llh' xll Lh'. ~~ Hm, u'. Tu'n : vii: 11.-‘5 0‘1..1e . n 'k : “$315; H, [luv run my: [ rmw N-u’! ‘ “n “.011? ‘ \-il “uni ‘1')!!!“ L. LI I. 0.1.3? I .~.t-uh'l =IC inh. K.- ‘ .\H” L.., -—:-n'l ~ t . )1 r. l 1». am] . 'mi'l. i 1 11ml Ni :«t'ur‘nn ml! 12m MEM «mu . thv‘ Hmrn “nu .'\l|l r: u: ‘VIH EMU OEM 0 n»! H ‘Mcn n- r‘v-m inf]: trm ut Du Hm '\\'nl| mmmilv m,“- ‘llwmE \‘>~HV . ' V -. /-- ”w n. I) fin um! 44 ‘|:x lhtl' Eh“ 1 1" ‘L’fhl r MEI ..< n' I. ‘H-l; :ul nun.” =I u :2! nu ~. J] r-rll! um! w I“ -n on ~nl u' 501'"! ‘ 12m 17... ,‘l’. nml !.'uar§ Shh .qulil 3: our I’ l ‘ up ‘3'! 4: [LP K-‘y u- (mum SE o‘s“ nf: lrn’m BM if h) 1% "1' ro i"“ in: .I -ll‘| l I I 1"" I“|H1;l| .\ m'ml 1111 u Ah-r, ~ n In) .. (”mm-3‘ I my. Mk 3.) :1 war ME gwh mu u. JE’tlmy gnu" . and [-l by ISM n- mmnl p.ll 1 IN“: ; PM)“ 1.1..” t MEE va c um Hmt‘ li}! 19V mun n". 'H own ~ucx. ly hwy Jl l'lll‘fl |~y “-n'l nun.‘ Mujil' fin Vs - “’9 (léepr- GEN. MCCLELLAN REMOVE 'i bill: 31.51:“ng unnn‘uncg‘mi-nt Im-I fik' n. the vrmntry lyy' mrprito, find {-nnévd H"- l~ iH'l "f; "I‘ernnvlom‘v tn refit. hpnn the hints: nfow-ry ‘l3: ua patriot in tho“ huul. 'in l tmp fam‘ilim' nml traitors. of ('oler l w' I! liqul “l“l .\."ljhlclilfll and gloat 0991 ”It ir inhu'nnu‘ “‘“Ck like hnngiy hymn n Ur (‘Mflr lurry. Hut thy ~lrun- lrit-nils lli‘l‘ e cm‘nurL-lhme who [mm-‘l};- dcx'ro “s‘“ e the wh‘-Hum 21:008.on .sumirinscilil 1 o _ ,L'u on_ Tl‘slol'f'll to_ its inlegrtty nnr‘fl t. n ‘.“|l“'.llcnuntt'y Pun-r 319 frmm its present I. ."hb a ward-land dmtriu-tctl unuhtmn.’ m a futer if H‘ "W" lpeace and lii-qwerty, will view this his: a t~ 1 “MB-lot, H‘md’nons on the part of the; urlminikci- - i (roux? tion in power With serious alarm and Jmi . ans 0! t giving, and as promising nothing hog u - told evil‘i m thefuturn. ;'i The removal of‘McClellan from theléo - innnd‘ol‘ the Army of the' Potonmc id t‘ o browning act in a nerirs of bltlntlersi,;éo :- united by« l’re-zident Lincoln; Within : ti 0 past iew montlg After the issuing bf h s mnnncipminn proclamation. we were'prep - red for uhnmt any übt‘of folly which fhnn l chn‘AbohtlofliSl“. in .its frenzy, might dé. math} of him, excert this one. Wh mil thought hii experience inthe pais‘t‘wou .1 deter h‘ierom tha commission of an act do franh undufraught with so much dun gr 10 the country. Bot itseenis we.were Int - ken and ,thatéwe' ’never had an ad: undo , conception of 'he weakness and imbe‘piliiy. 0111!“, nmnc- ‘qumberaburg Spirit 11': Tim“. i --,. w ----»«3.~ --.—__- 1~ i Dn'vm Bar/.'. The New Albany Ledger of yeaterday. suy ,dmumber. of runaway üb grbos arrived on: the banks ol‘the Dhi‘. below this city, opposite where a regimes: of Inditna soldiers were millionth; The negl-oes stated that they was runawdy gloves. and wanted to get into Indianani— The‘ Hoosier soldier: inlet-med them that L 5; they attempted to area the riveri’th' would fire upon them; that their object F going to war‘wasgiot to make Indiana. in atylum {or negrfies. The gloves skedad dled back into Kgntucky.—Louimlle 31km ocrat. ' .\_ ‘ ‘ E lia cilvx ‘ mm) I I PT“?- i I rtlly ‘.u ‘ 190 Fri: | Icumps ilmlvl [finerbu mczu- ‘ I'mwul i 1 a "-u‘ Sioomngpd of Generals M:ickii'll\nnd Em‘le' (o-n'u-mto u HT» I'rvn. (input. I: vw "May I :L;_'.&ijnt nu-_(‘.n' 1.. )1 N 33,.” .Tht- I'3l}:er "what-t- “arm" \uU-nlk. \rix‘g} in. vae alrn')»: in lw 11m IL“u:l\~-h:r.nin'}~I I “'inlmwhv. NIL-«fink 111’)" n frngr'r‘i EW‘ 5: m‘l-m “in: II valyuu-11. d ”.0 ('nnlu‘li-pol (”103'qu buyout! IHI- l'rl'ukuulvr. 15 ‘ ' «Q» ‘ ‘ ‘ THE ETKC‘VAL CF lIICCLELLA‘N.‘ Tim. 1 lulwzx'f) Lin ."Ulnlzly 'lmlmn'P/‘ttl‘ ' Hit-91,11 'l'l".l. ILn~ Apmks n! Hm n-m'ulvgul‘ -(§'lln,_l§i. Violin!» hvln (Le (t mmnnd Ti Ii ‘-..' , 7 In mm)! of In» ]nan:‘.': 1’! J A! a lull- ‘lf’lmr In-t my" inPr‘liH‘W r.~gmhr;:r nu ma: Hw‘rl'v' IL. .\llf'h-HM 'm Lou-n r'r-mnn-al {um his rpan'numl. Hr Him. ynvlhqw. {w No «h gm “n wt :4» ‘ nu! I|HEH6‘!rulhninfllxl’ul'y- H... l .Ig-u ..5 ”"L n H.“ mm] WM}.- 1! :- Army 1)!" flu- l'wijm ’8\“~ 111 N U L' h-nwrd umh-r |an tlll‘JLJLu mt“lzvzf‘umlnxvnp2N. V H 'nm l\- \\' “01.1 w n-rw-r LoHvun H" “J“ {ahvn mom rul'pl‘ll'vh; l. wpxm' I"“' nim- N m‘. “‘4‘ Nur'fwy tl :n \w ler .110 13:)“: nilv Hull? 3 l'H' in llm )Ilkuwl \II‘JL-nh ”'51:: n'. 'l‘l'l'lhb L 01." run-11ml “In-'l' ‘(i‘ Cm M 72: [1» ~ 3 [i €1"Kll‘i‘fi"l"ln 3:("l'n1n-n—f-m'r‘].ifgvgm LuY ‘rr‘x‘l'i ‘v-«l L} Hxn" I “1.355 T‘er‘v; I“ |\ uk‘fm‘ :1 cm- I '.\ 'r u m "uv 1:51"qu -:"su~§3rvlu l‘ll'.~(‘f-:U’I'EH': qum I: ‘\'v- lwfllutml Hun: h I! nf‘ lugh'Lr'lM) MM 1151'" l=--l lhv ll"'l~|]‘:l' |‘ 1513091. .\lnpv- 1~ 3' V r-lzlu- (5 w: 'l'hnflh)! lllllkl DH! “up, T 1:.» 3|,“ :n-‘l If»! h} :1' \' thu-nth-12115;ran-[uni mpmughunnlannl tug!) ml HI. (muuny. . ‘ ‘1 . IhMJx'fiv 15431. \rlz‘rn A'umlmm lam-u wit nu'niv in: will In I. in [NH \‘JL: ilnuu'; G «n 3': H. .\I. (_"n f'nn :urn hrlll,:‘|"' .Iml Impu. Ennhl‘). 1P32. ujwn‘l‘upmm .\fv-I}.n\'n-ll fig. u hruuuh‘ lhl- «munln 14-.” vqxgv of HI 1.. (in 1,.) UP H. .\ld'H-i'mu [w [Mr-d lhv l-n;:.‘-I_l-r’1..1.' .\nw : mu m l S'm Sflnm.'rn‘l-.s.»\v(l I'vn||~j.’l\zn'.l.| {mm ‘tm' ~irm. mwl Hm I'mw mun mg r'hrmv. '1 .\u I n m‘. “'in-n IN 1.....» u x-huuéy m“ n sun-n li‘u‘U- th‘U'!‘:\ :mi [LI-.1 k‘x'nn'lrh 's-‘lmu: drunk, .\lmnhzmx’ L'llt-n'm. 1M” in, " r-J (thnvl :lel""'!"|“‘-1-'|)Il MN” ulr.\2<,'ru-.h-"~ lvm tg- 'l'tt-nlnnf 1y aé‘i'rlr no”: that I'm-‘a-th-linin up“ inn-n. [1:0 wh‘ mkmulll- ..r pail-om and, J..:rui'mfl‘v“ «lumnml aL Hm g-nl'n, “ll":lk [huh-J "." w-“ngvunm «.m n mun Mm Ir.” slom- hi, film “I! is now tluw fur [inc rcuplc IO >p 4k. ’ Im ’em .Ilarc/s.‘—-O£d John Brawn’q pout is marching on, and the Republican party 15x marching after it. Everybody knows where to. A safe journey and a long Itay to me beauties. ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' “ “-001. Wm. _Hopkjnl‘ Ind Hon. John Census/axe mention-ed In connection with the next. Speaker-hip of the House man. xisburg. ,‘ ‘, g , i yam. queb omm“ (‘Breckfiiidke Democrat,” has been _elecléd to the .- chasem Legislature. ’ ‘ II E IZI EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers