I la • -•••,- @flmfiimmtuta. 1 . an. am. 1:. HURD‘S mOU 'r H wAs E .< ‘ q SURE RFAIHDY FOR A ' 'IHU BREATH. . SURE MOUTHR, - own-:11, DISEASED BLEEDING-GUMS. ‘ ' ’ K XL’RSING SURE lOUTH, And the he" -=pc:ific now in. use lot My db enxed condition omm month. 11 in ”mall!- 17 beneficial to pdrsona wnring . AR'SIFICLU. lEETII, . complctfly destroying cn-ry taint ofthc mouth, Ihlonbingnnd rcn‘wving nil impurities, insuring ,A sme mmun . ‘ u all who make use of it. No anng Lmly o'r fi'uun‘g qucguu who is afilictod wnh I ; . BAD BREATH ‘. rhnul-I delay applging thin remedy, for it is t W'nmin rare. and?“ 'npproved and recommend ed by erery phflicinn *uuder whose notice it bu been brought. ‘ ‘ A BAD BREATH ls An offence for which there ii no excuse while ,1)“. WW. 13. [WHITE MUCTH' WASH ‘ gm hr pr'ocnred.‘ ‘ ‘ Mgny persons any with than u~bndhrenth, gently to the Annoyance an’ol oflen to the dis iuat nl‘tlujno with fiomthry come in contact, i'ith‘nnt bginz cqnsrioua ot‘jhe fact. To to- Iwye yourself from all Lem ngnding thil, fist: mz. ms. 13; minus stocm WASH. Cleanjlineu or Ithé mouth]: of giant. impor tnul-g to me mnq’rnl heulth.. which in often nf fN'lEd, and not mnfrcqut-nu’ wrimnly impair r-l. through want of propur‘ attention‘to this lubjuct. ‘ _ I'h‘l-I DR. W“. n. UVRD'S “OFT” WAN]. Prt-pnrchn Dr‘. Hurd's Dental Office, .\‘o. 77 Fuunh Street, Brboklyn, E. D. Pi'iée. 3‘ Cent} par Bottle: ‘ .\ “ht-ml di<miunt mide to dcnleH. ‘ Agdrggs Prijlcigal Office: ngbgne. fiiiiding—s; fiéz‘lfifipiuzé Eta-N g: 90M Mm by anxvcll.‘.\lwk & 00., Fifth .\venquntel;J.l‘& l. ('oddingzton. 715 Br‘ond way: I). S. lEaruo "“’ Brondudy, am] by all .Drnggisga, l DR. . Ul'ltD'S TOOT‘H .POWDER. Thi‘ l'mvdcr magma-vs [ho ' ~ .('.\RB(VXI(} \ \\'l3’l‘H(H‘T THE INJUIHUUS , 'I’RUI’ER'IIH-IS (lI‘J‘HAIUWHL. and In frl-c from :4” .\rhla "r .\lk.|lic~ 11ml aim in (he lei-It jujulé t‘w Tun-11h ; l‘rs‘ wrun‘ mzfiw m‘num \' \lEt‘"\_\"U‘.\L—- POLHH‘W; Wirmu'fir wsuuw Tm: mfitun. ' Im. wu. n. urnn's mum PQWIH-Zl‘. ii rnunmmémlvd ly all Eminent [Jen'lislt ; l’repured ut [3r llnrd'f. Donul Ull‘lcc, 3'o. 77 Fourth Street. llrlmklyn. H. l). g _ ‘ ‘Price. 25 Cents per Box; E - A liberal disrm‘lnt made to dealers. A’ddress Priilaipat’ omoe, Tribune Buildings. No. 1 Spruce St., N. Y.. ’ kom rilso 1.5- ("unveil’ .\hu-k .1.- r‘n.. l-‘iflh Avenub Hutvl ; J. .\z I. (‘nllvlinglum 71.3 ”mm!- w.\\‘ ; I), S. 154 nm", ”.103. lh'oad\3u_\, nnd by all ltruggisu. ‘ ‘ ,I T . ' ‘M. It. mmn-s ACHE DROPS, DR. \ ' TOOFI' = For the cure o ‘onrnxcm': ‘st-d "arres. i ' arhulml m '1" ("KM of chil. TunTHUHIH. . prmluvcd h" cmq‘ ‘ It i 4 mrli‘ 11hr .dn-u atllit-lml with . l'nrmu can ti} distrehiug wenfi Ll)‘1 'nnd their clnildfi keeping.“ hunk-“I DR. WM. B. [lf] in' the home. .j liuvc llwmwh‘ci from that ass caused hy- ‘b 0|“ SLEEP n from great. sum-ring, by D'S Toormcns 'DROPS I. Hurd's Dcntnl Ollice,'.\'o. 77 ‘mklyn, E. D. a Fri-[smell at. D Fuurtll Street. B_r4 12 (Tents per Bottlé. x! Price, only‘ .\ liborul “’qu ‘Address Pri Bkfldin’gs, . I "1. made h Ilmlqrs‘. I cipal 011193; Tribune. 'O. l Spruce St.,N. Y. “ tum-€ll, Mack .u— Cm. um. & Llenlingtn 1' 7|?» ”mud. :; .‘OJ liru.l<l\\.|yY nun! by all SOM M 49 by ‘\ n nut-‘Hnlrl : J. mg: l). S, [hm Dru`g4i:t - I'M. B. MURDN‘ IGII PLASTERS, N'Hl'll NAZI} . lat-cw] h)‘ vnlds. L SEI'RALGLV yell by the‘r npplimtio'). ‘ In.‘ charm, and are perm-“fly nnture'fldo not. produce a no unplenm‘nt results. “S \‘EUR \LGL\ PL \STERS I s.l;i3mctiou up 111! who test NEURA ~ V-yr thl- vury- n or 'l‘uu‘sthm‘ln- [m z .- I,m;.' iiv‘lmfiy‘qilh‘ly H ‘Tlns’v m-t- like harmli-ss in thci Mister. and 19m 1.- l:)R.\\'\[_l‘». HL‘R lievvr Eli! to gir their'virtur. ‘ I "urd's Dumt.\lol‘fi:o,.\’u. 77 .oklyn.-}I. U. J Prop.v.f«d M Dr: l‘yuunh fly-ea, Brl 1 ‘ Price. | > .\_ liberaldiscol =Adams: Pd - Buildings,.' nly 15 Cents each. u". "mug to dc IQ”. . cipal once, Tribune No. 1 Spruce st.,_N. Y. Fwwcll, .\[u-k & Co.. Finn , 3'. l (‘odvlingmm 113 Broad -11H; I'o3 Brandw”. and~ by all i‘ , [Dru ~ 13m. 13' I.__.________.._.___ 3' U T I (‘ E . 50.“- aha hy [.\‘veqne lion-13 J. “'l3-; D. S. lhru llruggktz. “‘t‘fil'" rhlly r- «Hing orders _to «01:1 by null Imm» um- nr mo! of Dr. ll‘urcl's Dcnul Remo ics, whlch We'r nnnt fill. None arr-nuilahlc except the Noni-n gin Platter, which wc arm! in no envulupc mi r-ceipf ot'J'rlcc (13 cents) nml one stglvnp. Bu to uccu’mmodzitc persons in places mm‘e the drugqiih :InJ «tore-keep": nfi behind the a P. we lure pill up pack-«gm in white omhnu d times. «oven jut-hr»: by mur. wnh cump-xrmwnt’a—rnrh lmx containing‘ a home of Dr. llu vl's .\lmnh “'MI). nuol Tooth Achr Draw, .\ h of TQ‘nth l‘mvdcr. thq Neu rllgi.l.P|2|su-r, nil-l n \‘nlu lhlt' little Trentisqon Teeth find their Din-nu“, the host means, of pretpri'ing 'lhcm 'nnd tho proper ttcxtxnnnt of. Children“: Teeth worth ofitselt‘th‘c.ennrocoet to every ynun‘: an or womnnjnr parents with young childrenflwl‘th aunllrf other necessary nnicll‘s: prior-3pm; package Kl. or Qix pulmgea for 55, sent by express “‘5 directed. As the Express charges pm not Much, if any, more on II dozen than on orie.;it is far cheaper to orde. six ma clone-n p. phages at one time. A large inmily will wnnl all, or the sin-phi: run he dlsJ. posed of to uni hhors with public Benefit. for no one can ertinilue how much pain’, sulfering. llllhflpplue<s “Ht disfigurement, 'axpeuse, loss or tinle‘mul niiiiey would he «and to the country” every .imily tn-(lny hm} one of them wuckngos. which,!l in it‘efflris 21 complete set of Denial Remediaf. Address \\'\l. B. “PM! & f‘o._ ’llrihune llu'lilings, New Y‘ork, and write Hmm nml maxim}: pluin'y. Tlmt‘ remittances may lie m'nde w (h confidence, W._8.11. 1600. refer to the .\lzlyér of Brooklyn, to G.- W. Gril fith. President 3f the Fnrmers and China’s Bnuk. Brooklyn;: to the Editor of the Ameri~ am 3! mm‘nethrel‘s' G menu; to Joy.Coe £OO., Publisher-5' Agelitx, New Yurk; to P. T. Bar- Hum. Esq..‘whn [knnwtzl good thing when ‘hr, lees it anl n hq‘ has already ordeal! a second aupply,¢'tc. l ' ‘ 3 Imm AGENTS WANTED to introduce Dr. llur-l'sD'ental lllemedies inln every County.— Men’or woken I‘d") mm! to make'money quit-:- ly. eon do beat!“ with ‘these flfllt‘lcl than any. thing in markeh f'l‘hey nre new, useful, low priced, end we fire ‘ipeirling thonannds in ad; \':r’lisln‘z them far the henrfit ofngonu. Boxes of samples cont‘nin’iug a dozen of tht- one dol lar packages above specxfied. with circular: Will he sent, on rgce'pt of 57, about halfprice, to Any person wishing to test his or her skill ln rolling with the View of hecomin,‘ on ngeuL Th 1 can be solid in 1 day. ”We would rather pay ”lull-l than Commission: to those who prove themlielves efficient. salesmen.’ WN'm‘v. is tfié’time to gginto the business Fogaddreu nn-ilroferences see above. 'Jam.‘27, Isa-M .. BomoVals. . Eundmiglcd,being the authorized person - to make remonls luto Ere; Gran Cama {uphopés um menu contempluu the rem onl on“ "main: of decenned minivan or friends “in“ manual“: oi thin lumen oftheyenr to have“ done.‘ Removals made with li\-omptneu demo low, and no eifort spared Ni please. «. PE rm: mom, Kanpu- af the Cemetery. Mdrch 12, '6O 06,30 Kali" Pt}! Ityles of Ram “C " ”Caps 2') yer out. later than mum! Man II " ~ ‘ Ii 1‘ “LILHDXY'S. ‘9 ‘” {gmfifffifvawfi7rw . ‘ ‘ y 31' e P“ 8243 ‘ ‘ ‘ “A” 00 means mun: vux‘r ‘ .000 ED.-—We have taken the case 1:“er occup ed by Klinefcltcr, Bolling" £130.. with a demminntinn to pay the high» .1 market prices for all kind: of Grain. You will find us wpplicd mlh PLASTRR, GUANO Of all kindq, GMOCERIES, \Vholenlc and Retail. LUMBER, COAL. and every othernrticle In our line of bnsiugas, Fold u the lowest pouible ntefi for Cash} (‘nll and examine our stock and prices before purchasing elqewhcre. ‘ DIEHL, BRINKBBHOFF 8 CO. April :2, Im. 12' The Great Dmcovery Wm. A. Duncan, TTORNEY .\T LAWSSODIce in Hue Noah weslcuruu ochnln: qulnre, Gettysburg, PA. [lch 3, 1859. If _, -..-. A. J. Cover, 'r‘rnnxm .n‘ LAW. will ‘prompfly “tend to Collu-ctiuu-x and AX] oflier buniness on muted- t‘o,him. (mix-e hétm-en Fnhncatocka} tnd Dunc-r & Zichcr'a Stores, Baltimore street, Gem-thug, I's. [Sch .1, 1859. Edward B. Buehler, TTURNEY AT L “V. will {nithfully and A promptly attend to nll bunlnessenuusted to his. He «peaks the German language.— Ofliti‘ut the «mac place. in South Baltimore “not; near Fofney'u drug qtore, sud neatly 09pm.“ banner I: Zipgler's store. Gettysburg, March 20. ‘ ‘ ' D. McConaughY. WORSE? ATLAW, (ofiire one door west ‘A ‘of Bnclnlcr's drug And hook stun-filmm bersb'urg slrcpl.) Arron“ no SuLlchuß yon PATnju AID Paulo“. Bounty 'Lnnd- War ranu, Buck-pay suipl'nded Chlinu. and all othergclnims ngninnl the qutnmrm MWash ing'on. D. 0.; nhoAmericnnUluin-e In Ehglnnd. Land Wn‘rmnls located and 361 m- tonghtmnd hizheuprice: given. VAzenta‘ engaged in 10. eating warrnuts in lowa. [glinois And other venom States "Apply tp,hiln‘penonnlly or bi letter. , 3‘ Gfltysburg,Nov.2l.!s3.' I , ‘ ‘ _ J. C. Neely, : . TTORNE Y ATLAW, will attend to collec ftions and alt other business intrusted to hsi can with promplnus. (”ice in this S. E. rornér of the Diamond! (formerly oec pied 'byl Wmeß. McClellan, Esq.) ‘ ‘‘ T ‘_ chysburg. Aprll 11, 185;). t!‘ ~ * Wm..B. McClpllan. ‘ i'TOR'VBY AT lu\W.-—-officeir;“'utflid- Aime street, one-duor West 9| my new oué‘t House. ” ‘ } I Gczt_\'~lnlrg.-.\'m‘. H. $59.; ‘ ._+ ___V ,‘ v- -3, 31:7 \. J. Lawrence 11111, M; D. AS himofl’nc'e nne I I 'l3 door wives: oldie?" “Mr‘fi Lutheran chum-h in ; L 4 Chmnborsburg street. and Onpnsiw'll‘icking‘s storq, where those wishing to hm‘e fmy Deutn} “petition pnrfm’lncd nro reznecmlllfliurilml to m“. vlhwmnuwmf D“: Hurucr, BH‘. (3‘ P. Krzmth. l). D . Rev. U. |.. linughcr.’ D. 1)., lieu 'l’rof. .\l,z.l:u-¢)bsy l’ranl. L. Stmvcr. Genysburg. April 11, 723.1 i ‘ ' 4 ' r Adams Cofinty ' ‘ ‘ -],’TI'.\LFI[IEIXSCRANCEPOHPANI L Incorporated “not: 1%, IBM. . .‘ ' orncxns.; szdmt—‘George' Synge. % I?“ I‘ruitlrul—S. R. ""350" Srrrelury—l). .\. Bm-hlcr. TMamrrr—Dzu'id .\l l‘rcarr.’ , Extra/”w Cummillrh—"llnht‘ri .\va'urdy. JflC'Db Rina, Andre“. Heintzvlmnn. 3 . f :‘anagura—(‘morge Slope,l¥.| .\. fluohlvrfln- Cob‘lKing, .~\. lleimzelnmn. )lW'ul-dy. Tim; .\. Marahmll, S. Fnhiu-zlm-k, Wm. B. .\ld‘lellnn “'l'n.i B. \Vilfion, M. Eicholborfier. .\hdiel I“.Gitt Juhfi Wufiord. H. A. Pickink, Aim-IT. Wright Jnthlgrnt-r, R. (1. \h-Hrenav;fi. IL Russell.“ \l‘Creur-y, Andrew Pollgy, thn Picking, .1.-ll :lersh. ‘ Y . ' l 1 ‘ , | WW“; Company H limited in .its npem tionp‘zo (lie mung-.0! .\.].uM. I! ha: new in :ucchssfnj operation for mbgo than ij‘}m\i’s, nudiin that pnrind hue ,pnivl‘ Ml losses and (“(- ponsfin‘gmilhfiut any n.v.un.vmmi,h'aving Mm u large sqrnlus capital in the Treais‘nry. T 416 (‘om- MN" employ-‘1 no .\zentg—m'll bnsim‘as being done by the .\I [Mm-re, who M-e nnnlmlly (-lmrt edr‘h'y the Stockholdera .xn‘p' perfop duh-ins: nn Incurauce can apply ld ny of ‘the above named \lqnngors for further {:H'nrmhtion. ‘ WTIIE lkccnti’va Commitlrc‘rler't M. the office oftllc Compnnv on‘ mic 1:13! W dues‘dny in awry month, nl2, l'. .\I. . 1r ‘ prtJT; 1333, 5 5 , ‘ l L‘ 1 Marble Yand Removed. f. r in;o ellharrihpr having ‘q‘lfinvpd bi: man 'of D Whine“ in [S.IM York Aurel. n shun dis tance bclmv SK. J.nno='llhur‘rh. \rnuldrnnnohm'e lr- Ihr [rihliv that he i} will propurcdfio I‘nrgi‘sh nll kimk,‘ of work in-hh limp. such :a: .\lnnu ‘nnL‘nb.Hmdllnnl-e. Mn. kn. ‘ml'_o\ or§;\'.lri¢"v of ‘lyln‘ and Jim-h. with and 'ithnut {um-s and so: EMS. lo :uikpurvhnsomm lat nridpa m «a?! thefiuu-m’ l‘vrqm: dwiringgl |3tlnil|gfin hi: line “ill find it n Llr-ridwl :ulmnln to In mynrinr‘ his stuck and lll’lCCs lnl‘urc purvfiidnq PM?“ here; ‘ “I“. U. MEALS. Gettnyurgfflarrfi 21. WSW. _ ’ Cinnon & Adair’s; ' EW MA nlllll'} WORKS. mr'm-r ‘oll‘ Balti— tmore "fill Hm! “idtlh' Sljrk‘k'l". din-Ml} Hp po~itr the m-w (,‘uurt llunxsc‘l (h-rtpxlm'rgu— "mil"; rerenlly urrh ed from fl‘hilmlclphia. and feeling fully comm-10m. to cxllufit'o A” work in the fintkt style ofthe art. wg {would rl-~‘poctful l_\' ihvhv lhe~mzcntinn of the: puhlic‘ “lishifigtfio procure anything in our line, 0 fin'ori us with n cull and Examine specmlpn: "E our “',hrk. We nrc,pr9ps\rml m furnish MHSI \IENTS. TUVKBS ASD um mmxns, MARE”; MLLV'TLES, SLABS‘ For Cnbinot-mgkers, a d all other wfirk np rmining to our business. at (he lowest pos sibtfi- priru‘. We do not hesithtc to ‘guuramzec Hm; our \vogk shall he put up‘in'a manner nub stnfltinl nnd iusleful eqlml'u'p lghe host to he si-cn in the ciliop, where every iniprm‘mm-nt which npericni-e_hne Lingzesh-tl is nb'nilcsl of," and dqvocihlly do we gunmngéo thfit our Femo— tel-y a‘ml Gm‘vc and “'nrlrshxlllhe in azurmully golf!" not. to he nfi‘ected by (raft. but <lmll nminL min for “are that ercclncssgof posit-M)“ gin-n st uh: completion oh job. and so noccssary to o'o minuml grzu'rfulm-ss and mmmetry. ‘ Songs, 1851». :f 2 . l . . 4 ‘ ‘- still at. Work! 1 j n.\CH.\I.\KING AND BFACKSMITHING C-_—Thc undersigned rcspéctfuny informs his fgiemls and glue public that he continmcs the Conchmnkiug and Blackgmilhing business in every brand: M his catnlxluhment in Chaim hersbnrg street. He has oh bxmdfl and will mamnacture to order all kind; ofCAiIRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGUS. Spring: Wagons, kc., of the best. mnterinl. and made‘ y mperior work men; fi-Rgnmlxu Mid lineman-mm « all kindadoné M. roasonnblé fines,’ promptly and to the s‘atiafution of customorl. " Co'cxrnv Ynonb’c: taken kin exolxgnge for wot" a! market. prices. ’ érf'ersoujs desiring sr‘ticlei onwork in the 09:19 milking or Blatckamhhipg vlinc, we re spectfully innted to call on: J _ ; , JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. Gettysburg..an. 24. '59. l ? j ' A r ‘ LastNotipe! . l OT‘K‘E is hereby givel‘xithat glue Books. ‘ km, of DASNIR & 21201.“, Jim, have can .1110811 in the hands of A. J. Con-m, Esq, fm collection—the death of Mr. Wnyhright Ziegler compelling as to take this but resort. Notice having heretofore .beenagfnn .to all concel‘ned of the necessity of closing their ac counts without delay, and they lugging neglect ed ti) attend to the same, 113% compelled us to take this course. - 7 ‘ . , BANNER b_ZIEGLER, JRS. Aug. 5, 1361‘. =3: - ‘- * Removal. ~ , EW S.\LOOX.—-GEO. REPREXRGDE hns vemoved his Oyster esubllshmcnz to the splendjd new Saloon in Jacobs &,Brp‘s. Build ing. on the North side at Chambershurg street, when: he will at :11} times be prepared to serve up the best of O\'§TERS‘, in every style: By keeping a gqnd article. he (‘xpcds t‘o Pecoive a “Mm! share of pdbhc puronagé: TURTLE SOI’P, (.7IIICKR‘I,»~ BEEP TONGUE. PIG’S FEET,TRIPE. BUILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAM, BIRDS, M 2, in their season. A nice fills: of ALE or LAGER‘can alwnys be hind.— Come and try me. G. I“. EUKENP-ODE. April 2, 1860. > 131‘ P 93? ~HU.\I guarded to Tyson Brother: bythc “Mullen Agricultural Society, Sept. 1860, null hy the Adam" Couuly Agricultural Society,snpt.,lasl,for has: Amhrmypca and Photographs, over all 031021.011 exhibition. OXFISTKCS, Ticking“. ,Checks, Flannel: 1) he" cheap M. Fshnesmgks’. We bun also a MCSLIS branded nth our om: name, ,to which we invite w “nation, a it and: by f", a: on: is this win for flu PH“. ’ I > F THE .\(ili —.lnflnmmMnr_r nnrl ChrOnic llhoum uium run hr- curod hy using ll L. .\l LLER’S FELEBRATED RIIEI‘MATIC \[lXa TCHE. Many prominent citizen: of this, and the mijoining vounliei, have toetified to its great utility. It: inn-e 55 in Rheumatic nfl'ec- Liana. hm hern liilhcrlh unparalleled by any apeclfic, introduced to the puhlir. Price 50‘ cents per bottle. For «ulc‘hy nll druggiats and aloqucepcrs. Prepared onlyf by‘ll. L. MILLER, thlemle nnd Retail Dr‘uggist, East Berlin, Admins counl'rl’m. deli," Ln Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, uillu, Dyel-stufl‘s, hot llrdiOilu, Essences Mid (Tinctures, Window Glut. Perfumery}, Parent medicines, #6., kc. wit l). Enabler Is the Agent in Getty», burg for ‘- H. L. Miller: C lehmted Rheumatic Xingurc." ‘June 351361. N '1 Getty: :urg Foundry. RE 'uhévri er, hnlng purchased the lFonmlry of lours. Zorbnugh,Bloa¢&Co., forrbcrly “Wan-e w’ Foundry.) has commenced busihcss, and is’ Tnow prepared lq oflrr to the public : larger 4<sortment o! \lnqhinerjr than [lns eremlordyeg‘an offered. surh ”(THRESH INQ MAPIIINIiSJmer llpllcrLFoddcrs Cut mrs.ECoru Shelled, and Eloy-gun's lute i‘mproved Horse Rake. Also, STOXHS, such an Cook SIM”. three dim-rent kin s: and five difl‘erenz sizes of Ton-plate Slofl‘in Likewise Mill and Siwimlll Castlhgi, and allfiiuds ol'Tuzuing in ironior Wood” l ‘ gefy-nnmmlxn Maw-tint}; mi Muchiurry nnul fomings “ill he don] to order on short nolide. l’um-rjnemmlq to grnler; Elough Cust- I'nga {ready made; PLUI'G IS. such us Seyla‘r, Willleron, l'l¢>(~llor. Wodlllrock, . and many ‘mlnr-l-s nut-mentioned hero: and olglit different. kind; of. [RUN uncut, l'ur :Ccmeteries, Port-lies nr Yards. J , Alan. .\iortising \lnviinns, one pf the heal. nowln nue. This "nu-hinc‘wmks with a lucr i).\- Mun"..- any unh- huy can mnnng'e it. ‘ (‘uill and gxnmine our Jock; nln doubt but ulmti \H- van plclw‘. P-‘rifins ought to aco it (Imi‘nmhanmge in buy m.u‘hin(‘r\ -of any kind at Indiumwhore n i: mnnula’clul‘cnlfiso that they (: Anni-'l} c9121}; goth”) purl rophlrod or repaired. 1 ‘ mm) srenxm. nrxtllydlmrg. Fell. 13, 12321. 1 “:41” ‘ N ,-.-. ._. _ A-__?___.__ , _,E Gettysburg .; ‘ THAI}: LHIE .\IILII. ChllXElL‘ OF WEST S :A)‘ Human) STREETS, Mun THE} FIIUFI)RY._—The =ul)=rrihr'-r. halving leased the SIM \lill nHIr. (‘.W. Hal-NAN. in (hi-Iplnuo, {insllrul it thoroughly ropAiretl. M' placing in t 2H nope-u us mnohinery'mr mi :ding Limo nnnti. The mill ia now in typorali ‘n and I am r‘omH- to Elfinlb‘ any firm: ml for Ihin useful l’érliflizer. GRUI’NI) , Lilli-LS“) 'R ii now "(“Hlf‘d by those who have lecto ii. to he a firm-lleln-r Fertilizulr tlmn'Bnrm .ime. or in tl‘m-(llnny ui‘ttho nlhor Fortiiiioru ’2 noLmHy ap~. pliud§tn Lllld. The’fnllnwirgi‘fr fil'ntc from Mr. ”mun. nn oxwmivu fur n-r, uni highly rc flwrtphly (-itizv‘n‘ of Ad‘lmsfcouut), Mill laziest tin- ”with of (hi: nunriinn: 4: p» ",I have linen Irving: Ilm Gr'pnnd Limp tnn on my lanvl fur the l‘hit ion \‘mrs nnll n:l lin ho a better fv‘til'zcr thn the Burnt lim ~ rind cnmnu. 11. 'mx qiwn smiafartion a nil-um Cr(-p,' . i‘l-ZTER mam." j .Vllgmcrom mlwrwrllfifiatfw of]? c chunmrr clpnlnl he produced. hut till‘fi‘l“ sullil'ivut: " [éfhl’urmvrs are x‘oqumtx-d to Tnd in their hrde : and In gho it a irinl. , ‘31.1:r. 4,. 1801: n , 1 r ‘A 1 New: Ga FL‘HYEHTOCK miom E mllv inform thv-ir I'ri t ntflwy hm'ejnit rm‘ch . _’ mum‘smck of FALL .\XDM‘MTER UHUIIS. komhtiu'z of l LfnJiL‘ Drvu Gomla, Sin ‘L. (“{HH. Cassi " Pane“, FLmnl-h. (linxzhmni. .\ "Jim, ; kc . aim Quol-nuvarf. Grnr rice, 'h'n-h will‘ I)? «o'lan 4 In” prim“. Hur— Imngod nnr bums, m- mm- solf hnr (‘ \SH. 1 «iv G'M I i' credit: nu -'n\\in' ,u].»"r<.c LU ‘0 n Arlyn . L “(fill eany at tho sign a? the RED ~ , 0m.28.31m;|. If kt.” ing . 1 ‘ 1 glB . ‘ Datest News. ¢ 1861. I (,i 'T M “'l‘ Were going! pro“ &ctrceiretl ‘ Q ‘ ’nl dvspalclx"llmt R. P - \ cllJ'lF' 'V lvnn'jnst ‘oprnqd u cumuloto assnrim‘ nr of ‘UTS AVD iC‘EAI'Sf, inrlud‘jng the latofi‘t full flylt‘ , Silk. ‘anrfr. Simu'h, (‘mdnicrvlflnd “jinn! "Ms.— , lib} <1 mul ‘lnfainli’ plain and l‘nndv Hut: and (‘,‘fipgyiwhich foi- ncrltnl'i: of.finishiand quality; Slii‘paZss n nything nfthe kind m‘cr ofl‘m‘ed in this inlnt'ei—nll of which will be will .n Tlonishing [v- lo price: for c.i3h. Also, I) )(iTS AND SHOWS, including a line nsfirnucxil of [Allch Murngeo Hook. ll I:kin:.Gi|ilora aid Siipp'~r<, GAYTTBRS ANDI SLH’I‘ERS AT 7511‘HNTS l'l'lll PAH}. All in want of goods in im line are iqeno‘ctfully invilgd to give me a "in sz-hc one! Come all l I give mo 1! hlemlly rail, ll good?! will he told M uniw. nl qurlccs, 2tcomelhc unlouked lor cr 549. lfllii. ' i Boot. EShoe. NEW GOODS AT THi SIGN OF E Bili- BOUT.—The nude igncd hnvr inn! ll fraih supply of HMS, Cupa, zoos, Trunka, (‘nrpol 3.13:; kn.‘ Also, (nor! supply of Saddles ngd flame”, Comm. 816. ‘ i ¥ P 331.1 Knot: nf an kinds mide to order we workmen. and on shdrt notice.—- \ ‘ -le work nlwnyz nn hand.§ Priceslow for of“. CUUEAX ;& CULP. 3,0,28,1861. ~ , ; f gow Goods & Lumber. EL. R BOBLTTZ, at Arcndtsvillc, hasjust turned from the city with ‘5 large and?! sdlccqsgtm-k of Dry Goods, Grocer a, Givens-. 1 were-J Hardware, Boots, Shoes, ats, Cnpa‘ x Tumks. &_c., km, cheaper than on . I "0 Wm hnl on [mud u lot of PO. TS,R.ULS and 'IIIXGLES, of excellent qunli ', “'hifh he i will JisPOSc of M the lowest living profits.— Giiv him a call. He will always try to please i M v 13,1861. 3m i ; -r—T-?-——-———-—‘—— >7 —‘—————.——¢|-————.- , g g , ~ . ,ReVOlvers. i A SEW lot of REVOLVERS. iol different ‘ :styloa. embracing the Imagining-ivy! at . 2A“ SON'S, northwest corner of tlie Dinmnnd. ' Il'm'ixig purchased for ‘cnah, at the} best rules, i he is hlrepzired to sell as low as my lowest—i; nuiidwer yet. Drop in and exnmihe them for you gives. No trouble to Show gods. ‘J :y 1,18 m, . ti Flour, Grocfies, Bw. EAVE constantly on hand, FLOUR, Corn I In! Buckwheat MEALS, Hommony, Soup Beau‘, Dried Fruit. and Tickels; SUGARS, CDFIiFZES, Teas, Syrupi,‘N. 0. Molasses, (new crop_ at 50 cents per gallon, the very best. kind ‘ fu'r baking.) English Cheese, and every other nrzici: usuully kepi in w F 10." and Grocery; Store“ Give me n call. WM. GILLESPIE. [ Ge iysburg Dec. 31 1800 9111‘ . ; ‘ Lsdzes. , E you can A! Fahnostocks‘you will final the ; handsome” DRESS GOODS in town. De x nu. Casbuieru, Figured .\lcrinoex, Cohan-gs, I-‘rcgjch Merinoes, all Wool, as low as 75 cents a. yard. Cull soon. FAHXESTOCK BROTHERS: ‘ Oct. 28, 1861. ‘ I'ESTION ASKED A.\‘D ANSWERED-L Q Why is inhm. H. G. CARR sell: HOSIERY :0 cheap for cash? Because he buys for cull and buys nothing but I good article, Ind seHs M. n. vuy short profit. Ladies and gentlemen, give him a call. Don”. forget. the phea— Right Oppositethe Bank, in York at. [.\‘ov. 25. G. CARR has just received a Very line _. assortment of Gent'l Cotton Hm.— me And examine them. LA ROE PHOTOGRAPHS for $l, «(the Ex eelsior Sky-light Gallery, York "r." oppome the Bunk. {r ’ ABGB PHOTOGRAPHS nude from and! picture. “nutty when! my at tho rdcior Sly-fight Gallery. . ECRUITS WANTEDt—‘S.OOO An: noon» R In no to" want a; report them selvn immediately in the rendezvoun in Chum-l bcnburg street. Getty-burg. and receive, It_|_ mere nominnl price, full uniforms Ind the ne-i ecu-r] equipmtma for A winter campaign. I have take- special can to provide for the coll-t fort of my men by visiting the cities Ind 13".? 11:3 in an unusually hrge supply of ' ‘Owrcums oferery dmcription, ‘ Black Cloth Dmu Coats, ‘ Cmimerc Buiiness Conn. | l‘nnmlnom in endleu Vlricty, ‘Any quantity of Winter Vests. 1 | Underahiru, Duvet-1. Hoisery. ‘ l Glovn, Sunpenderi. Buffalo Ind f Gum Oven-aim“, and Gentleman's Shawls. -- ALHO Trunks and Carpet Socks, lint—nee mach, 30 hour eight-day and Alarm Clocks. Violinl, Acmkdeonl, Pistols, Revolvers. Knives, Pipe! and xccllent smoking Tobacco. Cigars. Ind Notions lo ondlou variety. Now is the time to buy chnp. Cull soon. Hulng purcbued my goods chap for CASH, l am. prepared to sell them cheaper than they have ever been of !ered in thin pltce before. F. B. PIUKLVG. Oct. 25, 1861. , Valuable Real Estate 9 1‘ PRIVATE SALE—No. l: GREEN- A.MOUNT.—This heantiful and very desira le enuntry sent, adjoining the liornnzh of Gettysburg, onthe road leading to Fnirficld, is now olfered at Privnte Snle. ’l‘he Farm cohtnins 12¢ ACRES,more or lens; 10 to 12 acres at which are in timber, and about 130 acres of meadow bottom; there are two lynung Apple and Peach Orchards on the prem iises. the land is the red granite soil, luveptihle fora high state of enitirnu‘on; lime eetr well gupon it and can always be had at the Railroad ' depot, which is in sight, at 12} cents perbushel.‘ l’l'he improvements are nTwo-story {Weatherbonrded HOUSE, with , ,eelln‘r. Buck-building. Bake-oven, ‘ ISmoke-house, {1 large Bank Barn, ‘ lwm. hina, Corn Crib, &e.. together with nlli necesmry out-buildings, ln iromplc-le order; there is a pump at the door ‘l‘d :tnmer-t'uilingl spring of water; close by” Willuby’s Run bound; the west end ofthe Fe . This proper- i ty will be shown, by Mr. 10:11: Honing, living l on the premiset, or by the s ,bucriber in Get.- ityiburr. ' t I ‘ i No. 2: CUSIIII-ZRLAND FARE—Thin Pnrtn ; in also a lmndsdme and very dewimble property, 3 l ainnte on the Tnneytown road, four miles from ‘ Gettysburg, rohtninmg 138 ACRES, more or legs. About 30 ncres are in timber and 2.5 to 30 acres in meridiow. This land is nlso of the 3 red gravel mil kind. clear offltonee, easily cnl- i tivnteil, produeemwell. end isirnpable of being highly improveliii All it mulls to mnke Lt one; of the best far-n sin the neighborhood is a good flirnier and n li tle lime. which enmnlwms he: find either at eltyalmrsz or at Littlestown, nti 12} cents per h Hhel. Therein n .\- )tzng .\pplel and Peach Orchard and twolrpnin-gn of water near the houae. «in! a stream of water «304.331 the south end 0 the farm near the bubbling".— The improvemegntls are a one (uni n in: , hnlfstnry Stone llnuce. Bake-nun, in}? 5:: Smuke-hmnemllnrge Double I’m n. ‘3 ;,3 ”T, with Wagon Shells, Corn 'L'rli‘h ~_‘-"" a" Hang, Pen. and all neressnry nul-huilulinud, rhnrrh. mm nnll firlionl-houw nll rlo=e by, in i n healthy and lvhcnnt m-lqllhorhoml'nnd good: <o(iet\'. ThiaWpr‘opt-rty n’illlu- shown by \lr.."* “'m. Koehnrer‘t llfinz upnn it, or h_\ Mr. John ; lllnckmljoinind, i'l'ermx may. ' .\‘n. 3: .\ \‘MI'ARLE M Li. PRO?ERTY,I containing 38 .iPIRI-IS of lnn Bin In nl'whirh nre in timber. 3 “late one-lml 'ol 3 mile S. \\'.l from LLittle-ettm‘twthe termin‘nv' or the linilroad. E, The Improu-m Illa fins :1 Thu-slur" l Frame MILL WIRE; “'llll Shelli. .. .. , having all 2:; u‘oeeunry mnehinory ll “ 33' l Fm- llorrhau ‘rfrk. A large Tno- " " ' filmy} LOG 11l I'Sl'l “filth ll’uelnmd. Stable,l he. l'l‘his k n :1") deiirnhle property and will . be 910“ on nrc mmm-lntiug terms mi. Thns.‘ Biddle. living: up line prpmisvrz n-ill ,slmw it.—! (-..n Mum-n.l, , mm. .\szoLu. I ‘;l' unhnrg, l» 01!. l}. lBlil. 3m C mvm \m‘n -.IIO['SE.—IILI)F..\' .x- mm;- ‘ NEH. 8123 ('h Sum. 2 dour." iu-low (V'lh, chum; side. l‘hi \Jclphiu. We cummvm'e the l‘.\ll "mh"‘.\illl [jeruf mo hrs! nsmru-ul ~lncki nf Elk-NJ: nnlL Amcrimn l'mppting< to‘ be (unnu’ in tlliz cinnrurrlmsud for vashn‘l \‘ery‘low run-fl :lnd in't‘n‘didt'nillfl menial Miro‘lgely'luw prim}. We '14”! all [he nyw \shlpi, Velvm, Tnpmrrr. Brus‘sqh, Three-ply. lngrnin nmi Vonefi m.wilh “gawk-mud 510va um". CLOTHS, (Inga; \lnu. Draught, kw. Now is the time for purr‘hnwrs m hhnnin jmrmiua in the (‘nrpt-l line. 5‘ we will Ibo-II nt'nxery smnll ndrnnveand guanin'oo n“ .gnbds to he m. reprodentedfimd give ntire sulhfiiclian M (hp pun-h.nlcr._ ”We Inu- {ind sell exclusiwly fur cmh. sum. m,lms;.3 3m \ " lg} IRON i 4 it?” in New Ymk. Making pnrv p} r' mu»: In kpcp full and increxm: the Mork 0 hi t‘lntlxin Land Variely Stare. on the E .\‘ortl Mat vol-ME of the Diamond; (h-uyalmrg. \vhcré sales nr made at “nonislxingly low price-L. Buying {by «uh, he can sell luw fnr' m=h lom-r lhruq ever, and no miamkv. Cu" in at Hu- Smre.lmsd Axum hummus“ will wait on ynh \k'i'h thd menu-It of pleuurm =howing ’yau Cllmhing, quota, Shoes, *1 ‘ut'ovory kind nud firicen 1‘ 1 ‘ [Ht-u. 2, pm]. —i.—.——’——-+——,——A—-———-——\r——-—'- } Tb‘Disébled Soldiers. qmunx ANDAMAR‘LVBS. :\\'D WIDOWS, \ (ML OTHE‘B‘ HEIRS OF THOSE WHO ".\VE DIED ()3 kT-ZEX KILLED IN THE SEX!- VICE—(Hus. ‘.IL'C‘ER' Afilornoy for ”aim. antsil‘mnnty [.an and Pendipn .\gvnt, \W’uln inmo’x Pity. D. (‘J—Penflnns procured mr So!- diers,l.\‘cnmen and Marines ofi the present war. who are disnble‘dfiy reason of} wounds rebeired M' dis'oase contmq‘ed'whllr ilaenicegmd Pen nions‘ Bounty Mayne} and X ‘ our: of Pay oh mine}! {or \vidotsmr other Ming 9!“ Hum: who have flied or bejenikmed while in service. ijuny Laud pqocu'rcd for M‘H'II'EI In Any of the'ogher warl.‘ z CHAS. I(‘_ TI'L'KEII, 1 ‘r ‘ Waqshington, 9. C. J. . .\‘rmu. Agni, Gettysbmg. XUI. 18, 186]; ‘ ; -.‘—W .ALERS. ifi gI-‘oreign wt Domestic Dry D Goods, Fundy Articles, Queenuwnre, Gm; eerie , &b.,N. W.,Cornel‘ 0f beunbersburg and Was ingdon atregets. We hue just received our ‘ tot-k offibods, suited u} the FALL AND WIN Ell SALES, lo'which wp invite the atten tion ¢ f buyers ofpretty. goodpnd cheap Geode. For he Ladies. we have a good naénrtment of DRE S GOODS. SHAWLS, TRIMMINGS, to. Our Fork of Cloths, Cassimeres, Chisinau. Jean. ,4 km, for Men and Bah. ii lnrge, good and L cap. , [5431119 one, come all, and oxnmine for your eives. A. Scum- & sox. OJ. 14,1361. 3 anover Branch; leroad. A INTER Annmammxrs._9menger 1 Trains run a! followsf: ’ Lofive Hanover at 9:30 A. 1., and 12:30 P. I. Leg’we Junction n. 11:30 A.;x., and 1:40 P. I. Tlih 9:30 A. )1. train makes’conncction M. the Junction for the Norxh and South. The ”:30 train; makes connection for the South only." ..Through Tickets Ire issuefi to Philadelphin, Colugnbin, Huriaburg. Willidmsport, Reading, Baltimore, York, Wrighuville, and ollprincl pal way point: on the line o(thoNorthern Cen an! Railway. « D. E. TROSE, Ticket Agent. In. 20, 1362. ‘ Chas. 0. Fields. | JAdons'rovnnvs asum unmou ooxmxnan, Papa Rum ...: Bmm ministration on the mug ucob Sum}, . pook )Innufiacturer. 3d 'swry, Smull'g , I'9o of Hmiltfmbtn mwnshlfi. ”Adams counu, lcnnldlng, Centre Sqmu-e, .YORR, PA. Bantu,l fitmekpgymg bfggegrfgutg :1: ”gang: 9;Lnf§'ofices, “pd C°s“'¢"&"§“'"- furnished hypivés “2.30311: n 1; erionmdcbg’ed to said : :Ivlid Onltlz‘ekrfgikrzfa‘anlno tozniftlgiZZng? estfte: to malée immedri‘uu; pnjment, and time syery dfiscri’ptéon create? with rile-men and 23:5 flat-‘11:;“g?g:::dt?:r5::§l::::"m "1"" u tc . ren uni rom sue- 'ed Y 3 e“ . . .‘ v.o.pa y[Augnphh {1803:}. am: 1 Dec‘ 30 lggll-IDFéilICk McßTlßh,Adm’r-. ——-—-—-——:—:*——-—— . , . 1 ASHTONABLB' BAIRBERVNonh-out com-i 1F nor of the Diamond, (next door to lie ‘ Clellnn’n Hatch) Gettysburg. Pm, when he ‘ : can at all “you be found ready to “tend to all ‘ 'fhusinesa in his line. He has also excellent ”- I sisuncm and will unsure satisfaction. Give [him I all. [Dec. 3, 1360‘ 1 ISSF-S' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES.—L; LARGE assortment of Mgn‘s heavy Wa largenuortmrnt offline-Mu! Chlldnn'n . A ten-proof Boon, Ctlf Boéts, heavy Bmv Elma, Bluk Ind l‘olored, n fps], fie.V just m-eived snd f ule cheap. M. 1 April 22‘ ~ 8. F; nemnnxvg. ' OM. 2:. ' Rl. ,c ILEEXY'S Amnuon z rch Btraet The Spot ! A.:_Boott & Son, John W. Tipton, » ’ ’ ' .‘ ‘r 3 fill-aware I: nrpcery ' ‘ TORR—‘l’he subscdherutilltnve a. nplndil Smonmmormnowma unmuwng .15: their old esublished quad in Banner; 111-99 L, 'v ' The! Inn jun returned km the (‘itlrs witfi In immense stock of floods—consisting In part, of BUILDLVG MATERIALR‘ such It 'Nnili, Screw, Hing“, Bom. Loch, Ghu, etc. etc. , TOOLS, including Edgr‘l‘ools oi "cry de scription, Sun. Plunu. Child-flung", [3sz and Bits, Angers, Squares} Gunges, Hlmnefl, em, age. . K thCKSMHnS will mm TAnvnn; Vim, Bupn‘, Filts, llorfenhpea, Hope-shoe Slim. etc. with them, very chenpl 11 . i cogcu “rams-us, wk n= new, Cam-ail Damk, Fringes, Cotton. 31;)“. (lil-elolh, I Springs, Axles, Hobl, Spdkei, Fellou, Bowli,‘ Polar Slum. etc, etc. . : 1 sdon FlNDlNGS—Tmfipico, Brush an‘d Frenqh Morocco, Linings, Byibdlngs, Pegs. Luau, ‘ Boohtms, elm, with ,a geuenl unortment of Shoclnnker’n Tools. ' CABINET-MAKER'S TdOLs... general «1.. iortnfient; also, Varnish, gobs, etc., etc. - HQUSEKBEPERS will to find a large n - lortment ofKnives and Farina. Britnnnlt, Alma Ind Silver Plated Tahle 3114! Ten Spoonl, (3n - . dlesticln, Waiters, Shovefi and Tongs, S‘s-3 lroni, Enzmeled and Braasfiicttlea, Pans,TuHs, ‘ Bncléeta, Chums, Carpetinit, etc., etc. ' Alio, n general assomfiont of Forged mid Rollgd mos, mu lizvs will kinda, (hm, sum, : ud Blister Steel, which they will sellu chomp 1 u the cheapest. ‘ . L 1 ‘ GnOCEnlEs—a full uni mm! nasal-(mom, such; as Crushed, Pulve .xod. Clarified, lid Brown Sugars, New Orlenpq. West lndich, mid Sugar-house .\loluasel and Syrups, Com-ri Spic‘u, Chocolate, fine, whim-find dairy Slflt, , binned, ,Fish and Sport; Oil, Tu‘rpenti e, Fish, etc. ‘ 1 I Afull assortment of [Midland Zinc, dry t d, in all, also Fire-proof Paints} in fuchhlm , every article in the Hardinre,‘Co:u-h Flndi , Shot Finding, House-Kquiny, Elm-humg , ‘ Caliban-makers, Painters, . andJGroct-ry‘ lincf- , all a! which they are deterkninad to sell as lqw f lnr cash as any house outfhf the City. " ‘ : . , JOliL B. BANNER, , 4 DA 'lO zmcwn. ‘ G§tty3bufg, Dec. 24, IBfiO. :l 1* « ——s~———_.l__..—.~—--—_L______‘_ ." ; Prof. De Grath’s. hxmmn ELECTRIO;OII.,‘!—-This great est diqcovury is now beatings greataen snti‘n among the Medical ‘,l-"amilties of Europe flndlthia cgnmry. II will curb the following (not; M‘cryl. ingz) ‘ . ‘l; 3 , - WARRANT“) TO . g Curl: Fever and Ague in armada}: ‘ (‘ur’g Chills in five minutes} , 9 Our}: Orouplin pne night : “‘1 L' Cum Deniness in two to {mgr Mm : ? (‘u Burns and Scnlds in HE: iq‘nmos; g Cu; Sprains, Wounds and: rutscsfin from o+o 1 .r to three days: 113 ‘ _ u (‘mfir inflammation in one «luv; a Cue Neuralgia. Croup, Tcggthnche, Bums, in ‘ ten minutes; 3‘ . ' ~ Cul‘e Hehonlmge, Scrofu ”Abscess, in In 7 ‘days; \ , 4 z‘ . : Curie Bruims, Wounds, Tel rFin one to thrée ‘» dn '5; (‘m‘e Eat-globe, Stifch-rk. Cuée Felons, Broken Brc ! three to six dnys: ‘ ‘ 5 Cu£e Quinsg, Pnlpitntion, lgnl-isy, in one 30 g . (én days: ' 5 § Cute .\nthma, thy, Gout Ery‘dpflus, in five § 10 (wen-Hy days: $ d . Cub! Frofited Feet, Chi! ’ninl,‘ Sitifl' Join". i “hrénic Rheumiltiimg Fore 1“ mm. Scur- l f let. Fern, and ‘the Imo math: to walk. 1‘ 1 by-n few bottles. ‘ t i ‘ E Elli.“ Oil (De Grillll'i) i= mill} Mill plnnn t, lnn kn great Family .\leilicilm fl'n‘ childr n 'toohllnz‘ kc. ‘ g . 5! l ()th'llVAL GEXI‘NE tanm'rmr‘ mu Yes! rt. has cured more mum that ‘ “(fro Ithtluqht hopelese than any tht-tliuiue extant. ! ,«k 1:10.19 who have ndofl; it. than: will 19" lyng _thn‘ my Oil mu‘e rolioq‘rt‘tor ntll rt‘mml'u-q h ‘s’ failed. When you Mk I' nElerir Ilil. 3m cufc you‘ ask for Prof. Dc (ll? W‘- p‘s it in the only legitimate Hléctric Gil urvp'an-d: talu none other, as nll others nfiztgl ulimgiuns. nndV'l will nut be responsible fur NW: Veep: W." n-nme ‘ lug; in writing upon the wrapper and In) 'nnme blown in the gln‘s. ’L‘ i: ‘ ‘v t g mun Turin; . ' t k Mr, Livingatnn. of New.‘ trkleal‘itor'nt‘ 1&0 .\ldnthly Law \lngnzinc. wr [E 1310 that he win rural or n m-nllen nn-l stifl‘, tick ;h_\'; nut- appli cn‘inn. The Oil was rl'cunn t-tlaed Ivy 3 IMF‘ in éthe Gimrd Home. "'l‘ v‘ > z ' A AND TH'RJ: ' ‘ z )lrl. Gunman. Canto! “Sm-ft. 9|??th Rivléo ‘Rniulmalleul “53' 14th. nm‘sni-l mm: the Oil mll’nl hcr'of .\‘eurxilgin. l‘h‘l :in-l “harp. V ‘ Nothcis. supply yawn-1w; 3.. 13 my: p'pr ballle, nnd douhtnn more. jt! ' ‘ MruCnm‘nht-l‘l. 0t )lunlgrn? rv qnunly. Pu... brfinzht a bottle n few‘dmy. :0. gnu ‘sllill he hr?! "It‘d it in his fum‘ilyforj gill-n uhmh “yd swelling; whirhynjnsrnllv‘ymnvnr in perilous nfficr having the Scarlet Fe é; Hg thinks p nhgad orlnu qthvr rciumliNHvi-lsn it ia. ; 4 fluids are daily “Mina“ myofiirr, 2H 5 lath Eighth Street. Philn- lli:x,p\nd lelliég mi ofils wonderful curativ (Tern. = Price 25 cents, 50 cents, (k‘SlJ‘por hntttr. Lflrgr hqnles 1110 chenpeat. 'I la vnluullle Qil kimld by all Druggkta .mlkeilorn initfic l'liind Slam. Use noueol or H! Deflrasthfs. Fold h}- nll Druggists. 1" 2!“ S. Eighih an}, Philadelphia. [D . , ism. 3m? I , ' _ ,_ - 4- ‘ A Fresh S I ply. E I TAKE this method to in run-thr- public é that l have "rein-d fru we my of Phil"- drlphll n FRESH STOCK ) ‘G('9UDS,col§A pllsing all oftho newest“) 950} ; H g ‘ é . LADIES" DRESS;GQUUS. ‘ I SIIAWLS, 5 . ,; .. : ‘ i CLOAKIXG CLOT IS. ‘ ; : } I GLOVES. ' " 809 mm ‘ ‘ ' -=. ' BON. .Ts, ; a g 811 mm , i v‘ n I "mums, i as; well M a fine Instrumental é ; PERFUMERY AND LINN sous. ‘: l ln’fac: anything that In “in h round in 1. stock of Dryand Fancy Go n. ‘ . 3 3 FOR ms anxnkxmx ' ' ; lanc as complete a stack of!‘ THS. CASSI. MERRS, Goons snnm. Hm nofiv wmn. as we” as GLovss_s'l-ocxmas, "ANDKERCHIEFS, NECK ,TES‘ SUSHI-IN? DERS. tr" as was ever hronkh 0 this mnnkal‘, Ladies' Drona Trimming- in men! warm}? [ Visiting Curdl, Envelopes, .\‘ote, Letter dd Our Paper. ‘ , .1 I irish Linen, Bleached andgnrorn Muslin!” Pillow Cue Muslin And Wid‘p Sheeting. jun 28., ml. .1, L. semen. I Another Raih‘oad ACCIDENT3—The Cars ,b’fibq track not: , York. hug all safe! lis 11. G. cums is the puié! Ladies. jun mine and an hla fine lelecl giofScarfs and Uédef Sleeves, Spring Bki‘nll, Lmoven, Stock lnh Ind, in fact, ercrythin'g fin the Hmiery way. Very cheap for tub or loyntry produce. Gentlemen, a word to you $133.. H.G. CARR lms just returned from the city Philadelphia, having boniht I fine nsmrtmcnt of Woollen Shirts and Drawersmho the Very latest style of Wacllen Comforts: in fact, eflrylhing to make people comfortable ln cold wtxnher. . ‘ H. G. CARR has jun roéoikcd I very fine usortment of Liquor-. 5, which he is sellxng wry the-p for cub. , § ‘ . Don’t forget the place—fight opponiln lg. Bunkyln York street. , i i Ge yllgurg, Dec. 51,1861. , . TYSONS’ {my cent picturds are securely leaned. . Tysons' anygent pictures Mfume:- proof. Tysonl' fifty cent pirturea are entirely dumb] Tysons' {my cent pictures are unsurpassed. Tylou‘ fifty cent pictures are warranted. Tynoun’ flny cent. pictures are wut up in In or mull cuel. [96. 21, 1801. . we \ Siva“; fintummsw DURING the pass yeur we lmve inlrodnccd to the notice of the medi<~nl.profeuion of this country the I‘m Crydalnsed Chloride of Propylcw'ne, .s n REMEDY FOIi gui‘mmq HS“; nnd having received from many sonnet, mh hon phy-ikim or the highest £955“? 1., sge xosr maritime or? ITS nun/mum In and from p'nien issrmuqu the treatment of ens‘e,‘ we Are i‘nd 1" in 3} form RE ! wider: we hogy who no agfirin and t9—ihe medi' disposed “I test! relmedy. lELIXIR P3Ol flatten oflghu rimentefiwith PFT’AL, m 1 wit‘ ‘YLAMIXE, in the lorm above cced‘tly been‘enemirelj ex . in "in PEXNSYLVANIA'HCS- I MARKED succ‘sss (hum ~ néblilhod accounts in the medical jourmw.) 5 appear {mm th| fi'fl iq' canj dlnte use, :witb mined from all‘ bottle, Ind at w BU Drng‘giqu an July 1, )861. A. OFA AISD F S 25 Mn! 27 A Fnyeue n. 1,) ext BL—lhe largest Un'ron. Alwnyu HOUSEHOLD A bncing Ruin-ans robes, Ila-tire“ Spring Bea!“ So Rocking Chain, lees, Reoo‘ption smn‘lm 601.01 "00d Chairs. I Cribi and Grad] Gilt tum Wnluul bounds, Eng-nah 9...- 'ancy Furg !! lOHN FAlfil-HRA, v .718 Arch flu-oi, «tween 7th n d 8111 Trot}. (Inu- ’r 813 .Irke! Sh.) I'halnficl— hiu, lmporteg nnnl lnmif‘nciuror (if. nnd tonh-r in all kil'nls or nun: was, {'o ,mlit-d‘! .\lidei’ :md hilllnn'a Wen . , Having now lxmnn wtun-d :nd inl, uurv "_ H ...x mun] Lug'p- and bountiful u~~nrtpnvnl of all llll‘ \‘nrimhlsvrlrs and tnmlivir: nt' Furx. ndnpN-d la Ibo (inning Fall and \\ into .\‘uuruuc. I would nap t'tf'ul ly in\ in» an rxau .inntion ol‘iny stack and prim-s lrnm those inm ding to pnj'vlmao. as I qm an; nhlml °n nfi'or ll ~ln \‘i‘rydP‘ifilbll‘ induflnomn. : All myl-‘ura, ave boon pnrt‘nnsql {, rush. and murk- hy exn‘ariemed 11nd comtwu-n! hands. ‘flnd 1h when: monetary "tr ulvlcs rendt-r it here“ rv limt l slmuld dirpustlofmy gundi nl‘ ten 9 all udrnnrcmh‘md. l , gut-fin :nne day: 1, Still ißheum. in lam mtiaficd that n nill'be m ”14- inherent pf llhoso “ho d yignfpurthasil g, to gird! mt n ml . , ' ‘ . wilevollec llnegnnyne, nnmlwr nnd lreot: Julm Fureim. (. cw fur Ste-re.) 718 A 41 BL, Philldelpllin. .‘ [Semi 16, 1561. 'sm _. a . _ , . _ ‘ tea, Nononsrac . i nod lm- npaned'n Grace 3' and: refill Baltimnre Sll’t‘cl,!l(‘:ll'l_" ‘ur' "nu-r, Gcltyshurg,p‘imrc nnctnutly fir“. «ailing circa}: as mus. Nymph .\lolaasez‘. cur l‘hh'w. Spices of all; indi, Ilflh‘, llromns and Brnshw; l l-I'gfzi, (irou'nd ('qfl'ce, Kisser!" Herring, (‘nmlioL Son'pfi', Salt; uSnullh Confections. ull; kinds e 5. "Lamond, liaisins. Ilrcml,‘ ; ut' gliflorent kinds: Slide and my Goods, .\hulinmfljuglmmn . Mink. llnsirxy. Hundkcrrhiflsl r, Set-«lies. ,(‘Xollws‘ l’in', But uhs ofull‘kiuds. L\ slulrdm‘tbe | ris rrqncrll‘ully mlix'itfil, \ LYDIA ,0. xolusacx. ‘ . If ' f‘ “.-...-L... _ _ _ . A .. _.—_.;‘—~ 77—.~~-—~ ..,» _—.‘ [Conic to thegFmrL; . ND'DUN‘T nnmrrmvlsj;l-I.lv:.x§s.\.\‘l' VIA RIDGE .\' RSHl!lHS.:—l’crsons w‘ii‘shin‘g 0 Plant} Trces will find the Black in the ground renmrkn‘hly line and; otl'en-d at reduced prices. fl'he Apple mu ere 100 varieties, embracing all the hpprou-d surfs. . ‘ y - » S. [Le—Sec an index hoard nmr Flo Dale l'on ofice. T. E. CUUK & 803:5. Sept. .2, 186]. y ' l‘rnpnl‘ln'n. :—————-——- ——-s——- Something New l ; .\' GETTYSBURG.——The Imdrrsig'ned i ifnrma I the eitilenfiiof the town and county.ihal he has commenced me. BAKING husincsn on . large rqalr, in 'ork‘ urn-t, Gettysburginenrly Opposite Winnie. 's llblol. where héJrill‘ fly to deserve, and ho e:- to receive, 5 liberal p'ntron age. ‘HREAD, nus, CAKES. UIIAUKE‘RS,’ PRETZELS; tr , tn, baked every day-,9 (sun. days excepted.) ll of the lies! quality, add sold at. the [great lir ng frrofits. kae Julius: in all m b nqhes ' largely carried onfindforden to any Amount, romi this and adjoining coun ties, supplied 8i thq Rhone“. notice. flaring cmtcd nlnrge a d cm'nmodious bake-house nnd secured ~tbc bee workmnn mad the mq‘gt up. proved mat-kindly, {he is prepa’red to do a heavy bitumen»; i 5 i [ WALENIIX-E SAUEEE. i Ju1}'25,1859.§ v ‘ = . 1 ‘Groce 111-I undeni- Notion Sm unporilt‘ the r'. the public will . the chm‘pest. SI {mun Teas, Riva Murkurv), (‘hoc Free): Hutu-r an oH'utft-c. Scotti 'l‘nbucco, Sognrs of NH”. omm ('mrkers. (‘ .kvs Sun-e Polish: F. (‘otlnn lhlfl. “'1 Suspenders. Pin [omY will: anit)l publiu-‘s [mironu] NM. )9, 1860 [XE underulkued respectfully inform the public-mm he continues the CARRIAGE .\KING .\.‘q’D IPMRING business ininll'iu different forms, hospcr than any shoptin die county. All w kwnrmnled to give autistic. tion to customarb. Country producttlktn in exchange for wq’rk at market prices. , - ‘ A. M. TOWNSLEY. ‘ Gettysburg, Jpne 24, 186]. Change of Time. any-sumo RAILROAD-4):: “a m» G Wedneldny, May 15, Niel, thn Morning Train will lure Blettysburg nt 7.40 A. IL, with pnnengan for ll the connections. North and South, on the gorthcrn Control Rnilwny. and return about 1 P. M. The afternoon Trnin will lnve Gettysburg at 2.15. AP. 11.; but pusengen by this Train con 30 no Furthorthnn Hanover the lane evening. Returning will tench Gettysburg nbout 5.15 P. M., with passen grrl from Harrisburg. Philadelphia, to. By this Arrangement persons from the country, near the line of the Railroad, having businers, to Lnnsnct in Gettysburg, can an the noon Train up Ind have nearly two hours inGett) |- hnrg, Ind return in the Afternoon Tram. R. MCCURDY, President. In} 27, 1860. ~ HE undersigned, having a large Amount winging on his Books for A considerable length of time, principally made up of arm." tccnuuts, mkes this method of notifying "you indebted to him, that. he needs money, ud if his friends vul ml and uttle their mean“, he will fee] under any obligation to them. Sept. 23,1361. 1. L. SCHICK. mnfn'n mm? CUEESE,:I¢I7 near. 1 “('l9, new tag be Ind M H. G. CARQ’S.‘ •••••=1.1•11 alWal ‘lhin bomb/114m obsginnieadls ‘ccd itq/yfe/unt it gojhe {zublic Magi-on Innsmxrzé USE, éill; comintéti itself mime“ with this smicting comphint, a] fimctifloner win; my feel i m 1 powers 'of this yvaiinble ’uflyunt up ready florfmnu 1] direction}, and can be ob hé nruggisu at 75 ’cuiu ‘per olqnle 6f . 7 LLOCK a cmaxs AW”: llunufmtaring eniisqlp, 1y; ,- P “magma. ~ r-h——‘- |_,,-_, athiot ,8; n’s : RNITURBWAREROOMENM. . Guy" étreet, Baltimore” (near ndirig‘ from Gay to Frederick smh‘lishmen'l ol the kind} in the Inn hand :1. large assortment of n QIFFICE FI'RXITFRF. em- Bedbtemls, Winhsmnds, “Fund a of; Husk, Cotton and. Hair us, "fauna-Texas, .\rm Gln'n'ra'l Etngeres, Marble Tnbloi, Sot nnd‘ ['phulslored ChairL AS SUFCUTTAGEFURNITURE, flirt Chairs, Barber Qhaira, es, 1‘ at [bu-ks, "all Fnrhitur“, Pram-w Looking Glance: Side- Tubles, of "cry ll‘llfl!’l.l ~chnse are in tcd On emmiunlionmrhich wor’kmnnehipiis not Iment iglhezdun‘lry. THIUT’k. Sn ‘, 22' N. Ghy “st eel. Townsley Ahead, Notice. wnsox's Mountain 11mm. 3 give I pence: llkeneu 0! Tune, I ’chkf nfn tribe oflbe "mun Auee Nu tion. that once ruled Mexico. You will and I full account of him :ud hi! peoplein out Pumph lot: and Alumna—lo he had (until, freq the Agent! for those Pills. The Inn-Mar Ind manufacturer of “ Jndwn’l lounuin Herb Pills," hat spam the‘grnur part of his life in traveling, havin viuitcd nearly every country in the “arid. fl. lpem. our six year: tuning the Indian: or the Rocky Mountains Indof exico. mul it was thus ‘hn the “ Mouxnl! Hun Pmu " were din-outed, A very interesting Account of hi: adventure ‘here, you will find in our Ahnuu' Ind anphlet. ‘ . It in un nublishpd ‘fsct, that ll} diuuo. uduhom . ‘ ”(PURE BLOOD! Tho blnod is the um and when any hielgn or unhuhhy mutter gm mixed with it, it in II onto distributed 10 every organ of tho body.— Every nerve feel: the poison, nnd all flu jm-l organs quickly complain. The Momnchiwill not digen the food parfecfly. The liver calm to lecrete n anflicienty of bile. The "I'm: of the heart is wenkcned, and so (he circumfle -13 feeble. The lungs become clogged win; (In poisonous minor; hence. n cough—and I“ from : Ilightimpurizy M the fountniu-head on‘m— the Blood! \As if you bud thrown lomo earth, for instance, in a pure spring, (You: whit-3 run n tiny rh-ulet, in n few minutes the hole cgnne of the stream bet-own disturb"; Ind discolored. As quickly does impure blodd fly in every put. Ind lone ill sting bohilll.f All the pasmge! become ohuructed,ud nnlon tho obstruction in removed, the lump of lifo boon dies out. » ~ 1 These pill: not only purify the blood; but regenorlte I“ the secretion of the body ; Me] Are, therefore. unrivalled as n. l CURE FOR BILIUCS DISEASES, ' ? Liver‘Complnint, Sick Headache, Ac. Whi .- nd-Bili u Medicine expel: from the blboh the hidden 5326: of discuss, and nude” :1: in. fluid: and secretion! pure and fluent, cle‘ ring and résuacimting the vital organs. 1 Plenpant indeed, it‘ in to us, the! we nrei able to pllce within yonrlrench, I medicine lilqelho " Mountain Herb PilLs," that will [mu didertly to the nfllirted pnn’a, through the blood Ind fluids of the body, lend muse the Infl’gri-r to bsighten with the finish or beauty and heajnh. Jvdlon'a [filly are (In Bu! Ready in 6W+¢ [or ~I” followhty L‘dmplm'uu: , i Rowe} Co’ainu, Head-clan. | Coughs, lgdigmliol, i u Colds, ' lufinenu, I ChégLDuenu, ' lnflnmmutlon, i Continue-s, Inward \V'nknéu, [)3-spepsia, . ' Livchomplainrl. . Diarrhoea, 3 Lawn“ of Spi iu, Dropsy,.. , i l‘iln, ~! Debilily, ’ Stan. and Griv‘bt. Fen-r nnd (\gno, ! Burundi-”€5,113.- Femtle ('omplnint's, ’ toms. », ' t GREAT Fmguu: MEDICINE! ‘ Female: who value henlth, should no tr ht without these Pills: They purity the loud, remote obstructions of all kinds, cleans! the skin of nll‘pimplea find hlotrhelumd brig]: the rich colour of build: to the pale chock. - I [597110 Plants mu! llrrhs nt Much the" Pill% me made. uerqdiu-overcd in n ruin"- prieing ,wuy muting} thefl‘e'znmnx. I lril c of Aborigines in .\lexiu-o. an the Almnnrc of our .\gr‘nt, xtml you will rcxul with deligh . the very interesting net-mm} .it. chnluinl (#lth ” (iron! .\(odicihe " of thé Amen". ()nstle—The “,.\lum.tuin "orb Pill-‘l' Ire pm. (up in a Beautiful meprr. Hing lm‘x (-nntnina 40 pills, and IL-tnil nt 2!: cenlfs per box. All genuin‘e have Ihe signature oft". L. Ji‘DSUN (z ('o.,’on earl: Imx. 5 .- ~ B. L.‘ JU-DSON 86 00., E ~ . SULH I‘RUI'IHETUIKS,E ' - No, 60 Lynsum S'nmn, .\n Yoi‘u. Agent. wunlml‘nlwxus—A-hlreu 11l ulu'pm, pry-11. H. (Hun. .\gn-nt fur Gull) slung. July 'l9, 181:1. 'lyww . 3 _ _ V Cheap 1 \‘Encox'rs, : ‘ " m'l-Im‘tHTS. . ! mmss ('nATs, | l Inuzss m.\T‘s. . I m‘slxrzss cons, I ul'smkss cum-rs. ' ‘ smxxm' “NETS, ‘'E » Moxxm’ Luau-:15, ‘l‘ ‘ mun‘rs. ~ 1 . " SHIRTS. l mpuflzns, 5 1 Im.\wmxs,\ 1 7* , (Yams, ‘ I ' a' a VHS-rs, K ‘ [ PANTS, n . I PANTS Ln" of ”um, I» hula rhopprr (had lhc chenpes’lull of autumn mukr. Inju- hzjll #1 list Clothing l-Zmporiu'm of (£5O. AR. 5)“). Junlv, 1862. 81 . 2‘ : Lancasterz‘Boolemdery.’ - EURUE “'IANT. ‘ l G HOOK lll'.'|"ll§l.'R ‘so any! Ibo: lAXK'rirrl'umg. ' V ' } LAN“ \STHH, 3’A. Plain and Omninqoml Ilmdiny. of Mt:- V dc». ncriptinn, oxn-nlcd if“ [he umst-Kulntmx‘iin‘tl nnd Apprm'ui styles. ‘ ‘ ‘ 1, } ‘ “human. 1 t E. \\'.,-Brown, Em“ Furweru 13.: nk of Lain-hater. V. L. l’eipér. I'll-q . [amt-Amer (‘nunly Bunk i‘qnurl Shock. l'l:tq.‘l,('ulnmhlin (hunk. “ 1' I: Samuel. Wagner, HM}, York llnnk. f} f ,Willhm Wagner, 39].. York l'o'mly "junk. ' T. I). (‘ursom I%qu Bank at” 337 m; übnrg. I Peter .\lfi‘flin. {squ l‘rolh‘y nflnmvuslur co., PK. Goo. (‘. "l\“\‘”l01'n, Him. Rl-gi‘lcr " "r “ Gon.,\\‘hitsi)n. Hsth Recorder “ ; .5 “. .\pril 15, 1301. ,- i . V ‘ Alexander Frazer, J. ‘ LOPK AND W.\TCII-.\l.\KHß,hu mom! his slmp to South Baltimore 9! t, 1 few doors south of the Court "on". ‘11:?!” in} alwnys hcvhnppy to attend to the valhs of hi. ('IIMUII'IL‘N. He is. thankful lor pus! fur‘prl. and hopes to rereive the continuedru-lom of 11:. public” * \ [Gnu-slung, April 3; 13m. ' ' Fine Liquors. 5 ,G: CARR has added to his G cry Ind .’ Notion Store, n department for the 111. Fol Liquors, and huvlng laid in I lnrge ad line 'nssortment, he lnvitn the attention 0 hugrrl I therflo. It. embraces ’Bll.\.\'l)ll§s. IWISI-ls, SUNS, \VUISKIES, to" or dim-rem 1: nd! Ind : pricu, some among the but to be had in Illa ,citlci. As his mono ii, “ quick sales and small plofiu," he will ull then , \‘ery chenfi, for lb. i cm. fl'l'o be convince l, I)! in only necajsur’ to - gn-e him your tmnue. i ‘ ‘ Genyslmrg, 5:1: 1, 1861. . fimon ‘lnn. z EORGE '.-\. CORWELL. of the Union Inn. on the Chambersburg Turnpike, numb. hp of the South Mountain. takes chip ndiod ofinlorming his friends and the public that in. is prepared to accommodate «ll who may [m tmnize him, in the best lmlnner, Ind M inodor nto chant". No effort will be span-d w gin ulhhcliun. "in gable and bar "in be found we" provided,alid his beddinguncxceptionnble. Large naming= for box-SN. He only uh I lrinl. [May 6, 1861. 33 ‘ Removal. {' ‘ WATCH & CLOCK REl’AllllNG.p-LOUIS 2511 mm 1m removed hi: Imm: c Elock Linking Establishment to 5%.“, Ba)- tinore streethtwo doors north at Inner 8 Zieglcr's Store, when he will be glut! to re ceive a continuance of the patrondgo of Ib. public. By close attention to business, good wqu, and moderate charge.-Y he hopcl to [in general Intinfacticn, u hvrctofore. , Gettysburg, April fl, 1116!. ' ' l Timung! Tinmng! '1‘“?- undensgned respectfully inform! tho chem of Gettysburg and the public gu enlly,thnt he bu opgned a new Timing u. tnbl'uhment. in (‘hnubmhurg streak-directly opposite cum Church. He will mam". Ind koop' conlmntly on hand, 0""7 'lflml TIN-WARE, PRESSED and JAPAN-W , uni will always be md)‘ f 0 4“ BIT-PAM“. ROOFL‘JG and SPOUTING also do“ i. {to best manner. Primo mpdeflgte, Ind-1nf..." spared to render full satisfactlpn. A mof the public'l patronage u sollcned, A. P. BAUGHIB. 'oburgflune 18, 1860. 1, , :t ME ILLINERS and other: will find a. goodsh M ”noon! of BSbl-oul, Flovturflm. “c 0, Al,, n the cheap store of ‘ ’ ‘ A. 8001“! & BON- II In; 1•• ad
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers