C . v The Coinu-zg‘in publiahod every Monday morning, by Itsxu J. Sr mm. at $1 75 par sum if paid strictly m muses—~32 00 per mmun if not [mid in advance. No :übwriptidn diamntinucd, unless at the up’iun of the puhlishfir. until all arreuragel are paid. > 7 A Aorta-munvnimm-tmht the usual rate- Jon Itnlxnxu done with nenmm uhd dispatch. _. ,Orncn in South Baltimore btrnot. directly «ppmiw anplrfi‘ 'l‘inuing Ednhlinhmem -"”COIi'ILlI I’mxnw omm: " on the sign. 1 At Mot In: noun:- lIAU'I'Y OF LIBERTY. “ In «11 thing: that lum- hmnty there in noth~ II: to nun more comely thnn liberty."—.tliuon. W'hen the dance of thy.- shndown ’ " At dnybronk ti d'nnc. ‘ And the winch. of the morning w L. ,n , CAKE red with the sun~ _ ' , When he sinks in his gklry, At an from the View, Am! on“: up the planet ‘ 'l'o blue in thc blue—- Thou la bunny, but where in the bounty t 6 Ice Han proud than thenight ofumtfon when km- " When the beautiful bong - ‘\ .or the bow in above," A LXke n colhr of light ” .- a‘ , , ‘ 0n the hoaom of love-- A When the mom in her mildncsl ‘ 'l': floating m‘l high, . . Like A bqnner oraitwr ‘\ , ‘ ‘ Hung’out in the Fkyw ~ There in beauty, but «anti hu no beauty to age Hore’pro‘ud than the from dfn nation when fru- ? . In 'me dapth of tho durkness, l‘mnricd ii hue, ’ , When'the shmlovu ire veiling— ‘ The hum" of Hm blue—- , When‘ the voice of the tempen, Al lulduiubt i“ 3H”. . And‘tf'e np'irit ohm‘litude‘ ‘ ' ‘ t ‘ Nails on till hill— ‘ ‘ {here it hcuu‘met win-re i - tjm beauty mace .ike‘lhe bruml beaming brow ofn nation whyn - tree 'I ‘ I. fiflgifimllfimfinfi; A Chapter on Boys .EEnys! What a warm anl'idz‘.v(l;l)Pgldl..-' di’fly funM. chnpgu-rl Jmntl<. aml crnnuml, tat-Yen bonfu (hi-r simmv huh» mnfin'ylnhlv ‘ summits. Boyd! living moving imtitutinns of mimhiefnnd spay! I» ('rqmturoszlm run. tumbjn, wrutch. him. nrcmn. churn-r. nml yinmmfir tiwir \vuv Ulrmigh llm \vmld with { The grunts-yd (IIO‘““I‘I: "I‘lnln'V-W‘TWP znul mm— olmlnnoa. Tint-y are (Ho thingy which :91 wnrrflhé dignitv of 0M Pvrlfln. wlm tribs in ken)» them in rmvs, but faih. fmx they are Y'ko crumb-ll pilu-cnu't 1m Imm hig‘flighLJ Tin-y turn tho‘hnuw‘up ~lrlc dnwanop n 'c--ntinl|-Il mum" in the “We“. bn‘nm things «-\'or_\" w w: make lifv a nfiwry, :md [hi-91mm. mfp‘urll ‘qmuinn m Idiot-(N. 'l'lu-y wr‘ AH yign-s'tmilzg:, "Hn-yjzn- é'rmm] in ‘the wnmli. if) Hm fit'hls.hltl lhr- strvcm. in 11m p timin the» cullnr. in the Inn-u. 'm l‘hurch. in hwvrnk and '«ul'muw, in dares nn-l dun», nn (row. Im-lvr mnnmE-ficrywimre; and awn-\- tho mind nnih . jnjfljn-g. originnl‘ bu iut, "Hwy Wail nnl ujmn Harv, but :1.“'.’1.V (hr-v Ilzuh uplm tholrJ'H-kle—s tru'm. appa ‘rl-litly lwcglin: mulling—lest jnfilu- giddy whirln of their worm—3ll 1101.451 sinulo luv-W i.- m:ulv. nnt'a wm-d i‘< uttered by thp flhl (hwél‘um- hut their rmulv 931‘ an” ear loitolm-I if nnd {ny- il up in flu-fr ftn‘rohmue 3f inoidehtr’ fur fumm pmhidemtinn. ' ‘l." 4 ‘ ”A Yzmkm’nnd to Frnnvhmun pwnml n )Ii: in rn-pflrtnmwhip. Whnn t‘hrkifling limp ran)», they wished to (“ng ”w meat. The Yzmkw- 1m: w-rv unfit?!» f 0 divido m that he ran!!! .2»! both him] qéfirt-‘N, and :rI-r-nmlnd the Fu-nrhmnn ”ml the Mafia ‘alividn was to Put it norms tlwlmr‘k. 'l’lm j’rmwhnmn agree-fl to do it on cnmlifirnb -flmt Hm Yank?» \i’nuhhdrn his hack and Inigo Hm Nm‘oo nl‘hpinmw nhnr it was (Imin “Va. The \“nkuc turned his back accordv Sng‘y. ,' .’ _' J" -Frnnrhmnn~\"u-h 1:300“ vi“ yml have -—-IP piece Wid 7.0 tail on him, or m {have vat haint mt no mil 1' ‘ ‘ Yankee—Wm piocn with the mi] 01).. ’ gram-hmnn‘L—Zon hy gun-you mm tnke him,— .] 'nke 10 our mw. .~ , ? "Upon tuyn‘ng around. the Yankee 21mm} "tho Frenchman hm] out off the tail and etuck ,It into the pig‘s mouth 2 , . ,- ‘ 50... - ‘- 3 Bullfi—Specimens and \‘iurfizfitti 6f tho fuumm animal are nxlmomu‘. There are t! .mfipt‘urnl lmlh of Baalmm : tho mtg-{mo miefl' huh of Zmliac‘». the mythological Cram; bu“ s‘nughwrwl by Um-mflgla': the ugriculmral Durham bull ; thb oglosinstiml bull ofttlie Pupn: [he Mamie? nun Apie. of Egg" { ; the sacriflvlal’m} of China: (he mirfitary boss hull on the old Roman (New: Ibo mmwmr}; hulls on ’ohnnga; the juvenile bull q". Cap}: Robin‘s fnmrnl : the musical Gla’flull: the impn'ial John Bullx thr national Irish bull,.§nd the American mm mm. ‘ _ *We vol-pent and antjmte the pulpit and the lime ‘mxjnister 01 God wigh'm the'm proper sphere. But history and our own egpéfiencé pm (.9 us, that these are not dun.- conmmted ‘to the dutiw and service pf thkt sphere! Infieed. we do not hesi- We ‘0 exprfi 6“} ‘gx‘nvictiqn that at this ‘_ moment the pulpit, m the occupamy of thousands of professed ministers of God, is ,lhe mbudlislnyal filing in Amerlaa, and has Winona guilty than the press, wicked as that in: been. in khe instigation of Man dud: andpmd‘ica'whirW-e causal the rupture ofm omit happy EIMJBM’ Sun. ' fl-Bofdfie her marrktge, @ll9 Queen of .England was a wayward and fitful young meh to (human varizble capri m and entirely unooqtmlnble by her min~ ‘igm-s. Shrewd politicians have ahmys as. Jihad the calm and equable coursé of x. MM policy to the influence of Prian JAM“, who was one of the most shrewd and > }2‘pgqplished4fiplomntkts. - ...-..r. .... ..M dfi‘iflmn DE. Franklin wss making his m Wants in electricity, hewwished {dwimts of! a hen, and while holding “39 wire to the bird, it struggled and he re— ogiud the whole charge himself. On re covering Emmi) shock, be good nuturedly fihgriéd that “instead of killing a he}: by aeg'fi'ipiw he had marl}: kilicd a goose." > tip-In theapaoe of forty yems Mexico ”55.4130 fewer than fifty-five different Wu: . m uk‘ogl MnPuriok Mtguire ifhe ’ ‘MDufiy?“Kuow him!” answer. 33%”, he is 9.x:ymrrdau‘vequim; 11ka proponed to marry my sister Kate!" .4. 4.} By 11. .nkunm “1311 Year- Sudden Deaths. Dr. ”all. in his Journal of Health, say: that very few suddm dcaThs which are said to arise from disease of the heart do really arise ffom tlinb cause. To ascertain the real origin 9781111;an den (ha, the dobtor says the experiment has been Lrie’din’ Eur Ope, and reported ton sciknt ific corn gross hold at Stiw burgh. Sixty-nix cases of sudden death were made the sillijeci of: tflémugh post mortem examir‘mfion. In thezle cas‘es only Two were fdund who died from disease of'the heart. Nine out dftlie siily-«ix‘died from apéplexthldle there Wt'l‘f‘ forty-six cases ol’congestionnf'the lungs; that is, the linings were so lull of blood they coul‘id. not work. than“ not. bPifig room enough {ol} a sufi’iciefit quantityni‘ulrto‘entbl t 9 suppoi‘tlifg. The doc! ‘ goes un monumeraue thé causes that maygwoduce cmsgéstion. of film lungs.- The) are —OOH fret; tight Show; tight clo— thing: rosiivéiifsszsitting mm (mm chilled through uftor beingzwarmetl |vv l'nbm- or a my pid walk; going too suddenly frél’n. a closer hmtt‘d mnm into tlinmaldjnir', especially after speaking: and sudden (11-péesaing hows Operating km (lie blond. 'l‘he‘l'e cut/mos of sudden death being known. anl avpirlarice of them may serveto longtlinn qiur valuable livm, whirl: wnuld nthvrwisc bé losl unglnr the vm'divtpf a heart mmplninit. That «li senw iunppéwd in b 9 incumhld, an?! lu-m‘P nu-_n may 11th let‘ tho pains Dir-y Would to avoid smlilon death if they highw- it In)" in their pom‘ir. - ,T/lr Equvm'l'z' Quwljfinirs['-_f}:'[téfm§_ir ('mlIE /)¢'/.-—-'l'h(- flip mnrdml of l'hilidfilphin; in; his nmnml rvpm-(pmukes the f, “owing NJ mnrkq on Hm 'mn'nnfl'wlugn nnh exflnsivo‘; ‘— ualitiéw of korosam- or coal oil, iibw’getting} a, he so oxtemiyol’y med:- 5 i Karon-m: j~' fwd. taking thé [wince nf'oam-l plume und othm' burning fluids.” :1 light—J 'i‘hm‘é is 2mm mnfidenoe repos‘d in it. from} n prev-awn! Im)iofthnt it is snfét of MI 11:9} burning fluids. Imin! generally;0011:1110th { exempt fI-nm flm chum-m of if,»lnsion.-L This (-rhfi-lenv‘e would not be , kphwwl “‘1 the {list'filPN of igvrnld ulwaw, oath-not ”mi whole nhho )mnz'nw. whiuh i~‘ Kim nxplmh-P cmwtiuvut‘fmm Ihe nil. 3*. many of 21.5: mnnni‘noi 11W)". tampwd h)- (lm; mmpoot nf' inmeu'rr-d gnifi‘n.‘ do nbt, 111311135 Fw‘ry con‘lu-J mer of the fluid runs mgrmtm} orbs» Ji¢k in it< malmk-w fortun‘ute onnntzh m war-um (Impurr-nil. ‘R is [ikew'kn knn"n that mmu nfjhr‘ didLi'Ur‘rs of burning flui“; have bnon mine. in it mnnufilcturo. hexnz'én‘h. M a mi» stimto'fdr turpentinp, the Satypxem him-k: min hnyihg famed the Intto‘F‘qrtiole n be high. whilu the further $501.9;an I’Zu' Hhuq adulté‘ratml is terrih‘y oxpimfié: 1 View '0!" thosfe fraud-x, which are cfirfii alzflnd smamtifias (‘an mnrdvrmn— i‘rrfth‘ei ~ nee qul-nrongsnnso of duty impelsfi-mio to aivq (imvly Evarm'n! to cvuryhritly fiq’ he cautimm in their purchases of kgroseng émd burning flnilh. - - .‘ i ‘ ' ~ The Eruption qr'm. l'm‘uuius.+}l (11!, Dc-l "strnynl.--'l‘lne terrible eruptlnngnf Vesuvilnl éontinue! ni lazf‘pccnlmt‘s, nn‘] fwo-thirfls‘l 43f the city 01' 'l'm're‘is snill tmhLve keen lie--5 ;stroyod. A lot—ter dated Naple'p, Dec.‘ 28th,l {navaz -_' ; 3 l l i Flax-«rad ’with :nnw. vomifivig asheq still? like nah-n tlmnmfid ‘lmrse 1': wet fmatnryi chimnuy, with u ruined citv lyiilg at in foot, suchl~‘”l9“,“ChlblM'll‘K‘llV'f‘sulllllhpl'ffienlfi.l t'l‘lw muhicipal building. afine ll] hi=tnriml 1 wlifioe offinefime of the Armginxhnd br-r‘n‘ ,(lnwtl‘nym . Out of a pppulaltn of Elm“; 15,0110 the fugzltiws. Betwee {)0 and 60“ ; hmwos have already falls-xi, lnnll 320 nre‘? , {filling}: the rmaure moreor lesszinjured. oqu .of eleven ohurchgs four only are! uninjuredq . but there ie another fearful ‘urce sf dnn-‘ 'gPr—the sulphumua exhalafigs which are E emitted: in évmry direction, I' which ren— i der houses hr other iewects p m‘pnmtively ‘ safe, uninflmbpable. By,tlle‘ exhalations, five onlx pcfsonsmnd all the inlmnls, such an cats.‘ dogs, mice, an'd theifislws in khel 3 sea, lnavenlremly been killed. 1 In fact twq‘:t E (MI-Ala of the city have been déstroyed. 3 ‘ - (‘rgfin’ Rabbcrs in England.~A jznngof cgfiini robbenf have been detectedint Weston; SomJ ~enet ctrunty, England. Tfie lgnder was} th'e: Isexton'of the church, and a)? party wer‘a‘ :avcuiflémml to open vuults,“§reak pofiini ! with tdolfl,'t‘ut out thelead lining, and take! % this lead, with the coffifi handlfes and plays. {to sen,” 01d iron at Brfidford. The wow: ‘oi‘. the'c-offin and the bones bf its inmaf were broken u’p and‘stowedfawny in ,the‘ fqrthe; camera! the vault.‘ H his has béed going on for over three yeutfgnél at least. fifty cofiins, including thpse some of £ll6 ‘ prominent peopleof the neighborhood~noi blemen and other: have Been thus outraged; t Very Lacunic.——-An Amusing sword prmenL tation was made on the 17;]: 15v the ofiicers of the Seventy-eighth Pennsylmnia to theit Ganderwnnum swan. Th'eprmntatioq speech of Captain Gillespie wgs:~“ller§w§ are. a‘nd here it is} This is a‘ bully sword, andoomes from bully fellows. Take it, and use itin abully manner.” Colonel Sirwell’s reply was z-T“ Captain, that m w bully speech. Let us take a bully drink." . fiAmong the articles found in General Zoguicofi‘er’s camp 83Mfl15pring, Kentucky, w re sixty thousand pounds ofsugnr, twenty six thousand pounds of eofl'ee and twelve thomnd pounds of tobaccq. » ’:V . , S 58-3. young and beautiful damsel near Frankfort, Kentucky, having two lovers, find not knowing which t 9 prefer, settlfd the matter by marryingwonile‘and eloping with the other, ‘ - . f‘l H‘Ccufion in speed wile}: dagger}! it“ be passpd. ; . J . fl 111 mWhat day in s. nhcnd"; .\lnrc'n four! avg-Mm is that not ri «:7. and ye: is'm; wllow does I! tegr'fly resemble a} find. a . ' 1 55‘} German - moricu Mme is we are obliged to ofl'er erv. : WEE Gripes, pl perm: qlw‘uys looks in theihumg orhol' tailor nfsetuures lli'm I requirgfless cloth. 1! ’fi'b‘nme of the ‘ 'dislrncied afioni fine} the baliit of lie-ing-t grant (Int more to M; fié‘fio dogbt hon (Rios! Mm do hmui they think it good p fi-fipnro 111M30- may foést ; labor llu that yuu mav rut. WlNfigukiH’ t and razor, are mnde girfJ'lm «or; On; =iding fin Tmml ulll hem '2 Hard “ ixh um); 6f)! :0 be war kg‘ftl‘he (,‘nmmiu Comméis hunk heft sigfirflby Simon (In ‘h-oughilhu son! a c: deviating that he Pm x)! sud? bring draw nun”. 1 - WPHTPH politic ‘ cmrutr}. and 111 an :‘ §d.f=(~l_sle uf‘prearhin: KTho Evlfling olf of $1 llh-mbof'a pm” in a] Eigmku-an umnng 1h J I:4};H’Fu-ZII: a Walnut—A Tow (hulk Khwn n (lnq’frqte and mplor novel lmnh- own-'- rmLininfmtnra lod'néhip, this r‘mmtv. Im— twm-n jn young mnlp nammi Ulrich. mu] :1 lnrzr- finiduflt. Itiuppmri that whip- Mr. I‘lrivhyfwuk walkin' along the Uninn (‘mml he noticed a. imiskmt in :; HUM. ”meted behind mine bus-hrs; ‘Quietly moving up to die Ell‘ilnml, Km t mught with 0m- }; ow to 1m muf-k (loud at his feét. But, not so ozisia 1y «tank. The mt. ‘pn the application of Hm ymmginmn's boot, Lhowod battle, and mad»: at him like u sanigo ling, compelling Mr. I'. to [if-(Hm! a shmit distance. Tln- :lnimuL howeviuxx look ndvimtnge of its victngy, mill fliiIOWGd its naiaiiunt. making sovem! u!- teihp§f M the thrift of die young man, [or tunut ‘ly sucveedi ygon‘ly in tearing his vast {mil cont. At thiqrslage of the battle—both belligqrmits prf‘th' near exlmuftod~the young: nnin 111:”in procured a stick, émnl snnn fi'gnled the h file by (aking Um [ifgut‘ Um fighting mt. That a muskm‘t wduid at tack aimnn o} givei battle is mmnglhing new; nt—leurit to us; butilwe have the above fi-nm glithpf‘ily that dull-e not be questioned.~ ~iiiiid/a‘town ( 1?:1.) flmale ‘ i .47, __, - ~___- ._. =Mail A Singular Gad—The}? is» won)?" now iitiillgf in Froepori, Illinois. who is deaf, having: been so fro'pa infancy, and yet, with put ”i" aid of hedring. is enabled to early on a {junvorsmtion}i with her bu?bnnd «an mung», which is {perfectly intelligible and air-web) all ordinary purpnsos; ’ Sbgfis said to uniderstn‘nd all her husband PM“ by the‘motim‘p of his lips sxmpiy. ITL-r flittie glxild al‘ {ouri‘years is also o:3in umbr fatnodJnnrl all his winnts attended to. through Mumsanm medium. The parents are both innid u; be intellige‘ht and well-educated peo ple. Tll9 gentierhrm himself was at one 'time 'president 0‘ the Boston Mercantile i Asshoiation. and [is now engaged in the i meitcdntile businmat his place of residence. Lammy.~':\ negro wee arrested yesterday n‘nd committed tofjail by J mace Beader. to muwdr the char-g}? of larceny. It. ”(we that: he ccofly and defiberately etoleitwo piet‘edf of cloth frolm the store door-of ,Dnh gel Epffley. He gave the flame of Richard flohngtom and acfinowledéed himself P fugi- Li‘ve two, and said he came here in com any I itb three ‘ hers. If this is the kind of chattles we get how, what may we expect if the‘Abolitionisus carry out. pheir schemes of freeing the allies, an’d pouring upon us (horde of thieves! and beggars. who can on ly be%kept in the paths of recmude by n ~task-immstex- ?—-Hém’cburg paper. 1 ‘ «..‘-m Pufiishmtntqf a .EurdwnlnM'whigavaVm. D. Kingin was cq'nvicted in Michigafi, 1m week; of a murdei‘ maxjked by very atmcioua circumstances. gn accordance witii the hum of thc State. he fiat! taken to the State pris on, ”5”" to enduie solitary confinement for life. ime the fimehe enters his cell he win pew: sec ,3 fcce aggin. His mesh}. are codvéyed to him pbrough an opening in his cell. find when it becomes necessary for hu man beings to apfirowh‘bim, they are hood ed 80,85 to conned their features. Afim’cn Ogden in Francz.—~M. Caste, a Frenbhman. has succeeded in transporting to Hyvre, from Balt‘fiuo‘ie and other places in North America, and acclimating,t\vo new specips pf oyster; of avery delicious kind. The Emma attempt is to be made in omer parts: of .If‘rsmce, _ _ A few! smflgiliiafiety in thé‘spi'ce of ma, but the vn‘riety of the tariff has given life tpjpic’é. dnb‘merchant htving rcalized, on me rise of pepper alone, $80,000,-Bwton Wu, 1| - It sounds; oddly; but in 311 right a gh,"thats§np_il-i£un! shepbotd often mfin’ies one of his wimp, EEO DEM©©RATHQ GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, FEB. 17, 18$? none. ring is commanded to go ‘wbirh looks like g. c“, in ‘cm. ? A kitten. ‘ ‘ oung man of genn‘lne ia ‘tbief. Hg is dilficult to 1 ‘ f 'ter obierves tbj! in A . Scarcity ofthie as they ‘ term-d for their-Miscar- in Insurer, to who“? I. nix ]nrgo an n cart-wheel. is ling his breath while the iso than his gunnebu will edicaljounnnls ar’e much custom nflying iii bed: utmod is, we think, a guardrd ngninst.§ sky ‘l3 the best policymm st things memy 136 mm“ Hay are no! bones}. {1 may speed ; fr'ut pharynx! t yin: may live; and run E strong men likje Ilrop for each other, i ' Mrs. Eunice Brn‘diey, rel nmgy, Ohio, had I‘Eccmly ight children at} birth, “(9. / E’ 'c'nn Um hxvrstigfiinn‘nf Ire them several w’xfirm n ‘ era» as Secretary of War, :mmunic-uion to L‘dlgn-w I never made any coaurzn is I: up fly the 1191““! 031:1», ans are poor thingsgin thin re nun; indirarian: that has :lboutceaced m"p Iy." .000 ip the) rt'vcnué {l‘o n 'm: fear, is may my lens! Esing—llarlfurd Tun; M -k“ ~—-- ' .ri\J .13 “Tar-m H sun-my no win. ”gnu.” THE "nun ‘BRIGJ DB Q .... ‘2 Ala—Red, Him: and I?!“ Reapectfully Approprinted to lirigndier ch‘l. 3110 st Fusion; Mucus l’ U. S. A. "‘3‘;- sons of green Erin nssem 19, And join in theiboule's arr y; The usurpera mull traitors sh ll tremble, When they see he Brigadiin ,lhe fray. Go! march to the' bhttlwfiel, proudly, , Let the foe at your might/be dismayed ;‘ And thctmmpctof fame sh ll sound londff, The praise of the :lrish grigade. CHonua -—~'l‘hc pruis'e of the/Irish Brigade, to. Old “ Erin ” now lobks o'ér the ocmm. ' And hears the fierce bugle of Mars, And the strength ot'hcr [lung‘s high devotion, ls roused for the qm‘pei il§~tlie slurs. And she raises hor y'oice loud in thunder, That voice “thigh 4‘sz ulwnya obeyed, Saying “ buys " cut the rebel. asunder With the BWOl‘d‘OflthG lrish lirigade. CHOaus.-—\Vith the ‘lswprd of rho lri~h,‘&c. ’ In View ofthc 3:031:51“!th trnason, The \yotld6ss ollljhcrty sighr; Let us up and dol {all her in .6 And bring bin-k We joy of hll ”our thcstnrz nnd héebripes o‘t‘ Nor no er let your man); he Till £l2O ioe flie‘ inll rror bs-fu When charged 3y he Irish ('llonrs.——Wht-u ch ‘rgied by the Gallant .\luonxml tile General The l'niou of thlt» {country tll Hr fithh ‘ncuth rht‘ -(Smr .\‘pnnl The hunsl m thcll'rlm hnd lhmlr _ lli‘ \ulilxors the): dilllovo him *in .i M Ma honor lihéP' will nowr \l'ln‘ia IIH n llllc itlid‘spohrn roll?! ll) the “ buys " l)!. he lri<h ‘ril ('uonL n.—-ll_v [he .. Um ‘"' of the :l Onward 11. the ill-11l hay mnrv‘ ‘ Thmc ill-l‘eunlvrsi o ixhu lining 1‘ Wlmsr flmr is Holy liprm'l far i I \Vhilr- the rvhvlf lllmk HUI “+l3 " Fvnu.ii'wl." he cri‘l-al. "an m ii If Lu the sLutul tllfngflFffl'" rl' Ilrmlvl HQL Qwvwnfivjn“: llHlll r; ll ljn’re ling ‘bnyu‘fbf'the lrl~ ‘ l‘mnm.——\\'c‘re thei‘r-lboyu " of lg; V ‘ - . 1L...» .’ ”/itl General Meagherl' fissn‘mingh‘l“ of hiSl rigads. l 1 )4 the fut-mu] l‘l‘llti‘ -liun. inf «fl ill-r 2 ilivx~iuxl, oi‘liyif'ulu-r Halal Fruimi-I Mmgiu-r. Mime upyrllm lie-*n n-rmnly voufiniwd by “:4le Irish llrigmrll- “Li-lg J g’rmql delay The (lam-ml luul {‘«l‘fi‘lvc'l tn Fume com mun-l of (lu- lrrigurlp'fuiml r-l'tv- ll'i‘ appoint mf‘nl WIN ("nlll‘l‘ujl‘fil Shy-e ithmc Eri~h h-gimrnh wmn nultlho \'2r_"n :1 “llll‘ r)!4 the l'utmu.m. uml juimr‘ol (iv-{wind m’y'umncr'a Di; \ Mun, L'uloiu‘l Nugtlnt. of” tho Hwy-ninth; hm lmen acting llliig:ulier (lenvml; TM noon Hunornl )lda‘phor, ul-cq‘lnu-aiiil’fl by Mljm- Wan riuglou_l (Lulpluin ‘fruirmrul 111‘. Rnynnln'li. of the ‘Elglityrninl Rogirlwni. \\'l|n i~ m be Bligh llj Surgnm ‘: Mxljhr o’~ Nvill, comm: nilorl 11L“: bdltl‘l' «N: C, ‘ llwgnu pml .‘hhcni, h «l >ever; 1 oth loiy (Jill-erslrndv“ i’ér the Ln 3; Br the ruin; gM-umlm Glenna] S IlCltl‘ lln- 1)“)qu anltln‘ gl- l‘lnd‘ 'l'll bl'igl drawn lip hi“ line.‘ Hal cnmn nmlill tic-urn, n fmvl‘miles “Ith Alex: mlriiil )l‘ltcn (it-il. Mel ller nnd o carts)f slplen-i «lirlly mounled, u-lwe‘ willing" p the’fllillfi the brigade ‘crmru :g the brk v wichfbri‘tn lint.r binvnnots. preséiitoll :rhrilllinnl appemw l.p . . :inco. “ He mu r, lire-3d by {Ol. )n‘gent,‘ “ho rmlc a cream icolnrml t'lilargor.; 'l‘h'e‘ ‘ l ‘ .l I Control and party.) pilenlong tlhe line; nl‘ler} which the troops :aswd in iaviewJ/The‘ mm were in excell m. finirilsfl Each loi'the 3 rngimmlls Ranked temurkah‘. woll.l The Sixty~third films 1m lqr ‘l‘nt‘nnm d of Lieutni Cnl. Fowler. Liei h. CM. Bu kO, rétl‘ently‘ oi the Thing-semen l 1 New Yogi: Regignon‘t, ‘ who ha‘ijustl been ‘ppoinlod lone’l Pf the‘ Sivty-lhird, in pln ' of; Col. m-ighlj, will: take command of heregimn t; Thélrish‘ flag and Slim and tripe: wer carries! sidel by sirl‘e In each ; gimenl. Whenz‘ Gem! Shield; arrived on the groan the bl‘igade‘ marched in review Again. A r therenew the officers of tho lfl‘erent re 'mequi came forward and font .' a semi» irclzlme Then Culonql Nugent fmnsforred hec ‘ lhound of the brigade to Elan. Meaghlwr. J ; “General Shieldll was intuitive“? to the oflicen and men. ltb whom ‘ math a few approfifiate retrial-ks. lle Kin-eased bu ‘ r , we r ‘ ' l . delight at the perflbrmances h had Witness ed. There was mhterial in lthe mem he said, to make 111‘ hxcollentg‘lhrigmle. but. they required drilling in aorflo indispensa ble mnnohuvres t rlender lhé‘h‘n thoroughly ‘ elficient on the 1:11.th field. 51M the officers would handle it-vlell he woxfild say for the men that that the brigade would 110 honor ‘ to the two nation! whose flag} they intend ed to s'upport, and whose lhonor was to some extent, committed to tlfleir hands.— He enjoined upon them to we to it that, so ‘ far as their conduct was mnagrn‘ed, neither ' . M ‘3 l j nation should bedrggraccd. \ The troops cheated him enthusiaatically. They also gave hearty cheers for General ‘ Meagher, followed by cheers for each of the I Colonels. The trdopa than ‘ retumod to ,‘their gunners. The Irish Brigade will be‘ ‘ held as the reset-Ye of the division.-—Bouau l Amer. dud Cam. Ali?" F 65. 7,J ‘7 A Quutionn—Al. best. life is Flat very long. A few more smilas. a few more tests, some pleasure, much‘ bsin. sunshine and song. clouds and datlm‘ass, hasty greetings, abrupt farewellspthen our little play will 010:0, and injure: and injured will pass away. 13 h mirth while to hate each other? WA Canadian paper says first one of their officers, on hearing that the‘ militia, Weir" 10 becalled out, sent his commission to his Lieutenant Colonel, indorsed as fol !uws: “deer Game], i beg to resine mi commissiben. Being a disciyle of Krilt,i Cannot take up the 50rd." \ fiOut west when a. preacher goeg tp pram-lying politics,g they " stap hin’fbdderd’ It not“ like lung-11'. l ‘ ‘ FA MEL“; Milli The I'oin of Emancipitionr ' There is no infatuation l“"""\"§e to stand the scrutiny 6f reason And comffimn sense. thin that which believes negifp emancipa tion would contribute to the slit-dens of our arms, or the restoration of thgt‘firatemity without which [mace cqulrl n ‘be perma- Item and lasting. The adr»pticgn‘§-f such a policy as this, in,obediencq toi, tlhe clamor of a noisy fuctiqh 9f Abolitioninitsiwho have heed the worst énemie‘slof. 07m! domestio pfwo for the lint thirty 593 m, {joiiE dividg gthe horthem people, now Blpllm ntiaiiy, upited in fighting im- the Uniri‘nnder the! Conntitution, demoralize the Ir y, produce discard and contention, and fo 6 upon the country a question far more e Ibdi-rmsing' tlmn‘ the slave questibnwna‘nfly. the m»- gro question. ’The. enmncipn iqn of the aluvés, instead of concludingmau: dome-Lone Rmu‘fles, would'lmiEy re-mhliiingxce them in I? emharrus‘xitg form‘ Tlge negroek of foxitlnxlifwe no 7 a fixgl slaps sanction ‘y the Confliimion; and {there i« no n xviiyrrwe‘shbixld t üblu’ our heads I thcm‘f'one “fay or" he 0P"? The-y 30 us liftle’l‘lswm 1‘ a] mu, In nogobd 'ovmen. :Unerlicy,‘ ”imitate. is to prog‘rbule a avigqruu? war ‘(gégiuafi rebellion, Vikki“? wup‘tmg our :tn-ujglih I. 3011 foreign iHind pxtmnpous' Lungs. Shim“? the AME- I} timiiahtctlyl'y their: point 4m) dgivp the: Ad lliminitst‘mtibn ifllo i~suing In ngilx'éa of um éEvgs'i . e/muncigttxtimi. the; pflfigiziggny, ' wouidibe (0:1‘01‘93 u'giog 0|.:ll': in; ngglmtc :1!- i‘ {wt 0%. the question. WM“. 5 ‘H' [m done Qwitiintm nogrm. ‘ § ,7 , , “‘ Bt‘jwliile the rpbrfljg INF” Emmi? 44m ‘11? (lififree 7.4 (‘ hwim jifa'vii'hwn this efi'e t. l “drivire‘v‘thc North )nnl onibittol 'l”(rfiriii rmefpl-.m~ciziraszr‘¢la“a< hag??? result niqre‘tlmrhtfuf Hi: firing; ficvermnem'fionlcl hr; (1 u m< ‘be ' ed » sun, » r cym. ‘you proudly, delayed, Kali, righde. my, .lcc. ruin i‘ Ebo ‘ dean ! “ an t f} mmanding, MON J Banner,” M'c. ‘ , In rely. Ldrgnide, R'edly,‘ r .139, kc. Hh, Kc. ' remny, Irmycgz 7* d \vidr‘xy, lnrruid'; 10. I ‘ ifitdfi ‘— 1' ,: Sandra ” ’Lrlull'rkc. IContu}and the «im- unnglill mm or :the imbnt‘msiill pl;o\‘ul¢llit ll] ,pnr Suntlim‘n States : (lilo “M‘Wuultl”. V..- clinrni ion of chnqueii or “""l"l"i“”‘ nu one aidmigdml rosixy'lmmf; to tho Lllglll on the otlitr'iiHyJ-nxitl if, ‘a‘u'sp‘ite of llmw llhluulw. it simulkl mymimite in llxe énlirc lilziugmion ol'tliii rebel Shims, instonil uf Lr 15m: to us pent-ll nml quieltnms, it would fir llu~ in‘dui‘ exlxqixbied null inipovorislml cilm'lition. \vitlilfuur millilons of 11031609 01 bur hawk to ill-pleat; aull pr'ovidc for. ' Bey mould 4 assimilate will) the whitc‘ fvpulutionl r‘ terms of Veqii'ulil‘v-L-n'mvc“ (lie Emails} “- ol‘ chit. milion ; nlnl tin {Northern ‘ Lle would lmveleitlier $0 bear ‘ norxnous : I inn fortliépul‘pose'ohcolo: lug ilrcmh ntrihulc ‘so their million free 4:nml |- ‘ngrums. ~ li - t 2;, ; nation sngxtfensive alul (liiggisifiecli in ‘ lie-rests m: nu‘rp can mirror lufi gnvernvd arrow lheoriefi'. "Our iimpa! ies mutt boundless asf'the crintifien nud‘our Miami (\3 éxpfins‘lu’. 'l‘llc dLln-lfs of Republic in their wisdom co prclwml khis great truth when they’fomied u litilucion adapted to all purge of the‘ lilry—a Constitution enabling the NCWW“ 411 ml States and the Soullier States to " ‘nmlvr one Government. wi, mun com—3 :13 unifiarmiiy‘; in their don stic‘im‘d-f ns. ,And it i becauw infa Med men l tli sentions h ve sought to rctx iheir' ow sbctlonal views upon ‘ ie wholel try, “in! we‘ re now pluiég'cd in-tlle; ors ol' civil w: . The Almfitionists of} Nortlh pm! n‘hé Sccesaion one of the: [1 ur ' tho grew.“ criminal: wl 0 have (em-1 9d Jimmie penplé in fi-ntriiljdal strife ;‘ ’untll‘ they m-e'both exfipated, we{ rot'h pr for plmce. Thé e same opin of n ither of tlieso incenfli y {notions 'eVer 'overn tl'iis country "’g moo; We nevel‘ ill become fiecessio 'sts. a!» all llition'ista. Our only safe: is to abide llle tolerant hind comprehei ive princi lof the Conslitution‘, whic are alike lured him both extremes. ,lhe Union ‘J‘be émerved. the So‘mhon than must in to live in fiance with th 'ch Eng di Yankee so long as he remlers his vu garlies hitinlw; by confining firm to his own territory: and the New‘ E ' land mm mqst learn to tolerate the m extreme tent of' pro-slaveryism so longfg' it keeps wig in Constitutional limitn. ' pon any onion-hash than this—the origléal foundaé tiolh of our Governmenv—qve mi never ex‘ pol“ that q people inhabiting Ecomiuent, aunt! differing in origin, institut» 'nsy, mental chlaracterigtics and education. (rill’gver live inliliarmony." Hana section duet-finned to impress its peculiar idea updn the whole nation. and will Me no difi‘enféime ofopi'n ,ion—if, instead of a Union of Equal States with each exercising absolute (\lntro] over its? domestic concerns. the ainllof the war islfio render us a homogeneous-5' peeple in evé’ry particular. We have indoéd undertak» an" an impossible task. Bucias the tnue purpose of the Government in restoration ahd not alteration, its success idopends, in a great measure. upon the fidelity with which it adheres to this gréat object.- Emancipation would be a fiiugldeputure. —Patn’ot if: Union. 1 ’ ~ MERE 'uYl'hnnms mvnt llu~ mate, lhc pn-tmtion . upo I oitiz pen ~ I! tux; EMI q or c . ‘ ‘xdle MEI ‘je tn tilled Le was l {OlO the e 1 Con cuuy Eng iive cou bor . {he Sou bmi and GM “1 by ...... -_— ‘.«“————_—;~£~ an a. Russian town not; from St. of boots containing the mangbf; lggs of the owner, who must. have been dgvaured by the wolves which infect the q‘elgbborbood in winter. ‘ . “Milling wjhe Conscicéthn u the shipwrecked mariner clings; to the last. plank, when night and the mmpesr. close uound‘him!"~D¢nid WW}, ; ‘ #Biondin it utoniphinggthe London m. His last fed is n paanaignicfii-m‘, in which he mm the charm hr at at spy. a g Q': -_ ‘ "C J©URMfiLL¢ {ve do qnt mmipntinn (-nultlronly ‘zhe South :I}. rondm -1:“ now is. “ THCMHI b)" r nion wmi- ::I. n» of the‘ “-.umu the g 2 S - t =- -t--- x 1 'l‘ “'0 DOLLARS A-YEA R Terms of Admission. g Lest there should be (my weak—knead . women-ate, whose patriotic impulses incline em to enter the map about to be set by the epublican loaders, we direct their attentidln the following terms of ’adgnission to the ew party. 5; stated in 1119 i column» of the larrisbui-g qellyrap’l: ; "‘ One thing is oefltain. ihat betwmn tlie ‘ owed and fenrlesfily sustflined principlés of the emire Rapuh‘limw‘party and a lzfi-ge pontion or what was fo’rmerly tlje Dmnocrat-' i' party; [hm-e was no irfiportnnt difi’érencr.‘, ither ii} the purposes to be nttlainml or the tamer of their attainment. Therefore] union with‘that wing of the Democracy i of the most. simnle as well as practical hnmcter. It requires nolnvitntion on the ( mm of the Republican party, provided the ’ men who (his bnash of their adhesion to u principle ue~hone~t, and if there is any ruf l num-i..tion tube malle. it inns} be deolm'edl ’ by tlime snme Dempcmts, who would by ur "prclml lop/'rc up all tktir prefi’rcncc wtl/L rrgargl lite men, all Mair comm! prsailecliana an the sub}L ;, jzc/ of'organitations. an?! ennw into (hi enl/‘usiaqti‘i' "Tu/41‘s eff/vi: Republican party. with those: pripn Lciplw: of high regaiil for the Union and I respect for the Constitutinn. which lingo sé 1 far rendered. these then deer-m in the ‘oyos i of (heincountrymerii, and Wlllcll not m'nxlil :givu them a poaitio fin Hie politics of the “Union whioh no sti'uggie or covenant of 1 ilieir own, as n sepnxyufto mganimtion,\could ‘ I{iowibly«(-cafil‘plisle; 011 m mask the Repu'bf ‘ l licnn party togive up one idenol‘ iLs' sublime ;_principlcs~—tp “pk tllem to snrrognler a blll'r 3 {Av feature of its erred or compromise '11:: ‘ i m-gnnizntion In conciliute any manoy'sotnf ‘ 1 men, would he as riiliculous and as unholy ‘ l n~ the emendnnon clf the Lord’t- pmyej, by 1 omitting; the lnjmmt'rfnrngzr‘mhvstefih)g ($5 leimuiliam tho llii‘et'l Or that mi murder to_ clnnpmmiue will: thpx—zsuwin.” ‘ A l t We commend tlneinlanvc-toit 1- parhcu :u' onnsideration of ”141:inle Démoumfwin [the flnuse 9f Repfiesenmtivea. wh'o‘wert; (3'ole ‘ tb‘ $6; mhriy +1.25% :S‘girdé BREW; offices and pulmnng of the ngisyamre were li~tril?|xted. kfl‘be Linn: of nilmission tp thé kw part‘v are quitaiemy. prpfiided the ap- Llicunts are [mnest thug ludint is insisted wan—mud, am wilifi-gg to gin} up their prim fptes um! conic iui’ thalicttublicnn party}; 1' course there wig} be u pd‘n'fcct runh for dvuxission upon sue ae'comiuodaiting termsf, Pie think we see [)hnocmts by/ scores and H y hundreds petilio ring for mlmissibn inn? _xe Republicun‘oranizution revised and >V,. r . . xpruved.—-I atrial r Union. ; ‘lum lIIG (flung/o Timmy. - ions State {iatugn} Loyalty, f - 3 Northern Bebe ing t: The Wisconsin L: fialaturq has pexformgc‘l \ 7 m Shofimnn 31.300315} led an bolifinn mob the cust'dy of the u!“- ‘fugit’iv‘e slave, in that mas th" 1‘ Glover Reli mindicfgd tried. founé} d w pa ‘3 fine of $1,009 xejfigitie' slnvg lawns-f— -, aicnrpui he was take?! . ,L‘oum of the State, unél x 11;; the lpw‘to be uncon ed 130m}: from custody. wmmfi General of nip he, docirbion of the “'1;- ért reviéwed fly the St;- i Unitegl States, , which if the donatituiionaiiiiy’ f tlie law.‘ 900' ‘ ' l I) act of' wisdom In 8541114} notl (if M lwaukke, hl Igvhicu ri‘escuz‘kl fr ted States Marsh This “flag 'ky‘fiol cue Cixsg." "Boo!“ ‘1 guild, and swank“ or niviolulidn 0H L 1 y'poril a writflof' 13w ufure the Shpi‘éiml hat. tribunni, dééid tilufiionnl. discha z. r. Cuishing, while nited States, hm] omit} Supreme Co prem§ Court of— tli fevemed it, aflirmi was‘ 'ie-hrrested an}! n. ivhene he renmineéd. mil thé fine mu remifa omxp'itted to pris or some time, and ed fly the Preside rpm this thatvthe Sil urikia commitmd use}? .ceasion. m- numficatioix; tinny the same. . ; It win be seen ‘ renlo Court of Wi o the doctrine of s‘ or they are subsia ii In the Legislatu e of Wi'ueonsin, in:1859, immediately after the dedision of the Slu g reme Cour} at Whlxington, reyéysing tllg uEecision of the Sta boui't, spade; ol‘ reso‘ I utions win Maple , the terms ol‘thicbnta {gl'amilinr to ex‘aryfiolilinnl student. ‘Théy :,Tcommittod the lokislntive and 'executive i departmeuw' of tile Sting, .88 fully as tlie (Supreme Court la previously *oommithd the judiciary, to he doctrine of nullificn §tion. Tliey cmpgtically main-ted:i the pair: Sler ofa State'to n’ Illify a. law of Congreéé, ieven after the co stitutionality of the law ad Been panned li}>on and affirmefl by the a; Ex‘oul't of last resor In effect, thé pouitidn. Lin which \Vii‘conslifl was placed'in 1859 flag iginiilar, in princi Ile, to thé figsition no}; :00!!!)in by Soutthni-olins on the question L f Stat? rights; butlwith thinldifi‘érence, that ihe hiya! people oil the Union are endeavor lng to bring Scull} 'na to a. sense of liar constitutional lows by the bayo- Qzet. Wimnsin fpr 56m reason escapes} ghis alternntive. ' .‘ .n Rut. nrrw onmes the brightside of the pic ture. . On Fwy last, the Wisconsin Home l of Represe iven expunged, after several ‘ dnys' debate, from the records of the State, itbe nullification resolutions $1969. They wera denounced an tremnable. and voted lobe treawnable,:bv the name men «who flinve hithertoregatdod them as the corner itone of their political faith. Here in the ixpunfing resolution, which was adopted 'alwith but SeVen vole! in the negative: - “ Reaolved, Tbafl Joint Resolution No, 4 "Vof the Legislature of this_ State of the your 1859, entitled ‘Joiht Resolutions relative to the decision of the United States Supreme Court reversing the decision of theSupremé Court of Wisconsin,’ be, and the some are ,hereby, expunged." , ‘ , \ Bravely done, my we. But this was not all. The cup of cgntrition an‘pentence was not yet full. and at maingla dash the M'isconsin Home: scattered the fine-spun ltheoriee by which Republicans seek to jus gtify the personal libarty laws. and funkly icknowledged its, obligations to yield ” a killing and heu-ty‘ support to the enforca: gment of the laws,“ until "their repeal or luvful tbyoptionl" Th. following is £319 F‘W‘T'j' *- " ...?.-.._..__ "-vrvT-Nv "—" \ respluflgggqpq lg received but aim neg» lira volétz. ‘«, ~ * ‘ “RewMgfit no State of this Union has liiexrlgh defy or resist the lam ‘ol’ the Federal Fbvemment, but should yield, a willing and hmuy support to the enforuea men! of the lawn, unless mob laws are) un just and deleteriouo in their oporation, in which‘ case the only rightful'remmly lies I in their repeal or lawful abrogation.” This in a step in the :iqlx’t direction. if H; is rather lsflz. it is un emphatic endorse ment of principles for the supremacy; ofl ‘ which the Democratic puffy of Wisconsin ‘ flu struggled since 1854.. s Interesting Particulars of 31. light. L The Surrender of the? Fork—Fin? Thug. and I?de Infantry Out and RI», u Leaviug Even/[bin Behindlltm _ i in their £7l,:th , - r Cmcxxnn. Feb. .T—lee Gazebo Hide Commerciul’s Cairo_ correspondenu fit ‘ ltho following interestifng achouut etc! "1 {bombardment Ind captu’rg of For» Henry :i, Yesterdn at 12 o‘clock 30 minutes .l‘.“ l .\l. the guuimu Cincinnati, St. Louis. cu; rondelet,and Essex—the Tyler, Conestoga and Lexington blinging up the rear, dd- 1 “new boldly against the Rebel worka, go | log go the right cf.Pniuter Creel; Island, ‘ immediately above which collie mt ého‘ro iof the river stands the fortifications. Keep log out of range sill at the‘ head of the j ‘ Maud, and within a mile ofthe enemy, and ‘ then passing the Island in full view of the i ‘ Rebel guns; We steadily advanced, wary , mixn being at quartem.‘ ’ l Every ear’ was strained to catch file Flag ‘1 Oflicer'n signal gun for the commencement ’ ofizhe action. ‘ ‘~ I J NO_ 21_ "Our line‘uf battle Was on the lefl, the St. Louis ncgt, the Caruudelet next, the Cincinnufi (for \hcfime being the flag-9551:, and having‘uu 1150::er F 1330350“ Footy, and pcxt the Easet. ‘ ‘ i ‘ We advanced in line—the Cincinnati‘s boat's length ahead, when, at‘12230 «the Ifiuciunati Operied the bull, and immedi ately the three accompanying boats fa]- lowed the exmupie’, mid the enemy, no Wayrl‘ backward, gave an ndguimble response. .L» 1 The fight raged furiunsly for half qmj hour, bu: we steadily ndyaueed toward tliu enemy, receiving the returning: storms qr ahut and she"; when, gaming within thugs hundred yard»: of'the enemy's works, fie came to a stand and poured into them righ‘t and left. , : ‘ ‘ E In thd’ méantimc the 17'5an hail beelt dmnblcd and‘driftcd away frqln the scenlg of uction, leuving the Cincinnati, Carondé— leg. and Stillouis alone engaged. ' ‘ '} 'At precisely 40 minutes past ode o’clock the enemy struck their culora, and such cheering and fauch wild excitement)? seized the throats. arms and caps of the MU or five hundredmilors ot the gunbonhl cannot be imagined. much less described.g After the gun-ren‘lgglg'hiflxdyy made to CbmfiicloiFFofi’ovhy General 'l‘ilghmnq, who defended his fort in the mosLdebef mined manner, we found that. tlxq Rob 1 infuntry en duped uhtside of the fort; nuts; boring f’ourfhr five thousand mcu,-had a}: hm! “run, le Vlng uuly an artillery campnbiy in coummml 02' the tort! ‘ ‘ I The fun mounmi bHVCntt‘CD gum. Mystgyll 32 and tit-powders. one being a magnifi-i cc t 10-inch culumbjud... ‘ ' l t ‘ {)ur shots dismounted two guns, di'iving? the enemy through the embrusures.“ Odo] f-uf' their 32-poundcrs burst during the en-IV gngcment, mmndfingthe gunners, ‘ 3 ‘ The lielwls captured chin) to ban- h 6‘; ,but'clcvcu cficutive guns, worked by Eli-a“ 4. fuur men, the number, 21” told. ofthe prisb.‘ ‘llqu when. They lost fivekfllcd aud tqu; Ibfidly wounded, ’ ' i’ 7 I The infantry left everything behind thefin: ‘iuftheir flight and a vast deal of their ph'p-l‘ hder baa fhllen into our hands, iqcludingLn'Q ‘ large and valuable quantity of pniuuny‘l scores. - - V 11‘ lion: Tilfghnmnr appeared disheartened} He thinks: the capture of the fort is oqe ‘ E; the must damagmg blows 01' the war». ‘ (yd surrendering to Com. Focus he remukédj} “I'IID glid, to surrender to so gallant. tri’ officer}? —~ 31‘ Commodore Room replied: "You '31:: perfectly right, sir, in surrendering, bu you :60qu ham blown my boats oumfi water before I. would have sm‘rundered Eta}; you.” - , 1 L ‘ In the engagemencfihe Cincinnati .‘M in the ‘leadfiand flying ‘thu ’ Flag Oflice‘y‘q ' pennant, which Was the phicf mark» ‘Fiix Oflicer Fodta and Cnptaiix Stembie (vowing her dsfinntly‘iuto the teaih oi the enemy} guns. She got witty-cine shots, some gofi : iug compieteiy'thmugh 'her. 1' i i Thc‘ Essex was badly crippled when" abnnt haif through the fight, and crowding; steadily against the enemy, a bull went iata i her port side, through a forward port, that through the heavy‘ bulkhead and going squarely through one af her boilers, the, excaping steam scalding andjilliug sevepil of he: grew. ‘ ; Captain? Porter‘md his Aid, 8. P. But}: ton, Jr., and Paymacter 'Lewis, were “sink ing in thevdirect iinc of the bull's passa‘fi‘. Button béing in the centre of the group thil shot struck him on the. top of the head, smtieringhil‘brains in every direction,—+~ The escaping steam went into the pilrit house and instantly killed Ford and 'Bri‘dg‘, the pilots; Many of the soldiers xt ihe rash of the steam jumped overboard Quid were drowned. f .i i ‘ The Cincinnati had Oniy one my HM and 91: wounded. ' 2 i The fissex inn} nix acumen mm, H?) ofl'wers übd seventeen men wounded, int five missing.” . ‘ ' There were no‘ (annuities on the ES, . ’Lunis nnd Caroudeiet, though the shut daid ~Bheli fell upon them like rain. ‘ E i The St. Louis was commanded by Cdpii. Le‘onar‘d' Pau'ldingr who stand upon in: guuboat and fimght his guns to the hunt . ‘Not a man fiinchcd, and with‘oheer nbrin icixeer sent shut and she“ among thé éneiu‘i'. . -- - - v n0...--n-—--v_.r~.' . } Wasmsnrox. Feb. rumpwm £1142: at {but o'clock this morning, 90L frict han’l cavalry, fire Cameron Dragoon ‘, numbering eight. hundred men. want pain: in the direction of Fairfax Court Home tor Ibc purpoae aficapturing the gagessidu pickets. They swept the country flora Fairfax Cour: House to Hunter‘s 4111114, perhaps a distance offlve miles, going with. in halfa mile of"(iermantown, which, in sew-r3] miles beyond the Court Hamel-7;- Tbeydmve‘in all the Sccmiou giekjelé, thirteen excepted, who belonged to flu) First North (larptinn and Stuart's Virgi nia cavalry. Th'fibe they ruptured and this nveniug they were brought to Wnahiggton. They were fauna in a log hnnso, i on heingsurpriiwl fired upon our suing; One Rebel was L’chd, and Captain Wilson), of’tbc Cumefou Dragoons, was wouuaed a the neck. Also, :1 Sergeant WEI mandal ‘The comgnand was undo: Major M 969; of the (Jungian Dragoons. , . A twin-ration wagon belonging“ "19' Ralph um edpmred, together with mi; harmlfind several Colr's rifles. ,4 f 1r -- ..V". «I» -—-~- ~ « ‘ " fi’l‘here are 48,000 Jews in I:2lth
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers