T 7: , 4 • pitt - coisr. K): ‘V‘ V OUR FLAG '7 ’1'!“ union of Inter—74M union of finds— The Union of Stun none “mild hevcr; 1 Th: union 0! hauls-the union of’ binds— I 3113 :he H»; of our Uni/m forrwfl ' 31'. if 51,111.12. rm'nm'nn ruormnmu >‘A-> O , A r én’rfi’s’nvna, PA: *- itoxm i" 316;: 3: 13:6: 3‘98: ’l7, mi: Congression aL I In the United States Senate, on Monday llu‘, Mr. Duls (I(th presented nqpctitianfil from citizens of Linine. asking Congress to l [atop the discussion of the negro question, l and attend to the bujsineas of thelcouwntry, f Jauntgjn the President and General McClél’l; _lnn. and support the Constitution. I ,- Megan. Sumner and Trumbull pxcncnted-1 inhiliflon petitions. ‘ 9 In the‘ House. Mr. Ci-ittenglen (Kyfl by. f unanimous consent, prx-sented n petitirml from Philadelphia, proyoulng that on f‘lm 22:1 day of February, Washington's Pale-i wall Address be read in either IlouSo ofl Congress, by the President of the Senate 9r ' Speakerof the House, in the presence of} the members of_both hmnchgmnnd that the ; Prebidtznt and in Cnlnlnet. the Ex’-I’r¢si-t dvnts. Judkm ngthh Snptclnc Cuurt, rt-ltrc si‘ntadves Kvl' furl-ign guwirnznnnts, oil‘mr ra , bf the army and nuvy anal distinguished; gitizr‘ns be invited tn nttorul, and that the}; ‘pa-ix‘lgedingh”flll.3Jayjm-lxnling the prayer. ‘ be printed in‘ painplili-t firm and lnrgx-ly (lintrilguted: Tl) tln: qddrers pr portions ‘. of“: be rmd nt til: lmml ot‘ LlH‘ armies and: on shipboard gs thb liiglimt incentive tol par braveilofumlcrs. The politlotwrs nlsol pray- that Congrgsw pass a joint resolution l to carry the above intb effect. . l, pfr. Lot/«jay (lllu) pmpr-srvvl tut amend-l xnent, that at thu .smnu time the l’eclnmtinn l af- ludeperlgencc, and Secretary Stztnton'v. I order to the army after tli'e lmttlé'of Mill 4 Spring”: road. A greed to—yeas 78.nuys {37. 1 Mr. Crittendvn'n resolution, as thin: sun-gnof dvrl. was then adopted. j u:- The Senate. on 'l'negday. adoptefl a reso lutién to gellebmte the 22d of Fellinm-y by itlm rmgling of Washington's l-‘are‘woll Adi drum 7 v Mr. Suinnor. of'MassH pi-esentodnicnglhjv series of resolutimls “declaratouj’ of'tlw relations between the Unitml Skates and the tvcrriiory mica accupiod by certain Suit/gs, and now umrpod by )fretorided gov— exnmamn, withofii constitutional or legal fight." The position taken .tlie-rein ii! that. by secéuion ”mini“! is overthiio’Wn within ~lshe borders of those $19169, 5:0 as'to put, them-il] a‘ territorial mnaigidfi. ,nndflaus render-slavery illegal liIOI‘OiH. ’l‘hc_ywc-re laid on! .thg table and ordered to be printed; . The House détormined, nftor confidan- Lie dcbnto, that the Hon. Joseph Segar was not .cnlitlpd to agent as a. member from Virginia. Yeas 40, hays 85). Mr. Sig-Pher aon mild in theaflirmutivo. ‘ . “I'heSenatp on Thursday, after in long do rhgtel passed the Hill 1301:} the “Lima, in nn ~amended formmuuiqrizing théissup of 5130,- 010,009 in trensury times. The chiuse mak ing them a. lagnl tender wns_ retlgiinpd in the bill. but an amendment mu adopted nl - to Be fimdeciin two yeare’ bonds BearingT 3-10 per gent. interest. 2 ‘ fiWhntevcr speculations may be indul l,zeil concerning the sphere of duties of the General 'in Chief, it is crrmin Ihutfthe most ~eordiul and friendly ljeiatiom exist; between ’bim and the President qnd Sedrctary of Wu}. » -- . > ' 1 v S'Another oxpeditinn, to be filaced ImmK der the command bf Gm. Bunlrr, is being" fitted: out ntlposton. ’Fhé vessels already ' loaded or leading with troops and stores éonsist of the; ships Un'dnunted, North 'America, .Isiaho, Oc'egn ‘l’enrl, Wilder Par ley and Western Bmfiire; also some steam ?rs. The 14th Maine‘Begimenthlst Maine flattery, 2d Vermont battery and 4th Mas nqlmsefits flattery of the New Englar‘xd di visiop have embaxkod. The entire division will consist of about ten thousarid lien.— M why. point it}: intended to stgike'is not lgnown. _--__~n.w_» _ , sedeneml Hein‘uelmn, ins said, is to be Qlaced in command of a néw grand ex ‘pedition‘to the Sough, me details of which are us yet kept secret.“ ' ’ V ‘ Men. Uuntbr declares nm-stial léw thmughout the State of Kansas, amide ohu'es the crime of jayflmwkin‘éshnfl he put dust; with a. strung hand and summary pro cess. ’ S‘Tlxe SccpéL-zry of War directs that of ficers and soldiers who am or may b‘ntaken pri§oner§ shall, dqring imgrisonme t. be renting} t 6 {hgsazye pay a; i-f in naive set we. . WThe unfortufinte ,bown of ,Karpei’s Ferry W§s agairkkhe scene of stirrigxg events “on Friday week, resulting in the greater ‘portinn of it being redxuetl to fishes. A Rebeljhg‘ of truce having approached the arivpv g. host fins sent over tb them, which was jrggl ups» and one of the bantmen kkingld, 59mm (3.31%; immediately order- dd theshnliipg of ‘théhguses in which the _ Rebel rifiemen were concealed; including _ this Wager ‘Hotel. nl‘.‘ of which. wére subse quenfly burned. Another. Rebel flag ap proached‘ the river, [but Colgonel Gentry warned'them ofl‘, refusing tp rppgiye it. _ whey. Mr. Stewart, an Episcopal 01er gymnn. was arrested for treason, at, Alexan dria? on Sugday'week, for refusing to pray for the President as it is in the regular forms. WYetitionl are being. daily presented (9 the Legishture of New Jersey!_ for a law to pretegv, _th‘a immigration into that State pf W Twig; the neighboring Stiles. fl”! Timothy Tiicomb"—Dr, Holland—- myg‘t‘imt four requisites are needlzul for a manic procure admission into good society :g—Blomj. Breeding. Brains and Bullion.— fl‘helflm in the surest of tall, ‘ . WW; #bfi‘;hkiflg 0f Fort Kenry mp Unified swam now flies at certain points in all the secedgd Buw,_exoept 41m, Arkugsswd 1%“? . , --14 ‘l2‘? . -,‘;;é?"’;'l’fi2~ RTE-w , .33“,E“‘r‘;£v': .. WW i What bemifl'melhp has hone. ‘4: ':- ‘ hit of Gen. atone. ' g “11.01! honoring?! (Jr-Hat: shrill he road-y Brag. Gen. Chan. P. Stone wam'nrrested tit . .) mime any gre inoveuteir in Il'glll‘id. 2 o'clock on sunday momin-v. and taken _— f 9 ““11 m 1“ ”’0 ti‘el‘l 4" pox-son. “"Eldmlflg tu‘ Fort Lufilb'ette. upon tire lbilujtinb' (‘flmpit’lf Sfltttsl o! "It Expedition. i'is absence from : \‘iishingtou. it is probable charge: - . . . . . - .500 that tho oriliimrt dutu‘x‘ 9r the tGenfxrnl MFR". misbehavior at. the battle of + Lommnnding tho AUDI" of the United 8111 s I”qu . ‘ ' .ELI Z A 93'1"" CITY BURIED.“ States"u‘illbensshtncdbythe?residfint,¢trl “I'“For 1"”de Correspondence “30‘ 4"" - l nepinmmi. 0, same “it-231122‘2?f23'5é'33132‘5?;a§.'?5“1§b2il m ”mt W. “Wis- t ‘..9n . - ‘ v other arrangement. wrll heunmle by which liar" inmfl camp. i‘- g GIi’EJflT CARNJGE. ' ' M'Clelhui Wlll befimbiedtb do what he (10-; . .——l-‘or trehclwrmhly sufferlitg the ene- , -——- .sires. If he were to continue the routine“ "‘3' ‘0 bill“ a fort or alron! work since the FMTRE” M‘WBOL Fk'b- « ‘ _ ‘, ’ w H . . K ‘ 11. duties of the Commandmgtjenergtllie mtist 3:135: 1»;an Inuit under ltll :guns with- grins? 19-day WU”??? paimri , , '__ .: ::.'-' a :nirp. ,1 - .rngingnmwo tit-corp, li'ufaiitn :lfixtore :3 the Lafitttl, and tins .. >g‘x,.__g-.~,r u ii-onclivious (19.3.59 .0 ,xpoge' of Gen. Burnside-'3 expeditio‘nl trio 3 a moon mg to tho “is!“ of {hot _‘ll‘ tome to capture and dcstmction by the “I“Dd- i ' snug!" ofl'icer. lie {ml made ngrand ”my. ennmy.under fiiictcnho ofprilcni l'nr n ninve- The Hawk was taken pn-«Psflinn of. and land he has phtnnc‘d the catnP-‘ligu. l mil“ from “"31. commanding Fill-“‘81. “113011 Commodore Lynch's flu“ éompletely do i In the I‘M-sdr. position dithe force: 53'qu will ”‘Ol been'given.. ; ,Jtroretl. ‘ ithe Journal of Common? them is reas'o it | A'court mustml w‘u be sP’odii)’ ordered. I x Elimhetb City W“ “33“ th on Sunday, u _ . . vx; _. .Fl °.. this Sew Yqu Herold announces the ar- imd “mcumed h! “‘9 inlmbitnnts, ""0 fled belieVa that the progressxof events ih the ~ l f \ ~ "‘ Poltutematidittowards VOli'Olk “11 ' ”1 ‘WN and on the liastorn‘cowit mny sobu‘rm‘: o Genet-*1 atone M tort Ldfuyotte, 903 mg l . ' iOO ”r' _‘ ~_i ' ‘ un‘ adtlri: l, f ‘ " l ’m'ike the desired 0 orthnit For i-‘ - ‘ X . . . . . 'i ‘ The town was previously bur-nod. wheth yo in t. ' \" " rap ‘1 1 y . ac: i‘tei In ordor totilvoul ”at,“ 395 mm,". both er by.our shells or by the inhabitants is not i p ii ions in ”Lilith. 1 use opcmtra’iisi ofiiccrond pm; nche-redirectedhy Provosticel'mln. ,» ' ~i [mu not lief“) attack on M Pnsgug' buttwhut-i Bigrslial Gt-n'. orter to travel in eitiZi-n's K‘ Th}! first new: of the great defeat of the everflffiijlflpxrfhm‘é/EW doubt 111$ Will * drgss WM?“ “hing-10130 how Xork. UP" " ”bell army arrivod in 5"”:le on Sunday réflect the highestfhonor a‘nd praise on the 09211:?“ m tin“. “‘3' “PW“. Snyderl‘Pro- i “ftp-"imim’ nutl prodiicetl W" "m“ immsal 'ou ‘Co d: __ h‘4 l ‘_ [(l2 ‘, at oncq With Gem-m} btone to art. excitement. The prenousinewn receivefi! 3 uh mman' er: I! clan/foo nests. Juiig- LhaflfCttfflfllldV oinmittcd him to the charge therd had bech very satisfi' ‘3’ and en-‘i ‘ ment,and magmficmtthilitics imvebrpugm oi the comma «ling officer of that. past. coura‘ging, statiqg‘ that the lii‘zfiA-ea hud (mittl ithe entire army to its ”Wit comlitioririni Gciiernl 810 e expressed surprise at his allow Ito advance far dig Pu'rpouof ctr-win , , i ‘ utest. He del-l- th in ‘ ‘ ‘ h 9' ,a“ parts of the cohntry, mil hm'oprepuried I it. y} .- .irw sit. ais entirely in- t elm ‘nto attrapl': ‘ . cl," ’ iit for, the movement soon td be made ' ‘ lnoptln 0‘ Ian“; Committed any 9“ 0f dw'l I'hp. Nb“ 10:00 on the island is suppowd? ,t ~ . , -3 -_ j oya "Y: 571 d asserts, With seeming conti» toh lve been onlyulittlu "$3.000 efl'lcierlt' l [he infamous system of; attacks on his dance, that h has no fears ot the conse- fightng men. . Vi ‘ l i {Gharucter'nog only corititltltis.~ but it justlgui'ime?‘ and illwon be at liberty agatnif‘ ‘Ge ' Wi” "“5 ill at NE is Head “it ' . . ,-' : ‘ . . Juatice is done um. ‘ 'wns ot. ad ' ht '' ' ‘ .now clll‘ledon Wflh malsious dcte.mina— Grout comp aint 1m boo d -. tWI Eresnt mm“ ”'6' "gammenh" . ’ _ , , . : s.n mg a spams ie t esitugition bemm‘ tlaxtfieroua ‘ , ltzon., I‘lic radteul [tress stem’tlptiirouopfl tho Gi-neral l‘ late, hemtue he onlerrd‘fifls ‘hmved. togo to Norf‘gk. a i 1110} ,dipcouraging the nation hygonvmcing them ( aoi'kioshives t: he: sentbavk to Mr. Smoot,‘ . Al the rehelguhhonts butfimwemtakeri, l lthnttho last three. months} ave yt-comp’li‘ih- “:30 IS an em I'm” "Hue." on ”‘9 Virginia and mt “mm"! up ‘1 creeli. ““1 no douhb'— {ed nothing. No man Ori nsa can mvfit'wist es, flxpgsitfiéo Poolesnllofluml'nlto bp- was so tlefltroyed, i . ‘ I Y litOFe'n‘tOnlllSWlillOul nccoiidm‘ to C If [finite ut‘llfla ..tone has. allotted Sinoot to_ On report receive-ii at Nhrfiwlk saw that i. . V . -l g . wenera , riiii hi 2, mill .iy and night f r the nccom- 70 3! rl another-only 25 escalpcd from. Roun :3l Clellun the highs-st comipcntjatinn. Ev- m‘iflm‘w“ 0“ ‘9 "be, nrmyrihen ittcomd 01"0 “land: ' if: " iely success of tllérvnion iiUl‘t'Oi has hef‘n Ti“: “11“.? h‘ 1) deitrlind hf: the gun? 0f 0" ' ”“3?” “10‘!”th to Richmond t‘lmx‘multol his etl‘rli'ts. Thti nriiivlmsflroi'n sitiritm mm. -. It m stated. mm (lencrr'il that ml,” fit!!! on the island ,ad 0“)“me L i 'i to _.r t{A (it; I" ll _ ~1“ 5 "‘HNHI fur UM‘ tllernyin: binootri Tli Richmond Examine‘ of this [Tact-r ,U 1.3 Preset] s Pipe un I,r its ii .m-ioua, . ”“..i In. that r litiflktcr is it luyil [11.5)]. as an tlnv‘i‘ilmorning Bays, iii 3 hi: linu e‘ilimrinl 3 ; “nit-amymg_ pol"~c:ttcl'ing inélimtry andskil]. ‘ enlilnncc nl Wilifl‘il {not the, rul.t~l~isi-iznd and “Th ‘10:: 9" our with? unmfm i’t‘ummk.‘ [VIE/alt? i Set an hour has h‘per. “”0“,“ away. Not a» ziiltzt‘ivstl‘qh-d ail ofliis linritw, nml .Wonhl not i: :te duly (ha most painful- :“i it ~/' the u‘hr.- .‘ _‘ .I . I A . . i ' ' ''l ’ l i ' ' ipmntJitisbccq UVC‘l’lOUkt‘Ll. i Nut a possiih'il- F 1" (,u‘rhfirfztoéfflfoéu 'bML “m" suit un- lgilutr-i-illliii[fill/35:33:51); h’OLim” Etllglimph s't- . ”a“. . . fl.. >‘ V 1c . .. ‘ .~ .‘ i \v-‘i ‘2l:, :ll‘ ~ii )i‘m’e [\4) 0' ‘myt‘hEtijnt If“? half." newlkemdk: ‘ (iit‘li‘ prone ia. nntive of hflnadaicliiwctts. tronnh 0“ the ”:I“an " “W“‘ii' “TE-D ”WW“ ‘. - o onc- it‘ll.“ us not dihgmfit'y ”3"“an " . Enidimtcil at th Pointy. niitl dintiiiuuisitcd to Emit)": force 0f the “Mimi." figm. Th”, gcan nitpl’cclflle thc hcrculc n labors whiicli himfiqf in ‘L x" S . t ‘ "My.“ with courage. 1"" than ”900(3)! ’; .. ' . . _‘. ‘1 .' “in ‘,I. . A e icp. 0!!)0 accounts stttte 13044 a] my, g “n“. [umipdi‘nudifii l 0 . than bu npeifurmcdb) the uil‘et‘ttl in ‘ hid ] 1 ' ‘ ' ‘ pi. ' ttl m. ilurin-v‘tl me u m f It ~. ti 1‘ '4“ {,l iitt ii§ arres mus ordered by (Jen. Mt'Qel- their. etrmt h n], cut ofl'hJ‘ {he surrminth I“ a‘ - ‘ ,‘Pi‘s- "’ ‘9 O’Jf“: 1° hut, on acc'ou tof damaging facts which "”56: mom, ‘l‘ .‘ “9‘l3“”qu tn surrender: i ms ellemlt‘.‘ no“. it) {9‘ch rhbllcopiziip‘n. i hate come to )is knowled'm WlLilit 01h,“ l TM.“ (1 rcpctitimt I'llultrrim q i a I'uryc JUL/(J, land il‘posaihle dept-Ire himl oi'anyglorgl tolhq'le it tl ‘t m fC l .f e i i “lii". “RV ””4" from” fromhis work. Tlintlsiich pliinsiilinilll nii‘re r9~ mt .10 art-:3 3?"? 0.“! 9 the; Til “Ham"? ls ”:0 W's ibe vaianution of thinking Ameriiuinsti'ill ‘3 I, ..(‘n 3 mm. 0 3" oitionists, who copy from the Shim“); Dd ‘ ‘omiirn The 'rment aa 'etit (t‘ u .d‘ Ilhiti‘ze rcsolvrd [1 his fall, because he would (“‘9‘ “3) {“m' ‘s3 i i '. ' p i ’l‘) ‘ Jhe i.” 1;“ nii't accelitthe r views in rvgurd to tunitive !.. ‘ comm" “T" ”the"? - newspapers. afteruthc Lulur ’oftliciriiisztne ‘ - . ~‘ ° "10“" about ””9 O'Clm‘k‘ f 1 v.. _~ . » sliwes alqng/ m/Hne. The court martial r 4.-f i" .‘ p and to ouithrow tht bump for the sahérof ’lid UT V. «" - ,rgntlial' the following inform.“ _€r9ctin3 0n ifl‘flflifl“'liigll r law” govern-j Xi toiii:ea‘b not Es’llwadljlwme slinlri‘ ‘tl T'im oncply‘fllivunmd inii mam, would be pitinblowefr it not for thei I“: e. :__. *Mk—————“ i Evihl‘g‘clgcithfiphduyii L .. .‘ 7- _ . - i » i " W" ' perfiatmpt‘inalne pith «hit-1i the} continual i A ’Arrealtiof Gen. Crittendeii. ith.itll‘)hino. The Cltizr;s.fil l theireninity to Gen.}l"t,lhllann Let the? :The .\‘nslivil 8 (Tuna) paperl anounce i‘o iti’“"‘ii‘- ”'“cui‘mi “’9 Pi nation under-Munch thnt wihat the arm? now ‘ ilitit General eorné B. Crittenden in the A {loin’zisn QM five to timhmin is. we owe" it to him. 'l‘hatl if his huem’iesl b iI ’ 'mrml’ m“ loft WM Mi” i,” n ‘ had succeeded in their designs toid trh I ’W. have film 1:0 WWW“ ‘ . I . . - im y t m él‘mmy of It.“ our little him, if they hn'i 93'0" “904 am“ to 'vdet't ‘mey' or ’lr‘orrmt.’ our iii him t‘rum‘ the line of (hit? to rolil)‘ to heir "Mi," “Elm" Ti'i" "l“ami‘z nttncks,thc present qrrnyiofistrength would iliii(sf ‘lphum Eldiqmi’i‘nk i ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ .V _‘ . V V, ' t . nwnt (-l‘ mu Part nctor hutchgtn m.iilt, arid tho-hope ofthc tli li‘drillfl ton‘wns «inpruml. “ Ni ii said tltiilwhn-fr‘ Ell Union would have been infii‘oahly as (hirk as the'radicnyldpnpoxjs in th‘q‘ir chngnh “ind disappointmentseh to rcpnds‘ 11! it. WI '9h 3 ugwspnper of thisTclass pxyh‘ams an uttzlck ‘9n the Commandin ’Gebjfiuh it niny gin— orfilyhe regarded qs prom;~ ptiva eh'idej ‘ce that he has ‘given‘ the nation . sm‘pé n w proof of his ability and 1m: Eshown iits: e;e~ mies some new renéon forselhwing thpir cause hopeless. The-re is; a! triking rme‘m blance how in the romarkg ada on iM'Chel ln‘n bythespi‘cssianistianfl Kouholiztionflts. Both abuse him heartily, a (i both Seem Ito regard him as thpgnind on’e Fof‘thejr phjahs. Is not the coincidence rem knble 1'! ‘ E 1 - ... W 4...» .74}. ‘ (SiEk of‘the ml TheyJ/iurn'a! of. Cérf-mrra‘ ‘sn; petition is being c‘i cuumed natures.‘ In Jefferson top-r y in “'11“ 41'0. ‘ l‘ 3 Vs the f'nnowijxg‘ {ln Ohio for sig ‘ihip, FrunkihL county, Ile chum_ ‘ ‘1 Columbus is ‘situ'nted,thefietitikm‘recci‘v ‘the signatqifi of two hundred imd forlyfine on; of 170 i“ hundred and fifty‘lfour votei‘fi: - 1‘ I " To the Gemaznsswzbly gfih¢us?.l!r #04112} 1 , “-91 we undersignmh yotp‘i's of Frnnlkllin county. Ohioix; v'i wof the Hatinmtiqn magic; by the Ptosidgnt f the‘Un‘l or} Stqms‘,‘ ‘n his messa'ge. that yan ach 61% angress, ahd by laws of some 0 the Stan-7, to be hereif (er enacted, man. ofthe‘ npygroefi held km slaves, may be 1: t at libjer; , and ‘fearihg that. they may x anderim Ohio. to he ‘ d. «f 111: 11'" El nlmbi ‘ts f t r' “n 'I 1 great damage 0; ,2 white‘ Em Jitnnts our State, and esp c'mlly “lbw“ who huge to depend upon their F pr to suppqrt themselves and fi miliesz ; '£ ‘ 1 We. therefore, eefiectfihll task yqur hop» omble body to e! act a law so stringent gm its provisions as L tally to thlnilgit gm; lie ,q'mes from emigr. ing into, settling or holid— ihg p‘roperty in (J lio. ’ U ; And. if nm in onflict'wifik the Constitu tion, that you also cause than now in OHio to‘ be removed mas reusmlhble a. time 5 win judgnwnt n‘aay sugges. i and that y u make it the duty of the truslees of the se' - erdi townships lo‘see that, sdiid law be fuit - quy pnfprced- I 3 ~ ’‘i Coming-from Oyhio, bhis‘mofvehent is very ungracious, for, Lexcepting |l‘laswchusetis, that Blatg has m‘anil‘estéd more solicitute for the negro than any mill: . and ‘Shou d at least‘ take herfihll shu‘q oft]! the uegrotea that may be emanciphted. ‘ - A-Dilemml ‘1 At the recent. election ‘iP Illinois llpr members of_ a Constitutional Conventioh, the Democrat: aéhieved a glprious victo‘rb, literally su’gspiqlg the Stat? Consequeq‘t. ly, the Conventién, which [#s just can‘véh edat the Stage ‘Capitol. rcbjutainz a Inrfie majority of quoémtsqiih fact, nearly three-fourths of ‘t. .body axle members laf that party. T : blimnsare very my h worriéd at this,‘ , "re {daring (poor 505135) lest the Convontion sho‘uld by its actp'qn sécessionize tl‘m State. Butl a lucky id§a occurs to them in‘phe midst fof their glooin and desmpdencyrwhichiimmfi' the Go‘y ernmem should arrest by 3 him dc cache! the Democratic members of pie Oouvexitioln and confine them is; Foil; .Warrem Thfis ridiculous proposition we Ifinfl in aietcer to the New York (Clam fi'oni fillings? Swath a) proceeding woxild be a. flight stretch 6f powprJhe letter udmita, but the 'ust to gaink of me unparalleled @adaggyof mg Democrats in oubvoting £ll5 Republicansf‘ 7 ~- ———¢ - o-—v+'———‘—— x VW-‘Tbe Union, die Copslilugiod gnd tljap enforcement of thelnws." This is :1: .excallc‘gz nlotto. ' Whoever is against the Cohuitglidn is:gainsttlleUnion.; The Uni‘on exists by vil tfie of the Constitution. Thh‘ destruction bf the Conn' 'on'is the destrhétioh of the V! nlon. Thfire indissolubly cénnectcd. ‘ ' main order was iuued from the Wu- Department, on Monday last, directing the arrest of Dr. Ives, Wuhingtnn oorrespo ‘- dbnt of the New York Egan; chuged M 33 obnducung hixmelt u a spy; and pf vial» 7:“ g the 'rules and regnlgtious of the Wig liperteaqnt; He gas sap: Lo‘Em't Mommy, A Übihfetiernte ur Iy, who commanded in con junction with jGeneral Zollicofl‘er. at the battle of Somerset. Ky.. has hgen arrested mt :vnry smiou chargvs. (fen. C. in n. aim of “an. John t. Crittendmt. at: Kentuckry. and his friends“ nllcdze that they‘chargPfi n igaiilts‘ him are unfounded. “The thville r u . x :pdpPrS, howev I‘. comment: sow-rely _npnn him‘conduct, s.~ “'1“ he seen by the :uhjoih. 9d xtrncts: g I 1 3 3. he Nashvittn anotto "has a dashing qr _tich on the “Sin nf' Dlrunkmmesn.“ poixit. 'ettliv applying its mmmonb~ directly" to Gen. ‘v - ' (‘l‘attendem Itl says Of that nlfivnr: 11m fqr the dg'cplnmhle rm that Can. cm temfon. of Kn-r‘turkv. who in, vm ro-zret tn mkmcnorally rglnrdc-fl as nmmmnn drunk , mill; hm! btmn mM» 1h» snpnrlnr in cnmv mapd of thn hu entetl—anlir'btfi‘r. the dovpi Y “(1&0an of So xthorxt patriot“ might not to dnyi he‘ lawmt :l and overwhelmed “ith ‘gjéf almost ins lppnrtnhln. We firm‘v hm 1i v}: that the it ve>tigatinn< t 3 ha m |th of th'c; (‘lnlfes loadiing to Lhiw great. disncter to our‘ arms win li<cloae the favt. that (Son. 1 Crit’ltendet; WM, at tho time of the action. ,in‘an almoet Manny date nfintnxic'ltinp. 1 and has buon 50. almost nu‘ossantly, 331nm :thvgcnmmoncomont thii mnnvetion “‘IHI the Confederate army. We shnll'feel some littl}? astonishmrnt if thi: investigation doe: not also connect with (‘x-ittomlen's cnma of ' drun’kenness‘ the grmter sins of treason, ,tr‘énichenn and pownrdxce. , ‘ h the Naahvflln L‘nims defends Geu.Crit ‘ltmfideu: and says: I “fa am fulh' hatiafiot‘l that grmt injuflfinp has been done Him by the damaging repnrq which bnvn objtnfnml cin‘ulatinn. A .imt 'and zonal-om public will correct. anverrors , ofjudgment in?) which they mu" have in ‘arlveflontly {Men with ton/Md to a lmwo andumtriotic omen, who has gullimtly ox : pound himselfil? their dufonsu, - t - ”Hm fi... ._____... ‘ The Home: C utraots._ ’ The recent speech of 3'21“ Wyd‘k in Con-r grcsjs on the shhmcful fraud: of P nnsylva-l nia ghorgeAchii‘icthrflhs’creatnfi quite a commotion. After alluding to tile outm gem): frauds practicnd on the Gofvernr‘aont in Ithe purchaw for Colonel Willi’pma’ rogi. mént. he said :+“ There is yet anqther case.l_ I r¢fer to thé contract to purchase one thbusand horscsi, to be delivered at Hun ting’flon, Pennsylvania. such a horse marv ket ‘,the world never saw. Horses. with} runiflng soresJWhlch were new by tlie in-: spedtorsuwere itaken; and if A. horse out: rageld comm‘on decency he would bé r'ejected, ’ andhm opportunity sought the same day to, paid and brax‘pd. him. Immedihtoly the. horq‘es were sulnisted by private contract to' favorites. at 11 irtyonine cents per‘day. and they; sub-19L to [arms-rs, from twenty-four to' twenty-six ce'jts. Over four hundred of . thesh horses $ lore sent with Colonel Wyn-i kqop's regimeht, and the papers at. Pitta-l burg vepart soxhe actually so worthless they I welre; left on th¢ docks. The ramuining five} hundred were lleft ht Hunfingdoh for the\ benefit of contylaators. In that sihgle tran-l mtion ovér fifty thousand dollawfiere sw-l leh‘llrom theGojvemment.” MLVan Wyck l is fight about the gummy of these3horsea.——! Awful-so loqkihg lot. of animals we neveg sutv together; land no man but] knavef wpuld have foisted such brutea upon thfl‘ Go'vernnienl attany mica—Patriot d; Union. ! The City Election. , The Lanna“? Intelligence? snysz—Tho al ficial returns of the City Election will be found in our lobnl columns. ‘ The poll Inn very‘hegvy. mnfideringthot morethpn 500 of our voters, hf. lent four-fifths of them Democrats, nre‘now in the army, andjhe contest was on'Le of the most spirited we have ever witnessed at any election. The ‘meaps resortedlto by the opposition we’re withing but ci'editable to those concerned in‘ the desperate‘ effort to break down the Demmmy of the city. Slander, misrepre sentdtion. lhlaehood and defamation against the Democrmic candidate for Mayor were the principal weapons used by the unprin ciplell combination, and money was freely lgvished to corrupt the voters. But it all .did not avail. The people-:the honest mxxs- ‘ sear—4,o9l: the matter in hand, and gave such ' 9 rebuke L 0 phei coalition af their base ma infamous condubt deserved. - L l TAKiNUOPOANOKE ISLAND BY LOCAL DEPARTMENT. V m FEDERAL TROOPS! 2,500 PBISOEEBS TAKEN (E ii said than; . {n‘ro mi: (lr‘rfl'l' Hwy wl‘x‘q“ fllelllh'lr orews'surcoorlvd ii) nuikin; Xr Shiwe are at“; hm: to w thin" "urn not fire/l burnt-01% ‘t The disgmter to nurmmn ted Ith? fact that having 0 mm“ m n“ rm] and :‘ummir work} to Elizllujfih C'H)‘ for nhtnfil :11: a supply. Hi Pry (- tn ruint‘l'm mnl. In“ “itimut M {Ma aJ-munn 11w tie-FT “an mg (n H j islunl. or lanl any n. eve-'l' t x an' formul.“ } " Al the klemik as nuhlid c-nnn“ o tho mptum‘ of! R 411: C'mfir‘nod Hy Hm s4lll3:er " Ht- roprvwnti pnr lost at wounded. mvl Hm! of tho '0 than 1.000 killml.: “WM! ‘5 nmnng thorn. \Vhile cum)” lending to tho fml‘t am; for [war jurmn than ‘wu 32~p‘nl mmrygfim the rank \vvjrv I“ but I u plmmn‘ of {he faulun,‘ quirkly fiHml. I 3 ‘ "‘Ri‘wk Pmn’t bafté-ry wan 11 Rivlminnd f’u‘ur‘g, mu] most (108‘,le it. During: the? omm ntmcku-d by a whole regimt-L and t mmh compiewlx mo 1 Hood theirgmumfil hrfivnly yit‘lll I foot till a“ saw thcn‘ {FM/M. , i 3 , _‘ “ There is R 101! Macon [o h Fol. J'lnnnificsen; 'with big ‘ nn Hm Hand i 1 wimltl not b: V to «Ir-render. The lnrk of fll sadly felt, and had Hwy bed: enemy pcrhap< wnnhl never] to hnvn lannlorl his forces. ”Cnlnmfl Honningst-n h}! understand. tn report at R. a hut, by CnmP misunderstandp nimbom (‘ity for uho film 91 Jt'hpt. 'l'uylnr. of this city: as Imvhu.’ disfin‘guishm! him ‘ " In addition to Hm nbov mnra we miningive. but as I ing more man rumorste 1‘ l ing them. _ ,_ “ Among these rummw. ' onelworthy of native. that been shot. while in‘ nu am wny‘m tliiu city. but In far 41 learn there is 1m ‘truui w statement. .and we can only by mppming thiit. tho name was confounded with that 1 was reported among the kill ucnnxox or nu Nzws "-an for“. It; is reported that one r gimént from Massachusetts was badly cqti, up. but it is impossible to asciirtain which ofitho five that were attached to the exrieditiimi The} above news; 4eneiveql to-duy ht Old Pointfiocmioned much rejoicing. Ai steamer with the official dispatches ‘from Gen. Burnbide is hmn‘ly ’axpeqted. 'l‘he‘ prisoners captured. riumbering at. least two thousand, will no doubt. be here in a few days.‘ “ .‘ All Ithe Southern papers unabimous in admitting the i tory at our troops. and that t islahdv and the Izabel fleet is disusten ' , ‘ anw 727. ' The‘oflicial and other reports of the Izair at Roanoke Island, make cle rer the -, on fused gnd exaggerated statement: before re ceivedrnnd "iven to the publicL The b’attle, or rather tie battles, did not result, in so grant. 1 loss of life‘ (LS at firwt reported, but the complete success of the Federal arms is fully confirmed. The lighting commenced just before noon on Friday and continued until night. and resumed early the next morning. The Federals, After suffering a. losi reported at thirty-five killed and two hundred wounded, succeedmi in defeating the Gonfedemtel. capturingsix fortifications 3nd one field battery, numbering in all for ty-two guns and three thousand prisoners. Large quantities of arms. nmunition and some seven hundred horses were also taken. The. Confederate lose ls estimated at thirty killed and one hundred wounded. The Confederate flotilla was destroyed near Elizabeth City byanumber of gnnboats under command of Com. Rowan, after a sharp enga ement with the boat: and a bat tery on Coib's Point. Com. Lymph, the commander of the Confederate fleet, with his chief officers, escaped and had reached Norfolk. j'l‘be mwn of Elizabeth City_was not an tirely burned, as at. 6N: reported, the fire being 'xtiqguishwl before more than half of it w; destroyed. Edenton ins occupied on Wednesday by Com. Goldsborough, with out. npfins‘ition. f TUE PORTER ennui-amp swmg. —We understand thatfiboj'pt 541'“) wemfi required to pny the Port}: Guards, up w J ununry Ist. Thin caverm‘ only the pay o§ [hafiicers and men. Thé‘exp‘nms afthe' Commissary Department. pare c’mot froni mother source. A large Ir§oportioh of the muneyréceived by the Bhgiment was inr modiubely forwmdmf hrgrm", to families and relutiveaé—many ef-(lne ‘mqn rekaining only I light “ reserve." to nmm'gm for their lit!” want.- uutil next pay (hpiflxkh is pxpecb; ed to “ "rivet" about. the 1% of March. '3 By the flag ‘u ere receiv- Jule “1009's to Ro-uoka Thesmnll debts comma-lid by the Porteé Guards previous to tho ching of the fly? mater. wen} promptly liqihidnted by encfi and, :I], showing that thejg ‘n‘re honest as we“ as well-behaved. Evgiry day cqnfirmé us more and moré in thu frond apifiion wé formed (if the Regiment. "hpon its ‘arriva! ' here. ‘ g . their braent location ’ a; been named: u' p M 4: in honér of the Sm-méi. * of War—a" ell-Chane ‘ designatinn.~i ‘ e burricks 5135 very mufiwtnble. spud 11} . I n pl’eased wit x the chin :0. _ 'l‘lm generaf‘; alzh of the R4fvimen: is Eyed, Thurs 2mg! tfr“ "‘k, ' M none ser usly. “ 3‘ —.—~ ~47» ——~ 3, A She Porfigr Guards hall :13 ' nd pttade. the: towjn balls were runpg‘ _d cannon Brad, on Stanly-day a‘fteruoonfi -1 honor of the brilliant; vifitork at Roanoké? s and. Thedeniomlmfio'df WM 3 man. spirél t d one, auqh ad has mink béen presentetg‘ .n our usually quiet boron“ h.‘ I i; he Porter Quart] anm Wurr‘ mi! in thcfi D mocmtié Band Chuript. liscouning "Img! 5 cellen't nymiél and ntfir .ting more than: us .' l ‘ . 1 ml 3:331) 312%» .__ w%-~.—‘—— 5‘ TTACH arm: Til: max A. Scott mt; hly-qeve 'th Wenmyl 'n Fin regiuwnt, nm‘fp rding tb" lin‘ of the )rtllern Ccnlmléi lmad betwee; the Stat _line and Bnlti-{l Vre r-ity. has 141er boo Inlfswlmd m :th > galle‘comluanlded by B ,gwliur General ryea, of Big [Bethel re “',m The rr-gigy ‘nt will soon be reliev ‘ by (me o'l” thcé iments stationed at Cafigp Curlin. 'l‘he ‘ hty-sevemh hgwc huél :Flopz 40159 of i 3: 11 been ings active dqt, [u the force on; ‘ Potomnq.;thrint‘¢f-l rift». ‘ apt. Mnr‘ill'fgind Ca): . ‘ PLill‘or'u (‘nmoi‘ lies, of fills dbumx. "M nttanlmrltu flue; lxty-seventM lgTo whai point they Willi rémbveg lms lnbt been :‘umpim-«d. ?5 - V , » 4. i r ‘ a t‘ BSERVIiII-Plfhe follgqillg m-linonti gestions "hqqld be hail! l'y ove'ry Mali ‘0 neglect; tq lake :1 pa ‘-r§inlnbll.~[ln-(l in ' . own town, or the one ‘mrvst lxi‘g; pldceél esidencej—“ Bronthee E 1059 n umn with? 'l m'deag—wlxo neverflto llnimmlf hath; ‘l—l williulmyg ‘cou'uty [ghpvf itulup—bdtlll my owl and family'fisnko? if «131:: ‘ro be 1 film rt‘lfl‘ll 't'nml have the piler to him; sent—4;], 1 if lu-‘d pass a} ‘q-y wint r, h‘pL in “(i/mfFVI. hlmuld puy‘ printer: , S" ’ '3‘ g The innivhwnry (3‘ [rlunitlnn ul'lllm )lmthSch 01 of the (lg mall 111-fm-mr-LII well will takel plug-(- 0; Hillu-duj' o-rn-n -nexl. t 12,.221l imi‘é 'l'lm (aim-visas! mim to ’O9- an unufihlly‘inh-r‘~~ting E nu ter. 'lllepubliv .Lrorixlvilutll m fiLu-ml‘. 'Eonswn Drums. 1'? 1. (If llellmho Llrrislmrg, has our 111 ml' for lngMnl favors. j ‘ ' f : _‘l ’ L. 3'51 Later l'Am'n; ‘.«gj§li€y_rlin WM: ivvd ionllme‘fortJlliu " ~ue’.' lt mll a)» r ilx our 4933.", x f lii I . ? 'Bmtlw‘fi‘k onnwl WIT viffilxgblliull l'lsl‘ k in talglngfimlinmny. lml moving lno‘ or nnlbmlg ll) tlumngg sl33sth $131.. There? ““Ile be :\ Cirilml- :llu-tlvniglnt‘ up Frapci’s J ‘ Wllson’lt null-l: in_ Alzheim , n. on Ifri‘ uylkvehlngl, ‘le ght my. ‘ An' eléttian for a l‘lysgc-nl mn'l ~lx mgars ofithojl Geltysl ufg (in: ("nil‘apnny be held qdéMandui-i’llm 3rd (In) 'of' :l.d\.' ~ lg . H re 1? Ei“ 3h ”1‘ 'y Intnet. We I Bhuk 9f thisi :lerdnv nFtPrJI Eon: whom We uH f'nrrn upnn 1m1.:v.) about lutmvk upon ‘imz re-sr-tnnca ce, lmt‘ before and whmr our nee. i I“ (-:lptlu'n by (-t I'X‘Olnfl the rrmmc m nut hu’ tummy and \or, Sim wm rc I-nlormined lmnls snrrnn-i :l I. nntl [hr-3r; 5.; nflr l~<¢'fl[:(‘.~ 8.1.. nm-‘uu'b WIN 1;: :Ilmndunn‘tl. ml «ml ii :mr'hn- in 'lnllhtmltlwir' Pr" m. (1103‘ pm- vb hv' Ju/nrpnw‘nf L I 'urt “.1- nmdel . r-- «‘4. uni} on, m ll .l.!o t.» ruxmn‘ . t:un•u WIULL- I with rofi~r~ o I-Lxhl nrc ”QR”: J and (-m\ n )l 10» no um 'mwdv up H't‘ trud -' hmught to 3mm, and M. .M\' Ihixmml. U\\'CVUK‘, Were ,-“. ‘ t 1 3 x Ba' , tcni 1 ' 'lnned luv ”19 nhly lULI thr‘y ct thny wen-e l of Z‘mnvos, owvrml, thny nrvr did Hwy [ L’mlélig to (he ‘The Présiidpnt of :cintion desi‘i’e; us n Joux \V'nm. (pf Sir: nice Pfesfntgof Chick} which she Ifeccn'cd‘ ‘ pituln-SLK-MIMI. Th? {fiends of MrL , . ‘ wné i-e'ccintly; killodyllcrf Shippmaburg. n. rchnrd of $25 for t! 0 Imm w‘ntch of ‘ econsedmyhikhjlapp rs,xp_v-t(-rionsl‘y ‘p‘peared at the time o Uw’nccid'lcnt.—— loubtib “1335‘ time“ fro hi? allelchhmly vile wrptch‘ who no hl ,jmlunqer tlm F. \Ve envy himnnt (71%.“ i-elhorsq which the his.~llnrfi.sbum lfymph. ‘ ir‘vr- that had rtillmy, born :- }wvn forced ~ltl [sim‘m wn‘ :u hnnll tho ~u'c keen aLle II 1 I nr‘lm'u. we unkol Ahlnnnl, a: lu- mistook «Ips‘inntion. ~s represented If. “ are ‘many ru 19_\' lug-e nnth- Te? withhold- l 4 a' I ‘ ‘ [ ..- ('om'mm’ucuted. } RTE-SIG HT Jum Lrfitgnm Emmy ‘ ciscs of the I";Franklin{i Literary" Aw»- .on " of Mummigbm‘ mm Sakmdny ing, 22d inat.,' will bév follows": ( , ion—“ Wasiiington ” ' . If: Fulwailor. y—“L‘ove odflountry ” WEJ. 595(1er. - are—“ Tho Town In Cohntry ”—-E. .Stahle.’ ‘ . . 3 g ; inn-—-“ Our COquv " L Qrunfq:n. #y—i“ Amorimn Lite tarp "—L—O, J. artul. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘I, iyé-f‘Thei Natibnul Ciiflsvh—l-Ri Fitz mld. lj . 1 I ‘ (-i't'r. (hero is i’ n. Wise had [once on Na ~ 0 are able to teve‘r in this rouut for it -f the general his lsan, vha i 1", ; Ora Es! r‘ Mu io—Vocdlr and Instruinentul—by Mr. ‘ . H. Snoyukn and 0.853. “ Star” and " Sentian ".please copy [received at: .omplete vi - e loss of We, vexy serioflu, 'ch (liability—A wild: family burned Ip.-£:‘lily on Monllny morhing hut n terri ble balamity happened nté mining yillage. situhte some six miles from‘ Pottsvills, onl|~ ed Thomastown. By somd nioans not yet diacdvered, fire was counilunicated to ,8. small one story log house. in which resided a. man named Thomm Cd‘nnell, hi 9 wife, foul grown up children, néd a. girl named Bridget Condon. Before (insistence could be rendered, the building liad been burned to the ground. And a make of blackened bones was all that was left of its inmates.— The‘ origin of the fire so torrllxle In its con sequences, will probably 1) er be discover ed, sa none of the occupantTof the dwelling escaped. l" Branchitk.—me Rev. S: Seigfried, 3‘01" ristown, Ohio.—“ Havingrdseim the most salutary relief in Bronchiti, by the use of your excellent, ‘ TrochGSfi l iwrite {or another supply. I had tried several Cough and Bronchitis remeglies, but none with s relief at. all comparing with hat Experienc ed from the Trochea.” Brdwn’s Bronohial Troches are sold by 5“ Drawing. fiThe first 8411 ever giéémt the Presi dential _Mansion, came 05' on Wedneaahy nigflt week. It wgs gotten upyegardless of expense, and is prqnoqnerL “ magnificent mu." j 1, ‘ ’ FORT 110x}? LS! IN .1 T’I'AI‘A'ED Tligtelegmmirinxs important nmvs from Tannin-199. .Ul'unt, ut the lmml N" a fame on‘orty t mud mnn. 10-ft Fort. Ilen— ry on Wed!) y mnrnimz fnr Fnrt Doual son, and that! 1 tlmumnd mom loft Pndu- Nth the same dziy to im up the Cumbm-lnml river, making in all titty thoumnd men went against H“ Tho army under (k-n. Grunt rouched qhe i'mt on Thursday morn ing nml compktoly liivmted it. Hoary cannonnding and rkirmiahiug commenced at nn om-ly hour and! contimwd lull-my all day. ’l‘liroe dfthe gunbontu had arrivwl up th» Cumberlanvt. an‘ had engagbd the fort. Tho Cnnfmlemt . fo 00 within the entronch monts ié sappml it ha about fifteen tlmus aud men. and Jlofending the fort with much npirit. G noml.» Pillow, Floyd, John son and Buck: or are ‘upposod to he in command. Th latest dispatches represent tlmt Hie figlitin ut‘smne points had been quite despomt . antl- it mu [relieved flu" the fort w uld mm he normed. ‘Tha lonian th «ides. so far an kn'nwn. is supposed, t i [:01 nbuuL IUU killgtl‘nnd wounded. , , _‘ Qme a 1 Friday. it'npp hut ‘aguigl’ 0(- shoni engggem the «defame! u tune pfu largx ammhnitiMl rcoeiVed. nay-Lark in states tlmhit‘q: that an attack Eton nn‘d Sivan ten thousand MEI (By; Special A GR Fort Don A dispatch ”T a! :1 o'clock yes (hsCSun‘cmler I: Prfinnn's—Brum Thip intelligmf fr‘ofin Cincinuat‘ Bulgimore; and; cm-iliugly ham? \Ye Imvé th from Hanover Till I’ropnsaf om respondent Tum-. 4 will be i cunlpossibiy be‘ the: ways and ‘ lmzh a mambo lmanl from gen communication that. a tax will [wriwlwxhy t] I'pon all kinds; duty will be In.“ mull-nets, bilh logfil pulml‘. [m - ‘in 1110 ('nurt“. -‘ con ‘l5. All “2+ wilfi lmvv ln Imm will: do the snrfi mxdfb may}; ,thpk «liqjinml hmknwfi is mid impmsibl" '“flh' will thF t‘ (lung tut’ trawl,“ gnufipxminw. not“ “‘ill‘ [my .ic to 1‘" milpnd: will rah. 11min 1110’ end “I '1 @The “can? 'lnmi with dnlesi 11314 ultimo, The!“ "flu: Ame-rim. 1 fj‘tho French ('rnps film! ghni Mllmngl? 4’ u-omiscd the («n spot {is Inn}; M ”w spvcu‘d [ln-y ~hnL| enmés! with th & try would soon “4 tin- London [mpq‘r Waris juflrnnlfi. i {but in both cltik "«:‘Wn {tl ' Lnflim'JßPlh-f tuft} tlm‘fla to .n :3ng 1‘1». for 3'. Bags :1: (1 But,- If Ln higu Jar the §§§govenunenlm§ hualld (or som {says that unpi i‘iftlné [:rd‘pnlfi ? ongrr. ‘ ' The Jnra hr! lval of Mun ninpgon. The flno dbmonstml ”to lundun, an 11w» l’arin. unusul. Hum, ;‘ «vi-Mr. o.‘ sng 41m his q‘ i;“'l‘hm-e new ‘ “(er-mined set rl mlé are [3an me intellig eceiving. »Iv nctioniflq, tl ’omplete. T! Enimutps our he Sta‘e. Tl :hntion to all ‘ Fmd ‘defont u* Pf the party ,1 Erma} Water! crver. " 1 ‘3 ass-n ix is 'pommuniomit 7Wnr'wns a (:1 ’Nictdry of our Incident be‘ c 1 E 3? good omen ' fi'flmbig .:ltfye'.fr gun at Newport News ’bumte‘d last “flak; killing three persons and Wounding sevqmb others. ‘ wThe thiohal Intelligence: contra ‘dicts the smiém‘ent' that the’remains of Zollicnfl‘or were treated with ‘oercain bar barons indignifiefi after the battle in-which he fee”. 1 ‘. ‘ WA “bull frog” was caught upon the snow in the mqsdow of Wm. Schneider, in Montgomery county, ‘on the 6m ult., weighing titres poundsi, says the Sunbury Pemocrat. Bully for the bull frog! i flit greatmanyliepuhlicm editors and Headers are again becoming exceedingly élamorous for 5 “Forward to: Richmond” movement. IfJ» they aré‘so ihfpu'tién“: to ad: Vance, wey don’t they make it proposition to lead the vun‘?-«-Eri¢ Obam'er. ' ‘ ‘ —-——‘y-—-¢—«lO§-——-———r——'-j , Whgre'; Barnum—A woman yuidh; in Shippensburg, Pa. recently gave mung; 3‘ child which bad You: ears, {our 105's, and four QmellJMMmC—of’tho—Sefly ‘ iingularly well ideveloped. mam? mmnrm Despfmw Fighting up” ) < )“el ' . .ouxg, rm m thut the Ffidarsfl army dell Springfield. Mo.‘ ‘A lit took place, resulting in waeglanum and the cap lhmunt of Lhrir store“ and 0 further detail» have been Port Royal ‘erstnod there‘ :11 Fort Jack lmt. A‘bbut. ‘ed the 9xl», o Goxfipflerx) gri— Takéh. with I :Prisonfirs k g ORY ! 14,00‘ W ‘ ~ l cl‘od ,lhamwrby talegxgph ; -rd;ny evening, arinomicin‘g! I r'! mm”; mm 1"4.099V gal/(l unmng [7l¢ numbér.‘ outau’nedin a dislintch s generally crerhtdyl in m- .‘paper extrus-fier‘e Mi tblbvc hy slwoiul nfiéresi Tux-Miam—The “'zil-hiqg‘tnn ”1' 1V v Xvw York jimmy»: pn+d upr’m ellmfl¢inghhat r thoniu This L hide ~from mm]; cummztloé. or rather of it. From what can be (3min WIN.) are'in coujtnm ‘ilhi tin-cmnminee. ljudge im‘pnsml' upon all-fly yup“- e humlrwl or thou-Inliul.~ f Kmim‘ss pnp'e-r‘n ftjmup ; for Instance, upon "ion-m f lnding, upon all kimgls nf laid}: upon n" suils brqflght L‘vn-n? down to the juslivea’ fols l'onding for harm} Forts [a spyfinl tux.slmnk ('Ht'cks [9, ,umnufiwmu-ra willl pay ‘ goods, 11w)" .nmnufng‘fiuml [will my :n hmu‘y mx, "in! i 1 ‘ Hum gull pavmg‘cn ("Smil } pair Ile government mme~ Ig. Ufa "we [lie railway tho dindi’viduflT‘ j‘nsscfihoh; ue pgw-rnmonLim! 'nfi Hm :e tlm fn o in pro] ~rlibn.it )mc on! sflrarolers.‘ 1 «any < i r I|;er his nrrh‘ed at Port. mm l-lurni-e to the 30m nnd: ’dn}: Inter 'th'an l’b—FOllflljlt by 1‘ Hmpn'ur in his nddrebs Iv , Legislatif, on the 27th; am. the lfiril {my in A’mnrifa FMS): xmc‘u in] intern-h nf Fr‘nncp, ‘ lit- rights nfinéulrfls \reris r5:-l «I cfmfiqc thy-manna: Io the! E he (Humminnu gh‘tlhi's éou+ ; H lnrohchqo gm end. Sci“; b‘i , as well :1: a u'umher qt Ugo nigh against ‘llw Mocha}? sen-ml ham-r“ upheld :59 leinuton. Thelmlhlnn'fliinu . . . .( lg dor‘myo m .\lumncnlunld mulromplimtinns mus! :i'fiz-e e of “train reminuen mudh , ‘ . i 111:1! intollizenre ofthp an; L'h'dn and Slide}!!! Southw re Stu-irve‘rl crvit'rlooualy, but: Wu! m-de. 'Mr. .\hsuuiwent' . Slide“ pl'o\€('dt‘ll M‘mu-e' ‘ of the Way-ton .llm'l, hit : Train Harrisburg, Kayla -- n more zfiulnm and do. Ftis‘nns‘lhan the Démo -5 session." This jsgtha that we are constantly aof the e'lhru of dfew r'mnny of the party is u'fm cordiul spirit which tgisjatora extends all ovsr 5 is In unyielding delefmi- IO v‘pmt disputes to diyidn tremor. If the members: d their duty. we shall} lie 11y. next. {ugh—Eric" 0&1 I ride p isiui .e ‘(h .1.... , . . m - ‘ a As that {he first public n ‘fof the .new Secretary of n ‘ Order, announcingtbe Inr s :1 Kentucky. Lofi‘tha large to the general wequnt. . i ‘ I -L.‘ wv» -—~ -—-- ‘ -...» The 311 mm“; I'fihluuo liver. After the «plum of PM "on? um n. boats Lexington, Cancun-g: nml vler “TH. at! am on an oxpeditinn up the Tatum tin-r. ley provemicd a: {v M Flat-moo, Alnlma. n diulnnoe of 2% miles from IP.- dumb. The result. in gin-n in the follwfin ‘ emciul dilptflch from Lieuwnnntmmmflni ing Philip! to Flag Officer Foota: 1' (Juno rr Coustom, Rummuy Flourish) wausun quu, Feb. 10, 1882. 9’ Sn: We but: returned from our highly luc reasful expat-“Hon to Florence. M the lock of the “nick Slmuh. Alabama. The Rebel. for. forced to burn six summers. and wa cnpnrcd two when, besides the half-completed unfimt Euatporl. The steamers hurned were {night (ul wnh military stores. The Eultport In; M bout 230.000 feet, of lumbtrnn bond; WU IL so ruptured two hundrgd stand of Irma, ad I quantity of Nothing and star-cl, and deatrqyed the encampment of Col. Crews. ll Suun‘ub, Tenn. We found the Union :cnliment lung. ”Tum. Sunn- can. Cunnx's EM)- pointment to the Russian Mission “0&1:th Pent 19 Siberia." i ‘- _..._. _ .-‘ ....- ~. --..d- fi-J‘ittle Démncmlio Clnnon, wit I population of 2.3.“)0, has sent 1,500 en into the service of the Union. " ' mmnm. 0n the Huh hit... by the Rev. T. P. Bucher, Mr. GEORGE W. FRINGE“, of Sholbyrillc.illl.. formerly of Tnnegtown, ML. (0. ”in MAT-T!!! V. COVER. 6! Franklin mwnnhip. lhhtpuLty. 0n the l3th innL. by llra Rev. Jacob 2i let. .\lr. JERE‘HAH M. ROWE. of thin pin: to Miss MARGARET C. SCHIUVER, of S n township; , 1 On 11:. 6th inst., by the Rev. W. K. ZiJhl'r. Mr. CHARLES SENFT to Mill LIZEFTB REED. both ofAdnma county. 0.. the mh mg, I! an. Joneph'n owns. Bouuughlown. by the Rev. B. A. Shotb’ It. LEVI If. .\IARTIN,'O{ Oxford township, Iqun MARY ODELIA AGNES LAWRENCE, affine bun township. , 1.. 1 . • 0n the '29”: Mt.' in Goorptown. BrnA Ohio, VICTOR. KING, tamer); of this a. aged about 78 years. = On the 2d inal., .\IARY LE”! LOUIS. .‘nnt duughler of Jun-uh Ind Eile- u aged 2 month. and as sin) I. On the x uh huh, JIZLIA TATE, cum Dr. H. C. and M. L. Fnhngnurk, 01' Nail ‘55“! 1 you and 1 monthm b Coninunicnul 0n lho morning of flu Slh hum.“ flu dent-e 9131 i: lulhfl', in llnnpilmnluufiow JHSHPI L REC'), 'Jr.. am of Julep Aruhglla 12. Regd, ngod 20 .\enra 3 youth 21 days. Tlul «I'm-mum was t du‘fiful I gentle illspm'lrhm, hencvnlrnl in n cry re bidding fair to grncc his fumily with hO - was not only loru-d by his family, I) all who know him. The large tin-lo- offr and nrquaintuneon in which he mowd d mnurn‘luis loss. ”is remains were lollur Iheir hm resting plum; by A lune (-nnronri friend-fund auquninmhrcs. ln lhig dispc lion 0!- klud Providvngo. to rename lmm midst one who mu 3n Mud nnd ggntlo in ’dunxcnuar. ve mannal but not,“ thou him.- no llnpu,.for ha mu l|l n'hud «in form to bloom—bu! now ll bloom; in hu OurJost-ph’p sea! is vacant now, Wu love him _.-111l Ihr mun. ‘ .\nd hhpe that we qhnll meet again :' 0n than, might, bright shore. ‘ [li-I ( hurl‘ul ruico yr-u'll hear no nxorp, No. 'un, 'lll spam lwre: ‘ But it hm Iqinrd llw heavenly choir, In “Nina mnrc pm-cl nut! clear. A Thou Mun-la. uh wN-p nu more, that ho Wat onrly mllul hwy. 1 That he luv urnswd dram} narrow In To due“ in cnd‘ess uln_\‘._r . Sloan on tlwn. firmln hmlher. rleep, We'll not di'lurli thy real. , ' By lcni-s of sun-«m that will Fall— I Then gent Will: (Fall in pence. " I ”Sim-mm! Sentinel plmu copy ‘ ('mnmuniulo o . Or. the 6th in~l.. J \h‘Ufl DJTZIJ'IR, in. uf' {halal and Julia .\un March, of Bulk-r t 'n ~hip. new-'4 7 yo nn 6 munlln and 16 .1.; n. 1 Within the «.1.! "ml Mm gnu, l < [lent .lm-gl/Lnnw doth lil‘; , “‘hifrtlfi-yé with him wha died 10 u e, ”in spirit mull; uu high. ' .0 leicr laL-rM-d is flu- promin. ‘ Thu! tho loved dull um! ugnin, ‘ Thur! flu golden linkd in hnvru, _Shqll make our brqu-n mm... 1 Weep no mnrr—ho’ II not dead, 4 ‘ liul Jm-oh on], Jugpo'll: - 1 And his Inivllh-ll muf 1m! fled " _\\'hcru fluru- i~ nu rye that wnpetll. Tho-r 0 in Hm! hriglu world Ibm’e, ' , .\ll hi- fin.“ are nhwforglrefi, Singin r to h“ .‘miar'n low: Wuufid yu‘l my“ him back from ‘6: n ? MI Dir-L, M the rcdidem‘e. nf Marlin"; ‘ .\lnr}~ March. imghover Iguwnnhip, Turk rpu on the fill: of February, IRH'J. .\‘lr. .\1 VP“ GERBER, ugrd 71 504 m am! 2!! dnyl. Gl'rher residod for the {Run Ia furs in ”I Inn vullnty. lmllnnl. In“ Want an n \isillo children nnd rvluliu-s in Yurk and .\d munHK-H. Truly. .. in lh? midst 0! lift to in dfinh." liur t':nher.ue min thee: lb! thou art gone to my amt, and M's us her this world of woe. We Imu- thy Yuk-1 mure ; lhnu url releusrd irmn nH thy tron ,Thc gnvc hnu «10-ed {ram m thy Inn "to hm he now ipouks to at from m. gnu." "Therefore he ye «he reauyJorh luv hour when it think not;~_the no. of cometh." »‘ . . Hm eyes u} chm-d forever. 'l'hrir upnrkliug light b m fled; Their 'iglrdus (it-h! are altering In the mansions of, the dud. But um!“ hands have horn hill, On the wings of light and lqve. To dwoll u I?Lhriu in heaven, In that we»! ome shove. (In the 13th inst, in thh hotouthiEO mzxuv, )‘Ounglll pan or Wimm I'. ml Helm-en Atkinson, at Baltimore, urged 2 _ 5 month and 2 dun. ' l W; lay thee 11l thtl silent tomb, : ‘ Sweet hlnssom of a day; ‘ ‘ We juut begin to see thy bloom, 2 '-« And thou Inut culled away. ‘ ' - N 9 mon- we cluspthle in our Am", 1 0r nurse thy gunk- hud— : ‘ No more we watch thy gentle sleep,2 ‘ For thou, dear George, an dud. 1 ~ A. w ‘ ‘ Communicnge u!" or 7H! mum or 331.!"an lung Think, hush ad, of our happy difl, When in the grave my body 1011'; My lpirit rent: with God on high“ When: you may meet me 5] why, My baby delu- than left‘behind, his; God direct ltl youthful mind, 01:,lench it how_ it. may be I» guest 2 Where in fond mo‘lner'l spirit mu. ‘ F 31!!!" and mother, [have gone fro-F ch Released from pain—weep not for-q; And friend: tlmt’re dear I'll not flown—p In heaven Hmpe to may! you yet. IJ. Danger in Delay. HE undersigned requests us to In] thuilu I will be much o‘bligcd to each And mm 1 0:: who know thunuh‘orto b 0 “JON?“ him, either by Note, Book Account, or 9th,.“ wise, if they will make immediate pnymci‘o To delly doing so, will compel him to “0 d 1!" agreeable necessity of collecting throng?“ propur ofilcer. MARCUS SAMBO. .‘ film-Ion! indobtoé on all either It “0 Sums, X. E. comer o! the. Di-mond, or on A.’ J. Cover, Eu}, um. IL, Genyaburg. I).], Feb. 17, law. . , Lost and Found! .; THE “ goods times and plenty of mono, "_ ‘. , . found in Jhg rpurohuin'z or Goa-g SAWSON'S, at his grenry’ reduced p 4.; Purchnera who would take ldflnbfl,“ chance of economy in lecufin’ mwfi AT ONCE, AND SAVE 1053“ 555...”; son has lomewhut ldnnccd, In W‘* of “'lqu Clothing we have on w u ‘ to mm; m most m-kau. g ml Sm (or tint-3:2 than. ~E~ " ‘ XL“!!! D “Pl 5! hm chenpel. [Gntylbwm 3.5, "1 “z," . I: I' ... ea 'n «0., um}, =I =I . ’of lan, rui ship. ' ud I Ind 11. of Inn, .r... rt by ond; Orly d lo ’r of WI I' hid ha lag um. u A Inn'- i'omminnicate, lln lru\ W. M. II I. Conimseica •nn aw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers