rEZEIXtaItiON., Th") (hinyfim‘il‘ pulflithi "My Monday 4 m'fi'nin‘. by Hc‘vnr .1. Sr mu, m5l 75 per? 7 mmmi it paid strictly w muses—42 00’ per t'mium if not paid in advance. No] subscription discontinued, unlw n tha option of the publisher. until all uncaring" ' am paid‘ k f ADVER‘H'EIIVTQinwrtNI 'xt fimuuun] “(on Jon Pawns»; done with (nr‘a’fnnu snd . ' dilpntuh. w ‘ ' i " 0m". 'mfiyuuh “uhimara- “mm din-Mly I ”/W oppmiu- \Vuniphn‘ Tinning nggbluhififipTr 4- vr‘WblPanx Pxnnw: Urru'xr" on the sign. 1 1:... M {a x m omsmm, 3.3233. . J. C. Neely. TTORKEY AT LAW, will attend to colkc- A $70!! and all other business incruauzd to u can with promprnen. mice in’the F. E. corner of the Dinmnnd, {formegly occupied by Wu. '3.‘ )IvCleHauL Esq.) Gettysburg. April H, 1859. \f Wm. B. McClellan, TTORNEY .\T I,A\V.~Oflivr in We“ Mid dl. urn-l. one door we“ a! 1.1.6 neh out Noun. * Gettysburg. .\'o\'. H. 1859. ‘ Wm. A. Duncan, TTOIISFA' AT L.\W.——o¢fice in-the North weat corner oH't-ulro Square. “cup-burg, |.. , [Um 3.1359. tr A. J. Cover, womm A? 1,5“: an prnrfipflf mm: “Pollutiona and all tuther bluincu tn (ruued to him. Office hrtmm‘n Pnlmf-Mfk4' and Mn" & Ziegler] .\‘tom. lmltimore strut. Gnflsburg. Pa. ‘ [s3ch 5, 1859? ' Edward B. Bushler; TTURSEY AT L “V. will faithfully and \ promptly altifil‘ln nil business ClllrUFh’d in him. He Ipqak’s the German language;— Ulliu Al the umgphwe, in South Knhimore "not, near Porgy; drug Itnrr. Ind ne‘nrly oppps‘lo Dunur’iglieglur‘u azure. . Grttjllmrg. Muth 20. _ ‘ D. McConaughy, ‘ r-Ttmx'm’ A'l‘ l..\\\'. (um-am dnnr wen of Huohicr‘: .lrnu; And hunk .mrrJ‘lmm- haiku-z urea.) Arman! nu >qu m 1": vnu Pang“ nu mun“. huunly Lnnd WM ' nun; Bank-[uy arupvnulml (IL-inn, and ‘AH other'ohimu n‘guin-l file Huvornmont nl “'Mih ‘ Sn-pou. ”I‘LL; aho'Amg-rimnt'luinuiu England. A bxh'hWn‘rranu loaned and sold.” Inn "btmnd Light-3t prim-n gifcn. Ago-nu ”magi-34'" 10- ‘ (“ling warmnu in lofinnlllinoia' and vllarr «uteri! Staten ”Al-ydlp‘him pononnlly or M: lvl‘tnr. - . Grllys'hurg. .\‘nr. '2l. '13.» _ . K J. Lawrence‘ Hill, M. D. AX in oflia-gune ‘ ' I I donhrvcnruflhoh‘ 0%.1' g Luther-n; vlugrrh in ' -Chamhrrduurz strum. and oppm'ne I‘irking‘! More. whrro Hum‘ “Rhing m lune an) Imuul Umrxuhm prrtnrlnnl urt- rupnnlull) inn 13ml to (All. Rurrnnwm‘: Ure. Hurucx. (10-v. ('. l'. . Km’nlh. (1.1) , RM“ H. L Handler, U. D., Rev. ‘ Praia \l. Ju'uhi. Prat“. L. Hill‘€ér. (iruyvfiurg. April 11, ‘53. Adams County V, t'TI‘AL FIRE INSl'“.\\('E ('()\lP.\§\'. lncorporutml \hm h 15‘, lam. ‘ nrru‘vns. rrlfl/lunJ—GMYQP Swupr. ‘ -‘ Fin. I'rmd Ill—v.‘ .11. Hump“. Sgrnhqu-IL \. Bm-Mrr. - ' ' " Tr'aturrr-I?Mirl W't'rm'fiho 'Hurull'rt l'un miller-Rohtn )lrFHrdy. Jacob King. An‘lrm'r H-intlrhnan. - ‘,nmnrv—i—G-mrgr .\‘wnpq. U. A. nufiMM-Jn. ‘ c m King. \ ~H “mu-4m m: R. \H‘nr-h, TKM A. \(IHHHL‘! Fl‘mutng‘LWYm. 11. \l'flrllnn— .. \V n. I} \Vilv‘m. \L I‘lir'wlbtjr‘gvr..Aholir‘ [Him 7‘ JHm Wnltnri H. \. Pis-kilnq..\hrlT Wright /‘ .1 u'm H urn-r, It, I}. \lrt'nnrv. S. R. RIF‘N‘". D \l "run'y, And—9w I'ullvy, John I‘ithkgfil. )1? yl‘rfl‘. ' ‘ nay-STH: (”mu-mm- h limit-n? in it: a nu g'wnn f; dawn-mt} m Minus. h"\m‘rb§;§ 'm [nu-aural np-‘r-linn fnr‘mn'“ Y'n 11l Hi 73.31“» an I in I‘m! un-riud ‘11“ urfil 1“ hurt m 4 I-Y- v‘l|ll"<.lr{(s w an" rl'"-ltmf'l'.h ”1'”; Mu- »: MN! ‘ £l?th “wit! if) 3hr Tn-w‘nn. The l'om-J, ‘ firmv l-Innlnua nu \zn-Ibs— 11l huthm‘: hoing' ' ’ f‘wr'hv tho- “Jn lzvri, who lie mum-11h AIM‘I :7 p 1 hv Hu- vak'luldor». .\nv pvrsnwdwiring :W‘m‘ lnuxnmr’ mn .mflv to fun of the shun-(- ( awn-‘4 \hn rrrr- lnr fnrHu-r i'vfnrmzuinn. - - u the Flu-Nun's" Commuter 2190's :1! the . o'fi -g~'ni‘the ('nlngunr'nn the last, Wednesday I" nrvrv month. :llL‘, P. M.‘ ‘ SMILE; 12438. ‘ . MarbTe‘Yard Ramuvad. r Em mlwcnhrr Inning "mom! flxis Mare of . F bliinr-Ix‘ to Hunt Yurk thong} shun dis ' _ gnumhelm Rt. Jnmu' (‘lmrclL wnu‘ld'nnnuunro 3‘. (fig puhlic (hm hp is six“ prppnr I to furnish _‘ ‘ in kind: at work in hi< lim‘. lurh ut‘ )lnmh ‘unrntm‘flmdet9n“, kn. fir" ur Nor} variv‘y of r «Me nnd fin‘ivh. nhh nnd uimamt hacvs and flush-y. In suit nuxchawr-«nnd n! Fril't‘a to suit the (nuns. ' I’rrson“ driiring anyhing m h'ui linti - will find it 1 doeri ndvunmgo In rxam‘inr ”his stock and prives lm‘i'ore purrhnsinp ci~l~wbrrp‘ _ K \\ \i. n. .\H‘zx’hs. fianykhnrz. March 21. 185.5. 9‘ Cannon 8: Adah-’3 EW “A"HLE WORKS. «aner of gunk ! Q mum and Hurmddle suntadireelly op pnuu the new (.‘uurt [hum Gettysburg.— [Eating recmuiy arrived from I’hilndelphin, and forum: fully tmnpctl’nf to "mm- uu work in the .fineu nyh- 'vl‘ fin :;.n.. wv wuuN rupcctfull 1y Infileth’lfll‘htion nftiu- publir whining m 11mm“ anything in nurth-Au Luor us “ith a. on“ MRI (15ij Ipoumonq of nu;- \s-urk. “'1“ no prepare 1 lofitmish W).\'ll\ll-I.\'TS. TOMHS ANU “EA DH ‘XES. M UKULE‘ MAXTLI‘IS. SLAMS {or Cnhim-t-mskerfl. and all other work "gunman; to our hu‘inl‘si. at the lanai-pos- Ii {2 prices: W! do '“i hraimto tn“ guarantee that our work “hall he put up in n mannrr sub- msntial sud hateful! e-lnnl to me but to be ;* ”on in the cities, 'where every improvement ’ which experienqe has Mtge-ted is- mailed at, » and upecisxly do we guruntue am our Penn. u-ry Mad Grave Yard work shit“ he so carefully u: u not to he affected by frost. hm shall min. “in [or your: that erectness of pmition given m tho completion «W‘s job, and do net'elsary lo ieuntimled gracefnlness 3nd symmetry. KM. 28, 1839. :t‘ Still at Work! ' OACHXAKING AND BLACKSSUTHING C ”The undersigned respectfully informs in: friends Had the public that he cnnlinuu a the Coachmnking and Black<mithiug busineal , in our: brunch whims esmblishmcnt in Chum ‘ hamburg strut. lo bu on hand and will ‘ mnnnmcturr to order A“ k‘nds of CARRIAGES, . BUGGIHS, SLEIGHS. Shrimp: anons, km: of W the best mnterinl, and mad! hy superior work , men. Winn-Anna and Human-mm of All kinds done at reasonnhlv raten, promptly and to the satisfaction 01 customer]. Gown-u Pxoocc: “km in exchange for work M. market. prices. Riki-mus gesiring article: orwork in th: flomhmakinz or Blnckamizhing lino, ure re- V, opectfuny inmed m call on .—’ JOHN L. KOLTZWOBTH. Gettysburg. Jan. '24. ‘59. ~__ Removal. (1. EW SALOON.“GEO. F. ECKENRODE has w’ A removed; his Oyster estabfilhmeut to (he *’ ‘ lplendid new Snfoqn in Jumbo & Bm'n. Build _ n ‘ lug. o'n the .\‘orth undo of Chambersbnrg street, :27 where he will a 9 a}! time: be prepared to serve‘ up the best of OXSTERS. in ovary style. By keeping . good article. he expects to native a mum aim of pubhc patronage. TURTLE soup, CHICKEN. BEEF TOXGI'E. PIG‘S FSETJIRfi’E, BOXLED and FRKEU EGGS. KCE CREAM, BIRDS, km. in their season. A nice ~ gnu of‘ALE or LAGSR can always: be had.— Oomn and try me. G. F. ECKBNRODE. April 2, 1860. ' ‘ 31‘ PM; “In! awarded to Tyson Brothers 1 hrtha \lemnen Agricultural Society. Sept. 1389;“6 by the Adm“ County Agricultural Sedan Sept" 1861, for be“ Ambrotypea and Emmerich, on: .\u other: on exhibition. YSQN BRO EHERS in making their mm ? ium p‘icturu at prices to snh th times. ' n ‘ i A \ . ; ‘ ' ‘ 1 - v z“ ‘ ; i .{LZ'ZQx ~..». ‘ , W‘ i I 5“"; » 7:5 «1.5:; ’95 4434/ 1 '”A ‘53»; 7%, 5 Z.“ ..‘" .4 . #3,; 53K ’ ' 3% ’l‘ ‘{g , I I ‘ ’ 56- 'g ‘ ' \ ~ v / 3:3. .c?‘ 3'3 ..I’3'3 33$ .1; g ,7“ gs, / I‘4 ' ' . .\. '‘_ ‘ ’. . ‘~ , er \ ( \ ‘_ "' <- 4 4‘<) ‘,’ , w , ‘ \ / ' \ 'j . ,4 ', *- K ,‘/pl’'‘ / i r , 1’ ‘ 7 _ A, ,_ —A- «~« ‘ ‘ ‘ l : > . V 7 . , ' , fr- ' ' :4 IEI Br H. J. S'I'AHLE. 4:44:11 Year. (8-112 film. From the Frederick l‘mon. Interesting Letter from California. The following letter was received a few days since, and u it contains matter of gen eral interest, we have concluded to present. it‘to our readers in the present issue. The writer it a native of Getty~burg, Pcnnsyln— nl3. where hi: parents reside. ;‘ ‘L ‘ Ens. or Ms. Union. ‘ 8A! ancisoo. Cancun. } ' . A Dec. 23, 186]. Dan (7M: z—Dcubtleu you will be some wh-L surprined at tho heading ofi my mm. and from which you; will perceivo' that. I am in the ‘flolden City." Having had nothing‘to do at home. I made up, my mind to try'rny luck in ColiforniA. I‘ left. home on the 9th oi September last, Ind sailed rmm‘xm york on‘ihe 11th in the ate-mm ship “Northern Light,” with neven hun~ dred passengers for Alpinwoll, bound for Sign Francisco. j , ‘ After leaving New' York. Ind the first night out, the‘wind begun to rise, and the sen became ve‘ry mughgthe comeqitenae of which was, all, or nearly oil, of m became are sick. I who sick about ten hours. when l preamp nmustomed lo the motion of the vém‘l. aftor‘yvhich I got tll right again. The wr‘nthor in the menn time was very fine. . . ‘ mm! continued so for five or pix davs. The A Bmgul“ Moment} j‘first in’arniné nfterl leaving NeQYork I The anchhurg fltptlbllccln pn'hlislm the Ccniuo uh on deck“ look around. There following ‘ incident, rr-mnrknlulo liliko for its ‘wus no land ti) be \neen, and you may readi mvlam'holy: {@fil‘mmt to the hrolherofone l ly imagine my feelings were indescrilmhle, of Ithe parties concerned: 5 t V ’ ,lnor did In nee anyland for nix am. When . nst before‘the wur broke ontflnd hofonc A ‘49 have in sight of land it. soon hocnrrle Lincoln's‘prodamatinn was lashed, a young Itiuised through the‘ ship .thnt. lint! was in Virginian nometl'Smnmerfield Nia- vixitmg :riglxi. and it mated to be the Island bf thr- r‘l-fj' of how ‘1 ork,.where hq mndr the 13““: The ship PM, up "U. close. and “h: qunorntanre of two Mum“ llolirles. oi Wu. Jim? 8"") we Were 60 "e landzoncol limre. "mm-W Vermont. H“ bet‘ame jabmewhdl. j"mum if it was not our o'wn door native land. intimate With the younglmlies4ndlhe hr iAt‘ter pushing nfl' the Inlnndi‘two oth”. “"50“!” ”9mm” be mutually gagrcpabl... ‘ Llands came in sight. so that r‘iow mm ls -19" prnclamauon was issue}? and the .lamls. Cuhn. Haytiinnd St. Domingo: were whole Nninh ”'ku into a. blaze: Of 'excité- ih‘i'fll’llel with the naked eve. The afternoon men" 0" “films the “in” only eveningfl of the some day it {vu‘onr Painful lot to at the hour or parting they remarked to iwitnewh death at 390.. It Wtil that of n Summertield that their were"; meeting [adv \rho ma the Eonsumptirm. nml who “wind-probably he their last; {they mu-t *3; ‘yZOing toiCnlifomia with three nmnll “ml" “o‘3‘B ‘° "id in "mm” “ll “mm?“ children. to join her husband, but the in nn-l—ololhmg fO. ”L-‘l‘vnlumpew mm ”W”. E«Mime nrcher Death had singled her out. town. Sumlnmfield Expressed in. regret it; his WW if!“ Being roperly laid out that Uighur-it louvo, hut. at. the Fume time Enhrl qewoilh :in hlnhketipwith an "iron bar (-.spet‘iauy requel‘lod them to 5“? that J 3“ l tied arrow “18! feet. Ehvr remains were com~ O'Vfl'l'i‘nn'lli were well n‘amlt'. 3.} it. fins his in. imitted to ”m vnwnlng waves. It w,” ”JG tentznn, tf‘he ewr'niet. ll!» \ crhiont rm!!- l .150“ Plant-fending ‘535,“ “m ew-r I wit‘ mnnt m lmlnelto klil.ollf‘of_hlelll and take ’fi‘wml. ’ 1‘ ~ -7 "" ""‘f"! ..... l 1 ' l ' 'l‘lm nm_day.amrlmingn.e lflifiuls N,“ for thgsoquel. ‘ "11mm!“ PMO‘L‘“ above named we again have in right of line uni-ond Vermont r.uinlen%r portion limrl “flux-h :‘prm‘cd to be the lshind at f" K Md"“..““ toun of :‘aterhnr‘v, Naval-m; we all thought; that. l! was a burl .wu< 51‘"! to \ rr'nglm. 'The battle} of Mnnns. ‘ t n nnd uninhabited place. but M We «lrew ¢n~ w“ foughtfinwhiehthey Wen-k “"3"“‘l'Ciiiurei we shot: dincorered the glorious and «(I was Sumhlfiifinld: l - i ' . . . ’ ' ‘ . _ Start ahd Stri s wavin roudly from a flag } illurmg the huttle, mmurwrfield mm 1.011 stuff erected {liere [ii tghri‘ce roliltii‘y Amer u~ mini. not knomng to “hat Statehe he~ in. I‘. . d . (1., . ' Gll'l'lh longed : the fatal hall was sped mi itsc mud 7r "8' v: m were engage . m ”Junk ‘ nflleath; the victim fellnt the final: 01 the ff“ “ Company in \Bnlhtimore‘ nnd us vu gun. and upon rushing to Retire the (lend g"): round the ”ugh “‘l9 0f the lalmd. "' man’s ar‘mr. Surnmcrfieltl obscnlod tlint he :qmall ht." come to flew' ““d "I?“ we were had a fine new ovgrcnat strapped to hisbuck, n‘nluled m thundering tones bfy ; small on:- which be determined to appropriate to his 2;: :I?;::e:pgzp:nnqzhg “tings“; own use. The tight was over, anll Summer. ‘l‘ ' ‘ _ ' field had time to examine his pi-ize, when, l llhree henrty cheers again I“??? “‘s' ‘ ‘_ m we; :2“: list: 2:33.33; TiETSSJISLEiZZEL’SK mm 1* wit 119 name of . omtn o meg , - ~ ' 1 l . ’ . ' am] in thejpockets Were found lfrtters sigma :11"?! 5"?) "2:11 1?:3235 "2:335: 21:]: ed with the names oi” [ll’ rain 9 when er “5 aw ' . Snmmerfield had known ingewkfzrk, anti FEW" in torrents;nnd “1 100 k“? 0‘“ “P 9“ to whom he had made the remark we have she Eaten.“ "emit!“ thouggtxlt $2210?“- qnnted. in which the dead n‘lm vt'iu addresa- in; own in m“ ‘9 I mu: h e lid 2 .ng edir m the. brother. The eqiden‘be was con- 1 ntruck one of "‘6, mast! "I ' 3‘?" l m 'cluiiivev-he had killed the helium- of his ‘0 BmmH- mi also. mick the “glsh gm."- friemlnmml the remark which he: had made I who "‘3 It the t'W‘fPE‘SPd 1“ Vulthms in jest. hall a melancholy fulfillment. We l"“3€“5“-_ H” war inJured conniderabliv. are Msured this narrative is liu-irnlly true. ,4“ one time m’ "i thought the “up "“3 d Summertie‘ld now wears the coal, and. our '3O to "'6 betwm. hm ”h,” managed to {we informoni states. is not a littlei impressed the “n" m, safetx, which were now ”m. with the singularity of the winédenoe. . rug?! '3?:;::i:;5; the 9th .y from Yew -——-——»—~—m—~' 4 ‘ :1» Arlonirktd Aymh-Aa spolqte omnibun " Yorkrwe hurled angpinwsll, which place. agent was goingthi-ongh thel-diei'car oheck- tin my estimation, is the jumping of! place. ing baggage. he Aiked a very P'i‘tty young iAi'tl-r loading we Were beset with "hotel ludy if she had by baggage whol wished tar haunt-rs," o perfect. nuiémce wherever they ken to the holel- “A i (be. 'We soon man-ged to find for ounelvos ‘ “SO." vm ll" reply- ~_ 5 ‘ “he moat inviting public house, where TllO ‘B9“ “I?“ ”k“ h" if I?! dNNdI .brenkfnst Wu had for the small mm of two 'bus? s 4 (lolllfl per ‘ head 1 After breakfast the She infant}? 8*" him 5""! I'9“ mile; finest of the passengers took 3 stroll through and repliedfl : ' ‘ the lowa, where we Were beset with the na "Nth-if. lamnot in ihebuningihuMQr this tires on all sides. who were :11 vender: of "fining.” u fruit. sud that. too, of the moat delicioul The agent. dropped his malnohndum hook, hastily retired to the We our. and said he felt untell v 0 vnx. ' 'Tis no! in hours of gladueu ‘ Than. womln's loveis ahpvq; nu; when we aim in udqonfi’ Nefilcctcd ui‘d Hone. E ’Ti. not when ~hop!" are Brighjp'qai, When bless. with In wc,lov§, Nor than our hum, is lightelfi, C§n Ire h'er value prove. ; Buc‘when the it: are brédten'}l Which bind up the gran; And by {he worm forsaken, 3 W 9 than Cfln feet] her wonM ' iThough sorrow and nfl‘liélion}E , M.f_v gather round our puth‘, ' And the norms of duolauon; ("nuke-Imm in their th; Tel. uomnn'u hem shall everl (‘ountnnl and faithful proré. Though others change, yet nbver ('nn woman conu- ln lure. @imllanmafi. affine customer: of a. oer-nil: cooper in a town out west, caused him aunt dad of vexation by their saving habits and Penis” once in getting an their tubs and cash re pgired, buying but littlo work. "I stood it. however," said he. ‘fumil one dayold fin: Cnbtree brought in 13 old bun g holofiao which he mid he wnnted a new bar rel nude. V Then I quit m. basins-a in dis. gust.” , a” As I was going." said an Irishman, “over the bridga the other day, I met PM. Haring; says 1. ‘How are you? ‘Pretty well, ”hank you. Doll.‘ uyl be: up X, 'thn’s not my name.’ ‘I-‘pith. no more ix‘ mine Hewing,’ says be. So we looked at'each other. and fnith it turned out to be neither of us!" fiAu Irilbman :9 work on “tong wall, ciught a. small spotted animal which be téok to buome neighbor's kitten; but drop ping her dmpst instantly, be clapped both his hands to his nase. and exclaimed, Hofly mother! what bu she been siting?" It was a poise». “‘8: who profits by hi: own experience is wise indeed‘: yet wiser {u in he who profit: by “an of “other, for In thatch; bu I.“ the benefit, but none of the min. DEMfiEEmEDmflflQfiNfl GETTYSBURG, PA, MOfiDAY, FEB. 10, leéa. kinda. ‘ After : detention of aix hour-I we got ahead the railroad cars for Pannmt, at which pluce 'wa Arrived after five hour's ride on one of the crookedest railroads! ever tmvelledupon. Itmnsthmunhthelsthmus. a perfect wilderness of fruit trees. It seems as though Nature had lavished 1.11 Fer beau ties on this spot. ,The Isthmus abounds with the finest fruit, such as is nowhere found but in the tropics; such as oranges, lemons, pine-applrs, oocoanuu, nitrous, bsnmnu. “meg: und bread fruit, and no penans to gather it but these hmhons. It also abounds in wild animals of the moh uvnge and ferocious kinds. and reptiles Ind creeping things of the most deadly and venomous description. Here Ind there might. be men a lonesome hut inhabited by these natives, who were either half, or entirely naked, and did not even attempt‘zo conceal their nakedness as the train passed by. The railroad runs a. great ways aloné‘fhsgrea river. Here and there might be seen women washing clothes, and u naked as the day they were born. , As luid boron, we Arrived in Panama. tfter five hours’ ride. The town of Panama it 1 very old place: and substanthlly built. I look a stroll through the town, and amongst the sight. I nw shore. m :p old Cathednl, which run built finder the lief "Tum n mnmv .u-n mu. PKIVML." lsonal superinten'anre of Cortez. T.‘ Ultrl Republicans on Bo—Uon ‘on ”18 j building is built of huge blocks of granite.{ 01d films. 5 :' . anil look: on though it would stand a ihous~ “ “WWWl‘v Wb- 3? l and years. We were not. detained here as The AbOHfiOD ”7‘2“" here 3“"?m‘.ms‘ ' long :1 st Aspinwan ; we we're gm aboard a tho late order of the General , mniandmg‘ from“ steam top: which towed on out into the “ml"? divinion We" ugi 55““ 0f ',the Pacific, where lay the ltenmship St... Mi’w‘m u I" "un‘MimflYY any: hecnme lLouin, where we took pmge for sun he himself, Ind not Gen. Lnnfin to talu- Franciuco. ' commd of the column tbst is 0 move in, l “'0 tbuchad at two points in Mexico— "‘9 directioh of the I'lth ci'luntry and? Acapulco and Mmillo. The former place WWW T9‘”- 3“ .193". 9’: 59539 11“ “P‘l‘ l our ship put in at for coal. {film we were} W th“ Q“ oflicer "ho “f-lunl‘" and :‘b' I permuted to go ashore a many a} wanted. l ouhnnto toGen. ll'untrr “us v; be out or» E I, eager to avail myself of the priv‘liloge, was 3 “0d ‘0 130. W'- l° Imam ‘0 “3“ th“ *3“? ‘ one of the number. and “good hick would; tna exvcmncvd 9"{mm‘ndN : 1')?“ M‘l" : have mi it wb‘chgir rum}: or;.xiily.and hr! qewrgrgxfmt u n he Wfre ‘ Miler» by ‘ i war celebrxted in l very imbualatic mnn~ f “”“Vl’mg l"! {Mb‘l‘o‘nfi- l‘ I’o 30",“ tfl‘v: 1 her. Ainong the feativitieh of thy dly, nu ‘ unless. emnnciphuon 0‘ “l"? M be m °} 1 a Bull fight. which I witnetsed. Elm-e was} the Pmmrf o".)va 0f 111? “willie? the"; 'nlm a mud display of us win? looking" Is my gummy of prphhwm but"? vforl l soldiers.” ever donned u unifor .In thol ”“3”"“3 ihe Confeder-ate 8 Mt ‘33“ l levbning there wai a grand Fulfil)”. in and put an énd to the expense : d militaryt iwhiéh I joined, .nd “tripped theilight fan- . “I‘er“? ”M m.” “"03"“15 “Wm-“i . finlic too" with one of the Senoritlu, After: W" mn'y lhprefore'expect “‘7“ Gen. ‘Lnnul { one hour’s dance the signal gun: rounded, ‘ will ‘9‘“? rooume hfs '9‘“ mn” “”f' PM} i l when we went Ibonrd and oucel more put agitate m his particular rdro ‘ fauuncum.‘ ‘to am. ; J , l , ‘ Nearly a your ago this con-esp dehceian-i l The [l9“ plate we Itbppe'd Isl wu’Mm. | trounced the existence of ain no Ilepublh’ l rnnillo. for‘the Put-pm of taking in‘lilvr-r. :“P Wavy”? that r" f 0""8 lug}? . which is brought on pork mulch from thei Tn?“ orlgxnhl "k“of hm theSoiu ‘ minpn, about one hundred mil»; from.the. 3° "f 1398"." {nd “‘00!" mm “lON GE “‘1 man, Nothing tmuspirvd herq‘ worthy ofi‘lmdmg Republican 0’3”“ fire ‘l‘? r‘tme‘i not». Wellanded in Sam Funclsico on Sim-f ofi'fct, though Professedly t 3“? "Ml-1381’”. (13}; fl“. 6.), day of detour, uni" twenty- ‘ much because it .would result roftovug‘ ' «ix rlnyr’ travel from . Holy Yor ', whet-é I ""7 °ld DPl’lll‘t-CX‘S.UC party ‘0 ‘ 9" , 1 l I have been Hrsjnnrnfngéverialnce. . 2 The Abolitmnuts for l whll reotifl'idledl The city'of “an Franciada in 5 wry lmnu- ‘ tho-marinas to ”*9 “I“ of my! I! ""83“” lilul plan-n. Although the homo: lax-e nearly ' ty by Gen. McClellln'l ooluml . uhon thnj all built of wood, liulvtlwy are l; ill. on the ground that the army was fittin rapidly «a cottage style and rpm hack frnmitho street, fbe for emancipation; but the .TTMAI of Wlllt‘ll gives them a. very nus! ind {victor-f Gen. Cameron and‘, the “01“" W‘Z“ “fl“: mquo nppenrnnco. About ‘nnnJ‘quof “,5; reeled in; the camps against tl [thohnon oil) is built upon tool largrghills; and finm‘ Tl'Qllbfi‘lfi‘lH‘S has dlfipfllled ”m clarion.“ the lmy prewnL-i n vely grand sight. Thai 3-0" “"5 ‘10“! lb“ the 931”“ “if {mi “'3" strN'ts Ire not in the he“. obndniun ; porno; cannot be much longer borne. Bait. bun. of them are pnvnl with .CO%)l)lE lutono nnd‘- 13;;60 ' other» arevyilnnkml: ‘.. l ‘ frnceived dur ~ Their-mt of Cuhmqim grown to 3 very lztload to thu large nu. and the‘fruit "Mon Ilsa nearly The "H‘ whole yeru'. Ihqva sen-n pd? woighod 4f poundnagmpes in; bunches. which srgaigllenl 4 polmi which would meuuré eighteen clri‘nmfermr‘a. and slrawbarrios armlnut with the billion. , _'i‘zie rainy senstm has sell in. 2 him: raining For {our wceké With/rut inllrzi mix-«inn. which rm: lnra it alufimt in-gc» mu-slde. Your Nephew; . l . 2 Illile'x' U. UHYERL To (fungus C‘oxr. Frederick, Md. From (M Chicago Tuna; IQYNHY Englagfifh'ua furnished {om-r soldiers. norm-ding? w population. Hum anyl other district of life countr}, and the in the’ ml}; dwtrict which in making méncy dot of the war. 80 mucili is sharfinkin‘g that it ii 3'” miereu that. the war xiiouldv continua? She is making muoh more ouiof thq wn'r than she would make but. for (he Mon-iii iarifl'. ‘ ‘ .\he will pay In: tans. “Fouling to popu lation. and according to venith‘. for the support of the warfihan nby other district of the country. i I; ' The Westveapeciauy. will H)" to pay. hem-im- mes. according m mpulatiun nqd wealth, for the auyjpér'l'nf fiié’iTil‘, than may father district of thoicoumrngnd at the same time will betaxed heavily‘w enable New England to make money out of the war. This latter nation com o! the Mun-ill mas. , 1 i . At the same time. the war,‘ vi-hich bu begn brought on mainly by NQ‘l‘ Engknd fanaticism, has duh-072d um best market the West had for its products. an than when, corn. oak. barley, beef. pork, lumbar scares ly pay the cost bf ruining. . There is no disguising the fact that the West is firing of‘ this sort of thing. tad it will demand am the meuuru of taxation which Cousteau shall propire shall be fuirly ndjustod with reference to the rllntive situ- Mion of New Englmd. the Middle Sate: Ind the West. If “er should be ”cording to represen tation. Illinoi: done would hue uf pay hnlf In much u I." New England. whereav the wedzb of New England in probabl meaty time. grotto? than tlut of Illinois. New Engllnd will insist upon this mode ol‘ taxation, became, she says, “ the comma. lion dimu that dil‘eci axes shall be accor ding to representation.” She is all at once greatly enamored of the constitution. Had the bean equally enamored of it. hitherto in all things, the country would not now know this war. There is no negro in this conflict between Xew England md the West. but. let New England see to it thnt the conflict does not. become irrepressible. fi-The Hutchinson family, who recent ly commenced ainy‘ng for the soldier: in camp in Virginia havebeen ordered away by Generals Franklin and Kenny, for singing AbolitiOn songs. These Generals lectured thein for their presumption, Kcamy in formingfithem he "thought just as much 0! Rebels n of AbolitiOnisu." and Franklin expmsing the opinion that the song was ‘ incendiary, and ought to be sup pressed." ME: Titian-It (a said to have been a practice of anoleon to about every dishon est contractor on the Ipot. If the ume pol. icy ware to be Adopted by the Government It Wuhingwn. we thank! lOOD be rid of: horde ofocoundrale who stampt to hide their own inhmy by eudeuofing to brand as “Minors” honest men. M 4...” - fl'Jefi‘. Dnvisio to communal I‘M-Dam, foreign , The foreign new < {{cw days. cnnnm. h licitude for the 1' French new: is H ilmt from England a strong pressure w* 1 , ‘ lan wlncH .lustpra or I 4; nppleu“ inches in; govemxnjenu to i in Inga as} - recognizg the Soot I interim“ by farm n , l it litiFi g The generu'. princi‘ple in now s“}!ng unzed 11m (he :xmerimnjwu hns been long du- Emtion Withnut 'prilctiml man]: and that 1 the mean: of, “affirm! adopted. 1 fich utlx'o ‘1 none. blocknde,~‘fqr example, . é“contmr§ 'lo the moral mu? of the grana jaowou of % {hf world. Tbeurlmncynf the - ngitionisu $lO declnm the frd'edom of the Ives mg! ' than crate the harmn of aervi - usurrem f tians, ininnw reg Irdnd by thei ‘ *ll' 311 mg . the English, as nnTevidence of 1) -~ endeu‘cy ,of Americanplo nr‘burism, an } an‘ argument to in ((we nationul i lin our'nfi'airs. 1 L We cannot but he! the 111813 [Um America is #cgardgd in ‘ ,weakohed wwer.;uith wjmmitl to deal as with an inferior. .\‘o . V. '1 bu yet ‘nkcn thgs new, but 1) ‘ mount is strengtln§ning in that. and 'l‘ will mqu'u-ei grout nation- ration w preventg'such :ction of Englnnd and Mes as will counry for America to gun. (ml prove he: pogera—Jour. Qf EMEI=3 Weeding than Qutf—Mr. Cm flux, the damage-sue Senugor from )hclzgan, who for year: has labdied for the al‘ ntion of North snd Sdudi, nd now advotges a poli cy which will loath «3 their eter separa tion, bu been voted out of th Senate by the Michigan Logishuure. and A "Howard. A moré conscrvbtifl politician of a Repub licm school, olecied in his phi I “ The country needs blood letting." way he senti ment of Mrbhandlger, month. biatnre acces lion had mumcd it: present “Sign The Dobro“ Frat Pray says “ Mr. , undier’i criminal; participauou in the mfiipmom to Brill run, his assault upon West Pomt, hm Attempt: to depote Gen. McClelllsn. above all. his utter incompetency for his pos‘mon, have been fairly med, and, by the election of Mr. Howard, condemned.” 30 goes one of theml Who goes next? Dipthmrz.—>We notice this umidious dis ‘oase in becoming quite prevalent; in some parts of the country. It 1: a. malady that if not nuanced at m; very outset is almost mrtlin to prove fatal. As soon as the first symptoms sppenr, a physicinuaabould be instantly summoned. Meantime, until the doom: arrives. temporary refief can be afl'or dad by gurgling Um throat every ten min ute: with I: “rang dccoction cf can-man (all and war. Make it as strong as the patient can endure it without ntnngling. my: teaspoon ful of “It. to two mbleapoonfull 3f water.— In many inltanceo this simple &me<ly has bean known to entirely ohock the disease without the lid of any further prescription. pbl‘lenfi'ic American. Tméle Pmpm'y (f WSWm—fiy n tabular statement. nppended to the Auditor Gene uh Report for the year-1851, '9 learn an: the total nluuion of Real 133 Personal Property in the nevenl oounéie- of thin Commonwealthmbjoctw taxaian. amounts to $560,049,867. upon which I Saw tax of $1,479,377 81 bu been much. The ma) populntion of the Saw. by $11: Con-us of 1860. is $921,046 ; and the number“ (an. blo ink-hunts. in 642,462. Th; nus-agate State Lu on Watches mounts. (033,866 2.3. '1”. ‘00). Colt, tho inventor ogColt’l pia— oou. dud. é ‘ wgst the “Donglu Donner-u" Think :* of Pansy. ‘ 'i‘ho Pituhurg Boat. of the 24th ult.. tho loagding Democratic newspaper in Western Pehnnylnnis, end. a firm and consistent supporter of Mr. Doveusin tholut Prem den cinl election. administer: I scathing re buke to John W. Fornoy for his impudence in presuming to speak for the friends of Mr. Divot.“ through the columns of the Phil»- doyphia Prat while he is in the pay of the Republican party. The Post given.- sketch of-jlhe career of Funny; than that up to tho time when he qimrrolled with Mr. Bc‘ CHILNAN.hO wins the most obeequibns nnd‘ ,pligint tool of the “slave power" of the Booth; declares that DOUGLAS never trust edgl’onxzr, and that the great principle of Poxulmr Sovereignty. for which Domua 'co‘tqnded, wuiused by Forum on A more, pretaxt; the: he remtinedjin the councils ofjthe Domusl Democrats only to heirs-y them: (ind thug. from the malignant Oppo ncht‘ol' Smox Cinnamtho become an; mén'u tool, and mm. tlirohgh his influence, rewuded for his treachery hibeing elected cu§rk of the Senate of lhe United Stem. Tlge Pan continues: . ' Q‘We liavo thought it necmsary to re m d our readers ol‘these few points in this iri ketcr, Fome)"s career. became he still has the Assurance to speak in the name of tht Douglas Democracy. His game now is to vgrouse. in much feelinias possible agninst “her. he styles the Brec inruige {)Emocm— cylfnl" Punnsylvnnin, and after harping upon ‘tht luring for naufllcient time. a union of this Dough“ men of Pennsylvania with the Rondhlimns in to he proposed. Fox-ney‘u piper has been at [hie game for more tlmn‘ a geek, end after it is properly ventilated, .wQ are to have another conventiOn of such Douglas men as himnéif and John Hickman may open: and accept such terms as they cn‘ command. it is the old dodge.but it wigl riot succeed. John W. Forney has run hifl edurse; he never can transfer mother Democrat to the ranks of Abolitionism.- W 5 tbo are For a Union, a Union of Damo rrAtu,ires:irle a! former diti'erences in re~ gel-d to end inues, and we are for extend "l% the right hand of fellowship to every m n who is in for the suppression of the rebellionend the restoration of the Union; bl, no afiiliuion with that poisonous thing A litionimg; nocommunicutionwuh thme w ole hatred of slavery is stronger than their love for the Union. The restoration ofutbe Union It nll humrds and'nt ell busts, nd matter Who or what suffer: in bringing it hbput.” {'o are glad to new that elm genuine l'z'i,l ads of Doom.” fire so fully aware of the gnkie which this Insolent denmgoguo is ab tempting to play fox-fie benefit of his He pifblicao austere. I ‘ ["011ng can succeed infdetnchiug enough Demoornls from their organization to again defeat the Demoemt in party. he would be in 5‘ poeition to claim a fimngnificent reward for his senioeo. and ithia is about all he cues for. They seem to know what he is driving at. In the lon ’ @ge of the PM. “his power for mischief L tohhe Deuiocmtif party is‘gono, And gone ‘ foi‘ever; they know him. end none so well my foot 1 ugthoeo he has «shamefully betrayed-tho ope .M a! Dongle: Demoertey of Penmylvmil."— Millie Patriot 6: Union. ernment ng the past grgwest so. u of the a ht thnn ~ nt that ,1: on both HOZ! -n more unp! . while itrii -' ill bebrough of only to duce them \ern Confod to raise the My. but to hbkmle.- used'as rferenee is seriti- irecticn, .igd mode . he' put «to it ne -fl dignity - Mae. ‘ ,: TWO DOLLARS A—YEAR. Kory Startling Exposures Gm“: have been themtling expo-urea ofi corruption, pecumion. lid plunder of GQVGmment property,“ would tppear thlt tn} end k not yat. The'Wuhington cor reipéndent of the Inquirer my“ ‘ , :The Committee which is 9118”“ in fogretlng out the scum; in the abuse: that existed previous to the change at the War Dépaftment. are appalled at. the field which openr to their view. Combinations were lot-med and systematic arrangements plan ned for plundering the Treasury on a scale of greaier magnitude than was ever before broughito light. Some ofthese base jobbers were men 01 influence and repuution, who trmtorously used the confidence placed in betray and dupofl the Government. The revelation. that mllbe made will star tlg the public mind; bums it becomes known ii at. now a euro and incorrupuhle patriot guards xhe Var Department, the lOyal nml brie-hearted citizen” may feel assured that, ti 9 reign of plumlerers is at an end. The names of parties in Philadelphia and an York‘ure associated with frauds, which. if clearly proved. will entitle their mane: w hq placed on the roll of iniamy. A Contrast. Decidedly the most brilliant military cam pflign in which our Country ever engaged, w'as the Mexican War. during the admmia— tmtion of President Polk. fix-President Buchanan was, at that time, Secretary of Shae, and the late Governor Marcy, Secre tary of War. The most extensive means bid to be provided for the maintenance of A huge army in a. distant. country, and mil liom of money passed through the hands of the governmencoflioers. But we do not re. member that. any one of them was ow-r chnrged mm peculation or dHthe-xtyn— Certain it. iathat not. awhisper wan ewr hem-J affecting Lhainmgrity 9!" Mr. Marcy, and he retired from oflioe enioyin the respc-cv. uf the whole country. The fihnmcmmc mb ministration of Pruidem Polk. m mu: campaign, set, an example winch mxgm have been profiutbly followed by lew Iluid~ it); high places under‘Mr. meolu. h vex" o|me m not necessary tothe sucoemul pro wcution of A war the: AU concexned m Cun ducting it. should turn highway rubben.~ Eaton Argue, A Poeliaal Sitpcrscriptian.—-A letter pnss‘ed through the Poet Ofiioe in Clevekanda. day or (wo ago, with the fouowmg superscrip don: “Fed: and Confods, let this go free Tfowt': to Nuhville, Tennessee. il roe cent smmp will pay the Unm zou find Sophia Yon. 'u' Poutmuter North, or even South, May open it and find the truth; I merely say, my Wifu's got. well. And got. a baby, cross as b—-m" , fl-An Irishman copplnined ofhh phy gicin £th he untied him so much , ms): gm.- that. be m sick she: ha got. «6“. -. 5 ' mummmml { ' A ammdwt ohhe New Kerb Trihu, rum» adds «moist-rating incidents to the Mcouutl ail-adj published of the noon: bade next Bonn-rim, Kentucky. ' Till 'AYONEK‘LUkIO; 0? IRS NIN‘TU 01310 ‘ Up to mmrly‘ 11 o'clock the fighting Va) minfincd principnlly to an exchange of' load Ind iron. Our centre and lefl: would Id n‘nce some distance upon the enemy's 6m, udjhen fall back. The Rebels: did about the name. While the latter gtiued no ground, lfl'ifihotanding their i-upcrior numbers, flthough lhgy showed canard":- ble pertincily, our troops Ilso hut. held their crib. The enemy thuwed pluck enough, but he was manifestly sadly deft. eient in discipline. His firing wul vary-ir regular, Ind his line of battle wu so little coheriug, Um ha could not. possibly nuke I let ntinck. q The Fourteenth Ohio and Tenth Kon tucky, leutfor as soon as the nlnrm hi been given, being reportéd to Gen. The.“ to be coming up with their lunery from their encampment on ihe Columbus Road on I. full run, he at lust. dclermined [so bring matters to an issue. He‘direcwd Gen. Carter tn flank the enemy's right with his regiments, which had been chafing 11! the morning undur the necessity ofromuin iug idle spectators. But before; this move zneut could be made to tell, the gunncn of the Ninth Ohio bud nlready decided the battle. Col. McCook (by the way the only“ American in the regiment) had his hone shot under him, and was himself wounded in the calf of his left leg in the course of the morning, but nevertb'elnsa continued in command. lie and all of his men soon grow timd of serving as turgau’ to tho Rebell without, being üble to deal pct. as full n measure of retribution u thej dair‘ ed. , - i , No. .20, About alarm the patience of thé "gi mont became exhausted, ’and the Colonel gqvo the order m:d vance‘. It was realm! with n hurrah, such us only Germ-n lung: an give, and oxecutud in a Ityla worthy of the~mo~t tried troapa of Europe. Swtdily tad compactly the column moved over th two hundred yards separating it from thp lcnemy. So straight was its front, in spité of thc softness of tln ground, that it would have made jump the heart of the greatest drill pidant. When within thirty yards of thc enemy the order was given to “ charge buyouts," mm} In an inltant the moving human wall bristled with bayonet: nd prmed forward in quick step. The Mabel: looked aghast at al sight they had hover be fore beheld. A Tenn'esnee regiment on the extreme left fired a random volley «pd then instinctively broke. A M islinippj regi ment—the name that held that fence nlmdy mentioned—hositntgd a few moments long tr. But the triumphant limit» the Gar; mana gun farth, and the quickly approach ipg nrrny of pointed steel, was too much for them. In an instant those of the one my between the fence arid our men, with the exceptions oft: Lew, who were prom t -1] bugoneted, had ucramhled our sud fill in wild disorder. . I, , zmmcolrn's REMAINS. Zollinofi'er's body It, 1 for nearly dam dxys on the ground, in front 01' the vent of the S‘utlor of the lOth Kjontnclry. wrapped up in I'hlnnkot. He w": 1 man of middle height, light hair, rathen long features. wall formed profile, Ind ruthér pleasant. uproa lion of counwbunce, which grim death has not. raltorgether destroyed. His akin wan beautifully white and elem. He had lus heard shaved 03' on the ei'emug before the battle, prubably in urder t": be less casily recognngd. lum aorrj to any than, his ru muius Were outragnouslv, ttuutcd luy the thousaudn of soldiers and citizens who flock ed no use them. Not only wal' all thd hair cut of] close to the skull; but the- body wu stripped ul’iu clothing. , When killed, lfo had on a whit: rubber no“, hnder’ which be Here a full Geneni’u uniform. The rubber coat, the uniform. lhn boots. his our nnd undershirt, and even his tacks, were oithcr carriud off whole “or gradually cut 05 in pincel. On Tuesday evening the body way almost naked. Thin kind 0 cu riositrhunting bin-don on vandalism. The warm temperature tlnt prevailed nfior tho battle hutened the decomposition of the remain. Thea was literally "trmon amolling to hen-en." ~Wlm a horrid end of n Tum. high and honorable career. 1n; nuomu. The dead Union and Rebel privates were buried on Monday and Timid-y in huge pits built for the purpose. , flirty-seven uninjured Rebels were tn kcn priloners, including the five Surgeons, Liens. Col. Carter ul'n'l‘euneuee regiment, and one or two other oflicers. Some were well disposed nnd communicative, other nnlleu and silent. A feiv (alkali vary free ly about the condition of their officers boy fore and during the fight. They aid that Gen. Crittenden was drunk both on Sat urday and Sunday, and that to his misman agement their disaster was dne; that be got lost in the woods, and, after the fall of Zullicofier, they had nobody to lead then, and did not know what to do. They ulna sa aerted that reinforcements, to the number El 4,0007 had been expected (,0 come up the river from Nashville during the present week Most of the prisoners believed that they had contended against 25,000 men, and could not bellCVi the truth. They all had more or lean paper money, but not I dollar in golo. (lad it not been for the charitable disposition ofsome ofour mum, even their officers and surgeon: could not have got their customary drinks. nlzliongh some had hundred: ul‘dollm in Seen-ion currency Mr. Editor:— The citizens of ihia 120‘s and vicinity, f wishing to get. up someciiing for their enter-é tainment and instruction, me: It the school? home in this place hm; evening, and or-‘ ganized Lhemwlvenicto a Drbdting Stick-f ly, in be caiiod die “Franklin Debuting? :‘umeq of .\lummwburg.” and elected the: ihiiumng gentlemen us officeis: l’rcsidcntfi' Samuel Hm,- Vico President, Jacob Eich-, 0111; Secretary, W . J. McClure ; Trcaaumu‘ (.1 ‘H. Fulniier; Standing Committee, Bic-am. B W. Stable, R. Filzgenid 3nd; Jacob Comfort. They iuwud huldingnguj in meeting. each week, and discus thd impumnt quesoiona of the day, md extend a cordial invitation to all to attend. ‘ ——~——~--~——~«I»—~—n --—~ “ m BucH.;iln.—-C«pt. H. w. Mcyu‘u. all thn county, was elected Colonel of tub Bucktnil eegiment, on the 22d. in plan ck Col. anu, resigned. The candida“ werh Capt. 2&on and Lieut. Col. KAN; Th‘b men all voted. and tho majority'Qr the successful candidate was 222. vlfiw * WA pair of stocking» 55m. by fimhqfipi' committee forthv us» m‘smne g M mtvbhm'L beer, was aecmpsmed‘ by the followmgie;lis Brave smtrv, rm yam-Jonah: beat. . 'E In! theiiflmsuockmgg mum your fee? Ana when: from wnr (in?! camp iron pm in! none fair knilm ragga rang has! For the Caspar. Mumxunvao, Fab. In, 1833. Yuum reapectfu}! t ’ mamas. \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers