NM 4VNEOLAIDO. ‘ Ti. Column Is published every Monday homing, by Hun? J. Suns. at $1 75 per tumult if 'psid strictly xx ADVAN‘CIf—32 00 per mam if not paid in ulnnqo. No lulucription discontinued, unleu it the Jpcion of the publisher, until :11 mousse! ”a paid. , uninsulsrsinsermd at the nun] rum Jon Pnsnxo dono‘ with nestxiau an}! dilpltch. - - .» < Ornu ,in South Baltimore street. directly opposite anplen’ Tinning Establishment ‘ ~l‘Colrxun annsa Orncp” on the sign. PB®?E3S§®NAL @ARBSR. D. McCanaughy, TTORN'EY AT LAW, (offico on. door want A of {Mahler's drug and book Itore'Chlmo eruburg street.) Anon" um Soucnok 70,! Punt-u uni PESSIOXE’.‘ Bounty Lnnd Wuh“ ugh. Buck-pay susprnded Chin", Ind all other clnimn ign'mlt th Government It Wuh lngtol. D. 0.; 11m AmericnnClnims in England. 591 Wumnu located Ind lold,otbollgh¢,nnd higheiv. prihu given. Agent: engageduin lo aning warrant: in lows, lllinoia and other “new State» ml] g 6 him peuonally Or by letter. Getty-burg, Nov. 21, ’53. _ _ J. C. Nealy‘ A TTORNEY AT LAW, will “lend to’TOHec \ tionl and all other businepl intruued to :1 euro with promptnesl. (Mice in the S. E. cornor of £3lO Digmond, (famorTy occupied by Wm. B. McClellln,'}-}sq.) , flatly-burg. April 11, 1839. tf ‘ Wm. B. McClellan, TTORNEY AIT LAW.-Oflico in West Mid ' dlo unet, on. door west of mo new onn‘flaue. f _ - . _‘ \ Gettysburg. Ref. 11, 1859. _ if .._._...__.. T—f‘WT‘ —fi-“*'*—""“"‘" : Wm. A. Duncan, - ~ 4} T’I‘ORNHYIA’P LAW.——Ofice in thy North "A Wu: comer onglro Squ'trct. Gettysburg, A. Q . [my 3,1359. t! .< ‘A. J. Cover, ( TTORNEY AT LAW, willorompfly attend A w (lolloctiom and an other ‘uuxincss cn nuns; to him. Ufiicn bcfivecn Falmeqmrks' mid nnner & Ziegler] Shims, Baltimore strut», Gettysburg} Pu. . [SepL 5,.1859. . Edvgard B. Buehler, I TTOILV'F. ' AT LAW, will fMthfullyhnd A prompt}? mtend‘m all buliuess churn-led to him.“ H‘penks the German lungunge.——- um- At the sum» place, in Suuth Bullimure uroet. near Form-3”; drug More, um; nenrly opposite Dmnor fit Ziegler} uure. Gettysburg. .\lgauchflo. . _. 7 .7 ( H _-..__.r_ ...,___. ‘ J. Lamence Hlll. M. D. AS Mn aim-e hue _ .I I doorman. bf the ‘s’ “Mg-‘- Luthemn church in ' . ' - Chmnhersburg ptrret. and ofpon’ta Picking'a no", where‘lhbse'wiuhing to bnve quy Drum] Opentiou performed xre rupécliuny invfled to an“. Rnruumcus: , Drs. Horuer. Rev (X P. Knuth, n, u. Refill. 1.. Buugher, I). nl, Im. Prnf. .\l. anolis. Prnf..\l. li. Snufyer. A Gettysburg. Apri! LI, '53. ‘. ¥ Adams County UTUAI. FIRE INSI‘R.\.\'CERU.\}P.\NY.— Incorpcirnted Hun-h 18! 1851. nrnjcnns . l‘ruidlnlwf/‘vio’rge Shopfi. . m. l’f'll'llCNl—SA R. Rune“. » R'erury—ll, A. llm-lllcr. . Truulrero—Dnfid \l‘(‘rear‘v. ' ' Kremlin L'ammmee—Ruhen McCurdy, Jacob ‘il'. Andrew ”vintzelxnnn., . I‘m- _ .Ilmnyn—(h-nrgo Swaps, I)". AJku-hlerJn cab KingJ. llainlzrlmAnLß. .\l'Curdy. Tho! A. \hiahcllJi. Rnhneatm-k. Wm. H. \lcCleHnn “' n. B. \Vilaon, \I: Eight-11101:". Abdiol F.Gitl~. Ju'u: ‘Wullor-l. H.’ .\. I’ickiug‘ A IwIT “'righl Ja'm Hurner. R. (‘l. \irCrenrv. S. R. lhusell.D N'Hrury, .\ydrcw. Polk-y, John Picking, J: R Hum: .. A C ‘ ne‘l‘hisl‘vnmpnny h'limited in it‘ amm fiouu In the county 0! Admnff' It ham been in dnccpufnl aparzuinn. for more than Fix years, tui in Um: {II-rim) has ‘pniol I" loswa nnll ex pcnsoi. with!!! any avuumv‘uf, having‘aha a large ”"th cnpitnl in the Treagury. The ('om pun exnplo—Kzi no' Agenu—lnll busihpuheing done hr the “unwary. who are unnmllh' 610L1- H'br [ln Stockholders. , Any pe’rson denifipg tn I-uprmce can n‘pplv to may of .{he IUD"! unmm‘l \lxma'rori for fut-the!“ information. VT!” fixernliv: L'omnfmee up"; at 1119 of" of the (hunpnnv on the last. Wednesday hi every uth. at}. P‘. )1. '¥ . Sepn'n, 1858. / ‘ ‘ Marb‘e Yard Ramova'l. A THE :übsi‘rihef'hnving remand hh flaws of bluiim-ss to Hunt York street. a nlmfl. dis tnnce hclnw 3t. Jmnes’ Church. would an‘nonnce , h- the public that he is still prepared to furnish Ill.kiud| of work in his line. such I“ Monu "manta, Headstones. kc" ky.‘of'évcr,\' variety of ltylc nnd finish. with nnd’ wifllout 'nth'S and h» kcts. to suit pun-lumen, rind,“ prices in suit tht times. Per-ions dt-«irinp: anything in his line ' will find i‘ I dqcided ndv‘anmge ln‘ommfile his . .nockjnd prices before pprclmdng tin-where. ‘ : wsx. n. MEALS. Getty-bunt, “larch 21, 1855. ‘ : ZUannon 8; Adain’s KW MARBLE WORKS, corner .of “alti - . ,more 3nd, East Middle flrects,directly op poaitq file new Court House: ‘Gettysburgr. Huringxecently arrived from Philadelphinmnd fooling fully competent. to execute all work in “he finoat “flu or the an, we m-nld respectful l: lavitulthc “mention of ch; pululic‘mshiug to procun any'thiing in our line, to favor us with a dull and exqmine npeélmeni of our work. We am prepflred to rumm. .\mxcwzns, $08133 A“) H‘EADSTUNES, MARBLE MANTLES, BLABS for Cabinet-makers, und all other work appertaining to our business. at the lowest pos liblc pricel. We do not hesitate to gum-:nntea thgt our work shall be put up in A magner Iqb- , ”ninth! Ind hateful equal tn the? bést to 'be ”on 'in the ‘citiea, 'whcrc every imfirovexn'e'nt \ which egperiencu lul suggested i; avniled of, And «pod-fly do we gusmn‘tee thin our (fem- L 9,?) Ind Gun X In! work Mull be so artfully M u not to he «acted by frost, but. shall ann u'm for yours tint, .eregtness of posifion lgiven n the completion of :3)!» and so nereanry to aontinned gr-cefnlnus pad lymmelry. . Not. 28, 1839. If i Still at‘ Work”! OACIIXAKING AND BLACKSMITHIXG _ -'l‘he undenigned respectfullf informs his friends Ind the public that be cdntimies the: Couchmnking und Blacksmizhing business in "cry bunch at his establlshmeut in Cham benbui ptreet. He has on hand and will mlnnhctute to order all kinds of CARgIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. Syrihg Wagong, km, ol the best. material, and mad“: by superigr work men. 38'3"“me and Bucumgmm of All kind: done, M reasonable rates, {gran-Apt]; and to tlu satisfaction of customers. - .' Conn-n Paouuc: tskon in exchange for work u mnrket prices. ‘ - evenous deliring snide: or work in the Coachmsking or Blacksmithing line, are re .pcctfnuy invned to cull on - JOHN L. HOLTZJVORTH. Gctzylburg. Jan. 24, '59. Removal. - 3w SALOON.—GEO. F. ECKENRODE bu N removed hispyster establishment, to we splendid new Saloqn in chobs & Bro’s. Bnild~ ing, on the North side; of Chgmbershurg-ureet, where ha will It 1.11 llmel be prepned w 50".. up flu but of OY§TERS, in every style. By taping; good arm-leg he expects to receive a . libonl flute of pnbhc patronage. TURTLE sour, CHICKEN, BEEF TONGUE, PlG‘s FEET. TBXPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS,ICE CREAM, BIRDS, tc., In their season. A nice ’ glul of ALE or LACIE)! on “ways be but- Como Ind try me. G. F. EOKENRODE. April 2, 1860. 81‘ PREWIUM awa’rdcd to Tyson Brothers lhy We Kenauen Agricultural Society. Sept, :E u“. ind by “:1 Adam: Coumy Agricultural 5 8”“‘11 30PM 1881, for be“ ‘Alnbrotypel and Pha‘mm over m others bu exhlblflon. aoxpmmms u- mmg mi: pun . inn pick!“ a. prim )0 nit: fin that. f 2 i. ‘ . a: l E ‘ a N Br 11. J. STAHLE 44th Year- Ch• t num A nAfloNAL uvnu i God blesn our‘ifiifieland !’ a firm may she ever stud, . 1 Through storm end night; ; When the wild tempeats rave,‘ L 11111;: of y'dend we", 1 ' ‘ '~ Do hon'ou con} uy save ; ‘ By fllflfirflfinizht ‘3‘ 1 H For her oiur prayers ,sbfll rile} ’ I To God above the skies; t . 4 011 film we wait: ‘: n Thou who been heard each nigh, ] A Witching each weeping eye, .5 \ Be Thougarever nigh : ' i 1' God’ in" the State! E E fionnnnnn. ‘5 The noblest 'njlpn 1 know on earth}; ‘I Are men whose hands are browuiwith toil; Who, backcdfby no nncestin! grav‘esr Haw down gh'e woods, and HLIPe soil, Ari‘d win Ibergby'u pruudcr fame: | Thu fulluwyking or wnrrior’s nalzle. The working map ! whate'er lhnl'i‘ flunk, T'o carve in‘at'one, or hear the Nod— They wear upon their honest. brm'ys The royal mum} and seal of 6041! x An_d brightens” the drops of deat Thnn dmmonds in a coronetl }’ God bless the noble working menfir Who rear the chins of the plat? ; Who dig thomines. and build lhelshipg, And drivehhe commerce on the maih; God hlval them! for their swanky hands Hnrc wroyght the glory ofnl'l luj‘qu. aggimmmm, 'Tfiéziii‘éifiéfflif ‘ . Giuinrd owned a farm a. few miiéfi from his req‘dénce m Bhiiadeilphiu, which he kept undel‘: his own cultivation. 1t Wits superin tendeflfby a far-Inger residing on jibe glue, to which (E owner often drbve to see how affairs vs e goin‘gfif He hot unfra quentiynventin the morning after-break fafit. Pu ‘one bf those occasioips, coming out. perhaps somewhat earlier shim usn'nl, on nrri'gving aka pigce of stone fénée which he was": building along the rand he found his ffll'l‘her absent. He im‘medlnitely (Iréije to the house, fastened hia horse," and wéut in. searpliing khe‘house for him; not (me:- lonking‘thoxe‘almrts where he sugyoctcd the man might be found. Dimppoimed in his search. he relhounted his'clmise {ind rmm-n -ed totho fcnqe—and lo ! the mm), was found very diligentiy at his wbl‘k. E ' "‘,Ah! how is this i“ said {1195} keen eyed 'ovefsN-r. 1‘ You was late gt yomiir work thh mnrning. I have driyeyout 5f town} al— ready, and yen was not hex-5.” I" 1 “ 01). yes. Mr. Girm-J." said he mam—- “I had been .here. but. I hag] only stepped aside fox: a few moments. when [you passegl 'by, to get semi-thing that I wanted.” I ‘f Yéuu do Ii? l.” said the keell‘ex'ed muster. 1“] (1.111 go pnjd put my hand ix? your bed, . and 1t was warm.” , . 3 The man ligd been informed {by his wife of G’imrd‘s coming, when he jumped ui) in a hurry, and ran to his work. {But Gimrd was too cute for him. g a-T__4.,_.___=_ , Four Goad )IrzbiLr.—-'l‘here aregfonr habits a wisa Imin rccommepds to bgmxsentially necessary for'the management 1')! temporn‘l concerns; and these ire pumituniity. ac curacy, steadiness and dispatch: Without the first of‘ these, time is wasted : without {he-second. mistakes most huétful to our own credit and interest, And (hit of nthers. may be committed; without 1- the min); mithing‘cjn be well dune; and ‘without the fourth, oppo'g-tpnizies of greatSadvnntages are 1031, which ne‘imposhible to' recall. . fi'l‘here are some who seefm to think that the golden‘ age of literature is past-—. that. nothing-{Hfiodern is worth? 411' notice, and ihat‘it is one of the vicesj of the ege that we diseerd so much the Mhings of the literary fathers.‘ Bun the world of thought is exhaustless, and we have only to produce a. finér .civiiizatiotjl than the world has ever seen, to secure} esdle con< summate flower, 3 literature o‘fkorre'spond‘ 1 ing excellence. ’ . 5' S‘Mmy of those men and {women who are unfit brilliant. fascinating; anal gentle in moiety at large. reserve their demon—— their evil temper—for Mme unfortunate home glue, on whom they think they can v‘gnt it éfely, duoe tho wratch does not complain. A bad temper prefer: one vio fifi out Oh; family; on that. one it vents he spite. indulging nflthe other-J that it may have defendérs with the worldi fifime wean slipper: Aofilist, and his trend is nbineless. The day: come softly dawning. one ener‘another: film MP in st the window ; their fresli mbrning air it grateful to the lips as they pant for it ; their music is sweet to the ears that listen to it; unfiJ. before we )tfiovg it. a *hole life of dnyg‘ has ponessio'n 'of the citadel, and Time has taken us for his own. ‘ Temperance Measure: in Olden Times.—Don}~ initien ordered all the vine plants in tlie Roman territory to be routed out. Chm-lee g» of France. issued a similar edict. In 1536. underafm'ncis,’ 1., a law was passed sentencing drunkards to imprisonment on bread and water for the first offence ; a pub lic whipping punished a second infringe~ mént ; and on reitex‘ntion, banishment and loss of ears. Draco inflicted capital punish ment ; Lycurgus destroyed the vineyards. The Athenians had officers to prevent the excess of drinking. ‘ ‘ fi‘A new and 1091;11:0an disease, to gembling leprosy, has made its Appexnnoo in the Sangigich lahqda. It Qppeu-s to be: contagious. = i 3 ' k A ®Em©©mw© AND quw mm How the Russians lungs An Englishman in Buuis rehtes this in cident: - ‘ . As I was leaving my house one morning, Lining mymismut, filmy, ebouting as me from’ go door-“ Man (outbbuae {or holding iii-wed. On entering the piece, I found A dead pennant lying on the floor with apiece of rope round his nejck, and from a. b‘é‘am the other and ar the gropo was dm‘glin’gn— To my inquiry, Hen-j replied, that he ihnd gone into the place for a piece of root! to make a handle to N": no. and found; the men ban? by the: neck. The .firsfi rm tumi impu so caused ihim to open his ignite end cut him down. end there be we: 1123. I found the mm qpitl‘e dead, ”he bud n for some time. 35' é ‘ v ' “ Now," I said, “lllarry, you he“; got yourselfinto a. nice mess. The poliaelwill make you respondbieFor this deith. What’s to_be done?” A a’3 ' ' . “ Done 7" up Hat’fy, “ why, ti’e‘ “1+ lip again.” I , ‘ This never would hove ocqulrred mime, but {lorry was apm tictl man.‘and h wos right. So'we mane to hang the}oor fellow over again, and left the sPot, ha piiy without being seen. 1 The body was féund «luring the day, andé “Stan.” oeut‘for who never suspectéa thespnft we bad nor in the tragedy. if he had, I invekmo‘ «131 m would imve’costm zjneny rouhlei: to {save Harry‘from being tried for murder. ! u 3%“ The Camp Kettle” is 'the' nn 1e of a soldiei's paper published at =Be‘aufoTt, S‘ C. The fofiowing is TFI: item fri‘lmlit: } “. It, seem; strange to us, War-them; dag-f here in Beautjort, to reqeived 1 ffom dea‘r ones at hpme, telling of a] fides, skating and cpnstings; wlhile m; sitting before our ophn window-spin o the deaerted palaces} surrounded _by sfl bery green. as the le£ves of June; nnc‘ air filled with the fiegfume 0d fuses bloom in beauty all imam! us.” ‘ ‘ ‘-¢ v— - Luf- Tl'lm Bryan (A: WarfL—Au enmgpd p 1 hind jerked his profvoking son dorm: kn‘ne, and was bpeqatiqg on thq exr portion of the urchi .’5 person; \frith 1 volmniance, 'when t£e young one dug the palm-nu! legs wit his vendmpus t‘ “ ll—ll's Hawaii \Jl'mt're you bitin‘ férl” .. wen, damfwno beginjd a this! war?” 1 ”'7‘“ I WA bright New ‘ him! {0 ialk. was ve ; used around her. 5?“; ,n (log, enter a si‘de‘of the street. 1 left the dog without > movements of «or i finanfi‘ested painful 1. *his desertion and ct? Elie:- small face thro ,‘sery window. and c. ‘to o, “ Xng e belLid- filly deceased finale. days ‘a bu writer, was tlnq‘moft pblite gentle ‘ ilie‘wqud. He was making a‘ vayn the'D-J'nube, and th boat sank. My mnjufi‘t at the pain: of drowning. his head above watfir for once. nook -‘ hat. and mid: “ Eadie: and ‘gentl will you please to eicuse 'me I" and‘ he went. i T ‘ A Fat Woman—Al fut, woman is no' biting up New York, wpm, when she can“! there, wns~obliged to have N‘ plnqe prepared (‘0 her in the baggnge car, as 4110 VHS so 18:qu 11“ she was unable to get thrpugh the dOOnoh e reg ular pnnenger can. I She is said to be aifelmle Lamb‘crl‘ andteyona :11 doubt vthe hpaviest wqmsn‘ ever known. E > I - No Comma—Wit}! a very few exceptinm fhe Republican paling have not: firm! to say against the aocidndrels who ar§ daily caught swindling the government. They don’t seem wh-velieardaword of: t‘h cheat ing operations thsfi are con}; 'ntly ught to light. There is #lO Johnéjvo'de L? lerret Out the frauds in horses, mules, lumher, clo thing, meat, ships,l;&c. ‘ l ' W... _, , ; s-A ckrgymans ninned Fulton, vibe de pouuced the President, on Bowl-day but, in Albany. during a firesentation speejch. for Eemoving “ the yo+ng (aged 50 yegh),and diam Fremont,” mu hissed by thol Whole udienoe, ond took it in high dujdgoon. 1 ——-——-———m~—-—~——-—v— . Q elf you haveigreat talents, ifidustry ill improve thexfi; if model-Eta abilities, dusky will‘aupyly their de ‘ciencies.— I filing}: deniedtowe}! direéleilabor; 'othing is eyer to bé “mined with ‘ t it. ‘_ 3‘" I have oné’requut to unka’ ofyou, y deu- Mr. Grant.” .. My dear «*idow, I ~ m gum. anything you any." “ We“. air, I want bo‘be Granted myself." 1 we famous Willigm Penn; had . pupa-grace relatiOn. whom his p‘unning Icoutempomiec described a n pen that. had Sheen “ often cut, have! mended.” : x . _._——n O h... __ ‘ H‘None “a so seldom found mine, md are no soon fixed at their own oomlinny, as those coxoombc who are {m the be.“ term. wim themselval. x . a.“ I am timid. sir, you are in i settled melancholy." “ No. madam, my melan choly won't settle: it has too much grounds." fi-A lie always needs a truth for a ham dle m it. The worst lies no those whose handle is true And whoée blade is fdso. 3118 who in false to present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when be my have fox-36m it. am. i “Be dilligeujt in the pxwtiuiof what. you know if you would know morT ; tam-V . ‘ ~ fix ‘1 If)". . s:;‘ L‘ V" /A ‘' ‘ f I, V K/ ' \‘l I G-M:1 Mi SBURG, PA-, MONDAY,‘FEB- 8, 18 MB Hers igh are .g 0“ fix!» Hm MEI rent 31in; sed I‘é-al in to | ‘ lh. ‘ V ._,.__4__.:_ 'ork baby, jhs‘t l observan‘t of a“ She saw :1 gent) house on the op _v u e shut th'e don 1 ’ who, by various 0, ‘ hing an?! “'ll 1 mpntience.; Mov mphining, she gh the bar of he 'ed in a cllear. cl ggie! Ing‘ ebel EMI that OM =CI MS I= Img. d by Irnéit nui- most orcar n in 2° 01} ’unclp 1 0 got)‘ 1? his mom down 132M1 ”TEETH IS EIGHT? AND Wll4. PRIVAJL" A Good J ate all Round. There is a quaint humor switched to some body connected with the Rochester Express that breaks out in spots occasionally in that sheet, as Witness the followixjg: ~‘ “ A gentlemah, (whose narbe womppress for ‘ obvious reason: ’) w 'ile returning home‘with the family run; w—: on Bmm day evenihg, mapped into In oyster saloon on Main étreet to refresh‘ imself with a new. While thus eughged a friend who had fnllov’ed him i, glut. : ted from his groceries a, packtge éontaiq v 5 g p’ound of oofi‘ee.‘ mid having emptied t, refilled the paper with saw dustfiun‘d r~ {we'd it. w‘im original place. The m‘isté 12 us not dia éoyered mm] the following orning. when the wife of the "injureql ma ’ prepared his breakfast; Laboring ulnder the‘ngisappre liensipn that the grabs? bud wiridled him, the husband returned ithe wdust in the morning. land indignantly nlanded. and finslly twelved, its ehqivale t {p old Java. The unham}, groéer, :who «is gnlotoriously subject, :9 fits of ‘absentmindedneu’.’ ale dared rndst solemnly thnl‘ ii wits uninten tional, and that. really, il: was is. little the worst. mistake he ever “pitted! Whit renders the tnn‘action‘cjilll m‘ re perplex ing is‘ 'lhat ‘ for the life ofl‘him {le‘cm’t re member when he go! the sang (ills-1.1 " , -—A __. ~<qnu>~ +7» Speculation infihxl ii. ‘A grant speculation than safely 1 been brought. f 0 light in‘Cuirq, {befiween Quar termaster Watch and Coxq‘rqander Graham. It wears that ampng olh’br speculations. Wrmam emqrfijééemfhlfif dr'ed mules from the Séqéasibninls. The army regulations reqéiref filmtiall animals captured from the eni-m‘y Fllq“ he adher ciu‘ed and sold to :thq bigngse {hidden In this 0358 he only fidverti+d “rpm half and knocked flu-m off (0 hnogofi‘ hi‘s own‘hamls (there being no one aisle therert $33 each: A few days afterwardl; the éoi‘yerhment need ed mule-i when he purthxuid from his un derslmgpcr the larneimnjlel: at $1“ each. for Uncle Sam 'l‘l'gedifl‘gmfwé in price was of course divided! mafia" Mia Quarter master and his hand. {1" 1‘ tg - w ~ - fink-wt“?— 00nfeasion Ma. Murderer. ' Since 'the murderlof Misslifinvor. near Mohrsville, Ilerks (‘n‘ilflyg 1'...) a few’yonrs.‘ ago. an impenetrabie niyhtelfi has hung: nvc—l tl‘netcme. It hasfgb'be'n (liféipnxed. how-i over, by the confession of; 16hr} Ezra Lover ing, who was executed in Mfiflinmwn. Juni- I am county. I’a.,_on jlpe 2&1 inmmt, for Hm; murder Eof Henry Wuke‘r,‘ exit the 9th oft March last. In it Iffvering gives the puff, tic-ulars of his early life; of his enlistrrmnt‘r in the navy, cruisa orijboqrq the Plymouth} and his final desertioln: pfj his forgery on 2 Christopher Tyson phdfifibsefimnp detec-g tion : zm‘d confesses that I‘levmqrdered Adéc: lino Bavior, of Berki (gaunt); 0&4 Q man. in l 'l‘usf' "‘ Valley. l’u.‘ 1 .~ ‘ ' Tin 10ml )ina‘znjtw-i—Thg following is fror loney article-0f the Philadelphia. Led Monday: 1 T'hp .trnth_ is. finan cial ties are daily nionenndfmore conic pliu Congress is by: no means a unit, on me reporied W; the com'miuee of l means! abd (alumsl ié>eveu more div opinionv'u gto'th‘p tax bills.— Thj men are Beginning to smnd'nghut at t] fir?!” progortihng 0‘ thedobl. that is_ Ming, nnd this financiers are at the] ends to drevish bays and inba'ns to . 4‘ _ ‘interestfisenie forty of fifty mil liéns of hibhivill soohbedue,saying nothing about ire legitimate Fleuijnndskhat are 5911- ing up ’n huge voludies Vilgisin‘nt the g'ovérn ment. .With an n‘hhom total c'essfilioxi of. emigniiou, with l‘gr‘imllure and every 9th er hrm‘ph ofindustfiin the oimntry‘dimin ishing, hommerce ll finishing} lmde broken up on n- frontiors, the losq offithe Sguthem marke , no chanpeli ‘of lexlie-iii!ingot" ill-- dustry nd commerqe with Mg;jcb,‘or any other rt of the world in! fnét. it may well tax thq' financial :bility' of theyonntrly to 'mnnngi a debt which will 1506:1de $2,- 000,00d,000. 5, ‘2 , ~—~——4-1r«:-«-- ‘ fi" Welshman {by phg name of I:7me laborint under undue]: d'f mania pom, wu arrests?! in Johnsbéw'ng. Pufion Suurdsy, and united away in [the‘ third awry~oftho Mnnéic‘n House for qafe: kaeping. 6n Sun day he? managed to gel: his window hoisted, fipd i 'medistely jumped out. ulighting up bfi all; pavement bellow, from Which he wnl pic ‘ up not. mnc‘h flm‘ pog‘se for hisffall. 1.110523 considerably stunned by his mid den p. 1‘ ' “flu—...... fi' Indian-my, 1 Republic“ mpg: 11. Tinksochhushsizendo¢ $0 the: go do" one a r another in than proaporou times which they proniuedi the people one year.ugo., Peace *0 their “has; Ind may tho 'blighting politicdll Mums, which they tpmd over thp mun-hank with them. . . ' , 1 “‘7" I’d have 10mm know, In. Sloker’, um my “310 wu I bummer of the luv." “A i: for so ," bummer I” rewrted Infinity. tnrniuf' up he: no“; “ hasn't] a con-in u in s com-im- in the n": T!’ ‘ ‘ >fi'i’l‘he duth of I printer it than described in :1: English prper 9 " Geomd Woodcock, an, ' of hi! profusion, the type of honesty, Ilia l bf .11,- nd amough Ibo fi-of dunk harp“; . . to his eximnco,u¢ry fi of hi. liftwu with out. 3 n." '_ . S'Siunhomd four/hundrpd or the present popuhtion‘of Canals, m n.- tivea of the United Stated. fi'Why is n. wnberwoman aha most cm‘ e 1 person in the world? Becafiso abolda'dy wring men’: bosom. : ‘ . $143011. Fremont is in Washington , Trouble in the Wigwgmg ' 1 -While fly Republican manniers cpt Harp riaburg are en’deavoriug to 17:11: €th ele ments of opposition to the De a crufic par.- ty in'to some new shape. the Re übllelm of Philadelphin. under the lead 1' 'x. B. Taogush Collector of thell’art. ' urging the Republics}: party of ski nll v 2 are not straight—up-anddown ‘B k :chu ‘ .licunl. The Philadelphia Pre oq'l‘burf day lut givoa' the following a un of ' the struggle between the Repgbli 'an “ Peo ple's'" ‘partieu: y ' ‘ ‘3 Tuesday evening was. the 'co enco mont of 9. new epoch in the po tictl h‘xstm ry of Philmleflphia. The conte lin strug gle between the members of the} epyblimh and People'smarfieq'was nnim ed find in?- teronipg in :13an of the warmly lq pot-BL - _ . , ...c warmly l , Y ance of thecallof the Exacutive Amine , the Republican patty met in l. d’ifl'ére t wards, and scrected threedelgg tea to me I: in convention this evéning, M he County Court House. for'the purpo f making rulhs for thpir gove'timeut. I th Eigli teenth ward, wbic ‘ has here l‘otj'e be n strongly Peo 10, aft La closel cmtgstzd struggleJlie fieople' organizuti n \ n 5 abo‘l‘ 'iahedr or submerg into‘n R in lean:— The‘ume'mult In; arrived a in. any bf the lower ‘warda. In thia Seve tee th the contest narrowed dbwn to the at v 9. and naturalized element's of the P plO party, the latter being succesafn’l .in efi‘ r‘ting‘n Republican organization. The stit‘quired for suffrage was a pledge to m int in the Republican nomineés, when fgi y and h'ono— rably made, and a loyal suppo to 'tho Ald n‘niuistmtion i prbsccuting 1e {present War." iT ' L This is nn‘inl’leregling fight itf’gstnnds, lays tbs Patric; mum». mas ‘ileaunlrul commentary upon gll the Rep bli‘ n pro fessions of noilartyis'm. It - pet/:5 tM. the Republican‘ongnnization in hiladelp ria is making war upon tbe'Teo’ple' . pasty," find that in many wards the latter rg imtion Was abqlisbedfo!‘ merged into I drepubh: 01m party. The test required, . suffrage. we are told, wngi a pledge to su ain tha' Re« publicd‘n pomi‘rfieea imd the Ad! inistrntibn Nothing nppéars to have been aid it) fa‘ of gibnndonin =party for the ~ ezof Unifn. f h It appears tons rather ungr: Republicans 9f Phfladelphim é) wage against their fqithful and oh --:-- iouk all the SO—Clled :f‘People's part ," ibeca without .‘omesuoh blind ml is ape s 6f‘ Pennsylvania could not. 1m- ried for the Republican candi '_ (es. 'l‘l I'm: never been a fair and Opon Republi “party in ms Sane. While the has been 'substantix‘m’y Rppuiodh, it. has nét had the courage'm cameo = un‘der tpnt *~ “nu t.itf’oh.” " name. It, has been an. “Qppqsitfohf’ or gt “People’s" pal-typi- anything 9 4: but nomi vmdly Repubgiqm; and some its leaders alfe now ménoehvring to make? I q ‘Unioh’ party. But the Republicans n Philadel phia ire iri favor of ngpk‘mg a§lean reap-d, and coming out. in their jrue ‘zcolpyl. We wish (Hem success, if for no her 'lfenfon than that. Republicanism mny‘ 1111!. (o the popular test, It'o démonslmt how rchlly Wegxk it is in this conservat" find léyul State of Pennsylvania. , . United Again. Themeetin‘g bf the Democm Infuse. 'sayn the Harrifiurg ha monious re~union of (em - - g . political friends. The Ie era of Dough: and Breckinri fox-tuba“; contmt of last fall, as brethren, forgetfnl‘ of pan and solicitoul for the success constitutional principles “7): basis of the Democratic creed} cuned in the dightest deg!- mar the harmony of the pgoc same spirit manifested hi tl Cofnnfiuee prevails throughoauha Dem ratio ranks" in‘ Pennsylvania.’ It in once 1 orei united and lmmmnioas party; and hen it in Mind may; igjnvinciblo, ‘s Made Glad mica—An exch -, ue Repubficm pal-(y has be twice 'w‘lthin alittle over a . When unwind Slide" mar made the tiriring with lbei .theil: papal: trumped the) 3: no of Capt. Wilkes for the’ capture. N-y that. thm “Inflow" hays: been rel»: - by the de mmd of England,_they are 3941895.“. B was right tO' take them, th is right to givethem‘ up, they that political Jlepublicanis . to the chapter of incidents everythipg tint tum; up, oontmdi'étory. ~ When Mr. in power they were not as ea: JVaCW Okaya—Gamfl late publisher and pmprietb benbul’g Valley Spirit. has .: lishment to Messrs. P. S. D Y. Hagan. We wish the n: plenty 91‘ good paying subsc ‘ tom. and the retiring publi mind not. w bé expected wh I country nonpaper. . 3-1:: the appointment of: Democrat as Menu-y ‘of ‘1 Lincoln bu puid a high com! doctrine. of the nationsL Deq‘ It is an acknowledgment. oi the Union cannot. be restorm eminent administered on an "The Jlj'a-m'an, publfiahed at: West Chester. again circulates thrdhgh the mails, by permission of the Postmafter-Genenl. S‘The boy who undartéok to ride a homradithjs now pncticilig on A saddle of mutton. ’ i ‘ “'The Persian havénufiing tint "Ten mtg-‘0! uh: wan can: . ‘ upoh the oath, And the women took inc." 7 IN M l’ The Wat Chester Jgfawnian says that Fomey'a Pm} gives unmistakable evidence lhat the renegade: fram the Democmfi party and the plunder Republicans no he corfiing alarmed at the political futures—4 Théy teem, elreedy, to see signs that the helical: and patriotic Democratic party will 900%: be in power lgnin. dad that the days of \lhe Greeleys, Wellaes, Fremonts; Mor gamllkc" 4b., with such smaller Fry 3.; 'le l’odneys, Launin‘ns, t 9, 41¢" will be termi -1 tatfid at'nq dist/int day, by an outraged and ‘ ! ‘luhdered people. This ‘prospect in "un l plehgant to Forney; and, consequently, they '1 have very suddenly, for the second' time. l ’ heTme extremely anxious for what they . o ld cell t “‘Union” party—hopingvthere £s3m restrain the rapidly growing strength lof the Dembcrucy. Butetlieir efi‘urta will be in sin. ‘ ‘ ' 'lhin " Uniorr” party is But mether name ’l‘or plunder and disunionl Ferney'a town. 1 hrs, haying stolen as much under the Re} l uslican'pnrty as theythink. the honest : ”Larissa will stand. would hereafter cloak L thémselvu and their depredatipns upon ‘ l th ' Treasury under the new name of “U-l ’gligi.“ and thus steal the livery of-honesty ! ‘ an§ patrietishl to cover their ‘rascality. ’l The idea of a. ”Union "party, to he cont-l posed of old Republican fossils; is wgrse,‘ thdn ridiculous. The predominating eleal ‘ mant-Abolitiunris disunion, and the plun~l ‘ der element cares only for’the spoils. For-i Eluiiutely for the coun’try; there is now, he} Ithhre always has been since the hrggnizdl ' tiop of our Government, ’3 true Union on: E gniuzation—tlie Democratic party. ' The‘ l I )elmocracy made our country greet, prosper:i iou , and happy, and it would have contin luc so to this hour, but) for the spirit of l‘ tionnl Abolition. Even after the elecT ti of President Lincoln; the Union might and would have been free from dunge‘r, sev‘ ce' invirevented. civil war {averted and th de t and taxation 'no‘w rising in uppelli ing form before the minds of ‘the people For ided, it? the advice of the Democracy of th? North had been adopted. All national men, Douglas men. Breckinridge men, all Democrats, united in favoring the ednptio “ allure grittenden Compromise proposition as introduced into Congress in December 1 0. To the erPCti noi' that measure 0 * ur on, hilonr prescn woes may be justl l' cl rgéd; and for tllutfrejejction. Forncy and} 1.“ Ahhlition alliea sire justly responsible); 'l‘l 9y did not want fleece; they cared notl fo the Union; they scented plun‘der in? wir and plunder they would have. even all tlfie risk and expense hf the Union. ' Demo-l : c ts-‘sll truly nutilhnul: men—who werei lei] still are "for thetlcanstitution and the! I Ugaion‘ of all the Statijbs on the basis of (hell ‘ Einstitution, rememllier this and know it to} l true; and so remembering snd knowingq itlley can‘huve no political nfiliation witfi I. Aholitioninm, under-"any new name it mayE ‘ , ume. The Democracy are clear of res: finsihflity for the present melensholy staid oi afl‘uirs,and the gloomy prospect that the future presents, and“ they will keep them; selves clan of it, by r‘l-pndiating all profi'erd oiJ political union, usisocintionfir theme ‘ tipn ivith such politicians on Fox y an Glreeley, and those ‘i‘they represent. Th: ‘oth hope for the , ntry .now is th'ut th: democracy wmpufie this' course. no that t ey' may come in paper, ”the old Constlg: t tional Union Democratic party. untaintm Se‘ctionnlism. and ‘,thua having the. con‘ , nce of the ‘people‘i‘in All sections, be th ; 'mm of reinstating those feelings of equa ~ i , friterniiy. and unity 'whiph inapired tho and true citiletrls, North and South, if: t e betterdays of our Republic, and therT by bring all the States together in. barman; ops Union. 1 ' { ""Fomey woulcr‘like to create divis'mp Hmong Democrat! hind, thus advance: h s holition “Union " “genre, by enc‘oumgin iistru‘st and jealousy between them w [ere for Douglas and those who suppor- ‘ Breckinn'dqe; but he icermot succeed in th . The unfortunate division among Deniacrnfin on this ground, closed with the campaign of 1860, and in every State throughout the Horth, Deuglns men {and Brec'kinridge main ' e alike opposed to everything like “ Ill ;rion‘” with Abolitidnisrn. ‘The Democrqt 'l" party is 3 unit, raga-dies? of past damn» éucp shout Douglas sndlßrsckiuridge; aid ihen Fomey» names amen. in doubt. h! in “independent may» Democrat," he means an enemy all the Democratic partly. ‘hm _“independbht"~ politicians of the krncy school are very ‘,rnuch like indepen fifieligionistt. The influence of the one in; ngains Bible Christianity ; the influenhe of the other against Constitutional Dcmdc tricy- " J l STU catnteCpm ‘aln’ol, win a nrily estran . in g support -6:. in theiun -91 together dimensions, those great ch form the Nothing oo- alculated to jug. 'Thé “ r fig;l says that 'n lbwde Tglad onth'l time. mud they shouts. 3nd saidyand it y. “seems trusts, merely ml is glad Lt matter how uchnnnn wu 1y pleased. Méflg‘bkfll of theflham- Id that estab- talk? and B -w proprietors bers smd puL 9n, a peace of st'publishing V / ‘ I va—lhflfiigf Hill Spring. " l : roman rfifiu’m’fiafi ‘3‘: 7 l CINCINIA'fl, Jan. 24.-Thir morning’- hp»: contain lull iccdnnu of the hattlehi l ill Spring. It wu n fnir. open hum; The Rebels fought well, and were ovq‘uw. come only by superior fightingfim our side. According to the Rebel accents, their forces consisted of ten infantry ragimcnu, three batteries and some cavalry—altogeth er about ten thousnnd men. The, laugh: in the bushwhacking style, from ravines 3nd behind trees, bulb" and rocks. The brunt of the battle devolved on the Fourth Kentucky, Second Minnesota, ,Ninth Ohio and Tenth Indiana. For near ly two hours the roar of musketry was kept up. Shortly after eleven o'clock, Colonel Hashim succeeded in flanking the enemy' on the extreme right, when the Ninth Ohio Ind Second Minnesota. charged with the s.loth with triumphant yells which bmku the Etholmkund the rant began. The, ,ognservfliré my President [fitment to the ratio party. f his purl. that I! nor the Gov ébolitjon basil. TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR No_ 19_ THE FOBNEY “ UNION." ‘ Fed} poll-toll to “fair on: ,morlng the radiant”, blunt: ovum and men; ud sbundonod two gun nod h Zoflioofi'er wu rhotthrongh the hurt, .3 Ike lieu! of his «J, by Col. Fry, of the (Womb Kentucky. It up an {int Zollia ”for [out his way in tho {la-ho, and Ind idenly emerged before Oolono'l Fry, who 'lu‘aooolnpnnied by sums ms officer..— ile two partial mistook each ”othor for Friend» and nppronohed within 3 fow ind! ochh othor, when, finding~ their miluko, both halted Ind prepared for n land-to ixnnd conflict. One of Zollicofi'er'b nidl ohoclu Col. Fry. but only brought hi; ham down. The United State. Colonel immediately drew hi- uixahootor, Ind brought Zollioofier from hit saddle It mm fire. The Rebel atnfl' donned their olid'l body; which wu taken to Somenof‘flu d 1) hfler the battle. ‘ An East Tenn-ascent), writing to flu Commercinl, says :—“All the orndit uni honor of this battle is due to the Tooth lIF “diam and Ninth Ohio, Fourth Kontnehy 'and Second Minnesota Ragimenu, for tho, did I” the fighting single-hooded, with the exception of Hm support they remind ham the utillery. ‘ They all fought uohly, and'nev'er "Vered from their find debr mi‘mtion to gnin the victory.” The con» smm were so near etch other nt one tin", ithn the powder burned their heel on tho §dinchnrge ofench othor'l piecu. , The Btttlo of mu Spring. ' Gaunt Owns No. 6. = Bnnquuvrns or fill Ant, Amunut Gnnu's omm, Wumsurou. Jun. 22, 1862.} 2 Tho‘fouowing mien-remind from ‘5O f‘Vfif llqpartmentare‘publishgd a the u Int! Wu. DEPABTENT, Jun. 22,1862. , § ThéPresidunt, Commwdor-inflhiof of :the Army and Nuvy, has received infor gmntion of n brilliant. victory :ehieved Cy lthg united Staus‘l‘omer 'over a Inge body iof armed traitors and rebels sit Mill Spring gin the Sme ofKenthcky. ; Ha returns thanks to the gallant ofioerl ind poldlen whd won thatavichryr nnd' ifwhen the evil reports shall be received, Jthe military skill 3nd personal valor dio ‘ playdd in bottle will be acknowledged In? ‘E rewarded in a fitting manner. » i The courage that encountered and un “ qnished the grently superior numberl .of the rebel force, pursued md attacked them in thoir entrenci‘menu, and pulsed no‘ until the enemy. wan completely routed, merits Ind receives commendation. ' ‘ Th 9 purpose of this war ‘il talthck, pursue and destroy mrebellious engmy.‘ap§l to deliver the ~country from danger men aced by traitors.” Alncrity, daring, cour ageous spirit a‘nd patriotic ml on. All ouch sions, and under every aficumlhnoo. in expected from the "my -of tho Uuiud Staten. - . In the prompt and npirited movement. and infirm battle of Mill Spring, {ln In. tion will realize its hopes, and the peopleof the United States will rejoice tq honor every soldier and officer who proves his ‘couuge by charging with the bayonet and storming entrenehmente, .or iq the blue of the enemy's fire. . , : ’ By order of the President? - ' EDWIN M Human, See’y a! «$323. jrhe Barge Contrnéb—l'lr. McPhemn to Q. I. Gen. Reign. . 3 Hanan or Expuszuunvu, ; _ Jan. 22d, 1832; } GENERAL :—Accompmying your letter I, to the Secretary of Wu, of Dec. 31, 1861, 3'. transmitting a te¥ly of Brig. Gen. Vu ‘% Viiot to the rose utiou of; the House of Representatives chlling f 0! eagles of ell ionotnets mode for ‘feeding, an: led hem. {during the winter, in oopy of the eontriet ‘lmnde Nov. 23d last, between Col.‘D. H. liiuoker, (by direction of Gen. Yon Vii“), land George Bumsdcli, 'of Pennsylvania, for l feeding (such is the extraordinary tie-crip tion or the number,) “1000 honeymon or lastly One of the provieione of this con t‘net is, that anedell “shell feed, or come to be fed, touch and every hone” than committed to him, e daily allowance ‘of ‘ (14) fourteen pounds of hay, Ind 92% twelve ponndw of oats or corn, from w in he was to receive 40 cents oompengetion {per day per horse, to be peid undeg certain conditions named. \' I hive. before nie I letter from Sudan DunßonAw, Esq, one of the most intelli gent, end respeetable oitizene‘ of Aden county, Pun, who has name 01 these I: , and who, in reference to this point, I ’ in that the receipt he gave "Randell. r ire him “give the horses onepeck of mtg—lm! (15) fifteen pounds of hay, each, per day, at a compensation 01‘25 cents per day, fox: eneh horse. These are the terms on which, .ael have good won “to believe, not! as easily can ,be proved, all the lnorsea, 625 in (number, confided to‘ Ramsdell, have been anhject~tho contractor with a view oppv ‘renlly, to make, 1 clear profit of .37} pet ‘cent.,.without no investment, asking the sub-contracton to feed 50 per cent. Jen grain than he Agreed with Col. Rocket to furnish. , Gen. Van Vliet, in his letter to you, Dec. 22d, dafended himselft‘olr making this eon-I tract. without givlng public notice thereof}; by the consideration that he desired to“ avoid having than horses taken by n person. who would make money by “surfing the unimals"—a difficulty he confident! in“- aeparnblc from the lowesthiddor fiylhll.—-i I‘oubmlt that his spoof/{ohms wholly failetM The third item of the contract mics; full’coulpliuno: with its terms: a conditiom' precedent to payment. Then are, 1159,! other conditions named elsewhere in tliql‘ contract. I respectfully suggest, that at to the pan, this contract should be colloid-ll ere'd avidly. and that it should have ,mj future to one who has thus exposed hlmnel ; to reprehension. l Ivan) ofthe opinion that, ll'you can spqu' an nflicer of integrity for two dlys, he canj visit the lumen who have these home, and: that, fix” slight advance upon the price; they now reocivofthey will consent to the the quantity ofgrnin required in andcll’lj contract, god that thus the Government will save a. considerable sum :of money, 111‘ horses will looner become ready for not; vice, and whatever profits. i! any. any , in! realized, will go to than who do the work; nod deserve them. ' .l Ihue thehonor,Gelanl, h be 101*} obedient servant, ; ‘ . Etwnum McPulml. ; Brig. Gen. M. o.lmm, 0. MG...‘ { -fiAn Irish nation", that NTVMHIJ A variety of articles, gives the following nola bent: “To regulz‘r customer: I ”I! wafers grntin.” , j fiw Does your dog take tths "mm said u gentleman to a rustic,‘ who Ind I} twatcr spaniel following him. “Why, you; air, if they put month: it,” In: the "ply. ‘i #1! you 69 not lay out your plan bf. botima, you {all probably N 1“ Info" they an. ' 111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers