. l "' " “MNWW—N x 'l‘“ m. " -.:i awn; 2+- '~ : ~ “flagrant: paHlished’rvory Monday mornilig. by ”us“ J. Hunt. 3131 75 per Immm ”\pnid strictly IN AvVAh’Cl-32 00 per nnnnm if nnt paid in advance. No lthlCfiptiOn discontinued, unless it the Option of we publisher. until a.“ “mango: Ire paid. Auvmrhmnnq inwrtml M then-nu! mm Jan Punnm. gone Mil: nmmms and ‘ixpmch. ’ ‘ ON'HI in 31mm “.\ltimm'e m‘nnt. directly uppmity \V:ln\pl~r~" Tinning Hunblishmem --“Cun'nux Pnnnén Huh 1." on the sign. Adams County ‘ p UTL‘AL FHU‘. I‘xsrmxf‘r‘. t‘(mP.\NY.—~ M‘ Incorpornlrd-‘lnrch HS, 1851. ‘ A ‘ "1- onncrns. ' fi Prll;vlln’r-G“KRYQJSWDPQ. - ' ‘ m, Maugham: Rusmx. ' Srt'rdarmf—D‘: A. Riz’rhler. Trwmrerr—Unvid M'Prrnry. ‘h'xmuirr Conim’rtu—Rohen .\ch‘urdy. Jacob Kilt. Andrei Hfiintnlmnn. ' . ”alarm—Grams Sxtopé. D. A. "I!”fl'th nah King. \. Hrinunlmm. It: Vl'f‘ur'lv. Than A. .\lmh m. s. mlmmnvk. ’Wm. n. \lxt‘lrllnn Wm: BAWHM. .\l. Eh-‘an-rzer. Ahvfiel PAH” John Wolrnrd. n. .\. Pig-king. \lwl'!‘ Wright John Harrier. R. G. \h-(‘rc‘u'n S. R. Russo". H M'Un‘u’i‘y, .\ndrcw Pout-y, Jopn Picking, J. H Horuh. > . ‘ fi'T‘hN Cnmqnnv in "mitt-«l in it- optim- Hons to NM county oLAthm'. It has he” in ,Vlnfuufni operation far more than nix yenrt, "and iii ”Inf period hm paid all [mug ”mi 0)- fi‘enmi‘pthout mm ugvxmmt.hm in; Men :1 lnryr lurplul capitnl in ‘the Trl-nuhrv. The Porn puny emnloy! no szntp-Jll tut-inn.- being dnne‘by the. 'tnngern. whani- annunlly elm-:- er Hy the'Stq "mldera. .\nv norum dc-irinu An Inlnrhnn ran nnflv to mn’ or IE? anon aunt-d .\[nnnuis for fmthrr information. a‘The Executive Committoe rut-"e at the 05cc orthe Cnmpnnv pn the last. Wedueada) In every month, M 32, P 1 53,, 5ept.27,1858. ‘ . ‘ J ’ A. Mathlqt A: Son’s mu Axn FL‘RNlTt‘m‘. “1A nt-mmnts. sou. S 25 "3.127 thlny Ann-t. n-ltxm'nre. (new FlyflurJ ~) extending ”mm (:uy ti) Frrderit'k' IL—thc jargon eutvihhrlnm-nt nfthe kind in the Y'finn. Always onuhunr‘ u Luec nuhrttnenl 0t "()K'SENOLI) .\.\l) UFI'H‘E ITRNK H'JU’" em brat-lA,:Hut-cum.Hulstt-nds.\leutnndufiYurd- rabu.‘\ln‘ttrrn:en of HudN J'nmm and Hair- Fprin-z Bt-dv. Suf-sr, TI-Lr-r-Tl'tt-F. .\rm t‘lmirx, Racking Chair's, ngt run, \lnrhlt‘ 'l‘nhlr‘l.‘.\'rt— wees, llrvvpt'mn and: L'phul-tt-rrJ (‘huinn .\.“— NI)IITED PULUII.‘ prt‘t ITTAUH FI'ILN ITI'IH‘I, “'ood Chain, (Imtc (WHEN. hurl-er (‘hAiru' Crib: ‘nnd (‘rmnvm "in.“ Ric-kl, HM] Furniturv, Isz And W'llet PM." Lunkm‘; mm“. Side.- hlonrdit, Extension Tnhlfr". rnt on vy length. ,' Panmrp dlxpnnd ln[purlhfue wr" invitv-d rn iii-H nhi give mu itnokmu t‘Xo'rn'n‘lu'fiOn. thirh (pr nriflr and qunlitv of wnrkmumhip'ix nut ‘dqnalled by an); csmhll'ihmm‘t m' Ihr "u|lull‘}. A. MATHWJTR Sux’, "' Nos. 2;. ‘md 2'? .\.}Zuy «trrl-t. t.» . ~ ‘ , ‘ Still at Work! OAt'HHAKIV}; A ‘n ,m..\t-Kc\mmm. C —Tlus nutter-finds! rmpm'tl‘ull) i'xt'nrml: 11in (fit-nth mud tin» hmnlir th~u hr- .mnlinuos Ame llnm'hnmking mu! Bhtu-Lquithiug !n[.~t'nc-1 in u'rrr hr-mt‘h .l’l i 334 +~t.-hluh-umnt in (‘hum bPer'Z-g atn-ct‘. Hr it u an )lnn‘i nncL “m Inunét-Huretartrt‘lm zqhknnh n: (' “IMAGE“, mw:m<. suntan“. fwrinrz than“. k .. ..o Vths hwy. ut'ttvr‘nl. and Han!» In utp‘rinr \l‘nlk— 'rm-n: Wflfiumm; fund ULu'anHHM; M‘ ‘ul! kinds dum- .\t r 915 tu‘nln- ruled. prompt]; 9p! to the sntidvufrortht ummm-rs. ' ‘ '(‘ovsrtiv Pu'ml'vr. txktm in Lug-Lunar f’m" Vogkmt market [v.r'lt‘l-IJ“ . _ ’ 18' ’nrviv‘ru Br work in ‘l'? Emifhinz line. are re- H un - L. nmxx'zwoimr. - '3", ‘ ’ ‘ ' afll'ersnuuh-dir—in Conchn§ikingnr Blur lpfflflullyjnfilqj tn 1‘ ‘ ' .mu flour-flung, Jun. 31 as: New _ ht-undrniunedinfnrmn own and rnunu'. Hm he \KIMG hm-im-vk (m .1 roll. Hm.“ ~|u|rr:. m-Eurlr H uln-rn 'w .\iH Lr) lu '» Somgth IV Cé-TTYSH‘WL... [lu- ritizona of me! ’11“ CcVnnu-p‘ N} 1h!- V ll'rk'l'l'll'x lain \mk < uppnuiu “nillt‘\‘\ ’HM‘ d‘NN‘H". m“! “91““! (n fi'fl‘f‘x)“. “\‘l‘n‘fl‘ D‘HTDH mgr. “READ, lgnrlJbL (“.Kf: I‘RH‘KHl'n‘. }'[{H'l'zi“.l;l.". RP kx ‘_ lulu-fl M I Y'\' 'l] Ir, '.~'uu dd3lvxu‘ptod 7 «'1 MW |" NM qu :h'y nmll unld m 1113-I“qu li\inz urJ-‘ilq l‘rwkur—hwking in u” m: luv-Inrbu- i- lJr'fl‘l‘vv mrris -l on. vnvl Muir-r -lr. nuv nmoum. frngn LT}li~fnml \di fining tumu xsol. inpplitzd nl (ht- iflnrnfit notim‘. liming ornblod n lnrgu- nn-l mmgunJinu: bulgv-hnudr and "Earn! the hm! “mlimup mm! the; Inn-l m. pmvo-d mnr‘ incl-y. b i: propnrvd 'lu nlb n lu-nx‘y budnow‘. ~ ' \' \IJIVTINH. HAI‘I’FP. Juli• _V_'__ -A ._ 3., v. 7.- Marble Yam. Ramava'l. I "H aulm-rihnr Inui 1' rmunwd hi: plan. of r husinmn m Hut Funk «rm-L :\ «hay-l dis [vlmhe Inflow St. J.lvuw'{l'lmrvh, haul-l .Innuum (- '1! [ha p'lhlic that [lO- ii ~till Inn-mum Ln I'urni~lx all kiml- on work in 1M: lilu-:~l|thn~ “my"- unit-nu. lh'mLxfinu-r. Ma. Ma. m‘mrq \Jrir‘v uf 53‘“! and fitliih. u‘thinlul \xnhmu )muns um) sun has, to unit pnrl hn :-r~,.nu! "I primu n, um the (inn-4. I'vr~<m~ 404.131“; anything in'hin “'lO will find it u Jeri-[ml :WII\‘.|IH{U,:P hm uminr hi: stark and prices brfnrl‘ purrhmhm ('Lr'u'h‘l're. q ‘ _ ) W“. B. Bll'lU.>‘., Gettysburg, \lugrh 211. 1:1ny. . ~. .1 .7 -7 .. , ~...L. ”v I -._.' 4‘ nfivmndna '9 Gavin/..'; Pfiata‘yyy‘squA :1 tuxfu u; ' - _ , I” _ -,- ___ A A. .I.} (River, » TTORYRY AT Li W. “I” pmrupfly mtrml A to L‘ollm-tiond‘nnd an nther hmineu (-n -truulnl to him. (Effie hHW‘M‘II Fnhnmtm-ka' and Banner k Zingicr‘s Stores. Bnhinmr} utrrc-t, Gettysburg. I‘3. ‘ 1 ‘ [.\‘rpL Star)". Edward B. Buemer, Tummy u? LAW,’ will mimmly and A prombll'y «(fen-lira :I'l busin'essedtru‘tod m hfm. He 3110.}kF Hu- Gornmn language.— Oflim at the name prv. in Snulh nnltimnre ”it“. near Fnrney'ul‘drug guru, and nearly owns": Dana" a: Zipzler‘s atom. ~ ‘ Gettysburg. \lnrchi'm. ‘ « .. VA -.. _ ..‘ .- u ... ,A - _.___-‘__ , . 4D,. Mcéonaughy, , TTORNEY AT LAW. (nffim‘ one dom- west A of theh‘cr's duh: and. hook SMWK‘hnrr tum-share strocm .\rfnnsn uh Snmcmm you FA'rex-‘rs'un‘ Pmsmys, Bounty Land Wur puns. lhchpmy suqmnded 'GLlimfi. run! all nlhgr claims against. phefiovernmemm \annh inf-on. D. C.; also Am‘cricnnCXnims in England, Land Warrant: locatq’d and‘soMmrlmuuhLand hiflncstpficrs given." Agents engaged in 10. cm}; wan-min in ,awal'hlllinpis And cum .wgdernSm-tes fi‘Apply to him personuny omhy-lener. ‘ ‘ . Geityaburg, Nov. 11. ’53. . a ;- f 0; Neelyt TTORNEY AT LAWru-ill anend to collec .A.tion| and all other business intrusml m fixture w‘uh prompfness. Olfice in the 8.1-}. Corner of ill: Diamond. (formerly Occupihl by “‘n‘l. B. MvClcllén. Esq.) Gettysburg, April 11, 1859. tt‘ ' .Wm. B. McClellan, _TTORNEY AT Luv—-0913” in Weatmd: Acne strgct, ong door west. ol the new (at! “base. ‘ ‘,Gectyaburg, Xov. H, 1859. Wm. A. Duncan, ‘ ”T'PORNEY AT LAW.-—~oflico in the North -4 ‘. vaginal-neg ochntre Square. Gextyiburg; I: .5 4 r g . [oa. 3, 1859. ti . gfi W 909 Hlll, m, D. :‘A h F B one - ' ‘ H ;mr£sz‘:i§tco:mue $- “‘11". human figural; in _ _ Chli‘benbmg atreqt, and opponte Pic-king's ltbréfivlkre tho‘ue fishing co have any Denml ofiifiio’n performed surespccdnlu invited to c‘l-fifi'lmnou: Du. Hornet, Rev. C. P.— K t§m 1)., Rel, E._L._Bn.ngher, D. 0., Rev P? .In‘coba Prqf. M. L:S:a:ver.' xtfiibfirz. Imm, '53. - 'WW 2 LINERS Ind com. willful tgd M " “Wt 0f Rihpggl, Plowen,‘ li’mcn, 35} $9., gt we ‘chupygmu o . . ' . ~ A.sO(?§r & SON. rf 1n- n. .1! sun”: iAth Year. (the 311115;. Thc‘l'nlidrnl'n “’ifr’l LTVK. , 7 I' JUN! PLVL- v ' Tho plp'rl "9 full onhu brmfinz will! . ’ ~ That camp 01!“: th- Pr-{l‘lout‘a lioun.-—w-! they lA]: Imm the unu- won Indians-d with nun'nptunu- fun, \ ‘ mm u“ that in mud], cxoucmd up}. ; > ' ‘ That [My rum-u "r. Illumiuud Illh glitter and 30M 1 1.11 m". wand." 9...: ....m‘ ~.u were mm to NMIJ ; Thu! lhvy rally unneeded in dnlng (in than; L : “km u"H ugh-y do It nu Cour} of n King; _- Th“ (In India} 'll‘ firm-ed m tlu helm" comma f Mud! nl flloriu \lnt Cunn- {mm mm emu-ant loom, Hut “my rhnfllvl nth other, um 3h none for hu- h!- (‘nuM mm- uf’nn her than tn the ruldund‘l m“. ' For ”In Pn-Mpnl'n will (In the ya uI" uy) ‘ 1 Ba! the rod 3)! the film-f in he! I»fltwlnl n’rrny : , TIM‘IE wu dashing» nrc nwng IlLlhi rub“ more ' A: n.- mm mu: mu'lMy “sq-m u. we". Only think uf ‘iha nun, Ind rxl-bona. ull ha 5 And thn triiu gun. “and nut with mrh nquvntq (rm ' And “Ir lan-kl“: of pvarln, In § ma brooch" the wars " Am! the din-urn in hut h‘ir warm A funny pr’mnrp E - ' “'11:. her with. It mu lmr. v.l” [upon dun'l chum, * Knoll“: w‘hiv’r hung]?! a limb} rtfime-fl nut f ‘ For in Aplrndur up! pnrl' flirt I damm’or her! I. V hm A women! could vm nth um l'ru.alu'u£'- vi“ 9 m; Inn A Murat fur 0M AL- (mm inn cam“, “ Ilh hu lww 7|)lfinl' hbtl‘k .md Ins druwlu‘Jnmn Ilrl, Tn. unhuu I fun I nhdn Ym 1 hu hl «r'nL-l toil. And {"lng IM foul war um I: drrnchmg kl:- non,»- hug-r. n;- rul'wr uuldin ‘mll‘vhl And hnlffdp , Wu). a up! fur hm NM and ”no ‘xnuu-I fur nil bed,— angv' uie mime! m m m" tun-pm |..“, with an nym'q 0f hum, dayl main; Ml win. And duuhu; bn-w umrn k mfire pliunre wuul‘l bu] Tu nnk: H. in: ...“;mnl um“ um Illtr— ‘ l’nrgq all hmlnru an! i» proud :xf III» day‘ ' “Imm. rmum w‘ um menu «I Inch gunrxoolu duplly, AN m upland-in! In." 11-.£.\ 4mm (In her 11!: ‘ (vu'll ‘ Ip-nz'a Div-urn! —vnm u.- Pry-dwt'qwflct Pug”. Hull 1.“! n’xduvl nu! urélmnn. nth-nix Ln: r v... 7‘. nu xmv— nu nun-r 'wwlu: lbw l' ; Txml um nburm’u haul u ‘ll [..‘de .ml {-ifi. ‘: \V hun- hll unpperleqs cmhhru km-p mum; «dual-Km, Thu um. MM ll.|f\ mun :nJ llllllflll and VH4 M.“ own mm mm m. lutnf lhc qu; ‘ > ‘ And 1b a lugny .. nearly nuu. c VLF—mu} {unreal 5 "‘1; ‘— u Hi: In! "Madly crunhrd In! \t m: nothingphe‘ad, (“mum have gnu-n ”lief “M I newm-u u! “10' \ I For I lzlhe um. 11 mud. (or mu Premium} mt} 1 Fury-l 'ha: may." «1' the luhthldr‘qinfil. Thuuuh ..uly tn.- Ill»: m-m 11l prwrun an in Md ; Au) ll: IL .n-eu r 1m! luv-~r uf nrulurnfid in-u V la nrtrrhrhiuk hm plau- [w (he gnu-l In! the C 4 *0; 'An-l um, r» n u: um [enh nl' Gur andur Kn. Ever: Lorre mm»: M nlrliual to rncng Hiker 1h: blow; Must! ull hinllrouhlu and wurhv his hf: . Tlug [he mhe‘tidn-vol dunu II thn Pren‘dent'l 'lh‘! \A lul. Hwy fur {ln- pun. v. mulhzu. who gave, AL Um run. A)! lhclr mini; I patriot] irue, . ‘ - Th} dulm‘n‘uug lowd. maucauuter Um fps.— Fur me yuan Sum uh peril-m, whu sum 2n ill-Sitar 'Hm .unm. Until-H qut-duu. to bank It {95 The hm]. l‘in whims hrulmu l“ Men-lug: wh um, -. lfm :hute. u‘lu hug spukcll mm pn‘lc and mu: pnin Ul unr mum} .mJ Mmylu rrpubhcul \vn;-. _ ‘ Th '1 Lhe pamr-qrv ml: at lhu- Ilww Ind dnplu. x 1, A “2”,. m. . mark u “I: \\ m‘xe Hume s nu“,— :1?le ID I“. II hn ’nl J! ru no! 1 June {or bar Ilh (..um ..u énzflza my”. nm mg Ymilvut‘llmli' = ,gfigmgcllanemfiw A H.)I.’AL‘I‘IFI'I. strum". ‘ WON BACK.‘! ; A- The rhnwmbrnhvw ..f min, i E‘ln.‘ will nnwr pm? lrnm my. miml. A mrnin all'm‘. lion for ynu. l think] \lmll :3 ways let-l; hut lu-nr‘eforth my law for you has lost all rmyn-ot inld mm.“ ‘1 ‘ ‘ ~ liittvr words: Spnknn inhmgtehml anger! Tln- fruit n{ the nrtfully-nurhll‘édl uuspiniun un‘l'jlm‘omymf u. ymr .* When ll‘m‘il Britt t~m married, the penniloss 15.4% .\fnrpegh. 3;th hmll bnen secret} anger and boldly nur— -7'tlml-«l congratulations in tho stqltply Tmuce inf luiw father. when- ho took hls bridl‘e to ; ~pr‘n‘l the firut, your ol‘ Inh- nnmfriage. lllh lumthm- and hi:- siStér Laura had hotlring. ill :rnnnnnn.:\ri(h hi: wire. They “lore Hnuulu L (y. kN-n flamed. real women ofkho worm", lithe. a little. gentle. loving. clinlzin‘g ohilth llmm-ly simpln. with hut little that. and an lulwuluu‘ "incapacity to bL‘lir-‘vé that ovPry' 28m- didn't. mean preciwlyuwlmt they said. I A more llnf'drtunate cnhxhinminr of quali ties' could hardly have enter-er --fhe cold Eshmlnwpf Britten ”all. She never saw hei' ilinle violatibns of etiquette, and‘her soft ] philflkh 'gpeechm were seized and held up to the light. for her husband's" impect'mn and mmllmtion by her moreileés relatives,- in~law. 5 l She fclll‘ hut (lid not can, the cruel anrcaem, the cold condemnation, hidden ‘umler srhooth épmh and slnile." She shrank away dismny‘nd and grieved, when her tinf ltl overtures nt reconciliation and affection were rejected ; «he knew that in a hundred Ways she annoyed and ir'ritateli her proud and 'nrbilrary husband, but’neve. knew how to hatter wig matter ;[ s‘be hurried with'se pref. indignafion ut th'e duilyinjuslico done? her. yet never knew how to vi ‘dicste her elf in he: ‘luubund'a eyes, all assert. ‘her I rights. ;L Y ‘ l - The only one of tha‘fsmilrwho showed her nny kindness was Dick Leaforth, her husband's cousin, a gay, young lieutenant, who came tigers to spend somd weeks with his Ann; Bfittan. Dick thought her the very prettiest, littie, golden-haired, Maia-t eyed‘ womnn thin he had everfseen in his life; Ind pfintly discovering her condi—‘ tion of moral selfdom, with a secret curse ; on feminine brutality and her husband’s? stupidity, donned lie!- colbrs nnd foughti her battle: for her. He it was who puried i the sharp thrusts of hex- motber and sister in.law~v'vho had always a ready excuse for her litti'o social shortcomings, and a. pleas- i are (if some kind to propose, when he saw her drooping and dejected. Liking the frank, kind-hearted felici‘ with nll'her héart, she saw nothing of the storm that was darkening above her; she i never saw the significant look, or heard the tone, with fihich her husband was infoi-mad that "Eda WI! somewhere with Dick, .- uiuii." {When He was ordered ofl’ in idi vice, he wrote her (frequently—fin men jest, , ‘ " . 9,?- . a “ i 1:“ ~ ‘ i. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 5t ‘ ' : " ’ '63.“ A/ [£3241 ~K - / £523»! ’ ‘3‘ r? If / gh‘fi" - ~v < ‘ ‘K/ E .—g ”a : \,/~«/ w~v-J/</-v : IV : ' ’9 ' I ‘ ' a 5- 5 ‘ L w , ‘ 4 : _ 1 He hm! naming fa say on the subject; :she, mu'st be her own‘judge iln a case of the ‘kind. * , ' x ‘ i _ The little worm“; was pujzzbd and ‘ un hhfipy. Eu! she cantipued m write to Dick. When he ngnip camé halt-k. herjny was: ex. trmne, and she new“ dzeamftl 'of (gin); to hide 1!. All'hef 0M ,animation and Flee (tame buck; an ramped withlbick like a rude child; and ‘Pau‘u sveirig her one ildny pdhng him with flow-em, felt the Ipngj smmx'hlc‘ring of hit hem-t Imp up in a flit-roe flame of roscntmem, and froze the very iron! witpin thr by the words with which‘i‘l‘this story ”influences. : “ Henr-el’nrth be had lnqt for her all s'th and rnswm S" 'l‘heiv‘vords rang in hrrieara day" and night. (‘ohtinnally she snwi his i',f“'lii. qturn face. as he tinned nxvuy fronf the 6 TH? she would have giVI-n him, and heard l‘ “*1 nmmlrcvl. frc‘t‘ziniz tuna, ‘ . i k: L l‘l'hat {sort of afli-ctitvn ennld thnfi ha, “which \v‘us robbed of (run and "‘"lm‘it 3.. l‘lglillxlisli' as she )Tar,‘ Edu’s ivlmle hear; re -3 hailed against the very thought of sufch a. l lmie. > ‘ l l ' 4} She] ex‘nminvd her past life over and inver ; apmn: she soughlinivaiii for faulls to lustic l. f); in: harsh a men mic: ”she had nnifilov— { ed: Poul as women acidom love, then iand ;‘ there his rlqminiou had ended. and hJ in ijiuatu‘c lrml erected a barrier between £lom that he would hnivo -‘m=ver crmsed; bu she had gircn her Jilxéliaiiil lwr w hole hem-4 and soul ; In‘red hii‘n aiymllitely: could Jfind : pleasant without him; could iinng- Khin‘g 'rlmirahlc in life beri‘ft‘nfi his i 0 she set bowie)! to win hiiii lid k.~ Jim 4"” mi! entirely . nrl (lesigljcdly his nonfidchco“ mm iii the ian tri lunlbrmJaufFfat rqntinunllycrith her and nisifrin colenm con aver ,li Hoe “3.1: nht admitted: the very \lciu-w mart-Ethan <hr of Familyilmnh ill ilnmodic iili-tuilmi If Pauli war fl. film we: nrirer toltl the remap; if . p , ...l l . rill, rho “‘nel scorer-fly pornntteil tn cmc-r ho imam. Heir-own movementsiwero unilc-r constant osliimmge and critiri‘ism; hoax-{.3 ,liiig‘s and inclination“ ncvor ‘cnrisult— ed‘ cvch iii form; énid \hc. bore it all patient lly.‘ l'iiy aficr «lay folio tried a thmiranll ‘ key ~ ol’ erulcnrmrnt {and loving forelh-iught kin the lnqlkcimul barred doom of [laul’s l hehrt; ~h§ (lid ho'!‘ him in he gmve. phi-Fem, rind lmlpl’iil; slm tried to rid herself l‘hcr ‘ childish nintrxicysmn in shortJ she dltiiwnrv ; ilcrs. Shin Inn in of .a. carelesn butlerfly qfi a wnliinn, a tcmler, (lignificil, yntggeh- I tle little lmntron i :she ‘stmlied zeal'tihsl‘y. ‘ llrnt ceri‘lain deficienres in accomplizh l’ mi‘iiia'} might no lbnger morii‘Vy nnii an‘ 5 mix l‘nulf sh:- gni‘e herself. heart}} and l Anhl, .tn tliefpccial nhominnlion~iiou<kz~ 1‘ wifi-ryw—hhil s‘uoceeded wonderfully :1 hilt ' :ii'ler two years of patient. trying, slid hiill not yet hi-nrd what she moat dosiredifrom her lfixibimll'é lips~n révantation (if his h:ir~li determination 5' ~L Yet'loq’ noone be too severe o Péuls— Ile inlrniicd to he just. ll» hadrEhOAeet‘ly belim'pd liiimelffor‘months a mucl ~agizriev~ 1 ed man. illis naturaljenlousy, irritni‘ed hy _tl|e per=ii=tont malice of his mother: and . sister..hmllolm'cnred hip'menml vision: Ho . fancied hllushf not a Imm homic‘ in' thus , Visiting tlhc rollice (if his little wifei He molly loved E la, and it cost him zoned, pain Land trouble to adhere to hi: resolution—- l That my fact only chnvinced him that, he was exhil‘iiting a. specks of Roman firr'nness 1 . .«Spartnn fortitude. He saw and marked , Erin‘s elllurts ,ii ‘provements, Midi their 2 success. {Secregyfiie was not a little plena ' cd: and it never bnce occurred that, itll so lace was‘dcnicd to;her, and‘lhai her; very . uptiring patience only proved how keenly iishe suffered. “ l i i To {be made n. sort'of New York grind la ? ma, 3'1““: incense burned before yoh. air} ’to fc that for- one‘little, blue-eyed fool all ‘ i the majeity of life lies in your word; is, I . supposéfilirther an agreeable sensation—f—l say ‘ ',“fiuimmm” for Ilea‘ven knowal know}; noth i in: of it kxpcrimentally—mllthis wifiewror» ;siiip and spanielolike devotion, doubtless} , convinced Paul that, in some way, he: really I ‘, Wm [vastly nnperior to’ his pretty little; idolnwl ‘ for, nnll'ihnt‘ it waey’not a little co'ndeecend-i ; ing Era-him to be worshiped at all. %nd 30} ! lhnttTi-‘u might have gone on, ad iry‘z‘mtuml‘if‘ they had not fired on Sumter. ) , I Paul; i'vas the first to go. He' dimmed mm: and cons withhis mother and :‘sister; ' v'vhenya conclusion has arrived at, he'briefly riveted iii tolhis wife, and‘ ordered her to topaz-intend his packing. Eda could noti l‘opfefl her dismay; she even attempted] argumentr, but was sternly cut short in the very midst by mother and sisterlin-law, ! whose ' heroism and fortitude, of course, ! showed all the more advantageously by comparison with Edo’e sob: and entreaties. i ‘ Only one~famt gleam of comfort. couldl ; she iind in all this darknee. .. He will take 3 back thoae cruel words.” she said to herself. i i “ Now that he is leaving me, perhaps forev-l i er, he will not leave them behind him, to poisOn all my thoughts of him and embitter all my lonely hours i” l l So she waited and watched, and the day fogputmg came, and the hour, and atllast the minute; and still Paul had not spoken. L Edai flung her arms about him: i “Paul, etopl Before you go, unsay what you‘sdid two years ago.” 2 - “ Whai reason have I for no doing?” was i all his reply. And with a cool kins he left her:e ; . ' i The disappointment won bitter 350 great that itpctudly hallowed up‘ her-grief at nulh‘n‘ I= ES v Imm 15%;; 1 his ‘m’ 10‘ 1 WM wnn‘n UH?!“ n, :rq‘nhhl ho w.I- A DETE©CRATHG AND Fo’M‘flflL“! Q©URNALD GETTYSBURG, CPA” MONDAY, MAR- 8, 1862, kindest letters in the world“; She wished to show thvm to P 3191, but he declined to look nt’tl‘um. ‘ X’nln't he Elfin: her to \vrité to Dick? “mum (s nanny uh mu. Puma." partying. When she wntnlml for letters, it. was as Ith the hope that, ‘mv'ay from uh'frie‘nd ly influences, ho’ 11ml at last. relented. and written to fill her 30:11»:th wrote nothing. except “ that he was lvcll, camp duties were arduous, audit an engagement min e'xpectede Into the fat-longer letters addréssed to his‘ sister and mother, she was seldom or never allowed a. glance. ‘ ’ > At last rn‘plethe'nem of the long-mulled hauls. Edé’s first thought, was of humilin~ firm for th+ defeat; ‘h‘br second. of terror for her husband's sa‘flxy‘ty. For three days she suffere+ all the [whom of uncertainty -nll the agonies of hips ldng dnfflrreflr— He was missing; bud :beony‘en wounded and fightln'g bruvelyfiwaq thought to he dead. 41 lust mime. the ‘tfuthfi He was badly wonmlod. and a irriro‘vfir. 1 Mrs. Dr] lan read lthe loner corltuining the new: alxlld at tlml breakfast table. Eda hoard it. pale and rig'u‘l, without oommrm or question! '3 : . ‘ later in the day to nor dnugh~ Imam. 31:3,!Brit'tun saw sign: of l‘ pan drmrgorin, (iii-ordered Clo-em. lc-veling'hc-fi‘nf-A att'runk, with da~ l wrlttnn sn}cvery pullid fontugc. ~ all this s'" 'l“de Mrs. Brittaq. ie are you ggtfiu’ng! I should con‘ singular fine for visiting. were ace. M'hifie your husband lies 1 d n prign‘per iii the hands of commoh {‘decéncy, should. I you honiel'” \ ‘ .V kimned.} ; " Going up ter-in-luw's parking and Erin k terminatio " Nylva “ And who sider tlfis 1 —: wounded the enemy think. keo Han (‘y “Common docenfigfltenches m 9 that p. wife'fi placl in by gh‘e fick bed of her hus band. I nth goingl§ him.” . Mrs. Britjtun fairfyésv‘renmod. “ Ell”. Bult‘qn. Im»L 3."nn ‘mnd? Haw you 1m! yum‘ whs nttm‘N 7‘l" , “ Do ynugcnmixlorfflfis .1 proof of it, 7" " But whim wili 11$ do with you there—n. helpless balmy -, alwayls aln encumhrance. and. he lying helplesaf‘; illiuw can he take care of you 1’" - ~ 1 1 ~‘ “’I will take car» ll‘lfiim. ‘ 111-lplpss air! may b», l clm at. leugt njmooth‘ his pillow for him." I I‘, 1‘ _ J “ It is nnt to he‘Jfimrrzht io'." «aid Mrs. Brittnn. «leicidr-d‘}. j'nYou [11!!!th «font: -—evcrythir:|z in unwittiml; for a woman of ymfr age axftl g’ddy ‘pbnamnm. it woum be imprudcnq imprnpgng indbmmus, unsafe. Poople mell tnlk; be‘ul hiixl<elf\\'6uf«l‘ be angry. Jliprshut “1" Four trunk. and j'put‘ bark your thing}. flog mus! hot go 1} skip." “i “~in} i J , 1 plum-1t?“ ' E § ‘ 3' n} «in :r - l- l ‘ * “ You will: Yhul-{ly yon will-to me 3—? You will :12"! rnnlrnrlyv to my advice ?" l I H “ Yon. ifyou :ulvlslo me to stay hermfll Im swnml Exln. rhinin‘pll fncing her incensed mother-in-lnw. “ Elm? si-nco,my marrlago, I' have been a morlnlgbond .tlzu'e. A lfreo wnmnn by right, [“th putifntly (uhmiltterl my neck to tha y‘nkk.laxxwl a grievoun ojhe it hm ham) to 1119. Blhtl Mri. Brittan, I fine served out‘ my tl’moj. 11 am now, my :“wn mistress. My dqtylns a wife calls me,§tmd 15mm obdy n. I shall g 0 z" , And sllé dill gon‘pfte of the power of everybody; of the vi‘ ornuulmrng opposilion, nnd ofn few secrzf hrmbts ,axrxd fear; ac knowledgéd onlv ‘h‘enelf. l ‘V ‘ Impelled by loveL Abe littleflwoman jwho hall. on ondinnry ocfcnlbions, about as‘ much courage as a manual mévér'falt‘l‘qred orj‘urn ed hack zm slm mddiwih" hhsband'sjbed-, side under a hostile] ting. l I" 1‘ Paul, groaning and helpless, forfiot all about justice. dignity, auperiqrity, and re sertment. l , :A “ Dear éhild—dklr little Eda, how shall} ever re-pny you ?" He puked. Y 3 And With (ml. Making heart. 'Eda. a'tlonped and whispered ; and «here. Willi panting breath and \feebla twice. 4.10 n proud <man humbly said the woirds aha longed so much to hear, and be:- lor‘pg and apparently hope leu ’dro‘am was aq‘oomplishedJ She {bud won him back. ‘, I l ' l New Imin of‘Joh. Riding one day o}. :Ithe autumn of a any ccacb, in .the inte‘ribr of Minnesota, In! summer, the drivei'. ‘a funny fellow, told me ”)6 following atory: ‘ . Bill. one: of the drivm on om-‘llne, was coming out. of Rodiéaler one morning enr ly this spring. The breather was cold and frosty, the roads Wage bad am! the hot-neg would nptwork W 3?“ imaged)“. '0“ the seat beside him wasnflér’i‘cal gefntleman. Now; Bill swore sometimbs; and fluttered 11; well when anything wehtmrong, 3,9 did thehor ses this morning. Bill would haul them up and give them npfiaqk with hi; whip, say mg : i i ' “G‘g-git up, d-d-d-Tn you 2” The clerical gelntlemsti requested him not: to swan- ;to be pfitiedt. Bu": Bill could swoar.‘ The clegg‘ym'an, after x 'repefition of Bill’s profanity,: again appealed 1.0 grim: "Be patient‘ be patient; Job wa; a man of patience.” ‘ : ‘ ' 8111 cocked an eye.“ the clergyman and said: , “J-J—Jobl wh-wh-wyho did he ddrive fair” fi'To attract customeg's. Fume has put up an Electric clockfiin his shop, and is Ler ri‘bly annoyed by boys runningin winqdiro the time‘of day. The other evening, as we were buying a cigar, & little shaver came in with the usual “Please, sir, tell me what time it is ? ” “ Why, I gave you the time not. a minute ago, ” said the utonuhed Lo beoeonist. "Yen. air,”replied the M, "but. this is for another woman.” —-—-——-o - BW6 ue told to weigh 0 mo“ m‘en mu} Women would null psi: chalet; Texiing the Whole Truth l Those of our waders who remerhbor‘ the 1 old story of a backwoods court, “filerein a ll witfiesa testified that “ Clxp'n Ricdlu gin at I treat. and Cousin Sulb' Dillard sh \fu m ‘ v‘x‘zéd," will agree with us that. the glowing |, yarn. true of course, throws it n. org way into the shade: ' ' Q ‘ The witness. Buck Bryant. boin ‘ 14mm -1 ly sworn to tell the whole truth, t ’Zfiesu follows :’ ' ' V '1?" Qm‘stionod by the Commonwefi ’9 At— torn‘ey.‘ Tell all you know aboug egut— : ting of the pros‘ecutor by Cwedané juris } oner at:the bar. 4 1“ ; Annwor.--qul. gentlemen. it ls ,eloco r tion dny—‘twna a dnrk, cloudy, “‘l3 sol-h of Ta drizzly day. and my: I t‘o my all.“ gromnn, i I believe I‘ll go down to Ring told and . 'poulte my vote. And says my big 'womxm : to me, m-ll Burk. {in it is n .3an. n k‘drizzly : day... mya she.‘lxu«ln't you how: guke an i umbrill. Says lup the old wnmjfi, II ox , pact 1 bag! bétter‘ézxke the umbr'fi 84:) 1 . took the «ymhrllflkn‘l when i ur’ dolwn ' the‘rp. Ml. (‘9lO cm'ued, and says h i [7llsch ' Bugk. have you seed anything of j :1 Iléikl)‘ bor Unlrriny? , 3332-1"! tp Mr. Cale, fir WM}? Says M, he'p got my muhrill. I Inc xiii.- ... ‘he \jiu new wi‘i'heré imenuptod by the 151%, nd told to confine himsell‘to 1119413 unl {h between the prijson‘er and Cole the}, prosciu tori In answer to which thewvikjwsnre markedinatpnooandignnntré-m ‘klrninjce: We“, now. Mr. Judge. you hohd‘ n. fo‘r X nm‘kwnrn (01:13“ the (ruth, and ‘,m gaff-no to tell it in :my own way—so ’tafixl' wh‘ th whilp for ym’; to my fiothing mar; (fxbfm‘k it. —-Whpr‘vupm§ ‘ the Court‘ and «ommbm m‘qtltlr's Altomwbex’ng anxioui {figotérid of the wimras on nnflormm toifil Lé-n’mi go ongand tell the tale. his own hay)? M’elir, M I was goingfon to'sny. ’tmxs o ' lpbfion day. Buchahan am! Filmo was 'nnrfinf foyithe Logisuluro. and says {“540 Woman“ to ‘mo, Says «'sho, Buck. as it is a. rt q“f d duck, cloudy, rainy. d-me, drizzlyf 3m! My day. hadn't ysu hotter aka yourzgmbrle‘lv say": she. Sufi-n Ito the old wom 7; says I. ’apretl had bier!" take my my}! at HP I 'toak mvum}; ill and advanced y tows-Ltd Ringmldflin I 'rived char. ' “ ' Well, the' rat thing I dig} W?! ngt “I?” wa-x fn take a. drink of P. chnfifln whisky. Whic ivns monucromt g yd. int! any: I to myflf, 6515‘s I, ah] boss. éou fee! boiler now“: ml't you! .-\nd‘wlii,b I WM advancing arr‘und. Mr. Cola ha 009%; to me, says 2w. Unc a Burk. says Im, jH in"; you seen anuhin nf old neighbor igirri§f~ 9“qu for w y? Says he the .- Vlcbck's got my umh -l!. After n while. ?positVed my vote. in} . yen Mr. Cob: and n gfiadvanc. «1 toward hi; ne, and-M}; Cole_w fighter than ever Ige d him. And no eadvnnc— ed along tilE - got wlmr the rom ”nd path forked, all‘inF. Cale and I tuck r, e path as“ any other‘ gentlemen would; _::d after ndvnneing a? while, we arrive tn 5‘ j neigh. bgi‘r Harris e‘ittin’ on a. log with he um brill on his atmynn’ ’bnui. that. ti vie Elijah Cllssa‘dy (thegprimner) comer! ufagnml. we admnced (tilllwe nrriv' at Elijnh’i gluon”.— El‘ijuh is myj‘ neil‘ew en‘ likewise in“. son-in la'w—he mafiimllmy darter Jane} filnich is ties: in my ‘gl‘arter Sally: After fiéladimnc ed to Elijah”: house, we stood ifi’ he‘yartl while a. jnwiln’, and presently l game iuidy’e rid ufi" on n how. which ‘ John; sn:n before grid Whitefield Cnsea ' behind. Whiléfiold i¥id Kiali Cassetly er (lie same. giijnh and film is both brothers. both born in the nat'rhllwny like enybody afie’n‘broth ere, no‘ gals' between ’em. nnd high bi ’em about the sime ego. egpe'cially fifihnvbich er the youngest. Kiah wns dru ’. end he arid Mr.Co Lot tocusein'one and erabout poliiix. em 1 advanced in the h'o'gee. wlmr Was Elijah? ‘v'vil’e. whichie my-dairfcr Sally. \Yell,‘efterlji\win' «while with ’E , my lit.- tle nefi‘ew ally: lie to me, Uncle ck. let’s go home. Plays I. good pop. so w}! pegged op wgelhe ,J'imd heard'sopiebodyl- calling at me, but; x‘lever hemioned ’ehgnor Mi; vimced batik. Well}! got 110 ~i‘endhwais eating my itipyer, when Elijah, .jail is m} un-in-law, mlnd marzied' my (1 ‘ch Jane, which i; n'bgt to my darter‘Sal‘y arrived. and says he! ti) me. Uncle Buck, fisher, I’ve killed a‘ nigh. Says I, the hall on have._ And this is‘ m I know about. tlte (ebbing, because I vibrn't thar. ‘ l g . ’ . , ..iL. ”—4....”4—{5 - ' .a-Whel; Napoledn (at max-{lm rim Consul) heard of thetdeetb of ‘rl‘llilllnglon. he said: 1“ The great light of tlléfivorld has gorge out"; In his own heniil in lyre follow ing order ei’ the day, be time aiinounce'il ihe deceneé of the “ Fatherof his'country ” to the Conénlnl' Guard and to thegrmies of trance: ll Wumxorox is Dig)! This great maanought egqihst tyranny: he es tablished glue liberty of his oo'ui‘ury. His memory meet ‘elwaysbedear to the Fren ch peeplp, :5 iv‘ell M to-lhe‘free of brill worlds. and especially to the French soldiers. who, like him aid liis American troops, fight in defence of liberty and equality. Therefore, the'First Consul has orgiered, Lhét. for the apnea of ten days, crepe shall be hung on all the colors and standards a! the Re public." : ‘ awßilly- howdid you lose yoér finger 1" “Easy enohgh,"eeid Billy. “I suppose you did —but how ?" “l gumyou’d a lost yourn if it had been where mine was." “That don’t answ‘etmy question ." "Well, if you must knoy.” said Billy, “I had '0 cut it off or else steal the trap." ‘ ~ ~—.————~——-«- cum wnnu pair of 53m to last four year's, melt and mix foa :ouneou of Immon allow; npply the mfifiun while‘ an; whit well; then put “1!) boot- in h dam, nfidé-go'bmfooi. ‘ "3' . thoughts ; sad i very TWO DdLLLRx A-YE.\R Let The}: 139 Honored . ‘Tho hprnos of Fort; Uonelsnn will live. Eforevcr in history as; tlm lvrnveat 'of the .; bravo. The names of A. H. 'l’oote' and 3 Ulysses S. Gram are flab; imqu‘m}. But. . perh'gops. the noblest, 33nd ‘lmost golfiascrific ' ing patriots of thein 311 (re the two mem ‘ bans of Congress frbm Uljnoit, who. volun ‘ tnrily exphanged theirknq’g places at Wuhz, ‘ingion for the rights f "amp-fife and (he daniger's of flue bamn olg . Gan. John A. Me lernnnd, one éft 0‘ enernl! in com ma d during the aim: k apon Fort anol -1 Mn. wat the represent tivé from the Spring fi‘el ‘(Linroln’s) ti‘istr ctéinfid resign“! his rsca to accept abrigndi t generalship. Co]. John A. Logan, woun‘ Pd.dur‘mz the same ! attack, ”prevents 'the " Egypt. " distvict-of Illinois in Congresg; ‘ :1 hi?! his seat )de A few days ngn to reigm Hie command ofhis {regiment Buthhcv’lgoryaml and ,men nrqifirm Dvmér‘mte‘l. nTrl m'hiht ”my Mum] ready to 91w] tlmir Lino” (or the Union. filmy, Repuhlican dick“ utifién from “Ennis, “if x Lovojny at Ihr hind}, do their flaming in m wnr of wmfds {fivwshingtqm and 7 or arm callantdepdn n fiilk Ltm‘kingi and .rfl‘il" kid glows 'M Inezérrclmrfic bulk of jhurf L'ulyship. Mm", L menu. Such is the ,' conicast between tim 19:21; who are branded 'ns SlecPCSinni-‘tu-am‘ th m'rn who first help ;bd to bring abnutfucr .ssihn. and‘ now :m-‘P ' téocmmrdly In hogp p lt'i+(lo?§'h. TM: first 1‘ MM proved tlmir ‘1 My “1)! as wel} u thoir ‘ ’onn‘rngm the lmtft ne thqr the on"e nor the : othfrr-Beaf/am’ Galzéttq | .‘ '_- .-.,...1 1 kn“, Hon. Ahan‘ in»: 99. in the cnufise q i (high-d Slab: St‘nhle .w {JOHN‘O‘R‘Or'TwQ- ‘ {h}: romarks‘in tha “he other‘ day, 913th w :5 I ham been onn‘ to lue and die une: ‘ l at: my momma-avg g Hafi- of‘lhe Uninh. , nd‘ gm, but «they zhall ‘ n “as pnlnr rtnr by II in g’iiidml frnm ra'rl ' 1 {play of Democnwf,‘ wrnnwnt rash, nnl ‘ ied nut without the xioh of these Skatesl : Ifmm n Demon-1i! n {lll ivy life: I exfievt and the— cornor—sfinn rosflaupon the ondpvri Dux’nocrats may cohte nev‘pr divert 'me ifro which I have even-Elm ] life~the ‘great prim: upon Whigh this-f 6” wh h gnfinot horm' pr ervation-of that l." 0M! , . ; g in“ who.refuse (Lo my of dinloyally ,t‘o ut' played. out ~l3an ML! every sefisibéc ,nin‘h. It i 9 tokmhfy blurtfiring‘gelf-stylcd wigiibnr with being 'a mt; he in directly or stealing from, or in 3 P 183345 1"": game of aclbusi joi {be KApublican v 5 the‘Governmept i 4 .9.- gtheENe‘y Yoyk Afgufi man is of the sqmé‘ op innfie, when you hein- n 1 . puniut charging his 11‘ traitor. to conclude t‘ zindi‘reclly engaged i l mrfic way plunderin [thug he luuz "an ax :sofl‘. The loudest briwllirs are llama who lam? at home to mnk money ofl'plm 66v lerngnent, ahd let the lpoér mldit‘ra (lo the lfigllting. - The palrio ism? of these fellows "cm; be mensured b ”19 depth of,.thqir lpockcls'. 'l’lm malts-n nrolbhgln‘nln'g to Im. fdemtngnl this full Wellfinn‘ the game is lplayed‘outl. _“l , , ‘ / l g odr 0 Holley” f Ilhe nppongn'ts-of -. r. glut-hnnnn'a admin ;iutédion. it will bol remlnmbejmd. made a Igrqnt adn'ubout thq “ml" of specie‘from 1 the’ counfiynho circh ntibn of piper money. i‘kc.» And ‘yot fluid}! rlot rlememlwr that lgolfl was at that film thé mincipnliélrcula-l‘ l ting medium. It has ally roquiyed A yenr'sll I adflxinistrntion of "mi: specie groaken anrll; lwlalfl has 55°”m9.”lfhh" lgold? We haVe “l l pnfier clxrrency, shin 1 nsfiorsmnd all—heavy l ”a ”gm-ts of specie. exbem‘iing past. years Dyl jfargsocnrt loads’of; trq snny notes. (in, M..-—i. l Wb'nt has becomejof he Apgcie ?‘ Can thnml ‘m n that used 19 fin 'stl mné’h (gull, when} laid and nilvrr WM lenly. make itynmwarf jthéc lhey‘hnvo fiat mulle what. they then" {caged a had llatt‘ oft nings. n hundred‘timesl l woi-se.-—-»S"mbury Dan crat. ' l , -Itl;is Worth nqtirinj usu‘ Us how said M (01, pat-Em “is armililarfl bill! work just now to! igec‘i ((3 call {only midi s i ‘order to conquer.’ p :10 well as it is. V 1 ferit‘tpentsn \ . i CooH—-~ - ~— +Gefilrge P'enw. one 0+ *he gallhnt yo‘ung “18;: bun)” with 2126 (aincél ‘gsfofitum’, in the early 30 ifljure fiia {oat so ‘sent. to the hospital a .lk-y. {1 His nurse, I; Flor;- ispirgit. proved to be a? yr“ George Em} knowg'i lam in Wisconsin: n‘m‘ji for the disabled soldier, Iken her as a nurse anti Fem-go u n soldiernnd sterinangel of mercl, Eneiof the army to tho 'ua Hampton (Iowa) Gm. .- -———»- ———-—~~ « fflli’tary .\7‘rr.~.siry.— th I: father loss. than thg cl'nimi of emtlnci Iléeseity.” It by up argue 11m! 578 are 01‘] of senile imurrectior The work is goiflg of “"11 {6l- any fresh efl [Married his A‘xfya} tht mostsvorthy lof ‘ who Went from this on tharda; had thé m' with of September, t? ridusly, that he WMI St. Louis for recoveli ence Nightingale in 1; 01¢ sweetheart who? an‘d )oved in former-1 so well did she care 1 that. he has since my companion for life. } big wife as a. minis! will foiiow the furtui close 9f the wan—Nl The Case 9f Gmerq'l Siam—The Secretary of 'War has referrdd the base of Genet-£1 Stone to General Bf¢CleHan for his disposi-l‘ lion, and tha lane: has ordered :3 court martial, but. the coqrt has not yet, been of ;zanized. and it in In qupntion whether it. wih be during the present. active operations.—- Arm York Harald. ’ , ' fiThe only fault with the world if; 8-- scribed by that limb word, "too"; folks are alwlys too—4oo' tall or too shbrt, 14190 pretty or too ugly, mo wibe or tooignonnn‘t, :90 old or 100 young, too go‘od pr goo bob, alyays too some‘hiq‘g." ' 5 5 —._....—_— o o o— ~————~ ‘ ' There is oftefi but a sligfit aeparatién bfiau awoman’s lovegand her but». 112! keen teem Ire very nm her meet tips. ‘ VM’nydictiom are mom . ml} fish, Ind hotw , . moms my ed Silt wum- gives in K pfoéuoo when. 4‘; f Flewmwayw “agg -1 It:_fiiffl Bush! Hie podpk: (if; .ortll fnd Smith to hub one number, by attempt: in gain 'powar through the usintnnoe‘of .1 1 national platform, and the" qw of «sect‘onul 'hppeals. , g , It. made the pééple belie“ that o})an was “rm danger to the Union. telling tho’m that the “South couldnot be kicked out" of the ' federation. ' - ‘ It rejectéd the Critlnml‘en Cnmpromim fillmhich Senator Douglas baid wo‘ulgl have ghee“ accepted with pleMm'a bv even “15 pogtnn States, as a. settlement of the nation. Fl difipyte. . . . . . v x: ‘ It» roprenehlafivos in the Ponce COHEN!!! ppmned a." proposition; that were intent‘éd ’to heal the political trogbles of the nation, ‘ prefering wax- to compromise. E ; its leaders {greet} the unfortunate battle 3 it Bull Run, which proved so d'vigx'aceful 5 to the Union cause. ‘ i f It has made the army the victim! of {Ho 1 hnost'unprincipled am. qf nuhlié pluudérefi: ‘ :zhat ever Wu known in the history ofzgnn- : ' • No_ 23- ik'ind. ' ‘ i It 21m.- glnjo' its mismanagomfint of tho'; xfpublio funds, ibadnd the qounuy with mil-i; )Inns of unnecessary debt.‘ _' If It has fettm‘ed‘tlio Prusa'l, ondnnzered the. ifree-dom of piivato citizcndr. filled the public: pfl‘ices with a host of incqmpetvutfnd cor; ifrupt men, palsied our National credit. andl [aided in destroying our National lmppinesti E It, in short. lian,;\vilh tlmaxaismnce of:I :the secessionist-s, brought the cnuntry (0‘ fidst what it is,‘n'n(l tl‘i‘utfilzlas. ia too sad (lg. 'ipicturo {qr any one to (lusire to coquplatmi ’ X 0 candid man mm corrnmlv Ilnny thoi git-nth of these changes. weal.) not. CUB-i agent! that tho mamas of. the pnriy nru res-J i‘ponsible for all those frightful cal:|niitloa.'—<l {They have been 'dnluvlv-II; liotrayml ‘an'li title the vinrlixm 0? niiwliivvmn m'm who} \oha determined updn getting into‘ [yon-:1" if they xi'era obligvd to reach it nve’r tbv-iri ipnnmry's ruim. 'l‘lic- timd is mminlg wining ltlwy will rocflvu their jlm i-mmr I. No ciV-i lilizexlv community will Inn-g filbini: to suvht utrnritic-i M Lin-m porsnm’ lmw m’mmittcdw land ‘wo billion: that tlw fur-rind is nigh at: :lmml when {lit} vgico r-f'u‘luirzmlidml people! Iva-ill cry out unnilixfinubly I'o;th yvngonn'ceé. Bwhich m‘ur-t oi'untually nivg'rluke the four»; idea's of their country’s wobiL—Eric Gasman} -—— —-‘——<o.-> ‘—l~—«- ... 'l WT)": Democratic} (“viiivontmn 09' Conn lifiecticut has met and ndvipml it pinti'ormi [liar the party in the prns nt war ‘ {imam—‘l [Hm-e urn soma of‘lhé’piahiu:~ ' ‘ .i, 3 Ranked. Thu! the {main it extraordinary? Lenndition of our Nazi-mul'afi‘nirs. in which! fwé have becomn invoived I!thron;:h Iho pup; ‘niciouu count-wk: of hnmlih H. m'gvmlyq culls} iupmpexérv Demmmt toiilyuummily u'nder? ftho tian-honm-MI lnmxnr‘rjni' that puiilipuli iorpxmimtiun which has in ivur, nakw-H 1m inf lpcaucp, in m-nnpvrily mull nrlwrnilv. evm“: iprrwml faithful to tiu- :G‘nmtitutinn; Um; fl’ijinn. -thr~ Gm'c mini-[)1 innli thn laws. and; lvyhir‘h bmmor “a xyiii ermtinun to blend: [with the gim'imu Slim: MW" hill-Ipm. f ’ ,Ifem’rfd, That muting Quir m‘gnniznlioni ’upon ’tho pniribiium (if it,“ malt-wind princi-l pies, and stxll' rouowmulllu-ir unwavnrinfi fidelity loAhe co‘iu~titut;inil:\l gm-ernnmnq which \he’y haw for nr-nrly lhrvo quarters; of a. century unfiinchiniflv ur-imhl. (whethq‘ PT ayiultedhy Nor! hem Abniition m- Smith—f em . occasion) the Dmnnorm‘y ni’ Connectiqj cut earnrsth/ appeal lo a]! qpmrrmlin; litmus to: unite with 11-(m in s+slruning l/u‘ l’rwsm’cnt in all ranzstitumnal .jfbrfs to .uglprrw I/m rdm‘lian, 15-: 111/fl! (fig Union, and (o Juj'ryul our rmlnhy agafmq all fats. whcther at home N" «Broad: am)! we ind; m‘lc [ln cooperatman all u M arr oppmezl to M 4“ inc/mummy clcmrnt 10/716}¢h?710«7 making waif upon t/m I’7'347illfill mu! (/..~ yuflzml illr-CT/r‘limfnr‘ Mr purpose af .‘nvwn'giw Ila", u'ar mining! («(36350 and rebel/{an info a smmw‘ 'r'nr fhr-flm'mi‘a‘pqtia r 3! slut-n. in violation :31' (In: obz’rgarwns qf (IL Constdution, A W _ ‘ - The Indiana State. DenmcraticConveniiom a few weeka sincemdopmd resolutigma; {among which was this brief and clear gnun-l ciation of what they haiipggo." (And. byvthq why, a friend-remarks that the best fighting in the war ihus far .hiw béen done by Indi, ‘ima Democrn ts, 411 the. vim-mun bangles iq which her rpgimonia‘hnve been onghged.) , 1 "10. That we will sustain with All Om? pnei'gics; n. war for the nmirntenance of tho Cnmititution. and of thé integrity of the ‘Union under the Comlimtnn. but we nrd lopposad to a. war for thn mnnnvipntinn of % the nmroes 9: the suhjugutinn o; the :Southr “gem Stages.” CC= I , ht Governmr‘nt, m" to! grind" 61' some! We: might go on with tiiesr: plain, clear“, (kfinité, patriotic refithtipns oi Dfimvocraticé ’convezntjnnn, but i; suflices'to say that thgb ' .ontim Dc'mncmtin party Mam; pledged}? a‘uslnih “the regulafly éloktwl Presid‘bnt at the United States in the firmeoution of tbé war as a. war for the" Lionfitituticau and 1.116 U_ninn.- . ‘ ; , ;, Now {contrast this with (the pmitinn off the Repu‘blican Central. Club in New York City, whiéh met-on Mondnv evonfng lash—w A. 1L Dow, EM}, n niomher othb Clpbflx conservative Un’lon‘lovirig Rvpublican. of ferefil the fallowihg resohhiuu ’T' y ' RUQhWI, That the arm! and whichohiect of the government. in it: whim: tn fiu‘ppress the rebel/mm if! to re—oet-nhlinh the I,'ldnn:with 1311'th bent-fits, having all Hill’gifuuas to bo pdjusted uthr the mmc 011/ ' nshuvuion of put forefathnra, which has nlmzy» given ug curity, pencemml prne‘ipe‘x'ity tn ywiery upc tion bf the United Stalin.- and contains within itself ample-acqmy against nH grit-y -snecs that; may arise ufndur its administra lion." ‘ - ' The Cluh i'efused to ‘Lmjnpt it! 'l‘th 'thé conservative memhe'r tried the Club with the followifig reaolntiop :"- ’ ' ‘ ‘ [Caulk-11', That the l'hfiidellt 0f ”$8 Uni ted Suites, in his constmt, untiring ‘eipergy ‘and «lotermih‘mim to ptmmau the rebellion Ind uphold the Comm Linn nf our-mummy. is entitled to we symnnflly and nugport 9f everyAmm-icaq éitizeu. : ; 'llw Club adjourned to avoid a vote! , 80 yo no assured by-_ the besgl‘wpublican authotio Ly! " " . ' 1 r ’ \ Now, gentlemen o? the Republican puny, who are conserv‘ntiye men, and lovers oftlm Uniénand thy, Constiuuidn. we respeolfuuy Inggosf w you that the time, is M; hapd when by your arts. yam- adoptvd plétfann, your associations. :{nd bunn- VON-5. you mqst cut loose from these squiciuus _as«pc33f€s, and bend them noriftq-sznul qr‘ am. Lincoln and Dawr3;+'t"to or “nee any: before the Ball arthq White House, Mr. Lincoln sent‘word taut, Duvcs, ‘thro'a thther mfmber, that buxbéwes‘, 1337:! d'ono mdre to break- down' the tulmiqistmlipn than any other man in. thebountr‘y,'by hi 9 speech expoving the cgl-x-uytinn of é'cintrao‘i £9ll find ’others. 311'. Baum-4 son}, back ti message in reply-to me PrflsMcnt. “Tell; him," said Mr. D.. “that nothing thlt I: can do will break dnwu his adminiflnfioni I 0 rapidly as this dancing party. giionfifij the time when thesnmon is in‘lhoaggniq’ of civil war. With ‘mmaypropziety night; : mm make a ball.wi£h a corps! inyh'ui house.” 'A ' "Vim; r -—‘-—-——A,—‘ m._..__—_l _ » fi-A lbmbé’r‘ing concern—i maid!“ fl‘ Arri"édililxg‘firs£ ‘npr‘mg dbfinfl” ‘£ ; ‘ 3/4,?!) ~ thfl'fig
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers