" Ingintr . El 3.27 on; rum 2 We nninn of lnkn—the union rJ hnds— , - “I! Cnifllj “I'6:an none-iron“ lEVM’; ! n. union'bf hunts—{me Ilium ul hunk—- I AM §hrFlng u! oupL'uiouTorL-wrl : ‘ll. J: sums, 21:11de .\xn {'lzul‘nrlx‘rufl tiled lnudnvunder Tcrrllpiih] ('mvnrm‘ne J 2... ~...... l the orgunic lmv of which, faking no no KONDSY MORNING, £118.24, 4802. iof any 'of the peculiar institutinm 6f M We .rebel Stun-q, slmll trg‘at them as ~ ‘ Thojfide qt’ Victory. {tel-mow." Tim is mmmmmuy ”sun The momhs of apparpnt inimion that 01- ;‘ 333152!” I fflflf. Md *1 “181 mm most ahobk the faith 0! {ha people in Xhe l Scephnqnbm. We cannqt, belicwn‘tliat ability of (he Government to cope with the i‘respmnible cqmmitlee nonn'gre'sa will Rebellion, have at last‘b’nen succeeded by l “"9 “Worm“ “PY‘l‘lnllmL P‘ll’nbl! an the mos; brilliant and decisive victorios.—- I ‘titllfi‘mll- (“2'95“ lmsinn PW" *0 [Cheering news pmm in upon us from all l.“ Sin?” State-out 0* 3-1” Unxmn "id" quark-rs—Ronnoke Island. Fort Henry, l ”ml” f 0 ‘lO 3° “0““ EN 1”” vmfiollflbl For: Donelson, and, indvml, from the whole { the 9.11.)”. “f “”3 s':"°‘”°§‘§ts ‘3O W‘u‘d line of Operations. Tile flower of the lie-lcefl‘m’ 5‘3““. {Wm the (Jinan. ‘! 11(4le mav be reparilo'j as cfluctunlly .55 0:” armies advance 5'91“ “030%"? broken in‘the South ntnl West. I toryubfmgresi. slmult'l sandy-aver may?!“ Full particulars of the most important of ‘,tlie Lniou “”1“”; “1‘5““ ugdaubtedlyl e ‘ tho'robent Victoria—that at Fort. L'om-lson l {0 agreut cgtent ‘fm'w‘l‘ lll‘e ”“5598 f’f ..will be found in lhix iaquo of the Compiler. ; s°"Ll‘dm pml’la' "MGM 9f_thr“3ml”’ It wn‘s a dpapnmtr- struggle—but. th? ruc- ; reward 103"”.3' by d“!!“:““‘"‘“; “ 'n ‘06:: is the moi-b brilliant on that account. ) the QO'GPcffltjof‘ of “'O. 504111119?" Pf 'l'l _ - . ___ .....Ef'...‘ . {restore the l nzun, nnd in: Imm ha 4: i ‘ ' ' Genei'al McClellan ‘ boom-(5,3 permanent. pence. This p o; ‘ ‘ ' I . _ . ‘ . , L J ‘ hmrm‘igv: Dflhr‘. \\i-._l<’s\'ir toriusfilm mind : ““11 t°d“‘“'“—"ff‘”‘f”‘"l’ft‘rf‘w‘lwu “co . natuykllyrcverts to theCnmmunder-En—Cbiol"z-fmm the “"O‘mmw"? “ hi’ {me “E l‘f‘L‘FW "and thevdelnt ol‘ gratitydc “lllcll the nation | posed .R 0 the restoration: of tlm Lm‘T own in him rm" illl thin success. "The .l( ur-f was and "'"d3: mm“)? ”‘l‘er (’l“t-“'l“jm l "aft! (UM/WM any: that the pu‘timn- we]. ¥\'.l)"'(rr "uf'l.’ “ t“rn“”“t‘?n Dru“: 3"“ -‘ lmvn hgmn nnd‘uguin urgml' on 0}” rendurd Pdffufit' if?“ __«.» i 1 «against thn l'ul'inus denuncidtirmvj of‘tlm 911-; ‘ Gan. Cameron” x ‘ Pmimof-M'Clellnn. lmu nou been more: than, ' ‘ I? SJP§rty' ~ ‘ ‘ .4 . ‘,T l‘ H' , u“l .* 1.. 'be . Tlm‘ r~i»~m‘rvl.l:y of War. It summs. a w ~ )3";th _' ~ in coo.nr‘., '_“' c" m (19" . m'J npnl'tymlzie hp<pimblo nm‘hdrm, “Lnnlii L" ‘ app.panentwamngnvoxkzng and; planning, ‘on ’l‘linmlny nftexnfmn v‘m-k, go the 10, , Me'sdfnstly resistinzall sneers undinbummnd pulylicim nwmln-i-s Ql'tim LOgiSlnltnral . lu lsin far soeinl "judflment am thß originall‘3”“3B‘S’9tn‘lcm‘3‘ ’l‘“ P3”?"“]"’1 I),“in he .- .l '1 ‘ , . 3.41 an A guy: mvrvgur 10 t iis‘th Mfri Ig mmi‘QYhmh' underfiorl, the nation nwes , “l ilntlr-mtnn-l tlmt p'nniWfir-‘nutol‘. Mr, I -n -; the bnllmnt, nuccossei “f “'0 PM?” 3"“9- jny, hurl .\lr. “'illinrns‘ are Tn oftim inftitml. HQ has madeun argny in {our nilmlhs. and: Humor lumit. that Simqn 1:1 fenhn: My way ilol} he is using the “110 W an it might tn be (full? Renato in plum of \\‘§.lmut,wlio wpnld haed foi' tlsé ”Sfllvntlhl'l (if: the ’L'nion _‘ lllfl; to vllmnut- plzlcm \ntlii gunel'on. W'il ’ . i _ ’ ' ' Tmo ‘wou (l prcffl' going £O3 llsflifl fan-.ni'cw \Vhereln tlu-nmmbernl (.anul-ns,‘ thrlt talk¢d ‘ yml‘f' as lnvu-rm ”1,1,” ll)! the m.“ T'W‘ . last week about. "an ('h‘lflClJ tor four Dian, (hm-nthro Simun-thin‘k.» if pm-e 4mm] " méntlla?” (rho! obstacle limproved himself 1;? dom’llliml‘we-l‘n“ helli'o‘onllflzo gonlinue ‘ .' , I l . . V | I‘m. ,«e« ny o grave Of .‘t ' 0 WF 0701' :afmu genegnlzulhfi'(tnrnlninledtrlnnd “fb‘lve i full; the faithful. wlm {ulhgern t 1) Primiples aI, cool an (a m m tle presume o ene‘ l m ning (,flll_gouon mum, ’l‘lu: Dx-mocmcy mics at home as welLas the gnawiei of the l will], look chm-1y to tlmye‘wliq will lie (in ‘munlry. The naliJn trmts M’Clellan now. trusted With prnver to 54(31e :v. Senator of lglu': ' ’ will: a wlLola heart and sin 'rlerers are si- l 1"”th smm" (‘N‘mml‘l the 3““ MN" 12 'l . ti ’, t Mir U . {-dmumut meter-(l nlrnn [lii-{'ummmgt-a'annl K at, m amen! 19 VlO or) [ l‘lé mon. lollmrinf like ilk aw “M seated. This mu ! ‘-—-—* "’4‘”— '- «mu " h ‘ ‘ fiOn Tuesd; GeTTS'slliVinG, PA: ny hét, thé’houce, nt Wald)- ‘nho Rnnatn Saint resolution, hmnke .of angrc“ 'lO Cup }(l the nflir‘érs nnd mien un 'ud,’ for tho’ decihivevx‘md at Port Royal in Novem- inglorf, took up“ rendofing tho tl‘ min Dupont. IH} ,der‘lxis comnn ‘ splendid victor bet-lust. ‘te resolution tpndoring the 9:3 to the army und‘nm‘y yProvidence of Almighty r series of bgllinnt viomries and in balmlfnf the Union HtiQu.‘ Both ,wem passed Also. flu} SPHI 'thnrpks of Cum: for. my?!" mml God, achieving I Wendie enemy ' pad the Coast-i nnb‘nimoualy. e hitiwoducod; the follow- Mr. Washhur; ing renolution: l Resolved. As jn mark of rospm‘t {or the memory of the brave men who have been grounded in file *recent victories of our all-mi in South Carolina. Kentucky, Tennes aee, North Carolina and_Virginin, as well as a. testimonialoflthe profound admirmion of this “Hausa for qlte persistent and undaunt— ed cofirage of all the officprs and soldiers, sailors and nmrlnes onguged. and who have achieved for themwlvw and conferred up an the country limperishnble honor and re nowu, th‘nt thisiHouse (Io noiv adjourn. « The resolution was unanignusly adapted, JPN] the Househocofcliugly adjourned. ‘ Both Homes alloptfld a rcsnlntian order: ing the illumination of [be public buildings In Washington pn Siam-day night, the 22d, in honor of the? Fécoht Federal victories. an; the imited States Senate, on 3Vodnesday, MLE. Rico, of Minnesota, intro-l diluted :1 joint ;re.=o|utinn authorizing thei I’mliden; to jc'pnfen the titlé «3f Brovgt: lieutenant Gem-mi for eminenti servicesq. I Mr. Wilson. (far Mu.ss., introduced a 5033:: re'solution to‘pi'ovide {'6l- the presentazi n’ of medal} to' (.le enlisted men of the vol-l unteei‘s and army and mivy‘of the United : Statealwho dis‘dinguis‘h themselves during thé_pros9ht wax-Ir. ‘R3ferred to the commit- ! toe on guitar; guffaws. 1 Ir (in motion of Mr: XViimn, of'an, the’ "bin for the hett‘ér organization of the mull; ry form: was tiken up. The bill reduces the force to {pity regimentsgof 1,200 men' each i U ‘ ¥ ’ l Mn W. mrgvéid {‘o nmoml by allowing ail; enlisted inc-n, on their l](‘Cl‘\‘3:lry dischargef pmivr this act: to rcchive’ three mainthsfl, :flra pay 5 whiéh :Wai fldnpk'd. * 3 He also mnviod to amoml‘ by requiring, ~ 1 . ~ . , - .ac. ..glli [hun- vt , ‘V l H, l ' , that 5“ ,qfiicus lfnr tht]! :Md 6'“ airy shall he ‘ wihhoi'lt costing 8. «mt, by inquifiug—iltf the ‘ mi‘ylled’ ”'3'" Chmertm may go b‘Ck to the Fxnmangd hy n gourd n. competenthnfficer-i . County C‘ommlsaiocera’ office. Am! mien .quhte, as a living illustration of the utter 111' the 151110;} ‘ tatea arnty, nppo: ted by I then tha witness gave in the natne bf the ‘ degadution of the Republican party. ‘ the 3.\¢l..mry of Wm ; which wus‘Ednpted. ' wrong man. as subsequent examination at g l . l _ i The “11“.“ “Md ‘ ; thé proper nflice proved! ‘ l 1 I.\ VESUGATBG (‘munr'rfiim . ~ qhenp . ’BM\l"’t"db . 7' , L . . fl .‘ V J‘th {lance} Mr. Hickman. nf?:t.,mse I o’nvts ”gtihgt‘icsoufien 15F lectmg any finch A 'l‘ e finestfgatmg nmnnttr‘qs have: not *3 .r ‘ I . _ . . _P 1 3. ‘my on “.1 ~tantmhng, 'got‘to’work in earnest. The ignnnge Tax {0 prvxntged question, that m the morn',‘ and summoning W 3 mom Witnesses than .Co , h‘ b bl 1 d ‘ ing’a’Bfltimorejxfllippor was it paragmphfwere required fur @dlimrpose, tha efleme' s'“)!!th as not een a 01m “\“3‘ Fauna that 3;“;“1, the domynmies seized by ; “‘35 kept down to as low a figure as p wime filling, in conquuence of the nhchnce Qf the ‘3 i". ‘ . . ‘ afihe moat onusidetnble item being that'ot" Oh “mum, Col. Hopkins; whohyndisposed, the llo‘lce‘of Baltnnore at thchcwhpapor procuring the nttendnnoq of Gavin-Ellmmn-l “I; 1. ho 31m; weék e‘mte office mileul “The Smthi?’ was a lc-ttPr im-l boy‘s pfcgpt,_ Pféifi'er‘s Company at ”mim— i“ wen ,u“ : _ LO regup ’— . : . . : . ' .: ,_ , ¢ The Commttee mll nummon bhfora them pllcnting Mr. A .illnmlnglmm, of Ohio, 3 burg, he hxumg infused to allomthun ‘0 ‘ miehibei of tln‘sl'Hch’ “KL; ofi‘erod -\ rusirl abt‘ehr here, (won in unwe} to nisul'll’ffina. 4 all the members “'l‘“de {0" lhe ” Com . . ‘.. -’. ‘h i. . H ~,_ . . S3IM: authoriting- the committee on weighs! 1.5.;th fhfin‘floo; 'rl‘ifeionpt‘f'icnml .mulanan , Act. and the. lencglng hon-gr; . i ‘ ‘*‘ “ I I ' filibbs ‘ e S Jqdmmty to amid fur‘l‘f'rfi’lls iln‘d Pallefi- 1; nfihiinonl‘tai, thlgnhogtcolf.cheirorzligfjunhgo ' I ed :0 ~bL “€33:an meO??? it Mr. ‘Ynllnndilslmyn, of Ohio.. said he Wns‘. wohld not. have been 'h:ilf so great}; by [.nsnlugc. . tis supp'oso Imt want 0 t on} “115$;Vliéjl'1" for an ophortunilv‘ to call the , gning to Harrisburg. , A‘J‘lil’flnd It mnvement to be absent wlieu‘ Jtt'entio‘ ‘0? th. Home to the :nme ‘(ato- l Th" ”Sponsibiliiv for the Elfienw of this "thoir names age atlled ; ,‘and thme who up ‘a._.. n. f 3 .'. ‘. ;. r’ ixmestigufion must refit Mkhab‘apt. Pl'r‘ifl‘vr Ipea’r before the Committee will refuse to W- I"? havtmg received It rom somei and the Republican leadefi hgre. Had he flasher on the ground that the Act of As murge Q few moments ago. He did not , not interfered to prevbnc his men fmm sembl ' 0 a“. ti t d .. ‘ n ‘ know the motiaies .qf'lhe gentleman fromlvuting the Democratic ticket, Mr. Myers . ,9 cmp {"55 ’em 0,03° '5 ‘ “0° '1 ‘Pimnnylvnnia. ”Eu-km be care. His po<i—u wonhf have been 8196;011:1380 Eagg‘om‘. I? ‘ itituticihai. This is true.- )0 man can be 1‘ '. \ _. ~ . h [Keen He anOl‘lt} a: t'ohnvere 10" us 0} mm a wuwe .m to criminnte himselfl A refusnl‘ man today in whut at 91p”: a . ‘ 130136 of gomng the west. by a canted: But (to answer mum be {and to me reputation ‘ .noverjwrote n'lme or letter to the newspa- 'un er the outrageous conduct at this .Cap 'of an individual . but the (.0 - - l 4 . . . . . . , - mmittee while‘ per called The South, or to any othgr man l tam, it nas due to Justice and the punty of 'L .ht b '. d f , { 1011“! of Mm‘onikflixon'a line sir“ we“ the ballot box. that an im‘entignnon he ‘ P“? ecomm” a corruption tom“ " 183 ’comlhe‘nc‘ed Ha'con’denhned ibis - had. He and those who applauded his act this Circumstance, would b 5 baffled in its { wub . . ~ _ _~ a; .“bully' {or Plcifi’or,” are not only rw'efl‘oris to obtain facts. The revailin'v im-l manner of 11911603 themle islanders which sponsihlfi far the cost, but also, should Mr. ‘ resiion seems to hé ”W '3]: m we: will;' no): appear m ithe columns of these in», Myer nutbe sidmitte‘d to the seat whichne p_' h l l g , sponsiblengwspamrs, ”He denounced Such honestly belisve m be his. ‘er thwarting ‘proiegmohret '3'; “amt” ' ff” the Comn'ut-i ”filo anl; 62:;th mys “ there is no .ahargu “My“. Mn and slanderous, and the mum of tin? cauntym a. minexpxjesswn .tee. Lume m) as t? ter n hqs been 19- gprobnbxhty of the removal at Prcsont” of s‘! ~ ' hl tte was to“ 11 't , f 0 ’ of {aretumnae tor Representative m (119.creused by the addition of Megan, Kainejthe Thomas A. Scott, Regiment from the J:5 366*; r 1 fury; 1_ tuna rber)’. .wuurila rg‘thedh'tate. dh B b . jxmd flapper Kaine isa'firm Demqpra; and { line of the Nos-worn Central Railroad. ‘ . I 3R— 1 587-, i Ital—4 e‘un erstgn tat as e"! counsel ' . ; “-“-——‘ “"’——'—*~ - 33.. Richardson, of Winch—Will m. villjrngflw more’xeaimonmis"taming.one‘of the best mm" “3° “0‘“.9- “WP"; 9‘0"”? mid he’d rather die in Mail - Th: ‘alrcn )' ‘flkenlpfo'fl '-°° “uh—'h3hlefl‘ls 3 Union Re üblican frbm Lebanon conn- Nfldlhmuh up than a steamboat hunt u , diam: eldtomoomnnu) P , 38‘“ _y! .i It! jpfiy 0! contrary" in nutty humus-n. Then ”‘fi‘llnd m honest m“. ‘ ‘ l » ; for 6h. reason; "If y_ou astound .wfi. Inuktitut-CG“ s'. A xmdfilWVOlHflnlfruwh d”l’"‘”°n”‘9°r »Th "‘hbdfl ~ Inn-ti “in, Committen .QS-U}? an you} I! £12145:ny got bland up NJ; mehfld’og the“ ”M“ 4h“ a”? '99 smm“! “d”: . ~ V - ‘4 .° " t ’ g I is; on fly! hm! wbnr isé’Quf'N , , . were mombvrs on thin floor whoflhad {cl-nod that they wnuld not vote a dolls Lappmpriafinn uuless the way-31ml! be pr ruled for'fln- purpnso of emnnéfpafifih‘f g ho daired hI-re to donnuucqflnom u t z(on; lp tho gnvqrnmant. arid itey 01gb ‘ it» put under about nfid M 11155 ~ deserved. "\ M 1? A, f Aftet 3' person?! {0 how?” ‘} Hickman mam.“ ’“i b. 5941» } withdxew his reaqlution. L “7 1 E Blotting out States. 3 A npeciul dispatch from Washington the Kw York We. Imm that the '1 ritorinl Committee: of bath Homes In nearly matured a bill which “propoq divide tlm whole rebel country into To I‘9l, mmi‘t 'I lwu'n that Mr. Sh‘nnnon hul bi-cn imaged and will ulu-nd. ‘ li'l‘ne 3 Dun):iornf<, an a general thing. will n 0! bu prmdnt. so I understand from gnud immunity." .‘ That something “i; in this find " is' apparent Iron.) the propynce ol' “"ilipnt. ‘ 1 r ‘ The Puma: if‘ L'n;'on snysflhut‘vnriofiw ton sou§ nré‘cwsigned why )Ir.FCziuie,‘A-oii dash-gs to go back :0 tlr'c Unitm-J‘Stntgs swim—l Thd Pottsville Jouryml scenispen‘anndeilvthnt tho- objéct is niorg pluinlo'r. Others say that itis to punidi the President and his Admiuii-lmtiun, and ‘oth-s agaiiu llu‘lt :t‘lm, though; of Human exile is extiremeljy dis tast‘efulg But whatever mftives mdyi bc‘nt thei bollom' ol' the movement now 0}: foot lo @ll22ch trade ‘betwevnlfliese'gxenpplniy statesmen, Cameron and Wilmot, thé very worst luck we can wish the Repuhliimu patty is that they may succeedx If the Re pulilicnns wish to hang a millsmfio around the neck of their party that wll‘lsink‘ th'em deqper than plummet evqr abundel'let them elect. Simon L’umaron in? tho Sonata and make hi< name and repdmgiiiq an issue in the next éauvnss. 7‘ whit. Buabsy's chum-Pl was engaged during the inst, two weeks in taking testi mony—and was expected to close nn'Satur day evening, the Cnmmiitpe'nt lln‘rrisburg having ordered said testim'ony tobe repbrt ed to them‘ to-morrow.“¢The Committee were about milking the “me order n: wifizk ago, and itiwas only on film mast earnest a wiicitntiog of Mr. Bush-)1 11m they eiflend ed the poftiod. . i 1 quo weeks’ time hnqtlmq been con sumed in examining a ultitude of wit nés‘ses. nearly in“ on pants 30 trivial as would a‘tonish the pub! c wore the facts made known go them. Busbey’s counsel séems to have been cntirgiy at itea. casting around in every directinil, with. the hope tha’t something would “gturn up ” 5 upon which he coukl base a na§§-(liis tustimony covering more than thregq hundred m 1, Whilst that [M Mr. My?” cgzvereg; fut sixty or seventy.) 3 ~ : By this indefinite «acting. the expensm 'of ghe inmstigation have {been largely and unrcepcayanly increased. Indeed. it loéka nu though the main purposegwere to consume time and make expfjnse—é-‘with two very mp parént objects in new. ‘33 nnfexanipla. n gentleman living (6/! mil? 4mm tatr‘yu was brought. before Hl9 Comnliasioncr by Bus hcy's counsel ya prove who mix. msesmr of aceztain tnwmhip in a. cdrtain year. |when the, fact might have» been had in}. mqment, :17 ‘ LE . T? v. .9. ER‘ 7 iia ' QR V Frk‘ 0n ‘l-'l,' é } H 11 1’ .I -——A ‘. :;"Jo”’;‘w:¥”:uhsflcn RIB-183 ‘ g m. ' v 13 "E ‘l' UR ' Kati}. Thfléte idninsor; “*1 :b- ”0 0' Yb ... . "* It “-.. . ‘11”. fr. de‘hloughtzo ”Lo-“V ”mix“: wig; inluzbuihgd I._‘ ‘ . ‘u’ o ‘ a . . W “b 0 It Ino feim bum.n s“9 th“ ypflr “3. fr: o’f-ni " am‘Mna {it p "‘lo:er Tl, is; ”13%.?! 1.11.?“ 011' 8d! ." e u.‘fic'm 7, ' ,ulfiiuiné?finezwn :‘o Siting", an:1'32"“5d“?u‘"1l:~:och::nulo: “KT—v In Du ‘ ”1' “0 '(ror “gen mg 411‘,“ ‘ 1,, 3". (£st 1- 0f ".30 W‘s}. esMn w'__._ '.n 9: “n-d- ad" ‘u 91 9111.1” 119 I 1 h 10' ”km "11: ““x‘ 311' 0‘" ‘ 133 “V! ” ’l‘e -m "M- ho "fi‘ ' n" —-——. vnjfa nll d‘h“ infmlin J‘SUranw nib“ [hum ”“111 uigculgtquhns nn‘w-‘g Lo mm Ir. e 2 n 11].. £O4 , s‘n .° ',l‘3 ' 1...... t 11 ‘c< I‘v I 0n ; ’hfi' ht. Den l 0.. not, 1 ‘TriO‘Bl'k jinwnnfioxm.“louwofriiflylf. fig; my 1,. $6.340 fie pf; 1"“:1‘1‘11‘"‘3’a"° 1,1,: Gafi'9AL D“ -~ ‘ck . 0 ' ‘ln 91 5 rrl’e G . - .fh bl“ fy. y m ‘l. Yflh—E '_“~ 9 “n aqn ‘hp 6 11h #OO (I emuflx‘. e I; 1 car“ . 3&1 c S p 1 “"Rfln’iabd “m“mg‘onrs Drogo h 07* dw:__ ‘Cunll-!“l- .3. “£3B;er . do»; do I‘6 film)“ :11 o‘3:iy Of BERG ”~ _‘R‘&‘"V lic~ 1‘ "‘ . u," . f‘“, 00911. me £0 rge;Sun ‘(tho acob ‘ . tfifl bU‘i ‘ma ’00“ 'll “‘8 RA! __7-~3 E _Ah— ‘o W ‘°:. 5110 nn .‘0 t 1“- ‘ “av ‘ll Zi 11- L .‘h ‘» !“p “‘1: .A; LR N - -, h 11¢ In P. 11gle .“da" u 1 M .11“ or. co‘_. . L...“ be .710” enl fit ‘Qu‘spmpntun‘ielri 1 lulcpnl’em “(We ’9'. oflue t;(-h4‘t‘£;t~ ,c y m .lzlné tr: ‘ A.” W' u -. rp“ ( :in 35‘ I f Ict v ' ‘CO 8 ml" B )4 ‘2 .Il‘l6 “s ' :“r _, 1‘ 7 , 4'll 1:; do mg n.“ :H éwzrrlfw .sn ixnsglxmremgrw '-»—- "4431;; re '5 hoot "ml: Lew?“ .1 in e'eyvficexnul Twih‘weg J«Lml”ll~1e:hoa 13'. to _:ncmef ~“nt :rrdl‘t signecenu') “ v. I’.aEsfl 0 ' ' r - . u-._ . 1' a. “y m -lfcongredl‘pos~"“nd““ro , liffi'ifip y {o:l9lr,fi;".e‘p' H “'l (3’qu :f oonwlliobdwhol.og)n£‘lmq ‘k'ul‘nud fi W ‘n;"..“’"u __ .., . min 1:: "«l , “tic *l; Q, m ui,_ “1d Ven. tl, 15,, _, go T 1 'w.,,.. .V - - 3°55: r 951. bl,d“tl “t I°¢n "‘ll to #9 "o "‘0 ”H D' b 7 era ‘en ‘3l? ””1 ‘lou “"11 '°* 9‘l” “‘4? 'o “ 71.0 "Jr-'l’ ‘9 ow mll U "91’ ."t1 "id “0. “h 'r 09 MN! . o en‘l‘ V e 1.; ,ch-nn "m “1 11.;"mmg"ea‘z °rk. pnfinqjemdwiemdgan "-11.1“ E A ”m: «11;va 53"“; 1.! an inf ~11; not —y: 04“"; EW] ‘l‘ Le .pm Hum II;- V[ln Pf'n ”I IM. h [l] m - Ch 1 "1.“ ‘u‘ I»~'.} ‘ E F W 0.1. . |.. ..dd £0 1 [l‘ “k fi. 'lO 03| . 11“.,A 1, {E' \f. 8 91" “he“ I“vt PXW§Slltu““'Nb,anmka “Mano“ ‘f llle pstehp Lc‘- info; :9“ We mef‘tti‘ Tb: mam“? nE‘ 3 Abs“ D '0‘)“ V' 7‘ - (.1 1r -..be e rek M<. _,,f d. 11; Fus 9.1 Id' 3 sink 1:: ml ‘ml s 1 Y. o ’ Cl. ‘cw ‘—‘ d"os r d 113 w n 111 n 11,1 mr'rp’ o~ S ,p .5 n wok 1» » '"d 1“ 1°" “‘1 {'bm'mw ' ‘ ”“1; “d' “‘6 'b ”We it "“1- “‘ld "111/ ""e-“F 'Ee‘ Wt“ok3 an I .«__.FI~ els ' ~ to W ”a” ,' B van" m‘fld Yin Cl pre fO, dhe Inn g°n lit :- ”A‘Qliauie mo Ho' 1 .11,“ "((0. ”1%: -3 W‘ 3A. 1.11,. an NT S "lav -m in ["11 111 i“ fit 11 'he ’l4) Ipc“ nest“- ""561 311.9!“ em” Dally Jan ‘1; SP “#8653“? 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Io ins to to ‘ P llu‘rd ‘1- “n V..V ,3: "S . ‘n' .1| “,0 “'n on" nl - *IW Th? 3 1W “ ~ m . {EH—i Q g .1" W "C 1 he‘L "no m, ”‘1... 0"it“; wold' " - mo he'shi.l "ht-”i111”; ond. "311,1"f0r' "1 ‘ih LV‘IHF 9.5001111“ ”19% "3'l ‘ '15?" ll 0°51»; 11‘" Im, h“ ”l 0 "n. ‘f -‘ s{‘ll ”at! “\h' ‘mn ~”‘~ - t'l tile 7”1 n ‘ let 1"_ on“; “In . 0 “to 1n be ”De 3- ‘ mil. t‘li red‘ 011 m ‘n ‘2‘“ -r N lle’t“,_ ah '8 or ‘ H g‘k "(I h" H r 3“ {1: t 0 I")! 1"1 111.” .1-1- 1 ""1 en! 1" n 3 P ”‘_ “v t" b"\'m‘ckl‘vrir'hd (‘0 "H I'm “'ll “Vat r 11,. y-‘H- "‘O. “WV “fund ‘l' 1 ‘Ryij’i‘lrul‘blo‘on 1&1." 10' unfilh'a “(13m hrnl, I‘Lw- be to" (’O3 ‘lture' “it-4‘ {'3'l J‘of "w lb 3y , Sn ""id‘ I?“ n 011 '11,! B a], $l5 41.11!“ t] 051le or b: “w ‘ n-t I've 'p"“I 11 111 "1.110 m. “inf hm "i 1 lg‘é 5% IL I‘l med “‘l‘ ‘ln “I"! "130' U l 01' 9” 1 0". er ' ' ‘th .‘fio “fl ~“‘1"“Ix al't n 4111""1’1. “t! ‘l'tp “Sq-t t! ”11>“hq pl‘le'. 11-dl2 16‘ , tl, “hr 'll. 'u! 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I,“ 1“ to 11k on. flak . 0- '“II H{"o “‘ ”“1 din "n xln ‘8» “11:1 ‘"i et! "- "‘m m ”51“" My ‘ “r" uhs "In-”"hlh r 0 “he “'1 91' ”‘9l lcl'vflu ’3' ~“‘>t- ”1.2"“ a. “ n “o“ n. 9x: “vi 113} m" I. ‘l -‘ v 0 loch 91"- OM. Im,“ "Pin I“! “hi I‘- Pen sh. T! _ s)" I." 9n .30 lth‘d' 1..“ Rl] ”In ho _ 0g" bl] 01 Dru“ 10" Irh 10v"d _ .1“! ‘.. Nak- “Us . ‘t-t “11, log the " ."e.l are '“HuF’ £9ll lb; 11.. “:11 bun fig flll ”3A 1‘13; 'll. Wl,-' w- 1|” .“vo, 1, 10‘“ « he 1’ 1 1110. "group, 11‘ I)", “h 'm' 1 "'On 1n thn hm 'Ol-; 0- :1I I ex 11) 117"“ nnwh' IF, ~1. ,P‘ 1.,” ‘~ll. in, vary,“ fifth hflv (‘t =1 ' uf ~1 “,1 wl‘fklhg 8411"" I“. 1.113 'FS . i . kil. ' 95c» -5 00”“1“ ‘0 “a. of "an. "m ‘ ' 98 '99 N," 103 ‘l 95‘ dc fln‘ 1211.0“; lilo 'Cc "“111 1 [llll be 99e 1‘ '2lll 1 0013 ”1141‘ “I 1 {11"1011‘qfly o'l2l "6D , abu. ”11. [‘o’ D "lg "n “He 9d ." ‘ cl x 1 .‘ lo _rn 31‘1"; "114 N) 4,1 bro "Iu “ "Up ~81. 00 ‘Ol 101.1 ‘ ‘ 11. o‘. 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I: {l'm 'll 1h Elnmht'n, , (firtolm :11 “In. |“¥vi:tlflo”r‘ “3:131 th , ""r kn“ :Ih'ir 191%"? "0:11.“ :LWL‘J‘V‘NHW _‘ 1:.- tag: ' Is “‘1! 0,5, 0 01" lo In. ‘2l, 0-4 e 1 191' 1‘ 51' ’ [)0 1|! r‘ r' ‘ ‘ |'~l~l‘ll‘ \'p "in re. 0:1. ‘ 110 N 1.“ a ' “..(e ;. _‘,‘_ - Ce 011‘ “I! “T: d« “e ' y ‘r~ n 51:, ‘0 “1 'ln' PR r - ”1 t ’l‘, “n. 2.- .lo 'l‘ l , l 1 1 1 .9 r [l‘ x 10. a V,“ II all "g“ 1.1 (I . _lfi] q 011 ”I. H‘” (l 1b f“s 1:1 ts e: 0 . ,1. -.1 \l‘ .to ~ “I; 'l. n "H! I} b. I ‘ ..'h- 11, ‘lo 15. h -31‘ a ‘0 Pa S 0111 8-! ‘l'lidould ' linbflerowl’ln 1:. u “‘3' .E, ‘1» “a " .. ‘ln “.111 “In Wl. .1 [ll m 1 on » »"‘l‘r ‘r\ "11mm“ 21., um >1... blu 'Fh?‘“lfr "dtl ""19 "“9 "9*:’ ‘Y "in‘uw “Is 13%;. n« 41"1) “'9 "i‘ "Mc NT °'- y.| “to "‘v‘ ‘ll ““1"”er ”"11,” F “Wk- "11' F"“u-"H1""| ”'* “or "A "‘ “v on! 1611 ””1 Y'OF Re ‘l‘ t"h s' '9') "‘l' 1‘!“ '0 L 1“!) “0 "1'" “'o‘ AT] ‘ ' be ":1 11111le 1"to ”'4' a “nun” fin ! 1: "krh‘h'v 3‘11““. [(3:11- “1 ""1 C‘- ‘r 'Oteq ’too 6‘l“] uhqp JAHB‘ puhl- I Go] Cbo‘d‘dwh "5h ‘ “I; h"- ,0". on; by: )w f 0 Q‘v‘a‘ 1% ‘”h: [l.“ 1101' “'0 'l‘ L 1 ’rn {0 “q H t'. 1?“: “"1: X') 1' I“! ‘9 ‘0 H 6!" ' ‘ ‘l‘] -Z' ’’h el'c (lg Inn "‘1 ty.i 3m oln ‘ 3—” . ‘1- ‘f: (1m ‘ln lip .i 3331 '. -“n “-1, 11) rB] "N. -u 1‘ n“ “*1 ’o‘ 'u Of‘t nan‘ ’11“ Tnn' She . [6. ‘11." Fri 1: «I‘. )1 ~| ’V‘ b ' 1m 5 - ‘ t.“ 1. 11 . \'.l 111,‘ r 1 'e 1L )_ 1”“ “d ‘o‘, 1, rwa sg . 23:: laxw-‘aanyfitne. w .-- ‘° 173;” man-m; um (rhubargultz; u" H “(L ”b ‘re 0111’ Dr Hi ~ “1“ 1: ‘cl hu "'l. ."w‘ '9' "u "AL 1w 5W "of 15‘- 111- .. ".... ’v 'ln' 01 'lf "m "m h wlx. - e e. ,to as In r I'o ,- 1 he "c "'t [:1 ed- tn . in: “H 1 'L «'“‘-'“f II .7 ha W'W} t 1 1' 1' "'l' Im- ‘l "‘- " F " ‘ (0% ‘lennni; and 4100“": ‘Uixi “‘90:” th I 'Mul’le “h": (M’- me" 'll'3lton‘lln‘gorniu 1:119le I“ 11"?“ ”“le 1°" !‘ 369' “hm“ '2": {M 15"m‘. kill I“ 11‘1'111T'l‘ly.‘>v:;v(‘_‘- "13“” o'4" I 15:13, at [l’sbe ‘7ol‘nonood‘ an? DOl9l. Vly‘ 1’1“ mung»? ",6 ”11%"; ”esp: ofiéa'ar‘fl 11%f «gum.- 13" 11 41.1.0412), 1:"f:;;"'1 \gqtg‘euhgu.rct‘nnnq qu‘?“ 1%” “‘r:s"lf‘h;‘°l‘.|,l" “'Bl. ,‘ '- t' - ‘lO. i ‘vx to‘ Mr ta. 1-"5.9" my '1“ "~t ‘M' 11“ ar‘ «11 1“ t 1 'l'“ “mafiv‘uu ‘_ ~,. In. --. 1 1&1 bill: In I; la ,C 51, 1, po. 1 ‘l‘yl 1;], ell. Id Id t] 1.1.1. 0 41,. - f ‘l, t 1 -fla le" 1| l 1 \.‘ 11,. "Y I" u are" 16] yI ”9b In“ nm .1 ~_ ‘11" *l, "t. C‘Me 1n 31, .' 1-0 10.1., 91. 2%,.“ N 1 11; 'n. “J.” Wu r". 11 ‘1: bf 'll,, ,1 (1.. .00, ¢, ‘1” ‘9O" ‘c: Gj lube “‘l‘ l 0 “rou‘ 'OO On 1 “as: 00“ fl {'3' "11 '°n irulo ‘to ‘r' "’ P- ""1 "l "l t"I 'l"‘r. ""0 L 1 ‘l. ‘-1-""Iv ”h .3 "WL and “Slat “"111 I‘u I- ~1 he sf. "‘t w. ‘lln 'ut fl3it‘ H?- t“ v' rlll "* “‘l.‘ ‘ll-.) - "'4l “111 “m 1 ‘\. ””11 W‘. 1 "n. “n; .n" rl, ~I._. We "a 11:1 WV “1- 0t? he I‘ "or . "le "“I “h." C en" ’3’. rn. I‘l '0 P 'l‘ ’A °.'H l‘-"“. ."h “‘I 0.." '1‘": ’3' 4 ”In .‘"il1 "-1- l‘l “I, ev‘ 19*“ e“; :u “t ! 1 nd. 11 _ 11d 1‘ in :‘e .H Iplv .1 11... 5.: Lk. 'l. II -- , 1:: 1n..- 51? in 3; “11‘2” “13"!» m a “am??- 5’ WI (J £33.9weo2l‘loif'6e 2: “ii?“- = 3;"§.1?""m , will: Iffg‘nmwir ‘"’i ‘1 13;: 3:wa 351.3,»; mm? $157.1? ,e 1119‘ en, c an- 0 'u .I. ~ ‘ i‘s- (I, '9' woi “('l‘ "‘4‘” 5!: uL, u Vity (' n, —1 1". 7:1“ .fi 1 cOll Ta 111 .‘ Lh 11:1 fig - I _ m "nod ' 9 ~01 ’L 1120 1, 01 n. fr? h‘, Pl,, 1, w" 11. 11-11 1,,11. ”111,. u" 1'1'“) Ipu‘ plat. a “30. 0d C'l U'l’-' in >—_.— Xcé'll lurn was 1 ”linh’m .1 1“ "do (an llnq “"11 ":1 Kr“, ‘lllll‘fq' ‘1“ l'li' 1.1 m“ Pt ') ‘L‘d It ion hue}, ‘Ma ' “n 1 1.“3r may to” ,7 I» a “lit lony A n‘".\yp 1:10 5, “'{um- ”n r 1" link“ In”, a.“ "”1!“th ‘nl,“‘tl. c“a ..‘ ‘LhE‘Qlir. she ' I‘l 5111.09! ' OWi Ifi'se- '1 0.; “he. -‘ 'l‘! . (#- J‘s "u ”'9l: ”931"“!1" hu- Mr" “113"”! ”rl3 '3'“ “‘n ""h e'": ‘Vk. b“ [clan “dj )CD? in -If “Eh nth n) “17' ‘ ‘ “no 101, at" 31”.! ‘l‘ , 0." ml: :‘VV IL, "I IL: 1h”! In.“ ICE,- 1;,"- .\nul .s,Ck gm 1," n . ‘nn 0m pan_ «1, ; ~ 111.; n" .111“ _l,: _lll‘, sr. AWN}, I." t\ 1,1 In" 'l‘. “a - I may 9 ‘55:: i"‘ I ”117' .19 ‘”t"- l - (‘5 F. \.l -v ”11' - 'l} in '25! M‘- ’ll .."TI 'lll- “)1 [M 1' - I 5 "‘L ’l'! 39“», ' n .‘V llI» . ~ "'0 ’3'; ‘0 i‘ “I; ‘l‘! .' If ‘ll "1. "t a cons?“ ii (““5199f:::?;1;;llif;‘g2"‘r:‘l 2“}:an o 5 "hml‘g‘hlr‘fil e1‘“‘g..."2:12;:"513'1536'851; 6 p": 'l.. ~. «v . 1 , m. ~£ 3mm"...'rlfi,"-'!l3;"‘ai”.3i"'it,l'l"d 3mm ft givir?“ews"‘3f‘”"s' fm" Film-But). ‘ ‘,l ~‘l ,‘ '- ‘ .‘l- ‘)'. b" 'r .-_. ' 650 75 I '"ci )‘l‘m' “'11”, 3 'l]! Fl. Arqfflfifl 1”,“1”;'r‘1,_ I;“"llur3'in ° [11"! The ' ‘O9 [ 'l‘Patl‘tl ."l'iul “(-91% 'h. 139,» \v 11.." s in... fl» f. "ML. 43;.“ “WE ll," ""5 I 'lnngv'on‘" (1 lg,“ "it?“ 4"lh-28'tr‘i m'fi- «fwd: s3ssls3“th‘anl‘“ll.. n" It"? D“(‘-"v1‘; a“ ”IQ 01 3.1“; “I nh- m!“- ESHIK’ ‘1“ $1)- wlnfl“; I‘.“ 1.1“". W,“ ‘ . (‘om’r‘xllfiqnq N]-T{l[lt. "01.013”. Pghflnl, hut?” :n "my" :21- :Cw’flylaeu'r'T‘iH‘J; 1' en‘ Itt'h. h. . .1" lr. .~_ I. ‘49“ .“U “ ‘ 3%. "I”. “‘1"! "l'hl ' hnfi‘e "I: 1, 11:: 19310: $31.10!" )e"+.l;,"".- "4:41 "3:1.“ ‘r': “111,8“:.1)?"t1..l’r"[vx::.t-l”n:l IWE in ‘f‘iu‘ I‘~ ‘ , f'u.,;_ '“fiu‘ 'a , “’u'WSh ,1. 11‘, '. fy.’ 1- “-1.019“. ‘llr 01th T" can"; 1 “1:10” ““6“: {mm “mm.“nq ‘h A I H" .1- O ‘t. '1 , P ‘To 111 ”)‘s .1- ",1, c 131. "hr.“ '11:." r|l‘l« .1.- 11 u, “u u-r 0 r. a . 1 ’ll.. an. ‘r 11., In H. n, “'0 9h, W'mn' 'l‘ llh'l'lz’” FLA 7H|~ “HHS/11“ mu‘kn ‘lur llly lunig It‘r'élp‘n "..‘ l S 1" . wing For ' ‘3‘ : 1u ' .gruu 1 .\.P'nh‘h‘ ”'l‘ r runkhn‘n 1A; fif 1:." h ~‘lfajfl; "10" r"n 1 flaw. “:31 K 112". rO3" ‘1'“; “In“: “£OOO3 L'Suin n‘hn. 3"» "k; “Hum." V 1%“ 011',"HK “l": el’mnq' ’l'th n“dLm” Were fitmu‘nnt w. ' .\‘himhe lion-’B' h "'g‘rfujh-Mh: do”, mu: ‘1 and“) n“ 'ME-rom‘v“ rig ‘o t ‘ 11-o"“\y,:"lhin , 15:1,:"Iegmm'lrf‘ NW“! ‘l‘." a,“ 1% 3‘41, 0n t 1”? ,é 811nit..1,u’la "“1 °‘ «lm‘gnd |..,“ 0.1 d“. A’M:n':‘"a¢"“‘i-J"‘h. arr-“LN.“ "‘lr ““1144?!“ !" rO, *l. ‘ fby f ”my"? 1.1.1911"; ugh "“113“; 11.1 11“?" -P) 1 “n ”L’s W. E ‘2'”:n‘ “dH‘des _tl,‘x‘\u E 1 "u )‘1 In; "0 o N c r.‘ I v 1: 11 . .mr~ on I m 'll- I, Ir "u- 1.; 1. 1" hm" r In“)! t’lcgfilted' tn": “‘oo,;ch I“?! funk ‘d‘fdcenth !. 1 1y 'laQ‘Jh‘gwc ”Fight! 011:”.“91‘. yrg"~.‘;t|‘£ll:”: “1‘19“” r 11“ ‘1) I' he Rev-isle at. a ."r. “but. with? 3‘": "'H‘o “ ““11 "10 lupflthefh're' “1|; '3' 5;" 11.".“111’4 ‘ . (lent? ‘<nm.".u‘"huur 1 in Si fisz‘eriflg *4 A ‘ll. 4:. 9th "31 45'" 1h ‘0 t‘ h . a \“ I Mne k-whnl'm4‘n‘ re . :0": u}. v'_ ‘m., c l.- 111 M 1111"? 'ou‘ “s ‘h'x'he {lo] 3'10"" 1, “'lff'n‘ , .p. '4‘ Arr I] - may ' 'u '1 h} ‘ Cr '0 ‘ 1 0,. “in“ fired." o f 2'"; lot‘ ”the !l I' [m Ha‘rtifibura'. on Mon- 4 ‘ my... l i g. ofCumhi-ia, ofl'orod! , Byjmlu'il ' , a] .....5.“ l ILtvliichmu adopted, , 'y 'P ‘ _ unanimouslyu‘fqllowe by three cheers: ‘ I t A,“ s‘3o‘“ I 5 \ Eaglw‘d. 'l‘l'nt thisi Home hn's lt-nrnadi Q’We understand tlmg'xl’ftanhurg am; wit ‘ea inus o. atr ntlc 'ov. t m inm i» v' ' ' ' '. gene‘s 6f the imgm 4f-For'lt Donelson. and § §°"sYL‘gmf EMF: :30- !g?! f 0 hymn?! we hereby tenldor the thanks of tha people " :p , f‘ L“. a _"fupl “Wm" ‘ n )3 of Ponmylvaniia to ”+l. gullguit nfilceu and!“ Tfrklesi dc; sufhcion‘t for the “bf”? nwn 0f the army and mu'f. who hy tho ro- : Company Hand more ween 3'; through the cent victories at Rnanhke slrmrl, For! ll'en-J “ Leanian Snidly," two W nyos, Weighing “find For! Wnalson 1“}"9‘1‘19" nowlmtre (wet-mo 1118:. éo’nminin" 'l'éx‘kinu, Chicken» tdthe Amerimn nun. . bllglltt‘d the hoped B“4 P . . Bf * k‘ 1‘ f _ tle‘ oftrensnn and of "up,“ and thrown an [ u frzami rovmonpn 4% nu ‘;‘ 01 I imnorishuble ‘glory o‘er the age and ‘the [s3m‘lComlfa“¥-' Thistllbfl'hl 51““‘51'9‘11‘5 nation. ‘r A | 'welldofllqt noighborhom‘lli: ,_ ’ 1: ‘ WAR NEWEb‘vt-g-The citium of town and‘ #o}! Monday evenins‘rsgthmnfitteo 0“ country are iflmmedj that E. H. Mim‘igh‘] behnélf 0f the u 70““0 (brainy i" ”05‘9"" 1 is receiving daiily, thefleading Newspapexs, 1 9d C’Pt- SF‘W‘MJ "ml “ (W‘llltim‘ 1:01-90; 3 Periodicals, Magi/2m ‘, nncl Weeklies, pub.‘ oontginlng‘ Twenty-fivé Higgins“. as n testi‘ ‘ lishea in the gprincigil cities” Personsjn 'monga'l of their redpect andfiéstuem. ! tnwnfind goufitry, wi liming. dailies oi week-l ' éfgfi‘emimzufiifiynshipi lit-s, mil pleailsq 'call ft his Confectiontry. are réqu‘exted to meet. at (11).? #011156 ofJ.4co§l ; shop,‘ near the Diamond. I L. Guns, in Huntersbowii‘, on Saturday“,l MAM}! 'Sth, at 2 o’clock; to fade a township 5 tickq‘t. “__-‘ ,_ _. ;-___._ .. : l "Our f'dendNn. Linufévnnm} Climber, landfownship, has made) I‘l the m‘ceptnble presént of n busliet of S“".‘O‘?;Pnhfloefl,;of the . large yellow variety. fuliy ( qunl th the host ' we eycr tasted at thifi swan; of tho yenr.—~ Mr. ,L., having an oxcelleiit granite will 8’0““ the SWeet Potato tolpr-rf‘uctinn. and; next,‘ year should act enou‘ggl ground with, this capital esculent to sqppgty the town fol-i several months at. least. lie could mnkef it p‘y well. us his Potatoes would have af ready sale,“ good prices. , g L Mn. SnuLme—Dean Sir—The citizens of iScofl’s Schopl‘district; Franklin township, i met pn Tuesday evening, the 18th inst“, at [the School Hpuse in said district, find or iganiied a Debating Society for their mutual ‘. imprpiemeiit. The following officers were 'lelected ; President, John Chumberlini Vice ; President, Robert McClnaf; Becrntnry, Wm. i D. Chaunbexlin; Treasurer, Isaac J. Stocks 'lnger. l Th; Society meets on‘fizesrloy evening of ench‘week. I. . fi'fhe citizens of New Oxford‘haye or : gnnized a Debuting Societyigld ure'holding 4. their regular meeginal on Why evening 5 of each week; when they dism'sl the im ipnmnz questions ofthe day. I: is held in :tbe new school 1101139.; For the Compifrr. i me Hanover Silverinnnd will givn, in that place, during the {Srescnt weak, a" serials of Exhibitions embgaring some fif» : beengscenes in the Historynfof Wmh'mgton. : conciuding with a beautifugmodel in wood: of the Washington Monu'mént, the work of] our friend Bison, ofthat flaw. We were ! shown mi: latte: on arqpnt visit thpra,’ Sm: In cansi and pronouncq it highlygeditable lo tbginsnoes governil workmanship of Mr. B. a other-models, il afl'uin' at .3135 we were told, are Rho very" fine. The Ei‘mmm‘“?lg3 OJ mum,” moms. to be by“, inbwstingb J “figpgfeum Ind yill no doubt. be In 1131' “tended“ ‘ forces in this pol! Bnnkm‘r hilnl'hw «2than in the nichninu "k""“' '"" . . ‘ ' ' | A dismich to UFn. [il‘xlm,‘aUl~r«-n:luri|ig (In: fittikffffisfigdfigfimi‘ an: fmiutfl 13¢"; . ' ‘ ‘ . . u . ' - ‘ ‘ n giffi‘ggxxgjl‘mfh “1 ”I" {”1" ”“3"de (Iniund J'levr to". o.lm. Huh, «wing cu: The rolmh: h 64‘ mid llivr‘vs, 17 hcnvvl :::;:|£t<( “MM" msgdl-Isiumcal‘lhd co—tm ld‘ gum. 201,00 mnd tf a’rm“ bakideq 51' ' 1n n._~mon noun L ' "P'- ruse “M "m Qllalntityofoo misimrv 510%» tetc a {"ge‘ lit“; ‘i‘l’t' MW" “‘3s‘ “"1“", “'0" ed; . The rch tr In: fire-u‘hlupldt’vlvldomon‘l.! (irlntjlhs Iliil;:£%rah‘gl?vgl:‘lrl‘lnx‘tl3dn Fiziiflkil‘laf‘l: ‘ iled, and have )odovflidencp in .thf‘inlpigd- ly and Scunlau woumlvd; :40 tlmtlthc (“mi 3 3:9;9;J§fi;;t‘ljnixirgq f Mow am! Floyd with; “Hgypltinlu iflogrxnom“ stood before [ha Ihr.“ , 1 ’ 'merw em n force will I. fii' .. I, . Our troop-s Horn the moment of the in.” Thuy roll fin henpu: «‘12:! ”Antlcrvt'ouudMa—r vestmumt. of “4.; fun. on Wednesday last " (309:9;ng {rug bereft of captains. 1d Men- In! on their an!“ night and day—half the, lemlmsy Amy‘c‘nplains were Mmmqk 6f time without provihion-x. all the time‘wilh- “MP"MN' The‘other “In“ “I""ién'; '1 : Ont tenh and a} portion of the fimé in a" theirdutynobly. t‘olonahuglgu 'f&*\3‘: . heavy min storm. ' ‘Loc-u flashed ulnng the rum -. s’ll}? ”memo. Feb. 17._. - . lulu, and chucringtheirnwn an f- ' "g g. (5' . h . kpnvate message ““5 “Suffer death." cried Logan ”lag“? ' \PDHIB ‘0 t e sanitary oomnnsnon from ’N l ' . C." 5 . 1., ‘ . , hex-gr! Stand firm! ,"nd well they .. ‘ . 11m “)5 our 0:» at but Donelnm 15 cm- ~ ‘ mated at 300 killed 600 w d 1 - hm], may fell dead-m 1 wounded. a miawing. ‘ , ouu ed and 1001 aging" 'etBr(‘.ol' Luann and Lieut. cm Duriim Sltuidwnightn. can" ' ' ‘lw. ' ‘ 1 _ ‘._ . actmnof Ll.Olcb' ' ' all our hues was made {on simultaneous awn-Lava,axoiligndxi‘yl‘grg: 23%|:efgifim ‘ 8.388111% fmm every point. and orders woro’un quduc firoportie’u of ME r C 1 0m given 13y Gen. Gmm to takp the eneinj- at: disphoyed I cool-mu and effigmié liu‘an— ‘ ‘ t e 130"” Of the bnygnet. ’Every man was ind}!!! 'l?th [in-150,1“ nernd welli‘nfimb at hn post at‘dnyhgm and an advance, ulumg hm men. ‘, WM made. and_whpn the full light of dayf Never, perhaps, on the America confine“, gm: Eta white lines we: hung in many ' Imin mg“ blogdy battle been react-it.“ l " aenem 'Rwor s. n 0 CPI-W 0 "M I“ 5" " An officer at a cgnveniem point was in-: "mm“ in u" 58:: ‘B3)}; 'bt’mme » - formed that “my bad stacked their arma. WWW 5° “'30“! "'s’ “he he! a ‘ and “u"eiulercd. “ " strum with the dead and W'Dunde‘ik, I During the morni’ng the following cones- , couldhh” Rushed 5‘9”“ 0., it b J pondence Passed between she commanders: i “gig“ ’31:!” (£30.31: gronrdism‘. e r n g m «spec! I . BHNM'HW F 0" D°W':§°”vl willcrists usfilg the“: piecu yin: nu . . 1 F 81? ’l3’ 1’8“" J ( fnl efl'ecl. I ' ‘ u antic-5n o a tlB circumv, On either aide coul'd inboard “if” n the ruent mus :' ¥ ' n ’ ”in” ”I W“m 119 mm"! “"me M v ficer 0? the Federal {bi-(zenl ”Ll 3” rgfhfi;m:n:thir¢ugugdwmh 1 . \ , n ’\ It or oommigsiorgers to £19605 wounded, ndyct the ballhce W“ i?! ‘ of ‘the capfluluion of the [ nnlly winter-«mu "rived, and mu; ' it tindermy‘ooulmnnd; In,tho slaughter was cpmiuued. ' ,g' T 1 EIM ‘ Caps Hun, [ not phi! ling. . m-rn “Era t . 1%? mm rku. will RINK ! om- Itmt day, visa m m ‘ Thu rc‘gi ‘ um! "mm 1 tho with, it's. •w .r...t ken ‘q‘ I}; mul‘ lum- Tm) 4 I l qr. ud ;: Mall fir-6’ "In '1 ”f I.“ but tum am. =9 '9- In‘ 1. my luw‘ 4'". am ‘irly lung" ’lillle. cbeh e ’1?! ‘O9! . he,_ M2l E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers